Basovsky l e financial management. Extended list of references: "Financial management". Books and textbooks on discipline Financial management

  • 12.03.2020

Textbook. M.: INFRA-M, 2009. - 240 p.

Training course covers topics, questions and concepts, the study of which is provided for by the requirements of the new ones, introduced in 2000. State standards higher vocational education Russian Federation in the specialties “Accounting, analysis and audit”, “Finance and credit”, etc., issues of full-time financial management programs of leading universities in developed countries, Basic concepts of the theory of financial markets and the theory of capital structure, methodology financial analysis and planning, criteria for evaluating investment projects, the main management decisions in the field of enterprise finance, examples and reference materials are given.
It is intended for students and teachers of economic specialties of universities and practitioners.

Content: .
Financial management and the theory of finance.
Goals, objectives, role and content of financial management.
Ideal capital markets and discounted cash flow.
The theory of capital structure and the theory of dividends Modigliani and Miller.
Portfolio Theory and Return Model financial assets.
Option pricing theory.
Market efficiency and the ratio between risk and return.
Theory of agency relations.
Theory of asymmetric information.
Risk of individual financial assets.
Risk meter - iota-coefficient.
Risk and return.
Analysis of profitability and risk of assets in the portfolio.
Effective portfolios.
Choosing the optimal portfolio.
Model for assessing the profitability of financial assets CAPM.
Capital market line and securities market line.
Intangible and financial assets.
Concept of beta coefficient.
The theory of arbitrage pricing.
Valuation of stocks, bonds and options.
Basic financial asset valuation model (DCF).
Bond valuation.
Valuation of preferred shares.
Valuation of ordinary shares.
Fundamentals of the theory of options.
Black-Scholes option pricing model.
Option pricing and corporate financial policy.
Cost of capital and efficiency of capital investments.
Components of capital and their price.
The price of the main sources of capital.
Valuation of retained earnings and newly issued ordinary shares.
Weighted average price of capital.
Capital budget.
Criteria of efficiency of capital investments.
Analysis cash flows investment projects and capital budget risk.
Estimated cash flow.
Asset substitution, flow bias and managerial options.
Projects with unequal durations, termination of projects, accounting for inflation.
The risk associated with the project.
Single and intracompany risks.
Market risk.
Accounting for risk and cost of capital when adopting an investment budget.
Optimal capital investment budget by capital structure.
Investment Opportunity Chart and Capital Marginal Price Chart.
Joint analysis of MCC and IOS charts.
Problems and practice of capital investment budget optimization.
General production and financial risks.
Theory of capital structure: Modigliani-Miller models.
Market production and financial risks.
Financial hardship costs and agency costs.
Capital structure and dividend policy.
Theories of capital structure.
Problems and approaches to the choice of target capital structure.
Theoretical foundations of dividend policy.
Dividend policy in practice.
Dividend policy factors, share repurchases and share payments.
Ordinary shares, investment process and long-term borrowed capital.
Ordinary shares.
Transformation of an enterprise into a company open type and the procedure for issuing ordinary shares.
Transformation into a closed company and the allocation of part of the capital for public sale.
Investment banking process.
Debt instruments.
Terms of debt contracts and bond ratings.
Operations on early redemption of bonds with replacement for new ones.
Hybrid and rental financing.
Preference shares.
convertible securities.
Rent and tax effect.
Tenant valuation.
Rent valuation by the landlord.
Financial analysis and planning.
Financial statements.
Analytical coefficients.
Vertical and factor analysis.
Strategic, operational and financial plans.
Sales volume forecasting and financial forecasting.
Needs for external financing and an acceptable growth rate.
Problems and methods of forecasting and planning.
Short-term financing and management of liquid assets.
Short-term financial planning and money circulation.
Funding strategies working capital.
Sources of short-term financing.
Cash budget.
Determining the target cash balance.
Management methods in cash.
Securities management.
Inventory Management, accounts receivable and credit policy.
Inventory Management.
Optimization of the order batch and production series.
Accounts receivable management.
Credit policy.
Incremental analysis of credit policy.
Conclusion: what's next (special issues of financial management).
Recommended literature.
List of abbreviations and symbols.

Year of issue : 2002

Genre : financial management / textbook

Publisher: INFRA-M

Format : DjVu

Quality : Scanned pages

Number of pages: 240

Description : Compulsory study of the discipline "Financial Management" by students of economic specialties of universities, including such as "Accounting, Analysis and Audit", "Finance and Credit", is determined by the requirements of the Russian state educational standards of higher professional education introduced in 2000.
Financial management as a science dedicated to the methodology and techniques of enterprise financial management has been formed within the framework of modern finance theory by supplementing it with analytical sections. accounting. The first books on the new discipline appeared in English-speaking countries in the early 1960s.

The content of financial management is determined by the goals of the owners and the top management personnel enterprises and organizations. The main goals are to ensure the maximum growth rate of the enterprise price, or maximization of its price, the achievement of which is ensured by increasing the capitalized value of the enterprise.
In the first half of the 1990s, Russian financial markets were at the initial stage of their formation; it was difficult to see in their functioning a manifestation of the well-known laws of the theory of finance. In particular, studies have shown that the pressure of financial markets, which in developed countries by 70-80% determines the behavior of enterprises, until 1995-1996. had little effect on Russian enterprises. Therefore, to some extent, it was possible to put up with the fact that in the financial management courses taught in most Russian economic universities in the 90s, in most Russian textbooks published in those years, modern ideas about the interaction of enterprises and financial markets, which is the basis of financial management, essentially not reflected.
Starting from 1995-1997. the functioning of financial markets began to have a significant impact on the behavior of Russian enterprises, Russian financial markets began to show the properties of information efficiency, it became possible to apply the main models of the theory of finance to their analysis, for example, models of arbitrage theory of pricing. Therefore, the requirements for the minimum content of the discipline "Financial Management" according to the State Standards of Higher Professional Education, newly introduced in the Russian Federation in 2000, provide for the study of issues that traditionally form the content of financial management courses around the world.
This book is devoted to presenting the essence, principles, approaches and methods of financial management as an application of modern finance theory, supplemented by applications of analytical sections of accounting, to management. financial activities enterprises and organizations. It is this approach to the presentation of the course that is typical for textbooks on financial management, which are used by world-famous universities.
In the English-language literature on financial management, various authors give their courses different names: “Financial Management”, “Corporate Finance”, “Principles of Corporate Finance”, etc. These books, similar in content, differ mainly in the methodology and sequence of presentation of the material. Some of them include a presentation of methods for solving problems of financial management on the principle of increasing their complexity, as necessary, introduce and discuss the provisions of the theory of finance. An example is the textbook by R. Braley and S. Myers, published in Russian in 1997, “Principles of Corporate Finance” (Moscow: Olymp-Business, 1997).
Other authors first state and illustrate with the simplest examples the positions of financial theories, and then proceed to solving the problems of financial management and discussing the problems that arise in this case. An example is the textbook by Yu. F. Brigham and L. S. Gapensky "Financial Management", published in Russian in 1999.
The course methodology used by Y. Brigham and L. Gapensky, according to the author, is most consistent with the traditions that have developed in Russian higher education. A similar technique is used in this book. From the textbook by Y. Brigham and L. Gapensky, some interesting examples, in which, contrary to the authors' statement about the guaranteed absence of errors in their textbook, we found inaccuracies and, of course, corrected them.
The proposed book is short, it is adapted to Russian conditions, the presentation of theoretical and practical issues is carried out in the context of evolutionary economic theory.
In preparing the book, the task was to present the subject in depth, but concisely, as simply and as simply as possible. clear for both students and teachers, as well as for practitioners. All theoretical provisions are accompanied by examples of practical calculations aimed at substantiating management decisions. The appendix contains a list of conventions and reference tables.


Goals, objectives, role and content of financial management
Ideal capital markets and discounted cash flow
The theory of capital structure and the theory of dividends Modigliani and Miller
Portfolio theory and model for assessing the return on financial assets
Option pricing theory
Market efficiency and the ratio between risk and return
Theory of agency relations
Asymmetric Information Theory
Risk of individual financial assets
Risk Meter - Iota Ratio
Analysis of the return and risk of assets in the portfolio
Effective portfolios
Choosing the optimal portfolio
Model for assessing the profitability of financial assets CAPM
Capital Market Line and Securities Market Line
Intangible and financial assets
Beta concept
Arbitrage pricing theory
Basic Financial Asset Pricing Model (DCF)
Bond valuation
Valuation of preferred shares
Valuation of ordinary shares
Fundamentals of the theory of options
Black-Scholes option pricing model
Option pricing and corporate financial policy
Components of capital and their price
The price of the main sources of capital
Valuation of Retained Earnings and Newly Issued Ordinary Shares
Weighted average cost of capital
Capital budget
Investment Efficiency Criteria
Cash flow estimate
Asset substitution, flow bias and managerial options
Projects with unequal durations, termination of projects accounting for inflation
Risk associated with the project
Single and intracompany risks
Market risk
Accounting for risk and cost of capital when adopting an investment budget
Investment Opportunity Chart and Marginal Price of Capital Chart
Joint analysis of MCC and IOS charts
Problems and practice of optimizing the capital investment budget
General operational and financial risks
Capital structure theory: Modigliani-Miller models
Market production and financial risks
Financial difficulties and agency costs
Capital Structure Theory
Problems and approaches to choosing a target capital structure
Theoretical Foundations of Dividend Policy
Dividend policy in practice
Dividend Policy Factors, Share Repurchases and Share Payments
Ordinary shares
Transformation of an enterprise into a public company and the procedure for issuing ordinary shares
Transformation into a closed company and the allocation of part of the capital for public sale
Investment banking process
Debt instruments
Terms of debt contracts and bond ratings
Operations for early redemption of bonds with replacement for new ones
Preference shares
convertible securities
Rent and tax effect
Tenant valuation
Landlord valuation
Financial statements
Analytical coefficients
Vertical and factor analysis
Strategic, operational and financial plans
Forecasting sales volume and financial forecasting
External financing needs and acceptable growth rate
Problems and methods of forecasting and planning
Short-term financial planning and money circulation
Working Capital Financing Strategies
Sources of short-term financing
Cash budget
Determining the target cash balance
Cash Management Methods
Securities management
Inventory management
Order Portion and Production Batch Optimization
Accounts receivable management
Credit policy
Incremental Credit Policy Analysis
Recommended reading
List of abbreviations and conventions

Textbook. M.: INFRA-M, 2009. — 240 p. audit”, “Finance and Credit”, etc., issues of full-time financial management courses of leading universities in developed countries, The basic concepts of the theory of financial markets and the theory of capital structure, the methodology of financial analysis and planning, criteria for evaluating investment projects, the main management decisions in the field of finance of the enterprise, examples and reference materials are given.
It is intended for students and teachers of economic specialties of universities and practitioners. Content:.
Financial management and the theory of finance.
Goals, objectives, role and content of financial management.
Ideal capital markets and discounted cash flow.
The theory of capital structure and the theory of dividends Modigliani and Miller.
Portfolio theory and a model for assessing the profitability of financial assets.
Option pricing theory.
Market efficiency and the ratio between risk and return.
Theory of agency relations.
Theory of asymmetric information.
Risk of individual financial assets.
Risk meter - iota-coefficient.
Risk and return.
Analysis of profitability and risk of assets in the portfolio.
Effective portfolios.
Choosing the optimal portfolio.
Model for assessing the profitability of financial assets CAPM.
Capital market line and securities market line.
Intangible and financial assets.
Concept of beta coefficient.
The theory of arbitrage pricing.
Valuation of stocks, bonds and options.
Basic financial asset valuation model (DCF).
Bond valuation.
Valuation of preferred shares.
Valuation of ordinary shares.
Fundamentals of the theory of options.
Black-Scholes option pricing model.
Option pricing and corporate financial policy.
Cost of capital and return on investment.
Components of capital and their price.
The price of the main sources of capital.
Valuation of retained earnings and newly issued ordinary shares.
Weighted average price of capital.
Capital budget.
Criteria of efficiency of capital investments.
Analysis of the cash flows of investment projects and the risk of the capital investment budget.
Estimated cash flow.
Asset substitution, flow bias and managerial options.
Projects with unequal durations, termination of projects, accounting for inflation.
The risk associated with the project.
Single and intracompany risks.
Market risk.
Accounting for risk and cost of capital when adopting an investment budget.
Optimal capital budget by capital structure.
Investment Opportunity Chart and Capital Marginal Price Chart.
Joint analysis of MCC and IOS charts.
Problems and practice of capital investment budget optimization.
General production and financial risks.
Theory of capital structure: Modigliani-Miller models.
Market production and financial risks.
Financial hardship costs and agency costs.
Capital structure and dividend policy.
Theories of capital structure.
Problems and approaches to the choice of target capital structure.
Theoretical foundations of dividend policy.
Dividend policy in practice.
Dividend policy factors, share repurchases and share payments.
Ordinary shares, the investment process and long-term debt capital.
Ordinary shares.
Transformation of the enterprise into a public company and the procedure for issuing ordinary shares.
Transformation into a closed company and the allocation of part of the capital for public sale.
Investment banking process.
Debt instruments.
Terms of debt contracts and bond ratings.
Operations on early redemption of bonds with replacement for new ones.
Hybrid and rental financing.
Preference shares.
convertible securities.
Rent and tax effect.
Tenant valuation.
Rent valuation by the landlord.
Financial analysis and planning.
Financial statements.
Analytical coefficients.
Vertical and factor analysis.
Strategic, operational and financial plans.
Sales volume forecasting and financial forecasting.
Needs for external financing and an acceptable growth rate.
Problems and methods of forecasting and planning.
Short-term financing and management of liquid assets.
Short-term financial planning and money circulation.
Working Capital Financing Strategies.
Sources of short-term financing.
Cash budget.
Determining the target cash balance.
Cash management methods.
Securities management.
Inventory management, receivables and credit policy.
Inventory Management.
Optimization of the order batch and production series.
Accounts receivable management.
Credit policy.
Incremental analysis of credit policy.
Conclusion: what's next (special issues of financial management).
Recommended literature.
List of abbreviations and symbols.

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Financial management. Basovsky L.E.

M.: 200 9 . - 240 s.

The training course covers topics, questions and concepts, the study of which is provided for by the requirements of the new State Standards of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, put into effect in 2000, in the specialties "Accounting, Analysis and Audit", "Finance and Credit", etc., questions programs of full courses in financial management of leading universities in developed countries. Basic concepts of the theory of financial markets and the theory of capital structure, methods of financial analysis and planning, criteria for evaluating investment projects, basic management decisions in the field of enterprise finance are considered, examples and reference materials are given.

It is intended for students and teachers of economic specialties of universities and practitioners.

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Preface 7
Goals, objectives, role and content of financial management 10
Ideal capital markets and discounted cash flow 12
The theory of capital structure and the theory of dividends Modigliani and Miller 13
Portfolio theory and model for assessing the return on financial assets 14
Option pricing theory 15
Market efficiency and risk-reward ratio 15
Agency theory 18
Asymmetric Information Theory 20
Risk of individual financial assets 21
Risk Meter - Iota Ratio 23
Analysis of return and risk of assets in a portfolio 27
Effective portfolios 30
Choosing the optimal portfolio 34
Model for assessing the profitability of financial assets CAPM 35
Capital Market Line and Securities Market Line 36
Intangible and financial assets 39
40 beta concept
Arbitrage pricing theory 43
Basic Financial Asset Pricing Model (DCF) 45
Bond valuation, 47
Valuation of preferred shares 50
Valuation of ordinary shares 51
Fundamentals of Option Theory 55
Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model 58
Option pricing and corporate financial policy 60
Components of capital and their price 63
Price of main sources of capital 64
Valuation of Retained Earnings and Newly Issued Ordinary Shares 66
Weighted average cost of capital 70
Capital budget 72
Investment efficiency criteria 73
Cash flow estimate 79
Asset substitution, flow bias and managerial options 82
Projects with unequal durations, termination of projects, accounting for inflation 86
Risk associated with the project 89
Single and intracompany risks 92
Market risk 94
Accounting for risk and cost of capital when adopting an investment budget 96
Investment Opportunity Chart and Marginal Price of Capital Chart 98
Joint analysis of MCC and IOS 103 charts
Problems and practice of capital budget optimization 105
General production and financial risks 107
Capital structure theory: Modigliani-Miller models 110
Market production and financial risks 111
Financial difficulties and agency costs 113
Theory of capital structure 116
Problems and approaches to choosing a target capital structure 120
Theoretical foundations of dividend policy 125
Dividend policy in practice 128
Dividend Policy Factors, Share Repurchases and Share Payments 130
Ordinary shares 134
Transformation of an enterprise into a public company and the procedure for issuing ordinary shares 136
Transformation into a closed company and the allocation of part of the capital for public sale 139
Investment banking process 141
Debt instruments 142
Debt contract terms and bond ratings 145
Operations for early redemption of bonds with replacement for new ones 147
Preferred shares 151
Warrants 152
Convertible securities 156
Rent and tax effect 158
Tenant valuation 161
Landlord valuation 165
Financial reporting 168
Analytical coefficients 171
Vertical and factor analysis 175
Strategic, operational and financial plans 176
Sales forecasting and financial forecasting 179
External financing needs and acceptable growth rate 181
Problems and methods of forecasting and planning 183
Short-term financial planning and money circulation 187
Working Capital Financing Strategies 190
Sources of short-term financing 193
Cash budget 196
Determination of the target cash balance 199
Cash Management Methods 202
Securities management 204
Inventory management 205
Order lot and batch optimization 207
Accounts receivable management 211
Credit policy 216
Incremental analysis of credit policy 221
Conclusion: What's Next (Special Issues in Financial Management) 224
Recommended Reading 228
List of abbreviations and symbols 229
Appendix 231


1. Financial management. Textbook / Ed. Zolotareva V.S., Barashyan V.Yu. - M.: KnoRus, 2018. - 77 p.
2. Financial management: Textbook / Ed. Kovaleva A.M.. - M.: Infra-M, 2015. - 1088 p.
3. International financial management: Tutorial/ Ed. Eriashvili N.D. - M.: Unity, 2014. - 395 p.
4. Financial management. Textbook. / Ed. Ilyina V.V. - M.: Omega-L, 2013. - 256 p.
5. Financial management: Textbook / Ed. Berzona N.I. - M.: KnoRus, 2019. - 167 p.
6. Financial management: Textbook / Ed. Shokhina E.I. - M.: KnoRus, 2018. - 270 p.
7. Financial management: Textbook / Ed. Polyaka G.B. - M.: Unity, 2017. - 384 p.
8. Financial management: Textbook / Ed. G.B. Pole. - M.: Unity, 2013. - 527 p.
9. Financial management: Textbook / Ed. G.B. Pole. - M.: Unity, 2013. - 527 p.
10. Akulov, V.B. Financial management: Textbook / V.B. Akulov. - M.: Flinta, MPSU, 2010. - 264 p.
11. Arkhipov, A.P. Financial management in insurance / A.P. Arkhipov. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2010. - 320 p.
12. Arkhipov, A.P. Financial management in insurance: Textbook / A.P. Arkhipov. - M.: Finance and statistics, Infra-M, 2010. - 320 p.
13. Baranenko, S.P. Financial management: educational and methodological complex / S.P. Baranenko, M.N. Dudin and others - M.: Elit, 2012. - 302 p.
14. Barulina, E.V., Cost management of companies: financial controlling, management, information and service provision / E.V. Barulina. - M.: Rusayns, 2014. - 480 p.
15. Basovsky, L.E. Financial management: Textbook / L.E. Basovsky and others - M.: Infra-M, 2013. - 400 p.
16. Basovsky, L.E. Financial management: Textbook / L.E. Basovsky and others - M.: Rior, 2019. - 350 p.
17. Basovsky, L.E. Financial management: Textbook / L.E. Basovsky and others - M.: Infra-M, 2016. - 256 p.
18. Basovsky, L.E. Financial management: Textbook / L.E. Basovsky. - M.: ITs RIOR, Infra-M, 2011. - 88 p.
19. Basovsky, L.E. Financial management: Textbook / L.E. Basovsky. - M.: NITs Infra-M, 2013. - 240 p.
20. Bakhramov Yu.M. Financial management: Textbook for universities. Third generation standard / Yu.M. Bakhramov, V.V. Glukhov. - St. Petersburg: Piter, 2011. - 496 p.
21. Bakhramov Yu.M. Financial management / Yu.M. Bakhramov. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2006. - 736 p.
22. Bakhramov Yu.M. Financial management: Textbook / Yu.M. Bakhramov, V.V. Glukhov. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2006. - 736 p.
23. Berzon, N.I. Financial management: Textbook / N.I. Berzon. - M.: Academy, 2018. - 304 p.
24. Berzon, N.I. Financial management: Textbook / N.I. Berzon. - M.: Academia, 2015. - 502 p.
25. Berzon, N.I. Financial management: workshop / N.I. Berzon. - M.: Academia, 2013. - 208 p.
26. Berzon, N.I. Financial management: textbook / N.I. Berzon. - M.: Academia, 2019. - 271 p.
27. Bis'ko, I.A. Financial management: Textbook for universities / I.A. Bisko, V.A. Maevskaya, Paksyutkina. - M.: KnoRus, 2010. - 312 p.
28. Bobyleva, A.Z. Financial management: problems and solutions: Collection of mini-topics for discussion, tests, tasks, business situations / A.Z. Bobylev. - M.: Case of the Academy of National Economy, 2008. - 336 p.
29. Bogolyubov, V.S. Financial management in tourism and hospitality / V.S. Bogolyubov. - M.: Academia, 2018. - 672 p.
30. Bogolyubov, V.S. Financial Management in Tourism and Hospitality: Textbook for Higher Students educational institutions/ V.S. Bogolyubov, S.A. Bystrov. - M.: ITs Academy, 2008. - 400 p.
31. Bondarenko, T.G. Financial management / T.G. Bondarenko, V.V. Kookueva, Yu.S. Cerceil. - M.: Rusajns, 2018. - 126 p.
32. Bratukhina, O.A. Financial management (for open source software). Textbook / O.A. Bratukhin. - M.: KnoRus, 2018. - 480 p.
33. Brigham, Y. Financial management. Express course / Y. Brigham, J. Houston. - St. Petersburg: Piter, 2017. - 80 p.
34. Brigham, Yu.F. Financial management: Express course / Yu.F. Brigham. - St. Petersburg: Piter, 2013. - 592 p.
35. Brusov, P.N. Financial management. Financial planning (for bachelors) / P.N. Brusov, T.V. Filatov. - M.: KnoRus, 2010. - 512 p.
36. Brusov, P.N. Financial management. Financial planning: Textbook / P.N. Brusov, T.V. Filatov. - M.: KnoRus, 2013. - 232 p.
37. Brusov, P.N. Financial management. Mathematical foundations. Short-term financial policy: Textbook / P.N. Brusov, T.V. Filatov. - M.: KnoRus, 2013. - 304 p.
38. Brusov, P.N. Financial management. long-term financial policy. investments (for bachelors): Textbook / P.N. Brusov, T.V. Filatov. - M.: KnoRus, 2018. - 288 p.
39. Brusov, P.N. Financial management. Mathematical foundations. Short-term financial policy: Textbook / P.N. Brusov, T.V. Filatov. - M.: KnoRus, 2018. - 157 p.
40. Bystrov, S.A. Financial management in tourism / S.A. Bystrov. - St. Petersburg: Gerda, 2008. - 240 p.
41. Varlamova, T.P. Financial management: Textbook / T.P. Varlamova, M.A. Varlamov. - M.: Dashkov i K, 2015. - 304 p.
42. Varlamova, T.P. Financial management: Textbook / T.P. Varlamova, M.A. Varlamov. - M.: Dashkov i K, 2012. - 304 p.
43. Vasilyeva, L.S. Corporate Finance. Financial management (for bachelors) / L.S. Vasilyeva, M.V. Petrovskaya. - M.: KnoRus, 2017. - 352 p.
44. Voronina M.V. Financial management: Textbook for bachelors / M.V. Voronin. - M.: Dashkov i K, 2015. - 400 p.
45. Voronina, M.V. Financial management: Textbook for bachelors / M.V. Voronin. - M.: Dashkov i K, 2016. - 400 p.
46. ​​Gavrikov, M.M. Financial management Textbook for secondary vocational schools / M.M. Gavrikov, A.N. Ivanchenko and others - M.: KnoRus, 2011. - 240 p.
47. Gavrilova A.N. Financial management: Textbook / A.N. Gavrilova, E.F. Sysoeva, A.I. Drums. - M.: KnoRus, 2013. - 432 p.
48. Gavrilova, A.N. Financial management / A.N. Gavrilova, E.F. Sysoeva, A.I. Drums. - M.: KnoRus, 2018. - 368 p.
49. Gerasimenko, A Financial management is simple: A basic course for managers and beginners / A Gerasimenko. - M.: Alpina Publisher, 2016. - 481 p.
50. Gerasimenko, A. Financial management is simple: Basic course for managers and beginners / A. Gerasimenko. - M.: Alpina Pabl., 2013. - 531 p.
51. Ginzburg, M.Yu. Financial management at oil and gas enterprises gas industry: Textbook / M.Yu. Ginzburg, L.N. Krasnova, R.R. Sadykov. - M.: Infra-M, 2019. - 128 p.
52. Ginzburg, M.Yu. Financial management at the enterprises of the oil and gas industry / M.Yu. Ginzburg, L.N. Krasnova, R.R. Sadykov. - Vologda: Infra-Engineering, 2016. - 287 p.
53. Ginzburg, M.Yu. Financial management at the enterprises of the oil and gas industry: Textbook / M.Yu. Ginzburg, L.N. Krasnova, R.R. Sadykov. - M.: NITs Infra-M, 2013. - 287 p.
54. Gladysheva E.V. Financial management: lecture notes / E.V. Gladysheva. - R&D: Phoenix, 2014. - 158 p.
55. Danilin, V.I. Financial management: categories, tasks, tests, situations: Textbook / V.I. Danilin. - M.: Prospect, 2015. - 376 p.
56. Evdokimova, L.A. Financial management / L.A. Evdokimov. - M.: MGIU, 2006. - 215 p.
57. Evdokimova, L.A. Financial management / L.A. Evdokimov. - M.: MGIU, 2006. - 216 p.
58. Ekimova, K.V. Financial Management: A Textbook for Applied Baccalaureate / K.V. Ekimova, I.P. Savelyeva, K.V. Kardapoltsev. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016. - 381 p.
59. Ekimova, K.V. Financial management: Textbook for SPO / K.V. Ekimova, I.P. Savelyeva, K.V. Kardapoltsev. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016. - 381 p.
60. Eliseeva, I.I. Financial management in the management of commercial real estate / I.I. Eliseeva. - M.: KnoRus, 2012. - 232 p.
61. Epifanov, V.A. Financial management: concept, directions and practice of implementation / V.A. Epifanov, A.A. Pankovsky. - M.: URSS, 2004. - 160 p.
62. Ermasova, N.B. Financial management: Textbook / N.B. Ermasova, S.V. Yermasov. - M.: Yurayt, ID Yurayt, 2010. - 621 p.
63. Ermilova, M.I. Financial management. Textbook / M.I. Ermilova and others - M.: Unity, 2017. - 224 p.
64. Zaikov, V.P. Financial management: theory, strategy, organization / V.P. Zaikov, E.D. Selezneva, A.V. Kharseyeva. - M.: Vuzovskaya kniga, 2016. - 340 p.
65. Zaikov, V.P. Financial management: theory, strategy, organization: Textbook / V.P. Zaikov, E.D. Selezneva, A.V. Kharseyeva. - M.: Vuz. book, 2012. - 340 p.
66. Zaikov, V.P. Financial management: theory, strategy, organization: Textbook / V.P. Zaikov. - M.: Vuzovskaya kniga, 2012. - 340 p.
67. Zaitseva, N.A. Financial management in tourism and hotel business: Textbook / N.A. Zaitseva, A.A. Larionov. - M.: Alfa-M, NITs Infra-M, 2013. - 320 p.
68. Zaitseva, N.A. Financial management in tourism and hotel business: Textbook / N.A. Zaitseva, A.A. Larionov. - M.: Alfa-M, 2016. - 46 p.
69. Zimenkov, R.I. Financial and property potential of the region: experience of regional management / R.I. Zimenkov. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2000. - 240 p.
70. Ivanov, I.V. Financial management: Cost approach / I.V. Ivanov, V.V. Baranov. - M.: Alpina Business Books, 2008. - 504 p.
71. Ionova A.F. Financial management. Main topics. business games/ A.F. Ionova, N.N. Seleznev. - M.: KnoRus, 2012. - 336 p.
72. Ionova Yu.G. Financial management / Yu.G. Ionova. - M.: MFPU Synergy, 2015. - 288 p.
73. Kandrashina, E.A. Financial management: Textbook / E.A. Kandrashin. - M.: Dashkov i K, 2013. - 220 p.
74. Kandrashina, E.A. Financial management: Textbook / E.A. Kandrashin. - M.: Dashkov i K, 2015. - 220 p.
75. Kandrashina, E.A. Financial management: Textbook for bachelors / E.A. Kandrashin. - M.: Dashkov i K, 2015. - 220 p.
76. Kibanova, A.Ya. Financial management (for bachelors) / A.Ya. Kibanova. - M.: KnoRus, 2012. - 480 p.
77. Kirichenko, T.V. Financial management: Textbook / T.V. Kirichenko. - M.: Dashkov i K, 2016. - 484 p.
78. Kirichenko, T.V. Financial management: Textbook / T.V. Kirichenko. - M.: Dashkov i K, 2011. - 484 p.
79. Kovalev, V.V. Financial management in questions and answers: Textbook / V.V. Kovalev, V.V. Kovalev.. - M.: Prospekt, 2013. - 304 p.
80. Kovalev, V.V. Financial management in questions and answers: Textbook / V.V. Kovalev. - M.: Prospekt, 2015. - 304 p.
81. Kovalev, V.V. Financial management. Lecture notes with tasks and tests: Textbook / V.V. Kovalev. - M.: Prospekt, 2015. - 508 p.
82. Kovalev, V.V. Financial management: theory and practice / V.V. Kovalev.. - M.: Prospect, 2013. - 1104 p.
83. Kovalev, V.V. Financial management. Theory and practice / V.V. Kovalev. - M.: Prospekt, 2015. - 1104 p.
84. Kokin, A.S. Financial management.: Textbook for university students / A.S. Kokin, V.N. Yasenev. - M.: Unity-Dana, 2013. - 511 p.
85. Kokin, A.S. Financial management: Textbook / A.S. Kokin, V.N. Yasenev. - M.: Unity, 2016. - 511 p.
86. Kokin, A.S. Financial management: Textbook / A.S. Kokin, V.N. Yasenev. - M.: Unity, 2013. - 511 p.
87. Kolb, R. Financial management / R. Kolb, D. Rodriguez. - M.: DiS, 2001. - 496 p.
88. Kolchina, N.V. Financial management: Textbook / N.V. Kolchina, O.V. Portugalova, E.Yu. Makeev. - M.: Unity, 2018. - 16 p.
89. Kolchina, N.V. Financial management: Textbook / N.V. Kolchina, O.V. Portugalov. - M.: Unity, 2014. - 464 p.
90. Kolchina, N.V. Financial management: Textbook / N.V. Kolchina, O.V. Portugalova, Makeeva. - M.: Unity, 2012. - 464 p.
91. Kotelkin, S.V. International Financial Management: Textbook / S.V. Kotelkin. - M.: Master, 2013. - 208 p.
92. Kotelkin, S.V. International Financial Management: Textbook / S.V. Kotelkin. - M.: Master, NIC Infra-M, 2012. - 605 p.
93. Kudina, M.V. Financial management: Textbook / M.V. Kudin. - M.: Forum, 2008. - 230 p.
94. Kudina, M.V. Financial management: Textbook / M.V. Kudin. - M.: ID Forum, NIC Infra-M, 2012. - 256 p.
95. Kuznetsov, A., V. Financial management: Textbook / A. V. Kuznetsov, V. A. Sakovich, N. I. Kholod. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2006. - 736 p.
96. Kuranova, A.V. VPS: Financial management. Lecture notes. / A.V. Kuranova. - M.: Prior, 2005. - 176 p.
97. Kuranova, A.V. VPS: Financial management. CL. / A.V. Kuranova. - M.: Prior, 2007. - 174 p.
98. Lachinov Yu.N. Financial management for everyone / Yu.N. Lachinov. - M.: LKI, 2007. - 80 p.
99. Levitan, K.M. Financial management / K.M. Levitan. - M.: KnoRus, 2013. - 208 p.
100. Levchaev, P.A. Financial management: Textbook / P.A. Levchaev. - M.: Infra-M, 2019. - 157 p.
101. Leontiev, V.E. Financial management / V.E. Leontiev, V.V. Bocharov. - M.: Elit-2000, 2005. - 560 p.
102. Lisitsyna, E.V. Financial management: Uch. / E.V. Lisitsyna, T.V. Vashchenko, M.V. Zabrodina, Ek. - M.: Infra-M, 2018. - 304 p.
103. Lisitsyna, E.V. Financial management: Textbook / E.V. Lisitsyna, T.V. Vashchenko, M.V. Zabrodin; Ed. K.V. Ekimov. - M.: NITs Infra-M, 2013. - 184 p.
104. Lukasevich, I.Ya. Financial management / I.Ya. Lukasevich. - M.: Eksmo, 2011. - 768 p.
105. Lysenko, D.V. Financial management: Textbook / D.V. Lysenko. - M.: Infra-M, 2018. - 111 p.
106. Lysenko, D.V. Financial management: Textbook / D.V. Lysenko. - M.: NITs Infra-M, 2013. - 372 p.
107. Mamedov, A.O. International financial management in a global financial market/ A.O. Mammadov; Ed. V.A. Slepov. - M.: Master, 2007. - 300 p.
108. Mamedov, A.O. International financial management in the conditions of the global financial market / A.O. Mammadov. - M.: Master, 2019. - 288 p.
109. Masalova, O.Yu. Financial management. Financial planning (for bachelors) / O.Yu. Masalova. - M.: KnoRus, 2013. - 232 p.
110. Morozko, N.I. Financial management: Textbook / N.I. Morozko, I.Yu. Didenko. - M.: Infra-M, 2017. - 120 p.
111. Morozko, N.I. Financial management: Textbook / N.I. Morozko, I.Yu. Didenko. - M.: Infra-M, 2014. - 176 p.
112. Morozko, N.I. Financial management: Textbook / N.I. Morozko, I.Yu. Didenko. - M.: NITs Infra-M, 2013. - 224 p.
113. Moroshkin, V.A. Financial management in insurance: Textbook / V.A. Moroshkin. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2010. - 320 p.
114. Moskvitin, G.I. Financial management: technologies, methods, control / G.I. Moskvitin. - M.: Rusajns, 2019. - 320 p.
115. Mochalova, L.A. Financial management (for bachelors) / L.A. Mochalova; ed., Kasyanov A.V. , Rau E.I. - M.: KnoRus, 2018. - 304 p.
116. N.N., Nikulina Financial management of an insurance company: Textbook / Nikulina N.N., Berezina S.V. - M.: Unity, 2013. - 431 p.
117. Naydenova, R.I. Financial management / R.I. Naydenova, A.F. Vinokhodova, A.I. Naydenov. - M.: KnoRus, 2018. - 320 p.
118. Nezamaikin, V.N. Financial management: Textbook for bachelors / V.N. Nezamaikin, I.L. Yurzinova. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2015. - 467 p.
119. Nezamaikin, V.N. Financial management: Textbook for bachelors / V.N. Nezamaikin, I.L. Yurzinova. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016. - 467 p.
120. Nikitina, N.V. Financial management / N.V. Nikitin. - M.: KnoRus, 2017. - 304 p.
121. Nikulina, N.N. Financial management of the organization. Theory and Practice: Textbook / N.N. Nikulina, D.V. Sukhodoev, Eriashvili. - M.: Unity, 2013. - 511 p.
122. Nikulina, N.N. Financial management of an insurance organization: Textbook for university students studying in the specialties (080105) "Finance and credit", (080109) "Accounting, analysis and audit" / N.N. Nikulina, S.V. Berezina. - M.: Unity-Dana, 2013. - 431 p.
123. Plakhova, L.V. Financial management. Mathematical foundations. Short-term financial policy (for bachelors) / L.V. Plakhova, T.M. Anurina. - M.: KnoRus, 2013. - 304 p.
124. Prosvetov, G.I. Financial management: Tasks and solutions: Educational and methodological manual / G.I. Clearances. - M.: Alfa-Press, 2014. - 340 p.
125. Rakhypbekov, T.K. Financial management in healthcare: Textbook for students of institutions of higher professional education / Т.К. Rakhypbekov. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2012. - 312 p.
126. Reksin, A.V. Financial management / A.V. Reksin, R.R. Saroyan. - M.: MGIU, 2007. - 224 p.
127. Rogova, E.M. Financial management: Textbook and workshop for academic bachelor's degree / E.M. Rogova, E.A. Tkachenko. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016. - 540 p.
128. Rogova, E.M. Financial management: Textbook and workshop. / EAT. Rogova, E.A. Tkachenko. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016. - 540 p.
129. Rozhkov, I.M. Financial management: analysis of the financial and economic state and calculation of enterprise cash flows: Workshop. No. 1352 / I.M. Rozhkov. - M.: MISiS, 2011. - 38 p.
130. Romashova, I.B. Financial management. Main topics. business games / I.B. Romashova. - M.: KnoRus, 2017. - 384 p.
131. Romashova, I.B. Financial management. Main topics. Business games: Textbook / I.B. Romashova. - M.: KnoRus, 2012. - 328 p.
132. Rumyantseva, E.E. Financial management: Textbook / E.E. Rumyantsev. - M.: RAGS, 2010. - 304 p.
133. Rumyantseva, E.E. Financial management: Textbook and workshop for undergraduate and graduate students / E.E. Rumyantsev. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016. - 360 p.
134. Samylin, A.I. Financial management: Textbook / A.I. Samylin. - M.: NITs Infra-M, 2013. - 413 p.
135. Samylin, A.I. Financial management: Textbook / A.I. Samylin. - M.: Infra-M, 2014. - 319 p.
136. Safonova, A.A. Financial management. / A.A. Safonov. - M.: Higher school, 2005. - 160 p.
137. Semin, V.P. Financial management / V.P. Semin. - M.: KnoRus, 2013. - 432 p.
138. Sidorkina, I.G. Financial management / I.G. Sidorkin. - M.: KnoRus, 2013. - 448 p.
139. Sinki, D. Financial management in commercial banking and industry financial services/ D. Sinki. - M.: Alpina Publisher, 2016. - 1018 p.
140. Sirotkin, V.B. Financial management of the company. / V.B. Sirotkin. - M.: Higher School, 2008. - 320 p.
141. Sirotkin, S.A. Financial management at the enterprise: Textbook / S.A. Sirotkin, N.R. Kelchevskaya. - M.: Unity, 2012. - 351 p.
142. Stanislavchik, E.N. Financial management: cash flow management: Textbook / E.N. Stanislavchik. - M.: DiS, 2015. - 272 p.
143. Talonov, A.V. Financial management in the management of commercial real estate. Textbook / A.V. coupons. - M.: KnoRus, 2015. - 95 p.
144. Tepman, L.N. International Financial Management: Textbook / L.N. Tepman, N.D. Eriashvili. - M.: Unity, 2016. - 367 p.
145. Teslya, P.N. Financial management (advanced level): Textbook / P.N. Tesla. - M.: Rior, 2018. - 16 p.
146. Tikhomirov, E.F. Financial management: Enterprise finance management / E.F. Tikhomirov. - M.: Academia, 2018. - 141 p.
147. Tkachuk, M.I. Financial management: Answers to examination questions / M.I. Tkachuk, O.A. Puzankevich. - Minsk: TetraSystems, 2012. - 112 p.
148. Trofimova, T.I. Financial management (for bachelors) / T.I. Trofimov. - M.: KnoRus, 2013. - 656 p.
149. Troshin, A.N. Financial management: Uch. / A.N. Troshin. - M.: Infra-M, 2015. - 320 p.
150. Troshin, A.N. Financial management: Textbook / A.N. Troshin. - M.: NITs Infra-M, 2013. - 331 p.
151. Turmanidze, T.U. Financial management. Textbook / T.U. Turmanidze, N.D. Eriashvili. - M.: Unity, 2017. - 768 p.
152. Turmanidze, T.U. Financial management: Textbook / T.U. Turmanidze, N.D. Eriashvili. - M.: Unity, 2015. - 247 p.
153. Uzdenova, F.M. General and financial management / F.M. Uzdenova, A.I. Adzhieva, O.B. Skrypnik. - M.: Rusajns, 2015. - 144 p.
154. Fetisov, V.D. Financial management individuals: Scientific publication / V.D. Fetisov, T.V. Fetisova. - M.: Unity, 2009. - 167 p.
155. Filatova, T.V. Financial management: Textbook / T.V. Filatov. - M.: Infra-M, 2018. - 184 p.
156. Filatova, T.V. Financial management: Textbook / T.V. Filatov. - M.: Infra-M, 2015. - 186 p.
157. Filatova, T.V. Financial management: Textbook / T.V. Filatov. - M.: Infra-M, 2013. - 236 p.
158. Higgins, R. Financial management: capital and investment management / R. Higgins; Per. from English. A.N. Svirid.. - M.: Williams, 2013. - 464 p.
159. Charaeva, M.V. Financial management: Textbook / M.V. Charaev. - M.: Infra-M, 2018. - 384 p.
160. Cherkasova, T.N. International Financial Management: Textbook / T.N. Cherkasov. - M.: Prospekt, 2016. - 80 p.
161. Chudnovsky, A.D. Financial management: Textbook / A.D. Chudnovsky. - M.: Prospekt, 2010. - 582 p.
162. Shimko, P.D. International financial management. / P.D. Shimko. - M.: Higher School, 2007. - 431 p.
163. Shimko, P.D. International financial management: Textbook and workshop for undergraduate and graduate students / P.D. Shimko. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016. - 493 p.
164. Shirobokov, V.G. Introduction to financial management / V.G. Shirobokov. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2007. - 768 p.
165. Shuklov, L.V. Financial management in a crisis: Experience of small and medium-sized businesses / L.V. Shuklov. - M.: KD Librokom, 2010. - 240 p.
166. Etrill, P. Financial management and management accounting for leaders and businessmen / P. Etrill. - M.: Alpina Publisher, 2012. - 648 p.
167. Etrill, P. Financial management and management accounting for leaders and businessmen / P. Etrill. - M.: Alpina Publisher, 2016. - 648 p.
168. Etrill, P. Financial management and management accounting for managers and businessmen / P. Etrill, E. McLaney; Per. from English. V. Ionov. - M.: Alpina Pabl., 2012. - 648 p.
169. Etrill, P. Financial management and management accounting for leaders and businessmen / P. Etrill. - M.: Alpina Publisher, 2018. - 648 p.