Organization of work with personnel in a pharmacy. Personnel management on the example of a pharmacy network of CJSC "farmadom". The procedure for adaptation and integration of new employees into the organization

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Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects personnel management of pharmaceutical enterprises……………………………………………

1.1 Concept personnel policy pharmaceutical companies………….

1.2. The main aspects of the personnel policy of pharmaceutical enterprises……………………………………………………………………..…

1.3. Motivation as an obligatory element of effective personnel management of an organization……………………………………………………………....

1.4 Evaluation of the existing motivational model of a pharmacy organization……………………………………………………………………..

Chapter 2Assessment of the effectiveness of personnel management in a pharmacy organization……………………………………………………………………….

2.1. General characteristics of OMUP "VitaMin"………………………………

2.2 Assessment of the level of personnel management of the organization OMUP "VitaMin"…………………………………………………………………………

2.3. Study and analysis of job satisfaction in OMUP "VitaMin"….

Chapter 3. Improving the personnel management of OMUP "VitaMin"

3.1 Studying the relationship of pharmaceutical workers to the system of moral and material incentives …………………………………

3.2 Ways to improve the stimulation of productive work of OMUP "VitaMin"…………………………………………………………………………




Ensuring market stability and successful operation of a pharmaceutical organization in a competitive environment depends on effective management. Due to the ongoing systemic changes in the reorientation of pharmacy towards the formation of pharmaceutical organizations as organizations that consume and produce knowledge, as well as due to the focus on non-financial indicators business activity, there is a need for high-quality, rational personnel management decisions in the context of personnel motivation problems.

Of particular importance is the adoption process management decisions on personnel in conditions of uncertainty and healthcare reform, including the pharmaceutical industry. Activities of pharmaceutical organizations in modern conditions characterized by dynamism external environment, implementation innovative technologies, a change in the attitudes of individual consciousness in the sphere of drug consumption, an increase social responsibility to consumers and society, as well as high competition in the retail sector, present new requirements for human resource management in the pharmaceutical industry.

Under these conditions, the relevance, diversity and complexity of studying the problems of managing the pharmacy team that arise in the industry under consideration becomes obvious.

In scientific and practical pharmacy, the issues of personnel management have always been in the field of interest of many authors. Within the pharmaceutical industry, questions on evaluating the effectiveness of personnel management of pharmacy organizations in different periods were developed by many scientists, this problem was considered from different points of view, while the results obtained, depending on the methods used, the region under study, the period of study and the goals set, sometimes turned out to be different.

The aim of the study is to develop theoretically substantiated scientific and methodological foundations for the effective management of pharmacy staff.

To achieve this goal, we had certain tasks:

  • study of scientific and applied aspects of personnel management in pharmaceutical activities;
  • study of the stimulation process as the main element of motivation;
  • assessment of the degree of professionalism management activities the management of the pharmacy;
  • study of the labor activity of the personnel of a pharmacy institution;
  • development of measures to improve the motivational model for managing the development of pharmacy personnel.

Object of studypersonnel potential OMUP "VitaMin" and its management.

Subject of study- management processes by the staff of the pharmacy in accordance with the standards of good practice.


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Work with a quality management system begins with the passion of the management for the very idea of ​​​​implementation. The main condition is the leading role of the director. After all, he needs to convince others of the correctness decision- at the same time, it is necessary that employees be interested in participating in this process.

Another important point is the creation of a new position - a quality representative or a representative of the quality management (the accuracy of determining the role does not play). Of course, the head of the company can deal with quality issues himself (this is especially true for small enterprises with a limited staff). But, as practice shows, it is better to transfer control over the development of the system to another person. The load on the quality officer will be considerable anyway: firstly, he must thoroughly know the content of the text of the standard, as well as the requirements of a particular certification body, and secondly, he will be responsible for all working moments on the implementation of the system (definition of processes, development documentation, staff training). Therefore, when implementing quality management systems, companies that can afford it often use the services of consultants. You can, of course, try it yourself - if the goal is to implement the system, and not just obtain the appropriate certificate.

So, the staff is passionate about the new idea, the quality commissioner is found. Next, it is necessary to determine the business processes taking place in the company. The process approach is the basis of the ISO standard. However, if we are talking about a pharmacy enterprise, there is a nuance here. So, Elena Nevolina draws Special attention the fact that a pharmacy is not only a medical institution, but also a trade one related to the service sector. When implementing a quality management system, here, of course, it is used process approach. But it is simply impossible to describe the process of live communication between the founder and the buyer. Therefore, a competent one is added to the process approach. In this case, everything depends on the professionalism of the pharmacy worker, his communication skills.

How to understand what processes are taking place in the enterprise? To do this, experts recommend using the redundant model of the International Benchmarking Chamber, which classifies processes in 13 areas:

1. Marketing of the market and wishes of customers.

2. Strategy development.

3. Development of products (services).

4. Organization of sales.

5. Production and supply of products.

6. Service organization.

7. Customer service and invoicing.

8. Human resource management.

9. Management of information resources.

10. Management of financial and physical resources.

11. Environmental management.

12. Management of external relations.

13. Management of improvements and changes.

It is enough to delete from this list all the processes that are unnecessary for the pharmacy and the list of business processes is ready. The next step will be their distribution among departments and employees of the company, the appointment of "owners" of processes. These people will be responsible for the quality of their work area.

At the same time, documents are being developed. Each process of the company must be clearly documented, described: what is its input, what is its output, who is the supplier of the process, and who is the consumer. You need to start "from the bottom" - with a description of procedures for departments and work processes for individual employees (for example, working with goods: ordering, receiving, storing, issuing). The main document of the company - "Quality Policy (Manual)" - fully describes the company's mission in the field of quality, sums up the "small" documents. Recall that all documentation related to the quality management system must clearly comply with the requirements of the standard.

Note that ISO does not require unconditional adherence to its postulates. Many provisions of the standard allow fairly free interpretation. For example, an organization can decide which of the six methodologies to choose: records management, accountability management, internal audit, nonconforming reporting management, corrective actions, and preventive actions. ISO suggests that document management and reporting management can be made into one document. As well as the management of nonconforming products, corrective actions, as well as preventive actions. It turns out that out of six methods it makes sense to prescribe only three: formally it will be considered that the quality management system is provided.

As a result, we will have to train staff to work according to new system and debug the whole procedure.

The head of the pharmacy where I did my internship is Zhigalova Nadezhda Leonidovna, a pharmacist by profession, has a higher education, more than 11 years of work experience.

The work of the head of the pharmacy is carried out on the basis of the following documents:

    Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 1255 dated 12/30/76 - job descriptions;

    Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 80 dated February 16, 2009 - list of positions;

    Relevant instructions for a specific pharmacy.

The head of the pharmacy manages the pharmacy on the basis of:

    Single presence and is responsible for all trade and financial, administrative activities pharmacies, the organization of drug supply in the Kezsky district;

    is guided in its work by the current legislation, the Regulations (Order No. 1255), orders and other regulatory documents approved by the Ministry healthcare of the Russian Federation, pharmacy management, and internal labor regulations;

    in accordance with the established procedure, concludes contracts and represents the pharmacy in state, public and other bodies, institutions, enterprises and organizations.

The pharmacist is responsible for:

    timely and proper provision of the population with drug assistance;

    observance of the sanitary regime, fire safety;

    appropriate conditions for the preservation of inventory and monetary values;

    monitoring compliance with the rules for storing medicines in a pharmacy;

    providing first emergency medical care in a pharmacy;

    control over the rational use of equipment and inventory, its condition and timely repair;

    correct selection, placement and use of personnel, education and improvement of business skills, financial and economic and proper accounting and reporting;

    familiarization of the pharmacy staff with orders, instructions, rules and other documents related to the activities of the pharmacy;

    control over compliance with the rules of trade in the part related to pharmacies.

The head of the pharmacy in the prescribed manner:

    hiring and dismissing pharmacy employees;

    in appropriate cases, timely concludes agreements on full liability with employees of a pharmacy, pharmacy points, pharmacy kiosks;

    approves the staff work schedule;

    ensures proper and safe working conditions for personnel.

If necessary, the head of the pharmacy performs the duties of quality control and dispensing of medicines, direct record keeping and reporting.

Work with personnel.

Upon hiring, each employee provides:

    application for a job;

    copies of diploma, specialist certificate, passport, medical policy, insurance certificate;

    TIN, work book.

Upon dismissal, the employee writes a letter of resignation, which must be signed by the head of the pharmacy. When hiring and dismissing an employee, a corresponding note is entered in the work book. The personal card reflects all information about the employee, his movements through the pharmacy network, these data are filled in in the personnel department.

When hiring an employee, an employment contract and an agreement on collective liability are concluded. An order is issued for hiring an employee, which is issued on the basis of and in accordance with an employment contract. Based on the order, an employment record is made in the work book of the employee, a personal card is filled out. An employee's personal account is opened in the accounting department for payroll calculations. AT employment contract indicates:

    information about the employee and employer;

    subject of the contract;

    rights and obligations of the parties;

    working hours;

    terms of remuneration;

    the responsibility of the parties;

    special conditions;

    details and signatures.

The employment contract is concluded in two copies, one for the employee, the second remains with the manager. An agreement on full collective liability is concluded. This agreement states:

    subject of the contract;

    general provisions;

    rights and obligations of the team and the employer;

    accounting and reporting procedures;

    compensation for damage;

    signatures of the parties.

Liability is one of the means of protecting the right of the owner, and is also one of the types of legal liability. Comes in two copies.

The work of the employee is regulated by the job description, with which the employee gets acquainted and certifies his familiarization with his signature.

Upon admission to work, the employee undergoes an introductory briefing, briefing on labor protection, after which the “Journal of accounting of labor protection instructions for employees” is filled out. Also, the employee gets acquainted with the internal regulations. Safety briefing is carried out upon employment, and then once every six months, and the briefing may also be unscheduled.

The employee is provided with overalls, upon transfer, a “magazine for issuing overalls” is issued

Fire safety training is mandatory. The logs "registration of fire safety briefing" are filled; "instruction on fire safety measures, procedure for actions in case of fire"; fire extinguisher register. The pharmacy has an evacuation plan.

Preparation of vacation schedules and payroll for pharmacy staff.

Pharmacy employees are granted annual leave. The vacation schedule is drawn up by the head of the pharmacy at the end of the year, for the next year, in agreement with the employees. This schedule is certified by the head of the pharmacy. The employee is given a vacation to choose from: 28 calendar days or twice a year for 14 days. A pharmacy employee receives vacation pay.

The pharmacy maintains a time sheet. It indicates the name of the employee, his position, the number of hours worked and shifts. At the end of the month, the time sheet is transferred to the accounting department for accrual wages. Salary depends on the salary and volume of pharmacy turnover, personal income of the employee. Payroll is carried out by an accountant, each employee has an individual Visa credit card.

Once a year, employees undergo a medical examination. There are breaks during the working day.

Labor protection is carried out in accordance with the following RD:

    the constitution of the Russian Federation;

    labor Code;

    civil Code;

    labor protection legislation;

    labor safety system standards;

  • health and safety rules;

    labor protection instructions.

An integrated approach allows you to develop specific organizational arrangements to improve the personnel management system and have general idea about its level of effectiveness.

The author introduces readers to the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of personnel management in pharmacy organizations using a personnel audit. An integrated approach allows you to develop specific organizational measures to improve the personnel management system and have a general idea of ​​​​the level of its effectiveness.

1.2.3. Vacation payment procedure

1.3.1. The procedure for granting and paying for study leave

1.3.2. Payment of temporary disability benefits

1.3.3. The procedure for granting and paying for parental leave

1.3.4. Preservation of jobs for employees who are on parental leave.

1.3.5. Payment of severance pay in case of reduction of employees.

1.4.1. Assessment of workplaces.

1.4.2. Labor protection briefing.

1.4.3. Labor protection instructions.

1.4.4. Occupational safety training and testing knowledge on labor protection.

3.1.1. Form of remuneration

3.1.2. Principles of wage differentiation

3.2.1. Principal approaches to increase wages

3.2.2. Principles for calculating the amount of the premium.

3.2.3. Employee Benefits

3.3.1. Personal bonuses to employees' salaries.

3.3.2. Forms of moral encouragement.

3.3.3. Forms of material incentives

3.4.1. Required staff turnover

3.5.1. Complaints procedure.

3.5.2. Proposal review process.

3.6.1. Quantitative accounting of personnel

3.6.2. Accounting for personal data

Block 2. Acquisition of human resources

Block 4. Personnel development

2.1.1. Qualifications to staff at the time of hiring

2.1.2. Minimum requirements for staff when hiring

2.1.3. Job Descriptions

2.2.1. Sources of recruitment.

2.2.2. Candidate selection procedure.

2.2.3. Employee Selection Criteria

2.3.1. Checking professional knowledge

2.3.2. Checking professional skills

2.4.1. The need for specialists.

2.4.2. Expert proposal.

4.1.1. Probationary period and its duration.

4.1.2. The process of adaptation of a newly hired employee.

4.1.3. Guidance for personnel regarding the rules of work, conduct within the organization.

4.2.1. Training.

4.2.2. In-house training

4.2.3. Career planning and the formation of a personnel reserve

4.3.1. Staff performance evaluation

4.3.2. Assessment and certification of personnel

To give a comparable look to heterogeneous indicators, all partial indicators are converted into a universal 5-point assessment using a special rating scale, in which the numerical values ​​of the scale are accompanied by more detailed description quantitative and qualitative characteristic possible states of the indicator (Table 3.).

Table 3

Scale for assessing private indicators (indicators)

The calculation of criterion indicators is carried out through a system of specific coefficients (Table 4.). This is due to the fact that not all organizational measures and procedures can objectively take place in any pharmacy organization and a simple sum of points for a criterion indicator will not give a reliable assessment. For example, an assessment on the criterion indicator “legislation regarding social guarantees” provides for an assessment of 5 private indicators (Table 2) with a maximum score of 20. But in a pharmacy, for example, there may not be employees studying on the job, then the assessment is carried out only on four indicators with a maximum score of 16. Assessment through the system of specific coefficients makes it possible to take this fact into account, since carried out on the basis of actual data. To do this, first the total amount of points for the criterion indicator according to the actual data is determined, then the maximum possible number of points is determined and the specific coefficient is calculated as a quotient of dividing these indicators. According to the value of the specific coefficient, in accordance with the scale (Table 4), an assessment is made according to the criterion indicator.

Table 4

Criteria indicators assessment scale

The sum of points for criteria indicators is a quantitative characteristic of personnel management in terms of evaluation parameters.

A comprehensive performance indicator is determined by summing the scores for the evaluation parameters and is a quantitative characteristic of the personnel management system. Evaluation of the effectiveness of personnel management of a pharmacy organization is carried out on a scale (Table 5.)

Table 5

Scale for assessing the effectiveness of personnel management of a pharmacy organization

Sum of points

Efficiency level

Personnel management activities are exhaustive, effective.

Personnel management activities are carried out adequately, but are not exhaustive and sufficiently effective.

Personnel management activities are performed satisfactorily, but there are problems in key functions personnel management.

There are major challenges across all HR functions and significant attention needs to be given to expanding and changing HR activities.

Personnel management activities are performed unsatisfactorily


For the convenience of making calculations and estimating, we propose the construction evaluation sheets in the form of a table (Appendix 1). All analyzed indicators are entered into the table, their scores are put down, criteria indicators, evaluation parameters and a comprehensive indicator for evaluating the effectiveness of pharmacy organization personnel management are calculated.

The evaluation apparatus of the personnel audit methodology is a set of evaluation scales of private, criterion and complex indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of personnel management in a pharmacy organization. Interpretation of the results at all levels makes it possible to develop specific measures to improve the personnel management system and have a general idea of ​​the level of its effectiveness.

Pharmacy in the process of personnel management chooses a certain personnel policy, i.e. a set of ways to influence personnel to achieve the goals of the organization.

Personnel policy is the main direction in work with personnel, recruitment fundamental principles, which are implemented personnel service enterprises. Personnel policy is a purposeful activity to create labor collective which would best contribute to the combination of the goals and priorities of the enterprise and its employees.

General requirements to personnel policy in modern conditions are as follows:

1. Personnel policy should be closely linked to the development strategy of the enterprise. In this respect, it represents the staffing of the implementation of this strategy.

2. Personnel policy should be flexible enough, i.e. on the one hand, stable, since certain expectations of the employee are associated with stability (d.b. a certain confidence in the future), on the other hand, dynamic, i.e. be adjusted in accordance with the change in the tactics of the enterprise, the production and economic situation.

3. Since the formation of qualified personnel is associated with certain costs for the enterprise, the personnel policy should be economically justified, i.e. based on his real financial capabilities.

4. Personnel policy should provide an individual approach to its employees.

5. Personnel policy is an integral part of all management activities and production policy of the organization. Its goal is to create a cohesive, responsible, highly developed and highly productive workforce.

6. Personnel policy should create not only favorable working conditions, but also provide an opportunity for career advancement. Therefore, the main task of the personnel policy of the enterprise is to ensure the daily personnel work taking into account the interests of all categories of employees and social groups labor collective.

The personnel policy of an organization is determined by a number of factors that can be divided into internal and external. The external ones are:

National labor law;

Relations with trade unions;

The state of the economy and prospects for the labor market.

Internal factors are:

Structure and goals of the organization;

Territorial placement;

Applied technologies;

Organizational culture;

Moral and psychological climate in the team.

It should be noted that the changes taking place in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries required the formation new personnel policy, which would allow not only to preserve the existing personnel potential, but also to qualitatively change and adapt it to the new conditions of market relations.

The work of pharmacies in the conditions of market relations has changed the requirements for a pharmaceutical worker, increased the importance of a creative attitude to work and high professionalism.