Social advertising environment advertising. Ecological research for schoolchildren “Advertising in the mailbox. Global Action for Animals: Plastic bags kill

  • 02.04.2020

The impact of social "green" advertising on the minds of ordinary people should not be underestimated, especially in our country. Environmental issues in Russia, and in most CIS countries, do not withstand even the slightest onslaught from people who are in constant pursuit of profit. Many are not even aware of the fact that their actions are harmful to the environment. We present to your attention another portion of social advertising. Let's hope that in the near future such advertising will appear on the streets of our cities.

Before a child learns to go to the toilet, he, which will be about 3.5 tons of hard-to-recycle waste. The same goes for paper napkins and toilet paper. They, unlike diapers, a person will "dirty" all his life. The original attribute of the toilet room, presented in the photo, will make anyone think that there is a felled tree behind every napkin ( in this case ).

Another way (more radical) limit the use of toilet paper in the toilet. This attribute of the toilet room very much resembles the poster that we are talking about, but just in case, we will give its image below.

It is difficult to pass by such a poster, installed in one of the cities of China. A passer-by will definitely pay attention to the pipe that discharges wastewater into the river, think about it and may even take some steps to prevent further pollution of the reservoir.

In general, the Chinese began to pay great attention to social eco-advertising. In the photo presented to your attention above, a piggy bank for collecting Money for the construction of water reservoirs in Western China, which is suffering from severe droughts.

Another no less original way to involve the public in the problem of lack of clean water. Millions of people around the world do not have constant access to clean drinking water. Every day, 4,200 children die on Earth from diseases associated with. Dirty water vending machines have appeared in Manhattan. A bottle of this water costs $1. All money raised goes towards solving problems with clean water in developing countries.

". Why are you worrying over trifles because of this?

A beaver can damage 200 trees in a year, but a man?

"Our potatoes grow closer than you think." Advertisement from the "Buy Local" series (transporting goods over long distances is associated with high energy costs and CO 2 emissions).

Bench scales on the streets of Amsterdam (Netherlands). Maybe some people should limit their food needs?

Another original way to use outdoor benches in social advertising, which we

“46 days in a hospital bed. The speed limit is 25 miles per hour." A roadside billboard that measures the speed of a car and informs the driver how much time they can spend in a hospital bed.

Have you ever thought about what our children see around them, on what examples they are brought up. As a rule, parents do their best to protect their kids from the problems that exist in modern society. But it's getting harder and harder to do so. Dirt on the streets, accidents on the roads, homeless children begging for alms, aggressive teenagers drinking alcohol and other "diseases" of modern society, unfortunately, have become commonplace in our lives. Faced daily with these negative manifestations on the street, in in public places, as well as on TV screens, our children stop seeing something out of the ordinary in them.

How can we change the current situation, draw the attention of children to the factors that “poison” our lives, explain to them what is good and what is bad? One way to solve this problem worldwide is to create social advertising.

Advertising today can be found everywhere. Radio, television, newspapers and magazines advertise everything from sweets and chocolate to cars and houses. But not everything that is said in advertising is useful and necessary for people. But there are so many things in the world without which it is really impossible for a person to live: friendship, compassion, love, respect. Social advertising is designed to remind everyone that the most important thing in life is good relationships between people.

According to our observations, children are the ideal target for advertising. They, unlike adults, enjoy watching it on TV, remembering, quoting. Advertising has a serious impact on the formation of children's ideas about the world around them. No wonder they say that childhood impressions are the strongest.

Having studied the impact of advertising on children and the world experience of using social advertising as a means of preventing the moral "diseases" of society, we decided to choose the direction of our work - the creation of social advertising by students elementary school. It seemed to us that it would be interesting for younger students not only to watch commercials, but also to participate in their creation. In addition, children's perception of the world around them sometimes differs from the generally accepted one, which can make advertising created by children more sincere, free from clichés.

We believe that advertising products created in this way can help to educate children in a friendly attitude towards peers of a different nationality, tolerance, tolerance, respect for elders, respect for the environment, and love for a healthy lifestyle. This means that this work will contribute to the education of a moral generation that is not indifferent to the troubles of other people.

Description of the work on the project

For the fourth year now, our school has been working on the creation of social advertising by younger students. At the beginning of the work on the project, through a survey, we identified the problems of modern society that are closest to younger students.

The project is being implemented in several stages. At the beginning of each stage, one problem is selected from the resulting list. Then all elementary school students are invited to come up with and draw a sketch of their own social advertising on a given topic. Based on the best sketches, computer versions of posters are drawn. This work involves students involved in the studio of computer graphics. Any graphic editors (Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, Paint, Worlds Logo, etc.) and even Microsoft Office Word text editor.

  • The very idea of ​​advertising should be unusual, creative;
  • An interesting, unusual solution to the composition;
  • One-piece color scheme;
  • Selection of the original readable font;
  • Focus on what matters most.

Finished works are printed on sheets of A3 or more and hung around the school. Posters can be used for social actions, talks, class hours and other events.

In parallel with the creation of print advertising, a group of children, under the guidance of a teacher, is developing a script for a commercial on the topic. For the production of commercials, various programs can be used, ranging from PowerPoint to programs for creating animated and video films.

Finished videos are presented to an audience of elementary school students.

Work results

In the course of this work, our school created a series advertising posters:

  • “Children should laugh and live in a peaceful world”
  • - posters reflecting personal relationships junior schoolchildren with parents, peers, children of other nationalities;

  • "Bad habits"
  • about the dangers of smoking, alcohol and drugs.

When working on a series about the dangers of smoking, alcohol and drugs, elementary school students not only drew posters, but also picked up facts on the Internet on this topic, which formed the basis class hour"Bad habits. A harmless hobby or a dangerous game?” for students in grades 3-4.

  • “Let's talk about friendship” - the video is an animated presentation made in PowerPoint. The work was done in the 2005-2006 academic year by a group of 4th grade students.
  • “How beautiful is this world”
  • - the video is dedicated to the problem of war and peace. Created in 2006-2007 academic year 4th grade student. In his work, the boy wanted to show how terribly and beyond recognition our beautiful world can change if we fail to stop the spread of war.
  • "Why?"
  • - the video touches upon the problem of high crime rate in our country. Why do people break the law, why do they become criminals? Maybe they don't have a roof over their heads, they don't have money to buy their own food, they can't feed their family? But you can go to work and get money for everything you need to live. Or maybe no one explained to them that there are so many good professions? Our video helps the children to think about who they will become in life. The video is an animated film made in Macromedia Flash. It was created in the 2007-2008 academic year by students of the 4th grade.

I would like to dwell on the video in more detail "What is good and what is bad". We took a poem by V. Mayakovsky as its basis. Written in the last century, it has not lost its relevance today. But we live in the 21st century - the century of computer technology. Our life is complex and fast paced. Our children are very different from their peers of the last century: different games, interests, problems. It seemed to us that modern life requires some changes and additions to the poem.

We tried to reflect in our work how ugly those who do not follow the rules of behavior at home and in public places look from the outside, as well as remind all children of healthy way life.

Here comes the new age
it's time to remind the "crumbs":
what is good
and what is bad.

If mom and dad are in a quarrel,
if the house is just hell,
everyone knows it's bad
for the big ones and for the kids.

If everything is calm at home,
if peace in the family and harmony,
it means everything is fine in life
the big ones and the kids.

If the son sat half the night,
I watched the video on MTV
know it's very bad
for a child's head.

This one, after reading a book,
goes to bed at nine.
He keeps health
Useful in life.

If a boy likes chips
do not eat soup with peas,
for a child's stomach
this is very bad.

If a boy loves yogurt,
eats cottage cheese for breakfast
This Boy very smart,
does well.

If, once again running,
the boy starts to groan,
he is not friendly with physical education,
This is very very bad.

If jumping and jumping,
boy like a kangaroo
dreams of becoming strong, dexterous,
such a good kid!

If you are at recess
hit the girl with a briefcase,
that you are a strong boy,
we don't believe in anything.

If the girl helped
bring you books
Let's talk about this here:
nice little boy.

If the room is pogrom,
saucepan under the table
lives in this room
sloppy and dirty.

This one irons the clothes itself,
he washes his own socks.
He is still small,
helps mom.

If the boy is on the sly
smoking a cigarette
he does stupidity in vain,
destroys his health.

This one, albeit with an inch,
Fights smoking.
This boy is so good
just a sight!

We would like to advise
both big and small:
Gotta do well
and don't be bad.

Undoubtedly, work on such projects affects the behavior of the participants, contributes to the development of an active life position, increases their awareness and changes their attitude to the world around them.

We believe that the experience of creating social advertising can be used by other educational institutions, since such projects are quite simple in execution, effective in content and popular among students.

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The "Father of Advertising" David Ogilvy credits his contemporary Howard Gossage with the following quote: " Advertising justifies its existence when used in the public interest, it is too powerful a tool to be used solely for commercial purposes.". We agree with this statement, so we publish for you a selection with effective social advertising.

Torture victims are people like you and me.

Stop Violence: Don't Drink and Drive

Premature ending: "If you smoke, according to statistics, your story will end 15% prematurely."

WWF: It's scary. And this is even scarier.

Your skin color shouldn't dictate the future.

As we turn the page the deforestation continues


Elm Grove Police Department: Radar combined with social advertising. The scoreboard displays the speed of a car passing by and the message "46 days in the hospital." Slogan: The slower the better

Save paper - save the planet

Polluted air kills 60,000 people a year

Sympathy doesn't help. Become a volunteer. Change your life

Protect the Birds: Don't Throw Trash

What do we see when you smoke

Anti-violence. Animal Welfare League: This is not football

Bangalore City Traffic Police: Don't talk while driving

Child Soldiers: It's Not Happening Here, But It's Happening Now

Art Director Pius Walker, Amnesty International, Switzerland

Censorship is lying

Don't get distracted while driving

Every 60 seconds a species dies out. Every minute counts

Innocence in danger: Where is the pedophile?

Art director: Michael Argüello. Copywriter: Bassam Tariq. Additional photos: Jason Musante

Sexual Predators May Be Hiding in Your Child's Smartphone

Smoking leads to premature aging

You are not a sketch. Say no to anorexia

Abandoned children feel invisible. Stop Child Abuse

Australian Childhood Foundation, JWT Melbourne

Global Action for Animals: Plastic bags kill

Keep the sea clean

Distance is not worth it. Pass the truck

Marine Conservation Society (SSCS): When you see a tuna, think of a panda

Sleep is stronger than you. Don't drive when drowsy

See how easy it is to feed the hungry?

Cause cancer on your own

Deforestation and the air we breathe: before it's too late

For the homeless, every day is a struggle

Warning beer mug: Please don't lose control of your drinking

One of the children is holding something forbidden in America. Guess what exactly?

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