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  • 17.11.2019

Affiliate programs are a universal tool for making money on the Internet. In short, we take a product (product or service), promote it by everyone possible ways we get commissions. Businessmen and entrepreneurs use partnership programs to increase profits and scale their business, and users, participating in affiliate programs, have the opportunity to seriously increase their income even without investments.

For site owners, bloggers, webmasters, cooperation on affiliate programs is a profitable way to monetize traffic. However, you can earn in this way or even groups on a social network. In this article, we will talk about the main types of programs and about the earning opportunities in this area. You will also learn how to choose a partner and what mistakes to avoid in order not to lose profits.

Earnings on affiliate programs. Main stages and types of payments

In the classic version, the process of earning on affiliate programs can be represented as the following scheme:

Choosing a program → Registration → Getting an affiliate link → Promotion and advertising → Making a profit

After choosing and registering, the partner receives a link with a unique identifier, which can be promoted using pages and communities in in social networks, email newsletters, in instant messengers, on forums, in guest posts on third-party resources, on your website (if any), etc.

You can classify affiliate programs by payment type as follows:

*CPS affiliate programs can be considered as a special case of a pay-per-action program. The purchase in this case is considered as the completion of the "Place an order" task.

Top Affiliate Programs

The number of affiliate programs has already become so large that any user can really find a profitable one among them. offer. Programs with pay for impressions and clicks are more suitable for making money on your own resource and are not paid as generously as actions and payments.

But you can always make money on affiliate programs without your website. As an example, consider several commercial structures and services that are interested in attracting customers through affiliate programs.

Online shopping

The most common type of CPS affiliate program. Stores strive to increase sales and therefore are ready to give part of the profits for new customers. Commission payments and the amount of remuneration range from 5 to 30% on average. So online network Top shop, which has a huge range of products from household appliances to cosmetics, offers partners a commission of up to 20% on purchases. Teasers, banners, newsletter templates are also provided here, and contests with a prize fund of 10,000 rubles or more are regularly held.

The same amount of partner remuneration on the service my-shop.en(750 thousand goods). For advertising, it is allowed to use any materials of the online store, including opinions and reviews. Partners are offered a wide range of tools for placing links (simple links, search form, Buy button, informer).

Services for the sale of domains, hosting services

Cooperation with these companies is one of the very promising and popular areas in affiliate marketing. The number of websites and blogs is growing, therefore, the demand for the services of hosting providers and domain registrars is increasing. Webmasters can receive from 10 to 40% of paid services for new clients (for hosting, server rental, domain renewal, etc.).

For example, a partner timeweb invites legal entities and individuals of the Russian Federation and other countries to cooperate with the execution of an agreement (if necessary). Up to 40% is paid for services paid by the attracted client, and up to 20% from payments from clients who rented a VDS (virtual dedicated server).

Domain registration and renewal service Reg. en pays partners a lifetime reward of 10% for each new client. That is, in the future, from all payments of the attracted user, you will receive your fixed percentages.


Traditionally, banking organizations work on affiliate programs not directly, but through networks (affiliate program aggregators): AD1 , Admitad, lead. su etc. Most often, partners promote lending services, mortgage loans, credit and debit cards. For example, the amount of partner payments from Alfa Bank for an issued loan is 4,700 rubles, for an approved credit card - 1,100 rubles. Tinkoff Bank pays partners 2,000 rubles for opening an account for an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, and 1,500 rubles for a credit card.

Insurance companies

Let's take, for example, an affiliate program of such a major player in the insurance services market as Ingosstakh. As insurance intermediaries, the company works with both legal and individuals. Pays up to 10% of the premium when applying through partners of the OSAGO policy, 15% - CASCO, 20% - when applying for property insurance. Renaissance Insurance offers partners 15% of the cost of the insurance policy traveling abroad. The service specializes exclusively in travel insurance Cherehapa, where companies offer cooperation on various conditions and you can choose the most suitable option for you.

Advertising networks

Such services are created for the purchase and sale of targeted traffic and also seek to expand the list of their partners. If you have attracted a new advertiser, then the percentage is more often paid depending on its costs for advertising campaign. If a webmaster has registered using an affiliate link, then payments will be calculated based on his profit.

Content exchanges

Authors on exchanges can earn not only by selling articles or writing texts, but also by attracting other users to the service, that is, through a referral program. Most often, the remuneration is 25% of the exchange's income. As we have already said, they take a certain percentage of each completed order. Affiliate payouts come from this withheld amount. However, each affiliate program may have its own nuances.

For example, on Text. en partner reward is reduced to 5% when the earnings from the referral income reaches 3000 rubles.

Service ContentMonster pays for the attracted author not a percentage of his earnings, but a fixed amount - 30 rubles. In addition, affiliate payments are accrued only if the copywriter using your link not only registered, but also passed the exchange test, and then completed at least 3 tasks.

Exchange TurboText offers partners 25% of the service commission for the customer you attracted, and only 5% for a new contractor. However, if a large customer comes to the system from you, you can contact the support service to determine the individual terms of cooperation.

ETxt.en in addition to links, it provides ready-made promotional materials for the program.

Partners text sale can promote not only the service itself, but also specific authors, performers. For this, the system provides different types referral links.


The authors of trainings, courses, training programs strive to offer their own to the maximum number of users and therefore are ready to pay a good percentage of the cost for its distribution. The same applies to the services of business coaches, coaches, etc. Commission payouts here are very generous and can reach up to 90%.

The company "LookFreedom" offers to participate in the affiliate program of our course. You can become a partner by going to the author's website and clicking on the "Affiliate Program" button located at the very bottom of the page.

Computer and online games

Affiliate program rewards can be received for registration in the game, for payments made by attracted players, for reaching a certain level, etc. The average payout is 10% -15% of the company's income for each of your referrals, but this is far from the limit. So the program of the service for the sale of game money and services Night Money provides payments up to 50% of the first purchase of a client who comes through your link. For sites, graphic banners are provided, for streamers and owners of video channels - advertising splash screens.

A bonus of 30-50% from the payments of new players is offered by the affiliate program live Games. For the registration of the attracted participant, 30 rubles are charged, and each new partner in the system attracted by you will bring a reward - 5% of his profit.

Let's dwell on the most important criteria and principles that you need to know and consider when choosing an affiliate program.


The best platforms for promotion are thematic. Therefore, when choosing an affiliate program, think in advance where you will advertise it. Let's say you have a website or group on a social network for personal effectiveness and self-development. In this case, it is productive to post links to info courses and trainings. On the resources of automotive subjects - advertising of insurance services. You can also create your own website specifically for working with affiliate programs.


Knowing the percentage of remuneration is important not only for planning your profits. If you want to use paid promotion methods and invest in advertising, then the amount of affiliate payments must exceed your costs. Monitor the return on investment (ROI), traffic quality, behavioral factors of your audience, look for new traffic sources, analyze their profitability.

General formula for calculatingROI(return on investment)

ROI = (Income from investments - Size of investments) / Size of investments

This indicator should be >1, i.e. if your ROI is 1.54, it means that for every 1 ruble invested you get 0.54 kopecks net profit, i.e. your activity is profitable and brings income.

Prospects for cooperation and assistance in promotion

Programs that are designed for long-term interaction imply a more stable and predictable income. Promotion is easier with the help of a partner. It's good when the program allows you to get promotional materials and participate in promotions. Some services even offer to create landing pages (landing pages) for free using special designers.

Frequency of transfers and payment methods

You should study not only how often affiliate payments are made, but also through which payment systems. Find out how much the service takes when withdrawing funds, and use the options with the lowest deductions when transferring to your account or wallet. For example, direct pays only through banks and takes 15% for the withdrawal of earnings. Therefore, it is more profitable to work with it through partner networks.

Important! Before you enroll in the program, collect maximum amount information about the affiliate program, pay attention to the reputation, study the reviews, ask questions to the support service, evaluate the prospects for costs and investments.

5 mistakes that reduce your profits

Common situation: a person begins to apply various methods earnings in a network, but the income receives scanty or does not receive in general. Does this always mean that the methods he has tried do not work? Certainly not. Same with affiliate programs. So that you do not repeat the negative experience, we will name the most common mistakes made by users when working with affiliate programs:

  1. Work without regular analysis of statistics.

It is not enough just to place an ad and wait for affiliate payments. It is necessary to constantly monitor the number of user clicks on links, the effectiveness of promotion channels and specific texts, interact with the audience (answer questions and comments, take into account objections). Then you can adjust the advertising campaign in time and achieve better results.

  1. Working with a non-target audience or an unfamiliar product.

It is necessary to select products for promotion in accordance with the target audience of your site or mailing list. Otherwise, you may not see the return on your investments (time and money) at all. As for the product itself (goods, services), before advertising it through an affiliate program, it is important to study all the characteristics and conditions of sale yourself. A visitor or subscriber will only be interested in a “live” review or important (interesting) information for him. A set of standard phrases or template sentences will not be able to give good engagement. Use creativity, test, experiment.

  1. Too much a large number of partners for cooperation

It is not necessary to be limited to participation in 1-2 programs. However, participating in a dozen affiliate programs at once (especially if you are new to affiliate marketing) leads to the fact that the income from each will be insignificant. It is better to reduce the number of options for cooperation, but for each program regularly analyze statistics and improve working methods.

  1. Concentration on one promotion channel.

It is more productive to use several methods at the same time. For example, advertising on the site + mailing or posting links on social networks + attracting an audience on forums, etc.

  1. Excess advertising materials on the site.

Key takeaways about the pros and cons of affiliate programs

Any user can start earning on affiliate programs from scratch, without a website, at no cost and quickly enough. This indicates the availability and prospects of this method of making money on the Internet. At the same time, it should be remembered that cash receipts can be unstable, since no one can guarantee the constant activity of users when clicking on your affiliate links.

Nevertheless, if you correctly approach the choice of a program and act on the basis of a developed business plan, constantly analyze statistics, then the result will be financial terms will be tangible. The level of income from affiliate programs directly depends on your activity and the time that you are willing to devote to work.

You can find out about other opportunities for making money on the Internet in the section with. Author's methods and reliable services that have been tested by LookFreedom employees will help you increase your income and start making money on the Internet today!


Affiliate programs for earning allow many users of personal computers and part-time owners of accounts in social networks and their own sites to provide decent earnings on the Internet. At the same time, you do not need to invest your own funds in a particular project.

The essence of earning on affiliate programs is that the user, having registered on the official website of a project, concludes an agreement on attracting other users to this project. The project, in turn, undertakes to pay a certain amount of remuneration for everyone who connects to the project through the partner's link.

This is the essence of earning on affiliate programs. After all, there are many different projects on the Internet. And the same user has the ability to invite a large number of other users to various projects.

The Internet gives the following affiliate program definition - this is the interaction between the owner of a product and service and a partner who receives a fee or commission for a transaction that is carried out on his recommendation.

The expert of our magazine Sophia Rick understood the intricacies of making money on affiliate programs.

Earnings on affiliate programs from scratch

In order to understand what the essence of making money on affiliate programs is, it is enough to consider a simple example from life. For example, a retail outlet located in a particular locality, on a certain street and building, engaged in offline trading, it took to create an online store to sell their products using online trading.

For this work, a specialist was hired, who completed the work entrusted to him with high quality and on time. Thereafter, outlet began to recommend this specialist to other sellers for creating online stores.

Thus, the specialist was rewarded in the form of getting new clients who also need his services.

And there are many such examples in everyday life. Every day, each of us not only shares with acquaintances, friends, neighbors about the purchased product or service received, but also recommends a specific product or service. At the same time, in return for themselves, no one asks anything from others.

If you translate this into the language of an affiliate program, then the seller, dentist, car mechanic, lawyer who were recommended to other people in need should give a part of their profits, which they received thanks to your recommendation.

For this, in real life, it was necessary to conclude separate contract with the salesperson, dentist, car mechanic, lawyer who originally sold you the product or service.

On the Internet, this scheme works a little differently. Indeed, in order to advertise a product or service and attract new consumers, you don't have to use it yourself.

This is an article from vseofinansah dot ru. If you keep this article on another site, then it was stolen.

So, how to make money on affiliate programs - step by step instructions

  • Work in affiliate programs begins with the search for well-known online stores, popular sites that are interested in increasing their customer base.
  • The next step is to carefully study the affiliate rules. At the same time, you should pay attention to the prohibition by most affiliate programs to attract new users through spam mailings.
  • If the terms of cooperation and the size of the user's commission are satisfied, then he agrees with the Rules and as a result - get affiliate link to promote a specific product or service to other Internet users.
  • Tracking which consumer came to a particular link occurs due to the technology of cookies. After making a profit, the site share it with your partner.

According to this scheme, goods, services, various training courses, electronic books and everything that can be sold and for which there is a demand.

Amount of remuneration

The amount of earnings on an affiliate program depends on several factors that must always be taken into account. It:

  1. the cost of the product or service being sold;
  2. type of goods, features of the service, rules for their purchase and use;
  3. seller's markup.

As practice shows, the best interest commission offers information business. Its size can reach 70, 90, 100 and more percent.

Partners selling ordinary goods cannot afford such a reward. And more 10 percent income who offer, they cannot give. Otherwise, they themselves will be at a loss.

In which affiliate program to participate, and in which not, the Internet user chooses on his own. However, this is one of the real types of earnings on the Internet without investment. own funds.

Participation in affiliate programs will allow you to consistently receive additional income. And with a well-placed work, it can develop into the main activity.

Existing types of affiliate programs

Any sphere of human activity can be classified according to certain criteria. This approach applies to affiliate programs as well. Therefore, their types will be considered depending on the method or type of payment.

  • Pay per click. Affiliate pays for visiting its site by unique visitors. That is, those who went to the resource through the partner's referral link. This method allows you to significantly increase the attendance of the Internet resource and in the future to get new customers. However, the payment for the partner is small. It can fluctuate between one and three cents. After all, many who clicked on the link may never visit this site again in the future.
  • Pay per impression. Participation in such a program is justified only for partners whose websites are visited by a huge number of unique visitors. For viewing the advertising of the affiliate program posted on the site, the latter pays a commission. Their size is from $ 5 for ten thousand views.
  • Paid for action. It is paid an order of magnitude higher than in previous methods. However, it assumes that the commission will be paid only if the visitor who came through the referral link performs certain actions:
  1. be sure to register on the site;
  2. fill out a questionnaire or answer a special list of questions;
  3. download a file with information;
  4. watching the video;
  5. leave your comment;
  6. and so on.
  • With payment for sales. As statistics show, affiliate programs are ready to pay for attracting such visitors up to forty percent of the purchase amount made by a new buyer who came to the site through the partner's referral link. At the same time, the partner will receive a commission each time the buyer makes a purchase. Therefore, the partner is primarily interested in attracting as many regular customers as possible to the site.

Real earnings on affiliate programs depend on each Internet user. He chooses all decisions independently. However, it should be remembered that the higher the payment, the more effort must be made for this.

Rules for working with affiliate programs

An analysis of participation in affiliate programs indicates that in order to receive guaranteed and constant profit, the following rules must be observed:

  • You should only post information about projects, products or services on thematic platforms. For example, ads for men's tuxedos are not allowed on a women's site. Conversely, women's cosmetics should not be advertised on a men's site. Violation of this rule will lead to an outflow of visitors and, accordingly, to a decrease in the number of unique visitors.
  • Before advertising any product or service, you should:
  1. pass the established registration procedure;
  2. buy a test sample;
  3. order service.
  • Do not rush to conclude a partnership agreement (deal with an offer), without a thorough study of the terms of the program, the reward system, reviews of other partners. Often, behind the offer of a large reward, there are almost impossible conditions for cooperation. This means that you may not receive commissions.
  • To attract unique visitors to a partner resource, you must use special landing pages landing pages or landings. With their help, you can provide a potential buyer with more information about the product, interest him in making a purchase or ordering a service on a particular Internet resource.
  • Income directly depends on the number of targeted visitors who were attracted to the contractor's website, which is usually called an offer in the Internet business. That's why:
  1. the number of placed links should be optimal;
  2. You need to create several landing pages with similar topics.
  • Working with only one affiliate program is not justified. You need to diversify your sources of income. The more of them, the higher the commission. After all, the offer can terminate cooperation at any time and then the income will fall to zero. And if there are several of them, the level of income will only decrease.
  • Work with each offer should be constantly analyzed. This will reveal the effectiveness or lack of the desired traffic. And take timely measures to correct the situation or refuse to cooperate with a specific offer and find a new contractor.
  • The amount of earnings on affiliate programs directly depends on the base of your own target audience. Therefore, in order to earn more, it is necessary to constantly increase it.

Compliance with these simple rules in the format of cooperation "contractor (offer) - partner" will allow you to have a constant income on the Internet. In addition, you should not refuse to distribute gifts for your visitors, thus forcing them to visit the site of the desired offer.

Choice of affiliate programs

Having decided to make money with the help of the Internet, it is impossible to predict in advance which affiliate program will be the most profitable. Therefore, the Internet community has developed a number of criteria by which it is worth choosing a program. They are the following:

  1. Uniqueness. It is necessary to pay attention to new and original products offered for sale by the affiliate program. This will allow not only to attract new visitors, but also, given less competition, to get target audience. Which will ultimately lead to increased profits.
  2. Not available for free. No one wants to buy something that is available for free. This also includes affiliate programs that offer the provision of unpopular services. You won’t earn money on them, but you will only waste your time.
  3. Give preference to master classes. All kinds of training programs are now popular among Internet users. In addition, the commission for their sale is much higher than for other products.
  4. Offering long-term cooperation. These offers include hosting, marketing services, email newsletter programs. Occupation only in the segment of this niche will allow you to forget about the search for new offers.
  5. Subject. If you already have your own customer base, then you should look for offers for them with products and services that will be of interest to them.
  6. The amount of the commission. Income from the affiliate should cover the cost of the Internet, your website, the creation of landing pages and other necessary expenses.
  7. Offer potential buyers the best conditions. This is possible with the independent promotion of goods received from the manufacturer or wholesaler. Sending goods by cash on delivery, because not everyone agrees to transfer money in advance.
  8. Frequency of commission payments. If the offer offers payments once a month, then cooperation has no prospects. According to established practice, settlement with a partner should be made at least once every two weeks.
  9. Availability of promotional materials and various promotional offers. This increases the recognition of the promoted Internet product and allows you to quickly attract the target audience.

These criteria will allow you to make the right choice and additional income will not be long in coming.

Earnings on affiliate programs without a website

Affiliate programs allow you to receive a stable income for a long time, if at the initial stage active work was carried out to attract potential visitors and create your own client base. As practice shows, for this type of earnings on the Internet it is not necessary to have your own website. After all, the most important principle of earning is to attract customers to the offer site.

Currently, there are five alternative traffic sources that allow you to earn without your own personal blog or a full-fledged website. It:

  • Social networks. All Internet users have their own pages in social networks. And even several. So they can become the platform with which you can promote the product. And the ability to connect various automatic applications to the page will automate the maintenance of the page and send responses to incoming messages. Each social network allows the user to create a thematic group in which you can place links to the promoted product, other information necessary for this.
  • Guest posts. It consists in the fact that when visiting groups, pages or blogs of other users, in the comments or a special section, a text is placed with a link to a partner project. However, it should be borne in mind that the more popular someone else's page, blog or group, the more stringent the requirements for placing third-party advertising.
  • Posting comments in communities, forums and blogs. You must follow the rules for posting comments. Spam is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, the user will be blocked. In the content of the comment, it is recommended to leave your contact details or a link with the following content “if you are interested, write.” This approach will intrigue potential customers and not scare them away with unnecessary advertising.
  • Use of contextual and teaser advertising. Despite the fact that this is the easiest way to promote a product, it is the most costly. Therefore, before spending a lot of money, you should evaluate the possibility of returning them through a commission. Besides, you have to earn something.
  • Posting free press releases. The text itself must be SEO-optimized. That is, according to him keywords, the necessary information should appear in the first lines of search engines.

Using these traffic sources, you can make good money on affiliate programs, even without having your own website.

Advantages and disadvantages of earning on affiliate programs

To positive The characteristics of this type of income include the following:

  1. permanent and effective way of earning;
  2. available to every person who has a computer and access to the World Wide Web;
  3. the opportunity to start earning without investing your own funds;
  4. each partner works for himself and the level of income depends only on him.

To shortcomings can be attributed:

  1. instability of income, which depends directly on the relevance of the proposal that is being promoted;
  2. the use of paid resources to promote goods does not guarantee success in their sale;
  3. at the initial stage, certain investments cannot be dispensed with, so using the trial and error method will take a lot of time.

Most Common Mistakes

As the practice of making money on affiliate programs shows, failures lead the following errors:

  • wrong choice of affiliate program;
  • attracting non-target visitors;
  • promotion of a product that is unfamiliar to oneself;
  • an overestimated number of affiliate programs;
  • promotion of goods only with the help of your own website, without involving other traffic;
  • low quality advertisements.

Helps avoid mistakes constant self-learning, as well as paid training in various courses related to making money on the Internet.


It is possible and absolutely real to make money on affiliate programs without investing your own funds. After all, many offers provide assistance by providing their own systems for attracting new customers. However, to achieve a quick result, some investments will be required to create your own website, purchase special programs that automate the process of promoting a product or service.

In almost every article, I do not get tired of repeating that we live in a wonderful time of the post-industrial, information age. Also called digital. AT modern world It made it easier to start your own business. Not a classic, but an online business. Start working for yourself with little to no investment. Get freedom and at the same time make a profit, not a salary. Moreover, the profit exceeding the salary several times. Today we will look at one of these ways - earnings from affiliates. Also in the article a special bonus for you - the best affiliate programs of 2017-2018.

Stage 2. Getting an affiliate link. After registering in the affiliate program, you need to get your affiliate link. Usually an affiliate link is placed in your cabinet (account) of the Affiliate program. If you have registered in an infobusinessman's affiliate program, then usually this is not one link, but many links to various information products, including free ones. If the buyer clicked on your link, say, to download free book, and then bought some paid product, then you get good commissions. For example, if a client bought a training for 3,000 rubles, then you will receive commissions from 50% - more than 1,500 rubles.

Another example. If you have registered in an affiliate program of a useful service, say, an antivirus, then your account will contain many affiliate links for various antivirus products. There is also usually an affiliate link to home page seller site. If a customer has purchased one of the products, you will receive a percentage of its value, for example 10-20%. If the product provides for monthly subscription payments, then you will receive a percentage of all these payments.

It is not entirely clear to you how the owner of the Affiliate Program finds out that the buyer came exactly through your affiliate link?

In fact, everything is simple. The computer, while using the Internet, captures data to special cookies. Thus, the path of the buyer to the seller is fixed. And if the transaction is completed, then you will automatically receive the "commission" indicated in the Affiliate Program for assistance in the sale of goods / services (recommendation).

"Commission" you will see in your office (account) of the Affiliate program. Withdrawal of funds is usually carried out 1-2 times a month. Often there is a limit on the minimum and maximum withdrawal amount. To withdraw funds most often webmoney wallet is used.

I usually go after the 5th day of each month to each of my affiliate programs and request a withdrawal. For some partnerships, you can set up automatic monthly withdrawal funds to your WebMoney wallet.

Stage 3. Registration of a webmoney wallet. To receive a partner reward, you need to open a webmoney wallet (site for registering a wallet

Important! When registering a Webmoney wallet you have a question, which certificate to register? Answer: the minimum required certificate for calculations related to earnings on the Internet is Initial certificate. But I recommend registering immediately Personal certificate.

Personal passport, firstly, increases the credibility of you in the calculations. Secondly, you may need it to get a small start-up capitala profitable loan in Webmoney at a low interest rate.

Stage 4. Publication of an affiliate link. After receiving an affiliate link, you need to start advertising it. Where to place an affiliate link? This is the most main question for a webmaster, especially a beginner. Your future earnings depend on the correct placement of affiliate links..

In addition, you can set up a teaser and contextual advertising(or one of them), which will be configured through your affiliate link to the course author's website.

It is also possible to create a separate site (landing page), using advertising to "surge" traffic, advertise directly on the landing page.

Please note, if you use the option of advertising a link on a site (your own or someone else's), then it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to use a semantic text eyeliner !!! The eyeliner (a passage designed to motivate a person to click on a link) should be short, intriguing and beneficial for the user. It is she who is able to increase the number of clicks on your link.

I think you understand that all of the above effective methods of advertising require special knowledge. I will say from my experience that you should not waste your time on your own studying all these methods of advertising and searching for information on the Internet. For quick start I recommend that you immediately take one of the courses from Affiliate GuruEugene Vergusa. The cost of the courses is relatively low and you will "recapture" it in the process of learning.

With the help of video lessons, you will immediately learn and earn at the same time, simply by repeating the actions of the pros in affiliate marketing. Here is the link to the free course. But I would recommend going through the Automatic Learning System right away. Affiliate Sales Matrix. I myself took courses with Eugene Vergus and now I am successfully earning money on affiliate programs. I regret that I did not immediately find out who the best expert in affiliate programs is now and spent a lot of time searching for information on my own.

Stage 5. Calculation of commissions. Above, I, looking ahead a little, said that your commissions will be automatically accrued to you at the time of purchase of a product or service by a client who went to the seller’s website using your affiliate link. You can see the commission in your office (account) of the Affiliate program.

Stage 6. Withdrawal of commissions You will perform monthly manually or (if there is such functionality) set up automatic monthly withdrawals. To do this, in your account you will indicate the number of the webmoney wallet.

3. CPA affiliate programs

CPA affiliate programs can be called one of the types of affiliate programs that are gaining popularity.

There are CPA affiliate programs for which commissions charged for the sale of goods. And there are affiliate programs for which commissions are charged not for the sale of goods, but for a certain action, for example, for confirmation of the order of the goods, per confirmation of the application for a loan game registration online.

For example, the notorious Tinkoff bank also uses a CPA affiliate program. Its conditions are: 155 rubles for an application for lending and 952.52 rubles for an application for investing in a deposit.

4) How will your site help you earn on affiliate programs?

If your site is well promoted and frequently visited, you have the opportunity to monetize your articles with affiliate programs.

As an option for passive income, in this case, the affiliate program from Yandex (YAN):

You submit your site to the network and, in case of acceptance, ads will appear on your site. If site visitors switch to advertising, you will receive money.

5) Is it possible to make money on affiliate programs if you don't have your own website?

Certainly yes. Use other people's sites, forums, groups and publics in social networks, organizing advertising of your product (the topic should suit your "partnership"!). The negative side: these methods will be paid. The advantage of your site is the possibility of free traffic (after its promotion with seo-articles). The lack of promotion leads to the absence of site visitors, and, consequently, to the absence of those who want to follow your link.

But don't despair! For example, I managed to earn 10 thousand rubles with the help of Torrent. I posted a free information product of a well-known Internet entrepreneur, and inside there was a link to a paid one. Many downloaded free course, then, becoming interested, they bought through my link. It's kind of like passive income.

8. The Best CPA Affiliate Programs

CPA affiliate programs are also called CPA networks or CPA affiliate programs aggregators.

Below are the best, proven CPA networks, the most popular CPA affiliate programs that pay regular commissions, have good tech support, and run smoothly:
  • Admitad
  • Apishops
  • advertise
  • Gdeslon
  • actionpay
  • Qnits

You can find a complete list of CPA networks, their descriptions and reviews about these CPA networks.

9. Best Affiliate Programs of 2018

I bring universal proven affiliate programs of services, which will be easy for you to advertise and for which it will simply attract customers, because. All services are for making money.

10. How would I act now if I started working with affiliate programs from scratch today?

Summary. I think you have a general impression of how to make money on affiliate programs your main income and earn from 50,000 to 200,000 rubles per month.

How would I proceed now:

1. For myself, I have identified 3 main areas:

  • affiliate programs from well-known information businessmen(the goods are educational information products), they are beneficial in that the commission is very high (from 50 to 90%)
  • commodity CPA affiliate programs(requires registration in CPA networks), are beneficial in that these are WOW products that are used in great demand from people, their cost is relatively low (about 1500 rubles), the commission is high (about 500 rubles)
  • useful service affiliate programs, are beneficial in that the client pays constantly for using the service, and you receive a percentage (from 5-10%) of these amounts constantly.
  • How to choose an affiliate program?
  • How to register?
  • How to conduct an advertising campaign (by all available means)?

This is how I would do it now.

2) CPA commodity affiliate programs. Use catalogs (aggregators) of product affiliates of CPA networks CPAINFORM and SPA Daily. On them you will find the goods with the most favorable commissions. Do not forget to check the demand for goods using the service Word selection Yandex Wordstat. I also recommend that you pay attention to products in the Finance-Microloans category, they are in great demand among customers and you can receive a commission simply for a client’s application. After choosing a product, you register in the CPA network, get an affiliate link for the product, and start promoting it. Start with free ways. In parallel, study paid, more effective ways to advertise affiliate links, which we talked about above in the article.

So, to the question of whether it is possible to make money with the help of affiliate programs, I answer: definitely, YES! Checked! For newbies "partnership" - best option earnings on the Internet. Please note that you can do this with the presence of your site and in the absence of one.

A serious approach to business is the key to success in all endeavors, incl. and in earnings on affiliate programs. So do not hesitate and start acting right now!

I wish you inspiration and perseverance!

I wish you become a real webmaster!

Traditionally, at the end of the article, a portion of the interesting - a video about the INCREDIBLE space technologies of the future and the present


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In this article, I want to show you how to properly organize earnings on the Internet on affiliate programs. And I will give my “secret” list of the 63 best affiliate programs. So that you immediately have a place to apply your new knowledge and earn the first money today.

And for starters, let me show you by my example whether it is really possible to earn income on the Internet from affiliate programs.

How much can you actually earn on affiliate programs?

I'll tell you straight, as it is - affiliate programs are not the most profitable way to make money on the Internet. In order to receive some kind of sane income (say 30-50 thousand rubles a month), you need to try very hard.

On the other hand, this is one of the easiest ways to make money. You do not need to make your own products or provide any services. All you need to know how to do is drive traffic to partner landing pages.

For example, I never set myself the task of making money on affiliate programs. However, on this site where you are now, there are some affiliate links scattered around. I arranged them without any system and very carelessly. But nevertheless, they bring me some additional income.

I even recorded a video for you in which I log into my affiliate account and show how much money I “drop” per month.

Video - my earnings on the Internet on affiliate programs

Approximate figures for earnings on affiliate programs look like this. 80% of people generally earn almost nothing (except for one-time random incomes of 50-100 rubles). Approximately 15% earn in the region of 2-5 thousand rubles a month. And only 5% of all people employed in the affiliate business have a monthly income of several tens of thousands of rubles.

And, of course, there are units that make hundreds of thousands a month - for example, on CPA affiliate programs (I will give links to them a little lower in the article).

In any case, you should not count on huge earnings from the very beginning. First you need to try your hand and test a few affiliate programs from the list that I give below. And then you will decide whether it is for you to engage in this type of Internet business or is it better to choose.

And it’s best to test affiliate programs (and yourself) without big investments money. Otherwise, the money may end much earlier than you get the result. And this is how I would do it if today I decided to start earning on affiliate programs from scratch.

The recipe for making money on affiliate programs without a website and almost without investments

I already wrote about this in an article (opens in a new tab). In my opinion, this is the best way to promote affiliate programs without a website and practically for free.

You see what's the matter, the product that you advertise is the same product as everyone else. And it is sold exactly according to the same laws as all other products. And the main law of sales is this - they buy from someone they trust.

That is, if you take a product and start offering it to your acquaintances and friends, then they will buy it because they trust you (or they won’t buy it because they don’t trust you). The entire network business is built on this.

But many aspiring Internet entrepreneurs think that you can take a product and offer it to just everyone on the Internet. And then they wonder why they don't have sales. And why should someone give away their money just because you recommend it?

Accordingly, the most big income always with those people who have a wide audience that trusts them. These are the owners of promoted sites or large subscription bases (and often these are the same people).

And here you have two options if you want to earn a lot on affiliate programs. The first option is to create a promoted resource yourself and through it to gather around you a large number of people who trust you. But this long haul and you won't be able to do it overnight.

The second option is to use some of the influence and authority of those who already have it. And this is exactly what you can do in just one evening.

How to use someone else's authority to advertise an affiliate program

Almost all owners of large and promoted sites earn on advertising. They hang up Yandex-Direct and Google Adsense ad blocks. But with such advertising, the income is always very low. Therefore, they also attract direct advertisers in every possible way.

And you, too, may well advertise your affiliate product on such a site. Moreover, such advertising costs surprisingly little. The normal rate is 50-100 rubles. per day of displaying your ad (and this is also on sites with high traffic of 10-20 thousand unique visitors per day).

So your action plan is something like this:

  1. Choose an affiliate program to your liking from the list below;
  2. Find a promoted site on the topic of your affiliate product;
  3. Hang your banner on this site for 50 rubles.

Another tip - try to "hang yourself" on the day when the blog author comes out with a new article. It will receive the maximum number of the most valuable audience for us - regular readers of this site. It is they who most of all trust the author of the site (and his "recommendations"). And they will be the first to notice changes on their favorite site - your new banner.

In addition, the authors often make a mailing to their database with a notification that a new article has appeared on the site. And this attracts a huge amount of "fiery" traffic - the author's subscribers. Accordingly, for your 50 rubles you will get maximum attention.

Why don't site owners do it themselves?

Recently, a reader asked me a very correct question - why don't the owners of such sites themselves advertise profitable affiliate programs? Why do they need our miserable 50 rubles, although they can earn thousands?

The answer here is very simple. Most owners of promoted sites do not understand affiliate programs at all. Yes, they are too lazy to understand them - who sells how, who pays how much, whether commissions are paid in good faith, and so on and so forth.

It is much easier for them to immediately take money from you for advertising, and then at least the grass does not grow. This is what we are using.

And now, in fact, my “secret” list of the 63 best affiliate programs for making money on the Internet, which I once compiled for myself. In fact, there are even more partners here. Because in some paragraphs there are several links.

63 best affiliate programs for making money on the Internet

Affiliates of infobusinessmen

In the article, I already told you where it is better to look for affiliate programs, and how not to run into scammers. And here is the actual list that I could recommend (with your permission, I will not put active links so as not to clog the article):

  1. Project of ready-made solutions by Vitaly Timofeev, //, Commission: 450 rub. from sale
  2. Alexey Vinograd, //, Commission: 8970 rub. from sale
  3. Affiliate program of Ilya Tsibalist, //, Commission: 500 rubles. from sale
  4. Project Business Reality by Igor Zuevich, //, Commission: 500 rubles. from sale
  5. Dmitry Zverev's info products, //, Commission: 315 rubles. from sale
  6. Affiliate program Dyrza Alexander, //, Commission: 270 rub. from sale
  7. Invest Consulting, //, Commission: 7975 rub. from sale
  8. Affiliate program of Konstantin Artemyev, //, Commission: 400 rubles. from sale
  9. Andrey Ber's partner, //, Commission: 428 rubles. from sale
  10. Shop Alexandra Horoshilova, //, Commission: 783 rubles. from sale
  11. Partner of Alexander Aristarov, //, Commission: 3000 rubles. from sale
  12. Anton Protsenko, //, Commission: 186 rub. from sale
  13. School online learning"Netology" // Commission 20-38%. Lots of different online courses on learning to work remotely. In this online school, many people can get great knowledge in order to find some kind of job for themselves in various companies ... You can learn to be a designer, layout designer, sales manager, VKontakte, facebook promotion manager, etc.
  14. Affiliate program of Natalia Odegova // Commissions are not small. Highly good feedback. A lot of training courses to get a profession: copywriting, social network manager vkontakte, facebook, classmates, traffic specialist, etc.
  15. Yulia Volkodav copywriting school affiliate program: // Good training, reviews.
  16. Affiliate program Training Center DreamWork Professional // There is a good training manager of Internet projects. A profession in demand today. Commissions from 30 to 100%.
  17. Zeus School of Online Business - // many different courses on doing business with China, courses on creating beautiful landing pages (one-page sites), courses on time management, YouTube channel monetization, etc.
  18. Affiliate program of the legendary school Eshko - // - many different training courses for studying foreign languages and not only.
  19. Affiliate program of the mega promoted school LinguaLeo //
  20. Alexey Zakharenko web design school affiliate program //, // very good courses and web design training in general.
  21. Affiliate program of Zinaida Lukyanova //, cool tutorials on Photoshop and more.
  22. Affiliate program of Igor Lokhman and Alexander Borisov - High-quality blog video in an hour - // Mega powerful course on creating high-quality videos not only for the blog, but in general for yourself.
  23. YouTube Master course affiliate program //
  24. Affiliate program of Alex Yanovsky //
  25. Affiliate program of Alexander Kurteev - //
  26. Andrey Bernatsky affiliate program //
  27. Info-DVD publishing partner program // From these guys, I would only recommend trading and forex courses (if I ever had the idea to recommend something on this topic =)
  28. Affiliate program of Sergey Solyansky and Alexander Borisov “How to make money by creating banners” //

Internet service partners

If you do not want to associate with information businessmen, you can try to advertise Internet services. A big plus of such programs is recurring payments. That is, the service pays you a commission every time a user pays a subscription fee (usually every month).

  1. Affiliate program of Andrey Serebryakov and Alexander Borisov - a script for monetizing sites through banners "BannerBro" - //
  2. Affiliate program of the payment acceptance script on the Order Master 2 website // and //
  3. Affiliate program of the payment acceptance service and organization of the affiliate program //
  4. Getresponse mailing list service affiliate program //
  5. Hosting affiliate program Mchost //
  6. Fast VPS hosting affiliate program //
  7. Affiliate program of services for freelancers //, //, //
  8. Affiliate program of services: //, //, //, //
  9. Affiliate program of link buying services: //, //, //
  10. Service affiliate link //
  11. Affiliate program of webinar services: //, //
  12. Site availability check service: //
  13. Services for checking the position of the site in search engines: //, //
  14. Affiliate program of the checktrust service: //
  15. Service affiliate program //
  16. Affiliate program of Maxim Pastukhov //
  17. Affiliate program of payment systems //, //
  18. Webmoney exchange and withdrawal service affiliate program //
  19. Affiliate program of teaser networks: //, //, //
  20. Affiliate program // for the purchase of proxy servers for the KeyCollektor program
  21. Affiliate program of CPA networks //, //, // // and other CPA networks. There are a lot of them.
  22. Service affiliate program //
  23. Online consultant affiliate program for the site //, //, //, //
  24. Online Accounting Affiliate Program My Business //
  25. Affiliate program //
  26. Affiliate program Megaplan //
  27. Affiliate program Member Luxe — //
  28. Affiliate program for counting the number of characters in the text of competitors //
  29. Affiliate program of the script "Magint for Subscriber" //
  30. Affiliate program of the course "Backup according to the method of Evgeny Popov" //
  31. Link management script Redirector: //
  32. Service for closing piracy distribution of courses and trainings - //
  33. Affiliate program of the Rotaban service – //
  34. Affiliate program of the service for advertising in social networks //


Yes, affiliate programs are not the most profitable option for online business. However, in my opinion, it is great for beginners. Because here you can fully focus on developing the main skills of an Internet entrepreneur - the ability to attract traffic and turn this traffic into customers.

Everything else will follow. I hope this list is helpful to you. Bookmark it so you don't lose it and share it with your friends (they will thank you).

Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (squeezed from personal experience for 10 years =)

See you later!

Your Dmitry Novoselov

Vasily Blinov is in touch. In this article I will tell you everything about affiliate programs, and also give my list of affiliate programs on which I already earn from 20 thousand rubles a month.

On my blog you can find many useful material on various affiliate programs, how to work with them and earn money. You can also take part in.

Now I can say with confidence that affiliate programs are one of the better ways monetize your projects on the Internet and just earn money without much investment. It is enough to maintain accounts in your social networks correctly and you will already be able to earn on the recommendations of partner products.

What is an affiliate program

Affiliate program (abbr. "affiliate") is a form of cooperation between you and the creators of a product or service. That is, you become an intermediary between the seller and the buyer, receiving a certain commission from each product ordered through you.

This form of cooperation was created in order to make it easier for the creators of the product to distribute it. You, as a partner, get the opportunity to sell their finished products for free without investing in production. You just take ready-made products, find buyers, attract them through special affiliate links and get good money for it in the form of a percentage of sales.

Commissions are usually paid to various Internet wallets, such as Yandex Money, Web Money, etc. With some projects, it is possible to conclude an agreement on the payment of commissions directly to the current account (bank card).

  • How affiliate programs work

After registering in the affiliate program, you will receive affiliate links that you will need to use for work. Your affiliate identifier is embedded in the links, with the help of which the person who followed the link is assigned to you using cookies.

A cookie is a small piece of data sent by a web server and stored in the browser on the user's computer. That is, the browser remembers the transition to a link to a site with your ID. If a person makes a purchase within a certain time after clicking on the link, you will be credited with a commission.

  • Types of affiliate programs

There are 2 types of affiliate programs by levels - single-level and multi-level. single level is when you only earn commission on personal sales. They brought a client and received money. BUT multilevel- this is when, in addition to personal sales, you receive commissions from the sales of partners you have attracted.

That is, in multi-level affiliate programs, you can not only sell a product, but also attract partners like you through your links and make a profit from their sales of products. This type of affiliate programs resembles an MLM structure, when you earn money by building a network of your partners.

I recommend that you carefully consider the choice of partner products, many companies began to build their earnings only on their partners. I use affiliate programs one-level and two-level. There are a few exceptions where a good and quality product has a 4-level affiliate program.

I can also divide affiliate products into 2 types: a product with a one-time payment and a product with a subscription fee. That is, in the first case, you receive affiliate commissions only once from the attracted client and the purchase of goods by him, and in the second case, from the attracted client you can receive commissions as much as he will use it and pay a monthly fee for the product or service.

List of the best affiliate programs of 2018

A little later there will be a list of links to articles with a detailed description of each affiliate program that I use.

The rest are in the catalog of affiliate programs 2.0, which I am currently working on, I have collected on this moment more than 1,000 affiliate programs in the draft, which I slowly study and add the best ones to this catalog, dividing them into categories and topics so that everyone can use them comfortably.

If you also make money on affiliate programs and your theme of affiliate programs is not infobusiness, business on the Internet, earnings on the Internet, then you can write to me for cooperation and posting a review article with your affiliate program on my blog.

Friends, write in the comments on what topics you are interested in affiliate programs. We will find quality projects for you.