Hotline dobrodel Governor Vorobyov. Address of the governor of the Moscow region Vorobyov write a letter. Drafting and filing a complaint with the Governor

  • 03.12.2019

In modern practice, there are many examples that demonstrate the vulnerability of citizens. In this case, we are talking about disputes and conflicts in which ordinary Russians are forced to endure illegal actions on the part of officials and employees of various state institutions and structures.

In most situations, citizens do not know what to do or refuse to act. The reason is that the Russians mistakenly assume that all efforts will be in vain and will end only in a useless waste of time and energy. Only a few citizens do not stop trying to bring violators to justice and seek to figure out how to do this most effectively.

One of the solutions that has proven its relevance is to file a complaint with higher structures. What to do in those cases when the offense was committed by those instances, the level of which is quite high? Where to complain about the actions of representatives of the city administration?

Actually there is a way out. The only way to bring the violator to justice is to send a complaint to Andrei Vorobyov, who holds the post of governor of the Moscow Region. As practice shows, the head of the region does not ignore any appeal. He responds to letters from Russians and seeks to help resolve the conflict.

Without experience in drawing up such a complaint, it is quite difficult to independently understand all the subtleties and nuances. Experts strongly recommend getting a preliminary consultation with a qualified lawyer. The advantage of this approach is that the expert has extensive theoretical and practical knowledge. He will be able to help draw up a complaint in full compliance with applicable law.

It's no secret that a personal visit to a lawyer requires significant financial investments and the cost of time and effort. That is why more and more citizens are turning to an online lawyer for advice. This method of obtaining advice is no less effective, but differs in its efficiency and accessibility.

It is important to realize that sending a complaint to the head of the Moscow region is a serious and responsible decision that requires a good reason. If the conflict is minor, another representative of the authorities may be able to help resolve it.

First of all, you can try to turn to Sobyanin, who holds the post of mayor of Moscow. If this measure proves ineffective, you can proceed to cardinal solutions and write a complaint to the governor.

There are several ways to accomplish what you want to do. The Russian has the right to choose the option that will be most comfortable. As practice shows, there are several methods of contacting the head of the region that are most effective:

  • Sending an email. Address [email protected], is known to every Russian living in the region. This mail was created back in the period when Vorobyov was not the governor, but only performed his duties. All messages sent to the specified address are examined as they arrive. The speed of processing also depends on the severity of the issue.
  • Sending an application through the portal Access to this site is open to every Russian. To send an application, you must visit the specified Internet resource and enter data in the request form. If the appeal is drawn up correctly and correctly, it will certainly be considered and appropriate measures will be taken.
  • Sending a letter to the administration of the head of the region through the post office. This method continues to be used even though it has been deprecated. This is due to the fact that elderly people prefer to use this particular method, being distrustful of innovative technologies. In this case, experts strongly recommend sending letters with subsequent notification of its delivery to the addressee.

The predominant number of residents of the region prefer the methods of electronic treatment. This is not surprising, since there is no need to spend time waiting in traffic jams or endless lines to file a complaint.

Among the advantages, one can single out the possibility of filing an application from a home computer, which is especially important for citizens whose capabilities are limited.

If you need to influence an official or an employee of a state structure, sending a complaint to the head of the region is one of the most effective ways to achieve the desired result. The guarantee that the complaint will be received and taken into consideration will be the correct and correct drafting of the document.

The maximum amount of text should be 2000 characters. The use of rude, emotional or obscene expressions is unacceptable. You can not use abbreviations, make mistakes and inaccuracies. The document must meet business writing standards. Although there is no strict template for such a complaint in the legislation, the following information should be included in the appeal to the head of the region:

  • FULL NAME. the addressee and his position;
  • FULL NAME. the complainant and his contacts;
  • Description of the problem;
  • The request of the author of the appeal;
  • The date of the document and the personal signature of its author.

If the complainant has any evidence relevant to the conflict, these should also be attached to the complaint. When making a request, you should Special attention make sure your data is correct. If even the slightest inaccuracy is allowed, the document will be regarded as anonymous and will not be considered.

The complaint is written in two copies, one of which is sent to the governor of the Moscow Region, and the second remains with the applicant. The average processing time for an application is 30 days. To achieve the best result, you can try to attract the attention of the media. This approach will allow not only to give publicity to the conflict, but also to speed up the solution of the problem.

It will also be useful to seek help from a qualified lawyer who is able to protect the interests of his client, referring to the current regulations. The only thing that is required in this case from the citizen himself is the provision of an appropriate power of attorney to the specialist.

If the problem is really serious, and it has affected not only one person, the complaint can be made collectively. Such documents are always of paramount importance and are considered as quickly as possible.

How to write a complaint

Often, Russians today face various problems and conflicts from state structures, authorities and individual officials. Many residents of the Russian Federation panic and do not know what to do, another part of the population is of the opinion that arguing with government officials is a completely useless waste of their own time. However, there is a small percentage of citizens who want to fight injustice and wonder how to do it?

The most effective way for many years is a complaint to higher authorities. But why complain if the violation occurred at the highest level, for example, in the city administration? There is only one way out - to seek help from the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov. The head of the region is extremely attentive and responsible to the statements of citizens, trying to answer every letter, provide support, and resolve the conflict.

It will be quite difficult to independently contact the head of this constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as competently draw up a complaint. An effective solution would be to apply for legal assistance to an experienced professional.

The expert knows all the "sharp corners" of the legislation and will help to get around them. A document drawn up under the supervision of an expert will not be put on the back burner of the Governor of the Moscow Region.

More and more Russians prefer online legal advice. Such services are characterized by comfort, efficiency, efficiency and economy.

Ways to contact the Governor of the Moscow Region in 2019

To seek help in settling any conflict with the Governor of the Moscow Region is a reliable and effective solution, but you should understand that you do not need to disturb the head of the region over trifles. It is important to have good reasons for filing a complaint, then the document will definitely be considered. It must be remembered that initially you should try to contact the mayor of Moscow Sobyanin, and if these measures did not help, then you need to think about contacting the governor of the Moscow region.

There are several ways to contact the regional leader. Each citizen independently chooses the optimal solution for himself. The most effective options are:

  • Sending a message to an address Email governor. Everyone in the region knows him. The mailbox was created back in the days when Vorobyov was acting governor, but even today he is actively operating. Complaints can be sent to [email protected] Letters are processed as they arrive and the relevance of the issue.
  • Appeal on the website of the government of the Moscow region. The site is freely available. Russians just need to go to the portal and fill out a simple form electronic application. A correctly drafted appeal will be registered and taken into consideration.
  • Letter to the Governor's Office. The old method is usually chosen by older people who do not trust modern technologies. The completed letter must be sent to the governor's office. It is important to take care of receiving notification of delivery.

If you set out to write a letter to the governor, then you need to properly format your appeal - choose the exact form of the letter, state its content concisely and clearly. Below we will give advice on how to correctly create an appeal to the highest official in the region in order to draw his attention to your problem as much as possible.

The governor is the main official subject of the federation and in his competence is the main control of regional structures. It is he who solves the most important issues of the region, respectively - an appeal to him must be formalized at the proper level. To write a letter you will need:
  1. computer with Internet access;
  2. sheets of paper;
  3. a pen;
  4. Postal envelope.
Start writing a letter not with the content, but with its preparation. Actually, a lot can depend on the form. Often there are dissatisfied citizens who personally described their problems in a letter, in their opinion, in detail and competently, in beautiful legible handwriting. However, they did not receive a response to their appeal. Tip: we strongly recommend typing this kind of appeal in a text editor on a computer, and then printing it out on a piece of paper or on a special form. The probability of reading a printed letter by a high official increases several times. To do this, first take such a form at the reception of the governor. If there is no standard form, write in any form.

- download here.

The next step is to write the letter. Start with his “cap” - on the right side, indicate the position of the person, his last name, first name and patronymic. Write your details below - last name, first name, patronymic and contact information(place of residence, telephone, e-mail). Indicate all the above data of the official in the dative case, and your own in the genitive. Let's say: "To the governor of such and such a region, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich", "from Petrov Fedor Ivanovich." Find out in advance how to spell the position of an official. Skip some space after the intro and center the message. Start it with the words "dear". For example: “Dear Ivan Ivanovich!”, and a little lower, begin to state the essence of your problem or complaint. In order for the letter to be read, make the main part as short and to the point as possible. If this part is blurry and stretched, the probability of reading may approach zero. Describe the request on one sheet of A4, and if this is not enough - at the end of the letter, mark "Attachment" indicating the attached sheets. State all of them Additional information. If it turns out to be necessary, the attached sheets will be sure to get acquainted. At the very end, once again succinctly formulate your request, put a number and signature. After the letter is issued, attach to it all available evidence or official appeals. Officials trust only papers, so adding a solid attachment to your letter increases the likelihood that your appeal will be considered. Pack all the collected sheets in an envelope and start sending it, having previously found out on the website or in the help desk the legal address of the regional administration for sending a letter by mail. Important: just in case, make a copy of your appeal, and put exactly photocopies of official papers in the envelope. So you insure yourself against the possible loss of important documents. There are several other options for transmitting your letter, in addition to postal. First, personally arrange for the delivery and delivery of the letter to a representative of the governor's office. The second option is to send a prepared appeal by e-mail. Its address can be found by visiting the portal of the administration you are interested in. Often on their websites you can see special forms for feedback from citizens. In this case, take the opportunity and ask your questions to the governor. There are also electronic forms to send letters. But as a rule, they are designed for text that is limited in the number of characters. Familiarize yourself with all the nuances of sending an electronic appeal on the website of the administration you are interested in. As an example - the portal of the administration of St. Petersburg.

Usually, official letters of citizens receive “unsubscribes” within 2-3 days, maximum term- 30 days. If you don't get a response, please be patient and start looking for your application at the Governor's Office.

Request letter. sample letter of request

A request letter is a request to obtain the necessary information, goods, services, documents, to provide recommendations, to organize a meeting, etc. When compiling it, it is necessary to justify the need to fulfill the request. It can be addressed to a specific individual or legal entity- organizations. This type of letter may contain more than one request.

How to write a letter of request

A letter of request has a structure similar to the general structure of a business letter and is almost identical in form to a letter of request. Its registration is carried out on the letterhead of the organization. It is usually signed by the head of the organization or an authorized person.

Examples of business letter phrases - requests

Reason for request:
  • In connection with&hellip
  • Considering&hellip
  • View&hellip
  • Coming from & hellip
  • In order&hellip
  • Based&hellip
  • according&hellip
  • According&hellip
  • Request text:
  • Please consider/provide/carry out/notify/inform/send &hellip urgently
  • We appeal to you with a request&hellip
  • We ask for your assistance in&hellip
  • We ask for your consent to&hellip
  • Also ask you&hellip.
  • The letter of request requires the writing of a letter of response.

    How to write a letter to the governor?

    Tips on how to write a letter to the governor, we will not start with the content of the letter, but with its form. No wonder they say that they are met by clothes.

    Stage one. Preparing a letter to the governor

    Often, in personal communication and on the Internet, one can come across complaints that “they didn’t even read my letter”, “I never received any answer”, etc. Is this due to the irresponsibility of officials or are there other reasons? In any case, if you are writing a letter to a government official, you need to start with preparation, and only then move on to the design and content, which will be discussed below.

    First of all, please note that we are already living in the 21st century and letters of this kind are strongly recommended to be typed on a computer and printed out. Such a letter is much more likely to be read by an official than a handwritten one, even if it is in beautiful handwriting and without errors. No computer, ask family, friends or acquaintances to type and print. The next point is that it is best to write a letter to the governor or other high official on a special form, which can either be taken from the secretary's office or printed from the site (now this is sometimes also possible). If all the above conditions are met, proceed to the next step.

    Stage two. Letter design

    Here it is desirable to recall the classic - A.P. Chekhov: "brevity is the sister of talent." In this case, however, not talent, but the ability of the letter to be read. Believe me, no one will read your lengthy complaint or request, spread out over 3-4 or more pages. A good complaint should be short. It is better if it is one sheet of A4 format, in the most extreme case - two, but no more. In case an extended wording is required, make an attachment and at the end of the letter write: “Appendix” and put the number of attached sheets. If the official deems it necessary, he will definitely take an interest in this material.

    Now let's make the title page. In the upper right corner we write the position of the person in the dative case and then in the dative case his last name, first name and patronymic. For example: "To the governor of such and such a region, Vasily Petrovich Pupkin." Be sure to specify the correct job title of the official. After that, indicate your last name, first name and patronymic in the genitive case. Let's say: "from Zanudin Pyotr Vasilyevich." Next, we leave a small gap and write in the center of the sheet: “Dear Vasily Petrovich!” - and below we state our complaint or request. At the end, be sure to put a number and a signature. Now let's talk about how to write a letter to the governor in terms of content.

    Stage three. The content of the letter and its sending

    After the design is completed, we start writing. Be sure to keep your complaint as short and to the point as possible. There is no need to write that such and such an official told you such and such. You just need to write: "As a result of my appeal to such and such, I was denied that." And be sure to attach written evidence of the appeal and refusal. Officials believe only papers, so attach copies of all documents relevant to the case to your appeal.

    By the way, do not forget to fasten all attachments (appeals, answers, checks, etc.) - preferably with a stapler. After that, pack it together with the letter in an envelope and seal it. Remember: a letter designed in this way with solid attachments that are factual evidence of your struggle for justice is much more likely to be considered. After you write a letter to the governor, don't forget to take a copy of the letter - just in case. And the last thing: write correctly, without errors, at least spelling.


    A request letter is perhaps the most common form business correspondence. The number of situations that necessitate making a request on behalf of a legal or individual, is uncountable. This is the receipt of information, product samples, coordination of actions, inducement to any action, etc.

    The composition and structure of the request letter is not much different from the standard ones (see Fig. Business letters. Design rules. letter structure). As a rule, the text of the request letter consists of two parts:

    1. Introduction. where the essence of the case is stated in a narrative form, the motives, the reasons for making a request are explained. The following standard expressions are often used here:

  • the reason for petition Due to non-receipt. Given the social importance Whereas (our many years of cooperation). Given (the long-term and fruitful nature of our business relationship). In view of the inconsistency of your actions with previously adopted agreements.
  • Due to the delay in receiving the shipment.
  • Based on the results of the negotiations on the issue of etc.
  • Goal of request In order to comply with the order. In order to resolve the issue as soon as possible. To agree on issues. In order to ensure the safety of the passage of cargo.
  • To avoid conflict situations, etc.
  • references to grounds for appeal In accordance with the agreement reached earlier ... In connection with the appeal to us. Based on verbal agreement. Based on our telephone conversation. According to government decree.
  • According to the protocol on mutual deliveries.

    All of the above expressions must be used taking into account the context and speech situation.

    Almost all standard expressions begin with a derivative preposition or with a prepositional combination. Attention should be paid to the correct use of these prepositions with nouns that are mainly in the genitive and dative cases.

    2. Actually a request. Here, in key phrase letters include words formed from a verb ask. Its use is explained by etiquette requirements for business texts and psychological laws. business communication- a person willingly agrees to perform an action expressed in the form of a request, rather than in the form of a demand.

    In some cases, the request itself, expressed descriptively, may not contain this verb, for example: We hope that you will find it possible to consider our proposal within the specified period.

    The request can be expressed in the first person singular (Please.), in the first person plural (Please), in the third person singular (in this case, nouns with a collective meaning are used: Directorate asks., Administration asks., Council labor collective asks. etc.), from the third person plural, if several nouns with a collective meaning are used (the Administration and the Council of the labor collective ask.).

    If the request letter is multidimensional. then the composition of the second part of such a letter may look like this (parts of the composition must correspond to the paragraph division of the text):

    I beg. (Please.)

    I ask at the same time. (Also please.)

    And also I ask. (And also please.)

    When writing a letter of request, you should take into account such recommendations.

    1. When making a request, emphasize your or your organization's interest in fulfilling it.

    2. Under no circumstances should you start your letter with the word Please. - it is more tactful to first explain the motives for your appeal (even if all the details have already been agreed with the addressee).

    When formulating a request, the following standard expressions are often used:

    We appeal (appeal) to you (you) with a request.

    about shipping to our address.

    for direction to me.

    about expulsion to the address of our organization.

    about giving me. I ask (please) you (you).

    How to write a letter to the governor

  • PC, if there is no PC - a pen with blue ink, an envelope with a stamp, perseverance. Optimally - get a letterhead at the reception or office of the governor. In each such department there is a unit for working with citizens' appeals. If there is no way to get the form - write yourself.
  • Instruction

    In order for the letter to be considered as soon as possible and “get a move”, the essence of the issue must be correctly presented. Formulate a complaint or request in a concise form, no more than on an A4 sheet. No one will read a long and lengthy story. Remember, officials have their own rules, and your tearful message will not touch anyone.

    The first sheet is the Appeal.

    In the upper right corner we write:

    "To the Governor of the N-th Territory

    Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

    from Petr Nikiforovich Petrov.

    Below, in the center of the sheet - the appeal: "Dear Ivan Ivanovich!"

    Next is the essence of the request or complaint. It is the essence, not the history of the issue. For example: “I, Petr Nikiforovich Petrov, was recognized as a victim of a fire in the village of Pustozvonovo in August 2010. Despite repeated appeals to the head of the village council, I was denied the payment of the due compensation. Please look into resolving this issue.

    Sincerely, the date is the signature.

    Application: 10 sheets.

    The main argument supporting your complaint is correspondence with lower-ranking officials, namely, copies of letters, checks, orders, etc. Therefore, on the first sheet, we indicate the number of sheets of the application - 10 sheets, so that they are not lost when wandering around the offices. All sheets of the application must be fastened together. If you can't staple it with a stapler, sew it. On the last sheet of the letter, indicate the entire list of submitted documents: application, copies of letters, checks, etc. Thus, a full-fledged package of documents will be formed, which, most likely, will be considered not least. Most likely, the whole package will not fit into one envelope. Go to the post office and pack it in paper or a large envelope. Naturally, specify the address of the recipient and the sender.

    If you can not deliver personally - ask your friends or acquaintances. The last option is mail delivery with notification, but this is extra time and frayed nerves when looking for a letter in the office.

    Usually the letter is “unsubscribed” within 2-3 days, maximum - a week. After that, with patience, you can look for a letter through the office, find out the position and full name of the artist and start walking around the offices.

    How to write a request letter

    Every time a person wants to ask another person for something, he sorts through a huge number of optimal approaches to start a conversation in his head, throws out all unnecessary conjectures and antipathy, and only after that announces his request to the interlocutor.

    The same principle can be used as a sample request letter. After all, a letter of this kind should be very concise and well-structured. When wondering how to write a letter of request, you should rather be guided not by feelings for this person, but by understanding what exactly you need from him and if this object or phenomenon is in a person.

    If you set yourself the goal of writing a letter asking for a meeting, then the main points of such a letter will be the place, time and duration of the meeting itself. That is, your message should contain a minimum of ranting and a maximum of useful information.

    In case you need to write a letter asking for help. then you first need to make sure that the person can provide it to you. In fact, it is not very important who exactly you will ask for help from, whether it is your bosom friend or a barely familiar person, the main thing is that his help is not useless for you. And if you can build a sample letter of request from yourself, without far-fetched inserts and situations, then the addressee will understand this immediately and, most likely, will respond to your request.

    Drafting a letter. in which your request will be located, should proceed from the following: in no case do not think about how to write a letter of request. It is important that you know what you need and explain to the person what you want from him in simple, accessible words. Such a letter must necessarily not be cumbersome, it would be nice if it consisted of only a few sentences. Simplicity and brevity are not only the sisters of talent, but also assistants in writing any letters.

    So do not think that asking is embarrassing or embarrassing, just remember: today you will help, and tomorrow they will certainly help you.