The name of the nominations for the drawing competition. A well-deserved award for my talented preschoolers! (photo report). Age categories of participants

  • 08.04.2020

The needlewoman-winter has a lot to do: hang hoarfrost shawls on trees and bushes, cover houses with snow caps, weave frosty lace on windows, build ice bridges on rivers and lakes.

We can only admire the creations of winter and look for inspiration for drawings and crafts in them. In this competition, you have to show the fragility and frosty transparency of the winter landscape, which we see every year, but still can't stop looking at!

Works are evaluated in the following categories: drawing, craft, photography.

The works are evaluated by a professional jury. The file with the work must be uploaded before the last day of accepting the work.

Work Requirements

  • The contestant performs the work independently.
  • Nomination: picture. The work can be done in any way available to the author, both on paper (with pencils, paints, etc.), and with the help of graphic editor(Paint, PhotoShop, etc.).
  • Nomination: craft. The work can be made from a variety of materials.
  • Nomination: photo. The participant can act as a photographer, an author of an idea or a photo model. Works of professional photographers (wedding, staged photo shoots, etc.) are not allowed to the competition. Works containing images of people in underwear, including bathing suits, are not allowed for publication.
  • Only works in in electronic format in JPEG format (photos of crafts or drawings, scanned copies of drawings, photographs).
  • Image width and height from 800px to 2000px.
  • The file size must not exceed 15 MB.
  • The work must correspond to the theme of the competition.

Summarizing procedure

  • Participants with the highest score ( 20 points) take 1st place.
  • Participants with at least 90% of maximum number points ( 18 - 19 points) are in 2nd place.
  • Participants who scored at least 80% of the maximum points ( 16 - 17 points) are in 3rd place.

Diplomas and certificates

Diplomas and certificates in electronic form are available after summing up in the section my diplomas.
All documents in electronic format are provided free of charge.

Theme: Needlewoman-winter

Diploma of the participant received by all participants of the event. The document is sent to email user within 1 hour after uploading the work.

Diploma of the winner receive participants who take 1-3 prizes.

Certificate of the curator who prepared the participant (s) received by each teacher whose students took part in the event. The document is sent to the user's e-mail within 1 hour after the work is uploaded.

Certificate of the curator who prepared the winner(s) receives a teacher, whose students took 1-3 prizes in the event.

Gratitude receives a teacher who has at least three students won 1-3 prizes in the event.

Gratitude educational institution issued for preparing ten winners in one event.

Results of the event

You can get acquainted with the estimates of works in your applications.
Diplomas and certificates in electronic form are available in the section

Lyubov Vakulenko
Regulations on the competition of crafts from natural materials"Happy birthday, Kindergarten

Regulations on the competition of crafts from natural materials “Happy Birthday, kindergarten!”

General provisions:

The competition of handicrafts from natural materials “Happy Birthday, kindergarten!” (hereinafter referred to as the competition) is held within the GBDOU kindergarten No. 62 “Golden Fish” of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg. (hereinafter referred to as GBDOU)

Target: development of creative initiatives, increasing the activity of families of pupils, creating a festive mood.

Contest organizers:

GBDOU administration.


Parents and pupils of GBDOU take part in the competition. The competition is open to all interested families.

Time spending:

an exhibition is organized in each group, and then the best works that meet the requirements of the competition are selected for the central exhibition of the kindergarten.

on the 1st floor of GBDOU an exhibition of works is being drawn up.

awarding the winners (through group educators).

Conditions of the competition:

Competitors are invited to make creative work from natural materials on the theme “Happy Birthday, Kindergarten!”

The competition accepts: crafts made from any natural materials and on any material (drawing paper, cardboard, etc.).

Competitive work must have a title and be accompanied by an aesthetically designed explanatory inscription (name, surname and name of the child, full name of the parent).

The competition does not accept works of poor quality, not suitable for the theme of the competition, submitted earlier at other competitions.

Criteria for evaluating works:

Originality of the idea.

composition solution.

Creative personality.

Competition nominations:

"Most Original Work"

"People's Choice Award"

Determining and awarding the winners:

The competition commission expert assessment works submitted to the competition in accordance with the evaluation criteria specified in this regulation. Evaluation of works is carried out according to the point system (1-5 points). The winners of the nominations are determined by the highest amount of points received. The winner in the nomination "People's Choice Award" is determined by the results of voting by the audience.

Full name of the expert___

Competition of crafts from natural materials

“Happy birthday, kindergarten!”

Task: go around all the groups (exhibition in front of the group, in the locker room, inside the group) and mark the best work done by children and their parents (family competition).

"For the emotionality and penetration of the created image"

"Most Original Work"

"Exquisite performance and craftsmanship"

"For inventiveness and creative search"

"People's Choice Award" (I just liked it)

Criteria for evaluating works:

Aesthetic perception of the image.

Originality of the idea.

composition solution.

Artistic expressiveness of works.

Creative personality.

Rewarding in comic nominations, as a rule, is a fun conclusion to the official part entertainment program. It defuses the atmosphere and brings a festive mood to the event.

In each team, you can always single out a person who is late, or who amuses everyone, or dances well, who is the most erudite, etc. This will be your hint in the nominations. Try not to repeat the nominations.

Comic award options

  • medals
  • certificates, diplomas
  • oscar figurines
  • funny IDs
  • T-shirts with unique inscriptions
  • mugs

All this can be ordered from special places, and if there are craftsmen, then do it yourself.

More ideas:

  • You can buy children's dolls from the Barbie and Ken series and decorate them with ribbons with appropriate inscriptions (original, beautiful, and many will definitely leave such a souvenir as a keepsake).
  • Option with photographs: make funny photo collages of each graduate (process them in Photoshop and make appropriate inscriptions on them, for example: “Miss Charm”, “Mr. Intelligence”). Then get interesting paper holders and attach ready-made photos to them - the souvenir is ready! Such a souvenir will also perfectly "fit" into any apartment and remain as a keepsake.
  • The easiest and most economical option is to make a wall newspaper with photos of graduates and write under each photo of the graduate in which nomination he is the winner. You can also come up with funny epigrams or rhymes-wishes.

Award nomination options

Nominations for awarding can reflect the personality traits of the character of the recipient, his business qualities or rely on some single, but well-known case. You can also use a person’s favorite phrases, habits, outstanding external data, gastronomic preferences and hobbies for nominations.

It is very important that both the audience and the recipient like the nominations. You should not make fun of people with sick pride or without a sense of humor. Jokes can only be applied to a person who is able to laugh at himself without irritation and other negative feelings, and you must be 100% sure that this person will not be offended.

Remember, your main task when compiling nominations is not to spoil anyone's festive mood!

I offer you a wide range of comic nominations:

Mister / Miss

  • Activity
  • anti-punctuality
  • Amazon
  • Antistress
  • Artistry
  • Carelessness
  • Fighter for justice
  • Veselchak (Joker)
  • magic voice
  • know-it-all
  • Fearless Warrior
  • Genius
  • Idea's generator
  • Grace
  • Delicacy
  • DJ
  • Kindness
  • good faith
  • good nature
  • Friendliness
  • Sole of company
  • Mystery
  • Entertainer (Entertainer)
  • pop star
  • sophistication
  • Grace
  • Intelligence
  • Seeker of adventures
  • Cinema fan
  • Yoke
  • Compromise
  • Pretty boy
  • Eloquence
  • Creativity
  • Cool guys are all over the place!
  • Lightness of Being
  • best biceps
  • Women's favorite
  • Animal lover
  • Curiosity
  • music lover
  • Dreamer
  • Model (Supermodel)
  • Wisdom
  • Observation
  • Real Gentleman
  • real lady
  • Resourcefulness
  • Extraordinary (Extraordinary personality)
  • unpredictability
  • Fidget
  • Charm
  • Charm
  • Model of intelligence
  • Sociability
  • Optimism (Optimiss and Optimister)
  • Speaker or voice of the people
  • Originality
  • A responsibility
  • Responsiveness
  • the charm
  • Positive
  • Political commentator
  • Popularity
  • The thief of women's hearts
  • Psychotherapist
  • Prankster (Prankster)
  • prudence
  • Determination
  • Romantic
  • Knight
  • Heartbreaker (Heartbreaker)
  • Storyteller
  • Modesty (Humble)
  • Wits
  • Athlete (Sportswoman)
  • Justice
  • Style
  • Slenderness (Slender)
  • Mystery
  • Privy Councilor
  • Tact
  • Dancer
  • Creative person
  • Confidence
  • Smile
  • Dreamer
  • cunning
  • Laughing
  • Generosity
  • Energy
  • Scrabble
  • Humorist
  • Mr "I'm Busy"
  • It's hard to be a god
  • War is war, but lunch is on schedule
  • Desperate Drybite
  • avid coffee lover
  • Best Chipseater
  • Honored Master of Feng Shui
  • Social Media Goddess
  • Photo monster
  • Internet Maniac
  • Just a Goddess
  • light head
  • Simply Genius
  • Computer genius
  • Our Muse
  • Master of golden pens
  • Mr. Bean
  • Thumbelina
  • Mermaid (longest hair)
  • Cowboy Joe, etc.

Nominee Awards Ceremony

How can you beat this or that nomination at the awards ceremony? I offer options for some nominations:

Nomination "Miss (Mr.) Antistress"

This is the calmest person in the team. Communication with him brings you into a state of peace, so you want to communicate with him (her) again and again ...

Nominations "Mr. Veselchak and Miss Laughter"

From the blues and all misfortunes
Laughter is the main medicine!
The winners in this category are _____________. Applause!

Nomination "Miss (Mr.) Lightness of Being"

Genius carelessness and distraction. He has a great talent to always and everywhere be late, but always and everywhere to be in time! How does he (she) do it?

The winner in this category is ______________. Applause!

Nomination "Miss (Mr.) Curiosity"

This is the most inquisitive person in the team. It is he (she) who will until the last beat out of you all the information about everything, everything, everything ...

The winner in this category is ______________. Applause!

Nomination "Miss (Mr.) Speaker, or voice of the people"

He (she) is the most eloquent person who is not afraid to speak on behalf of the team...

The winner in this category is ______________. Applause!

Nomination "Miss (Mr.) Responsibility"

Despite crazy traffic jams, global cataclysms and rising prices for gold and oil, it will always appear in the right place and at the right time. For responsible attitude to the daily routine

The winner in this category is ______________. Applause!

Nomination "Miss (Mr.) Sunshine"

No matter what the weather is today
Even if it's raining outside
In the soul and in the heart it is easy in bad weather,
When the sun lives next to you.
The winner in this category is ______________. Applause!

Option number 1

nomination "Miss Charm"
nomination "Miss My little charm"
nomination "Miss (or Mr.) Fidget"
nomination "Miss Grace".
nomination "Miss Humor".
nomination "Miss and Mr. Resourcefulness".
nomination "Miss and Mr. Artistry".
nomination "Miss and Mr. Charm".
nomination "Miss Spring".
nomination "Miss Energy".
nomination "Miss Style".

nomination "Miss Intelligence".
nomination "Miss Magic Voice".
nomination "Miss Audience Choice".
nomination "Miss Creativity".
nomination "Soul of the group".
nomination "Mr. Real Gentleman"
nomination "Miss Kindness".

Nominated for Clear Smile

nomination for the best appetite...

nomination The most nimble
nomination the most cheerful

Option number 2

1. The most slender!
2.Most advanced!
3. The most charming (th)!
4. The sportiest!
5. The most unpredictable!
6. Charming!
7. Tamer!
8. Storyteller!
10. Hunter!

Cypress wrote:

1. Nomination "Clever and clever"!

How wonderful that there are guys in the group,
Whose mind and knowledge bring glory to her,
After all, it is about them that they will once say:
You are the pride and hope of our days!
The right to announce the winners of the nomination "Clever and clever" is provided by _______.
The winners are: __________________.

2. Nomination "Miss Charm".

In your life, no less than knowledge,
The charm will come in handy.
The right to announce the winners of the nomination "Miss Charm" is provided by ___________.
The winners of the nomination are: ______________.
(Medals are presented, applause.) Fanfare.

3. Nomination "Soul of the group".

Becoming a leader in a group is not easy.
Everyone needs to be interesting
It is unlikely that the stars will help you here,
It is important to know and love people.
The right to announce the winner of the "Soul of the Group" nomination is granted to _________.
Nomination winner: ___________.
(A medal is presented.) Fanfare.

4. Nomination "Real gentleman".

Gentleman is not just a title,
What is given to you by God
Being a gentleman is a calling
Take it and try it yourself!
The right to announce the winners of the "Real Gentleman" nomination is provided by _________.
The winners of the nomination are: ______.
(Medals are awarded.) Fanfare.

5. Nomination "Photo model".

If everything is fine in a person:
Face and thoughts and clothes
Then maybe not in vain
Hope to become a model.
The right to announce the winners of the nomination "Photo Model" is provided by __________.

(Medals are awarded.) Fanfare.

6. Nomination "Miss and Mr. Charm".

If someone smiled at you
And suddenly a radiance spread around -
Fortune suddenly returned to you,
That's what charm did.
The right to announce the winners of the nomination "Miss and Mr. Charm" is provided by _______.
The winners of the nomination were: _________.
(Medals are awarded.) Fanfare.

7. Nomination "Miss Kindness".

Among all human qualities
It is valued for a reason:
Life can't go any other way
As long as there is kindness in the world.
The right to announce the winners of the "Miss Kindness" nomination is provided by _______.
The winners of the nomination are: _______.
(Medals are awarded.) Fanfare.

8. Nomination "Sun of the group".

No matter what the weather is today
Even if it's raining outside
In the soul and in the heart it is easy in bad weather,
When the sun lives next to you.
The right to announce the winners of the "Class Sun" nomination is provided by _______.

(Medals are awarded.) Fanfare.

9. Nomination "Girls' Dream".

Girls dream of princes since childhood,
And Grey, sailing scarlet, is waiting,
Not noticing that with them together
Nearby their dreams go through life.
. The right to announce the winners of the "Girls' Dream" nomination is provided by _______.
The winners of the nomination were: _____________.
(Medals are awarded.) Fanfare.

10. Nomination "Miss Artistry".

If you are given the talent to shine,
You don't have to bury it in the ground.
The right to announce the winner of the "Miss Artistry" nomination is provided by _______.
The winner of the nomination was: _____________.
(A medal is presented.) Fanfare.

11. Nomination "Mr. Independence".

How rare in our life
The person is completely independent.
The right to announce the winner of the "Mr. Independence" nomination is provided by _______.

(A medal is presented.) Fanfare.

12. Nomination "Mr. Veselchak".

From the blues and all misfortunes
Laughter is the main medicine!
1. The right to announce the winner of the "Mr. Cheerful" nomination is provided by _______.
The winner of the nomination was: _____________.
(A medal is presented.) Fanfare.

13. Nomination "Mr. Hope and Support".

Life won't seem complicated
When you can lean on a friend
And despite all the changes
Reliability was valued at all times.
The right to announce the winner of the nomination "Mr. Hope and Support" is provided by _______.
The winner of the nomination was: _____________.
(A medal is presented.) Fanfare.

14. Nomination " Faithful friends".

We are with you - you and me
4 years already friends.
Such a devoted friendship
Anyone will envy.
The right to announce the winners of the "True Friends" nomination is provided by _______.
The winners of the nomination were: _____________.
(Medals are awarded.)


Dear participants! The results of the competition have been summed up.

Congratulations to the winners!

Attention! Distribution of diplomas, certificates and other documents for participation in the competition will be carried out according to the deadlines specified in the regulation of the competition.
(from April 23 to May 07, 2017).

There is an artist in each of us. Someone paints on canvas with oil, someone thoughtfully displays intricate patterns, and someone makes graffiti on gray fences. There are many techniques and directions of drawing. There is even art therapy. After all, you can draw anywhere and anytime.
We invite you to take part in International drawing competition "I am an artist!".
Drawings on a free theme, made in any technique, are accepted for participation. We are waiting for your work!

Competition goals:

  • education in the younger generation of love for creativity;
  • stimulation of cognitive interests;
  • promotion of the possibility of additional development of children.
  • promote the disclosure of individual creative abilities in children and adolescents;
  • identify and support talented and gifted children;
  • promote the development and implementation of creative abilities and creativity participants of the competition;
  • to promote the development of thought processes, fantasy and imagination in the younger generation;
  • to encourage children and teenagers to be creative.

About the contest:

Children from 0 to 17 years old, as well as adults in their nominations, can participate in the competition.
Each child, adult can apply for participation in one or more nominations (if available - in sub-nominations), in each of which they can submit one or more competitive works.
Please note that before the start of the competition without fail you need to read the rules of the competition, .
Best works may be published on the website.

Competition dates:

Acceptance of works: from March 08 to April 16, 2017;
Work evaluation: from 18 to 20 April 2017;
Announcement of winners and publication of the final protocol: April 21, 2017;
Distribution of diplomas to winners, certificates to participants and experts by e-mail: since 23 April to May 07, 2017.

Children's nominations:

Nominations for adults:

Awards for winners and participants:

In each nomination and age category will be played:

  • Diplomas of winners (for 1,2,3 places);
  • Diplomas of laureates;
  • Participant certificates;
  • Letters of thanks for teachers who submitted 20 or more children's works for the competition * ;

How to enter the competition:

  • 100 rubles for each work to receive electronic certificates for the participant;
  • 250 rubles for each work to receive printed certificates for the participant;

If it is necessary to order a letter of thanks to the teacher for the participation of the child in the competition, an additional 100 rubles are added to the amount of payment for each electronic document, 250 rub. for each printed document. One work can have only one curator.
* Letters of thanks to teachers who have declared 20 or more children's works are issued free of charge!

  • students of grade 3 "B" MBOU secondary school No. 1, Moscow,
  • team "Zvezdochka" MBU DO CDT Kazan,
  • pupils senior group MDOU No. 122, Volgograd,
  • Ivanov family

Application for participation in the competition

After reading the rules of the competition and for the provision of services, it is necessary to participate in the competition, in which you need to indicate your data: the name and surname of the child, the educational institution and its location. We need this data to issue and send you certificates and diplomas. Within 3 working days, a representative of the organizing committee will contact you and confirm receipt of your application. If during this time no one contacted you at the address you specified, then your application either did not reach the organizing committee or you entered the wrong email address and our letter does not reach you. In this case, repeat the application and be sure to contact the organizing committee in the comments or at the contacts indicated in the competition you have chosen, and specify the receipt of the application within the deadline for accepting works for the competition so as not to miss the paid participation in the competition. Paid funds for other competitions are not transferred.
Job requirements:

  1. Photos of works or scans of drawings or crafts are accepted for the competition.
  2. Photos (scans) must be copyrighted, i.e. made by you personally.
  3. Images are accepted in .jpg, .gif, .png formats.
  4. The "weight" of the image should not exceed 200 kb.
  5. Photos must be of high quality and clear.
  6. It is forbidden to process photos in Photoshop.
  7. The size of the photo should NOT be less than 500 pixels in width and less than 400 pixels in height.
  8. The competition work must correspond to the theme of the competition.
  9. The work must have a title and description (i.e. explain what is shown in the photograph of the work).