Business with a trailer. Business with minimal investment - the production of trailers for cars. Basic parameters for sales

  • 10.04.2020

Trailers for cars are a separate dream of many car owners. Thanks to a light trailer, an ordinary car turns into a small truck capable of transporting up to a ton of payload, of course, depending on the carrying capacity of the cart. And, as they say, if there is a demand for such devices, there will be offers from manufacturers. Many entrepreneurs have a business idea - production of light trailers. Consider the organization of such a business production in more detail.

Business - production of trailers for cars

The production of trailers itself is not difficult. It consists in the reliable assembly of prefabricated elements: wheels, drawbar, electrical wiring, chassis or suspension axle. Everything is going around, directly, the cargo body. The cargo body is welded according to a preliminary drawing from square pipes. The sides and floor are sheathed with any sheet material - from chipboard to galvanized metal sheet. Technically, such production can be organized in any garage by several locksmiths and welders. Even one person is able to assemble a normal light trailer with his own hands in 20-30 days.

However, the production of trailers itself is only a small part of this voluminous business. The business of manufacturing light trailers cannot be considered as such if there are no state certificates (passports) for your products. And that's why.

A car light trailer is part of a vehicle, which means it must be approved for use on public roads. This admission is handled by the local traffic police, which has such powers. The trailer is registered as a new vehicle and receives numbers state registration. Therefore, the trailer must have documentary justification for obtaining state registration marks and documents. How to get them?

What is needed for state registration of homemade light trailers

It all comes down to two simple but very capacious steps.

1. Having assembled your own car trailer, you must contact the MREO traffic police at the place of residence. Where will you get a referral for an examination in a specialized accredited laboratory that performs certification tests specific types products in the Certification System for Motor Vehicles and Trailers. The examination is paid.

If you use ready-made parts, you may be asked to provide certificates for spare parts, assemblies and parts that are part of the trailer during the examination. Drawings and other documents may also be required, a list of which you can check with the traffic police or the laboratory. Certification is carried out only for new vehicles (components) put into circulation for the first time.

2. After successfully passing the examination, you will receive an examination certificate and a certificate of conformity for your transport device.

With this certificate, trailers of your production will be able to register with the traffic police without any problems.

The average cost of certification is 15-25 thousand rubles. The term is from 5 to 15 days.

The procedure described above concerns the registration of one homemade trailer. If you plan to produce 1-2 trailers per month, you can go through the certification procedure every time and pay 15-25 thousand rubles each time. But, when it comes to mass production, which you plan to open, it is desirable to minimize all bureaucracy. That is, eliminate the mandatory certification of each of your homemade trailers. And to certify production completely. How to do it?

Certification of mass production of light vehicle trailers

AT Russian Federation and member countries of the Customs Union not allowed use of vehicle technology without OTTS - vehicle type approval. Therefore, for light trailers, it is also necessary to obtain OTTS. The category of these trailers in the certification system is O1. In this category, you will receive OTTS.

With OTTS for your production of light trailers, you will complete each new product with a unique VIN number and a vehicle passport (PTS). The VIN must be applied in a reliable manner to the trailer frame. It could be a stamp laser engraving etc.

What a Trailer Manufacturer Needs to Get a VIN Number for a Trailer

1. It is necessary to collect a package of documents according to the following list:

  • application of the established form;
  • a technical description of the general nature of the trailer, a list of marked elements of the trailer: tires, headlights, coupling device, drawings, photographs;
  • prepare specifications(TU) and trailer operation manual.

With these documents, you need to pass laboratory tests and certification, which we wrote about above. But, in this case, the pre-production product passes the test. Such studies will cost an order of magnitude more expensive.

2. After successful testing of the pre-production sample, you can go further. And re-assemble the package of documents. For mass production of light trailers and assigning VIN codes to them with the issuance of a TCP, your production must have an international manufacturer code WMI. WMI can only be assigned to legal entities (LLC, JSC, etc.). To obtain an international code, you need:

  • technical application for issuance of the WMI code of the manufacturer in category O1;
  • technical description of your production (or voluntary QMS certification, Quality Management System) and specifications for your product;
  • company charter;
  • OGRN, TIN of the enterprise;
  • other documents, the list of which you can check with the organization issuing WMI codes. As a rule, such an organization is universal. That is, it also conducts tests, registration on all counts and issues the relevant documents.

It should be remembered that OTTS is issued for a limited period (subsequent extension is possible). That is, as you understand, the production of car trailers is a serious business with an organization legal entity in the form of a small business. There can be no question of the production of trailers in a garage with the registration of an ordinary individual entrepreneur, which is usually described by sources of information other than the site.

There is also a limitation in the amount of production: a small enterprise cannot produce more than 500 trailers of the same type per year. To fully load your company and make a profit, you will have to produce several types of light trailers. That is, for each type it is necessary to receive OTTS. It is better to get it "wholesale", that is, to pass certification simultaneously with all products.

If you still want to open a light trailer business, but cannot get an OTTC for financial reasons, you can get self-made trailer certification every time. In this case, up to 25 thousand rubles will need to be deducted from your profit from the sale of such a trailer, which will eat up most of the final cost. finished product. Or explore other business ideas for the production of caravans.

1. Selling Documents to Franchise Manufacturers

A large firm receives OTTS for the production of trailers. And sells everything Required documents franchised to those who want to legally produce car trailers, like you do in your garage. Thus, a small-scale manufacturer can produce its trailers under the brand name of a large one, without going through certification procedures. Your garage production will allow you to assemble no more than 24 trailers per year, which is beneficial for both the brand owner and you. You save yourself from bureaucracy, the company unloads production. But, in this case, your production base must meet the requirements of the parent company.

2. Production of constructors with documents

Modern good trailers are quite expensive (40-100 thousand per trailer). They are characterized by reliability and high load capacity. Trailers are simpler - they are cheaper. But, in both the first and second cases, car owners often remake trailers to fit their needs. Because there is no limit to perfection. Strengthen the frame, remake the suspension and electrics. Therefore, some trailer manufacturers have taken an easier path.

They reduced the cost of the trailer to 10-14 thousand rubles, including only the frame and suspension. The result was the so-called trailer-constructor. Everything else to such a trailer is added by the new owner. Despite the low cost, such a designer has all the necessary documents for the hassle-free registration of the trailer with the traffic police.

The essence of this business idea is that you can buy out such constructors and make trailers based on them, again in the form of a garage business. And sell to everyone full-fledged trailers with documents from the designer.

A difficult option for implementing this business idea is to independently master the production of such constructors. But, you will definitely have to receive OTTS and undergo product certification, as described above.

Also, in addition to these serious types of business, there is another, less costly and affordable trailer business.

3. Business - repair of trailers for cars

With a garage, skilled hands, and a simple tool, you can get into car trailer repairs. There is a stable client in this niche. Like any equipment, trailers fail, break down, require modernization. The work is quite dirty and dusty, so most owners are willing to pay the master than to carry out repairs themselves. Replacing chain devices, replacing boards, straightening an axle or repairing shock absorbers - this is a small list of services provided.

Also, having got your hands on repairs, you can buy old and broken trailers on your own at a low cost. With one condition - the trailer must have all the documents. After the purchase, you will need to bring the repair, restore the trailer and sell it for a better price.

The advantage of such a business: you bypass all the trailer certification bureaucracy, that is, do not waste time, but work and make a profit.

4. Other business ideas related to the manufacture of light trailers

In addition to automobiles, there are other types of trailers - for ATVs, mini-tractors, walk-behind tractors and other equipment. The production of trailers for this equipment is less bureaucratic, many do not require certification (for example, a walk-behind tractor is not a vehicle), and demand is also high. And the prices for factory products are high, which also increases the demand for the services of a private trader.

About the fact that it is possible to make awnings for any trailed equipment from PVC fabric, we will keep silent. This is also a business. And quite profitable. But it also has many nuances, which we will consider in the following business ideas. Subscribe so you don't miss out!

GOST R 52281-2004

Group D22



General technical requirements

Automobile trailers and semi-trailers.
General technical requirements

OKS 43.080.10
OKP 45 2500

Introduction date 2006-01-01


Tasks, basic principles and rules for carrying out work on state standardization in the Russian Federation GOST R 1.0-92 " State system standardization of the Russian Federation. Basic provisions" and GOST R 1.2-92 "State standardization system of the Russian Federation. The procedure for the development of state standards "

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED BY THE STATE scientific center of the Russian Federation, Federal State Unitary Enterprises "Central Order of the Red Banner of Labor Research Automobile and Automotive Institute" (FSUE "NAMI"), Federal State Unitary Enterprise "21 Research Testing Institute of Automotive Equipment of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation" ("21 NIII AT MO RF")

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 56 "Road Transport"

3 APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated December 15, 2004 N 108-st


Information about changes to this standard is published in the "National Standards" index, and the text of these changes - in the "National Standards" information indexes. In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the information index "National Standards"

INTRODUCED Amendment N 1, approved and put into effect by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated 11/23/2006 N 267-st from 01/01/2007

Change No. 1 was made by the database manufacturer according to the text of IUS No. 2, 2007

1 area of ​​use

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to car trailers, semi-trailers intended for the carriage of goods as part of a road train along highways general use and their chassis and establishes general technical requirements for them.

The standard does not apply to trailers towed by vehicles equipped with towing devices in accordance with GOST 28248, multi-purpose trailers (semi-trailers), as well as trailers (semi-trailers), in terms of dimensions and permissible axle loads exceeding the values ​​established for motor vehicles.

2 Normative references

This standard uses references to the following standards:

GOST 2349-75 Hook-and-loop traction devices for automobile and tractor trains. Basic parameters and dimensions. Technical requirements

GOST 5513-97 Pneumatic tires for trucks, trailers to them, buses and trolleybuses. Specifications

GOST 7593-80 Paint and varnish coatings for trucks. Technical requirements

GOST 9008-94 Details of wooden platforms for trucks, trailers and semi-trailers. General specifications

GOST 9200-76 (ISO 1185-75, ISO 1724-80, ISO 3731-80, ISO 3732-82, ISO 4091-78) Seven-pin detachable connections for cars and tractors

GOST 10409-74 (ISO 4107-95) Automobile wheels with collapsible rim. Main dimensions. General technical requirements

GOST 12017-81 Coupling pins for automobile semi-trailers. Types and basic dimensions

GOST 12105-74 Truck tractors and semi-trailers. Mounting dimensions

GOST 14192-96 Marking of goods

GOST 15150-69 Machinery, instruments and other technical products. Versions for different climatic regions. Categories, conditions of operation, storage and transportation in terms of the impact of environmental climatic factors

GOST 21624-81 Maintenance and repair system for automotive vehicles. Requirements for operational manufacturability and maintainability of products

GOST 21758-81 Maintenance and repair system for automotive vehicles. Methods for determining indicators of operational manufacturability and maintainability during testing

GOST 23945.0-80 Unification of products. Key points

GOST 27226-90 Platforms onboard motor vehicles. Inner dimensions

GOST 28248-89 (ISO 1103-76) Cars. Ball-type towing hitch. Main dimensions

GOST R 41.13-99 (UNECE Regulation No. 13) Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles of categories M, N and O with regard to braking

GOST R 41.30-99 (UNECE Regulation No. 30) Uniform provisions concerning the approval of tires for motor vehicles and their trailers

GOST R 41.48-2004 (UNECE Regulation N 48) Uniform provisions concerning the certification of vehicles with regard to the installation of lighting and light-signalling devices

GOST R 41.54-99 (UNECE Regulation No. 54) Uniform provisions concerning the approval of tires for goods vehicles and their trailers

GOST R 41.55-2005 (UNECE Regulation N 55) Uniform provisions concerning mechanical parts of coupling devices of vehicle combinations

GOST R 41.58-2001 (UNECE Regulation N 58) Uniform provisions concerning the approval of: I Rear protective devices; II Vehicles with regard to the installation of Type Approved Rear Protective Devices; III Vehicles with regard to their rear protection

GOST R 41.73-99 (UNECE Regulation No. 73) Uniform provisions concerning the approval of goods vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers with regard to their side protection

GOST R 50511-93 (ISO 3006-76, ISO 3894-77, ISO 7141-81) Light alloy wheels for pneumatic tires. General specifications

GOST R 50577-93 Signs of state registration vehicles. Types and basic dimensions. Technical requirements

GOST R 50643-94 Detachable connection for anti-lock braking system. Main dimensions. Technical requirements. Test methods. Vehicle Mounting Instructions

GOST R 51893-2002 Pneumatic tires. General safety specifications

GOST R 51980-2002 Vehicles. Marking. General technical requirements

GOST R 52051-2003 Motor vehicles and trailers. Classification and definitions

GOST R 52230-2004 Automotive and tractor electrical equipment. General specifications

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards according to the "National Standards" index, compiled as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replaced (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

3 Terms and definitions

This standard uses the terms according to GOST R 52051, as well as the term with the corresponding definition:

3.1 main traction vehicle: The vehicle listed as the main traction vehicle in design documentation(KD) on a trailer (semi-trailer).

4 General technical requirements

4.1 Appointment requirements

4.1.1 Trailers (semi-trailers) must be designed for operation in non-garage storage.

4.1.2 Trailers (semi-trailers) as part of a road train with the main traction vehicle, specially designed for long-distance and international transportation, with a cruising range of at least 1000 km, at the request of the consumer (customer) can be additionally equipped by the trailer manufacturer with a fuel tank with a device for mechanized pumping of fuel into the tank of the tractor.

4.1.3 When installing an additional fuel tank on trailers (semi-trailers), its protection must be provided structural elements from damage. The fuel tank must be protected from corrosion.

Types and connecting dimensions of plugs and fillers of fuel tanks must comply with the requirements normative document.

4.2 Reliability requirements

4.2.1 For trailers (semi-trailers), the average resource is up to overhaul must be at least the resource of the main traction vehicle under the first category of operating conditions in accordance with GOST 21624 in macroclimatic regions with a temperate climate of category V placement I in accordance with GOST 15150.

4.2.2 The mean time between failures of trailers (semi-trailers) must not be lower than that of the main traction vehicle.

4.3 Requirements for resistance to external influences

4.3.1 The climatic version of trailers (semi-trailers) must comply with the requirements established for the main traction vehicle.

4.3.2 The materials used for the manufacture of trailers (semi-trailers) must have a resistance not lower than the materials of parts and assembly units main traction vehicle.

4.3.3 The paint and varnish coatings of trailers (semi-trailers), except for those supplied with primer, must not be destroyed during mechanical washing with a water jet under pressure up to 0.15 MPa (1.5 kgf/cm), and must also be resistant to fuel and lubricants .

4.3.4 The service life of the paint coating is at least 5 years when trailers (semi-trailers) are operated in macroclimatic regions with a temperate climate of V location category I according to GOST 15150.

4.4 Requirements for ergonomics and technical aesthetics

4.4.1 Painting of trailers (semi-trailers) and control appearance coating surfaces - according to GOST 7593.

4.4.2 Paint and varnish coatings used for the outer surfaces of trailers (semi-trailers) must allow the possibility of touching up or repainting them with natural drying paints.

4.4.3 Forces required to raise the spare wheel, folding ladder should not exceed 500 N (50 kgf). When using lifting mechanisms (mechanical, hydraulic), the force on the mechanism drive handle, if it is cyclically repeated, should not exceed 200 N (20 kgf).

The force required to lift the side of the platform (bringing it to the transport position) must be no more than 300 N (40 kgf).

The force required to open and close the locking devices of the platform sides must be no more than 200 N (20 kgf).

4.4.4 The force on the handle of the drive mechanism for lifting and lowering the support devices of semi-trailers and the support post of a single-axle trailer must be no more than 200 N (20 kgf). For supporting devices with a load of more than 200 kN (20 tf), in agreement with the consumer (customer), an increase in force is allowed, but not more than 400 N (40 kgf).

4.5 Design requirements

4.5.1 General requirements The dimensions and location of the towing and turning devices of trailers must be such that when turning the road train (when moving forward), the distances between the tractor and the trailer indicated in Figure 1 are observed, and at the same time there is no contact between the trailer and the traction vehicle in conditions operation.

Figure 1. Distances between the tractor and the trailer when turning the road train

The radius of the clearance of the rear of the tractor (trailer or semi-trailer for a multi-link road train);
- the radius of the front of the trailer; - the center of the towing device;
- the center of the trailer turning device; - distance to the center of the drawbar
devices for trailers with a central axle (axles) - no more than 420 mm

Picture 1

These requirements do not apply to trailers equipped with a coupling device that changes the distance between the trailer and the vehicle when turning.

Mounting dimensions of semi-trailers - according to GOST 12105 (version A). Coupling loops of trailers (except for self-dipping releases) - according to GOST 2349, GOST R 41.55.

Trailers and their chassis intended for long-distance and international transportation, at the request of the consumer (customer), must be equipped with a backlash-free coupling device in accordance with GOST R 41.55.

Coupling pins of semi-trailers - in accordance with GOST 12017 (version A).

Trailers (semi-trailers) equipped with brakes (except for inertial ones), intended for operation as part of multi-link road trains, must have a place at the back for installing a towing device in accordance with GOST 2349, GOST R 41.55.

Trailers (semi-trailers) not equipped with a towing hook must have devices for forced evacuation (pulling out). Trailers (semi-trailers) must have a brake system drive outlet in front, a hydraulic system drive outlet for dump trucks, detachable connections in accordance with GOST 9200 and for connecting an anti-lock braking system (ABS) in accordance with GOST R 50643.

Trailers (semi-trailers) intended for operation as part of multi-link road trains must additionally have similar outlets at the rear. The design of trailers (semi-trailers), except for trailers (semi-trailers), the speed of which is limited by the requirements of the DD, must ensure the possibility of their movement as part of a full-weight road train with a maximum speed of at least top speed traction vehicle. Static angles of lateral tipping of trailers (semi-trailers) with an onboard platform with a full mass with a load that ensures full use of the cargo capacity of the main onboard platforms must be at least:

35° - for single axle trailer;

32° - for a two-axle trailer;

28° - for semi-trailers (together with a tractor). The ground clearance of trailers (semi-trailers), except for trailers (semi-trailers) with a reduced loading height, must be not less than that of the main traction vehicle. Semi-trailers must be equipped with a support device to maintain the front part in the uncoupled state and ensure the convenience of coupling (uncoupling) the semi-trailer from the traction vehicle by one person.

Support device controls must be located on both sides.

It is allowed to install the control element only on the right side of the semi-trailer. The ground clearance under the supporting devices of the semi-trailer with a full weight must be, mm, not less than:

400 - for semi-trailers with axle weight

over 6 t. The vertical static pressure on the traction hook of the vehicle from the coupling loop of a single-axle trailer with a full weight, except for trailers, dissolutions, must not exceed 500 N (50 kgf).

By agreement with the consumer (customer), it is allowed to increase the vertical static pressure to the values ​​\u200b\u200bestablished by GOST 2349, and for trailers with a central axle (axes) - GOST R 52051. Single-axle trailers, except for trailers, must have support posts that ensure stability in the uncoupled state. With a vertical static pressure of more than 500 N (50 kgf) from the trailer coupling loop, the front support leg must be equipped with a mechanism for raising and lowering the coupling loop to a position that ensures coupling (uncoupling) of the trailer with the traction vehicle. The design of trailers (semi-trailers) must ensure the convenience of cleaning and washing operations (removal of dirt, dust, snow).

4.5.2 Handling and stability A full weight trailer as part of a road train with the main traction vehicle, when driving straight on a road with a hard, even surface, at any speed, must not go beyond the corridor, the width of which is 0.5 m more than the maximum width of the road train. The turntables of trailers shall turn to each side through an angle of at least 60°.

When turning at the maximum angle, the drawbar of the trailer with steerable wheels, the swivel bogie and the self-aligning axles of the trailer (semi-trailer) must not reach the stop. At the same time, it should be possible to roll the wheels without side slip when the road train is moving with a minimum turning radius of the main traction vehicle. The steered wheels of trailers and semi-trailers shall have a locking device for ease of maneuvering when the road train is reversing.

The design of the blocking device must exclude the possibility of its spontaneous activation (deactivation).

4.5.3 Suspension The suspension of trailers (semi-trailers) must ensure smooth running in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory document.

4.5.4 Wheels and tires Trailers (semi-trailers) should be equipped with pneumatic tires in accordance with GOST 5513, GOST R 41.30, GOST R 41.54, GOST R 51893. Rim profile and fastening of wheels of trailers (semi-trailers) - according to GOST 10409, GOST R 50511 and regulatory document.

In technically justified cases, it is allowed to use wheels according to the design documentation for a trailer (semi-trailer) of a specific type. Trailers (semi-trailers) must have spare wheels and appropriate devices for their attachment. The number of spare wheels and their need for dump trailers, dissolution trailers and single-axle trailers towed by utility vehicles are set in agreement with the consumer (customer).

4.5.5 Brake system

4.5.5. * Braking systems and braking properties of trailers (semi-trailers) - according to GOST R 41.13.
* The numbering corresponds to the original. - Database manufacturer's note.

4.5.6 Onboard platform Dimensions of onboard platforms - according to GOST 27226.

Trailers (semi-trailers) with side platforms must be equipped with devices (hooks, brackets, etc.) for tying the awning and securing the load, and at the request of the consumer (customer), it must be possible to attach the awning frame and additional boards or extensions .

Side platforms of trailers (semi-trailers) must have rear and side folding sides. Side platforms of single-axle trailers with a gross weight of up to 1.2 tons inclusive are allowed to be equipped with one folding tailgate. At the request of the consumer (customer), trailers (semi-trailers) are equipped with extensions.

It is recommended that the design of devices for attaching extensions to trailer platforms (semi-trailers) with a carrying capacity of 4.0 tons or more be calculated for the maximum height of extensions determined by the conditions full use carrying capacity of trailers (semi-trailers) when transporting goods with a specific volume of at least 2.5 m/t. At the request of the consumer (customer), the design of the platforms shall provide for the possibility of installing sealing devices to prevent the loss of bulk cargo during their transportation. The structure of the awning frame should provide for ease of installation and dismantling of the awning. The height of the loading space under the awning for trailers (semi-trailers) with a carrying capacity of 3.0 tons or more - not less than 1800 mm. Technical requirements for wooden parts of platforms - according to GOST 9008. The floor of the onboard platform of trailers with a carrying capacity of 1.5 tons or more is recommended to be made without wheel arches. The floor of the onboard platform of trailers (semi-trailers), except for dump trucks, with a carrying capacity of at least 8 tons, it is recommended to rely on the ability to operate a loader with a gross weight of 3.2 tons.

At the request of the consumer (customer), the estimated weight of the loader can be increased to 3.7 tons. The handles of the locking devices of the side platforms (doors of vans, etc.) of trailers (semi-trailers) in the equipped state must be located at a height of not more than 1950 mm from the supporting surface of the road.

4.5.7 Electrical equipment Electrical equipment, external lighting and signal equipment of trailers (semi-trailers) must comply with the requirements of GOST R 52230. The number, location, color and visibility angles of trailer (semi-trailer) instruments must comply with the requirements of GOST R 41.48. Trailers must be equipped with a plug with a connecting cable, and semi-trailers with a socket.

4.5.8 Completeness Each trailer (semi-trailer) must be accompanied by operational documentation that meets the requirements of the regulatory document. Completeness of trailers (semi-trailers) with additional equipment is determined by the contract between the consumer (customer) and the manufacturer.

4.5.9 Marking Marking of trailers (semi-trailers) - according to GOST R 51980. Places for installing jacks must be indicated in the operation manual (OM). Places for mooring trailers (semi-trailers) - according to GOST 14192.

4.5.10 Unification requirements The economically feasible degree of unification (both intra-factory and inter-factory), as a rule, is determined separately in each specific case and is reflected in the technical documentation.

The main provisions for unification are in accordance with GOST 23945.0.

5 Safety requirements

5.1 Trailers (semi-trailers) must be equipped with removable rear protective devices in accordance with GOST R 41.58.

Trailers (semi-trailers) are allowed not to be equipped with a rear protective device, if the elements of their frame and platform perform its functions.

5.2 Trailers, except for single-axle trailers and trailers, must be equipped with a device that maintains the drawbar coupling eye in a position that facilitates coupling and uncoupling from the traction vehicle. At the same time, it must be possible to tilt the drawbar to corners in accordance with GOST 2349 with the device disconnected.

In case of spontaneous disengagement of the drawbar loop from the vehicle's towing hook (in the event of an emergency separation from the traction vehicle), the device must not allow the drawbar coupling loop to touch the surface of a horizontal section of the road.

5.3 Single-axle trailers (except for dissolutions), as well as trailers without brakes, must be equipped with safety chains (cables).

In the event of an emergency break (breakage) of the towing device, the safety chains (cables) must ensure the control of the trailer, in addition, single-axle trailers must not allow the drawbar coupling loop to touch the surface of a horizontal section of the road.

Safety chains (cables) should not be attached to the vehicle's towing hook or its fasteners.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

5.4 Trailers (semi-trailers) must have at least two wheel chocks located in an easily accessible place.

5.5 Semi-trailers intended for the carriage of long loads (pipes, logs, etc.) must have a device in front that protects the cab of the driver of the traction vehicle from damage due to possible displacement of the transported load during sudden braking.

5.6 Trailers (semi-trailers) - dump trucks must be equipped with a device for fixing a raised unloaded body.

5.7 Trailers, except for dissolutions, and semi-trailers must be equipped with over-wheel protective devices (fenders, mudguards), if the parts of the platform or the installed equipment do not perform the function of this device.

The protective devices on the rear side of the wheel must have a lower edge at such a height that the plane passing through the theoretical point of contact of the tire with the road of trailers (semi-trailers) in the loaded state and the lower edge of the part of the device made of elastic material makes an angle with the road plane of not more than 15°.

The width of the protective devices must be at least the width of the tires installed in the design documentation.

5.8 Trailers, except for single-axle ones with a gross weight of up to 1.2 tons, and semi-trailers must be equipped with service and parking brake systems.

5.9 The parking brake control of trailers (semi-trailers) is located on the right side or behind and must be easily accessible and non-removable.

5.10 If there is only one spare wheel, it is not allowed to install the spare wheel and the control mechanism for its lifting (lowering) on ​​the left side of the trailer (semi-trailer) and trailer with a swivel bogie and a base up to 3200 mm, having a right-hand location of the parking brake system controls.

5.11 Trailers (semi-trailers) must be equipped with steps or ladders for climbing onto the platform, unless the design provides for other elements that perform their functions.

The bearing surface of the step must be corrugated.

5.12 The design of the spare wheel lift should not allow it to fall when the lift drive handle is released.

5.13 Trailers (semi-trailers) must be provided with a place for attaching a license plate in accordance with GOST R 50577.

5.14 Trailers, except for dissolutions, and semi-trailers, except for those intended for the carriage of long indivisible goods and without platforms, must be equipped with side protective devices (BZU) in accordance with GOST R 41.73.

Trailers (semi-trailers) are allowed not to be equipped with side protective devices if their frame elements, platforms and other elements perform the functions of a safety lock.

6 Transport

6.1 Trailers (semi-trailers) must be adapted for their transportation by rail and by car in accordance with the rules applicable to each mode of transport. Transportation by water and by air specified by the customer in the technical specifications. Partial disassembly is allowed.

6.2 Trailers (semi-trailers) shall be provided with places for mooring or mooring knots that provide the possibility of fastening trailers (semi-trailers) during transportation, as well as during their loading and unloading.

The strength of the mooring places on the trailer (semi-trailer) must be sufficient to withstand the calculated overloads when transporting them by a particular type of transport.

7 Instructions for use

7.1 Labor intensity of maintenance and current repair trailers (semi-trailers) - according to GOST 21624.

The frequency of maintenance of trailers (semi-trailers) - 15,000 km.

7.2 The trailers (semi-trailers) should be accompanied by the necessary tools and devices for carrying out work on maintenance, if the performance of the specified work is not provided by the tools and devices of the main traction vehicle. In this case, to place the tool and accessories on the trailer (semi-trailer), a place must be provided to ensure their safety.

7.3 Lubricants and working fluids used in trailers (semi-trailers) must correspond to those used for assembly units of a similar purpose of the main traction vehicle.

7.4 Trailers (semi-trailers) must be designed for the aggregate repair method.

7.5 Requirements to ensure the operational manufacturability and maintainability of trailers (semi-trailers) - in accordance with GOST 21624.

Indicators of operational manufacturability - according to GOST 21758.

7.6 Preparation for operation and operation should be carried out in accordance with the OM for a specific trailer (semi-trailer).

8 Manufacturer's warranty

8.1 Warranty hours and guarantee period operation of trailers (semi-trailers) should not be lower than that of the main traction vehicle.


OST 37.001.450-87 Plugs and fillers of fuel tanks of vehicles. Types and main connection dimensions

OST 37.001.291-84 Vehicles. Technical standards ride

OST 37.001.429-98 Wheels for pneumatic tires with non-separable deep rims with landing shelves 5° with the shape of side flanges B, J, K, L. General specifications

OST 37.001.511-2001 Unified system for design documentation. Operational documents for automotive industry products

UDC 629.114.3:006.354

OKS 43.080.10

Key words: trailers (semi-trailers), dissolution trailers, road train, main traction vehicle, connecting dimensions, coupling loops, coupling pins, swivel bogie, steered wheels, drawbar

Electronic text of the document
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
Moscow: IPK Standards Publishing House, 2005

Revision of the document, taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

When the enterprise PO "Kurgan trailers" focused only on the production of trailers, things quickly went uphill. At first, the company sold its products individuals, and today they cannot be outdone by the number of large customers. Thirst spoke about how the plant makes a decision to release new models, and about attracting customers CEO company Alexander Tupitsyn.

Easy update

Developing the family business, Alexander began to think about the question of who else can offer the products of his company, how to ensure a stable flow of customers and how to adjust the manufacturing process to the growing demand.

At the Kurgan trailers enterprise, production is quite flexible - this is what main feature. Almost all the parts that make up the trailer are made in the same factory. Purchased parts are used very little - mostly those that require a separate manufacturer. Due to the constant availability of the necessary components, it is possible to ensure a quick update of the product range.

The plant has its own design bureau - it includes 7 people, each of whom is responsible for a separate scope of work. Therefore, the introduction of a new product takes place without fundamental investments of funds. All equipment is reconfigurable, nothing supernatural is required.

Alexander Tupitsyn: “The decision whether the trailer will go on the market or not, we make together with economists and the marketing department. We evaluate the market, possible sales volumes. We determine the implementation conditions based on information about customers, age group, prosperity, climate zone. When introducing a new product to the market, we analyze forecasts and only then make decisions. When considering whether to continue to manufacture a particular model, past years' sales are taken into account. By this year, only one modification had left the market - it was replaced by another, with the best performance and less cost.

The expansion of production with new models took about six months. It consisted in the creation of a new site at the enterprise. It was necessary to allocate space for it, equip it, purchase tools and hire staff. More time had to be spent on the preparation of design documentation and staff training.

More load-bearing trailers are produced in smaller quantities - it depends on the requirements of the customer. Sometimes it is necessary to manufacture a product for a specific cargo, for the transportation of which special materials and design are needed.

The company produced about 40 heavy-duty trailers with a brake system - and all are different. Single assembly does not require high costs. There was no need to upgrade the equipment either, since manual assembly was mainly used.

What can you win

Entrepreneurs who want to engage in the production of similar products and their subsequent sale are enough. To take second place in sales and manufacture of trailers in Russia and bypass competitors is obtained due to several factors.

Alexander Tupitsyn: “The main advantages of successful growth in sales are the following: we are practically independent of suppliers, we are not associated with changes in the exchange rate, apart from speculation in the metal market. In addition, we are not tied to delivery times, since we do everything ourselves. When developing a new product, we often overestimate the requirements for the product to withstand a large load, as is customary in Russia, where high requirements to the product. The designs of our trailers are durable and reliable, they correspond to the declared characteristics in terms of carrying capacity, and they are always manufactured within the framework of the regulations.”

It is very difficult to imagine the development of new modifications without updating fixed assets. Buyers may appear with their offers from an unknown field of activity - a quick changeover to a profitable order requires a changeover of technical processes and, of course, capacities to increase the number of trailers sold. The lion's share of the profit goes to the modernization of production.

Alexander Tupitsyn: “The main direction of investment for us is technical re-equipment. The purchase of modern high-performance equipment that will manufacture our products and diversify the range will allow us to produce not only trailers. In any market there is a glut and other crisis phenomena. From such moments we must be insured. It is important to offer the market new products that will keep the company on its feet in difficult times. Therefore, modernizing production and developing new models are our top priorities. This is what we are investing in.”

At the request of buyers, it is possible to produce a new modification based on trailers or a completely alternative product. Such production is universal. The plant has a metal preparation shop, a welding shop, a painting shop, a machining shop, and an assembly shop. There is a sewing workshop - they sew awnings for trailers, overalls. Production is so flexible that customer orders are never ignored. The main thing is to find these customers and offer the right decision at a reasonable price.

Basic parameters for sales

Alexander Tupitsyn: “If a client submits an order, then we all calculate, look at competitive offers, offer the best options and he makes a decision. If we are promoting a product, then there is a different approach. First, we study the market, the demand for this trailer model, and, depending on this, we already decide whether it is profitable to produce such a modification. And the sale of the product itself depends on whether it corresponds to the declared quality, price and consumer characteristics.”

Another factor is the availability of the product to customers. It is provided by a dealer network that has about 80 partners in our country. The company's website contains contacts where you can always contact for any questions.

The management is constantly engaged in the development of the dealer network, trains its employees to sell and promote goods. Our hero closely monitors marketing, advertising and other forms of stimulating demand for his products. Work is also carried out in neighboring countries, the goods are easily sold in countries Customs Union. Thanks to the new technical regulations, sales are obtained without bureaucratic delays. Dealer network and the quality of the product have become a guarantee of success.

A good friendly team was formed at the plant, which withstood all the difficulties. Alexander manages to retain qualified workers, although this is not so easy.

Alexander Tupitsyn: “New engineers come to us, young people appear. She is not like experienced workers - without factory hardening of the 90s. But these are creative people who want to put all their efforts into a common cause. We do not experience a large shortage of personnel, because we always have a job, the enterprise functions stably and decently. wage paid on time."

The only problem, according to our hero, is technologists and designers. You have to fight for them. To date, it has already been possible to form a team of designers.

"Kurgan trailers" in facts and figures

Organizational and legal form

Joint-stock company.

Unique offers

The main enterprise "Kurgan trailers" is engaged in the manufacture of trailers for various purposes with a gross weight of up to 3.5 tons. They are divided into two categories: with a carrying capacity of up to 750 kg and from 750 kg to 3.5 tons. The latter are equipped with brakes.

Annual turnover

In 2016, approximately 24.5 thousand trailers were sold, and the revenue amounted to about 930 million rubles including VAT. In 2015, it was 890 million rubles.

Alexander Tupitsyn: “The plant ranks second in Russia in terms of production volume. With the leader, we produce almost the same amount of products. And the enterprise, which occupies the 3rd place, produces 3 times less than us.”

Return on investment

The expansion of production with new models took about six months.

Promotion tools

Dealer network, which now has about 80 partners throughout the country, sales sites

We decided to offer cooperation for everyone who wants to master this vast market for the production of light trailers, which is increasing every year! One-time payment: 400.000 rubles. Our company was registered on September 9, 1999. In 2003, we became conveyor suppliers to the Gorky Automobile Plant (GAZ). On his trading platforms throughout Russia and the CIS, about 400-500 units of special van bodies and other superstructures were manufactured and shipped monthly. Cooperation continued through 2008 inclusive. In addition, we produced add-ons for Kamaz, Mercedes, Volvo, Iveco and other brands. Since 2005, the production of trailers of category O1 (gross weight up to 750 kg) has been certified and OTTS (Vehicle Type Approval) has been received for their release. In 2009, the lineup was supplemented with the O2 category (equipped with brakes with a gross weight of up to 3.5 tons). In 2010 and 2011, we received a permit for the production of O3 category trailers (gross weight up to 10 tons) and a Tractor Certificate. The emphasis was not on the series, but on the manufacture of vehicles according to customer requirements. And today we produce trailers for individual and commercial purposes in small batches. This leaves behind. And the available permits allow you to produce an unlimited number! Therefore, we decided to offer cooperation for everyone who wants to master this vast market, which is growing every year! At the same time, we do not help with the sale of your products directly, but only indirectly, by providing technical, certification and advertising support! You buy components and materials yourself. Here I would like to clarify that there are several large enterprises specializing in the production of only trailers (and they make several thousand a month !!!), and there are universal ones, where trailers are not the main type of product, but an additional one (their output ranges from tens to several hundred per month). Serial trailers are made in batches, where standard sizes and equipment, materials and costs are optimized. Due to the large volume and well-established contractual relations with dealers-sellers, they have an almost constant sale. In spring and summer - more boat trips go. In autumn and winter - airborne with an awning. Due to the volume during conveyor assembly, the profit is minimal (1-8 thousand rubles), but this allows you to confidently stand on your feet and invest in continuous development. But the most important thing here is not a large volume, but regular customers! It is important. Under stable demand, you can adjust any manufacturing process, with the receipt, albeit small, but profit!. This trailer production offer is unique! There are NO analogues in Russia today! If you have a sales/sales department - great! Own production base - super! Experience with metal structures is excellent! Do you want to load your production facilities with the release of in-demand products or are you tired of trading other people's trailers for some reason, and at the same time you do not want to start a manufacturing business from scratch or lay out large cash not understanding the market and risks - our offer is for YOU! And the craftsmen who independently manufacture trailers in their garages and sheds can safely come out of the "underground" under our brand, "lean" and then decide on self-certification. To a greater extent, this offer is relevant for those who have experience in selling trailers, know the needs of customers in terms of product range, trailer equipment, its cost, and want to start production with minimal investment in certification and drawings. We have a wide range of models and their modifications (boat, tent, special) with dimensions within the traffic rules (i.e. from the minimum to the maximum possible, permitted by the traffic rules of Russia (for example, up to 11-12 meters long, up to 2.55 m wide, height up to 4 meters.) You will need a minimum set of equipment: Welding table Cutting machine (abrasive or band saw, although you can cut with a grinder or a hacksaw) Preferably, an air compressor Drill or drill, grinder, wrench (electric or pneumatic) or open-end wrenches Welding machine in carbon dioxide environment A place for painting, in case you will paint yourself, and not galvanize on the side, storage of materials and finished trailers. Technological stands for assembly You may also need g / p mechanisms. If you have all this - great! The initial one-time payment (lump sum) required to purchase a franchise for category O1 trailers (gross weight up to 750 kg without brakes) is 400,000 rubles. (equipped with brakes and with a gross weight of up to 3500 kg - 600.000 rubles). The lump sum can be divided into 2 payment stages. This payment applies to the entire term of the OTTS - 3 years. Then we extend it for a new period for you free of charge, provided that you choose and manufacture at least 40 trailers per year. In addition to a one-time payment in the amount of 400 or 600 thousand rubles, respectively, you pay royalties - 500 rubles from one trailer released by you. Make a reservation for us a certain amount of released trailers each month. We receive the Title, arrange and send it to your address at our expense. VIN you apply yourself. Periodically, we carry out a visit to your production to monitor the products manufactured under our brand, as we are responsible for this. In case of violation of the production technology agreed with us or making unapproved changes to the design, we may refuse to continue cooperation and demand compensation for damages, if any. Expected payback - within 1 year in the production of 10 trailers per month of category O1 (gross weight up to 750 kg), O2 - from 5 trailers per month. After paying the franchise, we will add you to the assembly plants of our company and you will be registered in the OTTS (Vehicle Type Approval) as an assembly plant. We grant the right to apply our VIN code and use our brand. Under this OTTS, the following models can be produced: For the transportation of boats, boats and ATVs; for the transportation of motorcycles; electric lighting installation; compressor; generator; trade; House on wheels; for the repair and maintenance of roads; dry closet; ritual; for the transport of water; manufactured goods; for transporting a motor pump; for the transport of animals; for the transport of live fish.