Download presentation on organizational behavior. Presentation on the topic "organizational behavior". Types of organizational commitment

  • 27.04.2020

1. Fundamentals of the theory of organizational behavior 2. The person in the organization 3. The process of perception and impression management 4. Conflicts in the organization 5. Business negotiations 6. Organizational life cycle 7. Organizational change management 8. Organizational culture

RECOMMENDED LITERATURE Main literature Vikhansky O.S., Naumov A.I. Management: Textbook. M.: Gardarika, Newstrom DV, Davis K. Organizational behavior. SPb., Lutens F. Organizational behavior. M., 1999.

Additional literature: 1. Ashirov D.A. Organizational Behavior: Textbook. M., Kartashova L.N., Nikonova T.V., Solomanidina T.O. Organizational Behavior: Textbook. M., Kochetkova A.I. Introduction to organizational behavior. M., Organizational behavior: Textbook for universities / Ed. G.R. Latfullina, O.N. Thunderous. - St. Petersburg, Sergeev A.M. Organizational Behavior: Those who have chosen the profession of manager: Uch. Allowance. - M., 2005.

OBJECTIVES OF SCIENCE OP: Systematized description of people's behavior in various situations that arise in the labor process Explaining the reasons for the actions of individuals in certain conditions Predicting the behavior of workers in the future Mastering the skills of managing people's behavior in the labor process and improving them

Results Oriented Approach EP programs are assessed by their outcomes The role of EP in work systems: 1. Knowledge skills = abilities 2. Position situation = motivation 3. Ability motivation = potential outcomes of the individual 4. Outcomes resources capabilities = organizational outcomes of the individual

Organizational behavior system Leadership, communications, group dynamics Organizational culture Formal organization Informal organization Philosophy, values, vision, goals, tasks of management Social environment Quality of working life Motivation Outcomes: organization performance and employee satisfaction personal growth and development

Basis of the model Power Orientation of management Powers Orientation of workers Subordination Psychological result for the employee Dependence on the immediate supervisor Satisfying the needs of the employee Existence needs Participation of employees in the labor process Minimum Authoritarian model of EP

Model Basis Economic Resources Management Orientation Money Orientation of Workers Safety and Benefits Psychological Outcome for Worker Organizational Dependence Satisfying Worker Needs Safety Needs Worker Participation in the Work Process Passive Cooperation Custody Model

Basis of the model Management Orientation of management Support Orientation of employees Fulfillment of work tasks Psychological outcome for the employee Participation in management Satisfying the needs of the employee Status and recognition needs Employee participation in the work process Awakened incentives Supportive model of EP

Model basis Partnership Orientation of management Teamwork Orientation of employees Responsible behavior Psychological result for an employee Self-discipline Satisfying the needs of an employee Self-realization needs Participation of employees in the labor process Moderate enthusiasm Collegial model of EP

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    Introduction to organizational behavior.

    1. Social meaningfulness of management.

    The restructuring of management after 1998 becomes impossible without mastering the managers of science organizational behavior which studies the behavior of people and groups in an organization. This discipline integrates a number of related disciplines, including psychology, sociology, pedagogy, management and a number of others.

    As organizational systems in this discipline, an individual, a group (a labor collective (disappeared from the Civil Code)), an organization, communities (professional, territorial, national) are considered.

    organizational unit is the personality that underlies any organizational structures.

    2. Defining the discipline of organizational behavior.

    Organizational behavior- systematic scientific analysis of individuals, groups and organizations, with the aim of understanding, predicting and improving the individual performance and functioning of the organization (that is, the basis is the person).

    Organizational behavior– the study of people and groups in an organization. This is an academic discipline that helps the manager make effective decisions when working with people in a complex dynamic environment. It brings together concepts and theories related to individuals, groups, organizations as a whole.

    In accordance with the last definition, we will single out 3 levels of behavior problems :

    o Personal;

    o Group;

    o Corporate.

    3. Management concepts on which organizational behavior is based.

    Allocate 4 most important management concepts :

    1. Scientific Management(classical management).

    2. Administrative management.

    3. Management from the positions of psychology and human relations.

    4. Management from the standpoint of the science of behavior.

    Organizational behavior is based on the last two concepts, and together with personnel management form a public system of human resource management. The concept of management from the standpoint of psychology and human relations - management is seen as a science that ensures the performance of work with the help of other people, while the growth of labor productivity is largely ensured by changing the relationship between workers and managers, rather than by increasing wages. Research in this area has shown that changes in how people are treated can boost productivity. In turn, the concept of management from the standpoint of the science of behavior - the effectiveness of the organization directly depends on the effectiveness of its human resources. The components are: social interaction, motivation, power and leadership, organizational and communication system, content of work and quality of life.

    4. Approaches and methods to the study of organizational behavior.

    Can be distinguished two main approaches :

    1. Trial and error method. It is based on the accumulation of life experience, on the search for effective models of behavior.

    2. Use of special methods and methods of related disciplines. This approach is associated with mastering theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

    It is important for a leader to combine both of these approaches.

    When studying organizational behavior, we use following methods :

    o Surveys, including interviews, questionnaires, testing.

    o Collection and analysis of information is fixed (based on the study of documents).

    o Observation and experimentation.

    5. History reference.

    The studies of E. Mayo and the views of C. Bernardo focused on the human social factor in the organization, on the purpose of this factor. American researchers point to the existing role of the leader in the organization (C. Bernardo). The role that consists in mastering the social forces in the organization, in managing its informal components, in the formation of values ​​and norms. The views of Mayo and Bernardo were the prerequisites for expanding research in the framework of organizational behavior. The discipline of organizational behavior originates from the report of R. Gordon, D. Howell. The main conclusion of their research is that academic psychology is difficult for managers to use in practice. A new approach is required, which should generalize research into the behavior of individuals and groups in the organization. As a result, organizational behavior has united separate areas of psychology, sociology, pedagogy and other sciences.

    6. Features of organizational behavior in Russia.

    As a result of the changes taking place in the social, economic and managerial spheres, a certain approach is required, not only passive to the adaptation of people in these conditions, but also an active adaptation is necessary. These conditions are characterized by:

    1) Formation of specific features of organizational behavior in various groups and workers.

    2) Decrease in people's confidence in the future, the possibility of positive changes.

    3) Search for moral support in their children and fear of old age.

    7. Elements in management activities, management functions.

    Management activity consists of information preparation for making the implementation of a management decision. The manager is engaged in planning, organizing, controlling and performing the functions of a leader. The effectiveness of managerial activity is determined by certain qualities of the leader (skills of social interaction and interpersonal relations, focus on achieving success, social maturity, practical intelligence, ability to work hard, social adaptability, leadership).

    Elements of management activity.



    Wasteful Saving Use


    8. Personal development of the organization.

    Continuous improvement management personnel in its activities is the key to the sustainability and efficiency of the organization. There are various forms of learning, including self-learning, learning, learning by doing.

    The main factors determining the effectiveness of training in activities :

    o Personality, work, environment (feature of activity, environment, culture, understanding of the educational process, past learning experience, learning motivation, etc.).

    o Learning skills (setting management performance standards, evaluating achievements, identifying learning opportunities, continually developing curricula).

    Ability to learn is made up of:

    o Assessing your needs;

    o Planning for personal training;

    o Ability to listen;

    o Ability to self-knowledge, etc.

    personality in an organization.

    Choleric. A strong nervous system, easily switches from one job to another, but an unbalanced nervous system, which interferes with his accommodating and compatibility with other people.

    sanguine. A strong nervous system, has good performance, easily moves to another type of activity, easily survives failures.

    Phlegmatic person. A strong, efficient nervous system, but it is difficult to get involved in other work and adapt to a new environment, the predominance of a calm, even mood, feelings are constancy.

    melancholic. It is characterized by a low level of mental activity, slow movements, fatigue, high sensitivity. His sensitivity to others makes him universally accommodating with other people.

    Indicators of introversion - extraversion characterize the individual psychological orientation of a person, either to the world of external objects (extrovert), or to the inner subjective world (introvert). Extroverts characterized by sociability, impulsiveness, flexibility of behavior, great initiative, but little perseverance, high social adaptability, they are focused on external evaluation, they do well with work that requires quick decision-making. Introverts isolation, uncommunicativeness, social passivity (with sufficiently high perseverance), a tendency to introspection are inherent, they have difficulty in social adaptation. They cope well with monotonous work, neat and pedantic.

    The indicator of neuroticism characterizes a person in terms of his emotional stability (stability). Emotionally stable (stable) people are not prone to anxiety, resistant to external influences, inspire confidence, tend to lead. Emotionally unstable (neurotic) sensitive, emotional, anxious, tend to painfully experience failures and get upset over trifles.

    Each type of temperament is naturally conditioned, which the leader must take into account.

    Motivations of Maslow's theory are used by the leadership of the team:

    1. Physiological needs;

    2. Security needs;

    3. Social needs;

    4. Esteem needs;

    5. The need for self-expression.

    Actions of leaders towards subordinates methods of satisfying the needs of subordinates):

    Social needs.

    1) Give employees a job that allows them to communicate.

    2) Create a team spirit in the workplace.

    3) Hold periodic meetings with subordinates.

    4) Do not try to destroy the emerging informal groups, if they do not cause damage to the organization.

    5) Create conditions for social activity of members of the organization outside of work.

    The need for respect.

    1) Offer subordinates more meaningful work;

    2) Provide them with positive feedback on the results achieved.

    3) Appreciate and encourage the results achieved by subordinates.

    4) Involve subordinates in setting goals and making decisions.

    5) Delegate additional rights and powers to subordinates.

    Methodical and methodological foundations

    organizational behavior.

    1. Types of sociological research:

    Intelligence research. The simplest form of specifically sociological analysis. Solves very limited tasks, covers small groups of people, is based on a simplified program and a concise tools(understood various documents for the collection of primary information - questionnaires, interview forms, questionnaires etc.) This method is used to obtain preliminary information about the subject and object of research in in-depth studies.

    Descriptive research. A more complex type of specifically sociological analysis. It involves obtaining a holistic view of the phenomenon under study, its structural elements. It is carried out according to a complete, sufficiently detailed program and on the basis of tested tools. It is used when the object of study is a sufficiently large group of people (for example, the team of an enterprise: people of different professions and age categories, different levels education, etc.).

    Analytical research. The most in-depth type of sociological analysis. It aims to identify the causes and factors influencing the studied phenomena or process. The preparation of this study is associated with the development of a complete program and related tools.

    An independent type of analytical research is experiment. An experimental situation is created by changing the normal conditions of the object's functioning. During the experiment, the behavior of the factors involved is studied, which give the object new features and properties.

    2. Empirical data collection methods:

    Interview. The most common type of sociological research. Widely used to collect primary information (90% of all sociological data are collected using this type).

    The survey is subdivided:

    · Questioning;

    · Interviewing.

    At questioning pre-formulated questions for respondents.

    Interviewing used when the next question for the respondent depends on the answer to the previous question.

    sociological observation. It is a purposeful and systematized perception of a phenomenon, trait, property or feature. Forms of fixation can be different (form, observation diary, photo or film equipment, etc.).

    Document analysis. Text messages are the source of information. This method allows you to get information about past events. Can identify the trend and dynamics of changes in individual features of the object, consequences.

    3. Preparation of sociological research. Programs and research plan.

    Sociological research requires careful preparation. In this case, it is necessary:

    1) Take care of theoretical basis research;

    2) Think over the general logic of his behavior;

    3) Develop methodological documents to collect information;

    4) Form a working group of researchers;

    5) Provide the necessary resources (financial, human resources, etc.).

    Sociological research program:

    It is a strategic document that reveals the concept of the study and the intentions of the organizers to analyze the problem under study. The sociological research program includes:

    1. Methodological part :

    1.1. Substantiation of research problems. research problem called a contradictory situation posed by life itself, which affects the interests of the studied group of people.

    1.2. Object and subject of research. object research is the bearer of a particular problem. Subject research includes the sides and properties of the object that express the problem under study (the contradictions hidden in it).

    1.3. Purpose of the study. It is set depending on the studied properties of the object of study (if it is studied at the enterprise, then the purpose of the study will be to analyze the factors affecting the state of the production discipline and develop recommendations aimed at strengthening this discipline).

    1.4. Logical analysis of basic concepts. He resorts to indirect methods of dismembering the subject of analysis. It is not the phenomenon under study that is dissected, but the concept that symbolizes this phenomenon. Logical analysis includes two procedures:

    o Interpretation of key concepts;

    o Operationalization of basic concepts.

    Example: the state of production discipline is the degree of conscious observance of the rules and norms of the labor process and labor technology.

    State of production discipline

    (structural operationalization)

    State of production discipline

    (analytical operationalization)

    State of production discipline

    Personal factors

    (factorial operationalization)

    1.5. Research hypothesis. A scientific assumption put forward to explain any facts, phenomena or processes that need to be confirmed or refuted. Hypotheses:

    · Basic;

    · Additional.

    1.6. Research objectives. Based on the formulated hypotheses, the research task is set, they can also be:

    · Basic;

    · Additional.

    1.7. Definition of sampling sets. It is necessary to justify the size (project) of the sample. The sample must be representative (reflect the properties of the general population) so that the results of the research can be extended to the entire group of people.

    1.8. Primary information collection methods:

    1) Secondary analysis of statistical materials based on factory data based on the results of previous studies;

    2) Collection of primary information using questionnaires.

    1.9. The logical structure of the toolkit and the collection of primary information.

    The logical structure of the worker's questionnaire.

    Questions in the questionnaire:

    1) What are you currently working for? (profession for workers, position for engineers).

    2) Does your current profession match your professional education?

    010 fully complies

    011 corresponds partially

    012 does not match

    013 find it difficult to answer

    1.10. The logical scheme of information processing on a computer.


    Similar blocks are compiled for all the tasks put forward.

    2. Methodical part the program contains a description of the methods used to collect primary information, a work plan for the study, including preparation for a field study, a field study, preparation of information for processing, its processing on a computer and analysis of research results with conclusions and recommendations, preparation of supporting documents and selection of research standards (instructions are being prepared for questionnaires, coders, resource calculations are made according to current standards).

    4. Types of scales and rules for their construction.

    Nominal scale– advantages, objective signs of the respondent are measured.

    Rank (ordinal) scale- most of the subjective properties and characteristics of the respondent are measured, since it is difficult to find objective signs for them. The positions of the ranking scale are arranged in order from the most significant to the least significant (or vice versa).

    Interval scale- a measurable small number of properties and characteristics of the respondents, mainly those that can be expressed in numbers.

    5. Psychological methods.

    Based on the same principles as sociological methods.

    personality in an organization.

    1. Human factor.

    The human factor plays a decisive role in the activities of the organization. People are the least controllable. One of the main problems of organizational behavior is the problem of execution.

    Execution Formula :

    Execution = Individual * Effort * Organizational

    properties support

    Individual properties determine the ability of the employee to perform the assigned tasks.

    Efforts associated with the desire to fulfill.

    Organizational support provides performance.

    Platonov succeeded in revealing the problems of managing individual behavior in an organization. He highlighted:

    1) Biologically determined subsystem of personality (gender, age, properties of the nervous system);

    2) Individual forms of reflection of objective reality, including mental processes (memory, attention, thinking, etc.);

    3) Subsystem of experience (knowledge, abilities, skills);

    4) Socially conditioned subsystem (administrative orientation for a manager, relations between people, etc.).

    To biologically conditioned personality subsystem include age characteristics, differences in gender, race, temperament, physical characteristics.

    Age mental features.

    In management activities, it is necessary to take into account the psychological characteristics of age stages life path worker. Researchers distinguish two periods for active people in an organization:

    1. Adulthood:

    Early (21-25);

    · Average (25-45) (peak of intellectual achievements);

    Late (45-55) (decline in physical and mental strength);

    · Pre-retirement age(55-60) (peak of the most general social achievements);

    2. Aging:

    Removal from affairs;

    · Old age;

    Decrepitude (65-75).

    Each period involves the features of the behavior of the individual in organizations, which must be taken into account by the leader. With age, experience is accumulated, skills and abilities are formed, at the same time stereotypes are formed, which reduces the speed of mastering new knowledge and skills. The safety of a person's working capacity with age depends on the level of complexity of the tasks he solves in the organization, as well as on his ability to constantly learn.


    Determines the dynamics of a person's mental activity (the rate of occurrence and stability of mental processes, mental pace and rhythm, the intensity of mental processes, the direction of mental activity). To temperament properties relate:

    sensitivity- Sensitivity to environmental influences.

    Reactivity- a characteristic feature of involuntary reactions, Activity– defining arbitrary actions and their balances.

    Plasticity of behavior (adaptability) – rigidity(non-flexibility of behavior, reduced adaptability, difficulty in changing behavior when changing in the external environment).

    extraversion- orientation to the outside world, to objects and people, the need for external stimulation, involves work associated with novelty, diversity, unpredictability. introversion- implies a focus on internal stimuli, orientation on one's own feelings, inner life, implies predictability, order and stability in work.

    Neuroticism. Eysenck interpreted neuroticism as emotional instability, a high level of neuroticism causes low resistance to uncertainty (workers prefer clear, precise instructions, clear rules, structured tasks), the need for support from others, work-related self-esteem instability, sensitivity to successes and failures, sensitivity to threats. The physiological basis of temperament are basic properties of the nervous system :

    1) Strength - weakness;

    2) Balance - imbalance;

    3) Mobility - inertia.

    2. Mental processes, properties, states.

    Feel is a simple mental process. The sensation reflects the individual properties of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world and the internal state of a person.

    Perception involves the reflection in the human mind of integral objects and phenomena. Stand out:

    · Visual;

    · Hearing;

    · Taste;


    · Olfactory;

    · Vibrating;

    · Painful sensations;

    · Feeling of balance;

    · Feeling of acceleration.

    For organizational behavior, the concept is important threshold. If the stimulus is not strong enough, then the sensation does not arise. The difference threshold for weight is an increase of 1/30 of the original weight. In relation to light it is 1/100, to sound it is 1/10. The selectivity of perception plays both a positive role (the most significant signals are identified) and a negative role (information loss is possible).

    Apperception- dependence of perception on the general content of a person's mental life, his experience, interests, orientation.

    Under reflection organizational behavior refers to a person's awareness of how he is perceived by partners. Describing the situational communication of certain John and Henry, the researchers argue that at least 6 people are given in this situation. John as he really is, John as he sees himself and John as Henry sees him. Accordingly, 3 positions from Henry. In the condition of information deficiency, people begin to attribute to each other both the causes of behavior and other characteristics. People tend to reason. A bad person has bad traits good man- good. The idea of ​​contrast representations is that when negative traits are attributed to a bad person, the perceiving person himself, by contrast, evaluates himself as a carrier of positive traits.

    attraction- arising from the perception of a person by a person, the attractiveness of one of them for another.

    Thinking- mediated and generalized reflection of essential regular connections and relationships. Subordinates can differ from each other in criticality, breadth, independence, logic and flexibility of thinking. The listed features of the thinking of subordinates should be taken into account by the leader when setting tasks, delegating functions, predicting the reserves of mental activity. Complex creative tasks require additional efforts to solve them. At the same time, they use ways to activate thinking :

    1. Reformulation of the problem, graphical expression of conditions;

    2. The use of non-production associations (leading questions from a leader or colleague can contribute to solving problems);

    3. Creation of optimal motivation (sustainable motivation contributes to problem solving);

    4. Decrease in criticality in relation to own decisions.

    Attention- the orientation of the psyche to a specific object, which has a stable or situational value. Kinds:

    · Involuntary;

    · Arbitrary.

    Often the organization solves the problem of attracting the involuntary attention of customers to a new product or service. involuntary attention defined:

    a) Features of the stimulus (intensity, contrast, novelty);

    b) Compliance of the external stimulus with the internal state and needs of the person;

    c) Feelings (interest, entertainment);

    d) previous experience;

    e) The general orientation of the personality.

    Arbitrary attention determined by the goals and objectives of the activity, efforts of will.

    Memory- the processes of organizing and preserving past experience, making it possible to reuse it in activities. Memory processes:

    · Memorization;

    · Preservation;

    · Reproduction;

    · Forgetting.

    According to the duration of the preservation of the material, short-term and long-term memory are distinguished. Arbitrary (purposeful) and involuntary memorization, preservation and reproduction are also possible.

    Rules of involuntary memorization :

    1. It is better to remember the material related to the content of the main goal of the activity;

    2. The material that requires active mental work is remembered better;

    3. Great interest is the best memory.

    Arbitrary memorization techniques :

    1. Make a plan for the material to be memorized;

    2. Comparison of classification and systematization - contributes to the memorization of the material;

    3. Repetition must be meaningful and conscious, etc.

    Will- regulation by a person of his behavior, expressed in the ability to overcome external and internal difficulties in the performance of purposeful actions. For the organization, such strong-willed qualities of employees as determination, purposefulness, perseverance, independence and initiative are important. A significant problem for the organization can be the indecisiveness of the staff due to lack of information, the struggle of motives, the peculiarities of the person's temperament, etc.

    Emotions- reflect the subjective meaning for a person, objects and phenomena in specific conditions. Allocate emotional reactions :

    · Emotional response;

    Emotional outburst;

    · Affect (over-emotional reaction).

    Emotional condition :

    · Mood;

    · Stress;

    · Manifestation, for example, of a sense of duty, patriotism, etc.

    The leader must know how certain emotions and feelings arise.

    Stress- a set of protective reactions of the body, a state of tension that occurs in difficult life situations. The effect of stress intensity on individual human activity is shown in the figure.

    In the destructive zone to the opposite effect. Therefore, we can conclude that there is an optimal level of stress that ensures high performance. To overcome stress, its causes are identified (see diagram).

    Motivation of labor behavior.

    Labor behavior determined by the interaction of various internal and external motivating forces. Inner driving forces :

    · Needs;

    · Interests;

    · Desires;

    · aspirations;

    · Values;

    Value orientations;

    · Ideals;

    · Motives.

    The listed components are structural elements of the process of motivation of labor activity.

    Motivation process- this is the process of formation, functioning of internal motive forces that determine labor behavior. A deep source of motivation for a person's labor behavior is needs, which are understood as the need, the need for something for an employee, a team. There is a tradition of dividing needs into primary (natural and material) and secondary (social and moral). The relationship between these types of needs is complex, which contributed to the emergence various social technologies:

    1. Primary needs weigh more than secondary needs. The most famous such theory is Maslow's theory of needs, in which all needs are divided into 5 steps:

    Physiological needs

    The need for security is primary

    The need for social connections

    The need for self esteem

    The need for self-expression secondary

    2. Primary and secondary needs are equivalent, equally weighty. Their simultaneous implementation gives effective and acceptable motives for work.

    3. In the absence of the ability to satisfy the primary need, their motivational functions are transferred to secondary needs (outside of motives, human activity is not possible).

    4. In the real mechanism of labor activity motivations, primary and secondary needs are difficult to distinguish, often coincide with each other. So wages are a condition not only for material, but also for spiritual consumption. Orientation to authority and career is often a converted form of striving for material prospects.

    5. Secondary needs weigh more than primary needs. In some cases, the material cannot replace and compensate for the moral. The material stimulus is significantly refracted through the moral nature of man.

    Personal Needs appear in the form:

    1) Material needs (food, clothing, housing, personal security, rest);

    2) Spiritual (intellectual) needs (in knowledge, in familiarization with culture, science, art);

    3) Social needs associated with a person's relationship with other members of society.

    Personal needs may be:

    · Conscious;

    · Unconscious.

    Only a conscious need becomes a stimulus and regulator of labor behavior. In this case, the needs acquire a specific form of interest in those activities, objects and subjects. Any need can give rise to a variety of interests.

    Need shows what a person needs, and interest How to act to satisfy this need. In the process of labor activity, collective (group) and personal interests constantly collide. The task of any team is to provide optimal combination interests. The types of collective interests are:

    · Corporate;

    departmental interests.

    A mismatch of interests is observed when corporate interests prevail over public interests (in this case, departmental (collective, group) egoism).

    Other important elements of the process of labor motivation are values ​​and value orientation.

    Values- a person's idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsignificant phenomena and objects for him, about the main goals of life and work. And also about the means to achieve the goal. Values ​​may or may not correspond to the content of the needs of interests. Values ​​are not a cast of needs and interests, but an ideal representation that does not always correspond to them.

    The orientation of the personality to certain values ​​of material, spiritual culture characterizes it. value orientations, which serve as a guide in the behavior of the individual. There are values-goals (terminal) and values-means (instrumental). The former reflect the strategic goals of human existence (health, interesting job, love, material security). The latter are means to achieve the goal (a sense of duty, a strong will, the ability to keep one's word, etc.), and can also represent a person's beliefs (moral - immoral, good - bad). Among internal stimuli, the motive is the link preceding the action.

    Under motive is understood as a state of predisposition, readiness, inclination of a person to act in one way or another.

    Predisposition- the internal position of the employee in relation to various objects and situations.

    motive means by which a person explains and justifies his behavior. Motives give personal meaning to the work situation. Stable readiness for certain actions is expressed by the concept installation.

    Functions of motives :

    1) Orienting (the motive directs the behavior of the employee in a situation of choosing options for this behavior);

    2) Meaningful (the motive determines the subjective significance of this behavior for the employee, revealing its personal meaning);

    3) mediating (the motive is born at the junction of internal and external motivating forces, mediating their influence on behavior);

    4) Mobilizing (the motive mobilizes the forces of the employee for the implementation of significant activities for him);

    5) Justifying (a person justifies his behavior).

    There are the following types of motives :

    Motives of motivation (true real motives that activate to action);

    Motives of judgment (proclaimed, openly recognized, carry the function of explaining their behavior to themselves and others);

    Motives of the brake (they keep from certain actions, human activity is justified simultaneously by several motives or a motivational core).

    The structure of the motivational core varies depending on the specific working conditions:

    1) The situation of choosing a specialty or place of work;

    2) Daily work situation;

    3) Situation of change of place of work or profession;

    4) The innovative situation is associated with a change in the characteristics of the working environment;

    5) Conflict situation.

    For example, for everyday work behavior, the motivational core includes the following motives:

    a) Motivations for providing the most important social needs first;

    b) The motives of recognition, that is, the desire of a person to combine his functional activity with a certain occupation.

    c) Motives of prestige, the desire of the employee to realize his social role, to occupy a worthy social status.

    The mechanism of regulation of labor behavior.

    Social norms play a significant role in the value regulation of labor behavior. Values ​​set the direction of human behavior, and norms regulate specific actions and actions. The norms prescribe to the employee official and permissible actions in the sphere of work. Social norms are formed on the basis of the values ​​of the labor collective. Their purpose is to ensure that employee behavior is consistent with shared collective values. Performing a prescriptive function, the norm sets the employee a certain official type of behavior. Dependence on the method of establishing the norm is divided into:

    Legal (legislative);

    Professionally official (role prescriptions fixed in job descriptions);

    Moral (reflect the ideals of social justice).

    Conflicts. Conflict Management.

    Conflict- this is a disagreement between two or more parties, when each side tries to make sure that its views or goals are accepted, and prevent the other side from doing the same.

    Conflict- this is one of the forms of interaction between people and groups, in which the actions of one side, colliding with the other, impede the realization of the goal.

    The conflict should be distinguished from the usual contradictions (simple disagreement, disagreement of positions, opposition of opinions on a particular issue).

    A labor dispute arises when :

    a) The contradiction reflects the mutually exclusive positions of the subjects;

    b) The degree of confrontation is quite high;

    c) The contradiction is understandable or incomprehensible;

    d) Controversy arises instantly, unexpectedly, or accumulates for a long time before social clashes arise.

    Subjects and participants of the conflict.

    These two concepts are not always identical.

    Subject of the conflict- an active party capable of creating a conflict situation and influencing the course of the conflict in accordance with its interests.

    Participant in the conflict maybe:

    a) Consciously or not fully aware of the goals, objectives of the confrontation to take part in the conflict;

    b) To be accidentally or against his will involved in the conflict.

    During the conflict, the statuses of participants and subjects of the conflict may change places.

    Participants in the conflict distinguish:

    · Direct;

    · Indirect.

    Indirect participants pursue their own interests and may:

    Provoke conflict and contribute to its development;

    · Contribute to the reduction of the intensity of the conflict and its complete cessation;

    Support one or the other side of the conflict, or both sides at the same time.

    The term " side of the conflict» includes both direct and indirect participants in the conflict. As the primary subjects of the labor conflict are individual workers, labor groups, teams of organizations, if their goals collide in the labor process and in distribution relations. It is they who are aware of and fundamentally relate to the emerging contradictions. Participants join the conflict for a variety of motives (interested attitude, support of the right side, just a desire to participate in events).

    Organizational conflict can take many forms. But regardless of the nature of the conflict, managers must be able to analyze it, understand and manage it.

    Classification of organizational conflicts.

    Classification can be carried out according to a number of criteria:

    I. By the number of participants:

    · Intrapersonal;

    · Interpersonal;

    · Between the individual and the group;

    · Intergroup;

    · Interorganizational.

    II. Membership status:

    Horizontal (between parties that have one social status);

    · Vertical (between parties located at different levels of the management hierarchy).

    III. According to the features of social relations:

    Business (about the functions performed);

    Emotional (associated with personal rejection).

    IV. According to the severity of conflicts:

    · Open;

    Hidden (latent).

    V. By organizational design:

    · Natural;

    Organizationally formalized (requirements are recorded in writing).

    VI. By predominant impact on the organization:

    · Destructive (slow down the activities of the organization);

    Constructive (contribute to the development of the organization).

    The structure of the conflict.

    Components elements of conflict are:

    1. Opponents– subjects and participants of the conflict;

    2. Conflict situation- the basis for the conflict;

    3. Object of conflict- the specific cause of the conflict, its driving force. Objects can be of three types:

    1) Objects that cannot be divided into parts;

    2) Objects that can be divided in various proportions between participants;

    3) Objects that participants can own jointly.

    4. Cause of conflict- can be internal and external, objective and subjective.

    objective :

    · Limited resources;

    · Structural dependence of the participants in the production process from each other and other points.

    subjective :

    · Differences in values, in value orientations, norms of behavior of employees;

    · Personal characteristics of character.

    5. Incident- a formal reason for the start of a direct clash of the parties. It can happen accidentally or can be provoked by the actors of the conflict. The incident marks the transition of the conflict to a new quality, while it is possible 3 options for the behavior of the parties to the conflict :

    The parties seek to resolve the differences that have arisen and to find compromise solution;

    One of the parties pretends that nothing happened (avoidance of the conflict);

    · The incident becomes a signal for the start of open clashes.

    Stages of the conflict.

    The first stage is pre-conflict (hidden). At this stage, the participants evaluate their resources and look for supporters.

    The second stage of development (conflict perception). People feel potential disagreements, irritation, anger, anxiety. The feeling of anxiety is evidence of the perception of the situation as a conflict. Threats are related to the fact that the other side hinders the achievement of goals, blocks intentions and means to achieve goals. The parties have doubts about whether they can trust each other.

    The third stage of open conflict. It is characterized by statements, actions and reactions of the conflicting parties. This stage begins with a clearly defined challenge (threat) and ends with a critical point (peak, climax) of the conflict.

    The fourth stage is conflict resolution. A way out of a conflict situation is possible when the causes of the conflict are eliminated. This requires negotiations. If the parties cannot agree, then it is possible to involve intermediaries, use a conciliation commission, and resort to labor arbitration. A special division has been created under the Ministry of Labor - a conflict resolution service that has its own structures in the regions.

    Reasons for the conflict.

    See diagram " Sources of conflict ».

    The first step in conflict management is to understand its sources. After determining the causes of the conflict, the leader must minimize the number of participants. If in the process of conflict analysis the leader cannot establish its natural sources, then it is possible to involve his competent specialists and experts. There are three points of view regarding the conflict :

    1. The manager believes that the conflict is not needed and only harms the organization. The task of the manager is to eliminate the conflict by any means;

    2. The manager believes that conflict is an undesirable but common by-product of the organization. The task of the manager is to resolve the conflict;

    3. The manager believes that conflict is not only inevitable, but necessary and potentially beneficial.

    Depending on what point of view the manager adheres to, the procedure for overcoming the conflict depends. Conflict management methods are divided into 2 groups :



    Of particular difficulty for managers is finding ways to resolve interpersonal conflicts. There are several behavioral strategies and corresponding tactics of a manager's behavior in a conflict situation. The manager's behavior in a conflict situation has essentially two independent dimensions.

    Strategies :

    Assertiveness (perseverance). The strategy is aimed at realizing one's own interests, achieving one's own, often mercantile, goals.

    Partnership (cooperativeness). It is characterized by the behavior of the individual, the direction of taking into account the interests of other persons. This is a strategy of consent, search and increase of common interests.

    Tactics of behavior


    The combination of strategies with varying degrees of their severity is determined by 5 Essential Tactics for Managing Interpersonal Conflicts :

    1) Avoidance Tactics. The manager's actions are aimed at getting out of the situation without giving in, but not insisting on his own, refraining from entering into disputes and discussions, from expressing his position. In response to the presentation of charges to the manager, he transfers the conversation to another topic, denies the existence of a conflict, considers it useless.

    2) confrontation characterized by the desire of the manager to insist on his own way by openly fighting for his interests, taking a tough position of irreconcilable antagonism in case of resistance, the use of power, coercion, pressure, the use of dependence, the tendency to perceive the situation as a matter of victory or defeat.

    3) concession. In this case, the manager is ready to give in, neglecting his own interests. Avoid discussing controversial issues, agree with the claims of the opposite side. Seeks to support the partner, emphasizing common interests and hushing up differences.

    4) Cooperation- this tactic is characterized by the search for solutions that satisfy both the interests of the manager and the other person in the course of an open and frank exchange of views about the problem.

    5) Compromise characterized by the desire of the manager to settle disagreements, giving in something in exchange for concessions to another, the search for average solutions in which no one loses much, but does not win much, the interests of the manager and the opposite side are not disclosed.

    There are others conflict resolution management styles :

    1) Solution. It is characterized by the recognition of differences of opinion and the willingness to get acquainted with other points of view in order to understand the causes of the conflict and resolve it in a way acceptable to all parties. The manager does not achieve his goal at the expense of others, but seeks the best option resolving the problem that caused the conflict.

    2) Coordination- coordination of tactical sub-goals and behavior in the interests of the main goal or the solution of a common task. At the same time, conflicts are resolved with less cost and effort.

    3) Integrative problem solving. The way out of the conflict is based on such a solution to the problem that suits the conflicting parties. This is one of the most successful strategies, as the manager comes closest to resolving the conditions that gave rise to the conflict.

    4) Confrontation- this is a way to resolve the conflict by putting the problem on public display, all parties to the conflict are involved. The manager and the other party are confronting the problem, not each other. Public and open discussions are one of the effective means of conflict management.

    The main task of the manager is to identify the conflict and enter into it at an early stage. It has been established that if a manager enters into a conflict at the initial stage, then the conflict is resolved in 92% of cases, at the phase of the rise of the conflict in 46%, and at the “peak” stage, when passions are heated to the limit, the conflict is resolved with difficulty.

    Job Orientation

    1.1 - leadership style: the manager is not focused on either work or people, strives to keep the position;

    9.1 - the style is focused on people, even to the detriment of work;

    5.5 – flexible combination (on average), work and people orientation;

    9.9 - the most optimal leadership style, democratic, both production and personal problems are discussed.

    Labor adaptation.

    Adaptation- means the inclusion of an employee in a new for him tangible and social environment. At the same time, mutual adaptation of the worker and the environment is observed.

    Entering the enterprise, the employee has certain goals, needs, values, norms, attitudes of behavior and imposes certain requirements on the enterprise (the content of labor, working conditions, the level of remuneration).

    The enterprise, in turn, has its own goals and objectives, and imposes certain requirements on the education, qualifications, productivity, and discipline of the employee. It expects the employee to comply with the rules, social norms and traditions of the enterprise. Requirements for an employee are usually reflected in the relevant role prescriptions ( job descriptions). In addition to the professional role, the employee at the enterprise performs a number of social roles (becomes a colleague, subordinate or leader, member trade union organization).

    The process of adaptation will be the more successful, the more values ​​and norms of behavior of the enterprise become at the same time the values ​​and norms of behavior of the employee.

    There are adaptations:

    · Primary;


    Primary adaptation occurs during the initial entry of a young person into labor activity.

    Secondary adaptation associated with the transition of the employee to a new workplace(with or without a change of profession), as well as with a significant change in the working environment (technical, economic, social elements environments may change).

    By the nature of the inclusion of the employee in the changed working environment, adaptation can be :

    · Voluntary;

    · Forced (mainly at the initiative of the administration).

    Labor adaptation has a complex structure, in which there are:

    1) Psychophysiological adaptation- the process of mastering and adapting an employee to sanitary and hygienic conditions in a new place.

    2) Socio-psychological adaptation associated with the inclusion of the employee in the system of relationships of the team with its traditions, norms of life, value orientations.

    3) Professional adaptation expressed in the level of mastery of professional skills and abilities by the employee, labor functions.

    AT the process of adaptation, the employee goes through several stages :

    1st stage of familiarization. The employee receives information about the new working environment, about the criteria for evaluating his various actions, about the standards and norms of labor behavior.

    2nd stage of adaptation. The employee evaluates the information received and decides on the reorientation of his behavior, on the recognition of the main elements new system values. At the same time, the employee retains many of the previous settings.

    3rd stage of identification, that is, the complete adaptation of the employee to the new working environment. At this stage, the employee identifies personal goals and objectives with the goals and objectives of the enterprise.

    According to the level of identification, 3 groups of workers are distinguished :

    · Indifferent;

    · Partially identified;

    · Fully identified.

    The success of the adaptation of workers is judged by:

    · Objective indicators characterizing the actual behavior of an employee in his profession (for example, in terms of work efficiency, assessed as successful and high-quality completion of a task).

    · subjective indicators characterizing the social well-being of workers. These indicators are measured on the basis of a questionnaire survey by establishing, for example, the level of employee satisfaction with various aspects of labor, the desire to continue working at this enterprise.

    In different professional groups, there are different periods of adaptation (from several weeks to several months). The adaptation period for the team leader should be significantly shorter than for subordinates.

    The success of adaptation depends on a number of factors:

    I. Personal factors:

    · Socio-demographic characteristics;

    · Socially determined factors (education, experience, qualifications);

    Psychological factors (level of claims, self-perception), etc.

    II. Production factors - these are, in fact, elements of the production environment (including, for example, the nature and content of the work of a given profession, the level of organization of working conditions, etc.).

    III. Social factors :

    · Norms of relationships in the team;

    · Rules work schedule and etc.

    IV. Economic forces :

    · The amount of wages;

    · Various additional payments, etc.

    The professional task of organizational behavior specialists is to manage the adaptation process, which includes:

    1. Measuring the level of adaptation of various groups of workers;

    2. Identification of factors most influencing the terms of adaptation;

    3. Regulation of the adaptation process based on the identified factors;

    4. Stage-by-stage control of adaptation of workers.

    Labor collective (group behavior).

    The backbone of any organization is the workforce. People unite in organizations in order to jointly carry out labor activities, which have significant advantages over individual activities.

    The labor collective of the organization acts in the following capacities :

    1) As social organization. It is a kind of public institution and is characterized by a managerial hierarchy.

    2) As social community. It acts as an element in the social structure of society, indicating the presence of various social strata.

    Criteria for the classification of labor collectives:

    I. Ownership:

    · State;

    · Mixed;

    · Private.

    II. Activity:

    · Production;

    · Non-manufacturing.

    III. Time Criteria:

    · Continuous activity;

    · Temporary labor collectives.

    IV. By association:

    · Top level (collective of all organizations);

    Intermediate (subdivisions);

    · Primary (department).

    V. Functions:


    Satisfaction of social needs;

    · Socially-integrative function;

    · Participation in the life of the region.

    VI. Social structures:

    · Production and functional;

    · Socio-professional;

    · Socio-economic;

    · Socio-psychological;

    · Socio-demographic;

    · Socio-organizational.

    VII. Cohesion:

    · Cohesive;

    · Dissected;

    · Disconnected.

    Essential Functions labor collective.

    Labor collectives implement the following main functions:

    target- a fundamental function, for the implementation of which a labor collective is created.

    Conditions of social needs are implemented in providing employees with material benefits, in meeting the needs of team members in communication, in advanced training, developing abilities, raising status, etc.

    Social integrative function is realized as a result of team building in order to achieve the set goal, for the sake of influencing the behavior of employees and accepting certain values ​​and norms of the team.

    Participation in the industrial, economic, social life of the region within which the workforce operates. An optimal combination of all these functions is necessary, since the labor behavior of workers depends on their coordination. With the optimal combination of these functions, the enterprise is able to produce high-quality products and provide for the spiritual and material needs of both members of the workforce and residents of the country's region.

    The social structure of the labor collective.

    The social structure of the labor collective- the totality of its elements and the relationship between these elements. The elements of the social structure are social groups, which are a collection of individuals with different social characteristics. The following most important social structures are distinguished :

    1) Production and functional structure consists of production units, within which production and functional relations are formed between members of the team. These relationships can be horizontal (relations between workers with the same social status) and vertical (relations between workers with different social status). As a result of such a combination of relationships in the work team, on the one hand, a feeling of mutual responsibility, cooperation, competitiveness, etc. arises, and on the other hand, the relationship between leaders and subordinates.

    2) Socio-professional structure. Team members are people of different professions, different qualifications and not the same way of thinking. Professional qualification differences have a significant impact on social relations between team members on their mutual understanding and ultimately significantly affects labor behavior.

    3) Socio-economic structure. Members of the labor collective, the difference in wages, rights, property, profit sharing, working conditions, etc. As a result, in the workforce economic relations between members of the team may be in the nature of social partnership or the nature of the conflict (confrontation). All this significantly affects the labor behavior of the employee.

    4) Socio-psychological structure. It is formed on the basis of personal sympathies, friendship, common value orientations, hobbies and interests. This is, in fact, an informal structure that exists due to the fact that the labor collective is a complex world of socio-psychological relations.

    5) Socio-demographic structure It manifests itself in the interaction of a set of groups depending on gender, age, marital status, work experience. Each of these groups has its own value orientations and behavioral characteristics.

    6) Public organizational structures. Teams are formed by those operating at the enterprise public organizations.

    The emerging labor relations in the team are determined by a significant degree of the social structure of the work team and are a complex interweaving and interpenetration of various relations.

    Intra-collective cohesion and its impact

    on performance efficiency.

    Team Cohesion is her important social characteristic. Intra-collective cohesion is the unity of the labor behavior of the members of the team, based on the commonality of interests, values ​​and norms of behavior. This is an integral characteristic of the team. constituent elements, which advocate the harmony of the members of the team, their responsibility and obligation to each other, coordination of actions and mutual assistance in the labor process. In the process of rallying the labor collective, a unity of interests, norms of labor behavior, and collective values ​​are being formed. The result of the rallying process is manifested in the unity of opinions of the team members, in the attraction of employees to each other, help and support. As a result, a kind of cohesive atmosphere is created. Depending on the level of cohesion, labor collectives are divided into:

    1) Close-knit work teams are characterized by the stability of their composition, the maintenance of friendly contacts during working and non-working hours, a high level of labor and social activity, and high production indicators. As a result, a collective self-awareness arises that determines the labor behavior of workers.

    2) Dismembered work teams characterized by the presence of a number of socio-psychological groups that are unfriendly to each other. These teams are characterized by a wide variation in indicators of discipline and initiative.

    3) Fragmented work teams- functional relations dominate, and socio-psychological contacts are not developed. These teams are characterized by high staff turnover and conflict.

    To assess the level of cohesion of the workforce, such particular indicators as the coefficients of actual and potential staff turnover, the number of violations of labor and technological discipline, the number of conflicts, group indices of sociometric status and emotional expansiveness are used.

    Factors of cohesion of the labor collective.

    It is possible to regulate the level of cohesion of the labor collective based on the impact on cohesion factors. These factors are divided into:

    · Local.

    To common factors include the form of ownership of the means of production, the nature of labor, the features of the economic mechanism, sociocultural attributes (values, norms, traditions), which together operate at the macro level.

    Local factors can be grouped into 4 groups:

    1. Organizational and technical;

    2. Economic;

    3. Socio-psychological;

    4. Psychological.

    Organizational and technical factors are associated with the technical components of the enterprise and are characterized by the level of organization of production (creating conditions for rhythmic work, providing jobs with material elements of labor, a service system, etc.) and labor (the choice of one or another form of organization of the labor process: individual or collective), spatial the location of jobs (the frequency of contacts between employees depends, they determine the ways of communication in the labor process), the organizational order (they characterize the functional relationships and connections existing in the team).

    Economic forces are characterized by the forms and systems of remuneration used at the enterprise, features of bonuses. Here it is important that employees perceive the existing distribution relations in the team as fair and participate in this process.

    Socio-psychological factors include in their composition social and production informing the members of the team (consists in bringing to each employee common goals, tasks, norms, methods of definition, etc.). These factors determine the psychological climate of the team (the emotional mood of the team, the socio-psychological atmosphere in the team, which can be favorable and unfavorable, optimal and suboptimal). These factors are also determined by the leadership style, that is, the behavior of the leader, his organizational skills, and the ability to work with people.

    Psychological factors are manifested in the psychological compatibility of its members, a favorable combination of the properties of employees that contribute to the effectiveness joint activities.

    There are two types of compatibility :

    · Psychological compatibility, which involves the optimal combination of personal psychological properties (character traits, temperament, abilities, etc.).

    · Psychophysiological compatibility, which is associated with the synchronism of the individual mental activity of workers, with the level of development of their mental processes (perception, thinking, attention, etc.).


    Negotiation- this is the process of finding joint solutions for two or more parties with different points of view, preferences, priorities. Negotiations are seen as a search for reconciliation of common and conflicting interests.

    Initial terms of negotiations :

    · Interdependence;

    · Incomplete antagonism or incomplete cooperation.

    Negotiations are not needed in the following cases :

    1. If you have the ability to give orders or the right to instruct.

    2. If a consultant expresses a point of view that does not coincide with yours.

    3. If there is a third party that soberly assesses the situation and has the ability to make common decisions or impose certain decisions.

    First of all, it is necessary to highlight those situations in which negotiations are inappropriate. This will save time.

    Negotiation options:

    the subject of negotiations;

    · Area of ​​interest;

    · Time frame;

    · Topics of negotiations.

    Proper assessment of these parameters and their control allows you to guarantee better results of the negotiations.

    Stages of the negotiation process.


    Argumentation and counterargumentation

    starting positions

    Preparing for negotiations

    Thorough preparation is a prerequisite for the successful completion of negotiations. It is necessary to begin with the collection of information that will allow you to clarify the purpose of the negotiations, establish what agreement should be reached, and determine the best way to achieve it. At the stage of preparing negotiations, the best ways to conduct them should be identified. Negotiations can be built in a non-directive way or with a predominance of directive methods.

    Non-directive ways of negotiating involve:

    1) Readiness for an agreement (at least temporarily), that is, an agreement with what the opponent offers.

    2) Willingness to change one's own opinion, when this contributes to a constructive resolution of a critical situation and does not contradict the fundamental principles of the party that is ready to change its mind.

    3) Refusal to criticize the personality of the opponent and everything that affects his pride.

    4) Emphasizing the non-substantive business side of the negotiations.

    5) Selection and consolidation of statements that contribute to a constructive decision and agreement.

    6) The ability to listen to the opponent, the use of the principle of repetition of statements for a better understanding of the parties.

    7) Refusal to openly interpret (evaluate) the motives and intentions of opponents.

    8) Staging open questions devoid of ambiguity and subtext.

    One of the theories of negotiation is based on highlighting the characteristics of the intermediate stages and results of negotiations. These characteristics include an estimate of gains and losses. In this case, you need to plan 2 types of actions, namely the assumption of obligations and threats.

    The first type is obligations. It involves taking on obligations, as well as informing the opponent about existing circumstances. These circumstances should convince the opponent of the impossibility of making further concessions to the opposing side.

    The second type is threats. It is the demonstrated ability and willingness to inflict damage on the opponent. In this case, the method " show of force". In fact, this is a demonstration of the possibility of controlling the pace and time of negotiations.

    The effectiveness of negotiations largely depends on the self-control of the participants and control over the course of negotiations. Can also be selected pressure tactics. At the same time, the task is to create a situation where one of the parties is forced to make concessions.

    This tactic involves:

    1) Refusal to negotiate;

    2) Overstatement of requirements (at the beginning of negotiations);

    3) Increasing demands in the negotiation process;

    4) Delaying negotiations.

    Pressure tactics are effective only in rare cases. At the same time, when preparing for negotiations, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of the parties moving to different ways conducting negotiations.

    Negotiation process.

    In the process of negotiations, parties with different positions express them, discuss, argue and come to an agreement. The main tasks of the individual steps of the negotiation process are presented in the table.

    The key to success in negotiations is the ability and skills to conduct them:

    1. Drawing a clear line between opponents as a person and the issue under discussion.

    2. It is necessary to look at the problem through the eyes of the opponent. Opponent has certain needs, interests, attitudes, prejudices, takes a certain position.

    3. Emphasis on the ability to satisfy the opponent, and not on the interests that he wants to defend.

    4. Joint development alternatives.

    5. Search for an objective measure that allows you to evaluate the decisions made.

    In order to reach an agreement, the negotiator must be able to :

    1. Clearly state your positions.

    2. Listen to the description of the situation given by the opponent.

    3. Offer a solution.

    4. Listen to solutions (perceive) proposed by other participants in the negotiations.

    5. Discuss proposed solutions and, if necessary, be prepared to change your position.

    6. Have a good command of the language in which negotiations are being conducted or be able to work effectively with an interpreter.

    Thus, important skills in any negotiation are the ability to express, listen, suggest and change. The outcome of a negotiation often depends on the people involved. At the same time, people with the necessary skills and abilities achieve much more in negotiations. The ability of its participants to fix identification signals has a significant impact on the results of negotiations (it is important to understand what “no” means for participants in negotiations).

    Negotiations completed. Is the refusal to conclude a deal final or is it a technique by which opponents try to achieve favorable conditions and put the other side in a hopeless situation.

    Individual words, phrase construction, gestures, facial expressions, movements and actions can be identification signals when interpreting “no”. Professionals with experience in negotiating clearly determine whether “no” means the end of negotiations or “no” is “yes”, but under some conditions. For accurate fixation of identification signals from the situation of negotiation, it is necessary not to lose sight of all the participants in the negotiations and to observe their reactions and movements.

    Behavioral features of the negotiation process strongly depend on the subject and conditions of negotiation.

    Conducting negotiations in critical situations.

    A critical situation is created when the organization is threatened with the loss of significant values ​​(threat of financial damage, prosecution, loss of sales markets, public discrimination of the product, etc.).

    When negotiating under these conditions, take into account :

    1) A critical situation causes strong negative emotions (anxiety, fear, anger, a sense of threat, etc.) among negotiators.

    2) The intensity of negative emotions depends on the characteristics of the perception of a critical situation by the negotiators and is determined by:

    a) The value of the object under threat ( cash, company reputation, trade secrets, health, etc.);

    b) The probability of total or partial loss of this object;

    c) lack of time needed to solve the problem;

    d) Personal characteristics of the negotiators.

    3) Negative emotions make it difficult and distort the exchange of information, its perception by the negotiators;

    4) The behavior of people negotiating in a critical situation can contribute to its aggravation:

    a) Negotiators deliberately narrow and distort information;

    b) Negotiators avoid joint solutions to problems in the negotiation process or hinder their achievement.

    A way out of the critical situation that has developed in the negotiations is possible by attracting a third party (a neutral participant). In this case, the intermediary:

    a) Optimizes the exchange of information, filtering out emotionally rich and destructive information;

    b) Facilitates decision making by breaking down problems and reformulating questions;

    c) Helps the parties to make concessions to each other without damaging their prestige;

    d) Acts as a guarantor of the implementation of the agreement and thereby increases its value.

    In a critical situation, non-directive methods of negotiating turn out to be the most effective (See above).

    Negotiations on the financing of new production, associated with risk.

    Of the 100 cases of such negotiations, 10 end with the agreement of the capital owners for further consideration of the possibility of their entry into the case, and only 1 case ends with the conclusion of a deal. In negotiations of this type, entrepreneurs should take into account 3 groups of factors that encourage investors to risk capital investments:

    a) Mental characteristics of investors (groups of investors):

    · Temperament;

    · Character;

    The established line of conduct;

    · Propensity to take risks, etc.;

    b) An exceptional opportunity to achieve, receive, acquire, control, manage something;

    c) Probable excess profit from investments of capital.

    Consistently using one or more motivating factors in a negotiation leads to better outcomes.

    a) Take an offensive stance and present their actions as a search for the most suitable investor;

    b) Give concrete facts demonstrating the viability of the proposed investment project.

    Negotiating contracts.

    There are 4 groups of factors that determine the results of contract negotiations:

    1) Factors characterizing economic conditions external to the firm, these include:

    a) Conditions of competition;

    b) Legislative restrictions;

    c) National specifics in contracting between firms different countries.

    2) Features of the organizational structure of firms participating in the negotiations:

    a) Scale of production activities;

    b) The amount of income;

    c) Degree of formalization of management processes;

    d) Degree of management decentralization.

    3) Features of the participation and interaction of various management services in the process of concluding a contract. Opposing interests of employees and services of the company can have a significant impact on the process and results of negotiations.

    4) Personal characteristics of persons participating in the negotiations:

    a) Sex, age, education;

    b) General psychophysical condition;

    c) Personal interests;

    d) Attitudes, stereotypes.

    The negotiation process largely determines the nature of the contract. When preparing for negotiations, you should:

    · Collect the necessary and sufficient information about the reliability of the future partner, about the possibility of concluding a contract with other partners;

    Determine the desired outcome of the negotiations;

    · Develop a negotiating strategy, including the allowable level of concessions, as well as the sequence of offers and concessions.

    The organization carries out the restructuring of production in connection with the introduction new products. In these conditions, the task of adapting new employees is acute. It is necessary to determine:

    1. What types of adaptation come to the fore, and what factors determine them;

    2. Rank the factors using the method of pairwise comparisons.

    Organizational and administrative

    Changes in the organization. Innovations.

    The organization focuses its efforts on change if new strategies have been developed, its effectiveness is declining, it is in a state of crisis, or the management is pursuing its own personal goals. One of the components of the introduction of innovation is development of a new idea by the organization. The author of the idea must:

    1) Identify the interest in this group idea, including the consequences of the innovation for the group, the size of the group, the spread of opinions within the group, etc.;

    2) Develop a strategy to achieve the goal;

    3) Identify alternative strategies;

    4) Finally choose the strategy of action;

    5) Define a specific detailed action plan.

    People tend to have a wary negative attitude towards all changes, since an innovation usually poses a potential threat to habits, ways of thinking, status, etc. Allocate 3 types of potential threats in the implementation of innovations:

    a) Economic (decrease in income level or its decrease in the future);

    b) Psychological (feeling of uncertainty when changing requirements, responsibilities, work methods);

    c) Socio-psychological (loss of prestige, loss of status, etc.).

    A specially designed program to overcome resistance to change is required. In some cases when introducing innovations, it is necessary :

    a) Provide a guarantee that this will not be associated with a decrease in the income of employees;

    b) Invite employees to participate in making decisions about changes;

    c) Identify in advance the possible concerns of workers and develop compromise options based on their interests;

    d) Implement innovations gradually, on an experimental basis.

    The main principles of organizing work with people in innovation are:

    1. The principle of informing about the essence of the problem;

    2. The principle of preliminary assessment (informing at the preparatory stage about the necessary efforts, predicted difficulties, problems);

    3. The principle of initiative from below (it is necessary to distribute responsibility for the success of implementation at all levels);

    4. The principle of individual compensation (retraining, psychological training etc.);

    5. The principle of typological features of perception and innovation by different people.

    There are the following types of people in their attitude to innovation :

    1. innovators- people who are characterized by a constant search for opportunities to improve something;

    2. Enthusiasts- people who accept the new, regardless of the degree of its development and validity;

    3. Rationalists- they accept new ideas only after a thorough analysis of their usefulness, an assessment of the difficulty and possibility of using innovations;

    4. Neutrals- people who are not inclined to take a word for one useful proposal;

    5. Skeptics- these people can become good controllers of projects and proposals, but they slow down innovations;

    6. Conservatives- people who are critical of everything that is not tested by experience, their motto is "no novelties, no changes, no risk";

    7. Retrogrades- people who automatically reject everything new (“the old is obviously better than the new”).

    Types of possible consequences when changing the organizational structure :

    a) Potentially real conflicts in connection with the reorganization of old and the formation of new structural units;

    b) The emergence of a conflict of jobs, that is, it arises after a fuzzy definition of rights and obligations, distribution of power and responsibility;

    c) Formation among the members of the organization of uncertainty in the future, in the correctness of the chosen course;

    d) Changing communications within the organization leads to disruption of information flows, in some cases due to the concealment of information by a number of managers and employees.

    Organizational culture.

    organizational climate and organizational culture- two terms that serve to describe a set of characteristics inherent in a particular organization and distinguish it from other organizations.

    Organizational climate includes less stable characteristics, more subject to external and internal influences. With a common organizational culture of an enterprise organization, the organizational climate in its two departments can vary greatly (depending on the leadership style). Under the influence of organizational culture, the causes of contradictions between managers and subordinates can be eliminated.

    The main components of the organizational climate are:

    1. Managerial values ​​(the values ​​of managers and the peculiarities of the perception of these values ​​by employees are important for the organizational climate, both within formal and informal groups);

    2. Economic conditions (here it is very important to have a fair distribution of relations within the group, whether the team participates in the distribution of bonuses and incentives for employees);

    3. Organizational structure (its change leads to a significant change in the organizational climate in the organization);

    4. Characteristics of the members of the organization;

    5. The size of the organization (in large organizations, greater rigidity and more bureaucracy than in small ones, a creative, innovative climate, a higher level of cohesion is achieved in small organizations);

    7. Management style.

    In modern organizations, a lot of effort is put into the formation and study of the organizational climate. There are special methods for its study. It is necessary in the organization to form judgments among employees that the work is difficult, but interesting. In some organizations, the principles of interaction between the head and the staff were defined and fixed in writing, often increasing the level of team cohesion by organizing joint leisure employees and members of their families.

    Organizational culture- is a complex of the most stable and long-term characteristics of the organization. Organizational culture combines the values ​​and norms inherent in the organization, styles of management procedures, concepts of technological social development. Organizational culture sets the limits within which confident decision-making is possible at each level of management, the possibility of rational use of the organization's resources, determines responsibility, gives direction for development, regulates managerial activity, contributes to the identification of workers with the organization. Organizational culture influences behavior individual workers. Organizational culture has a significant impact on the effectiveness of the organization.

    Basic parameters of organizational culture :

    1. Emphasis on external (customer service, customer orientation) or internal tasks. Organizations are focused on customer satisfaction, have significant advantages in market economy, differs in competitiveness;

    2. The focus of activity on solving organizational problems or on the social aspects of the functioning of the organization;

    3. Measures of readiness for risk and the introduction of innovations;

    4. The degree of preference for group or individual forms decision making, that is, with a team or individually;

    5. The degree of subordination of activities to pre-drawn plans;

    6. Expressed cooperation or rivalry between individual members and groups in the organization;

    7. The degree of simplicity or complexity of organizational procedures;

    8. A measure of the loyalty of employees in the organization;

    9. The degree of awareness of employees about their role in achieving the goal in the organization

    Properties of organizational culture :

    1. Collaboration forms the team's ideas about organizational values ​​and ways to follow these values;

    2. commonality means that all knowledge, values, attitudes, customs are used by a group or labor collective to satisfy;

    3. Hierarchy and Priority, any culture represents a ranking of values, often the absolute values ​​of society are considered the main ones for the team;

    4. Consistency, organizational culture is complex system, which combines individual elements into a single whole.

    The influence of organizational culture on the organization's activities appears in the following forms:

    a) Identification by employees of their own goals with the goals of the organization through the adoption of its norms and values;

    b) Implementation of the norms prescribing the desire to achieve the goal;

    c) Formation of the organization's development strategy;

    d) The unity of the process of implementing the strategy and the evolution of the organizational culture under the influence of the external environment (the structure is changing, therefore, the organizational culture is changing).

    Making a managerial decision.

    Decision-making- the process of identifying a problem and finding alternatives in the environment for the best solution to this problem.

    The decision is made under the conditions :

    a) Certainty (the manager is confident in the results of each of the alternatives, chooses the most effective);

    b) Risk (the manager can determine the probability of success for each of the alternatives);

    c) Uncertainties (situation similar to risk conditions).

    Distinguish 2 main types management decisions :

    1. Typical tasks for which the decision-making algorithm is known;

    2. Non-standard tasks - require a creative approach when making a decision.

    Other criteria for classifying decisions:

    1) By the duration of the consequences of the decision (long-term, medium-term, short-term);

    2) By the frequency of decision-making (one-time, recurring);

    3) By breadth of coverage (general, concerning all employees and highly specialized);

    4) By the form of training (sole, consulting, group);

    5) By complexity (simple and complex).

    Decision making process:

    1. Problem Definition, consists in its detection and evaluation. Problem Detection - realizing that there was a deviation from the established plans, when there are many problems, it is important to choose a priority, which is also connected with the solution of other problems. Problem Assessment- Establishing its scope and nature, when a problem is detected, here it is necessary to assess the severity of the problem and evaluate the means to solve it.

    2. Revealing Constraints and Identifying Alternatives. The causes of the problem may lie outside the organization ( external environment that the manager cannot change) and internal problems that the manager can successfully address by establishing a possible alternative solution to these emerging problems.

    3. Decision-making, is associated with the choice of an alternative with favorable overall consequences.

    4. Solution Implementation consists in concretizing it and bringing it to the performer.

    5. control over the execution of the decision, consists in identifying deviations and making adjustments to implement the solution.

    Decision-making methods :

    A. Informal heuristic methods are based on the individual ability of managers. The methods are based on the manager's intuition, on his logical techniques and methods for choosing the optimal solution. These solutions are operational, but do not guarantee against errors.

    b. Collective Methods discussion and decision:

    a) A temporary team created to solve a specific problem, competent communicative employees capable of solving creative problems are selected;

    b) The method of brainstorming (brainstorming), consists in the joint generation of new ideas and in the subsequent decision-making;

    c) The Delphi method represents multi-level survey procedures, after each round the survey data is finalized and the results are reported to the experts, indicating the location of the assessments. After the assessments stabilize, the survey is terminated and a collective decision is made;

    C. Quantitative Methods decision-making use computers for modeling and processing information (linear modeling, dynamic programming, probabilistic statistical models, game theory, etc.).

    Implementation of management decisions.

    The main elements of the implementation of management decisions:

    1. goal setting- the process of developing a discussion and formalization of the goals that employees can achieve. If goals are not defined, then subordinates do not know what is expected of them, what responsibility they bear, they cannot focus on their work, they do not participate in decision-making and lose motivation in stressful activities. The simplified goal-setting model includes, on the one hand, the existing difficulties, and to specify the goals that through the linking mechanism (elements of the linking mechanism: efforts, perseverance, leadership, strategy, plans) affect the execution. On the other hand, execution depends on certain regulators (target commitments, Feedback, task complexity, situation). The complexity of management by goals is associated with the complexity of combining the goals of the manager and the subordinate.

    2. Familiarization. Performers should receive clear information about who, where, when, in what ways and means should carry out actions. Relevant to the decision.

    3. Use of power. Leaders use:

    1) Orders;

    2) Promises, threats;

    3) Regulations, norms, standards;

    4. Organization of execution, 2 types of execution:

    a) Role performance (within the functions of certain job descriptions);

    b) Performance outside of role functions.

    5. Control is one of the main elements of the implementation of management decisions.

    ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR 1. The concepts of "organization" and "organizational behavior". 2. History of the study of organizational behavior of people. 3. Problems solved by specialists in organizational behavior on present stage. 4. Features Russian business and behavior of people in the organization.

    1. The concepts of "organization" and "organizational behavior" Meanings of the word "organization" Meanings of the word "organization" The word "organization" has several meanings in Russian: Organization as an object - an association of people (place of work, institution). An organization as an object is an association of people (place of work, institution). Organization as a process - activity (manager organizes people). Organization as a process - activity (manager organizes people). Organization as a property - the degree of order (good-bad organization). Organization as a property - the degree of order (good-bad organization).

    With regard to organizational behavior, we are talking about an organization as an association of people, a place of work, which is specified in the following definition of an organization. An organization is a differentiated and mutually ordered association of individuals and groups that jointly realize certain goals and act on the basis of certain procedures and rules. An organization is a differentiated and mutually ordered association of individuals and groups that jointly realize certain goals and act on the basis of certain procedures and rules. An organization is a group of people working together in an industry to achieve a common goal. An organization is a group of people working together in an industry to achieve a common goal. The organization has both material resources (technology, capital, information) and human resources (people doing the required work).

    The concept of "organizational behavior" was first used by the American psychologist Fritz Roethlisberger in the late 1950s. The term took root in the early 60s. XX century, when several scientific disciplines united, explaining the processes that occur in the organization itself, as well as between its internal and external environment. The origins of organizational behavior as a scientific discipline are: industrial engineering, labor sociology, social psychology, management theory, political science, law, organization theory and other sciences. The concept of "organizational behavior" was first used by the American psychologist Fritz Roethlisberger in the late 1950s. The term took root in the early 60s. XX century, when several scientific disciplines united, explaining the processes that occur in the organization itself, as well as between its internal and external environment. The origins of organizational behavior as a scientific discipline are: industrial engineering, labor sociology, social psychology, management theory, political science, law, organization theory and other sciences.

    Examples of defining organizational behavior Organizational behavior is the behavior of employees involved in certain management processes, having their own cycles, rhythms, pace, structure of relationships, organizational framework and requirements for employees. (Krasovsky Yu.D.)

    Organizational behavior as a science studies the factors that influence the behavior of people in an organization and the very behavior of people, groups and organizations in order to optimize their activities and successfully achieve their goals. Organizational behavior as a science studies the factors that influence the behavior of people in an organization and the very behavior of people, groups and organizations in order to optimize their activities and successfully achieve their goals. Organizational behavior as an applied industry provides: Organizational behavior as an applied industry provides: - understanding of the mechanisms underlying the behavior of people in an organization, - predicting people's behavior, - stimulating employee behavior that contributes to the successful achievement of the goals of the organization, - modification (change, correction) of the problem behavior.

    As a separate science, with its own object and subject of study, it took its place at the Harvard Business School in 1962. In 1970, this direction began to develop in England at the London Business School and in 1974 in Scotland at the University of Glasgow. In Russia in educational plans training of specialists was introduced in the 90s. 20th century As a separate science, with its own object and subject of study, it took its place at the Harvard Business School in 1962. In 1970, this direction began to develop in England at the London Business School and in 1974 in Scotland at the University of Glasgow. In Russia, the curricula for training specialists were introduced in the 90s. 20th century Wood J. Mastering management: Organizational behavior // Financial Times, supplement (part 2 of 20) Wood J. Mastering management: Organizational behavior // Financial Times, supplement (part 2 of 20)

    The implementation of these aspects of organizational behavior is carried out in relation to all management functions, including: - Planning - the definition of goals and actions necessary to achieve them; - Organization - distribution of tasks and resources for their implementation); - Motivation - awakening the desire for hard work and successful completion of tasks; - Coordination - harmonization of actions; - Control - checking the execution and making the necessary changes

    2. History of studies of organizational behavior of people In the middle of the 1111th century. In England and Scotland, the industrial revolution began, which led to a change in both the appearance of factories and factories, and society itself. In the middle of the ХУ111 c. In England and Scotland, the industrial revolution began, which led to a change in both the appearance of factories and factories, and society itself. As a result of the widespread introduction of steam engines and the creation of other more complex machines and equipment, the way of producing goods has changed significantly, especially in the weaving and clothing industries. For example, raw cotton and wool, which in the past were processed into yarn by families or entire villages, were now sent to factories where workers, using special machines, made fabric from yarn. Hundreds even thousands of unskilled or semi-skilled workers worked on complex machines. As a result of the widespread introduction of steam engines and the creation of other more complex machines and equipment, the way of producing goods has changed significantly, especially in the weaving and clothing industries. For example, raw cotton and wool, which in the past were processed into yarn by families or entire villages, were now sent to factories where workers, using special machines, made fabric from yarn. Hundreds even thousands of unskilled or semi-skilled workers worked on complex machines.

    Managers, foremen of workshops and factories, having engineering and technical training, were not ready to solve social problems that arise when people work together in large groups. The search for new methods of managing organizational resources began. Managers, foremen of workshops and factories with engineering and technical training, were not ready to solve the social problems that arise when people work together in large groups. The search for new methods of managing organizational resources began. Thus, an objective need arose for the emergence of scientific management, in the development of which modern researchers distinguish the following schools: Thus, an objective need arose for the emergence of scientific management, in the development of which modern researchers distinguish the following schools:

    School of Scientific Management: Scientific Management F.Taylor (); Ideas H. Emerson (); The ideas of G. Ford () and others. The main attention was paid to the technical and organizational problems of management. Representatives of this school are characterized by a mechanistic understanding of man.

    Classical School of Management Organizational principles A. Fayol (); Organizational principles of A. Fayol (); Bureaucratic theory of organization M. Weber (). Bureaucratic theory of organization M. Weber (). Organizational theory L. Gyulik- L. Urvik (). Organizational theory L. Gyulik- L. Urvik ().

    Limitations of classical organizational theories These theories are characterized by a simplified, mechanistic view of the nature of human behavior in an organization. Today it is no longer a secret that management is based on knowledge of psychology and that taking into account the human factor (goals, values, type of temperament and character, relationships in the team, attitude to the organization, etc.) is extremely important in management. Today it is clear that the success of the company is 80% determined by the effectiveness of personnel management and only 20% by technology and finance. This is especially evident in the event of certain problems.

    School of Human Relations Hugo Munstenberg () - created the world's first school of industrial psychologists: one of the founders of psychotechnics; Hugo Münstenberg () - created the world's first school of industrial psychologists: one of the founders of psychotechnics; Mary Parker Follet () - put forward the idea of ​​​​harmony of labor and capital, which could be achieved with the right motivation and taking into account the interests of all stakeholders (ideas of a leader-leader; participation of employees in management, etc.). Mary Parker Follet () - put forward the idea of ​​​​harmony of labor and capital, which could be achieved with the right motivation and taking into account the interests of all stakeholders (ideas of a leader-leader; participation of employees in management, etc.). Elton Mayo () - empirically investigated the influence of socio-psychological factors (leadership style, interpersonal relations in the work group, the attention of researchers, etc.) on labor productivity. Elton Mayo () - empirically investigated the influence of socio-psychological factors (leadership style, interpersonal relations in the work group, the attention of researchers, etc.) on labor productivity. Theories of K. Argyris, R. Likert, W. Bennis and others. Theories of K. Argyris, R. Likert, W. Bennis and others.

    Elton Mayo () is an American psychologist. His experiments in Hawthorne (near Chicago) at the enterprises of the Western Electric Company continued from 1927 to 1939. Elton Mayo's research drew the attention of researchers to the psychological factors of management: the authority of the manager; relationships within the team, features of employee motivation, etc. Elton Mayo () is an American psychologist. His experiments in Hawthorne (near Chicago) at the enterprises of the Western Electric Company continued from 1927 to 1939. Elton Mayo's research drew the attention of researchers to the psychological factors of management: the authority of the manager; relationships within the team, especially the motivation of employees, etc. D. McGregor () - developed "theory X" and "theory Y", reflecting two types of views on employees. F. Herzberg - created a theory of two factors that affect a person's satisfaction with their actions. D. McGregor () - developed "theory X" and "theory Y", reflecting two types of views on workers. F. Herzberg - created a theory of two factors that affect a person's satisfaction with their actions.

    Domestic science N.A. Witke (After analyzing the scientific literature of the USA, England, Germany and France on enterprise management, he was the first to try to apply the main management provisions in post-revolutionary Russian reality, introduced a number of important concepts into scientific circulation: human factor production"; "collective labor activity"; "social organization of the enterprise"; "socio-psychological atmosphere"; " organizational crisis"). ON THE. Witke (After analyzing the scientific literature of the USA, England, Germany and France on enterprise management, he was the first to try to apply the main management provisions in post-revolutionary Russian reality to the conditions for the development of large-scale industrial production, introduced a number of important concepts into scientific circulation: “the human factor of production”; “collectively -labor activity"; "social organization of the enterprise"; "socio-psychological atmosphere"; "organizational crisis").

    Shpilrein I.N. Head of the laboratory of industrial psychotechnics under the supervision of the Central Institute of Labor. The following tasks were solved in psychotechnical research: - professional selection of future employees; professional advice for young people; professional orientation of schoolchildren; professional education; prevention of occupational diseases; reducing fatigue in the process of work, designing equipment taking into account professional capabilities, and also studied the motivational factors for the behavior of workers. Head of the Laboratory of Industrial Psychotechnics under the supervision of the Central Institute of Labor. The following tasks were solved in psychotechnical research: - professional selection of future employees; professional advice for young people; professional orientation of schoolchildren; professional education; prevention of occupational diseases; reducing fatigue in the labor process, designing equipment taking into account professional capabilities, as well as studying the factors motivating the behavior of workers

    V.M. Bekhterev - the problems of managing production teams within the framework of the scientific organization of labor are being developed. In particular, they study: develop the problems of managing production teams within the framework of the scientific organization of labor. In particular, the following are studied: 1) comradely and administrative control; 1) comradely and administrative control; 2) the positive impact of competition on the efficiency of workers; 2) the positive impact of competition on the efficiency of workers; 3) the dependence of the solution of creative problems on the collective discussion of a particular problem; 3) the dependence of the solution of creative problems on the collective discussion of a particular problem; 4) reducing the level of fatigue of workers in the collective organization of work. 4) reducing the level of fatigue of workers in the collective organization of work.

    Problems Being Solved by Organizational Behavior Specialists Today George and Jones name the following problems that organizational behaviorists are solving: How to manage people so that the organization gains a competitive advantage? How to manage people so that the organization gains a competitive advantage? How to develop an ethical culture in an organization?; How to develop an ethical culture in an organization?; How to manage a heterogeneous composition of employees?; How to manage a heterogeneous composition of employees?; How to prevent sexual harassment at work?; How to prevent sexual harassment at work?; How to manage the behavior of employees when the organization begins to operate in other countries and goes global? How to manage the behavior of employees when the organization begins to operate in other countries and goes global?

    Managing people to get competitive advantage(which consists in being ahead of rivals, other organizations offering similar goods and services) involves: increasing the efficiency of the enterprise (reducing the amount of resources used: people, raw materials and time required for the production of goods and services); increasing the efficiency of the enterprise (reducing the amount of resources used: people, raw materials and time required for the production of goods and services); improvement of product quality; improvement of product quality; increasing the innovative activity of employees; increasing the innovative activity of employees; increasing the responsiveness to consumer requests. increasing the responsiveness to consumer requests.

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    Organization is an intellectual-material process of joining into a whole. Organization is the result certain process currently fixed. The organization has a qualitative certainty, boundaries and strictly fixed system parameters, which occupies a certain place in society and is designed to achieve specific goals, using resources for this (human, material, economic, informational and legal). An organization is a social subject that is aware of its integrity, its needs and goals that it imposes on the united individuals.

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    An organization is a process, a state and a social entity that functions on the basis of a set of norms and rules to achieve certain goals using the necessary resources.

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    Signs of the organization (Ch. Barnard): The organization is an open system. 2. The organization is developing social system, to which all the laws of group dynamics apply. 3. In an organization there are always two types of joint activities, one of which is aimed at solving a basic problem, and the other at communication. 4. People in the organization unconsciously repeat the patterns of behavior that have developed on the basis of their experiences in the family.

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    1. Behavior is an external manifestation of a person's inner world. 2. Behavior is a system of relations between people that are within the framework of the normative structure, but at the same time deviate from it (within certain limits) as a result of the manifestation of personal feelings, preferences, sympathies and interests.

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    Factors of human behavior: 1. Psychological properties of personality 2. Psychological processes 3. Mental states

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    The psychological properties of a personality are personality structures that determine the characteristics of human activity over a long period of life or even throughout life.

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    Mental processes are a reflection of reality in various forms of mental phenomena. - cognitive or cognitive (sensations, perception, representation, attention, memory, thinking). - emotional-volitional - processes of mental regulation (emotions, volitional efforts, goal setting, etc.). - communicative - processes that ensure the interaction of people when performing joint actions and in situations of interpersonal communication.

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    Levels of organizational behavior: - personal (due to factors of moral attitudes, character, temperament, etc.) - group (factor of age, gender, education, state of interpersonal relations). - organizational (factor of norms, rules, values, etc.).

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    Varieties of organizational behavior: 1. From the point of view of compliance with the norms: - illegal (non-compliance with laws); -deviant (not socially approved, on the verge of violating the law); - delinquent (depending on the situation, it can be socially disapproved or normal, depending on the conditions). 2. By area of ​​implementation: - business (official); – interpersonal (not official).

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    3. From the standpoint of premeditation: - pre-planned; - spontaneous. 4. By functions: - managerial; - performing.

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    5. By the nature of behavior: - passive; - aggressive (physical or verbal infringement on the rights of others, the desire to harm); assertive (the subject proceeds from their own needs, but at the same time takes into account the interests and rights of others); - rational (economic; due to profit);

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    6. From the degree of a person's awareness of the factors that determine his act: - reactive (automatic non-conscious action, manifested as a response to a change in the external environment); - instinctive (the situation is recognized, but the action is not controlled (panic)); - emotional (the situation is recognized and available for volitional control, but this is absent due to the unwillingness of the subject); - free goal-directed (the situation is fully understood and can be controlled).

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    7. From the point of view of people's interest: - forced (externally imposed); - internally desired, bringing pleasure; - stemming from a sense of duty.

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    8. In terms of consequences: – positive; - negative. 9. From the point of view of interaction with other people: - leadership; - individual; - adaptive; - collective (the desire to establish a common work)

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    Theories of organizational behavior: 1. Cognitive (humanistic) 2. Behavioristic (Taylor, Skinner) 3. Social learning approach.

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    The behavior of people in an organization is subject to certain laws: 1. The law of response uncertainty ( different people and even one person can react differently to the same situations); 2. The law of inadequacy (one person cannot comprehend another with a full degree). 3. The law of age asynchrony (biological and psychological age do not coincide); 4. The law of inadequacy of self-esteem (a person cannot always evaluate himself accordingly); 5. The law of changing the meaning of management information (in the process of transmitting information, a distortion of meaning occurs); 6. The law of self-preservation (preservation of status, dignity, income); 7. The law of compensation (lack of any abilities can be filled with other skills); 8. The law of development (people can develop their inclinations).

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    Internal and external environment of the organization

    slide 21

    1. Division of labor - differentiation various kinds activities. 2. Technology is a standard way of conducting certain types of activities, operations. 3. Goals. 4. Processes of differentiation and integration 5. Resources. 6. Structure. 7. The system of relations between participants in the activity. 8. Organizational order (a set of norms, rules).

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    1. Economic environment (business activity). 2. Socio-political environment. 3. Production environment (structure of industries). Tourism, light industry. 4. Technological environment. 5. Market environment

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    stages life cycle organizations Greiner L. 1. Growth through creativity. 2. Growth through professional leadership. 3. Growth through delegation. 4. Growth through coordination. 5. Growth through collaboration.

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    Stages of the life cycle of an organization I. Adizes. 1. Nursing (project level). 2. Infancy (lack of a clear structure). 3. Childhood (growth in productivity). 4. Youth (revision of the order, system, motivation control) 5. Prosperity (clarity of structure, functions, system of motivation). 6. Stabilization (the predominance of form over content). 7. Aristocracy (expenditure of funds for the arrangement of one's own activities, for maintaining the existing control system, the emergence of unspoken rules and traditions). 8. Early bureaucratization. 9. Late bureaucratization. 10. Death

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    Categories of organization culture description: 1. Observable behavioral stereotypes. 2. Group norms (standards of conduct). 3. Proclaimed values. 4. Formal philosophy. 5. Rules of the game - unwritten norms of behavior, norms of behavior (the way we do it in this organization). 6. Climate (the manner in which members of the organization interact with each other). 7. Existing skills (work methods). 8. Mental models (language of communication, behavior transmitted to new members of the organization). 9. Symbols (basic metaphors). 10. Formal rituals and celebrations (how key events are organized).

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    Levels of culture Artifacts (surface level) - visible organizational structures and processes. Proclaimed beliefs and values. 3. Basic fundamental ideas.

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    A systematic approach to the study of culture 1. Awareness of oneself and one's place in the organization. 2. Communication system and language of communication. 3. Appearance of employees. 4. Food conditions, traditions. 5. Awareness of time, attitude towards it. 6. Relationships between people. 7. Values. 8. Belief in something and attitude towards something. 9. The process of development and learning of employees. 10. Work ethic and motivation.

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