Create an order for first aid. Training in first aid for victims at work. Forms: Order on the organization of sanitary posts with first-aid kits

  • 11.03.2020

Hi all! Along the way, I decided to reveal the topic of first-aid kits for first aid to workers to the maximum. In this note, I will answer the questions: is it necessary to create an order to appoint a person responsible for the acquisition, storage of first-aid kits and replenishing them with medicines, whether it is necessary to train him, and what medicines and preparations should be included in the first-aid kit. In addition, I will conduct a kind of educational program on this topic. A BONUS to everything will be samples and examples of orders, etc.

In order to reveal the topic of first-aid kits, you should start from the basics - this is Labor Code of the Russian Federation and its 10 section " OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH «.

Article 223 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - Sanitary and medical and preventive services for workers

Ensuring sanitary and household and medical and preventive services for employees in accordance with the requirements of labor protection is the responsibility of the employer. For these purposes, the employer, in accordance with established standards, equips sanitary facilities, rooms for eating, rooms for providing medical care, lounges in working time and psychological relief; created sanitary posts with first-aid kits, equipped with a set medicines and first aid supplies; devices (devices) are installed to provide workers of hot shops and areas with carbonated salt water, and more.

Transportation to medical organizations or to the place of residence of workers affected by accidents at work and occupational diseases, as well as other medical indications produced by the employer's vehicles or at his expense.

Number of first aid kits in production may be defined local act employer, taking into account the number of employees and the nature of the work.

In this regard, the employer issues an order by which he appoints an employee responsible for the acquisition, storage, use of a first aid kit, approves the composition of the first-aid kit (in the event that the composition of the first-aid kit for employees according to Order No. 169n objectively does not meet the requirements of the enterprise), indicates the place where the first-aid kit is stored, adopts the procedure for using and controlling the content of the first-aid kit. Wherein employer in accordance with Article 212 of the Labor Code Russian Federation is obliged to train the employee appointed responsible for the storage and use of the first aid kit, providing first aid to victims at work. In addition, the organization has first aid kit usage log and also developed and approved first aid instructions.

Given the above, we believe that there is no need to introduce an additional position on the above issue to the staff of the organization.

Deputy Head of the Department for Supervision and Control over Compliance with Labor Legislation - T.M. Zhigastova

So, the picture of first-aid kits becomes more or less clear and understandable. At least, at least someone gave some clarification on this issue, but it should be understood that this letter is a recommendation, and not a mandatory requirement, because. the letter contains “maybe ..” the employer can determine all of the above by a local act (order).

Again, there is Art. 223 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the issue of first-aid kits, in any case, must be worked out so that no one has any claims and problems.

Everything is clear about the composition of first-aid kits, they must be completed in accordance with Order No. 169n dated March 5, 2011 "On approval of the requirements for completing first aid kits with medical products for first aid to employees".

The letter contains a dubious point that if the composition of the first-aid kit according to Order No. 169n objectively does not meet the requirements of the company, then the employer approves its composition. What composition?! What is permissible to use in excess of 169n ?! Unclear…

If someone does not know, then due to such misunderstandings, the following situation may occur (based on real events):

Once the foreman saw his employee who fell ill and decided to give him a cold medicine (such as Theraflu or the like) from the first-aid kit, the employee turned out to have a core and he became ill, as a result - a fatal outcome. In the end, a criminal case was brought against the head of the shop because he did not have the right to “treat”. In other words, the provision of medical care by a person who is not entitled to it.

A common situation is when first-aid kits are full of various medicines and drugs that go far beyond the list of Order No. 169n. And what is there just not: noshpy, teraflu, validol, etc. etc.

This happens because some individuals, without delving into the issue, want to treat their frequent health problems at the expense of the employer or simply think that by purchasing such medicines and preparations, they are doing the good of the whole team .. but .. they are wrong.

Another reason is that this whole issue has not been worked out, and therefore remains on its own accord.

Recommendations from the letter Federal Service they are quite literate in terms of work and employment, why not take advantage of them?! All that is required is create an order— who, what, where, when, how and organize related events.

To do this, we will need the following samples, examples and forms (choose to your taste and color):

From the aforementioned letter and order No. 477, one thing follows that the person providing first aid must have appropriate training and / or skill.

How can this person get such training?! Visible only in specialized training center where, after completing the training, he will receive an appropriate document and the right to provide first aid to the victims, as well as train employees in first aid.

Because internal first aid training is not regulated, it should be carried out at least in compliance with GOST 12.0.004-90 “Occupational safety standards system. Organization of labor safety training. General provisions”(the document is no longer valid - see information), i.e. create a commission of three persons trained to provide first aid in a specialized training center, conduct (conduct) training on the recommendations specified in the Letter dated February 29, 2012 No. 14-8/10/2-1759 and the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 05/04/2012 No. 477, draw up the whole thing with the appropriate protocol from the above GOST. If you use special simulators (Gosha, Maxim, etc.) during training, then there will be no price for such an event.

This is what I came up with, perhaps the most ideal option.

A less ideal and most common option looks exactly the same, only the commission consists of persons who have passed training in labor protection in the training center and having the appropriate certificates. It seems like there is a section on first aid for victims in the 40-hour occupational safety training program for managers and specialists - and that's enough.

Is it possible to identify such training with special training and/or first aid skills, unknown?! I personally think not.

It all depends on what situation the employer can and is willing to get into.

There is another interesting point - from the existing legal acts, there are two opinions about whether the employer is obliged to provide first aid.

1. First opinion

The employer is obliged to immediately provide first aid to the injured as a result of an accident (paragraph 2 of article 228 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - Obligations of the employer in case of an accident):

In case of accidents specified in Article 227 of this Code, the employer (his representative) is obliged to:
- immediately organize first aid to the victim and, if necessary, deliver him to a medical organization;

For these purposes, each organization must have a first-aid kit (part 1 of article 223 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), the equipment of which is determined by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 05.03.2011 No. 169n.

If the employee has received obviously serious injuries and he needs urgent medical intervention (part 1 of article 35 federal law dated November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ), it is recommended to call an ambulance.

Important! The employer is obliged to transport the victim to the hospital on his own transport or at his own expense (part 2 of article 223 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

TOTAL: the employer is obliged.


<*>In accordance with Part 1 of Article 31 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 48, Art. 6724) (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ) first aid before the provision of medical care, it is provided to citizens in case of accidents, injuries, poisoning and other conditions and diseases that threaten their life and health, persons obliged to provide first aid in accordance with federal law or a special rule and having appropriate training, including employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, employees, military personnel and employees of the State Fire Service, rescuers of emergency rescue teams and emergency rescue services. In accordance with Part 4 of Article 31 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ, drivers of vehicles and other persons have the right to provide first aid if they have the appropriate training and (or) skills.

1. Absence of consciousness.

2. Stopping breathing and circulation.

3. External bleeding.

4. Foreign bodies of the upper respiratory tract.

5. Injuries to various areas of the body.

6. Burns, effects of exposure to high temperatures, thermal radiation.

7. Frostbite and other effects of exposure to low temperatures.

8. Poisoning.

TOTAL: the employer is not obliged.

Given the strength of the documents, then the Labor Code of the Russian Federation takes precedence. One way or another, the legislator has no truth in this matter.

What conclusion can be drawn from all of the above?

1. Teach first aid it is possible at least somehow (except for specialized training at the training center), but if an accident occurs at work, then only a properly trained employee who has the appropriate document has the right to provide first aid to the injured (victims). Otherwise, anyhow, as trained or without appropriate documents, it can become extreme and fall under the article of the Criminal Code. If an accident occurs at work, in which it will be possible to save the victim's life, but this does not happen due to the lack of trained persons officially and not officially, then the employer directly becomes the last one.

2. The first-aid kit must be and must be completed in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated March 05, 2011 No. 169n. If other medicines and preparations are additionally stored and used in it, then this can turn into an unpleasant story for someone who gave the wrong pill from this first-aid kit. Everything else that was set out in the Letter of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment dated November 7, 2012 No. PG / 8351-3-5 is advisory in nature.

3. Conclusions are up to you.

For what may be needed to provide first aid training within the organization, see the label - (video, etc.)

And finally, information on definitions, for literacy.

PP (first aid)– anyone who has the appropriate training and/or skills.

PMP (first aid)- with a medical education (On this moment the term is not used officially, it is considered obsolete, although it is often found in the literature.).

RAP (first aid)- paramedic.

PVP (First Aid)- has the right 03, i.e. ambulance staff.

PVKvalP (first qualified medical aid) doctors are specialists in medical institutions.

That's all.

To be continued …

on the appointment of a person responsible for providing first aid and storing a first aid kit

[place of issue of the order]

In order to ensure labor protection in the organization, I order:

1. Appoint responsible for the provision of first aid [position, full name of the employee].

2. Responsible for the provision of first aid:

- by [date, month, year] form a first aid kit in accordance with the list, which is an integral part of this order, and the Requirements for completing first aid kits with medical products for first aid for employees, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and social development RF dated March 5, 2011 N 169n;

— monitor the timely replacement of expired or damaged packaging, timely replenishment of the first-aid kit when using medical products;

- ensure, if necessary, calling an ambulance, providing emergency first aid before the arrival of the ambulance team;

- ensure the timely and correct maintenance of a first aid register;

— [specify other duties].

3. [Position, full name of the employee] ensure that checks are carried out on the availability and completeness of the first aid kit at intervals of [indicate the frequency of checks].

4. Location of the first aid kit - [fill in the correct one].

5. Chief accountant:

- at the request of the person responsible for providing first aid, allocate funds for the purchase and replenishment of a first aid kit.

6. [Position, full name of the employee] ensure the training of the person responsible for the provision of first aid.

7. To the head of the personnel department:

- familiarize [F. I. O., F. I. O.] with this order within [ value ] days against signature.

8. I entrust myself with the control over the execution of this order.

Head of the organization [signature, initials, surname]

Familiarized with the order:

[position, signature, initials, surname]

[ day month Year ]

An approximate form of an order to appoint a person responsible for providing first aid and storing a first aid kit

Developed by: Garant Company, July 2014

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What should be the first aid kit in the organization

Each organization must have a first aid kit for employees by order of 169n. Its composition cannot differ from the approved one. So what should be in such a first aid kit and what are the requirements of the Ministry of Health for its placement and use? Answers in the article.

According to the norms of Article 223 Labor Code RF in each organization or individual entrepreneur where people work, sanitary and medical support for workers must be organized. In addition to equipped places for eating and hygiene, rooms or areas for the provision of medical care must be equipped in accordance with these requirements. At each such post, there must be first-aid kits medical by order of 169n of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. This document defines the equipment and the amount of funds that should be on hand in case of unforeseen situations.

Complete set of dressings and medicines

Production first-aid kit by order 169n of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 03/05/2011, the composition of which was developed taking into account the peculiarities labor activity citizens, should be equipped with means for temporarily stopping bleeding and dressing wounds, as well as products for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. A complete list of medical products that each first-aid kit should be equipped with is given in the appendix to this order. It is exhaustive. This means that the employer does not have the right to replace the products and preparations provided by him at his own discretion. In addition, everything must be complete, a decrease in the amount of necessary funds is not allowed, but their increase is not prohibited. Especially if the employer proceeds from the specific needs of its employees and the characteristics of the types of activities.

At least one first-aid kit is provided for one organization or individual entrepreneur, however, if the staff is large and there are many premises remote from each other, there should be several of them.

So, in the selection of medicines, order 169n plays the main role. According to his version, the complete set of first aid kits should look like this:

Name of medical devices

Regulatory document

Release form (dimensions)

Quantity (pieces, packages)

Medical devices for temporary control of external bleeding and wound dressing

Medical gauze bandage, non-sterile

Sterile medical gauze bandage

Dressing bag medical individual sterile with airtight sheath

Sterile medical gauze wipes

At least 16 x 14 cm N 10

At least 4 cm x 10 cm

At least 1.9 cm x 7.2 cm

At least 1 cm x 250 cm

Medical devices for cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Device for carrying out artificial respiration "Mouth - Device - Mouth" or a pocket mask for artificial ventilation of the lungs "Mouth - mask"

Other medical products

Lister dressing scissors

GOST 21239-93 (ISO 7741-86)

Sterile alcohol wipes made of paper textile-like material

GOST R ISO 10993-99

At least 12.5 x 11.0 cm

Non-sterile medical gloves, examination

GOST R 52238-2004

GOST R 52239-2004

Size at least M

Medical non-sterile 3-layer mask made of non-woven material with elastic bands or with ties

Isothermal rescue blanket

GOST R ISO 10993-99,

At least 160 x 210 cm

Safety pins steel with spiral

Case or sanitary bag

Notepad for notes

format not less than A7

It is obvious that the table contains not just the names of items and medicines, but also the GOST regulating their quality. It is necessary to pay attention to this when completing. A tool that does not comply with GOST may be regarded by inspectors as unauthorized replacement. In addition, it is impossible to deviate from the established sizes of dressings, pins and gloves. The last two items of the table - a pen and a notebook - are not items for first aid, but their presence is mandatory, and the inspectors will have legitimate questions if these two items are not in the first aid kit.

Where should the first aid kit be kept and who is responsible for it?

Usually, the head of the organization is the person responsible for providing employees with the items necessary for labor protection standards. Therefore, first of all, he is personally responsible for how the order of the Ministry of Health 169n is observed: the list of the first-aid kit according to SanPIN, its availability and other related issues. It is advisable to issue an order for the enterprise to complete the first-aid kit and appoint a responsible person, as well as to determine the place for its storage.

Of course, ideally, if the company has a health worker, it is best to entrust him with the purchase of all necessary drugs, monitoring their completeness and checking expiration dates (by the way, after they expire, all drugs need to be changed to new ones). But if there is no such specialist, then this function can be taken over by an occupational safety engineer with first aid skills, or any other employee. labor law and general legal acts do not provide for a list of such employees, but in industry-specific legal acts it can be found that this role can be assumed by:

  • the head of the organization;
  • department heads;
  • heads of departments or divisions.
  • This, in particular, is discussed in paragraph 2.6.1 of the Sanitary Rules for the organization of freight traffic in railway transport, approved by the chief dignity. doctor 03/24/2000.

    As for the place where the first-aid kit is stored, it must be kept in an easily accessible place. Therefore, the office of the responsible person will be an unsuccessful choice, because in case of his absence, access to medicines will be limited. Therefore, you need to choose a room that is not locked with a key during working hours.

    Responsibility for not having a first aid kit

    Responsibility for the fact that the enterprise does not have a first aid kit for employees, by order 169n, is provided for in Article 6.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. This article provides for administrative punishment for violation of legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population. Therefore, if a company has violated the current sanitary rules and hygiene standards, an administrative fine in the amount of 10,000 to 20,000 rubles may be imposed on it, or its activities may be suspended for up to 90 days. Entrepreneurs can be fined from 500 to 1000 rubles or also banned from working for up to 90 days. Officials pay a fine of up to 1000 rubles.

    Sample order for first-aid kits at the enterprise

    Why do you need an order for first-aid kits at the enterprise? Is it possible to do without a first aid kit or is it mandatory in the organization? What should an order look like: is there a single established form of such a document? What kind medical preparations should be in the first aid kit? We tell the most important thing about the order for first-aid kits at the enterprise. A sample of this document, prepared by our specialists, will help the personnel officer save time on compiling his own version of the order.

    First aid kit - an element of medical support

    The current legislation imposes obligations on the employer for the sanitary and medical support of the employees of the enterprise. In particular, posts should be organized to provide first aid to injured workers (part 1 of article 223 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). These posts must be mandatorily equipped with first aid kits.

    Among other things, the administration should issue an order for first-aid kits at the enterprise (a sample for 2018 is located at the end of this article).

    The procedure for completing first aid kits contains the Requirements for completing first aid kits. They are approved by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated March 05, 2011 No. 169n. This information should also contain an order for first-aid kits at the enterprise. Labor protection of workers should not become a fiction. After all, people's lives depend on it.

    So, here is what should be in the first aid kit according to the regulatory order for first aid kits at the enterprise No. 169-n:

  • hemostatic tourniquet;
  • gauze bandage medical non-sterile;
  • gauze bandage medical sterile;
  • bactericidal adhesive plaster;
  • a device for artificial respiration "Mouth - Device - Mouth" or a pocket mask for artificial ventilation of the lungs "Mouth - mask";
  • scissors for cutting dressings according to Lister;
  • sterile alcohol wipes made of paper textile-like material;
  • non-sterile medical gloves, examination gloves;
  • medical non-sterile 3-layer mask made of non-woven material with elastic bands or with ties;
  • isothermal rescue blanket;
  • safety pins steel with a spiral;
  • tear-off notebook for notes;
  • pen;
  • other.
  • In practice, the director of the organization at the stage of approval of this internal order may ask how the order on first-aid kits at the enterprise of the Ministry of Health is called correctly in order to compare the range of medical supplies. Here is the full title of this regulation:

    We appoint a responsible

    Among other things, by virtue of the regulatory order of the Ministry of Health on first-aid kits at the enterprise, the internal order about them must contain information about the employee responsible for the first-aid kit. Who will be responsible for replacing expired drugs with fresh ones and replenishing the first-aid kit with new medical supplies.

    Note that, at its discretion, the organization cannot replace the products prescribed by the regulatory list with other organizations. This is a direct requirement of the current legislation (clause 1 of the Notes to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 05.03.2011 No. 169n).

    Especially for readers, our specialists have prepared an up-to-date sample order for a first-aid kit at an enterprise. You can view and download it for free from our website using the direct link here.

    If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

    First aid kits for employees of the organization: requirements for packaging by order 169n

    The employer is obliged, in accordance with Article 223 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, to provide sanitary and preventive services for employees, including the creation of sanitary posts with first aid kits.

    Despite all precautions, unfortunately, sad situations occur. First medical aid to workers injured at work is one of the main elements of labor protection in any organization. Hazardous industries have their own rules and requirements for sanitary posts and first aid kits.

    Starting from January 01, 2012, first aid kits must comply with the requirements approved by Order No. 169n of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of March 5, 2011 “On Approval of the Requirements for Completing First Aid Kits with Medical Devices for Employees” (hereinafter - Order No. 169n).

    Any organization, regardless of its legal form and areas of activity, must have a first aid kit.

    Who acquires, is responsible for maintaining and stores the first aid kit?

    By order of the organization, it is necessary to appoint an employee who will purchase, store the first-aid kit and be responsible for its contents. These functions can be assigned to an employee of the organization who has been trained in providing first aid to victims at work.

    Person responsible for the first aid kit:

    • draws up applications for the purchase of medical devices;
    • replenishes its contents in a timely manner (as it is used) (note 1-2 to Order No. 169n);
    • maintains a log of the use of medical devices (letter of Rostrud “On the establishment of sanitary posts with first-aid kits in the organization” dated 07.11.2012 No. PG / 8351-3-5.)
    • Checking the completeness of the first-aid kit is carried out at the first stage of administrative and public control: the head of the unit and the commissioner for labor protection trade union organization(authorized for labor protection of the labor collective).

      The question of the frequency of checking the completeness of the first-aid kit can be settled in the local normative act organization, for example, in the order to ensure the completion of first aid kits for employees or the regulation on administrative and public control.

      What should be included in a first aid kit?

      The first aid kit should include:

    • medical products for temporary control of external bleeding and wound dressing (for example, a hemostatic tourniquet, sterile and non-sterile bandages, an individual dressing bag with an airtight sheath, adhesive plasters);
    • a device for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (device for artificial respiration "Mouth-Device-Mouth" or a pocket mask for artificial ventilation of the lungs "Mouth-mask";
    • other medical products (isothermal blanket, medical gloves, etc.);
    • other means (for example, a tear-off notebook, a fountain pen, five antiseptic sterile alcohol wipes).
    • At the same time, the mandatory components of the first-aid kit cannot be replaced by other products.

      A thoughtless attitude to any medicine is dangerous. The use of any medication can lead to tragedy. For example, nitroglycerin is the strongest remedy, the wrong dosage can kill a person. Boric acid, which is in almost every home first aid kit, is the strongest poison. Even the use of harmless iodine or brilliant green can cause serious trouble.

      It is prohibited to include medicines in the composition of the first aid kit and the State Inspectorate checks the contents of first aid kits during checks. For this violation of the law, the employer may incur administrative liability (Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

      Storage space for first aid kit

      The employer, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is obliged to create sanitary posts with first aid kits and indicate them on the evacuation plan. Sanitary posts are located at such a distance that workers, if necessary, can quickly access them.

      At the sanitary posts where first-aid kits are stored, it is necessary to place a first-aid kit sign - a white cross on a green background (Table I2 GOST R 12.4.026-2001).

      Recall that with a payroll number of employees at the enterprise from 50 to 300 people, a medical center is required. If in an organization payroll employing more than 300 people, feldsher health centers should be provided (clause 5.27 of the Code of Rules SP 44.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.09.04-87. Administrative and amenity buildings").

      How many first aid kits should be in the organization?

      The number of first aid kits in the organization is established by its head together with medical worker and (or) a labor protection specialist.

      There is no single requirement for the number of first-aid kits in an organization - each employer must have at least one first-aid kit. The exact information on the number of first aid kits for some organizations is given in industry regulations:

    • At each workplace of the marshalling yard(Clause 4.6.4 of the Sanitary Rules for the Organization of Freight Transportation in Railway Transport SP 2.5.1250-03, approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Russia on March 24, 2003; Sanitary Rules for the Organization of Freight Transportation in Railway Transport SP 2.5.1250-03, approved Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Russia dated April 4, 2003 No. 32)
    • On every bulldozer(Item 2.5 Model Instruction on labor protection for drivers of electric forklifts, forklifts, bucket loaders and bulldozer drivers, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on May 25, 2002)
    • In every laboratory(Clause 11.1.2 of the Temporary recommendations (rules) on labor protection when working in laboratories (departments, departments) of sanitary and epidemiological institutions of the system of the Ministry of Health of Russia, approved by the chief physician of the Federal Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Deputy Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Russia, Chairman of the Laboratory Council of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service Russia April 11, 2002)
    • On racks where tanks are handled, as well as in the operator's room(Clause 7.5.8 of the Sanitary Rules for the organization of freight traffic in railway transport SP 2.5.1250-03, approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Russia on March 24, 2003)
    • In all areas and in domestic premises(Clause 13.5 of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Regulations "Hygienic requirements for enterprises producing building materials and structures. SanPiN", approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Russia on June 11, 2003)
    • At each site, in workshops, workshops, as well as at the main mining and transport units and in sanitary facilities (Clause 563 of the Safety Rules for the Development of Coal Deposits open way, approved by the resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated May 30, 2003 No. 45)
    • In paint shops(Clause 7.12 of the Sanitary Rules for painting work using manual sprayers, approved by the Deputy Minister of Health of the USSR on September 22, 1972 No. 991-72).
    • In each workshop and at each separate production site(Clause 13.1.15 POT RO 14000-005-98 "Regulations. Works with increased danger. Organization of carrying out", approved by the Department of Mechanical Engineering Economics of the Ministry of Economy of Russia on February 19, 1998)
    • In vehicles transporting pesticides(Clause 586 of the Rules for labor protection in logging, woodworking industries and during forestry work, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 2, 2015 No. 835n).

    Responsibility for the lack of a first aid kit

    For the lack of a first aid kit, administrative liability is provided in accordance with Part 1 of Article 5.27 of the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses and provides for the following penalties:

  • for officials - from 1000 to 5000 rubles;
  • on persons carrying out entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity - from 1000 to 5000 rubles;
  • on the legal entities- from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles.
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    First aid kit. The outside. Flashlight. Opening the Topic on Medical Kits and First Aid!

    Hi all! Along the way, I decided to reveal the topic of first-aid kits for first aid to workers to the maximum. In this note, I will answer the questions: is it necessary to create an order to appoint a person responsible for the acquisition, storage of first-aid kits and replenishing them with medicines, whether it is necessary to train him, and what medicines and preparations should be included in the first-aid kit. In addition, I will conduct a kind of educational program on this topic. A BONUS to everything will be samples and examples of orders, etc.

    In order to reveal the topic of first-aid kits, you should start from the basics - this is Labor Code of the Russian Federation and its 10 section " OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH«.

    Article 223 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - Sanitary and medical and preventive services for workers

    Ensuring sanitary and household and medical and preventive services for employees in accordance with the requirements of labor protection is the responsibility of the employer. For these purposes, the employer, according to established standards, equips sanitary facilities, rooms for eating, rooms for medical care, rooms for rest during working hours and psychological relief; created sanitary posts with first aid kits, equipped with a set of medicines and preparations for first aid; devices (devices) are installed to provide workers of hot shops and areas with carbonated salt water, and more.

    Transportation to medical organizations or to the place of residence of employees affected by accidents at work and occupational diseases, as well as for other medical reasons, is carried out by the employer's vehicles or at his expense.

    Based on Article 223 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, there is practically no understanding of first-aid kits. Yes, the employer must organize sanitary posts with first-aid kits, namely, purchase them and equip them with appropriate medicines and preparations. And what's next? Many questions remain: How to properly organize posts with first aid kits? What kind of medicines and preparations should be completed in first-aid kits? Who will buy, store, issue, control them? Who will provide first aid?

    Almost all the answers to these questions are given to us by the Letter of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment dated November 7, 2012 No. PG / 8351-3-5 “On Consideration of the Application”.

    The Department for Supervision and Control over Compliance with Labor Legislation of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment, within its competence, considered an appeal on the creation of sanitary posts with first-aid kits in the organization and report the following.

    Number of first aid kits in production may be determined by the local act of the employer, taking into account the number of employees and the nature of the work.

    In this regard, the employer issues an order by which he appoints an employee responsible for the acquisition, storage, use of a first aid kit, approves the composition of the first-aid kit (in the event that the composition of the first-aid kit for employees according to Order No. 169n objectively does not meet the requirements of the enterprise), indicates the place where the first-aid kit is stored, adopts the procedure for using and controlling the content of the first-aid kit. Wherein the employer, in accordance with Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is obliged to train the employee appointed responsible for the storage and use of the first-aid kit in providing first aid to victims at work. In addition, the organization has first aid kit usage log and also developed and approved first aid instructions.

    Given the above, we believe that there is no need to introduce an additional position on the above issue to the staff of the organization.

    Deputy Head of the Department for Supervision and Control over Compliance with Labor Legislation - T.M. Zhigastova

    So, the picture of first-aid kits becomes more or less clear and understandable. At least, at least someone gave some clarification on this issue, but it should be understood that this letter is a recommendation, and not a mandatory requirement, because. The letter says "Maybe. » the employer can determine all of the above by a local act (order).

    Again, there is Art. 223 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the issue of first-aid kits, in any case, must be worked out so that no one has any claims and problems.

    The letter contains a dubious point that if the composition of the first-aid kit according to Order No. 169n objectively does not meet the requirements of the company, then the employer approves its composition. What composition?! What is permissible to use in excess of 169n ?! Unclear.

    If someone does not know, then due to such misunderstandings, the following situation may occur (based on real events):

    Once the foreman saw his employee who fell ill and decided to give him a cold medicine (such as Theraflu or the like) from the first-aid kit, the employee turned out to have a core and he became ill, as a result - a fatal outcome. In the end, a criminal case was brought against the head of the shop because he did not have the right to “treat”. In other words, the provision of medical care by a person who is not entitled to it.

    A common situation is when first-aid kits are full of various medicines and drugs that go far beyond the list of Order No. 169n. And what is there just not: noshpy, teraflu, validol, etc. etc.

    This happens because some individuals, without delving into the issue, want to treat their frequent health problems at the expense of the employer or simply think that by purchasing such medicines and preparations, they are doing the good of the whole team. but. they are wrong.

    Another reason is that this whole issue has not been worked out, and therefore remains on its own accord.

    The recommendations from the letter of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment are quite competent, why not use them?! All that is required is create an order- who, what, where, when, how and organize related activities.

    To do this, we will need the following samples, examples and forms (choose to your taste and color):

    First aid training for victims at work

    In a letter to T.M. Zhigastova explains that the person who was appointed by order as the person responsible for the storage and use of the first-aid kit must be trained. This training is spelled out in Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Resolution 1/29 of January 13, 2003, paragraph 2.2.4. Everything seems to be clear, but one BIG BUT follows from this event. How exactly to conduct first aid training for victims? How to arrange this training? What should a person have after completing first aid training? What document regulates this? Unfortunately, there are no clear answers.

    So how do you deliver first aid training internally?

    There are at least two opinions on this matter:

    1. Provide first aid training within the organization.

    2. Conduct such training in a specialized training center.

    How to conduct first aid training within the organization?

    Before turning to the disclosure of this dark and impenetrable issue, let's turn to the Letter dated February 29, 2012 No. 14-8/10/2-1759.

    The Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation informs that Article 31 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the Basics of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation” establishes that first aid before medical assistance is provided to citizens in case of accidents, injuries , poisoning and other conditions and diseases that threaten their life and health, by persons who are obliged to provide first aid in accordance with federal law or with a special rule and have appropriate training, including employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, employees, military personnel and employees of the State fire service, rescuers of emergency rescue units and emergency rescue services.

    Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated May 17, 2010 No. 353n “On First Aid” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 12, 2010, registration No. 17768) * establishes a list of first aid measures.

    In this regard, the Intersectoral Instruction for First Aid in Case of Occupational Accidents, developed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation, does not apply.

    When providing first aid, we recommend that you follow the tutorial "First Aid Algorithms" and the textbook "First Aid". In addition, the Ministry is currently developing tutorial"Algorithms for first aid in production."

    In addition, the Ministry is currently developing guidelines for first aid algorithms at work.

    At the same time, we inform you that the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation is withdrawing a letter from the Department of Research and Education medical institutions Ministry of Health of Russia dated 06/28/1999 16-16 / 68. A.L. Safonov

    * - Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated May 17, 2010 No. 353n “On First Aid” became invalid due to the publication of the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated May 4, 2012 No. 477n

    From the aforementioned letter and order No. 477, one thing follows that the person providing first aid must have appropriate training and / or skill.

    How can this person get such training?! Apparently only in a specialized training center, where, after completing the training, he will receive the appropriate document and the right to provide first aid to the victims, as well as train employees in first aid.

    Because internal first aid training is not regulated, it should be carried out at least in compliance with GOST 12.0.004-90 “Occupational safety standards system. Organization of labor safety training. General Provisions” (the document is no longer valid - see information), i.e. create a commission of three persons trained to provide first aid in a specialized training center, conduct (conduct) training on the recommendations specified in the Letter dated February 29, 2012 No. 14-8/10/2-1759 and the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 05/04/2012 No. 477, draw up the whole thing with the appropriate protocol from the above GOST. If you use special simulators (Gosha, Maxim, etc.) during training, then there will be no price for such an event.

    For the most advanced, those who use devices with Android OS (Android), there is an application on Google Play First Aid (author - Ivan Plyusnin)

    This is what I came up with, perhaps the most ideal option.

    A less ideal and most common option looks exactly the same, only the commission consists of persons who have passed training in labor protection in the training center and having the appropriate certificates. It seems like there is a section on first aid for victims in the 40-hour occupational safety training program for managers and specialists - and that's enough.

    Is it possible to identify such training with special training and / or first aid skills, is it unknown ?! I personally think not.

    It all depends on what situation the employer can and is willing to get into.

    There is another interesting point - from the current legal acts, there are two opinions about whether the employer is obliged to provide first aid.

    1. First opinion

    The employer is obliged to immediately provide first aid to the injured as a result of an accident (paragraph 2 of article 228 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - Obligations of the employer in case of an accident):

    In case of accidents specified in Article 227 of this Code, the employer (his representative) is obliged to:
    - immediately organize first aid to the victim and, if necessary, deliver him to a medical organization;

    For these purposes, each organization must have a first-aid kit (part 1 of article 223 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), the equipment of which is determined by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 05.03.2011 No. 169n.

    If an employee is clearly seriously injured and needs urgent medical attention (part 1 of article 35 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ), it is recommended to call an ambulance.

    Important! The employer is obliged to transport the victim to the hospital on his own transport or at his own expense (part 2 of article 223 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    TOTAL: the employer is obliged.

    2. Second opinion


    In accordance with Part 1 of Article 31 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the Basics of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 48, Art. 6724) (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ) first aid before the provision of medical care, it is provided to citizens in case of accidents, injuries, poisoning and other conditions and diseases that threaten their life and health, persons obliged to provide first aid in accordance with federal law or a special rule and having appropriate training, including employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, employees, military personnel and employees of the State Fire Service, rescuers of emergency rescue teams and emergency rescue services. In accordance with Part 4 of Article 31 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ, drivers of vehicles and other persons have the right to provide first aid if they have the appropriate training and (or) skills.

    1. Absence of consciousness.

    2. Stopping breathing and circulation.

    3. External bleeding.

    4. Foreign bodies of the upper respiratory tract.

    5. Injuries to various areas of the body.

    6. Burns, effects of exposure to high temperatures, thermal radiation.

    7. Frostbite and other effects of exposure to low temperatures.

    TOTAL: the employer is not obliged.

    Given the strength of the documents, then the Labor Code of the Russian Federation takes precedence. One way or another, the legislator has no truth in this matter.

    What conclusion can be drawn from all of the above?

    1. Teach first aid it is possible at least somehow (except for specialized training at the training center), but if an accident occurs at work, then only a properly trained employee who has the appropriate document has the right to provide first aid to the injured (victims). Otherwise, anyhow, as trained or without appropriate documents, it can become extreme and fall under the article of the Criminal Code. If an accident occurs at work, in which it will be possible to save the victim's life, but this does not happen due to the lack of trained persons officially and not officially, then the employer directly becomes the last one.

    2. The first-aid kit must be and must be completed in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated March 05, 2011 No. 169n. If other medicines and preparations are additionally stored and used in it, then this can turn into an unpleasant story for someone who gave the wrong pill from this first-aid kit. Everything else that was set out in the Letter of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment dated November 7, 2012 No. PG / 8351-3-5 is advisory in nature.

    3. Conclusions are up to you.

    For what may be needed to provide first aid training within the organization, see the label - first aid (video, etc.)

    And finally, information on definitions, for literacy.

    PP (first aid)- anyone who has the appropriate training and/or skills.

    PMP (first aid)- with a medical education (At the moment, the term is not used officially, it is considered obsolete, although it is often found in the literature.).

    RAP (first aid)- paramedic.

    PVP (First Aid)- has the right 03, i.e. ambulance staff.

    PVKvalP (first qualified medical aid)- doctors - specialists of a medical institution.

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    Each organization must have a first aid kit for employees by order of 169n. Its composition cannot differ from the approved one. So what should be in such a first aid kit and what are the requirements of the Ministry of Health for its placement and use? Answers in the article.

    According to the norms Article 223 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in every organization or individual entrepreneur where people work, sanitary, household and medical support for employees must be organized. In addition to equipped places for eating and hygiene, rooms or areas for the provision of medical care must be equipped in accordance with these requirements. At each such post, there must be first-aid kits medical by order of 169n of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. This document defines the equipment and the amount of funds that should be on hand in case of unforeseen situations.

    Complete set of dressings and medicines

    Industrial first aid kit order 169n of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 05.03.2011, the composition of which is developed taking into account the peculiarities of the labor activity of citizens, should be equipped with means for temporarily stopping bleeding and dressing wounds, as well as products for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. A complete list of medical products that each first-aid kit should be equipped with is given in the appendix to this order. It is exhaustive. This means that the employer does not have the right to replace the products and preparations provided by him at his own discretion. In addition, everything must be complete, a decrease in the amount of necessary funds is not allowed, but their increase is not prohibited. Especially if the employer proceeds from the specific needs of its employees and the characteristics of the types of activities.

    At least one first-aid kit is provided for one organization or individual entrepreneur, however, if the staff is large and there are many premises remote from each other, there should be several of them.

    So, in the selection of medicines, order 169n plays the main role. According to his version, the complete set of first aid kits should look like this:

    Name of medical devices

    Regulatory document

    Release form (dimensions)

    Quantity (pieces, packages)

    Medical devices for temporary control of external bleeding and wound dressing

    Hemostatic tourniquet

    GOST R ISO 10993-99

    GOST 1172-93

    Medical gauze bandage, non-sterile

    GOST 1172-93

    Medical gauze bandage, non-sterile

    GOST 1172-93

    GOST 1172-93

    Sterile medical gauze bandage

    GOST 1172-93

    Sterile medical gauze bandage

    GOST 1172-93

    Dressing bag medical individual sterile with airtight sheath

    GOST 1179-93

    Sterile medical gauze wipes

    GOST 16427-93

    At least 16 x 14 cm N 10

    Bactericidal adhesive plaster

    GOST R ISO 10993-99

    At least 4 cm x 10 cm

    Bactericidal adhesive plaster

    GOST R ISO 10993-99

    At least 1.9 cm x 7.2 cm

    Adhesive plaster roll

    GOST R ISO 10993-99

    At least 1 cm x 250 cm

    Medical devices for cardiopulmonary resuscitation

    Device for carrying out artificial respiration "Mouth - Device - Mouth" or a pocket mask for artificial ventilation "Mouth - mask"

    GOST R ISO 10993-99

    Other medical products

    Lister dressing scissors

    GOST 21239-93 (ISO 7741-86)

    Sterile alcohol wipes made of paper textile-like material

    GOST R ISO 10993-99

    At least 12.5 x 11.0 cm

    Non-sterile medical gloves, examination

    GOST R ISO 10993-99

    GOST R 52238-2004

    GOST R 52239-2004

    Size at least M

    Medical non-sterile 3-layer mask made of non-woven material with elastic bands or with ties

    GOST R ISO 10993-99

    Isothermal rescue blanket

    GOST R ISO 10993-99,

    GOST R 50444-92

    At least 160 x 210 cm

    Other funds

    Safety pins steel with spiral

    GOST 9389-75

    not less than 38 mm

    Case or sanitary bag

    Notepad for notes

    GOST 18510-87

    format not less than A7

    GOST 28937-91

    It is obvious that the table contains not just the names of items and medicines, but also the GOST regulating their quality. It is necessary to pay attention to this when completing. A tool that does not comply with GOST may be regarded by inspectors as unauthorized replacement. In addition, it is impossible to deviate from the established sizes of dressings, pins and gloves. The last two items of the table - a pen and a notebook - are not items for first aid, but their presence is mandatory, and the inspectors will have legitimate questions if these two items are not in the first aid kit.

    Where should the first aid kit be kept and who is responsible for it?

    Usually, the head of the organization is the person responsible for providing employees with the items necessary for labor protection standards. Therefore, first of all, he is personally responsible for how the order of the Ministry of Health 169n is observed: the list of the first-aid kit according to SanPIN, its availability and other related issues. It is advisable to issue an order for the enterprise to complete the first-aid kit and appoint a responsible person, as well as to determine the place for its storage.

    Of course, ideally, if the company has a health worker, it is best to entrust him with the purchase of all necessary drugs, monitoring their completeness and checking expiration dates (by the way, after they expire, all drugs need to be changed to new ones). But if there is no such specialist, then this function can be taken over by an occupational safety engineer with first aid skills, or any other employee. Labor legislation and general regulatory legal acts do not provide for a list of such employees, but in industry-specific regulatory legal acts it can be found that this role can be assumed by:

    • the head of the organization;
    • department heads;
    • heads of departments or divisions.

    This, in particular, is discussed in paragraph 2.6.1 of the Sanitary Rules for the organization of freight traffic in railway transport, approved by the chief dignity. doctor 03/24/2000.

    As for the place where the first-aid kit is stored, it must be kept in an easily accessible place. Therefore, the office of the responsible person will be an unsuccessful choice, because in case of his absence, access to medicines will be limited. Therefore, you need to choose a room that is not locked with a key during working hours.

    Responsibility for not having a first aid kit

    Responsibility for the fact that the enterprise does not have a first aid kit for employees is provided by order 169n Article 6.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. This article provides for administrative punishment for violation of legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population. Therefore, if a company has violated the current sanitary rules and hygiene standards, an administrative fine in the amount of 10,000 to 20,000 rubles may be imposed on it, or its activities may be suspended for up to 90 days. Entrepreneurs can be fined from 500 to 1000 rubles or also banned from working for up to 90 days. Officials will pay a fine of up to 1000 rubles.

    ORDER (sample)

    About collective first aid kits

    In order to implement Article 223 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
    I ORDER:

    1. Approve the contents of the first aid kit in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 169n dated March 5, 2011 in accordance with Appendix 1 to this order.

    2. Place first aid kits in:

    -№1 - in the office (if there are several offices in different buildings, list them all)

    -№2 - in the shop

    -№3 - in the workshop

    -№4- in stock

    3. Appoint an engineer for labor protection responsible for the purchase and placement of first aid kits - .

    4. Appoint responsible for the storage and use of first aid kits:

    -№1 - in the office - position, full name

    - No. 1 - in the workshop - position, full name

    - No. 1 - in the workshop - position, full name

    - No. 1 - in stock - position, full name

    5. Responsible for the storage and use of first aid kits, replenish first aid kits and fill out the First Aid Kit Use Log as medical products are used or after their expiration date.

    6. Approve the instructions for providing first aid in accordance with Appendix No. 2 (you have instructions, I gave, multiply and attach)

    7. Engineer for labor protection Full name (you can entrust someone else) organize training of employees on the rules for providing first aid in accordance with the approved instructions.

    8. The use of a collective first aid kit should be carried out in accordance with the rules described in the Instructions for the provision of first aid.

    9. Heads of departments should place a copy of the Instruction for providing first aid directly near the first-aid kits.

    7. Clerk FULL NAME. familiarize the persons named in the order with the order.

    8. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the deputy director FULL NAME.

    Sample Journal (you can put it on each first-aid kit and store it next to the first-aid kit, or you can have one for everything, but then in the order one person responsible for storage and use is appointed for all first-aid kits)


    registering the use of first aid kits



    "_____" _____________ 20____

    Shelf life - 5 years. Filled in on the basis of Order No. ___ dated "___" __________ 20____

    Collective first aid kit No. 1

    First aid kit check date

    Used medical products

    Date of replenishment of the first-aid kit

    FULL NAME. and Signature of the responsible person

    Attachment 1

    Completion of first aid kits for providing first aid to employees with medical products.


    Name of products

    medical purpose



    Release form (dimensions)

    Quantity (pieces, packages)


    Medical devices for temporary control of external bleeding and wound dressing


    Hemostatic tourniquet

    GOST R ISO 10993-99

    1 PC.


    GOST 1172-93

    5 m x 5 cm

    1 PC.


    Medical gauze bandage, non-sterile

    GOST 1172-93

    5 m x 10 cm

    1 PC.


    Medical gauze bandage, non-sterile

    GOST 1172-93

    7 m x 14 cm

    1 PC.


    GOST 1172-93

    5 m x 7 cm

    1 PC.


    Sterile medical gauze bandage

    GOST 1172-93

    5 m x 10 cm

    2 pcs.


    Sterile medical gauze bandage

    GOST 1172-93

    7 m x 14 cm

    2 pcs.


    Dressing bag medical individual sterile with airtight sheath

    GOST 1179-93

    1 PC.


    Sterile medical gauze wipes

    GOST 16427-93

    At least 16 x 14 cm N 10

    1 pack


    Bactericidal adhesive plaster

    GOST R ISO 10993-99

    Not less than 4cm x 10cm

    2 pcs.


    Bactericidal adhesive plaster

    GOST R ISO 10993-99

    Not less than 1.9cmx7.2cm

    10 pieces.


    Adhesive plaster roll

    GOST R ISO 10993-99

    Not less than

    1 cm x 250 cm

    1 PC.


    Medical devices for cardiopulmonary resuscitation


    Device for artificial respiration "Mouth - Device - Mouth" or Device - Mouth" or pocket mask for artificial ventilation "Mouth - mask"

    GOST R ISO 10993-99

    1 PC.


    Other medical products


    Lister dressing scissors

    GOST 21239-93 (ISO 7741-86)

    1 PC.


    Sterile alcohol wipes made of paper textile-like material

    GOST R ISO 10993-99

    Not less than

    12.5 x 11.0 cm

    5 pieces.


    Non-sterile medical gloves, examination

    GOST R ISO 10993-99

    GOST R52238-2004

    GOST R 52239-2004

    GOST 3-88

    Size at least M

    Two pairs


    Medical non-sterile 3-layer mask made of non-woven material with elastic bands or with ties

    GOST R ISO 10993-99

    2 pcs.


    Isothermal rescue blanket

    GOST R ISO 10993-99

    GOST R 50444-92

    Not less than

    160 x 210 cm

    1 PC.


    Other funds


    Safety pins steel with spiral

    GOST 9389-75

    at least

    38 mm

    3 pcs.


    Recommendations with pictograms on the use of medical products first aid kits for workers

    1 PC.


    Case or sanitary bag

    1 PC.


    Notepad for notes

    GOST 18510-87

    format not less than A7

    1 PC.



    GOST 28937-91

    1 PC.


    1. The range of medical products included in the first aid kit for employees (hereinafter referred to as the Composition of the first aid kit) is not subject to change.

    2. After the expiration date of the medical products included in the first-aid kit, or if they are used, the first-aid kit must be replenished.

    3. A first aid kit for providing first aid to employees is to be completed with medical devices duly registered on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    4. Recommendations with pictograms on the use of first aid kit medical products for providing first aid to employees (clause 4.2 of the composition of the first aid kit) should provide a description (image) of the following actions:

    a) when providing first aid, perform all manipulations with medical gloves (clause 3.3 of the composition of the first-aid kit). If there is a threat of the spread of infectious diseases, use a medical mask (clause 3.4 of the composition of the first-aid kit);

    b) in case of arterial bleeding from a large (main) artery, press the vessel with your fingers at the pressure points, apply a hemostatic tourniquet (clause 1.1 of the First Aid Kit) above the injury site, indicating in the note (clauses 4.4 - 4.5 of the First Aid Kit) the time of applying the tourniquet, apply a pressure (tight) bandage to the wound (clauses 1.2 - 1.12 of the composition of the first-aid kit);

    c) if the person receiving first aid does not have spontaneous breathing, perform artificial respiration using the device for artificial respiration "Mouth - Device - Mouth" or a pocket mask for artificial ventilation of the lungs "Mouth - mask" (clause 2.1 of the composition of the first-aid kit) ;

    d) if there is a wound, apply a pressure (tight) bandage using sterile wipes (clause 1.9 of the first-aid kit) and bandages (clauses 1.2 - 1.7 of the first-aid kit) or using a sterile dressing bag (clause 1.8 of the first-aid kit). In the absence of bleeding from the wound and the impossibility of applying a pressure bandage, apply a sterile napkin to the wound (clause 1.9 of the first-aid kit) and fix it with adhesive tape (clause 1.12 of the first-aid kit). In case of microtraumas, use a bactericidal adhesive plaster (clause 1.10 - 1.11 of the composition of the first-aid kit);

    e) in case of contact with the skin and mucous membranes of biological fluids of persons who are provided with first aid, use sterile alcohol antiseptic wipes made of paper textile-like material (clause 3.2 of the composition of the first aid kit);

    E) spread out an isothermal rescue cover (clause 3.5 of the composition of the first-aid kit) (silver side to the body to protect against hypothermia; gold side to the body to protect against overheating), leave the face open, bend the end of the cover and fasten it.

    Municipal educational institution

    Timsher secondary school

    20.02.2017 #93

    About the first aid kit

    In pursuance of the requirements of Article 223 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated March 05, 2011 No. 169n “On Approval of the Requirements for Completing First Aid Kits with Medical Products for Providing First Aid to School Employees and Students”


    1. To form a first aid kit in the Timsher secondary school to provide first aid to employees and students.

    2. Determine the storage location for first aid kits for employees and students - a room medical office schools.

    3. The manager of the school Kamysheva E.A. organize work:

    1) on completing a first aid kit for providing first aid to employees and students in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this order;

    2) on the preparation of brief instructions with pictograms (easy-to-read pictures) on the use of first aid kit medical products for providing first aid to employees in accordance with the recommendations approved by paragraph 4 of the Appendix to the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated March 05, 2011 No. 169n "On approval of the requirements for completing first aid kits with medical products for providing first aid to employees" in accordance with Appendix No. 2;

    4. Appoint Kamysheva E.A., the school supply manager, responsible for completing the first aid kit for first aid to school employees and students.

    5. Kamysheva E.A., school manager, check the completeness and condition of the first-aid kit at least once a quarter and reflect the results of the check in the check log.

    6. I reserve control over the execution of the order

    Director _____________________ Parshukova N.A.


    Approved by order

    MOU Timsher secondary school

    from 20.02.2017 #93

    (Appendix No. 1)

    The composition of the first aid kit for providing first aid to workers

    Name of medical devices

    Regulatory document

    Release form (dimensions)

    Quantity (pieces, packages)

    Medical devices for temporary control of external bleeding and wound dressing

    Hemostatic tourniquet

    GOST R ISO 10993-99

    GOST 1172-93

    Medical gauze bandage, non-sterile

    GOST 1172-93

    Medical gauze bandage, non-sterile

    GOST 1172-93

    GOST 1172-93

    Sterile medical gauze bandage

    GOST 1172-93

    Sterile medical gauze bandage

    GOST 1172-93

    Dressing bag medical individual sterile with airtight sheath

    GOST 1179-93

    Sterile medical gauze wipes

    16 x 14 cm No. 10

    Bactericidal adhesive plaster

    GOST R ISO 10993-99

    4 cm x 10 cm

    Bactericidal adhesive plaster

    GOST R ISO 10993-99

    At least 1.9 cm x 7.2 cm

    Adhesive plaster roll

    GOST R ISO 10993-99

    1 cm x 250 cm

    Medical devices for cardiopulmonary resuscitation

    Device for artificial respiration "Mouth - Device - Mouth" or pocket mask for artificial ventilation "Mouth - mask"

    GOST R ISO 10993-99

    Other medical products

    Lister dressing scissors

    GOST 21239-93 (ISO 7741-86)

    Sterile alcohol wipes made of paper textile-like material

    GOST R ISO 10993-99

    At least 12.5 x 11.0 cm

    Non-sterile medical gloves, examination

    GOST R ISO 10993-99

    GOST R 52239-2004

    Size at least M

    Medical mask, non-sterile, 3-layer made of non-woven material with elastic bands or with ties

    GOST R ISO 10993-99

    Isothermal rescue blanket

    GOST R ISO 10993-99

    GOST R 50444-92

    At least 160 x 210 cm

    Other funds

    Safety pins steel with spiral

    Case or sanitary bag

    Notepad for notes

    GOST 18510-87

    GOST 28937-91


    A first aid kit for providing first aid to employees is to be completed with medical devices registered in accordance with the established procedure on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    Approved by order

    MOU Timsher secondary school

    from 20.02.2017 #93

    (Appendix No. 2)


    on the use of medical products first aid kits for employees

    When providing first aid, perform all manipulations with medical gloves (clause 16 of the composition of the first-aid kit). If there is a threat of the spread of infectious diseases, use a medical mask (clause 17 of the composition of the first-aid kit);

    In case of arterial bleeding from a large (main) artery, press the vessel with your fingers, At the pressure points, apply a hemostatic tourniquet (item 1 of the First Aid Kit) above the injury site, indicating in the note (items 22 - 23 of the First Aid Kit) the time of application of the tourniquet. Imposeon thea wound with a pressure (tight) bandage (paragraphs 2-12 of the composition of the first-aid kit);

    If the person receiving first aid does not have spontaneous breathing, perform artificial respiration using the device for artificial respiration "Mouth-Device-Mouth" or a pocket mask for artificial ventilation of the lungs "Mouth-mask" (clause 13 of the composition of the first-aid kit);

    If there is a wound, apply a pressure (tight) bandage using sterile napkins (p. 9 of the first-aid kit) and bandages (p. 2-7 of the first-aid kit) or using a sterile dressing bag (p.8 The composition of the first aid kit).

    Atabsencebleeding from the wound and the inability to apply a pressure bandage, apply a sterile napkin to the wound (clause 9 of the first-aid kit) and fix it with adhesive tape (clause 12 of the first-aid kit).11 The composition of the first aid kit);

    In case of contact with the skin and mucous membranes of the biological fluids of the persons who are providing first aid, use alcohol antiseptic wipes made of paper textile-like material (clause 15 of the composition of the first aid kit);

    Spread a rescue isothermal cover (clause 18 of the composition of the first-aid kit) (silver side to the body to protect against hypothermia; gold side to the body to protect against overheating), leave the face open, bend the end of the cover and fasten it.