Instruction on labor protection for the conveyor of crushing and screening plants. Typical labor protection instruction for a conveyor of crushing and screening plants Conveyor job description

  • 25.04.2020

1. Hot clinker conveyor of the 3rd category belongs to the category of workers.

2. A person with an average professional education or initial vocational education and special training and one year of work experience.

3. The transporter of hot clinker of the 3rd category is hired and dismissed by the director of the organization on presentation (position).

4. Hot clinker conveyor of the 3rd category must know:

a) special (professional) knowledge of the position:

The device and principle of operation of clinker conveyors;

Characteristics of the transported material;

Alarm and blocking system;

Maps of lubrication of mechanisms, grades and properties of lubricants;

b) general knowledge organization employee:

Rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection,

Rules for the use of personal protective equipment;

Requirements for the quality of work (services) performed, for the rational organization of labor in the workplace;

Types of marriage and ways to prevent and eliminate it;

Production alarm.

5. In its activities, the transporter of hot clinker of the 3rd category is guided by:

RF legislation,

the charter of the organization,

Orders and instructions of the director of the organization,

By this job description,

Rules of internal work schedule organizations,

6. The conveyor of hot clinker of the 3rd category reports directly to a worker with a higher qualification, the head of production (section, workshop) and the director of the organization

7. During the absence of a transporter of hot clinker of the 3rd category (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by the director of the organization upon submission in the prescribed manner, who acquires the relevant rights, duties and is responsible for the execution of the duties assigned to him responsibilities.

II. Job Responsibilities

The duties of a hot clinker conveyor of the 3rd category are:

a) Special (professional) duties:

Maintenance of hot clinker conveyors with a total capacity of up to 70 t/h.

Ensuring uniform loading and transportation of clinker.

Ensuring the smooth operation and good condition of clinker conveyors.

Lubrication of the drive mechanism and rollers.

Spill cleaning.

Prevention and elimination of malfunctions in the operation of serviced equipment.

b) General duties of an employee of the organization:

Compliance with the Internal Labor Regulations and other local regulations of the organization, internal rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

Fulfillment, within the framework of the employment contract, of the orders of the employees to whom it was repaired in accordance with this instruction.

Performing work on the acceptance and delivery of shifts, cleaning and washing, disinfection of serviced equipment and communications, cleaning the workplace, fixtures, tools, as well as keeping them in good condition.

This job description translated automatically. Please note that automatic translation does not provide 100% accuracy, so there may be minor translation errors in the text.

Preface to job description

0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of its approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. Document approved: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic verification of this document is carried out at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "Transporter of the 3rd category" belongs to the category "Workers".

1.2. Qualifications- basic general secondary education and vocational training at work. Advanced training and work experience in the profession of a transporter (maintenance of mechanisms) 2 categories - at least 1 year.

1.3. Knows and applies:
- basic information on electrical engineering;
- terms and rules for submitting materials to serviced areas;
- the principle of operation and arrangement of serviced transport mechanisms;
- the causes that cause a malfunction in the operation of the mechanisms, and the means of their elimination;
- types of lubricants and their applications.

1.4. The transporter of the 3rd category is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by order of the organization (enterprise / institution).

1.5. The transporter of the 3rd category reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. The transporter of the 3rd category directs the work of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.7. The transporter of the 3rd category during the absence is replaced by a person appointed in the prescribed manner, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Description of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Serves different kind transport mechanisms, belt, worm, screw conveyors and bucket elevators such as bucket elevators.

2.2. Checks for malfunctions of conveyor mechanisms.

2.3. Starts and stops them.

2.4. Ensures timely supply of raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products and materials in required quantities without disturbing the technological process.

2.5. Operates devices for transporting timber.

2.6. Supervision of the good condition of the mechanisms, regulates the speed, tension of the chains, alters the belts and ribbons.

2.7. Eliminates minor defects in the operation of mechanisms.

2.8. Eliminates congestion and overload mechanisms.

2.9. Cleans and lubricates serviced equipment.

2.10. Knows, understands and applies the current regulatory documents relating to its activities.

2.11. Knows and complies with the requirements of normative acts on labor protection and environment, complies with the norms, methods and techniques for the safe performance of work.

3. Rights

3.1. The 3rd category transporter has the right to take actions to prevent and eliminate the occurrence of any violations or non-compliances.

3.2. The transporter of the 3rd category has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. The transporter of the 3rd category has the right to demand assistance in the performance of his official duties and exercise of rights.

3.4. The transporter of the 3rd category has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. The transporter of the 3rd category has the right to get acquainted with the draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. The transporter of the 3rd category has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary for the performance of his duties and orders of the management.

3.7. The transporter of the 3rd category has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. The transporter of the 3rd category has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. The transporter of the 3rd category has the right to get acquainted with the documents defining the rights and obligations for the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The transporter of the 3rd category is responsible for non-fulfillment or untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned by this job description and (or) non-use of the rights granted.

4.2. The transporter of the 3rd category is responsible for non-compliance with the rules of internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. The transporter of the 3rd category is responsible for disclosing information about the organization (enterprise/institution) that is a trade secret.

4.4. The transporter of the 3rd category is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements of internal normative documents organizations (enterprises/institutions) and legal orders of management.

4.5. The transporter of the 3rd category is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. The transporter of the 3rd category is responsible for causing material damage organization (enterprise/institution) within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. The transporter of the 3rd category is responsible for the misuse of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

Transporter 2nd category Job Description. Maintenance of various types of transport mechanisms, belt, worm and other conveyors, except for screw and bucket elevators such as bucket elevators. Checking the malfunction of conveyor mechanisms. Start and stop them. Ensuring the timely supply of various raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products and materials in the required quantities to production, preventing disruption of the technological process. Lumber haulage management. Monitoring the good condition of mechanisms, speed control, chain tensioning, altering belts and tapes. Elimination of minor defects in the operation of mechanisms. Elimination of congestion, and overload mechanisms. Cleaning and lubrication of serviced equipment.

Transporter 2nd category Must know: basic information on electrical engineering; terms and rules for submitting materials to serviced areas; principle of operation and arrangement of serviced transport mechanisms; causes of malfunctions in the operation of mechanisms and means of their elimination; types of lubricants and their application.
When servicing screw conveyors and bucket elevators such as bucket elevators - 3rd category.

Chapter 1. General requirements on labor protection

1. Persons whose age complies with the established legislation, who have undergone a medical examination in the prescribed manner and who have no contraindications for performing this type of work, who have undergone industrial training under the appropriate program, are allowed to perform work on servicing transport mechanisms (conveyors, feeders, etc.). , verification of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of safe ways of working and admitted to independent work in the prescribed manner.

Before being admitted to independent work, the transporter must undergo an internship for 2-14 shifts (depending on the nature of the work, the qualifications of the employee) under the guidance of a specially appointed person.

2. Periodic medical examination of a transporter engaged in the maintenance of transport mechanisms is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the Ministry of Health.

3. A transporter must pass a periodic examination of knowledge on labor protection issues at least once every 12 months.

An unscheduled test of knowledge on labor protection issues a transporter passes in the following cases:

when there is a break in work in the specialty for more than one year;

when moving from one enterprise to another;

at the request of a higher authority, responsible persons of the enterprise;

at the request of state supervision and control bodies;

upon the introduction of new or revised regulatory legal acts (documents) on labor protection;

when commissioning new equipment or introducing technological processes.

Books on attestation of workplaces in terms of working conditions in, "Bamboo" (Ukraine)

4. The transporter must undergo labor protection briefings:

when applying for a job - introductory and primary at the workplace;

in the process of work at least once every 6 months - repeated;

upon introduction of new or revised normative acts (documents) on labor protection or amendments to them;

change in the technological process, replacement or modernization of equipment, instruments and tools, raw materials, materials and other factors affecting labor protection;

violation by the worker of normative legal acts (documents) on labor protection, which could lead or have led to injury, accident or poisoning;

at the request of state bodies of supervision and control, a higher authority, responsible persons of the enterprise;

during breaks in work for more than 6 months; receipt of information materials about accidents and incidents that occurred in similar industries - unscheduled.

5. The transporter must:

know the requirements set forth in the "Safety Rules for Peat Industry Enterprises", instructions (passports) of manufacturers of transport mechanisms and instructions for labor protection;

know the purpose of the received audio signals:

a) one signal - the mechanism is put into operation after 30 seconds;

b) two signals - stop the mechanism;

c) three signals - collection of shift attendants at a specified location;

d) more than three signals - alarm, fire, accident;

have a clear understanding of the dangerous and harmful production factors associated with the performance of work (increased dustiness of the air working area; moving parts of production equipment; moving machines and mechanisms; reduced air temperature of the working area; insufficient illumination of the working area; increased levels of noise and vibration) and know the basic ways to protect against their effects;

know the requirements of fire and electrical safety when performing work and be able to use fire extinguishing equipment;

when performing work, use personal protective equipment issued in accordance with the Model Industry Standards for the free issue of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to workers and employees:

cotton jumpsuit(cotton suit) 3Mi - 12 months;

cap - 12 months;

leather boots Mp - 12 months;

combined mittens Mn - 12 months;

dielectric gloves EN - on duty;

goggles O - to wear;

respirator - to wear.

in winter additionally:

cotton jacket with insulating lining Tn - 36 months;

cotton trousers with insulating lining Tn - 36 months;

boots Tn20 - 48 months;

galoshes - 24 months.

be able to provide first aid to the victim;

comply with the internal labor regulations;

know the sanitary and hygienic working conditions and comply with the requirements of industrial sanitation.

6. The transporter must not endanger himself and be in the places of work that are not directly related to the work he performs.

7. The victim or eyewitness must immediately report each case at work to the immediate supervisor of the work, who is obliged:

organize first aid to the victim and his delivery to the medical center;

report the incident to the head of the department;

to keep the situation at the workplace and the condition of the equipment as they were at the time of the incident until the start of the work of the investigation commission, if this does not threaten the life and health of the surrounding workers and does not lead to an accident.

8. The transporter must inform the immediate supervisor of the work about all noticed malfunctions of transport mechanisms, devices and tools and do not start work until they are eliminated.

9. The carrier is responsible for:

compliance with the requirements of the instructions for labor protection and instructions (passports) of manufacturers of transport mechanisms, fire and electrical safety rules;

compliance with the established procedure for the production of works;

compliance with the rules of internal labor regulations;

safety and serviceability of transport mechanisms;

accidents, accidents and other violations caused by the actions of a worker who violates the requirements of the instructions (passports) of the manufacturers of transport mechanisms and labor protection instructions.

10. For violation of labor discipline, non-compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents on labor protection, the transporter is subject to disciplinary liability in accordance with Labor Code The Republic of Belarus.

11. A transporter, who appeared at work in a state of intoxication, in a state of narcotic or toxic intoxication, is not allowed to work that day.

12. The transporter is obliged to perform the work stipulated employment contract, must assist and cooperate with the employer in ensuring healthy and safe working conditions, immediately notify his immediate supervisor or other official of the employer about the malfunction of equipment, tools, devices, vehicles, protective equipment, about the deterioration of his health.

Chapter 2. Requirements for labor protection before starting work

13. The organization of the workplace must ensure the safety of work.

13.1. Workplace must be equipped with a two-way light and sound signaling. Warning signs must be posted at workplaces.

13.2. Moving parts of conveyors (drive, tension and deflecting drums, tension devices, ropes and blocks of tension devices, belt and other gears, couplings, etc., also supporting rollers of the lower branch of the belt) must be protected in areas of permanent workplaces associated with technological process on the conveyor, or along the entire route of the conveyor, if there is free access or constant passage near the conveyor of persons not related to the maintenance of the conveyor.

13.3. In the zone of possible presence of people, be fenced and protected:

inspection hatches of overflow trays of bunkers, crushers, etc., installed in places of loading and unloading of conveyors (periodically cleaned);

passages (drives) under the conveyors with solid canopies protruding beyond the dimensions of the conveyors by at least 1 m;

sections of the route of conveyors (except for overhead conveyors), where the passage of people is prohibited, by installing railings along the route with a height of at least 1.0 m from the floor level.

13.4. Conveyors of short length (up to 10 m) in the head and tail sections must be equipped with emergency buttons to stop the conveyor.

Long conveyors must be additionally equipped with shutdown devices to stop the conveyor in emergency situations at any place.

13.5. In the conveyor control scheme, a blocking must be provided, which excludes the possibility of restarting the drive until the emergency situation is eliminated.

13.6. On sections of the conveyor route that are out of the operator's visibility from the control panel, a two-way warning sound or light alarm must be installed, which turns on automatically until the conveyor drive is turned on.

Two-way signaling should provide not only notification of the start of the conveyor to persons who are out of sight from the conveyor control panel, but a response signal to the control panel of sections of the route invisible to the worker, about the readiness of the conveyor to start. In the absence of permanent jobs on the conveyor route, it is not required to provide a response signal.

13.7. Conveyors designed for the transportation of dusty and dust-evolving goods must be equipped with dust-suppressing or dust-collecting dust emission systems.

13.8. In industrial buildings, galleries, tunnels and overpasses along the route of transport mechanisms, passages for safe maintenance must be provided.

The width of the aisles for maintenance must be at least:

0.75m - for conveyors of all types (except lamellar);

1.0m - for apron conveyors;

1.0m - between parallel installed conveyors;

1.2m - between parallel mounted apron conveyors.

The height of the passages must be at least:

2.1m - for conveyors with permanent jobs installed in production facilities;

2.0 m - for conveyors that do not have jobs installed in production facilities;

1.9m - for conveyors installed in galleries, tunnels and overpasses. In this case, the ceiling should not have sharp protruding parts.

13.9. Galleries and overpasses with an inclination angle of 6-12º at the passage points should be equipped with flooring with tightly attached planks 0.4-0.6 m apart from one another with handrails. When the gallery and flyover are tilted at an angle of more than 12º, flights of stairs are installed. Passages in overpasses should not be cluttered.

13.10. Platforms for maintenance of conveyors, cell feeders, screens, etc., located from the floor level at a height of more than 1.3 m, must be fenced from the outside with railings with a height of at least 1.1 m, with a flanging of at least 0.15 m. decks of bridges and platforms should be solid and non-slip.

13.11. In places of transition through cooling trays and conveyors transporting briquettes to the warehouse, transitional bridges with railings with a height of at least 1.0 m must be installed. Bridges must be at least 1.0m wide.

14. Before starting work, the transporter must:

put in order and put on overalls and other personal protective equipment, tie or fasten the cuffs of the sleeves; fill overalls so that there are no hanging ends; remove long hair under the headdress, pull the ends of the scarf into a knot on the head and pick it up inside;

accept the change.

15. When accepting a shift, a conveyor engaged in servicing transport mechanisms must:

get acquainted with the entries in the shift log about the operation of transport mechanisms and equipment related to them;

check the technical condition of transport mechanisms (conveyors, feeders, etc.);

check the sound and light alarm;

make sure that the tools and devices necessary for the performance of work are available and in good condition;

check the availability of fire extinguishing equipment;

make sure the work area is clean. There should be no foreign objects near the serviced transport mechanisms. Walkways and platforms must be free and clean;

write down the detected problems in the shift log and sign for the acceptance of the shift. If the detected malfunctions prevent the further operation of the transport mechanisms and related equipment, the worker must immediately inform the immediate supervisor of the work.

16. When checking technical condition of serviced transport mechanisms(conveyors, feeders, etc.) the conveyor is obliged to:

make an external inspection of the nodes and working bodies of mechanisms;

make sure that there are no damages, cracks or other defects;

make sure there is lubrication;

check the condition, correctness of the course and tension of the load-bearing elements of transport mechanisms;

make sure that the protective guards of moving parts (driving, tensioning and disconnecting drums, tensioning devices, ropes and blocks of tensioning devices, belt and other gears, etc.) are present and in good condition;

make sure that the dust collection system is working properly technological equipment, mechanisms (screens, conveyors, crushers);

make sure that grounding devices are available and in good condition; upon completion of the inspection, carry out a trial run of the transport mechanism on Idling, as well as adjusting the tension and stroke of the working and traction bodies.

17. When handing over a shift, the transporter must not leave his workplace until the shift arrives, and in case of delay, he must inform the immediate supervisor of the work about this.

18. It is not allowed to take or leave a shift during an accident in the preparatory department or in the peat briquette production area.

Chapter 3. Requirements for labor protection during work

19. Start-up of transport mechanisms (conveyors, feeders, etc.) must be carried out by the conveyor only if they are in good condition after obtaining permission from the immediate supervisor of the work.

20. Before starting the transport mechanisms, the conveyor must:

make sure that no work is being done on the serviced transport mechanisms;

give a warning signal.

21. The launch of transport mechanisms is carried out in a strictly defined sequence:

the start direction must be opposite to the material flow direction. Failure to comply with this procedure can lead to the supply of raw materials to a non-working mechanism and to the formation of blockages;

the supply of load to the transport mechanisms (with the exception of feeders) should be carried out in the absence of the transported material on the working bodies. Before starting the feeder, it is necessary to check that the lamellar web is covered with a bed at the loading point, i.e. layer of transported material.

22. When servicing transport mechanisms, the transporter must:

monitor uniform loading, feeders, etc.;

check the condition of traction and working bodies by external inspection;

monitor the tension and speed of the load-carrying elements of transport mechanisms;

control the degree of heating of the bearings;

monitor the condition of the lubricant and replenish it in a timely manner;

check the operation of the drives for the absence of vibration;

monitor the noise level during the operation of transport mechanisms;

not to allow the loading of transport mechanisms in excess of the calculated norms;

prevent the load from falling from the transport mechanism at the points of transfer of the transported material from one conveyor to another or machine;

in the loading and unloading devices installed on the conveyors, to prevent jamming and hanging of the transported material, the formation of spills, congestion, etc.;

prevent the formation of blockages between the branch of the operating feeder and the floor;

make sure that on inclined conveyors (inclined sections of conveyors) piece goods during transportation are in a stationary state in relation to the plane of the load-carrying element and do not change, adopted during loading;

prevent spontaneous movement in the opposite direction of the load-carrying element with the transported material when the drive is turned off in conveyors with inclined or vertical sections of the route;

periodically clean the rollers and drums of the conveyor, as this can disrupt the normal course of the conveyor and cause an accident;

make sure that the conveyor belt does not slip to the side and does not touch the rest of the conveyor. It is possible to correct its position by adjusting the position of the end drums only after the drums have stopped;

prevent spillage of the transported material and idle operation of transport mechanisms;

cleaning, maintenance and repair of serviced transport mechanisms should be carried out after a complete stop and disconnection of the electric motor from the network. A poster “Do not turn on - people are working!” should be posted on the start buttons;

do not allow the transport mechanisms to stop when the working bodies are loaded (tapes, scrapers, etc.), with the exception of feeders, where the layer of the transported material must remain on the canvas even after the feeder stops.

23. The transporter must stop the transport mechanisms in the following cases:

upon detection of a malfunction of the transport mechanism (break or crack in the chain link, looseness or absence of nuts and bolts of the conveyor load-carrying mechanism, etc.);

when there is a strong noise or knock;

in case of slippage of the belt (the belt is loosely tensioned or grease has got between the belt and the drum).

In the event of a stop of the transport mechanism, regardless of who stopped it, the worker must inform the immediate supervisor of the work and do not turn on the transport mechanism until the reasons for the stop are eliminated.

In the event of a sudden power outage, the breaker must be turned off.

24. The transporter is prohibited from:

use serviced transport mechanisms for other purposes;

operate transport mechanisms with removed protective fences;

work without ventilation;

walk along the conveyor belt and cross it in places that do not have transitional platforms;

operate the conveyor belt for feeding raw materials with a faulty electromagnetic separator;

adjust the load on the moving belt;

operate depressurized scraper conveyors;

during operation of conveyors, repair them and apply rosin and resin to the drive drum when slipping conveyor belts;

allow the presence of unauthorized persons in the area of ​​operation of transport mechanisms;

leave unattended and transfer control of transport mechanisms to other persons.

25. During the operation of the screen, it is necessary to ensure that:

its fastening to metal structures;

the screen was balanced and no springs were broken.

In this case, it is prohibited:

operate a faulty screen, as well as a screen not connected to the dust removal system;

clean screen sieves without special tools. Screens should be cleaned with a special comb on a long handle.

26. During the operation of the crusher it is prohibited:

operate crushers with open or defective inspection trays, as well as with an unbalanced rotor;

pushing peat through the receiving sleeve or cleaning it, as well as adjusting the blockage between the knife and hammers when the crusher is running.

27. When servicing the electromagnetic separator, the following safety requirements must be observed:

testing of the electromagnetic separator for lifting force prohibited by the use of ferromagnetic objects directly from the hands;

electromagnetic separator must be kept clean, the accumulation of peat dust on it and on the supply cables is not allowed;

during inspections and repairs, the electromagnetic separator must be de-energized.

Chapter 4. Requirements for labor protection after completion of work

28. At the end of work, the transporter is obliged:

stop the serviced transport mechanisms;

turn off the switch;

carry out an external inspection of the serviced transport mechanisms in order to identify possible malfunctions. Report all malfunctions discovered during work and the measures taken on them to the immediate supervisor of the work;

clean up the workplace;

transfer the shift to the shifter, familiarize him with the condition of the serviced transport mechanisms and equipment related to them;

write in the shift journal about the delivery of the shift;

remove overalls and other personal protective equipment in a specially designated place.

Chapter 5. Requirements for labor protection in emergency situations

29. The transporter is obliged to make an emergency stop of the serviced transport mechanisms when:

detection of malfunctions of transport mechanisms;

detection of fires;


30. Reasons for stopping transport mechanisms should be recorded in a shift log.

31. In the event of a fire in the area of ​​serviced transport mechanisms of the conveyor:

turn off the ventilation system;

take measures to de-energize electrical equipment;

report the incident to the immediate supervisor;

take measures to extinguish the fire with the available fire extinguishing means;

if it is impossible to extinguish the fire on your own, call the fire brigade.

32. Extinguishing minor fires of peat dust should be carried out as follows: pre-clean and moisten the burning dust in a bucket half filled with water. Do not use a jet of water, as this swirls the burning dust and causes a fire.

33. When burning peat dust in inclined conveyors, open the covers of these conveyors only sequentially, starting from the top towards the bottom. Simultaneous opening of the top and bottom covers of the conveyor casing is prohibited, as this contributes to the creation of a draft and leads to an increase in fire.

34. To extinguish fires in electrical installations that are energized. Do not use foam fire extinguishers and water.

35. In case of an accident (injury, poisoning, burns, sudden illness), the carrier is obliged to provide first aid to the victim.

Please note that you can download other materials on labor protection and certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions in organizations in the section " Occupational Safety and Health».

\Typical job description of the Transporter of hot clinker of the 3rd category

Job description of the Transporter of hot clinker of the 3rd category

Job title: Hot clinker conveyor of the 3rd category
Subdivision: _________________________

1. General Provisions:

  • Hot clinker conveyor of the 3rd category is directly subordinated to ..........................
  • Hot clinker conveyor of the 3rd category follows instructions .............................................. ...........

  • (instructions of these employees are carried out only if they do not contradict the instructions of the immediate supervisor).


  • Hot clinker conveyor of the 3rd category replaces .............................................. ...............................................
  • Replaces the hot clinker conveyor of the 3rd category .............................................. ................................................
  • Recruitment and dismissal:
    The hot clinker transporter is appointed to the position and dismissed by the head of the department in agreement with the head of the department.

2. Qualification requirements:
    Must know:
  • device and principle of operation of clinker conveyors
  • characteristics of the transported material
  • alarm and blocking system
  • lubrication maps for mechanisms, grades and properties of lubricants.
3. Job responsibilities:
  • Maintenance of hot clinker conveyors with a total capacity of up to 70 t/h.
  • Ensuring uniform loading and transportation of clinker.
  • Ensuring the smooth operation and good condition of clinker conveyors.
  • Lubrication of the drive mechanism and rollers.
  • Spill cleaning.
  • Prevention and elimination of malfunctions in the operation of serviced equipment.
page 1 Job description Hot clinker conveyor
page 2 Job description Hot clinker conveyor

4. Rights

  • The hot clinker transporter has the right to give instructions to his subordinate employees, tasks on a range of issues that are part of his functional duties.
  • The hot clinker conveyor has the right to control the execution production tasks, timely execution of individual assignments by employees subordinate to him.
  • The hot clinker transporter has the right to request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the issues of his activities and the activities of employees subordinate to him.
  • The hot clinker transporter has the right to interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues that are part of his functional duties.
  • The hot clinker transporter has the right to get acquainted with the draft decisions of the company's management regarding the activities of the Division.
  • The hot clinker conveyor has the right to propose for consideration by the manager proposals for improving the work related to the duties provided for in this Job Description.
  • The hot clinker transporter has the right to submit proposals for the consideration of the head of the proposal on the promotion of distinguished employees, the imposition of penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.
  • The hot clinker transporter has the right to report to the manager on all identified violations and shortcomings in connection with the work performed.
5. Responsibility
  • The hot clinker transporter is responsible for improper performance or non-performance of his duties stipulated by this job description - within the limits determined labor law Russian Federation.
  • The hot clinker transporter is responsible for violating the rules and regulations governing the operation of the enterprise.
  • When transferring to another job or dismissal, the Hot Clinker Transporter is responsible for the proper and timely delivery of cases to the person taking up this position, and in the absence of such, to the person replacing him or directly to his supervisor.
  • The hot clinker transporter is liable for offenses committed in the course of his activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The hot clinker transporter is responsible for causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The hot clinker transporter is responsible for complying with the current instructions, orders and orders to maintain trade secrets and confidential information.
  • The hot clinker transporter is responsible for compliance with internal regulations, safety and fire safety rules.
This job description was developed in accordance with (name, number and date of the document)

Head of structural