Development of organizational culture in the dow team. "designing the activities of the senior educator of a preschool institution for the formation of organizational culture in the team." Examples of Positive and Negative Values

  • 20.05.2020

Sultanbayeva Tatyana Sergeevna
Job title: educational psychologist
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 412 of Chelyabinsk"
Locality: Chelyabinsk
Material name: article
Topic:"The specifics of organizational culture in a preschool educational institution"
Publication date: 24.11.2017
Chapter: preschool education










educational institution. The concept of organizational




with regard to

a team of teachers.





organizational culture, teaching staff.

















increasing or decreasing the institution's performance indicators.

After analyzing the research on the topic under study, it can be noted that




universally recognized

interpretation. Thus, organizational culture consists of acquired forms

in behavior and thinking, is capable of changing over time, it

characterized by continuity and the ability to change.














education, and also determines the nature of activities and interactions





organizational culture of preschool teachers was based on the concept given









this institution, which are capable of reflecting its personality and

manifest itself in behavior and interaction.














personal aspect, where individual values ​​in the management system





process. The organizational culture of the preschool educational institution is understood by us as a result





included in the control system.






solve the following tasks:




professional activity teachers;





rhythm by demonstrating to them the progressive and negative tendencies of its


Profile activities, acquire characteristic differences from

other educational institutions (in a positive sense);

Avoid professional illusions.

The organizational culture of an educational institution is able to



preschool institution has the appropriate potential. Short



slows down


educational institution, but does not allow the teaching staff

recognize themselves and use their abilities in the interests of children. Few

In addition, the team can live in an environment of social and professional

illusions that have nothing to do with reality.

Thus, it should be said that organizational culture has

very important for a preschool educational institution,

because it is a very powerful tool in the management and development

teaching staff, improving the quality of educational services in

List of used literature:









educational institution / - M .: Press, 2015. - 156 p.




educational institution. – M.: Book, 2014. – 219 p.




relations of a preschool educational institution. - Perm, 2017. - 78 p.

Organizational culture is a system of socially progressive formal and informal rules and norms of activity, customs and traditions, individual and group interests, behavioral characteristics of the personnel of a given organizational structure, leadership style, indicators of employee satisfaction with working conditions, the level of mutual cooperation and compatibility of employees with each other and with the organization, development prospects.



Any organization is a complex organism, the basis of the life potential of which is culture - values, norms and attitudes accepted and shared by employees. Organizational culture is a fairly powerful source of increasing or decreasing the efficiency of an enterprise. As experience shows, in modern conditions the most effective are corporate relations in the organization, that is, corporate culture.

The issue of organizational culture is relatively new and little studied in our country and abroad. Even in the United States, research into this problem began only in the 1980s and 1990s, and even later in Russia. Therefore, the time has come to seriously study the activities of the organization from the position of organizational culture. The interest in this problem is evidenced by the requests of managers and specialists, as well as the real orders of organizations for the implementation of research projects.

AT modern Russia The relevance of research into the internal culture of the organization is due to the fundamental changes in the political and economic spheres that have occurred over the past twenty years. The transition from state to private ownership, a change in the status of enterprises, the elimination of industry dependence, an independent entry into the international arena - all this forced us to look for more effective organizational structures, to introduce progressive forms of intra-collective relations.

The issue of studying organizational culture is not new and goes back to the teachings of M. Weber, F. Taylor, A. Fayol, G. Ford, G. Emmerson, which belong to the classical school of management.

Taylor can be said to be the father of management science. The focus of his research is the entire organization, and not just the work performed by individual links or members of the organization. This allows us to talk about Taylor's approach to both the organization as a whole and organizational culture as mechanistic, where a person is not a person with certain behavior, needs and motivations, but only a small part of the management mechanism.

The administrative management of A. Fayol is focused on the leaders and the functions they perform. He also argued that successful managers need to apply certain management principles to these functions. Thus, A. Fayol's administrative management can be spoken of as focusing on the highest level of management, which in turn, through certain principles, forms the culture of its organization. In these principles, he noted the importance of a corporate spirit, encouraging the initiative of workers, paid attention to justice and rewarding the worker for successful work. However, he clarified that the interests of a group of workers should not become higher than the interests of the organization.

Organizational culture is a system of socially progressive formal and informal rules and norms of activity, customs and traditions, individual and group interests, behavioral characteristics of the personnel of a given organizational structure, leadership style, indicators of employee satisfaction with working conditions, the level of mutual cooperation and compatibility of employees among themselves and with the organization, development prospects. The organizational culture of a person is influenced by habits and inclinations, needs and interests, political views, professional interests, moral values, temperament. The elements of the components of organizational culture include the following personality traits: a positive reaction to those in power, the desire to compete, the ability to convince, the desire to play the role of an informal leader, tolerance for routine administrative work.

An analysis of the literature sources shows that this concept emerged only in the 1980s. Scientists studying organizational culture have tried to define and delimit the meanings of two closely related concepts: "climate" and "culture" in the context of the organization. Most researchers have concluded that culture is a more stable and enduring characteristic of an organization and is more difficult to diagnose and evaluate. While organizational climate can be measured quantitatively by questioning the firm's employees on the basis of special questionnaires, culture can only be measured qualitatively by applying the sophisticated research methods of ethnography and anthropology.

Organizational culture is associated with a sense of belonging to an organization, regardless of the degree of comfort of the daily work environment, and many researchers come to the conclusion that organizational culture is so elusive that even the employees of the company cannot say exactly what it is.

A person is the basis of any organization, which itself is created for a person. The spectrum of organizational culture that a person brings to an organization is very wide, it is determined by the uniqueness of each person.

Features of the organizational culture of a person is that it is a function of the individuality of the individual and environment. In addition, behavior, personality and environment have a mutual influence on each other. The organizational culture of a person is influenced by habits and inclinations, needs and interests, political views, professional interests, moral values, temperament. Stubbornness is a stable, constant trait of a person's character. Some people are more stubborn than others. Is it possible to measure this or another personality parameter? To date, there are no units of measurement yet, but it is possible to evaluate their manifestation in comparison with other people.

A person's OK is based on the following personality traits:

  1. positive reaction to those in power. Power is a must in organizations. To work effectively, the leader must have an approach to the individual in order to avoid a negative reaction to those who have power. The individual must respect authority as a mandatory attribute of leadership;
  2. desire to compete. Limited resources are a common occurrence in an organization. Employees at all levels must compete with other similar employees in finding the best solution in the allocation of resources: personnel, materials, budget, equipment. Competition can manifest itself in the sale of products, negotiations, lobbying, debate;
  3. the ability to convince. The role of personality requires that a person often expresses his thoughts, speaks publicly. He must be convinced of his ideas and opinions, this makes it possible to exert influence;
  4. desire to play the role of an informal leader. A person should strive to stand out among others in various fields of activity. The person must play the part. The more roles a person can master, the higher his level of organizational culture;
  5. tolerance for routine administrative work. Management positions of any rank require a person to devote some attention to counting, paperwork, representational functions, reading and answering correspondence and telephone calls. A person may be dissatisfied with such duties, but should perceive them as necessary duty. A manifestation of a negative state of personality can be frustration, i.e. persistent disorganization of human consciousness and behavior (spontaneous aggressiveness), which occurs with prolonged repression of the basic needs of a person. The state of frustration is overcome only with the help of psychologists.

If the organizational culture has already been formed, then it is very important to ensure its further maintenance. In many cases, this task is entrusted to the personnel management services. The selection process, performance evaluation criteria, reward system, staff training, career development, promotion and rotation ensure that the selected candidates will fit the organizational culture of the firm.

There are many approaches to identifying various criteria that characterize and define culture at the macro and micro levels.

F. Harris and R. Moranpropose to consider organizational culture on the basis of ten characteristics:

Understanding yourself and your place in the organization(Some cultures value the concealment of their internal moods by the employee, others encourage their external manifestation; in some cases, independence and creativity are manifested through cooperation, and in others - through individualism);

Communication system and language of communication(the use of oral, written, non-verbal communication, “telephone law”; jargon, abbreviations vary depending on the industry, functional and territorial affiliation of organizations);

Appearance, dress and self-image at work(variety of uniforms and overalls, business styles, neatness, cosmetics, hairstyle, etc. confirm the presence of multiple microcultures);

What and how people eat, habits and traditions in this area(organization of meals for employees; people bring food with them or visit the cafeteria inside or outside the organization; food subsidy; whether employees eat different levels together or separately, etc.);

Awareness of time, attitude towards it and its use(the degree of accuracy of employees; compliance with the temporary schedule and encouragement for this);

Relationshipsbetween people (by age and gender, status and power, wisdom and intelligence, experience, rank, religion and citizenship, etc.);

Values (a set of guidelines, what is good and what is bad) and norms (a set of assumptions and expectations regarding a certain type of behavior) - what people value in organizational life (their position, titles, work itself, etc.) and how these values ​​are maintained;

Belief in something and attitude or disposition towards something(belief in leadership, success, in one's own strength, in mutual assistance, in ethical behavior, in justice, etc.; attitude towards colleagues, clients and competitors, towards evil and violence, aggression; the influence of religion and morality, etc. .);

Employee development process(thoughtless or conscious performance of work; rely on intelligence or strength; informing workers; approaches to explaining the reasons, etc.);

Work ethic and motivation(attitude towards work and responsibility; cleanliness of the workplace; evaluation of work and remuneration; individual or group work;).

These characteristics of an organization's culture, taken together, reflect and give meaningorganizational culture concepts.

There are several mainsigns of organizational culturehow they differ from each other:

♦ reflection in the mission of the organization of its main goals;

♦ focus on solving personal problems or production tasks firms;

♦ loyalty or indifference of people to the organization;

♦ source and role of power;

♦ management styles, ways of assessing employees;

♦ orientation towards autonomy, independence or subordination;

♦ preference for group or individual forms labor and decision making;

♦ the predominance of cooperation or rivalry, conformity and individualism;

♦ degree of risk acceptance, subordination to plans and regulations;

♦ orientation towards stability or change.

How do employees perceive the ten pillars of organizational culture?

The answer to this question is of great importance for managers, as it affects the degree of job satisfaction. It is useful to analyze whether employees know the organizational culture of their institution, how clear the goals are to them, what the organization expects from them, etc. Job satisfaction is defined as an effective response to the environment. It is related to what the system of remuneration is, what are the methods of resolving conflicts, what, in the opinion of the employee, the organization expects from him and how satisfied he is with this.

Despite the fact that the concepts of "organizational culture" and "job satisfaction" are interrelated, it should be borne in mind that "organizational culture" is a descriptive term, while "job satisfaction" is an evaluative term, i.e. more measurable.

Organizational culture plays a significant role in general scheme activity, survival and prosperity of the institution. It covers most of the phenomena of the spiritual and material life of the collective: the dominant moral standards and values, adopted code of conduct, rituals, quality standards for products or services. Based on the analysis of various studies of organizational culture, various definitions of the concept of “organizational culture” were defined: “Organizational culture is a way of life that has been formed throughout the history of a corporation, its “gene pool”, so to speak. At the same time, the peculiarities of the phenomenon of organizational culture are associated not so much with the declaration of values ​​(this was done before), but with their real purposeful inclusion in the management system” (A. Ageev, M. Grachev); “organizational culture is a system of ideas, symbols, values ​​and behaviors shared by all team members” (N. Lemaitre); “organizational culture is a system of material and spiritual values, manifestations that interact with each other, inherent in a given organization, reflecting its individuality and perception of itself and others in the social and material environment, manifested in behavior, interaction, perception of oneself and the environment” (V.A . Spivak); “the atmosphere in which we live, everything that surrounds us, with what (with whom) we deal at work; any manifestations of material and spiritual life - everything can be considered as a reflection, a manifestation of organizational culture” (E.L. Katasonova); “organizational culture is the level of development achieved in any branch of knowledge or activity, therefore, the more benevolent, responsible, with great enthusiasm the corporation of a preschool educational institution works, the higher the organizational culture, the more attractive this institution becomes for children, parents, educators and invited experts” (M.A. Aralova).

Analysis of research shows that the concept of organizational culture has a single generally accepted interpretation. Organizational culture includes acquired forms of behavior and thinking, common and standardized. Organizational culture changes over time, it is characterized by both continuity (assimilation of traditions) and variability, the creation of a new one.

The organizational culture of preschool teachers is defined as a collective value that ensures the achievement of the quality of preschool education, which determines the nature of relationships, communications, the individual style of the teacher's activity and the overall corporate image of the educational institution. The definition of the organizational culture of preschool teachers was based on the concept given by V.A. Spivak, that organizational culture is a system of material and spiritual values, phenomena inherent in a given organization, which reflect its individuality, are manifested in behavior and interaction.

The organizational culture of teachers is the first step in the management system aimed at achieving organizational culture. preschool. The organizational culture of a preschool institution is realized in the personal aspect, where individual values ​​become common in the management system and ensure the effectiveness of the educational process. The organizational culture of a preschool educational institution is understood by us as the result of a management system that reflects corporate values included in the control system.

Obviously, we can speak of a pedagogical ensemble only when the collective reaches the highest level of development. In this case, his activities will be characterized by:

Orientation towards a harmonious solution to the problems of achieving high educational results, developing the pedagogical potential of the school, improving the professionalism of teachers and self-development of the teaching staff;

Organization, that is, the ability to form a rational structure of joint actions and flexibly rebuild it in changing conditions. At the same time, the degree of organization of the team is determined by the level of responsibility, harmony and inclusion of its members.
to management;

Cohesion, which means the ability of the teaching staff to withstand negative internal and external influences, to maintain the optimal structure of interaction. Achieving a high level of cohesion depends on the unity of value orientations, compatibility and potential stability of the team.

The teaching staff is an extremely complex organism that lives according to the laws of synergetics. In other words, like any complex open and constantly developing system, it has the property of self-organization, i.e., the internal ability to grow in itself, “build on” new qualities necessary for survival. It can be not only (and not so much) new creative groups, associations, etc., but, mainly, new relationships, a new understanding of the mission by the team, new systems of values, norms, beliefs, new rituals and rules. In order for these fresh structures and qualities to arise, a number of conditions are necessary, namely:

A crisis old system(here we can say with confidence that not only a single school, but in general Russian education is in a permanent state of crisis).

Inside the system there should be a source of new qualities, but the mechanism for launching self-organization is additionally reinforced “from the outside” (the teaching staff must be ready for changes, be aware of their need, have potential opportunities for development, and at the same time, a certain will and support from the administration of the educational institution is needed to their implementation);

To achieve sustainability, the new structure must “survive” on its own (new formations must be in demand, viable, and function in reality, and not be supported artificially);

Orientation of the new qualities of the system to synergetic principles - cooperation, commonwealth, co-creation (and these principles operate not only in conditions of joint educational activities, but also extend to other areas of life - leisure, life, culture).

In functional terms, organizational culture helps to solve the following tasks:

Coordinate with the help of established rules and procedures the professional activities of teachers;
- motivate the activity of employees in the right direction and rhythm by demonstrating to them progressive and negative trends in its development;
- profile activities, acquire characteristic differences from other educational institutions (in a positive sense);
- avoid professional illusions.

The organizational culture of an educational institution is able to implement many other management functions, but not every preschool institution has the appropriate potential. The low level of organizational culture not only hinders the development of an educational institution, but does not allow the teaching staff to recognize themselves and use their capabilities in the interests of children. Moreover, the team can live in an environment of social and professional illusions that have nothing to do with reality.

One of the most important aspects of the organizational culture of the institution is the ability and skills of teachers and psychologists to study the development of the child in various activities, and the leader and methodologist - the ability to study development various kinds pedagogical activity. The level of organizational culture, naturally influencing the positive development of a preschool institution, in turn, depends on the level of its development. There is no contradiction in this: by improving the organizational culture, we improve the professional and organizational abilities of the team, and they, in turn, lead to an ever greater improvement in the organizational culture of the institution.

The modern science of education management directs leaders towards a radical transformation of the organizational and management structure and the introduction into it, in order to improve control over the quality of the educational process, of various working groups consisting of specialists capable of realistically assessing many aspects of the institution's activities and, in particular, the level of its organizational culture. In turn, this level can be used to accurately determine at what stage of its development the educational institution. We think it makes sense to give brief description these stages in relation to the specifics of the organizational culture at each of them.

Collection output:


Bukharina Natalia Valerievna

Assistant of the Department of Management preschool education, Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk

The article considers the content of the activities of the manager in managing organizational culture, as well as difficulties in the implementation of this activity and possible ways to overcome them.

Organizational culture is the subject of research by many scientific foreign and domestic scientists and practitioners (E. Shein, V. Sate, G. Hovstede, S. Yoshimuri, I. Ouchi, S. Handi, K. Cameron, R. Quinn, O. S. Vikhansky, A. I. Naumov, A. N. Zankovsky, S. A. Maksimenko, T. O. Solomanidina, V. A. Spivak, P. N. Shikhirev, K. M. Ushakov, O. A. Glushchenko, and etc). Scientists and practitioners have recognized that organizational culture has a great influence on the activities of the organization, performing various functions: integrating (uniting), regulatory, meaning-forming, motivating, adaptive (socializing), security (stabilizing, supporting), innovative, etc. Therefore, the study , understanding and correlation of Russian and foreign experience management of an organization through the management of its culture in relation to the specifics of the management of preschool educational institutions becomes especially significant. In the domestic practice of managing organizations, including preschool educational institutions, this approach is not widely used, which is associated with numerous difficulties that managers face in managing organizational culture.

The question of the nature of organizational culture and the possibility of managing it is controversial. Traditionally, two main approaches to understanding the nature of organizational culture are divided: rational-pragmatic and phenomenological. Representatives of the first direction (E. Shane, I. Ansoff, T. Peters, R. Waterman, T. Deal, K. Cameron, A. Kennedy, R. Quinn, W. Bennis, R. Kilman, A. Ageev, M. Grachev, V. Rudnitsky, etc.) organizational culture is considered as an attribute of an organization, a regulator of employee behavior in an organization that can be managed along with finances, personnel work etc. Within the framework of this approach, various “recipes” for the formation, development, and change in organizational culture are being developed. Representatives of the second direction (M. Louis, J. Mercier, A. Pettigrew, S. Robbins, D. Silverman, P. Berger, I. V. Katerny, S. V. Shcherbina, etc.) interpret organizational culture as a designation of the very essence organizations. Organizational culture is not seen as a factor that directly programs the behavior of individuals in an organization, but rather as a factor that provides the condition for a conventionally consistent perception of reality and a consistent group behavior of people. Recent publications note the development of a new approach that overcomes the extremes of "overly optimistic views of the rational-pragmatic concept and skeptical views of the phenomenological direction on the possibilities of managing organizational culture" .

An analysis of literary sources shows that, in general, researchers describe management through functions. In our opinion, more productive is the approach according to which the management of organizational culture is considered as a process that includes a number of stages: motivational-informational, diagnostic, design and guiding. Let us consider in more detail the content of activities for managing organizational culture at each of the stages.

Let's start with a description of the motivational-informational stage, which includes the manager's awareness of external and internal factors organizational culture. The need for such an analysis is due to the fact that the lack of consideration of the strength and nature of the impact of the main factors can lead to the ineffectiveness of measures to manage organizational culture. The leader has a great influence on the organizational culture: his life values, ideas about the ideal organization; the image of an ideal (effective) organizational culture; managerial competence (knowledge of the essence management activities and implemented management style). It should be noted that the registration of this information presents significant difficulties for the manager. The fact is that these ideas are not always realized and are taken for granted. In addition, as K. M. Ushakov notes, in the managerial dictionary of leaders there are no words to denote phenomena associated with the culture of the organization.

Let's consider the content of the next stage of management activity - diagnostic. It should be noted that there is big variety opinions concerning the issues of diagnostics of organizational culture. Among them, the most discussed are the issues of determining the criteria (measurements) that most fully characterize the organizational culture and the search for better ways, tools for its evaluation.

Various organizational characteristics that researchers propose to use as criteria are reflected in the typologies of organizational culture (Deal-Kennedy, C. Handy, Cameron-Quinn, T. Yu. Bazarov, V. R. Vesnin, etc.). models that make it possible to understand the influence of culture on organizational performance (V. Sathe, T. Peter and R. Waterman, T. Parsons, R. Quinn and J. Rohrbach and others, indicators that are under the direct influence of organizational culture: the level of staff turnover, timing and success labor adaptation, socio-psychological climate, etc. A rich choice of measurements of organizational culture and methods for diagnosing it, on the one hand, indicates the elaboration of the problem, and on the other hand, there are many situations of uncertainty. The researchers note that it is pointless to study all the many dimensions of organizational culture - you need to study only those aspects that are relevant to a certain problem, it is also advisable to simultaneously use several assessment tools. Among the possible difficulties for the manager, one can single out: choosing from a variety of criteria and indicators necessary, significant time spent on diagnostics, complexity of diagnostic procedures, in some cases there are not always references to adaptation and effectiveness of application in practice, methodological foundations are contradictory, there are no standardized methods in specific approaches. The head of the organization is well acquainted with the existing culture and some of its aspects are taken for granted, and therefore may go unnoticed in the analysis.

An analysis of the current state of culture allows you to determine the strategy for managing it, to decide on those actions that will allow you to move from the current state to the desired one, which corresponds to the design stage of management activities. Three strategies for managing culture are generally accepted: formation, maintenance (strengthening) and change. The literature also describes the stages of designing an organizational culture: building the ideological constructs of the leader, in which the organizational culture is formed; creation in language and symbols of organizational ideology; designing ways to promote strong subcultures, reinforce existing significant aspects of the culture; designing ways to change a particular cultural representation in a broad cultural context over a significant time interval; designing the desired image of organizational culture (the idea of ​​the mission, goals, principles of activity, norms of behavior). For the design and successful implementation of changes in organizational culture, it is also important to understand what efforts of the manager and resources of the organization will require their implementation, what are the main directions of changes. An analysis of literary sources allows us to say that the more significant the changes, the greater the number of aspects educational organization affected and the greater the amount of resources required (including temporary) for their implementation. When implementing changes, difficulties can arise that are generated by resistance to change. T. Yu. Bazarov notes that it is important for a manager to understand the level of organization's orientation towards changes, the degree of its variability. O. S. Vikhansky among the reasons for resistance to change notes the perception of changes, personal qualities, habits, threat to power and influence, fear of the unknown, economic reasons, limited resources, etc. . In this regard, the manager faces the task of designing measures to overcome resistance to change. The following contribute to the successful implementation of changes: identifying the possibility of resistance, competent leadership (you need to be not only a competent leader, but also have leadership skills), awareness of the need for change by employees of the organization, improved communications and a high level of involvement of employees in the change process. Another “critical factor for the success of transformation” is that the transformation of the company's management must begin with itself. Special attention should be given to the psychological support for the implementation of changes: drawing attention to the need for change; organization of the process of obtaining specific proposals from the employees of the organization and support for active employees submitting such proposals; creation of an informal information network for the dissemination of information about ongoing changes; taking into account when preparing information, ways of presenting materials, features and personal characteristics of teachers; taking into account productive objections that arise from teachers, adapting the program of changes, taking into account the difficulties that arise.

As a result of the execution of the previous stages, the content of the guiding stage arises. This stage turned out to be the least common in the literature, but speculative ideas do not ensure the success of the activity. Of the few works, we can rely on the work of S. A. Belousova, in which the guiding plan includes: organization joint activities on designing organizational culture; organization of social interaction, taking into account the norms of subjectogenesis; organization of group training; consolidation of organizational norms by administrative measures. There are two ways to influence the development of organizational culture: "from above", i.e. when management determines what the philosophy of management practice should be, based on this, enterprise managers outline specific methods for forming an effective organizational culture. Another strategy is to actively involve the members of the organization in the analysis and design of organizational culture, which contributes to the development of the most effective measures, creates a sense of ownership of what is happening and reduces the resistance of the staff, and also contributes not only to improving the skills of each teacher, but also stimulates the development of the entire team. Designing an organizational culture requires organizing collaborative activities. The most promising for the development of the organization is the use of a group resource, which manifests itself in joint creative activity, which involves "co-creation" - a type of activity in which everyone is an equal creator of the new. Joint creative activity involves the creation of teams. Recently, teams are seen as an effective way to improve the efficiency of managerial work and the organization as a whole. Command forms of management are implemented in order to solve problems and prepare recommendations, direct production of something, as well as process control. Team management is based on the process of delegation of authority. The activity of the group members is high (the group develops and makes decisions), and the role of the administrator (leader) is reduced to creating the necessary conditions, determining the boundaries of the solution space and giving advice in a difficult situation. With this approach, the resistance of the staff to changes is reduced, the decisions made by the participants themselves are more readily implemented. As can be seen from the analysis, the organization of joint activities through the creation of teams has a number of advantages. But it is also possible to define some possible difficulties for the manager: firstly, difficulties in delegating authority (due to fear of poor performance); secondly, according to K. M. Ushakov, teams must be “correctly selected” and “correctly managed”, and this requires “extremely high and rather specific qualifications of the leader” .

Another component of the guiding stage is the organization of group training - additional training, training of leaders and teachers of an educational institution. The successful implementation of training activities involves the implementation of a number of preparatory stages by the head: setting training goals in accordance with the organization's plans for a certain period; determination of the personnel structure and policy in relation to each category (in accordance with the goals of the educational institution); analysis of training needs; choice of forms and methods of teaching; selection of a provider (leader) of training. You can train the whole team or individual employees. Training of the entire organization can meet with strong resistance and require significant resources from the organization (financial, temporary), therefore it is more expedient to train a group of teachers, then spreading the new throughout the organization, but if the training of this group is carried out outside the organization, then upon the "return" of teachers, it can be leveled the rest, so it is advisable to conduct training within the institution (on the job). Projected changes should be reflected in regulatory documents.

So, the analysis of the content of the manager's activity allows us to conclude that there are a number of difficulties in managing organizational culture for the manager, which are due to the complexity of the phenomenon of organizational culture and the difference in approaches to managing it, on the one hand, and on the other hand, insufficient professional competence of the manager. The solution to this contradiction, in our opinion, is to provide support to the manager in managing organizational culture.


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  2. Barkov S. A. Sociology of organizations: study guide / S. A. Barkov. - MGU Publishing House, 2004 - 288 p.
  3. Belousova S. A. Psychological support for the management of pedagogical personnel of an educational organization: study guide / under. ed. G. G. Gorelova. - Chelyabinsk: IIUMTS "Education" Publishing House, 2007. - 319 p.
  4. Vikhansky O. S., Naumov A. I. Management: textbook / O. S. Vikhansky, A. I. Naumov. - 4th ed., revised. and additional - M.: Economist, 2006. -670 p.
  5. Ushakov K. M. Management resources of the school organization [ electronic resource] - Access mode: - URL:
  6. Shane, E. H. Organizational culture and leadership / Per. from English; ed. V. A. Spivak. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002.

Methodological development on the topic


Mogdoeva Marfa Petrovna1

The issue of organizational culture of organizations is relevant today and its relevance will grow. Organizational culture is a new field of knowledge, part of a series of management sciences. It also stood out from the field of knowledge - organizational behavior. The main goal of organizational behavior is to help people perform their duties more productively and get satisfaction from this. The teacher, becoming a member of a preschool educational organization, gradually learns its rules and norms of behavior, as well as ideals, which in the future can become the value and life guidelines of the individual. Undoubtedly, the culture of the organization, within which socialization and personality formation continues, bears a huge responsibility for the future fate of its members.

Organizational culture is a system of beliefs, norms, values, worldview, the psychological climate of the team, which can be directed in a certain direction. Knowing the characteristics of organizational culture, you can predict some points in the behavior of employees. People are the carriers of organizational culture. However, in organizations with a well-established organizational culture, it seems to be separated from people and becomes an attribute of the organization, a part of it that has an active impact on the members of the organization, modifying their behavior in accordance with the norms and values ​​that form its basis.

Since culture plays a very important role in the life of an organization, it should be the subject of close attention from management. Progressive leaders view their organization's culture as a powerful strategic tool to orient all departments and individuals towards common goals, mobilize employee initiative, build loyalty, and facilitate communication.

To do this, a modern leader must know the theory of organizational culture in order to effective management by its organization.

The analysis of scientific, psychological literature allowed us to come to the following conclusions:

1. Success in the activities of a modern institution is determined to a large extent by the cohesion of the staff, the reliability and familiarity of vertical and horizontal connections, trusting, harmonious and mutually beneficial relations between management and employees. " good organization- most profitable investment capital" - says one of the principles of management.

2. Organization is a living breathing organism. And like any living being, he has a face, image, philosophy, history, and, we must not forget that he has a culture.

3. The success of an enterprise results from the interaction of all employees, pursuing common goals, which must be real, understood by each employee and reflect the main character of the enterprise. An institution that will not be different from many others like it is immediately programmed to fail. For years we have been told organized work, identifying it with the work of the organization, but it is not the organization that works, but the people - the staff. Exactly human factor, i.e. a well-developed organizational culture, rather than plants, equipment and inventories are the cornerstone of competitiveness, economic growth and efficiency.

4. Most often, organizational culture is defined as a set of important assumptions made by company members. Although people are carriers of organizational culture, it is a kind of independent entity, and its parameters do not coincide with the individual culture of individual members of the company. Organizational culture is subject to change. Usually, it changes constantly, throughout the life of the organization, under the influence of both external environment, as well as internal.

5. An institution may have an already established organizational culture, in which case it is faced with the task of preserving and maintaining the culture, or the task of changing it. The institution may also be at the stage of forming an organizational culture, in which case it must ensure that this process does not get out of control.

6. Organizational culture is a kind of cement that holds the organization together, the key to its stability. A decisive role in the formation of an effective organizational culture should be played by Russian leaders of a new type, capable of turning it from a catchy epithet into an essential property of the enterprises themselves, their most powerful unifying and inspiring principle.

7. It is the constant and purposeful work with the staff that determines the success of the organizational culture formation. Even the most modern structures, magnificent organizational projects, competently executed job descriptions and positions - all this remains on paper if it does not become a way of thinking and the basis of a professional organizational activities DOE employees. The requirements for professional knowledge, skills and qualities of managers and specialists, as well as other employees, should be formed on the basis of the ideology of organizational behavior adopted in the preschool educational institution. Thus, the organizational culture is formed.

pedagogical sciences

  • Zhuravleva Svetlana Nikolaevna, master, student
  • Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University. V.P. Astafieva, Krasnoyarsk

This article describes the study of the organizational culture of the municipal state-owned preschool educational institution kindergarten "Smile" according to the method of K. Cameron, R. Quinn "Diagnostics of organizational culture", and also provides recommendations for the targeted development of the organizational culture of the institution.

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What preschool educational institution can be called developing and developing? In our opinion, this is a preschool educational institution, which creates optimal conditions for the self-development of children's and adult teams as a whole, as well as each child, teacher and parent.

Designing the educational process in the conditions of updated education requires leaders, teachers, individual original solutions and productive activities. To competently organize the management of a team, you need to know the type of organizational culture of this team, its values. To do this, we conducted a study according to the methodology of K. Cameron, R. Quinn "Diagnostics of organizational culture".

The purpose of the study: to determine the type of organizational culture preschool and its condition in general, and, having assessed human resources, to build a further strategy of behavior.

Research method: Methodology of K. Cameron, R. Quinn "Diagnostics of organizational culture"

Participants of the study: The teaching staff of MKDOU d / s "Smile" in the amount of 10 people

Research course: The team members were offered a questionnaire containing six sections with four options for statements.

Instructions for the methodology: By completing the proposed questionnaire, you can get a picture of how the institution works and what values ​​it is characterized by. There are no right or wrong answers to the questions provided. Each of the six questions included in the methodology suggests four alternative answers. Distribute the 100-point scores between these four options in the weight ratio that best suits your institution. The largest number Give points to the answer that best suits you. Make sure you answer each of the six questions with a total of 100 points. Put the points in the "Now" column - how you rate your institution as it appears to you at the present time. In the “Preferred” column, allocate points to assess the future desired state of the organization.

Table 1. The results of the diagnostics of the organizational culture of the teaching staff of the MKDOU d / s "Smile"

Crop Type / Parameter








general characteristics

General style

Team management

Linking Entity

Strategic Goals

Success Criteria

Average score

Organizational profiles based on the results of the study according to the methodology of K. Cameron, R. Quinn "Diagnostics of organizational culture" in MKDOU d / s "Smile"

Figure 1. Organizational culture of MKDOU d / s "Smile" Figure 2. General characteristics of the organization MKDOU d / s "Smile" Figure 3. General leadership style in MKDOU d / s "Smile" Figure 4. Management of employees of MKDOU d / s "Smile" Figure 5. Connecting entity MKDOU d / s "Smile" Figure 6. Strategic goals of MKDOU d / s "Smile" Figure 7. Success criteria

The results of the study show that the family (clan) culture prevails in the team, which confirms the relationships that have developed in the team based on openness and the development of human resources. The team is a cohesive team operating in a turbulent, rapidly changing environment. The main features of these changes are difficulties in long-term planning, when decision-making is associated with some uncertainty and an effective way to coordinate organizational activities is the undoubted confidence that all team members share the same values ​​and goals. The team is dominated by a high degree of commitment.

To a lesser extent and almost in equal proportions, innovative (adhocracy) and productive (market) organizational cultures are represented. This suggests that educators are willing to experiment and take risks. The organization focuses on the acquisition and development of new educational approaches, technologies and methods. Individual initiative of teachers is encouraged.

At the same time, the organizational culture is focused on achieving an educational result, the main concern of the teaching staff is the precise fulfillment of educational and educational tasks. Teachers are distinguished by purposefulness, rivalry between employees is typical. Leaders are tough, demanding leaders who are capable of making tough decisions for the sake of a cause. The organization is held together by the desire for high educational results. Reputation and success are a common concern. perspective strategic development associated with problem solving.

The role (hierarchical) organizational culture is the least expressed in the institution. In which the activities of the team are formalized and structured. The activities of teachers are governed by clear rules and instructions. Leaders and executives pride themselves on being rational organizers and facilitators. It is important for the institution to maintain a smooth flow of all internal affairs. The institution unites the desire of employees to follow the developed rules and the official educational policy. Long-term concerns are to ensure the regularity and stability of the educational process and all life kindergarten. Success is defined as stability and the avoidance of all sorts of problems. The administration is concerned about the predictability of changes in the external situation and the provision of guarantees for the long-term professional employment of employees.

The results of assessing the future desirable state of the organization were as follows:

In the future, the team sees a significant increase in innovation (adhocracy), where teachers will work dynamically and creatively, take risks, grow professionally, which will allow them to master new educational approaches, technologies and methods in the long term, the result of which will be the development of new methodological products, and, consequently, providing students with new educational services.

At the same time, in the desired future of the organization, family (clan) and productive (market) organizational cultures are significantly reduced due to the willingness to experiment and take risks, to be innovators capable of professional search. These two types of culture, as well as role-based organizational culture, are represented in the desired image of the institution in approximately equal low proportions.

If we consider all six questions of the questionnaire separately, we can note the following:

By their own general characteristics preschool educational institution is focused on family organizational culture. Elements of performance and role culture are much less pronounced. In the future, the team sees the predominance of innovative culture with a decrease in family culture and an increase in productive culture.

The leadership style that exists today is characterized by the predominance of family culture with a less pronounced innovative, productive one. The role culture is poorly expressed. leader mentor capable of exercising feedback and build personal relationships. The leader of the predictable future is an innovator capable of professional growth. (the predominance of innovative culture).

The management style of the teaching staff is characterized by the encouragement of both joint group work in solving tasks, as well as individual initiative and freedom of teachers. Characteristics inherent in family and innovation cultures predominate. In the desired future, respondents note an even stronger innovative organizational culture, combined with a family one, with a significant decrease in performance culture.

A preschool institution is tied together by the desire for high educational results, a dynamic and creative organization of activities, dedication to a common cause, a spirit of experiment and innovation, as well as mutual trust. The institution strives to be an ideological and methodological leader. Thus, the binding essence of the institution is based mainly on the values ​​of productive, family, innovative organizational cultures, with a small share of signs of a role culture.

In the future, we see the strengthening of the innovative structure by lowering the family, productive and role-based organizational cultures. According to teachers, in order to be more successful, you need to experiment, master new methods, approaches, technologies, develop new methodological products and provide new educational services. To a lesser extent, the essence of the institution should be bound by formal rules and official educational policy, the desire for a smooth flow of affairs.

At present, in a preschool institution, the greatest value in strategic planning given to the solution of tasks, high degree commitment, high educational results, emphasis is placed on the long-term benefits of personal improvement of employees. Thus, the predominance of family and productive organizational cultures is visible. The strategic goals in the desired future are the acquisition and development of new educational approaches, technologies and methods.

The criteria for success are currently determined by the institution on the basis of the characteristics of family and innovation cultures (kind feelings and care for each pupil), with a significant desire in the future to innovative organization where the desire to be an ideological and methodological leader among educational institutions will be valued.

It takes a long time to create a new organizational culture, as the old organizational culture, or old traditional behavior, takes root in the minds of people who remain committed to it. This work includes the formation new mission, the goals of the organization, its ideology, models of effective leadership, the use of experience from previous activities, an assessment of the effectiveness of the organization, its formal structure, the design of premises and buildings, etc.

  1. Development of an innovative type of organizational culture:
    • formation creative groups to solve the strategic tasks of the development of the institution;
    • support for teachers who work creatively in an innovative mode.
    • encouragement of individual initiative of teachers.


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