Work program in the discipline of project management. Work program "project management"

  • 14.04.2020

State budget professional educational institution"Arzamas Instrument-Making College named after P.I.Plandin"

I approve

Director of GBPOU

APK im. P. I. Plandin»

___________/S.A. Ermolaev/


Project management

specialty 09.02.04

Information Systems

(a basic level of)

Arzamas, 2017

Working programm academic discipline "Project Management"developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary Vocational Education in the specialty 09.02.04 Information Systems, which is part of the enlarged group of specialties 09.00.00 Informatics and Computer Engineering.

Organization - developer: GBPOU "AIC named after P.I. Plandin.


Malova E.V., Lecturer, GBPOU “APK named after P.I. Plandin.

Approved methodological council GBPOU "AIC named after P.I. Plandin.





conditions for the implementation of the academic discipline

Monitoring and evaluation of results Mastering the academic discipline


Project management

1.1. Scope of the work program

The program of the discipline "Project Management" is part of the professional module of the section "Participation in the development of information systems" educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of secondary vocational education in the specialty 09.02.04 Information systems, which is part of the enlarged group of specialties 09.00.00 Informatics and computer technology.

The main goal of studying a special course is to form in various categories of students an idea of ​​project management for building corporate information systems.

1.2. The place of discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program:

The discipline is part of the professional module of the section "Participation in the development of information systems" of the educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty 09.02.04 "Information Systems" (by industry).

1.3. The goals and objectives of the discipline are the requirements for the results of mastering the discipline:

    • as a result of mastering the discipline, the student must


main types and procedures of information processing, models and methods for solving problems of information processing (report generation, decision support, data analysis, artificial intelligence, image processing);


2.1. The volume of the discipline and types academic work

Type of study work

Watch volume


Mandatory classroom teaching load (total)



lecture classes


laboratory classes




test papers


term paper (project) (if provided)


Independent work of the student (total)



Preparation for oral and written surveys

Preparing for testing

Preparing messages

Work with the textbook (drawing up a summary, theses)

Drawing up tables, diagrams on the topic of the lesson

Solution of calculation and situational problems

Creation electronic presentations on a specific topic


2.2. Thematic plan and content of the discipline "Project Management"


Content educational material, practical work,



sections and topics

independent work of students



Section 1. The project and its environment




Basic concepts of project management.

1, 2


Project management technology.


Decision-making processes.


Practical lesson 1. Setting up the MS Project interface.

2, 3


1) Preparation for the lecture. Learning Issues: Basic Concepts of Management

projects. Information systems design management technology.

Decision-making processes.

1, 2, 3

2) Preparation for practical work No. 1. Introduction to MS Project software.

1.Setting up the MS Project interface.

3) Formation of the project team, distribution of roles.

Topic 1.2. Story

Objective prerequisites for the emergence of project management methods.


Development of project management abroad.


Professional associations of project managers.

1, 2

management methods

The main stages in the development of project management in Russia.


Russian Association of Project Managers SOVNET.

Practical lesson 2. Formation of the project calendar

2, 3

Independent work of the student:

Preparing for a lecture. Studying Questions: Objective Prerequisites

emergence of project management methods. Development of project management

abroad. Professional associations of project managers.

1, 2, 3

The main stages in the development of project management in Russia. Russian

association of project managers SOVNET.

Preparation for Practical Lesson No. 2. Formation of the project calendar.

Collective discussion of the case of the project of each team.


1.3. Project,

1 Project. Concepts and definitions.


elements and

2 The main features of the project.


3 Classification of projects.

4 Structure and structural models of the project.

1, 2

5 Project life cycle.

Practical lesson 3. Setting up a calendar plan and compiling a list of tasks.

Independent work of the student:

Preparation for lecture number 3. Studying issues: Project. Concepts and

definitions. The main features of the project. Classification of projects. Structure

and structural models of the project. Project life cycle.

1, 2, 3

Preparation for Laboratory work No. 3. Learning methods: 3.Setting

scheduling and making a list of tasks.

Working on your section of the project in a group



"Far" environment of the project.

1, 2

Project environment

"Near" environment of the project.

Project participants.

Project team.

Project manager.


Lesson 4. Input

plan milestones, setting durations

and types

2, 3


Independent work of the student:

1) Preparation for lecture No. 4. Exploring questions: The "far" environment of the project.

"Near" environment of the project. "Internal" environment of the project. Members

project. Project team. Project manager.

1, 2, 3

2) Preparation for practical work No. 3. Learning methods: 4. Entering milestones

plan, setting durations and types of tasks.

3) Work on the coursework. Working on your section of the project in a group

Section 2. Project Management Processes


Topic 2.1. Areas

"Far" environment of the project.

1, 2

management knowledge

"Near" environment of the project.


"Internal" environment of the project.

Project participants.

Project team.

Project manager.

Practical lesson 5. Establishing links between tasks.

2, 3

Practice 6. Formatting a Gantt chart.

1) Preparation for lectures. Study questions:

Project management. Concepts and definitions. Aspects of management

projects. What does Project Management manage?

Project management by area of ​​expertise: 04.Integration management

1, 2, 3

project. 05.Project scope management 06.Project timeline management



project 08. Quality management


09.Human resource management 10.Communication management

project 11.Project risk management 12.Project supply management.

Preparation for works No. 5-7. Learning methods: 5.Installation

links between tasks. 6.Formatting the Gantt chart. 7.Working with


3) Work on your section of the project in a group

Topic 2.2. Groups

Initiation process group.


Planning process group.


Group of execution processes.


Group of monitoring and control processes.

Terminating process group.

Practical lesson 7. Working with tables.

2, 3

Practical lesson 8. Appointment of resources.

Student's independent work

1) Preparation for lectures.

Study questions:

Initiation process group:

04.1. Development of the charter of the project.

04.2. Development of the preliminary content of the project.

Planning process group:

04.0.Project integration management.

1, 2, 3

05.0.Project content management

Execution process group:

04.0.Project integration management.

08.0.Project quality management.

09.0. Human resource management.

10.0 Project communications management.

12.0.Project supply management.

Group of monitoring and control processes:

05.0.Project content management.

06.0. Project time management.

07.0. Project cost management.

08.0.Project quality management.

09.0.Human resource management

10.0 Project communications management.

11.0. Project risk management.

12.0.Project supply management.

Terminating process group:

04.0 Project integration management.

12.0.Project supply management.

    Preparation for Practical exercises No. 7-9. Learning methods: 7. Work with tables. 8. Assignment of resources. 9. Leveling the load of resources.

    Work on your section of the project in a group.

Section 3. Organization of project management 36



Methods for constructing design models of the company.


Project management and company strategy.


Project management information system as an implementation tool


company strategy.

1, 2


Practical lesson 9. Project-oriented business.

2, 3

Practical lesson 10. Organizational structures of project management.

2, 3

Practical lesson 11. Forecasting and risk assessment and its assessment.

2, 3

Practical lesson 12. Project management information system.

2, 3

Practice 13. Load balancing of resources.

2, 3

Practice 14. Auxiliary forms of information presentation

about the project.

2, 3

Practical lesson 15. Fixing the basic plan.

2, 3

Practical lesson 16. Reports. Form printout

2, 3

presentation of information.

2, 3

Practice 17. Economical effect from risk management.

2, 3

Practice 18: Project Tracking.

2, 3

Independent work of the student:

1) Preparation for lectures. Exploring Questions: The Model of Strategic

company management. Model of operational management of the company. Company

as an object of strategic management. Types of company strategies. Model

organizational maturity of project management. Formation of business

company models. Integrated development management system. target

organizational structure development management. Market of modern software

project management. Interaction of project management functions with

subsystems of the integrated information system. Organizational

project management structure. Documentation support management

projects. Terminology. Correspondence of the organizational structure to the system

relationships between project participants. Organizational compliance

1, 2, 3

structure of the content of the project. Organizational Structure Compliance

requirements of the external environment. Development and creation algorithm

organizational structures of the project. Concepts: "Risk" and "Risk Management".

Assessment of the risk of a negative event. risk management

negative event. Management of specific implementation risks

project. Schedule risk management. Resource risk management.

Budget risk management. Monitoring of project risks. Economic

effect of risk management. The composition of the information system.

Functional subsystems of project management information systems.

Overview of project management software. Providing

subsystems of project management information systems. Life cycle

project management information system.

2) Preparation for Practical exercises No. 10-18. Learning methods:

10. Auxiliary forms for presenting information about the project. 11.Fixation

basic plan. Reports. Printout of information presentation forms.

12.Project tracking.

3) Work on your section of the project in a group.



Within each section, relevant topics are indicated. For each topic, the content of the educational material is described (in didactic units), the names of the necessary laboratory work and practical exercises (separately for each type), tests, as well as approximate topics for independent work. If term papers (projects) in the discipline are provided, an approximate topic is described. The volume of hours is determined by each position of column 3 (marked with an asterisk *). The level of development is put down opposite the didactic units in column 4 (marked with two asterisks **).

To characterize the level of mastering the educational material, the following designations are used:

    introductory (recognition of previously studied objects, properties);

    reproductive (performing activities according to a model, instructions or guidance)

    productive (planning and independent performance of activities, problem solving)


3.1. Logistics Requirements

The implementation of the academic discipline requires a study room equipped with a multimedia projector and a PC with Internet access; computer laboratory equipped with modern computer technology and with installed software Primavera Oracle (Microsoft Project).

Study room equipment: multimedia projector and PC with Internet access.

Technical means training: networked PCs with installed Primavera Oracle software (Microsoft Project) and Internet access.

3.2. Information support of training

main sources

    Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge. (Management

PMBoK).Thirdedition. project management Institute, Four Campus Boulevard, Newton Square, PA 19073-3299 USA/USA.

    Trofimov V.V., Tsvetkov A.V. et al. ISUP in project management. Practical guide / Ed. prof. V.V. Trofimova.. M.: ZAO Publishing House


      1. Microsoft Project software

        Primavera Software


    Control and evaluation of the results of mastering the discipline is carried out by the teacher in the process of conducting practical classes, testing, as well as the performance of individual tasks by students.

    Learning Outcomes

    (learned skills, acquired knowledge)

    Forms and methods of control

    and evaluation of learning outcomes

    be able to:

    U1.To carry out mathematical and informational formulation of problems for

    information processing, use

    information processing algorithms for

    various applications;

    Evaluation of the implementation of practical work and test tasks

    U2.Solve applied issues of static expert systems, real-time expert systems; use structural, object-oriented programming and scripting languages

    to create independent

    programs, develop

    graphical interface of the application;

    Performance evaluation independent tasks, written survey


    Z1.Basic types and procedures of information processing, models and methods for solving information processing problems (report generation, decision support, data analysis, artificial intelligence, image processing);

    Homework assessment, oral survey

    Z2.Service-oriented architectures, CRM systems, ERP systems; object-oriented programming;

    language specifications, creation of a graphical user interface

    interface (GUI), file input-output,

    creation of a network server and network


    Performance evaluation individual projects

    Evaluation of the performance of a written assignment

    Z3. Platforms for creating, executing and managing an information system;

    basic development project management processes

    Evaluation of the performance of test tasks

    Evaluation of extracurricular independent work

    have practical experience:

    P1. Formation of reporting documentation based on the results of work;

    P2. Use of standards in the preparation of program documentation;

    Evaluation of the implementation of practical work

    P3.Programming according to

    requirements terms of reference;

    Evaluation of the implementation of practical work

    Intermediate certification in the form exam


    GBPOU APK im. P.I. Plandina teacher E.V.Malova




Project planning

Qualities of an effective project manager

Principles of managing teams working on a project

Project budget management

Accounting and control of the progress of the project

Solving problems related to the implementation of the project

Project Completion


Training program

Topic 1. Introduction to project management

Variety of projects: history and modernity. The main classification features of projects. Project definition. Aspects of the project: timing, budget and quality of the result. Four project management functions. Project life cycle.

Topic 2. Evaluation and project selection

Problems arising when choosing a project: uncertainty and risk. How to identify project risks and how to mitigate them. How the decision is made: “yes” or “no” to the project. Qualitative criteria for project selection. Quantitative criteria for project selection.

Topic 3. Development of the organizational structure of the project

What does "organization" mean? Organization signs. The difference between project and organizational structures. Types of project organization: integrated structure, independent structure and matrix structure. The advantages and disadvantages of these structures, the most common areas of their application. Project Specification. Job instructions. Schedule functional duties. Estimated and budget. Control over changes to the project.

Topic 4. Project Planning

The importance of planning. Plan definition. The beginning of planning: a list of actions and their relationship. Network planning: drawing up a network graph of the project, identifying the critical path and runtime slack individual works project. Project scheduling (Gantt charts). Probabilistic estimate of the project execution time. Optimization of graphics according to the "cost-time" criterion. Planning with computers.

Topic 5. Qualities of an effective project manager

What does "manage" mean. Differences between routine and project management. What should a project manager know and do? How project managers influence subordinates. Effective communication with subordinates. Ability to effectively resolve conflicts between team members. Effective motivation of subordinates.

Topic 6. Principles of managing teams that work on a project

The reasons for the popularity of the team principle of work in modern business. What is a team. Differences between good and bad teams. How many members should be on the team. Team organization principles: purposefulness, cohesion, responsibility. Qualities of a good team player. Team charter. Creation of a team. Teams working on projects.

Topic 7. Project budget management

Budget as a project management tool. Types of costs for the implementation of the project. Step-by-step assessment of the project budget in the process of its preparation. Initial data for project evaluation. Top-down and bottom-up evaluation methods. Expenses on capital and current operations. When a spending forecast turns into a spending plan.

Topic 8. Accounting and control of the progress of the project

The importance of project accounting and control. Why checks are needed: passive and active data. Project accounting planning. Step by step results. Acceptable Bounds Method. Analysis of commodity stocks. S-curve accounting. Surplus value method. Reports on the results of inspections and organization of workshops. Development of corrective actions.

Topic 9. Solving problems related to the implementation of the project

The inevitability of problems arising in the process of project implementation. The problem of lack of information in decision making. Deciding when and how to solve a given problem. Logic and intuition in problem solving. Target group method. Force analysis method. Diagram of Ishikawa. Pareto analysis. Cumulative sum method.

Topic 10. Completion of the project

The importance of a successful project completion. How to determine the end date of a project. The function of the project manager at the final stage. Project completion process. The dissolution of the team that worked on the project. Closing the project databank. Completion of work. Final check and debriefing of the project. Saving materials related to the project. Post-project assessment

Control questions, tasks, results




1. Classification of projects

Make a list of projects and break them down according to the main classification criteria

Knowledge of classification features and their correct application

2. Definition of the project

Briefly describe any project and use its example to demonstrate the main features of the project

Knowledge definition. Ability to correctly identify projects by their main features

3. Aspects of the project

Consider two or three projects and use them to show the three main aspects of the project and how they are controlled

Knowledge of the main aspects of the project. Understanding the importance of these aspects. Ability to translate these aspects into specific project indicators

4. Project management functions

Draw a project management chart. Comment on each of the four project management functions

Knowledge of how management principles apply to project management.

5. Project life cycle

On the example of a project, show the main stages of project implementation

Knowledge of the main stages of the project, as well as the actions and results of each stage.

6. Uncertainty and risks in the project

Use an example to show the difference between uncertainty and risk.

Knowledge of uncertainty and risk. Ability to describe, identify and classify risks.

7. Risk reduction

Demonstrate how project risks can be reduced using an example

Ability to analyze the causes and consequences of project risks, as well as plan actions to reduce them.

8. Qualitative criteria for project selection

List the qualitative criteria for selecting a project and give examples of them

Knowledge of qualitative project selection criteria and an understanding of when they should be applied

9. Quantitative criteria for project selection

List quantitative criteria for project selection. Demonstrate their application with an example

Knowledge of quantitative criteria for project selection. Ability to apply these criteria in practice

10. Difference between projects and organizations

Demonstrate the place of the project in the management system and name the main differences between the project and a conventional organization

Understanding the difference between an organization and a project. Ability to identify these differences in a practical example

11. Types of project organization

Transfer typical structures organization of projects, name their advantages and disadvantages. Illustrate the choice of project structure with an example

Knowledge of basic project organization structures. Understanding how structure is chosen. Ability to make the right choice of structure in practice

12. Project specification

Explain what a project specification is and why it is needed. Develop a project specification using a specific example

Knowing what a specification is. Ability to develop specifications in practical conditions

13. Job description

What does it include job description. Develop an example job description

Knowledge of what a job description is. Practical skills for its compilation

14. Schedule of functional duties

What is a schedule of functional duties and how is it built. Give an example of scheduling

Knowledge of what a job schedule is. Practical skills for its compilation

15. Project planning

Explain what planning is. List planning methods. How can you optimize your plan? Show with a practical example how planning is carried out

Knowledge of what planning is. Skills in drawing up a plan (actions, their sequence, estimates of the time to complete actions). Knowledge of the factors that affect the duration of the plan

16. Network planning

Explain how a network graph is constructed. Make a network graph according to a practical example. Identify the critical path and time reserves on the graph

Knowledge of what network planning is. Practical Network Planning Skills

17. Scheduling

Explain what a Gantt chart is. Draw a Gantt chart according to the practical example. Draw the critical path of the project on the graph

Knowledge of scheduling and Gantt chart. Practical scheduling skills

18. Qualities of a project manager

Explain the specifics of project management. List the qualities of a project manager. Show examples of how these properties are used in practice.

Knowledge of the qualities of a project manager. Ability to identify these qualities in practice

19. Influence on subordinates

List the ways in which a leader influences his subordinates. Give examples

Knowledge of ways to influence the leader on subordinates. Ability to recognize these methods in practical situations

20. Effective communication

What does effective communication include? Give examples of right and wrong communication

Knowledge of the principles of effective communication. Ability to recognize communication techniques in practical situations

21. Effective Solution conflicts

List the causes and types of conflicts in the team. How conflicts should be resolved. Give an example

Understanding the nature of conflict. Knowledge of conflict resolution principles. Ability to recognize and apply these principles in practical situations

22. Motivating team members

Discuss the principles and techniques of motivating team members. Review these principles with a practical example

Knowledge of the principles of motivation of team members. Ability to apply these principles in practice.

23. Team work principle

Describe what a team is and how it differs from a group. Demonstrate how a team works with an example

Knowledge of what the team principle of work is. Ability to use the team principle of work in practical situations

24. Project budget estimation methods

Describe what the top-down and bottom-up evaluation methods are. In what cases do they apply. Give examples

Knowledge of top-down and bottom-up budgeting methods. Skills of practical use of methods

25. Project verification methods

List the methods for checking a project. Illustrate the application of one of the methods with a practical example

Knowledge of project verification methods. Practical skills of using methods in practice

26. Methods for solving problems in the project

List methods for solving problems in the project. Illustrate the application of one of the methods with a practical example

Knowledge of project problem solving methods. Practical skills of using methods in practice

27. Project Completion Process

Explain the project completion process. Explain how project completion should be organized with a practical example

Understanding the problems that arise when completing a project. Knowledge of the principles of their solution. Ability to apply these principles in practice

Independent work "Project planning"

Target: develop independent project planning skills


1. Independently come up with and describe any project

2. Draw up a project specification that will contain:

§ Goals and objectives of the project

§ List of actions (from 12 to 25)

§ Deadlines

§ Number of responsible persons and performers (at least 2 people)

§ Required resources

3. Carry out network planning of the project and use it to estimate the actual duration of the project, including the following actions:

§ Drawing up a network graph

§ Determination of the duration of the actions (as an option, you can specify the minimum, maximum and most likely duration of the action)

§ Determination of early and late dates for the execution of events

§ Determination of time reserves for each event

4. Compose calendar plan-project schedule (Gantt chart), indicating the critical path on it, as well as indicating responsible persons and performers next to each action

5. Describe and analyze all ways and possibilities to reduce the project execution time by:

§ Changes in the use or attraction of additional resources (workers, equipment, money, etc.)

§ Changes in the list and sequence of actions performed due to changes in the method or technology of project implementation


1., "Project management". - Omega, 2004. - Price: 212 rubles. (The textbook systematically considers a set of issues that together make up the essence of a relatively new synthetic discipline for Russia - "project management". All the elements of project management presented in four parts are covered: acquaintance with the world of project management; project development; project management functions; subsystems project management (The book also includes an index and short credits about the authors.)

2. "Project Management" - Peter (Series "Theory and Practice of Management"), 2004. - Price: 222 rubles. (The book of well-known American specialists is devoted to one of the most popular areas of management at present - project management. The book describes in detail the management of the project environment, the interaction of the project and the organization, the management of project goals and planning, the management of all aspects related to human resources, integration management, integration of all project processes. a large number of practical situations.)

3. Bagyuli F. "Project management" - Fair-press, 2004. - Price: 101 rubles. (The author in an accessible and informative form explains all aspects of project management, especially small ones.)

4. D. Locke "Fundamentals of project management" - HIPPO, 2004. - Price: 480 rubles. (A practical guide to getting a complete understanding of project management. This is an ideal introduction to the subject for professionals, in the circle professional duties which includes project management; and for students for whom the subject is part of a larger course.)

5. Clifford F. Gray, Eric W. Larson "Project Management. A Practical Guide" - Business and Service, 2002. - Price: 1,534 rubles. (The book is the most authoritative and fundamental work ever published in the West, revealing the essence of the transition from an informal to a formal and systematic approach to project management. The book reveals all stages of design, including; integration of the project organization strategy; definition project development network plan risk management reduction of project execution time scheduling resources, etc.)

6. "Business design and project management: a course of lectures." - Publishing house "Busygin", 2003. - Price: 400 rubles. (The course of lectures is intended primarily for students of higher educational institutions and can be used both for mastering the general course and for specializing in project management. The book may also be useful to practitioners when it becomes necessary to perform business design or project management functions.)

7. D. Korolev " Efficient Management projects" - Olma-Press (series " Successful business. Master class"), 2003. - Price: 126 rubles.

8. "Project management. Tutorial"- Publishing House of the DIA of the CIS countries, 2000. - Price: 88 rubles.

9. Strategic planning for project management using the maturity model. - DMK Press (series "Project Management"), 2003. - Price: 338 rubles. (Strategic planning for project management using a maturity model The concept of maturity, focused on achieving business success, has long been rooted in the global community. Today, maturity models can be useful both for project-oriented companies for which projects are the main form of profit, and for any other firms focusing heavily on new product development, reorganization, and other forms of business improvement.)

10. Stanley E. Portney "Project Management for Dummies" - Dialectics (series "For Dummies"), 2004. - Price: 81 rubles.

11. Diethelm G. "Project Management. - Business Press, 2004. - In 2 volumes. Translated from German. Volume 1 "Basics" - Price: 223 p. Volume 2. "Features" - 231 p. (In this book the whole complex of project management tasks is thoroughly and fully stated, the applied aspect and examples from experience are presented different countries and firms, practical recommendations.)

12. "Investment design and project management" - Economics and Finance (series " Higher education"), 2002. - Price: 70 rubles.

13. Project management: standards, methods, experience. - Olymp-Business, 2004. - Price: 365 rubles. (The basis of the book was the publications and reports of the authors in Russian and international conferences and congresses throughout the years. The book is intended for managers and professionals interested in implementing methods project management in your organization. The book brought to your attention is conceived as a practical guide to creating an integrated project management system implemented as an enterprise standard.)

14., Rybakov "PROJECT MANAGEMENT Practical Guide" - Business Workshop, 2003. - Price: 108 rubles. (The book, written in the form of a practical textbook, presents the main issues of project management. The authors of the book are practitioners: trainers-consultants of the International Institute of Management Group of Companies. The publication is written in a lively, understandable language and will be useful to everyone involved in business, first turn to specialists and consultants in the field of project management, as well as senior and middle managers of organizations, enterprises, companies, banks.)

15. Guide to the Body of Knowledge in Project Management (PMBOK Guide) - Project Management Institute; Project Management Institute, 2004. - Price: 693 rubles.

16. "Project management practice." - Russian edition, 2004. - Price: 122 rubles. (This book describes scientific management techniques that allow you to quickly and competently create and effectively implement optimal project plans. Solving problems of pre-project optimization, etc.)

17. "Risk management in the implementation of investment projects: Recommendations for enterprises and commercial organizations". - Finance and statistics, 2004. - Price: 216 rubles (A new direction of risk management is considered - risk management in the implementation and financing of investment projects. Scientific basics, practical recommendations and typical examples).

18. Russell D. Archibald "Management of high-tech programs and projects". - IT, Book and business (series "Information technologies for engineers"), 2004. - Price: 543 rubles. (Russell D. Archibald is an internationally recognized specialist in project management. With more than 40 years of experience in management, engineering and consulting, he produced this book to meet a long-standing need for a comprehensive, systematic description of the practice of program and project management, as well as related planning and control tools.This book covers all aspects of project/program management).

Non-state educational institution of higher professional education

"Institute of Management"

Faculty of Economics Department of State and Municipal Administration

and management of the organization





38.03.04 (081100) STATE




(full-time and part-time forms of education)

2nd edition, revised and enlarged


Institute of Management

BBK 65.290-2 R 13

The work program was compiled by the associate professor of the Severodvinsk branch of the IU O. I. Avagina and the professor of the IU, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor E. E. Osipova in accordance with the requirements of the FSES VPO of the 3rd generation, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 17, 2011 No. 41.


Approved at a meeting of the Department of State and Municipal Administration and Organization Management Minutes No. 1 dated September 12, 2014

Head department prof. IU N. V. Zykova

Chairman of the scientific and methodological council prof.A. N. Yezhov

R 13 Work program discipline "Project Management" in the direction 38.03.04 (081100) "State and municipal government» qualification (degree) "Bachelor" (full-time and part-time forms of education) / comp. :O. I. Avagina., E. E. Osipova.

- 2nd ed., Rev. and additional - Arkhangelsk: Institute of Management, 2014. - 20 p.

© Avagina O.I., comp., 2014

© Osipova E.E., comp., 2014

© NOU VPO "Institute of Management", 2014





4.1. Approximate thematic plan……………….…….......... 8

4.2. Abstract………………………………………..……….. 10

5. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES………………........... 11


6.2. Program issues.………..……….……….…….…… 14

6.3. Criteria for evaluating learning outcomes…....…………… 15

6.4. Types, terms and forms of control

student performance…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


7.1. Bibliographic list………..……………....…….… 18

7.2. Internet resources………………………………..………. 19


The purpose of the discipline "Project Management" is to prepare students to study the economic and organizational and legal foundations of development management activities during the implementation of various projects.

The tasks of studying the discipline:

learn the basic concepts;

master the methodology of project management, including the methodological foundations of the market approach to the system of economics of project implementation planning, methods of analysis and synthesis of management decisions based on the ideas of achieving maximum results in the face of limited available resources and ways to increase profitability;

read guidance materials on project management;

get acquainted with the main sources economic information by discipline.



The discipline "Project Management" refers to the professional cycle B3.V.OD.5OOP VPO (Basic part). The "input" knowledge and skills necessary for mastering this discipline are formed by the following previous disciplines: Economic theory”, “Jurisprudence”, “Investment Analysis”, “Marketing”, “Enterprise Economics”, “Accounting and Analysis: Financial Accounting”, “ Strategic management”, “Concepts of sustainable development”.

The concepts, methods and knowledge of practical issues of project management are used in the study of the following applied disciplines: "Project scope and scope management", "Project cost management", "Project supply and contract management", "Project quality management", "Project team management", "Project Communications Management", "Project Timing Management", "Project Risk Management".



AT as a result of mastering the content of the discipline, the student must have the following competencies

general cultural:

- the ability to critically evaluate information, reassess the accumulated experience and constructively make a decision based on the generalization of information; the ability to critically analyze their capabilities (OK-14);

- the ability to take part in the development of management decisions and be responsible for the implementation of these decisions within their own official duties, the ability to assess the consequences of decisions (OK-15);


– the ability to apply adequate tools and technologies of regulatory influence in the implementation of a management decision (PC-5).

AT as a result of mastering the discipline "Project Management" student must

place and role of project management in the overall system organizational and economic knowledge;

modern methodology and technology of project management;

main types and characteristics of projects;

project management functions;

main stages of project implementation;

main regulations regulating project activities;

modern tools in the field of project management

define the goals of the project;

– develop a feasibility study for the project;

divide activities into separate interdependent tasks;

analyze financial feasibility and economic efficiency project;

draw up a network schedule for the implementation of the project;

form the budget of the project;

use methods and mechanisms to manage the project

special terminology project activities;

organizational tools for project management;

methods design analysis and mathematical apparatus for evaluating the effectiveness and risks of the project;

methods of network planning of the project;

practical skills for solving practical problems of project management.



Types of educational work



General labor intensity


Classroom work (in hours):

Lectures (L)

Practical exercises (PZ)

Seminars (SZ)

Laboratory work (LR)

Independent work (in hours):



– preparation for lectures and practical


- performance of control work

– preparation for testing

- independent study of sections,

repetition of lecture material

Form of final control

with an estimate

by discipline

with an estimate


Full-time education

Study time budget, h

Topic name



Topic 1. Basic concepts

in project management

Topic 2. Management processes


Topic 3. Calendar-network

project planning

Topic 4. Project development

Topic 5. Organizational me-

project management mechanisms -

Topic 6. Operational management


Topic 7. Business planning

Topic 8. Specifics of management

projects of various types

Form of control:

Pass with an assessment

Extramural studies

Study time budget, h

Topic name



Topic 1. Basic concepts in

project management

Topic 2. Management processes


Topic 3. Calendar-network

project planning

Topic 4. Project development

Topic 5. Organizational me-

project management mechanisms -

Topic 6. Operational management


Topic 7. Business planning

Topic 8. Specifics of management

projects of various types

Form of control:

Pass with an assessment

* SRS - independent work of students


Topic 1. Basic concepts in project management

The project and its environment. External and internal environment of the project. Structure and content of elements. Project types. Scale (size) of the project. Project environment. Classification of basic concepts of project management. Managed project settings. Project cycle. Functions and subsystems of project management. The main participants of the project. Functions and role in development and implementation.

Topic 2. Project management processes

The processes of managing the subjects and objects of the project. Processes for initiating, planning, organizing, monitoring project progress, project scope management, managing project duration, cost, and funding, managing quality, risk, human resources, communications, supplies and contracts, change, security, and project conflicts.

Topic 3. Calendar-network project planning

Building a calendar plan. Network models of the project, optimization of network models. Dual network model of resource allocation in the project.

Topic 4. Project development

Development of the concept and the initial phase of the project. Construction of organizational structures for project management. Sources of financing and marketing of the project. Project planning. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the project.

Topic 5. Organizational management mechanisms


Mechanisms for forming the composition of project executors. Project reliability. insurance mechanisms. Resource allocation mechanisms. Cost sharing mechanisms. Mechanisms

National Research University Higher School of Economics

The program of the discipline "Project Management"

Government Russian Federation
Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education
"National Research University
"High School of Economics"

Faculty of Business Informatics

discipline program

"Project management"

for the direction 38.03.05 "Business Informatics" of the bachelor's degree

Kuznetsova E.V., Ph.D., [email protected]

Approved at the meeting of the department
Business Intelligence "____" ____________ 2015

Head Department Kravchenko T.K. ________________________

Approved by the Academic Council

Bachelor's program "Business Informatics" "____" _____________ 2015

Academic supervisor Dmitriev A.V. ________________________

Moscow, 2015

This program cannot be used by other departments of the university and other universities without the permission of the department - the developer of the program.
  1. Scope and normative references

This program of the academic discipline establishes the minimum requirements for the knowledge and skills of the student and determines the content and types of training sessions and reporting.

The program is intended for teachers leading this discipline, teaching assistants and students of the direction 38.03.05 "Business Informatics" of the bachelor's degree.

The program was developed in accordance with the working curriculum of the university in the direction of 38.03.05 "Business Informatics" for the preparation of a bachelor, approved on 26.02.2015.

  1. The goals of mastering the discipline

The purpose of studying the discipline is:

  • formation of theoretical knowledge, skills and practical skills for solving problems that arise in project management (PM).

  • development of skills and practical skills of effective PM in various sectors of the economy, including the use of automated systems (APCS), ensuring the achievement of the results defined in the project in terms of the scope and scope of work, cost, time, quality and satisfaction of the project participants.
  1. Competences of the student, formed as a result of mastering the discipline

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must


    conceptual apparatus of UE;

  • principles of standardization in the field of PM, composition of international and national standards of PM;

  • PM best practices included in the PMI PMBOK body of knowledge;

  • development and PM methodology (methods of critical path, PERT analysis, cost analysis of projects, forecasting the values ​​of technical and economic indicators of the project, risk assessment);

  • principles of construction and content of the methodological, organizational and technological component of the corporate PM system;
have practical skills:

  • building a network diagram;

  • resource planning;

  • calculating earned value indicators;

  • conducting risk analysis and identifying response measures;

  • preparation and presentation of the educational project;
be able to:

  • analyze and optimize the work plan and project cost;

  • draw up project documentation;

  • apply modern automated control systems for solving practical problems of PM.
A graduate in the direction of training business informatics with a qualification (degree) "bachelor" in accordance with the objectives of professional activity and the goals of the main educational program as a result of mastering this discipline should have the following competencies:


GEF / NRU code

Descriptors - the main signs of development (indicators of achievement of result)

Forms and methods of teaching that contribute to the formation and development of competence

Willingness to use the basic laws of natural sciences in professional activities, apply the methods of mathematical analysis and modeling, theoretical and experimental research


owns and applies

Possession of a culture of thinking, the ability to generalize, analyze, perceive information, set a goal and choose ways to achieve it


owns and applies


Ability to understand patterns of economic processes


owns and applies

Lectures, practical classes, homework

Ability for written and oral communication in the state language



Lectures, practical classes, homework

Readiness for organizational and managerial work with small teams




Willingness to work with information from various sources



Doing homework

Possession of the main methods, methods and means of obtaining, storing, processing information


owns and applies

Lectures, practical classes, homework

Proficiency in working with a computer as a means of managing information, the ability to work with information in global computer networks;


owns and applies

Practical exercises, homework

The ability to logically correct, reasoned and clearly build oral and written speech




The ability to self-develop, improve their qualifications and skills


owns and applies

Lectures, practical classes, homework

Use modern standards and methods, develop regulations for the activities of the enterprise


owns and applies

Practical exercises, homework

Organize the management of small design and implementation teams


owns and applies


Plan and organize project activities based on project management standards


owns and applies

Lectures, practical classes, homework

Use the appropriate mathematical apparatus and tools for processing, analysis and systematization of information on the research topic


owns and applies

Lectures, practical classes, homework

Prepare scientific and technical reports, presentations, scientific publications based on the results of research


owns and applies

Practical exercises, homework
  1. The place of discipline in the structure of the educational program

    1. Requirements for the input knowledge, skills and competencies of the student

To study the discipline "Project Management" the student must:

  • own the content of disciplines: microeconomics, management, mathematical analysis, probability theory and mathematical statistics, theoretical basis informatics, enterprise architecture, computing systems, networks, telecommunications, Information Systems production company management;

  • be able to use mathematical and instrumental tools to solve control problems.
    1. Disciplines for which this discipline is the predecessor

  • Information technologies in the analysis of investment projects;

  • Project portfolio management as a tool for implementing corporate strategy.
  1. Thematic plan of the academic discipline

    Section name

    Total hours

    classroom hours

    Independent work





    Project and project activities






    Project management as a type of management activity






    Project scheduling






    Resource planning






    Project Cost Management






    Project risk management






    Project control






    Organizational, methodological and technological components of project management





    Total hours




  2. Forms of student knowledge control

    Type of control

    form of control

    1 year







    (a week)


    7 weeks

    Development of a project presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint and creation of a basic project plan in Microsoft Project, evaluation of results - 1 week


    (a week)


    8 weeks

    Problem solving and testing
  3. Criteria for assessing knowledge, skills

The student must:

  • demonstrate knowledge of discipline sections;

  • present the results of the execution homework in accordance with the required competencies;

  • demonstrate practical skills in working with MS Project 2010 software.
Estimates for all forms of control are given on a 10-point scale.

Definition of the term "project". The main differences between project activity and operational activity. Formal project criteria. Typification of projects depending on the degree of uniqueness of the result and process. Description of the goals of the project. "Project triangle" and the relationship of project elements. Project trade-off matrix. The concepts of "program" and "portfolio of projects". Types of project portfolios.


Definition of the concept of "project management". Differences between project management and traditional management. Subjects of project management. Key stakeholders of the project. Areas of Knowledge in Project Management according to PMBoK 5 th ed. Key skills of a project manager. Factors affecting the success of the project. Project life cycle. Project Management Process Groups as per PMBoK 5 th ed.


  1. Additional literature: , , , , , .

Topic 3. Project scheduling

Development of a hierarchical work structure (WBS). Possible approaches to the degree of detail of the IRS. Designing a project network diagram: two approaches to designing network diagrams. Basic development rules, terminology, principles of construction and analysis of network graphs. Evaluation of the beginning and end of work using a network diagram. The process of calculating the parameters of the network diagram. Forward analysis and reverse analysis of determining the early and late dates for the start and end of operations. The concept of the critical path.

Approximation of the project to reality through improved methods of constructing network diagrams. Types of relationships between operations. Operation delays (lags) and their combinations. Suspended operations (such as "hammock").

Methods and tools for assessing the duration of work. Types of calendar restrictions.

Basic methods for analyzing network models. PERT and GERT methods.


  1. Basic textbook and basic literature:,,.

  2. Additional literature: , , .

Definition of the term "resource". Resource types.

Projects limited in time. Projects with limited resources. Impact of scheduling resources subject to constraints. Parallelization of operations.

Distribution of work on the project. teams and projects. Responsibility Matrix (RM). Project Human Resource Management and Project Human Resource Management. Integrated culture of the project team. Scheduling the resource usage of multiple projects.


  1. Basic textbook and basic literature: , , ,

  2. Additional literature: , , , ,

Project's budget. Direct and indirect costs of the project. Typical IT project cost items. Total cost of ownership. Features of ROI calculation for IT projects.


  1. Basic textbook and basic literature:,,.

  2. Additional literature , , .

Topic 6. Project risk management

Definition of the concepts "risk", "risk owner", "risk triggers", "risk factors", "residual risk", "secondary risk". Risk classification. Typical risks of IT projects. Methods for responding to negative risks (avoidance, transfer, reduction, acceptance). Examples of application of methods for responding to the risks of IT projects. Opportunity responses. Examples of application of methods of responding to opportunities in IT projects (use, amplification, separation, acceptance). Response selection strategy. Risk register.

Project risk management processes. Risk identification. Qualitative risk analysis. Probability/Influence Matrix. Quantitative risk analysis, methods of quantitative analysis. Planning response measures based on the results of the analysis. Monitoring and control of risks.


  1. Basic tutorial: , , .

  2. Additional literature: , , , .

Stages of monitoring the progress of the project. Basic project plan. Work performance monitoring. Performance indicators. The indicator of the percentage of completion of the project. Project schedule control by Gantt chart with tracking. Earned value method. Forecasting the final cost of the project.

Summary status of the project. Project status report. Reasons for making changes to the project plan.


  1. Basic tutorial: , , .

  2. Additional literature: , .

Topic 8. Organizational, methodological and technological components of project management

Functional, matrix and project organizational structures. Varieties of the matrix structure (weak, balanced and rigid matrices). Correspondence of the organizational structure to the types of projects. Project management office.

Standardization of project management, its goals and principles. International, national and corporate project management standards. Cascade (waterfall) project management model and flexible methodologies. The structure of the corporate project management standard. Main problems and their solutions in the development process corporate standards. The main types of documents used in corporate project management. Project charter. Project passport.

Areas of automation in project management. Possible approaches to automation: the use of specialized software (software) or specialized modules of ERP systems (on the example of SAP ERP). The main vendors of project management software in the global market. Comparative analysis of specialized software MS Project Oracle Primavera. Their capabilities and main differences. Overview of project management software using agile methodologies.


  1. Basic textbook and basic literature:,,,.

  2. Additional literature: , ,
  1. Educational technologies

Educational technologies used in the implementation various kinds academic work: project presentations; discussions; solving problems of project planning, resource leveling, calculation of earned value indicators; practical work in Microsoft Project 2010.
  1. Evaluation tools for current monitoring and certification of the student

Topics of current control tasks

Doing homework in the form of a project presentation on any topic chosen by the student provides for:

  1. formulation of the purpose and objectives of the project;

  2. identification of business problems to be solved by this project;

  3. identifying project risks and creating a response plan;

  4. formation of the project schedule in Microsoft Project 2010;

  5. determining the need for resources;

  6. describing resources and assigning them to project tasks in Microsoft Project 2010;

  7. formation of the project budget;

  8. description of the results of the project and the resulting business benefits from its implementation.

Questions for assessing the quality of mastering the discipline

Topic 1. Project and project activities.

  1. What is a project?

  2. What is the difference between project activity and operational activity?

  3. What formal criteria can be used at the enterprise to classify this or that activity as a project activity?

  4. Name the main types of projects depending on the degree of uniqueness of the result and process.

  5. What is a "design triangle"?

  6. Describe the relationship of the main elements of the project.

  7. Describe the goals of the project using the acronym SMART.

  8. What is the “Project Compromise Matrix” and what is its purpose?

  9. What is the difference between the concepts of "project", "program", "project portfolio"?

  10. Give an example of possible typing of project portfolios.
Topic 2. Project management as a type of management activity

  1. Define the term "project management"

  2. Who is involved in project management?

  3. Give examples of key stakeholders of the project, give a brief description of them.

  4. What is the object of management in the project management system?

  5. List areas of expertise in project management according to PMBoK 5 th ed.

  6. Describe the key project manager skills needed to successfully lead a project.

  7. Name the factors influencing the success of the project;

  8. Name and describe the phases of the project life cycle;

  9. Describe and present graphically the nature of the distribution of project costs over time in accordance with the phases life cycle project.

  10. Name the project management process groups according to PMBoK 5 th ed;

  11. Spend comparative analysis project management and traditional management.
Topic 3. Project scheduling

  1. How is a work breakdown structure different from a project network schedule?

  2. What is the difference between a network diagram with operations on arrows and a network diagram with operations at nodes?

  3. What is a critical path in a project?

  4. What relationships determine the position of any activity in the project schedule?

  5. What is direct project network analysis?

  6. What is reverse network analysis of a project?

  7. What are the benefits for the project manager of knowing the lead times for activities?

  8. What is the purpose of using delay ratios in network diagrams?

  9. What is a milestone and what is the purpose of using it?

  10. What is a suspension operation and what is the purpose of its use?

  11. Name and describe the main methods and tools for estimating the duration of work.

  12. Describe the functionality of MS Project 2010 used for scheduling.

  13. Name and describe the main types of tasks used in MS Project 2010
Topic 4. Resource planning

  1. What is a resource?

  2. Name and describe the main types of resources used in project activities.

  3. What are the restrictions associated with the use of resources in a project?

  4. How are resource scheduling and project priority related?

  5. What operations are delayed in resource leveling?

  6. How does resource scheduling reduce flexibility in project management?

  7. Explain the risks associated with leveling resources, shrinking or rushing projects, and setting project duration deadlines, or having to stay on schedule in project execution.

  8. What is the "responsibility matrix", what is the purpose of its use?

  9. Describe the functionality of MS Project 2010 used to create resources in a project.

  10. Describe the MS Project 2010 functionality used to assign resources to project tasks.

  11. Describe the MS Project 2010 functionality used for resource leveling.
Topic 5. Project Cost Management

  1. What is a budget?

  2. What is the difference between a budget and an estimate?

  3. What is the difference between direct and indirect project costs?

  4. What is the principle of relevance when planning a project budget?

  5. What is the "total cost of ownership" for an information system?

  6. Why is it necessary to use total cost of ownership when calculating ROI for IT projects?

  7. What are the typical cost items for an IT project.

  8. Who is responsible for the formation and execution of the project budget?

  9. Describe the functionality of MS Project 2010 used to calculate the project budget.
Topic 6. Project risk management.

  1. What is risk?

  2. What indicators can be used to assess risk?

  3. Are there risks that positive influence for a project?

  4. Can or can't project risks be eliminated if the project is carefully planned?

  5. What is the difference between risk factors and triggers?

  6. Who is the risk owner?

  7. Give the classifications of risks known to you.

  8. What is the difference between residual and secondary risk?

  9. Name the typical risks of IT projects.

  10. Name four types of responses to negative risks. Illustrate your answer with examples of responding to the negative risks of IT projects.

  11. Name four types of responses to opportunities. Illustrate your answer with examples of responding to opportunities in IT projects.

  12. Name the risk management processes.

  13. What is a qualitative risk analysis, what is the purpose of its implementation?

  14. What is quantitative analysis risks, what is the purpose of it?

  15. What are the possible consequences of not applying the change control process? Why?

  16. How to use PERT modeling to calculate the probability of a specific project duration? What approaches underlie this method?

  17. What is the difference between the information used in the PERT model and the information used in the critical path method (CPM)?
Topic 7. Project control

  1. Why use the earned value method?

  2. Name the main indicators of earned value and describe them.

  3. How are deviations of the project determined by the timing of its implementation?

  4. How are project cost variances determined?

  5. How does the baseline help integrate project planning and control?

  6. Why is it important for project managers to resist changes to the project's baseline? Under what conditions might the project manager make changes to the baseline?

  7. What indicators are used to assess the degree of project completion in MS Project 2010?

  8. Describe three possible approaches to indicate information about the actual performance of work in MS Project 2010. Conduct a comparative analysis of their advantages and disadvantages.

  9. What is project status? Give an example of a status scheme.

  10. What performance indicators are used to assess the status of a project?

  11. What indicators are used in the model for forecasting the total cost of work to complete the project?

  12. Describe the functionality of MS Project 2010 used to control a project using the earned value method.
Topic 8. Organizational, methodological and technological components of project management.

  1. Describe and compare functional, matrix, and project organizational structures.

  2. How does the power and authority of the project manager depend on the organizational structure?

  3. Describe and compare weak, balanced and strong matrix organizational structures.

  4. What is a Project Management Office? What are its functions and purpose of creation?

  5. Name and describe international and national project management standards known to you.

  6. Why, in the presence of international and national standards, is there a need to develop corporate project management standards?

  7. Describe the structure and name the approximate composition of the corporate project management standard.

  8. What are the main problems faced by enterprises in the development of corporate project management standards? What are the ways to solve them?

  9. What is the difference between waterfall (waterfall) methodology and flexible project management methodology?

  10. What are the main directions of project management automation?

  11. What opportunities should the project management system provide in terms of calendar and resource planning?

  12. What opportunities should the project management system provide in terms of financial planning?

  13. What functional components are included in the project management system?

  14. Compare two approaches to automating project management processes: based on specialized software and based on specialized modules of ERP systems? List the advantages and disadvantages of these approaches.
  1. The procedure for the formation of grades for the discipline

Formation of estimates for academic discipline is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the organization of intermediate certification and ongoing monitoring of students' progress at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, approved by protocol No. 5 of 06/27/2014.

In accordance with the Working Curriculum, the form of current control is test, which is evaluated on a 10-point scale. Overall score for current control (on a 10-point scale) is calculated by the formula:

O current =O dz ,
O dz- assessment for homework.
When determining the accumulated assessment (on a 10-point scale), only classroom work is evaluated, independent extracurricular work is not evaluated. Therefore, the accumulated score is calculated by the formula:

O accumulated =0.5 O current + 0.5 O aud + 0.0 O ,
where O current– assessment for current control;

O aud– assessment for classroom work;

O self-assessment.
The resulting grade (set in the diploma) is formed on the basis of the final grade for the exam (on a 10-point scale) and the accumulated grade. The resulting score is calculated by the formula:

O result =0.3 O copy + 0.7 O accumulated ,
where O offset – assessment for the final control (exam);

O accumulated– cumulative score.

When forming estimates based on weight coefficients, rounding up to a whole number is applied.

  1. Educational, methodological and information support of the discipline


a) basic textbook

  1. Bagrationi K.A., Aleshin A., Anshin V.M. Project management: fundamental course. M. Ed. house of the Higher School of Economics, 2013. - 624 p.
b) basic literature

  1. Bogdanov VV Project management. Corporate system- step by step / M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2012. - 248 p.

  2. Gray KF Project management. M. Business and Service, 2007. - 597 p.

  3. Kuperstein V.I. Microsoft Project 2010 in project management; under total ed. A.V. Tsvetkova. - St. Petersburg. : BHV-Petersburg, 2011. - 416 p.

  4. Tsipes G. L. Projects and project management in modern company. M. Olimp-Business, 2010. - 463 p.

  5. Project Management Institute. PMI PMBOK (5th Edition) / Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (Fifth Edition), Project Management Institute, Inc., 2012.
c) additional literature

  1. Wolfson B. Flexible development methodologies. [ Electronic resource] // URL:

  2. Mazur II Project management. OMEGA-L, 2005. - 664 p.

  3. Martin P. Project management. SPb. Peter, 2006. - 223 p.

  4. Pavlov A. N. Project management based on the PMI PMBOK standard. M. BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2011. - 208 p.

  5. Polkovnikov A. V. Project management. M. Olimp-Business, 2013. - 547 p.

  6. Tovb A.S. Project management: - M .: "Olimp-Business", 2005, 239 p.

  7. Romanova M. V. Project management. FORUM, 2007. - 253 p.

  8. Terekhov A. How to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of ERP-systems. //Financial director. - 2003. - No. 1.

  9. Phillips D. Project management in the field of information technology. Lori, 2008. - 374 p.

  10. Project management. Fundamentals of professional knowledge. National Requirements to the Competence (STC) of Specialists// Certification Commission COBHET. M.: KUBS, 2001. 265s.


Computer class, specialized project management software "Microsoft Project 2010" by Microsoft.

For the preparation of practical tasks, presentations and speeches, students use a modern educational and laboratory base, including standard packages of application programs for office purposes:

    • information systems for preparing texts (Microsoft Word);

    • spreadsheet systems (Microsoft Excel);

    • presentation preparation systems (Microsoft PowerPoint).

Remote discipline support

Not provided.
  1. Logistics of discipline

A personal computer (laptop) and a projector are used for lectures and practical exercises, technical equipment of computer classes
NRU HSE _______ ________docent ________ ______________Kuznetsova E.V. _

(place of work) (position held) (initials, surname)

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin" government controlled and Entrepreneurship Department of Management Theory and Innovation APPROVED by Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs S.T. Knyazev "___" _____________2012 WORKING PROGRAM OF THE DISCIPLINE PROJECT MANAGEMENT Curriculum No. Recommended by the Educational and Methodological Council of the Institute of Public Administration and Entrepreneurship for the areas of training and specialties: PEP code Direction/specialty Profile/Master's program/specialization 080200.6216-2011 Management Small business management Ekaterinburg 2012 Code of discipline according to the curriculum B .3.19 The work program was compiled by the authors: Academic degree, Position academic title Shkurko V.E. assistant no. full name 1 2 Akberdina V.V. Doctor of Economics, prof. Head Department Signature Department of Theory of Management and Innovation Department of Theory of Management and Innovation The module program was approved at the meeting of the departments: Full name Name of the department Date of the head Signature of the department 04/20/2012 V.V. 2 Theories of management and innovation Protocol d.e.s., prof. (graduating department) No. 7 from Akberdin 04/20/2012 V.V. *If the number of graduating departments is more than 6, approval of the methodological councils of institutes, including graduating departments, is sufficient. Serdyuk L.N. Popova 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE DISCIPLINE The program of the module is compiled in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education Course code / Name of direction / specialty Details of the order of the specialty of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the approval and entry into force of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education Date Order number dated May 20, 2010 080200.62 Management 544 1.1 Objectives of the discipline Know: modern project management methodologies definitions and concepts of projects, programs, project portfolios and their context as objects of management definitions and concepts of management subjects and the tools used by them processes and management tools for various functional areas of the project modern software funds and Information Technology used in project management the history and development trends of project management To be able to: determine the goals, subject area and structure of the project draw up an organizational and technological model of the project calculate the calendar plan for the implementation of the project form the main sections of the master plan of the project monitor and regulate the progress of the project according to its main parameters use software tools for solving the main tasks of project management Own: special terminology project management methods skills of self-selection and application of project management methods to carry out project processes 1.2. The place of the discipline in the structure of the module and the main educational program The discipline "Project Management" refers to module 2 "Small business management" (organizational and managerial activities)" of the variable part of the professional cycle. Takes place in the 7th semester. It is the basis for studying such disciplines as "Innovative activity at a small enterprise" and others. The discipline develops the following competencies in bachelors: - readiness to develop procedures and methods of control (PC-3); - the ability to plan the operational (production) activities of organizations (PC-19); – possession of project management methods and readiness for their implementation using modern software (PC-20); - the ability to model business processes and familiarity with the methods of reorganization of business processes (PC-35); - the ability to analyze the operating activities of the organization and use its results to prepare management decisions (PC-47) 1.3. The complexity of mastering the discipline 1.3.1. For full-time education Types of educational work, forms of control Classroom classes, hour. Lectures, hour. Practical lessons, hour. Laboratory work, hour. Independent work of students, hour. Type of intermediate control Total labor intensity according to curriculum, hour. Total labor intensity according to the curriculum, z.e. Total, hour. Academic semesters 54 26 28 - 7 54 26 28 - 18 18 Pass Pass 72 2 72 2 1.3.2. For distance learning Types of educational work, forms of control Classroom studies, hour. Lectures, hour. Practical lessons, hour. Laboratory work, hour. Independent work of students, hour. Type of intermediate control Total labor intensity according to the curriculum, hour. Total labor intensity according to the curriculum, z.e. Total, hour. Academic semesters 12 6 6 - 8 12 6 6 - 60 60 Pass Pass 72 2 72 2 1.3.3. For part-time abbreviated form of education Types of educational work, forms of control Classroom studies, hour. Lectures, hour. Total, hour. 10 4 Academic semesters 6 10 4 Practical lessons, hour. Laboratory work, hour. Independent work of students, hour. Type of intermediate control Total labor intensity according to the curriculum, hour. Total labor intensity according to the curriculum, z.e. 6 - 6 - 62 62 Pass Pass 72 2 72 2 1.4. Short description Disciplines Abstract of content: Within the framework of this course, the following groups of questions are considered: Introduction to the discipline "Project Management" (the formation of project management in Russia and abroad; basic terms and concepts, project structures, project life cycle) Project processes (initiation processes, planning processes , execution processes, monitoring and control processes, closing processes) Project knowledge areas (integration, scope, timing, cost, quality, human resources, communications, risks, project deliveries). Features of development: The course "Project Management" is interdisciplinary in nature. This predetermined the study of issues within the course that are related to such areas of knowledge as "Logistics", "Finance", "Risk Management", "Personnel Management", "Quality Management", etc. The course "Project Management" has no only a broad scientific interdisciplinary foundation, but also as close as possible to practical life. Therefore, during practical classes, students perform a complex task in which it is required to develop a project management plan and analyze the implementation of this project. Teaching technologies: Project work Teamwork Experience-based learning (case analysis) Simulation technologies ( business games) Methods of problem-based learning (discussions, research work, research) Practical significance: The course "Project Management" is of great practical importance. During the study of this discipline, the main methods and technologies of pre-project analysis, development of a project management plan, project execution, monitoring and completion of the project are considered. In addition, upon completion of the course, students must complete settlement work, dedicated to the development project management plan and analysis of the implementation of this project. Methodological and scientific novelty of the course: Within the framework of the course "Project Management" it is supposed to consider the main aspects of project management in the innovation sphere, a distinctive feature of which is high degree uncertainty internal and external environment. 2. CONTENT OF THE DISCIPLINE Code of sections and topics P1 Section, topic of the discipline* Introduction to the discipline "Project Management" P1.T1 Formation of project management in Russia and abroad P1.T2 The concept of "project", signs and classification P1.T3 The concepts of "project program ”, “portfolio of projects”, “project office” P1.T4 Projects - funds strategic development organizations P1.T5 Phases and life cycle of the project P1.T6 Project environment P2 Contents The origin of project management (30s - 50s of the XX century). The formation of project management (60s of the twentieth century). Development of a systematic approach to project management (70s - 90s of the XX century). Project management in the XXI century. The main stages and features of the development of project management in Russia. general information on project management standards. The term "project" - a variety of concepts. Project features (goal, value increase, relationship with enterprise strategy, project temporality, uniqueness, change, sequential development, dynamic system, limited resources, complexity, differentiation, several groups of project participants, specific project organization, uncertainty). Classification of projects. The concepts of "program of projects" and "portfolio of projects". Similarities and differences between the concepts of "project", "program of projects" and "portfolio of projects". Project office: definition, key functions. Projects as means of carrying out strategic changes. Hierarchy of goals, strategies, projects. Interrelation of strategic management and management of projects, programs and project portfolios. Phases of the life cycle of projects. The main characteristics of the project life cycle (the sequence of project phases, the rate of resource consumption, the level of uncertainty, the incompleteness of the life cycle, the ability to influence the product and cost, the cost of project acceleration). Project environment (far environment, near environment, internal environment of the project). Links between the project and its environment. Project participants (customer, sponsor, project manager, project portfolio manager, project program manager, project office, project team, project management team, functional managers, operational managers, business partners, other participants). Structures and processes of the project Р2.Т1 Structures of the project Р2.Т2 Comparison of project activities and current operational work of the Project structure. Organizational structures of the project. Organization of projects within a functional organizational structure. Organization of projects on the principle of independent project teams. Execution of projects in the matrix organization. Various matrix forms. Advantages and disadvantages of the matrix structure. Problems of choosing the organizational structure of the project. Organizational continuum (continuity of transition from a weak matrix structure to a strong one). Subordination of project managers Project activities and work of the functional unit. The rate of expenditure of funds in projects and functional divisions Code of sections and topics Section, topic of discipline * P2.T3 Project processes, their relationship with the areas of knowledge of the project P2.T4 Initiation processes P2.T5 Planning processes P2.T6 Processes of execution P2.T7 Processes of monitoring and management P2.T8 Final processes P3 Project knowledge areas P3. T1 Integration Management P3.T2 Scope Management Content Overview of existing project processes. Overview of existing project knowledge areas. Relationship between project management processes and knowledge areas. Organizational process assets and environmental factors Characteristics of initiation processes. Development of the Charter of the project. Identification of project participants Characteristics of planning processes. Integration management during planning. Content management during planning. Timing management during planning. Cost management during planning. Quality management during planning. Human resource management during planning. Communication management during planning. Risk management during planning. Supply management during planning. Characteristics of a group of execution processes. Project management and management. Quality assurance process during project execution. Human resource management in the process of project execution. Communication management during project execution. Supply management in the process of project execution Characteristics of the group of monitoring and control processes. Management of integration during the execution of monitoring and control processes. Content management during monitoring and control processes. Management of deadlines during the execution of monitoring and control processes. Cost management during the execution of monitoring and control processes. Quality management during the implementation of monitoring and control processes. Management of communications during the execution of monitoring and control processes. Risk management during the implementation of monitoring and control processes. Supply management during the implementation of monitoring and control processes. Characteristics of a group of terminal processes. Completion of a project or phase. Completion of contracts. Characteristics of the field of knowledge "Integration Management". Project Charter: need for document development, development steps, first meeting with the sponsor, development of a draft Project Charter, discussion of the draft with the sponsor, amendments, creation of a collective vision. Project planning: general characteristics of approaches to planning, main aspects. Project management and management. Monitoring and managing project work. General change management. Completion of the project (phase). General characteristics of the area of ​​knowledge "Project scope management". Determining the requirements of the project participants. Determining the scope of the project. Creation of a hierarchical structure of works. Confirmation of the content of the project. Project content management. Code of sections and topics Section, topic of discipline* P3.T3 Time management P3.T4 Cost management P3.T5 Quality management P3.T6 Human resource management P3.T7 Communications management P3.T8 Risk management P3.T9 Project supply management Content General characteristics of the area knowledge of project time management. Determination of the composition of operations. Determination of interrelations of operations. Estimation of resources of operations. Evaluation of the duration of operations. Development of the project schedule. Project schedule management. General characteristics of the knowledge area "Project Cost Management". Valuation. Budget development. Cost management. General characteristics of the area of ​​knowledge "Project quality management". Methodical approaches to quality control management. Methods of quality planning (functional cost analysis, structuring of quality functions, cost and income analysis, etc.). Quality planning process. Process "Implementation of Quality Assurance". Process "Implementation of quality control". General characteristics of the field of knowledge "Human Resource Management". Human resource planning process. The project team recruitment process. Project team development process. Project Team Management process. General characteristics of the field of knowledge "Communications Management". The process of “Identification of project participants”. Communication planning process. Information dissemination process. Participant Expectations Management process. Performance reporting process. General characteristics of the knowledge area "Risk Management". Risk Management Planning Process. Risk Identification process. Qualitative risk analysis process. Process "Quantitative risk analysis". Risk Response Planning process. General characteristics of the field of knowledge "Supply Management". Supply planning process. Process "Organization of deliveries". Supply management process. Process "Closing supplies". * Discipline may contain division only into sections, without specifying topics 3. DISTRIBUTION OF LEARNING TIME (according to the forms of education) 3.1. Distribution for the studied discipline of the classroom load and control measures by sections for full-time education Table 3.1. 7 Volume of discipline (credits): Classroom load (hours. ) Test 3.2 1 4 Total (hour): 72 Total by discipline (hour): 72 54 26 28 0 10.8 5.2 * The total volume in hours for the event is indicated in the line "Total (hour):" 5.6 Exam* 2 Credit* (differentiated or without exam) 2 Credit* (with exam) 4.0 Colloquium* 10 Test* 10 Total (hour) 0.0 Course project* 1.6 Course work* 1.2 Calculation and graphic work* 2.8 Calculation work, software product development* 8 Translation of foreign literature* 6 Individual or group project* 0.0 Abstract, essay, creative work* 2 Graphic work* 2 Homework* 4.0 Total (hours) 10 Preparation for control and certification activities (number) Performing independent extracurricular work (number) N / and seminar, seminar-conference, colloquium Practical, seminar 10 Laboratory lesson Lecture 0.0 Total Total P3 Preparation for classroom studies (hours) Practical exercises P2 Introduction to the discipline "Project Management" Structures and processes of the project Project knowledge areas ta 2 Types, number and scope of activities Lectures R1 Title of section, topic Total for section, topic (hours) Code of section, topic Section of discipline Laboratory work Semester of training: 0 0 3.2 3.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 4 0 4. ORGANIZATION OF PRACTICAL STUDIES, INDEPENDENT WORK AND CERTIFICATION IN THE DISCIPLINE 4.1 Laboratory workshop Not provided. Practical exercises 4.2 Number p / n Section, topic of discipline 1 2 3 P1.T1 - P1.T6 P2.T1 - P2.T8 P3.T1 - P3.T9 Lesson topic Introduction to the discipline "Project Management" Structures and processes of the project Knowledge areas project TOTAL Amount of study time, hour. 10 8 10 28 4.3 Independent work of students and current control measures 4.3.1. Indicative list of homework topics At the end of the course "Project Management" students write home (control) work on the evaluation of any project known to them. In this work, students must demonstrate the acquired knowledge and skills in terms of project preparation, planning, monitoring and project management, project execution and closure. The tasks for performing the test work are as follows: 1. Introduction - describe the rationale for choosing a project (why this project was chosen, personal participation in the project, the relevance of the described project) 2. Pre-project analysis - the essence and purpose. 3. Development of the Charter (passport) of the project as one of the works of the pre-project analysis 3.1. Summary project (3 sentences): 1) who does what and for whom?; 2) When can the project be considered completed?; 3) Why are we doing this? 3.2. Main and auxiliary work, definition of project boundaries 3.3. Conditions for the expediency of the project (project imperatives): a) the quality of the final result; b) terms; c) costs; d) risks and opportunities; e) minimum payback. 3.4. The hierarchical structure of the program (the place of this project among other projects of the organization/individual (if the project is of a personal nature)) 3.5. Product vision (key features) 3.6. Useful life of the product (one-time product; product requiring improvement; product requiring long-term support) 3.7. Project success criteria (ranking - 1 mandatory condition, 1 optimal condition, the remaining 5 criteria - an acceptable condition): a) customer satisfaction; b) timely implementation of the project; c) project budget; d) content of the project; e) quality; e) return on investment; g) satisfaction of the project team 3.8. Schedule of control events, project milestones 3.9. Project manager, his powers 3.10. Relations between the main participants of the project 3.11. Functional divisions, their participation in the project 4. Project management plan as the main document of the project. The main points to be reflected in the project management plan: 4.1. Conceptual issues of developing a project management plan (main stages, intermediate and final results, type of life cycle, technical requirements and requirements for project support) 4.2. Plan for managing the requirements of project participants as one of the sections of the Project Management Plan1: 4.2.1. A list of activities to collect and track the requirements of project participants; reporting and templates for collecting and tracking requirements 4.2.2. Works on project configuration management (changes in the project product, analysis of the impact of the change on other aspects of the project, reporting on changes in requirements, the process of approving changes in requirements, etc.) 4.2.3. Requirements ranking process 4.2.4. Product characteristics and rationale why we should use these characteristics to manage requirements 4.2.5. Compliance framework (list of requirements characteristics to be included in the compliance matrix) 4.2.6. Description of the processes of interaction between project participants in terms of project requirements management 4.3. Project Schedule Management Plan as one of the sections of the Project Management Plan2: 4.3.1. Units of measurement of the duration of operations, tasks, stages, project 4.3.2. Possible range of time deviations 4.3.3. Time blocks for the specified specification of the project schedule 4.3.4. List of activities to track changes in the project schedule 4.3.5. Control thresholds (to track deviations, ie what measures are taken when the specified thresholds are reached) 4.3.6. Reporting formats by terms 4.3.7. Description of the processes of interaction between the project participants in terms of project time management 4.4. Project Cost Management Plan as one of the sections of the Project Management Plan3: 4.4.1. Degree of accuracy (rounded up to rubles, hundreds of rubles, thousands of rubles, millions of rubles). 4.4.2. Units of measurement 4.4.3. Cost estimation methods 4.4.4. Control thresholds 4.4.5. Cost reporting formats 4.4.6. Description of the processes of interaction between project participants in terms of project cost management 4.5. Quality Management Plan as one of the sections of the Project Management Plan4: 4.5.1. Basic approaches and methods to project quality control 4.5.2. Checklist templates for checking various aspects of project execution and project management 4.5.3. Process improvement plan (how to conduct a process analysis to identify actions that add value to these processes): a) Process boundaries (process goals, process start and end, process inputs/outputs, required data, process owner, and project stakeholders); b) Process configuration (graphic representation of processes indicating their interactions); c) System of process indicators (for process analysis); d) Objects for improvement (directions for improving processes) 4. 6. Plan for human resources as one of the sections of the Project Management Plan5: 1 We describe not the requirements themselves, but the organization of the requirements collection process We present not the project schedule itself, but the organization of the schedule development process 3 In this section, we describe not the project budget, but the organization of the budget development process project 4 In this section, we describe not the results of project quality control, but the organization of the project quality management process 5 In this section, we describe not the actual labor resources project, but the organization of the process of forming a project team 2 11 4.6.1. Distribution of roles and responsibilities: a) Role (for example, civil engineer, programmer, business analyst, etc.); b) Authority (right to use project resources, make decisions and approve approval of activities or results); c) Responsibility (work that a project team member must perform to complete project activities); d) Qualifications (skills and abilities required to perform project operations) 4.6.2. Organizational chart of the project 4.6.3. Project staffing plan: a) Recruitment (internal or external resources, work in one place or a virtual project team, the cost of various qualifications of project resources, participation of the personnel department in the selection of project personnel, etc.); b) Schedule (time frame for the involvement of project team members, a histogram of resources); c) Criteria for the release of resources (methods and time of release of resources); d) Personnel training (measures to improve the qualifications of personnel); e) Encouragement and bonuses (criteria for bonuses and the amount of bonuses); f) Compliance (compliance with legislation, regulations and legal acts and other rules in terms of human resources); g) Safety (accident protection) 4.7. Communications Management Plan as one of the sections of the Project Management Plan6: 4.7.1. Communication requirements on the part of project participants 4.7.2. Information about transmitted information (format, content, level of detail) 4.7.3. Reasons for the dissemination of information 4.7.4. Name of the employee responsible for the transfer of information 4.7.5. Name of the employee or group - recipients of this information 4.7.6. Methods or technologies used to convey information (for example, memo, Email and/or press releases) 4.7.7. Frequency of communication (eg weekly) 4.7.8. The scheme of transfer by instances, which determines the timing and procedure for transferring to higher levels (chain) of problems that cannot be solved by personnel at the lower level 4.7.9. Method for updating and refining the communications management plan as the project progresses and develops 4.7.10. Process diagrams describing project information flows, document approval procedures, reporting list, meeting schedule, etc. 4.7.11. Glossary of common terminology 4.8. Project Risk and Opportunity Management Plan as one of the sections of the Project Management Plan7: 4.8.1. Methodology (definition of approaches, tools and data sources that can be used to manage risks and opportunities in a given project) 4.8.2. Distribution of roles and responsibilities (list of measures to manage risks and opportunities in the context of each type of operation; appointment of employees to perform these activities and clarification of their responsibilities) 4.8.3. Budget development (allocation of resources and assessment of the cost of activities required to manage risks and opportunities) 4.8.4. Timing (determining the timing and frequency of the risk and opportunity management process throughout the life cycle of the project, as well as determining the risk and opportunity management activities that need to be included in the project schedule) 4.8.5. Categories of risks (a framework on the basis of which a systematic and comprehensive identification of risks and opportunities is carried out with the required level of detail) 6 In this section, we describe not the actual communications of the project, but the organization of the communication process. This section describes not the risks / opportunities of the project, but the organization of the risk management process /opportunities 7 12 4.8.6. Scales of probability of occurrence of risks/opportunities and their consequences 4.8.7. Matrix of probabilities and consequences 4.8.8. Forms of reporting (determination of how the documentation, analysis and exchange of information on the results of the risk and opportunity management process is carried out) 4.9. Supply Management Plan as one of the sections of the Project Management Plan8: 4.9.1. Used types of contracts; 4.9.2. Who will cook independent evaluations, and whether they are needed as evaluation criteria; 4.9.3. Activities that the project management team can perform on their own if the performing organization has a procurement, contracting, or purchasing department; 4.9.4. Standardized contract documents, if required; 4.9.5. Multi-vendor management; 4.9.6. Coordinating deliveries with other aspects of the project (eg reporting on schedule and project performance); 4.9.7. Constraints and assumptions that may affect the planning of purchases and acquisitions; 4.9.8. Keeping track of the lead time required to purchase or receive items from vendors and coordinate the delivery schedule with the development of the project schedule; 4.9.9. Track make-or-buy decisions and align them with operations resource estimation and scheduling processes; 4.9.10. Establish delivery milestones for each contract and coordinate with scheduling and control processes, identifying the need for contract performance guarantees or insurance contracts to mitigate some form of project risk; 4.9.11. Determination of the form and format for the content of the contract works; 4.9.12. Selecting vendors, if necessary; 4.9.13. Definition of delivery metrics used for contract management and vendor evaluation 5. Project content9: 5.1. List of requirements of the project participants 5.2. Compliance matrix 5.3. Description of the scope of the project: a) Description of the scope of the product: the main characteristics of the final product; b) Project results: main and intermediate (including project management reports, plans, etc.); c) Project boundaries (what is within the scope of the project and what is not within the scope of the project); d) Product acceptance criteria (procedure and criteria for acceptance of the finished product); e) Constraints and assumptions of the project 5.4. Basic content plan: a) Hierarchical work structure (WBS); b) WBS dictionary (identifier of works, operations; content of work; responsible organization; list of schedule milestones; related works (predecessors, subsequent works); required resources; cost estimate; quality requirements; technical support; information on contracts, etc. .) 6. Terms of the project 10 6.1. Project network schedule (the critical path must be identified; activities can be aggregated into work packages and tasks; can be described possible options compression of this network graph). 8 In this section, we describe not the risks/opportunities of the project, but the organization of the risk/opportunity management process 9 This section provides the actual description of the content of the analyzed project 10 This section provides the actual timing of the analyzed project 13 6.2. Project schedule (plan-plan, calendar plan) - a table that contains the following information: a) operation number; b) Operation (short name); c) predecessor operation; d) Dependency type; e) Delay; f) Resources; g) The level of resource loading for this operation; h) The complexity of the operation; i) The duration of the operation; j) Start (early and late); k) End (early and late); l) Reserve time. 7. Cost of the project11 7.1. Basic plan for the cost of the project (estimation of the cost of operations, work packages and tasks, stages and the entire project as a whole; the range of possible values; reserves) 7.2. Project financing requirements (payment schedule) 8. Project quality12 8.1. Quality metrics (description of project parameters, ways of measuring these parameters, range of possible deviations) 8.2. Quality checklists (may include the following information: project stage, expected result, degree of criticality for the project, presence/absence) 9. Human resources of the project13 9.1. The actual distribution of roles and responsibilities. 9.2. Actual (actual) organizational chart of the project 9.3. Providing the project with personnel. 10. Project communications14 10.1. Characteristics of the transmitted information, actual information about the senders and recipients of information on the project (in accordance with the project management plan) 10.2. Methods and technologies that were used to transfer information 10.3. Characteristics of change management processes in terms of project communications 11. Project risk and opportunity management15 11.1. Register of risks and opportunities 11.2. List of identified risks and opportunities 11.3. Date of occurrence of the risk/opportunity (estimated, actual) 11.4. Main causes of risks/opportunities 11.5. Consequences of risks/opportunities 11.6. Risk/opportunity owner (responsible) 11.7. List of potential actions to respond to risks and opportunities 11.8. Estimated end date of the risk/opportunity 11.9. Ranking and prioritization of risks/opportunities 11.10. Category of risk/opportunity 11.11. Degree and speed of response to risks/opportunities 11.12. Quality and quantitative estimates risks/opportunities 11.13. Trends in the results of qualitative and quantitative analysis of risks and opportunities 12. Project supply management16 12.1. Characteristics of project suppliers 12.2. The main problems of working with these suppliers, a description of the technology for solving emerging problems 13. Analysis of changes in the scope of the project 14. Estimation of project deadlines (using the earned value method) 15. Estimation of the project cost (using the earned value method) 16. Predictive estimates of the timing and project cost (using the earned value method) 17. Project quality assessment 18. Project risk assessment 11 This section defines actual cost(budget) of the project This section describes the actual results in terms of project quality management 13 This section describes the actual human resources of the project 14 This section describes the management of project communications (fact) 15 This section describes the management of project risks and opportunities (fact) ) 16 This section provides a description of the supply chain management of the project (fact) 12 14 19. Conclusion (prospects for the further implementation of the project, brief conclusions) Requirements for the design of the work. The work is drawn up on white paper (A-4 format) on one side of the sheet. The title page indicates the full name. author, name of the educational institution, name of the project. All pages must be numbered. Sheets of work must be stapled. The work must have a title. If literature was used, then it should be given in the table of contents. A number of sample project documents can be placed in Appendix 4.3.2. Approximate list of topics for graphic works Not provided 4.3.3. Approximate list of abstract topics (essays, creative works) Not provided 4.3.4. Approximate list of topics of settlement work (software products) Not provided 4.3.5. Approximate list of topics for settlement and graphic work Not provided 4.3.6. Approximate topic of the course project (work) (individual or group) Not provided 4.3.7. Approximate list of topics for examinations Not provided 4.3.8. Approximate topics of colloquia Not provided 4.4 Indicative list control questions to prepare for certification in discipline 1. The emergence of the discipline "Project Management" in Russia and abroad. 2. The main stages and features of the development of project management in Russia. 3. Project management in the XXI century (modern approaches, standards, concepts). 4. The main features of the project. 5. Project, program and portfolio of projects: main features, similarities and differences. 6. Projects are the means of strategic development of the organization. 7. The life cycle of the project: conditionality of division into phases, the main characteristics of the life cycle of the project. 8. Project environment (internal, external, near, far, links between the project and its environment). 9. Project participants: main groups of participants, problems of identification, types of impact on the project. 10. Organizational structures of the project: main features, comparative characteristics, problems of project management within the main organizational structures. 11. Project activities and current operational work: a comparative description of the work of the functional unit and project activities, the speed of spending funds in projects and functional units. 12. Project processes: a brief description of, unlike the classical control loop. 15 13. Assets of the organizational process and environmental factors: classification, their importance in project management. 14. Characteristics of initiation processes. 15. Characteristics of planning processes. 16. Characteristics of execution processes. 17. Characteristics of monitoring and control processes. 18. Characteristics of the final processes. 19. Project integration management - different contexts of the concept of "integration". 20. Project charter: the need to develop a document, development stages, the main aspects of this document 21. The main aspects of project planning (breaking down into stages, estimating labor costs, project life cycle models, etc.). 22. General management changes - characteristics of the process, causes and types of changes, stages of the process. 23. General characteristics of the field of knowledge "Content Management". 24. Hierarchical structure of work - process characteristics, responsibility matrix, stages of IBS development. 25. Interrelationships of project operations: ways of describing, types of dependencies of operations in network diagram, lead and delay. 26. Estimation of resources and duration of operations, development of the project schedule: main methods and results. 27. Project cost management: general characteristics of a group of processes, methods for determining the cost of operations and the project as a whole. 28. Estimation of resources and duration of operations, development of the project schedule: main methods and results. 29. Earned value method: characteristics of the method, main indicators, the relationship of indicators used in the application of the earned value method. 30. Development of the project budget: general characteristics of the process, the procedure for budgeting, reserves, cost baseline, funding requirements 31. Project quality management: general characteristics of processes, basic approaches to quality management. 32. Characteristics of the main methods of quality control management. 33. Human resource planning: a general description of the process, the main methods and technologies of planning, the results of planning. 34. Recruitment and development of the project team: main characteristics of the processes, applied methods and technologies. 35. General characteristics of the field of knowledge "Communications Management": processes, methods used, results. 36. Risk management planning: description of the process, methods used and results obtained. 37. Identification, qualitative and quantitative analysis of risks: basic methods of analysis and results of processes. 38. General characteristics of supply chain management processes. 39. Based on the following information, build a network diagram of the "operations in nodes" type. Perform its forward and backward analysis, calculate the margins of operation time and determine the critical path. ID A B C D E F Operation Order Verification Ordering Standard Parts Manufacturing Standard Parts Designing Custom Parts Software Development Custom Equipment Manufacturing Preceding Operation No A A A A C, D Time 2 15 10 13 18 15 16 G H Assembly Testing B, F E, G 10 5 40. How can we characterize the status of a project with a duration of 24 months and a cost of 500 thousand rubles, if at the reporting date the CPI is 1.7, and the SPI is 0.9? What predictions can we make based on the available data? Knowing that the percentage of completion design work was 45%, determine the actual cost and earned value. 41. Based on the results of 3 months of work on the project (the planned duration of the project is 12 months), the following data were determined. The projected cost of the project was 450 thousand rubles. At the same time, the deviation on completion is 32 thousand rubles. Earned volume amounted to 100 thousand rubles, and planned - 110 thousand rubles. Determine the estimated project duration, actual costs, cost variance, schedule variance, and schedule, budget, and performance indices. Describe the status of this project. 42. Let the project have the following network schedule: B 6 A 3 C 10 D 11 Activity D E 8 G 6 F 5 The activities specified in the network schedule have a normal time and cost, as well as a marginal time and cost: Activity A B C D E F G Direct costs Normal Time Cost 3 50 6 80 10 60 11 50 8 100 5 40 6 70 Total direct costs at 450 duration 25 days: Time 2 4 9 7 6 4 6 Marginal Cost 70 160 90 150 160 70 70 Indirect costs depending on the duration of the project vary as follows: Project duration 25 24 23 22 21 Indirect costs 400 350 300 250 200 Based on the conditions of the problem, determine: 1. Maximum time limit and slope for each operation 17 2. Determine direct costs, reducing the project duration to 24, 23, 22, etc. . days. 3. Determine the total costs of the project. 4. Choose the most optimal schedule for reducing the project time. 5. CORRELATION OF THE SECTIONS OF THE DISCIPLINE AND THE APPLIED METHODS AND TECHNOLOGIES OF TRAINING P1 Preparation for the classroom. classes Essay Homework Settlement work Settlement-graph. work Course work Course project Colloquium Laboratory work Forms of training sessions and types of educational activities Praktich. lesson Teaching technologies Lecture Discipline section Active learning technologies Project work Learning based on experience + (case analysis, case-study) Simulation technologies (business games, etc.) Methods of problem-based learning (discussions, search work, research method, etc.) .) Teamwork + + + Other (specify) Distance learning technologies and e-learning Online training courses + + + + Virtual workshops and simulators Webinars and video conferences Asynchronous webconferences and seminars Collaboration and content development Other (specify) P2 Technologies active learning Project work Learning based on experience + (case analysis, case-study) Simulation technologies (business games, etc.) ) Methods of problem-based learning + + 18 (discussions, research work, research method, etc.) Teamwork Preparation for the classroom. classes Essay Homework Settlement work Settlement-graph. work Course work Course project Colloquium Laboratory work Forms of training sessions and types of educational activities Praktich. lesson Learning technologies Lecture Discipline section + Other (specify) Distance learning technologies and e-learning Online training courses + + + + + + Virtual workshops and simulators Webinars and video conferences Asynchronous webconferences and seminars Collaboration and content development Other (specify which ) P3 Active learning technologies Project work Experience-based learning + (case analysis, case-study) Simulation technologies (business games, etc.) Problem-based learning methods (discussions, search work, research method, etc.) Team work + + + Other (specify) Distance learning technologies and e-learning Online training courses + + Virtual workshops and simulators Webinars and video conferences Asynchronous webconferences and seminars 19 Collaboration content development Other (specify) classes Essay Homework Settlement work Settlement-graph. work Course work Course project Colloquium Laboratory work Forms of training sessions and types of educational activities Praktich. lesson Teaching technologies Lecture Section of discipline and 6. CONTROL PROCEDURES WITHIN THE SCORE-RATING SYSTEM Controlled activities approved by the department in agreement with the teacher Attending lectures Attending practical classes Participation in team and project work during practical classes Performing independent and control activities (homework ) Total: Section, topic of the discipline Terms - semester, academic week Maximum rating in rating points, approved by the department Р1-Р3 Р1-Р3 7 semester 7 semester 10 10 Р1-Р3 7 semester 50 Р1-Р3 7 semester 30 100 6.1. The weight coefficient of the significance of the module (discipline) within the framework of the curriculum - k dist. including the coefficient of significance of term papers/projects, if they are provided - k course. (approved at the suggestion of the graduating department by the educational and methodological council of the institute) 6.2. Procedures for the current and intermediate certification in the discipline (in the case of the implementation of the module (discipline) for several semesters, the results of the current and intermediate certification are summed up for each semester) 1. Lectures: the coefficient of significance of the cumulative results of lectures - 0.4 independent work students – IWS) Attendance of lectures (n) 7, 1-16 30 Lecture notes 7, 1-16 70 Weighting coefficient of significance of the results of the current certification by lectures – 1 Intermediate certification by lectures – indicate the form of intermediate certification by lectures, if it is provided: exam (test) Weight coefficient of the significance of the results of the intermediate certification on lectures: 0 assessment activities during the academic week scoring time of practical/seminar classes, including those related to independent work of students - IWS) Attendance of practical /seminar classes (n) 7, 1-16 20 Participation in practical classes, presentation of reports 7, 1 -16 20 CPC - home design design work, etc. 7, 1-16 60 Weight coefficient of the significance of the results of the current certification for practical / seminar classes - 0.4 Intermediate certification for practical / seminar classes - indicate the form of intermediate certification for practical / seminar classes, if it is provided: credit Weight coefficient of significance of the results of intermediate certification for practical / seminar classes -0.6 3. Laboratory classes: the coefficient of significance of the total results of laboratory classes - NOT provided including those related to independent work of students - IWS) Participation in laboratory work(n) Completion of the task of conducting the CPC experiment - execution homework etc. The weighting coefficient of the significance of the results of the current certification in laboratory classes - k tech.lab. Intermediate attestation for laboratory studies - indicate the form of intermediate attestation for laboratory studies, if any: exam (test) Weight coefficient of significance of the results of intermediate attestation for laboratory studies - k prom.lab. 6.3. Procedures for current and intermediate certification term paper – NOT provided Current certification of the course work / project Deadlines - semester, Maximum (list possible control and evaluation activities during the academic week score in points course work completion time) Search and analysis of sources Conducting an experiment Designing .... Forming the content of a course work Weighting coefficient the current certification of the course work / project - k current course. The weighting coefficient of the intermediate certification of the course work / project - defense - k prom.course. 6.4. Coefficient of significance of the semester results of mastering the module (discipline) Sequence number of the semester (according to the curriculum), in which the Coefficient of significance of the results of mastering the module (discipline) of mastering the module in the semester - k sem. n Semester 7 1 Section No. Р1 Р1.Т1 7. LIST OF KEY WORDS OF THE DISCIPLINE Name Keywords of the section, topics Introduction to the discipline "Project Management" Formation of project management in Russia and abroad Matrix organizational structure, L. Gulik; Walker-Kelly method (critical path method, CPM); network planning system (PERT), work breakdown structure (WBS), triple constraint concept, systems approach to project management. Project Management Associations: International Project Management Association (IPMA), 21 Section No. Section Title, Topics Keywords Project Management Institute (PMI). Project Management Standards: Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), International Core Knowledge (ICB), National Core Knowledge (NCB), Guide to Project and Program Management for Innovative Enterprises (P2M). Organizational maturity model (OPM3) Network planning and management methods (SPM), multi-project management, automated process control systems (APCS), integrated automated control systems (IACS). P1.T2 P1.T3 P1.T4 P1.T5 P1.T6 P2 P2.T1 P2.T2 P2.T3 P2.T4 P2.T5 P2.T6 P2.T7 P2.T8 P3 P3.T1 P3.T2 The concept of "project ”, signs and classification The concepts of “project program”, “portfolio of projects”, “project office” Projects are means of strategic development of the organization Phases and life cycle of the project Project environment Project, project attributes, classification of projects Project program, project portfolio, project office Hierarchy of goals , strategic management, strategic development Life cycle of the project, phases of the life cycle of projects. Project Environment, Project Far Environment, Project Inner Environment, Project Inner Environment; customer, sponsor, project manager, project portfolio manager, project program manager, project office, project team, project management team, functional managers, operational managers, business partners. Project structures and processes Project structures Comparison of project activities and current operational work Project processes, their relationship with project knowledge areas Initiation processes Planning processes Execution processes Monitoring and control processes End processes Project knowledge areas Project structures, project organizational structure, functional organizational structure, independent project teams, matrix organizational structure, functional matrix structure, balanced matrix structure, project matrix structure, organizational continuum. Project activity, functional activity. Project Processes, Organizational Process Assets, Environmental Factors Initiation Processes, Project Charter Planning Processes. Execution Processes Monitoring and Controlling Processes Project Completion, Project Phase Completion Project Charter, Sponsor Vision, Shared Vision, Project Planning, Leading and Execution Management Project Integration Management, Monitoring and Controlling Project Works, Overall Change Management, Project Completion (Phases). Scope management Requirements of the project participants, project content, 22 Section No. Section name, topics P3.T3 Time management P3.T4 Cost management P3.T5 Quality management P3.T6 Human resource management P3.T7 Communications management P3.T8 Risk management P3.T9 Project Supply Management Keywords hierarchical work structure, project scope confirmation, project scope management. Composition of operations, interconnections of operations, resources of operations, duration of operations, project schedule. Cost estimate, project budget, reserves Quality planning methods: cost analysis, quality function structuring, cost and revenue analysis, quality planning, quality assurance implementation, quality control implementation. Human resource planning, project team recruitment, project team development, project team management. Identification of project participants, communication planning, dissemination of information, management of participants' expectations, performance reporting. Risk management planning, risk identification, qualitative risk analysis, quantitative risk analysis, risk response planning. Delivery planning, organization of deliveries, administration of deliveries, closing of deliveries. 8. EDUCATIONAL AND INFORMATION SUPPORT 8. 1.Recommended literature 8.1.1. References 1. Archibald R. Management of high-tech programs and projects. / Per. from English. – M.: DMK Press, 2010. – 464 p. 2. Verzuh E. Project management: a crash course in MBA program. - M.: ID Williams, 2010. - 480 p. 3. Newton R. Project management from A to Z. - M .: Alpina Publishers, 2009. - 180 p. 4. Mazur I., Shapiro V.D. Project management. – M.: Omega-L, 2009. – 960 p. 5. Project management. Fundamentals of project management: textbook / team of authors, ed. prof. M.L. Once. – M.: KNORUS, 2011. – 768. 8.1.2. Additional reading 1. Bushuev S.D. and other Creative technologies for managing projects and programs. - Kyiv: Summit Book, 2010, - 768 p. 2. Van Horn J. Fundamentals of financial management / Per. from English. - M.: Finance and statistics, 1996. 3. Voropaev V.I., Galperina Z.M., Razu M.L., Sekletova G.I., Yakutin Yu.V. etc. Management of programs and projects. Edited by Razu M.L. Module 8. In the 17-module program for managers "Management of the development of the organization." – M.: Infra-M, 1999. – p.392. 4. Grebenkin A.V., Shkurko V.E. Opportunities and risks in the innovation project management system organizational development// Economics of the region. - 2008. No. 2. - S. 194-198. 5. Gray K.F., Larson E.W., Project Management: A Practical Guide / Per. from English. - M .: Publishing house "Business and Service", 2007. - 608 p. 6. Demarco T. Deadline. A novel about project management. – M.: Mann, Ivanov, Ferber, 2011 7. DeMarco T. Waltzing with Bears: Risk Management in Software Development Projects / Per. from English. – M.: Company p.m. Office, 2005. - 208 p. 23 8. DeMarco T., Lister T. Human factor: successful projects and teams. - M.: Symbol-Plus, 2005. 9. Drucker P. Business and innovation. – M.: Williams, 2007. 10. Doug DeCarlo “Extreme Project Management. Extreme Project Management. – M.: Company p.m. Office, 2005. 11. Kovalev V.V. Methods for evaluating investment projects. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2000. 12. Collins J. More than business: how to overcome limitations and build a great company / Per. from English. – M.: Alpina Business Books, 2006. 13. Christensen K.M. The innovator's dilemma. / Per. from English. – M.: Alpina Business Books, 2004. – 239 p. 14. Christensen KM, Reynor M. Solving the problem of innovation in business: How to create a growing business and successfully support its growth: Textbook / Per. from English. - M.: ALPINA, 2004. - 290 p. 15. Kuznetsov B.L. Introduction to economic synergetics. - Naberezhnye Chelny: Ed. Campi, 1999. - 403 p. 16. Marasko D. IT projects. Frontline essays. - M .: Symbol-Plus, 2007. 17. Guidelines on evaluating the effectiveness of innovative projects: Second edition. - M.: OAO NPO Publishing House "Economics", 2000. 18. Pinto D.K. Project management. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004. - 464 p. 19. Turk W. Project management and common sense. - M.: RIA Standards and quality, 2009. 8.1.3. Methodological developments 1. Grebenkin A.V., Shkurko V.E. Project Management: Risks and Models. Part 1: Investigation of the project risk management system. - Yekaterinburg: Ural Publishing House. unta, 2006. - 146 p. (Preprint) 2. Grebenkin A.V., Shkurko V.E. Project management: risks and models. Part 2: Economic and Mathematical Modeling of the Project Risk Management System (Preprint). Yekaterinburg: Publishing House Ural. Univ., 2007. - 72 p. 8.2. Software 1. MS Project 2010 2. Project Expert 7 8.3. Information services that support the educational process 1. Moscow branch of the Project Management Institute - Project Management Institute PMI - corporate member of an international management organization IPMA projects) – 3. Technologies corporate governance. Project management. – 9. LOGISTICS AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT OF THE DISCIPLINE 9.1 General requirements For conducting lectures in the discipline "Project Management" the following is required: Library book fund Handouts for each topic of the lecture For practical exercises in the discipline "Project Management" is required: A computer on which software : MS Excel, Project Expert 7, MS Project. Handout with examples and tasks 9.2 Information about the equipment of the discipline with specialized and laboratory equipment To conduct classes in the discipline "Project Management" requires an audience equipped with a multimedia projector, computer and screen. 10. METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR STUDYING THE DISCIPLINE 24 Recommendations for the teacher Lecture is the main link in the learning cycle. Its goal is to form an indicative basis for students to subsequently master the material by the method of independent work. The content of the lecture must meet the following didactic requirements: the presentation of the material from the simple to the complex, from the known to the unknown; consistency, clarity and clarity in the presentation of the material; the possibility of problematic presentation, discussion, dialogue in order to enhance the activities of students; support of the semantic part of the lecture on true facts, events, phenomena, statistical data; close connection of theoretical positions and conclusions with practice and future professional activity of students. A teacher who gives lecture courses at a university should know the lecture options that exist in pedagogical science and are used in practice, their didactic and educational opportunities, as well as their methodological place in the structure of the learning process. The purpose of the practical classes is to develop project management skills such as planning, monitoring, project reporting, etc. Independent work of students accompanies and supports the lecture course and practical exercises. 10.1 Recommendations for the student Studying the course syllabus. At lectures, the teacher considers the issues of the course program, drawn up in accordance with the state educational standard. In the course of practical training, project management skills are developed. Since within the allotted number of classroom hours it is impossible to consider in detail all the topics of the discipline, the teacher, at his own discretion, submits some questions for independent work of students, recommending this or that literature. Independent work For a better mastering of the material and systematization of knowledge in the discipline, it is necessary to constantly disassemble the materials of lectures according to notes and teaching aids. If necessary, contact the teacher for advice. Offset. To prepare for exams, students should use lecture materials and study guides recommended in the list of basic and additional literature. 10.2 25 Sheet of registration of changes in the work program of the discipline Number of paragraph (subparagraph) Date Number of introduction Amended change Withdrawn New change th Change Signature of the person responsible for making changes 26