financial seminars. Free online courses on investment and finance. Theories of money. From shell to bitcoin

  • 10.12.2019

1. I (the Client) hereby express my consent to the processing of my personal data received from me in the course of sending an application for information advisory services/ admission to study in educational programs.

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The Group of Companies includes:
1. LLC "MBSH", legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 38 A.
2. MBSH Consulting LLC, legal address: 119331, Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, 29, office 520.
3. CHUDPO "MOSCOW BUSINESS SCHOOL - SEMINARS", legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 38 A.

3. For the purposes of this agreement, “personal data” means:
Personal data that the Client provides about himself consciously and independently when filling out an Application for training / receiving information and consulting services on the pages of the Website of the Group of Companies
(namely: last name, first name, patronymic (if any), year of birth, level of education of the Client, selected training program, city of residence, mobile phone number, address Email).

4. Client - an individual (a person who is a legal representative individual under the age of 18, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation), who filled out the Application for training/receiving information and consulting services on the Website of the Group of Companies, thus expressing their intention to use the educational/information and consulting services of the Group of Companies.

5. The Group of Companies generally does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by the Client and does not exercise control over his legal capacity. However, the Group of Companies proceeds from the fact that the Client provides a reliable and sufficient personal information on the issues proposed in the registration form (Application form), and keeps this information up to date.

6. The Group of Companies collects and stores only those personal data that are necessary for admission to training / receiving information and consulting services from the Group of Companies and organizing the provision of educational / information and consulting services (execution of agreements and contracts with the Client).

7. The information collected allows sending information to the e-mail address and mobile phone number specified by the Client in the form of e-mails and SMS messages via communication channels (SMS mailing) in order to conduct a reception for the provision of services by the Group of Companies, organize the educational process, send important notices such as changes to the terms, conditions and policies of the Group of Companies. Also, such information is necessary for promptly informing the Client about all changes in the conditions for the provision of information and consulting services and organizing the educational and admission process for training in the Group of Companies, informing the Client about upcoming promotions, upcoming events and other events of the Group of Companies, by sending him mailings and information messages, as well as for the purpose of identifying a party under agreements and contracts with the Group of Companies, communication with the Client, including sending notifications, requests and information related to the provision of services, as well as processing requests and applications from the Client.

8. When working with the personal data of the Client, the Group of Companies is guided by federal law RF No. 152-FZ dated July 27, 2006 "About personal data".

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11. The group of companies takes the necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect the Client's personal data from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions of third parties with it.

12. This agreement and relations between the Client and the Group of Companies arising in connection with the application of the agreement are subject to the law Russian Federation.

13. By this agreement I confirm that I am over 18 years old and accept the conditions indicated by the text of this agreement, and also give my full voluntary consent to the processing of my personal data.

14. This agreement governing relations between the Client and the Group of Companies is valid throughout the entire period of the provision of the Services and the Client's access to the personalized services of the Website of the Group of Companies.

LLC "MBSH" legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 38 A.
MBSH Consulting LLC legal address: 119331, Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, 29, office 520.
CHUDPO "MOSCOW BUSINESS SCHOOL - SEMINARS", legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 38 A.

All courses in Russian or English language from this selection are available on request or are regularly reissued.

Courses in Russian

1. The Science of Wealth

Volume: 11 video lectures.
Organizer: Friedrich von Hayek Institute.

The course is intended for those who aspire to fundamental knowledge economic theory. Pavel Usanov will talk about the main economic models- from Aristotelian catallactics to socialism - and explain how they are reflected in real life of people.

2. History of economic thought

Volume: 11 modules.
Area: coursera.
Organizer: High School of Economics.

For a deep understanding of modern economic processes the historical aspect is important. HSE professors will not only tell you what Marx meant by surplus value and why Smith advocated a free market, but they will also develop critical economic thinking in you.

3. Economics for non-economists

Volume: 10 modules.
Area: coursera.
Organizer: High School of Economics.

For those who do not want to delve into economic science, this course is suitable. Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory Igor Kim plain language explain the basic concepts of micro- and macroeconomics. Learn what is supply and demand, what is the mechanism of competition and monopoly, what is GDP and where does inflation with unemployment come from - take financial literacy to a new level.

4. Financial markets and institutions

Volume: 9 modules.
Area: coursera.
Organizer: High School of Economics.

This course presents lectures by Professor Nikolai Iosifovich Berzon: structure financial market(from stock to currency), stocks, bonds, banking sector and much more. What you need for novice investors. If you learn to invest money, then from the best!

5. Theories of money. From shell to bitcoin

Volume: 8 modules.
Organizer: European University at St. Petersburg.

If life is a game, then money helps keep score. So it was at a time when people exchanged ingots of precious metals. So it is now, when the world is going crazy on. Professor of Economics Yulia Vymyatnina will tell you what can be considered money and what is not, and what is the value of money. In 2015, her course won second place in the EdCrunch Award in the Humanities category.

6. ABC of finance

Volume: 6 modules.
Organizer: Tomsk State University control systems and radio electronics.

If you think the budget financial plan and investment is the destiny of economists, then you are mistaken. Any modern man must skillfully invest money and analyze the economic situation. Candidate of Economic Sciences Valeria Tsibulnikova will teach you this. Focus is on .

7. Financial Literacy

Volume: 6 modules.
Area: 4brain.
The authors: Grigory Ksheminsky and Evgeny Buyanov.

Many people cannot secure a decent life even with a good salary. Paradox? Hardly! This is a natural consequence of financial ignorance. The authors of this text course are convinced that well-being begins with a conscious attitude towards money and financial thinking.

8. Fundamentals of financial literacy

Volume: 13 modules.
Area: Zillion.
Organizer: Moscow Academy of Entrepreneurship under the Government of Moscow commissioned by TemoCentre.

What taxes do citizens pay? Why are we denied loans? And how to ensure a comfortable old age? More than six and a half thousand listeners have already received answers to these and other questions about the formation of a personal budget and planning expenses. You also have the opportunity to improve your financial literacy.

9. Fundamentals of finance for youth

Volume: 5 modules.
Organizer: Center additional education Novosibirsk State University.

This course is interactive. It consists of 100 mini-tasks, which, in turn, are divided into thematic modules (personal, household, global, corporate finance and financial institutions). By completing tasks, you earn points and move from level to level.

10. Business for Dummies

Volume: 14 video lectures.
Yuri Milyukov, founder of the Moscow Commodity Exchange.

How did certain organizational and legal forms for business appear? How are banks, stock exchanges, insurers and logistics arranged? What are auditors, consultants, appraisers, experts and analysts for? The answers to these and many other questions are in the speeches of the well-known businessman Yuri Milyukov.

Courses in English

1. Financial Literacy

Volume: 4 modules.
Area: open2study.
The authors: Peter Mordaunt, Paul Clitheroe.

What is the difference between goals in life and financial goals? How to make sure that income prevails over expenses? What is the 10% rule? How is investment different from saving? How not to break firewood and not run into scammers? The answers to these and many other questions will be given to you by teachers at Macquarie University.

2. Finance for All: Smart Tools for Decision Making

Volume: 6 modules.
Area: edX.
Organizer: University of Michigan.

What is more profitable: to rent or to take a mortgage? Buy a used car or a new one? Open a deposit or invest in securities? Making such important decisions is easier if you are familiar with basic financial principles. Learn them in this course. Its peculiarity is in the abundance of examples from life.

3. Financial mathematics

Volume: 2 modules.
Area: Alison.

Money loves an account. This short course will teach you how to reduce debit with credit. You will understand the difference between profit and margin, you will be able to calculate lost profits and adopt various strategies.

4. Finance for non-financiers

Volume: 5 modules.
Area: coursera.
Organizer: Rice University.

Professor James Weston is a respected expert in corporate finance. As part of this course, he explains how financiers make certain decisions. Very useful lectures for entrepreneurs who want to take their business to a whole new level.

5. Behavioral finance

Volume: 3 modules.
Area: coursera.
Organizer: Duke University.

Behavioral economics studies how social and psychological factors affect market variables. For example, commodity prices. This course will explain why people invest in pyramid schemes and not investment funds, make unnecessary purchases and other financial mistakes.

6. Financial planning for youth

Volume: 8 modules.
Area: coursera.
Organizer: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

A course that will not only teach you how to set the right goals, plan a budget and invest, but also allow you to try on the role of a financial advisor. Why not make solving financial problems your profession?

7. Introduction to personal finance management

Volume: 2 modules.
Area: Alison.
Christine Williams.

In this course, Chartered Lawyer Christine Williams teaches you how to get rid of . First, she suggests creating a table of debt obligations and prioritizing them based on terms and interest rates. This will help you choose the right strategy and keep your monthly payments to a minimum.

8. Personal and family financial planning

Volume: 9 modules.
Area: coursera.
Organizer: University of Florida.

Professor Michael S. Gutter teaches students how to navigate their own path to financial independence. The tax and credit modules may seem uninteresting to you, as they are focused on America. But general principles financial literacy universal.

9. Manage your money

Volume: 8 modules.
Area: OpenLearn.

This course will help you get your finances in order. First, they will explain to you how to create a personal budget. You will isolate useless or overly expensive items of expenditure and will be able to optimize them. And then get acquainted with the basics of lending and investing.

10. 5 keys to investing

Volume: 1 module.
Area: Udemy.
Steve Bollinger.

Theoretical base

The financial activity of any company needs proper management: the formation, distribution and use of financial flows. The financial service should be engaged in enterprises not only accounting, but also the formation financial strategy, planning and forecasting financial activities, financial control. Impossible without the work of the finance department efficient operation any company. Not a single organization, in whatever area it works, can exist without a department that will manage finances and thereby provide it with a reliable financial backing.

The training of specialists in the field of financial management of an enterprise is carried out by many higher educational establishments our country. But after graduation from the university, education for financiers does not end. In this profession, there is always something to learn, what programs and methods to master. Modern seminars, trainings and courses for financiers offer a variety of content and goals of training, advanced training, retraining and development of practical skills for financial workers.

About seminars for financiers

Fast-growing advances in technology and changes in legislation are forcing many modern professionals to upgrade their qualifications and skills in order to find high paying job, climb the corporate ladder, or simply perform well in your current job. A course or training for financiers can provide either extensive theoretical knowledge or help you acquire useful professional practical skills, and only seminars combine both in the best possible way, and in the shortest possible time, because they last 1-3 days.

In addition to self-realization in professional field The seminar also has a significant social impact on the listener. A New Look to professional questions, communication with a successful specialist in their field becomes an incentive for development, a way to believe in yourself and set new goals for yourself in life and profession. Any seminar is able to add variety to the daily routine, give freedom of choice, feel the effectiveness of self-development.
In order for the seminar to bring maximum benefit, it is important to choose a finance training program that will be of interest to a particular specialist.

Conveniently, when the training program is described in sufficient detail, the lecturer who will lead the seminar is indicated. The name of the author of the seminar should be addressed Special attention, because from experience and the presence of practical skills in conducting large financial projects will depend on the success of the training.

On the importance of seminars for employees financial departments

Seminars for financiers include an impressive list of disciplines and topics, ranging from general financial questions to business management, management cash flows, financial and economic analysis before studying in practice such tools as calculation and distribution of costs, budgeting, mathematical modeling, quantitative analysis data and internal audit.

An important topic of seminars on finance is taxation. They present not only general rules tax planning and optimization, but also such issues as legends, avoiding affiliation, tax security, protection from tax claims, risks arising from tax optimization and when paying "gray" wages and many other topics.

The seminars provide not only training in finance, but also often offer clear algorithms for leadership. financial flows, there is a systematization of experience with the help of case tasks and joint discussion with other participants. The clearly applied focus of the seminars on the topic "Finance" helps trained students to find a solution to any problem related to corporate money management.

Trainings for financiers

The Solon Training Center offers a variety of courses, trainings and seminars on finance, which are conducted by highly professional and experienced teachers: lawyers, economists, business coaches, teachers from the best universities in Moscow, authors of publications in professional publications, directors of enterprises and heads of financial departments of large companies.

All seminars are held in Moscow, on weekdays working time. As a rule, they start no earlier than 10.00, so that all participants can get to the venue through traffic jams in the capital, and end no later than 17-18 hours.

Solon offers so much a large number of seminars for financiers, that sometimes there are two or more of them on the same day, so that our clients have to make a choice in favor of one or another program. With this in mind, we try to put on one day programs that are as different as possible from each other, which will be of interest to different specialists who work in such a department as the Department of Finance.

The first series of lectures in a series of lectures on various aspects of financial literacy. The main objective of the course "Personal Finance Management" is to form in children an understanding that finances accompany them throughout their lives and the financial well-being of each person depends on him.

TOPIC 1: Managing personal finances

Lecture 1: Introductory Lecture

At what stages life cycle there is a surplus and a deficiency financial resources? What is the purpose of personal financial planning? What problems does short-term, medium-term and long-term financial planning solve?

Lecture 2: Total personal capital

What measures ensure the achievement of current, medium and long-term goals? What is the structure of total personal capital? What is the purpose of the reserve capital? What capital ensures the achievement of long-term goals?

Lecture 3: Investments in three dimensions

What requirements must be met by the investments we make? Is it possible that all properties of investments are combined in one financial instrument?

Lecture 4: Bank deposit: advantages and disadvantages

Lecture 5: Deposits in personal wealth management

Lecture 6: Risk and return in the financial market

The key concept for finance is considered - the ratio of risk and profitability. What is the basis of risk when investing in the financial market? What are the necessary components an investor should have in order to make sound investment decisions? Why do investors analyze the state of the global financial market when investing in the Russian stock market?

Lecture 7: Measuring risk

Risk assessment indicators. What is variance, standard deviation and coefficient of variation?

Lecture 8: The influence of the time horizon on investment risk

How do risk and return indicators change with the lengthening of the investment time horizon? How do returns on stocks and bonds change as the time horizon of investment is extended?

Lecture 9: Evaluating the effectiveness of investment

What does the Sharpe ratio show? Why does the Sharpe ratio for stocks increase faster than for bonds when the investment horizon is extended?

Lecture 10: Diversification of investments

How can the overall risk of investing be reduced? What is systematic (market) risk? What is top-down diversification?

Lecture 11: The demographic situation in the world and in Russia

The information given in the lecture may be useful for students to understand what awaits them in the future, who will take care of their old age.

A series of lectures on financial literacy was created as part of the project "Assistance in increasing the level of financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation", in the direction "Assistance in creating human resources teachers, methodologists, administrators educational organizations in the area of ​​financial literacy, as well as an effective infrastructure to support their financial literacy activities.”

The success of any company is closely related to the effectiveness of management decisions. It is not so easy to build an efficient financial and economic system, and financial seminars can provide tremendous assistance in this matter. Classes on financial management (financial literacy courses) will not only provide answers to many of the tasks set, but will also offer an effective algorithm for building step-by-step subsystems and unifying financial management systems.

Many people are well versed in the modern financial world, they are able to analyze the financial and economic activities of an enterprise, but their knowledge is not always enough to carry out effective management company and problem solving. It is at the seminars that we will teach how to use financial instruments in practice with maximum efficiency and benefit.

Any seminar about financial analysis (analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise), is ready to provide relevant cases on topics and the most effective methods for acquiring knowledge in the field of financial management for the learning process. Due to constant changes and additions to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, all training materials undergo immediate adjustments.

Financial Seminars ( financial rates) are always in demand due to the convenient presentation of knowledge and its systematization, a significant expansion of professional skills, the introduction of new effective financial instruments and management methods. At the same time, all the proposed developments were carried out taking into account the specifics of the activity and the general strategy of the company's management.

Financial seminars, financial courses. List of financial literacy courses

Please familiarize yourself with financial seminars offered by our center, which include seminars for financial directors and other seminars on financial literacy:

Seminar title the date of the Duration, days The cost of the seminar for a student in a group


(90 minutes)

Sign up for a seminar
September October November
1 Finance for non-financiers 15;22


2 days 17 000 3 000 Submit an application
2 15-16


2 days 17 000

3 000

Submit an application
3 Workshop:Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise ( the financial analysis) 1;15 1 day 9000 3 000 Submit an application

Workshop: Investment Analysis
16 1 day 9 000 3 000 Submit an application
5 Workshop: Investment and financial analysis 15-16 1 day 9 000 3 000 Submit an application
6 Workshop:Budgeting and planning in the enterprise 11-12 22-23 23-24 1 day 9 000 3 000 Submit an application
7 Workshop:Setting up and optimizing management accounting 17-18 1 day 9 000 3 000 Submit an application
8 Workshop: Financial Analysis