Download an exemplary magazine business plan. How to open your own glossy magazine: pitfalls Wedding magazine business plan

  • 05.05.2020

The article describes the aspects and nuances of creating a business in the field of mass media on the example glossy magazine business plan. This type of media products means colorful publications that describe the life and events in the sphere of public and famous people. The demand for magazines is great and there are so many publishers whose products are really high quality and interesting. This makes it possible to open a new business with the formation of its own or the capture of part of the existing market share.

In order for a business to become profitable, large circulations and demand for the product are needed, and for this you should look for interesting stories and photo materials and professionally describe them. Also, the magazine will require certain investments, and if own funds is not enough, then you will have to attract investments with the help of an investment project.

If you are faced with a situation where investments are needed to launch a project, ready business the plan of publishing a glossy magazine will allow them to attract, and successfully implement and develop their business.

Key features glossy magazine publishing business plan

Business plan for a glossy magazine as a design basis

Business activities in the field of publishing media products require a special approach, since standard commercial methods for implementing projects will not allow you to get really successful company at the exit. However, the creative component does not mean that all actions within the framework of the design are redundant, on the contrary, the success of all other components will depend on the quality of the development of the action plan. To create such a project, it is best to glossy magazine business plan.

This method allows you to combine all the specific aspects of the chosen field of activity with the experience and knowledge that have accumulated over a long time of its application. And even a novice entrepreneur is able to use it as a key that will open the doors to a big business with the help of attracted funding.



Description of the industry and stages of work in it

As part of business plan planned to publish glossy magazine dedicated to the life of stars and famous people. The target audience of such projects are mostly women who follow the gossip columns and are not burdened with special responsibilities related to work or home.

In addition to technological issues, it is important to find talented journalists and photojournalists who can provide the publication with high-quality and interesting content.

Main steps:

  • publishing office equipment;
  • formation of a team of professionals;
  • circulation printing;
  • implementation.

1 - Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. The amount of investment to launch a glossy magazine

1.3. Work results

2 - Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 - Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market Dynamics

4 - Staff

4.1. staffing

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 - Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Funding Plan

5.3. Sales plan for the development of a glossy magazine edition

5.4. Spending plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 - Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. The financial analysis

6.3. Risks of publishing a glossy magazine

7 - Conclusions

The business plan for publishing a glossy magazine is provided in MS Word format - it already has all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it's ready to use. Or you can adjust any section for yourself.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, then this is easy to do in the "Project Concept" section.

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all tables, graphs and charts.

For example: if you need to increase the sales plan, then it is enough to change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and all tables and charts will be ready immediately: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model for themselves.


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The business plan downloaded from the site contains a very clear and accessible description of both the business in general and its financial component in particular. Calculations show a fairly clear picture of actions and are convenient to use: make changes, adjust investments, sales, expenses. All formulas are editable and transparent.

Ivan Nekrasov, city of Pskov

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The business plan was prepared by a website consulting company in accordance with the requirements, with high quality and even a little ahead of the agreed time. As a result, funds in the amount of 50 million rubles were received from a private investor.

Oleg Alexandrovich, city of Sarov

Feedback on the business plan of the typography

Extremely sound business plan. He helped our printing house get a loan from Sberbank necessary for expanding production (21 million rubles), for a period of 4 years.

Sergey V.V., Nizhny Novgorod Region

Review of the business plan of a glossy magazine

The idea of ​​launching our own magazine came to me and my partners after several years of work in the field of journalism. After several unsuccessful attempts to attract financial partners for the project, we bought a ready-made business plan for a glossy magazine from Plan Pro. And appreciated the completeness of the description target market, as well as the convenience and functional simplicity of the financial model used. As a result, we managed to convince a private investor to invest 15 million rubles in our project.

Werner I., editor-in-chief, Moscow

Let's start designing

To prepare competent and effective project, one should adhere to the logic and sequence of presentation, as well as take into account the objective connections and mutual influence of all elements of the future business system.

The subject of a business plan for publishing a glossy magazine

A full-color A4 magazine on glossy paper with a circulation of XXX thousand copies, dedicated to secular life and famous public figures.

Plan Structure

In order to fully describe the subject area and the procedure for achieving the goals laid down in the project, we will adhere to the following structure of the developed business plan by issue glossy magazine:

  • analysis of the state of the market and its dynamics, assessment of prospects and existing opportunities;
  • investment plan;
  • printing and implementation technology, equipment used;
  • current expenses;
  • revenue planning;
  • requirements for personnel and wage fund;
  • features of promotion and distribution policy;
  • period for the project to reach self-sufficiency.

The value of marketing research in the business plan of publishing a glossy magazine

Since there are respected and well-known players in this market for a long time, it is important to understand how we will build up from them in terms of competitive advantages and what target audience the project will be designed for in order to win the desired market share. As a result of work on this section business plan release glossy magazine, a marketing strategy should be formed that takes into account the competitive features of the company:

  • content quality;
  • uniqueness and exclusivity of plots and photographic materials;
  • quality of printing and design of the publication;
  • price;
  • availability in all traditional distribution channels.

If you are planning to publish a magazine in the beauty industry, then you can also consider opening your own modeling agency, which will greatly simplify the business in general. includes a description of the startup and calculation of all necessary financial indicators.

Launch preparation plan

In the process of implementing the plan, all actions necessary to resolve the legal and organizational issues of the company's activities developed under the project are performed glossy magazine:

  1. Registration of the activities of the publication in the appropriate legal form.
  2. Opening a bank account.
  3. Registration with the tax authorities.
  4. Evaluation of offers on the market for printing such magazines.
  5. Search for talented journalists, photojournalists, designers and other personnel.
  6. The study of the features of registration and licensing of the activities of the publication.

Financing the investment project of a glossy magazine

The described business carries great risks, since the media market has formed, and it will be quite difficult for new publications to enter mass circulation. However, as practice shows, a goal-oriented and creative person who clearly understands the goals and tools to achieve them is able to turn the market around, subject to appropriate funding and the quality of the development of an action plan. To get a solid foundation for your business, download a sample of a ready-made full-fledged glossy magazine business plan, with calculations of the main financial and economic indicators. You will be able to attract financial partners who will support your entrepreneurial potential with their investments, and you will take your rightful place in the market.

Investment structure:

  • preparation of the publisher's office - XXX rubles.
  • purchase of furniture, office equipment and journalistic equipment - XXX rubles.
  • purchase of professional software for layout and design - XXX rubles.
  • promotion program for the new edition - XXX rubles;
  • hiring staff responsible qualification requirements- XXX rub.;
  • printing of the first edition - XXX rubles;
  • financial reserves - XXX rub.

Total cost of the investment project glossy magazine editions will be from 20 to 50 million rubles.

Technologies and equipment

The technological cycle of the release contains the following stages: preparation of materials, their acceptance for printing by the editor-in-chief, layout of the issue, printing in a printing house, distribution.

Implementation equipment business plan release glossy magazine, taking into account the use of the services of a partner printing house:

  • photo and video equipment;
  • voice recorders;
  • furniture, computers and office equipment, with professional software;
  • air conditioner;
  • coffee - machine;
  • motor transport;
  • security and fire alarm systems.

Financial model of a business plan for investing in a glossy magazine

Operating expenses

Depending on the system used by the company accounting, the structure of operating costs of the investment project glossy magazine will look something like this:

  • settlements with the lessor - XXX rubles;
  • utilities - XXX rubles;
  • journal printing costs - XXX rubles;
  • equipment depreciation;
  • consumables, repair and purchase of the necessary journalistic equipment - XXX rubles;
  • promotion budget - XXX rubles.
  • pay wages- XXX rub.;
  • taxes and fees - XXX rubles;
  • other costs - XXX rubles.

The total amount of operating expenses for will be XXX rubles. per month

Income from the implementation of a glossy magazine business investment plan

The amount of income will directly depend on the number of readers who are ready to purchase the product of the investment plan glossy magazine editions. Accordingly, circulations will be influenced by those factors of attractiveness for the consumer, which will be incorporated in the process of strategic planning:

  • exclusivity of content, plots and photographic material;
  • colorful cover and content design;
  • quality printing;
  • affordable price;
  • proximity to the consumer.

Implementation structure:

  1. Retail sales - XXX rub.
  2. Subscriptions - XXX rub.
  3. Access to full internet- version - XXX rub.

Planned monthly return business plan release glossy magazine laid down at the level of XXX rubles.

Personnel and motivational issues

If you want to receive unique and professional content, be prepared for significant staff costs - professional and successful journalists will not work for an idea. This fact must be taken into account when planning the size of the wage fund, as part of operating costs for business plan for publishing a glossy magazine.

An example of the publication structure:

  • editor-in-chief - XXX rubles;
  • reporters - XXX rubles;
  • designer - XXX rubles;
  • layout designer - XXX rubles;
  • promotion and PR specialist - XXX rubles;
  • accountant - XXX rubles;
  • HR manager - XXX rubles;
  • drivers - XXX rubles;
  • cleaning lady - XXX rub.

Payback period

Compliance with the planned indicators of costs and revenues will make it possible to recoup the project within 3 to 5 years. indicators. Each of the parameters of the financial model can be changed manually.

Traffic report Money is the most important document of any business plan. It contains comprehensive information about the operating, investment and financial inflows and outflows of the company, and also allows you to evaluate the overall picture of the company's performance.

Download ready-made Excel with financial calculations and financial model

Objective and professional journalism, albeit in the sphere of gossip, has the potential to bring great profits and recoup the investment. But understanding this is not enough for those people who will make a decision on financing. To convince them, a professionally developed investment project will be required, which will substantiate its prospects on figures.

It is such a project that you can download from our website - this is a ready-made structured glossy magazine business plan, with calculations of important financial and economic indicators. Or order an individual turnkey business plan, which will take into account all the features of your company and the specifics of working in the media industry. This will attract investments, realize your creative potential and win the target market share.

glossy magazines are in stable demand, regardless of seasonality, because they help to distract from current everyday problems, and for some readers they become sources of lifestyle formation, by analogy with their idols. To turn a project into a massive and prosperous enterprise, use professional business plans as the basis of entrepreneurship.

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    A business plan for a magazine is no different from a business plan for any other enterprise. For all options startup, a business plan is always a document that describes the main aspects of the planned enterprise, analyzes the problems that may be encountered, and, most importantly, determines how to solve these problems.

    The author of books on business planning, Lazar Ziferblat, characterizes a business plan as "a system of evidence of the success of the proposed business." And this definition very clearly describes the essence of the document. Indeed, the idea of ​​a business is just a theorem, the correctness of which still needs to be proven. Both for yourself and for potential investors. It is not recommended to start such an enterprise without preliminary study and analysis of the market, without assessing one's own strengths. As, in fact, and any other.

    Let's try to consider the scheme of preparing a business plan for a magazine, using the realities of the Krasnoyarsk publishing market.

    The process of developing a business plan consists of several stages. The first, let's call it "thinking", in our case there is no need to consider it in detail. We will assume that the totality of existing talents, knowledge, experience and professional connections a priori gives you reason to believe that you can engage in publishing. In particular, the release of a monthly advertising magazine.

    It is also necessary to determine the subject and format of the publication, its target audience. You can apply for research to a specialized agency, where prices for such services start from 10 000 rubles. But you can also limit yourself.

    Analyze all publications-competitors. Even if it seems to you that you have come up with something unique, most likely, there are already one or two, or even more publications on a similar topic on the market. It is worth considering not only local magazines, but also those that are brought in abundance from the capital and other regions - they already appear in the niche where you are aiming, and in any case I will be competitors. So it's worth exploring as many samples as possible. Note their strengths and weak sides. Try to avoid the first, adopt the second.

    It is necessary to decide in advance on the method of distribution of the magazine. Taking into account the specifics of the local print media market, we will take as a basis free targeted delivery and press stands in office and shopping and entertainment centers.

    First steps

    Only publications with a circulation of 999 copies or less do not need to be registered. Large-circulation print media must have a corresponding certificate. If you have an enterprise, for example, an LLC, then you can register a journal for it. If not, you can register a company with limited liability(LLC) or work as individual entrepreneur(IP) (see Which is better LLC or IP).

    At this stage, it is better to contact lawyers specializing in the registration of companies. You can get advice from them on the choice of organizational and legal form of activity, on the taxation system. And, most importantly, the registration of the company in this case will be much faster. The asking price ranges from 7-10 thousand rubles.

    Registration of the journal in Roskomnadzor

    Many unfortunate publishers at one time took advantage of the “999 copies” loophole. However, publications that followed this principle left behind bad memories. Almost none of them stayed on the market for a long time. Some disappeared without earning advertisers' money. If you are confident in the success of your undertaking and are not going to close in two months, you will have to convince your readers and partners of this. And the first argument is a full-fledged official registration.

    Editorial office, office rental, purchase of office equipment and furniture

    To rent an office and determine the quantity necessary equipment, you need to have an idea about the composition of the editorial board. By the way, a cleaner, or, if you like, a cleaning manager, is also a necessary member of the editorial board. An exception is the case when the lessor undertakes the cleaning of the premises. office space.

    Many start-up publishers limit themselves to renting one office in the office center. It is clear that you want to save money, but is such savings worth further inconvenience? To combine in one office the creative team (journalists, designers, editors, proofreaders) and the “infantry” of the sales department is not the best the best option. Despite the common goal - the creation of a journal - the tasks and specifics of their work are different.

    Do not forget that outsiders will come to the editorial office. These are the heroes of the materials that the journalists will write about, and the clients-advertisers with whom the agents will work. So it's better to separate these two teams into different rooms. It is worth thinking about allocating a separate room for management and accounting. But the head of the sales department is quite able to work together with his employees, but be sure to have a separate workplace.

    We consider expenses

    The approximate composition of the editorial staff of a high-quality monthly magazine with a volume of 80-120 pages of A4 format:

    1. Chief Editor responsible for the content (content) in general and for the work of the creative team (from 20,000 rubles - the higher the qualification, the level of connections and name recognition, the more expensive this specialist is).

    2. Correspondents- ideally, there should be two of them on the staff, plus an unlimited number of freelancers (freelance correspondents) for one-time orders (from 10,000 + fees)
    3. Literary editor (from 15,000)

    4. Corrector. In most cases, a specialist comes, that is, he works directly during the preparation of the issue (from 3,000 "coming", from 15,000 - on a permanent basis).
    5. Designer. Magazine layout design, selection of illustrative material, work with layouts of sales department clients (from 15,000).

    6. Maker-up designer. Layout of the magazine, production of the main advertising modules by order of the sales department (from 15,000).

    7. Driver with personal car (from 12,000 + gasoline costs). Fuel consumption depends on the intensity of the work of the departments, but on average 10 liters per day. 250 liters per month at 25-26 rubles per liter - add at least 6,500 to transport costs.

    8. Head of Sales Department. Supervises the work of the department as a whole, as a rule, has its own portfolio of clients. Engaged in the promotion of the publication in the local media market (from 25,000 +% of sales). It should be remembered that it is quite difficult to find a highly qualified specialist. You can repurchase, which entails additional financial costs, or “grow”, which implies time costs.

    9. Sales Manager. Ideally, at least two people. The so-called "infantry", which brings money to the publication. These are the very "wolves" that the legs feed. The main income depends on the volume of concluded contracts (from 5,000 +% of own sales + transportation and telephone costs).

    The editorial office also needs an accountant, a specialist in working with computers and office equipment, and a cleaning lady. All these positions are easily outsourced, which saves money and eliminates the need to equip additional workplaces in the office (from 10 to 15,000).

    So, the editorial staff of at least 10 people. Two offices with a total area of ​​about 50 sq. m.

    Editorial office

    The cost of renting offices in Krasnoyarsk varies depending on the area and building rating, and starts from 400 rubles per square meter somewhere in the industrial area. Offices in the Sovietsky district already cost from 750 rubles per square meter. Suppose we stopped at Vzletka, and therefore the office will cost us - 50 sq. m x 750 = 37,500 rubles. Usually this price already includes a telephone line, internet, cleaning, security, and sometimes parking.

    Means of production

    You will have to spend money on office equipment and furniture, albeit one-time. Tables, chairs, bedside tables, shelving, coffee makers and coolers, stationery and waste baskets. The process of settling in an office is very similar to settling in an apartment - the necessary things are gradually purchased. You can estimate only the initial and main expenses. Given the variety of offers and discount options for furniture "wholesale", it is quite possible to meet 50,000 rubles for "economy-style" sets.

    Roughly the same with technology. Savings when choosing a configuration and the prospect of receiving a discount on a "bulk purchase" makes it possible to knock out the most interesting conditions from sellers.
    Ten workstations, two of which should be as productive as possible (for designers). Computers for design work - from 25,000, equipment for the work of journalists and managers - from 10,000 rubles.

    You will need a printer, copier, scanner. It's easier to buy 2 MFPs (from 4,000).
    Phones, Internet and stationery - 10,000 (for starters).

    Printing and distribution

    We rented an office, equipped workplaces, hired employees who have almost prepared the first issue of the magazine for publication. It needs to be printed and distributed. Both processes require investment.

    Based on the average cost of printing one copy of a full-color magazine of 35 rubles with a circulation of 3,000 copies (less is not serious, more is impractical for a start-up period), if there is a long-term contract with a printing house, 105,000 will be required for one print run. Plus transportation costs for delivery to the distributor.

    Initially, we decided that the magazine would be distributed free of charge by direct mail. The cost of delivery of one copy "to the address" costs 10 rubles (2,000 copies), another 1,000 copies will go to display on racks in shopping and office centers of the city - 3 rubles apiece. Total 23,000 rubles.

    What do finances "sing"?

    The payback period for such projects is relatively short, but not enough to expect income in a couple of months. The investor needs to understand that with a good scenario and the right approach, the publication can go “to zero” and start working off the invested minimum in a year. During this time, a full-fledged team will be formed, the magazine will earn credibility among readers and advertisers. In the end, people will just get used to it and will wait for new numbers. It is best to be prepared for a lack of income for one and a half to two years.
    So, let's look at the cost estimate.

    First month:
    Registration of LLC - 10,000;
    Registration of media advertising content - 25,000;
    Editorial - 150,000;
    Office rent, furniture, appliances, etc. - 240,000;
    Total: 515,000 rubles

    Further monthly expenses:
    Office rent - 40,000;
    FZP - 150,000;
    Printing and distribution - 130,000;
    Taxes - depending on the chosen taxation system + payroll tax.
    Total: from 320,000 rubles

    For the year, the expenses will be: 515,000 for the first month + from 3,500,000 for the subsequent months of the year.

    Total: more than 4 million rubles.

    The amount is significant. The Internet, of course, is replete with "business plans for magazines", according to which, for a million, a maximum of one and a half, it is supposedly possible to publish a magazine, and even bring it to profit in just six months.

    Maybe. Reduce the number of editorial staff to the detriment of the quality of both materials and printing. Save on equipment and buy used. You can also save on printing, printing and distribution. There are many more things you can do to save money. Many new publishers have done just that. But where are they now?

    If everything is done correctly and with high quality, if you do not save on employees and the quality of printing, do not interfere in editorial policy, then you can achieve good financial performance.

    A universal advertising publication of good printing quality with good relevant texts, with a well-thought-out audience coverage, can sell up to half of its volume. From 80-120 pages - this is 40-60 advertising pages per month. Forget about the price tags that other publications put up for everyone to see. Judging by them, average price one lane is 35-40,000. In fact, this is far from the case. The real price at which the advertiser is ready to buy it (and often buys it) is 15,000.

    From this we will proceed. 60 lanes x 15,000 = 900,000. Subtract from this amount immediately the percentage of taxes and those that are due for the work of the sales department (from 15% to agents and 6% of taxes with "simplification").

    650,000 remain. Of these, about 400,000 will be “eaten up” by editorial and other expenses. Are we still up? Yes! Almost 250 thousand!

    It's possible. But not a month after the release of the first issue of the magazine. And not even six months later. Do you still want to publish a magazine? Then get to work!

    P.S. Calculations were made on the basis of prices valid in Krasnoyarsk as of March 2012. Perhaps in other regions the numbers will differ, but not too much.

    • Magazine business plan: example
      • Step 5. First release.
      • Step 6. Development of the magazine.
    • Taxation
    • Business Journal Example
    • Is it easy to create your own journal?

    Despite the rise in popularity e-books and magazines, the lion's share of the market still belongs to print media. People still read magazines at home, in transport, in line.

    We will analyze how to write a business plan for a magazine and whether it is possible to make money in the publishing business.

    Magazine business plan: example

    The business plan of the journal should include a detailed calculation of the main costs and expected income of your publication, as well as an analysis of the market and competitors.

    Key project parameters that are needed to draw up a competent business plan:

    • editorial staff - number of people;
    • wage fund - the average amount per person per month;
    • the cost of printing a circulation - for each issue;
    • operating costs per month - except for labor costs and printing;
    • tax deductions per month (depending on the choice of taxation system).

    Based on them, they calculate:

    • average projected revenue per month;
    • average projected revenue per year;
    • expected net profit in a year;
    • the expected average return of the owner/investor (aftertax payments, minus initial investments);
    • share of net profit;
    • break even;
    • financial indicators - IRR, PI, NPV.

    You can get such a profit in the ideal case - if all 12 editions of the magazine are completely sold. The business plan should also provide for a break-even point at which the journal will recoup the cost of its publication.

    Step by step instructions on how to make your own journal

    Step 1. Definition of the target audience, topic and format, market analysis.

    Magazines are industry, information-journalistic, advertising and entertainment. You need to immediately decide on the direction and niche. You should not try to cover several areas at once, but you should not take too narrow a topic either: with big share Chances are you won't be able to compete with popular niche publications.

    Let's say your magazine is about business. In this case, it will be better if the topics of the articles help both an established businessman and a beginner who is just planning his business. This will allow you to expand your reader base, thereby attracting more people and increase the circulation of the magazine, as well as to interest potential advertisers. Special attention It is also worth paying attention to design development.

    Immediately identify your audience for reading - their gender, age, profession, hobbies and interests. Now the most popular topics for magazines are beauty, sports, medicine, business. But no matter what topic you choose, it is important to have a "zest" - reprinting other people's texts, you will not achieve popularity.

    You need to immediately determine how many times a month your magazine will be published. Also at this stage, you also need to study your competitors. This will allow you to identify their strengths and weaknesses and find your competitive advantage. To stand out from other magazines and attract readers, you must do what others do not.

    Already at this stage, you need to start drawing up a business plan for your publication.

    Step 2. Working out the parameters of the log

    At this stage, you need to consider the parameters of the log, for example:

    Think about what sections your magazine will consist of and where you will get content for it weekly or monthly. It depends on what staff of journalists you need.

    Also, already at the preparatory stage, it is necessary to think over distribution channels: it can be targeted distribution, distribution by subscription, retail or something else. Some expert journals can be delivered directly to company executives or to the enterprise. The choice of sales channels for your publication depends entirely on its specifics.

    Also think about where and how you will print your magazine: do you need your own printing house, or will you give it to someone else's printing house for printing. As a rule, at the first stage, the second option is chosen - it is cheaper in terms of starting costs. Having your own printer will make your project more expensive, but each issue will likely be cheaper, especially if your edition is in a large print run.

    Step 3. Drawing up an accurate business plan, finding funding.

    Finding funding for any new project is often the main problem for a businessman.

    If you have your own money and are willing to invest in a magazine, you can skip this step. But more often than not, you have to look for money to start up. Here are the main possible sources:

    1. Partner. The partner puts money into the business and bears all the risks with you, but is also entitled to a share of the profits.
    2. Investor. Many magazines have investors who give promotional money in exchange for the publications they want—or in the hope of getting their investment back when the magazine becomes profitable.
    3. Loan From a business point of view, it is better to borrow money from friends and without interest. Worse - take a loan from a bank. For the first business and without a firm belief that investments will be recouped, it is better to do without a loan.

    Since a magazine is a media, and many companies are interested in a platform for advertising, it is most reasonable to look for investors.

    At this stage, you should have a detailed business plan ready.

    Step 4. Recruitment and search for premises.

    Recruitment is an important part of launching a magazine. Your employees must be professionals in their field.

    You will need at least an editor-in-chief and a few journalists. Accountant, employee personnel service, proofreader, layout designer and cleaner can be outsourced. If you're planning a major magazine, you'll also need a lawyer, editor-in-chief (managing editor), department editors, a photographer, and a lot of journalists/reporters.

    Also at this stage, it is also worth looking for a room for your magazine.

    Step 5. First release.

    You need to think about everything: themes, design, photos. The first release is very important. It is advisable to immediately launch advertising so that as many people as possible learn about your magazine.

    Try to think about topics in advance and always have a stock of topics that you can quickly release to print.

    Step 6. Development of the magazine.

    Creating your own magazine is not everything. Your magazine should gain popularity every month. There are several tricks to promote the magazine.

    1. Sponsor information about the event, become an information partner.

    You provide information about any event (exhibition, press conference, opening of something) on ​​the pages of your website or groups in social networks, as well as on the pages of your magazine.

    For these services you can:

    • Become an official reviewer of this event (and this is unique and fresh content)
    • Get the opportunity to attract new customers and subscribers

    Some publishers pre-package these “special services” depending on the level of the event and the company that will host it.

    2. Issue additional literature, promotional materials, souvenirs.

    This method is also good to allow you to expand your circle of readers. Materials can be issued as an addition to your magazine for each circulation or separately once a quarter.

    It also works well to distribute souvenirs (notebooks, pens, magnets, calendars, mugs, T-shirts with the logo of your magazine) at various events.

    3. Promote on social networks

    Perhaps one of better ways further promotion. Create forums where topics of interest to you will be discussed. Set up targeted advertising for your circle of readers. And advertising on popular pages or bloggers will help expand your audience.

    But the most important condition for successful promotion is the regular publication of high-quality and useful content. If you cannot maintain a staff of journalists, then you can find it remotely - for example, on the copywriting market.

    Starting capital and earnings on the magazine

    To create your own journal, you will need start-up capital, the size of which depends on many factors. Usually the amount ranges from 500,000 to 3-5 million rubles.

    What will be included in this amount:

    • Office rent
    • Business Registration Costs
    • Printing services (minimum 3 months)
    • Compensation of employees (minimum 3 months)
    • taxes
    • Marketing costs
    • other expenses

    It is extremely rare for a magazine to become self-sufficient in less than 6 months, so you need to have start-up capital that will cover your expenses for the first time.

    But earnings from one magazine vary greatly depending on its circulation, specifics, target audience and marketing campaign. You need to be prepared for the fact that in the first months the magazine will turn out to be unprofitable and only then will it go into plus.


    You can register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, but for a novice entrepreneur IP is more suitable. In this case, you can switch to a simplified taxation system and pay 15% of the difference between income and expenses, or 6% of total revenue.

    Business Journal Example

    The best business magazines in Russia are:

    1. Forbes
    2. Fortune Harvard Business
    3. Business
    4. review

    Each of them has its own characteristics and zest. If you want to create your own successful magazine, you need to carefully analyze your competitors, study their issues over the past few months. This will help you understand what attracts readers and how to make your magazine popular in this niche.

    How to make your magazine profitable

    The success of a magazine is determined by:

    1. The right niche. If you copy the Forbes format, then it will be extremely difficult to compete with this publication. But you can write about business and money if you come up with your own original format for your publication, which will be in demand among the audience.
    2. A smart business plan.
    3. Quality content. Texts should be interesting and written in a living language.
    4. Smart marketing. It is important to understand who your target audience is and how best to tell them about the new publication.

    The profit of the magazine depends not only on the number of copies sold, but also on advertising revenue.

    Is it easy to create your own journal?

    Creating and promoting a magazine is not the easiest business. It will require investments and a lot of effort at the start. As in almost any other business, at first you will have to devote a lot of time to the magazine without making a significant profit. But if successful, the magazine will pay off and bring you substantial income.

    Most of all, this type of business will suit experienced editors / publishers who understand it well from the inside. You can also try if you are well versed in the topic of the magazine and have a commercial streak.

    Study the needs of your target audience, analyze competitors, think over a marketing strategy and distribution channels, make a competent business plan - and you will succeed.

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      Magazine business plan

      Good business plan, found some useful information. I hope it will be of use to me in the future. Thank you for the business plan.

      Alex, thanks for the feedback. We urge you not to stop studying the business plan. Go ahead, develop your project, look for investors. And your magazine will come out in that popularity. We wish you success.

      Magazine business plan

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      Zhanna, a business plan is one of the important primary documents, you should not neglect it. Excessive self-confidence has led many aspiring businessmen to failure. When instructions for action are at hand, it is really easier to work and many issues are resolved much faster. We hope that everything will work out for you. Good luck to you.

    The main thing about the business plan of the magazine

    Thousands of glossy publications flooded the counters of kiosks and shops, and what most amazes the sophisticated reader is the abundance of advertising on the pages of magazines. Willy-nilly, it seems that the owners large enterprises and companies simply have nowhere to place their advertisements. This is where the seditious thought creeps in: why not create your own profitable business- a mega-popular magazine, from the pages of which the faces of celebrities will look at the reader, and inviting advertising collages will unobtrusively remind you of the need to change an old car or buy another necklace with diamonds.

    But fantasies are fantasies, and opening an advertising magazine or an ordinary glossy print publication may well be crowned with success. Of course, only if you are well versed in this particular type of business. To get started you will need original idea which, oddly enough, should not be rushed to be implemented. First of all, you need to adequately assess your financial capabilities. There is nothing more offensive than to get involved in the work, and in the middle of the way to understand that there will definitely not be enough money to implement the cherished idea.

    Exit to circulation

    In a business like publishing your own magazine, it is important to clearly calculate each step, and armed with a calculator for greater accuracy. Even a limited edition edition will require an impressive amount from you. Try to make a sample estimate for the preparation of the magazine, and you will understand that several tens of thousands of rubles are not enough here.

    So printing one issue of the magazine, based on the circulation of 5 thousand copies, will cost about 150 thousand rubles. But in order for a magazine to be printed, it must first be filled with useful content, that is, pay for the work of journalists, editors, proofreaders, typesetters, and many other employees. Wages will result in a rather impressive amount - 200-250 thousand rubles a month. As a result, in order to open, register and print a magazine, a businessman needs to have initial capital, which is at least half a million rubles.

    When compiling a business project for a magazine, it is necessary to proceed from these figures, which will allow you to determine the approximate cost of advertising placed in your printed edition. But the business of issuing advertisements may not bring the expected results, because there is no guarantee that the owners of companies and enterprises will rush to you with offers to pay for advertising. Therefore, it makes sense to think about additional services, for example, to open a business such as an electronic version of a glossy magazine. The cost of advertising on the Internet may be lower, but this will attract the interest of new customers to your publication.

    How successful your project will be, only time will tell. But a professional magazine business plan will allow you to shorten the tedious waiting period, with which it will be much easier for you to develop a marketing strategy, come up with an original concept for the magazine and calculate your real opportunities.

    Ready-made magazine business plan from scratch with examples of opening calculations

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