Communication during business negotiations. Persuasive Communication Techniques Message Parameters in Persuasive Communication

  • 08.12.2019

It is expressed in an order, advice, request and is designed to stimulate some kind of action. On this basis, orders and bureaucratic vocabulary, propaganda literature, tactics of election campaigns, populist rhetoric (the art of persuasion through speech) are formed. Here, the participants in communication influence each other in a special way, orient each other, convince each other, i.e. seek to achieve a specific change in behavior.

In persuasive communication, people try to influence the beliefs or actions of others. It implies the participation of people who are significant to each other: parents influence children, children influence parents, friends influence each other, an agitator influences the opinions of agitators, a defender of a PhD thesis tries to convince members of the academic council, a boss in a conversation with a subordinate tries to influence his behavior, etc.

In other situations, strangers interact with each other. The consumer sends a written complaint to defective goods to a store or a higher organization, the viewer calls the studio with a complaint about the local authorities. hoping to call them to order. Advertising on city stands, in newspapers, on television is also an example of persuasive communication. Although newspapers are considered a means of informative communication, about 65% of their volume is occupied by overt and covert advertising. When people get to work or return home, everywhere - in the subway, bus, on special billboards and signs in stores - they are accompanied by advertising.

We use it from an early age. Children cry, smile, whimper, complain, hoping to influence their parents, convince them of something, attract attention and provoke responses. Persuasive communication becomes a way manipulation the behavior of other people. Even the vocabulary of cultural dialogue is subject to the same goal. When we smile, say “please” or “thank you”, we implicitly hope to soften the interlocutor, to arouse his disposition, to appease. Appearance It can also serve as persuasive communication: with an untidy appearance, we deliberately repel insignificant others; with a neat appearance, we are erased to win over those on whom our chances of success depend. A bouquet of flowers can play an affective-evaluative and persuasive role, as it helps to win over, influence the future behavior of a partner. For professions such as a lawyer, salesman, politician or businessman, the use of persuasive communication techniques is mandatory.

Scientific discoveries

Remains found in Ethiopian soil deposits that are almost 6 million years old suggest that the earliest primitive people developed already then and probably preferred moist forests more than fields.

The discovery challenges traditional Darwinist theories that primitive humans did not evolve into upright walking creatures and thrive until the expansion of tropical fields that allegedly forced our ape-like ancestors out of depleted forests some 4 to 8 million years ago.

Hominides fossils from the later Pliocene period (2.5 - 4.2 million years ago) tentatively show that primitive people lived in dwellings on the territory of the then savannah. The researchers are sure that the earlier living primitive people of the last Miocene period also lived in the savannah.

"The original expectation was that we would find hominid habitats in savannah fields that are about 8 million years old. That didn't happen," said anthropologist Stanley H. Ambros of the University of Illinois. "Remains of all older generations of hominids have been found in the forest environment."

The analysis was carried out in the soils of the area of ​​known paleontological excavations in Ethiopia, where the remains of a new subspecies of Ardipithecus ramidus were found. They date from the last Miocene period (5.4 - 5.8 million years ago). The area where the fossils were found is now a hot and dry semi-desert, occupied by nomadic camel herders. But at the time, this area of ​​Africa was dotted with forests and had a cooler climate.

The Ambros geochemical method takes into account the reconstruction environment soil, investigating the content of carbon dioxide in the samples. The ore of the ground layer of the remains reflects the types of plants that grew on the surface at that time. Tropical grasses contain more heavy form of carbon isotopes than do trees, shrubs and leafy plants.

The ore of these late Miocene hominid fossils contains low levels of carbon 13 which is compatible with trees and woody plants. It also contains a fraction of oxygen isotopes, which are indicators of a cold and humid climate.

"These hominids lived in the forest despite the fact that fields were available," Ambros said. New results require a fundamental reassessment of the known models of adaptation of primitive people to the living conditions of the environment.

There are some differences between communication during a business conversation and business negotiations. During a conversation, its participants usually exchange views and information, clarify each other's positions. And in the process of negotiations, they are engaged not only in this, but also try to come to a mutually acceptable decision or agreement on the issue or case under discussion.

However, in practice it is often difficult to draw a clear line between a business conversation and business negotiations, since such a conversation can often develop into negotiations. It also happens that business negotiations do not go beyond the exchange of information and views between the participants on the topic or problem under discussion and do not end with the conclusion of an agreement or the signing of a contract.

Business negotiations can be various kinds, each of which has its own characteristics in communication. First of all, they can be divided into types depending on the field of activity in which they are conducted or in which their participants are employed. On this basis, administrative, diplomatic, financial, political, trade, family, night and other negotiations are distinguished.

You can also classify them according to the goals that their participants set for themselves. These are negotiations on the conclusion of an agreement or treaty, on the extension of their validity, on coordination joint activities or actions, on the redistribution of mutual obligations, on the conclusion of a marriage contract, on changing the provisions of an already existing agreement ...

Three types of business negotiations should be distinguished, depending on what kind of relationships take place between their participants. When partnering, they behave as parties completely equal in legal or social relations and in terms of cooperation and the desire to reach an agreement that would suit everyone. Competitive negotiations are less attractive for their participants: here they are rivals, seeking, first of all, benefits and advantages for themselves at the expense of the opposite side.

The difference between confrontational negotiations is that the persons participating in them are in unfriendly or conflict relations, which often makes it very difficult for them to communicate and reach a mutually acceptable agreement.

No one will argue with the fact that business negotiations are not very necessary if there are no differences in the positions of the parties participating in them and they only have to jointly formulate and formalize a mutually acceptable agreement.

Good chances of success are those business negotiations, the opinion of the participants of which partially coincides, and partially there are certain differences in them.

Those participants who defend diametrically opposed positions have less chance of a positive result of the negotiations. It may be reasonable in this case to postpone negotiations, to wait until common ground appears between the opposite parties.

The effectiveness of business negotiations to a large extent depends on how their participants are aware of each other. Failure to pre-collect such information is a common mistake that often makes communication difficult.

Therefore, while preparing for it, we will spare no time to collect information about the past of its participants, about the results of their current activities, about their personal tastes and affections, official and family relationships, what they drink and in what quantity ...

Preparing for business negotiations, you can be guided by their following approximate structure: preparatory stage, greeting the participants and introducing them to each other, setting out positions, clarifying and discussing them, agreeing on positions, making a decision, completing negotiations.

Preparation for them requires participants to be even more serious than preparation for business conversation, relations. During it we try to achieve positive results on the following issues:

Solve organizational issues related to upcoming negotiations, including determining their place, time, agenda, and sometimes menus and drinks for communication at the table.

Identify areas of mutual interest of the parties in order to use them in the first place.

Try to establish working contacts with persons with whom business communication is to be.

Prepare and justify your negotiating position, if possible, taking into account the interests of the opposite side.

Formulate your proposals for a joint solution or agreement.

The organizational aspect of preparing for negotiations may include the formation, if necessary, of a special delegation. Its size is determined by the number of issues to be discussed, the level of representation, the need to attract experts, and the presence of persons who can easily establish contacts with people.

In some cases, in the process of preparation, it is useful to hold meetings at which the goals and objectives of future negotiations are clarified, the features of their conduct and the possibility of reaching certain agreements are determined.

It is also possible to draw up a forecast scenario for the upcoming negotiations. Its presence and use can greatly facilitate and increase the effectiveness of future business communication.

You can not leave out of your attention and the preparation of the necessary documents and materials. They should not only illustrate and explain what will be discussed, but also give weight to your statements and reasoning, argue them.

It is also advisable to prepare in advance drafts of a possible agreement or treaty or your own proposals for them. If the negotiations are successful, it will be possible to offer the opposite side to immediately consolidate the agreement reached by signing the previously prepared documents.

These documents should be, if possible, mutually acceptable, and in terms of their content, either compromise, or relatively compromise, or containing a fundamentally new solution, or eliminating the main contradictions between the participants.

When preparing for business negotiations, it is necessary to take into account the fact that more favorable atmosphere for business communication created on neutral ground.

When planning it, you should also try to determine how long it can take and your attitude to its duration.

At the same time, one must not lose sight of the fact that business negotiations include not only the presentation of positions by opposite parties, but also require more or less time to discuss them.

When preparing, one should also take into account that one should not get too carried away in presenting one's position if the opposite side is already sufficiently informed about it.

It is also reasonable to determine what may immediately interest her, and what will not cause delight in her. In this regard, it makes sense to select and arrange information about one's position in an appropriate way so that it most effectively affects a partner or partners.

When communicating during business negotiations, it may be useful for its participants to use the following tactics:

1) Conscious avoidance for various reasons from discussing a topic or a separate issue or making a decision on them. For this, they are used various ways, in particular, you can ask the partner to postpone their consideration.

2) Prolongation of negotiations, during which, based on the current situation, they try to extend their time.

3) Waiting. Its essence is that one side or both are in no hurry to "reveal their cards." First, they want to fully clarify the position of the opposite side, listen to its opinion or proposal, and only then, taking this into account, disclose their position.

4) Expression of consent. With him, first of all, we pay attention to the partner’s common opinion with the already expressed one.

5) Expression of disagreement. It lies in the fact that they do not hide their objection to the statements and proposals of the opposite side.

In the process of business communication during negotiations, various approaches (techniques) are used to achieve positive results in them.

One of them is based on a sharp confrontation between the parties, and its main goal is to defend predetermined positions. This tactic is called "tug of war" or "who wins."

When using such a technique, it should be borne in mind that it can result not only in positive results, but sometimes also leads to the fact that “sparks” can fly from the eyes of those who communicate.

A different approach is much more effective and safer: when from the very beginning of communication the participants take friendly positions towards each other. The possibility of reaching a mutually acceptable solution in this case is very high.

The third approach is called partnership. Its peculiarity is that the parties, despite the divergence of their positions, are aware of the need to search for and reach a mutually acceptable solution or agreement. They also proceed from the fact that the partner is an equal party.

It may be appropriate and effective to use during communication in the process of business negotiations by their participants such a tactic as a gradual increase in the complexity of the issues discussed.

Under him, they first try to discuss and come to an agreement on the most easy and non-conflict issues. There is a good reason for this, which has a positive psychological effect on the opposite side, showing it that reaching an agreement as a whole is quite possible.

It is often tactically correct not to try to solve the whole difficult problem that is the subject of negotiations at once, but to divide it into separate components and seek agreement on each of them.

Communication technology in business negotiations may include the use of various tactics, which are called "dirty tricks". In order to be able to neutralize their action in a timely manner, you need to have an idea about them.

The first of them consists in the fact that from the very beginning one of the parties maximally overestimates the level of its demands addressed to the other.

At the same time, they include such clauses and provisions that can later be painlessly abandoned.

They try to present this to the partner as a forced concession, and demand a concession on his part for this.

Not very moral and another tactic, which is called "placement of false accents" in one's own position. Its essence is that they try to divert the attention of the interlocutor from the main issue. To do this, he deliberately demonstrates a strong degree of interest in reaching an agreement on some minor issue.

Among the "dirty tricks" used in the process of communication during business negotiations, one can also include the "extortion technique". It lies in the fact that at the end, when an agreement is almost reached, one of the parties suddenly puts forward new demands. At the same time, she was already convinced that the partner was extremely interested in reaching an agreement and would be forced to accept them.

Another tactic, the morality of which is also very doubtful, is the conscious setting of a partner in a hopeless situation, which will not leave him the right to choose. For example, this is a deliberate blocking of the sources of its financing or an appeal for assistance to a person whom a partner cannot refuse for various reasons.

Of course, in this case, a breakdown in business negotiations is possible, and the agreement reached may turn out to be very fragile and lead to conflict consequences. However, this is not always the case.

It is not uncommon for communication during business negotiations to use such a tactic that is associated with exerting sharp pressure on a partner. This, in particular, is the presentation of ultimatum demands (“either-or”) to him, especially when it became clear that he was in a hopeless or difficult situation.

A technique is also used, which consists in putting forward demands by one of the partners in increasing order: when his interlocutor agrees with one, another is put forward, agrees with him, a third appears ...

The essence of the technique called “salami” is that one’s own position on the topic under consideration is presented according to the principle of “slicing salami sausage”, i.e. very small portions. The purpose of this is to get the partner to be the first to fully state their position in order to better use this to their advantage.

One of the "dirty tricks" is the rejection of one's own proposals, when the opposite side has already agreed to accept them, and the promotion of new ones, more selfish and unacceptable to it.

When communicating during business negotiations, it is also possible to use a tactic called “double interpretation”. Its meaning is that in the agreement reached, in the wording in it, one of the parties deliberately lays a double meaning, while trying to prevent the other from paying attention to it in a timely manner. This gives her the opportunity to later interpret the agreement in her favor, allegedly without violating it.

Among the "dirty tricks", apparently, one should also include the "bluff", which consists primarily in giving the partner knowingly false information or spreading unreliable rumors.

It will be both appropriate and useful to build communication in business negotiations, taking into account various circumstances that have a positive impact on it.

It can be very effective to start communication by talking about your hobbies, family, hobbies, etc. This helps to establish contact between its participants.

It is not always wise to rush to express your point of view. At first, it's a good idea to make sure that you correctly understood all the statements and proposals of the opposite side. And for this, one should listen carefully to them, and not indulge in one's own thoughts, especially those that are not related to the subject of negotiations, but can be very pleasant.

It is difficult to achieve a positive result in negotiations if their participants are not distinguished by self-control, can give vent to their emotions and sometimes even “dissolve their hands”.

It is rarely inappropriate to use a joke that can make negotiations less formal, if not friendly.

Communication during business negotiations rarely occurs without objections from the parties involved. When they occur, there is no reason to dramatize them. You should calmly accept negative answers to your statements and suggestions. Moreover, the word “no” sometimes serves as a substitute for the word “why”.

Rather than responding negatively to the objections of the opposite side, it is better to repeatedly and more intelligibly explain to her your position, your proposals and bring additional arguments in favor of them.

We calmly reject clearly unacceptable statements and proposals. However, we do not show arrogance and do not show our disrespect for our partner. When we do not agree with him, be sure to justify it.

We should not promise him something that we cannot fulfill. This can then backfire unpleasantly. Let's not be too gullible, so as not to get into some unpleasant situation later.

Anyone who keeps records in business communication can win. It happens that memory fails even those who have not complained about it before. It is especially recommended to write down what you promise and what you object to.

Let's make an effort to fully understand the essence of the position of the opposite side and the true reasons that prompt us to adhere to it. To do this, ask her more questions. In this regard, there is a need to master the technique of posing various questions, which, among other things, is one of the most effective means of managing the course of communication.

We take care of our own and other people's time. We will be punctual and thereby convince the opposite side that you reliable partner with which you can safely deal with the most serious business.

We try to eliminate all factors and circumstances that can have a negative impact on business communication, such as noise behind the wall, insufficient lighting or lack of a “snack” (and it happens).

Let's not let your partner piss you off or confuse you. We will listen more and encourage him to speak more often.

Confirmation of one's statements and proposals by various visual means can lead to good results. Therefore, it is wise to have on hand Required documents and materials to use at the right time.

We try to express our point of view and proposals not abstractly, but as specifically as possible, and your answers to questions should be businesslike, logical, evidence-based and to the point.

In the process of communication, we show perseverance and energy. We do not give up at the first difficulties and failures, we continue to convince and look for new opportunities and arguments for this. At the same time, we pause to give the opposite side an opportunity to realize the dignity of your proposals.

We also give her the opportunity to satisfy our curiosity and vanity, monitor her mood and do not skimp on open and hidden compliments that can raise it.

We will not speak too loudly, we try to observe business etiquette, we do not allow familiarity, familiarity, we avoid unnatural laughter.

Even if business negotiations end unsuccessfully, one should not break off relations with a partner in irritation. We try to keep in touch with him, perhaps this will be useful in the future.

Soloviev S.M. Russian history. - Prince. I. - M., 1958. - P.78.

Gumilyov L. World of Lev Gumilyov. - T.P. - M „ 1994. - S. 28-30.

Target: arouse certain feelings in a business partner and form value orientations and attitudes; convince of the legitimacy of interaction strategies; make it your ally.

Expected Result: attracting a partner to your position, changing personal attitudes, attitudes, beliefs, reorienting goals.

reliance on the susceptibility of the partner, his personal motivation and intellectual and emotional culture.

Communication forms: persuasive, calling to action speech, press conference, discussion, dispute. Negotiations, parting words, compliment, conversation, presentation, round tables.

argumentation, demonstration and proof; clarification and comparative analysis; facts, figures and examples showing the benefits; reliance on the emotional mood of the partner and the inclusion of his kinesthetic channel with the help of verbal and non-verbal access keys; taking into account partner's counterarguments; psychological methods of joining, the formation of attraction, the creation of an atmosphere of trust.

Expressive Communication

Target: to form a psycho-emotional mood in a partner, to convey feelings, experiences, to induce to the necessary action.

Expected Result: changing the mood of the partner, provoking the necessary feelings (compassion, empathy), involvement in specific actions and actions.

Conditions for organizing communication: reliance on the emotional sphere of the partner, the use of artistic and aesthetic means of influencing all sensory channels of the partner.

Communication forms: special occasion speeches, presentations; conversations and meetings; rallies; stories about the situation, about the company, about the person; briefings; brainstorming, synectics, demonstrations of video and film fragments; analysis of possible consequences; slogans and appeals.

Communication means and technologies: audio, video and artistic means; brevity of speech structures; emotionally colored, figurative vocabulary; acting skills: smile, voice, look; brightness of gestures, facial expressions; demonstration of congruence; reliance on the actual needs of the audience; the sincerity of the feelings shown.

suggestive communication

Target: have an inspiring impact on a business partner to change motivation, value orientations and attitudes, behavior and attitudes.

Expected Result: change in partner's behavior, change of attitudes, value orientations.

Conditions for organizing communication: suggestibility of the partner, his lack of awareness, insufficient criticality of the mind, weak level of counter-suggestion, high authority of the suggestor (carrying out the suggestion), creation of an atmosphere of trust.

Communication forms: conversations, rallies, press conferences, briefings, debates, advertising, meetings, consultations, training.

Communication means and technologies: clarification of suggested installations; emotional stress management; suggestion through techniques: identification, references to authority, personification; warning, threat, blackmail, psychological terror, mobbing and other methods of manipulation; psychological attachment.

ritual communication

Target: consolidate and maintain conventional relations in the business world; preserve the ritual traditions of the company, enterprise, create new ones.

Expected Result: the formation of a sense of patriotism and national pride; preservation of traditions, consolidation of new rituals.

Conditions for organizing communication: ritual (ceremonial) nature of the actions, artistically designed spatial environment; compliance with conventions; reliance on national, professional traditions and norms of communication.

Communication forms: solemn, frame, mourning speeches, ritual acts, ceremonies, ceremonies; holidays, dedications, celebrations; presentations and ceremonies.

Communication means and technologies: the use of verbal and non-verbal access keys to the auditory, visual and kinesthetic channels of the participants; inclusion of participants in active mass activities; eccentricity of plots while maintaining traditions.

These types of communication make it possible to determine the peculiarity, correctly use the genre, communication tools and technologies, obtain the planned result, prepare more effectively for communication activities, develop scenarios for verbal and non-verbal behavior in a specific situation of business communication and take into account the characteristics of a business partner.

For a specialist working in the "human-to-human" paradigm special attention deserve also visual, mythological and performance communications.

Visual communication is the transfer of information through gestures, facial expressions, body movements. According to researchers, about 65% of information is transmitted by non-verbal means. The advantage of visual communication is that it is understandable to the majority.

Mythological communication is based on myths. The use of mythological structures allows the communicator to exert a hidden influence on the audience. Due to the unconsciousness and autonomy of the existence of these structures, the audience cannot resist them. For example, politicians use it for their own purposes: real social problems are replaced by a simplified idea of ​​the eternal struggle of two mythologized communities: reds - whites, communists - capitalists, East - West, etc. The attitude towards these groups is built on the principle of "we - they": we are good, they are bad. "This will be discussed in more detail in the corresponding chapter. M. Eliade, considering the functions of myth, notes that each hero repeats archetypal actions, each war renews the struggle between Good and Evil, injustice is identified with the suffering of the Savior Thanks to this approach, millions of people have been able to endure the powerful pressure of history for centuries without falling into despair, without committing suicide and without falling into a state of spiritual sophistication, which is inextricably linked with the nihilistic vision of history .

Myth, thus, represents a certain grammar of behavior and carries its own aesthetic orientation. He is the model and to some extent the justification for all human actions. The myth unfolds in some unconventional space, where there is danger or the unusual. The mythological space is not only unconventional, it is also unrealizable: after all, if all Cinderellas turn into princesses, then who will wash the dishes? The myth is still relevant today. Modern means communications, especially television and the Internet, constructing reality, form their own mythological space. New myths and heroes appear, under the influence of which the transformation of modern culture takes place. Real or mythical heroes continue to influence consciousness. They are role models and indicators of the priority direction of a developed society.

performance (performance- performance, performance) communication is based on rituals. Rituals are an important part of the life of any society. They carry symbolically expressed communicative messages. Performance communication is often characterized by theatricality with its own rules and roles. Under its influence, not only cultural, but also political events take place. Within the framework of public relations, for example, rituals turn into such a phenomenon as presentations.

Belief: "minefields" of negotiations Kozlov Vladimir

5.2 Examples of persuasive communications

Persuasive Communication Examples

You will be presented with several examples of the use of the motivational expectations model in persuasion communications. These examples are taken from the real practice of negotiation counseling. They do not claim to be recipes or universal rules. We want to use these examples to demonstrate the options, as well as to fix some of the rules and errors of presenting a position in persuasion. We will analyze some of the situations together, and in some of them we would like to invite you to do a small workshop in which you will turn the beginning of a negotiation situation into a persuasive communication format.

There is crime and there is punishment. Let's get started...

Situation 1. "Supplier"

Description of the situation

The partner - a supplier of drinks and food - establishes uniform conditions for working with distributors in Russia. In the world, the sales market is growing by an average of 5-7% per year. At the same time, for Russia this figure is about 10%. In negotiations, the company is represented by the Vice President for Russia and the Key Account Manager.

We are a distributor selling company products in stores with filling stations major oil company (NK). We have 2-3% of the total supplier sales in Russia. Image, financial results and the pace of development is positive. We want to receive Better conditions than everyone else, because now we are working almost to zero.

The task (what) is to convince the supplier to provide the distributor with special conditions regarding the policies common for the territory of Russia (Fig. 6).

Analysis of motivational expectations of a supplier representative

Rice. 6. Model of motivational expectations for situation 1

Situation 2. "Increase in staff"

Description of the situation

Due to the increase in the number of sales subsidiaries of NK (market growth), the volume of work has increased. The sales department employs 4 people. It is necessary to convince the director of the department (what) approve an increase in the staff of the department(Fig. 7).

Analysis of motivational expectations of the director of the department

Rice. 7. Model of motivational expectations for situation 2

*KPI- key indicators efficiency, on which, in particular, the variable part of the salary is calculated.

Situation 3. "New rules"

Description of the situation

The company's management staff interacts with the specialists of the chief geologist's staff (allied partners) through the project managers. The rules of interaction are complex - through the leadership of the chain, first up, and then down. The goal is to convince partners to interact directly, without additional approvals (Fig. 8).

Analysis of the subcontractor's motivational expectations

Rice. eight. Model of motivational expectations for situation 3

Situation 4. "Protection of the business plan"

Description of the situation

The business plan undergoes lengthy approvals, in which experts (representatives of related departments) take part. Performers prepare a business plan, says the head. We, the heads of the subsidiary's services, would like to receive expert support at the upcoming event to defend the business plan. As a result - to receive an agreed document with our indicators ...

COMMENT: The description of such a result is confusing, but we deliberately left this wording. Because in the course of counseling we often come across the fact that the goal of persuasion is formulated approximately like this: Let them sign our numbers". If this is our goal setting, then the negotiations are given a power scenario: we fall into the logical trap of a given result, naturally meeting the opponent's resistance. In this case, the key thought of the negotiating partner is: If they have already decided everything, then why did they come?» It will be possible to achieve your goal only by “breaking” this resistance. And the partner will pretend that he didn’t hear, and if he heard, he didn’t understand, and if he understood, he didn’t accept, because .... (trust me, he will find a lot of counterarguments) ...

The rule of a beaten functionary: don't ask, don't tell; said - do not write; wrote - do not sign; signed - refuse ...

Based on the above, we have rewritten goal to the next one: adopt the rules of work on the coordination of the parameters of the business plan(Fig. 9).

Analysis of the expert's motivational expectations

Rice. 9. Model of motivational expectations for situation 4

Situation 5. "Internal customer"

Description of the situation

Major oil company. Partner - a potential customer, a representative of the internal division (subsidiary) of the company, making applications for the performance of work. Head: a southern person, a production worker, in communication - a broad soul, but in business contacts he likes to count and save. The company's policy declares the importance of internal cooperation, but the partner has the opportunity to choose an external contractor. Our goal is to get an order from him for the development of the field at an affordable price (offering and guaranteeing a certain quality, start date and duration of work).

In this situation, an important component of persuasion will be the preparation and presentation of the “best offer in all respects” (quality services on time). The model of motivational expectations should prepare the perception of this proposal (Fig. 10).

Analysis of partner's motivational expectations

Rice. ten. Model of motivational expectations for situation 5

Situation 6. "Remains in the warehouse"

Description of the situation

Partner - technical service of field development represented by CEO and his deputies.

We are the department of material and technical resources of the company. At one time, a large batch of expensive material was purchased, which now must be used, since further storage becomes unprofitable. The partner is inclined to order another, more modern (environmentally friendly and cheap) material. The management of the company set the task to "clean up the remnants" of the material in the warehouse. At the same time, for economic reasons, the costs of long-term storage of the material are included in its price, which makes it even less attractive to the partner. The task is to convince the partner to use this material in production (Fig. 11).

Analysis of motivational expectations of the management of the technical service

Rice. eleven. Model of motivational expectations for situation 6

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Speech is the most universal means of communication, since when information is transmitted through speech, the meaning of the message is least of all lost. With the help of speech, information is encoded and decoded: the communicator encodes in the process of speaking, and the recipient decodes this information in the process of listening.

A set of certain measures aimed at increasing the effectiveness of speech influence is called "persuasive communication", on the basis of which the so-called experimental rhetoric, the art of persuasion through speech, is being developed. Persuasive commun. expressed in an order, advice, request.

Persuasion commun. implies communication of both acquaintances (boss and subordinate) and strangers (a person’s appeal to the authorities with a complaint)

Purpose: to evoke certain feelings in a business partner and form value orientations and attitudes; convince of the legitimacy of interaction strategies; make it your ally.

Conditions for the organization of communication: reliance on the receptivity of the partner, his personal motivation and intellectual and emotional culture.

Communication forms: persuasive, calling to action speech, press conference, discussion, dispute. Negotiations, parting words, compliment, conversation (for example, when we smile and say “please” or “thank you” when communicating, we implicitly hope to arouse the interlocutor’s disposition.), presentation, round tables.

Communication means and technologies: argumentation, demonstration and proof; clarification and comparative analysis; facts, figures and examples showing the benefits; reliance on the emotional mood of the partner and the inclusion of his kinesthetic channel with the help of verbal and non-verbal access keys; psychological methods of joining, creating an atmosphere of trust. Appearance can also serve as persuasive communication: with an untidy appearance we deliberately repel others, and with a neat appearance we try to win over those on whom our chances of success depend. A bouquet of flowers can play both an affective-evaluative and persuasive role, as it helps to endear oneself and influence the future behavior of a partner.

Expected result: attracting a partner to your position, changing personal attitudes, attitudes, beliefs, reorienting goals.

The American journalist G. Lasswell, to study the persuasive impact of the media (in particular, newspapers), proposed a model of the communication process, which includes five elements.

  • 1) Who? (transmits message) Communicator
  • 2) What? (transmitted) Message (text)
  • 3) How? (transmitting) Channel
  • 4) To (message sent) Audience
  • 5) With what effect? Efficiency

The communicator. Social psychologists have found that who makes the message matters a lot. How does one become an "expert"? One easy way is to start making judgments that the audience agrees with, making you appear reasonable. The other is to be presented as someone knowledgeable on the subject. The message about climate change coming from a specialist from the Hydrometeorological Center is much more convincing than the same message from a local high school senior who, along with several classmates, wrote an essay on the topic "Global Warming". Trust is also higher if the audience is confident that the "communicator" is not trying to manipulate them.

Message. Messages become more persuasive if they are associated with positive feelings. Good mood enhances persuasiveness, partly by encouraging positive thinking and partly by the association between good mood and proposed. Sometimes a message can be persuasive if it appeals to negative emotions. Convince people to stop smoking, brush their teeth more often, get a tetanus shot, or drive more carefully with fear messages. Showing smokers the dire consequences that sometimes await those who smoke too many cigarettes adds credibility. However, playing on fear is not always able to make the message more effective. If you do not tell the audience how to avoid danger, the frightening message may simply not be perceived by them.

Channel. Another important circumstance that increases the effectiveness of communication is the channel for transmitting a message. While not as significant as the influence of other people through personal contact, the impact of means mass communication can be effective for topics that are unimportant (such as what brand of aspirin to buy) or unfamiliar to the audience. communication speech persuasion argumentation

The audience. Today, there is a tendency to differentiate social and political attitudes depending on age. It has two explanations. The first one is an explanation life cycle»: attitudes change with age (become more conservative). Another is the “generational change explanation”: the attitudes of older people, learned by them in their youth, basically do not change; The gap between generations arises due to the difference between the old attitudes and those that are assimilated by today's youth. The generational change explanation has more evidence. The persuasiveness of a verbal message also increases if it is possible in some way to divert the attention of the audience enough to suppress possible objections. This method is often used in political advertising. The words of the advertisement praise the candidate, and the visual image is so occupied that the person does not analyze the meaning of the message.

The conclusion in the process of communication is the mutual influence of people on each other. To fully describe the process of mutual influence, it is not enough just to know the structure of the communicative act, it is also necessary to analyze the motives of the communicants, their goals, attitudes, etc. To do this, one must turn to those sign systems that are included in verbal communication in addition to speech. Although speech is a universal means of communication, it acquires meaning only if it is included in the system of activity, and this inclusion is necessarily supplemented by the use of other - non-speech - sign systems.