How to open a food delivery business. How I created my successful food delivery business in a provincial town. Pros and cons

  • 10.04.2020

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Lunches in the office, how to organize food delivery

Recently, I received two almost identical letters. One from a resident countryside, the other - from a native citizen. The first complained that it is much easier to open a business in a big city, even a small one, than in a village. The second one said the exact opposite - that closer to the village it was easier to organize your own business. I replied to both that it was not at all in the geographical location of the novice entrepreneur, not in his social position, and even more so not in the initial capital, but in their desire to change something in their lives. The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates once said: "Whoever wants - looks for an opportunity, who does not want - a reason." I wish all my readers to find the first, and forever forget about the second.

The business idea that I propose for consideration today is intended solely for implementation in urban environments. This is the delivery of lunches to the office. How many office workers do you think work in cities with a population of, say, 100,000 people or more? Of course, there are no official statistics on this issue, but if you “dig” on the Internet, you can find numbers of 4-6 thousand, depending on the city.

Brief business analysis:
Business setup costs:10,000 - 300,000 rubles
Relevant for cities with a population: from 100 000 people
Situation in the industry:service market is saturated
The complexity of organizing a business: 1/5
Payback: from 1 month to 1 year

Work is work, and lunch is on schedule

Several thousand people who spend 8-9 hours at the workplace, going out of need and during the lunch break. Not every office provides a kitchen for employees; some modesty does not allow many to take food for themselves from home. How! Fumbling in front of colleagues with jars, containers, etc. not everyone will. Also, have you ever heard the saying, "Tell me what you eat and I'll tell you how you live"? Tell. How would you feel eating a chicken leg with pasta, when your colleague at the table eats battered shrimp, or deer kidneys in white wine? Correctly! I would be uncomfortable too.

And the prices in nearby cafes are usually such that it is easier to endure with dinner until the evening than to leave a very significant “piece” of your salary on your stomach every day.

Maybe that's why, or maybe for some other reason, office lunch delivery services are in high demand in cities. Delicious, satisfying and reasonably priced. In addition, employees often order the same thing for themselves, so it will be difficult to “fall” in the eyes of colleagues, eating the same thing. In general, I hope that you have already “ripened” to the idea that ready-made food with delivery is a great business idea worth trying to implement. Moreover, it belongs to the category of projects with a small initial capital.

Ready or buy?

There are two options for running such a business. The first is self-cooking to order. This is more troublesome and much more costly than the next way of doing things. In fact, this option can be attributed to the opening of your own cafe. I have already written about some varieties of this business (cafe on wheels, children's cafe, Internet cafe).

The second option is the purchase and delivery of dishes from inexpensive cafes. Ideal for those who want to start their own business, but are on a tight budget. In this situation, you can even try to conclude an agreement with the cafe owner for a price discount in exchange for daily purchases in his establishment. But you can still sell on your own behalf.

We make an assortment

Of course, for the whole day you won’t get enough with one pie and a glass of tea, but I suggest you start with this:

  • Tea, coffee, juices, mineral water
  • Pies and other pastries, pizza. By the way, you can read about the latest "squeak" of culinary "fashion" - pizza in cups, and how to organize such a business.

After you understand what this business is, you can create a more extensive and "essential" menu-assortment, consisting of first, second, and third courses.

What do you need to open a business

Let's look at the organization of the technical part own production various dishes, since all that is needed for delivery is transport (even a bicycle).

  • First, you will need room for cooking food. This means that it must meet all the required SES criteria.
  • Secondly, your kitchen should have everything you need. inventory from kitchenware to microwave ovens and electric stoves.
  • For food delivery it is better to have your own automobile. As I already wrote, it can even be a bicycle, which, by the way, is a very relevant means of transportation in traffic jams, but a car, in my opinion, would still be preferable.

We arrange your business

Unlike the pie vendors on the street, you still have to formalize your business. You will work with a large number of people, and sooner or later rumors about your trading will reach the “right” ears anyway. Therefore, issuing an IP will be the most the best option- and you are calmer, and there is more trust from customers.

A few words about the staff

There will be just a few words, because there is nothing special to paint here. All your employees working in the kitchen must be professionals in their field, have health books, and proof of their qualifications.

In addition to cooks, couriers will be required to deliver orders. It is desirable that the courier has a driver's license, and combines the position of a driver and a delivery person.

How to find clients and make them repeat customers

How to attract clients? You can start with banal rounds of office buildings when the time is approaching dinner, and offer your products. And what?! No wonder they say - "the legs feed the wolf"! Buyers need to talk about it. That if they like the prepared dishes, they can order by phone. And leave your contact details.

Try to apply in your work a few simple tips that will allow you to succeed in this business:

  • Deliver orders always in time! Lunch time is limited, and wasting it waiting for delivery is a business failure.
  • Make a website through which you can take orders. So you will significantly expand the circle of your customers.
  • Periodically run various promotions, practical jokes. Make discounts for regular customers.
  • Food, in addition to quality and taste, should also be warmed up.

It is, of course, impossible to take into account all the nuances of business in one small article. But on the other hand, all this should be reflected in the business plan, which you must definitely draw up before you start your business. You can learn how to write a business plan here -

Online shopping is becoming an increasingly popular and in-demand practice in our country. There are several reasons for this. First, lack of time. Walking around the shops in search of the right thing is a rather tedious and often lengthy task. While on the Internet, the purchase is completed in minutes.

Second, more choices. If in real life the offer is limited to the stores available in a particular city, then in the virtual space you can buy goods from all over the world. Thirdly, banal laziness or unwillingness to go somewhere, if the right thing can be brought right to the threshold of the door. Most popular goods for online ordering are clothes and shoes, electronics, Appliances and other durable items.

When it comes to food, we do not hesitate to go to the supermarket or the market. Like it or not, but if the refrigerator is empty, you have to go. But if it were possible, many citizens would not refuse to order these goods on the Internet. The need for such a service exists, especially among busy people. So why not start a home delivery business? Some entrepreneurs have already taken this idea into circulation, but the niche is still free.

Ways to organize grocery delivery: which one to choose?

There are several options for providing this service. The first is to open your own online store with a certain range of products. However, this idea requires large financial investments and is quite difficult to implement. It is necessary to think over transport logistics, organize a warehouse where thousands of positions will be stored (if the assortment is small, it will be difficult to compete with ordinary supermarkets), and create a single IT platform.

The second way to implement this business is an online grocery store based on an existing, real trading network. This method is much simpler and more convenient, since in addition you will only need transport and a courier, and the "parent" company will supply the products. But the option is suitable for those entrepreneurs who already have such a business in real life.

The third is to organize the delivery of products from the stores existing in your city, earning money on courier services. This method is the most interesting, the least expensive in terms of financial investments and quite attractive in terms of profitability, if you approach the implementation correctly. At the same time, there are free niches in business. In Russia, this service is not yet so popular, although in some regions it has already become quite popular.

Scheme for the implementation of product delivery and the necessary attributes to start

Basic work site delivery business will be an online resource. It should be as convenient and understandable as possible for all categories of the population. This is where the order will take place. The essence of the work is:

  1. Buyers go to your site, fill out a product order form and a questionnaire, which indicate the name and contact phone number. In addition to the list itself, stores are selected from which products should be purchased, and specific wishes for the product. For example, brand, grade, fat content, etc.
  2. The operator receives the order and contacts the buyer to confirm it. If there are any clarifications, they are entered into the form according to the customer.
  3. The list with detailed instructions is then handed over to the courier. He makes a purchase, observing all the requirements and wishes, and delivers the order to the buyer.
  4. Payment is made either in cash to the courier, or through the site by bank transfer.

Such a home delivery business is unique in its own way, but in demand. The service will be of interest to both young people and the elderly. And in order for the service to be really convenient and of high quality, you need to think through all the main nuances. Yes, the site should have detailed instructions on the formation of an order, information about the rules for the provision of services, its cost.

When calling the buyer, the operator must warn that if the list does not indicate the wishes for the product, for example, the fat content of sour cream, then the purchase will be made at the discretion of the courier. Therefore, it is in the interests of the buyer himself to fill out the form as detailed as possible (when developing the site, pay special attention to the purchase field).

Features of ordering products: payment and other nuances

It is necessary to think in advance how payment for delivery services will be carried out. Will it be a fixed price or a percentage of the purchase amount? Both have their pros and cons, so pick the one that works best for you. You can offer particularly impatient customers express delivery, when the purchase of products will occur as soon as possible, but at a higher price.

It is also worth offering customers the opportunity to specify wishes for a specific delivery time. For example, place an order in the morning, given that the courier will bring it at 7 pm. It will be convenient for customers who are at work to shop and receive them when they come home.

In addition, some buyers will be interested in specific services, such as home delivery of village products. It can be offered as an additional one if you have the opportunity to establish cooperation with producer farmers. However, this option is suitable as a seasonal.

What do you need to organize a delivery service?

We figured out how to place an order and deliver products to your home. The business plan must include detailed information about all the attributes necessary to start the activity. Let's talk about what you need to get started.

The site of the company

It should be convenient, understandable, functional. If customers get confused about how to place an order, what needs to be filled in, where to find out about the price and other conditions, then they will simply refuse to complete the application.


This is a dispatcher who will accept and process orders, transfer them to couriers and provide comprehensive customer support by phone. He can work both in the office (then you have to rent a room and equip it with a workplace), and remotely. The main thing is that during the working day he is constantly in touch and monitors the receipt of orders.

The most important employees are couriers. Their number depends on the frequency and number of orders. Minimum - two people. It is best to hire people with a private car and just pay them gas. This will significantly reduce the required investment.


As mentioned above, the most convenient option is to hire employees with personal vehicles. Otherwise, you will have to buy it, and this is a significant cost. The only desirable thing to do is to purchase one van equipped with a thermal body, on which specific orders (for example, very large or requiring a certain temperature) will be delivered.

In general, that's all. In order to organize a home delivery business (not to be confused with an online grocery store), nothing else is needed. The most important thing is to competently organize the work of the dispatcher and couriers. It is good if employees report on the status of the order (purchase / delivery) to the coordinator so that he can control the progress of its execution and, if necessary, inform the customer.

Together with the ordered purchases, the courier must necessarily hand over the check to the customer - directly into the hands, and not just in the package with the products. This will avoid possible misunderstandings and complaints. It is also necessary to organize feedback from customers to know what points need to be improved/corrected.

Organization of food delivery activities

The company can be registered as LLC or IP. You just need to have a permit entrepreneurial activity associated with courier services. Since you yourself will not produce or sell anything, there will be no difficulties here. Your job is delivery services. This is a huge plus compared to other types of business, when the company itself rents a warehouse, purchases and resells food products.


Doing business on the delivery of products to your home in our time is very profitable. People now do not have much free time, which is often expensive. Therefore, many of them are willing to pay to have someone else do the purchase and delivery of products for them. For a novice entrepreneur, this is an opportunity to start their own business with minimal financial investments and good earnings prospects.

Attachments: from 360 000 rubles

Payback: from 3 months

The demand for the delivery of ready-made healthy meals is increasing every day. People have no time to cook, but they want to eat tasty and healthy. This creates a demand that remains unsatisfied. The profitability of such a business as a healthy food delivery service is facilitated by a small amount of investment and competition, a minimum of risks, and simple reporting to supervisory authorities.

Business concept and target audience

Marketers believe that in a city with a population of about a million people, the volume of the catering market is approximately 18 million rubles a year. The average potential of delivery services is 15 million rubles annually. In the case of healthy eating, due to the narrowness of the niche, this amount should be reduced to 10 million. But the target audience is growing: an increasing number of people are concerned about their own health and longevity.

You can also order healthy food for a big family holiday.

Who might be interested in healthy food delivery:

The introduction of a delivery department into the structure of an ordinary restaurant is associated for the owner with a significant investment of time and money. In the course of work, unforeseen expenses inevitably appear.

Most restaurants and cafeterias do not include delivery in the list of services for visitors.

Because of this, they lose possible income from people who do not have the time or desire to visit the institution.

There are three delivery formats for ready-to-eat healthy meals:

  • Difficult. Some organizers of such a business open a kitchen with the delivery of ready meals. Investments in the premises, equipment, products, obtaining permits from sanitary doctors, firefighters, veterinarians are required. Yes, and the staff needs an extensive: higher and salary costs.
  • Average. An interesting type of business: customers are brought organic ingredients for dishes with recipes and calculated calories. The customer prepares the dinner with his own hands. The downside is the need for a warehouse, processing workshop and personnel who will deal with this.
  • Simple. You enter into a contract with catering establishments, hire a nutritionist to evaluate the calorie content and safety of dishes. Collect orders from customers according to the created healthy food menu (from different catering outlets) through the call center and a special Internet resource and deliver them. The intermediary method saves start-up capital and, at the same time, meet people's demand for healthy food.

We will dwell on the opening of such a business in more detail. If you purchase a delivery service franchise, preparing for the start of your business and its maintenance will be simplified even more. But it still needs to be redeemed. It will cost from 130,000 rubles.

What is required for implementation

First of all, the creation of a call center and the recruitment of couriers with their own cars. Such a kit implies systematic costs every month:

  • rental of premises;
  • employees' wages;
  • connection;
  • gasoline payment;
  • transport repair.

You will also need to create your own online service for receiving applications.

But without the right advertising campaign, all efforts to create a healthy food delivery service will not bring results. Your main advertising platforms are local glossy magazines, catalogs, thematic websites and city groups in social networks. Conduct an advertising campaign for at least two months, identifying 2-3 resources for further placement (the most inexpensive and effective).

Most of the time will be spent searching for partner restaurants.

The variety of the menu and, accordingly, the demand depends on how many establishments want to cooperate with you. First, create a database of all catering outlets in the city. In its first lines should be those that are focused on the preparation of healthy food from environmentally friendly products. Call them and set up a personal meeting with the manager. So you can convince him of the benefits of cooperation with your company and conclude a contract.

Step by step start instructions

Setting up this business is easy:

  1. Register IP. A suitable taxation regime is “simplified” with a rate of 6%.
  2. Create a web resource according to the scheme of an online store with personal account for each client. Update it with the advent of new partners.
  3. Sign contracts with several catering establishments. There must be at least ten of them.
  4. Rent an office from 15 square meters. There will fit two chairs and a table with office equipment.
  5. Pick a state. It should include four couriers with personal vehicles and two dispatchers. Break them into two shifts.
  6. Spend advertising campaign. You can inform about your services not only through the Internet, but also through the media, distribution of leaflets, booklets, business cards.
  7. Start a business.

All this will take about two months. Those who have already implemented a business idea in practice are advised to conduct testing to optimize proposals.

Financial calculations

This business idea is great because it does not require complex calculations or a lot of reporting. You can even save on taxes by paying extra-budgetary funds.

Start-up capital

This way of implementing a business idea does not require huge initial investments. You will need funds (in rubles):

  • for renting premises - from 20,000;
  • for the creation of a specialized website - at least 50,000;
  • for salaries and bonuses in the first month - about 150,000;
  • for IP registration - 800;
  • to open a bank account - 15,000;
  • for the purchase of cash register equipment - 20,000;
  • for office equipment and furniture - 50,000;
  • for marketing and advertising - 50,000;
  • for the purchase of special bags to keep the temperature of dishes - 5000.

The total starting capital will be 360,800 rubles.

Monthly payments

Monthly salary costs vary. So, each dispatcher needs to pay 15,000 rubles, plus 2,000 - bonus. Payment of couriers will be 1000 per shift, plus a small percentage of the order. Monthly bonus is also 2000 rubles. The salary of a nutritionist depends on the amount of work, but on average it will be 15,000 rubles. You will still need to allocate money for gasoline.

According to the estimates of those who already work in this area, an average of 150,000 rubles comes out.

Every month you need to pay rent - 20,000 rubles. Additional costs will fall on a remote accountant and site setup specialist. Put another 10,000 on it.

Total monthly expenses will amount to 180,000 rubles.

How much can you earn and payback period

Revenues in this business are made up of shipping costs and a percentage of the order. First month net profit will be about 12,000 rubles. But it will go entirely to taxes. In the second month, after paying taxes and salaries, the profit will be approximately 25,000. And after three months, you can fully recoup your initial investment. Profit after tax, starting from the fourth month, will be from 130,000 rubles.

Benefits and Risks

The risk of fraud among customers is eliminated by registering on the site with personal data. Additional advantages can be considered easy business management and a small start-up capital. Business development is aimed at creating additional services (delivery of flowers, eco-goods and cosmetics), attracting corporate clients(healthy office lunches).

Small start-up capital minimal risks and quick payback make the healthy food delivery business attractive to aspiring entrepreneurs.

There are many ideas for starting your own business at home. For example, lunch delivery as a business: profitability, business plan with calculations and detailed description necessary actions for the development of micro-enterprise.

Often this type of business starts as an additional form of income for people with limited financial resources - pensioners, young mothers on maternity leave, students. Everyone faces the same type of problems - where to start, where to find clients, how to return investments as soon as possible.

Pros and cons

An entrepreneur who decides to get into lunch delivery should be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of this business:

pros Minuses
1 Starting a project from scratch requires a minimum amount of cash. If all manufacturing process consists in cooking in your own kitchen and transportation in a private car, then you can “fit in” 5,000 rubles. Big competition. There are many companies operating on the market - from entrepreneurs serving 2-3 orders per week to large catering enterprises with an extensive client base.
2 A budding entrepreneur does not need to be a chef. Lunches can be ordered from a cookery or hire an assistant who knows how to cook. It is difficult to build consumer confidence. Usually they order food at home or in the office in proven and popular places.
3 The work process does not take all day, which allows you to allocate time for business development. Lunch delivery activities are classified as public catering, with all the ensuing difficulties in official registration and inspections by supervisory authorities.
4 There is no pronounced seasonality, the service is in demand all year round.

In order not to get into the sight of the sanitation station, many novice merchants do not register until the business is stable. This is risky from a legal point of view, but allows you to save on mandatory payments and permits.

Step-by-step instruction

Based on the experience of predecessors, in order to organize the delivery of meals, it is necessary to adhere to an action plan:

  1. Study the market.
  2. Choose the right form of business.
  3. Make a menu.
  4. Get equipment.
  5. Hire assistants.
  6. Place an advertisment.
  7. Register an enterprise.
  8. Plan financial flows.

Market research

Before investing in a lunch delivery business, you need to make sure that the service is in demand. The metropolis has a fast pace of life, a shortage of free time for the working population, and there is definitely a demand for hot meals. The periphery has its own niche in this area, but if someone is already working on the market, competition is unlikely to be successful.

Potential customers include offices of small companies that cannot organize corporate meals for employees. The target audience is divided into those who prefer:

  • have lunch in a cafe;
  • order food from restaurants;
  • home food.

You should focus on the last category, given that it is not always possible to take the “brake”, and there is nowhere to warm up. The restaurant menu does not suit such workers at prices, and the delivery of lunches to offices from a private company attracts with affordable prices.

It is worth making a “reconnaissance in force” and calling up suitable enterprises with an offer of their services, and even better - spend time and come personally with culinary samples. To develop your own menu, it is useful to learn from the experience of competitors - to study the range of cafeterias, canteens, snack bars.


The next step is to choose a business format from several possible options:

  1. Mediation in its purest form. An agreement is concluded with a cafe or other catering establishment for the delivery of products. The duties of one side are to find clients and deliver food, the second side provides quality food. The entrepreneur receives income from the cafe for services or sets a markup on the menu.
  2. Full cycle. In this case, the businessman sells his own food. Here the field for activity is much wider, but there are also more risks - you will have to be responsible for the quality of products, try to please customers with a variety of dishes, and deliver orders on time. If at first it is difficult, but quite realistic for one person to combine many functions, then with an increase in buyers, assistants, a separate room, and additional equipment will be required.

The first option is attractive with a minimum of responsibilities, however, it is not always possible to attract an inexpensive catering establishment with quality products. Therefore, it remains for the entrepreneur to develop the inclinations of a cook in order to organize the delivery of meals according to the second scenario.


A diverse range of food implies a large set of products and recipes, which is difficult for a novice businessman to master when opening a business on his own. Therefore, in the absence of specific orders, it is preferable to stop at a dozen popular dishes:

  • hot liquid (chicken soup, hodgepodge, borscht);
  • cold first (okroshka, beetroot);
  • garnish (mashed potatoes, buckwheat porridge, rice);
  • meat (patty, chop, chicken);
  • fish (fried, steam);
  • semi-finished products (dumplings, dumplings);
  • vegetable salad (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes);
  • mayonnaise salads (olivier, crab, herring under a fur coat);
  • pastries and bakery products;
  • drinks (tea, coffee, mineral water, juice).

You can offer set meals (includes salad, first and second) in several variations at a discount. For example, Olivier + broth + mashed potatoes + cutlet.

If orders are delivered on a regular basis to any office, then the menu is compiled in such a way that offers are not repeated every day. This guarantees customers freshly prepared meals and creates the appearance of variety.

Products for cooking are purchased at wholesale markets at discounted prices. Freshness and quality are best checked by certificates and supporting documents from the seller. To save on the main cost item, you need to have a detailed menu for the week.


The first thing you need to implement a lunch delivery business idea is a place to cook food. If the business is opened by an entrepreneur with a minimum amount of funds, then the rent of a separate room will be postponed until better times and the working area will become their own kitchen.

If finances allow you to do everything according to the rules, then best option to accommodate the workshop - next to the customers. Renting in the city center is expensive, but overhead transport and time costs will be minimized.

The technical equipment of the kitchen also depends on the financial capabilities of the businessman. The basic set is the same for everyone:

  1. Cutting tables.
  2. Cabinets, shelves, racks.
  3. Refrigeration and freezing equipment.
  4. Cooktop.
  5. Oven.
  6. Hood.
  7. Multicooker.
  8. Microwave.
  9. Scales.
  10. Blender and mixer.
  11. Meat grinder.
  12. A set of pots, pans, bowls, stewpans.
  13. Forms for baking in assortment.
  14. Cutting boards.
  15. Kitchen knives for various purposes.
  16. Forks, spoons, spatulas, plates, potholders.

In the kitchen of a housewife, there is most of the list. In addition, you will need disposable tableware and packaging for lunch delivery:

  • boxes;
  • vessels;
  • containers;
  • glasses;
  • forks / spoons;
  • napkins.

To maintain the desired temperature of the products during transportation, it is advisable to purchase several thermal bags. For transportation over long distances, a car is needed, although in megacities such as Moscow or St. Petersburg, the metro is faster and more reliable.


Depending on whether a businessman knows how to cook and whether he has a car, the following assistants may be needed for a lunch delivery business:

  1. Cook.
  2. Driver.
  3. Customer Acquisition and Order Processing Manager.

Accounting for income and expenses, the purchase of products and equipment is undesirable to delegate. These are important components of the business, which the owner of the enterprise needs to control.

All employees involved in the preparation and delivery of food must undergo a medical examination and have a properly executed sanitary book in their hands.

If the lunch delivery service has early customers, you still need to invest in attracting new customers. First, the larger the customer base, the greater the income. Secondly, the situation is constantly changing, and regular customers stop using delivery services.

Therefore, it is necessary to take various measures to inform target audience:

  • Place ads on online trading platforms, in print media, on street boards, in crowded places.
  • Create your own website or order layout from a designer. It is desirable to add the function of online ordering and remote payment using various services. The reviews section will serve as additional advertising if the majority of customers are satisfied with the quality of food and service.
  • Register an account at in social networks, publish up-to-date information about the menu, prices, promotions.
  • Order mailing list.
  • Post Business Cards in business centers, banking institutions, supermarkets, service stations.
  • Distribute flyers on the streets.
  • Put contacts on the delivery vehicle.

In the future, when the business reaches a stable income level, you can come up with the original name of the enterprise, order napkins and packaging with a logo. Advertising is not for nothing called the engine of trade. If you constantly engage in the promotion of services, it is realistic to build up a large client base in a year and expand the enterprise.

Here you can download for free as a sample.


Work without permits is illegal, you can officially register a business at any time. Usually the merchant acts as individual entrepreneur, entity rarely created in this area.

Registration with the Federal Tax Service does not take much time, the cost of the state fee is 800 rubles. It is beneficial to pay taxes on one of the special modes:

  1. Simplified.
  2. Single tax on imputed activity.
  3. Patent.

Problems for all entrepreneurs arise when obtaining approvals from the SES and Rospotrebnadzor, bringing the kitchen in accordance with sanitary and hygienic and fire safety standards. To simplify the procedure, you can conclude an agreement with a consulting firm and shift the bureaucratic concerns onto the shoulders of professionals.

Video: how to make money on food delivery?

Financial part

What is the profitability of a lunch delivery business? Experts evaluate the economic efficiency industry in the range of 10-25%. Estimated cost of opening your own business in the "home cooking" format on a personal living space with minimal investment:

You can save on any calculation points, except for products - it depends on the quality and freshness of the ingredients of the dishes whether customers order delivery on an ongoing basis.

The income of a lunch delivery company directly depends on the number of customers. Suppose, at first, it was possible to conclude an agreement with one company for the supply of 6 complex meals daily. The average cost of one serving is 150 rubles. Revenue for a month in which 20 working days will be:

With an increase in the customer base, the income of the business will grow. Entrepreneurs working in this area claim that in a year of active development of their business, one can reach a profit level of 60-70 thousand rubles. per month.

* Calculations use average data for Russia


The goal of the project is to create a food delivery service from cafes and restaurants; region - Rostov-on-Don. Trademark- "Delivery". The demand for such services is due to the fact that often people want to eat delicious food, but do not want or cannot go to a restaurant for this. In addition, the service can be in demand when organizing various corporate events, less often family events. There is practically no competition in the market for this type of service.

The main performance indicators of the project are given in Table. one.

Table 1. Integral project performance indicators

The analysis of the industry and the region shows the presence of significant interest in this kind of services from potential customers. The location of the enterprise in Rostov-on-Don provides a target audience of several hundred thousand people. However, due to the fact that the food delivery market is still poorly covered (primarily by competitors), efforts are required to promote of this type services.

In general, the project can be characterized as medium in terms of risk. According to the degree of interest for the investor - as high.


This type of service is new for Russia. There is practically no established competition in the market. When enough in large numbers catering establishments, their popularity, as well as taking into account the official population of the city within 1.1 million people, it is possible to predict a high level of demand for the project's services.

As a rule, food delivery services are offered directly by catering establishments; delivery is carried out on their own. As a result, the quality of service often suffers. Since this service is not a core service for a restaurant, less attention is paid to quality, the route of couriers is not properly planned when the load is heavy, which may lead to delays in delivery, re-sorting in the order, etc. In addition, the number of establishments offering delivery is very limited. Usually these are networks whose quality of dishes is relatively low. In general, it is inappropriate to consider such a delivery format as direct competition. Direct competitors are enterprises that provide completely similar services, that is, the delivery of food from a wide range of establishments, while not having their own production. Today there are two such companies in Rostov-on-Don. They will be discussed in more detail in Section 4 of this business plan.

The target audience of the project is men, women, couples aged 15 to 50, as well as organizations. The level of income of the target audience does not play a decisive role, because. Even low-income Russians visit cafes and restaurants from time to time. Demand for the project's services does not have a pronounced seasonality, however, peaks in demand occur on Fridays and weekends, as well as public holidays; some decrease in demand is also expected in the summer for the holiday period.

Rostov-on-Don is the largest city in the south of the Russian Federation, the capital of the Southern Federal District and the Rostov Region. It is also a major industrial and business center. The level of well-being of the residents can be described as slightly above average. The number of catering establishments according to the portal is currently 1053 units.

The main instrument of the project is a website with menus of all partner establishments posted on it. It is possible to order food both through the site and by a toll-free number. hotline(8-800-…). The site is integrated with the CRM system to ensure prompt interaction between the dispatcher and couriers. Delivery is carried out by couriers of the company within a maximum of 1.5 hours (during peak hours) from the moment of order, of which 0.5 hours are provided for cooking, the rest of the time is for logistics.

tables a 2. Investment costs of the project


The main service of the project is the delivery of food from catering establishments (cafes, restaurants, fast food) to the address specified by the customer - to the home or office. At the initial stage, an assortment list of partner establishments is formed, consisting of at least 50 establishments. Establishments are divided into categories depending on the main direction: pizza, sushi / rolls, burgers, barbecues, pies, set menu.

For fast food categories, payment for delivery is provided in the absence of a regulated minimum order amount. For complex menus, a minimum order amount is set (depending on the category of the institution), delivery is free. In the first case, the profit of the project is formed directly from the cost of delivery, in the second - from the commission from the institution (20-25% of the order amount).

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Having received an order from the client, the dispatcher contacts the partner to confirm the possibility and deadline for the execution of the order. If it is possible to execute, the dispatcher by phone confirms to the client the possibility and terms, as well as the amount of the order, specifies the delivery address and the preferred method of payment. In case of impossibility of execution, the dispatcher apologizes and offers an adequate replacement option.

Payment for the order at the first stage of the development of the project is expected in two ways: by card on the site, in cash to the courier. In the future, the option of paying by card to the courier is provided. It is also expected to develop mobile application to order and pay. The cost of dishes on the project website is equal to their cost in the institution.


The competitive environment in the region under consideration is represented by three federal level players, which can be regarded as direct competitors. At the same time, all of them, in fact, are aggregators and provide intermediary services between the client and the delivery service; they do not have their own couriers, which means it is impossible to control the quality of the work of the deliverers. This can lead to delays and other unpleasant consequences that negatively affect the reputation of this site. The use of our own couriers in the project will ensure more flexible logistics and quality of order execution.

Promotion of the project services is carried out both with the help of its own website and with the help of leaflets distributed in partner institutions. There are also occasional radio promotions that give away gift vouchers with points that can be redeemed when ordering food. An additional effect is created with the help of branded advertising placed on couriers' cars.

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When attracting partners, difficulties are not expected. The benefits of cooperation are obvious, especially for establishments without their own delivery service. The argument is based on the fact that the project attracts additional customers and in no way reduces the traffic of visitors to the institution itself; Moreover, additional clients do not create a load on the service room and its staff.

For establishments that have their own delivery service, the motivation is also quite obvious. Customers ordering food at home or in the office can find out about the company only through the corporate website; in case of cooperation, customers get an additional opportunity to learn about the institution. At the same time, since food delivery is not the main activity for partners, the staff of couriers is usually small, which leads to delays in delivery. Cooperation completely solves this problem.

An important point is the use of partners in promoting the project, for example, to place flyers on the restaurant tables. The main argument here is the direct interest of partners in the development of the "Dostav-Ka" project. It is also possible to conduct joint promotional activities.


The cost of services consists of fixed, variable costs, wage fund and depreciation of equipment. To variable costs can be attributed to the cost of fuel. Depreciation is charged on the cost of equipment and software used in work. Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis over a period of 5 years.

To host a dispatcher and an administrator, you need office space area from 10 sq.m. For official vehicles, secure parking is provided in the immediate vicinity of the office. The office is being equipped computer technology, cooler, refrigerator, microwave oven.

Table 3. Variable costs

Table 4. Fixed costs

Orders are accepted 7 days a week. In the first 1.5 years, orders are accepted from 11.00 to 23.00. Then - around the clock. Shift work schedule is expected. In the first months of operation, only one courier vehicle is expected to operate. As the number of orders increases, so does the number of cars in a shift.

Table 5 staffing and payroll

Seasonal change is foreseen with demand peaks in December-January. The increase in demand is due to the fact that cold weather does not encourage going to restaurants, as well as the presence of public holidays, during which people usually spend more money than usual. The decline occurs during the summer holidays, when some potential customers are outside the city, and the other part reduces expenses in order to save up for vacation or restore savings after it.


The functions of the head of the enterprise are performed by the entrepreneur himself. Its activity requires knowledge of the basics of entrepreneurship, tax and accounting, as well as the basics of labor protection.

The entire staff of the company is directly subordinate to the entrepreneur. Couriers are also indirectly subordinate to the dispatcher, who directs their actions, controls movement and forms the most efficient routes based on data from geolocation systems and information about city traffic.

The site administrator accepts orders (during peak hours, a dispatcher is involved to help), transfers them to partners. Couriers pick up the finished dish from the partner and deliver it to the specified address.

Requirements for the dispatcher: knowledge of the geography of the city and the main transport routes, balance. Requirements for the site administrator: knowledge of the administrative part of the CMS used, competent speech, courtesy and balance. Requirements for couriers: knowledge of the city, possession of a category B driver's license, driving experience of at least 3 years. A liability agreement is concluded with couriers, within the framework of which their responsibility for the safety and intended use of official vehicles is indicated. To confirm driving skills before hiring, a test drive is carried out to the point indicated by the entrepreneur.


The financial calculation takes into account all types of costs associated with the implementation of the project: investment, fixed, variable, depreciation, fund wages and social contributions. The production plan takes into account the seasonality of sales. total amount investment costs is 1.64 million rubles, of which 1.0 million are the entrepreneur's own funds. largest volume Money accounts for the formation working capital until the project reaches payback. The lack of capital is compensated by borrowed money received from the bank for a period of 36 months at 18% per annum. Loan repayment is carried out by monthly annuity payments, credit holidays are three months. The cash flow statement is given in Appendix 1.