Workplace certification process. Certification of workplaces has been replaced by a special assessment of working conditions. Organizations licensed to carry out certification of workplaces

  • 31.03.2020

Carrying out certification of workplaces according to working conditions allows the employer to determine how safely the activities of his employees are organized. At present, all employers, with the exception of individuals without the formation of an individual entrepreneur, should carry out this event.

Evaluation of working conditions and certification of workplaces

It should be noted right away that at present, such a concept as “workplace certification” is not used in legislative acts, it was replaced by “special assessment of working conditions” from 01/01/2014. But in everyday life, the phrase “worker certification” is still more often used places."

At their core, these two concepts are identical, and one and the other implies a special set of measures aimed at identifying harmful and dangerous factors at one job or another.

Currently, the current law on attestation of workplaces is the federal law“On the special assessment of working conditions” dated December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ (hereinafter referred to as the Law).

Certification of workplaces: validity period

The frequency of certification of workplaces is as follows:

  • Scheduled special assessment once every 5 years.
  • Unscheduled as needed.

Unscheduled certification of workplaces can be carried out in the following cases:

  • the emergence of new jobs,
  • an accident or occupational disease due to exposure to hazardous factors,
  • changes in the technological process,
  • order of the GIT inspectors or at the suggestion of the representative body of workers.

For such situations, Article 17 of the Law establishes a deadline of 6 to 12 months for an unscheduled special assessment, depending on the reason that caused it.

Another question that arises for employers who, prior to the entry into force of the Law, had attestation of workplaces: for how many years is such an inspection valid, is it necessary to conduct a special assessment instead? The law states that if there are no prerequisites for an unscheduled assessment, the attestation will be valid for 5 years. That is, if enterprises conducted it before the end of 2013, they need to conduct a special assessment for the first time only in 2018.

Certification of workplaces: who conducts

According to Article 8 of the Law, a special assessment of jobs is organized by the employer with the participation of a company that has the right to carry out such work.

The organization involved has a number of requirements:

  • The list of activities must contain the OKPD code for attestation of workplaces: (according to the classifier OK 034-2014).
  • The company must employ at least 5 certified experts.
  • The structure of the company should include a special accredited laboratory for measurements and samples.

In order to be sure that the company entrusted with the inspection meets the stated requirements, you need to check its presence in a special list, which is located on the ]]> website of the Ministry of Labor ]]> .

How to conduct a workplace assessment yourself

Currently, employers are not entitled to carry out certification of workplaces without the involvement of employees of a company that has the appropriate license. Otherwise, the results of such a special assessment will not be valid.

How is workplace certification carried out?

The procedure for attestation of workplaces in terms of working conditions involves the following activities:

  • Issuance of an order for certification, in which a commission and deadlines are appointed.
  • A list of jobs subject to special assessment is determined. Here it is necessary to take into account the frequency of certification of workplaces. Only those places are checked, the period of the previous evaluation of which expires.
  • Direct work is carried out to study the documentation, measurements and sampling.
  • A report is drawn up, which includes an attestation card and a summary sheet. All the activities carried out are entered into them and a conclusion is made about the safety of the workplace with the assignment of a certain class.

The results of the special assessment should be made known to interested employees.

Workplace attestation card for working conditions

This is a consolidated document in which all information about the workplace being checked is entered, and indicate the level (degree) of exposure to certain factors, for example, the level of APFD (in the certification of workplaces, this abbreviation combines all aerosol substances that may be in the air).

Penalty for the lack of certification of workplaces in 2018

If the employer evades the special assessment or violates its procedure, an administrative penalty is imposed on him. The penalty for the lack of attestation of workplaces is charged under paragraph 2 of Article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and amounts to:

  • 5000 - 10,000 rubles. for officials and entrepreneurs.
  • 60,000 - 80,000 rubles. for organizations.

At the same time, the payment of a fine does not relieve the perpetrator of certification.

How to pay for certification and return part of the funds spent on it

As a rule, the question of cost accounting arises with budget organizations, which pays for the certification of jobs. KOSGU (Classification of Public Sector Operations) in this case refers to Article 220 “Payment for works, services” (Order of the Ministry of Finance dated July 1, 2013 No. 65n).

Another question is how can certification of workplaces be partially compensated? The FSS allows you to pay for it from contributions for "injuries". To do this, you need to submit the appropriate package of documents to the Fund. You can receive funds both for the work already done and for the planned one. The main condition is the absence of debts on insurance premiums.

Certification of workplaces for working conditions includes a set of procedures, measurements and calculations that allow you to identify how safe this or that workplace. This procedure should be carried out by all employers with a certain frequency. What are the deadlines for certification of workplaces regulated by Law No. 426-FZ (On conducting a special assessment) . Its types are divided into planned and unscheduled.

Carrying out certification of workplaces is aimed at preventing accidents at work and occupational diseases of employees of the enterprise, as well as at implementing measures to ensure working conditions in accordance with national regulatory and legal requirements.

Tasks of certification of workplaces:

  • study of the influence of harmful factors on human life and health as a result of work activities;
  • economic feasibility of using certain categories professions benefits and compensation for harmful conditions labor;
  • development of measures to improve existing working conditions and reduce the detrimental effect on human physical health.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law on Certification of Workplaces, Order of the Ministry of Health No. 342n, employers and organizations are required to conduct an appropriate check and provide their subordinates with safe working conditions.

From January 1, 2014, workplace certification was replaced by a special assessment of working conditions, which will be carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 426. This law was adopted by the participants of the State Duma on December 23, 2013 and approved by the Federation Council on December 25. New law establishes the regulatory and organizational framework, as well as the procedure for conducting a special assessment of working conditions and regulates legislative provision, rights, obligations and responsibilities of the accomplices of this certification.

Chapter first(Articles 1-7). Basic concepts. Defines:

  • the subject of regulation of the current Federal Law;
  • regulation of special certification;
  • special certification of working conditions;
  • rights and obligations of the entrepreneur;
  • rights and obligations of employees;
  • application of relevant results.

Chapter two. The procedure for conducting a special assessment of working conditions:

  • Article 8. Institution that conducts certification;
  • Article 9. Preparation for the event;
  • Article 10. Authentication of potentially harmful and harmful factors;
  • Article 11. Proclamation of the conformity of working conditions;
  • Article 12 Research and measurement of working conditions;
  • Article 13. Harmful and pernicious factors of the working environment and labor order;
  • Article 14. Types of conditions;
  • article 15. The results of the attestation;
  • article 16. Features of the certification;
  • Article 17. Carrying out an unscheduled inspection;
  • article 18. Federal nationwide Information system accounting.

Chapter Three(Articles 19-24). Institutions that carry out special assessments of working conditions. This section includes the following organizations:

  • expert;
  • register of organizations;
  • an independent institution that conducts unscheduled certification;
  • quality examination;
  • guaranteeing the fulfillment of the obligations of all institutions.

Chapter Four(vv 25-28). Final provisions of the law. Regulates:

  • nationwide and trade union supervision of compliance with the norms and requirements of the current law;
  • disagreement regarding the issues of conducting special certification and improving working conditions;
  • transitional provisions;
  • the procedure for the entry into force of the law.

Until the end of 2013, the certification procedure was carried out in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health of April 26, 2011 No. 342n. However, it was developed new order Ministry of Labor of December 12, 2012 No. 590n, which also entered into force on January 1, 2014.

The procedure for attestation by law

Evaluation of the workplace provides for an objective certification of working conditions. The employer provides all necessary documentation, guarantees unhindered access to every production site. To carry out certification actions, it is necessary to perform some organizational arrangements. The employer creates an appropriate committee, and also determines the composition of the governing council. After that, a schedule for the assessment of jobs is drawn up. Terms of implementation are regulated on the basis of special documentation. An agreement is concluded between the employer and the institution regarding the certification.

The statutory certification process is as follows:

  • workplaces are established, which may be subject to overall assessment, including Schedule #1 and Schedule #2;
  • harmful and harmful factors are determined;
  • a review of supporting factors is carried out, namely, guaranteeing the availability of overalls and protective equipment for employees;
  • a final document is drawn up, allowing to draw a conclusion about the working conditions, and, if necessary, to establish the types of mandatory benefits and compensations.

Important! The corresponding procedure does not apply to remote employees and individuals who entered into an agreement with an employee, not an entrepreneur.

Law changes

The main change was not only the change of the law, the order of the procedure was significantly changed. And also the responsibility for non-compliance with the norms and requirements established by the legislation of Russia was toughened. The latest amendments to Federal Law No. 426-FZ of December 28, 2013 “On Special Assessment of Working Conditions” were adopted by the State Duma participants on May 1, 2016.

The following articles should be highlighted in the new version of the law:

Article 10

In this article, clause 1 of part 6 has been changed: "jobs of employees, professions, positions, specialties of which were included in the lists of relevant works, industries, professions, taking into account which the early appointment of an old-age insurance pension is implemented."

Part 7 of Article 14

Amend to read as follows: “In agreement with federal service executive board, which performs the functions of organizing and implementing federal nationwide sanitary and hygienic control, it is allowed to reduce the class and (or) subclass of working conditions by more than 1 step.

Article 17

According to the new edition, unscheduled special certification is carried out within 12 months from the date of occurrence of the cases specified in paragraphs 1, 3 of part one of this article.

Article 18 of Law No. 426

In accordance with the developed innovations, the basis for creating the rights of employees employed in the relevant workplace for the early appointment of an old-age insurance pension.

The main provisions of the new law establish that the assessment of the harmfulness of working conditions is carried out at all workplaces, including places with computers and office equipment. It is mandatory to assign a class of danger and (or) harmfulness.

Download the law on attestation of workplaces

The new version of the law clearly states that the employer is responsible for the implementation of certification, as well as the reliability of providing information to the national labor inspectorate. For non-compliance with Russian legislation, responsible persons face administrative liability in the amount of 1,000 to 5,000 thousand rubles. For a similar offense, the relevant authorities have the right to disqualify the employer / organization for a period of one to three years.

  • Legislation
  • Terms of certification
  • Who conducts certification?


According to article 212 Labor Code In the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to carry out certification of workplaces according to working conditions. Certification is carried out on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Health and social development RF of April 26, 2011 No. 342n "On Approval of the Procedure for Certification of Workplaces for Working Conditions". Based on the second part of Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, all employers are required to carry out certification of workplaces, without exception. The main purpose and objective of this procedure- improvement of working conditions, as well as the identification of harmful and dangerous production factors. The certification process includes:

  • hygienic assessment of working conditions of employees;
  • assessment of injury safety at the enterprise;
  • assessment of compliance with labor safety standards of the tools and equipment used at the enterprise;
  • provision of employees of the organization with personal protective equipment.

Terms of certification

The organization itself determines when it needs to conduct certification. However, by law, it must be carried out at least once every 5 years! It is important to know that if a new workplace appears in your enterprise or changes production equipment workplace, it must be certified within 60 days.

Many employers confuse performance appraisal with employee appraisal. It is important to understand that it is the workplace that is being certified, and not the employee! For example, 5 people may work in your organization, and there may be 2, 3 or even 8 jobs. Some employees can perform different tasks and occupy several jobs, respectively, each of which must be certified by the employer!

Workplace certification and fines

Various sanctions may be applied for violating the procedure for attesting workplaces: from issuing orders to eliminate violations to bringing managers and officials to administrative responsibility. Both the prosecutor's office and the labor and employment inspectorate can check the attestation of workplaces. The visit of these structures, as a rule, does not bode well.

To date, the maximum fine for not carrying out certification of workplaces is 50 thousand rubles. Or an administrative suspension of the activities of an enterprise or organization for a period of up to 90 days may be carried out (Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). The fine for officials is from 1 to 5 thousand rubles. However, the Ministry of Health and Social Development plans to increase this amount by several times. The increase in fines will increase the degree of responsibility of the employer for the life and health of employees and will call on many organizations to attest their workplaces.

Who conducts certification?

In order to carry out certification, in accordance with the law, it is necessary to have accreditation for the provision of services in the field of labor protection in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development N205n of 04/01/2010. As a rule, such organizations have their own laboratory and the entire list of measuring equipment for measurements. The involvement of such organizations takes place on a contractual basis.

The procedure for certification

The procedure for certification of workplaces includes:

  1. Formation of an order for the organization, within the framework of which a special certifying commission, which includes specialists of the attesting company and employees of the attested organization.

2) The list of workplaces subject to certification is determined. Next, a list of hazardous and harmful production factors in the workplace is established and the cost of certification is calculated.

3) The process of executing the certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions, within the framework of which the degree of injury risk of each workplace is assessed and the following is determined:

  • safety of the used equipment, tools and materials involved in the labor process;
  • the provision of PPE employees and their compliance with the actual impact of harmful or hazardous factors;
  • the level of awareness of each employee about measures to ensure labor safety.

4) Registration of the results of certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions, with the application of the appropriate package of documents:

  • measurement protocols;
  • cards of attestation of workplaces at the enterprise;
  • an action plan aimed at improving the sanitary and living conditions of workers;
  • statements, applications and other documents.

5) After the certification, the employer sends its results to the state labor inspectorate. The received documents based on the results of certification are used within the framework of:

  • certification of production facilities, confirming compliance with the requirements for the organization of labor protection;
  • to calculate discounts and premiums to the insurance rate in the system of compulsory social insurance of workers against industrial accidents;
  • definitions of conditions employment contract and familiarization of the employee with the labor process;
  • development of an action plan aimed at ensuring labor safety;
  • determining the procedure and amount of compensation to employees;
  • identifying those responsible for violating labor protection requirements and making appropriate decisions.

The cost of certification of jobs

The cost of certification services depends on the number of jobs in the enterprise. For medium and large enterprises, where there is a large number of jobs, there are discount systems. The average market cost of certification of 1 workplace is from 1,500 to 7,000 rubles. Complex studies are paid separately. At the same time, the cost of attesting a welder's workplace will be higher than the cost of attesting an accountant's workplace.

For an ordinary office, the approximate cost of certification of one workplace with a personal computer is about 2,000 rubles.

There are organizations that offer to provide these services at prices significantly lower than the average market prices. But keep in mind that a cheap option can lead to significant losses in the future.

Today, the market for such services in our country is very diverse. However, from the huge mass of organizations offering certification services, you should choose only honest and proven with positive side firms.

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Certification of workplaces is a set of activities that are carried out by a specialized company in order to monitor the state of workplaces in an enterprise. New order control was adopted in 2011. The changes affected the list of companies subject to assessment: if previously only enterprises with a priori harmful conditions were subjected to it, today certification of workplaces is supposed to be carried out by office companies, educational and children's institutions, which were not previously subject to certification.

Why is certification needed?

(ARM) is necessary, first of all, because this procedure is established by law. Secondly, the employer needs it as a responsible person responsible for compliance with the standards of keeping workplaces in proper order and the health of employees. The need for an automated workplace is based on the requirements for the management of enterprises:

  • comply with the law;
  • control working conditions;
  • justify the provision of benefits to personnel employed in hazardous production and the appointment of preferential pensions for employees;
  • avoid unreasonable financial costs for labor protection;
  • exclude claims from regulatory authorities about the inappropriate condition of workplaces.

Certification measures allow the employer to improve working conditions labor collective and save cash. Information on the results of the assessment is reflected in the AWP cards. Information about the state of the Republic of Moldova may become the basis for the FSS to reduce the amount of the employer's contribution to social insurance.

Positive certification results become the basis for granting discounts on contributions to the Pension Fund. Their size will depend on which class is assigned to the workplace.

The legislative framework

The procedure for monitoring the state of the RM is set out in the legislative acts of the Russian Federation:

  • Federal Law No. 426
  • Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 33n

Checking the state of working conditions in any organization for deviations from the norms of the law adds a lot of trouble to the manager, but it is he who should be interested in the comprehensive implementation of the automated workplace and its positive outcome, since the benefits from this are much greater than the problems.

The frequency of the AWP

The state of working conditions in the workplace should be monitored every 5 years. From the moment the order is issued on the completion and results of the next certification, the countdown of the next period begins.

If there have been changes at the enterprise, then the automated workplace is made ahead of schedule. Certification must be organized and carried out within 60 days after the head informs the labor inspectorate about such points:

An extraordinary assessment can be initiated government bodies supervising the state of labor protection, if they revealed violations of its implementation, or the deadlines are not observed.

Order of conduct

Certification of workplaces is carried out in a certain sequence.

Stages of AWP:

  1. Definition of jobs for evaluation. You can download a sample list of RMs that are subject to certification.
  2. Selection of an attesting company and conclusion of a contract for the work.
  3. Edition local act about certification.
  4. Familiarization of personnel with the order.
  5. Conducting AWP.
  6. Registration of documentation: protocols of conducted studies, AWP maps.
  7. Drawing up a list of measures to improve working conditions.

Further actions are carried out by the management of the organization according to the plan.

All employees subject to certification must familiarize themselves with the order of the head on the conduct of the automated workplace and sign it.

A month before the start of certification, the management approves the control schedule and brings it to the attention of the workforce.

When drawing up an employment contract, it is recommended to include a clause on attestation in it - this is a mandatory requirement for its content. If the employee refuses to take part in the AWP, then this fact becomes an additional argument not in his favor: the employer may refuse to hire.

Certification Order

The primary document that is issued at the enterprise for the period of the AWP is an order. The legislation does not provide for a standard format for this local act; each enterprise draws it up in its own form, on its own letterhead. Key Points:

  1. Header: name of the company, full name of the founder.
  2. Publication date, locality.
  3. Name of the order.
  4. Preamble: on the basis of what legislative norms certification is carried out.
  5. The main positions of the content: on the creation of the commission, on the distribution of responsibilities within it, on the timing and time of the attestation period.
  6. List of jobs to be assessed.
  7. Categories of employees who are exempted from attestation, indicating the reasons and referring to legislative acts.
  8. Employer's signature.

The employer is obliged to familiarize the personnel with the assessment criteria, a description of the system for assessing the compliance of employees with their positions based on the results of passing the automated workplace. This item may be included in the order or attached to it as a separate application.

Who conducts certification?

A commission is being created to conduct the AWP. It consists of employees of a special certification body, which has a certificate of accreditation for this type of activity. The employer chooses the organization on his own, concludes an agreement with it for the provision of services, and pays for them.

The functions of the employer include organizing the process in accordance with the established schedule, delivering the commission at the specified time to the enterprise. All attestation actions and paperwork are carried out by the commission independently. The commission includes a representative of the trade union committee of the enterprise to ensure the rights of workers.

Organization Requirements, which certifies jobs:

  1. A record that the evaluation of the PM is the main type of its activity.
  2. Availability of own officially accredited laboratory.
  3. Availability of certificates from the staff on admission to the assessment of working conditions.
  4. Availability of a sanitary doctor.

Workplaces where harmful factors were found in the course of the study are additionally examined using complex laboratory methods. After that, they are assigned a category according to their state: optimal, permissible, harmful or dangerous.

Is job certification required?

AWP once every 5 years at any enterprise is a mandatory procedure established by law. This does not depend on the form of its ownership and the taxation procedure, since under any circumstances the employer must ensure that employees are guaranteed proper working conditions. The procedure for attestation actions is designed to assess how they comply with legislative norms.

The commission evaluates the RM according to the criteria: noise level, vibration, microclimate, severity and intensity of work, the presence of ionizing radiation, chemical and biological parameters. All indicators have an impact on the health of personnel if the norm is not observed.

Workplace attestation card

In the course of the workplace control procedure, the commission fills in a workplace attestation card. The AWP card is a document that displays data on working conditions and test results:

  1. An indication of RMs that do not comply with the standards. If the indicators deviate significantly from the established norms, then the commission makes a decision to prohibit the use of RM. The employer is fined.
  2. Drawing up an action plan to improve existing working conditions, which are aimed at eliminating the identified violations.
  3. Justification for the provision of benefits for employees of the enterprise. If the commission notes in the AWP card that the working conditions do not meet the standards, then it makes a recommendation to the management to assign additional payments or compensation to personnel.

The control of their implementation is assigned to the Labor Inspectorate. If the employer does not respond to the remark in the card, then the employee can apply there with a complaint or with statement of claim to court.

When applying for a job, it is necessary to familiarize a potential employee with the contents of the AWP card in order to have an idea about the state of their future workplace.

The card is kept by the company until the next certification. The labor protection service has the ability to track on the map whether working conditions have changed in the direction of improvement over time. The document format is an official form on several sheets.

The cost and timing of the AWP

The cost of workstations is not static, it is different for different enterprises and depends on specific conditions:

  • area of ​​the study area;
  • the degree of harmfulness of factors that have a negative impact on employees;
  • equipment and materials used by the commission;
  • the number of studied RMs;
  • their territorial location.

To determine a more accurate figure, the employer must first send an application to the certification body indicating the necessary parameters of the jobs that are planned to be examined. The organization considers the application within a maximum of 2 days, calculates the cost of the work.

After agreeing on financial issues between the employer and the contractor, an agreement is concluded on the performance of the assessment. The timing of the automated workplace depends on the scope of work, therefore, they are also discussed by the parties individually.

Who may not qualify?

On January 1, 2014, Federal Law No. 426 began to operate, which covers all issues of certification or, as the procedure is now called, assessment of working conditions. There have been changes that have affected some certification issues:

  1. Definition of executors of an estimation. If earlier AWS could be produced on its own, today this responsibility is assigned to specialized organizations.
  2. Rules for assessing biological factors. The number of evaluation criteria has been added.
  3. Responsibility for violation of the terms of evaluation. The punishment of employers for non-compliance with the law has become tougher.

For a long time, the issue of canceling the comprehensive assessment of some small and medium-sized businesses was not finally resolved. Supporters of the abolition of attestation for some types of production did not find support from legislators, therefore, according to amendments to the law, all should undergo attestation. Small businesses, where one person is employed, and no employment contract is drawn up with him, do not pass the AWP. For example, this applies to individual entrepreneurs when the business owner himself performs necessary work.

Responsibility for not conducting certification

Refusal to conduct certification is a violation of the law. In accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses, the employer is considered guilty, and, as executive, responsible for the enterprise entrusted to him, is subject to administrative punishment:

Name of violation Fine (rub.)
Supervisor IP Entity
Violation of labor protection standards Warning / 2-5 thousand 2-5 thousand 5-8 thousand
Violation during certification or failure to conduct 5-15 thousand 5-15 thousand 65-80 thousand
Admission to work without training in labor protection standards 15-25 thousand 15-25 thousand 100-120 thousand
Lack of personal protective equipment 25-30 thousand 25-30 thousand 100-120 thousand
Repeat violations 35-40 thousand /


for 1-3 years

35-40 thousand / shutdown of activities (up to 90 days) 100-150 thousand /

suspension of activities (up to 90 days)

Certification of workplaces (video)

This video talks about changes in the legislation regarding the automated workplace, as well as who and when should carry out certification, what are the timing and frequency of this event, etc.

Workplace inspections are carried out by the prosecutor's office or the labor inspectorate. In addition to monetary fines, inspectors can issue orders to violators to eliminate violations or release the head from his position.

What does the certification of workplaces for working conditions include? What is the procedure and frequency of certification of workplaces? What is a job attestation card?

Are you an employer and want to make sure that your company's employees work in a safe environment? Would you like to save on deductions to the budget? Are you tired of endless additional checks by supervisory authorities?

Then you definitely need to certify all the workplaces of your enterprise for working conditions.

1. Do I need certification of workplaces for working conditions in 2019?

As early as 01/01/2014, the norms governing the certification of workplaces for working conditions have changed significantly, and on 01/08/2019 the next, but not such global changes in the relevant legislation came into force.

Special assessment of working conditions(SOUT) - measurement of factors that negatively affect the well-being of staff during the performance of their job duties. Fixation is carried out with the help of special devices.

The legislator unified and combined three previously existing assessment measures into one. Many procedures from the previous regulation were transferred to the new legislative act, practically without undergoing any changes. The certification algorithm itself remained the same.

However, there have also been some innovations. For example, according to the new rules, all places of employees, even those located in office centers, are subject to special assessment. Previously, only places associated with the maintenance of industrial equipment, technical equipment, tools, sources of danger, etc. were evaluated.

However, such an event is not necessary:

  • homeworkers;
  • telecommuters;
  • personnel working for individuals (not individual entrepreneurs);
  • religious employers.

The changes also affected certification, which was not carried out according to the approved plan (unscheduled). Now the employee cannot initiate it by submitting an application.

After checking the appraised item, a special card is formed for it. Moreover, analogue places have one common map.

It contains:

  • data on actual working conditions and recommendations for their improvement;
  • scroll envisaged compensation and benefits;
  • information about personal protective equipment (PPE).

Dear readers, although the procedure has undergone adjustments and changed its name, in the framework of this publication I will also operate with the “old”, most familiar name for most of us for this event - certification of workplaces for working conditions.

2. What does the certification of workplaces for working conditions include - an overview of the main points

We have defined the main concept. Now I propose to get acquainted with the most significant moments of the certification process.

I propose to consider them in more detail.

Moment 1. Hygienic assessment of the conditions and nature of work

Evaluating such indicators, the executive experts determine the factors of the working environment and the labor process that affect the well-being of the staff.

They are divided into 4 classes.

Classification of indicators:

Based on the results of the survey and the degree of deviation from the norm, each workplace is assigned a certain class. All results are recorded.

Moment 2. Assessment of psychophysiological factors of the labor process

They mean:

  • monotony of work;
  • his tension;
  • emotional stress;
  • duration of work;
  • operating mode.

The obtained indicators are compared with standard values.

Moment 3. Evaluation of injury safety of the workplace

The executing company evaluates workplaces for compliance with safety standards.

The status of protection against:

  • mechanical damage;
  • electric current;
  • chemical substances;
  • temperatures (high, low).

The assessment process checks for the presence of protective equipment and devices that prevent personal injury. It turns out that there are working area devices signaling equipment malfunctions, means of emergency stop.

According to the results, the experts assign the subject of assessment a class of injury hazard.

Moment 4. Assessment of the availability of personal protective equipment

Experts, assessing the availability of PPE workers, compare the list of funds actually issued with standard norms. The performers check the availability of certificates of conformity for the issued PPE.

The certifying company also checks whether there are violations of the procedure for providing employees of the enterprise with personal protective equipment.

3. Certification of workplaces according to working conditions - 7 main stages

Any process is easier to understand by breaking it down into steps. Certification of workplaces for working conditions is no exception.

I conditionally divided this event into 7 stages. I suggest you take a look at them.

Stage 1. Issuance of an order for certification

5. How to choose a company for certification of workplaces - 3 simple tips

Is it time for a special assessment? Then take the article a few more minutes and read the helpful tips.

Believe me, they will not be superfluous!

Tip 1. Check for a certificate for the right to conduct certification

Each company that has the right to conduct SOUT must present to the customer a notice of its inclusion in the register of the Ministry of Social and Labor Protection of the Russian Federation.

Check this document carefully. So you can get a good quality service.

Tip 2. Pay attention to the technical base of the company

When choosing a company where you plan to place an order, pay attention to the technical base of potential candidates, the availability of accredited laboratories.

SOUT is carried out using measuring equipment. The quality of the examination carried out depends on its accuracy.

Tip 3. Choose companies that are members of the SRO

Many Russian companies they try to save on labor protection and attestation of workplaces according to working conditions.

Since the SOUT procedure is mandatory and it is not possible to avoid it, employers apply for its implementation to firms offering more low prices, and as a result, inadequate quality of service.

Specialists of such companies sometimes perform assessments even without going for measurements, thereby violating the rules for holding this event.


The Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation in 2015 monitored the quality of the special assessment of working conditions in many Russian regions.

Some of them revealed regulatory violations in 80% of the examinations. Poor quality assessment was found even in large companies, such as, for example, "Transaero" and "Siberia".