Seminars on finance. financial seminars. Finance for All: Smart Tools for Decision Making

  • 10.12.2019

The first cycle of lectures in a series of cycles devoted to various aspects financial literacy. The main objective of the course "Personal Finance Management" is to form in children an understanding that finances accompany them throughout their lives and the financial well-being of each person depends on him.

TOPIC 1: Managing personal finances

Lecture 1: Introductory Lecture

At what stages life cycle there is a surplus and a deficiency financial resources? What is the purpose of personal financial planning? What problems does short-term, medium-term and long-term financial planning solve?

Lecture 2: Total personal capital

What measures ensure the achievement of current, medium and long-term goals? What is the structure of total personal capital? What is the purpose of the reserve capital? What capital ensures the achievement of long-term goals?

Lecture 3: Investments in three dimensions

What requirements must be met by the investments we make? Is it possible that all properties of investments are combined in one financial instrument?

Lecture 4: Bank deposit: advantages and disadvantages

Lecture 5: Deposits in personal wealth management

Lecture 6: Risk and return in the financial market

The key concept for finance is considered - the ratio of risk and profitability. What is the basis of risk when investing in the financial market? What are the necessary components an investor should have in order to make sound investment decisions? Why do investors analyze the state of the global financial market when investing in the Russian stock market?

Lecture 7: Measuring Risk

Risk assessment indicators. What is variance, standard deviation and coefficient of variation?

Lecture 8: The influence of the time horizon on investment risk

How do risk and return indicators change with the lengthening of the investment time horizon? How do returns on stocks and bonds change as the time horizon of investment is extended?

Lecture 9: Evaluating the effectiveness of investment

What does the Sharpe ratio show? Why does the Sharpe ratio for stocks increase faster than for bonds when the investment horizon is extended?

Lecture 10: Diversification of investments

How can the overall risk of investing be reduced? What is systematic (market) risk? What is top-down diversification?

Lecture 11: The demographic situation in the world and in Russia

The information given in the lecture may be useful for students to understand what awaits them in the future, who will take care of their old age.

A series of lectures on financial literacy was created as part of the project "Promotion of increasing the level of financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in Russian Federation", in the direction of "Assistance in the creation human resources teachers, methodologists, administrators educational organizations in the area of ​​financial literacy, as well as an effective infrastructure to support their financial literacy activities.”

The success of any company is closely related to efficiency. management decisions. It is not so easy to build an efficient financial and economic system, and financial seminars can provide tremendous assistance in this matter. Classes on financial management (financial literacy courses) will not only provide answers to many of the tasks set, but will also offer an effective algorithm for building step-by-step subsystems and unifying financial management systems.

Many people are well versed in the modern financial world, they are able to analyze the financial and economic activities of an enterprise, but their knowledge is not always enough to carry out effective management company and problem solving. It is at the seminars that we will teach how to use financial instruments in practice with maximum efficiency and benefit.

Any seminar about financial analysis (analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise), is ready to provide relevant cases on topics and the most effective methods for acquiring knowledge in the field of financial management for the learning process. Due to constant changes and additions to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, all training materials undergo immediate adjustments.

Financial Seminars ( financial rates) are always in demand due to the convenient presentation of knowledge and its systematization, a significant expansion of professional skills, the introduction of new effective financial instruments and management methods. At the same time, all the proposed developments were carried out taking into account the specifics of the activity and the general strategy of the company's management.

Financial seminars, financial courses. List of financial literacy courses

Please familiarize yourself with financial seminars offered by our center, which include seminars for financial directors and other seminars on financial literacy:

Seminar title the date of the Duration, days The cost of the seminar for a student in a group


(90 minutes)

Sign up for a seminar
September October November
1 Finance for non-financiers 15;22


2 days 17 000 3 000 Submit an application
2 15-16


2 days 17 000

3 000

Submit an application
3 Workshop:Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise (financial analysis) 1;15 1 day 9000 3 000 Submit an application

Workshop: Investment Analysis
16 1 day 9 000 3 000 Submit an application
5 Workshop: Investment and financial analysis 15-16 1 day 9 000 3 000 Submit an application
6 Workshop:Budgeting and planning in the enterprise 11-12 22-23 23-24 1 day 9 000 3 000 Submit an application
7 Workshop:Setting up and optimizing management accounting 17-18 1 day 9 000 3 000 Submit an application
8 Workshop: Financial Analysis

Do you want a scary story? We'll tell you anyway (hehe).

A long time ago, HRs and recruiters were called "personnel officers", everyone who worked with financial values belonged to accountants, and for improvised calculations they used wooden abacus and the Electronics calculator. The era of dinosaurs has passed, the world has begun to progress and we are with it. Thanks to the people who invented the computer, the Internet and online courses.

Finance for Dummies // Finance for Non-Finance Professionals

Evaluate the profitability of the project // Financial Decision Rules for Project Evaluation

Suitable for future consulting stars and entrepreneurs who want to learn how to measure the profitability of projects. Continuation Bonus: Project Risk Assessment

Investment Market (What?!) //

Tools for financial analysis //

Accountants and economists - have you signed up yet?! Learn the basics here accounting, financial analysis and understand the relationship between them.

No calculators, only Excel //

Without Excel - nowhere! This course looks at Excel as a tool for solving business problems and is great for beginners. Hurry up and don't forget to install Excel 2013 version.

Invest now! // Investment banking from the inside

A Russian-language course for those who want to build a career in the financial sector: talk about the upcoming job, the necessary skills and useful "chips" at the interview.

Wow! And you are a CFO // Corporate Finance

Here you will learn what corporate finance is, what it is for and get a dose of tediousness from useful knowledge about investment appraisal.

Learning to manage personal finance // Finance Fundamentals: Financial Planning and Budgeting

Here they will talk about the main business and financial skills - investment and financial services, personal financial planning and project management.

Finance in the project // Apply finance concepts for smart project management

Dedicated to project managers and any executive who wants to learn how to use financial reporting to make sound business decisions.

For strategists // Trading Basics

An advanced course that will allow you to delve into the algorithms of trading strategies and the basics of their development.

A bit of venture //

It's like magic outside of Hogwarts - they teach you how to turn a credit into a debit. But seriously, an excellent course for those who dream of developing in the field of investment or becoming a private investor. I talk about profitable industries: where to invest, why and why. Everything is accompanied by graphs, analysis and facts.

Accountant, my dear... //

In this course you will understand the articles of accounting and the basics of financial analysis. The teacher will talk about the relationship between accounting and finance and why their performance is so important to the company.

Did you order a financial forecast? //

You see the numbers, but what they say - do not know? Here they will learn to find useful information and use the data to inform strategies, demand forecasts, risk management and optimization. Be literate financial analyst investment appraisal!

Understanding reporting //

One of the key figures in modern company is a financial director or financial manager. None strategic decision on production, purchase or sale is not accepted without the consent of all financial issues with him. This profession in any country of the world is considered one of the highest paid, as well as very promising in terms of career. AT modern economy there is a traditionally high level of demand for specialists capable of managing financial flows companies. A good financier is always responsible for his own self-education and is able to make an excellent career in a fairly short time. Our resource site offers courses for beginners and advanced financiers financial management in Moscow and seminars on finance.

What can be learned in the offered courses?

Advanced training courses in finance cover many topical issues:
  • financial manager as an important link in the structure of company management;
  • management and financial accounting;
  • enterprise balance sheet;
  • CVP breakeven analysis;
  • methods for calculating the cost of manufactured products;
  • pricing policy management;
  • choosing a bank and cooperation with it;
  • types of enterprise budgets;
  • cash management;
  • financial forecasting;
  • financial risk management.

What is the purpose of the courses?

Enterprise finance courses are designed to increase the level of professionalism financial managers in management accounting, cost issues, pricing, budget management and enterprise costs. Our website B-Seminar.RU contains only the best companies in their segment, offering educational programs for teaching finance.

Such courses are needed not only for men and women in solid suits. The sooner you understand the principles of forming a personal budget, competently planning expenses and creating savings, the better. The Zillion educational platform offers a course for high school students, designed for 70 educational hours. The course includes 12 videos and 13 knowledge tests.

This program was developed by HSE professors to improve the skills of teachers, but anyone can take it. In total, 7 video courses on financial topics are available. They will teach you how to manage personal money, explain the intricacies of the relationship between a person and the state, talk about pyramid schemes and other types of financial fraud. And they will also help you deal with insurance and stock markets, and even inspire you to create a new business. Full collection of video lectures at the link.

More than 50 financial experts took part in the creation of these materials. The course is free and built in the form of a game. Participants will have to complete more than 100 tasks on topics about personal, household, global and corporate finance, as well as financial institutions. Each task contains videos, articles and practical tasks. For each completed task, points are awarded, which can then be exchanged for a university certificate.

The Fingram website is generally dedicated to the topic of finance and publishes various news from this area, but we are primarily interested in the section “ Training courses". There are financial literacy training programs for beginners and advanced, online investment courses and two financial quests. After the theoretical material, the user is offered tests on a given topic. The site also has links to courses by respected educational institutions: The Open University in the UK, Michigan and Yale.

If you have already figured out the basics and are ready to deepen your financial knowledge, take the ABC of Finance course on the Lectorium website. This knowledge will be useful to those who want to understand financial instruments and investment rules. The course instructor has 11 years of experience in financial markets and in the field of stock trading. You can get trained for free.

Another basic course from the Higher School of Economics. The program will introduce the basic concepts of financial markets and instruments. No abstract topics - only what every person has to face in life. The course consists of video lessons, tests and lists of additional literature. You can join it for free after registration. If you did not have time to sign up for this course, there are several more similar ones in the site catalog.

The course "Banking and Finance" from "Sberbank" can be taken on the Coursera platform. The course will be useful for those who want to understand how a bank works: about bank loans, loans and other forms of financing. The course includes video materials, additional literature for self-study and practice tests.