Prepare a message about people obsessed with their idea. Is obsession with ideas a mental illness or a norm? Everything that has become great has been ridiculed in the past

  • 15.05.2020

Mary Shelley, Frankenstein's "mother", popularized the "mad scientist" archetype. In her book, the doctor was so obsessed with his idea of ​​bringing lifeless matter to life that he abandoned both common sense and ethical standards for it.

But this also happens in real life. Many scientists, even during their lifetime, called "insane" conducted experiments, balancing on the verge of legal and moral principles (and sometimes stepping over this line).

We present to you top 5 mad scientists.

Dr. Robert Cornish was obsessed with the idea of ​​becoming a resuscitator. He believed that a not too damaged and recently dead body could be restored with a large dose of anticoagulants and a swing table that would rock the body to "restart" blood circulation.

Strange but true: Cornish managed to resuscitate two dogs- Lazarus IV and V, who were killed by an overdose of ether. The doctor repeatedly petitioned prisons to allow him to use the bodies of executed criminals. In 1948, Cornish was contacted by the assassin Thomas McGonigal, who was waiting for the gas chamber. He was willing to lend his body for the experience. The problem was that the scientist needed the body immediately after the execution, and the authorities were afraid that the reanimated criminal would go free (you cannot be executed twice for the same crime). As a result, McGonigal's request for resuscitation was rejected, and Cornish switched to other experiments.

The rating of mad scientists could not do without the representative of Russia. Unlike Cornish, who was obsessed with one idea, Bogdanov, a revolutionary and prominent science fiction writer, had broad interests. In particular, he specialized in blood tests. His influence and status led to the creation of the Blood Transfusion Institute in 1926. After all, he became convinced that blood transfusion could be used to rejuvenate, and possibly to prolong the life of the human body.

Bogdanov subjected his body to numerous blood transfusions. Ironically, in 1928, the scientist died due to a hemolytic transfusion reaction after a blood transfusion from a patient with malaria.

This British physiologist revolutionized the injection management of erectile dysfunction and is remembered for his speech at a meeting of the Association of Urologists in Las Vegas, 1983.

He talked about his successful experiences in the treatment of erectile dysfunction with papaverine injections. During a lecture, the 57-year-old the doctor showed slides of his own erect penis, and then took off his pants to show that papaverine treatment can produce erections without erotic stimulation. Brindley gave himself an injection before the lecture. He even hobbled down so that the front rows of spectators could appreciate the degree of swelling of the genitals.

His works formed the basis of many modern ones, the best of which we have published earlier.

16th century Swiss scholar became the founder of toxicology. He argued that small doses of toxic substances could be used to advantage, and that only the dose determined whether a substance was a drug or a poison.

A connoisseur of medicine and philosophy, he was also no stranger to alchemy and the occult. In 1537 he wrote the treatise De Rerum Naturae, in which he described some of his alchemical secrets, including the creation of a homunculus, a tiny artificial man.

Iowa State University psychologist sad known for a crazy speech therapy experiment held in 1939. It involved 22 children who had no parents.

Johnson and his graduate student Mary Tudor divided the children into two groups of 11. Half of the children in each group were stutterers, while the other half spoke normally.

The happy group underwent positive speech therapy. In this group, the children were told that their speech was very correct and pure.

In another group, children's speech was mocked for 6 months to see how it would affect their stuttering.

Some of the children who ended up in the second group had no problems with speech before the experiment. And after it, pronounced symptoms of stuttering appeared and entrenched for life.

Who are called obsessed people? If we turn to explanatory dictionary, then we get information of approximately the following content: this is a person who is passionate about his idea, thought or activity. People who are obsessed with something often do not notice what is happening around them. Everything that does not affect their inner world is unconsciously separated or even rejected without thinking. They are entirely focused on their own feelings and hourly ready to make new amazing discoveries. What distinguishes these individuals? What qualities of character lead to success, help not to give up, but to follow your dream? Let's try to figure it out!

Ability to manage yourself

Possessed people are not those who are mad at some thought and cannot concentrate on what is happening around them. First of all, they are distinguished by excessive immersion in the process of creation. So, a musician can work for hours on a symphony, and a poet can sit for long minutes waiting for a suitable rhyme. At the same time, external events of reality remain unnoticed. Artists are often called obsessed. This is how they seem to those around them - a look detached from the world, a thoughtful facial expression, immersion in eternity. It would be a mistake to believe that a creative person is not able to gather his will into a fist and act purposefully. In fact, enthusiasm for any idea is manifested in the ability to manage one's own internal state. Emotions are under control because the brain is completely focused on achieving the goal.

The ability to manage oneself lies, first of all, in proper organization spaces for activities. A person who has achieved success gladly shares his secrets with those around him: for several hours a day he is completely concentrated on solving an urgent task, realizing that this necessary step brings him closer to a common goal. People who are obsessed with their dreams are not afraid to take decisive action. They are distinguished by courage and enthusiasm. Making mistakes, they continue to move forward, often fully aware of what is happening to them. A person who is carried away by his own thought knows how to be filled with new positive thoughts, focus on the main thing and not think about something secondary.

Victory over failure

Mistakes happen to everyone. The great minds of mankind have argued that it is impossible to walk along the road so as not to stumble and fall. Only in this way do we comprehend the wise science of life, learn to draw appropriate conclusions. The ability to get up after a failed failure and find the strength to move on embodies the greatest strength. Most people give up too easily when faced with even minor difficulties. The bulk is lost in case of any unjustified expectations, gives in to minor difficulties and endlessly complains about fate.

Possessed people often look crazy in the eyes of society, but they, like no other, remain true to their destiny. An artist or musician will never deviate from his vocation, will endure hunger and unfavourable conditions, however, will not break, will not refuse in a fit of despair from his gift. The ability to overcome failure is a very valuable acquisition. If you have this quality, then there is no significant obstacle in the world that could prevent you from coming to your own greatest discoveries.

Loyalty to your talent

Each person has certain abilities. Someone from childhood is good at drawing or inventing exciting stories. The other plays musical instruments beautifully, and the third dances superbly. But not everyone really strives to develop in the chosen direction, makes significant efforts for their own development. Meanwhile, success depends precisely on this factor - how hard and selflessly we work. Most live simply by inertia, not trying to develop their talents and grow new opportunities. Such an approach to business cannot but upset.

People who are obsessed with their profession, as a rule, remain faithful to it for a long time, all their lives. From the outside it may seem that they are not interested in anything else at all, but in fact this is not the case. Such a person wants to take place as a person, to develop his individuality as much as possible. In most cases, he manages to achieve the goal, but only he alone knows what the price of victory is, how much he has to sacrifice in the name of future success.

Self improvement

Obsessed people do not tend to live a boring and monotonous life. For them, there is nothing sadder than spending everyday life monotonous and dull, not meeting the dawn and not sitting up for creative work until late. Such a pastime resembles hard labor, from which there is no deliverance, so you want to avoid it as much as possible. They strive to find new horizons for themselves, to identify additional perspectives, to find opportunities. Without such internal motivation, it becomes difficult for them to live. They are constantly attracted and attracted somewhere - sounds, colors, smells seem surprisingly attractive! The more intellectual a person is, the more he strives for self-development. People obsessed with their idea, as a rule, do not stand in one place, but by all means want to develop further. By improving their abilities, they are actually moving in the direction of their desired success.

Self-improvement is a serious work on oneself, which makes a person doubt his achievements all the time, analyze his life path in general and each individual step in particular. Most of us, when trouble arises, begin to seek solace from those around us. but often few people understand, so they remain alone in the saddest moments. The one who is focused on his own dream does not retreat in the face of difficulties, does not seek to escape from doubt and fear. When a person has a goal that leads him forward, the whole life begins to appear in a different light - brighter and more positive colors.

Ability to be inspired

Having the ability to control the activities they perform, people who are obsessed with their goal really experience the joy of what they do. At all times, such an approach to work was considered the greatest rarity. They are taken to the cause with a sense of curiosity, pride and strong interest. Their day begins with a conscious intention to do something, and not just with chaotic actions brought to automatism. Incomparable pleasure arises in moments of creative insight. They can admire the discovery made for hours, just like children, they can be surprised at everything that happens in the world. In fact, regardless of physical age, artists, poets, musicians, actors, scientists always remain young. Youth is a state of mind, not the number of years lived. Each victory becomes for them the greatest gift, a revelation that has no name.

The ability to experience inspiration is the prerogative of a creative person obsessed with making dreams come true. No matter how serious the obstacles, nothing can negatively affect its formation. Perhaps the most valuable thing in the life of such a person is freedom, the ability to manage his own time. That is why a creative person experiences loneliness to a greater extent than others. For a gifted person, there is nothing sadder than the need to adapt to circumstances, the opinions of strangers who know nothing about art and science.

Strength of will

Few people can boast that they really completely manage their time and keep things under control. Most are not ready to live in anticipation of miraculous changes, stop hoping for the best as a result of adverse events of the past. We endlessly complain, look for the guilty, do not notice our own merits. Taking responsibility means that a person must refuse all accusations against anyone, boldly act on their own. Willpower is what distinguishes obsessed people. They have a unique ability to deny themselves even the most necessary. Due to this, there is a release of time, which is confidently used for self-development, learning, creativity, which allows you to come to new, amazing discoveries.

Willpower helps not to stop at the achieved result, but to continue acting with the same perseverance. Even in those moments when hands drop, but slowly melts, it is this component that contributes to being able to perk up. The great minds of mankind were distinguished by the fact that they saw a specific goal in front of them and gradually moved towards its achievement. All talented actors, writers, artists, musicians forgot about troubles at work, drew an inexhaustible source of inspiration and vitality.


What does it mean - obsessed person? This is the one who, not sparing himself, goes in the direction of his plan. Often strong personalities have no idea how to achieve everything they want, but in the end, things turn out exactly the way they need to. The development of civilization has always been led by extraordinary nature, for which there were no barriers and restrictions. In an effort to go beyond, they led crowds of people, developed independently, often without any outside support. In the history of mankind there famous people obsessed with their idea. People's examples show how important particular principles and beliefs were to them. Thanks to their devotion to creativity and activity, they achieved deafening popularity, became famous and famous. Today, the whole country knows their names, and some of them even won world fame. Examples of possessed people who have become famous for their gift will be presented below.

Ludwig van Beethoven

His unforgettable music to this day pierces the hearts of true connoisseurs of immortal classics! Such masterpieces as "Symphony No. 5", "Moonlight Sonata", "For Elise" are known all over the world. Beethoven is famous for his vivid works, frantic attitude to the creative process. At a fairly young age, he began to gradually lose his hearing.

Such a misfortune did not stop the composer - he began to compose deep music with even greater inspiration. Having completely lost his hearing, he created the most successful and famous works that the whole planet knows today. This man, experiencing tremendous inner pain, continued to fight for the right to engage in creativity and proved to himself how invincible can be inner strength mature, strong, self-sufficient personality.

D. I. Mendeleev

D. I. Mendeleev is the greatest scientist who made many discoveries. It is difficult to overestimate his merits, as it is impossible to underestimate. The creation of the periodic system of elements brought the scientist great fame. For many years he approached this discovery.

He treated his work with particular obsession, not forgetting about it even at night. It was for this reason that in a dream he was able to come to the result of his many years of work. D. I. Mendeleev made a significant contribution to chemical science.

M. V. Lomonosov

This is the greatest genius of his era, one of the most prominent scientists on a global scale. He owns discoveries made in various fields of knowledge - mathematics, physics, geography, medicine, physiology. For many hours on end, he studied the fundamental materials, endlessly read scientific and other books, sometimes sacrificing sleep and the need to eat. Only people obsessed with their idea are capable of such a feat. Lomonosov was one of them.

Leonardo da Vinci

His masterpieces are known all over the world. "Mona Lisa", "Baptism of Christ", "Last Supper", "Lady with an Ermine", "Madonna in the Rocks", "John the Baptist" - and to this day we admire these brilliant works that stagger our imagination. It is difficult, perhaps, to say what this man did not know how to do.

In addition to creating picturesque paintings, Leonardo da Vinci succeeded in doing predictions, invented a machine gun, scuba gear. He was very obsessed with the idea of ​​flying. The artist himself greatly lamented the fact that he could not fly, and invented various ways fumes into the air.

Marina Tsvetaeva

This is a famous Russian poetess, whose poems stagger the imagination of true connoisseurs of genuine poetry. The creativity of this person is distinguished by a syllable that takes the soul. It seems that Tsvetaeva existed on the verge of hope and despair, like a man possessed by mania. Her life cannot be called simple and carefree. The fate of the poetess was not easy, for this reason she had to fight for many years to raise children and support her husband. The creative heritage of Marina Tsvetaeva is the result of her attitude to life.

She was not always accepted by society and appreciated, she suffered a lot from unfair treatment. The examples of possessed people show the degree of vulnerability and sensitivity with which they approached the world.

Elena Ksenofontova

Today, this actress attracts thousands of admiring glances. Elena Ksenofontova deserves all respect. In her life, events took place that would break many, make them lose faith in themselves and their strengths. However, the actress did not break down, did not lose her high performance. The effectiveness of her work is confirmed by numerous roles in the field of cinema. Before becoming an actress, Elena Ksenofontova went through a series of difficult trials: to survive a disappointing diagnosis, to prepare for the birth of children for a long time.

Elena Ksenofontova attracts the admiring glances of viewers also because she knows how to win. A person obsessed with his work as much as the actress herself gives herself to the profession, completely focused on her own goals. She does not want to give up and loves to be the first, the only one of her kind in everything.

Thus, possessed people are creative individuals endowed with some kind of talent. Often their abilities are difficult to measure in words, awards or achievements. We simply look at their activities and admire everything that appears before our eyes. These greatest creators of both the past and the present aspire to live with full dedication, giving the world their feelings, emotions, impressions contained in the products of creation.

“At the same time, contradictions collapsed, among which, not wanting to admit it, Christophe had long fought. For, although he was a true artist, he still often mixed with art tasks that were alien to him; he attributed to him a certain social mission. And he did not notice that there were two people in himself: an artist who creates without caring about any moral conclusions, and a man of action, reasoning and striving to make his art highly moral and public. At times they put each other in a very difficult position. Now, when any creative thought, with its organic law inherent in it, seemed to him the highest reality, he was wrested from the slavery of practical reason. Of course, he, as before, despised the languid immorality of his time; of course, he continued to think that unhealthy, depraved art is the lowest stage of art, for it is a disease, a mushroom growing on a rotten trunk, but if art for the sake of fun is a prostituted art, then Christophe still did not oppose to it the vulgar utilitarianism of art for the sake of morality , this wingless Pegasus harnessed to a plow. The highest art, the only one deserving of this name, stands above the laws and demands of the day: it is like a comet thrown into infinity. Whether this force is useful, or it seems to us useless and even dangerous from a practical point of view, but it is a force, it is a flame, it is a lightning that splashed from the sky; and thus it is sacred, thus it is fertile. Its blessings can occasionally be beneficial, but its true divine grace belongs, like faith, to supernatural phenomena. It is like the sun from which it originated. The sun is neither moral nor immoral. It is the beginning of all things. It conquers the darkness of the universe. Such is art.

Having surrendered to the power of art, Christophe noticed with amazement how unknown forces arose in him, which he had not suspected before: something completely different from his passions, his sorrows, his conscious soul, a new unfamiliar soul, indifferent to everything that he loved and ill, for all his life, a joyful, eccentric, wild, incomprehensible soul ... She bridled him, tore his sides with blows of spurs. And in the rare moments when he managed to breathe freely, he asked himself, rereading what he had just written: “How could this, this, arise in me?”

He was obsessed with mental fever, familiar to every genius, someone else's will, independent of his will, "that inexplicable riddle of the world and life", which Goethe called "devilry", and although he was always armed against her, he often obeyed her.

And Christoph kept writing and writing. Whole days, weeks. There are periods when a fertilized spirit can feed exclusively on itself and continues to create almost indefinitely. A light touch of flower pollen carried by the wind is enough for the inner shoots to sprout and bloom, myriads of shoots. Christoph did not have enough time to think, did not have enough time to live. The creative soul reigned over the ruins of life.”

Romain Rolland, Jean-Christophe / Collected works in 14 volumes, Volume 6, M., “State Publishing House fiction", 1956, p. 186-188.

The authors: Bogolyubov L.N., Ivanova L.F.
Year: 2012
Description: Gdz to the textbook ⁠Bogolyubov L.N. in social studies for the 6th grade. On the pages of the solution book you will find, made by experienced specialists - ready-made homework assignments, large and short notes, detailed and competent answers to questions, right decisions for tests, excellent essays for problems and workshops.

Bogolyubov Grade 6 / Section 5

Paragraph 5. On the way to success in life.

Let's check ourselves. (page 47).

1. In what does a person see his happiness?

Each person has his own view on the concept of “happiness” and the answer cannot be unambiguous. For example, the happiness of a mother may lie in the health of her child, a girl may be happy that she is marrying a loved one. The happiness of a person, perhaps, may lie in the fact that his desires and needs can coincide with his capabilities. That is, a person wanted to buy an apartment and he has such an opportunity, because he has high paying job. For others, happiness can be their own health, the opportunity to help a loved one, to live in peacetime without wars.

2. What accompanies success in life?

For success in life, the understanding and help of others, close people, friends are important.

3. How to choose your business?

The main thing in this choice is to feel and understand the pulse of society, how it lives, what its values ​​and problems are.

4. Is it possible to see the meaning of life in work?

Of course you can, if it brings joy and satisfaction, benefit.

In class and at home.

1. Name the features of the behavior of your peers, indicating that they have a sense of adulthood.

The main indicators of a sense of adulthood are:

  • manifestations of the need for respect, trust, recognition of independence;
  • the desire to protect some areas of their lives from the intervention of adults;
  • the presence of their own line of behavior, despite the disagreement of adults or peers.

2. Find out and tell classmates about people who are obsessed with their idea.

D. I. Mendeleev was obsessed with the idea of ​​creating a periodic system. Despite the fact that the idea was formed by Mendeleev in a rather short period of time, he could not formalize his conclusions for a long time. It was important for him to present his idea in the form of a clear generalization, a strict and visual system. According to biographers, after this conversation, the scientist worked on creating the table for three days and three nights, not going to bed. He went through various options in which elements could be combined to organize in a table. The work was also complicated by the fact that at the time of the creation of the periodic system, not all chemical elements were known to science. In 1869-1871, Mendeleev continued to develop the ideas of periodicity put forward and accepted by the scientific community. One of the steps was the introduction of the concept of the place of an element in the periodic system as a set of its properties in comparison with the properties of other elements. It was on the basis of this, and also based on the results obtained in the course of studying the sequence of changes in glass-forming oxides, that Mendeleev corrected the values ​​of the atomic masses of 9 elements, including beryllium, indium, uranium and others. In the course of his work, D. I. Mendeleev sought to fill in the empty cells of the table he compiled. As a result, in 1870 he predicted the discovery of elements unknown at that time to science. Mendeleev calculated atomic masses and described the properties of three elements not yet discovered at that time: “ekaaluminum” - discovered in 1875, named gallium, “ekabora” - discovered in 1879, named scandium, “ekasilicia” - discovered in 1885, named germanium. His next realized predictions were the discovery of eight more elements, including polonium (discovered in 1898), astatine (discovered in 1942-1943), technetium (discovered in 1937), rhenium (discovered in 1925) and France (discovered in in 1939). In 1900, Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev and William Ramsay came to the conclusion that it was necessary to include elements of a special, zero group in the periodic system. Today, these elements are called noble gases (until 1962, these gases were called inert gases).

3. The Russian scientist O. Yu. Schmidt, at the age of 14, drew up a plan for his later life: what things to do, what knowledge to master, how to develop physically, etc. It would take 150 years to complete it. Working at the creative limit, the scientist completed the entire 150-year program by the end of his life (he died at 64). Do I need to plan my life and why? Try to make a plan for 1 month, 1 year, 3 years. Discuss it with your parents and friends.

It is imperative to plan your life in order to achieve your goals, develop and “receive” the highest awards.

For example, such a simple plan for a month:

  1. read a book;
  2. do not skip school;
  3. make new friends;
  4. visit a section.

For 3 years:

  1. achieve success in learning a foreign language;
  2. get a musical diploma;
  3. study a subject that is not taught in school;
  4. learn to play the piano;
  5. accumulate a certain amount of money;
  6. help homeless animals find a home or give them to a shelter.

5. How do you understand the characteristic “decent lifestyle”? Suggest and justify its components.

A person should not live in poverty. When you have to constantly think about whether there is enough money to pay utilities, food, clothes, it is difficult to realize your creative potential. Only a few can create, having renounced everything earthly. This is like the first step in the formation of a decent lifestyle - to learn how to satisfy your everyday needs. When the brain is cleared of everyday problems, a person understands that being full is not enough to be happy. Questions begin to appear - What would be so interesting to do? Creativity is on. A person is looking for something to do. And whoever seeks will always find. Only in the business that we like, we are able to achieve significant success. Not a single person who is engaged in a business that does not bring him pleasure has managed to reach any heights. And when a person is in his “place”, he creates, he is happy, he is in harmony with the whole world and the people around him. Such people, as a rule, have good health, charm and benevolence. It is about them that they say that a person leads a decent lifestyle. Worthy of himself first of all. When a person lives in poverty, goes to an unloved job, he gradually loses respect for himself, and with it his own dignity. And the loss of self-respect and dignity turns him into an evil envious creature, devoid of any moral principles. Everyone intuitively feels that he came into this world not just for reproduction, but for something more. And the desire for a decent lifestyle is not just a desire for satiety and prosperity, it is a desire for self-realization and harmony.

7. How to learning activities reflects the world of professions? Is it only the subject "Labor training" that prepares for work? Name in what professions, specialties reading is the main link labor activity, and in which mathematical calculations are used. What professions are associated with the skills acquired at the school lesson "Drawing", and what subjects teach you to understand the motives of people's behavior?

As for the drawing lesson, the professions of an architect, designer, artist.

Motives of behavior - psychologist, investigators. Mathematical calculations - economist, engineer, manager.

Reading - announcer, commentator.

The light of genius Nikola Tesla is known all over the world. Nikola Tesla called on peoples to unite in the name of peace and science. Quotes by Nikola Tesla, who sees far ahead of his time, are a source of inspiration and great wisdom.

Here are just 23 of the many lessons of this extraordinary man.

Thoughts of Nikola Tesla: 23 life lessons

1. Science can make more progress by studying non-physical phenomena.

"From the day that science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."

2. Your body is a priceless gift.

It is an amazing work of art, an indescribable beauty, a great mystery, inaccessible to human understanding, it is so delicate and fragile that a word, a breath, a look, a prohibition, a thought can damage it.

3. If you want to unravel the mysteries of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

The universe is not only material bodies that we can feel with our senses. "If you want to unravel the mysteries of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."

4. Genius requires privacy.

“Be alone, in it is the secret of invention; be alone, only in it ideas are born. Most people are so wrapped up in the outside world that they don't notice what's going on inside them."

It seems that there is nothing good in being alone. But when we are alone, it means that we are alone with ourselves, i.e. where it is possible to experience the moment of discovery.

We can let ourselves go and immerse yourself in your inner energy. Many people do not seek solitude, but when we connect with our inner being, great opportunities arise.

5. The brain is just a receiver.

“My brain is just a receiver. , strength and inspiration. I have not yet penetrated this innermost essence of the universe, but I know that it exists.

6. The gift of intelligence comes from God.

“The gift of mental faculties comes from God, the divine essence. If we concentrate our mind on truth, we become in harmony with this great power. My mother taught me to look for all truths in the Bible.”

7. Instinct goes beyond knowledge.

“Instinct is something that goes beyond knowledge. We certainly have some subtle filaments that allow us to perceive truths when logical reasoning or any other volitional effort of the brain is useless.

8. The more we know, the more ignorant we become.

“It is paradoxical, but it is still true when they say that the more we know, the more ignorant we become in the absolute sense, for only through enlightenment do we become aware of our limitations.”

9. If you can imagine something, you can achieve it.

“I have a different method. I'm not in a hurry to act right away. When I have an idea, I first imagine it in my mind. I am redesigning, making improvements and operating the device entirely in my mind.”

10. When a natural attraction develops into a passionate desire, the approach to the goal goes by leaps and bounds.

Before any of our active actions, first there is a desire, then the intention to carry it out. “When natural attraction develops into passionate desire, the approach to the goal goes by leaps and bounds.”

11. The unknown is worthy of respect and can be a source of joy.

No matter how hard we try, we will never know everything there is to know. "Life is and will remain an equation that cannot be solved, but it contains certain known factors."

Recognizing this is incredibly important in order to lead a fulfilling life.

12. Our virtues and our shortcomings are notseparable.

“Our faults and our virtues are as inseparable as force and matter. If they separate, the person no longer exists.”

13. Misunderstanding is always caused by the inability to appreciate another point of view.

“Battles between men, just like battles between governments and nations, are invariably the result of misunderstandings in the broadest sense of the term. Misunderstandings are always caused by an inability to appreciate and respect another point of view.”

14. Man cannot be saved from his own stupidity by outside efforts.

“My mother understood human nature well and never scolded me. She knew that a man could not be saved from his own stupidity or vice by the efforts or admonitions of someone else, but only by the exercise of his own will."

15. Peace can only come as a natural consequence of universal enlightenment.

“What we now want is closer contact and understanding between individuals and communities throughout the earth and the elimination of selfishness and pride that always tend to plunge the world into primitive barbarism and strife. Peace can only come as a natural consequence of universal enlightenment.”

16. Everything that has become great has been ridiculed in the past.

“Everything that has become great has been ridiculed, repressed, condemned, forbidden in the past. But from this struggle it came out more and more powerful and triumphant.

17. The factors influencing the formation of our destinies are very subtle and not always accessible to our understanding.

“When I look back on the events of my past, I realize how subtle are the factors that shape our destinies.”

18. It's not the love you get that give, but the one you give.

In our incredibly selfish society, this is a very important reminder: "It's not the love you get that matters, it's the love you give." Giving happiness to others is the most reliable and

19. The miracles of yesterday are commonplace today.

“We crave new sensations, but soon become indifferent to them. The miracles of yesterday are becoming commonplace today.”

20. Every living being is an engine that drives the wheels of the Universe.

“Every living being is an engine that drives the wheels of the Universe. Although it would seem to affect only its immediate surroundings, the sphere of external influence extends to an infinity of distance.

21. Patience is the foundation.

“Many inventors fail because of lack of patience. They have no desire to develop the device slowly, clearly and precisely in their mind, so that they can actually feel how it works. They want to put their idea to the test right away.

As a result, they invest a lot of money and valuable materials only to find out that they are working in the wrong direction. We all make mistakes, and it's better to see the mistake in your mind before you start putting it into practice."

22. Money is not as valuable as people give it.

“Money is not as valuable as people give it. All my money was invested in experiments, with the help of which I made new discoveries that could make human life a little easier.

23. Races and nations come and go, but Man remains.

“When we talk about man, we mean the concept of humanity as a whole. Before applying scientific methods to the study of its movement as a whole, we must accept this as a physical fact.

But can anyone doubt today that millions of individuals of innumerable types and characters constitute one organism, whole?

While everyone has the freedom to think and act, we are held together like the stars in the firmament, we are inseparably linked. These connections cannot be seen, but we can feel them. I feel pain if I cut my finger, because the finger is part of me.

If my friend is hurt, it hurts me too, because my friend and I are one. And now I see a defeated enemy - some piece of matter in the universe that I care about the least, but it still saddens me. Doesn't this prove that each of us is part of a whole?

For centuries, this idea has been proclaimed in the virtuosity of the wise teachings of religion, perhaps not as the only means of bringing peace and harmony among people, but as a profound basic truth.

Buddhism expresses it in one way, Christianity in another, but both religions say the same: we are all one.

Metaphysical evidence, however, is not the only way we can support this idea. Science also recognizes the idea of ​​the connectedness of separate individuals, although not quite in the same sense as it recognizes that the sun, planets and moon together form one body.

Here there can be no doubt that this will be experimentally confirmed when the time comes and our means and methods for studying physical and other states and phenomena will be brought to greater perfection.

Moreover, this one human being lives and will continue to exist. Personality is short-lived, races and nations disappear, but Man remains. This is the profound difference between the individual and the whole."

Translation by Tatyana Beglyak specially for the magazine "Reincarnation".