Based on what methods to calculate the standard number of personnel of an electric grid organization. Legislative framework of the Russian Federation

  • 26.04.2020

"Federal network company unified energy system"

Open Joint Stock Company


Standards for the number of industrial and production personnel of enterprises of the main electrical networks.


Deputy department head

Moscow 2003

1. General part

1.1. These standards for the number of industrial and production personnel (hereinafter referred to as the standards) apply to the existing and newly commissioned main electrical networks of the Unified Energy System of Russia.

The standards are the basis for calculating and planning the standard number of industrial and production personnel of enterprises of main electrical networks (PMES), which can be used to plan the number of personnel of departments and enterprises in general, to calculate and plan the wage fund and to draw up staffing tables main electrical networks.

1.2. The standards provide for the necessary number of workers, managers, specialists and employees to perform the entire range of operations for the operational, maintenance and repair of main electrical networks in accordance with PTE, PTB, production instructions and work on the repair of industrial buildings and structures, "Rules for organizing work with personnel at enterprises and in institutions of energy production", RD 34.12.102-94.

The standards provide for the required number of personnel for the implementation and operation of automated control systems for main electrical networks, including an automated dispatch and technological control system (ASDTU) and automated systems for organizational, economic, production and technical control, created on the basis of ACS software and hardware.

The regulations do not apply to computer network"Electra".

The standards take into account the labor costs for the travel of crews from the bases to the place of work and back.

The standards take into account the number of drivers servicing vehicles and special mechanisms used to work in the main electrical networks.

1.3. The standards are developed in two versions

The first option provides for full operational, technical and repair maintenance of the main electrical networks, while the standards take into account the involved personnel of contractors performing work on the devices and equipment of the main electrical networks.

The second variant does not take into account the personnel involved in the repair of the equipment of the main electric grid facilities, which have been brought into an independent business.

1.4. The regulations do not apply to personnel:

Performing restoration and reconstruction work on special appropriations;

Performing work at consumer facilities under contracts;

Repair administrative buildings and structures.

1.5. The normative number of personnel is calculated as a whole for the enterprise. Taking into account the actual work and functions performed, the management of enterprises is recommended to distribute the standard number of personnel of the PMES by divisions and approve the standard number of personnel of structural divisions.

2. Characteristics of the equipment and operating conditions of the PMES, for which the standards are designed

2.1. The norms for the number of personnel of the main electrical networks are designed to perform operational, maintenance and repair of all types of domestic and imported equipment and devices installed in the main electrical networks.

2.2. The standards take into account the climatic and geographical local conditions in which the operational, Maintenance and repair of devices and equipment of main electrical networks.

2.3. The standards are developed taking into account the average level achieved technical equipment main electrical networks by machines and mechanisms.

3. Organization of labor.

3.1 The organization of operational maintenance of the devices of the main electrical networks is carried out using automated system control room and technological management(ASDTU) based on the operational information and control complex of computer facilities.

The organization of maintenance and repair of devices of main electrical networks is carried out using a general-purpose automated control system (ACS) based on personal computers (PC) in all production services, departments and other divisions of main electrical networks. Personal computers of all subdivisions and management of electrical networks are interconnected by local area networks. The PMES has software and hardware means of a telecommunications network to reach a higher level of management.

3.2. The organization of labor of workers, managers, specialists and employees of the PMES, adopted during the development of standards, corresponds to standard projects for the organization of labor of structural divisions and standard projects organization of jobs.

Provision is made for the use of advanced methods for organizing and carrying out maintenance and repair of main electrical networks.

3.3 Operational maintenance of kV substations is carried out around the clock by two electricians per shift.

3.4. Performance of maintenance work on overhead lines of 35 kV and above is carried out by the same subdivisions of the line service that perform work on the overhaul of overhead lines of 35 kV and above.

3.5. Maintenance and repair of RZAI and SDTU devices is carried out by divisions of specialized services of RZAI and SDTU, located in order to reduce unproductive travel costs in several points of the PMES territory.

3.6. Overhaul of substations of 35 kV and above is carried out comprehensively, i.e., simultaneously with the repair of power electrical equipment, work is carried out on RZAI, SDTU devices and construction work. Works on the comprehensive overhaul of SS 35 kV and above are carried out using work schedules previously drawn up and approved for each substation, which determine the sequence of work of all departments involved in the comprehensive overhaul. The overhaul and maintenance of substations of 35 kV and above is carried out by specialized teams of centralized repair (BCR), located at several points on the territory of the PMES.

The work of personnel is standardized according to industry and local time standards and service standards using standardized tasks.

4. Regulatory part

The normative number of industrial and production personnel of the main electrical networks should be determined by summing up:

The normative number of workers in the power grid economy, determined by the norms for the number of workers, including for ACS units, given in Section 4.1.;

The normative number of managers, specialists and employees (RSC) for the electric grid economy, determined according to the norms for the number of RCC, including for ACS units, given in section 4.2.;

The normative number of personnel of other divisions that are part of the PMES (power plants, heating networks, boiler houses, etc.), determined by the relevant regulatory documents.

The standard number of industrial and production personnel in the power grid sector determined by summation for accounting special training operational and operational-repair personnel during working hours should increase by 3%.

For main electrical networks located in the regions of the Far North, the standard number of personnel should also be increased by 8.0%, for those located in areas equivalent to regions of the Far North - by 5.0%, and in other regions of the North, where the district coefficient and the percentage bonus to wages were set at 2%.

In the event that the PMES fails to perform any function of management, repair maintenance, the standard number of PMES personnel should be reduced by the amount determined by the corresponding table of standards.

Limits of numerical indicators in which "up to" is indicated should be understood as "inclusive".

Only the normative number of personnel in the power grid sector and the normative number of all PMES personnel are subject to rounding up to an integer.

4.1. Standards for the number of workers

The number of workers carrying out operational, maintenance and repair of substations 35 kV and above, maintenance and repair of overhead lines 35 kV and above should be determined from Table. 4.1.1., 4.1.2., 4.1.3. by the number of relevant devices on the main electric networks as a whole.

The number of workers engaged in maintenance and repair of RZAI, SDTU, ACS and ASDTU devices for mechanization and vehicles, testing of insulation and surge protection, work in the workshop (workshop) to repair equipment, construction and repair work and cleaning work of production and office premises should be determined according to the table. 4.1.4.-4.1.11 according to the values ​​of the factors adopted in these tables in general for the main electric networks.

To the standard number of workers, calculated according to Table. 4.1 the number of workers for logistics should be added in the amount of 1.2% of the specified standard number of workers.

In the presence of copying equipment in the PMES, one person operator of copying and multiplying machines should be provided.

Table 4.1.1.

Standards for the number of workers for the operational and maintenance of substations 35 kV and above

Number of connections with circuit breakers 6 kV and higher at the substation, units

Number of workers per substation, pers.

at substation voltage, kV


To this table, the coefficient K1 should be applied, given, respectively, in Table. 4.1.12. The standards take into account labor costs for travel to and from the place of work. The number of workers for substations with a voltage of 20/6-10 kV should be determined by the column with a voltage of 35 kV.

Table 4.1.2.

Standards for the number of workers for the repair of substations 35 kV and above

Name of devices

Number of workers per 100 devices, people

at voltage, kV

Power transformer

Connection with air circuit breaker

Connection with oil circuit breaker

Connection with SF6 circuit breaker

Connection with separator and short circuit

Synchronous compensator up to 30 MVAr

Synchronous compensator over 30 MVAr


Static capacitors


The coefficients K1, K2 should be applied to the table, the values ​​of which are given, respectively, in tables 4.1.12., 4.1.13. With the withdrawal of repair in an independent business, the standard number of personnel, calculated according to the table, is reduced by 45%.

Table 4.1.3.

Standards for the number of workers for the repair and maintenance of overhead lines 35 kV and above

Voltage, kV

Number of chains on supports

Number of workers per 100 km of line route, pers.

with support material

wish. concrete

tree on the b. prefixes


Coefficients K1, K2 should be applied to this table, the values ​​of which are given, respectively, in Table. 4.1.12., 4.1.14. 150 kV overhead lines on unified supports should refer to 110 kV overhead lines, and 150 kV overhead lines on T - shaped supports to 220 kV overhead lines. With the withdrawal of repairs in an independent business, the standard number of personnel, calculated according to the table, is reduced by 35%.

Table 4.1.4.

Standards for the number of workers for the maintenance and repair of relay protection, electrical automation and electrical measurements

Total number of relay protection and automation devices in PMES, units

Number of workers, pers.

with a total power of transformers of 6 kV and above in PMES, thousand kVA

up to 700

up to 600


The coefficient K1 should be applied to the table, the value of which is given in Table 4.1.12.

The indicator "Total number of relay protection devices and electrical automation in the ES" is determined by summing the indicators for lines 01,02,03, the annual form of the State Statistics Committee of Russia No. 17 (energy) - "Report on the operation of relay protection devices, electrical automation and emergency automation" at the end of last year .

The values ​​of the indicator "Total number of relay protection and electric automation devices" obtained from the indicated forms must be adjusted depending on the number of complex and simple protections in the PMES. To simple devices should include: overcurrent protection (except for directional ones) and current cutoffs; protection min. and max. voltage without power flow control; differential current cutoffs and relay protection

RNT; three-phase simple AR and AVR; gas and earth fault protection devices

All other RZAI devices given in the forms should be classified as complex. According to the obtained values, the ratio is calculated:

Where NC and NP are the number, respectively, of complex and

simple devices.

If KD / Ko>1 (KO - the optimal ratio, taken equal to 0.15), then the value of the indicator "Total number of relay protection devices and electric automatics" is calculated by the formula:

N= 0.55NP + 4NC

With a total power of transformers of 6 kV and above more than 6580 thousand kVA or a total number of relay protection and automation devices more than 7500 units. for each additional, respectively, 1470 kVA or 1150 units. devices, the number of workers should increase by 1 person.

The standards take into account the labor costs for travel to the place of work and back.

The standards take into account the number of workers in the metrological laboratory.

When the repair is turned into an independent repair business, the normative number of personnel calculated according to the table is reduced by 15%.

Table 4.1.5.

Standards for the number of workers for testing insulation and surge protection

Total number of connections 6 kV and above with circuit breakers at substations 35 kV and above in PMES, units

Number of workers, pers.

with a total power of transformers of 35 kV and more in PMES, thousand kVA

up to 350

up to 160


The standards for the number of industrial and production personnel of distribution electric networks were developed by the Open joint stock company TsOTenergo.

The standards for the number of industrial and production personnel of distribution electric networks determine the optimal number of employees necessary for the efficient and stable functioning of distribution electric networks.
The headcount standards are recommended for calculating and justifying the number of personnel in the formation of labor costs, staffing and other purposes for existing and newly organized distribution electric networks.

1. General part

1.1. These standards for the number of industrial and production personnel (hereinafter referred to as the standards) apply to existing and newly commissioned electrical networks of the Unified Energy System of Russia, which have on their balance sheet only objects of distribution electrical networks with a voltage of 35-220 kV and 0.4-10 kV.
The standards are the basis for calculating and planning the standard number of industrial and production personnel of distribution electric networks, which can be used to plan the number of personnel of departments and enterprises in general, calculate and plan the wage fund and draw up staffing tables for distribution electric networks.
The recommended standards can also be used when calculating the standard number of industrial and production personnel of workshops, districts and sections of electrical networks as part of other energy enterprises, when developing projects for organizing the operation of electrical networks and when designing industrial, domestic and residential premises for distribution electrical networks.
1.2. The standards provide for the necessary number of workers, managers, specialists and employees to perform the entire range of work on operational, maintenance, repair of distribution electrical networks in accordance with the PTE, PTB, production instructions, "Rules for organizing work with personnel at enterprises and institutions of energy production" , RD 34.12.102-94, as well as subdivisions of electrical networks that perform the function of accounting for the supply of electrical energy to consumers and work on the repair of industrial buildings and structures.
The standards provide for the required number of personnel for the implementation and operation of automated control systems for electrical networks, including an automated dispatch and technological control system (ASDTU) and automated systems for organizational, economic, production and technical control, created on the basis of ACS software and hardware.
The regulations do not apply to the Elektra computer network.
The standards take into account the labor costs for the travel of crews from the bases to the place of work and back.
The standards take into account the number of drivers servicing vehicles and special mechanisms used to work in electrical networks.
1.3. The regulations have been developed in two versions.
The first option provides for full operational, technical and repair maintenance of distribution electrical networks. At the same time, the standards take into account the involved personnel of contractors performing work on the devices and equipment of distribution electrical networks.
The second variant does not take into account the personnel involved in the repair of equipment of electric grid facilities, brought into an independent business.
1.4. The regulations do not apply to personnel performing:
- restoration and reconstruction work on special appropriations;
- antiseptic treatment of parts of wooden supports on impregnating bases;
- repair of office buildings and structures.
1.5. The number of personnel performing work at consumer facilities under contracts is not included in the standard number of personnel.
1.6. The standard number of personnel is calculated as a whole for the enterprise. Taking into account the actual work and functions performed, the management of enterprises is recommended to distribute the normative number of personnel of distribution electric networks by divisions and approve the normative number of personnel of structural divisions.

2. Characteristics of the equipment and working conditions for which the standards are designed

2.1. The norms for the number of personnel of distribution electrical networks are designed to perform operational, maintenance and repair of all types of domestic and imported equipment and devices installed in distribution electrical networks.
2.2. The standards take into account the climatic and geographical local conditions in which the operational, maintenance and repair of devices and equipment of distribution electrical networks is carried out.
2.4. The standards are developed taking into account the average achieved level of technical equipment of distribution electrical networks with machines and mechanisms.

3. Labor organizations

3.1 The organization of operational maintenance of electrical distribution network devices is carried out using an automated dispatch and technological control system (ASD-TU) based on an operational information and control complex of computer equipment.
The organization of maintenance and repair of electrical distribution network devices is carried out using a general-purpose automated control system (ACS) based on personal computers (PC) in all production services, RESs, departments and other divisions of electrical networks. Personal computers of all subdivisions and management of distribution electric networks are interconnected by local computer networks. In distribution electrical networks, there are software and hardware means of a telecommunications network for reaching a higher level of control.
3.2. The organization of labor of workers, managers, specialists and employees of the ES, adopted during the development of standards, corresponds to standard projects for the organization of labor of structural divisions and standard projects for organizing jobs.
Provision is made for the use of progressive methods for organizing and carrying out maintenance and repair of distribution electrical networks.
3.3. Operational maintenance of powerful system substations 110-220 kV is carried out around the clock by one electrician per shift.
Round-the-clock operational maintenance of substations by one electrician per shift is carried out with the right to rest at night.
With the location of the dispatching center of the area of ​​electrical networks (PC) at 35-110 kV substations, the dispatching functions for the RES are combined with the operational maintenance of the substation.
The number of 35-220 kV substations, which are serviced around the clock, does not exceed 15% of the total number of substations in the ES.
Operational maintenance of 35-110 kV substations with "at home" duty is carried out only at 35-110 kV substations, which are more than 30-40 km away from others and make up no more than 25% of the total number of 35-220 kV substations in the power system.
Operational and maintenance maintenance of 35-110 kV substations supplying, mainly, agricultural consumers, is carried out by operational mobile teams servicing substations together with 0.4-20 kV electrical networks (OVB PC and PS). This form of service in the power system covers at least 40% of the total number of 35-110 kV substations.
Operational and maintenance maintenance of 35-220 kV substations located in industrial areas is carried out by operational mobile teams serving only substations (OVB SS).
The work of the PSTC, depending on local conditions, is organized around the clock, around the clock with the right to rest at night or in one or two day shifts, with the transfer of substation service during the rest of the time to the PSTC operating around the clock.
The number of substations of 35-220 kV, assigned to the OVB SS, provides travel between the most remote substations, in a time not exceeding 1 hour,
The full load of electricians of the OVB SS is ensured by the maintenance work of substations performed in their free time from operational work.
3.4. The maintenance work on the 35-220 kV overhead lines is carried out by the same subdivisions of the line service that perform the overhaul of the 35-220 kV overhead lines.
3.5. Overhaul of 35-220 kV substations is carried out in a complex manner, i.e. simultaneously with the repair of power electrical equipment, work is carried out on RZAI, SDTU and construction works. Works on the comprehensive overhaul of the 35-220 kV substation are carried out using work schedules previously drawn up and approved for each substation, which determine the sequence of work of all departments involved in the comprehensive overhaul. The overhaul and current repair of 35-220 kV substations is carried out by specialized teams of centralized repair (BCR), located at several points on the territory of the power plant.
3.6. Operative and technical maintenance of electrical networks 0.4-20 kV is carried out by the OVB RS. The length of 0.4-20 kV overhead lines, which are serviced by RS OVB, is about 100% of the total length of 0.4-20 kV overhead lines of the power system.
Depending on the local conditions, the work of the RS PCB is organized around the clock, around the clock with the right to rest, around the clock with duty "at home" or in one or two day shifts with the transfer of operational maintenance of the assigned devices to the rest of the time by the PCB working around the clock. At night, one (two) OVB RS operates in the RES. The full load of OVB PC electricians is ensured by maintenance work performed in their free time from operational work,
3.7. Maintenance and repair of RZAI and SDTU devices is carried out by divisions of specialized services of RZAI and SDTU, located in order to reduce unproductive travel costs at several points of distribution electric networks.
3.8. Comprehensive overhaul of 0.4-20 kV electrical networks is carried out by specialized teams (BCR) at the RES.
Comprehensive overhaul of electrical networks 0.4-20 kV is carried out in accordance with " standard instruction for maintenance and overhaul of overhead power lines 0.38-20 kV, SPO, Soyuztekhenergo, Moscow.
The work of personnel is standardized according to industry and local time standards and service standards using standardized tasks.

4. Regulatory part

The normative number of industrial and production personnel of distribution electric networks should be determined by summing up:
- the normative number of workers in the power grid sector, determined by the norms for the number of workers, incl. for ACS subdivisions given in section 4.1;
- the normative number of managers, specialists and employees (RSC) in the power grid sector, determined according to the norms for the number of RCC, incl. for ACS subdivisions given in section 4.2.;
- the normative number of workers, managers, specialists and employees (RCC) of the electric grid division, which performs the function of accounting for the supply of electrical energy to consumers;
- the standard number of personnel of other divisions that are part of the ES (power plants, heating networks, boiler houses, etc.), determined according to the relevant regulatory documents.
The normative number of industrial and production personnel in the power grid sector determined by summation to take into account the special training of operational and operational and repair personnel in working time increases by 3%.
For electric networks with a unit for accounting for the supply of electric energy, located in the regions of the Far North, the standard number of personnel, in addition, should be increased by 8.0%, for those located in areas equated to regions of the Far North - by 5.0%, and in other regions of the North, where the regional coefficient and the percentage bonus to wages are set - by 2.0%.
For electric networks located in the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them, the standard number of personnel increases by 11% of the number of women in the enterprise, accepted on the form N1-T - “Information on the number and wages of employees by type of activity”.
In case of non-fulfillment by electric networks of any function of management, maintenance or repair, the standard number of personnel must be reduced by the amount determined by the corresponding table of standards.
Limits of numerical indicators in which “up to” is indicated should be understood as “inclusive”.
Only the normative number of personnel in the power grid sector and the normative number of the entire ES personnel are subject to rounding up to a whole number upwards.

The full document can be downloaded from the link at the top of the page.

Russian Federation Order of RAO "UES of Russia"

Standards for the number of industrial and production personnel of heating networks

set a bookmark

set a bookmark


APPROVED by Ya.M.Urinson, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of OAO RAO "UES of Russia" on 03.12.2004.

DEVELOPED by TsOTenergo Open Joint Stock Company.

The norms for the number of industrial and production personnel of heating networks determine the optimal number of employees necessary for the efficient and stable functioning of heating networks.

The headcount standards are recommended for calculating and substantiating the number of personnel in the formation of labor costs, staffing and other purposes at existing heating network enterprises, as well as in the development of projects for the expansion and reconstruction of heating networks.

1. General part

1.1. These standards for the number of industrial and production personnel (hereinafter referred to as the PPP standards) of heat networks apply to existing and newly commissioned heat networks, regardless of their installed capacity and subordination.

PPP standards are the basis for calculating and planning the number of personnel, funds for wages taken into account when setting tariffs for thermal energy, as well as in the design of industrial and domestic premises of heating networks.

1.2. PPP standards provide for the maximum average headcount personnel (workers, managers, specialists and employees) in the state of the Customs Union, and the average annual number of personnel involved to perform in accordance with the Rules technical operation(PTE), Safety Rules (PTB), Rules for the organization of maintenance and repair of equipment, buildings and structures of power plants and networks (RDPr 34-38-030-92 *) and production instructions for the entire range of work on operational, maintenance, repair of equipment and structures of thermal networks, maintenance and current repairs industrial buildings.

1.3. The calculation of the standard number of PPP can be performed in two ways:

  • with full repair and maintenance, taking into account the personnel involved to perform work on capital, medium (large current) equipment repairs;
  • excluding personnel engaged in capital, medium (large current) repairs of heating network equipment due to the fact that it is planned to separate this type of activity into an independent business.

1.4. Number of personnel required for maintenance auxiliary equipment TS, SDTU are taken into account by these standards and are not additionally calculated.

1.5. The standards take into account the work on the relocation and replacement of pipelines in the amount of 2% of the total length of heating networks.

1.6. The standard number calculated according to this collection additionally includes personnel for servicing thermal power plants on the balance sheet of the TS, which are part of the TS as structural units of overhead lines and electrical substations with a voltage of over 1000 V, district boiler houses, the number of which is determined according to current standards.

1.7. These standards do not take into account the personnel employed overhaul industrial buildings, reconstruction of heating networks, VOKhR, guards, engaged in the maintenance of vehicles for non-industrial purposes, work on shifting and replacing dilapidated pipelines over 2% of the total length of the heating network.

1.8. Limits of numerical indicators in which "up to" is indicated should be understood as "inclusive".

1.9. According to the tables of standards, where not indicated limit values, the number is determined by the method of linear interpolation, if the calculation contains fractional values, then the calculation is carried out with an accuracy of a decimal place (the first after the decimal point), rounding to a whole number according to the rounding rules, the total values ​​are subject to production staff and management personnel.

1.10. For heating networks located in the regions of the Far North, the standard number of personnel increases by 8.0%; for those located in areas equivalent to the regions of the Far North, by - 5.0%; for other regions of the North, where the annual additional leave duration of 7 working days, by - 2.4%.

1.11. Additionally, for the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, the standard number of heating networks increases by 11% of the number of women in the enterprise, adopted in the form N 1-t "Information on the number and wages of employees by type of activity."

1.12. The normative number of industrial and production personnel is determined as a whole for the Customs Union in accordance with Section 4.

1.13. The names of the professions of workers and positions of managers, specialists and employees, as well as the characteristics of the work performed are given in accordance with the ETCS of works and professions of workers and Qualification guide positions of managers, specialists and employees (RCC).

1.14. The owner of heating networks or the manager carrying out direct control organization, regardless of the form of ownership, approves and distributes the standard number of personnel among structural units, taking into account the actual work and functions performed.

2. Characteristics of equipment, facilities and operating conditions of heating networks, for which the staffing standards are calculated

2.1. Equipment and structures of heat networks with heating mains with a diameter of up to 1400 mm, with heat carriers "water" or "steam" must comply with the requirements of SNiP and PTE.

The method of laying the heating main is underground or aboveground, with or without associated drainage.

2.2. The staffing standards apply to the maintenance and repair of all types of equipment, network facilities, heating network devices (including intra-quarter ones).

2.3. The standards take into account all climatic and geodetic local conditions in which operational, maintenance and repair of all types of equipment, network facilities, and heating network devices are carried out.

2.4. The standards are developed taking into account the average achieved level of technical equipment of heat networks.

2.5. Boosting and pumping pumping stations intended for pumping network water are located on the main heat pipelines and are on the balance sheet of the vehicle.

2.6. The standards are designed for the operation of heat networks in all modes in accordance with the PTE and the "Standard instruction for the operation of heat networks".

3. Organization of work

3.1. The organization of labor of workers, managers, specialists and employees, adopted during the development of PPP standards, corresponds to standard projects for the organization of labor of structural divisions and standard projects for organizing workplaces.

Provision is made for the use of progressive methods for organizing and carrying out maintenance and repair of heating networks.

3.2. Maintenance, overhaul and current repairs of equipment, maintenance and current repairs of buildings and structures are carried out by personnel of the TS, repair enterprises of power systems and other organizations.

3.3. When personnel of third-party specialized enterprises are involved in the performance of repair work, the number of repair personnel in the state of the vehicle is reduced by the number of personnel involved.

3.4. The PPP standards are designed to apply progressive methods of organizing and carrying out maintenance and repair of heating networks, buildings and structures (carrying out comprehensive repairs, using mechanization tools and advanced work production technology, using brigade forms of labor organization, issuing normalized tasks to personnel, organizing personnel training in order to master related professions and the introduction of advanced methods and techniques of labor, dispatching of production and economic activities, and a number of others).

3.5. At heating points and consumer nodes, the personnel of the TS exercises control and regulation of instruments and devices in order to economically use thermal energy.

3.6. Maintenance of drainage pumping stations produced by locksmiths for maintenance of heating networks.

3.7. The standards are designed for the level of organization of repair work achieved by most vehicles in terms of mechanization, the use of standard technological processes, labor rationing, etc.

3.8. Managers, specialists and employees of heating networks are divided into personnel of the management apparatus and production units (RCS of districts, sections and production services).

4. Regulatory part

4.1. General provisions

4.1.1. The normative number of industrial and production personnel of the TS is determined by summing the norms for the number of personnel by:

  • clause 4.2 of this section (workers engaged in operation and repair)
  • clause 4.3 of this section (RCC of production units and management apparatus)
  • Clause 1.6 of the "General Part", calculated according to other regulatory documents.

4.1.2. The normative number of personnel for a number of tables is determined depending on the factors "Reduced longitudinal section area" and "Reduced length of the heating main", the values ​​of the factors are calculated in the following order: The reduced area of ​​the longitudinal section of heating mains is determined by the formula:

Where: - the area of ​​the longitudinal section of the heating mains of the underground laying;

The area of ​​the longitudinal section of the heating mains of the above-ground laying;

The area of ​​the longitudinal section and is determined by the formula:

Where: - the sum of the products of the lengths of individual sections of two-pipe heat pipelines (, , ..., ), m by the corresponding diameters of conditional passages (,, ..., ), m. The reduced length of heating mains is determined by the formula:

Where: - length of underground heating mains.

The length of the above-ground heating mains.

Correction factor for overground heating networks.

Notes: 1. When determining the factors and, correction factors are introduced:

for single-pipe sections of heat pipelines - 0.75;

for three-pipe - 1.25;

for four-pipe - 1.5.

2. With different diameters of the supply and return heat pipelines, steam pipelines and condensate pipelines, the longitudinal sectional area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heating mains is determined by the largest diameter.

4.2. Standards for the number of workers

4.2.1. The norms for the number of workers are determined according to tables 4.2.1-4.2.5, depending on the reduced area of ​​the longitudinal section of the heating mains (on the balance sheet of the TS), the reduced length of the heat pipelines along the route (on the balance of the TS) and the maximum load on the heat pipelines of the TS.

4.2.2. To the standards for the number of workers, determined according to Table 4.2.1; 4.2.2, the following correction factors are introduced:

  • with a difference in geodetic marks:

from 50 to 100 m - 1.02;

from 100 to 180 m - 1.04;

over 180 m - 1.08.

  • at the calculated outdoor air temperature below minus 30 °С:

from minus 30 °С to minus 39 °С - 1.04;

from minus 40 °С and below - 1.08.

4.2.3. In addition to the standard number of workers provided for in Table 4.2.1-4.2.5, the following is included: If there are central heating points (CHP) on the balance sheet of the TS with an estimated connected heat load of more than 2 Gcal / h, 1 person is provided. for five central heating stations. For the area of ​​thermal networks with a volume of more than 4000 arb. units, as well as for the area, the base of which is removed from the control center at a distance of more than 20 km, one workplace heating network operator. For underground heating mains laid in conditions of standing groundwater and having associated drainage, in addition to table 4.2.1, 1 person is provided. per 15 km of the length of a single associated drainage. For districts and sections of heating networks, storekeepers are provided at the rate of:

  • one storekeeper per district or site;
  • one storekeeper at the central warehouse at the production base of the enterprise;
  • one storekeeper for a warehouse of building materials with an annual volume of capital construction of more than 35 million rubles. (in 2001 prices). If there are pumping and pumping pumping stations located on the balance sheet of the vehicle main pipelines, one person is provided for each automated pumping station.

For a non-automated pumping station, the number is determined by the formula:

Where: - standard number of personnel;

Constant coefficient;

Number of pumping stations;

To the number determined by the formula, an additional number is provided at the rate of 0.3 people. for one non-automated pumping station and 0.5 people. to an automated pumping station to perform work on the conservation of pumping stations after the end of the heating season and preparing pumping stations for operation before the heating season. The number of cleaners is determined depending on the standard number of staff:

  • one cleaner of production and service premises for 35 people;
  • one cleaner of administrative and amenity premises for 145 people.

Standards for the number of workers for operational, maintenance and repair of thermal mechanical equipment and structures of heating networks

A. Standards for the number of workers for operational, maintenance and repair of thermal mechanical equipment and structures of heating networks with full repair and maintenance

Table 4.2.1

Note: The number of workers in the "Repair of heat networks" function is 60% of the number given in Table 4.2.1, including the number of workers involved in emergency recovery work - 30%.

B. Standards for the number of workers for the operational, maintenance and repair of thermal mechanical equipment and structures of heating networks, excluding personnel engaged in capital, medium (large current) repairs

Table 4.2.2

Note: The number of workers in the "Repair of heat networks" function is 43% of the number given in the table, including the number of workers involved in emergency recovery work - 30%.

Standards for the number of workers for operational, maintenance and repair of mechanisms and special vehicles

Table 4.2.3

from 0.5 to 0.8

Number of workers, pers.

The reduced area of ​​the longitudinal section of the heating main, 10 m

Number of workers, pers.

The reduced area of ​​the longitudinal section of the heating main, 10 m

Number of workers, pers.

The reduced area of ​​the longitudinal section of the heating main, 10 m

Number of workers, pers.

Notes: 1. The number of workers servicing special vehicles (including drivers of special vehicles on duty) is 60% of the number given in Table 4.2.3.

2. If there are nonresident areas (sections) in the TS with a length of heating mains (in two-pipe terms) over 20 km for each remote area, the number determined according to this table increases based on:

20-30 km. - 1 person

30-40 km. - 2 people

40-50 km. - 3 people

over 50 km. - 4 people

Standards for the number of workers for operational, maintenance and repair of automation and measurement devices, adjustment and testing in thermal networks, as well as for control, adjustment, technical supervision, regulation and supply of heat at consumer thermal units.

Table 4.2.4

femininity heat-
hystrals (in 2-pipe-
nom calculated
leniya), km.

Table 4.2.4 (continued)

day length
rali (in 2-pipe calculus)
leniya), km.

Number of personnel, (persons) at maximum load, Gcal/h

Note: When allocating work on capital, medium (large current) repair of heating network equipment into an independent business, the number calculated according to the table is reduced by 25%.

Standards for the number of workers for the operational, maintenance and repair of electrical equipment for heating networks, relay protection, electrical automation, electrochemical protection of pipelines and electrical measuring instruments

Table 4.2.5

Notes: 1. With the reduced area of ​​the longitudinal section of the heating main more than 300x10 m, for each additional 100x10 m, the standard increases by 12 people.

2. When allocating work on capital, medium (large current) repair of equipment and facilities of heating networks into an independent business, the number calculated according to the table is reduced by 26%.

4.3. Norms for the number of managers, specialists and employees

4.3.1. Standards for the number of RCC are established by function depending on the influencing factors (physical volumes of equipment and structures, the number of workers, etc.).

4.3.2. The standards for the number of RCC production units are determined in accordance with Table, of which the number of foremen - in accordance with Table 4.3.8.

4.3.3. The standards for the number of RCC of the administrative apparatus are determined according to Tables 4.3.9-4.3.20.

4.3.4. The normative number of all personnel without RCC of the management apparatus is determined by summing the normative number:

according to Table, taking into account clause 4.2.2 and clause 4.2.3;

according to Table;

determined by other regulatory documents in accordance with clause 1.6 of the "General Part".

4.3.5. For thermal networks, which include power plants, district boiler houses, the standard number of management personnel is determined by the total factors of the heat network economy and non-grid facilities (for TPPs, boiler houses, excluding the functions: production and technical activities, design developments, reliability assurance, labor protection and equipment security).

4.3.6. With the centralization of functions in the energy system (economic planning, organization of labor and wages; accounting and reporting, financial activities; legal service of the enterprise; logistics; capital construction; control and regulation of instruments and devices at heating points and consumer nodes; operational, maintenance and repair of mechanisms and special vehicles) the standard number of functions is not determined, except for the number determined according to Table

Standards for the number of RCC for the function "Operational and technical maintenance of heating networks"

Table 4.3.1

femininity heat-
gistrals on the highway, km

The total number of central heating stations, group and district heating points, local heating substation (elevator nodes), units.








Notes: 1. With a total number of central heating stations, heating substations and elevator units of more than 20800 units or a reduced length of the heating main over 540 km for every 1200 units of central heating substation, heating substation, elevator units or 30 km of the reduced length of the heating main, the standard number determined according to Table 4.3.1, increases by 1 person.

2. To the standard number of personnel determined according to this table, the number of RCC is added to the number of districts based on:

3-4 districts - 2 people; 5-7 districts - 3 people; 8-10 districts - 4 people; 11-13 districts - 5 people.

3. If there are non-automated pumping stations in the TS, the following coefficients are introduced to the standard number of personnel determined according to this table:

9-15 pumping stations - 1.05;

16-23 pumping stations - 1.1;

over 23 pumping stations - 1.15.

4. For each district of heating networks, remote from the base of the TS at a distance of 150-200 km, an additional 1 person is provided; over 200 km - 2 people

Standards for the number of RCC for the function "Repair of heat networks"

Table 4.3.2

The reduced area of ​​the longitudinal section of the heating main is 10 m

Annual volume of repairs performed by the economic method, million rubles (in 2001 prices)

St. 5.5 to 11

Note: With the annual volume of repairs performed by households. way, more than 11 million rubles. or the reduced area of ​​the longitudinal section over 275x10 m for each additional 7 million rubles. or 35x10 m, the number, determined according to Table 4.3.2, increases by 1 person.

Standards for the number of RCC for the function "Setup and testing of heating networks"

Table 4.3.3

Notes: 1. When the reduced area of ​​the longitudinal section is over 290x10 m, the standard number according to Table 4.3.3 increases by 1 person for every additional 50x10 m of the reduced area of ​​the longitudinal section of the heating main.

2. For TS with a length of heating mains (along the highway) of more than 250 km and having 5-7 districts, the standard number for this function increases by 1 person, 8-10 districts by - 2 people, 11 or more districts - by 3 person.

3. For heating networks, which include areas remote from the TS base at a distance of more than 50 km with a heating main length of more than 45 km, the standard number of functions increases by 1 person.

Standards for the number of RCC for the function "Operational, maintenance and repair of instrumentation and automation"

Table 4.3.4

Notes: 1. For heating networks, which include areas remote from the base of the TS at a distance of more than 50 km with a heating main length of more than 45 km, the standard number determined according to Table 4.3.4 is increased by 1 person.

2. When allocating work on capital, medium (large current) repair of equipment and facilities of heating networks into an independent business, the number calculated according to the table is reduced by 10%.

Standards for the number of RCC for the function "Operational, maintenance and repair of electrical facilities"

Table 4.3.5

Installed capacity of electrical equipment, MW

The number of workers, determined according to table 4.2.5, pers.

Notes: 1. If the standard number of workers for this function, determined according to Table 4.2.5, is more than 30 people, the standard number of RCC increases by 1 person for every additional 10 people. the number of workers.

2. For heating networks, which include areas remote from the base of the TS at a distance of more than 50 km with a heating main length of more than 45 km, the standard number is increased by 1 person.

3. When allocating work on capital, medium (large current) repair of equipment and facilities of heating networks into an independent business, the number calculated according to the table is reduced by 10%.

Standards for the number of RCC for the function "Operational, maintenance and repair of mechanisms and special vehicles"

Table 4.3.6

Note: With the standard number of workers for this function more than 80 people. or the number of mechanisms and special vehicles over 150 units for every additional 25 people. workers or 55 units of equipment, the standard for the number of personnel according to Table 4.3.6 is increased by 1 person.

Standards for the number of RCC by function " dispatch control(with mode calculation)"

Table 4.3.7

Reduced length of the heating main along the route, km

Number of districts, units

Note: The standard is set for the conditions of round-the-clock duty of the vehicle dispatcher. In the absence of round-the-clock duty, the standard is set based on the number of shifts of the dispatcher's work:

with one-shift duty - 1 person.

with two-shift duty - 2 people.

Normative number of masters in the number of RCC

Table 4.3.8

Function name

Numbers of normative tables

Normative number of craftsmen per worker

Operational and maintenance of heating networks

Repair of heating networks

Adjustment and testing of heating networks, operational, maintenance and repair of instrumentation and automation

0.06, but not less than one

Operational and maintenance of electrical facilities

0.10, but not less than one

Operational, maintenance and repair of mechanisms and special vehicles

1 master for 33 units of mechanisms and special vehicles

Note: The normative number of senior foremen is set on the basis of: - one senior foreman for five foremen.

Standards for the number of RCC for the function "Economic planning, organization of labor and wages"

Table 4.3.9

Notes: 1. With the normative number of all personnel (without RCC of the management apparatus) more than 1600 people. the standard number according to Table 4.3.9 increases by 1 person for every additional 350 people. the normative number of all personnel of the vehicle.

2. With the centralization of this function in AO-energos, the standard number is not determined.

3. To the number determined according to table 4.3.9, the number of labor rationing engineers is added in accordance with table


Note: With the standard number of workers more than 1000 people. the normative number according to Table increases by 1 person, for every additional 450 workers covered by the rationing.

Standards for the number of RCC for the function "Packing, accounting and training of personnel, social development"

Table 4.3.10

RCC strength standards for the function "Special and mobilization work, civil defense. Ensuring security and protection of information"

Table 4.3.11

Standards for the number of RCC for the function "Materials and technical supply"

Table 4.3.12

Notes: 1. To the standard number of RCC, determined according to Table 4.3.12, correction factors are introduced depending on the length of heat networks:

up to 85 km - 1.05;

85-150 km - 1.1;

151-350 km - 1.15;

over 350 km - 1.2.

2. For heating networks, which include areas remote from the TS base at a distance of more than 150 km with a heating main length of more than 45 km, the standard number is increased by 1 person.

Standards for the number of RCC by function " capital construction"

Table 4.3.13

Note: The function "Capital construction" takes into account the position of deputy director for capital construction.

Standards for the number of RCC for the function "General office work and economic services"

Table 4.3.14

Standards for the number of RCC for the function "Industrial and technical activities"

Table 4.3.15

The reduced area of ​​the longitudinal section of the heating main, 10 m

Normative number of PPP (without RCC management)

Notes: 1. With the standard number of PPP more than 1516 people. or the reduced area of ​​the longitudinal section over 270x10 m, for each additional 35x10 m or 400 people of the standard number of PPP, the standard number of personnel is increased by 1 person.

2. If there are district boiler houses in the TS, the standard increases at the rate of: 1 person. for every 3 district boiler houses.

Standards for the number of RCC for the function "Design development"

Table 4.3.16

Note: If there are district boiler houses in the TS, the standard number increases at the rate of: 1 person. for every 2 district boiler houses.

Standards for the number of RCC for the function "Ensuring reliability, labor protection and safety"

Table 4.3.17

Notes: 1. If there are more than 5 districts in the TS, the standard number increases by 0.2 people for each district, starting from the sixth.

2. For heating networks with 4 or more areas remote from the TS base at a distance of 150 km or more, the standard number of functions increases by 1 person.

Standards for the number of RCC for the function "Legal services for the activities of the enterprise"

Table 4.3.18

Standards for the number of RCC for the function "Accounting and reporting, financial activities"

Table 4.3.19

Normative number of all personnel (without the number of personnel for the "General Management" function and the number of personnel for this function), people.

The number of RCC with the number of districts, units

Standards for the number of RCC by function " Software and system administration of computer technology"

Table 4.3.20

Standards for the number of RCC for the function "General Management"

Table 4.3.21

4.4. Standards for the number of personnel of divisions as part of heating networks that perform the functions of accounting for the supply (sale) of thermal energy

4.4.1. At the enterprises of heat networks, when transferring the functions of accounting and sales of heat energy to them, a structural subdivision for the implementation of these functions.

4.4.2. The norms for the number of personnel of units for accounting for the supply (sale) of thermal energy as part of heating networks are designed to determine the number of personnel for these functions.

4.4.3. The regulations provide:

  • self-service for household consumers on payments for heat energy with periodic control by the personnel of the enterprise over the correctness of invoices issued, the timeliness of their payment, etc.;
  • the use of computer technology for document processing.

4.4.4. The standards for the number of PPP units for accounting for the supply (sale) of heat energy are given in tables 4.4.1-4.4.5, depending on the factors indicated in the tables.

4.4.5. In addition to the number of personnel determined according to tables 4.4.1-4.4.5, the following is added: To conduct legal, claim and claim work - 1 person. for 700 consumers (excluding household). With an annual supply of thermal energy of more than 5.0 million Gcal - the position of Deputy Director for the sale of thermal energy.

Standards for the number of personnel for accounting for the release and sale of thermal energy

Table 4.4.1

Organization of contract work with consumers

Table 4.4.2

Notes: 1. When performing this function by the executive office of the generating company or the Energosbyt enterprise, the standard number of personnel is not calculated.

2. For residential consumers, the average annual number of newly concluded contracts is taken into account.

Standards for the number of personnel for the analysis and forecasting of heat energy markets, marketing

Table 4.4.3

Note: When this function is performed by the executive office of the generating company or the Energosbyt enterprise, the standard number of personnel is not calculated.

Standards for the number of RCC for the function "Technical audit of consumers"

Table 4.4.4

Consumer Group Audit Objects

Unit of measurement, unit

Normative number, pers.

Consumers with annual heat consumption thousand Gcal:

Non-industrial consumers

Household consumers (as part of utilities)

Standards for the number of workers for the repair and maintenance of thermal control devices

Table 4.4.5

Notes: 1. The standards take into account the storekeeper and the loader.

2. The population standards take into account RCC, the share of which is 10.0%.

5. Abbreviations used in the collection

Joint-stock company

Automated enterprise management systems

High voltage transmission lines

Private security

Control and measuring device

Industrial and production personnel

Safety regulations

Production and technical department

Rules for technical operation

Managers, professionals, employees

Dispatch and process control facilities

Building regulations

Thermal point

Heating network

Thermal power plant

Central heating point

Labour Organization

Electricians for the maintenance of electrical equipment perform work to maintain the working condition of electrical equipment and networks of outdoor and local lighting.

They carry out daily and systematic monitoring of technical condition electrical equipment, electric lamps, internal wiring, switches, plugs and control over their maintenance in good condition.

Damage to electrical lighting and emergency electrical equipment must be repaired immediately.

Prepare the systems of power and lighting equipment for the scheduled event.

Produce repair and preventive work according to schedules drawn up according to the plan of preventive maintenance.

Maintenance work includes: minor repairs of control panels in control rooms, electrical wires, power and lighting equipment systems.

Keep a record of electricity consumption in the morning and evening. During the duty at the dispatching console, the detected defects and malfunctions are recorded in the logbook of the operation of electrical equipment, requests are fulfilled for the operational switching of equipment, and instrument readings are monitored.

When working directly on the electrical installation, depending on the complexity of the repair, the work is carried out by one or two electricians who have a set of necessary tools and protective equipment with them.

The workplace of an electrician is equipped with a metal workbench with a vice, a swivel chair with adjustable height. Electrical measuring instruments are located at the workplace. The workbench is equipped with drawers for storing electromechanical measuring tools and instruments at the workplace.

To repair each type of electrical equipment, one of the workbenches is equipped with a test stand, to which a mains socket is connected to connect a soldering iron, hand lighting, etc. Equipment and spare parts are stored in dry rooms on racks, cable products are rolled into drums and laid out on trays in cable collectors. When repairing electrical equipment, instrumentation and tools are used, as well as protective equipment in accordance with the norms and rules of safety and operation of electrical installations.

Scope of work

Monitoring and ensuring the normal and uninterrupted operation of all electrical equipment, electrical appliances. Elimination of all detected defects and malfunctions in electrical installations. Repair of electrical equipment and electrical appliances, lamps.

Maintenance and installation of motors, switchboards, electrical measuring instruments, automatic machines and heating devices. Monitoring the economical and correct use of electricity.

Table 27

Standards for the number of electricians for maintenance
electrical equipment

N positions

Total capacity of installed equipment, kVA

Number of physical pieces of equipment

over 70 000

Number norms, pers.



In accordance with the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of July 19, 1984 N 764 "On measures to improve, reduce the cost and reduce the number of administrative apparatus" (order of the USSR Ministry of Energy of August 6, 1984 N 294), in order to prevent an unreasonable increase in the number of foremen and ensure further improvement of management production and distribution of electrical and thermal energy

I order:

1. Approve the standards for the number of foremen by type of production of the USSR Ministry of Energy (energy) in accordance with the appendix.

2. Main operational departments, main production departments energy and electrification, the All-Union and production associations Ministries, Ministries of Energy and Electrification of the Ukrainian SSR, Kazakh SSR, Uzbek SSR, Moldglavenergo and all enterprises and organizations subordinate to them:

2.1. Develop and implement the necessary measures to ensure the transition to the standards for the number of masters from October 1, 1986;

2.2. To ensure the employment of craftsmen released in connection with the introduction of headcount standards, in accordance with their qualifications.

3. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the Department of Organization of Labor and Wages (Comrade Ognyakov).


Application. Norms for the number of foremen by type of production of the Ministry of Energy of the USSR (energy)

to the order of the Ministry of Energy
and electrification of the USSR
dated July 29, 1986 N 404

1. General Provisions

1.1. The standards are designed to calculate, plan and control the number of foremen (including senior foremen) who are part of the industrial and production personnel of thermal power plants (TPPs), hydraulic power plants (HPPs), cascades of hydraulic power plants, nuclear power plants(NPP), electric grid enterprises (PES), urban electric grid enterprises (PGES), thermal network enterprises (PTS), production and repair enterprises of energy systems (PRP), repair enterprises and associations of Soyuzenergoremont, as well as the composition of all personnel of special repair enterprises, energy systems and Soyuzspetsremenergo and Energonadzor enterprises.

1.2. The standards for the number of foremen by type of production are designed to calculate the number of foremen at the level of the Ministry of Energy of the USSR and the Union republics, main departments, associations, and energy systems.

1.3. The standards establish the estimated number of foremen in the staff of the enterprise, necessary to ensure effective management of the work of workers subordinate to them, performing repairs (in networks, as well as operational and maintenance) of equipment, structures and devices in the amounts provided for by the Rules for Technical Operation (PTE) in compliance with the Rules of Technology security (PTB).

1.4. Regulations are based on what has been achieved best practices management organizations.

1.5. The standards take into account the travel time from the bases to the place of work and back.

1.6. Standards for industrial production established depending on the planned number of subordinate workers for the corresponding type of production in the state of enterprises, for non-industrial industries - depending on the planned number of all personnel.

1.7. The standards will be a stabilizing factor that will allow the leadership of the Ministry of Energy of the USSR and the Union republics, central departments, associations, energy systems to identify and eliminate staff excesses, prevent an unreasonable increase in the number of foremen, and also predict the number of this category of workers.

1.8. The normative number of foremen of the Ministry of Energy, the head office, energy associations, and the energy system as a whole is determined by summing up by type of production.

The number of masters calculated according to these standards is rounded at the end of the calculation to an integer according to the rounding rules.

1.9. The number of foremen, determined according to these standards, is established within the limits of the standard number of engineers and employees, as well as employees of the management apparatus, determined according to the documents approved by the USSR Ministry of Energy.

Standards for the number of craftsmen by type of production

2.1. Specific population foremen and senior foremen of the total number of personnel of enterprises and organizations of the USSR Ministry of Energy (energy) is 0.0517, including senior foremen - 0.0114.

2.2. The standards for the number of craftsmen by type of production are given in the table.

2.3. The total number of foremen and senior foremen for each type of production in the state of enterprises is determined by the following formula:

where H is the value of the factor that determines the standard number of foremen in the staff of enterprises; the name of the factor for each type of production is given in column 3 of the table;

a - coefficients depending on the type of production and given in column 4 of the table.

2.4. The share of senior foremen in the total standard number of foremen and senior foremen for each type of production is given in column 5 of the table.

2.5. For industries located in the regions of the Far North, the standard number of craftsmen increases by 6.7%, and for industries located in areas equivalent to regions of the Far North - by 4.5%.

Table. Standards for the number of craftsmen by type of production


Types of industries and enterprises

The name of the factor that determines the total standard number of foremen and senior foremen (N)

The value of the coefficient
ficient (norm for the number of masters)

The share of senior foremen in the total standard number of foremen and senior foremen (the ratio of senior foremen and foremen is shown in brackets)

Production of electrical and thermal energy

At thermal power plants

The number of workers-repairmen in the state of TPP

in hydraulic power plants

The number of workers in the HPP staff

On cascades of hydraulic power plants

The number of workers in the state of HPP cascades

At nuclear power plants

Number of maintenance workers in the NPP staff

Transmission and distribution of electrical energy

In electrical networks

The number of workers in the state of PES

In urban (cable) electrical networks

The number of workers in the state of PGES

Transmission and distribution of thermal energy (heat networks)

The number of workers in the PTS staff

Centralized repair of power equipment

repair enterprises of the power system

Number of workers in the staff of the PRP

Repair enterprises and associations of VPO "Soyuzenergoremont"

Number of workers in the staff of enterprises and associations

Centralized repair of buildings and structures

Specialized repair enterprises of power systems

The number of total staff in the state of the SBR

Soyuzspetsenergo enterprises

The number of all personnel in the state of enterprises

Supervision of consumption and sale of electric and thermal energy (Energonadzor enterprises)

The number of all personnel in the staff of Energonadzor enterprises

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Analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise

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