Functions of personnel marketing in the organization. Personnel marketing, briefly about the functions. The main stages of marketing activities in the field of personnel

  • 04.05.2020

In world practice, it is customary to distinguish the following methods and types of personnel marketing management.

Personnel marketing management methods - can be classified as follows:

  • a) economic, based on taking into account the operation of the socio-economic laws of market production and circulation. Increasing use economic methods dictated by the expansion of the independence of the subjects of management, market interests in improving the results of labor;
  • b) socio-psychological - the impact on the socio-psychological relations between the object and subject of personnel marketing management: the formation of effective motivation for work, the development of traditions that contribute to team building, etc.;
  • c) organizational and administrative - act as a directive and are obligatory for execution. The essence of this method is the coordination of the efforts of the subjects of management in achieving the goal.

Types of marketing.

Depending on the situation (state of demand) in the labor market, certain types of staffing marketing are distinguished.

conversion marketing is aimed at overcoming the negative attitude of consumers towards a specific workforce and involves a set of measures in the labor market: identifying the causes of negative consumer attitudes, developing a program to overcome negative demand and change consumer preferences and opinions, and form the image of the profession.

In the absence of demand for a specific labor force, the target consumers are not interested in it or are indifferent to it. A task stimulating marketing- to find ways to link the benefits inherent in this ability to work with the needs of the consumer by creating new opportunities to meet the needs of the consumer, revealing favorable conditions for the use of this labor force, and creating encouraging conditions for its consumption.

A task developmental marketing- identifying, assessing the magnitude, development trends of potential demand for a specific labor force and determining ways to meet it.

Remarketing- this is an increase in the quality of professional training of workers of a certain profile and qualifications.

Synchromarketing It is used in case of non-permanent (seasonal) demand for a certain labor force and is aimed at finding jobs, the demand for which does not coincide in time with the demand for meeting the needs of target consumers.

Supportive Marketing is aimed at constantly maintaining the volume of demand for a certain labor force and involves constant monitoring of its quality and measuring consumer satisfaction.

Demarketing used when the demand for a specific labor force exceeds the supply. It is aimed at a temporary or permanent reduction in demand for it and does not mean the elimination of demand, but only a decrease in its level.

Countermarketing use with an undesirable demand for a specific specific labor force; it is aimed at limiting and reorienting consumer demand for it by offering rational options.

The choice of sources and ways to cover the need for personnel occurs in parallel with the study of the labor market, both external and internal.

Personnel Marketing Functions.

Information function.

The information function of personnel marketing is to create an information base, which provides the basis for planning in the field of market segmentation and communications by target groups (market segments). It can be differentiated into the following more specific functions: the study of the requirements for positions and jobs; research of the external and internal environment of the organization; labor market research; studying the image of the organization as an employer.

As part of this function, personnel marketing allows you to collect information for workforce planning. Personnel marketing explores information about the requirements that employees place on the labor market for positions, jobs, studies the external and internal environment of the organization, explores the labor market and the image of the company as an employer.

Sources of personnel information are:

  • · Government programs and laws
  • · Analytical materials and articles
  • Employment and employment services
  • · Specialized printed editions
  • · Internet
  • Advertising information of other organizations
  • · Interviews with candidates
  • Information of educational institutions
  • Interviews with representatives of other organizations
  • · Surveys of employees of the company
  • Specialized TV shows

The information function of personnel marketing involves the study of the requirements that candidates for vacant positions impose on the profession, position and workplace.

The requirements include several parameters: abilities, knowledge, skills, work experience, personal qualities of a specialist, psychophysiological characteristics, motivation, personality orientation, area of ​​interest, values, learning ability.

The requirements for the position are studied with the help of qualification guides, classifiers, analytical materials. Based on the information received, personnel marketing specialists make up internal documents, which contain the required characteristics.

Also, the subject of research is the external and internal environment of the enterprise. The first includes political, economic factors, technology and science, the content of labor, the legislative framework, competitive environment. To the last - the features of the organization: goals, mission, strategy, financial capabilities, the scope of the company, personnel policy, etc.

The performance of the information function of personnel marketing is impossible without studying the labor market, the structure of personnel development, the motivational attitudes of employees, business processes, the culture of relationships, etc.

An important step is to study the image of the enterprise as an employer from the point of view of other companies, internal employees companies and potential employees.

The information function of personnel marketing allows you to highlight areas where problems with human resources may arise and take preventive measures in time.

Analytic function:

With the help of this function, the marketing staff processes all the information received and prepares new information in order to develop measures that are aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the company and its development.

Data analysis is carried out using special methods that are used in marketing (the essence of the methods is described above).

Communicative function (organization of the communication system at the enterprise)

The purpose of communication activities is to establish contact with the subjects of the labor market in such a way as to fully satisfy the need for the organization's personnel. Communication is being established both with the external labor market and with the employees of the organization.

The performance of this function includes the segmentation of the labor market according to various parameters: geographical, demographic, regional, economic, political, etc.

Segmentation of the labor market allows you to more efficiently allocate the resources of the organization in order to achieve the goals of the company.

Communication links are established with the help of employment and employment services, in cooperation with educational centers and institutions, with the help of recruitment agencies, through their employees, through the media, in interaction with other employers, etc. .

Establishing relationships within the company also requires special attention and special events. The fundamental here is the development and promotion of corporate culture, the formation of a management style in the company, meetings and meetings with employees, non-working corporate events, staff training, publishing a corporate magazine or newspaper, organizing sports activities for employees, advising employees on their personal problems, etc. In order to meet the needs of employees in relation to the employer, it is necessary to establish strong ties between them, not only within production process but also outside business hours.

All these features can be seen in the marketing information system Human Resources Management, which is an information exchange system that allows HR marketers to analyze, plan and implement marketing activities. The basis of the marketing information system for personnel is the sources of this information, namely:

  • - learning programs and plans for the release of specialists in educational institutions;
  • - training programs for additional training in commercial training centers and for retraining courses at labor exchanges;
  • - analytical materials published government bodies on labor and employment (such materials can be prepared at the request of organizations);
  • - information messages of employment services (labor exchanges);
  • - specialized magazines and special editions devoted to employment issues, as well as general problems of personnel management;
  • - advertising materials of other organizations, in particular competitor organizations.

Probably everyone will agree that the level of service in the company depends directly on the professional training of the staff. The place that a company will occupy in a competitive market depends on its ability to hire and train qualified personnel.

In any company, people are the most important resource that directly affect the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole. In order for each employee to bring maximum benefit, it is necessary to achieve a balance of his interests with the interests of the company, which is what personnel marketing does in the context management activities.

Functions of personnel marketing

The functions of personnel marketing (MP) include: determining the need for personnel, searching for them according to the necessary parameters, preparing and introducing them into the working environment of the enterprise.

The role of personnel marketing has grown along with the need for a quality workforce, and its main meaning is to provide the company with quality personnel in the long term. Thus, a certain human resources potential is formed, which affects the business strategy and the ability to solve specific problems.

Personnel marketing is a part of production marketing in personnel management, but it directly affects the competitiveness and image of the company.

Description of activity

Human resources marketing activity consists of:

  • Determination of requirements for personnel. It is necessary to study the characteristics of each position that you require. This will help to more accurately and efficiently form an offer to future candidates.
  • Identification of the company's staffing needs. It is necessary to analyze the use of human resources in the company and identify weaknesses.
  • Analysis of the external and internal environment. Make a list of the pros and cons of your company and a competitor's company - this will help determine the direction of development.
  • Analysis of personnel content. Consider whether you can support the professionals you want to hire.
  • Development of a plan for the search and implementation necessary personnel. Understanding the number and specifics of the personnel you need to find or replace, draw up a plan of action and set deadlines.

The whole point of personnel marketing is to create the most attractive workplace, and then profitably sell it to a qualified employee. The workplace is the commodity that promotes and sells the MT. Quality service / work / service, the company receives by meeting the needs of the staff, which in return satisfies the needs of the company - effectively interacting with customers.

The tasks of personnel marketing to ensure the goal

In order to achieve the objectives of the MP it is necessary:

  1. Conduct HR audits on a regular basis.
  2. Inculcate corporate culture.
  3. Implement a system of material and non-material motivation.

To create an attractive workplace, you need to understand what is valuable in the labor market (what candidates want). This requires information that can be obtained from:

  • Communication with candidates during the interview.
  • Internet resources for job search.
  • example personnel policy another company.
  • Books and magazines.
  • Social surveys within the company.

All this will help to better understand the requirements of candidates who apply for a particular position. This process is very similar to identifying the needs of the client, only in the role of the client - the candidate for the position.

To provide an enterprise with qualified personnel, it is necessary to collect information, analyze it and build effective communication with the external labor market: employment centers, recruitment agencies, educational organizations, mass media.


The function of personnel marketing is not limited to this. The entire workforce in the company creates the human resources of the enterprise. The level of qualification of the personnel depends on the quality work of the MP. Each employee should feel confident in their knowledge and skills and value their workplace. If this level is reached, then the company receives an expensive valuable job, which enhances its image in the external labor market.

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The term personnel marketing implies a certain type of activity of the personnel services of organizations aimed at researching the need for qualified personnel, developing a set of measures to meet these needs.

You can improve the quality of products, production technology for as long as you like ... but you should not forget about the people working in the company directly.

Modern business is gradually moving from the language of profit to the language of value. In management, human resources are the most burdensome of all assets. They are varied and unpredictable, capricious and unreliable.

Man is the only element capable of producing value. Business says that the human resource is the most important and most difficult resource to manage.

Systems, standards as rules for the work of personnel for the implementation of tasks and the achievement of goals become obsolete very quickly. Life shows that the long-term direction and benchmark is the ideology and philosophy of the company. The main task of the HR service, its essence is the implementation and systematic maintenance of the winning and creative ideology of the company in life.

Management principles

The essence and principles of personnel marketing can be considered both in a broad and in a narrow, specific sense. HR marketing works in several key areas:

  • operational level of management (main focus on personnel work);
  • management at the tactical level (main focus on personnel management);
  • strategic level (emphasis on human resource management);
  • the political level of corporate management is the development and control over the implementation of personnel policy.

Human resource management as a professional activity is carried out by personnel management, which adheres to the following principles:

The first principle of personnel marketing (as a concept in a broad sense) implies a certain philosophy and strategy of human resource management, considering personnel as external and internal clients of the organization. According to this principle, the goal is to “sell” the organization to its own employees..

The next principle (in a narrower sense - marketing of the organization's personnel) implies a special direction of the HR service. This is directly identifying, researching, analyzing and covering the needs of the enterprise in personnel.

The essence of the human resource management strategy is the overall plan according to which the company conducts its activities. It depends on the character economic activity, as well as its response to market forces such as competition and the state of the economy. This definition is effectively imposed both on the company's activities, its strategic goal, and on the activities of each of its structural divisions.

The strategy is based, first of all, on the mission and values ​​of the company. The mission of the company is unchanged, but the values ​​are reviewed and changed to improve the efficiency of the company. The goal, essence and chosen strategy must correspond to the mission of the company, otherwise the company's activity is unbalanced and its efficiency is much lower than its potential and resource allow.

Personnel attraction

It is possible to consider personnel in the context of the issue under discussion from two positions:

  • as a product with an emphasis on consumer qualities,
  • as a buyer who acquires a job in exchange for his work.

Taking this into account, it is worth noting that the types of personnel marketing are divided into internal and external.

External marketing means attracting staff according to their ability. At the same time, the purpose of recruitment depends on the external profile of the enterprise. In order to make potential employees targeted, the organization is presented to applicants in the most attractive way.

Internal personnel marketing implies the possibility for an employee to occupy the best workplace, the best position, for which only suitable personnel are selected through surveys, interviews and other events. This type of marketing focuses on existing employees.

An integral part of such personnel is the personnel policy in the field of recruitment. Personnel policy - a set corporate rules, principles and traditions regarding the main elements of the HR management system.

It includes:

  • Technologies of attraction, or labor: mission and strategic goals of the company, features of corporate culture, remuneration system, relationship between remuneration and performance, social package, etc.
  • Search technologies: recruitment, mass recruitment, executive search; internal selection, attraction of external service providers; potential candidates (printed “working” media, “working” websites, leaflets, etc.).

Improving the technology of searching for candidates involves expanding the sources of information about vacancies. Currently, traditional sources of information (media, Internet, job fairs, exhibitions and conferences, labor exchanges, universities and technical schools) are not enough.

It is necessary to use the resources of recruitment agencies that have their own databases and (or) own headhunting technologies - “luring” a specific specialist or manager from one company to another on the instructions of the client company.

The involvement of a recruitment agency is necessary for executive search - “search for people who make decisions”, that is, top managers or rare specialists.

The main goal of the recruitment is to attract employees to the company who correspond not only to the position, but also to the corporate culture. The higher the identity of the characteristics of the employee and the requirements of the organization and position, the easier and faster the adaptation will take place. But in all cases new employee is having difficulty integrating into a new organization.

Control functions

The creation of an information base as the basis for planning in market segmentation and interaction by target groups constitutes the information function. Its components:

  • analysis of the requirements that apply to positions and jobs;
  • analysis of the external and internal environment of the organization;
  • labor market research;
  • analysis of manifestations of the organization's image as an employer.

Within this function, personnel marketing regulates the collection of information for personnel planning. The information function implies the study of the requirements for the profession, the workplace.

The next function of personnel marketing is the analytical function, which is responsible for processing the information received using special methods to increase the company's competitiveness and development prospects.

The communicative function involves establishing contacts with the external labor market and with company employees to meet the organization's need for personnel.

In addition to the above, there are also such functions of personnel marketing: career guidance, social, personal, organizational characterize the labor market as a sphere operating according to market laws and are aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the organization in this segment.

Stages of activity

The organizational activity of personnel marketing consists of certain successive stages. Moreover, these stages in themselves are a separate, directed activity.

HR marketing technology includes:

  • development of a personnel management system;
  • analysis of the internal market, planning of personnel needs;
  • HR audit, monitoring the activities of the HR service;
  • analysis of the external market;
  • study of the behavior of applicants, the study of the motives that keep staff in a certain position;
  • division of the labor market into groups of potential employees according to the characteristics: psychophysical, personal, demographic, geographical, professional;
  • study of the requirements for the employee of the employer;
  • identification of the main competitors in the labor market, comparative analysis;
  • study of the image of the organization;
  • search for key partners;
  • identification of the main sources and ways of recruiting personnel;
  • personnel development, formation of official personnel policy;
  • assessment of the effectiveness of marketing activities.

Personnel marketing technology allows the HR service to be considered as a business unit that provides its service and satisfies the needs of managers structural divisions companies (internal customers).

Recruitment is an integral part of the work of the HR manager in any organization. Correctly selected employees with the necessary competencies and corresponding to the culture of the company are the key to the success and prosperity of the company.

7.3.1. Essence, principles and functions of personnel marketing

Personnel marketing - a type of management activity aimed at long-term provision of the organization with human resources that form a strategic potential, with the help of which it is possible to solve specific target tasks.

Personnel marketing treats the workplace as a product that is sold on the labor market.

Personnel marketing is seen as:

The basic principle of market-oriented management;

Method of systematic search for solutions;

means of achieving competitive advantage.

In the approaches existing in foreign organizations to determine the composition and content of personnel marketing tasks, two main principles or approaches should be distinguished.

First principle. AT wide sense - this is a certain philosophy and strategy of human resource management, and the staff is the internal and external customers of the organization. The purpose of such marketing is the use of human resources by creating the most favorable working conditions to increase its efficiency. With this approach, personnel marketing is referred to as an element of the organization's personnel policy.

Second principle.In the narrow sense - this is a special function of the personnel management service, aimed at identifying and covering the needs of the enterprise in personnel. In this case, personnel marketing is only a specific activity of the personnel management service, which is relatively isolated from other areas of work of the personnel service.

In this way, marketing concept personnel management is a statement according to which one of the most important conditions for achieving the goals of the organization is a clear definition of the requirements for personnel, their social needs in the process professional activity and ensuring that those requirements and needs are met in ways that are more efficient than those of competitors.

The general areas of personnel marketing include the following:

Marketing research;

Strategic and tactical planning;

Segmentation of the labor market, positioning of subjects of market relations;

Determining the price of labor potential;

Stimulation of employment of personnel;

Formation of the organization's image as an employer in the external and internal labor market.

The main functions of personnel marketing are as follows.

1. Information function – creation of an information base as the basis for personnel planning and communications for target groups (market segments). It includes:

Studying the requirements for positions and jobs;

Study of the external and internal environment of the organization;

Labor market research;

The study of the image of the organization.

2. Analytic function. The study of the external and internal environment of the enterprise through the content of the relevant external and internal factors. To external factors include: the general economic situation and the state of the industry; technology development; development of legislation; personnel policy of competing organizations. The main internal factors are: the goals of the organization; financial resources; personnel potential.

The main areas of study external labor market are:

The structure of the labor market (sector, regional, age, qualification, professional, etc.);

Labor mobility;

The behavior of competitors in the labor market;

Labor cost.

Main areas of study internal labor market:

The number of personnel and its structure - qualification and age;

Personnel development structure;

Organizational structure;

Organization of labor at the enterprise;

Management culture;

Motivational settings.

3. communication function. Establishment and implementation of ways to cover the need for personnel. The objects of the communication function are:

Employees of the organization who act as participants in the internal labor market;

External labor market as a source of potential applicants;

Openness of the management system as the main factor in the formation of the company's image.

The use of marketing in the field of personnel management

The article explores the theoretical aspects of personnel marketing

Sources and ways to cover the need for personnel have been identified. It has been proven that the use of marketing technologies in the field of personnel management contributes to the recruitment of the best specialists, their professional and qualification advancement, the formation of a flexible labor collective which will allow enterprises to increase their competitiveness.

Achievements in the development of marketing as an independent scientific direction are so great that recently a certain subsystem of the subject of its knowledge has been formed. It expresses a process of scientific specialization, which in turn leads to a corresponding institutionalization. The formation of the system of marketing sciences takes place in different directions. One of these areas is personnel marketing.

Personnel marketing (MP) is a relatively new concept in the world practice of human resource management; it found its application in the early 90s of the last century. In the Ukrainian practice of personnel management, this type of marketing has not received proper distribution to this day. Only a few domestic enterprises include MP in the tasks that are solved by personnel services, because many business leaders associate marketing mainly with the sale of goods, their promotion to the market and absolutely do not see the scope of marketing in personnel management.

Presentation of the main material of the study with a full justification of the obtained scientific results. In modern economic conditions, the need for marketing has not only grown, but also manifests itself in various fields of activity. This trend is not accidental, as it is a natural reaction to the excessive spontaneity of the emerging market. The situation in the labor market is complex, in some industries it is more acute than in the sales and capital markets, therefore, in personnel management marketing technologies as necessary as in other areas of activity.

There are different approaches to the disclosure of the content of the category "personnel marketing"

L. V. Balabanova understands personnel marketing as a type of management activity aimed at the most effective planning of personnel needs, providing the enterprise with personnel, developing and using personnel, motivating employees to achieve the goals of the enterprise and realize the needs of personnel.

From the point of view of N. P. Belyatsky, MP is a condition for the growth of human resources through the search for and attraction of the necessary labor force.
L. M. Cherchik considers personnel marketing as one of the important components of the organization's personnel policy, carried out through the solution of a set of tasks of the personnel management service.

According to F. M. Rusinov, MP is a philosophy and strategy of human resource management, a special function of the personnel management service.
Based on the analysis of scientific publications, it can be concluded that MT is a part of the human resource management strategy, the purpose of which is the optimal use of human resources by creating conditions that would contribute to increasing labor efficiency, developing a partnership and loyalty to the enterprise in each employee.

It should be noted that the workplace is an object of the MT, from the position of the MT it is a product that is sold on the labor market. Companies are trying to create such jobs and such working conditions for their employees so that they can be sold profitably and hire more qualified specialists. The subjects of MP are employees, organizations providing intermediary services in the labor market, organizations that provide training and counseling for employees. No subject for many reasons (lack of financial resources, information, etc.) does not assume all marketing functions. Therefore, for a successful marketing activities coordination and interaction is needed.

MT, like classical marketing, is carried out on the basis of certain principles, among which it is advisable to highlight the following:

1. Match selected HR strategies the basic principles of the personnel policy of the enterprise.
2. Strategic approach to the formation of personnel, taking into account the prospects for the development of the enterprise.
3. Implementation of an active position in the labor market in order to influence the processes of formation of labor resources, ensuring the most complete satisfaction of the specific requirements of the enterprise for personnel.
4. Ensuring compliance of the conditions offered by the employer with the requirements of certain qualification groups of workers that have developed in the labor market.

In accordance with the above principles, marketing activities include a number of tasks, the implementation of which helps to manage human resources more effectively, thereby increasing the competitiveness of enterprises. Considering that human resources are one of the main resources of the organization.

Therefore, we consider it necessary to highlight the following tasks of marketing activities in the field of personnel management:

1. Analysis of the labor market and forecasting its conjuncture.
2. Support for matching the supply and demand of the enterprise personnel.
3. Analysis of human resources and the level of its use.
4. Formation of market strategies for personnel management.
5. Communication activity.
6. Staffing marketing management.

MP, as noted, is a type of management activity, so it performs a number of important management functions. There are various approaches to the definition of MP functions.

V. G. Voronkova uses the traditional approach, dividing all functions into general and specific. To general functions relate:

- Planning - setting the goal, sub-goals of management activities, determining the stages of its implementation;
- Organization - the choice of the structure of the object of the object and the subject of the control object, the implementation of their relationship and interaction;
- Coordination - regulation, adjustment, activation of the actions of the governing bodies;
- Control - accounting and analysis of management activities;
– Processing and comprehension of information for understanding the dialectical development of the object of the control object;
- Forecast - a possible assessment of the phenomena and processes characteristic of the object of the control object.

The specific functions of the scientist include the following:

– Recruitment and selection of personnel using professiograms and job descriptions, testing and interviewing employees;
– Placement of personnel by divisions, sections, workplaces for managing adaptation, consolidation, rotation and intra-company movement of personnel, the formation of a stable and flexible workforce;
– Planning a business career, assessing the human capital of an employee and the level of its use at a given workplace using appropriate methods and technical means, attestation of specialists, formation of a reserve for promotion, professional qualification promotion.

Another look at the functions of the MP V. M. Kolpakov, he refers to them:

– Analytical function – study of the labor market; analysis of external and internal factors; strategic analysis; analysis of personnel policy;
production function- organization of the formation of the labor force, human resources; development of personnel technologies; MP logistics; personnel quality and competitiveness management;
– Personnel development function – assessment of personnel and their activities; personnel audit; development planning; organization; motivation; development control;
– Management function – organization of strategic and operational management; management labor resources; employment management;
– Strategic function – analysis of the situation on the labor market; system development strategic management MP.

All of the above functions, in our opinion, play a very important role in personnel management, as they ensure the hiring of the best specialists, contribute to the growth of workers, their obtaining the best professional skills, and the formation of such a team that would act in concert.

The problem area of ​​the MP is the implementation of "personnel shortage", that is, attracting personnel with the necessary qualifications in the face of its lack. A situation arises when specialists with the necessary qualifications are available in a limited number or are not available on the labor market, and it is the SE that is called upon to solve this problem, respecting the interests of the relevant organization.

The essence of activities to cover the need for personnel can be represented as a sequence of the following steps:

1. Holding marketing research in the field of MP. At this stage, the organization's need for personnel of the appropriate qualification and professional level is determined, the personnel potential of the enterprise is diagnosed, and the personnel policy of competing enterprises is studied.
2. Analysis of the labor market and identification of sources and ways to cover the need for personnel.
There are a lot of sources to cover the need for personnel. Based on a review of scientific publications. In relation to the organization, they can be divided into internal and external.

The way staffing needs will be covered will differ depending on whether external or internal sources this coverage will be provided. All ways of meeting the demand from external sources can be divided into active and passive.

Among the active paths, it is appropriate to single out the following paths:

– Recruitment of personnel directly in educational institutions through the conclusion of bilateral agreements as with themselves educational institutions so with students;
– Submission of applications for vacancies to employment centers;
– Using the services of firms specializing in search for personnel selection.

The passive paths include the following:

Among the ways to cover the need for personnel from internal sources, we consider it necessary to single out the following ways:
- Moving employees from one department to another;
– Moving employees to higher hierarchical levels;
– Formation of a new organizational and functional role of the employee of the previous workplace.

It should be noted that in all these cases there is a need for additional training of employees.

3. The final stage of activities to cover the need for personnel is the choice of alternative or combined ways and sources in accordance with the capabilities of enterprises and the situation on the labor market.

It should be noted that it is also possible to cover the need for personnel with the help of personnel leasing, which is typical for modern innovation management staff. The concept of "staff leasing" should be understood as the selection of personnel through the lease of personnel from another organization. Personnel leasing is carried out on the basis of a long-term or short-term contract between a leasing company (lessor) that leases personnel and a tenant company (lessee) that constantly pays rent for the use of the labor force of another company. At the end of the term of the contract, the tenant either returns the workforce to the leasing company, or extends the term of the contract, i.e. concludes a new contract.

Thus, MT is a system of activities that allows its subjects to assess the state of the labor market, its development trends and take reasonable management decisions in employment and employment promotion. It is the basis for making strategic and tactical decisions by the subjects of the labor market, ensuring the effectiveness of their activities.

Summing up the above material, we can conclude that the use of marketing in the field of personnel management is necessary condition successful operation of enterprises. The workforce is a very important resource of the organization, the achievement of the goals of organizations and the successful solution of problems is possible only with the skillful management of it on the principles of marketing. It is marketing that allows enterprises to analyze the labor market and forecast its conjuncture, analyze human resources, hire the best specialists in the face of their shortage, promote the career growth of employees, form a team that would act in concert, and also monitor its activities.