Technical specialties without physics. Direction "technical physics". What does it take to get in

  • 29.11.2019

Physics is one of the most important and ancient sciences. Thanks to her, there is a study of many different processes. Therefore, specialties related to physics will be relevant for a long time. Physics is a fundamental science, the application of which is used in many fields of activity.

In contact with

List of professions

  1. Physicist-engineer.
  2. Physicist-mechanic.
  3. Design engineer.
  4. Petroleum engineer.
  5. Nuclear physics engineer.
  6. Specialist in computer technology.
  7. Technological engineer.
  8. Architect.

About specialties


A profession associated with knowledge of physical phenomena and constant practice. In this profession, it is necessary to know all the mechanical processes, since this work is related to equipment in various enterprises and the introduction of new technologies. In the case of the invention of a new technology in any research, incredible career growth and success awaits you. There are a lot of directions in this area, but three main ones can be distinguished:


A profession related to mechanical engineering and motorsport, namely the implementation of latest engines with huge power, technology to help reduce air resistance, etc. Working in big company you will be able to achieve real success.

Design engineer:

The main activity of this profession is to combine the constituent parts into a complete product. This profession is required in production, where it is necessary to create various structures, electrical circuits and mechanisms.

Petroleum Engineer:

The most highly paid profession requiring serious skills. In the field of oil and gas production, new technologies and equipment are constantly needed to improve the results of work. And if you can help this area, a high reward will await you.

Nuclear Physics Engineer:

Applies scientific and technical data for the enrichment of nuclear energy, deals with the problem of disposal of radioactive waste. Applies knowledge in nuclear physics to create the latest technologies such as nuclear weapons, reactors and nuclear power plants. Together with atomic physicists, they study the properties of atoms. New materials are being invented, for example, new generations of supernicks and various polymers.

Computer Specialist:

On the this moment computer technology remains a relevant activity. Such specialists can be drawn into theoretical programming problems, digital data processing and software problem solving.

Process Engineer:

A profession in which the specialty is technical, physics comes first. Here you need to know all the technical processes and be aware of the latest technologies. This specialist is engaged in the technical arrangement of the enterprise and the renewal of equipment. He chooses the equipment and the technical mode of operation. A great burden of responsibility rests on his shoulders, since the future of the enterprise will depend on his decisions. And if you own everything professional qualities profession, then you should definitely succeed.


A creative profession, but still connected with physics and other sciences. To get this specialty, you need to understand all physical processes and master the skills of computer modeling. But, of course, to be professional, you must have a penchant for creativity.

A little about others

Having analyzed the main specialties, let's move on to professions that are not as strongly related to other sciences as to physics. The most difficult of them is the scientist. The role of scientists in the world is very great. It is thanks to them that important scientific discoveries occur. There are many people who would like to make their scientific discovery, but this requires a lot of effort. To become a scientist, it is necessary to be interested in science since childhood. You must be a genius, able to work all day, not for money, but for science and scientific achievements.

If at the university you show yourself as a good and capable specialist, then the university will be able to send you to some Research Center. You can't study to be a scientist. They become in the process of learning, in the event that you really understand a certain topic and it pushes you forward.

If you want to connect your life only with theoretical physics, then you should think about the profession of a teacher. You will be able not only to give lectures, but also to do some kind of research, which will bring you obvious benefits. But to become a professional physics teacher, knowledge alone is not enough. It is necessary to be able to communicate with your students and understand them and direct them to the right path.

Profession for girls

Many believe that girls are not capable of engaging in activities related to physics. But this deep delusion. There are girls who know physics much better than men and are able to work as various engineers and designers on a par with men. If you approach the choice of a profession for girls, then any profession from the above list can be suitable here. But most often they choose the role of teachers. There are many women scientists who also contribute to science. Do not think that professions related to physics are suitable only for men.

Priority direction for the development of science, technology and technology in the Russian Federation according to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 899 of July 7, 2011.

Students of the direction " Technical Physics» study engineering disciplines together with computer modeling methods and combine basic fundamental training with engineering knowledge in the field of oil and gas, and engineering design.

Direction characteristics

Characteristic Index
Training leads
Level of training Undergraduate
Direction code 16.03.01
Total number of budget places 18
of which places for persons with special rights 2
Number of paid places 32
Entrance tests Maths - 42
Physics - 42
Russian language - 36
Priority of entrance examinations Maths; Physics; Russian language.
Competition for budget places in 2018 18,33
The minimum total score when enrolling in the budget for this direction in 2018 215
Graduation qualification Bachelor
Form of study full-time
Term of full-time study 4 years
Cost of full-time education RUB 189,591

Academic plan

Key competencies:

  • willingness to use physical and mathematical knowledge to solve problems professional activity;
  • ability to use instruments and equipment to determine parameters technological processes and properties of physical and technical objects and materials.
  • Ability to organize and conduct scientific research in various fields of technical physics.
  • Perform computer modeling of physical processes and systems, including the creation of hydrodynamic models of oil and gas reservoirs.
  • To study all kinds of physical phenomena, processes and structures observed in nature.
  • Develop, create and implement new technologies, devices and materials for various purposes.
  • Understand the techniques and technologies of the oil and gas sector.
Academic plan


  • OOO Tyumensky Neftyanoy Science Center(PJSC NK Rosneft)
  • Schlumberger Logelco Inc.
  • OOO Scientific and Technical Center NOVATEK
  • LLC "LUKOIL-Engineering" "KogalymNIPIneft"
  • OAO Gazpromneft-Tyumen
  • JSC "SurgutNIPIneft"
  • JSC HMS Neftemash
  • PJSC "Tyumen Motor Builders"
  • CJSC "Tyumen Institute of Oil and Gas"
  • FBU "Tyumen Center for Standardization and Metrology"
  • OOO Multiprofile scientific enterprise"GEODATA"
  • JSC Transneft Siberia
  • ZAO TyumenNIPIneft
  • Tyumen branch of the Federal State Institution of Science "Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. S.A. Khristianovich of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences"
  • TyumenNIIgiprogaz LLC
  • Institute of the Earth's Cryosphere, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
LLC "Neftekom"


    Muratova Elvira - Gold medalist of the Olympiad "I am a Professional" in the direction of Oil and Gas Business, 2018.

    Legostaev Dmitry - UMNIK grant on the topic "Development software product for geomechanical modeling of oil and gas fields" 2016-2018.

    Bessarab Aleksey - UMNIK grant on the topic "Development of an in-line ultrasonic multichannel analyzer of the quantitative content of the gas phase in a gas-liquid stream" 2016-2018.

    Zaitsev Evgeniy - UMNIK grant on the topic "Development of a matrix cell of a wide-range in-line moisture meter for oil and oil products" 2016-2018.

    Yesenbaev Tair - UMNIK grant on the topic "Development software package"Intellectual gas condensate field". 2015-2017

    Buravtsov Andrey - UMNIK grant on the topic "Development of a controlled module that simulates muscle tissue based on a magnetically susceptible elastic material for the sphere of limb prosthetics." 2018-2020

    Kitaev Ivan - UMNIK grant on the topic "Development of a transfer film for heating automotive glass." 2015-2017

    Polovodov Vladimir is the winner of the Tyumensky Technological Business Accelerator state university, 2018

    Radchenko Milena - winner of the All-Russian Olympiad in Theoretical Mechanics, Kazan, 2017.

    Buravtsov Andrey - 1st place in the bench press discipline. Festival of power sports "Golden Tiger - X", Yekaterinburg, 2016

    Yesenbaev Tair - I place. Regional student competition scientific works – 2015.

    Yanbikova Julia - II place. Regional competition of student scientific works - 2015.

    Tyulkov Andrey - international Conference"Arctic, Subarctic: mosaic, contrast, variability of the cryosphere". Tyumen, 2015

    Buravtsov Andrey, Yanbikova Julia - I place. Factory of scientific thought of the young "Resources of the cold world: Yamal and the Arctic". Tyumen, 2018

    Polovodov Vladimir is a winner of the qualifying stage at the Technological Accelerator from the Internet Initiatives Development Foundation (IIDF). Tyumen, November 2-4, 2018


Learning Outcomes

Employment and career

Areas of activity:

Oil and gas and construction complexes. Energy.

Organizations and enterprises of possible employment:

Public and private R&D and manufacturing organizations associated with the solution physical problems oil and gas, construction and energy complexes. System institutions higher education. Graduates have the opportunity to continue their education in the magistracy.

Where do our graduates work?

  • OOO Tyumen Oil Research Center (PJSC NK Rosneft);
  • JSC "SurgutNIPIneft";
  • CJSC "Tyumen Institute of Oil and Gas";
  • Schlumberger Logelco Inc.
  • OOO Scientific and Technical Center NOVATEK;
  • OOO "Neftekom";
  • OAO Gazpromneft-Tyumen;
  • LLC "LUKOIL-Engineering" "KogalymNIPIneft";
  • FBU "Tyumen Center for Standardization and Metrology";

Possible positions:

Engineer, designer, researcher.

Foreign partner universities

  • an agreement on cooperation in the field of education and science between the Novobolgarsky University of Sofia (Bulgaria).
  • memorandum of understanding between the University. Humboldt, Berlin
  • cooperation agreement between the University of Navarra (Spain).
  • agreement on cooperation and academic exchanges between the University of Strasbourg (France).
  • agreement on cooperation and academic exchange between the University of Lorraine, Metz (France).
  • cooperation agreement between the University of Toulouse 2 - Le Miray (France).
  • cooperation agreement between Bodo University College (Norway).
  • cooperation agreement between the University of Oslo (Norway).
  • memorandum of cooperation between the University of Wolverhampton (UK).

Direction characteristic.
Technical physics is a field of science and technology, including a set of means, methods and methods of human activity related to the research, development, creation and operation of new materials, technologies, devices and devices.

Objects of professional activity graduate in the direction of "Technical physics" are: physical processes and phenomena, physical and physical-technological devices, systems and complexes, methods and methods of their research and design.

Opportunities for continuing education:
The bachelor is prepared for further education:
in the master's program in 29 areas, including the direction 140400 "Technical physics";
– development in a short time of the main educational programs in the areas of training graduates:
661100 - Technical physics;
654000 - Optotechnics;
654100 - Electronics and microelectronics;
654200 - Radio engineering;
651000 - Nuclear physics and technology;

Cycle of natural science and professional disciplines:

  • Maths
  • Physics
  • Informatics
  • Programming
  • Computer data analysis and processing
  • Computer graphics
  • Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics
  • Mechanics
  • Materials Science and Technology of Structural Materials
  • electrical and Electronics
  • Metrology, standardization and certification
  • Life safety
  • Mathematical methods for modeling physical processes
  • applied Physics
  • Experimental research methods
  • Management, organization and production planning
  • New materials and technologies
  • Basics of technical physics

List of qualifications and positions

A graduate of a bachelor's degree in the specialty 050723 - Technical physics is awarded the academic degree of a bachelor of technical physics.
Qualifications and positions are determined in accordance with the "Qualification Guide for the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees", approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection dated November 22, 2002 No. 273 - P.
Bachelor in specialty 050723 - Technical physics, in accordance with the requirements of " Qualification Handbook positions of managers, specialists and other employees”, may hold the following positions: physicist, circuit engineer, electronics engineer, technologist, specialist of the highest, I and II categories, junior researcher, senior laboratory assistant, teacher of physics in secondary general education and special educational institutions etc.

Qualification characteristics of the bachelor of the specialty 050723 - Technical physics

Sphere of professional activity
Fields of science and technology, including research, development, creation and operation of new materials, technologies, instruments and devices.
Objects of professional activity
The objects of professional activity of graduates are:
physical processes and phenomena, physical and physical-technological devices, systems and complexes, as well as research, scientific and production, design organizations, enterprises, firms, companies, centers and higher educational establishments.
Subjects of professional activity
Development, creation and operation of devices; methods of analysis, forecasting and control of the properties of materials, technological processes, technical equipment and operation of production and research facilities of high technologies.
Types of professional activity
Bachelors in the specialty 050723 - Technical physics can perform the following types of professional activities:
- research;
- design and engineering;
- production and management;
- organizational and technological;
- educational (pedagogical).
Functions of professional activity:
- collection, processing, analysis and systematization of scientific and technical information on research and development topics;
- study of special literature and other scientific and technical information, achievements of domestic and foreign science and technology in the field of technical physics;
- participation in conducting experimental studies according to a given program, compiling descriptions of experiments, preparing data for compiling reports, reviews and other documentation;
- implementation of mathematical modeling of objects and processes according to standard methods;
- participation in work on fine-tuning and development of technological processes in the course of pre-production new products;
- participation in the organization of quality control of materials and products, their certification;
- monitoring the observance of technological discipline in its area, the correct operation of production and laboratory equipment;
- analysis of the causes of defective products and participation in the development of measures to prevent it;
participation in the organization Maintenance and repair of new appliances and devices.
- implementation of the prevention of industrial injuries, occupational diseases and environmental violations.
Typical tasks of professional activity:
- solution of theoretical and experimental problems that arise when considering various physical processes;
- analysis of physical phenomena based on modern theoretical concepts and their application in applied research;
- development and improvement of formal models and methods used in the creation of objects of professional activity;
- development and research of methods of analysis, synthesis, optimization and forecasting of the quality of the processes of functioning of objects of professional activity;
- development, improvement and application of specification tools, methods for developing standards and technologies for the production of objects of professional activity.
Areas of professional activity
Scientific and engineering activities in the field of applied sciences and high-tech production.
Content of professional activity:
research activities:
- construction mathematical models to analyze the properties of research objects; choice of numerical method for modeling objects; development of an algorithm for solving the problem;
- development of methods for solving various problems of technical physics, including typical problems of design, research and control physical properties materials and environments;
- performance of mathematical modeling in order to analyze and optimize the parameters of research objects on the basis of available tools, including standard packages of computer-aided design and research;
- carrying out measurements and studies of various objects according to a given methodology with a choice technical means and processing of results;
- compiling descriptions of ongoing studies and projects under development, preparing data for compiling reports, reviews and other technical documentation;
- implementation of adjustment, adjustment and experimental verification certain types instruments and systems in laboratory conditions and at facilities;
design and engineering activities:
- analysis of the set design task in the field of technical physics based on the selection and study of literary and patent sources;
- formulating the goals of the project (program) for solving problems, criteria and indicators for achieving goals, building the structure of their relationships, identifying priorities for solving problems, taking into account the moral aspects of activity;
- development of generalized options for solving the problem, analysis of these options, forecasting the consequences, finding compromise solutions in conditions of multi-criteria, uncertainty, planning of project implementation;
- development of projects of units of devices new technology taking into account the requirements formulated for them;
- use in development technical projects new information technologies;
production and management activities:
- carrying out theoretical and experimental studies on the analysis of the characteristics of materials using a given measurement technique with the processing of the results obtained;
- introduction of technological processes of production, quality control of elements and assemblies for various purposes;
- calculation of technological standards for the consumption of materials, tools, selection of typical equipment, preliminary assessment economic efficiency technological processes;
- work on fine-tuning and development of technological processes in the course of pre-production;
organizational and technological activities:
- development of plans for certain types of design and technological work and control of their implementation, provision of relevant services with technical documentation, materials, equipment;
- finding optimal solutions when creating certain types of products, taking into account the requirements of quality, cost, deadlines, competitiveness and life safety;
- accommodation technological equipment, technical equipment and organization of workplaces, calculation production capacity and equipment loading according to the current methods and standards;
- implementation technical control production of products and participation in the management of their quality.
Requirements to core competencies bachelor's degree in 050723 - Technical physics
have an idea:
- about the area, objects and types of professional activity;
- about the generalized tasks of professional activity;
- resolutions, methodological and regulatory materials in their field of professional activity;
- current standards and specifications, provisions and instructions for the operation of equipment, test programs, execution of technical documentation;
- specifications and economic indicators domestic and foreign equipment in the field of technical physics;
- types of marriage and ways to prevent it;
- means of computer technology, communication and communications;
- Fundamentals of economics and labor organization;
- basics labor law;
- rules and norms of labor protection;
be able to:
- use abstract, periodicals and reference and information publications on the profile of work;
- collect, process, analyze and systematize scientific and technical information;
- to monitor compliance with technological discipline in their area, the correct operation of production and laboratory equipment;
- analyze the causes of defects in products and develop measures to prevent them;
- to carry out the prevention of industrial injuries, occupational diseases and environmental violations;
- to carry out mathematical modeling of objects and processes according to standard methods;
have skills:
- study of special literature and other scientific and technical information, achievements of domestic and foreign science and technology in the field of technical physics;
be competent:
- when organizing quality control of materials and manufactured products, carrying out their certification;
- when organizing maintenance and repair of new instruments and devices;
- when fine-tuning and mastering technological processes in the course of preparing the production of new products;
- when conducting experimental studies according to a given program, compiling a description of experiments, preparing data for compiling reports, reviews and other documentation.

General education disciplines
Required Component
History of Kazakhstan
Kazakh (Russian) language
Foreign language
Selectable Component

Basic disciplines
Required Component
Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry
Mathematical analysis
Physical foundations of mechanics
Molecular physics
general chemistry
Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics
Differential and integral equations
electricity and magnetism
physical optics
electrical engineering
Methods of mathematical physics
Atomic physics and spectroscopy
Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics
Electromagnetic field theory
Quantum mechanics
Fundamentals of statistical physics and thermodynamics
Metrology, standardization and certification
Occupational health and safety at enterprises
Selectable Component

Profile disciplines
Required Component
Mechanical devices
Thermophysical measurements
Electrical and magnetic devices
Optical devices
Applied Electronics
Applied Thermal Physics
Physical foundations of quantum electronics
Condensed matter physics
applied Physics
Selectable Component

Additional types of training
Physical Culture
Educational practice
Undergraduate practice

PGK Intermediate state control 8
Final state certification
1. Writing and defense of the thesis (project)
2. State exam in the specialty (General and theoretical physics)

The list of universities leading the enrollment of students in the specialty 050723 - Technical physics

About specialty:

Description of the specialty technical physics, in which universities they teach technical physics, admission, exams, what subjects are studied in the specialty.

Physics is one of the fundamental classical sciences. A student can choose suitable directions for himself from a variety of specialties related to physics. Typically, training in this specialty is built on a modular system. In the mathematics block, students study calculus, linear algebra and probability theory. In the physics block, the student is taught theoretical mechanics, molecular physics, electricity and magnetism, and atomic physics.

Employment in the specialty of technical physics

After graduating, the student becomes a theoretical scientist. Work to be sought in research centers. The working task will be the study of various physical phenomena, from the description and their implementation for practical use. A craving for knowledge, an analytical mind and a systematic approach will be the key to success in this area.

Salary in the specialty of technical physics

You need to start looking for a job as early as your student years. Finding a job on the ad is unlikely. You need to look for a place in specialized laboratories and research centers. Graduate work may form the basis for future scientific research. And the student's part-time job can become a permanent place for their own scientific research. Having carried out a successful scientific research and embodied it as a commercial idea, yesterday's student will be able to become a world-famous specialist and have his own laboratory, or develop his own business.