Center for Virology and Biotechnology vector. Association of State Scientific Centers “Science. Research experimental base

  • 30.03.2020

Federal state-financed organization Science "State Scientific Center for Virology and Biotechnology "Vector" of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare is one of the largest scientific virological and biotechnological centers in Russia.

The mission of the Center is scientific and practical support for countering global infectious threats.

The Center was organized in 1974. It includes a branch - the Institute of Medical Biotechnology, located in the city of Berdsk, Novosibirsk Region.

Today, the fundamental research work of the SRC VB "Vector" is focused on obtaining new scientific knowledge in the field of epidemiology, molecular biology, virology, bacteriology, genetic engineering, biotechnology, ecology and biological safety. Applied research of the Center is aimed at the development of effective means and methods for the prevention, treatment and diagnosis of infectious diseases, the creation and improvement of biotechnologies for the production of agents to counteract infectious pathogens.

The main tasks facing the Center:

  • fundamental research of pathogens of especially dangerous and socially significant viral infections, their genetic variability and diversity, pathogenesis of viral infections;
  • ensuring constant readiness for the implementation of diagnostics of especially dangerous infectious agents;
  • development and implementation of diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic means into healthcare practice;
  • postgraduate training of specialists, as well as training of highly qualified scientific personnel in the field of virology, molecular biology and biotechnology through postgraduate studies and fellowships.

One of the first in Russia SRC VB "Vector" developed and produced test systems for the diagnosis of HIV infection and hepatitis B; was the first in Russia to organize the production of genetically engineered human interferon-a-2; developed and introduced into production the immunostimulating drug Ridostin, which has antiviral activity, including against influenza; Together with the Institute of Poliomyelitis and Viral Encephalitis of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, he developed the only domestic vaccine against viral hepatitis A and introduced it into production.

In the main areas of scientific activity, SSC VB "Vector" actively cooperates with various institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Rospotrebnadzor, the Ministry of Health and Social Development and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

The international partnership in the field of molecular epidemiology, virology, biosafety SSC VB "Vector" carries out with leading foreign scientific centers. Cooperation with the CIS countries is expanding in the field of avian influenza monitoring. In 2006-2007 Rospotrebnadzor signed Agreements on cooperation in the field of diagnostics and monitoring of influenza viruses with the Ministries of Health of Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan. It is planned to conclude similar agreements with all CIS countries by the end of 2007. In addition, cooperation agreements have been signed between the national influenza centers of Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. On their basis, joint expeditions and studies of isolated strains of the influenza virus, exchange of information, strains, and specialists are already underway and will be constantly carried out. It is planned to organize trainings both in the SSC VB "Vector" and the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor, as well as in the countries participating in agreements and treaties.

Since 1997, one of the two WHO Collaborating Centers in the world for the diagnosis of orthopoxvirus infections and a museum of strains and DNA of the smallpox virus have been operating on the basis of the SRC VB "Vector".

For more than seven years, the Ethics and Bioethics Committees have been working at SSC VB "Vector", the main task of which is to conduct an examination of international and Russian biomedical scientific research in order to protect the rights, interests, dignity and safety of a person who voluntarily participates in these studies.

Since the beginning of 2005, a laboratory for working with highly pathogenic influenza virus strains, including avian influenza viruses, has been organized at the Center as part of the Department of Zoonotic Infections and Influenza. In accordance with the Order of Rospotrebnadzor dated May 10, 2007 No. 144, an industry scientific and methodological center for reference diagnostics and the study of highly pathogenic strains of the influenza virus was created on the basis of the SRC VB "Vector". A WHO reference laboratory for diagnosing influenza H5N1 has been established and is successfully operating on the basis of the FBSI GN WB "Vector". For the second year, work is underway to secure the status of a WHO Collaborating Center for Influenza for the Center (candidate WHO CC since 2009)

In the structure of the SRC VB "Vector" there are expeditionary groups for collecting samples from outbreaks of infectious diseases, which successfully work in the outbreaks of avian influenza and other zoonotic infections. High-class specialists of Vector are involved in the rapid examination of samples and confirmation of diagnoses in case of outbreaks of diseases of unknown etiology in Russia.

The scientific potential of SRC VB "Vector" is made up of highly qualified specialists in the field of virology, molecular biology, genetic and cell engineering, epidemiology and biotechnology. Headcount center - 1614 people, of which 139 are doctors and candidates of sciences.

The unique property of the Center is a highly qualified scientific and engineering staff and a laboratory and experimental base, which allows conducting research with pathogenic viruses for humans and animals in conditions of complete safety for personnel and environment.

The in-depth research of scientists and specialists of the Center has a significant impact on the scientific policy in Russia in the field of infectious disease control. Research in the field of molecular epidemiology of viral infections, the relationship between the structure and function of viral genomes, the mechanisms of the pathogenesis of infectious diseases, including the study of the relationship between the genetic characteristics of the host and the viral agent and the characteristics of the infectious process, are important strategic directions that will undoubtedly provide concrete practical results in the future. in terms of operational forecasting of outbreaks of “emerging” and “re-emerging” infections, as well as the creation of fundamentally new preventive and therapeutic drugs for public health.

(FBUN SSC VB "Vector")

short information

One of the largest virological and biotechnological centers in Russia. Fundamental research works are focused on obtaining new scientific knowledge in the field of molecular epidemiology, molecular biology, genetic and cell engineering, biotechnology, nanobiotechnology, ecology and biological safety. Applied research is aimed at developing effective means and methods for the prevention, treatment and diagnosis of infectious diseases. Since 1997, the WHO Collaborating Center for the Diagnosis of Orthopoxvirus Infections and the Museum of Strains and DNA of Variola Virus have been operating on the basis of the SRC VB Vector. Since 2009, on the basis of the SSC VB "Vector" there has been a reference laboratory - the WHO laboratory for diagnosing influenza H5, the only one in Russia and one of 13 in the world.

The Center's mission is scientific and practical support for countering global biological threats.

Founded (created)

The Center was founded in 1974. In 1994, by the Decree of the Government Russian Federation dated March 29, 1994, No. 247 was awarded the status of the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation, confirmed to date by the relevant regulations Government of the Russian Federation (1997, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013).

Work on priority areas and critical technologies for the development of science, technology and technology

The work is carried out in the priority areas of science, technology and technology of the Russian Federation: "Security and countering terrorism", "Science and life" and in critical technologies: "Biocatalytic, biosynthetic and biosensor technologies", "Biomedical and veterinary technologies", "Genomic, proteomic and postgenomic technologies”, “Cell technologies”, “Nano-, bio-, informational, cognitive technologies”, “Bioengineering technologies”.

Participation in the implementation of technology platforms

FBSI SRC VB "Vector" is a member of the Technological Platform "Medicine of the Future" and the Technological Platform "Technologies of Ecological Development".

Innovation projects

Multiplex test systems for detecting infections transmitted through tick bites and mosquito bites, multiplex test systems for detecting more than 10 intestinal infections, culture, recombinant and DNA vaccines against socially significant and especially dangerous viral diseases, including variola virus, polyepitope vaccines against HIV / AIDS and other infectious diseases of humans and animals, new methods of delivering vaccines and drugs (tablets, microencapsulated, nanomicroencapsulated), antiviral and antitumor drugs, new methods for the differential diagnosis of somatic diseases using dielectrophoresis, mathematical models spread of epidemics of infectious diseases.

Research experimental base

A unique scientific and experimental base for conducting research with the most dangerous viruses for humans, including those for which there are no means of treatment and specific prevention, in conditions of complete safety for working personnel and the environment. Modern equipment for conducting molecular biological, diagnostic, biotechnological, aerosol studies. Availability of a site for the production of vaccine preparations, a site for the production of nutrient media, measles vaccine in accordance with GMP requirements, as well as pilot sites for the production of pilot batches of developed vaccine and medicines.

Patents, certificates

178 active patents of the Russian Federation, 4 utility models, 20 certificates.

Number of staff engaged in research and development

The presence of agreements with higher educational institutions

Novosibirsk Medical University;

Novosibirsk State University;

Altai State University;

Novosibirsk State Agrarian University;

National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University.

Basic departments, scientific schools

The Center has four leading scientific and pedagogical schools: microbiology, immunology and virology, genetic engineering, biotechnology. There is an agreement with AltSU on the establishment of a basic department of "biopharmaceuticals based on recombinant technologies".

Main partners

It carries out scientific cooperation with the institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, research institutions of Rospotrebnadzor, the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation, higher educational institutions and pharmaceutical enterprises.

International scientific and technical cooperation


With WHO Influenza as a member of the WHO Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System;

With WHO as experts of the WHO Advisory Committee on the Study of Variola Virus;

With the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, Atlanta, USA); - with the WHO Reference Laboratory for influenza H5 subtype (Hong Kong, China);

With the WHO Collaborating Center for the Study of the Ecology of Influenza in Animals and Birds (Memphis, USA);

WHO Collaborating Center for Reference Diagnosis and Research on Influenza (London, UK);

With the North-Western Plateau Institute of Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, with the Beijing Institute of Biological Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, with the Institute of Immunology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, with the national influenza centers of the CIS countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan).

Since August 2014, in the Republic of Guinea, as part of ongoing work to assist West African countries in the fight against the disease caused by the Ebola virus (EVD), a Russian laboratory began to operate on the basis of a mobile complex of a specialized anti-epidemic team of Rospotrebnadzor.

630559, Koltsovo village, Novosibirsk region

tel: (3832) 36-60-10

fax: (3832) 36-74-09


The State Scientific Center for Virology and Biotechnology "Vector" (SSC VB "Vector") is one of the largest research and production complexes in Russia. The main activities of the Center are fundamental research in a wide field of natural sciences and the development and production of therapeutic and prophylactic and diagnostic products.

The fundamental research work of the Center is focused on obtaining new scientific knowledge in the field of molecular biology, virology, genetic engineering, biotechnology, epidemiology and ecology in order to use them in the interests of the national economy.

The history of the formation of the SSC VB "Vector" begins in 1974, when the leading institute of the Center was formed at that time - the All-Union Research Institute of Molecular Biology. In 1985, on its basis, the Scientific and Production Association"Vector", which received in 1994 the status of the State Scientific Center.

Currently, the State Scientific Center for Virology and Biotechnology "Vector" unites a number of research institutes, production structures and other organizations. In addition, the Center is an associate member of a number of unions and associations.

The main asset of the Center is a unique laboratory and experimental base, which has no analogues in Russia, which allows you to conduct research with pathogenic viruses for humans and animals in conditions of complete safety for personnel and the environment. Highly qualified engineering and scientific staff has extensive experience in working with especially dangerous viruses in the fields of virology, molecular biology, genetic and cell engineering, biotechnology, ecology and epidemiology.

As of April 1, 2000, 1842 employees work at the Center, of which 901 people are engaged in scientific research, including 17 doctors and 147 candidates of sciences.

The training of highly qualified personnel is provided by the postgraduate course established at the Center in 1983, opened in three specialties: molecular biology, virology and biotechnology. The Dissertation Council (D 208.020.01) operates at the SSC VB "Vector", in which 19 doctoral and 129 master's theses have been defended in the above specialties.

One of the tasks of the Center is to provide the Novosibirsk region with drugs from donor blood, including anti-tick immunoglobulin. In close contact with city clinics, work is underway to diagnose a number of infectious diseases (viral hepatitis A, B, C, D, AIDS, cytomegalovirus, herpes and toxoplasma infections) and to expand the scope of application of antiviral drugs developed at the SRC VB "Vector".

During recent years The Novosibirsk administration finances a number of innovative projects SSC VB "Vector" associated with the development of immunobiological and medicinal products for medical purposes.

History SSC VB "Vector"

1974 - On the basis of the Government Decree on the development of molecular biology and biotechnology, the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Molecular Biology (VNII MB) was established by order of the Main Directorate of the Microbiological Industry under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (No. 1683 of 02.08.74). The main task set before the Institute in those years was to study the fundamental features of the structure and function of especially dangerous viruses (HVD), experimental study of the pathogenesis of HVD, study of the natural variability of specific viruses based on the analysis of the primary structure of their isolates obtained from various regions of the world, with the purpose of predicting the possibility of the emergence of new pathogens pathogenic to humans. In terms of application, VNII MB was tasked with developing vaccine and diagnostic products using the latest advances in genetic engineering.

The decisive contribution to the creation and organization of VNII MB was made by the All-Union Production Association "Biopreparat". With the direct participation of professors V.I. Ogarkova, V.D. Belyaeva, Yu.T. Kalinina, A.A. Vorobiev, I.V. Nikonova, L.A. Klyucharev, the laboratory and experimental base of the VNII MB was created.

The Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences played an important role in the creation and development of the VNII MB. A great part in its organization was taken by academicians M.A. Lavrentiev, G.I. Marchuk, D.K. Belyaev, D.K. Knorre. VNII MB was provided with temporary space in Akademgorodok, where during the first 4 years scientific work in close cooperation with the Novosibirsk Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, the Institute of Organic Chemistry, the Institute of Cytology and Genetics. These close scientific ties have survived to the present day.

1985 - Scientific and production association "Vector" (NPO "Vector") was created, which included VNII MB, NIKTI BAV (Scientific Research Design and Technological Institute of Biologically Active Substances), OPSP (Experimental Agricultural Enterprise) and NOPB (Scientific Pilot Base).

1994 - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 29, 1994 No. 247 NPO "Vector" was awarded the status of the state scientific center of the Russian Federation - SSC of Virology and Biotechnology "Vector". Order No. 210 of October 21, 1994 of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation approved the Charter of the State Federal Enterprise State Scientific Center for Virology and Biotechnology "Vector" of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation.

1998 - By order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated February 12, 1998, No. 40, amendments and additions to the Charter of the State Unitary Enterprise State Scientific Center for Virology and Biotechnology "Vector" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation were approved.

1999 - Certificate of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation on state accreditation of the scientific organization State Unitary Enterprise State Scientific Center of Virology and Biotechnology "Vector" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated April 22, 1999 No. 1091 was received.

At present, the State Scientific Center for Virology and Biotechnology "Vector" is a large research and production complex, which includes six research institutes, four subsidiaries, a branch (NIKTI BAV) and a number of other separate structural divisions.

Structure of SSC VB "Vector"

Research Institute of Molecular Biology

(Director - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor S.V. Netesov)

  • Fundamental and exploratory research in the field of classical and molecular virology aimed at obtaining new scientific knowledge with the subsequent prospect of using it in the development of therapeutic, prophylactic and diagnostic drugs for public health and veterinary medicine.
  • Study of the molecular diversity of human and animal viruses.
  • The study of the evolution of the most dangerous viral pathogens of humans and animals, incl. at the molecular level, and the development of a methodology for the control of viral diseases.
  • Molecular epidemiological studies of the transmission of viral infections.
  • Applied research on the development of therapeutic, diagnostic and preventive drugs for medicine and veterinary medicine.
  • Study of the mechanisms of functioning of genomes and proteins of pro- and eukaryotes.

Research Institute of Bioengineering

(Director - Doctor of Biological Sciences Professor A.A. Ilyichev)

Main activities:

  • Construction of systems for the expression of heterologous genes in microorganism cells to create on their basis producers of proteins of biomedical interest.
  • Creation of protein variants with improved properties by protein engineering for their production and use in medical practice.
  • Use of phage display technology for mapping antigenic determinants of viral proteins, obtaining functional mimetics of antigenic determinants, constructing recombinant antibodies against human and animal pathogens.
  • Development of principles and methodological approaches to the design of vaccines against viral diseases.
  • Development of diagnostic test systems, including those based on molecular hybridization and amplification of nucleic acids for use in medicine and veterinary medicine.
  • Study of the structural and functional organization of viral genomes of farm animals.
  • Study of the mechanisms of implementation of the biostimulating and reparative action of chitosan at the cellular level.
  • Organization of production of hitogel preparations on the basis of SSC VB "Vector".
  • Study of the interaction of recombinant filamentous phages with cell surface receptors in order to select recombinant variants that specifically interact with cancer cells.
  • Using phage display technology to diagnose early stages of atherosclerosis.
  • Development of methods for rapid determination of M. tuberculosis resistance and study of its causes.
  • Study of M. tuberculosis isolates circulating in the West Siberian region by molecular biological methods and creation of their representative collection.
  • Investigation of factors influencing the effectiveness of tuberculosis immunoprophylaxis and identification of possible ways to improve the vaccine.

Research Institute "Collection of cultures and microorganisms"

(Director - Candidate of Biology V.E. Repin)

Main activities:

  • Isolation, typing and storage of viral and bacterial strains, strains of producers of biologically active substances, genetically marked strains and genetic constructs obtained in domestic and foreign laboratories.
  • Study of the properties of newly obtained strains, including genetically modified variants of previously known strains; their certification, including using the method of genomic fingerprinting; deposit and storage.
  • Obtaining strains of microorganisms for use in the interests of ecology.
  • Development of technology for obtaining viral, bacterial and fungal entomopathogenic preparations.
  • Maintenance and study of the national collection of variola virus strains.

Research Institute of Cell Cultures

(Director - Candidate of Medical Sciences E.A. Nechaeva)

Main activities:

  • Replenishment and maintenance of the bank of cell cultures of vertebrates, insects and plants, certification of lines and strains.
  • Obtaining and certification of new lines and productive clones.
  • Obtaining and storage of seed and working banks of cell cultures producing biologically active substances, their certification in accordance with WHO requirements.
  • Security pilot developments, research and experimental work of SSC VB "Vector" with continuous and primary cell cultures.
  • Development and introduction into practice of new technologies for the production of medicines using cell engineering technology.
  • Development, improvement and implementation of new technologies for the preparation of vaccine preparations using cell cultures and ways of delivering the vaccine to a living organism; development of new forms of their application.
  • Development of a technology for obtaining human cells for the restoration of the skin.
  • Development of technology for the production of hyaluronic acid.
  • Production of live measles vaccine.
  • Production of nutrient media for cell and virus cultivation.
  • Production of "Hemovect" solutions for use in hemodialysis and "Transvect" solutions for storage of transplants.
  • Serum production of large cattle and horses.

Research Institute of Aerobiology

(Director - Candidate of Technical Sciences V.S. Toporkov)

The main activities of the Institute are related to fundamental and applied research in the field of ecology, medicine and health care. The Institute conducts bioaerosol research in the interests of medicine, virology and ecology. Also under development modern technologies obtaining therapeutic and prophylactic and diagnostic preparations for the needs of public health and veterinary medicine, development of new instrumental methods for studying biological and bioaerosol systems. Research areas include:

  • theoretical and experimental study of the spread of aerosol pollution and bioaerosols in the atmosphere, their impact on public health and the development of preventive measures for areas with an unfavorable environmental situation;
  • development of new methods and means of specific prevention;
  • development of new types of samplers and equipment for the identification of the biogenic component in aerosol impurities;
  • development of new methodological approaches for rapid diagnostics of microorganism sensitivity to allergens and drugs.

WHO Collaborating Center for the Diagnosis of Orthopoxvirus Infections and Museum of Smallpox Virus Strains and DNA

(Head - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor L.S. Sandakhchiev)

Nursery of laboratory animals

(Director - V.N. Bondarenko)


Subsidiary State Unitary Experimental Production Enterprise "Vector-BiAlgam"

(Director - L.G. Nikulin)

"Vector-BiAlgam" is one of the leading enterprises in the field of development and production of immunobiological products and bifid-containing preparations and products.

  • More than 20 enterprises of the dairy industry operate using Vector-BiAlgam technologies, including Siberian Milk LLC (Novosibirsk), Siberian Dairy Company LLC (Kemerovo);
  • A new promising strain of bifidobacteria has been patented in Russia and confirmed by the Eurasian patent;
  • On orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, hepatitis A vaccines are being supplied;
  • Within the framework of the new project, a mini-factory for the production of baby bifid food is being built;
  • A vaccine for hepatitis A and B has been developed and is undergoing clinical trials.

Subsidiary state unitary production enterprise "Vector-Pharm"

(Director - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences S.N. Targonsky)

Main activities:

  • Production of medical and diagnostic preparations developed at the Center.
  • Launching the production of medicines for health care using technologies developed by third parties.
  • Production of finished dosage forms in cooperation with foreign firms and companies.
  • Storage and marketing of products manufactured by the Center.

Subsidiary State Unitary Experimental Agricultural Enterprise "Vector-OPSP"

(Director - D.N. Loktionov)

Main activities:

  • Development of technology for growing medicinal herbs.
  • Breeding deer for antlers.
  • Creation of an experimental base for the production of bovine serum.
  • Procurement of feed for the maintenance of laboratory animals.

Branches acting on the basis of regulations

Research Design and Technological Institute of Biologically Active Substances (NIKTI BAV)

(Director - Doctor of Biology V.I. Masycheva)

Main activities:

  • Creation of methods for obtaining products of modern biotechnology: recombinant cytokines and mutant variants of recombinant proteins, nucleic acids.
  • Conducting preclinical trials of drugs for medical and veterinary purposes.
  • Development of technologies for obtaining substances and dosage forms for the prevention and treatment of immunodeficiency, oncological and infectious diseases in humans and animals.
  • Creation of molecular constructs for targeted delivery of protein and genetic material.
  • Development of diagnostic test systems for the detection of infectious diseases.