With 1000 anti-aircraft missile system. Secrets of Triumph. Tests of the latest air defense system

  • 14.11.2019

With the advent of guided and homing medium and long-range anti-aircraft weapons, the so-called "air supremacy" has lost its original meaning. It became impossible to carry out missile and bomb strikes against ground troops with impunity. From the 50s of the last century to the present day, the modernization of old and the design of new generation air defense missile systems has been continuously going on.

The latest development of Russian designers was the S-500. The strictest secrecy surrounding everything connected with it does not give answers to the questions that interest us. We have to be content with fragmentary publications.

The history of the creation of the S-500

The start of work on the creation of a fifth-generation air defense system in 2002 was laid by an engineering note indicating the necessary parameters, and NPO Almaz decided on the initial appearance of the new weapon. From 2004 to 2006, the NGO carried out research under the code name “Vlastelin”.

The next step was the appointment of Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern in 2006 as the main developer of the S-500 air defense system, and it turned out to be logical in 2008-2010 to continue scientific research under the topics known as “Lord” and “Lord-TP”.

In 2009, they tested the 40N6 missile and received a financial advance to start work on the manufacture of 77N6.1.R interceptor missiles. All details are strictly classified, but the press was notified about the start of the creation of the latest air defense system without any details.

The technical projects of the 55R6M air defense system and the 98Zh6M1 air defense system were completed in 2010, and the possibility of creating an air defense system with the given parameters was finally confirmed.

At the same time, the creation of products 77T6, 77N6-N, 77N6-N1 in volumetric form, debugging of combat programs and engaged in mathematical modeling of missile control systems were carried out.

Anti-missiles 9M82, 9M82MD, 9M83, 9M728,9M729, 77N6-N, MN-300, 53T6 were successfully tested in the summer of 2014. Indirect information about this event appeared two years later from the words of congratulations on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the 4th GTsMP (Kapustin Yar) from the general designer of the Novator Design Bureau P. Kamnev.

According to Deputy Minister of Defense Y. Borisov, it became known about the task of building the first sample of the entire complex by 2020.

Taking as a basis the developments on the Triumph air defense system (S-400), the designers of the Almaz-Antey company created two basic versions of the air defense system:

  • Triumfator-M;
  • Triumfator-MR.

Planned to build two newest enterprises. One will produce rockets, the other will produce the ground parts of the complex.

Appointment of the S-500 air defense system

As it became known, the deployed S-500 consists of two or three echelons. When building in three echelons, it is planned to use medium-range, long-range and extra-long-range missiles. And with a two-tier one - only large and extra large.

Regardless of separation, the system is designed to intercept and destroy:

  • existing small targets flying at speeds near and above sound, including all existing ICBMs;
  • any other aerodynamic targets, including the main part of the aircraft in service with the NATO Air Force, including prototypes;
  • aircraft of the AWACS type, including those protected by electronic warfare aircraft;
  • artificial earth satellites (in the future).

Means of destruction S-500:

The 98Zh6M1 air defense system structurally includes 76T6 and 77T6 guidance and illumination radars, various TPUs (transport launcher).

For the mobility of weapons, it is supposed to use a chassis based on BAZ-69096, AZ-6909-022, BAZ-6403.01 (tractor), BAZ-69092-012 or MZKT-792911. The rest will most likely be assembled on the chassis of the MZKT-6922 type.

S-500 and THAAD - which is better

The THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) mobile long-range anti-missile system (PRK) created in the USA is very different from ours. So THAAD has only one type of missile, designed to hit both ballistic and aerodynamic targets.

"Omnivorous" leads to a deterioration in quality. A small target, such as a WMD tactical missile, can be shot down by an American anti-missile with a probability of only 15%, while the S-500 uses three types of missiles, one for each target. The largest has an interception range of 600 km, and THAAD only 200 km.

The speed of the THAAD rocket is about 1000 m / s. This is at least three times, and in practice it is much less than the development of the general designer A. G. Basistov. Unfortunately, the exact data is strictly classified. In addition, the 77N6-N and 77N6-N1 missiles are capable of hitting inconspicuous warheads, which, after separation from the march stage, switched to self-government.

Another unpleasant surprise which THAAD does not have is its own electronic warfare system for neutralizing anti-radar missiles, while the missiles of our complex received enemy electronic warfare suppression equipment.

The defeat of satellites by the THAAD system is not even discussed, in contrast to the promising development of missiles of the S-500 complex.

Nothing is known about the development of the next generation of the S-1000 air defense system, except for rumors and assumptions.

For a better understanding of what all air defense is like, the image of a Russian nesting doll is suitable.

The largest is the S-500. Her younger brothers and sisters are “hidden” inside: S-400, S-300VM Antey-2500, ZRPK Pantsir S-1, Buk-M3 and others.

Equipped with communications and electronic warfare equipment, possessing the latest missiles and interacting with aviation, such a powerful national aerospace defense reliably protects the sky of Russia.


Rice. Vasily Lozhkin

The Russian military continue to burn with napalm. The shameful shaking of the air by essentially non-existent Iskander complexes has not subsided yet, and with a huge creak swollen from petrodollars, like an alcoholic woman from water, Erefiya armed two regiments with S-400 Triumph anti-aircraft systems in two years, as ... It turned out that the S-400 for the North Eurasian generals is a day long past. The military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation is ready to hit the whole world with a new super-weapon.

ASTRAKHAN, September 16 - RIA Novosti. The promising S-500 anti-aircraft missile system will appear in the coming years, Colonel-General Alexander Zelin, Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Air Force, said Wednesday at a meeting of the coordinating committee under the Council of Defense Ministers of the CIS member states in Astrakhan. “Work is underway, science and specialists are involved. I think that this system will appear in the near future," the Air Force Commander-in-Chief said.

The S-500 will have to replace the S-400 complexes. The target detection range will increase by 150-200 kilometers, the complex will be able to hit 10 targets (S-400 can destroy six targets). " Anti-aircraft missile system The S-500 is a promising, qualitatively new system that is not a continuation of the S-400 air defense system," the Air Force Commander-in-Chief specified.

The history of the vaunted, unparalleled S-400 is boring to the point of banality. The development of the Russian miracle weapon began in the 80s of the last century, the first test of the rocket took place in 1999. The final tests of the upgraded missiles from the S-300 seemed to have been completed at the end of 2006. True, there is no unique and ultra-long-range anti-aircraft missile yet. In 2007-2009, Erefia managed, with all her strength, to re-equip two air defense regiments with these devices (there are about 35 regiments in the country in total). It is not difficult to calculate how long the process will take. At the same time, it is not clear how many of these unique and nowhere-seen installations are actually in the rearmed regiments. Skeptics gloat:

Upon closer acquaintance with the subject, one can see how the "potreots" fool the Russians. Apparently, the S-400 is a banal bullshit that does not have any serious military significance. This is a remake of the Soviet S-300 complex (it was developed since 1969, adopted for service in the first modification in 1979), and clearly unsuccessful. Since the main loot in the Russian military-industrial complex is cut at the stage of "development" and "testing", high-ranking carriers of the defense consciousness have a direct interest in switching to the invention of a new "huber-waffe" - as always, unparalleled, the S-500 complex. According to Vlad Shurygin, the specific thing is fucked up:

It seems to me that the S-1000 will steer. Firstly, the figure is round, and secondly, the deadline for the delivery of the product can be scheduled for 2026.

Control system and guidance:
Second-tier missiles will presumably use ARS or thermal imaging seeker.

The Vlastelin-TP R&D includes the 97L6 system, which, by analogy with the 96L6, is probably an all-altitude detector and is part of the air defense system as a means of target designation for firing systems.

Probably, the air defense system will include the MARS radar (?? 97L6 ??) in a stationary or mobile version.

Multifunctional decimeter radar container type "MARS" / "MARS-E"
Multifunctional Adaptive Radar station(MARS) is designed to detect ballistic and aerodynamic targets, can be used:
. Complexes of zonal missile defense and air defense;
. Space control and missile attack warning systems
. The missile defense system on the theater.
Detection range with a probability of 0.95:
- ballistic missile hulls - 2000 km
- a warhead of a ballistic missile with an effective scattering surface of 0.1 sq.m - 1300 km
Number of simultaneously tracked aerospace targets (time interval - 1 minute) 5-20
The number of simultaneously accompanied and guided anti-missiles (time interval - 1 minute) 5-10
Maximum target designation error (prolongation time - 150 s) - 2 km
Root-mean-square error in determining the point of impact of the BR - 15 km
Operating range of wavelengths, cm 10
Design range:
- maximum 3000 km
- minimum 30 km

Air defense radar with HEADLIGHTS 91N6A (M) on a trailer with a BAZ-6403.01 tractor. For the first time, the appearance of the radar was presented at a demonstration of equipment in Bronnitsy on 06/10/2011.

The radar with the FAR 69L6-TsP on the BAZ-69096 chassis is probably part of the S-500 air defense system and for the first time the appearance of the radar was presented at the equipment show in Bronnitsy on 06/10/2011.

PRO radar with PAR 76T6 on the BAZ-6909-022 chassis for the first time the appearance of the radar was presented at a demonstration of equipment in Bronnitsy on 06/10/2011.

ABM radar with AFAR 77T6 on the chassis BAZ-69096 for the first time the appearance of the radar was presented at a demonstration of equipment in Bronnitsy on 06/10/2011. consisting of 256 receiving-transmitting channels with control, power and cooling systems. In 2013, GSKB Almaz-Antey developed working design documentation for the leveling and stabilization system for the 77T6 antenna post ().

RLC BTs ZRS S-500 (? 60K6) - radar complex ballistic targets of the S-500 air defense system - not identified, in 2010, working design documentation was developed for the BC radar, and prototyping was carried out. Working design documentation for AFAR RLM-1 PPM for imported and domestic electronic components has been developed.

Tower for placing radio-technical means 40V6MT on a trailer with a tractor BAZ-6403.01. For the first time, the appearance of the radar was presented at a demonstration of equipment in Bronnitsy on 06/10/2011.

Combat control points 55K6MA (air defense) and 85Zh6-2 (PRO) on the BAZ-69092-012 chassis. For the first time, the appearance of the PBU was presented at a demonstration of equipment in Bronnitsy on June 10, 2011.

Some means of the S-500 Anti-Aircraft Missile System - from top to bottom: 77P6 launcher, 96L6-1 radar, 77T6 radar, 76T6 radar, 55K6MA or 85Zh6-2 combat control post (processed by MilitaryRussia.Ru drawing from a poster from a display of armored vehicles in Bronnitsy, 06/10/2011, reproduction - Muxel, http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/mx118).

Tower 40V6MT and radar 91N6A (M) of the S-500 Anti-Aircraft Missile System (drawing from a poster from the display of armored vehicles in Bronnitsy, 06/10/2011, reproduction - Muxel, http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/mx118).

Ground-based air defense systems S-500 air defense systems are placed on mobile chassis.

Option 1 - BAZ(chassis of the first stage of design, until 2013):
Wheel formula - 10 x 10 (the first 2 axles are controlled)
Engine - 550 hp diesel.
Chassis curb weight - 21000 kg
Maximum load weight - 33000 kg

Ford - 1.7 m

Chassis BAZ-69096 of S-500 air defense systems (processed drawing from a poster from a display of armored vehicles in Bronnitsy, 06/10/2011, reproduction - Muxel, http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/mx118).

A prototype of the chassis BAZ-69096 at a demonstration of equipment in Bronnitsy, 06/10/2011 (photo - Muxel, http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/mx118).


Chassis curb weight - 19100 kg
Maximum load weight - 22000 kg
Gross maximum weight - 41100 kg
The maximum overcome rise - 30 hail.
Ford - 1.7 m

BAZ-6403.01 (tractor):
Wheel formula - 8 x 8 (the first 2 axles are controlled)
Engine - 500 hp diesel.
Chassis curb weight - 19750 kg
Load on SSU - 21000 kg
The mass of the towed semi-trailer - 80000 kg
Gross maximum weight - 54000 kg
The maximum overcome rise - 30 hail. / 20 deg (road train)
Ford - 1.7 m

Wheel formula - 6 x 6 (the first axle is controlled)
Engine - 470 hp diesel.
Chassis curb weight - 15800 kg
Maximum load weight - 14200 kg
Gross maximum weight - 30000 kg
The maximum overcome rise - 30 hail.
Ford - 1.7 m

Option 2 - MZKT(2013). By 2014, MZKT developed the MZKT-792911 chassis, designed for mounting and transporting special equipment. The chassis was created by the MZKT on the order of the GOZ Obukhov Plant (original) and is probably intended to accommodate launchers of the S-500 system.

MZKT-792911 - chassis development - MZKT, head of the chassis project group Buryan V.A., chiefs of design bureau - Lebedev O.N., Tchaikovsky V.A., design engineer - Burundukov A.O. (source).
Wheel formula - 12 x 12 (managed 1, 2, 5 and 6 axles, source)
Triple cabin with filtering unit

Probably the first prototype of the MZKT-792911 chassis at the MZKT plant. Later samples have other center distances. Photo no later than 2013 (original).

For auxiliary means of the S-500 system, chassis of the MZKT-6922 type will probably be used.

Option 1 (BAZ chassis):
SPU long-range missile defense missiles 77P6 on the BAZ-69096 chassis. Appearance The machine was first presented at the show of equipment in Bronnitsy on 06/10/2011.
The number of missiles in the TPK - 2

Launcher 77P6 on the BAZ-69096 chassis from the S-500 air defense system (processed drawing from a poster from a display of armored vehicles in Bronnitsy, 06/10/2011, reproduction - Muxel, http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/mx118).

SPU air defense missiles 55P6 - in 2013, the Almaz-Antey State Design Bureau completed the development of a working design documentation for installation, production has begun prototype ().

SPU air defense missiles 51P6M ( ist. - Mikhalev A.).

Option 2 (MZKT chassis):
SPU long-range missile defense missiles 77P6-1 (presumably) on the MZKT-792911 chassis. The appearance of the machine was first presented in the New Year calendar of the Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern for 2015.
The number of missiles in the TPK - 2

S-500 air defense missiles:
Missiles of long-range interception of the missile defense system can be named 77N6-N and 77N6-N1 (source - Mikhalev A.).

Echelon Near air defense line Middle line of air defense Far frontier of air defense ABM and ultra-long interception
(option 1)
ABM and ultra-long interception
(option 2)
As part of the S-500 air defense system possibly missing possibly missing presumably presumably presumably
The name of the SAM missile (presumably) 9M96E
or equivalent
or equivalent
or equivalent
40H6 45T6 (see A-235 missile defense system)
Number of steps 1 1 1 2 ? 1 or 2
Length 4.75 m 5.65 m 7.5 m
Case diameter 240 mm 240 mm 519 mm
Wingspan 480 mm 480 mm 1835 mm
(1133 mm)
Weight 333 kg 420 kg 1835 kg
(1600-1900 kg)
up to 2000 kg?
Warhead weight 26 kg 26 kg 143 kg
Range 1-40 km 1- 120 km 3 - 150-200-250 km 400 / 600 km
Defeat Height 5 - 20000 m 5 - 30000 m 10 - 27000 m up to 165 km
Speed ​​max. 900 m/s 1000 m/s 2500 m/s not less than 3600 m/s
Target speed max. 2780 m/s 7000 m/s ( ist. - Mikhalev A.)

Target detection range by air defense systems - 600-750 km
Long Range Range:
- 200 km / 600 km ( ist. - Mikhalev A.)
- up to 500 km ()
The height of destruction by means of an ultra-long echelon - up to 100 km
Height of destruction by means of the S-500 system (probably without ultra-long echelon) - 40-50 km

The number of simultaneously fired targets - 10 ballistic supersonic (for example, in the media)

Modifications / design stages:
Research work "Autocrat" / "Autocrat-A-A"- research development of the creation of interspecific unified air defense systems of the 2nd Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of Russia. The Almaz-Antey air defense concern took part in the work. As part of the research, it was proposed to create a mobile air defense and missile defense system of the NIEMI of the Ministry of Radio Industry of Russia (NPO Antey) and OKB Novator based on the S-300PMU air defense system with launchers on the KrAZ-260 chassis (1990s).

Research work "Vlastelin" / "Vlastelin-TP"- research and development of a new missile defense and air defense system (2008-2010). The Almaz-Antey air defense concern took part in the work.

S-500 / 55R6M "Triumfator-M"- the basic version of the anti-aircraft missile system.

S-1000- modification of the S-500 air defense system. Perhaps with an increased range or with a more developed anti-missile or anti-satellite potential.

Status: Russia
- 2008 - the 4th stage of the research work "Vlastelin-TP" is being carried out, work is underway on the preliminary design of the product 97L6 (probably a target detection radar) of the research work "Vlastelin-TP". Kits of 40N6 missiles were manufactured for state tests as part of the S-400 / 40R6 air defense system.

2009 - design documentation for the S-500 complex is being developed. Probably component testing.

2010 - approved technical project ZRS S-500 / 55R6M.

2011 end of January - preparations began for the adoption of the S-500 system into service with the troops of the aerospace defense. In the future, it is planned to deploy the system around Moscow and, possibly, in the European part of the country.

February 24, 2011 - Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia V. Popovkin said that in the period 2011-2020. it is planned to purchase 10 S-500 complexes. Testing of the complex is planned to begin in 2015.

October 5, 2011 - information appeared in the media ("Izvestia") that the development of the S-500 system was two years behind schedule. At the current pace, the creation of the complex will be completed by 2015, mass production will begin in 2017. The creation of several prototype systems of the complex will be completed in 2013, after which tests will begin. As a result, the entry of the system into service can begin only after 2017.

2012 - planned completion of S-500 R & D (plans for 2008 or 2009).

2013 - completion of the creation of prototypes of the system and access to testing according to the plans of October 2011.

2014 end of June - successful test of the long-range missile S-500.

2014 - the beginning of mass production of the S-500 missile system, according to the plans announced on February 17, 2011 by the commander of the USC East Kazakhstan region, Lieutenant General Valery Ivanov.

2015 - planned completion of the development and testing of the S-500 air defense system and adoption for service (plans for 2010 or earlier). According to the version of plans dated October 2011, it is assumed that in 2015 the creation of the complex will be completed.

2017 - the beginning of mass production of the S-500 system according to the plans of October 2011.

Annual Report Air Defense Concern "Almaz-Antey", 2006
Annual Report Air Defense Concern "Almaz-Antey", 2008
Annual report Air Defense Concern "Almaz-Antey", 2010
Karpovsky Ya., Moravsky V. "Volat" means "hero". Minsk, 2014
Mikhalev A. One level up. Website http://lenta.ru, 2012
OPK news. Website http://www.almaz-antey.ru, March 16, 2012
Obukhov plant. 150 years to the glory of the Fatherland. 1863-2013 // St. Petersburg, Beresta LLC, 2013
Forum "Stealth Machines". Website http://paralay.iboards.ru, 2010-2011
Website forum http://militaryrussia.ru/forum, 2011
balancer.ru Website http://forums.airbase.ru, 2008, 2009
Jane "s. Site

Recently, RIA Novosti published an article in which it claims that the S500 Prometheus has already been created and this latest missile defense system will finally eliminate nuclear parity between the US and Russia. The Americans do not have missile defense systems capable of bringing down our Yarsy and Mace. And now there will be no means of delivering nuclear warheads that could penetrate Russia's anti-missile shield.

S500 is an ultra-modern and, along with the "Project 4202", the most secret military program in Russia. Its goal is the complete elimination of the parity of nuclear forces with the United States. It includes the latest MARS target detection system, a command and control center, and the latest active phased array radar. But the main thing is the anti-missile, which is capable of hitting at a distance of 600 km not only ballistic and aerodynamic missiles, but also hypersonic cruise missiles. Moreover, officially at an altitude of up to 100 km (up to the Karman line). And maybe even higher - who knows?

Imagine a rocket flying at a speed of 1.8-2.5 km per second? Represented? That is, in a minute such a rocket is capable of flying 108-150 kilometers. And now our newest air defense system S500 "Prometheus" is already capable of shooting down such a missile. But such missiles are not in service with either the United States, or NATO countries, or other nuclear powers, and are not expected in the next 20 years.

The Americans are just starting to develop the latest LRSO missile for strategic containment of Russia and China. The details of this program are, of course, classified, but data on the possible parameters of a new promising rocket are leaking to the press: the LRSO flight range will be at least 3-3.5 thousand kilometers at an average speed of about 800 kilometers per hour. But this is too little to slip past the C500. In addition, this rocket in the United States is going to be created only by 2020, and possibly later. Yes, and a couple more years to organize mass production. And the means of delivery of nuclear weapons existing in the West cannot bypass even the currently existing S400 Triumph systems, which are much inferior in all respects to the Prometheus.

"The S-500 will be able to perform not only tasks within the framework of air defense, but, in fact, will already be an element of missile defense," V. Putin said at a meeting on the development of the military space defense system.

For the development of the C500, the creators of this most complex military equipment, incl. Druzin S.V. - Head of the Department for Scientific and Technical Development Almaz-Antey, Order of Merit to the Fatherland of the second degree. Drize I.M. - received honorary title"Honored Designer of Russia". Gorbachev M.A., a secret scientist and Chief Specialist Almaz-Antey, also received this title. And a whole team of specialists, scientists, leaders who participated in the creation of this real breakthrough of engineering and technical thought.

“As part of the rearmament program until 2020, a serious state order for aerospace defense facilities is expected. In two or three years, production volumes can increase from 10 to 100 times for individual samples. operating enterprises it is very difficult to increase 10 times. It's easier to build new ones," the Deputy CEO OAO Air Defense Concern Almaz-Antey S. Ostapenko, noting that it is planned to start production at new facilities in 2015.

According to verified sources, both plants - both in Kirov and Nizhny Novgorod, are located in high degree construction readiness, fine finishing and commissioning of a separate technological equipment. So, there is hope that, if not in 2016, then already in 2017, the first batches of Prometheus will roll off the assembly line. And that would mean the end of nuclear deterrence parity.

Speaking of sanctions. The Almaz-Antey air defense concern, which fell under US sanctions due to the situation around Ukraine, does not expect large-scale problems. This was stated by the general director of the concern Yan Novikov. "Sanctions from the US will not have a noticeable impact on the full implementation of the plans of the Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern to develop and create advanced types of air defense-missile defense weapons," he said.

C 500 Missile complex future

Anti-aircraft missile system S-400 "Triumph"

The fruit of the work of the Almaz-Antey joint air defense holding raises many questions. The main one is what does an ultra-long-range missile look like and what is it, capable, as the Air Force command assures, of hitting targets at a distance of 400 km?

But first things first. Let's take a brief excursion into the history of the creation of the S-300 air defense system for the air defense of the Soviet Army (meaning the air defense forces, and the air defense of the ground forces, and the Navy).

The development of the S-300 universal multi-channel air defense system for the USSR Armed Forces began in 1969. The task was to unify as much as possible or even create a single air defense system for air defense, ground forces and navy system (S-500U), but this was not achieved. Almost immediately, work went along the lines of two design bureaus - Almaz (missile developer - MKB Fakel, Khimki) began developing the S-300P system on wheeled chassis for the country's air defense forces, and on its basis the Rif system for surface ships the first rank of the Navy, and the creation of S-300V air defense systems with the deployment of combat and auxiliary elements on tracked chassis for the ground forces, the Antey enterprise (missile developer - Novator Design Bureau, Sverdlovsk) took over. It immediately became clear that these systems would be completely different both in execution and combat capabilities.

The S-300P was supposed to cover large administrative, industrial and military centers of the country from enemy aircraft and cruise missiles, and the S-300V system, in addition to these tasks, was supposed to have certain anti-missile capabilities, in particular, to cover ground forces from operational-tactical strikes. ballistic missiles of the "Lance" and "Pershing-1" class, in the future and from medium-range missiles "Pershing-2".

The S-300P system was put into service in 1979, the S-300V in full combat configuration (with "anti-missile" 9M82 missiles) - in 1989.

Evolution of the S-300P - "Biryusa" and "Volkhov M-6"

In this material, we will analyze the development of the S-300P air defense system regarding its weapons, that is, anti-aircraft missiles.

The basic version of the S-300P was equipped with a 5V55K missile defense system (5 transport and launch containers with missiles were placed on the towed launcher). Testing of the system's assets at the Sary-Shagan test site was initiated by launch No. 1 of the 5V55.2T rocket model. The launch was carried out on March 4, 1970 from a temporary starting position.

The S-300PT "Biryusa" became the first modification with four SAMs standard for this type of air defense system (the range of the missile was only 47 km). Later, 5V55R missiles with a range increased to 75 km, as well as 5V55S missiles with a nuclear warhead, appeared on this air defense system. The same missiles were equipped with advanced air defense systems of the S-300PT-1 and S-300PT-1A types.

A deep modernization was the S-300PS "Volkhov M-6" air defense system on the MAZ-543M (5P85SM) chassis, which was put into service in 1983. The range of hitting targets on this complex was increased to 90 km.

An even more advanced modification was the S-300PM "Volkhov M-6M" air defense system with missiles capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 150 km. On its basis, an export version of the S-300PMU1 "Volkhov M-6M" was created. This option is currently the most common in the country's air defense forces. In the 1980s, serial production of S-300P and PT air defense systems reached 50 systems and 3,000 missiles per year. By 1988, the country's air defense forces had more than 150 units equipped with S-300P, PT, PS and PM air defense systems. According to Western estimates, the number of launchers of this type reached 1,500 units.

Let's move on to rockets. With a length of 7.25 m, the mass of the 5V55K and R missiles was 1480 and 1665 kg, respectively (the difference from the amount of fuel and the mass of the warhead). According to some reports, the starting thrust of the solid propellant rocket engine is 25 tf, the engine runs for 9 seconds, and during this time the missile launcher accelerates to 2000 m/s.

S-300PM and PMU-1 are equipped with more powerful 48N6 missiles, which are a further development of the 5V55 series missiles. The weight and size characteristics of the missiles have not changed and are placed in the same TPK as the 5V55 series missiles. But their performance characteristics have been significantly improved, the target engagement range has reached 150 km.

S-300PMU-2 "Favorite"

This complex is equipped with even more powerful 48N6E2 missiles with a firing range of up to 200 km. According to the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper, an important feature of the Favorit air defense system is that it can be easily integrated into various systems air defense foreign countries. "Favorite" is capable of hitting air targets at ranges from 3 to 200 km in the altitude range from 0.01 to 27 km, including ballistic missiles with a launch range of up to 1,000 km by physically destroying warheads at ranges of up to 40 km. The speed of the hit targets is up to 2.800 m / s. The air defense system is capable of simultaneously firing up to six targets with up to two missiles directed at each target. Rate of fire 3 - 5 sec.

8 divisions of "Favorite" were delivered to China.

S-400 "Triumph"

A radical modernization was the S-400 Triumph air defense system.

Its main difference from the systems of the base generation was the equipment of completely new anti-aircraft missiles with reduced weight and size characteristics.

More powerful is the 9M96E2 type missile with a range of 120 km and a height of destruction from 5 m to 30 km, weight - 420 kg. The time for preparing the rocket for launch when it is on the launcher is no more than 8 seconds. The assigned service life is 15 years. This period may be extended after the technical examination of 9M96E2 in the places of their operation.

The 9M96E missile differs from the 9M96E2 in its characteristics and is practically similar to the Buk-M1 medium-range air defense missiles. The range of target destruction is 40 km, and the height of destruction is 20 km, weight is 333 kg. The engine power of the 9M96E is less than that of the 9M96E2, but they almost do not differ in size and weight.

9M96E and 9M96E2 are completely unified in terms of the composition of on-board equipment, combat equipment (warhead weighing 24 kg) and design.

The launchers of the S-400 Triumph air defense system are distinguished by a wide variety. They can be equipped with 4 SAMs of the 48N6 series, or with a combination of missiles - three SAMs 48N6E and four SAMs of the 9M9E / E2 type. Such a combination of missiles with a range of 200, 120 and 40 km, respectively, makes it possible to create a weapon system with different echelons of target interception, including both aerodynamic and ballistic ones.

A launcher was developed on the basis of a KAMAZ vehicle with 12 missiles of the 9M96E / E2 type. Thus, the S-400 "Triumph", equipped with three different types of missiles, is today unique in its class.

SAM ultra-long range for the S-400 "Triumph"

But, of course, the greatest intrigue is the equipment of air defense systems. of this type some kind of missile with a range of 400 km, as repeatedly reported in the press.

What is this rocket? It is known that four such ultra-long-range missiles can be placed on a self-propelled launcher of this system. It was reported that the development of this missile is MKB Fakel. The missile is designed to replace the stationary S-200D Dubna air defense systems with a range of up to 300 km. Such a huge range is achieved due to the use of A-50 early warning and control aircraft in the S-400 system and the equipping of missiles with an active homing head, which allows you to direct the missile beyond the visibility of ground-based radars and aviation system AWACS. The ZUR index is still unknown.

In 2005, NVO had information that this missile was 82% ready, but due to financial difficulties, the creation of this missile was actually suspended. But the Air Force command assures that such a missile has been created and that its tests have been successfully carried out. The first S-400 systems are to enter service with the Moscow Air Defense District (Elektrostal area) in the summer of 2007 and should supplement the Moscow missile defense system equipped with silo-based 53T6 anti-missile systems.

So far, there is no reliable information on the presence of this missile in the S-400 Triumph weapon system, just as there are no photos of missiles in the open press.


The same NVO publication provides data that instead of the SAM developed at the Fakel Design Bureau, in the S-400 system, the Air Force command plans to use an improved 9M82 SAM of some modification - a component of the Antey- 2500" (S-300VM), created on the basis of the well-known S-300V air defense system. The fact is that the unification of the Almaz and Antey organizations into a single corporation allegedly prompted their developers to create a kind of hybrid of two systems - the S-400 Triumph and Antey-2500.

The launcher based on the KRAZ-260V off-road vehicle is equipped with two modernized 9M82M missiles. It is not known whether such powerful missiles were tested from a car chassis, but again, the Air Force command assures that this system is a reality. We have to take our word for it, since no photos have been presented in the open press, at least the author of these lines does not yet know about this (see drawings and NATO classification taken from the Australian military website http://www.ausairpower.net /APA-Grumble-Gargoyle.html).

Russian Designation
original design
Revised Designation
SA-10A Grumble A
SA-10A Grumble A

SA-10B Grumble B
SA-10B Grumble B

SA-10C Grumble C
SA-10C Grumble C

SA-10D GrumbleD
SA-20A Gargoyle A

S-300PMU-2 Favorite
SA-10E Grumble E
SA-20B Gargoyle B