Magnet practice report. Analysis of the practical activities of the organization TS "magnet" Practice magnet in fa synthesis

  • 13.08.2020

Magnet Practice

with explanations

for beginners chela

(without FA-16-rice)

+ reference apps

DIVO 32 Pro Moscow, June 2012

Magnet Practicewith explanations

for beginners chela (without FA-16-ritsa)

Before any practice see mental image of practice 1 .

To practice the Magnet, also fold your mental image of realization 2 .

PracticeMagnet 3
(for individual action)

concentrating 4 point Hum 5 .

I kindle 6 to all accumulated fire 7. kindled by my dedications and status 8 .

I kindle N-ric synthesis-16-rica (FA-16-rica),N-rich synthesis-32-rica (FA-32-rica) 9 .

I kindle forehead shape 10 . Synthesizing 11 s guiding me by the Primordial Superior Masters 12 (Names 13), ignite their fire 14 .

Synthesizing with Primordial Superiors Koot Hoomi and Fayin 15 Metagalactic manifestation 16, I am kindled by their fire.

I rush 17 and appear (unfold) 18 in the hall of the House of the Primordial Superior Father of the Metagalactic Manifestation at the 32nd superior metagalactic presence 19 , getting before 20 Initially Superior Lords Kut Humi and Fain.

Synthesizing with Hum of the Primordial Superior Lords Kut Humi and Fain 21, fire up By the Primordial Superior Fire of Synthesis of the Primordial Superior Father 22 .

I am kindled by the fire of the House of the Primordial Superior Father of the Metagalactic manifestation. 23 .

I synthesize with the Hum of the Primordial Superior Lord Kut Humi and I will acquire 24 fire and conditions 25 for the transformation by the practice of the Magnet of the Primordial Superior Father of the Metagalaxy (IVOMg) – the Primordial Superior Mother of the Metagalaxy (IVMMg).

Kindled by fire and conditions 26 .

I synthesize with the Primordial Superior Father of the Metagalaxy of the Metagalactic manifestation, I kindle with its fire. And in this fire I manifest in the hall of the Primordial Superior Father of the Metagalaxy of the Metagalactic manifestation on the 64th superior metagalactic presence.

I stand before the Primordial Superior Father of the Metagalaxy in the form of a brow.

I synthesize with the Hum of the Primordial Superior Father of the Metagalaxy, acquire and kindle Primarily Superior Synthesis 27 .

I ask the Primordial Superior Father of the Metagalaxy transform 28 me to the action by the practice of the Magnet of the Primordial Superior Father of the Metagalaxy – the Primordial Superior Mother of the Metagalaxy.

And burning up transforming 29 with this fire.

I synthesize with the Hum of the Primordial Superior Father of the Metagalaxy, I kindle deeper by the Primordial Superior Synthesis.

And by directing this fire from top to bottom through the whole body, through each part, being ignited and saturated with this fire, I synthesize with the Primordial Superior Mother of the Metagalaxy and direct to it the fire of the Initially Superior Father of the Metagalaxy.

I synthesize with the Hum of the Primordial Higher Mother of the Metagalaxy, I kindle with the Primordial Higher Will. And upwards 30 , through the whole body and through each part, I direct its fire to the Primordial Superior Father of the Metagalaxy.

The fires of the Initially Higher Father of the Metagalaxy and the Primarily Higher Mother of the Metagalaxy merge and synthesize in my Hum, and I flare up with the fire of the Magnet of the Initially Higher Father – the Initially Higher Mother of the Metagalaxy and the creative sound of OM.

And I direct the fire of the Magnet at ... (mental image ). (Pause) . 31

Thanks to 32 Primarily Higher Father of Metagalaxy, Primarily Higher Mother of Metagalaxy of Metagalactic manifestation. Exit Magnet.

I thank the Primordial Higher Lords Kut Hoomi and Fayin of the Metagalactic manifestation.

I thank the Primordial Higher Lords who guide me ( Names).

appearing in physical presence 33 .

I emanate, radiate and realize all the contracted and kindled fire into the Primordial House of the Primordial Superior Father (IDIVO) (live answer ), to the House of the Primarily Superior Father (DIVO) 32 Manifestations Moscow (live answer ) and to my Primordial Home 34 .

And I'm out of practice.



1 Thought pattern of practice - see the purpose of the practice, sequence of actions and their task while at the same time ready for spontaneous action in the fire.

2 The mental image of the implementation the fire of the Magnet (OM) will be directed to the creation of what specifically. The presence of a specific mental image for practice is required. The magnet is not made just like that. And when adding up the mental image, one should take into account the importance of each word, to which the fire of the Magnet will be directed.

On my body. For activation (of something)

To my house. To see the reasons (…)

For my work. For development (…)

On the addition of conditions (…)

For improvement (…)

For correction (…)

For the transformation (…)

For the growth of capacity (…)

For the development of my mother's memory. To activate and increase the capacity of the chakras

To heal my friend. my astral body.

For world peace. To develop my ability to see and

To keep everyone healthy. act on presences.

To my vision of the causes of my cold.

For my becoming (by someone or someone).

Be attentive to words. Not everything needs to be saturated with fire.

To renovate my apartment. For energy and physical

For my weight loss. transformation of my apartment.

To repay a debt. For the correct development and transformation

for deliverance ( from something). my physical body and the synthesis body.

To the freedom of my energy-potential interactions.

For my purchase (…) .

4. The concreteness of the mental image is an important condition for correct creation.

So that I don't have To harmonize (balance) my
problems with her husband. relationship with husband name).

For my height. For the development of my part of Intellect.

For me to have everything. To the growth of the capacity of my Hum.

5. For greater efficiency in one practice, direct fire at one task.

Or, if the tasks are voluminous, a brief wording is desirable.

To activate my To develop the capacity of my parts
digestive system, per Human.
development of my chakras and spheres of thought. To improve my systems

On my relationship with name), With ( name) of the physical body.

and with other employees To transform my perception.

To correct my emotional state.

6. For all possible mental images, it would be correct to add “… in the Will and Synthesis of the Primordial Superior Father of the Metagalaxy ».

3 Magnet

The name of the practice "MAGNIT" fully expresses the essence of the practice.

M-AGNI-T, where M - mother, matter, AGNI - the fire, T - Theo - Father.

That is, creation OM in the synthesis of fire of the Father - Mother.

From the seminar 23 SiFA, Dnepropetrovsk, hosted by Vitaly Serdyuk:

“And the Magnet became the seventh practice. Why? Because the Hierarchy has risen in "15" and the Magnet has risen behind it. Magnet is the hierarchical practice of the New Age, you may remember. By the way, the simplest thing - you entered the complexity of life - you should immediately flare up with what? - Magnet. Those. to have constant contact with Father and Mother. Do you have?

… Here, many have difficulties in life only because you do not have direct constant contact with the Father and Mother. And you entered into difficulties, but you forgot to enter the magnet. And if you entered the Magnet, maybe the difficulties would burn out and you would have them, well, if you noticed it, then a little bit. One Host told me: “I’m driving in Magnit, a traffic cop stops me. He melts everything and he happily lets me go. The man was simply in the Magnet, he was lucky. But, of course, when he is not in the Magnet, they do not happily let him go. What did the cops see? They feel that a holy man is coming. They feel, they are great, they know who needs to be let go, who is not, and who should be skipped altogether. There they do not notice a trifle. Well, in terms of big money - you yourself are to blame, you yourself feel that you have gotten yourself into trouble if you made a mistake yourself. Here's the most basic."

4 concentrating

From the Dictionary of the Russian Language, edited by T.F. Efremova:

Concentrate. Concentrate, accumulate, collect someone, smth. in some place. To direct, direct thoughts, feelings, interests to smth.

5 Hum

Hum is the point of instant contact with the Father (in the center of the chest).

Although it is non-physical, it is easy to find its fixation in the human body. You can find your Hum (or Shunyata) point on your own by pronouncing the word “I” in a natural way for yourself and pointing your finger at yourself. In most cases, the finger will point to the Hum point in the center of the chest. Hum is located in the depths, in the very center, behind the heart.

The gradual development of the capacity of Hum leads to a lived increase in its size and effectiveness. By developing the capacity of Hum, it is also possible to develop the ability to distinguish fires.

“…in the center of your chest you have a Hum point, although you call it the heart for short. Point Hum. There is a famous mantra: OM MANI PADME HUM. It was translated very well by Lama Anagarika Govinda. This is such a Western person who went to the East and deeply studied this tradition. Well, “Oh, the jewel of the Lotus heart” - this is what I will translate for you. This is nonsense. This is such a superficial translation for the uninitiated. And if you look more deeply: OM is the original sound of Creation, which falls into your Hum, as an expression of the Father in you. I told you this in a different language. And it's not deep yet. Therefore, each person has contact with the Father at the Hum point. Here there is such a dimple between the bones. (...) Here in this dimple, behind it, in the depths, there is a point Hum. By the way, sometimes it is called the "point of emptiness."

6 I kindle

The ignition process is initiated by an intention, a word, a statement (often quite mentally) with a passion for this action. , and tracked by residence.

From the seminar 1 SiFA 2008, Odessa, hosted by Vitaly Serdyuk:

“Try to imagine: you take energy, well, just energy, so far only energy, it starts to spin in you quickly, quickly, well, like a mixer. And as soon as it begins to spin quickly, processes begin to go on in it that pop it up, and then it flares up. As soon as it flared up, you began to ignite. And here is this quick whirling of vortex-like energy - when this spinning turns into light, the energy changes its consistency, becomes light, the spinning continues, and the consistency passes into spirit, which compactifies and explodes. This explosion is you going into the fire. And this flash goes all over your body. And when all this flared up, an inner flame awakens in you, an inner fire, and you begin to feel the warmth or burning of the flame. This is the state we call "ignition."

It's hard to say this consistently every time. But as soon as I say: “and we are ignited by this fire,” this process begins to spin on my machine. Moreover, while I say: “mo-zh-ga-em”, energy, light and spirit act at such a speed that it all flares up already on the third letter. When all this flared up, it is with its particles, like this one, fireworks, here it flares up with balls, it’s good that it’s in the air. And if it were on the ground, you would feel that each ball is hot, and, of course, it can even hurt. Imagine that this mixer bursts into flames, and it affects all kinds of fire. Fire is drawn to fire in its likeness. This flashing reaches out to any flames, droplets of fire that you have - there, in the monad, anywhere. And then this fire - to flash, the three-petal monad - what does it do? - ignites, right? Add some kind of combustible material to the flame. The flame does this - "shush". Did you see? Same.

That's when this flashing comes, the flame ... After this, you are kindled, and further, by this kindling, you are synthesized with the Father, the Father adds fire to you - the flame is even stronger. And you begin seething fire, whirling fire, and you begin to live the fire. This whole process is briefly called ignition. (…)

… « and we are kindled by all the accumulated fire". While I am saying this, the energy begins to seethe, turn into light, spirit, it all compacts into a point, it all flares up, the flame runs after it, I begin to flare up. And in this fire I synthesize with the Father, I begin to give away part of the fire. Father gave, expanded. I expanded and compacted - it all exploded, flared up in me. And all this begins to boil and play. Fire-images run (atoms, molecules), spin in the flame: some open, others close, ignite, flare up like this. And all this boils and runs, - is called a flame or fire. Did you see the image? But you will begin to live it and see it only gradually.

7 Accumulated fire

For a person all the accumulated fire is the fire of the spark of Life and the fire of flames Monads * with records of accumulations of previous incarnations.

For the chelas who study at Synthesis seminars and practice it is the fire of a drop (or ball) of Life, the fire of the 4-flame Monad of each; the fire of the Primordial Higher Masters leading the forehead; all the fire, contracted and kindled in each of the implemented practices, with each contact with the Father and the Lords; the fire of all contracted parts of Man; fire in parts - for example, in the Word of the Father, in the chakras, in the Grail, in the Heart, in the Primordial Home of everyone, etc.; the fire and the compact of fire, contracted at every seminar of Synthesis passed; the fire of all the festive theophies in which they participated, and other fires acquired as preparations are made for the formation, implementation and realization of certain possibilities and processes.

Only the applied fire is accumulated, which, after being acquired and kindled, was directed at something.

Kindling with all the accumulated fire, it is not necessary to remember all these positions, but it is desirable to be aware of what potential is being kindled.

And just one practicekindling with all the accumulated fire you can instantly change your state up to the transformation in the physical body.

* Monad

According to the standards of the past era and the 5th race, which were published by some students, the Monad was the basis of human life. It recorded everything that is in man from the Father. This is a sphere, inside of which there are 3 flames - pink-red, yellow-gold and blue-blue, respectively expressing Love, Wisdom and the Will of the Father in a person. At the base of the Monad is the spark of life, and in the center of the Monad is the fixation of the Hum point.

A fragment of the drawing is the Monad of a man of the past era.

In the New Age, the Monad is still the accumulator of life, and has also become the 25th part of Man. This is a transparent (translucent) sphere with flames inside, the shell of which consists of 32 layers.

At the seminar of the 1st Synthesis, the chelas acquire the fourth flame into the Monad of every one - the flame of Synthesis, and at the base - a drop of life. And the Monad of man becomes 4-flame.

Further study of the Monad is at the seminar of the 9th Synthesis.

A deep study of the Monad and its acquisition as a part of Man - at the seminar of the 25th Synthesis.

8 Initiations and Statuses

Initiations are one of the distinguishing features of a true chelo. And one of the tasks of the chela is to know and apply their initiations.

Statuses are held by Leaders, Specialists and Employees, as well as Chelas of the Hierarchy and Leading Chelas serving in Houses of Manifestation ** .

Currently actual information about Initiations and Statuses - in Message 7, Order 8, Order 44.

It is also one of the themes of the 6th Synthesis.

From materials: 6th SiFA Odessa, 2008, 12th SiFA Astana, 2008 Presenter -
V. Serdyuk:

“All initiations are fixed in the center of initiations. This is the center of the forehead, the base of the hair. Each of you has initiations (pillars) above the center of initiations.

For students of the 5th race, initiations may still be closed, because in the 5th race not everyone was allowed to watch them. In the 6th race they are allowed to look openly. Why? - you need to know who you are talking to. In the 6th race, the law of openness was adopted, in contrast to the 5th race. And you can read all the dedications above the center of dedications. True, if you can. With the 6th Synthesis - hardly, with the 14th - you can calmly, if you can see enough. Why? Because the fixation of initiations proceeds with the Buddhist fire of the Metagalaxy – this is the 14th Synthesis. But with the fire of Buddhist manifestation, if your eyes are now attuned, you can easily see the signs of initiations and their number.

Stages of initiatory activity:



    starts activity in this dedication

And you should apply his. If you apply the initiation in at least one situation (moreover, for each initiation there must be at least one situation associated with this initiation.

The initiations confirm the achieved inner perfection of the expression of FAOMG and secure the rights of the external application of this perfection.

Initiations are the process of your own expression of the Father.

Initiations are given for your real work and activity at the respective presences.

Therefore, in the new epoch the disciple does not pursue initiations, but, ascending by fire, confirms his accumulations with the initiations of the Hierarchy.

Initiation both in the previous age and in this one means a simple thing - that a higher light is introduced into your mind than the light that is in your mind at the present moment.

** Houses of Manifestation

Houses of Manifestation (DP) in the Primordial Houses (ID) - the spheres of manifestation of fires corresponding to the number and name of the spokesmen Hierarchies of IVO *** the manifestation that corresponds to the number of the Primordial House. For example, for DIVO there are 32 manifestations of Moscow - Hierarchies of IVO 32 manifestations. That is, for example, 2 DP in the ID of Moscow develops fire 2 of the Synthesis Directorate Life and Purposefulness 32 manifestations.

The activities of the Houses of Manifestation are regulated by Messages: 3, 5, 29, 32 and other Messages, Orders, Regulations and Clarifications, and is also largely explained during training and ascent by the Higher and Professional training courses.

*** Hierarchy of IVO

The hierarchy of each manifestation is 64 expressions of the Primordial Superior Father (IBO), 32 of which (from 64 to 33) are the Rulers of the Bases (GO), and 32 (from 32 to 1) are the Directors of Synthesis (DS). The Fire of the Control of Synthesis is expressed by a pair of Initially Higher Lords (Lord and Lady).

See Annex 1 for the location of the respective halls by attendance.

For example, the hall of the IV of the Lords Kut Hoomi and Fayin of the DIVO Synthesis Administration in the Metagalactic manifestation is located on the 32nd superior metagalactic presence.

More about the expressions of the Hierarchy of the IVO - in Message 24.

It is also important to know Order 44(dated 15.04.11) "Transformation and Fire of the IVO Hierarchy of the IVO" about the ascent of the IO of the IVO Hierarchy. Exactly then the top of the IVO of the IVO Hierarchy was the Primordial Superior Father of the Metagalaxy (IVOMg), and before that he was FA-Father of the Metagalaxy (FAOMg).

See also subsequent Orders and Notices of Changes in the Hierarchy.

9 N -ric synthesis-16-rica (FA-16-rica), N -ric synthesis-32-rica (FA-32-rica)

16 is 16 Parts of a Man **** Metagalaxies, 32nd - 32 parts of the Man of the Universe.

At the end of each seminar of Synthesis, the 16-rice is acquired (as an expression of a person in the presence), which lives, develops and learns to act on the presence on which it is fixed in accordance with current standard Synthesis.

When more than one 16 (and subsequently 32) is contracted, they are synthesized and constitute the synthesis expression of a person.

Thus, after the acquisition of two 16-rics (32-rics), a binary synthesis-16-rica (synthesis-32-rica) is formed, after the acquisition of three - a ternary synthesis-16-rica (synthesis-32-rica), four - 4 -richnaya, and so on. No matter what Syntheses by number the forehead passed.

If both 16s and 32s are contracted at different seminars, then the synthesis expression of a person is an N-ary synthesis-16-ric (according to the number (N) of contracted 16-rics) and an N-ary synthesis-32-ric ( by the number (N) of contracted 32-rice).

Synthesis-16 and Synthesis-32 acquired at the Syntheses are prototypes and need training, growth and development of capacity. They become valid only after the acquisition of the FA-expression (FA-16-rice and FA-32-rice).

FA-16-ritsu and FA-32-ritsu the person acquires independently according to current program acquisitions.

FA-16-ritsu can be tightened after tightening absolute fire ***** (AO).

The acquisition of the FA-16-rytsa is one of the themes of the 8th Synthesis. After the confirmation of the FA-16-ric contraction, the FA-16-ric in the synthesis of all contracted 16-rics becomes the hexadecimal expression of a person. Thus, the one who acquires becomes a FA-16 person.

practices. Amen. Comment after practices So two explanations ... F16 ritsa, F 32 ritsa ... F. This is the Second Standard. Forbeginners ...

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    Work: 25 pp., 2 pics, 15 tables, 7 adj.


    The object of the study is the enterprise ZAO TANDER and OAO MAGNIT.

    The purpose of the work is to develop proposals for improving the enterprise sustainability management system based on the analysis.

    In the course of the work, data were used accounting for 2007-2009, the Charter of TANDER CJSC and MAGNIT OJSC was used.

    1. Introduction

    2. Organizational and economic characteristics of the enterprise

    3. Analysis of the market situation

    4. Definition of the mission and formulation of goals for the further functioning of the enterprise

    5. Conclusion

    6. Applications


    In accordance with the contract, she was sent to practice at Tander CJSC from June 21 to July 18, 2010.

    CJSC "Tander" ( Management Company chain of stores "Magnit") is the largest (in terms of the number of stores as of July 2010) Russian chain of food discounter stores and equipment technical means and by the number of workers. Latest Methods and technology in the field of product distribution, sales, financial and personnel policy, allowing to effectively manage the company and reduce the price of goods for the end consumer - one of the first and today the main activities of the company. The company has gained experience, established itself in the retail market

    1. Organizational and economic characteristics of the enterprise

    1.1 general characteristics enterprises

    1. Full corporate name of the company - Closed joint-stock company Thunder

    Abbreviated corporate name of the company CJSC "Tander"

    2. Location of the company: Russian Federation, Krasnodar city, Levanevsky street, 185

    3. CJSC "Tander" takes 2nd place in the retail trade of the Russian Federation, 33rd place among largest companies Russian Federation.

    4. Nature of the firm's ownership: "Tander" is a Closed Joint Stock Company, the sole shareholder of the company is an open joint stock company "Magnit".

    Legal status companies: clause 4 of the Charter of Tander CJSC.

    5. Year of foundation: 1994. Main stages of development:

    1994 – 1998: Beginnings: wholesale

    Founding of a company selling household chemicals by S.N. Galitsky

    Thunder becomes one of the leading official distributors of household chemicals and cosmetics in Russia

    Decided to enter the food retail market

    1998 – 1999: Entry into the food retail market

    Opening the first grocery store in Krasnodar

    Format Experiments

    The stores are merged into the Magnit retail chain

    2001 – 2005: Intensive development in order to establish a firm position in the market

    Rapid regional development: 1,500 stores at the end of 2005

    Adoption of IFRS

    Strict financial control

    Motivational wage system

    2006 – 2009: Further development of the traditional format. Transition to multi-format

    Leader of Russian food retail in terms of the number of customers

    IPO in 2006

    Start of construction of hypermarkets

    An independent director was elected to the Board of Directors

    Audit Committee established

    Developed and introduced a set of corporate conduct rules

    SPO in 2008, 2009

    24 hypermarkets opened in 2007-2009

    636 convenience stores opened in 2009 (total number of stores as of December 31, 2009 is 3,228)

    2010: Strong position in the sector

    Flexible pricing policy and assortment matrix, regulated in accordance with the income level of the consumer

    Large-Scale Investment Program 2010: Approximately $1B Capital Expenditure Plan

    Planned opening of 450 - 550 convenience stores during 2010

    Opening of 25 – 30 hypermarkets in 2010

    Work on improving efficiency.

    6. Main field of activity: retail trade.

    Field of activity: trade in food and non-food products.

    7. Main commodities: food and non-food products

    8. The range of realizable products: wholesale trade: canned food, dairy products, edible oils, soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, sugar, confectionery, chocolate, coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, fish, seafood, prepared food products, baby and diet food, flour products, flour, pasta, cereals, salt, cleaning products.

    Retail in non-specialized stores: frozen foods, foodstuffs, including drinks and tobacco products.

    1.2 Analysis of the main technical and economic indicators for 2007-2009

    Table 1.1 - Dynamics of the main technical and economic indicators for 2007-2009

    Indicators Of the year 2007-2008 2008-2009
    2007 2008 2009 Off Growth rate Off Growth rate
    Volume of products sold thousand rubles 78121 192477 215147 46,38 2,46% 11,77 1,11%
    Production cost thousand rubles 23176 32044 32976 38,26 1,38% 2,90 1,02%
    Gross profit thousand rubles 54945 160433 182171 9,19 2,9% 31,15 3,11%
    Commercial expenses thousand rubles 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Administrative expenses thousand rubles 23940 54071 55917 5,86 2,25% 18 1,18%
    Profit from sales thousand rubles 31005 106362 126254 43 3,43% 18 1,18%
    Income tax thousand rubles 5578 36388 98280 52 6,52% 70 2,70%
    Net approx thousand rubles 12075 121517 1415549 6 10,06% 64 11,64%
    Number of employees thousand people 67000 70000 75000 4 1,04% 7 1,07%
    Average annual output per 1 worker, thousand rubles 769 1367 1752 77 1,77% 28 1,28%
    Average monthly salary per 1 employee thousand rubles 17000 23000 26000 35 1,35% 13 1,13%
    Average annual cost of fixed assets thousand rubles 345743 581979 421463 68 1,68% 72 0,72%
    Return on assets thousand rubles 337 600 652 78 1,78% 8 1,08%
    Average annual cost working capital thousand rubles 5502927 2583340 2668007 46 0,46% 3 1,03%
    Costs per 1 ruble of sold products, ruble 0,29 0,16 0,15 81 1,81% 9 0,9%
    Return on sales, % 0.15 0,63 6,57 2 4,2% 42 10,42%

    Conclusion: 1. The volume of sold products from 2007-2008 the growth rate was 2.46%, and from 2008-2009 the growth rate was 1.11%.

    2. The cost of production from 2007-2008 the growth rate was 1.38%, from 2008-2009 the growth rate decreased and amounted to 1.02%.

    3. Gross profit from 2007-2008 increased, and the growth rate was 2.9%, and from 2008-2009, the growth rate was 3.11%

    4. Administrative expenses In 2007-2008 the growth rate was 2.25%, and in 2008-2009 the growth rate was 1.18%.

    5. Profit from sales from 2007-2008 increased by 3.43%, and 2008-2009 growth rate was 1.18%.

    6. Income tax from 2007-2008 increased by 6.52%, and from 2008-2009 by 2.70%

    7. Net profit from 2007-2008 the growth rate was 10.6%, and from 2208-2009 - 11.64%

    8. The number of personnel from 2007-2008 increased by 3000 tons and the growth rate was 1.04%, and from 2008-2009 by 5000 tons and the growth rate was 1.07%.

    9. The average annual output per worker increased by 1.77% from 2007-2008 and by 1.28% from 2008-2009.

    10. The average monthly salary per 1 employee from 2007-2008 the growth rate was 1.35%, and from 2008-2009 the growth rate was 1.13%

    11. The average annual cost of fixed assets from 2007-2008 growth rate was 1.68%, and from 2008-2009 the growth rate was 0.72%.

    12. Return on assets from 2007-2008 the growth rate was 1.78%, and from 2008-2009 the growth rate was 1.08%.

    13. The average annual cost of current assets of rubles from 2007-2008 the growth rate was 0.46%, and from 2008-2009 the growth rate was 1.03%.

    14. Costs per 1 ruble of sold products from 2007-2008, the growth rate was 1.81%, and from 2008-2009-0.9%.

    15. Return on sales from 2007-2008 the growth rate was 4.2%, and from 2008-2009 the growth rate increased to 10.42%

    Table 1.2 - Analysis of the composition and structure of the company's commercial products in 2007-2009 billion rubles

    Conclusion: Non-food and food products are in approximately equal percentage. From 2007-2008, the volume of food products increased from 44.95% to 45.26%, and from 2008-2009 from 45.26% to 54.3, while non-food products from 2007-2008 decreased from 55.04% to 54. 73%, and in 2008-2009 they increased from 54.73% to 57.34%.

    Enterprise characteristics

    Trading company CJSC "Tander" store "Magnit" "notary" is located at: st. Production, house 44. It is a retail trade enterprise.

    The full corporate name of the enterprise is TANDER Closed Joint Stock Company. The legal address of CJSC "TANDER" corresponds to the postal address: Russian Federation, 350002, Krasnodar.

    Closed Joint-Stock Company "Tander" is an enterprise engaged in the production and sale of goods and having as the main goal of its activity - making a profit, for which material, labor, intellectual and financial resources its members.

    Business started with wholesale sales household chemicals, cosmetics and perfumery, at present CJSC "Tander" has more than 15 years of experience in the market.

    Gradually, the company promoted the product through its retail network. By 1996 there were about 30 outlets in Krasnodar and the Krasnodar Territory. At the same time, the company was becoming a distributor of the world's leading manufacturers in this product group.
    1997 - food products.

    To date, the company has covered 9 regions, in which 52 branches are concentrated.

    According to the features of the device, this specially equipped stand-alone one-story building, intended for the sale of goods and the provision of services, has a sufficient number of premises for the normal functioning of the trade and technological process.

    According to GOST R 51773–2001 “Retail trade. Classification of enterprises ”by type, this store belongs to a supermarket (supermarket) - it sells universal food products and non-food products of frequent demand using the self-service method. By specialization, this enterprise is mixed, i.e. sells a wide range of food products and a universal group of non-food products.

    In the store, the main selling method is self-service. With this method of service, the time spent on the purchase is reduced, the buyer has the opportunity to independently choose the goods, as well as pay at a single cash point. In addition, an individual method of service is used in the gourmet department, but payment for these goods is made in a single cash register.

    This store provides basic and additional services. The main one is the implementation of various groups of goods in the store. Additional - information and consulting (providing information about products and their manufacturers, expert advice on products, conducting advertising presentations goods); assistance to the buyer in making a purchase (reception and execution of orders for goods, packaging of goods purchased in the store.); creation of conveniences for buyers (guaranteed storage of purchased goods, reception and storage of buyers' belongings); not directly related to the purchases they make (telephone services, rental of audio and video cassettes, development of photographic films and printing of photographs, sale of newspapers and magazines).

    The location of the store is good, because. located near the bus stop and a new residential complex.

    Shop opening hours: from 10:00 to 21:30 without a break for lunch and days off.

    The enterprise is a legal entity. In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an organization that owns separate property and is liable for its obligations is recognized as a legal entity. Such an organization may, on its own behalf, acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights, bear obligations, be a plaintiff and a defendant in court.

    By organizational legal form is a closed joint stock company (CJSC).

    A joint stock company whose shares are distributed only among its founders or other predetermined circle of persons is recognized as a closed joint stock company. Such a company is not entitled to conduct an open subscription for shares issued by it or otherwise offer them for purchase to an unlimited number of persons.

    Shareholders of a closed joint stock company have the pre-emptive right to acquire shares sold by other shareholders of this company.

    The number of participants in a closed joint stock company must not exceed the number established by the Law on joint stock companies, otherwise it is subject to transformation into an open joint stock company within a year, and after this period - liquidation in judicial order if their number does not decrease to the limit established by law.

    The legal status of a CJSC, the rights and obligations of its participants are determined by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ “On Joint Stock Companies”.

    Since this enterprise is a legal entity, its rights and obligations must comply with the objectives of the activity provided for in its constituent documents. The main founding document is the charter, which is approved by the founders. legal entity. It states:

    o The name of the legal entity (with the obligatory indication of its organizational and legal form and company name);

    o Location of the legal entity;

    o The procedure for managing the activities of a legal entity;

    o Other information.

    Separate types of activities (sale of goods, provision of services, conclusion of contracts), the list of which is determined by the Federal Law of 08.08.2001 No. 3 128-FZ “On Licensing certain types activities", this organization can practice only on the basis of a special permit - a license.

    The store has a large colorful sign with the name of the company. A sign indicating the mode of operation, legal form, legal address is posted at the entrance to the store. In the sales area there are signs with the names of departments, with the help of which customers can easily navigate in the store.

    At the entrance there is a board "Information for consumers", it says:

    1. Federal Law "On consumer protection"

    2. Book of reviews and suggestions

    3. Excerpts from Decree No. 55 "Rules for the sale of certain types of goods"

    4. License for the right to trade

    When purchasing goods, the buyer has the right to demand:

    1. Certificate of conformity

    3. Legal copies

    4. Shipping documents

    Price tags are issued for the goods sold in the store.

    They state:

    1. Product name

    2. Product manufacturer

    3. Unit price

    4. Seal of the organization

    5. Administrator's signature

    The document on the basis of which the sale and purchase agreement is carried out between the store and the buyer is the price tag, so the price tags in the store are drawn up clearly and correctly. Each price tag is located near the product indicated in it.

    The internal environment of the organization.

    Figure 1. The structure of the store management apparatus

    The Magnit store uses linear structure management. This structure is characterized by the concentration of all management functions in the hands of the director. The staff is divided into approximately equal parts. Employees perform roughly the same actions.

    The advantages of this structure: ensuring the principle of unity of command, clarity and clarity of management links, efficiency of management.

    The disadvantage is the need to have versatile knowledge of the director.

    Table 1. " staffing»

    For the normal functioning of the trading process at the enterprise, a schedule for the entry of personnel to work is drawn up.

    For example: the director comes to work at 10:00, art. the salesperson opens the service entrance by 9:30 a.m., the salespeople arrive at 9:30 a.m. to prepare workplaces and cash desks for work.

    commercial activity Trade enterprises are associated with the performance of various operations and require versatile knowledge and skills from the employees who perform them. Therefore, the staff of the store includes employees of various categories (lower, middle and upper managers).

    For each position, the management of the organization draws up and approves job descriptions containing a list official duties employees, taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of production, labor and management, their rights and responsibilities.

    For example: the middle manager in a store is the deputy director - a merchandiser. He takes part in exhibitions, fairs and other events where he gets acquainted with manufacturers and the goods they offer.

    Organizes the preparation and conclusion of contracts for the supply of goods with manufacturers.

    Takes measures to fulfill contractual obligations by suppliers.

    Participates in the formation of the range of goods.

    Organizes the acceptance of goods from the supplier to the warehouses.

    Manages employees.

    External environment organizations .

    The Magnit store has several competitors located in the area:

    Table 2. "Competitors"


    Realized product groups

    Shop equipment



    dairy products,


    Bakery products,

    Tea and coffee,

    Non-grocery goods

    From 100 rub.

    video express




    dairy products,


    Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks,

    Bakery products,

    Tea and coffee,

    Non-grocery goods

    From 9 rub. 50 kopecks

    catalogue, consumer information,

    Wall and island slides, showcases, cabinets, fruit baskets, cash registers, tables, refrigeration equipment



    dairy products,



    alcoholic drinks,

    Bakery products,

    Tea and coffee,

    Wall and island slides, showcases,

    refrigeration equipment,

    The principle of operation of Magnit is to provide the buyer with the opportunity to quickly and profitably purchase a wide range of food products.

    The Magnit store is competitive, as the goods sold quality prices acceptable.

    Currently, the store has entered a period of intense competition for markets. The marketing policy of the store's activities in the market can be defined as the retention and systematic increase (by ousting competitors) of the market share.

    Magnit is competitive in terms of the following advantages:

    · Relatively low prices compared to other large grocery stores in the city.

    · Qualified and friendly staff.

    · Minimum time losses for the search and purchase of goods.

    · Additional services.

    · A wide and affordable range of goods that will be presented on the trading floor, designed for consumers with different income levels.

    · Modern equipment, which ensures the high quality of the services provided, as well as appropriate storage and "facing".

    · Implementation of programs to stimulate demand.

    · Availability of the necessary information support for consumers, including the presence of sellers - cashiers - consultants on the trading floor, information plates, price tags, promotional materials.

    Company mission: "We work to improve the well-being of our customers by reducing their cost of purchasing quality consumer goods, carefully managing company resources, improving technology and adequately rewarding."

    The purpose of the Magnit store is to sell the declared assortment by attracting customers living in the area of ​​the store and encouraging them to make a purchase by influencing visual perception, associative thinking.

    We work to improve the well-being of our customers, Development Strategy of CJSC "Tander"

    Achieving the maximum coverage area of ​​the Magnit chain of stores:

    · Strategic direction - opening stores in cities with a population of less than 500 thousand people - where 73% of the urban population of Russia lives;

    · The target audience Convenience stores are middle-income customers, which makes it possible for the Magnit network to penetrate into small towns and settlements.

    Economic relations between suppliers and buyers of goods is a very broad concept, it includes economic, administrative, legal, financial and other relations that develop between buyers and suppliers in the process of supplying goods. Rational economic ties contribute to the planned development of the economy, the balance of supply and demand, and the timely delivery of products.

    For the supply of our products, the company carefully selected suppliers.

    Suppliers are selected according to the following characteristics:

    o Qualified personnel

    o Quality product

    o Prices close to producers' prices

    o The goods are delivered by the supplier's transport

    o Fast and timely delivery of goods

    A supply contract is concluded with each of the representatives of the suppliers. In case of non-fulfillment of their obligations, suppliers pay a penalty, and the company may also refuse the services of the supplier.

    Much attention is paid to cooperation with local manufacturers and suppliers, which allows us to quickly resolve the issues of supplying chain stores with fresh locally produced goods. The company's stores offer customers the best range of popular everyday goods at reduced retail prices. A special place in the assortment is occupied by products under the private trade mark "Magnit", currently numbering more than 500 items. The company has different priorities in the formation of the basic assortment. For example, Magnit relies on fast-moving consumer goods with popular brands, a few goods with a limited shelf life and the most popular household chemicals. Magnit stores today offer more than 3,000 product items, and this assortment may vary slightly in different stores . The basis (80%) is food, the rest is related products.

    About 50% of the goods presented in the chains come through distribution channels and exclusive contracts, which is not surprising, given that all chains have grown from wholesalers. This policy, of course, affects the assortment of stores, since the concluded agreements imply the fulfillment of distribution plans.

    The company has contracts with local and non-resident suppliers-manufacturers of products:

    Table 3. "Suppliers"

    Local Suppliers

    Nonresident suppliers

    Meat gastronomy

    Dubki Concern, Family Sausages, Saratov Meat Processing Plant

    "Sochi Meat Processing Plant"

    Bakery products

    Saratov bakery named after Struzkin"

    OAO "Engelskiy Khlebokombinat"

    Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks

    ZAO Liksar

    OOO "Dikomp - Classic"

    OAO Baltika

    CJSC "Visit"

    OJSC "SUN Interbrew"

    JSC "Yarpivo"

    OOO "Rosm"

    Dairy products

    "White Valley"

    Saratov Dairy Plant,

    OJSC "EMK"

    Penza Dairy Plant, JSC Saushkin Product, JSC Wimm-Bill-Dann

    Tea and coffee

    Orimi Trade LLC, Nep LLC, Kafa Industries OJSC, MALLU GMBH

    To determine the quantity of goods, the "Autoorder" program is used:

    Autoorder is a solution for retail chains, distributors and manufacturing companies. The system allows companies to significantly reduce costs in the processes of planning and distribution of goods due to the ideal balance between minimizing average daily balances and ensuring the constant presence of goods on the shelves.

    Software tools on the AutoOrder platform allow you to purposefully solve the following groups of tasks:

    · high-quality sales forecasting;

    · control of the availability of goods and prompt detection of sorting;

    income forecast Money;

    Evaluation and analysis of the effectiveness of promotions, sales and other impacts on demand.

    Software solutions on the Autoorder platform include the following components:

    planning and optimization of purchases;

    control of the availability of goods on the shelves;

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of promotions and other impacts on demand;

    · optimization of volumes of insurance stocks.

    Solutions based on "Autoorder" allow a wide range of implementation options that take into account the specifics of business processes, the features of the collected data, and typical scenarios for using the system. Basic implementation options:

    installation of a module for calculating sales forecasts;

    building on the basis of "Autoorder" a system to support procurement planning processes;

    · outsourcing of functionality "Avtozakaz".

    The use of solutions based on the Autoorder platform provides:

    Increasing sales due to constant availability on the shelves necessary goods;

    Optimal use of the warehouse, which is not filled with an excess amount of low-liquid goods;

    Increasing the turnover of funds and reducing costs trading network;

    Increased customer loyalty due to the availability of priority products;

    minimizing the impact human factor when forecasting;

    · increasing the reliability of warehouse accounting data.


    · Daily forecasting of consumer demand for each type of product.

    Independent determination by the system based on its own forecasts optimal amount goods that must be in the store before the next delivery.

    · The use of a unique forecasting algorithm for each commodity item, which makes a forecast with maximum accuracy.

    When forecasting, additional factors are taken into account: seasonality, holiday calendars, price dynamics, life cycle goods and others.

    · Independent quality control of forecasts and system self-learning.

    · Setting up the system in accordance with the company's purchasing policy and making forecasts taking it into account.

    Figure 2. Autoorder

    Thus, with the use of "Autoorder" inventory management is optimized, turnover improves, and the shortage of goods is reduced.

    Goods supply.

    AT modern world in the sphere of commodity circulation there are processes of concentration of financial, material and labor resources within branched network structures. Large trading companies annually increase their turnover and their presence in the market. It is they who determine the pricing policy and relationships with suppliers, and also contribute, by virtue of their financial capabilities, to the introduction of progressive trade and information technologies, thereby contributing to the development of modern software products.

    Experts identify several ways to concentrate resources, among them: horizontal and vertical integration, as well as diversification.

    In the course of horizontal integration, several stores are combined within one company in order to conduct consolidated purchases of goods from suppliers and a balanced pricing policy.

    The logical consequence of horizontal integration is vertical integration, since the increase in the total gross trade turnover required the creation of a distribution center (DC) and a single control link. Thus, a modern management structure of a large grid company emerges.

    The distribution centers of the Magnit network are located in the city of Engels; they serve stores and contain most of the items in the assortment set.

    A significant part of the inventory calculated for a particular store is in the warehouse in Magnit, and deliveries from the distribution center are carried out in large quantities every two days (corporate receipt). All supplies needed are delivered. The company has its own large fleet of vehicles, with the help of which goods are delivered from the distribution center to the store, calculated by auto-order.

    The traffic route is circular, i.e. goods are delivered to 3-4 stores in one trip by one car.

    The return mileage of transport is loaded - containers, waste paper, carts from under the goods are sent from stores to the DC.

    Such a system (consisting of automated control orders, deliveries, control and accounting of the entire trading process) helps to reduce costs at all stages of product distribution.

    For execution technological operations for the acceptance, storage and dispatch of products to customers in the warehouse, the following main zones are distinguished:

    - unloading area for vehicles, which is located outside the premises;

    – Expedition of acceptance of goods, including operations for the acceptance of products in terms of quantity and quality;

    – main storage area;

    - the vehicle loading area, which is located outside the storage and acquisition area.

    The listed operating zones of the warehouse are interconnected by aisles.

    The vehicle unloading area is adjacent to the goods acceptance expedition (product acceptance area in terms of quantity and quality). The main part of the area is allocated for the product storage area. It consists of the area occupied by storage units and the area of ​​passages. The goods unloading area is used for manual unloading of vehicles, as well as for the removal of goods from the shipping container, acceptance by quantity. Goods acceptance expedition is used to receive goods by quantity and quality, to keep records of the arrived goods. At the site of preparation of goods for storage (located in the area of ​​acceptance of goods), storage places are formed. Goods enter this zone from the unloading area.

    In the storage area (the main part of the main warehouse premises), goods storage operations are performed.

    In the loading area, manual loading of vehicles takes place.

    Determination of the main parameters of the warehouse:

    Total warehouse area

    Stot = Spol + Svsp + Spr + Sset + Ssl + Spe

    where Sfloor is the usable area, i.e. the area occupied directly under the stored products (racks, and other devices for storing products), m2;

    Svsp - auxiliary (operational) area, i.e. area occupied by driveways and walkways, m2;

    Spr is the area of ​​the acceptance area, m2;

    Sset is the area of ​​the acquisition site, m2;

    Ssl is the area of ​​workplaces, i.e. the area in the premises of warehouses allocated for workplaces of warehouse workers, m2;

    Spe is the area of ​​the acceptance expedition, m2;

    In the "Store" the total warehouse area is:

    Stotal = Sfloor (40m2) + Svsp (60m2) + Spr (18m2) = 118m2

    This warehouse area is optimal for this store and contributes to an uninterrupted trade and technological process.

    After unloading and acceptance of the goods by the administration, the display begins.

    The store lays out the maximum possible number of goods, ensures the full load of the equipment shelves.

    All goods are laid out with labels and drawings on the packaging in the direction facing the buyer. Goods in contaminated deformed packaging are not posted.

    The main layout method used at this enterprise is horizontal, i.e. certain homogeneous goods are placed along the entire length of the equipment, occupying one or two shelves for each product. They use various methods of displaying goods on the shelves of equipment. They are arranged in rows, stacks, stacks. Some products are hung on special fixtures.

    They use the product display at the same time for displaying and dispensing goods. Goods that are in rare demand, as well as more expensive than similar ones located nearby, are laid out on the upper shelves. Cheap goods are placed at the bottom of the equipment, including in bulk.

    Stocks that do not fit on the trading floor are sent to the warehouse.

    Also, daily goods of local producers of frequent demand are delivered to the store (perishable bread, milk). Delivery is carried out on the basis of a supply agreement at a certain time: from 10 am to 12 pm by suppliers. These goods are not stored in a warehouse and immediately after acceptance they are laid out on the trading floor.

    Personnel Management

    products competitiveness shop staff

    The store has a total of 16 employees. Hence the proportion of managers in the total number of employees is 11.5, workers - 56.5%. Consequently, the bulk of the workers at the enterprise are workers who directly carry out the trading process.

    It should be noted that over the past 2 years the company has experienced a gradual reduction in the number of personnel due to an increase in labor productivity.

    Despite the reduction in working last years, according to the management of ZAO Tander, personnel potential enterprises have not deteriorated.

    As planned and expected, subsequent changes in the composition of the company's staff will not be as dramatic, despite the continued increase in labor productivity. More likely to happen structural changes within the labor force. Namely, it is planned to increase the share of technical and marketing staff in the total number of personnel and reduce the share of cheaper manual labor, while slightly reducing total number enterprise personnel.

    The personnel structure in the context of the company's divisions is as follows:

    Table 4. Number of employees

    The main directions of the personnel policy of the enterprise can be formulated as follows:

    1) formation of the optimal number of employees;

    2) regular advanced training of specialists;

    3) renewal and rejuvenation of personnel.

    The main objectives of the recruitment and training of personnel are the search and training of people who are able to effectively transform production, master new technologies, organize marketing, sales, installation and customer service.

    There is a staff turnover in the company. This circumstance suggests that the company does not have a policy aimed at retaining the workforce. This, in turn, leads to a decrease in labor productivity.

    At the moment, CJSC Tander has only material monetary incentives for labor, which is expressed primarily in wages, various additional payments to it, and bonuses.

    The remuneration of each employee depends on his personal labor contribution to the final result, as well as the quality of work and is not limited to the maximum size.

    CJSC operates time-bonus wages and official salaries.

    The work of workers is paid mainly in piecework-progressive form. That is, their wages are proportional to the volume of work performed by them. In addition, the worker is rewarded for exceeding the plan set for him, as well as for the amount of work performed and the level of customer service.

    The work of employees is paid in the form of a time-bonus and hourly salary.

    The system of remuneration, forms of material incentives, the size of tariff rates (salaries) is established by the administration "Regulations on bonuses for employees of Tander CJSC"

    The minimum wage in a CJSC is set at 4,400 rubles.

    In case of emergency, for the duration of their action, by joint decision of the administration and the professional committee, regardless of the results economic activity CJSC employees are guaranteed the minimum wage established in the Russian Federation, provided that they fulfill the established labor norms in a quality and timely manner ( job duties), working out completely for this period of the norm of working time.

    The remuneration of workers is made in accordance with tariff scales and salary schemes. The salaries of the categories of managers, specialists and employees are set according to the official salary schemes approved by the order for the CJSC, as well as in accordance with the order for the CJSC as multiples of the actual average salary by ZAO.

    annual rate working hours for 2010 is set:

    - with a 40-hour work week - 1995 hours

    – with a 36-hour work week – 1800 hours

    – with a 24-hour work week – 1200 hours

    The duration of daily work, breaks for rest and lunch is determined by the rules of the internal work schedule approved by the conference of employees of the enterprise.

    Rights and obligations of the administration:

    1. Carry out billing of work and assignment of qualifications to workers

    2. Continue to work on revenue growth by improving the management and service structure

    Periodically, taking into account inflation, to revise the minimum wage, setting it at a rate not lower than the minimum wage, for employees warned of layoffs, with a general increase in wages in CJSC, increase on a general basis.

    3. When fulfilling the indicators of the business plan, apply a multiplying factor to salaries and tariffs.

    4. Make surcharges for harmful conditions work, regardless of individual qualification category in the amount of up to 20% of the maximum category of work available in the given working conditions at the site, depending on the instrumental measurements of working conditions during the certification of workplaces, during the actual employment of the employee at this workplace.

    5. Surcharge for work at night (from 22:00 to 06:00) to produce in the amount of 50% tariff rate(salary).

    6. Calculation of the average earnings for vacation pay is carried out in accordance with existing regulations.

    7. Payment of remuneration for the length of service to be made monthly

    8. Pay salaries to employees of CJSC 2 times a month:

    – advance payment on the 25th–30th of the current day;

    - the salary due in the final settlement should be transferred to the accounts of plastic cards of employees, with their consent, on the 10-15th day.
    according to the decision of the administration, advanced workers may be provided with additional payments (for example, payment for training in educational institutions)

    The administration of the JSC guarantees the realization of the rights of employees to labor protection and health and ensures their safety.

    All employees of the enterprise are rewarded depending on the volume of implementation of the plan for the sale of products and are deprecated for exceeding the standard losses, which is provided for by the agreement on collective liability.

    Employees are provided with a full social package (paid leave, official salary, deductions to all funds on full wages, length of service, paid sick leave, preferential personal income tax for those who have minor children, job retention after maternity leave). The company also has an additional social package (for example, preferential vouchers to sanatoriums, New Year's gifts, etc.)

    The company does not use any unique or its own specific forms of remuneration. In addition, the enterprise does not use any of the modern forms of remuneration that have the highest level of motivational elements (for example, the systems of Halsey, Rowan, Bart, Improshe, etc.).

    Professional career growth and training at the expense of the company, stability and social security are the advantages and prospects that open up for employees.

    Recently, the share of piecework wages in the total wages of the company's personnel has been declining. And this means that the amount of wages is becoming less and less connected with the final result of labor and does not fulfill its motivational function. In addition, an increase in the share of time wages leads to an increase in the share fixed costs enterprises, which negatively affects profits with a reduction in sales volume, namely, it reduces the rate of return per unit of production with a reduction in production and sales volumes.

    Wage the seller today consists of: salary and bonuses. Salary = 4400 rubles. and depends on the calendar days worked in the month. The bonus depends on: standard losses, the share of hours worked, taking into account KTU and US, the state, the established level of wages in the locality.

    The workers have a stimulating role of the bonus, since the bonus depends on personal merit.

    Presenter of the 7th Synthesis of Fundamentals

    conducted in 2010-2013.

    Leading Synthesis

    Aspect Turchanova Elena.

    (Take into account changes to new Standards).

    7 CuOg Manifestation of fire.

    Irkutsk 09.11 V.S.

    Practice Magnet

    And in the 7th Synthesis we go through a topic like "Magnet". There is a 7th practice, which is called the Magnet. She has a different attitude. The practice itself is strong, it was tested, there, a long time ago ... That is, in principle, Synthesis began with the practice of Magnet, because at first we were taught Magnet for 5 years so that we could endure Fire and Synthesis, therefore this is the 7th practice. Above is only the Practice of Synthesis, where you already master Synthesis and, as they say, synthesize different possibilities, that is, freely, performing some actions with Synthesis.

    Therefore, it is very important here, here, hear , it is very important to magnetize yourself, in a good sense of the word, but to magnetize not with some, there, natural effects, but Fire of Father and Mother.

    "Magnet" itself - he ... the word is a bit technical, but correct. M- mother's letter agni- fire, and T- Theo is the Father, therefore the Magnet is the Mother and Father by Fire in Unity. Accordingly, from the technical name it turns out to be quite realized.

    The meaning of the Magnet is that you are synthesizing with the Father. The Father directs Fire at your synthesis, you are filled with Fire. This Fire further, having filled up, direct the Mother, the Mother of the Planet, the Mother of the Metagalaxy, but already through the legs. Synthesize with the Mother of the Metagalaxy, kindle with its Fire. The Fire of the Mother of the Metagalaxy goes through your legs through you to the Father, and you direct it to the Father.

    And when the Fire of the Father and the Fire of the Mother are synthesized in your body, firstly, the synthesis of two Fires works - Yin, Yang, Father and Mother, and secondly, the so-called compactification works, when the two Fires merge into a single whole. Remember, the two parts themselves are heterogeneous, but when they form a new whole, the strength grows by several orders of magnitude. Here also a new whole is formed from two Fires, inside you the power of Fire grows by several orders of magnitude. As a result, your parts, your systems are strengthened by this Fire, and you flare up with the so-called magnetic Fire.

    Magnetic Fire is no longer the Fire of the Father or Mother, but it is already your personal Fire, that is, when two Fires stood up for you, fixed and formed into wholeness, as soon as one wholeness was born from two Fires, you began to have your own Fire. This is very important.

    That is, the magnetic Fire develops your own Fire, and the Father, the Mother, in fact, give you their volumes of Fire for development. You can fill only with the volume that you can fill. Accordingly, to be afraid that it will overflow above the roof, it is impossible for something to happen there, Father and Mother measure clearly in preparation.

    Moreover, in Magnit you can fill in at once and at several presences, and in several 16-fold, there, 32-fold for the future, what you will acquire. That is, in different, in different ways. You have formed a magnetic Fire, the Magnet did not end there, it ended, we call it the “technical part”. Next comes the so-called mental image. With us, when acquiring Awareness, each Human necessarily acquires or surrenders to the Lord a mental image.

    What is a mental image? This is a short text, very capacious, preferably with a deep meaning, preferably with a deep essence, yes, which unambiguously indicates the direction of activity, more or less unambiguously. It is clear that there is a multi-meaning text. And the mental image directs the Fire to where you have fixed it. That is, having said a mental image, you wrote it into this Fire, and then this Fire of this Magnet will act according to this thought image until the Fire ends, and you fully assimilate it. Did you see?

    The mental image itself is phrases. Such a simple phrase, that is, some say not a mental image, but simply a text, as an appeal, as a practice. In principle, this is possible. Fire writes down any text, but the mental image is the 8th sphere of Thought, and if you wrote down the mental image, Amatica turned on as the 8th presence, and Amatica transforms, denies the old matrices. If you have written down the mental image, there is a transformation.

    If you wrote down a simple text - this is the Word, the Word is the 2nd practice, this is Ether, it will affect your life, but it will not necessarily transform you. That is, depending on the quality of the text that you write down on the magnetic Fire, your magnetic Fire, some kind of action by this Fire about you results. ( Question: "What topic can I?") Any topic. A magnet is any topic in plain text. Moreover, some say: "Here is the Magnet, there, the Father and the Mother - this is only for ascent." And what, Father and Mother do not develop life? And why can't you make a Magnet for your work, for your family, to overcome some problems, to create Fire, as a potential, to get through and move something off the dead center?

    Our students even take an exam in Magnit. Rent - learn one ticket, enter the Magnet. We have one unbelieving student, she was 16 years old then. Mom and daughter went, but she doesn’t really believe.

    I say:

    Enter Magnet, hand over.

    - I'll check.

    I learned one ticket, entered Magnit, went in, took this particular ticket. I almost fell, so that the teacher was surprised:

    - What happened to you?

    And the teacher is joyful: “She doesn’t know the ticket,” but she has the ticket number, because she was never lucky. In Magnit - that's it, I took the right ticket, handed it in, got 5. For all my "failures" I got 5. She comes in shock, the person does not believe, but it's already difficult not to believe. And this is the torment of a non-believer who becomes a believer, then she read the Youth Synthesis with us, that is, she grew up, in general, like this. Ltd! Highly a good thing. Here is such a moment.

    That is, the Masters teach, so there are different options. I'm not saying it's good not to study. I just showed that if necessary, faith will be brought up in any way - that is, on the Magnet, on your magnetic knowledge, the corresponding questions will be attracted. Therefore, the Magnet is not only a practice when you have done and are waiting. You go somewhere for a reception, you enter the magnetic Fire and in the fire of the Father and the Mother you feel yourself not only as a person. You know, like in a cartoon, but like a light hand on half the planet, in which case, move the situation in the right direction.

    It is clear that Fire itself has Standards, and if there are violations of free Will, an unethical attitude towards another, then it may start on your development. That is, it will help not in overcoming, but in your development. That is, the standards should not be violated. This is elementary: free will, do not deceive, do not steal, ethics, simply, elementary. But, basically, the given mental image effectively acts and works.

    The only thing we see in Magnets is one problem. Some of us say: "Here the Magnet does not work." When we delve into a situation: a person does not make a Magnet, but thinks a Magnet. He thought that he synthesized with the Father and caused the Fire. He does not feel Fire, but he knows that Fire exists. He thought that he let the Fire pass through him and synthesized with the Mother. He does not feel the synthesis with the Mother, but he thinks that there is Fire from the Mother, because he said that he was synthesised with the Mother. Feel the magnet? I don't even want to go on. The language itself shows that there is no Magnet in it. That is, when you artificially make a Magnet, this is not a practice, it is an artificiality.

    That is, it is necessary to distinguish the practice when the Fire of the Father is invoked by synthesis with it, and you aspire to the synthesis of the Father, and ask for the Fire of the Father, and the Fire fills you. It is necessary to achieve the residence of Fire. And far-fetchedness - but this is the case everywhere, when the Mind slips some kind of laf, and you simply think of performing the Magnet.

    (He speaks in a monotone voice.) “I am synthesized with the Father, kindled by his Fire. I pass his Fire, synthesize with the Mother, kindle ... ”- of course, such a song, Magnet, is called. Everything. Such a magnet will not work. Even if you said everything by the rules. That is, the Magnet does not obey verbal spells. Open text. No matter how many words you say, he is purple, he is Will - this is the 7th practice. A magnet needs a practiced action. That is, when you evoke the Fire of the Father and learn to do it. Therefore, I advise you, simply, based on the experience of previous years. Here, new groups meet there, just now they met with Ulan-Ude there, Chelo arrived from Vladivostok. Some people sometimes look like this and say:

    - Well, there you are, almost like you always were.

    The Master also taught me Synthesis, and the Avatar of Synthesis, and started with the Magnet. Moreover, I cannot say that I am an ideal and comfortable person for everyone. But, as I have practiced the Magnet for many years, as soon as the Chelo approaches me, I automatically have synthesis with the Lord, and the Fire of the Magnet is ignited, like a magnetic Fire. What does Magnetic Fire do? Attracts. It’s not artificial, it’s already natural... This body is so magnetized that I can’t get away from it, and even this sometimes hurts because sometimes the Person is attracted, with whom it is interesting to interact, and sometimes everything, just to be attracted. You, excuse the expression, here they are:

    - We have a question.

    - Forgot.

    All attracted. This is what I call attracted to the Fire. Well, neither bad nor good. Well, come on. Well, stay there, listen to the answers of others. No, they came

    - Yes, I have a question.

    Just pulled up, I forgot. Because in a strong Fire or simply in a magnetic Fire an unimportant question disappears from any head. Therefore, you will have the same. Not with me, among themselves. That is, when you work out the Magnet, if you approach each other, and someone's question disappears - this is an insignificant question, this is not a question of the Chelo. In principle, you may even begin to do so now. This is the normal consequence of the Magnet, it is the practice of the Will. BUT Will is when there is a uniquely executed action. Basically, it's all about practice. but you need to earn it for years, constantly practicing. You won't get a quick, elemental Magnet, but the effect exceeds all expectations. Call up any Fire at any moment, be attracted magnetically to any presence.

    Let's say we have the 7th Synthesis. You just see how I entered, and how I became, the Synthesis began, as it were, I do nothing. But at that moment, the Fire of the 7 Presences was synthesized magnetically in me. And you, perhaps, are sitting, physically, and I am standing, atmic, but I am standing on the physical floor, because the Atmic Fire of the 7th presence revolves around me like a Magnet. He is attracted to me by the Magnet, that is, as soon as I enter the hall and say: “Well, we started” or, there, without “well” - “Begin”, at that moment I go out to synthesis with the Lord. And, automatically, it has worked out over the years that the Magnet of the 7th Synthesis works to put me in the 7th presence. Put not up, but synthesize 7 presences in one. The same thing happened in my senior year - 23 presences in one. And this synthesis of several presences into one whole, physical, is accumulated only by the Magnet. It is possible to synthesize presences as much as you like, but if the magnetic Fire of each presence is not accumulated, they are unsynthesized, that is, they are not magnetized to each other.

    For this for some time you have been making Magnets on different Presences. We embarked on the 4th presence consciously, as in immersion, as in Miracle, to some saint we went to the temple. From this temple they were synthesized with the Father, kindled by Fire. Synthesized with the Mother, ignited by Fire. We entered the mental Magnet, but in such a way that the physical body, at the same time, lived, and you saw yourself in the body that stands in the Magnet. Mental will begin to be attracted to Physics? Definitely. Because you are standing in that body, in this body, one Magnet is acting, and two bodies will begin to fuse magnetically. As a result, you will begin to walk 4-presence.

    It is clear that it is better to work out first with the second presence, with the third, fourth. I did the same. With the fifth, sixth, 16th. And here it is, here, the fusion of the Fire of different presences and their synthesis among themselves is carried out by magnetic Fire, and this expression, as a variant.

    Another option. The same for the Worlds. 4 presences in the Magnet of the Physical World(8 presences). And you will begin to gradually live through Mental, Astral, Ether. 4 presences in the Magnet of the Subtle World(8 presences). The same thing - you will begin to live in the Subtle World. You can have 8 presences - in the Subtle-Physical world. You will begin to experience the synthesis of the 8 presences, and the first evolution will begin. Work, sometimes boring, but interesting. If a Magnet flares up in you, at least in any of the presences, your sensations will change, a different way of living will appear, yes, of this presence, and then you will go there as if you were at home. This is how you walk in Physics. Here, some ask: “Well, how are you standing?” How do I know how I go home. I, here, walked like this, magnetized, walked, magnetized. At some point, it collapsed, high-quality Fire grew out of the number of walks, and I need it, I got up there, I live Fire, I see the nearest situations there, or, in general, I don’t watch it. I simply invoke the Fire of Presence upon myself, magnetize it, spin it around me, and synthesize 7 presences into one. Body. Because it is magnetized by the Fire of each presence. Did you see? We saw. Here, this practice is still developing. I want you to go there too.

    And such a moment. Some people think: “Well, that’s sort of, well, that’s understandable, then we’ll do it.” I assure you, we had a lot of Chelos who leave the Magnet for later. And you just need a small, specific, boring, daily work. Simple.

    Go from home to work. Synthesized with the Father, missed the Fire, synthesized with the Mother. You go anyway. What to think about anyhow, they made a mental image of work and in the Magnet to study, to work. So as not to be distracted later, well, let's go. There is practice. Go back - same thing. You can use those intervals when you are on the move and are not busy with anything else, your legs are moving, your head can work on other topics. On the other hand, Fire is easier to live in motion, because when you are static, it is difficult for Fire to attach itself to you. When you are in motion, it finds your rhythm and enters exactly when the muscles are busy with movement. They don't really realize what's going on, but he's in. Did you see? We saw. That means there are many options. The main thing is to want. And then the Magnet begins to develop.

    Beckons 32 chakras into one Soul.

    A magnet of 32 thoughts into one Soul, right?

    Magnet of 32 forces into one Soul. Maybe? Maybe. Development? Development.

    That is, in order for your chakras to act with each other and enter the Soul, you need a magnetic synthesis of the chakras. Roughly speaking, 32 chakras, they need to be learned, though, where, what is there and how? You pass the Fire of the Father magnetically. Only the Fire of the Father is special - for the chakras, that is, not every Fire. There, synthesize with the chakras, ask for the Fire of the Father from the chakras. For the Father it is Fire, for you it is adapted to the chakras. We missed it, and we synthesize 32 chakras into a single Soul of the Astral presence. Did you see?

    Soul Synthesis. Magnet? Also Magnet.

    If you miss the Fire of the Father and Mother, the chakras will begin to interact with each other. The spheres of thought will begin to interact with each other. Option? Option.

    That is, it already helps to develop your parts . At the same time, please do not acquire Fire in order to fill the chakras. I emphasize that Fire must pass through the chakras. And then, some conclude:

    - Vitalik said to fill all the chakras with Fire.

    You can’t do this, otherwise the chakras will stop feeling. Just like thoughts will disappear together with Fire. To skip the Fire of the Magnet does not mean to fill the chakras or spheres of Thought with Fire. Moreover, the spheres of Thought are in the Chalice and in the Fire. There should be half a bowl of Fire. Did you see? Therefore, in no way did I say that the chakras should be ignited by Fire, accumulate Fire. I just said: let the Fire of the Father and Mother pass through the chakras, and flare up with magnetic Fire in the Soul, which is now accumulating Fire at the top. And, accordingly, the Fire from the Soul goes through all the chakras, including. Moreover, and Fire, it is necessary not anyhow, but it is better to ask from the Father's chakras. The same is from the Mother's chakras. That is, learning to work. And it will also be a magnet. This will stimulate the development of your parts in all directions. Everything.

    Everything else is your creativity. Whatever you want, then create. The main thing is that there is no Magnet without Father and Mother. It happens with us: a Magnet synthesized with the Father, ignited by the Fire of the Father, a mental image. It is not a Magnet, there is no Mother. A magnet is always a synthesis of two in a third. Sometimes, the Magnet is a synthesis of four in the fifth. Let's get there now. Sometimes, Magnet is a synthesis of two, in two, or in a team. Now there will be a Magnet of the group. Father-Mother, and synthesis, let them be hundreds in one Fire of the Magnet.

    Accordingly, for each person, the magnetic Fire increases by the number involved in the practice. Too group magnet do useful. We will go into it now. There is.

    And another form of the Magnet, it is diverse, 4, 8, 10 exponents of Fire can participate there. That is, we are synthesizing with the Father, passing the Fire of the Mother, synthesizing with the Mother, passing the Fire, directing to the Father. We burst with magnetic Fire. We synthesize with the Lord Kut Hoomi, kindle it with Fire, skip it, give it to the Lady. Synthesize with the Lady, pass the Fire, give it to the Master, flare them up with Fire, and this is the so-called godmother Magnet: Father - Mother, Lord - mistress, let's say leading you. And 4 Fires are fixed on you, flashing whole in the center of you. Did you see? We saw. Everything. 4-fold Magnet.

    We had complex systems when you need to get ready quickly. Then, we synthesized: the Lord, for example, Kut-Humi - Fain, Morya - Light, Father - Mother. In fact, the 6-fold Magnet. That is, there are different versions of the Magnet, but there is one subtlety here. The more couples participate in this, the stronger your synthesis must be in order to hold the Fire of the previous ones, continue to give and absorb it, and synthesize with new ones. Did you see? Therefore, it is easiest for our Humans to withstand the Magnet of the Father - Mother or godfather: Father - Mother, Lord - Lady. Already an additional pair of Lords can knock down the rhythm of the Magnet, and the Chelo can not stand it. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare specially for this: to intensify the Fire, to intensify the magnetism. This is, somewhere, the second, third, fourth stage of work. But it's very helpful.

    Let's say here is a Dharma book. We just burned it with the Fire of the Father, it burned down. And we could enter the Fire of the Father, the Fire of the Mother, be kindled by the Magnet, synthesize with Morya, with the Lady Light, be kindled by the Magnet, and read the Dharma book, letting in the Fire of Morya or the Fire of the Lady Light from the eyes with light. We read with light. It would be easier for some. I don't guarantee that from the first time, but gradually... Also in the Magnet lay a mental image: there, I ask you to see it, there, read it - formulate it. Everything. A mental image, let's say, I ask you to see ..., to express the vision of the text of the Dharma book by yourself. Express the vision of the text of the Dharma book with oneself- mental image. The meaning is conveyed, there is depth, there will be flashing eyes, there will be reading. Here, here is a capacious phrase, it is immediately aimed at several areas of activity. Here is the mental image.

    Or a verbal text: please, the word “please”, remove it, “read a fragment of the Dharma book on the page that opened to me.” It's not a mental image - it's a text. The fire, of course, will write down this text, and say: “Well, okay,” and slowly go to perform. As sent, and executed, slowly. Why? Because the 8th level of thought, mental image is Fire. Eight is Fire. And the second level is Effort. And Fire also needs to make an effort to fulfill this ( laughs.) You will say: “Yes, the Fire is inanimate, it will not understand.” He has standards, he clearly fulfills the standards. You said a phrase according to the standards of the 2nd level, he performs the second level. You have built a mental image according to the standards of the 8th level - it has the speed of execution according to the standards of the 8th level. That is, he does not think himself, he has standards.

    After all, Fire, what, for what was it created? So as not to harm you. If you said according to the standards of the 2nd level, it means that all of a sudden you no longer need it, he fulfills it according to them. Is it logical? Logically. That is just a performer. And we must correctly think, correctly formulate and correctly express. And what is the effect? If you learn to build mental images in Magnets, then you will learn how to overcome situations very effectively, capaciously and deeply. Because if you suddenly, urgently, need to overcome the situation, you need to urgently put together a mental image, and ask the Lord for conditions on this mental image. Then the conditions will immediately come to Physics. If there is no mental image, you asked for conditions, wait for an answer. And the answer, right away, and the answer, right away: "The conditions will come, the conditions will come." They arrived two days later. There is no mental image, you understand, that is, there is no such magnet that attracts conditions for fulfillment immediately. You never know what the situation is there? That is, the ability to quickly formulate mentally, helps to attract conditions. Because the conditions are also 8, from the House of the Father. And they are attracted to the mental image, literally, that's how it should be, automatically.

    Up to the point that magnetic Fire will then wind up in you and in your head, in your brain, there will be, to put it mildly, the Fire of the Magnet. And any existing, correct, correct thought will begin to be attracted to execution.

    With us, we are driving with one Lead in the car, they are taking me, and the phrase:

    - I'm tired of going fast, I wish I could go slowly.

    Once, freely, we wrap it somewhere. 20 minutes, we leave further. Cork. Not standing still, riding in this city. She says:

    - There were never any traffic jams.

    I say:

    Well, you wanted to drive slowly.

    She looks at me like this:

    - I'm not to blame.

    I say:

    And I didn't say.

    We drive slowly. Then it comes to her:

    - But that's not what I meant.

    I say:

    Who cares? The main thing is that it came true. You are in magnetic Fire, we are going to Synthesis. I have a kindling with the Lord, you have a kindling for a meeting. We are moving where we need to go. You say in the Fire the phrase:

    - I'm tired of going fast, I wish I could go slow.

    The phrase is spoken from the heart. Well, the man is tired, but said out loud. The Magnet worked automatically, moreover, two serious, competent Leaders of Synthesis, who, in principle, move in the Fire of the Lord, even in a car.

    The traffic jam was organized in 15 minutes, while we were there, so, I threw my suitcase there, while I got out, while we left - a traffic jam. Everything. I say:

    Rest, there is time, and I am preparing for practice, for Synthesis.

    We laughed. So, when a person has gained magnetism, is the Leader of the Synthesis, he must, excuse me, filter even a phrase. Because what was said, seemingly from the bottom of my heart, in the hearts: “how tired I am of wandering around the city.” Well, like, now let's have a rest, we'll get to Synthesis without a car, I want to slowly. You yourself do not drive slowly, which means you asked to be arranged for this, you are ashamed of yourself. Arranged. Here, 15-20 minutes. What happened there, we did not even understand. It's just that everyone moved slowly. Their images on the road began to flicker, everyone began to slow down. Literally, in three seconds a traffic jam formed, there, in the eyes, it ripples. Did you see? We saw.

    This is how it works Magnit automation and practice automation. Effective. We laughed. I say:

    Take off the thought so as not to be late.

    Withdrew. And there, after 5-10 minutes, everything resolved, and we drove quickly. But the idea had to be removed. It was possible to go slowly in the stream. Usually the three most fast cars in all ranks, so as not to go around, and chase each other, 20 kilometers per hour. Everyone else is waiting for them to overtake each other. In principle, the traffic jam is moving, but the traffic jam: rest, elementary.

    Practice. You will say: “Does the Lord get distracted by this?” The Lord is not distracted by this. The standards of Fire, Spirit, Light are triggered, and the closest performers who want to serve the magnetic Fire and fulfill the mental image of the 8th presence, and ascend by this, immediately absorb the conditions and begin to fulfill. Here is such a moment.

    We act. Magnet. We will invent a mental image along the way, or the Lord will dictate.


    Acquisition from the Primordial Higher Father of the Metagalaxy of Fire of the manifestation of the Magnet, the realization of the Magnet. Acquisition of the program of magnetic development of ascent

    We are kindled by all the accumulated Fire. Let us kindle with all the Fire of Initiations and preparations of each of us. In this Fire, we synthesize with the Primordial Superior Father of the Metagalaxy and pass into his hall on the 64th Superior presence of the Metagalactic manifestation.

    In this fire we we acquire from the Primordial Superior Father of the Metagalaxy the Fire of the manifestation of the Magnet in each of us and, opening as much as possible to the Primordial Higher Father of the Metagalaxy, we are filled with his Fire in the synthesis of all possible parts, systems and apparatuses of each of us.

    Continuing to absorb Fire in synthesis with the Primordial Superior Father, we emanate the Fire of each of us from the Primordial Superior Mother of the Metagalaxy, synthesizing with the Initially Superior Mother of the Metagalaxy, she entered the hall. Emanating and giving to the Mother the Fire of the Primordial Superior Metagalaxy Father, which comes from us, and acquiring its Fire from the Primordial Superior Metagalaxy Mother, kindling it, and maximally openly filling with the Fire of the Initially Superior Metagalaxy Mother.

    Being filled with the Fire of the Initially Higher Mother of the Metagalaxy, we emanate its Fire to the Initially Higher Father and enter the Ring of Synthesis, ignited by the Fire of the Father, we emanate from the Mother, synthesising with her, ignited by the Fire of the Mother, filling up, emanate to the Father, synthesising with him and including the constant flow of Fire from the Father through each of us of the Mother. From the Mother through each of us to the Father, and in their synthesis we are kindled, kindled and ignite with magnetic fire.

    And, ignited by the whole Magnetic Fire in the synthesis of the Father-Mother by each of us, we acquire the realization of the Magnet in the expression of any Hypostases of the Foundations(for the Syntheses of Fire) and the Hypostases of the Synthesis by each of us in a deep magnetic transformation and expression of any thought images of the manifestation of the Primordial Higher Father by each of us, and the expression of the Magnet by any variants of Life by each of us. And, ignited by this Fire, we emanate Fire for the fulfillment of this mental image, kindling the mental image with this Fire.

    And in this Fire we are synthesized with the Primordial Higher Lord Kut-Humi, kindled by his Fire, filled with the Fire of the Lord, and continuing to burn with the Fire of the Father through us, synthesizing with the Mother, giving her the Fire of the Father. Fire of the Mother through us, synthesizing with the Father, giving him the Fire of the Mother from us. And, ignited by the Fire of the Lord Kut Humi, we fill it with Fire, emanate to the Primordial Superior Lady Fayin. Synthesizing with her, kindling with her Fire, emanating the Fire of the Lord Kut Hoomi to her. We fill with the Fire of the Lady Fayin and emanate her Fire to the Lord Kut Khumi in synthesis with him. And we enter the Fourfold Magnet of the Initially Higher Father of the Metagalaxy and the Initially Higher Mother of the Metagalaxy, the Initially Higher Masters of Kut Humi, Fayins of the Metagalactic manifestation.

    And, flashing with the Fourfold Magnet, we acquire from the Primordial Superior Lord Kut Humi the program of magnetic development of the ascent for each of us. And, ignited by this Fire, we flare up with the fourfold integral Fire of the Magnet.

    And in this Fire, we thank the Primordial Superior Lady Fain, the Primordial Superior Lord Kut Khumi. (Pause.) We thank the Primordial Superior Mother of the Metagalaxy and thank the Primordial Superior Father of the Metagalaxy, the Primordial Superior Lord Kut Hoomi. And we emanate directly in the hall of the Primordial Superior Father of the Metagalaxy the magnetic Fire with ourselves into the House of the Initially Superior Father ___ Manifestations.

    And in this Fire we return to the physical presence, we are ignited by the whole Fire of the Magnet, and we emanate everything contracted and ignited into the Primordial House of the Primarily Superior Father, into the House of the Initially Superior Father ___ Manifestations, into all the Primordial Houses and Groups of participants in this practice and the Primordial House of everyone.

    And we're out of practice. Amen

    Comment after practice

    Here, at first the classical Magnet, and then the Lord said to strengthen it with the 4-fold Magnet. Please.

    We've kind of tried to keep enough pauses for you to get along. If you, slowly, with taste, with arrangement, open deeper and deeper, then, in principle, Magnets will be obtained, you will live them. The accommodation was good. The accommodation of the group is fixed on me: for me it was a good accommodation. Previous practice in this respect has been simpler, and less outgoing from the group, than this one.

    So, to put it mildly, practice. I can't say: practice, because practice is when it makes sense to do something. And in the beginning, you just need to magnetize, train, and with this meaning, proceed further.

    Magnet, that's all. That is, the practice itself, it is so simple, but the effect and results are great.

    Pillar. Pillar Practice

    Here we are gradually developing small developments of certain practices.

    The Pillar is also included in the practice of the Magnet, it belongs to the practices of the 7th expression and activates, among other things, magnetic expressions. That is, if we are talking about the Fire that goes from the Father to the Mother through us, and we see this flow, then we will see, in principle, a certain Pillar of Fire, only flowing, which gradually stands. Therefore, to some extent, this crowding is fixed, in fact, by the Magnet. We can say that the Pillar, to some extent, is a part of the Magnet. But the Pillar, it's more versatile. Actually, the Pillar begins with the synthesis of your parts.

    Now, imagine you have 7-aboutth Synthesis, and you have seven 16s on 7 presences: 16 parts, 16 parts, 16 parts, and so on.

    Pillar of the Image of the Father

    Pillar of the Word of the Father

    Pillar of the Father's House

    7th 16th row

    6th 16th row

    5th 16th row

    4th 16th row

    3rd 16th row

    2nd 16th row

    1st 16th row

    Figure 4

    Here, we take the Image of the Father. You have 7 Images of the Father. Naturally, they are all more or less the same, but they differ. Identical - according to the standard, differ - in dimensions and presences.

    The Pillar suggests that the 7th Image of the Father is fixed and interacts with the 6th, is fixed, synthesized and interacts with the 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, first. And the mutual response begins when each Image of the Father is divided into the corresponding records: there, Ideas, Thoughts, Feelings, yes. And records of different Ideas, Feelings are united among themselves. The fire-images become open to each other, they begin to share interacting information with each other. And gradually a single environment of the 7 Fire Images is born, whole, indivisible, balanced, standard, where all presences are uniform and united among themselves. And this whole organic expression is called the Pillar.

    When you have achieved this integral Fire, this Pillar includes the fixation of the Primordial Superior Father of the Metagalaxy.

    That is, The pillar is where the Father is present. But if you organized two, three Pillars in parts, in theory, you can 16, into all parts, then, here, you connected these Pillars to each other in the same way, and then synthesized 16 Pillars into one central one, where 16 parts are born in synthesis, in this central Pillar, there is not just a fixation of the Father, but the Father directs a part of his direct Fire there, and the Pillar is the Father himself. That is, the Pillar is where the Father is present. Did you see?

    That is, the task of the Pillar is to synthesize both identical parts among themselves, and other, hierarchically located parts.

    It can be stated that in the synthesis of 7 Images of the Father, the Pillar of the Image of the Father is born, and the Image of the Father is born, integral 7-fold at the first presence.

    In the synthesis of the 7 Words of the Father, a Pillar is born, then this Pillar is compactified and the Word of the Father is born, one on the second . Soul, Throne, Grail, Faith, and Transvisor.

    Pillar of the Image of the Father

    Pillar of the Word of the Father

    Pillar of the Father's House

    Transvisor Father

    7th 16th row

    Faith of the Father

    6th 16th row

    Grail of the Father

    5th 16th row

    Throne of the Father

    4th 16th row

    Soul of the Father

    3rd 16th row

    Word of the Father

    2nd 16th row

    Image of the Father

    1st 16th row

    Figure 5

    And a Pillar of 7 central parts is possible, the so-called presence parts inside each of which is a Pillar of separate 7 parts inside, yes.

    And in as a result, the final Pillar is born for 7 Syntheses of the 7-fold expression of each of you. Pillar. Naturally, in the 7-presence Pillar, 7 Presences are already synthesizing among themselves, and you begin to develop an inter-presence synthesis. It can also be said that Pillar of presences by synthesis of parts. Pillar? Pillar.

    If we want to deepen even more, each part of this Pillar, we synthesize with a part of the Father: we synthesize the Image of the Father with the Image of the Father, the Word of the Father - with the Word of the Father, the Soul - with the Soul of the Primordial Superior Father of the Metagalaxy on the 3rd presence. What is presence? Expression of the Father, where he is present with his corresponding part. Synthesized with the Father by each part, as a result, your Pillar is synthesized with the Pillar of the Father by its seven parts in merger - the famous: "I and my Father are one." Having achieved such a merger, then you can enter the Magnet, and living will become even deeper. So, up, out, whatever. This is called the practice of the Pillar.

    If you want to deepen your oneness and quality, the Pillar is the second practice after the Magnet and is the most important in Synthesis.

    There is a third Miracle. There is a fourth Dhyana to be able to think. Without these 4 practices, Synthesis will not work out normally for you. Of course, you will say: “But what about without Hum?” Without Hum it will be hard, but it will work out. How about practice? The words? If you can think, learn to speak. Mental, simple. But what about Psychodynamics? It is necessary. Psychodynamics is better to develop. But then everything needs to be developed.

    But, behold, universal... Synthesis begins with the Magnet, because there is a synthesis of the Father and Mother by Fire. Then the Synthesis is developed by the Pillar. This is also the 7th practice, it enters, as a part, into the Magnet, synthesizing the parts among themselves so that you become whole, organic and comfortable. That is, in principle, this is one practice of the Magnet by the Pillar. I hope no one canceled the ability to think, Dhyana, because if you do not know how to think, you will not formulate what you need.

    And Miracle is walking through the presences. Synthesis, the exclusive of Synthesis is walking through the presences and the ability to live present-metagalactically.

    By the way, the Pillar is also a Synthesis exclusive, just like the Magnet. Because, although we offered Magnet practice to many schools - well-known schools. Some even took fragments of it and perform it as they see it.

    But the classic Magnet is what we performed with you. That is, we freely share information, so long as people ascend in other places. That is, we understand that this is the Will of the Father: to fulfill the magnetism that will elevate us to a higher Synthesis.

    So is Stolp. It is the Will of the Father to express our expression in pillars. But the Pillar is already the 23rd part (15th part, 23rd - Sword) Primarily Superior Father, the 23rd part of ours. Therefore, starting to practice Pillar, you must understand that for you, this is a rather serious and big prospect. It is, in fact, the Will of the Universe. Unlike the Body, which is now the Will of the Metagalaxy, or the Transvisor, which is the Will of the Planet, here is the 7th part, which we are gradually approaching. Everything. With the Pillar, understand?

    There is nothing special to practice the Pillar, you just need to work it out. I can't even do it with you like a Magnet, because I will lead the Pillar, and you only if you practice one part with another part, two parts with a third part, three parts with a fourth part into a 4-part Pillar , opening each part in synthesis, deepening, introducing them into wholeness among themselves and giving birth to a 4-present, 4-part synthesis of these 4- yox parts to each other in the Pillar Expression of the Primordial Superior Father in us. Such a simple mental image could be automatically, right now, fulfilled. Just a question, with what parts? Everything.

    Here, here is the power. when we speak about the power of communication with other Masters, two things are assumed: pillars and magnetism.

    Here, think. You go into the office. Basically, it's Miracle. But Miracle is a more complex form of interaction. It is impossible without pillars. Why? To gather in the office of the Lord, you need to synthesize all your parts. You can go into the office, but become there the Synthesis of the first presence. Naturally, the Lord's answer will be according to the Synthesis of the first presence.

    And you can become in the office of the Lord a synthesis of 7 Syntheses, 7 16s, contracted on 7 Syntheses, or 7 16s in the synthesis of 16 Pillars. What I have just explained. The answer of the Lord will be completely different to any of these stated positions. In some ways they may be similar, but the Lord, giving an answer, even by sound or thought, he simultaneously gives Fire.

    Accordingly, Fire for one Synthesis Image, for 7 Synthesis Images, for 16 parts in synthesis and for 16 Pillars of the central Pillar, and even in the synthesis of the Father, will be completely different. And the Fire that stimulates your development will be, I would say, exactly the opposite. Just went to the Lord. And so, everywhere: to any Master, to any Lady, to the Father. All. The entire Hierarchy takes into account your pillars with which you appeared at the beginning, and then your quality, which you carry with this crowd.

    That is, first they check the depth of the dignity of the exit: are you in what or what are you? And then the quality - what content do you carry in this? You say, why not vice versa? Because in the Father's Word, form is 11, Goloversum, perception, and Word, content, is 10.

    From top to bottom - form first. From the bottom up - at first the content, paradoxical as it may seem. Did you see? There is nowhere to go. The form is just as important as the content.

    Moreover, we underestimate the form, we believe that, as it were, the content is more important. No. There is an American study, I often talk about it, 20-30 years old. They are so stubborn, and there was a grant. They examined pregnant women of different constitutions. So, here, they calculated that from the constitution of a woman, from the correct structure, moreover, depending on different proportions. Here, the constitution, there. A woman should have a waist of any proportions, even full, even thin. Visibility of the waist should be.

    The health of the fetus depends on the shape of the body of a pregnant woman. Moreover, it depends so much that it gives such economical effect that after that a special program for women was adopted, developing a figure shape for different constitutions before pregnancy, and included in state program. They know how to count money. Just like that, into the wind, they will not be thrown. Moreover, they proved that if a child is carried by a woman of the appropriate form, according to her constitution, he will not only get sick less, he will be by himself, healthier than his peers. The study was carried out for 20-30 years. Research needs to be understood. This is what is called form.

    Accordingly, you came to the Lord in a form swollen with fat, or became her. I understand that you will say that the higher bodies, there, they do not swim with fat. They swim away from ugliness, from wrong thought, from wrong perception.

    - I went to the Lord.

    And very often I ask:

    Are you fit?

    - Ouch!

    Are you in student or human uniform?

    - Ay!

    There was a girl, Leading now: she left a human skirt, put on a student's jacket, a hat - Leading. The most interesting form. Never seen this before. So, I changed clothes, synthesized everything. I say:

    Who are you now? Leading?

    - I'm in synthesis.

    I say:

    You will ask a question as a host - this is one answer. How Chelo is another answer. As a person is the third answer. What question interests you?

    I thought. I say:

    This had to be done before Vladyka's office.

    The form. This is called the form, and then the content. I thought: what answer does she need? Those are different answers. Did you see? We saw.

    Here, Pillar, let's go. This is also clear. Here the practices are small, you just need to practice and work out.

    Pillar of Man and Pillar of Man

    Today we dismantled the Pillar of Parts, and you, in principle, may have two more Pillars that are useful for work. it Pillar of Man and Pillar of Man. Moreover, we usually do not think about them, and do not think that this is important, but in fact, it is from these Pillars that, one might say, our “I” is formed according to the presences. You can, of course, add here the Leader's Pillar, but so far we have not developed the Leader so deeply that he would have such an expressible Pillar so that he could be distinguished, despite the fact that we have been dealing with the Leaders for several years. Chelo, after all, have the experience of the previous era, so there are more savings.

    Here, into the Chelo Pillar, all your Initiations enter - once, necessarily. Moreover, it is advisable to ask the Lord, and it is better to know. You don't know: you simply kindle yourself with all the Initiations in the Pillar, and feel how much you kindle. You know, one, two, three, four, five... you stopped. Five - learned. Here, some such option is possible.

    Second. The Fire of the Lord who guides you enters. Necessarily. He is in Hum, but he thus enters into Initiation.

    The Fire of the Lord Kut Hoomi enters, as you serve or study in the House. Who is like, in the Houses. And in the New Epoch the Man enters the House.

    The Fire of the Lords of the Hierarchy enters - Joseph and Slavia. These are different Fires, but here they are fixed.

    Naturally, you synthesize with the Primordial Superior Father, at least Metagalaxies, Yes. You also kindle with fire.

    And, just offhand, what other two Fires for the Chelo, only now, the Lords of initiation have been removed, would you bring in now? Just think, you don't have to. What is missing?

    Parts fall off - this is the Pillar of Man. Here, Chelo. How is Chelo different? He has an assignment. Not Chelo - has no instructions.

    errand fire- once. Pillar. Yes, anyone. Go to the Lord, ask.

    Today there was an assignment from the 32nd Ritsa, to go there to Vladyka, to learn. Yet?

    And second moment. What is extremely important for Chelo? The fire of your ministry. Serving to others, the forehead rises by itself. If he does not serve others, he does not ascend. Everything. The simplest thing. But this must be remembered. Why? There is such a small effect. You have all this, but together it does not work. As a result, when you gather as a Chelo, you do not always stir up the full potential of your ministry, and not necessarily this incarnation, the whole potential of your assignments, and not only the last ones, here, there, yesterday, the whole potential of your Initiations, and you, like Chelo, do not rely on your accumulated power.

    Many of you inside, like Chelo, are deeper than you express on the outside. Did you see?

    If you prepare this Pillar, ignite it. You say, "Well, how is the Pillar?"

    Like this. You are kindled by all these Fires in synthesis until you bring them to a homogeneous expression. Including the Fire of the Masters in you. They won't blur. This is not your Fire, this is the Fire of the Lords. But then they will be part of the Pillar. In general, when you do it, you will live it. You, become, simply, the Pillar's Man, and the Pillar is where the Father expresses himself. And the Person who bears the Father is a completely different quality of the Person than simply being him. It's about the Chelo Pillar.

    And the second is Pillar of Man. It's hackneyed to say that there should be parts. It goes without saying that a Man without parts is not a Man. Everything. That's why, the parts are inside the Man. But what about the Pillar of Man to be a Man? Parts do not apply. It's you, man.

    First, so, offhand: synthesis of presences that you can express yourself, physically. At least two, four is better, at least the Physical world (8 presences). I hope it's understandable. This must be done regularly. You say, "Well, that's Chelo." The Chelo learns this, and the Man realizes it. You know, the accent: Chelo, after all, has a more refined task, and if he seeks a synthesis of presences, it will be somehow rude.

    Farther. Synthesis4‑ ex Worlds. And, theoretically, you know it, practically, you do not use it. Why? Any person who has Fire, Spirit, Light, you have it, emanate it through the 4 Worlds. Automatically. That is, here, today we collapsed the Lotus, I told you: Light, Energy, Spirit. Most likely, no one was stirred up that the emanations went to the 4 Worlds - not through the presences, but immediately to the 4 Worlds. And you began to consolidate your presence in these Worlds. Therefore, the second position is necessarily global.

    Third position. In what evolution do you, as a Human, exist? Today I explained: Metagalactic, Planetary, Universum. Of these three, you'd better put Metagalactic and not suffer. Do not set the planetary one, you will go to the globes. Everything.

    But for the future, this point should be determined. That is, for me - minimally, you can, for example, set the Universum. Metagalactic - for me, naturally, as a Person. And so on.

    Following. What else is important for a Human? Family, home - this is external. I mean personally yours. In the Pillar - the Fire of the Father and the Fire of the Mother, but please, not the Magnet. This is the Pillar. Let's do this: what kind of Father do you express? You will say: "Well, like the Father of the Metagalaxy."

    Exactly. And what, from the presences? Initially, at each of the 64 presences. Even if you name "Metagalactic Manifestation", you have to reach there. Now, here, we were standing on the 7th, we were just all kicked out. And I, forcibly, put you there. It is necessary to fix the seven, the Synthesis of Fire. Did you see?

    And you need to decide: what kind of Father by presence do you reach. Moreover, Chelo, let him learn to go further, and the Man must stand with this Father and express him. Do you understand the difference? And in the Pillar, the Fire of the Father must be expressed. Accordingly, from what in the synthesis of how many presences are you ready to contact the Mother, the Mother of the Metagalaxy, the Mother of the Planet? Well, from the Physical - everyone is ready, but, in the synthesis of two, three, four - Mom's answer will be different to these things.

    And the last, so curious. Source of Fire. Just think. For you, as for a Human, what is the main source of Fire? No need to answer that from the Lord - this is for the Chelo. Source of Spirit? Today, you received a separate Fire, a separate Spirit, that is, with whom is it? Tell me who your friend is, right? With whom will this Fire automatically be synthesized? Light source from where you will draw wisdom, source of energy- 4 points. And then you synthesize the Human Pillar. You say, "Fire is from the Father." We have already passed through the Father.

    I asked the question for a reason: where do you get the source of fire from? Think. We have everything from the Father. Question: Is the source of Fire the Father, or presence, or manifestation, or any World? That is, is it really the Father? and which? Not the presence of the Father, but the source of Fire. Who supports you with his Fire, Spirit, Light? There may be different expressions.

    Very curious answers may appear. This will help you readjust. On those4 question, in the synthesis of these questions appears the Pillar of Man. Do you understand me. Without answers to these questions, you can chat, shy away, in general, there will be a storm in case of difficult situations. Everything.

    7 CuOg Manifestation of fire.

    Novosibirsk 04.2011 V.S.

    The Quaternary Standard of the Chelo of the New Epoch.

    AT New Epoch any Chelo has a quaternary standard I just wanted to repeat. Chelo's base is when he gets Dedications. For Chelo, this is the material base, I emphasize! From Chelo's point of view, it's inspirational, it's high, it's deep, it's important, but without Initiation - there is no Chelo! This means that any Initiation for the Human is the foundation, its matter, and therefore it refers to the Mother, from the quaternary, even to its energy, because the Initiations give both new energy and new rights, by the way, and rights are a sign energy Mothers.

    The second thing that the Chelo has after the Initiations is Sword. And we acquired the Sword with you last time. I emphasize - the Sword in the fifth race worked as a Will, and continues to work as a Will. If we had not been given a new method of work two months ago, I would have acquired the Sword with you at this Synthesis. But we acquired the Sword at the last Synthesis. And the Sword itself can be used both on the seventh horizon, the 7th Synthesis is the 7th horizon. So it is on the sixth horizon. For the New Age, the Sword begins to work on the sixth horizon - this is the new expression of the Sword. We acquired it at the sixth Synthesis. But at the same time, no one has canceled the fact that all the main methods of the Sword that exist today, they are Volitional, refer to the Atma, refer to the seventh Manifestation. But, I have the standard of the Father - either the Sword or the Pillar. I don’t have a big choice - we acquired the Sword last time, which means that this time we will acquire - the Pillar.

    I am now focusing on the Pillar, and the Sword, you can acquire yourself. This is not forbidden, that is, you even visited one Synthesis, you have the right to receive the Sword of the forehead of the Hierarchy. The main thing is that you stay Chelo and use the Sword. Therefore, the Sword now and earlier worked out the Son and the Light, only earlier it was fixed on the Atma, now it is fixed on the Budi. A Pillar is fixed on the Atma, a new expression of the Daughter and Will, a New Epoch for the Chelo - this is the acquisition of the Pillar of the Chelo. It is I who will now explain what the Pillar is and what is its importance. And we will finish these acquisitions – the Chelo has a quadruple of acquisitions – at the eighth Synthesis, at the next one, when we acquire a Sphere for each Chelo, inside of which a Pillar is also fixed. This Sphere of the Primordial Home is a fiery sphere around your body and this Sphere will help you assimilate all the fires. But this Sphere is Primarily Amatic, it cannot be acquired not on the seventh nor on the sixth Synthesis.

    This is also a new phenomenon, which has existed for only half a year - a year. Therefore, in the New Epoch, the Chelo, in the fifth race, the Chelo was determined by the Initiations and the Sword. The forehead is in the spine, (by the Sword of Fire now) - the Sword of the Spirit, or the Sword of Light, therefore it is in the spine, that is, it is not a material thing, it is the Sword of concentration of Fire or Spirit, depending on the quality of the Chel. The concentration of Light or Spirit in the fifth race, Fire or Spirit in the sixth race, depending on the quality of the Chelo. But now it is in Buddhi, so today we will not acquire the Sword, although according to the old Syntheses, at the 7th Synthesis, we acquired the Sword. We are changing, we are developing together with the Hierarchy. Therefore, the Chelo of the New Epoch is Initiations. We activated them with you in one of the practices, and the Father and the Masters helped you to activate, we are doing this not for the first time, but there is such a problem – you know why sometimes they did it at different Syntheses. At the first Synthesis, I overcomplexed, at the second Synthesis, I already feel that I already need it. By the third Synthesis, it’s generally easier, we repeated it again, you generally opened up. That is, there are such cases when the Chelo cannot open up from the first time, even to the Father. Father and Master never violate free will. “I activate all the Syntheses – no matter what happens, I activate all the Initiations, but what do I have Initiations?” - all.

    After that, the Father will not activate you. That is, there are some internal complexes that flare up there during this activation. And to put it mildly, activation does not occur - some have already recognized themselves. You are standing in the hall, you can see it there, when you are squeezed there and think: “Do I have Initiations? What are Dedications? Yes, I am a terrible weakness, a servant of God, a creeping bastard, etc. ” - the psychology of the fifth race of slaves, the psychology of slaves. We are getting rid of it, but, unfortunately, you can’t run away from savings, so we have now repeated that some times we did a broadcast last time. We will repeat again in the future. That is, until we iron and open all the Initiations, we will periodically repeat these things. We have learned this over many years that from the first time, unfortunately, there is no such depth of openness to open all our savings. It turned out to be a very difficult thing. That is, we more understand openness as convenient for us, and not openness as convenient for our Initiations. You know, it's such a fine line. Unfortunately, we are not always aware of what openness is like convenience to our Initiations, because we have not always served in the Hierarchy consciously, although we have received Initiations or have a deep command of these methods.

    Here's the quartet to remember: Initiations, Sword, Pillar and Fiery Sphere. This is the quaternary that develops Chelo, these are his tools. Even Initiations are a tool, because some people think that Initiations are a kind of badge on the forehead, here it hangs here, gives some kind of rights and that's it. Nope! this icon works, it causes certain flows of Fire, Light, Spirit. It gives you control rights on the presences. And if in physics, not all of these things are yet seen, then when you appear at the presences and meet the beings that live there, if the sign of Initiation shone in you, they already clearly know how to treat you Hierarchically. That is, either they open all the doors, or they close them and do not let anyone in, depending on the Initiations. That is, you are ready for it, or not ready. The higher the Initiation, the more open the doors. In general, the more pleasant they treat you - something like this, physically. Therefore, this is not a joke. The same thing happened in the fifth race. If you love literature. The same is true in the Metagalaxy. It is such an instrument that shows your Hierarchical possibilities and calls these possibilities by you. Clear? That is, I can say differently: in physics, now it has developed so that the card number and the number of zeros on the account are the main thing - a person feels worthy. And in the whole Metagalaxy and for the human of the fifth race, the number of Initiations and the depth of Fire, Light or Spirit that shine in the sign of Initiation is the dignity of the Human in the whole epoch. No zeros, nothing. As the people of the fifth race said: “If they see the signs of Initiation, I will always be dressed, fed, shod, and I don’t need anything else!” If they see signs of Initiation. If they don’t see it, it will be the other way around, but at the same time, in principle, not everything is needed either. But this begging was, now we are moving away from this, because we must live in ordinary life and remain Chelo. But we will still learn to look at the signs of Initiation, to distinguish, and this is gradually growing with us. With the expansion of vision in the presences, we begin to see signs from each other - such processes have already begun for us. Therefore, this quaternary exists and learn to live it.

    Therefore, the concept of a pillar is a very ancient concept, it is very difficult to find such a concept in religious or philosophical thought, its development, but it exists. And for the New Era, the Father affirmed that the Pillar is one of the Chelo's instruments. That's it, I'm moving away from philosophy, back to Synthesis.

    The pillar starts with a simple thing. Here we are talking about multi-presence. Here we have the 7th Synthesis now. We went through Synthesis. What is Synthesis Dynamics? At each Synthesis, we go through with you one higher presence of the Metagalaxy, or a higher manifestation. On the 7th we pass the 7th, on the 8th we pass the 8th, and act in the fire of the 8th the whole Synthesis. On the 9th we pass the 9th, and act on fire on the 9th. Just imagine: you have now passed 7 Syntheses, some of you have 7 different fires, 7 different presences. A question for you: what do these presences synthesize? Basically, Father, because presence is where the Father is present. This is for the Father, but for you and me, where does the synthesis of presences begin? Let me give you a hint: in the 5th race the Higher Soul was engaged in the synthesis of presences. She synthesized atma, buddhi and higher manas in such a triangle according to Blavatsky and linked them into the so-called beginning of the Fiery World. Through the Higher Soul, a person got into the Fiery World.

    But these are only 3 presences, and we have 7, for Synthesis we ... For the first round 16, for 2 rounds 32. so you got 32 parts. What does the Pillar synthesize? 32 parts. So, the Pillar is in charge of the synthesis of different fires, different parts, different presences in a person. That is the ability to synthesize and build up a hierarchical vertical upwards is called a pillar expression. Moreover, as soon as you correctly rebuild the Hierarchy and build your presence one by one clearly according to the Father’s law, the Father’s fire pierces your Pillar (that’s why we acquired the fiery thread in practice) and fills you. That is, the Pillar, here it is, now I have it fixed like this, I just stroke it. The fiery thread goes through not the crown of the head, but here, closer, I don’t know what it’s called, through the back of the head, not a whirlwind, but where is the twist here, yes, like that. Between the posterior occipital lobe, and here's the middle lobe of the brain, just like that, goes right through and into the spine. Well, of course, the Pillar is a little wider at the back, and a little narrower in front, this is to make it easier to walk. Here, here is the Pillar. And the Pillar is actually the fixer of the Fire of the Father. When you walk in the Pillar, with the right connection of the parts, you always call the direct Fire of the Father on you by the Pillar, the direct fire of the spirit on you, the direct fire of light and energy. That is, everything that you need, the Pillar, in case of urgent need, calls from the Father. But it is built not only for this. This is the first.

    Second. We will now acquire the 7th 16th. Imagine: 16 parts on the 7th presence, 16 parts on the 6th - 6th Synthesis, 16 parts on the 5th, 4th, 3rd. 2nd, 1st. And now you have the 7th 16th. What connects them? 7 by 16. It is clear that the Pillar. How? Multiply 7 by 16, the number of parts is crazy already. In general, there are 32 by 32 \u003d 1024. How to synthesize 1024 parts and not fall apart into these very parts? That is, to be preserved in the synthesis. And here comes the method of the Pillar.

    We choose only Hearts from all horizons: Atmic Heart 7th - Lotus, Buddhist Heart 6th, Causal Heart, Mental Heart, Astral - and the Pillar of the Perfect Heart is built in the synthesis of all hearts, all 16 or 32 hearts, which you acquire. Then the Pillar of Bodies, the Pillar of Minds is built, and so is called the Pillar of Minds, the Pillar of Synthesis Images. That is, any part is expressed by the synthesis of different presences in pillars. And in fact, when we acquired with you, now we are acquiring the 7th 16th, we will now go to do this, we will begin to unfold the 16 pillars from it in the synthesis of the seven presences.

    What does the Pillar then do? He collects 7 hearts, and then he takes and synthesizes all 7 hearts into one synthesis-heart, into one synthesis-mind. But you will say: “Well, at the end of the Synthesis, we will already acquire 16 parts among ourselves into a synthesis part.” So not so. Do you know what's the problem? We acquire six 16-rics in synthesis with the seventh and get a 7-ary synthesis-16-ric. They entered each other perfectly, but no one said that they would be friends with each other.

    In the 5th race there was a problem for the trinitarian man which caused very serious physical illnesses. The soul wants one thing, the mind another, the heart the third, and the body sent everything in general. Do you understand me. And this, by the way, is going on for many of you. Psychology is very serious, well, almost ... And in order to reconcile the soul with the heart, the spears break, the artillery rattles. Sometimes a person loses his whole life just because his heart and soul are not friends with each other. And the mind looks at them and thinks: “Here are two idiots!” Naturally, he is also not friendly. That is, not because you are so good or bad, but because the mind has its own accumulations, the heart has its own, the soul has its own. Now imagine: you have 16 parts, on the atma each has its own volitional accumulations. The 16th on the buddhi has its own accumulations - wisdom, the 16th on the cause has its own accumulations - love. Already “my love, do not understand your will,” the heart of the will, the heart of love, they may not dock. Theoretically, everything is synthesized, but this is theoretically. So if it was at ka with three parts, 7 by 16 multiply -112 parts. Here you already have 96 who have passed 6 Syntheses. Now it will be the 7th 16th, you will have 112 parts. Do you even keep track of how much you already have?

    In general, by the end of the 16th Synthesis you will have, if I am not mistaken, 196 parts. Of these, 16 hearts, 16 minds, all 16 each. But they may not fit together, that hearts are among themselves, that bodies, that synthesis images, everything else. And the Father offered us the method of the Pillar. We synthesize each part separately in the synthesis of presences. The Father pierces this pillar with fire, say, his Heart. And all the hearts are under the fire of the Father, but try not to obey - it's the fire that passes through, it's the fire of the Father, they clearly build with each other and begin to reconcile, then they are still synthesized. All minds are under the fire of the Mind of the Father, in themselves they are impudent, but when the fire of the Mind of the Father comes on, they understand that they can melt, it is better to stand still. The same bodies, the same, that is, all 16 parts are built in a pillar, the fire of the Father enters there. Then we collect 16 pillars.

    It reminds me of a bunch of lightning from Zeus, something like this. A bunch of lightning why? In each pillar, like a fiery thread that sparks like lightning, well, it sparkles with the fire of the Father, right? Each pillar has its own fiery thread. They begin to synthesize into each other. A central synthesis-pillar is born in you, in which it is accurately recorded that all 112 parts have been synthesized peacefully by the fire of the Father. And now this pillar enters your physical body and by the fire of the Pillar all 112 parts in this physical body are ideally combined with each other and begin to express the ideal likeness of the Primordial Superior Father.

    Some smart heads from the audience emanate to me: “Why such difficulties? well, there is a human body - and this, and live. But there is another problem. If we talk about development in the Metagalaxy, then the 7th presence is ten-dimensional. And unless you have your 16 parts in your 7th presence in 10D, you will never know 10D. The fifth presence is 8-dimensional, if you do not have 8-dimensional parts, you will not know 8-dimensionality, that is, you will not be able to synthesize the Metagalaxy by yourself.

    Moreover, the Father has a big heart. Well, of course, there is only one Father, and there are 7 billion of us. Well, here's the comparison. Can even one physical heart express the fire of the Father's Heart? Nope. Why? Remember the law of the 5th race: where there are two in my name, there is the Father. As a result, 2 hearts in one give birth to a pillar, 3, 4, and then you just string it. And this synthesis of hearts begins to express the Heart of the Father deeper and deeper and collect more fire. The greater the number of hearts, the more the fire of the Father is saturated in the Heart.

    In principle, we will go through at the 9th Synthesis that you will acquire the cubes yourself, that is, 64 hearts in one pillar, which are then synthesized into your physical synthesis-metagalactic Heart. I have it now, but I'm no different from you, you won't see it physically. And if you look at the pillar structure, I can unfold the pillar of 64 hearts and collect it into one Heart right here. The same with the Body, the same with the Mind. We have not only I can do it, we have a team that can already have several dozen people. No, which can. And there are several hundred who can. And there are several thousand who have acquired it and are learning it. Therefore, here, as it were, the methodology is being developed.

    And now the Pillar is the ability to express the fire, the spirit, the light of the Father by the synthesis of different parts. Where did this technique come from? In order not to fantasize about the New Age, the technique came from the 5th race. Let's imagine. The holy monk lives in a monastery, prays, prays, prays. Which way is he praying? Astral. Why did the monks separate from life and pray astrally or manasically in the subtle world? This is a tricky question. Have you ever analyzed why monastic practice was needed? A very useful thing. It turns out that the monks were separated from the physical life only in order for them to form structures of subtle expression. And a monk became a saint if an astral mind appeared on the astral due to prayer. He has 2 minds. Where there are 2 minds, there is the Father. These 2 minds, astral and physical, united into what we now call pillars, and this monk became wise.

    And now I am telling you not the theory, but the practical side of immersion. I led a lot of dives, I had dives different people. And I asked them about this method of the monks and looked at it, and they recalled different incarnations there. And this, well, as if on the facts of incarnations. And so the tradition of monastic life of any religion is aimed at ensuring that you have formed a higher soul, mind and heart on the astral plane, even the word "superior" was, or on Manas. If the Chalice of the Heart is formed on the Manas, you go to heaven. And by synthesizing these 3 parts, you became a holy person.

    I can confirm for Buddhists, Buddha has 3 bodies, Dhammakaya - physical, Sambhogakaya - subtle and Nirmanakaya (nirvana, nirmanakaya) - fiery. By the synthesis of the three bodies, he became an enlightened Buddha. Why would an enlightened person have three bodies? The Nirmanakaya sat in a lotus, the Sambhogakaya walked in the Subtle World, and the Dhammakaya is his enlightened physical body. Dhamma is the unit of creation. Cheating Buddhism is not a swear word, that's what their canon is called. We have the Gospel, they have Theravada. Rada in Russian, Duma. What the Buddha thought about, something like this. Not in Russian, in Ukrainian. In Russian, Duma, Ukrainians have Rada. I rejoiced and thought. When you think, you rejoice.

    So, for example, we found the meaning of the unity of the three bodies for enlightenment as a confirmation in Buddhism. And when we started to think, how did Buddha get enlightenment and what did he get after that? He received 3 bodies in the three worlds developed, organized and free. So, in fact, he received the pillar of the synthesis of three bodies. And why is Gautama so high that everyone remembers him? This is the first person who united 3 worlds: physical, subtle and fiery, and received 3 bodies in each world, but lived in one body with three.

    Look, you're nodding in horror. And you already live in one body for six. Only the Buddha understood this, and you are not very good yet. Only this is the difference. Why? The Buddha was enlightened and understood all 3 bodies. And you, having 6 bodies, but not having enlightenment, you simply do not understand them. But you have them.

    Here the practice and theory of the Pillar was based on such a diverse base of different directions, both religious, philosophical, yogic, by the way, of the previous era (I won’t raise everything there) and matured to the methodology of the Pillar - to the synthesis of parts of the same type for many presence or multi-presence. Then the synthesis of the pillar parts among themselves caused the strongest fire, well, before the FA-Father of the Metagalaxy, now the Primordial Superior Father itself. And the Pillar gradually grew to the point that it became the 23rd part of a person. Now we have the 7th Synthesis, the 23rd is also the 7th horizon. Therefore, in the 7th Synthesis, we will acquire the Pillar as a disciple's instrument. And from the 9th Synthesis, we will acquire the 32nd, where the Pillar will be as your personal part, which manages and manages all this. Therefore, you will also have a student Pillar, which will later hold not parts, but the fires of the Masters with whom you cooperate. And the Human Pillar, which will coordinate the interaction of different parts multi-presence.

    So that it is clear what the Pillar is doing. Chelo of senior training has (I already forgot) 96-ary FA-16-ritsa - etorits, 192-ary FA-32-ritsa - these are ribs and 384-ary FA-64-ritsa are ritsi. All this together is synthesized in one column, gives rise to the synthesis-expression of the 4-manifested ... Here is the Unified FA-64-rice, the Universum FA-32-rice, the Metagalactic FA-16-rice. When we synthesize the ridges, the ridges of the Universum and the ridges of the One, we get the expression of 4 manifestations, the Planet is our physics, in itself, and we can hold the 4-manifested fire, expressing the Primordial Higher Father, for example, for you at this Synthesis. That is, if I had not had the preparation for these manifestations, the Father would not have come here. And the Father comes to a place where there is a Pillar expressing the Father. This means that we formed the Pillar out of all these parts, then synthesized these parts into a unity by the fire of the Father, then it all came together as a synthesis-particularity of my body. As a result, I can stand both by the presences of the Metagalaxy and by the manifestations of the Primordial Superior Father. This is called the Pillar technique. But this is your promising future.

    But the Father sees who has the Pillar, and comes by fire on the prepared Chelo. Therefore, when some have a question, what is the Father himself took and appeared. In principle, he himself can appear, but he appears only in the place where there is one or those who will see him in the place where he appeared. And for this, the corresponding parts, working systems and apparatuses and the synthesis of pillars are needed, which can express the fire of the Primordial Higher Father by themselves in a single manifestation. I'm not bragging now, we already have dozens of such. And this is, as it were, one of the methods of work of the senior trained group. Therefore, when we say that we are developing the House of the Primarily Superior Father, this is not an abstract theory, these are practical actions that we ourselves do, are able to and, excuse me, the House of the Initially Superior Father, that is, the House where he can come. And he comes only to a team of trained Chelo. And how does the Father test a team of trained Chelos? The pillars they own. Because the Pillar is the place where the Father is present. If you have developed the pillars, the Father can appear in you, express yourself through you. But the task of the Human of the New Era is to express the Father by himself and get him some opportunities for realization. That is, not only to improve oneself, but by expressing the Father, to acquire the ability to more widely control the surrounding world. This is the task of the New Era, and, by the way, it is consistent with the philosophy of Russian cosmism, only in a slightly different degree and in a different incarnation. There it was simply about God-manhood, but here it was about the expression of the Father by himself, which religious figures may not really accept. But at the same time, one can say differently: Christians express Christ by themselves, the Son, and we express the Father by ourselves. What is the difference? Father, but hierarchically the Father is higher, he sees further. Here, well, and here, in principle, the consensus. That is, this is a technique that is predicted by the development of all Christianity, including. This is not quite it, but you can find analogues of small elements. This is called the Pillar.

    As a result, you have now received the Pillar of the Man, which will attract to you the fire of the Father, the spirit of the Father, and the light of the Father at first according to the needs of your parts. In the future, you need to be able to use, own. It's just as much a tool as a Sword, meaning it carries a charge, it carries fire, it can summon additional fire when you're short of it, to the point where it can discharge to create a sphere of protection around you. and this sphere of protection will be very difficult to break through, sometimes even physically. That is, someone who wants to physically attack suddenly forgets that he is attacking and leaves you. That is, right in front of his eyes, he forgets and walks past.

    As if we had an option, that is, we walked at night from Synthesis and a trinity followed us there. The sphere of the pillar - and the guys went diagonally, literally two steps away from us they went diagonally. That's it, that's it, that's what led them there. And they go diagonally, and they look at us with horror like that. They can't figure out what's going on because they quickly followed us there, snatch and run away. And so they quickly walked, we quickly deployed the Pillar. And this is how they walked quickly, continue to walk diagonally quickly and they look at us, one looks at the bag, but cannot do anything, he is carried diagonally. I’m already looking at him, he realized that I was looking, he wants to take his eyes off this bag, but his legs are carried to the side. A look at the bag, at me, at the bag, at me, and my legs are in that direction. He can't figure out what's wrong. They then stood there, smoking, watching us. Well, we took a taxi there and left so as not to provoke further. So they left the poor in Sochi. Horror Sochi, they say, for them. Well, we had fun. We tested the Pillar's method once again. That is, you rigidly unfold the Pillar - and they cannot understand what's the matter, they are carried diagonally. Everything, therefore, is a completely physical technique. Well, the guys got a little scared, but the thieves must be punished somehow, it’s clear that they would try to arrange something there. And so we had fun with each other. They wanted to arrange something, we arranged ours. Well, here is the practical application in physics.



    Pillar of synthesis of the 64-ary fire of the Hierarchy of the Metagalaxy FA in physical terms.

    We are ignited by all the fire deployed by previous practices in their synthesis. In this fire, we synthesize with the Initially Higher Lords Kut-Humi, Fayin, unfolding in the hall of the House of the Initially Higher Father 32-presence, at the 32nd presence of the Metagalaxy FA, ​​being ignited by the fire of the Initially Higher Lords Kut-Humi, Fayin.

    In this fire, we are synthesized with the fire of the House of the Primordial Superior Father. And we ask the Initially Higher Lords Kut Humi, Fain to direct the conditions of the House of the Initially Higher Father to each of us, to the House of the Initially Higher Father of each of us (this is your 32nd part) for the assimilation, adaptation, implementation and deployment of the synthesis of fire, and the synthesis of possibilities, revealed to each of us by the Father, with the possibilities of our ascent, self-improvement, realization and development by these conditions.

    And in this fire we synthesize with the Primordial Superior Father of the Metagalaxy, we are ignited by its fire, we unfold in the hall at the 64th Superior presence of the Metagalactic appearance, we go out into the hall, standing before the Father in the form of the Chel of the Manifested circle of Synthesis.

    Synthesize with the Hum of the Primordial Higher Father of the Metagalaxy, acquire and kindle with the Initially Higher Synthesis and in its fire acquire from the Initially Higher Father of the Metagalaxy the Pillar of synthesis of the 64-ary Fire of the Hierarchy of the Metagalaxy FA into physical expression by each of us.

    And, ignited by the Pillar, we, synthesizing with the Primordial Higher Father of the Metagalaxy, acquire the synthesis of the 64-ary Fire of the Hierarchy, expressed by each of us, into the fiery thread of the Pillar in each of us and in the synthesis of us for the subsequent ascent and development of each of us by the Initially Higher Father Metagalaxies themselves, in any synthesis of metagalactic phenomena by each of us and by the synthesis of us.

    And, being ignited by this fire, we, synthesizing with the Primordial Higher Father, ask to unfold in this Pillar the 32-ary of parts of each of us in the reference expression of the Primordial Higher Father of the Metagalaxy with ourselves with the expression of the Synthesis of Fire of the 32-ary of the presences of the Metagalaxy in a column, in the synthesis of revealing them each of us and deploy pillar support to each of us by the Metagalactic growth of the Primordial Superior Father of the Metagalaxy of each of us and the synthesis of us by Himself.

    And, unfolding as a Pillar, we synthesize with the Primordial Superior Father of the Metagalaxy and acquire a fragment of his fire, unfolding it in the Pillar in direct expression of the Primordial Superior Father of the Metagalaxy by ourselves as a pillar, as the Chest of the Hierarchy of the Metagalaxy of the New Epoch in the expression of the pillar ascension by each of us and by the synthesis of us.

    And in this fire we thank the Primordial Superior Father of the Metagalaxy, the Primordial Superior Lords Kut Khumi, Fain. We return to the physical presence. We unfold the Pillar inside around the physical body in the synthesis of the 32 parts of each of us, fixing the fiery thread of the Pillar in the center of the spine and through it. The fire of the thread rests on the coccyx; the fiery thread does not go below the coccyx. It's up through it, not down. And the Father will not allow you to lower the fiery thread lower.

    And, ignited by a fiery thread in the Pillar of expression of the Primordial Superior Father of the Metagalaxy in each of us, we unfold the Head of the Hierarchy of the New Epoch as a pillar of direct expression of the Primordial Superior Father of the Metagalaxy ourselves.

    And we emanate everything contracted and kindled into the Primordial House of the Primarily Superior Father, into the House of the Primarily Superior Father ---- Manifestations, into all the Primordial Houses and groups of participants in this practice, and the Primordial House of everyone.

    And we're out of practice. Amen.