Business games in organization theory. Introduction. teamwork

  • 01.12.2019

Modern social conditions increase the requirements for the qualities of a professional, aim at the formation of a personality characterized not by a reproductive, but by a creative type of thinking, initiative, independence in decision-making. This requires the search for new approaches to teaching. Education should not be based on the transfer of ready-made knowledge, but on creating conditions for creative activity.

Active group teaching methods, in particular business games, are increasingly recognized as methodological tools that implement this approach. Their structure reflects the logic practical activities and therefore they are not only an effective means of mastering knowledge and developing skills, but also a way of preparing for professional communication.

The proposed manual contains recommendations for the teacher on teaching economics in high school. It sets out possible options conducting classes using active forms of learning. The purpose of these classes is to provide students with an initial understanding of the principles of functioning market economy and assimilation of basic concepts economic theory.

The manual uses the world experience of teaching economics at school, which allows students to develop the basics of rational (economic) thinking in the most accessible and interesting ways. For this, the methods of the National Council for Economic Education of the United States were used, adapted to Ukrainian conditions, taking into account the particular perception of the material by Ukrainian schoolchildren.

The manual can be used as a compilation guidelines for teaching a basic course in economics in any program that generally retains the logic of a standard course in economics. In addition, practical recommendations for conducting classes contained in the manual can be used by a teacher or methodologist when creating a set of educational materials for teaching an introductory economics course in a secondary school. Of course, the variety of forms of economic training for schoolchildren is not limited to teaching the basics of economic theory. In many schools, the economic component of the school curriculum is based on disciplines such as the basics of entrepreneurship, management, marketing, etc. The manual will also help teachers of applied economics to increase the level of efficiency of classes.


1. Sources for the development of business games.
2. Development of modern business games.
3. Theoretical background for the creation of active group methods.

The starting point for the development of all games that can be considered as a model of cooperation and conflict is a role-playing game. Their further development, the emergence of sports, parlor games is associated with a decrease in the dramatic component that reflects social interaction. Starting with war games, the importance of this component begins to increase again. With the further strengthening of the dramatic component, the emergence of business games that originated from military games is associated. (Fig. 1)

The war games themselves had chess as a prototype. In 1664, the so-called royal game was held, which differs from chess in great realism. In 1780 "military chess" began to be used in the training of officers. The board of such chess had a relief, there were more cells on it, the king represented the fortress, the queen - the infantry. The rules were described by mathematical formulas. Since 1798, the games were played on a map, where the movement of military units was recorded. Thus Napoleon lost future battles. Later, data on the advance of Napoleon's troops became the basis for the formation of the subsequent game. Games became more realistic and free. Before the Second World War in Germany, the USA, Japan began to hold military-political games.

Later, games began to be developed that simulate the redistribution of resources in international relations. They were, as it were, a return to parlor games and contained such components as space (cell, hole, magazine, board), game items, rules for manipulating and disseminating information, and the initial position of the target. They were purely instrumental in nature. But later they began to be adjusted taking into account human factor. The concepts of "breadth of decisions" are introduced, depending on the "strength of power", "satisfaction of subjects". To assess the consequences of alternative solutions in such games, the mathematical apparatus of game theory is used.

For the first time, the use of games in the economic sphere was carried out in the USSR in 1932 at the Ligovsky Plant of Typewriters for training personnel in the conditions of mastering new products.

The first machine game was created in 1955 in the USA. She simulated the supply of air force bases. In 1955, the American Management Association developed the game "Imitation of Decisions in Senior Management" and tested it at the annual seminar in Saranac Lake in 1957. The term "business game" first appeared there. Within 10 years, they were used in almost all business schools. The first games did not reflect the decision-making process, the main attention was paid to choosing from alternatives. Most of them are market games. They, as a rule, modeled the activities of several producers of a product and selling it on the market. Each company is represented by a team of players that makes decisions on several manageable parameters. Solutions are calculated for some mathematical model, and the players are informed about the results of their actions. Then intracompany games, including a more pronounced dramatic component, became widespread. In them, participants got the opportunity to develop managerial skills, learn how to make decisions in difficult situations, taking into account many factors. Currently, the number of business games is measured in thousands. They differ in the scale of the simulated objects (workshop or industry), functional profile (management, market, production, etc.), structural features. In the USSR, games began to be used again in the 60s. Approximately 800 games have been developed, but very few have been used. This situation is explained by the fact that many of the considered games are morally outdated, some included in the catalogs do not meet the requirements for business games, are designed without taking into account psychological patterns.

The development of business games is based on psychological research, the very emergence of active group methods is associated with a certain paradigm. Within the framework of this paradigm, there was the idea of ​​decentration, expressed by J. Pivche and rethought by L.S. Vygodsky. And although the authors did not associate it with active methods, they indirectly showed the mechanism underlying these methods.

The origins of the study of the process of making a group decision were the studies of the school of K. Levin, which showed the effectiveness of group activity in changing social attitudes, in increasing educational motivation and ego-involvement.

Theoretical developments in the field of active group methods littered the provisions of the theory of installation by D.N. Uznadze, the theory of the phased formation of mental actions by P.Ya. Galperin, pointing to the patterns of transferring knowledge and skills acquired in the game into reality. Conducting active group methods requires a holistic conceptual understanding, which is far from complete.


1. Analysis of the concept of a business game.
2. Problems of game typology.

For the meaningful use of business games, it is necessary to find out their essence, to understand the difference between a children's game and a business game. If in the first one, following the rule occupies the main place, then in the second, the rules are only the starting point, on the basis of which free play behavior is built. The game is present where it is necessary to go beyond the schemes. In addition, the non-utilitarian nature of children's play is inconsistent with business play. This contradiction is already fixed in the name itself, which connects "business" and "game". You should pay attention to the nature of the interaction of their attributes:

When a matter becomes conditional, it proceeds according to the logic of the possible. Thus, the game becomes a means of modeling (at the level of concept and at the level of action) new conditions of professional reality (including extreme ones), a method of finding new ways to perform activities. The game simulates various aspects of human activity and social interaction.

Since the game is self-sufficient, the combination of the concepts "game" and "imitation" also concludes a contradiction. With such an imitation, the sign material, among other things, is people. This model cannot be strict, but it offers more freedom and therefore opens up new possibilities. It is also difficult to reconcile the concepts of "game" and "management". However, they are interrelated, the better the management is carried out, the more pronounced the game component.

The complexity of the concept of "business game" has led to inconsistency in numerous attempts to define it. At present, a business game can be considered both as a field of activity and scientific and technical knowledge, and as a simulation experiment, and as a method of teaching, research, and solving practical problems. However, all this diversity is not sufficiently represented in the existing definitions of the business game.

It is proposed to analyze several definitions:

* business game- this is an analysis of the situation, in which feedback and the time factor are included.
* business game- a device for reproducing the processes of coordinating economic interests.
* business game- This is a group exercise to develop a sequence of decisions in artificially created conditions that simulate a real production environment.
* Management simulation game is a simulation model of the functioning of the organization.
* simulation game- a game that is a simulation model that is designed to study the processes of functioning of organizational and economic systems.
* business game is a kind of playback system management processes taking place in the past or possible in the future, as a result of which a connection and patterns are established existing methods development of a decision on the results of production at the present time and in the future.
* business game- this is the creation of a game image in the course of immanent overcoming of voluntarily adopted rules.

To identify the essence of the concept, it is necessary to consider theoretical basis business games, their purpose, main characteristics, structure. It is necessary to understand the meaning of the business game in humanization professional activity, be aware of this method as the implementation of the dialogical principle in vocational training.

Given the lack of a satisfactory definition, at this stage of the analysis, we list only the main attributes of business games:

1. The game imitates one or another aspect of purposeful human activity.
2. The participants in the game receive roles that determine the difference in their interests and incentives in the game.
3. Game actions are regulated by a system of rules.
4. In a business game, the spatio-temporal characteristics of the simulated activity are transformed.
5. The game is conditional.
6. The circuit of the game regulation consists of the following blocks: conceptual, scenario, staging, stage, criticism and reflection block, judicial block, information supply block.

A more complete and concrete idea can be obtained on the basis of acquaintance with the typology of business games and consideration of individual games illustrating this typology. One-dimensional classifications were carried out according to the following criteria:

A) for the object being modeled - general managerial and functional (imitation of production, financial activities);
b) by the presence of interaction - interactive and non-interactive;
c) by design features- simple and complex;
d) according to the uniqueness of the payoff - hard and soft;
e) by the presence of random events - deterministic and stochastic.

There is a three-dimensional classification, which takes into account the main parameters of business games. The first axis is a continuum from the real production activities before the training session (there is no distribution of roles, the teams are independent). The second axis reflects the degree of interaction. Its extreme manifestations are the hole game and the meeting with the couloirs. The third axis reflects the nature of the response, (feedback). It can have options from a scoring to an assessment by the system of indicators inherent in the modeled system.


1. Comparative consideration of business games and traditional teaching methods.

Business games can be used for training, diagnosing the individual characteristics of their participants, organizing the decision-making process, and for research purposes. You can pay attention to the fact that this method synthesizes the advantages of experimental, analytical and expert methods.

At present, business games are most widely used in the preparation of students and in the system of economic education of schoolchildren.

Their advantage over traditional teaching methods is found in several points:

1. The goals of the game are more consistent with the practical needs of students. This form of organization of the educational process removes the contradiction between the abstract nature of the subject and the real nature of professional activity, the systemic nature of the knowledge used and their belonging to different disciplines.
2. The method allows you to combine a wide range of problems and the depth of their understanding.
3. The game form corresponds to the logic of activity, includes the moment of social interaction, prepares for professional communication.
4. The game component contributes to greater involvement of trainees.
5. The business game is saturated feedback, and more meaningful compared to those used in traditional methods.
6. In the game, attitudes of professional activity are formed, stereotypes are overcome more easily, self-esteem is corrected.
7. Traditional methods presuppose the dominance of the intellectual sphere, the whole personality is manifested in the game.
8. This method provokes the inclusion of reflexive processes, provides an opportunity to interpret and comprehend the results obtained.

The experience gained in the game can be even more productive in comparison with the experience gained in professional activities. This happens for several reasons. Business games allow you to increase the scope of reality, visually represent the consequences decisions taken, make it possible to test alternative solutions. The information that a person uses in reality is incomplete, inaccurate. In the game, although incomplete, but accurate information is provided to him, this increases the credibility of the results obtained and stimulates the process of taking responsibility. Considered advantages determined the success of the application this method in the educational process.


one . Requirements for building a game.
2. Design stages.
3. Ways of describing the game.

When designing a game, it is supposed to organize joint activities players, which has the character of role-playing interaction in accordance with the rules and regulations. Achieving the goal occurs through the adoption of group and individual decisions.

It is necessary to pay attention to the most typical mistake when developing a game: the "environment" is modeled, not the activity. A business game should be built according to the logic of activity, or rather interaction. The development should be based on activities that reflect the coordination of various interests, and not the structure of the enterprise, etc. environment models.

The situation should imply ambiguity of decisions, contain an element of uncertainty, which ensures the problematic nature of the game and the personal manifestation of the players. A direct formulation of the problem or an indication of it is unacceptable. At the same time, the rules and norms are formulated unambiguously and definitely.

In the design of the game, it is necessary to lay the opportunity for each player to make decisions and ensure that the participants are aware of this. This is achieved with the help of a package of documents. To facilitate the development and conduct of the game, as well as the assimilation of the rules by the participants, it is better that each document is focused on a specific player.

In the game, it is necessary to reflect not all the variety of factors operating in a real situation, but only the most significant ones. Then it becomes clearer, and it is easier for the participants to analyze it. The subjective probability of the events occurring should be neither too low nor too high. In the first case, private patterns of behavior will be reproduced, in the second, there is a danger of making habitual trivial decisions. The greater the freedom of choice of decisions, the more willingly the players are included in the game.

It is important to consider incentives that ensure high participation of participants. They should focus not on winning, but on the result. This is facilitated by the optimal balance of play activity and activity about the game. It is desirable to repeatedly provide feedback. It should reflect the development of the system as a result of the decision made and differentiate the players well.

The game will not be viable if the sequence of actions and interconnections of the participants is poorly thought out, the dramatization of ongoing events is insufficient, they do not develop in time, the list of decisions is given, it is not clear how the response to decisions is made, routine operations are not automated, the course of the game requires constant intervention by the host.

The following stages of game development can be distinguished:

1. Problematization and thematization.

2. Determination of the type by purpose (for training, for research purposes, for decision-making, design, personnel issues).

3. Identification of design goals.

4. Analysis of the main patterns - connections, relationships, in the simulated activity, based on the problem underlying the game. This paragraph determines the required level of detail in the representation of the object. All connections in it should be visible and at the same time not too simplified.

5. Game units and functions stand out. Based on this work, a scenario plan is created, and game events are thought out.

6. A list of decisions that players can make is created. At this stage, the main points on which the simple game is based are determined. Points 7 and 8 apply only to the complex game.

7. Determining the parameters of relationships between factors that need to be reflected. They must be such as to produce consequences that are specific to the activity being modeled. It is necessary to determine the interaction of parameters in each link of activity. Not all parameters can be quantified. In this case, expert assessments are used in the design.

8. Formation of a numerical array. At this stage, the regularity of the main parameters, patterns and interactions are determined, tables, graphs, computer programs are built.

9. Detailing the stage plan, the formation of the influence of the environment.

10. Formulation of rules, distribution of decisions by players. Establish cause-and-effect relationships between operations. Building a flowchart of the game, internal schedule of the game, clarification of the main steps, stages, cycles. A step is a completed decision phase, a stage separates scenario phases, a cycle leads to obvious outcomes, is the most complete phase of the game. Special attention refers to the branching points of the game.

11. Formulation of a system of fines and rewards, determination of winning criteria. The results of the game can be obvious, quantified, and can be judged by experts.

12. Debugging the game, playing it by developers, clarifying connections, parameters, checking the flexibility of flowcharts, the viability of the mathematical apparatus, analyzing the reality of situations - the effectiveness of incentives, the correctness of time calculations, the final correction of the game.

To present the game, it is necessary to prepare a methodological instruction for the game, role-playing instructions for the players and the necessary reference material. The methodological instruction for the game includes a description of the purpose and goals of the game, the structure of the game team and the functions of the participants, the incentive system, the initial data, the game process (stages, episodes), areas for possible improvement and complication of the game.

In the role instruction, it is important to provide means to optimize the process of identifying a player with a role.

When preparing documents, it is necessary to take into account the psychological patterns of working with text. In games, various possibilities for visual presentation of information are being sought. Game motivation and activity of players, and therefore the effectiveness of the game, is largely determined by the form of information presentation. Reference material should be presented in such a way as to evoke the need for participants to seek information about the underlying problem in the game. Similar attention is paid to the preparation of materials that provide a reflective analysis of the game (for example, a checklist).


one . Basic aspects of game control.
2. Consideration of the specific difficulties of conducting business games.
3. Analysis of the relationship between gaming behavior and individual personality traits.
4. The problem of the effectiveness of business games.

The conceptual, scenario, judging and information provision blocks were considered above. Below we will consider how the staging, stage blocks and the block of criticism and reflection are managed in the course of the game.

It is necessary to pay attention to the presence of two aspects of management: instrumental and emotional-role, to consider their specifics at each stage of the business game.

The leader of the game, as a rule, "starts" it, sets the goal, introduces the participants to its description, participates in the distribution of roles, and provides the participants with the necessary information. Its role in creating a gaming atmosphere is important. Game events must be isolated from reality with the help of a special organization of the space of game interaction, a specific style of communication. The leader directs his efforts to detailing the participants' understanding of the game situation. He should encourage the registration of each action with pseudo-real documents (for example, the absence of a player is explained by a summons from the military registration and enlistment office.). If the synchronism in the work of groups is broken, it is better to introduce some new condition (for example, a trip of some employees on a business trip, vacation, etc.). If the facilitator has found out the lack of knowledge of the players on emerging issues, he can introduce a situation of contacting competent specialists for advice. This arrangement of events supports the game plan.

The subject of the manager's attention should be the creation of game motivation, ensuring the optimal dynamics of interpersonal relations. It is important to maintain a certain level of competitive motivation among the participants in the game so that it stimulates activity, and does not provoke self-presentation.

When completing teams, it is necessary to take into account the interpersonal relationships that have developed in the group. To achieve cooperation, it is better that the team has positive interpersonal relationships. Some facilitators use sociometric data when composing groups. In this case, it is necessary to prevent the transfer of the task execution target to an interrupt in the group. The American social psychologist Jennings described a phenomenon he called transformation social group into "psychological". In the "psychological" group, all members are connected by mutual sympathy, feel secure, experience psychological comfort, and pay the main attention to being in the group together, rather than solving the problem. Therefore, such a group is aimed at reaching agreement, and not obtaining a result. Decisions are not sufficiently thought out and discussed. Often the proposals of high-status participants in the game are accepted uncritically. Leaders have an excess of leadership claims. Therefore, it is important to design the game in such a way that the influence of different players on the decision approaches equal. There is evidence showing that decisions are made more easily in a small group with an odd number of participants.

An important feature of most games is the presence of role-playing interaction. Roles structure the group. This means assigning to each participant in the game a certain position in the group, prescribed functions. As a rule, the role is understood not only as the sum of functions, but also patterns of behavior. The participants in the game form a certain system of expectations from the bearer of a certain role. It is desirable that these expectations coincide with all players. To this end, the instructions to the player describe the norms of behavior quite fully. This organizes interaction in the group, streamlines and regulates interpersonal relationships and reduces the likelihood of conflicts.

The ability to act in accordance with the role depends on the individual characteristics of the player. Anxiety, rigidity make it difficult to accept the role. This process is also influenced by the socio-psychological characteristics of the individual. The average sociometric status is more favorable for accepting the role in comparison with the low one.

As a rule, there are three main strategies for the behavior of players. With the first strategy, the player makes all decisions on behalf of some generalized image - a standard, which is the product of the player's understanding of the personality characteristics of representatives of this role (for example, director). At the same time, the main thing is the observance of some formal and informal norms that guide the real prototype. The second strategy can be characterized as gambling. the main objective- win. Acceptable here are also violations of agreements, actions on the verge of "foul". However, with good management, players who follow this strategy can even positively influence the game, bringing it to life. They should be offered to communicate with the outside world, play random events. The third strategy is characterized by an interest in what will happen as a result of a certain action, what decisions other participants make. The described strategies are not rigid, they can replace each other.

Other features of the behavior of the players can also be distinguished. The leader of the game must be able to observe them, fix them in time in order to maintain the necessary level of emotional and intellectual tension. To intensify intellectual activity, special methods of collective creativity (brainstorming, synectics, etc.), psycho-gymnastic exercises can be introduced. Some psycho-gymnastic exercises can be aimed at regulating the emotional state of the players, developing their communication skills. They are used by the leader based on the analysis of the situation in the game.

Studies show that the emotional state of participants does not depend on initiative and emotionally expressive abilities in communication. To a greater extent, it is determined by the effectiveness of the game and the socio-psychological characteristics of the players. Therefore, the emotional state of the players largely depends on the quality of the game control. At the same time, however, it is necessary to minimize the intervention of the leader in the course of the game. The authoritarian position of the leader blocks the game behavior of the participants, reduces the effectiveness of reflection during the discussion of the results.

It is possible to single out the main types of difficulties that arise in the course of a business game. Failures in the initial period of its deployment are most often explained by the intensive course of the process of group formation. Participants strive to secure a sufficiently high sociometric status for themselves and for this they can choose a strategy of criticism. The most natural object for criticism is the game. The process of forming a group is best taken out of the game. For example, pre-hold a discussion that is easier to manage. If a failure nevertheless occurred, the task of the leader is to counteract the group's cohesion based on dissatisfaction with the game. It is necessary to show that it is not the poor design of the game that leads to failures, but the failure of the players to take into account any factors. Players must make sure that the result does not appear by chance and not simply by the will of the developers, but is a consequence of simulating real processes.

Disturbance of the flow of the game can also occur due to the loss of two-dimensionality. Personal relationships can be transferred to the game. The leader must emphasize its conditional nature, and, if necessary, redistribute roles, change the rules. Another situation is related to the loss of understanding of the game context by one of the participants and his attempts to solve personal problems (for example, dominance) in the game. The leader should close such a participant on himself, minimize his contacts.

At the same time, conventionality can be exaggerated. Excitement of players causes impulsive actions, promotes concentration on the win, and not on the result. The task of the leader is to regulate emotional states. It is necessary to make gain and loss not too unambiguous, to reduce their value. In this situation, random events should not be introduced.

Difficulties in controlling the game may be caused by some individual characteristics its participants, expressed in the inability to group activities and the inability to accept the game situation. In the first case, the reason is, as a rule, the hypertrophied significance for the participant of the evaluation of his actions, associated with the inadequacy of the self-concept, overestimated or underestimated self-esteem. Behavioral manifestations of these features, demonstrative behavior, constant interference, imposing one's point of view, quarrels, leaving the game. In the second case, the cause is either neurotic blocking of manifestations of independent, spontaneous behavior, high anxiety, or rigidity. Participation of such players is undesirable. However, selection for participation in business games is unacceptable; the available data should be taken into account when assigning roles.

After the end of the game, it is discussed, it becomes clear why certain decisions were made, what results they led to, what strategies were preferred.

The following questions can be submitted for discussion:

  • Is the game interesting?
  • What is its central problem?
  • Why does it have such rules?
  • Does it correspond to the real conditions of reality?
  • What could have been done differently if you played again?
  • What could be other results of the game?
  • For what reasons?
  • What is the use of the game?

Attention should be paid to the need for reflection of the game and their behavior in it to the leader. The following questions can be suggested for self-analysis:

  • Is the game adapted for this audience?
  • Is it focused on the existing knowledge of the participants?
  • Was it used this information, was additional required?
  • Did the players have a choice?
  • Are the roles and events well connected?
  • Was the enthusiasm of the participants felt?
  • Was there interaction?
  • What is the effectiveness of the game?

The problem of measuring the effectiveness of a business game, as well as other group methods, is quite acute. Using the data of self-reports of its participants, we can say that as a result of its implementation, the players’ egocentric tendencies in behavior and thinking are reduced, social sensitivity is aggravated, normative self-control is reduced, an attitude to the perception of new information is formed, the threshold for accepting the point of view of another is reduced, stereotypes are expanded, the creative potential increases the adequacy of self- and mutual assessments.


1. The main parameters of the study of joint activities.
2. Diagnostics of individual aspects of gaming behavior.

To optimize the control of the game, it is necessary to conduct its research; for measurement, the following parameters can be proposed:

  • general group activity
  • degree of organization
  • intellectual activity
  • emotional tension
  • features of group dynamics (leadership, decision making)
  • the degree of initiative and the real contribution of each participant, etc.

Observation of these features can be carried out by a group of researchers specially created in the game. A program is preliminarily developed and methodological tools are selected. Below are a few techniques that can be used to explore certain aspects of the game.

When analyzing the process of interaction in a group, R. Bale's scheme is widely used. They distinguish two types of behavioral functions necessary for successful games: problem solving function and support function. The performance of the functions of solving the problem is the achievement of the intended goals. The behavior determined by the task includes the nomination and acceptance of proposals, opinions, information. Support functions are related to the social and emotional climate of the team. They provide cohesion that makes it easier to achieve group goals. These functions are realized in such forms of behavior as friendly or unfriendly actions, agreement or disagreement, dramatization or demonstration of tension.
This scheme is quite versatile. It describes the main forms of behavior in the group and classifies them precisely according to criteria that are meaningful for observation.

The described features of behavior can either facilitate or hinder the performance of the task or the development of the group. A meaningful analysis of the provision of various functions is needed to understand how the group is moving towards the goal. An effective group represents a certain state of the problem solving and support functions. It is determined by the purpose of the group, the features of its organization and the processes taking place in it. When working on a task, supportive behavior is needed to relieve unnecessary tension. At the same time, the dominance of supportive behavior hinders the solution of the problem (see Section 5)

Often different functions are distributed among different people. Emotional leaders can take on the support functions, intellectual leaders can solve problems, and organizing leaders can perform both functions. Such structuring of the group occurs spontaneously, without special intentions. For the success of the game, a flexible role-playing structure is desirable. The role structure can be examined according to the following scheme (see Table 1):

Initiator Follower Coordinator

Below is a list of roles. When compiling it, the scheme of R. Bailes was taken as the basis.

List of roles:

A. Roles contributing to the task:

1. Initiator - a participant who, more often than others, proposes new solutions, makes suggestions, changes the point of view on the goals of the group. They may relate to the task set in the group, the problem of organizing work in the group, etc.

2. Follower - picks up a new initiative, expands it, helps in the implementation of the cases started in the group.

3. Coordinator - contributes to the correct "division of labor". It makes sure that the group does not do several things at the same time, so that everyone has an occupation, so that actions are not duplicated.

4. Orienting - paves the way and determines the direction of the group's work in accordance with some external guidelines. In the group, discusses questions about how quickly the group is developing, how far it is from the goal, in what direction it is going, etc. Draws attention to the level of enthusiasm for activities in the group, monitors the time budget.

5. Evaluator - evaluates the activities of individual members and the entire group, the relevance of the situation, compares with the goals, sums up at the end of the lesson.

6. Seeking information - often raises questions and tries to get an answer to them, encourages action, decision-making.

B. Roles important for group collaboration and development:

7. Encouraging - motivating and "pushing others" to participate in the group process, involves inactive and silent members in the work of the group, demonstrates an understanding of other people's ideas and opinions.

8. Harmonizer - encourages joint activities, resolves conflicts, tries to overcome contradictions between participants, strives for compromise.

9. Relieving tension - tries to relieve tension in difficult situations, often jokes, says witty things, etc.

10. Guardian of the rules - pays attention when one of the members of the group breaks the rules. He always proceeds from the provisions and principles generally accepted in the group. Reminds you of rules and regulations joint work and communication within the group.

B. Roles that hinder team collaboration and development:

11. Blocker - opposes group initiatives, questions the importance of what is happening in the group. When personal goals contradict group ones, he chooses the first ones.

12. Seeking recognition - regardless of what happens in the group, he tries to draw attention to himself, recalls his merits, demonstrates his abilities and capabilities in all more or less favorable situations. He tries to be the center of attention of the group, surprise, interest in his personality, arouse admiration, craves praise.

13. Dominant - often prevents others from speaking out, striving to take a leadership position in the group. Imposes his opinion, tries to manipulate other participants.

14. Avoiding group work - does not support group initiatives, tends to be on the sidelines. Avoids risky actions and situations. Tends to remain silent or give insignificant, evasive answers.

The analysis of the role structure can be carried out on the basis of such questions:

1. Are all listed roles visible in the group?

2. Are they divided between different participants Or do some of them have a monopoly?

3. What type of role is the strongest (weakest) of all?

4. What roles are imposed?

5. How should the role structure be changed to make the group work better?

An important aspect of group dynamics is decision making. The following is a list of the main types of decision making in a group:

1. Inconspicuous solution. A clear position in the discussion is not expressed, the decision appears as if by itself, without its full awareness by the participants in the discussion.

2. Authoritative decision. The clear position of the authoritative member of the group turned out to be indisputable; by the decision of the group, this position was accepted as the only correct one, although quite a few other opinions were expressed in the previous steps of the discussion. In this case, the members of the group do not perceive the decision as their own.

3. Minority Decision. The active minority, supporting each other, carries out its decision. All other members of the group had their own ideas about solving the problem, but they failed to develop a unified point of view.

4. compromise solution. When it is not possible to reach one solution during the discussion, mutual concessions are needed, and then a situation is possible that a decision will be made that no one has proposed.

5. Decision of the majority. Such a decision is considered democratic, and therefore correct, although this is not always the case. In addition, the remaining minority has the feeling that they have not been able to express their position clearly enough, that the practical implementation of the decision will show its inconsistency.

6. Solving mutual understanding. Such a decision arises in a discussion that continues until each of the participants can, at least partially, join the proposal put forward. At the same time, everyone feels that they had the opportunity to influence the decision, and everyone knows why they came to such a decision.

7. Unanimous decision. For complex problems, this way of solving is rare. Complete unanimity cannot be achieved in principle, if only because of the preliminary division of functions and the assignment of roles to the participants in the discussion. Such a method cannot be considered a condition for making a decision.

Decision-making types differ in terms of the degree of involvement of players, the degree of analyticity, consistency, and other parameters. It is necessary to analyze how decision-making is connected with the level of development of the group, its structural characteristics, characteristics of group dynamics, leadership processes, the main focus (on the task or maintenance of the "psychological group"). It is of interest to find a connection between the methods of decision-making and the results of the game.

Data on various aspects of the unfolding of the game, especially on the nature of the interaction of its participants, can be obtained from self-reports. The methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of group work is designed to assess the nature of joint activities in teams.

Methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of group work.

The atmosphere in the group was friendly and welcoming. 1234567 The atmosphere in the group was tense, there was a tense attitude towards each other.
The nature of the discussion of problems in the group was constructive, criticism was aimed at obtaining a common result. 1234567 The nature of the discussion of problems in the group was not constructive enough, criticism was directed at each other.
Proposals were accepted based on their content, not on the personality of the person who made them. 1234567 Proposals were accepted or rejected depending on the personality of the person who made them.
The group worked as a whole, the members of the group mutually helped each other 1234567 The group broke into pieces that actually opposed each other.
Decisions were made jointly, after everyone was convinced of their correctness. 1234567 Decisions were made by one or two members of the group, and the opinion of the rest was not taken into account.
There was a full opportunity to speak for all members of the group 1234567 Many members of the group did not have the opportunity to express their attitude to the issues under discussion.
The ultimate goal of the group's work is clear and understandable 1234567 It is not clear why we are all here.
Our group got a good result 1234567 Our group actually did not get the result.
In the process of work, at first I felt uncomfortable, but then my condition improved. 1234567 From beginning to end I felt uncomfortable.
I felt confident in the group, I was a full member of it. 1234567 In the group, I felt insecure, like an outsider.

Participants of the business game can be given the following instructions:

"You are invited to evaluate how effectively your team acted in the game. The assessment is made on a seven-point scale. The statement located on the form on the left corresponds to 1 point. The opposite statement is located on the right and corresponds to 7 points. The rest of the marks are intermediate and reflect the degree of proximity to the extreme A neutral score corresponds to a score of 4. You must circle the number that represents your score for this parameter.In each line, therefore, one number is circled.Please work carefully and carefully, make possible corrections clearly.

Thank you for your help in the research and we hope that the work done has allowed you to better understand the results of the game."

After receiving the forms, the teacher calculates the average score for all parameters. The following procedure is filled in and processed in the same way:

Study of the conditions of communication.

It can be useful for the facilitator to find out what the readiness for the game is, what response his instruction caused among the participants, to identify players who experience anxiety and anxiety before the start of the game. For express diagnostics of emotional states, the method of emotional-color analogy can be applied. It is based on the connection between a person's choice of color and his emotional state. The essence of the method is in the assessment by the participants of the game of their states with the help of color. When it is applied, it is possible to reveal, of course, not all shades of a person’s feelings, but the prevailing mood.

Participants of the game can be asked to describe the mood through its relationship with one of the colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black. The facilitator should know that the choice of color corresponds to:

You can ask to describe in a similar way the mood of the whole group. The leader's request should not contain information that causes alertness and anxiety. Performing such diagnostics should be considered part of the game, but should be taken seriously enough so that the data is not corrupted. It is better if the participants respond in writing. The facilitator should find an opportunity to immediately familiarize himself with the results in order to use them in managing the game (for example, in the distribution of roles).

It should be noted that one cannot rely only on these data, they should be supplemented by observational results and, if possible, data obtained using other methods. The greatest advantage of the method of emotional-color analogy is the simplicity of its application. It is important that it is non-verbal and allows you to indirectly describe such a characteristic of a person as an emotional state, about which he is not always able and wants to tell strangers directly.

The list of techniques used to analyze the game can be supplemented and expanded by other psychological methods. Their set is determined by the objectives of a particular study. However, all of them should pursue one specific goal - to maximize the effectiveness of the cognitive, educational goals of the business game.

The business game is a form of modern university and postgraduate education. There are innovative, positional games (A.A. Tyukov); organizational and educational games (S.D. Neverkovich); educational games (B.C. Lazarev); organizational and mental games (O.S. Anisimov); organizational and activity games (G.P. Shchedrovitsky), etc. Within the framework of game theory, a mathematical theory that allows modeling various situations, the game is equated to conflict a situation in which at least two players, according to certain rules, seek to obtain the maximum payoff.

The complexity of the concept of "business game" has led to inconsistency in numerous attempts to define it. At present, a business game can be considered both as a field of activity and scientific and technical knowledge, and as a simulation experiment, and as a method of teaching, research, and solving practical problems. However, all this diversity is not sufficiently represented in the existing definitions of the business game.

It is proposed to analyze several definitions:

  • · A business game is an analysis of a situation that includes feedback and the time factor.
  • · Business game - a device for reproducing the processes of coordinating economic interests.
  • · A business game is a group exercise to develop a sequence of decisions in artificially created conditions that simulate a real production environment.
  • · Management simulation game is a simulation model of the functioning of the organization.
  • · Simulation game - a game that is a simulation model, which is designed to study the processes of functioning of organizational and economic systems.
  • · A business game is a kind of system for reproducing management processes that have taken place in the past or are possible in the future, as a result of which the connection and patterns of existing methods for developing decisions on production results are established at the present time and in the future.
  • · A business game is the creation of a game image in the course of the immanent overcoming of voluntarily adopted rules.

To date, there is in the literature big variety typologies and classifications of business games. Let's give examples of some of them. Depending on what type of human practice is recreated in the game and what are the goals of the participants, there are educational, research, managerial, certification business games.

In addition to the indicated typology, which is based on criteria for the type of practice and goals, researchers also identify such criteria as: time, result, methodology, etc. For example, the classification of business games by L.V. Ezhova:

  • 1. By the time of the event:
    • · no time limit;
    • with a time limit
    • Games taking place in real time;
    • games where time is compressed.
  • 2. According to the performance evaluation:
    • point or other assessment of the activity of a player or team;
    • There is no assessment of who worked how.
  • 3. According to the final result:

hard games - the answer is known in advance (for example, network diagram), there are strict rules;

free, open games there is no known answer in advance, the rules are invented for each game, the participants work on solving an unstructured problem.

  • 4. By ultimate goal:
    • training - aimed at the emergence of new knowledge and consolidation of skills of participants;
    • · ascertaining - competitions of professional skills;
    • search - aimed at identifying problems and finding ways to solve them.
  • 5. According to the methodology of conducting:
    • hole games - any parlor game (chess, "Lake", "Monopoly"). The game takes place on a specially organized field, with strict rules, the results are recorded on the forms;
    • role-playing games - each participant has either a specific task or a specific role that he must perform in accordance with the task;
    • group discussions - associated with the development of meetings or the acquisition of group work skills. Participants have individual tasks, there are rules for conducting discussions (for example, the game "Coordinating Council", "Shipwreck");
    • imitative - aim to create an idea among the participants of how they should act in certain conditions ("Intershop management"
    • · for the training of PDO specialists, "Sales" - for the training of sales managers, etc.);
    • Organizational and activity games (G.P. Shchedrovitsky) - they do not have strict rules, the participants do not have roles, the games are aimed at solving interdisciplinary problems. The activation of the work of participants occurs due to the hard pressure on the individual;
    • · innovative games (B.C. Dudchenko) - form innovative thinking of participants, put forward innovative ideas in the traditional system of actions, work out models of real, | my, ideal situations, include trainings on self-organization;
    • Ensemble games (Yu.D. Krasovsky) - form the managerial thinking of the participants, are aimed at solving specific problems of the enterprise by organizing business partnerships between teams consisting of heads of services.

Unfortunately, the above typology, on the one hand, tries to set a multi-criteria grid for analysis, but, on the other hand, it fails to avoid some inaccuracies (for example, point 5, according to which parlor game, role-playing game are types of business games). These errors are fairly typical and are found in other typologies as well.

The following features are also used as the basis for classifying business training games:

  • the degree of formalization of the procedure (“hard” and “free” games);
  • the presence or absence of conflict in the scenario (business games in cooperative situations, conflict situations with non-strict rivalry, in conflict situations with strict rivalry);
  • The level of problematicity (the first level involves the discovery and formulation of problems that require resolution in the analysis of a specific game situation, the second level is characterized by the involvement of students in co-thinking, in an active search for ways and means of solving the questions raised;
  • the degree of students' participation in the preparation of business games (games with and without home training);
  • · the duration of the game procedure (mini-games lasting several minutes or lasting several days), etc.;
  • The nature of the simulated situations (game with an opponent, with nature, game-training);
  • The nature of the gameplay: games with the interaction of participants and without interaction:
  • · method of transmission and processing of information (using texts, computers, etc.);
  • dynamics of simulated processes (games with a limited number of moves, unlimited, self-developing);
  • Thematic focus and nature of the problems being solved (thematic games - focused on decision-making on narrow problems; functional games - simulating the implementation of individual functions or management procedures; complex games - simulating the management of a specific object or process as a whole.

One-dimensional classifications were carried out according to the following criteria:

  • a) for the object being modeled - general managerial and functional (imitation of production, financial activities);
  • b) by the presence of interaction - interactive and non-interactive;
  • c) by design features - simple and complex;
  • d) according to the uniqueness of the payoff - rigid and non-rigid;
  • e) by the presence of random events - deterministic and stochastic.

Advantages of the game method

  • 1. The goals of the game are more consistent with the practical needs of students. This form of organization of the educational process removes the contradiction between the abstract nature of the subject and the real nature of professional activity, the systemic nature of the knowledge used and their belonging to different disciplines.
  • 2. The method allows you to combine a wide range of problems and the depth of their understanding.
  • 3. The game form corresponds to the logic of activity, includes the moment of social interaction, prepares for professional communication.
  • 4. The game component contributes to greater involvement of trainees.
  • 5. The business game is saturated with feedback, more meaningful than that used in traditional methods.
  • 6. In the game, attitudes of professional activity are formed, stereotypes are overcome more easily, self-esteem is corrected.
  • 7. Traditional methods presuppose the dominance of the intellectual sphere, the whole personality is manifested in the game.
  • 8. The method provokes the inclusion of reflexive processes, provides an opportunity to interpret and comprehend the results obtained.

The experience gained in the game can be even more productive in comparison with the experience gained in professional activities. This happens for several reasons. Business games allow you to increase the scope of reality, visually represent the consequences of decisions made, and provide an opportunity to test alternative solutions. The information that a person uses in reality is incomplete, inaccurate. In the game, although incomplete, but accurate information is provided to him, this increases the credibility of the results obtained and stimulates the process of taking responsibility. The considered advantages determined the success of this method in the educational process.

A business game is an imitation of a real production (management or economic) situation. Creating a simplified workflow model allows each participant in real life, but within certain rules, to play a role, make a decision, take actions.

Business game method

Business games (BI) are an effective method of practical training and are widely used. They are used as a means of knowledge in management, economics, ecology, medicine and other fields.

Actively used in the world to study the science of management of CI began from the middle of the 20th century. A significant contribution to the development of gaming technologies was made by S.P. Rubinstein, Z. Freud and other scientists.

This method allows you to model an object (organization) or simulate a process (decision making, management cycle). Production and economic situations are associated with subordination to superiors, and organizational and managerial situations with the management of a department, group, employee.

Players can set different goals, to achieve which they use the knowledge of the basics of sociology, economics, and management methods. The results of the game will be related to the degree of achievement of goals and the quality of management.

Classification of business games

CI can be classified in many ways.

Reflection of reality

Real (practice)

Theoretical (abstract)

Difficulty level

Small (one task, small team of players)

"Sea battle", "Auction", "Crossword", "Who knows more", "Presentation"

simulation game

Imitation practice. Participants solve the problem together or individually.

"Ethics of the manager", "Gossip in the company", "How to keep an employee from firing?", "Blackmail"


Aimed at generating new ideas in a non-standard situation.

Self-organization trainings, brainstorming


Collective creation of a picture of the future development of the situation.

"Creating a new product", "Entering new markets"

All of the above technologies and examples of business games are interconnected. It is recommended to use them in combination for the effective practical activities of the participants and the achievement of the tasks set.

How to organize a game?

Games are played according to certain rules.

  1. The topics of business games are varied, but their conditions must be relevant and close to the life situation, problem. Players may not have the experience to solve it, but they do have the basic knowledge, imagination, and other abilities.
  2. The end result common to the whole team, the achievement of the goal, the developed solution.
  3. There may be several correct solutions. The ability to look for different ways to solve the problem must be included in the condition.
  4. Participants themselves choose roles and behaviors for the successful solution of the problem. An interesting and rather complex situational task encourages creative search and application of knowledge.


  1. Preparatory stage. Identification of the problem, choice of topic and definition of tasks. Choosing the type and form of the game, working on a game strategy, preparing materials.
  2. Entry of participants into the game situation. Attraction of interest, goal setting, team building, mobilization of participants.
  3. Group or individual work according to established rules or without them.
  4. Conclusions and analysis of the results independently and / or with the involvement of experts.

Conducting a business game can be associated with a large number of stages. During the game, the participants will have to identify the problem, consider and analyze the situation, develop proposals for solving the problem. The discussion of the course of the game and wishes complete the work.

Business game "Production meeting"

In production management, an active business management game is modeled. The example includes the characteristics and scenario of the business game "Production meeting". It is held at the end of the course "Management", when students already have an idea about the principles of management and the role of the production process.

Game participants:

  • employees of the enterprise (7 people). The meeting is attended by the director, deputy for production, head technical department, head of the assembly shop, head of the turning shop, foreman, secretary;
  • group of experts (10 people).

Locomotive repair or machine-building plant (organization of any profile with an average or small number of employees). Not so long ago, a new director was appointed by the owners of the enterprise. He was introduced to the staff and managers of the plant. The director will hold an operational meeting for the first time.

Game plan "Production meeting"

Business game scenario


Introduction. Goals and theme of the game.

game situation

Acquaintance with the situation in the company.

Meeting preparation plan

  • Distribution of roles (7 employees and 10 experts)
  • the leader organizes informing the participants of the game with at the meeting.
  • removal of the director for a while to another office "due to operational" necessity.
  • then the facilitator brings to the participants information about the behavior of employees at the meeting (from the characteristics). Those present at the meeting reacted to the new bosses with skepticism and distrust.


Director's speech, reaction and questions from superiors.

discussion and

collective discussion of issues.

What will be the behavior of the director at the meeting?

What can he say or do to establish business contacts with employees?

What can he take when summing up the results of the first operational meeting?


Conclusions from experts, from game participants. Self-esteem. Have you achieved your goals, have you achieved your goals?

Role-playing game

Entering a production situation in a certain role is an interesting business game. Examples for students can be very diverse. It is only necessary to connect the imagination.

  1. Role-playing game "Interview". conducts an interview in the form of an interview with the applicant. Vacant position- Sales Manager. Before the game, the participants read the biography and description of their hero. After studying the documents (10 minutes), the manager begins the interview. When summing up, it is assessed how the boss conducted the interview and interview, analyzed the information in the documents, what decision he made. The applicant evaluates the work of the manager.
  2. Role-playing game "Conflict client". The game is played in pairs. A department head answers an angry customer's phone call. The customer complains about the quality of the goods. It is assessed whether the manager will be able to cope with the conflict situation and build the conversation properly.
  3. Role-playing game "Assessment of the professionalism of an employee." The player, from the position of a leader, evaluates the performance of an employee, using information about the effectiveness of the team's work. Based on the data, he fills out a certification form and prepares for an interview with an employee. Thinks about how to build a conversation, what questions to ask. The role of an employee can be a young specialist, a woman with two children, an advanced employee, and others. As a result, the way the player formulated the questions, highlighted the main thing, is evaluated.

Strategic business game. Examples for students

Strategic game "Knitting factory "Style"". The management of the knitting factory plans to expand sales markets. This requires the production of higher quality and demanded products. In addition, it is planned to launch several new technological lines.

It has long been planned to replace equipment in several workshops. The problem was the lack financial resources associated with major accounts receivable. What strategy is appropriate in this situation? What can plant management do? Forecast based on table data. Several indicators of financial and economic activity are recommended to be submitted for three years.

Sample management game topics

Examples of business games

Group discussion

“Making management decisions. Selection of a candidate for the position of director

"Organizational culture of college students"

"Management cycle in an educational institution"

Role-playing game

"Personnel certification"

How to ask for a pay raise?

"Telephone Conversations"

"Conclusion of a contract"

Emotional activity game

"Ethics business communication. Love affair at work"

"Conflict between heads of departments"

"Business conversation. Dismissal of an employee"

"To handle the stress"

simulation game

"Control Efficiency"

"Development of a business plan"

"Business letter"

"Preparation of the annual report"

Game method and case method

When planning a business game, it is recommended to combine its different forms. The game may contain cases (situations). The case method differs from the method of business games, as it is focused on finding and solving a problem. Examples of business games are related to the development of skills, the formation of skills.

Thus, a case is a model of a certain situation, and a business game is a model of practical activity.

The business game method makes it possible to present management principles and decision-making processes in an accessible way. The main advantage of games is the active participation of the group, the team of players.

Alekseev A. A., Dyagileva N. V.
book title

Theoretical foundations for the formation of a business game

  • Characteristics of the main simulation methods of active learning
  • Evaluation of improving the business game as a form of improving the training and retraining of specialists in the economic profile
  • Features of the implementation of business games using personal computers

In game simulation modeling, CIs are widely represented (military, political, industrial, research, educational); attestation games for the selection and appointment of personnel, to assess the level of their qualifications; organizational and activity games for solving regional problems; innovative games for solving problems that have no analogues in the national economy; reflexive games to relieve stress and form innovative thinking; search and approbation games for the development of a specific program of activities by the team, etc.

Platov V.Ya. considers the main characterological features of simulation methods of active learning.

I. Case study method,

consists in the fact that the trainees (students or trainees) are presented with a situation associated with a certain moment of the functioning of a particular situation of the socio-economic system. The task of the trainees is the collective adoption of a managerial decision in a particular situation. To activate the lesson, groups can be organized, each of which offers its own solution (in the form of a review or public defense). The result is summed up by the teachers conducting the lesson.

The characteristic feature of the analysis of a particular situation is:

    The presence of a model of a socio-economic system, the state of which is considered at a certain discrete point in time.

    Collective development of decisions.

    A common goal of the group when making decisions.

    Availability of a system of group assessment of students' activities.

    The presence of controlled emotional stress of trainees.

The application of the method of analysis of specific situations is advisable in cases where a separate, relatively complex organizational, economic or managerial task is considered, the only correct solution or the right decision which is already known to the teacher. He has the last word in summing up the results.

II. Role-playing games.

In such games, the ability to manage people is usually worked out. Up to 40% of all issues addressed by the leader relate to team management, that is, the success of leadership depends on the ability of the leader to interact with other people. To play the game, it is necessary to model the control systems that are part of the structure of specific socio-economic systems. Among the participants in the game, when analyzing the proposed situations, roles are distributed that can be of a group nature. The task of the game is to develop an optimal behavior strategy for the performer of each role in each game.

Characteristic features of role-playing games:

    Model Availability control system included in a specific socio-economic system.

    The presence of roles.

    The difference in the role values ​​of the participants in the game, performing different roles (competence).

    Role interaction.

    The presence of a common goal for the entire gaming team.

    Multi-alternative solutions.

    The presence of a system of group or individual evaluation of the activities of game participants.

    The presence of controlled emotional stress.

In contrast to case studies in role-playing games:

    it is necessary to have a control system model;

    the decision made by the trainee affects only the control system, and not the control object;

    the complex-model of the control system is dynamic in nature, where there is role-playing communication, in which communication may depend on the course of communication between partners.

III. simulation games,

these are games with a different target orientation, for which some of the listed characterological features of role-playing games are not typical.

    In such a game, there can be only one role ("Robinson"), which is replicated by each participant, who in turn prepares his decision.

    There is no model of the management system and the object of management, there is only a model of the environment in which it is necessary to make a decision. Here, the activities of specific executives or specialists are modeled.

    No conflict situation.

IV. Organizational-activity games (ODG).

The class of these games includes: problem role-playing games, problem-oriented business games, approbation and search games, innovative games. ODI is used in solving complex social and production problems, when it is necessary to combine the efforts of specialists in different areas. The game is based on the initial information presented to the players about the state of the real socio-economic system. Next comes the development, discussion and decision-making on the management of this system. In such games, issues are more often resolved not of operational management, but of the development of a control program. The game reveals a set of problems in managing the socio-economic system and ways to solve these problems. In ODI, states that are usually considered critical for the system provide increased motivation for game participants and the development of solutions that bring the system out of crisis. To conduct the game, it is advisable to involve specialists from different areas who perform different functions in the game (support group, consultants, team leaders, and others).

The organizational task of the leader is to coordinate the collective activities of the game participants, their personal and intergroup communication at all stages of solving the problem. In principle, an unconditional solution to the problem is not laid down in ODI, sometimes the game can end with a negative result.

The preparation and conduct of the ODI is carried out in several stages.

    Pre-game stage (may last 2-3 months). Here, the state of the socio-economic system is diagnosed, crisis problems are identified, the overall strategy of the game is determined, and its structure is formed. Next, the selection of the game team is carried out, the composition of the game groups is thought out. Each group has a representative from the game management. His role is to create a benevolent moral and psychological climate in the group, control its activities, correct if necessary, and inform colleagues in the game about the state of the group and solve problems to coordinate the game.

    Getting players into the game. Here, the game team is oriented towards the goals and objectives of the game, the psychological preparation of the participants (the mobilization of their creative and intellectual potential). Among the methods of mobilizing participants, one can distinguish such as "calling fire on oneself" - provoking players to a discussion with the leader, among positive methods there can be comic contests and other methods that cause positive emotions. The task of this stage is to create a workable team from disparate specialists capable of solving the task.

    Group work. This stage during the game can be repeated several times when solving certain aspects of the problem. To analyze the course of the game, expert experts who do not participate in the course of the game (jury) can be involved here. The analysis of the course of the game is carried out by the management of the game without the participation of game teams according to the decisions developed by the participants in the game, according to the information of consultants about the activities of the group. As a result, a further strategy for the game in the next cycle is developed. Thus, during the course of the game, its content can be corrected while the overall structure of the game is maintained.

    Generalization of the obtained results. At the end of the game, the management develops the main final documents containing the statement of the problem, its structural consideration and proposals for its solution.

After the game is over, it is appropriate to discuss the course of the game together with the participants and listen to their opinions, suggestions and wishes on the methodology of the game, as well as on the relationship between the game management and the participants.

Characteristic features of ODI can be formulated as follows:

    The activity of specialists in solving complex complex problems of managing socio-economic systems is modeled on the basis of real information about their state.

    Roles in ODI are conditional. Decisions are made outside of staff structures.

    The distinction of role goals and the interaction of roles are provided, which is ensured by the presence of personal interests of the game participants.

    The use of collective activity.

    The presence of a common goal for the game team.

    Collective development of decisions by the participants of the game.

    Implemented in the "chain of decisions" process.

    Multiple alternatives provided.

    Special means provide management of the emotional stress of the players.

    Decisions made in the game do not affect the control object. The consequences of making decisions in the game are not traced.

    The system for evaluating the activities of game participants is often absent. There is no need for evaluation due to the high degree of motivation for the players in solving the problem.

The listed characterological signs can be considered signs of DI in full. At the same time, sign 1 refers DI to imitative teaching methods, signs 2-4 define DI as a game teaching method. According to signs 5-6, CI is a method of collective learning. Features 8-9, 11 rank her among the most effective methods business training, and feature 7 distinguishes it from all the methods mentioned.

The above characterological features of DI help to present the functional scheme of DI.

Rice. 1 Functional diagram of a business game

To organize and conduct DI, the following is required:

    preparation of the game management and support team;

    preparation of methodological and technical support;

    preparation of instructive tasks and trial games with the support group;

    adaptation of the DI to the appropriate contingent of participants and the conditions for its implementation;

    carrying out the necessary calculations to assess the consequences of various solutions, the formation of an optimal or rational solution for each fragment of the game;

    preliminary formation of the composition of game groups;

    preparation of future participants in the game, assessment of their readiness for the game.

When evaluating the effectiveness of CI as an active form of learning, the following parameters can be noted:

    One of the main sources of the effectiveness of CI is the time savings obtained by comparing the results of CI with traditional teaching methods in a relatively short period of time, participants in CI develop skills and qualities that cannot be developed by other teaching methods.

    The effectiveness of training is manifested in the interested attitude of participants to educational CI. This psychological factor activates the trainees, which contributes to a more intensive assimilation and memorization of the necessary educational information related to the professional training of economic specialists.

    DI allows you to control the knowledge of the participants in the game groups directly during the game, which reduces the time for conducting a special current control of knowledge. An analysis of the progress of students allows us to conclude that the introduction of DI into the educational process significantly increases the level of progress and professional preparedness.

    Based on the results of evaluating the activities of participants during business games, one can get a fairly complete picture of professional and personal qualities participants, their readiness for leadership activities, for solving practical problems that are currently emerging at enterprises.

Game simulation of situations is important tool in the formation of thinking among students in the process of studying disciplines at the rate of marketing and management. The issues of considering the market situation when making managerial decisions in a competitive market are topical due to the current economic conditions in the road transport market. At the same time, of course, it is necessary to be able to take into account and analyze a number of issues of market conditions, ranging from the analysis of goods and services provided to the peculiarities of the psychological impact of the nature of decisions made on production teams. Within the framework of the proposed study, issues closely related to the tactical analysis of market conditions and decision-making based on this analysis within the framework of a business game at the rate of marketing and management are considered in detail.

Unfortunately, no simulated collective DI can consider a sufficiently large number of factors simultaneously and at the same time maintain a real time scale. Moreover, each DI still does not fully involve the entire flow of trainees, bringing leaders to the first roles and leaving "in the shadows" lagging behind, more poorly trained students.

The emergence of computer means of communication and learning makes it possible to provide interactive communication with a personal computer and focus on a variety of factors, and individually, regardless of the degree of preparedness of the student. Within the framework of computer DI, a multifunctional socio-economic system is usually analyzed, in which the main factors controlling the system are idealized instruments of market influence.

Among the computer DI considered by the author, the most interesting and fully functional, in terms of the factors under consideration, is the computer strategy game "Capitalism" ("Capitalism") by Interactive Magic.

CAPITALISM is a real-time business strategy game that simulates the modern business world with unprecedented depth and complexity. You will be surprised at the range of business activities that span retail, manufacturing, mining, Agriculture, management, marketing, financial management, accounting, economics and stock market. In "CAPITALISM", you can (based on ):

* Create your own legend, become the new Henry Ford of the automotive industry.

* Become one of the top 100 millionaires (100 Billionaires Chart) younger than Billy Gate.

* Capture more soft drink market share than Coca Cola and Pepsi combined.

* Quickly lose your wealth after playing a "dirty game" in the process of stock manipulation.

* Arrange a trading "storm" in the market with marketing campaign new product innovation.

* Become a leader in the computer market by selling computers that have scientific and technical secrets you have developed.

* Increase your firm's productivity by investing in training and installing improved equipment.

* Apply the theory of economies of scale, reduce production costs, and raise profits.

* Formulate an expansion or diversification plan, issue new shares and raise capital.

* Reorganize a dying corporation.

* Build a retail empire by setting up department stores in every territory that has consumers around.

* Form an agricultural kingdom, and manage the whole nation's wheat supply.

* Win the market by causing a reduction in the price war.

* Strengthen financial leadership by integrating all synergistic campaign capital.

* Monopolize the production of raw materials and prices for them, capturing every available supply of natural resource.

* Defeat your competitors in the stock market with hostile actions against their shareholdings.

* Double your market share by creating a trade union.

* Diversify more than 40 types of products, including: automobile, beverage, chemical products, cigarette, computer, electronic products, food, shoes, furniture, jewelry, livestock products, toys, watches, etc.

This business game was created by the computer company Interactive Magic (INTERACTIVE MAGIC, PO Box 13491 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709) in 1995 and is designed for use on IBM compatible computers. This game has the following requirements for computer technology(minimum configuration):

  • 386DX CPU;
  • 4MB RAM;
  • 12MB Hard Disk when using the CD version of the game and 103 MB in the floppy version;
  • Vesa compatible video driver;
  • mouse manipulator;
  • if possible, a sound card;
  • SVGA monitor 256 colors (640*480).

In addition to the requirements for the computer hardware, there are a number of requirements for software:

  • MS DOS 5.0 or later or Windows"95;

Microsoft compatible mouse driver if Windows 95 is not installed.




Lab #5.2

in the discipline "Fundamentals of the theory of creative activity"

business games

Lecturer: Ermakov A.N.

Students: Blazhko E.E. Vasiliev I.A.

Group: IS-1-01

MOSCOW, 2006

Introduction ................................................ ................................................. ............................................

History of business games .............................................................. ................................................. .........................

Classification of business games ............................................................... ................................................. ............

Principles of organizing a business game .............................................................. ...............................................

Goals of the business game .............................................................. ................................................. ...............................

Signs of a business game ............................................................... ................................................. ....................

The structure of the business game ............................................................... ................................................. ...................

The order of the business game .............................................................. .................................................

The role of the leader in the business game .............................................. ................................................. ..........

Examples of business games ............................................................... ................................................. ...................

Conclusions................................................. ................................................. ............................................

Bibliography................................................ ................................................. .........................


A business game is a method of simulating decision-making by executives or specialists in various production situations, carried out according to given rules by a group of people or a person with a computer in an interactive mode, in the presence of conflict situations or information uncertainty.

In a business game, the process of making decisions takes place under the conditions of a phased, multi-step clarification of the necessary factors, analysis of information that comes in additionally and is generated during the game. During the game, participants analyze the situation, make and discuss decisions, and also enter into certain relationships with each other, which can be in the nature of rivalry, cooperation, formal interaction, etc.

The business game originated as a tool for finding managerial decisions under conditions of uncertainty and multifactoriality. Currently, they are used in the educational process of universities, as a pedagogical technology, or one of the methods of active learning, in conducting socio-psychological trainings and in production to solve industrial, social and psychological problems. In all cases, there is a “two-dimensionality of the business game” and not only gaming or professional tasks are solved, but at the same time, training and education of participants takes place.

Recently, business and simulation games have been increasingly used in various fields: mainly in economics and politics, as well as in sociology, ecology, administration, education, urban planning, and history. Simulation games are used to train specialists in the relevant fields, as well as to solve the problems of research, forecasting, and testing planned innovations. Simulation games are also being developed as a way of communication between specialists in different fields, as a special language of the future.

There are different terms used to describe this method. Usually, if the game is played by economists, then it is called a business game (business game), less often - management (management game) or operational. In the field of politics, urban planning, as a rule, the term “simulation game” is used. The most common and common, perhaps, in the West is the term "imitation game", or "game imitation", although there is no consensus on terminology among specialists. The use of the term "imitation game" is associated with highlighting the essential characteristics of this method. On the one hand, imitation is understood very broadly as a replacement for direct experimentation by the creation and manipulation of models, layouts that replace the real object of study. In the social sciences, machine simulation has become widespread, which implements a formal model of a particular system under study. On the other hand, there are actually game methods in which participants take on certain roles, enter into direct interaction with each other, trying to achieve their role goals. It is assumed that "game imitation" or "imitation game" combines these two approaches. It is based on specific situations taken from real life and is a dynamic model of simplified reality. Thus, the business game is based on a simulation model, but this model is implemented due to the actions of the game participants. They take on the roles of administrative workers or politicians and play out a given economic, managerial or political situation, depending on the content of the game. It is also traditional to emphasize the fact that business or simulation games are "serious" games for adults, and not entertainment, recreation, etc.

It should be specially noted that a business or simulation game must be distinguished from other active teaching methods, on the one hand, and from methods of socio-psychological training, on the other. It must be admitted that there is a lot of confusion on this issue: the terms are used carelessly and sometimes such different methods as group discussion, role-playing games (also a rather heterogeneous field in itself) and business games fall into one company and are designated general concept business game. The difficulty lies both in the insufficient theoretical reflection of these empirically established methods, and in the absence of those theoretical criteria on the basis of which it would be possible to compare such practices and classify them. Existing attempts at classification are either purely empirical (listing different methods as they have historically developed in different areas of knowledge and practice) or quasi-theoretical.

History of business games

Historically, business games are associated with military games that served to train military leaders (chess, card games, sandbox games).

AT our country, DI arose back in 30s. Their name and form were somewhat different from modern ones, but the main concepts were already reflected in them. The author of the first DI was MM Birshtein, a young Leningrad economist. Back in 1932, at the Leningrad typewriter factory, and in 1936, at the Leningrad Red Tkach factory, she organized a series of gaming experiments, calling them "organizational production tests." They were attended by factory workers. The theme of the "test", for example, was the process of a factory transitioning to a new product without stopping production. Thus, the first games were not focused on educational purposes, but were created as a means of preparing real managerial decisions. The tragic events of the late 30s, the war, the blockade of Leningrad interrupted the development of Soviet scientists in the field of business games.

In the 50s. years to the idea of ​​CI approached in the United States. The CIs that emerged there were used to train students of economics or future business leaders. In 1956, the first computer-based game was developed in the USA, which became the beginning of the use of business simulation games in industry. In the 60s and 70s. The development of the business game abroad has taken the path of complicating the content, increasing their scientific and technical level, increasing the duration, complicating the structure, creating modifications, increasing the number of participants, and using extreme situations. Methodical materials business games are widely replicated and available to all interested parties.

In 1975, we started doing CI again in our country. In Zvenigorod near Moscow, on the initiative of the CEMI of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, the question of the prospects of using computers for modeling economic systems that make up the "plots" of DI was discussed.

Scientific and methodological centers, laboratories, departments were created, conferences, seminar schools were held. In the early 80s. business games have moved into the phase of formation of thematic and educational complexes, integrated systems of active teaching methods, unified programs for the development of business games across the country.

Serious backlogs were among the employees of the Novosibirsk state university(V.F. Komarova, N.V. Syskina), the Leningrad Institute of Finance and Economics (I.M. Syroezhin, S.G. Gidrovich), at the Leningrad Institute of Management Methods (A.L. Lipshits), in the Leningrad Regional Council scientific and technical societies (M.M. Birshtein), employees of the Kyiv Civil Engineering Institute (V.I. Rybalsky and others).

The listed institutions and their employees, enthusiasts of game methods, formed the core of the modern field of scientific, pedagogical and practical management activities in our country, which continues to this day. Not only more and more DIs began to appear, but also theoretical works, simulation games arose not only on economic, but also on other topics, for example, biological, medical, architectural.

Gradually, psychologists and sociologists became interested in imitation games. Games began to appear that introduce young people to social environment in which they will find themselves in the future.

Seminars on active learning methods are held periodically, the main theme of which is simulation games in the learning process.

Domestic experts participate in international meetings, for example, at the annual ISAGA (International Simulation and Games Association) seminar. During the seminar theoretical and practical problems arising in the process of creating simulation games, their implementation in different audiences and for different purposes and their theoretical understanding, as well as the classification of business games, are hotly discussed.

Classification of business games

One of the main features of the classification is the appointment. In a number of works, three variants of business games are defined, depending on the purpose, namely:

1. Educational. They are used in the educational process in the training or retraining of specialists, as well as in the system of economic education;

2. Production. Used to solve real problems current activities or development of a specific enterprise, as well as for advanced training directly at enterprises using real information material;

3. Research. Conducted during experimentation in management and economics.

To industrial games include, for example, business games on the certification of employees, the development or improvement of the organization of labor at a particular production site, the modernization of a real enterprise or organization, etc. The highest form of a production business game can be considered a game of a certain profile (for example, the formation of an annual research work of a certain organization), which is repeated regularly (for example, annually, when forming a plan for the next year). Such a business game becomes a functional block of the current management mechanism. Research games are, for example, games to study the relationship between sectoral and regional management, etc. Initially, all created business games were research games.

In a report at a conference dedicated to the 60th anniversary of business games, in 1992, M.M. Birshtein noted the role of research DI: “Just as projects of technical innovations must be tested in the laboratory before they are put into production, so organizational innovation projects in the socio-economic sphere can and should be tested before their implementation by the DI method for quality and strength, for their suitability under given specific conditions.

Principles of organizing a business game

In this principle lies necessary condition achievement of educational goals. Only dialogue, discussion with the maximum participation of all the players is capable of truly creative work. Comprehensive collective discussion of educational material by students allows them to achieve a comprehensive presentation of professionally significant processes and activities;

simulation principlespecific conditions and dynamics of production. Modeling the real conditions of professional activity of a specialist in all the variety of service, social and personal ties is the basis of active learning methods;

game simulation principle content and forms of professional activity. The implementation of this principle is a necessary condition for an educational game, since it has educational functions;

principle of joint activity. In a business game, this principle requires implementation through the involvement of several participants in the cognitive activity. It requires the developer to select and characterize roles, determine their powers, interests and means of activity. At the same time, the most characteristic types of professional interaction of "officials" are identified and modeled;

principle of dialogical communication. This principle lays down the necessary condition for achieving educational goals. Only dialogue, discussion with the maximum participation of all the players can give rise to a truly creative work. A comprehensive collective discussion of educational material by students allows them to achieve a comprehensive presentation of professionally significant processes and activities.

the principle of duality. The principle of duality reflects the process of development of real personal characteristics a specialist in "imaginary", gaming conditions. The developer sets two kinds of goals for the student, reflecting the real and game contexts in learning activities.

problem principle the content of the simulation model and the process of its deployment in the game activity.