Day of Remembrance of employees who died in the line of duty. Day of Remembrance of those who died in the line of duty, employees of the internal affairs bodies and military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "On the establishment of the Day of Remembrance

  • 12.06.2021

Employees of internal affairs bodies who died in the line of duty (duties of military service) Russian Federation and military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in accordance with the order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of October 26, 2011 No. 1101.

The uniqueness of the Ministry of Internal Affairs among other bodies state power consists in the fact that it is law enforcement agencies that more often than others directly contact citizens. The observance of law in the life of the country, order on the streets of cities, and sometimes peace in the houses and apartments of the citizens themselves depend on the work of police officers.

Today, many aspects of the daily life of citizens depend on the work of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The internal affairs bodies are engaged in ensuring order on the streets, preventing and solving crimes, protecting and protecting private property, state and commercial facilities. The units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs fight for safety on the roads of the country, ensure the holding of mass events, day and night come to the aid of citizens in emergency situations.

An important aspect of their activities is the acquisition, storage, transportation of weapons, the fight against the spread of drugs.

Service in the internal affairs bodies is an intense, but important and very necessary work for people, requiring courage and courage, endurance and good physical fitness, the ability to think logically and empathize, because the price of this work is human life. Service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs requires an employee to display his best qualities: honesty, decency, desire and readiness to help people.

The history of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has countless examples of high professionalism, heroism, courage and nobility of the personnel of police units.

Law enforcement is traditionally one of the most dangerous professions in the world. modern society. Being at the forefront of the fight against crime and terrorism, police officers and internal troops put their lives at great risk every day. Unfortunately, not without combat losses. In the line of duty in 2015 alone, more than 100 representatives of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs — police officers and military personnel of the internal troops — were killed.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs does not forget about the deceased colleagues, in every possible way about their relatives and friends - they provide assistance to the relatives of the victims in terms of cash payments, assistance with housing, organization of studies and recreation for children dead employees.

In total, under the patronage of the Ministry of Internal Affairs there are over 12 thousand families of the victims, in which 5.5 thousand children are brought up.

Every year on the Day of Remembrance of those killed in the line of duty (duties of military service), employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the territorial divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia hold commemorative events - wreath-laying ceremonies at memorials, meetings with relatives of the victims.

Police officers remember their fallen comrades and bow their heads before their memory.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

It's no secret that a profession that obliges you to protect people and their rights is the most dangerous. Almost every day, military and police officers put their lives at risk and danger. They fight terrorism and crime, thus protecting both the country and its citizens.

Every year in Russia, November 8 was chosen as a day of honoring the memory of all those who died in the line of duty. The memorable day was celebrated for the first time in Russia after its approval in 2011, and after that, for the eighth year, all the inhabitants of the country will resume this tradition again.

Military personnel and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs endanger their lives all the time. The profession of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is very revered in Russia, because these people, like no one else, are most often in contact with the citizens of the country. The order on the streets of cities, the level of crime, peace in families and homes, as well as the lives of many citizens depend on their work.

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs perform many of their official duties every day. It is they who solve crimes, ensure order in cities and towns, fight crime, and protect various private and public facilities. They are also often at risk when they go out on missions where dangerous factions or armed adversaries may be.

And in different tasks, each of the employees can get injured or die. All service in the internal affairs bodies is always difficult and stressful. Even the work itself there can lead to stress, and after them - the deterioration of health. All employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs must be in good physical and psychological fitness, under no circumstances should they panic, but should always know specifically what and how to do it right.

Many duties are assigned to the shoulders of employees in the internal affairs bodies, on which people's lives depend. In the history of the existence of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there are many cases when ordinary employees became heroes and died at the scene. Therefore, in their memory, Russia approved the Day of Remembrance of those who died in the line of duty.

How Russia celebrates the Day of Remembrance for those killed in the line of duty

In narrow circles, especially among colleagues, the dead are never forgotten. Everyone takes care of their families, providing material assistance and moral support. So many colleagues of the victims help their families find housing, make certain financial contributions, organize the placement of children in a kindergarten, school or other educational institution, often take care of vacation trips, and simply help in terms of money.

Too often, those who stand in the forefront to protect citizens and their property from the criminal encroachments of malefactors perish. November 8, both law enforcement officers and their relatives, as well as former employees bodies of internal affairs of the Russian Federation and military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation remember those who will no longer go on combat duty.

This memorable day was established in accordance with the order of the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 1101 dated October 26, 2011. Then, for the first time in the modern history of Russia, all those who, on duty, ensured that ordinary Russians and guests of the country could sleep peacefully, were mentioned, without fear for their lives, the health of their relatives and their property. Each of those working in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the military personnel of the RF Armed Forces has chosen this difficult, unreasonably difficult path, full of unpredictable circumstances and dangers, in their lives so that each of us feels the protection of our country from criminals of any scale.

Choosing this tense, but very necessary and important path for every person and patriot of their country, each policeman or serviceman of the internal troops ensures order on the streets and mass events held on them, prevent and solve crimes, protect state and private property, as well as commercial institutions and enterprises. Coming at any time of the day to help citizens, they are ready to protect the innocent and punish the intruders. Moreover, each of them, along with employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, comes and provides assistance, both in case of emergencies and in the event of natural disasters.

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs most often, compared with representatives of other public institutions, power structures and authorities, contact with citizens and guests of the Russian Federation. The perception of Russia as a legal and civilized state also depends on their professionalism, tact, ability to empathize and the ability to provide proper assistance to people in need. That is why service in law enforcement agencies requires each employee to display the best human qualities: decency, honesty, readiness and desire to help any person. Among the employees of the internal affairs, the manifestation of courage, professionalism, heroism and nobility has become an everyday reality, and not an exception to the rule, as it was until recently.

Honoring the memory and bowing their heads to the departed fighting friends on this memorable day, neither the employees of the territorial departments of internal affairs, nor the leaders of higher ranks forget about the relatives and friends of those who fell on the front line of defense against criminal elements. On this and other days material payments are made Money, orders for the improvement of living conditions are awarded, as well as assistance in obtaining quality rest or admission to educational establishments different levels of accreditation and focus. In total, under the patronage of the internal affairs bodies today there are more than twelve thousand families of the dead workers and more than five and a half thousand children brought up in these families.

Eternal memory to the heroes of our time, who have chosen to protect their compatriots as their professional duty and duty, to those who come to the rescue regardless of the duty schedule.

Those who died in the line of duty (duties of military service) of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in accordance with the order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated October 26, 2011 No. 1101.

The uniqueness of the Ministry of Internal Affairs among other public authorities lies in the fact that it is law enforcement agencies that more often than others have direct contact with citizens. The observance of law in the life of the country, order on the streets of cities, and sometimes peace in the houses and apartments of the citizens themselves depend on the work of police officers.

Today, many aspects of the daily life of citizens depend on the work of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The internal affairs bodies are engaged in ensuring order on the streets, preventing and solving crimes, protecting and protecting private property, state and commercial facilities. The units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs fight for safety on the roads of the country, ensure the holding of mass events, day and night come to the aid of citizens in emergency situations.

An important aspect of their activities is the acquisition, storage, transportation of weapons, the fight against the spread of drugs.

Service in the internal affairs bodies is an intense, but important and very necessary work for people, requiring courage and courage, endurance and good physical fitness, the ability to think logically and empathize, because the price of this work is human life. Service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs requires an employee to display his best qualities: honesty, decency, desire and readiness to help people.

The history of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has countless examples of high professionalism, heroism, courage and nobility of the personnel of police units.

The profession of a law enforcement officer is traditionally one of the most dangerous in modern society. Being at the forefront of the fight against crime and terrorism, police officers and internal troops put their lives at great risk every day. Unfortunately, not without combat losses. In the line of duty in 2015 alone, more than 100 representatives of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs — police officers and military personnel of the internal troops — were killed.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs does not forget about the deceased colleagues, in every possible way about their relatives and friends - they provide assistance to the relatives of the victims in terms of cash payments, assistance with housing, organization of studies and recreation for the children of the deceased employees.

In total, under the patronage of the Ministry of Internal Affairs there are over 12 thousand families of the victims, in which 5.5 thousand children are brought up.

Every year on the Day of Remembrance of those killed in the line of duty (duties of military service), employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the territorial divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia hold commemorative events - wreath-laying ceremonies at memorials, meetings with relatives of the victims.

Police officers remember their fallen comrades and bow their heads before their memory.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

November 8 is celebrated in Russia as the Day of Remembrance of those killed in the line of duty of employees of the internal affairs bodies.

This memorable day, approved by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, was first celebrated in our country in 2011. And since then every year on this day we remember all those who died in the line of duty. Thanks to their honest service, today we live in tranquility and peace.

The history of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has countless examples of high professionalism, heroism, courage and nobility of the personnel of police units.

It is no secret that the profession of a law enforcement officer has always been and remains one of the most dangerous in society. Being at the forefront of the fight against crime and terrorism, police officers and internal troops put their lives at great risk every day. Unfortunately, not without combat losses.

This year, 37 employees have died and more than 1,300 have been injured. They fulfilled their official duty to the end, remained faithful to the Oath.

Under the patronage of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia there are about 12,000 families in which more than 4.5 thousand children are brought up and stressed that caring for them has always been and will be a matter of honor for those who continue to serve today.

And today, on this mournful date, words of sympathy and sincere condolences to the families of the dead and injured are expressed by the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, representatives of law enforcement agencies and authorities. Traditionally, solemn and commemorative events are held in all regions of the country. Police officers remember the fallen comrades and bow their heads before their memory.

On November 8, commemorative events are held in the territorial divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - wreath-laying ceremonies at memorials, meetings with relatives of the victims.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "On the establishment of the Day of Remembrance of the employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation who died in the line of duty"

In order to perpetuate the memory of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation who died in the line of duty, November 8 is established as the Day of Remembrance of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation who died in the line of duty.

Heads (heads) of departments of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, educational, scientific, medical (including sanatorium and resort) organizations of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, district departments of logistics of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as other organizations and divisions, created to perform the tasks and exercise the powers vested in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, it is prescribed:

- organize events every year dedicated to the Day memory, with the invitation of family members of employees;

- during the period of preparation for the Day of Remembrance, summing up the results of the work of bodies, organizations, divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the implementation of a set of measures related to the provision of necessary assistance to family members of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation who died in the line of duty;

- organize the publication of materials about the exploits of employees in the media and departmental periodicals.