Drawing up a "professional portrait" for each vacant position. Search results for \"qualification card\" Qualification card

  • 10.03.2020

Selection of applicants - search for applicants to work in vacant jobs.

The selection procedure for candidates for the position, in turn, includes three stages

The purpose of the first stage is to determine the parameters and criteria for selecting candidates for the position.

To facilitate the recruitment process, many organizations have begun to create documents describing the main characteristics that an employee must have in order to successful work in this position - qualification cards and competence cards (portraits or profiles of ideal employees).

Qualification Card- kit qualification characteristics(general and special education, special skills, knowledge foreign language, computer skills, etc.) that the “ideal” employee in this position should have. Usually prepared jointly by the head of the unit and HR specialists on the basis of job description

A professionally designed qualification card simplifies the process of selecting candidates, since it is much easier to evaluate an employee in terms of qualification characteristics than the ability to assign him specific functions. It allows you to structure the assessments of candidates (for each characteristic) and compare applicants with each other. But it should be remembered that the qualification card mainly focuses on the technical, more formal, characteristics of the candidate, leaving aside personal characteristics and his development potential.

Professiogram- a description of the features of a particular profession, revealing the specifics professional labor and requirements placed on the person. There are two types of professiograms: professiograms are short description the nature of the employee's activities, the results of his work and their significance for people
and complete professiograms - with a description of production and technical, social and economic. conditions labor activity and psychophysiological requirements imposed by the profession on a person.
The professiogram describes the psychological, industrial, technical, medical, hygienic and other features of the specialty, profession. It indicates the functions of this profession and the difficulties in mastering it, associated with certain psychophysiological qualities of a person and with the organization of production. The most important addition to the map is the description of competencies, i.e. a detailed explanation of each stroke of the portrait of an ideal employee.

The second step in the recruitment process is choice of source and method of selection of applicants.

internal source

4. Request employees.
combination of positions;
temporary recruitment;
transfer of holidays;
multi-shift operation.

External source

2. Recruitment.

8. Staff leasing.

The main sources and methods of personnel selection.

Selection methods

internal source

1. Job advertisement in the firm's media.
2. Viewing the personnel files.
3. Survey of relatives and friends.
4. Request employees.
5. Hiring alternatives - change labor relations by:
overtime work;
combination of positions;
temporary recruitment;
transfer of holidays;
multi-shift operation.


1. Reducing the cost of attracting personnel.
2. More complete information about the candidate's capabilities.
3. Visible career development.
4. Shorter search term for applicants.


1. The threat of psychological tension in the team.
2. Fewer candidates.
3. Less activity (deficiencies in the organization are less noticeable, familiar).
4. "Nepotism" => stagnation of ideas.
5. There may be a quantitative need for personnel at the vacated workplace.

External source

1. Announcements in the media.
2. Recruitment.
3. Computerized recruitment services (Internet technologies).
4. Labor exchange, recruiting firms, agencies.
5. Use of fairs, exhibitions, festivals for information about vacancies.
6. Hiring students during holidays.
7. Career guidance for students of colleges, universities, schools.
8. Staff leasing.
9. Persons who themselves applied to the organization in search of work.


1. Large selection of candidates.
2. The possibility of new ideas and methods of work.
3. Less psychological tension in the team.
4. Satisfaction quantitative need in the staff.


1. High costs for attracting personnel.
2. Long search period.
3. A long period of adaptation of the candidate.
4. Lack of complete information about the capabilities of personnel.
5. The possibility of a worsening working climate is a “resentment” among long-term employees.

15. The procedure for selecting candidates for the position.

1. Correspondence acquaintance with the candidate (resume analysis). The goal is an initial screening of candidates who clearly cannot qualify for a replacement. vacant position.

2. Analysis of personal data. There were 2 main options for the ratio of the questionnaire and the main interview.

§ Preference for a detailed, detailed questionnaire. In this case, the interview becomes a formal addition to the questionnaire.

§ Detailed, detailed main interview. In this case, the questionnaire acquires an additional, formal character.

3. Main interview. In the event that the employer uses an abbreviated form of the questionnaire, the scenario of the main interview is in many ways similar to the detailed detailed questionnaire considered at the previous stage. In this case, the questionnaire will be of a formal, auxiliary nature. When using a detailed questionnaire, the main interview allows the employer to additionally assess the candidate's communication skills, the ability to formulate answers, appearance etc. Naturally, these points are also evaluated during a detailed interview.

4. Making inquiries about the candidate. The purpose of this stage is to clarify the data obtained during the questionnaire or interview, as well as to identify data that the employer considers not entirely correct to receive from the candidate personally. This kind of information includes: the tasks of the employee, the implementation of which caused difficulties, data on the candidate’s sociability and sociability, etc. Data that, as a rule, the employer wants to clarify: the tasks that the employee performed most successfully; reasons for leaving work; salary.

5. Medical examination. In the event that the applicant's state of health does not allow him to perform official tasks, according to the practice of foreign companies, the employer refuses the candidate to work. If the state of health may affect the professional development of the candidate in the future, the foreign employer warns him about it.

6. Screening test (tests for mental abilities, tests for assessing the qualities of a person and her interests, tests for achievement, test work assignment).

7. Interview with the immediate supervisor. Many firms at this stage provide the future immediate supervisor with a package of documents for several of the best candidates, from which he makes a direct choice. In addition, at this stage, the manager specifies the terms of reference of the candidate, the mode of work and rest, the nuances of organizing the workplace.

8. Hiring.

16. Checking the professional and personal qualities of job applicants.

1. Personnel assessment centers. They use a complex technology built on the principles of criteria-based assessment. Usage a large number various methods and the mandatory assessment of the same criteria in different situations and in different ways significantly increases the predictiveness and accuracy of the assessment.

2. Aptitude tests. Their goal is to assess the psychophysiological qualities of a person, the ability to perform a certain activity.

3. General aptitude tests. Assessment of the general level of development and individual features of thinking, attention, memory and other higher mental functions. Especially informative when assessing the level of learning ability.

4. Biographical tests and study of the biography. The main aspects of the analysis: family relations, the nature of education, physical development, main needs and interests, features of the intellect, sociability.

They also use the data of a personal file - a kind of dossier, where personal data and information obtained on the basis of annual assessments are entered. According to the personal file, the progress of the employee's development is traced, on the basis of which conclusions are drawn about his prospects.

5. Personality tests. Psychodiagnostic tests to assess the level of development of individual personal qualities or a person's relevance to a certain type. Rather, a person's predisposition to a certain type of behavior and potential opportunities are assessed.

6. Interview. A conversation aimed at collecting information about the experience, level of knowledge and assessment of the professional important qualities applicant.

7. Recommendations. It is important to pay attention to where the recommendations come from and how they are drawn up. Recommendations are drawn up with all the details of the organization and coordinates for feedback. When receiving a recommendation from an individual, attention should be paid to the status of this person. If a recommendation to a professional is made by a person who is very famous in the circles of specialists, then this recommendation will be more reasonable.

8. non-traditional methods.

Polygraph (lie detector), psychological stress indicator, tests for honesty or attitude towards something established by the company;

Alcohol and drug tests are used for candidates.

Use some type of psychoanalysis to identify the skills of candidates for possible work in their organizations.

17. Interview (interview) with candidates. Types of interview. phases of the interview.

A recruitment interview is an exchange of information between representatives of an organization and a candidate for a vacant position.

The purpose of the representative of the organization is to decide on the most suitable candidate.

The goal of the candidate is to obtain detailed information about the organization, position, functions.

Specialists highlight 3 types of interviews when hiring staff

Criteria interview is an interview during which the candidate is asked questions related to the applicant's future professional activities, and his answers are evaluated according to a pre-designed rating scale.

situational interview is built around a discussion of a real or hypothetical situation related to the future professional activity of the candidate.

Biographical interview is built around facts from the life of the candidate, his past experience. It provides an opportunity to evaluate what the candidate has already done in his life and, on the basis of this, to assume how successfully he will be able to work in the position for which he is applying.

Structured (which is based on a fixed set of questions);

Unstructured (conducted in free form);

Interview in an emotionally tense situation (in a specially simulated stressful situation);

Panel (carried out by a specially created commission); A panel interview can be organized based on the division of responsibilities between the members of the commission.
The advantage of a panel interview is that a number of people interested in a given appointment can get to know the candidate at the same time, which ensures that the degree of suitability of the candidate for this position is considered from different angles. A panel interview allows you to evaluate not only the professional qualifications of the candidate, but also his compliance with the culture of the organization, its norms, traditions, etc.

Group (interview with a group of candidates);

Responsibility of the manager (specialist) for personnel

The rights of the manager (specialist) for personnel

Responsibilities of a Human Resources Manager

General provisions

1.1. The HR manager belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. The personnel manager is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the general director of the company.
1.3. The Human Resources Manager reports directly to CEO company / director of human resources / head of personnel department.
1.4. During the absence of the HR manager, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, which is announced in the order for the organization.
1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of a personnel manager: education - higher or incomplete higher, experience of similar work from a year.
1.6. The HR manager is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- Charter of the company, Rules of internal work schedule, other regulations of the company;
- orders and directives of the management;
- this job description.

The Human Resources Manager performs the following duties:
2.1. Ensures the staffing of the enterprise with employees of the necessary professions, specialties and qualifications.
2.2. Determines the need for personnel, studies the labor market in order to determine possible sources of support necessary personnel.
2.3. Conducts interviews, testing and other activities to determine the professional skills and socio-psychological qualities of the working staff and candidates for vacant positions.
2.4. Conducts onboarding and onboarding activities for new employees.
2.5. Organizes staff training, coordinates the work to improve the skills of employees and develop their business careers.
2.6. Provides information on personnel matters and critical HR decisions to all employees.
2.7. Organizes the evaluation of the results of labor activity of employees, certification, competitions for filling vacant positions.
2.8. Together with leaders structural divisions participates in decision-making on hiring, transfer, promotion, demotion, imposition of administrative penalties, and dismissal of employees.
2.9. Advises managers of different levels on the organization of personnel management.
2.10. Takes part in planning social development team, resolution of labor disputes and conflicts.
2.11. Draws up and draws up employment contracts (contracts), maintains personal files of employees and other personnel documentation.

The HR manager has the right to:
3.1. Receive information, including confidential information, to the extent necessary to solve the assigned tasks.
3.2. Request from the heads of structural divisions of the enterprise, specialists and other employees the necessary information (reports, explanations, etc.).
3.3. Provide management with suggestions for improving their work and the work of the company.
3.4. Require management to create normal conditions for the implementation official duties and safety of all documents generated as a result of the company's activities.
3.5. Make decisions within your competence.

The Human Resources Manager is responsible for:
4.1. For non-performance and / or untimely, negligent performance of their official duties.
4.2. For non-compliance with current instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of trade secrets and confidential information.


-search -adaptation -career

-selection - assessment of work - advanced training

-order -s/n -2nd specialization

Internal and external sources of recruitment

Personnel selection- decision-making procedure for the selection of appropriate candidates for certain positions.

The selection procedure is one of the equivalent elements of the PONAP system (search, selection, recruitment and adaptation of personnel) and the second stage immediately after the search block.


Recruitment and selection of personnel are based on the optimal qualitative and quantitative structure of personnel. The process of attracting and selecting personnel is influenced by factors of the external and internal environment.

Requirements for candidates and sources of their formation

Any HR strategy dictates to the HR manager a certain level of “quality” of the personnel he selects, respectively, quality of employees determined three factors :

1. Professional quality . A candidate who meets the requirements of the company in terms of his professional qualities has sufficient skills, knowledge and experience to solve the problems facing the organization.

2. Personal qualities characterize how a person "fits" into the organization.

3. motivation . A person must be motivated to perform the work that is offered to him.

Requirements for candidates are formulated on the basis of:

Job description;

Qualification card;

competency model;

workplace model;

Job description is one of the types of formalization of requirements for candidates and is a document describing the main functions of an employee occupying a particular workplace.

Qualification card includes a set of qualification characteristics (education, knowledge of special skills - a foreign language, a computer, knowledge of specific methods, etc.) that an employee holding this position must possess.

Model (profile) of competencies.

Competencies represent:

Personal characteristics of a person, his ability to perform certain functions, types of behavior and social roles, such as orientation to the interests of the client, the ability to work in a group, etc. .

Something that a person must be able to do in order to cope with their job responsibilities in the company.

Individually personal characteristics(e.g. teamwork, creativity, communication skills) and skills (e.g. negotiation skills or business planning skills).

On the basis of the job description, qualification card and competency model, another effective tool for determining the requirements for candidates for a vacant position is compiled - a workplace model.

workplace model is a set of job characteristics that gives a general picture of what a candidate needs to work in this position, as well as working conditions.

The workplace model can have the following structure:

1. Personnel data - gender, age, social status (origin).

2. Experience - professional or social.

3. Professional knowledge and skills - are determined through an interview, as well as through business games and practical exercises.

4. Personal qualities - a set of business qualities and shortcomings of an employee, determined by interview and testing.

5. Psychology of personality - personality type, temperament, motivation; determined by interview and testing.

6. Level of qualification - specialty, level of education, advanced training.

7. Organization of labor - working premises, technical means, official transport.

8. Remuneration - salary, allowances, bonuses and rewards.

9. Social benefits - payment for rest, food, transport, etc.

10. Social guarantees - disability benefits, insurance, benefits in case of dismissal, etc.

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The topic of this article is the problem of searching (exploring) hydrocarbon deposits under the cover of the World Ocean. At the moment, an explosion is used to create a seismic signal in ocean seismic exploration. The article describes ocean impact seismic and the new kind seismic equipment called Capsule.

At the first stage, a "geographical map" of the territory (bottom) of the ocean is created, where good<...> <...> <...> <...>


Interdisciplinary connections in teaching physical geography


Justification and characterization of the topics "Klimvt" and "Geographical map", the content of which cannot be<...>in accordance with the purpose of the study, we have identified through lines in the courses of physical geography "Geographic map<...>The basis of interdisciplinary connections in the topics "Climate" and "Geographic map" was the previous (successive<...>Developed theoretical approaches to the construction of a methodology for studying knowledge about the climate and the geographical map

Preview: Interdisciplinary connections in teaching physical geography.pdf (0.1 Mb)


The article describes the principles of constructing subjective (created by experts) knowledge bases for the dynamic representation of situations in the form of cognitive images, figurative support for the purposeful behavior of a decision maker in a difficult situation. The methodology for conducting a cognitive analysis of complex situations is outlined. The concept of a cognitive map as a mathematical model (subjective knowledge base) of a complex situation is defined. A view of the cognitive map model characterizing the situational state of the main oil pipeline is presented. An example of a graphical interpretation of a cognitive map for a figurative representation of a complex situation on a main oil pipeline is given.

<...> <...> <...> <...>


The article proposes an analysis of costs in the provision of transport services. An example of calculating the costs of an enterprise engaged in international road transport is given. The main directions for reducing costs are proposed.

142500 6.3 190000 6.5 5.8.Rent payment 0 0 0 0 5.8.0.VAT paid 0 0 0 0 5.9.Green card insurance


The article deals with the application of the formalism of cognitive maps and cognitive modeling tools<...>The concept of "cognitive map" is defined as a way to describe expert knowledge about problem situations.<...>The methodology and methods for constructing cognitive maps of problem situations are described.<...>problem situation management problem (inverse problem); methodology and methods for constructing cognitive maps<...>The result of the work will make it possible to calculate a map of the drainage zones of the field and subsequently carry out


The article examines the initial prerequisites, problems and prospects for the formation of a common natural gas market of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). It should be operational by the beginning of 2025 and become an effective tool for ensuring the energy security of the allied states, increasing competitiveness, and realizing their resource and technological potential. The first part of the article analyzes the functional models of the natural gas markets of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia, which are the largest in the EAEU in terms of the volume of commodity circulation of gas. The review of fundamental indicators, subject structure and institutional structure of the integrating markets is carried out. Special attention paid to state regulatory bodies, in the gas sector - to their status, functionality and powers. The results of the analysis confirm that the development of the Eurasian gas integration, despite its specifics, follows in line with the universal principles and practices by which the regional integration of the world natural gas markets is carried out.



Organization of specialized medical care for infectious patients during the preparation and holding of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi [Electronic resource] / Gorodin [et al.] // Healthcare of the Russian Federation.- 2015 .- No. 3 .- C 24-27 .- Access mode: https://website/efd/393742

The issues of ensuring the readiness of the hospital base and medical personnel to provide specialized medical care infectious patients during the XXII Olympic Winter Games and the XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi. During the Olympic Games (from 03.02.2014 to 16.03.2014) 2335 cases of infectious diseases (notifiable) and animal bites were registered, which corresponds to the average long-term data for the specified period. 2,200 people were hospitalized in infectious diseases hospitals. Airborne (60%) and intestinal (27%) infections prevailed in the structure of infectious morbidity. In 8% of cases, people applied for animal bites. There were no confirmed infectious diseases among the athletes. In hospital infectious pathology (according to preliminary diagnoses), acute respiratory viral infections were predominantly recorded - in 1398 (63.5%) patients and intestinal infections - in 658 (29.9%), 79 laboratory-confirmed cases of measles were registered, including 21 cases among accredited persons. 241 people from the contingent of accredited persons (including 10 citizens of foreign states) were hospitalized in infectious diseases departments (hospitals), of which 90 (37.3%) were diagnosed with ARVI, 48 (19.9%) were diagnosed with measles, acute intestinal infections - 32 (13.3%), chickenpox - 20 (8.3%), pneumonia - 7 (2.9%), rubella - 2 (0.8%), other infectious diseases - 42 (17.5%) %).



Buryat State University

The aim of the study was to optimize the ecological monitoring of a large region at different ecosystem levels using a formalized selection of benchmark sites.

Meanwhile, various thematic maps of nature carry extensive biological information.<...>In this case, maps of unique natural phenomena are used; maps of natural and anthropogenic impacts<...>ECOSYSTEM DIVERSITY MAP "LANDSCHLFTSHOG.<...>ARTYK KLIMATOPOV ANTHROPOGENIC IMPACT MAP NATURAL IMPACT MAP UNIQAL MAP<...>Thus, the map reflects the priority factors that change the state of the biota.



No. 8 [Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields, 2014]

Methods for a comprehensive assessment of the oil and gas content of territories, calculation of reserves; issues of assessing the influence of geological and physical factors on the indicators of field development.

Map of discovered deposits in the offshore area of ​​West Africa - the Liberian Basin and the Gulf of Guinea<...>The map conventionally shows an area of ​​about 400 km2, covering the desired ocean area.<...>At the second stage, the processing of the "geographic map" is carried out.<...>The basis of the third stage is the seismic complex and the "geographical map" of the ocean floor.<...>A "geographic map" of the territory (bottom) of the ocean has been developed.

Preview: Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields No. 8 2014.pdf (1.0 Mb)


No. 10 [Posev, 1979]

"Chinese map" of the United States (10) . - Mondale's trip to China (12) . - Pentagon study<...>No. 10 9 Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" INTERNATIONAL POLICY "Chinese map<...>And this will lead to the fact that the United States can quickly and decisively play its "Chinese card<...>The "Chinese card" will turn into an American-Chinese military alliance, and our country will have to fight on<...>Those who are "there", of course, and the cards in their hands.

Preview: Sowing No. 10 1979.pdf (0.6 Mb)


Equipment and technology of welding production: diploma design teaching aid

Publishing house of Bryansk State Technical University

Are determined General requirements to the content, volume and design of graduation projects.

CE Map of sketches – –  – – – – 3.1105-81 – – VO Equipment list – –  – – – – 3.1105-81 9 4 KTP Map<...>Form and rules of registration technological documents general purpose (route chart (MK), maps<...>Map of sketches 3 11 SV.04.235.S.90.1.T.MK. Route map 2 12 SV.04.235.S.90.1.T.TP.<...>Process map 12 11 SV.04.235.S.90.1.T.KK. Tech card control 2 11 SV.04.235.S.90.1.T.RR.<...>(MC) 20 Sketch Map (CE) 25 Technological instruction(TI) 30 Picking card (KK) 40 Statement

Preview: Equipment and technology of welding production diploma design training manual.pdf (0.9 Mb)


No. 12 [Problems of economics and management of the oil and gas complex, 2018]

Will be saved, such as: hiring, conditions wages, powers of the head, qualifying <...>When determining the place of accounting for work in the process of planning the use of personnel, along with taking into account qualifying <...>Roadmap for the development of telemetry systems MWD / LWD: Protocol of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia dated 06/22/2015<...>According to the five main directions of the program, a "road map" is presented with planning for obtaining<...>The development management roadmap itself digital economy contains 3 main stages and is broken down by

Preview: Problems of economics and management of the oil and gas complex No. 12 2018.pdf (0.8 Mb)


Foreign economic relations textbook. allowance


The proposed textbook discusses, in accordance with the State Educational Standard, the most important problems of this discipline. The manual includes, in addition to the content of the course of foreign economic relations, at the end of each topic a list of topics for reports and essays, recommended literature, questions for self-examination, and at the end of the manual - tests on selected topics, rules for writing an abstract, test questions and a dictionary of terms and concepts.

a competitor; structural and managerial - the desired structure, composition and number of units, qualifying <...> <...>"Roadmap" for reforming the international trading system // World economy and international relations<...>"Roadmap" for reforming the international trading system // World economy and international relations



Country Studies Study guide for English-speaking countries

Tutorial contains both text materials on the language, culture and history of English-speaking countries, exercises to consolidate the material. The purpose of the manual is the acquisition by students of linguocultural, linguistic and communicative competence in order to successfully use of English language in their future professional activity help in organizing independent work students.

They came to London and forced the king to sign a new agreement, which was called "Magna Carta" (<...>The political map of Great Britain was defined: England, especially the south, was conservative, Scotland,<...>Representations of Europeans about the world Until the early 1490s, only<...>Looking at a map of America, it is easy to see that the younger states have a more regular geometric<...>Back in the 1920s, a map of the agricultural regions of the country was created by Oliver Baker.

Preview: Nizamieva M.A. Regional studies Textbook on regional studies of English-speaking countries - Kazan Print-Service, 2012. - 120 p..pdf (0.7 Mb)




Object of study. Prior to our study, I did not conduct direct observations of the distribution, intensity and nature of soil deflation processes in Uzbekistan, which were available in various departments, institutions, design organizations the data was not complete enough.

As a result, the author compiled a schematic map of irrigated crops in Uzbekistan damaged by winds.<...>The map of the susceptibility of soils of the UzSSR to wind erosion (Mirzakaiov, 1970) shows that in the republic the regions<...>Maps damaged by the wind, in terms of soil, are distinguished by great diversity.<...>The map has been divided into 2 parts. In the first half there were wings made of captivity 3 m wide.<...>The other part of the map is occupied by rye backstage.



Theoretical foundations of teaching natural science

The educational and methodical manual contains a system of reference materials that will help to effectively and competently plan and build educational and extracurricular work with younger students. The manual was compiled in accordance with the standard of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education and the program on "Theoretical Foundations and Technologies of Teaching Natural Science".

Location on the map. Cities of Russia.<...>Continents and oceans, their names, location on the globe and map.<...>on the map .<...>Materials and equipment: textbook, workbook, physical map Russia, map of the region, a collection of useful<...>Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 77 Working with the map U: Find deposits on the map

Preview: Theoretical foundations of teaching science.pdf (0.2 Mb)


2 [World of transport and technological machines, 2010]

The results of scientific research and advanced achievements in the field of transport and technological machines are published.

To obtain such a system, a so-called goal map (cause-and-effect diagram) is built, which includes<...>Improving the quality of service for customers of a car service "corporate branded car service map<...>As an example, consider two related goals from a strategy map: “Minimize time spent<...>Implementation information system Analysis and forecasting of the flow of applications Figure 1 - strategic map <...>Table 2 Key Ways to Achieve qualifying levels by a specialist builder Qualifying

Preview: The World of Transport and Technological Machines The World of Transport and Technological Machines 2010.pdf (0.8 Mb)


No. 3 [Problems of economics and management of the oil and gas complex, 2016]

Economic problems of all areas of activity of the oil and gas complex, issues corporate governance, analysis of the state and development trends of the oil market.

Preparation and analysis of value stream maps, implementation of rationalization proposals 2010 Continued work on<...>fourteen; average - 53; high – 33 Average, % low – 23; average - 56; high – 21 Below average 30% Qualifying <...>creating a competency model, professional standards, job descriptions and other assessment methods qualifying <...>documents will detail the target model of the EAEU common gas market and the procedure, possibly, a "road map<...>Source: compiled by the author using the map of Serzhantov S., "Karachaganak: the time has come". - Oil

Preview: Problems of economics and management of the oil and gas complex No. 3 2016.pdf (0.8 Mb)


No. 7 [Automation, telemechanization and communications in the oil industry, 2017]

The cognitive map reflects only the fact of the presence of influences of factors on each other.<...>you can build a map of the problem.<...>To do this, the cognitive map is supplemented with episodes of problem situations and problem questions.<...>View of the cognitive map model for the oil pipeline Fig. 2.<...>Building a cognitive map of the process; 5.

Preview: Automation, telemechanization and communications in the oil industry No. 7 2017.pdf (0.8 Mb)


No. 6 [Automation, telemechanization and communications in the oil industry, 2016]

Development and service maintenance of measuring instruments, automation, telemechanization and communication, process control systems, IIS, CAD and metrological, mathematical, software

Formalism for describing cognitive maps<...>Methodology and methods for constructing cognitive maps of problem situations When constructing cognitive maps<...>This is the fastest way to build a cognitive map.<...>As a result of calculations, we obtain a map of well drainage zones.<...>The overlay of a grid of cells on a map of drainage zones and on a map of the initial reserves of the field (field reservoir

Preview: Automation, telemechanization and communications in the oil industry No. 6 2016.pdf (0.6 Mb)


No. 4 [Higher education in Russia, 1993]

The journal publishes research results state of the art higher education in Russia, issues of theory and practice of the humanities, natural sciences and engineering are discussed. higher education. The journal is included in the list of peer-reviewed publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission for publishing the results of scientific research in the following areas: philosophy, sociology and cultural studies; pedagogy and psychology; story.

a new turn in development 23 Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" higher education; on the map<...>formation of the content of education. g We considered the complex g " qualifying <...>the following components (Fig. 2): 1 - requirements for the activities of a civil servant; 2 - the level of its execution; 3- qualifying <...>it is advisable to determine on the basis of an annual (or as production needs) analysis qualifying <...>To calculate the Grade Point Average, the sum of such " qualifying points" is divided by

Preview: Higher Education in Russia No. 4 1993.pdf (0.2 Mb)


Ethnocultural, environmental and economic conditions for the development of entrepreneurship in the meat subcomplex of the Republic of Kalmykia

In the economy of the Republic of Kalmykia, beef cattle breeding is the main industry. Kalmykia is the birthplace of the only domestic breed of large cattle meat direction. This is one of the oldest breeds in the world, which has been created for more than four centuries in the difficult natural and climatic conditions of North-Western China (Dzungaria), Western Mongolia and Southern Altai. The purpose of the scientific research is to improve the directions of development of beef cattle breeding in the Republic of Kalmykia.

capacities, stimulating the production of high-quality feed, as well as training and attracting qualifying <...>before release, products will be produced according to the nomenclature that meets the requirements of technological maps<...>cutting meat into large boneless pieces on a belt conveyor in accordance with the technological map<...>sectors of the economy to the conditions of membership Russian Federation in the WTO. 80 In addition, a road map



Library life in Kuzbass. 2 (28): compilation

In issue 2 of the collection "Library Life of Kuzbass" for 2000 deals with the activities of interest clubs at libraries, such as a book lovers' club, a computer club, a film club, etc. Materials are given for holding an Olympiad in information culture, regional library events, as well as game scenarios.

After the conversation " What the cards told about ", the game-journey " Mysterious card" was held.<...>Mystery Card app The Mystery Card game allows kids to show initiative and imagination<...>For the game you need: two painted fairy-tale cards, a wall map of the world, a clock with arrows<...>Each receives a package with a map and a letter: Here is the mysterious map. There is a treasure hidden here somewhere.<...>In connection with the arrival of new libraries information technologies(NIT) Relevance Gets qualifying

Preview: Library life of Kuzbass Vol. 2 (28) collection.pdf (0.2 Mb)


No. 3 [Problems of economics and management of the oil and gas complex, 2019]

Economic problems of all areas of activity of the oil and gas complex, issues of corporate governance, analysis of the state and trends in the development of the oil market.

In other words, WEO is a kind of action plan, a kind of "road map" to stimulate the desired

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No. 12 [Posev, 1979]

Socio-political magazine. Published since November 11, 1945, published by the publishing house of the same name. The motto of the magazine is "God is not in power, but in truth" (Alexander Nevsky). The periodicity of the journal has changed. Initially published as a weekly publication, for some time it was published twice a week, and from the beginning of 1968 (number 1128) the magazine became a monthly one.

writes, but the whole book leads to such a conclusion, starting with the cover, where the map is shown<...>and now in inaccessible storerooms, have now been brought to Paris along with a long-forgotten painting<...>"Chinese map" of the United States (10.10). E. Romanov. Powerless defenders (12.7).<...>"Chinese map" of the United States (10.10). Mondale's trip to China (10.12).

Preview: Sowing No. 12 1979.pdf (0.5 Mb)


No. 3 [Healthcare of the Russian Federation, 2015]

Founded in 1957. Editor-in-Chief Onishchenko Gennady Grigorievich - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honored Doctor of Russia and Kyrgyzstan, Assistant to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. The main objectives of the journal: informing about the theoretical and scientific substantiation of measures aimed at improving the health of the population, the demographic situation, and the protection environment, activities of the health care system, publication of materials on legislative and regulations concerning the improvement of the work of health authorities and institutions, the publication of information on the positive experience of the work of territorial bodies and health care institutions, new ways of this work, the presentation of specific data on the state of health certain categories population, sanitary and epidemiological situation in various regions of Russia. In accordance with these tasks, materials are printed on the results of the implementation of the national projects "Health" and "Demography", on improving the strategy in the field of economics and health management, on the development and implementation of new forms of organization health care, medical technologies, on the assessment and dynamics of the state of health of the population of various regions of the Russian Federation, on the training of medical personnel and the improvement of their qualifications.

The real location of all brigades was displayed on-line on a sectoral map, which allowed<...>health care of the Krasnodar Territory (MH KK), together with interested departments, a "road map<...>smoking cessation brochure, participant register, informed consent form, individual card

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No. 6 [Legality, 2017]

As you know, in the last decade and a half, legislation in Russia has been actively updated, on some issues - radically, many legal institutions are undergoing significant changes, new ones are being introduced. During this time, many discussion articles have been published on the pages of the journal about the place and role of the prosecutor's office in our society and state, devoted to judicial reform, the new Code of Criminal Procedure, jury trials, the reform of the investigation in the prosecutor's office, etc. But this has never been to the detriment of materials about the exchange experience and comments on legislation, complex issues of law enforcement practice. Essays on well-known prosecutors are also regularly published. The journal has a well-established team of authors, which includes well-known scientists and law enforcement officers from almost all regions of Russia who are passionate about their cause.

Who, abusing the right to appeal, tries to use the pre-investigation process 1 "Roadmap

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No. 11 [New literature on social and human sciences. Economics: Bibliography. op., 2012]

Branch bibliographic index. It is a continuation of the indexes "New foreign literature on the social sciences. Economics", and "New Soviet literature on the social sciences. Economics", the publication of which was launched respectively in 1951 and 1934. Contains materials about the literature on all branches of the economy. The index reflects information about books and articles from magazines and collections. The publication is intended for scientific, educational, bibliographic and reference activities. Each issue is provided with auxiliary author's and subject indexes, list of references.

STATISTICS 39 Code: 066321211 Collection of scientific papers of the All-Russian student graduation competition qualifying <...>., schemes. - (B-ka Sberbank). 218 Code: 073941212 Personnel management: course projects, graduation qualifying <...>"Roadmap" for reforming the healthcare sector // Marketing. - M., 2012. - No. 1. - S. 25-39. 430<...>IEOPP SB RAS. - Novosibirsk; Barnaul: Alt. state un-ta, 2011. - 295 p. : graph., maps. – Bibliographer<...>; Economic sciences: 08.00.05 / Novosib. state agrarian un-t. - Novosibirsk, 2009. - 23 p. : diagrams, maps

Preview: New Literature in the Social Sciences and Humanities. Economics Bibliography. decree. №11 2012.pdf (2.4 Mb)


No. 8 [Posev, 1982]

Socio-political magazine. Published since November 11, 1945, published by the publishing house of the same name. The motto of the magazine is "God is not in power, but in truth" (Alexander Nevsky). The periodicity of the journal has changed. Initially published as a weekly publication, for some time it was published twice a week, and from the beginning of 1968 (number 1128) the magazine became a monthly one.

The "Chinese card" has not yet been played and will probably never be played.<...>BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" to the peoples and, above all, to the Russian people, could redraw the map<...>Naturally, we ran around, shook our archives, gave him books, articles, maps, and everything that we would have.<...>Four years ago I started publishing the Carta del Este magazine.<...>Carta del Este launched a campaign for his release. Rallies took place throughout the country.

Preview: Sowing No. 8 1982.pdf (1.4 Mb)


Arkhangelsk North in relations between Russia and the USA during the First World War, 1914-1918: monograph

The monograph examines the role and place of the Arkhangelsk North in relations between Russia and the United States in a difficult and dramatic period of development. international relations. The transformation of the US foreign policy towards Russia is revealed. The ever-increasing interest of the United States in the Arkhangelsk North is demonstrated, especially after the October 1917 coup and the transfer of the main government and other contacts mainly to the regional level, primarily with northern region Russia.

Maps of Murman were published in the American press to clearly demonstrate his importance from the point of view of<...>"Finnish card" in German solitaire: Germany and the problem of Finnish independence during the First World War<...>Copyright OJSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 174 Appendix No. 4 Map showing safe<...>Copyright OJSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" 175 Appendix No. 5 Map showing safe

Preview: Arkhangelsk North in relations between Russia and the USA during the First World War, 1914-1918. monograph.pdf (2.8 Mb)


The technology of servicing regular customers of the hotel (on the example of the State Complex Palace of Congresses of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the hotel Baltiyskaya Zvezda)

GRADUATION QUALIFYING WORK (bachelor's thesis) Topic: "Technology of service regular customers <...>Graduation subject qualifying operation of customer service technology in<...>Qualifying a map is a set of characteristics that an “ideal” employee should have, occupying<...>qualifying characteristics than the ability to assign specific functions to it.<...>But it should be remembered that qualifying map mainly focuses on technical, more

Preview: Technology for serving regular hotel customers (on the example of the Federal State Budgetary Institution State Complex Palace of Congresses of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Baltic Star Hotel).pdf (0.5 Mb)


Fundamentals of personnel management: a tutorial. Direction of training 081100.62 (38.03.04) - State and municipal administration. Training profile "Regional management". Undergraduate

NCFU publishing house

The manual reflects the main directions and technologies personnel work, such as the development of a personnel management system in organizations, personnel planning, recruitment of personnel, its assessment and development of work motivation, as well as the assessment of the effectiveness of personnel work. The theoretical material presented in the manual allows students to independently familiarize themselves with the basic provisions of personnel management in an organization. Designed for students studying in the direction of preparation 081100.62 (38.03.04) - State and municipal government all forms of education

As a rule, the following tools are used: - job description; − qualifying map; −<...>Such documents include qualifying competency maps and models1.<...>Qualifying map includes set qualifying characteristics (education, knowledge of special<...>However, the application qualifying cards as a selection criterion allows you to evaluate to a greater extent<...>Therefore, in modern practice of recruitment qualifying the map is complemented by a competency model.

Preview: Fundamentals of personnel management Tutorial. Direction of training 081100.62 (38.03.04) - State and municipal administration. Training profile "Regional management". Undergraduate.pdf (0.2 Mb)


№4 [Food and processing industry. Abstract journal, 2008]

In 1999, the first issue of the abstract journal "Food and Processing Industry" was published. Since 2000 it has been published quarterly by the TsNShB. The journal is a body of current information about domestic and foreign literature on Food Industry. The publication is intended for scientists, specialists and practitioners of the food industry and can serve as a reference tool for librarians and employees of scientific and technical information bodies. The annual volume of RJ is about 1200 publications. The publication includes information about the most significant articles from scientific and scientific-practical journals and collections that enter the Central Scientific and Practical Association of Agriculture and reflect the global documentary flow in all sectors of the food industry.

<...>Algae are sown in a special card - mother liquor with subsequent sieving into PF cards.<...>cryogenic drying of the extract), ground immediately before the experiment, natural coffee "Black Card<...>Drainage must be arranged when groundwater occurs at a depth of less than 1.5 m from the surface of the maps.<...>Algae are sown in a special card - mother liquor with subsequent sieving into PF cards.


The necessity of forming competence as an independent scientific discipline is substantiated, the laws of competence are considered, the structure of competence is investigated, the logical connections of competence with other scientific disciplines are determined, the content and essence of monitoring and diagnosing the competence of participants in innovative activity are described, indicators and methods for assessing competence are proposed. Article code UDC 65.01

At the methodological level, this distinction is formalized in the form of two maps - qualifying and skill cards<...>Qualifying cards contain information about education, track record and other formal characteristics<...>employee, competency cards - information about personal characteristics, skills and abilities required<...>selection of personnel for a team of participants in a scientific or innovative project (including on the basis of maps<...>Qualifying requirements for a project participant include the competencies that he must possess in order to


Marketing personnel workshop. Direction of training 38.03.03 - Personnel management. Profile of training "Management of personnel of the organization". Graduate Qualification - Bachelor

NCFU publishing house

The manual is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the federal state standard higher education, it outlines the functions and technologies of personnel marketing, features of the functional division of labor in the personnel marketing subsystem, taking into account the changing external and internal labor market, personnel audit and personnel controlling are analyzed within the framework of marketing workforce management

personnel;  skills in compiling a description of the functionality of employees and departments different levels(kart<...>map, including information about general and special education, work skills; competence map (“profile<...>Professional qualifying requirements are in the form qualifying cards for each category<...>What is a competency map and what is its structure? 9.<...>The content component of the employee's competence map. Option 5 1.

Preview: Personnel Marketing.pdf (1.5 Mb)


Until recently, all directors educational institutions were called leaders And suddenly… a new profession appeared - education manager. Moreover, professional retraining had to be carried out according to the standard of economic specialties, because the concept of "manager" was firmly included in the lexicon of economists. Of course, in the transition to this new type of activity, a standard for a system of advanced training was adopted, but a flurry of organizations willing to give for money professional retraining school principals, went beyond reasonable limits

These criteria are presented in the qualification card and ranked according to four degrees<...>criteria, determine the degree of severity of each of them, putting in the corresponding column qualifying <...>card sign ("+").<...>The same is the following Qualifying <...>M a t : L e ve n o l o f S u n c e o f Objectives P ro n c e P lanning


At present, the formation of the competitiveness of construction enterprises takes place on the basis of traditional competitive advantage such as reducing the cost of construction and installation works, long experience in the contract work market, the use of advanced technologies for the production of materials and construction works etc. However, the construction services market has a number of significant distinctive characteristics (for example, the regional nature of competition, the predominance of price competition, the significant influence of factors external environment), which must be taken into account by enterprises in the investment and construction sector in order to achieve a high level of competitiveness

state (municipal) contracts or their execution with violations, which is associated with Table 5 Qualifying <...>map of applicants Criterion Requirement for the criterion Full name of the organization-applicant Applicant<...>applicants for the conclusion of state (municipal) contracts, which can be presented in the form qualifying <...>maps of innovatively active applicants (see Table 5).<...>The basis for the formation of the proposed qualifying maps constitute the principles of comparability of the initial


Checked through the search system of text borrowings

GRADUATION QUALIFYING <...> qualifying requirements and requirements for<...>For this purpose, they develop qualifying <...> <...> qualifying map and competency map

Preview: Increasing the effectiveness of the personnel policy of a hotel enterprise (on the example of IP Sechenykh A.E. Hotel Voyager).pdf (0.5 Mb)


Increasing the effectiveness of the personnel policy of a hotel enterprise (on the example of IP Sechenykh A.E. Hotel Voyager)

Checked through the search system of text borrowings

GRADUATION QUALIFYING WORK WRC theme: “Improving the effectiveness of personnel policy hotel business <...>Candidates for a vacant position must meet qualifying requirements and requirements for<...>For this purpose, they develop qualifying map and competency map or position profile or portrait<...>The competency map contains the knowledge, skills, abilities, characteristics necessary for effective<...>Position profile or portrait of the "ideal" candidate, includes qualifying map and competency mapmap

Moscow: Direct-Media

The training manual sets out a wide range of theoretical and practical issues covering the essence economic processes occurring in the education system. An assessment is made of the economics of education as a science and an academic discipline that makes it possible to form economic thinking among employees of the education system of various ranks and an adequate perception of the ongoing changes in the country. The manual can be useful for leaders budget institutions, management specialists social sphere, civil servants, representatives of investment funds, teachers involved in the training and retraining of teachers and leaders of general educational organizations in the system of advanced training, as well as to everyone who is interested in investing in the social sector.

organization card (Appendix No. B); − informational


The educational publication contains the purpose and objectives of the graduation qualifying work, general provisions, the order and stages of implementation, the requirements for the structure and volume, design, the order of submission for protection, sample topics, responsibility of the author.

and other graphic materials (maps, diagrams, cartograms, tables with the most important economic<...>Topographic and special maps of the Russian Federation [ Electronic resource] : study guide / O.<...>Symbols for a topographic map at a scale of 1:10000. - M. : Kartgeocenter-Geodesizdat, 2000. 23.<...> <...>Refinement of the state reference geodetic network when creating an electronic map of the map of the Russian Federation: textbook / O.F. Kuznetsov, T.G.<...>Symbols for a topographic map at a scale of 1:10000. - M. : Kartgeocenter-Geodesizdat, 2000. 28.<...>Draft electronic map based on land inventory materials. 111.<...>Refinement of the state reference geodetic network when creating an electronic map. 115.



Final qualifying work of the bachelor method. instructions for students studying in the field of study 08.03.01 "Construction", profile "Industrial and civil construction"

Publishing house of LGTU

The guidelines are compiled in accordance with the University-wide Regulations on the final state certification of graduates and contain the basic requirements for the final qualification work (GQP), and also consider the goals and objectives, content, procedure for registration and protection.

Organizational and technological section Development technological map for one main complex process<...>The composition of the technological map for the complex construction and installation process: the scope of the technological<...>cards; instructions for the preparation of the facility and requirements for the readiness of previous work and construction<...>BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 15 leading in the complex construction and installation process, (link kart

VSU Publishing House

The textbook was prepared at the Department of Ecological Geology, Faculty of Geology, Voronezh State University.

and sections, tectonic maps or diagrams, etc.<...>The map data scale is from 1:200,000 to 1:50,000. 3.<...>The collected material should be illustrated with tables, graphs and diagrams, special maps according to<...>Special maps are preferred on larger scales, from 1:25,000 to 1:1,000.<...> political map world: polit. device on 1 Jan. 2001 / comp. and prepare. to ed.

Preview: Guidelines for industrial practice and writing a final qualifying work for bachelors of the profile Ecological Geology.pdf (0.8 Mb)


Introduction to software engineering textbook. allowance for students in education. higher education programs education in the direction of training 09.03.04 Software engineering

The manual addresses the requirements educational program, developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education (FGOS VO) of direction 09.03.04 Software engineering and professional standards for specialists in the field of information technology.

Table 3.1 presents a functional map of the profession "Programmer" depending on qualifying <...>Table 3.1 - Functional card "Programmer" Ur. qual.<...>Functional cards ADDITIONAL EXPLANATIONS ON REDUCING AND ELIMINATION OF EXCESSIVE REPORTING OF TEACHERS [Electronic resource] / Official documents in education. 448203

Additional clarifications on the reduction and elimination of excessive reporting of teachers have been prepared by the Department of State Policy in the Sphere of General Education, together with specialists from the All-Russian Trade Union of Education, in order to assist in the implementation by the bodies that manage the education sector, heads of educational organizations of measures to reduce and eliminate excessive reporting of teachers, set out in the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the All-Russian Trade Union of Education dated May 16, 2016 No. NT-646/08/269 “On recommendations for reducing and eliminating excessive teacher reporting”.

organizations) it is recommended to eliminate the practice of asking teachers for notes and (or) diagnostic cards<...>written work (control, independent, laboratory work, notebooks, essays, contour maps<...>and indicating the teachers responsible for the training of the respective students); - information cards<...>- reviews, recommendations and opinions of third parties, including heads of organizations; - questionnaires and cards<...>introspection; - video recordings, abstracts and diagnostic maps of lessons; - information about compliance with all

The qualification card, prepared jointly by the head of the unit and human resources specialists on the basis of the job description, is a set of qualification characteristics ( general education, special education, special skills - knowledge of a foreign language, computer skills, etc.) that the “ideal” employee holding this position should have. Since it is much easier to determine the presence of qualification characteristics during the selection process than the ability to perform certain functions, the qualification card is a tool that facilitates the selection process of candidates. The use of a qualification card also makes it possible to structure the assessment of candidates (for each characteristic) and compare candidates with each other. At the same time, this method focuses on the technical, to a large extent formal characteristics of the candidate (his past), leaving aside personal characteristics and potential for professional development.

4. Accounting for the possible career growth of existing employees.

It should be noted here that these employees found themselves in a difficult situation of choosing whether to remain in their current position or try to do something else. Those who found an opportunity to grow professionally at one time had a chance to take a new, more interesting position for him. Discussions of individual tasks and prospects were held with such employees, evaluation criteria were determined for career advancement and its estimated timing. In the event of a job opening for new position these employees participated in the competition along with outside candidates, and not all of them were able to withstand such a competition. Some employees could change the field of activity, leaving only one type of activity “for themselves” (for example, an employee who was previously responsible for sales and customs became a sales manager, and customs tasks were transferred to another employee). We had to part with employees who did not want to remain in their previous position, and did not correspond to another position.

Drawing up a "professional portrait" for each vacant position.

Knowing the basic requirements for the candidate, it is necessary to draw up a specific professional portrait of the future employee before starting the search. Such a portrait is made personnel service together with the head of the relevant department. It contains the following information: educational and professional level, professional skills, availability additional knowledge, work experience, in which company acquired, the level of tasks solved at the previous place of work and the degree of responsibility at the previous place of work, personal qualities, ability to learn, develop, work motivation, initiative, etc. characteristics. It also indicates other criteria by which a specialist will be selected: gender, age, driver's license, etc. A professional portrait is created on the basis of not only complete information about the position, about the main and additional responsibilities and the expected results of this activity, but also the people with whom the specialist will interact, the language (languages) of interaction.

Determining how to search for a candidate.

the use of a data bank;

Very often, the personnel officers of companies in search of the right candidate, first of all, look through their database. This has both its advantages and disadvantages. Firstly, the candidate could have already found a job, secondly, it is not known to what extent the description of the candidate corresponds to reality, and thirdly, verification of the authenticity of diplomas, certificates, etc. will require significant effort.

Publication of announcements in the media, Internet, radio, television;

contact with regional employment centers;

Regional employment centers will assist in the professional selection of qualified specialists entered in the data bank at the preliminary request of the employer; in the organization of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel and redundant workers; will place information about the needs of the enterprise in personnel, in some media.

contacting recruiting companies;

The experience of working with recruitment agencies made it possible to deduce one regularity: it is not the name of the company, its fame or turnover that is important, but the conscientiousness and professionalism of managers who work in a recruiting company. It is very important that employees of recruitment agencies have their own “techniques” for finding out the needs of the client, since sometimes the customer himself does not have a very good idea of ​​what he wants. It should be noted that in different occasions you need to resort to the services of different agencies, since some are "strong" in the search for managerial or secretarial candidates, others - in technical specialties etc. Strong and weak sides agencies are usually clarified in the process of cooperation, and such experience is exchanged between HR managers of companies. For correct setting tasks, the agency needs to give a detailed professional portrait of the required specialist and be sure to tell about the corporate culture of the enterprise, the psychological climate, the leadership style and those employees with whom the future specialist will communicate daily. The agency is usually interested in the candidate's career prospects and the package of social benefits that are due in addition to the salary, and also finds out the specifics of the enterprise's activities in Russia and its prospects.

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As a radical behaviorist, Skinner rejected all notions that people are autonomous and their behavior is determined by their supposed existence. internal factors(eg unconscious impulses, archetypes, personality traits). Such speculative concepts, he noted, originated in primitive animism and continue to exist because...

Control experiment
For a qualitative assessment of the effectiveness of the corrective impact, we conducted a control observation of the communication of preschool children in the experimental group (the last week of the experimental study). The method of N.Ya. was taken as a basis. Mikhailenko in terms of plot structure, coinciding with the ascertaining study. Children in an unobtrusive form were ...

The content of the topics of the discipline
Topic 1. Business as a socio-cultural institution Business in Russia is a historical aspect. Business and its psychological background. Business as a legal activity. Business as part of the social system. Topic 2. Psychology of businessmen's activity Business in comparison with other types of activity. Business and sports. Business and military d...