Means of project activities in dow. Project activities in the dow educational and methodological material on the topic. The main stages of the method of projects

  • 08.08.2020


1 Features of the organization of project activities in the preschool educational institution The main goal of the project method in the preschool educational institution is the development of children's initiative, a free creative personality. The method of project activity can be used in work with older preschoolers (there is experience and earlier application). The older preschooler is characterized by more stable attention, observation, the ability to start analysis, synthesis, self-esteem, as well as the desire for joint activities. Using the project method in working with older preschoolers, it must be remembered that the project is a product of cooperation and co-creation of educators, children, parents, and sometimes the entire kindergarten staff. Therefore, the theme of the project, its form and a detailed plan of action are developed collectively. At the stage of development by teachers of the content of classes, games, walks, observations, excursions and other activities related to the theme of the project, it is important to carefully consider and organize in the preschool educational institution subject environment in such a way that it is a "background" to heuristic and search activities. Also, the organization of the search and creative activities of children must involve parents and relatives, since one child cannot cope with this activity. The stages of implementation of the method of projects can be reduced to four main ones: 1. Definition of the goal. 2. Development of a project plan of activities to achieve the goal (whom to turn to for help (adult, teacher), in what sources you can find information, etc.) 3. Implementation of the project practical part. 4. Summing up the definition of tasks for new projects.

2 Table 2. Activities of the project participants (according to T.A. Danilina) Stages Activities of the teacher Activities of children Stage 1 1. Formulates the problem (goal). When setting a goal, the product of the project is also determined. 2. Introduces into a game (plot) situation. 3. Formulates the problem (not rigidly). Stage 2 4. Helps in solving the problem. 5. Helps plan activities 6. Organizes activities. Stage 3 7. Practical assistance (if necessary). 8. Directs and controls the implementation of the project. Stage 4 9. Preparation for the presentation. 10. Presentation. 1. Entry into the problem. 2. Getting used to the game situation. 3. Acceptance of the task. 4. Addition of project tasks. 5. Combining children into working groups. 6. Distribution of roles. 7. Formation of specific knowledge, skills. 8. The product of the activity is prepared for presentation. 9. Present (to viewers or experts) the product of the activity. When organizing project activities in kindergarten teachers may face the following problems: 1) The discrepancy between the traditional form of organization of the educational process and the nature of the project activity. Traditional pedagogical activity is carried out in the normative space; it is focused on the developed notes, the strict logic of the transition from one part of the program to another, etc. Project activities, as noted above, are carried out in the space of possibilities, where there are no clearly defined norms. 2) Non-distinguishing between the subject and object positions of the child.

3 The teacher should organize a problem situation for children, but should not offer his own options for solving the problem. Otherwise, the child will be in an object position. In project activities, subjectivity means the expression of initiative and the manifestation of independent activity. 3) The need to form the subjective position of the teacher. Project activity is a complex process that involves systemic transformations of the entire pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution. First of all, the changes relate to the mode of the educational process. For design (from experience work of preschool educational institution) it is most convenient to allocate one day in two weeks. On this day, the mode of life of children changes: creative work starts at 11 o'clock (after breakfast and a walk). At the same time, it is desirable that both educators participate in project activities, since at first it should be implemented during classes with children in subgroups (5-9 people each). Thus, each subgroup of children is engaged in its own project. Since the project activity involves active analytical and reflective work of the educator, the administration should facilitate the allocation of time and space for special meetings of educators, as well as participate in these meetings. So, if the administration is ready to get involved in the implementation process design technology in the life of the kindergarten, the next step will be the organization of a creative group of teachers. The creation of a creative group should be initiated by the senior educator with the support of the head. A full-fledged creative team should implement two main functions: monitor project activities and contribute to the formation of a personal philosophy professional activity teachers. Monitoring of project activities implies a systematic

4 tracking current and intermediate results, as well as their evaluation as problematic or successful. The formation of a personal philosophy of the professional activity of teachers is largely associated with an understanding of one's own role in organizing joint activities with children, one's attitude to the situation, and the discovery of new professional opportunities. From the experience of kindergartens in the implementation project learning Four groups of problems are conditionally distinguished: “child and his family”, “child and nature”, “child and man-made world”, “child, society and its cultural values”. The child is still small and cannot independently formulate the problem, adults help him in this. The method of developing thematic projects proposed by foreign colleagues, associated with the use of the so-called “three questions” model, is interesting. Its essence is that the teacher asks the children three questions: What do we know? What do we want to know? What have you learned? First, a general discussion is held so that the children find out what they already know about a certain subject or phenomenon. The teacher writes down the answers on a large piece of paper so that the group can see them. Write down the answers of all children and write their names next to them. Then the teacher asks the second question: What do we want to know! The answers are again recorded, regardless of whether they may seem silly or illogical. When all the children have spoken, the teacher asks: How can we find answers to questions? Methods of collecting information: reading books, contacting parents, specialists, conducting experiments, thematic excursions, recreating an object or event. The educator draws up the received proposals in academic plan. Answers to the question What have we learned? let the teacher understand what the children have learned. Analysis of individual lessons allows you to improve future

5 projects. The educator should answer the following questions: What part of the project was the most successful? What needs to be changed next time? What have the children learned? What failed? Why? The results of each project are discussed together with the whole group. Consider asking the children the following questions: Did you learn anything you didn't know before? Did you learn anything that surprised you? Which of the activities did you enjoy the most? What needs to change in the organization of the next project? In a special book, children can evaluate each stage of the project, illustrating the story with drawings, texts recorded under dictation. In the book about the project, the participation of parents in its implementation should also be noted. Summing up, the educator thinks about how to change the organization of classes to improve them; how to individualize classes for each child; how to include children with special needs in the project implementation; what classes can be organized in the future. A logbook is kept to document ongoing projects thematic plans, for example. Outline of the thematic project 1. Theme and its origin 2. Related activities and concepts that can be studied during the project 3. Required materials 4. Questions for the children on the proposed project: What do we know?

6 What do we want to know? How can we find answers to our questions? 5. Evaluation. What did the children learn? (From the point of view of children and the educator.) 6. Suggestions for expanding and improving the project. Let us recall the types of project activities in the preschool educational institution E.S. Evdokimova offers her own version of the classification of types of projects relevant to preschool education: 1. According to the dominant method: research, information, creative, game, adventure, practice-oriented. 2. By the nature of the content: include the child and his family, the child and nature, the child and the man-made world, the child, society and culture. 3. By the nature of the child's participation in the project: customer, expert, performer, participant from the inception of an idea to obtaining a result. 4. By the nature of contacts: carried out within one age group, in contact with another age group, inside the preschool educational institution, in contact with the family, cultural institutions, public organizations (open project) 5. By the number of participants: individual, pair, group and frontal. 6. By duration: short-term, medium-term and long-term. Paying attention to the classification of types of project activities according to the dominant method, it is important to note that in the practice of modern preschool institutions The most common types of projects are:

7 1. research-creative: children experiment, and then the results are presented in the form of newspapers, dramatization, children's design; 2. role-playing: with elements creative games when children enter the image of the characters of a fairy tale and solve the problems posed in their own way 3. information-practical-oriented: children collect information and implement it, focusing on social interests 4. creative 5. normative (described by N.E. and A.N. .Veraksa). Interaction of parents and children in joint project activities When adults and children interact in design, it is necessary that this process correspond to some features: First, it must reflect the co-creative position of the subjects interacting in the design process. This feature is expressed in criticism of one's own and other people's experience; that the goal of each participant, adult and child, is a process of joint search, where each one who occupies a co-creative position acts as a guarantor of development for the other. The second sign is manifested in the fact that the interaction of the subjects of co-creation is associated not so much with the mutual exchange of experience (for children it is often generally small), but with the mutual transformation and completion of each other as integral personalities. Each participant becomes a catalyst for the development of the other. The third sign is that for the subjects of development in the design activity, each discovery, each case of discovering something new becomes only an occasion, an exit to another (other) knowledge, but not a rule, not the final truth.

8 It is well known from the theory and practice of preschool education that respect for the personality of the child, acceptance of his goals, requests for interests, creation of conditions for self-determination, self-realization actively develops creativity. In design, it is very important to maintain the necessary balance between development stimulated by the actions of an adult, and self-development, due to the child's own activity. This balance is based on the optimal ratio of "child - adult" or on complicity in activities on a partnership basis. Following the principles of domestic scientists and educators, it should be noted that children's design can be successful if the following conditions are met: taking into account the interests of the child, activity without coercion "with all my heart"; subject (problem) from the close environment and adequate to age; providing independence and supporting children's initiative; step-by-step achievement of the goal jointly with an adult. The themes of home joint design can be albums of drawings, photographs and stories on the topic: “My beloved brother”, “How we rested in the country”, “At the flower exhibition”, “Pets”, “Journey to the sea”, etc., which can often be viewed, shown to relatives and friends. Composing “Tales of our house”, drawing up a map of your district or city with descriptions, drawings and photographs of sights; making a layout based on Russian fairy tales. Home exhibitions "Skillful hands", "Beautiful - with your own hands", "Postcards for the holiday", "Children's fashion", "Journey to the land of butterflies", "In the fairy-tale kingdom", "We make toys ourselves", "Paper crafts", "We and our health." During family leisure hours, you can organize: “The device winter garden”,“ Design of a children’s room ”,“ homemade baking”,“ Cooking show ”, etc. Until the age of 5, the child develops at the imitative-performing level. The lack of the necessary life experience does not allow him to fully show independence in choosing a problem and ways to solve it.

9 Therefore, the active role belongs to an adult. Attentive attitude to the needs of children, the study of their interests make it easy to determine the problem "ordered" by children. As practice shows, children are happy to perform tasks offered by adults. Interest in the content of the project depends on the satisfaction of the diverse interests of the child; realization of his needs for vigorous activity, self-expression; passion for joint activities with adults. By the end of the fifth year of life, children accumulate a certain social experience that allows them to move to a new, developing level of design. At this age, independence continues to develop, the child is able to restrain his impulsive impulses, patiently listen to an adult and other participants in joint activities. Relations with adults are being rebuilt: preschoolers are less likely to turn to them with requests, organize independent activities more actively, they develop self-control; they are able to adequately evaluate their own actions. They accept the problem, clarify the goal, are able to choose the necessary means to achieve the intended result. In the future, the activity of an adult in joint project activities decreases, and he becomes, for the most part, a partner. The first attempts of children to solve the problem on their own should be noticed and encouraged, informing the child about his successes. This helps the child to realize his behavior, to understand what he is doing right, where he makes mistakes. It can be seen that at the second stage, the activity of an adult decreases somewhat. He does not so much generate his own ideas as he connects to the implementation of the ideas of children. It is important for a parent to get involved in what is interesting for children, to help them expand design topics. Designing can be a material for adults and children to identify their own creative uniqueness as subjects of the development of education. Unlike other technologies of education and training

10 joint design is a creative form of activity for a child and an adult. In addition, in the design process, the formation of a system of "developing and developing relations in the group" takes place. The system of developing relations is in itself both a product and a condition for the creativity of all its participants. It is created by co-creation of children, parents and teachers, and the latter basically take on only the role of initiators. In conclusion, I would like to note that the project activity has a number of characteristics that have positive influence on the development of the preschool child. First of all, in the course of project activities, children's knowledge about the world around them expands. This is primarily due to the implementation of research and creative projects. In addition, the general abilities of children are developing - cognitive, communicative, visual, artistic, etc. In the course of project activities, preschoolers acquire the necessary social skills, they become more attentive to each other, they begin to be guided not so much by their own motives as by established norms. Designing in a preschool educational institution is an integration educational areas. Literature 1. Atemaskina Yu.V. Project activity of a teacher: essence and technology // Kindergarten from A to Z S Bederkhanova V.P. Joint design activity as a means of development of children and adults / V.P. Bederkhanova // Development of personality C

11 3. Borovleva A.V. Project method as a means of improving the quality of education // Management of the preschool educational institution Veraksa N.E., Veraksa A.N. Project activity of preschoolers. Handbook for teachers of preschool institutions. M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, p. 5. Vinogradova N.A. Educational projects in kindergarten. Manual for educators / N.A. Vinogradova, E.P. Pankova. M.Iris-press, p. (Preschool education and development). 6. Vygotsky L.S. Imagination and creativity in childhood: a psychological essay: a book for teachers. M., Gorlitskaya S.I. History of the project method // Computer tools in education with Guzeev V.V. The project method as a special case of integrated learning technology. // Director of the school Guzeev V.V. Educational Technology: From Admission to Philosophy. Issue. 4. M.: September, p. 10. Jones J.K. Design methods / per. from English. T.P. Burmistrova, I.V. Fridenberg; Ed. V.F. Vendy, V.M. Munipov. 2nd ed., add. M.: Mir, p. 11. Dewey, John. From the child - to the world, from the world - to the child [Text]: ped. Art. / D. Dewey. - M.: Karapuz, p. - (Pedagogy of childhood). 12. Preschool pedagogy: Textbook for students of secondary pedagogical educational institutions / S.A. Kozlova, T.A. Kulikova. M.: Publishing Center "Academy", p. 13. Evdokimova E.S. Design technology in preschool educational institutions / E.S. Evdokimova M .: TC Sphere, p. (Library of the head of the preschool educational institution). 14. Kaverin V.A. Two captains: A novel in 2 books. K: Glad. school, s. 54, Kiseleva L.S., Danilina T.A., Lagoda T.S. Project method in the activities of a preschool institution - M .: ARKTI, p.

12 16. Morozova L.D. Learning to design together or what is "children's design"? Parent Academy: organizing family leisure and creating parent-child projects: A guide for parents. In 2 hours. Part 2. / Ed. T.S. Ivanova, N.V. Miklyaeva. Moscow: MGPI, p. From Pakhomova N.Yu. The study project method in educational institution. M.: ARKTI, Pakhomova N.Yu. Educational project: its possibilities. // Teacher from Polat E.S. New pedagogical and Information Technology in the education system / Ed. E.S. Polat M., Project activities in preschool educational institutions. The project is a serious game. - M .: "Our new school» With Selevko G.K. Pedagogical technologies based on activation, intensification and effective management UVP / G.K. Selevko - M .: Research Institute of School Technologies p. 22. Dictionary reference book on pedagogy. / ed. comp. V.A. Mezherikov; under total ed. P.I. Pidkasistogo. M.: TS Sphere, p. 23. Flegontova N.P. "Project method" in the pedagogy of John Dewey, [gg.] [Text] / N.P. Flegontova // Child in children. garden N 4. - C (Classics of Pedagogy). 24. Shtanko I.V. Project activity with children of senior preschool age.// Management of the preschool educational institution

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Organization of project activities in kindergarten

Project activity is project activity only if direct action in a given situation is impossible. In other words, if a child wanted to draw a picture, took a pencil, a sheet of paper for this and carried out his plan, then this activity will not be considered a project activity - the child performed all the actions within the framework of traditional productive activity.

In the course of project activities, a preschooler explores various options for solving a given problem, according to certain criteria, chooses the best way to solve it. For example, a child wants to make a stand for pencils or brushes. The implementation of this task in the case of project activities is not carried out immediately. First, the preschooler tries to imagine several options for making the stand. Because in preschool age figurative thinking dominates, then the options for completing the task can be presented in the form of a drawing. Having created several images, the child holds in his mind a number of options. If there are several options, it becomes possible to analyze them by comparing them with each other, identifying their advantages and disadvantages. In fact, each such option allows the preschooler to better understand what he is going to do and understand the sequence of actions. When making a coaster, a child can use different materials. Therefore, when comparing drawings, the material of the future craft can be taken into account. In addition, when comparing drawings, people who will participate in a joint project can be taken into account. When organizing project activities, it is necessary to take into account the fact that at preschool age, the child’s intention, as a rule, is far ahead of his technical capabilities. In this regard, adults, first of all, parents should assist the preschooler in the implementation of the plan. Joint activities allow children and parents to better understand each other, to establish a trusting relationship.

When organizing project activities in kindergarten, teachers may encounter the following problems.

The discrepancy between the traditional form of organization of the educational process and the nature of the project activity.

Traditional pedagogical activity is carried out in a normative space - it is focused on the developed lesson plans, the strict logic of the transition from one part of the program to another, etc. Project activities, as noted above, are carried out in the space of possibilities, where there are no clearly defined norms. In this case, both the teacher and the child find themselves in a situation of uncertainty. Project activity is focused on exploring as many opportunities as possible in the situation, and not on going through a predetermined (and known to the teacher) path. Naturally, it is easier for an educator to follow a rigid program than to constantly look for new non-standard approaches to the educational process. Therefore, each teacher should evaluate his readiness for project activities.

Indistinguishability between the subject and object positions of the child.

Most preschool teachers are very sensitive to children and support them emotionally. However, this emotional support should not result in a readiness to perform a creative task for the child, whether it be the formulation of a creative idea or a search for possible ways problem solving.

The teacher should organize a problem situation for children, but should not offer his own options for solving the problem. Otherwise, the child will be in an object position.

In project activities, subjectivity means the expression of initiative and the manifestation of independent activity, while the subjectivity of a child can manifest itself in different ways. So the child can say original idea(that is, not previously expressed by other children) or support and slightly modify the idea of ​​​​another child. In this case, the educator should focus on the originality of the child's idea. Let's take an example. When discussing gifts for March 8, one boy suggested drawing a postcard for his mother. Another supported his idea, saying that he could still draw a postcard for his sister. From the point of view of an adult, the same idea was voiced: the creation of a postcard. In this case, the teacher can say: “Vasya has already said about postcards. Try to think of something else." Another way is more productive: you can support the initiative of the second child, emphasizing that no one has yet talked about the postcard to his sister. In this case, an adult, firstly, opens up a new space for creative activity (you can find out how postcards for mom and sister differ, you can also remember grandmothers, educators, etc.), and secondly, supports the child’s initiative ( he gets a positive experience of speaking and next time, most likely, he will also express some idea). It follows from what has been said that the very fact of the utterance should be supported and positively noted, even if it repeats the utterance of another child. This is especially important for passive children who do not have a positive social experience of taking the initiative.

The need to form the subjective position of the teacher.

It is impossible to develop the child's subjectivity while remaining in a rigid, fixed position. The teacher, by virtue of his professional experience and education has fairly stable ideas about how you can and should act in different situations. Let's go back to the March 8 gift discussion example. Any teacher knows to whom and what gifts can be given on this day, and how to make them. It is clear that children will not immediately be able to come up with an original gift. But the task of the teacher is not to wait for an unusual solution. He must look at the situation already known to him and how to solve the problem from the point of view of the space of possibilities.

A “knowledgeable” teacher will act “according to instructions”: he will explain how to cut flowers, where to stick them, how to fold a postcard, that is, he will act from the position of a cultural norm. The teacher demonstrating the subjective position will first find out how the child sees this situation (for a preschooler, creating a postcard or gluing a flower is not at all an obvious action, but a kind of discovery, understanding the holiday). And only then the educator will turn to cultural ways of designing the idea. And then carving a flower will become a means of realizing the child's plan, and not just another link in the implementation of the educational program.

Project activity is a complex and organized process that involves not partial changes in the methodology of conducting individual classes, but systemic transformations of the entire educational and educational process. Obviously, such changes cannot be initiated only by the educator. They require the active participation of the administration of the preschool institution.

First of all, the changes relate to the mode of the educational process. Project activity involves various forms of children's activity, logically interconnected by different stages of the implementation of the plan, so it goes beyond the traditional grid of activities in kindergarten.

For designing, it is most convenient to allocate one day in two weeks. On this day, the children's lifestyle changes: creative work begins at 11 o'clock (after breakfast and a walk). At the same time, it is desirable that both educators participate in project activities, since at first it should be implemented during classes with children in subgroups (5–9 people each). Thus, each subgroup of children is engaged in its own project.

Since the project activity involves active analytical and reflective work of the educator (which will be discussed in more detail below), the administration should facilitate the allocation of time and space for special meetings of educators, as well as participate in these meetings.

The introduction of project technology into the educational process requires great organizational efforts from the administration, but at the same time allows:

Raise the professional level of teachers and the degree of their involvement in activities, make the teaching staff more united;

Develop a system of productive interaction between participants in the educational process (children involve parents in the project, communicate with each other and with the teacher);

To develop in children such qualities as socialization and activity;

Create products that can be presented to society (the level of their originality and social significance increases, which contributes to a more successful positioning of a preschool institution).

So, if the administration is ready to get involved in the process of introducing project technology into the life of a kindergarten, then the next step will be the organization of a creative group of teachers.

The creation of a creative group should be initiated by the senior educator with the support of the head. To do this, it is necessary to identify the degree of readiness of teachers to participate in project activities, paying attention to whether the teacher wants to:

Learn additional literature;

Organize new forms of activity for children;

Participate in special meetings with colleagues;

Systematically analyze and record the results of their activities (keep a diary, etc.).

It is necessary to assess the teacher's ability to work in a situation of uncertainty, to abandon the usual patterns of activity. When selecting teachers for a creative group, one can rely on the already existing experience of working with them, as well as on a written or oral survey, which reveals the degree of consent of the educator to be included in new activities.

As a result, all teachers of an educational institution can be divided into three conditional groups. The first will include teachers who declare themselves active supporters of project activities, ready to search for new, non-standard solutions. The second group will include passive supporters of project activities, that is, those teachers who are ready to follow the leader who achieves successful results. Such educators are most likely to join the creative group when the first tangible results of its activities appear. But since they do not show active rejection new technology, you can invite them to occupy various auxiliary positions. The third group will include teachers who are not ready to implement project activities. It is important to emphasize that belonging to this group does not mean a negative professional characteristic of the teacher. Perhaps he realizes himself in other productive forms of educational activity.

The formed creative group should be positioned in a special way both among educators (as a group that develops educational space kindergarten), and in the eyes of parents (as a group involved in the development of children's initiative and their socialization).

When we talk about creating a creative group, we do not mean the formation of a list of teachers, each of whom will be engaged in project activities with their own group of children. We are talking about the creation of a professional association, within the framework of which the development of project technology and the formulation of a strategy for its implementation in the life of a preschool institution take place. A full-fledged creative group should implement two main functions: monitor project activities and contribute to the formation of a personal philosophy of professional activity of teachers.

Monitoring of project activity implies systematic monitoring of current and intermediate results, as well as their evaluation as problematic or successful. In other words, monitoring is an analysis of individual elements of the process (for example, how many ideas were initiated at the initial stage of the project, which of them was chosen as the main one) and development dynamics (changes in the percentage of children's activity at the stage of concept formation). Monitoring has a detached, objective character and provides a set of facts for further analysis and comprehension.

The formation of a personal philosophy of the professional activity of teachers is largely associated with an understanding of one's own role in organizing joint activities with children, one's attitude to the situation, and the discovery of new professional opportunities. As already mentioned, the implementation of project activities involves the restructuring of the usual forms of interaction in the group, which means that it requires the teacher to rethink their own activities and even some values. Specially organized meetings will help teachers solve a number of problems related to the organization of project activities: who became the real author of the project idea (in a particular lesson)? What helped (prevented) the manifestation of initiative of children in the classroom? To what extent has the space of possibilities been mastered (in a particular situation)?

Reflection on these issues involves not only the discovery of problematic moments in the implementation of project activities by a particular teacher, but also an understanding of why such a situation arose, how you can change your own position or attitude towards the situation, etc. It is imperative to note the presence of positive dynamics, if at the next meeting, it turns out that the teacher managed to overcome the previously identified difficulties. In fact, at these meetings, not so much the nuances of technology are discussed, but the position of the teacher, his involvement in the process, and his ability to be creative. Therefore, a certain tact and respect for the personality of the teacher participating in such reflective discussions is necessary. Practice shows that despite the complexity and emotional intensity of such meetings, it is they that influence the professional development of the educator.

To carry out monitoring and conduct reflective discussions, material from diary entries, video filming of project classes and creative reports of teachers is used. However, the same material is analyzed from different positions.

From the book Project activities of preschoolers. Handbook for teachers of preschool institutions author Veraksa Nikolai Evgenievich

Types of project activities There are three main types of project activities: creative, research and regulatory - each of which has its own characteristics, structure and characteristic stages of implementation. At the same time, each of the listed types

From the book Moral Education in Kindergarten. program and guidelines. For children 2-7 years old author Petrova Vera Ivanovna

Analysis of classes on project activities As already noted, the organization and conduct of project activities are associated with a number of difficulties.

From the book Child from birth to a year. A guide for parents and educators author Team of authors

From the book Private Kindergarten: Where to Start, How to Succeed the author Zitser Natalia

Recommended literature for the “Kindergarten Education and Education Program” Law “On Education” of the Russian Federation. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989. World Declaration on Ensuring the Survival, Protection and Development of Children, 1990. Davydov V. V., Petrovsky V. BUT. and etc.

From book kids club: where to start, how to succeed author Timofeeva Sofya Anatolievna

Chapter 13. How the day works in kindergarten Using the example of how the day works, it is easiest to understand what happens in kindergarten: what time does breakfast start, what time are classes, how much time is allotted for a walk and naps. One of the first questions

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Natalia Assonova
Project activity in the preschool educational institution: modern approaches, principles, content.

Project activity in the preschool educational institution: modern approaches, principles, content. Technological aspects of pedagogical design.

Modern trends and rapid changes in society lead to the realization that modern children should know and be able to do much more than their peers 10-15 years ago. As statistical surveys show, the number of preschoolers who do not want to go to school is increasing, and the positive motivation for direct educational activity (GEC) has decreased.

In preschool institutions, the constant concern of teachers is the choice of the most effective means of education and upbringing. One of the areas of innovative activity is pedagogical design, which is considered as a system of planned and implemented actions, as well as a description of the conditions and means for achieving the goals and objectives. At the present stage of development of preschool education, the issue of creating a system of work to introduce the method of projects into the educational process of preschool education becomes relevant.

Using the project method in the educational process of the preschool educational institution helps to learn how to work in a team, develops its own algorithm of actions to achieve the goal.

In our kindergarten, we introduced technology into practice - the project method, which made it possible to change the style of working with children and parents. As a result, the attitude of children and parents to education in preschool educational institutions has changed from 45% to 68%:

Increased children's independence, activity, curiosity;

Children have more developed creative thinking, the ability to find a way out of a difficult situation;

Children become more confident in their abilities;

The child adapts more successfully to the changed situation of schooling;

Involvement of parents and other family members in the educational process of a preschool institution.

We believe that it is necessary to do this, it is important, and it is responsible modern requirements to the education of preschoolers.

What does the word "project" mean?

Word "project" borrowed from Latin: "thrown forward", "protruding", "conspicuous". And in translation from Greek - this is the path of research.

Project(literally "thrown forward") - a prototype, prototype of an object or type of activity, and design - the process of creating a project.

Project Method as a Pedagogical Technology- this is a set of research, search, problematic methods, techniques and actions of the teacher in a certain sequence to achieve the task - solving a problem that is personally significant for the teacher, designed in the form of a certain final product. In other words, the project method is the implementation of a plan from the moment it arises to its completion with the passage of certain stages of activity.

In this way, pedagogical design is the process of creating a project that reflects the solution of a particular problem. It is an activity carried out in the conditions of the educational process and aimed at ensuring its effective functioning and development.

The project method is considered as a set of simulated situations, the implementation of subject areas, the technology of modeling and organizing educational situations in which their own problems are posed and solved.

The methodological basis of pedagogical projects was deeply revealed by scientists - teachers M. I. Gurevich and M. S. Kogan.

M. I. Gurevich refers to the features of the project method such characteristics as efficiency, polyparadigm, lack of a unified approach, continuous improvement, continuous improvement of technology for a long time.

M. S. Kogan considers the pedagogical project as a motivational purposeful way of changing pedagogical reality and orderly professional activity, as well as a set of documents reflecting the goals of design, composition, structure of the object of design efforts, design logic, resource support for the project implementation process.

Scientists distinguish the typology of project activities in preschool educational institutions.

Projects are classified:

1. By quantity:




Monoprojects (1 educational area) The work sometimes involves the application of knowledge from other areas to solve a particular problem.

Integrative (interdisciplinary) (2 or more educational areas) are mainly used in preschool educational institutions.

3. By duration:

Short-term (mini-projects - several lessons);

Medium-term (from 1 month);

Long-term projects (six months, academic year).

4. By the dominant type of project activity:

In different sources, the types of project activities are called differently, we tried to choose the most popular ones.

Research and educational- are completely subordinate to the logic of research and have a structure that approximates or completely coincides with genuine scientific research; children, together with adults, formulate a research problem, designate tasks, determine methods, sources of information, study, discuss the results, conclusions, draw up the results of the study.

Creative- suggest the appropriate presentation of the results in the form children's holiday, children's design. Children agree on the planned results and the form of their presentation (a joint newspaper, video film, holiday).

Gaming- participants take on certain roles, determined by the nature and content of the project, with elements of creative games, when children enter the image of fairy tale characters and solve problems in their own way.

Introductory and indicative (informational)- this type of projects is initially aimed at collecting information about some object, phenomenon; it is supposed to familiarize the participants of the project with this information, its analysis and generalization of facts.

Practice-oriented (applied) - the result is necessarily focused on the social interests of the participants themselves; children collect information and implement it, focusing on social interests (group design, iso-corner project, group rule project, stained-glass windows, etc.).

Combined (universal)– performances using pre-made products (shows of fashion models, puppet show etc.

The implementation of any project in a preschool educational institution can be divided into certain stages:


First stage.

Determining the theme of the project.

The educator formulates the problem and goals of the project, after which the product of the project is determined. Introduces children to a game or plot situation, and then formulates tasks.

The tasks of children at this stage of the project implementation are: entering the problem, getting used to the game situation, accepting tasks and goals, as well as supplementing the tasks of the project. The last point is very important because one of the important tasks the teacher is the formation of an active life position in children; children should be able to independently find and identify interesting things in the world around.

Second phase.

Preparatory stage.

At the second stage, the teacher, children and parents prepare everything necessary for the project. Children, parents unite in working groups, and there is a distribution of roles.

Third stage.

The main stage (work with preschoolers, work with parents, equipping the subject-developing environment). The practical part of the project is being carried out.

At this stage, the teacher (in addition to organizing activities) helps children and parents competently plan their own activities in solving the tasks.

The facilitator provides all participants with practical assistance as needed, as well as directs and supervises the implementation of the project. Children develop a variety of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Fourth stage.

The final stage. Evaluation of the results and definition of tasks for new projects is carried out.

To write a project, you need to adhere to the project structure.


Type of project (by content, by duration, by dominant type, by number of participants).

Project participants, age of preschoolers.

Preliminary work.

Working with preschoolers.

Working with parents.

Equipping the subject-developing environment.

Systematization of materials, summing up.

Expected Result.

Projects develop children's skills research activities, cognitive activity, creativity, independence; the ability to plan their activities, work in a team develops, which will further contribute to the successful education of children at school.

For teachers, the advantage of the project method is:

Improving the quality of the educational process;

One of the methods of developmental education, since it is based on the development of cognitive skills of children, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, navigate in the information space;

Development of critical and creative thinking;

Helps to improve the competence of teachers.

Thus, the development of design technology by teachers will increase the level of their professional skills and create conditions in preschool educational institutions for effective educational work.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational

institution "Kindergarten No. 3"

« Project activities in the preschool educational institution "

Educator: Ignatieva L.M.



1 Historical and theoretical prerequisites for the development of project activities……………………………………………………………………..….6

1.1 From the history of the origin of project activities……………..…..…6

1.2 The concept of project activities …………………………………....….12

1.3 Stages of mastering project activities by children…………………………….20

1.3.1 Mastering project activities by preschoolers…………………….21

1.3.2 Features of the organization of project activities …..………………….. .22

2 Experimental and practical work “Organization of project activities in the preschool educational institution”………………………………………………………………………………..23

2.1 Research base ……………………………………………………………23

2.2 Results of experimental and practical work “Organization of project activities in preschool educational institutions”…………………………………………………………..…..24





Currently in educational activities kindergartens introduce new pedagogical technologies, use active teaching methods, including the project method. This happens because a child acting as an object in the traditional system of education cannot show his talents and individuality, learn to choose and make decisions.

The teacher can suggest new sources of information, or can simply direct the students' thoughts in the right direction for independent search, stimulate children's interest in certain problems. The processes of globalization, the formation of a post-industrial, information society have set new tasks for preschool education. Which orient teachers to the formation of preschoolers core competencies based on fundamental knowledge, universal skills, experience of creative activity and personal responsibility.

The organization of project activities is aimed at the formation common culture, development of intellectual and personal qualities, the formation of preschoolers' civic responsibility and legal self-awareness, spirituality and culture, initiative, independence, tolerance, the ability to successfully socialize in society and actively adapt to the labor market. Which complies with Federal State requirements.

Teachers are faced with the task already at preschool age to form in children the skills of independence, activity, initiative in finding answers to questions, collecting information, experimenting and applying the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in games and practical activities. This approach makes it possible to implement the project method (project method) found in the arsenal of world and domestic practice.

The project method is actively used in the system of school and preschool education and in extracurricular activities. Over the past ten years, the project method as a general pedagogical technology has become the subject of many studies.

With regard to kindergarten, project activities are actively used in environmental and patriotic education, in cognitive development and manual labor.

An object:

The learning process in the preschool educational institution;


Project activities in the preschool educational institution;


Explore theoretical sources and practical experience in organizing project activities with preschoolers.


Determine the degree of study of the issue in the methodological and pedagogical literature;

characterize the method of projects as a form of organization of project activities;

Describe the methodology for organizing project activities and test it in practice.


The learning process in a preschool educational institution will be effective if you use project activities.

Research methods:

Study of literature;

Conversation, observation.

1 Historical and theoretical background for the development of project activities

1. 1 From the history of the origin of project activities

The project method is not fundamentally new in world pedagogy. The project method originated at the beginning of the last century in the United States. It was also called the method of problems, and it was associated with the ideas of the humanistic direction in philosophy and education, developed by the American philosopher and teacher J. Dewey, as well as his student W.H. Kilpatrick. This is where the problem, taken from real life, familiar and significant for the child, for the solution of which he needs to apply the acquired knowledge.

B. Valyasek notes that the design method has a long history. Even at the Roman Academy of Arts, works were created that were called progetti, that is, projects. Their fundamental features were: student orientation (because their work was independent); orientation to reality (since the subject of the work was practical problems); orientation to the final product (since a plan, sketch, model was developed). The project method born out of practical needs in the system higher education in technical disciplines, was moved to school.

In the Pedagogical Encyclopedia and in B. Valyasek, it is believed that project activity was introduced into a wide pedagogical context by a follower of John Dewey V.Kh. Kilpatrick (1871-1965), who described it as a wholeheartedly carried out expedient activity, carried out in certain social conditions, taken as a typical feature of school life. A project (according to V. Kilpatrick) is any activity performed “with all my heart”, with a high degree of independence by a group of children united in this moment common interest.

V. Kilpatrick identified four types of projects:

1. Embodiment of thought in an external form.

II. Getting aesthetic pleasure.

III. Solving a problem, resolving a mental difficulty, a problem.

IV. Obtaining new data, increasing the degree of knowledge, talent.

I.F. Kolesnikov and M.P. Gorchakova-Sibirskaya say that the ideas of project-based learning arose in Russia almost in parallel with the developments of American teachers. Under the leadership of S.T. Shatsky in 1905 organized a small group of employees who tried to actively use different kinds design in the practice of working with children.

In the USSR in the early years Soviet power the project method was partially applied in the practice of experimental and some private schools, however, it was condemned in the decision of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks of September 5, 1931 “On Primary and Secondary Schools” because it did not allow students to master the system of knowledge in the field of specific training courses. And only in the 1980s, the method of projects again came to the pedagogical practice of our country from abroad, along with the technology of computer telecommunications.

The design methodology in Russia at the beginning of the 21st century is experiencing a kind of renaissance.

At the present stage, projects are being developed by L.S. Kiseleva, T.A. Danilina, T.S. Lagoda, M.V. Zuykov, who presented theoretical and practical materials on the use of the project method in kindergarten.

1.2 The concept of project activities

One of the fundamental characteristics modern man, acting in the space of culture, is its ability to projective activity. Projective (or project) activity belongs to the category of innovative, as it involves the transformation of reality, is built on the basis of an appropriate technology that can be unified, mastered and improved.

Project- (literally translated from Latin - “thrown forward”) is interpreted in dictionaries as “a plan, idea, text or drawing of something that precedes its creation.”

Method of projects in last years has become widespread in the system of domestic education, but it is not often used in working with preschoolers. Currently, there is no unambiguous interpretation of the essential characteristics of the project. The project is understood as:

and the final product, the solution of a problem of a material, social, moral, historical, research and other nature;

and the form of organization of classes, providing for the complex nature of the activities of all its participants in obtaining specific products for a given period of time;

and a didactic means of activating cognitive activity, developing creativity and forming certain personal qualities.

Activity- a specific human form of relation to the world around, the content of which is an expedient change and transformation in the interests of people; condition for the existence of society. Activity includes the goal, means, result and the process itself. Project activities include:

Problem analysis;

goal setting;

The choice of means to achieve it;

Search and processing of information, its analysis and synthesis;

Evaluation of the obtained results and conclusions.

The purpose of the project activity is the understanding and application by children of the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the study of various subjects (on an integration basis).

Tasks of project activity:

Learning to plan (the child must be able to clearly define the goal, describe the main steps to achieve the goal, concentrate on achieving the goal throughout the work);

Formation of skills for collecting and processing information, materials (the student must be able to choose the appropriate information and use it correctly);

Ability to analyze (creativity and critical thinking);

Ability to write a written report (the student must be able to draw up a work plan, present information clearly, draw up footnotes, have an understanding of the bibliography);

To form a positive attitude towards work (the student must show initiative, enthusiasm, try to complete the work on time in accordance with the established work plan and schedule).

Principles of organizing project activities:

The project must be feasible to carry out;

Create the necessary conditions for the successful implementation of projects (to form an appropriate library, media library, etc.);

Prepare children for the implementation of projects (conducting a special orientation so that students have time to choose a project topic, at this stage students with experience in project activities can be involved);

Provide project management by teachers - discussion of the chosen topic, work plan (including execution time) and keeping a diary in which the student makes appropriate notes of his thoughts, ideas, feelings - reflection.

In the event that the project is a group one, each student must clearly show his contribution to the project. Each project participant receives an individual assessment.

Mandatory presentation of the results of the project in one form or another.

To important factors project activities include:

Increasing the motivation of students in solving problems;

Development of creative abilities;

Formation of a sense of responsibility;

Creating conditions for a collaborative relationship between teacher and student.

Classification of project activities

The first classification of projects was carried out at the beginning of the 20th century by Collings. The scientist considered three groups of educational projects. "Game projects" are children's activities, the purpose of which is to participate in group activities (various games, folk dances, drama productions, various kinds of entertainment, and so on). "Excursion projects", for the purposeful study of problems related to the surrounding nature and social life. "Narrative Projects" in which children enjoyed storytelling in a variety of forms - oral, written, vocal, artistic, musical.

Currently, in the literature you can find a lot of classifications of educational projects for various reasons. So V.A. Kalney, T.M. Matveeva, E.A. Mishchenko, S.E. Shishov present their classification in

table form.

Basis of classification

Project types

W.H. Kilpatrick

Type of target installation

1. Creative - purpose: practical implementation and use.

2.Consumer - goal: development of consumer qualities of the individual.

3. Intellectual - goal: development of thinking.

4. Project - an exercise aimed at developing certain skills and abilities.

A. Stevenson

Level of integration of educational material


2. Comprehensive.

According to the volume of educational material and the time of its study

1. Big - performed during the school year.

2. Small-development of separate stages of a large project.

E. Kogarov


1. Chronological.



Form of organization

1. Structural, planning and final.

2.Individual and group.


M. Rubinshtein

By way of execution and completion

1.Manual. 2.Intelligent.

3. Comprehensive.

4. Unfinished.



By degree of implementation

1. Educational - the project is not supposed to be implemented or the project idea is unrealizable.

2. Long-term - there is a real implementation plan or attempts have already been made to implement it.


Type of project (by main areas of activity)


2. Organizational.




Project class (according to the composition of the project, according to its structure and its subject area)

1. Monoproject - a separate project of various types, types, scales.

2. Multi-project - a complex project consisting of a number of mono-projects, requiring multi-project management.

3. Megaproject - targeted programs for the development of industries, regions and other entities, including a number of mono-projects and multi-projects.

Type of project (by the nature of the subject area of ​​the project)

1. Investment.


3. Scientific research.

4. Educational.

The scale of the project (by the size of the project itself, the number of participants and the degree of impact on the world around

1. Megastate.



4. Interregional.


6. Intersectoral.

7. Industry.



Project duration (according to the duration of the implementation period)

1.Long-term (more than 5 years).

2.Mid-term (from 3 to 5 years).

3. Short-term (up to 3 years).

N.V. Matyash

By the level of complexity of project tasks

1. Reproductive tasks for reproduction according to the model.

2. Search tasks.

3. Creative tasks aimed at creating new objects.

1.Projects to solve structural and technical tasks.

2. Projects for the development of new types of technologies.

3.Projects as a solution to problems of an industrial and commercial nature.

4. Projects as a solution to design problems.

E.S. Polat offers a classification, which is carried out in accordance with typological features.

General didactic principle

Project types

a brief description of


It requires a well-thought-out structure, designated goals, and the relevance of the subject of research.


It involves the creative design of the results, does not have a detailed structure of the joint activities of the participants, which develops, obeying the final result.


It involves the distribution of certain roles by the participants: literary characters, fictional characters that imitate social or business relations. The structure is planned and remains open until the end of the work.

Informational (introductory)

It involves the collection of information about some object, phenomenon; its analysis and synthesis of facts intended for a wide audience. It requires a well-thought-out structure: the goal of the project (the subject of information retrieval), methods of information processing (analysis, synthesis of ideas, reasoned conclusions), the result of information retrieval (article, report, abstract), presentation.


It assumes a clearly defined from the very beginning the result of the activity focused on the social interests of the participants themselves. It requires a well-thought-out structure, a scenario for all the activities of its participants, with a definition of the function of each of them.


It is carried out within the framework of one academic subject. At the same time, the most complex sections of the program are selected, which requires careful structuring by lessons with a clear designation of the goals, objectives of the project, the knowledge and skills that students should acquire as a result.


It is usually done outside school hours. It requires highly qualified coordination on the part of specialists, well-coordinated work of many creative teams, well-developed forms of intermediate and final presentations.

Nature of Project Coordination

With open coordination (direct)

Assumes the consulting and coordinating function of the project manager.

With covert coordination (telecommunications project)

The coordinator acts as a full participant in the project. It involves joint educational and cognitive activities of partner students, organized on the basis of computer telecommunications and aimed at achieving the overall result of joint activities. Interdisciplinary projects require the involvement of integrated knowledge, to a greater extent contribute to the dialogue of cultures.

Nature of contacts

Domestic (regional)

They organize within the school, between schools, classes within the region of one country.


It involves the participation of students from different countries.

Number of project participants


It is carried out individually, between two partners.

Conducted between pairs of participants.


Conducted between groups.



It is carried out to solve a small problem or part of a larger problem.

medium duration

Interdisciplinary, contains a fairly significant problem.

Long term (up to a year)

Interdisciplinary. Contains quite a significant problem.

Interdisciplinary, practice-oriented projects have received the greatest popularity in kindergarten. They allow you to rely on personal experience children, maintain a long time interest in activities.

When working with preschoolers, group projects are more often used, during the preparation of which communication skills, the ability to cooperate and interact, which are perceived in modern society as integral positive characteristics of a person in any sphere of life.

In the practice of teaching children in a preschool institution, the project method is traditionally used as part of classes on:

Familiarization with social reality, while using information-practical-oriented and creative projects;

Environmental upbringing and education of children: most often, the projects that are carried out in these classes are of a research nature;

The development of fine arts (in particular, in the process of working on the production collective collages): these projects are mainly of a research and creative nature;

Museum pedagogy (for example, during the implementation of the projects "History of things, etc."): most of the projects used are complex

The development of theatrical activities of children and in the process of preparing for the holidays: projects of this kind are role-playing.

1.3 Stages of mastering project activities by children

The question arises: from what time can a child be included in educational design and research activities? There is a fairly common belief that the developmental effect of project activities directly depends on the age of children.

On the first At the stage of mastering project activities, the author recommends celebrating and encouraging the child’s attempts to solve the problem on their own: “You quickly figured it out!”, “It’s good that you came to my aid in time!” This helps children realize their behavior, what they are doing right and where they make mistakes.

On the second At the stage of mastering project activities, the activity of an adult decreases somewhat. He not only generates his ideas, but connects children to the implementation of their ideas. This approach helps to interest preschoolers and, as a result, expand the design problem.

Third and subsequent stages development of project activities - creative. They are characterized by an increased interest of children in new knowledge, the desire to gain their independence.

1.3.1 Mastering project activities by preschoolers

Until the age of five, the child develops at the imitative-executive level. The lack of the necessary life experience does not allow him to fully show independence in choosing a problem and ways to solve it. Therefore, the main role in organizing the work on the project belongs to an adult. Attentive attitude to the needs of each child, the study of his interests allows you to easily determine the problem "ordered" by children. Participation in the project “on the sidelines”, actions at the direct suggestion of an adult or by imitating him do not contradict the nature of a small child: at this age, both the need to establish and maintain a positive attitude towards an adult and imitation are still strong.

By the end of the fifth year of life, children accumulate a certain social experience that allows them to move to a new, evolving level of design.

Children are able to adequately evaluate their own actions and decisions, patiently listen to the opinions of an adult and other participants in joint activities.

In accordance with the principles of domestic pedagogy, children's design can be successful if the following conditions are met:

Taking into account the interests of each child;

Activities of children without coercion;

Giving children independence and supporting their initiative;

Step-by-step achievement of the goal jointly with an adult;

Topics (problems) from the immediate environment of a preschooler, adequate to his age.

1.3.2 Features of the organization of project activities

An analysis of the literature and the state of practice allowed us to identify the following stages in the implementation of projects for preschoolers:

Choice of theme and project type;

Determining the potential of each project participant for its implementation, establishing opportunities for project implementation;

Collection and processing of the necessary information, its transformation by the coordinator into accessible for preschool perception;

Organization and implementation of the project;

Project protection.

This logic of the project implementation determines the activities of the preschool teacher. The activity of the teacher in the implementation of the method of projects is carried out in three main areas: the formation of a bank of tasks, the creation of conditions for the development and implementation of projects by children and equipping them with the necessary skills and abilities for this.

L. Morozova in her article gives some advice to teachers on organizing project activities in a preschool institution.

preparatory stage(analysis, diagnostics and assessment of the state of the object, finding contradictions, deciding on the need, choosing a topic, theoretical, methodological and temporary support, goal setting, dividing the goal into a fan of tasks, forming a design team, distributing rights and obligations, establishing communications, instructing);

main stage(work on the project: modeling, collection and analysis of materials, meetings of participants to discuss the implementation of tasks, designing a design product, approbation of the project and its adjustment, creation of the project and its design);

final stage(project presentation, reflection, independent expertise, identification of unresolved problems and identification of new project topics).

Whatever recommendations the teacher relies on when designing, it is important for him to remember that he is the organizer of children's productive activities, a source of information, a consultant, an expert. Design technology requires an appropriate organization of the subject-developing space of the group. The group contains documents, books, various items, encyclopedias that are understandable. It is possible for children to go to libraries, museums or other institutions, if necessary for the implementation of the project.

The project is a unique means of ensuring cooperation, co-creation of children and adults, a way to implement a student-centered approach.


Education must keep pace with the times. In the "Concept of modernization Russian education» provides for updating the content of education, one of the points of which is a change in teaching methods.

One of the relevant and effective methods is the method of projects. The relevance of the project activity methodology is confirmed by the authoritative opinion of scientists. Shkel V.F. states: “The project method is very effective. It gives the child the opportunity to experiment, synthesize the acquired knowledge, develop creative abilities and communication skills, which allows him to successfully adapt to the changed situation of schooling.

Project activities have a number of characteristics that have a positive impact on the development of a preschool child.

First of all, in the course of project activities, children's knowledge about the world around them expands. This is primarily due to the implementation of research and creative projects.

In the course of project activities, preschoolers acquire the necessary social skills - they become more attentive to each other, begin to be guided not only by their own motives, but by established norms.

The project method is relevant and very effective. It gives the child the opportunity to experiment, synthesize the acquired knowledge, ensures the unity of educational, developing and teaching goals and objectives, which corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Municipal preschool educational institution

Kindergarten №10 "Goldfish"

city ​​of Strezhevoy, Tomsk region

Organization of project activities

in a preschool educational institution

Prepared by the teacher:

Stepanova A.A.

Currently, innovative technologies are being actively introduced in the preschool educational institution. One of such technologies is project activity (project method).

A project (from lat. projectus - thrown forward, protruding, protruding forward) is unique activity, having a beginning and an end in time and aimed at achieving a predetermined result or goal. The result of the project activity is the creation unique product, the quality of which is subject to certain requirements.

The uniqueness of the activity at work on pedagogical technology consists in the free choice of the form of work with children (including non-traditional ones), in the use of a variety of methodological and pedagogical techniques aimed not so much at developing certain skills of working with various materials how much to combine common efforts to achieve a common goal.

Projects in kindergarten are, as a rule, educational in nature. Preschoolers in their psychophysiological development are not yet able to independently create their own project from beginning to end. Therefore, teaching the necessary skills and abilities is the main task of educators.

Currently, projects are classified according to different criteria: according to the composition of participants; by target setting; by topic; in terms of implementation.

The most significant is the dominant activity.

In the practice of preschool institutions, the following types of projects are used:

Research - a research search is carried out, the results of which are drawn up in the form of some kind of creative product (newspapers, dramatizations, file cabinets of experiments, children's design, etc.).

role-playing - a project with elements of creative games, when children enter the image of the characters of a fairy tale and solve the problems in their own way;

Information-practice-oriented: children collect information about some object, phenomenon from various sources, and then implement it, focusing on social interests: group design, stained-glass windows, etc.;

Creative: as a rule, they do not have a detailed structure of joint activities of participants.

The results are presented in the form of a children's party, an exhibition, design and sections of a newspaper, an album, an almanac, etc., for example, "Theater Week".

Since the leading activity of a preschooler is a game, then, starting from younger age, role-playing and creative projects are used.

In addition, such types of projects are used as:

Complex, for example, "The World of the Theater", "Hello, Pushkin!", "Echo of the Centuries", "Book Week";

Intergroup, for example "Mathematical Collages", "The World of Animals and Birds", "Seasons";

Creative, for example, “My friends”, “We have a boring garden”, “We love fairy tales”, “The World of Nature”, “Rowans of Russia”;

Group, for example, "Tales of Love", "Know Yourself", "Underwater World", "Merry Astronomy";

Individual, for example, "Me and my family", "Family tree", "Secrets of the grandmother's chest", " fairy bird»;

Research, such as World of Water, Breathing and Health, Nutrition and Health.

Other features of the classification are:

Composition of participants (group, subgroup, personal, family, pair, etc.);

Duration: short-term - several lessons, 1-2 weeks; average duration - 1-3 months; long-term - up to 1 year (for example, "Pushkin's Creativity" - for the academic year).

The main goal of project activities in kindergarten is the development of a free creative personality of the child, which is determined by the tasks of development and the tasks of the research activities of children.

Development tasks:

Ensuring the psychological well-being and health of children;

Development of cognitive abilities;

Development of creative imagination;

Development of creative thinking;

Development of communication skills.

The tasks of project activities are specific for each age.

In early childhood, these are:

The entry of children into a problematic game situation (the leading role of the teacher);

Activation of the desire to look for ways to resolve the problem situation (together with the teacher);

Formation of the initial prerequisites for search activity (practical experiments).

At the senior preschool age it is:

Formation of prerequisites for search activity, intellectual initiative;

Development of the ability to determine possible methods for solving a problem with the help of an adult, and then independently;

Formation of the ability to apply these methods, contributing to the solution of the problem, using various options;

Stimulating the desire to use special terminology, conducting a constructive conversation in the process of joint research activities.

In the process of introducing the design method in preschool teacher acts as an organizer of children's productive activities, he is a source of information, a consultant, an expert. The educator is the main leader of the project and subsequent research, play, artistic, practice-oriented activities, the coordinator of individual and group efforts of children in solving the problem.

The transition of a preschool institution to the project method of activity, as a rule, is carried out in the following stages:

Classes with the inclusion of problematic situations of children's experimentation, etc.;

Complex block-thematic classes;

Integration: partial or complete;

Method of projects as a form of organization of educational space; as a method of developing creative cognitive thinking.

Work in this direction is implemented through the training of teachers, educational work with parents, the creation of a subject-developing environment in accordance with the requirements of the project method. The introduction of this technology into practice imposes certain requirements on the teacher, as a creative person, and special training to improve pedagogical professionalism, tk. An educator who knows the method of projects as a technology and as an activity for the self-organization of a professional space can teach a child to design.

The work plan of the educator for the preparation of the project may be as follows:

1. On the basis of the studied problems of children, set the goal of the project.

2. Development of a plan to achieve the goal (the plan is discussed with parents).

3. Involvement of specialists in the implementation of the relevant sections of the project.

4. Drawing up a plan-scheme of the project.

5. Collection, accumulation of material.

6. Inclusion in the project plan of classes, games and other types of children's activities.

7. Homework for self-fulfillment.

8. Presentation of the project, open session.

The main steps of the project method include:

1. Goal-setting: the teacher helps the child to choose the most relevant and feasible task for him for a certain period of time.

2. Project development - action plan to achieve the goal:

Whom to turn to for help (adult, teacher);

What sources can you find information from?

What items to use (accessories, equipment);

With what subjects to learn to work to achieve the goal.

3. Implementation of the project - the practical part.

4. Summing up - defining tasks for new projects.

Stages of work on the project:

Teacher activity

Children activities

First stage:

Formulates a problem (goal). The product of the project is defined.

Introduces into the game (plot) situation.

Formulates a task.

Getting into a problem.

Living in a game situation.

Acceptance of a task.

Addition of project tasks.

Helps in problem solving.

Helps to plan activities, organizes activities.

Organizing children into working groups.

Practical assistance (if necessary). Directs and supervises the implementation of the project.

Formation of specific knowledge, skills.

Preparing for a presentation.


The product of the activity is prepared for presentation.

Present (to viewers or experts) the product of the activity.

Thus, the method of projects in working with preschoolers today is an optimal, innovative and promising method that should take its rightful place in the system of preschool education. Discussed above methodological foundations project activities give an idea of high degree adaptability innovative technologies to the specifics of DOW.

Using the project method in preschool education as one of the methods of integrated teaching of preschoolers, it can significantly increase the independent activity of children, develop creative thinking, the ability of children to independently find information about an object or phenomenon of interest in various ways and use this knowledge to create new objects of reality. And does the same educational system dow open for the active participation of parents.

The specificity of using the project method in preschool practice is that adults need to “lead” the child, help to detect a problem or even provoke its occurrence, arouse interest in it and “draw” children into a joint project. Based on a student-centered approach to education and upbringing, ultimately, it should contribute to the development of individual creative activity of teachers in the development of strategies, tactics and technology of the educational process, promote the personal development of pupils, and ensure high-quality results of pedagogical activity.

The prospect of the project method in the preschool education system lies in the fact that it makes it possible to develop observation and analysis of phenomena, comparison, generalization and the ability to draw conclusions, creative thinking, the logic of knowledge, inquisitiveness of the mind, joint cognitive-search and research activities, communication and reflective skills and much more, which are the components of a successful personality.


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