Job description of the director for the development of the dealer network. Job description of the director of business development. What salary to offer a candidate for the position of director of development

  • 13.05.2020

An enterprise that does not develop cannot count on the successful continuation of its business. It is for this purpose that business leaders who recognize the importance of a controlled process of long-term and strategic planning of the enterprise's activities make decisions to introduce such a position as a Development Director* into the staff of their enterprise.

* When developing a job description for a development director, you can also use the job description for a development manager strategic planning.

The position is called “director” for a reason. The employee who occupies it is included in the top management of the enterprise. To accept and implement strategic decisions development or restructuring requires significant powers. It is also necessary to have an appropriate staff of development professionals. Usually these are managers for planning financial, economic, labor and other resources. It was previously noted that large enterprises practice the introduction of such an employee as a strategic planning manager. In the event that the functions of such a specialist are not combined with the functions of the development director, but are focused on individual projects or areas of development of the enterprise, then he reports to the development director.

The development director manages the staff of employees subordinate to him, assesses the overall potential of the enterprise, identifies negative and positive trends, develops measures to neutralize the former and stimulate the latter. In addition, he considers the prospects for changing the status of individual structural units (changing the order of relations with other departments, the possibility of expanding or restricting the rights of the heads of the relevant units).

Candidates for this position are required to: leadership positions at least five years, including at least one year in the position of director of development, the ability to think in three dimensions, the ability to coherently express one’s thoughts and judgments both in writing and orally, high efficiency.



name of the institution,




(director; other official,

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authorized to approve

development director

job description)


(surname, initials)

I. General provisions

1. The development director belongs to the category of managers.

2. A person with a higher professional (economic, legal) education, at least 5 years of experience in senior positions (including in the position of development director or strategic planning manager for at least 1 year) is appointed to the position of development director.

3. The development director must know:

3.1. market economy.

3.2. Implementation rules entrepreneurial activity.

3.3. Theory and practice of management, macro- and microeconomics, marketing, business administration, exchange, insurance, banking and financial affairs.

3.4. Principles of enterprise development planning.

3.5. The main tools for financial recovery of the enterprise.

3.6. Methods of economic modeling.

3.7. Modern systems enterprise management.

3.8. Fundamentals of production technology.

3.9. Prospects for innovation and investment activities.

3.10. Information processing methods using modern technical means communication and connection, computer.

3.11. Basics of administration.

3.12. Information Technology.

3.13. Fundamentals of sociology, psychology.

3.14. Legislation on labor and labor protection of the Russian Federation.

II. Job Responsibilities

Director of Development:

1. Defines the general concept of the enterprise development policy.

2. Substantiates the development goals of the enterprise.

3. Develops an effective development strategy and the main sections of the enterprise development plan.

4. Conducts "diagnostics" of all production, commercial processes at the enterprise.

5. Prepares specific programs for the development and restructuring of the enterprise, analyzes the possibility of financial support for programs.

6. Establishes budgeting priorities and monitors expenditures to ensure the financial stability of ongoing programs.

7. Organizes efficiency calculations from the implementation of enterprise development projects.

8. Prepares proposals for the development of new business areas, the development of new markets; develops projects of technical and administrative modernization of the enterprise.

9. Organizes the presentation of projects and their implementation schedules to top management, defends and justifies them, answers questions from project management.

10. After the approval of the projects, organizes the preparation of the relevant documentation, obtaining the relevant licenses and permits.

11. Brings the approved schedules of work on the implementation of projects to the management personnel of the enterprise.

12. Appoints employees responsible for the implementation of projects, gives general instructions, directs them and coordinates their activities.

13. Organizes the interaction of all structures of the enterprise for the implementation of enterprise development projects.

14. Coordinates work on the implementation of projects at all stages, controls the compliance of decisions made and actions taken with the basic concept of enterprise development.

15. Analyzes economic, financial indicators at every stage of the implementation of development projects.

16. Develops methods for prompt response to crisis and non-standard situations that can lead to disruption of the enterprise development plan, other adverse consequences for the enterprise.

III. Rights

The Development Director has the right:

1. For information about all performance indicators of the enterprise, for access to commercial information.

2. Request and receive the necessary information and documents from the heads of departments of the enterprise and specialists.

3. Within the scope of his competence, sign and endorse documents, issue orders under his signature on the implementation of enterprise development plans.

4. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and obligations in his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance official duties.

5. Submit proposals for the management to improve the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction.

6. Require the management of the enterprise to ensure the organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

IV. A responsibility

The Development Director is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the current labor law Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Vera Eliseeva, Organizational Development Director of Svyaznoy Bank

“Usually we are faced with a mixture of personnel, communication and organizational problems: people are placed incorrectly, there are systemic errors, and in addition, intra-corporate communication is broken or not built.”

— Vera, director of organizational development and just a development director - is it the same thing?

— No, development director is a different profession. This is the name of the one who is looking for new customers, new markets, new products. My specialty is director of organizational development; this is a top manager who is engaged in the organization or reorganization of the organization in which he works. More precisely, he deals with the structure of the organization. His concern is to competently and effectively fit the company's employees with their functions and responsibilities into this structure. Therefore, most often the functions of the director of organizational development include both HR (work with personnel) and internal communications. The viability of the structure depends very much on all this.

- What does it mean to "deal with the structure of the company"?

— It means to conduct organizational building. There are several approaches to the process. The first one, it would seem, is the most logical, but extremely rare in practice: the creation of a new company immediately with the correct structure - "from scratch", according to a pre-thought-out plan.

- Just as in their time new capitals were built in a new place - St. Petersburg or Washington?

- More or less like this. Companies that are built right from the start in terms of organizational building- These are most often companies owned by experienced businessmen. They are not just buying up some assets, but having already built one successful business, begin to build a new one according to a clear plan - taking into account their own previous mistakes and successes. In our market, this is rare, but it does occur.

The second option is the most common: the business grew spontaneously for some time, gradually its owners bought a whole bunch of different assets - it’s good if they are in the same market segment - and let’s create a management company over all this ...

- But the directors of organizational development have a job ...

- Not always. Not all company owners are concerned about whether their business is well built. Until they discover that Management Company has grown to unimaginable proportions, and the business as a whole is losing control before our eyes, not a single piece of paper can be signed in the central office in less than a week, and it is completely unclear who is responsible for what.

- That is, complete amateur performance, and in the most difficult cases - self-treatment?

- Approximately. There is enough self-activity in building a business. Therefore, when the owners of the company still think about the need to attract a professional and turn, for example, to me, then I “draw” them three pictures: “as it is”, “as it should be” and an apocalyptic one: what will happen if nothing changes.

- So, the director of organizational development is practically an attending doctor?

— Rather, we are engaged in diagnostics. If a company is already a well-functioning, healthy organism, then the function of an organizational development specialist can be purely supportive. If something goes wrong, then the person who is engaged in office building identifies the cause and either gives recommendations on how to fix it, or participates in the correction himself. Usually we are faced with a mixture of personnel, communication and organizational problems: people are placed incorrectly, there are systemic errors, and in addition, internal corporate communication is broken or not built.

When we are dealing with a newly created organization, it is clear: there is still nothing to diagnose, and if the organization has existed for some time, then just pick up a sheet of paper on which the organizational structure of the company is drawn, look and say: “Good!” - or: "No good!" - impossible.

Just by looking at a formal structure, one cannot understand whether it is good or bad and whether something should be done with it. You can understand this only by “raising one level higher” - we call it “helicopter view”, “helicopter view”, - then we see not only how the company works inside, but also how this device relates to its strategy and with the external environment.

Does the strategy proclaimed, declared, fixed on paper correspond to what we call “mission, vision, values”. The organizational structure should reflect the needs of the company today.

But any strategy can be ineffective if it does not reflect the vision of the future and the values ​​that really guide the owners and top management of the company.

So, if its owner declares that he wants to build a business for many years, but he himself is going to end the current year with maximum profit and quickly sell the company, it is impossible to implement the stated strategy.

- That is, you should not believe a word or a paper?

- Not always. As well as the organization chart with the names of departments and positions. In one company where I happened to work, a certain person was listed in three positions: in the management structure - as a trader, stock trader, although he was the head of the depositary department. (Regulatory authorities require that there must be a specialist with the appropriate certificate in this business area Federal Service on financial markets Russia - and a person with such a certificate, no matter what he does in the company, in accordance with the entry in work book there is the head of the depository department.) And on the business card he was listed as "vice president" - so in the eyes of the client it is more significant ...

- How does an organizational development specialist find out how a company works and works?

- Talks to people and finds out who is responsible for what and who does what every day. One of important tasks office building - eliminate duplication of functions. If three different departments are responsible for the same area of ​​work (in practice, not complete duplication is more common, but the intersection of the functions of several departments in some part of them) - sometimes it is worth gathering the bosses and agreeing on a clear delineation of duties. It may be necessary to transfer some of the employees from one department to another. Or maybe get fired.

The task of office building is to bring the organization of the company to maximum simplicity and transparency.

In a small company, an office building specialist is not needed - everyone knows everyone there anyway, you can see with the naked eye who is doing what.

One hundred and fifty employees is the limiting figure for complete manageability, identified empirically (more on this in Malcolm Gladwell's book "The Tipping Point"). As soon as we go beyond this figure, we have to start building a hierarchy. This is most relevant for companies with thousands, tens and hundreds of thousands of employees.

— How long does it take to reorganize such a company?

— If we follow the evolutionary path - to rebuild the company gradually - it takes at least a year. It happens that the company's management prefers to make a "revolution": an enterprise or organization closes, everyone quits, and immediately opens new organization, with the “correct” organizational structure, and one or another part of the just laid-off employees is recruited there again. The revolutionary path is faster and easier for management, but more painful for employees and more dangerous for the company as a whole, since the question of reputational risks arises.

It's hard to say which option is cheaper. The “revolutionary” path is mass layoffs, which means massive payments to laid-off employees. Or the courts, and as a result - the same payments. On the other hand, the evolutionary path - the gradual restructuring of the company - is always expensive. However, I vote for the evolutionary path. Because it is difficult to expect good work from people who have gone through mass layoffs, who have lost confidence in the company's management, and who are "exhausted".

— You compared different arrangements of companies: there is a company-tree - a living, growing organism. And there is a machine company. Which model is better?

— The only way to build a viable organization that can successfully live and develop in conditions of high uncertainty is to make the business flexible, existing in harmony with the outside world. The company develops together with the environment. It is no coincidence that in the Western science of management such a concept arose - a "green company": lively, flexible, free from rigid dogmas.

Our business is now going through stages that in the West, especially in the UK, were passed fifteen years ago. In our country today, management books written in America or Britain in the early 1990s are being translated, published and read as a revelation (and even then not by everyone, but only by the most “advanced” managers). I would like, of course, to learn from someone else's experience and immediately find myself "in a bright future." But it seems that it will not be possible to jump over some stages - we are forced to go through everything ourselves.

Here's an example: in the West, the most advanced large companies are now diversifying, decentralizing, and downsizing. And we continue to increase centralization. The most advanced of "their" firms (British in the forefront) have already guessed: it is impossible and not necessary to do everything exactly the same in the taiga and in the desert, in the tundra and in the jungle - and now they are moving away from universal standardization, and we are just looking at it from bottom to top as something almost unattainable and great, waiting for us ahead ...

Interviewed by Alexandra Latsis

Director of Development- This is a position in the company, covering all aspects of its activities. This is a manager whose duties include not only control over production process but also the organization of the work of the organization and its staff. Such a versatility of the profession requires many skills and certain qualities from candidates for this position.

Development director at the company

Today, there are two interpretations of the concept of “company development”. In one case, it is understood as the solution of local problems, on the basis of which the attention of the company's management staff is focused. For example, attracting new customers, opening branches in the regions, creating a network of agents. Such tasks, as a rule, are relevant for a simple business, where the results are proportional to the number of product outlets.

In another case, “company development” is strategic management, strategic development. It means wide and complex complex activities that are related to determining the position of the company in the market, the system of work to create it, the development of a target model (what the company should be like).

Today, business conditions are changing rapidly. The pace of change is constantly growing environment: the available range of products is expanding, preferences are changing target audience, competitive environment, there is a globalization of world markets. Russian economy confidently integrates into the world, which leads to increased competition, a decrease in the economic stability of the territories.

As a result of such changes, the importance of the impact of strategic decisions on the overall efficiency of doing business is steadily increasing. In particular, the volume of work related to the preparation, choice of decisions that predetermine the development of business, forecasting the state of the markets, etc. is growing.

Today, many companies have seen the importance of attracting a director of development, having allocated an entire division at his disposal. When creating a development department and hiring a development director, the company provides a set of advantages for itself:

  1. A clear understanding of the goals, ways and means of achieving them, systematization and structuring of their development.
  2. Personification of responsibility for the results of enterprise development.
  3. Improved manageability, consistency in the process of making changes that can be controlled.
  4. The staff of the company is formed by professional human resources who are most interested in development.
  5. Increasing the efficiency of the use of resources, reducing the cost of change.
  6. More balanced management decisions, given the presence of a system of counterweights.
  7. Improving information and analytical support in management decisions.

Responsibilities of the Development Director

A development director can be called a business architect: on the basis of analytical work, he develops proposals for organizing a business. Is this argument not enough? Then read the article of the magazine "CEO" and make sure that your company simply needs a director of development.

What does a business development director do?

The development director ensures the process of qualitative changes in the organization, contributing to its achievement new level. Given the goals of business development, this position can be of two categories:

Director of strategic development. The functions of the development director in this case include development as a whole, closing and restructuring the most unprofitable projects, suggesting promising areas of activity. In companies, this position is often referred to as the director of strategy and prospective development, director of strategic planning, deputy or adviser to the general director of development.

The development director of a certain direction is responsible for the highest priority this moment organization project. For example, a project that is related to the modernization of production, the development of a branch network, marketing or sales. Most Russian companies this position of director of development is closely related to attracting investments in the company and finance in general.

If there is no position of development director in the company, this function is handled directly by the owner, CEO enterprises or consulting company on outsourcing. In domestic practice, an increasingly common solution is to attract foreign top managers or Russian leaders with successful work experience in transnational organizations to this position.

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Practitioner tells

Larisa Kolesnikova, General Director of AWAKE Communications Event & PR Boutique, Moscow

We thought about the need to hire a development director when the prospect of important, strategic changes for sustained growth in profitability. The development director is responsible for the qualitative change of the organization, contributing to its entry to a new level. In particular, it develops a development program that is focused on ensuring the competitiveness of the organization, income growth.

The development director in our case will combine the leading qualities of a marketer, analyst, manager and sales manager.

As an analyst, the development director conducts:

  1. Studying the market, its tendencies and opportunities.
  2. Collects information about demand, the reasons for its changes, analysis of the needs of the target audience.

As a marketing director, development director provides:

  1. Identification of the most effective market sectors for sales, formation of a set of measures aimed at using market opportunities.
  2. Development of forms, schemes, technologies and methods of successful sales.

As a sales manager, the sales director performs:

  1. Identification of promising, potential buyers of services, establishing business contacts with them.
  2. Representing the interests of the organization at the initial stage of negotiations with new clients.
  3. Presentations of the company and services.
  4. Maintaining contacts with regular customers.
  5. Updating customer databases.
  6. Analysis of the level of sales, preparation of reports on the results of the analysis for submission to the consideration of a higher official.

As a head development director participates in:

  1. In developing a marketing strategy and policy.
  2. In exhibitions, conferences, other events to form consumer demand, to stimulate sales.
  3. In the formation of a package of services for the company, solving issues aimed at improving and developing the activities of the enterprise.

What are the tasks of the Development Director?

  1. Formation of a new trade policy, expansion of the geography of activities, product promotion, development of a dealer network.
  2. Management of the restructuring process, creation of new product quality control systems, modernization of production, optimization of work processes, reduction of associated costs.
  3. Formation of effective business management standards.
  4. Creation, withdrawal of a new portfolio trademarks To the market.
  5. Finding ways out of the crisis, changing old business development strategies, creating new perspectives, analyzing current situations.

What are the responsibilities of a Development Director?

The development director manages development programs to maintain competitiveness and increase the income of the enterprise. He, together with shareholders and the CEO, is developing a business strategy for the medium and long term.

Engaged in the formation of a portfolio of new projects, budgeting for their implementation, controls their implementation. Supervises the conduct of research by marketers and analysts of the organization, evaluation of the results of work. It also ensures the identification and elimination of shortcomings and weaknesses in the work of the organization, the search for opportunities for the development of the company.

Provides management of new product development processes, issues of improvement and modification of current products. Together with the employees of the PR department and the HR department, he organizes communications between departments, broadcasting the main strategic goals to the company's specialists. Establishes directions for establishing external relations of the organization, in particular, with government agencies according to the approved strategy of the company.

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Practitioner tells

Andrey Solodovnikov, head of the group of consulting projects of the audit and consulting group "Development of business systems", Moscow

In our company, the director of development is engaged in the following.

Determines the company's development goals, taking into account the expectations and priorities of the owners, as well as the marketing chances of the organization in a particular market.

Evaluates the external environment, identifies new marketing opportunities.

Conducts analytical work, identifies trends, cause-and-effect factors, predicts market development, etc.

The development director develops proposals for the organization's development strategy, in which it is important to achieve a balance between marketing chances in the market, the expectations of the owners and the company's ability to implement all this, taking into account competencies and resources. The manager details the proposals for individual marketing parameters: competitive differences; ways to extract profitability; positioning, which is aimed at market-product combinations, client groups and individual territories; lines of business of the company. In addition, the development director determines the needs for resources and personnel, which are lacking during work, as well as possible options to attract them.

After the strategy is approved, the development director forms plans for its implementation, targeted development programs.

When the development plan is approved, he coordinates the work for their implementation.

Conducts a current analysis of the factors of influence, identifies changes, makes the necessary adjustments for plans and development strategies.

The development director acts as a specific business architect who develops proposals based on analytical work aimed at organizing a business.

Development director: types to look at

Depending on their influence and role in the company, development directors can be of various types:

  1. Theoretical Consultant. Usually, this is a person who came to work in real business from a consulting company. He can reason a lot and competently in theory, but in his recommendations he focuses on ideal business models that are poorly comparable with reality. As a rule, such attacks are not liked by managers who are not willing to trust the smart recommendations of the "gurus", and their cooperation ends here.
  2. "Advisor to the first person of the company." The director of development of this type is on the staff of the company, but omniscient and invisible. He has a tremendous influence on the owner of the company, says little, but it is his quiet and valuable word that allows him to develop the business, moving even the most “unrealistic projects” off the ground. To the company, such a development director is like a god, whom everyone fears and idolizes.
  3. "A man with connections." Development directors of this type are hired because of their rich experience in the industry and established connections. The development process with its help in the company is to introduce the company to the desired sales market or launch new project with the support of the right people. Often in companies, such a development director is called a director for development of relations with government agencies, a director for development of external relations.
  4. "Strategist". The development director of this type is a top-class professional. He has a unique talent to see the picture of business development as a whole, so he can offer the most profitable and effective strategies. He not only forms different paths and strategies, but can also engage in their implementation. Usually has charisma, the ability to create effective management teams, good leadership qualities. Such a development director easily and simply manages a multi-million dollar project, focusing on results. As a rule, development directors of this type work in international companies.

How to organize a department for a development director

The work of the development service in practice can be implemented by one of the considered organizational models:

Lack of a formal development management system

Functions that are related to development are carried out irregularly (as needed) within the traditional management system. There is no systematic development work. Planning for a year. Predominantly concentrates management on the current economic activity organizations. Usually there are no clearly defined goals, plans to achieve them. For such a service, as a rule, a development director is not needed.

Who suits. This option is relevant for small companies with relatively simple business, as well as for large organizations in markets with low dynamics of change.

Development service management

This system covers all departments of the organization. Formal procedures are in place. The following option is possible: the owners determine what they expect from the business, the principles and goals of the organization, approving the main indicators, provisions and development plan.

Then the main strategic decisions are approved or rejected by the CEO, who discusses development issues with the business owner, agrees on development indicators and strategies, and monitors and provides support for development processes.

Responsible for development director of development. It accumulates all information about the current state of the organization, key factors influencing the business, project development and development plan, coordination of the entire range of work. The development director involves all the required resources in the work, organizing brainstorming sessions if necessary, and forms target working groups in key areas. Thus, he plays an important role in the company.

Who suits. This option will be effective in the activities of companies that operate in certain conditions:

  1. High level of dynamics of changes in the main markets.
  2. The business is diversified and complex.
  3. Leadership orientation, qualitative growth of results.

This system will be effective if no mistakes are made in the work. Development costs are maximum, but at the same time, the results of successful work are super-payable.

Development management without a development director

This option is intermediate (between the 1st and 2nd). In this case, development management usually occurs on a regular basis, consisting of certain formal procedures. Change is driven by leadership without broad employee involvement.

Functions strategic management concentrated in organs corporate governance, with the active participation of the CEO, who performs the main analytical work as a development director. It is responsible for the formation and implementation of the strategy. The success of development mainly depends on the competence and leadership abilities of the CEO.

Who suits. This development is an acceptable solution in the activities of medium-sized enterprises with a simple organizational structure, who do not claim to be the market leader and are not given the idea of ​​finding a sales director, coping with his duties on their own.

Development outsourcing

Usually, professional business consultants are involved to manage the development. They are free from the internal stereotypes of the organization, understand and use modern methods, technologies, ensuring the successful organization of the development unit. But, costs are required to attract them - their tariffs for small companies can be prohibitive.

  1. When you need a quick result and it makes no sense to hire a sales director.
  2. It is economically irrational to constantly keep highly qualified professionals in your staff.
  3. Requires one-time changes.

All the pros and cons of the question of hiring a development director

The question of hiring a development director is not considered unambiguous. The following factors will help you decide:

  1. The complexity and scale of entrepreneurial activity, the homogeneity of business. The more diversified and complex the business is, the greater the need for a development service.
  2. The market position of the company. For ambitious companies looking to expand markets and become leaders, a development service is essential. If companies are pursuing “niche strategies” without an expansion focus, a standard management system without the participation of a development director may be sufficient.
  3. Market dynamics. The faster the rate of change in the market situation, the more difficult it is to control changes in order to provide a suitable response in a timely manner.
  4. Management style, personal and professional quality owners and directors of the company. It is unlikely that it would be appropriate to organize a development service and hire a development director when the management is not ready to delegate its authority to develop strategic decisions, but will insist on independently performing these tasks.

How to select candidates for the position of Director of Development

It must be downloaded that candidates for the position of director of development do not lie on the road and it is not so easy to find them. No, there are plenty of vacancies posted, but there are very few truly highly qualified specialists. Therefore, the search for candidates for this position is very specific. It is necessary to read the experience, the name of the projects, the tasks performed, indicated in the resume of the applicants.

The development director aims to raise a certain area, division, direction, general project, or to develop the entire company at a new stage of development. Because of this, many people confuse marketing functions and the development of the company as a whole. For marketing functions knowledge of fine tuning of marketing tools, sharpening of specialists is required. The development director solves a set of strategic tasks, within which marketing acts as one of his tools.

During telephone conversation you need to ask the applicant what projects he has worked on recently. He should immediately mark two to four of them. It is important that the applicant easily begins to communicate the meaning of the task, the project with which he worked. If the applicant has overcome this filter, you can invite him for an interview.

The main thing during a face-to-face meeting is to determine that the candidate has not only a personal warehouse and motivation, but also experience and effective tools for developing the enterprise, offering solutions that suit you.

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What questions to ask candidates for the position of director of development

The most unexpected question: “If you had a million dollars, what business would you invest this money in?” some can be stymied. By answering this question, you can judge a lot about the applicant:

  1. The presence of a common understanding of the main trends in the industry in question, the breadth of horizons.
  2. Testing the skill of entrepreneurial thinking.
  3. Understanding what role in the company is better to offer the applicant.

And the second question will be the usual “Name the mistakes you have ever made in your career.” Every professional had mistakes, without them it would be a robot. Such mistakes do not speak of poor qualifications, but of sufficient experience, the ability to draw conclusions, and navigate in a difficult situation.

Employment contract with development director

AT employment contract Development Director, the following provisions apply:

  • schedule;
  • agreement on non-disclosure of confidential data;
  • job description;
  • list of job prices.

When the company becomes large enough, a competent manager will divide the areas of responsibility and find people who will be responsible for their piece of work. Some people think that the inclusion of a development director on the staff only inflates it, but this is not so. This is a way to delegate important functions and tasks to a person who will deal with them and, accordingly, be responsible for the pace of the company's development and achievement of the set plans.

General provisions of the instruction

In the "General Provisions" section, the instructions usually include the following items:

  • the development director in the organization is classified as a manager;
  • this employee is appointed to the position by the general director of the company by means of an order and dismissed by him in the same manner;
  • this employee also reports to the director of the company.

Responsibilities and tasks

The Development Director's responsibilities include:

Each company has the right to set requirements for a specialist depending on the profile. Sometimes, some small companies may assign responsibilities and tasks for finding clients, cold calls, and so on. Therefore, it is very important not to look at the title of the position, but to carefully read the job description.

Video about what tasks such a manager should face in order to make his work really effective and useful for the company.

Requirements for a specialist

It is indicated that the position of development director can only be held by an employee with a diploma of higher legal or economic education. It is also established that he must have at least five years of experience in leadership positions.

In particular, this experience should include finding at least one year either in the same position or as a manager responsible for strategic planning.

The instruction establishes that the development director needs to know the following:

  • discipline market economy;
  • business rules;
  • theory and practice of the following disciplines: macroeconomics, microeconomics, management, marketing;
  • financial, banking, insurance and exchange business;
  • business administration;
  • basics of company development planning;
  • key methods of improving the company's finances;
  • tools and techniques of economic modeling;
  • the basics of technologies used in production in this company;
  • modern management systems in organizations;
  • innovative activity;
  • basics of investment;
  • methods of working with data using computer technology and the latest tools communications;
  • start of administration;
  • fundamentals of psychology and sociology.

Responsibility and rights

The Development Director has the following responsibilities:

Depending on the severity of the consequences that were caused by the incompetence and mistakes of the development director, the measure of punishment depends.

The development director, in the performance of his functions, is vested with the following rights:

  • get access to data characterizing the work of the enterprise and its structural divisions, including information constituting a trade secret;
  • submit inquiries to the employees in charge structural units companies and specialists to obtain documents and information required by them to perform their duties;
  • put a visa and signature on documents issued by other leaders within the framework of their own authority;
  • issue local regulations to regulate the implementation of company development projects;
  • study the documents establishing the powers of the development director and his duties, as well as the criteria for determining the degree of success of his work;
  • propose to the heads of the enterprise measures to improve the activities of the company related to its powers;
  • to request from the management of the organization to provide him with the aim of successfully solving the tasks assigned to him necessary conditions, including organizational capabilities and equipment, as well as the execution of the required documents.

Pros and cons of the profession

Benefits of being a Business Development Director:

Profession Cons:

  • mastering this specialty takes quite a long time;
  • it is impossible to become a development director quickly, since it has been established that such specialists require considerable experience.

What does his salary depend on?

Development director salary varies significantly depending on the region in which it operates. Of course, in the capitals and oil regions it is higher.

Also, this indicator is determined by the level of the enterprise; first of all, large or rapidly progressing companies can pay significant amounts to their development directors.

Besides, the salary of a representative of this specialty is determined by the quality of his education. Graduates of top universities are able to count on big money by default. Also, work experience in the specialty is essential. An employee who has worked in a similar position for several years can significantly increase their requests. So, if he already has five years of experience in this particular position, then his earnings will only grow further.

Finally, the total earnings of employees are determined by the results of their work. The manager's direct salary is very high, however, since he is focused on development-related tasks, when the company reaches the planned indicators, he can count on a generous bonus. Last capable of significantly exceeding wages such an employee.

Taking into account the great responsibility and complexity of the work performed, as well as the absence of any more or less clear framework and restrictions, quite strict requirements are imposed on a person applying for the position of company development director:

  1. You need to be able to assess risks. This is due to the fact that any innovation is a risk. Even the most competent and experienced analyst cannot predict with 100% certainty the consequences that modern market will lead to some action. So it will be necessary to soberly assess the risks in order to understand whether the game is worth the candle, since it often turns out that the path of small changes turns out to be much more effective than cardinal reforms.
  2. The development director must be a first-class psychologist and human resources specialist, because the lion's share of innovations will concern the system of job relationships in the team. In addition, this person should not have vanity, but note the importance of each employee in achieving positive results.
  3. Contrary to the false stereotype of versatility by senior managers, a CFO must know his business thoroughly, because any change affects the whole chain of processes, and not some isolated aspect of work.
  4. Sociability. Quality, without which no manager is unthinkable. The implementation of any innovation is 50% analytics and 50% communication.
  5. The development director needs to have a good understanding of the principles of the market at the micro- and macroeconomic levels, as well as analyze all the changes taking place in a dynamically developing market and adapt the company's work to them as soon as possible in order to ensure its maximum efficiency. Please note: in the context of the economic crisis, it is the development director who becomes the key figure, since the ability of the company to adapt to dramatically changed working conditions largely depends on him.
  6. Of great importance is the knowledge and understanding of various strategies for the promotion and sale of the product (service) provided by the company.
  7. It is necessary to have colossal experience in various positions in a particular industry. A development director must be able to sell, convince, present, and most importantly, plan and analyze, giving an objective assessment of the changes that have taken place. Only on the basis own experience you can learn to make really effective strategies.

What are the responsibilities of a Development Director?

  1. The main function of the person holding this position in the company is to constantly improve the work process. The director of development is sometimes also called the "agent of change", since it is he who contributes to the development of business through the introduction of various innovations, while maintaining the successful achievements of the company's employees.
  2. The peculiarities of working in a corporation are such that a decision can be made strictly a certain amount of time, since all the ongoing processes are closely interconnected. It is for this reason that the development director needs to have a clear step by step plan, according to which its work will be performed. Of course, it can be adjusted if necessary, but the priority and main areas of activity should be thought out in advance.
  3. An important point: all innovative ideas and plans of the development director should be as simple and understandable as possible not only for the rest of the employees and the company's management, but also for business partners and investors, as they must clearly understand what changes the company expects in the future and how this may affect at the level of profit.
  4. In addition to improving the principles of work and the management system (that is, intensive growth), the director of development of the company is also responsible for the principles of extensive growth, which consist in expanding the company. Usually this task is in the area of ​​responsibility of the CEO of the corporation, but in large companies it is customary to trust the development director to search for competent specialists and plan the activities of branches.
  5. Ideally, if this position will be held by a person who has previously served as the CEO or has been involved in the creation of branches of a large company in other administrative-territorial units.

What is the difference between responsibilities in a trade organization and in an industrial enterprise?

Depending on the specifics of the enterprise, the development director has to solve slightly different tasks. Representing interests trade organization, the person holding the position in question will have to face the following questions:

  1. Development of a new business policy.
  2. Making changes to an existing one.
  3. Expansion of the client base, up to the introduction of products at the regional level.

Development Director industrial enterprise There are several other issues to be tackled:

  1. Control of the process of modernization of the production process.
  2. Introduction of new technologies.
  3. Product quality control.
  4. Cost minimization.
  5. Creation and promotion of new brands.
  6. Improving the management system.
  7. Analyze the current situation, as well as past achievements and failures.

Conclusion: The development director is responsible for defining the overall development paradigm of the company. In the course of carrying out his duties, this officer determines the strategic plan for their achievement and the financial analysis their implementation (in other words, the development director will have to not only draw up a development strategy, but also calculate the feasibility of its implementation).

What rights does a development director have in a corporation?

In order to be able to put into practice his achievements, the development director is endowed with broad powers:

  1. Obtaining detailed information regarding all aspects commercial activities companies.
  2. Request for any documents related to the work of the organization.
  3. Using the company's technology support.
  4. Certification of documentation.
  5. Make sure that the instructions given to them are carried out in good faith, and also get acquainted with their instructions.

It is also necessary to understand that in each company the competence of the development director is significantly different, which is associated with the specifics of the activities carried out. In addition, large companies usually make 2-3 departments for development directors (as a rule, this is an analytical department, and a planning and development department).

When is such an employee needed?

Initially, this position originated in Western corporations, and domestic companies that tend to save money have accepted it relatively recently. Prior to this, all the duties of the director of development in most cases were performed by the general director, since the development of the organization can be called one of the main tasks, which implies simultaneous work with many different aspects.

This position makes sense when the company reaches a very high level, when the chief executive is unable to ensure the most intensive growth and development of the corporation, although there is potential for this. This is especially important if the specifics of the company's activities are related to those types of business that are undergoing intensive development.

Speaking of which! An alternative option is to engage an outsourcing company to solve certain problems.