Dow group development environment presentation. Presentation "The best developing subject-spatial environment of the preschool educational institution group" presentation on the topic. The text of this presentation

  • 19.09.2020

Presentation on the topic:

"The subject-developing environment in kindergarten"

The presentation shows separate areas where children can spend their time.

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Subject-developing environment, middle group.

The presentation was made by: educator Provin Zh.A.

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book center , the content of which corresponds to the age characteristics of children of a given age, implemented in a preschool educational program. It contains books with works of art by children's writers, fairy tales. The main principle of selection is a minimum of text, a maximum of illustrations.

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"Demonstration Center"

In the center there are subject and plot pictures based on lexical topics: furniture, tools, clothes, toys, Appliances, professions, etc.

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Center for Creativity the most well-lit place in the group is assigned. Early age is most favorable for the development of visual and creative activity. Here the children in free time draw, sculpt, perform applique work. Therefore, in the creative corner there are sets of pencils, stencils, drawing paper, coloring books, gouache and brushes, water jars, scissors, colored paper, plasticine.

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ATmusic center children develop their aesthetic taste, exercise their musical abilities, which give children many joyful moments.

There are musical instruments here: tambourines, rattles, bells, rattles, whistles, musical hammers, pianos, etc., which give children many joyful moments, develop phonemic hearing and a sense of rhythm.

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theater center , in which children play not only role-playing games, but also directorial games and dramatization games.

We introduce our pupils to various types of theater so that each child can choose exactly the theater that is closest and most convenient to him. Therefore, different types of theaters are concentrated here: pictures (plot and subject), table theater, finger theater and puppets. Meeting with heroes from fairy tales helps children to relax, relieve tension, create a joyful atmosphere.

Playing theater, children unite interesting idea show unexpected facets of their character. Children are happy to participate in productions and are happy to act as directors and spectators.

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Game center for girls "Kitchen", where there are kitchen utensils, tableware and tea utensils, household appliances. They bring joy and pleasure to children, form an idea of ​​the world around them.

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Game center "Living room", where there is a crib, a sofa, strollers, dolls, toys for dolls, a designer for making tables, chairs.

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Game center "Beauty salon". The center is equipped with various equipment: a mirror, combs, bottles, shampoos, balms, creams, hairpins, a hair dryer, a cape, curlers, curling irons, a mannequin.

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Game center "Shop". This center is equipped with a variety of materials: a showcase, a counter, replicas of vegetables and fruits, tea jars, fish products, dairy products, baskets, a trolley.

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Game center "Hospital".

The center has bathrobes, hats, a pencil and paper for prescriptions, a phonendoscope, a tonometer, a thermometer, cotton wool, a bandage, tweezers, scissors, a sponge, a syringe, ointments, tablets, powders, etc.

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Game center for boys. This center has everything necessary for the development of boys: cars and trucks, working tools, soldiers.

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Design Center.

Constructive activity provides positive influence on the formation of children's play activities, since, constructing buildings from different building materials, they create something new, select the right material for their construction, plan their actions, replenish knowledge about the shape, size, color and location of objects in space, coordinate their actions with the actions of comrades.

In the center there are different types of constructors, "Lego", wooden cubes, large soft cubes.

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Center for developing games. The center is aimed at the development of speech, sensory perception, fine motor skills, and imagination. There are printed board games, various types of puzzles, lotto, inserts of various shapes, various types of lacing toys, and various types of mosaics.

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health center - a fun place in the group. It is very popular among children, because it fulfills the children's need for physical activity. Here children can do physical education. In the center there are skittles, balls different sizes, a set of plastic balls, hoops.

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Experiment Center.

Designed for educational research activities children. It contains kits for experimenting with water, sand, natural material, items from various materials"Sinks-does not sink", sugar, salt and so on. There is also visual material: illustrations of animals, birds, fish, insects, plants; series of pictures "parts of the day", "seasons".

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Center "Rules of the road".

Designed for the prevention of child road traffic injuries - the problem of our entire society, teaching children the correct behavior on the roads, the formation of children's skills of safe behavior on the roads.

It presents attributes for role-playing games with a road theme, visual and illustrative material (illustrations: transport, traffic lights, road signs; plot pictures with problematic road situations); methodological manual for teaching children traffic rules (road layout); constructors; children's fiction, drawings.

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Thank you for your attention!

Subject-developing environment in kindergarten within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard

MDOBU "Kindergarten No. 12 LGO"

senior group teacher

Banina E.R.

Subject-developing environment in the preschool educational institution

  • Of particular relevance today is the issue of organizing a subject-developing environment for a preschool educational institution. This is due to the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) to the structure of the main general educational program preschool education.
  • In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the program should be built taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas and in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of pupils. The solution of program educational tasks is provided not only in joint activities adults and children, but also in the independent activities of children, as well as during regime moments.
  • Everyone knows that the main form of work with preschoolers and the leading activity of children is the game. That is why we educators have an increased interest in updating the subject-developing environment of the preschool educational institution.

What is a subject-developing environment? ( Terminology)

The environment for the development of the child in the structure of the Federal State Educational Standard is a complex of material and technical, sanitary and hygienic, social, social, ergonomic, aesthetic, psychological, pedagogical, spiritual conditions that ensure the organization of the life of children and adults in a preschool educational institution .

GEF requirements for the subject-developing environment:

1. Accessibility for pupils of all premises of the organization where the educational process is carried out.

2. Free access of pupils to games, toys, materials, manuals, providing all basic activities.

Factors to consider when organizing a PR

  • Children should be protected from negative influence toys that: provoke a child to aggressive actions and cause a manifestation of cruelty, provoke game plots associated with immorality and violence that go beyond the competence of childhood.
  • Anthropometric factors that ensure the compliance of growth and age characteristics with the parameters of the subject developmental environment. Furniture must be in accordance with the requirements of SANPiN and GEF

The subject development environment should contribute to the implementation of educational areas in the educational process, including:

1) joint partnership activities of an adult and children;

2) free independent activity of the children themselves in the conditions of a subject-based developing educational environment created by teachers, which ensures that each child chooses activities according to interests and allows him to interact with peers or act individually.

Subject - spatial development environment must be organized in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, where all five educational areas:

1) socio-communicative, 2) cognitive, 3) speech, 4) artistic and aesthetic, 5) physical .

Approximate centers for educational areas in the light of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

Social communication

active development:


new development:

  • traffic center
  • Center fire safety
  • Labor center, duty area
  • Game activity center (role-playing game center)
  • Center "Corner of Nature"
  • Sensory Development Center
  • Center for constructive activity
  • Center for Mathematical Development

Speech development:

Artistic and aesthetic development:

- Experimentation Center

Physical development:

  • Fine Arts Center or Creativity Corner
  • Center for Physical Development
  • Center "Hello, book!"

- Center for musical and theatrical activities

Direction: Artistic - aesthetic development . Center "Creative Workshop" there is material and equipment for artistic and creative activities: drawing, modeling and appliqué. If desired, the child can find and use the necessary, to embody their creative ideas, designs, fantasies. This center has free access.

Direction: Speech development Book World Center plays a significant role in shaping children's interest and love for fiction. In this corner, the child has the opportunity to choose a book according to his own taste and calmly examine it with vivid illustrations.

What a miracle these books are!

Kids love them so much!

Everyone reads regularly

Get a lot of knowledge!

Direction: cognitive development. Center for Experimental Activities. It contains material for the implementation of experimental activities: a microscope, measuring cups, soil, stones, seeds, cereals, etc. Our little "why-guys" conduct simple experiments, determine the properties of various natural materials.

Center "Nature" includes environmental activities. This corner contains various types of indoor plants, on which it is convenient to demonstrate modifications of plant parts, tools for caring for these plants: loosening sticks, a spray bottle, watering cans, etc. In addition to indoor plants, this center has layouts (a rural courtyard, an aquarium, a feeder with birds, etc.).

We almost have a winter garden

In a natural corner.

Everyone is happy to work here

Help hand in hand!

"Construction" (constructive) center , although it is concentrated in one place and takes up little space, it is quite mobile. Its practicality lies in the fact that with the content of the building corner (designer of various types, large and small designer), you can move to any place in the group and organize this activity.

One, two, three - I will add the details, so that they become a machine. From such a constructor Whatever you do - everything is sensible

Center "Didactic Games" (game library) The Center decides the following tasks : purposeful formation in children of interest in elementary mathematical activity, education in children of the need to occupy their free time not only with interesting, but also requiring mental stress, intellectual effort games.

Direction: Social and personal development The game is the main activity of our kids. Bright, saturated game center creates conditions for the creative activity of children, develops imagination, forms playing skills and abilities, fosters a friendly relationship between children. Attributes for role-playing games emerging at this age are freely available for children:



We have good toys

Dolls, bears, rattles.

Let's play later

We'll put everything in place.


Security Corner

About safety on the road

Outdoors and at home

We will, I know, talk

Today in the group again.

Sports section

If you start the day with a charge, then everything will be all right. Us pills and potion Replace physical education!

Music and Theater Center

In our group, all actors, puppeteers and dancers. Every day and every hour We want to play for you!!!

duty corner

Everyone wants to be on duty

To lead everything.

After all, on duty every day,

Babies are not lazy at all!

study area

We are familiar with figures

We learn a lot about numbers.

And mathematics laws

We do not get tired to comprehend!

Here's my favorite place

Here time rushes like a river,

Here you can quickly become an adult,

And change professions!

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"Organization of subject- spatial environment in different age groups of preschool educational institutions according to GEF "

Regulatory documents: Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on November 14, 2013 N 30384 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ORDER dated October 17, 2013 N 1155 ON APPROVAL OF THE FEDERAL STATE EDUCATIONAL STANDARD OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATION

GEF to the conditions for the implementation of the BEP DO These Requirements include five groups of requirements: psychological and pedagogical conditions subject-spatial environment personnel conditions material and technical conditions financial conditions

The concept of "subject-spatial environment" Under the developing subject-spatial environment, one should understand a natural comfortable environment, rationally organized in space and time, saturated with a variety of objects and game materials. In such an environment, it is possible to simultaneously include all children in the group in active cognitive and creative activity.

3.3.1. The developing object-spatial environment ensures the maximum realization of the educational potential of the space of the Organization, the Group, as well as the territory adjacent to the Organization or located at a short distance, adapted for the implementation of the Program (hereinafter referred to as the site), materials, equipment and supplies for the development of preschool children in accordance with the characteristics of each age stage, protecting and strengthening their health, taking into account the characteristics and correcting the shortcomings of their development. Clause 3.1. Requirements for the subject-spatial environment of an educational Organization (Group), which include:

: 3.3.2. The developing subject-spatial environment should provide the opportunity for communication and joint activities of children (including children different ages) and adults, the physical activity of children, as well as opportunities for privacy. 3.3.3. The developing object-spatial environment should provide: the implementation of various educational programs; in the case of organizing inclusive education - the conditions necessary for it; taking into account the national-cultural, climatic conditions in which educational activities; taking into account the age characteristics of children.

3.3.4. The developing subject-spatial environment should be: - rich in content, - transformable, - multifunctional, - variable, - accessible - safe. 3.3.5. The organization independently determines the means of training, including technical, relevant materials (including consumables), gaming, sports, recreational equipment, inventory necessary for the implementation of the Program.

The subject-spatial environment of the preschool educational institution should contribute to the implementation of the main areas: social and communicative development; cognitive development; speech development; artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Model of the subject-spatial environment for children aged 2-3 years Features of age: - active knowledge of the world around; - development of "gun" methods of action in everyday life, play; - mastery of active speech; - the emergence of a plot-display game. Toys and materials: for the development of movements; for the development of gaming activities; for experimentation (center of water and sand); for children's creativity; educational games and toys (touch table, didactic games).

Toys and materials: to stimulate physical activity; toys that reflect real life, game attributes and substitute items; for children's creativity; for experimentation; didactic and educational games, building kits; - for socialization (pictures depicting people of different ages, gender, with different expressions of the emotional state, with different features appearance, hair, shoes, clothes). Model of the object-spatial environment for children aged 3-4 years Features of age: - the baby's transition to new relationships with adults, peers, the objective world; - manifestations of children's independence; - the accumulation of sensory experience in joint subject-cognitive activity with an adult.

Model of the object-spatial environment for children 4-5 years old Features of age: - accumulation of experience in joint activities with peers - development of cognitive activity and activity - attempts to creatively reflect impressions in productive activities. Toys and materials: - to ensure optimal physical activity; - for role-playing games; for construction games; for sensory development; for experimentation; for social and personal development; Didactic, educational games.

A model of the object-spatial environment for children aged 5-7 years Peculiarities of age: - the psychological position is changing - children begin to feel like elders in kindergarten; - there is an interest in problems that go beyond personal experience. Toys and materials: for director's games; visual activity; independent labor activity; cognitive-speech activity; artistic and creative activity; to activate motor activity; - sign, symbolic material.

Algorithm for transforming the object-spatial environment in the kindergarten group Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Formulate the goals and objectives of the work based on the analysis of the main general educational program of preschool education of the Organization in accordance with the age characteristics of children. Conduct an assessment and analysis of the subject-spatial environment of the group room, identifying the deficit areas, write out on a piece of paper: teaching aids necessary for education and training; games and play materials for independent children's activities; special equipment for children's activities. To study the interests, inclinations, preferences, characteristics of the children of the group.

Algorithm for transforming the object-spatial environment in the kindergarten group Step 4. Step 5 Step 6. Make a list of necessary materials and equipment based on the principle of necessity and material possibilities. Draw up a diagram, determining the spatial arrangement of equipment in a group, based on the principle of non-rigid zoning. Provide ways to allocate play areas. Place furniture and large equipment according to the plan, fill it with play materials.

Algorithm for transforming the subject-spatial environment in the kindergarten group Step 7. Think over the sequence of introducing changes in the subject-spatial environment during the year, taking into account the educational program, the positive dynamics of the development of children, and the acquisition of new funds.

Plan - diagram of a group room 8 bedroom 6 6 10 10 10 10 10 19 7 7 12 11 12 2 17 1 15 13 entrance 9 3 4 5 14 washing window 16 18 4 1. Rack for storing educational research materials. 2. Corner of nature. 3. Beauty shelf 4. Hanging shelf - a rack for storing productive materials. 5. Tape table for productive activities 6. Cabinets for storing game materials. 7. Double-sided rack for story games 8. Soft modules 9. Corner for sports equipment 10. Corner for girls. 11. Doll house (model) 12. Rack with shelves for storing the designer. 13. Magnetic board. 14. Cabinet for storing manuals learning activities 15. Wall carpet. 16. Table for games with sand and water. 17. Laboratory. 18. Container for storage of natural waste materials. 19. Corner for boys. four

Dividing the space of a group room into 3 parts: a zone for vigorous activity a zone for quiet activity A working (training) zone

Active sector Game center. Center of motor activity. Center for Musical and Theatrical Activities Design Center

Work (educational) sector Center for productive and creative activities. Center for cognitive and research activities. Center for correct speech and motor skills.

Calm sector Book center Nature center Recreation center

Why does a child need a subject-spatial environment? The development of the child takes place in an activity that determines the effectiveness of development at each psychological age, which is carried out in the conditions of a certain developing subject environment; The developing environment is the source of the formation of the child's subjective experience; In a developing environment, the child realizes his right to freedom of choice of activities.

Why does an educator need a subject-spatial environment? The unity of the pedagogical process and the continuity of the stages of development of activities in the early, junior and senior preschool age provided by a system of developing subject environment, taking into account the specifics of the educational process in the age groups of the kindergarten. The developing subject-spatial environment is an effective means of supporting the individuality and holistic development of the child before school. The environment not only creates favorable conditions for the child's life, it also serves as a direct organizer of children's activities and influences the educational process.

Literature: 1 . SanPin "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the working hours of preschool educational organizations« Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 29, 2013 N 28564 FEDERAL SERVICE FOR SUPERVISION IN THE FIELD OF CONSUMER RIGHTS PROTECTION AND HUMAN WELL-BEING THE CHIEF STATE SANITARY PHYSICIAN OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION DECISION dated May 15, 2013 N 9tar-13. epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the mode of operation of preschool educational organizations "2. The concept of preschool education (authors V.V. Davydov, V.A. Petrovsky, 1989). 3. Guidelines on the subject-developing environment in kindergarten (compiled by the UMC TsOUO, 2010) 4. The magazine "Senior educator", 2011, heading "We form the subject-developing environment." 5. "Preschool education" No. 12 \2010, heading "Subject-developing environment", 6. "Preschool education" No. 3\2011, heading "Subject-developing environment" 7. Guidelines for organizing a subject-developing environment can be found at portal TsOUO DO Moscow in the section "Heads of preschool educational institutions"

The environment provides each child with equal opportunities to acquire certain personality traits. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the environment, but not every environment can be developing. Today, equipment often does not comply with GOST. There is no culture of color and form, so there is an impression of a fair, unsystematic filling of groups with random objects that do not create a subject-developing environment.

We believe that the problem of the subject-developing environment is relevant today. In our group, we are trying to develop and enrich it.

Purpose of the presentation: show the role of the subject-developing environment on the development of children; exchange of experience in creating a developing environment.

Place of application: on pedagogical councils, on RMS, as a visual aid for students.

The subject-developing environment acts as a condition for the full development of the child. From an early age, there is an intensive development of the central nervous system. The developing brain learns to reflect the world around it, which unfolds before the eyes of the child. In other words, in order for the brain to develop, it must reflect a bright, saturated world of impressions that evokes an emotional response that activates vision, hearing, tactile sensitivity, and speech. The developing environment promotes the assertion of self-confidence, makes it possible to test and use one's abilities, stimulates the manifestation of independence, initiative and creativity.

In kindergarten, the child gains experience of emotional and practical interaction with adults and peers in the most significant areas of life for his development. The possibilities of organizing and enriching such experience are expanded provided that a subject-developing environment is created in the group.

Under the subject-developing environment, we mean a natural comfortable environment, rationally organized, saturated with a variety of objects and game materials. The interior and toys should be comfortable in everyday use. The play space is dynamic and changes depending on the interests of children and the creative ideas of teachers.

The subject component of the environment is described in detail in the works of S.L. Novoselova. She substantiates the concept of a developing subject environment as a system of material objects of a child’s activity that functionally model the content of his development, spiritual and physical, and developed requirements for a developing subject environment, which are defined as follows:

  • take into account the need to develop leading children's activities;
  • the environment should be aimed at the zone of proximal mental development;
  • should already contain known to the child components, as well as problematic ones, to be investigated;
  • the knowledge constantly used by the child is alive and enriched.

Interacting with environment, the child not only learns the properties, qualities, purpose of certain objects, but also masters the language of social communication, one of the forms of which is establishing contacts with peers during play activities. This is how the process of forming elementary communication skills begins, in which the educator plays the leading role. He is a role model, through him the transmission of universal moral standards and rules.

What is the main thing for creating a subject-developing environment? It should fit comfortably modern design, i.e. aesthetics and age functionality. Comfort gives rise to peace, joy, interest, a sense of pleasure. Therefore, the organization of the developing environment should be carried out on the basis of: the age composition of children, the psychological characteristics of the group; the individual characteristics of children. The object environment should not create only external beauty. It is an open, changing, living system enriched by novelty. It is developing and developing, as well as enriching itself. The subject-developing environment carries great opportunities for influencing the child - it educates and develops him.

Developing subject-spatial environment - a part of the educational environment, presented specifically organized space. Creating a developing object-spatial environment of any age group in preschool educational institutions, it is necessary to take into account the psychological foundations of the constructive interaction of participants in the educational process, the design and ergonomics of the modern environment preschool and the psychological characteristics of the age group targeted by the environment. This presentation can help.



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Creating a developing subject-spatial environment of any age group in a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to take into account the psychological foundations of the constructive interaction of participants in the educational process, the design and ergonomics of the modern environment of a preschool institution, and the psychological characteristics of the age group targeted by this environment. Developing subject-spatial environment - a part of the educational environment, represented by a specially organized space

The possibility of communication and joint activities of children and adults. Possibility of physical activity of children. Opportunity for privacy. The developing subject-spatial environment should provide:

Psychological and pedagogical requirements for the creation of a subject-spatial developing environment.

A variety of materials, equipment, inventory in the group Should correspond to the age characteristics and content of the program The saturation of the PPR environment implies:

The possibility of diverse use of various components of the subject environment (children's furniture, mats, soft modules, screens, etc.) The multifunctionality of materials implies:

From the educational situation From the changing interests of children From the capabilities of children

Availability of various spaces (for playing, construction, solitude, etc.) Periodic change of play material Variety of materials and toys to ensure free choice by children The emergence of new objects stimulating the play, motor, cognitive and research activity of children. The variability of the environment implies:

Accessibility for pupils of all premises where educational activities are carried out Free access to games, toys, aids that provide all types of children's activity Serviceability and safety of materials and equipment Accessibility of the environment implies:

Compliance of all its elements to ensure reliability and safety, i.e. toys must have certificates and declarations of conformity Environmental safety:

younger age Average age Senior and preparatory age - Accumulation of experience in subject-cognitive and communicative activities. - Formation of the experience of joint action with peers, development of cognitive interests and creative reflection of impressions in various types productive activity. - Formation of cognitive activity, independence, responsibility and initiative - Participation in the transformation of the subject-spatial environment. Features of the organization of the developing object-spatial environment in the group

Educational areas in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard Physical development Cognitive development Speech development Social and communicative development Artistic and aesthetic development Centers Physical development center Health preservation center - Mathematics center - Constructive activity center - Science, ecology and experimentation center - Book center - Center for speech development or corner of speech, literacy - Center for play - Center for social and emotional development - Center for traffic rules - Center for fire safety - Center for labor, duty corner - Center for fine arts - Center for musical and theatrical activities Exemplary development centers

The purpose of the gender approach in pedagogy is to educate children of different sexes who are equally capable of self-realization and the disclosure of their potential. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: 1) accumulation of game material (separately for boys and girls) for the development of psychophysical, mental, speech, moral the potential of preschoolers and their creative abilities; 2) selection and production didactic games that contribute to the formation of gender representations in children and the desire to use the acquired knowledge and skills in game situations and everyday life; 3) the organization of a subject-developing space in groups that contributes to the formation of gender identity and gender socialization of preschool children. O organization of the subject-developing environment, taking into account the gender approach.

one . The environment should perform educational, developing, educating, stimulating, organized, communicative functions. But most importantly, it should work for the development of the independence and initiative of the child. 2. Flexible and variable use of space is needed. The environment should serve to meet the needs and interests of the child. 3. The shape and design of the items is focused on the safety and age of children. 4. Decor elements should be easily replaceable. 5. In each group, it is necessary to provide a place for children's experimental activities. When creating a subject-developing environment, it is necessary to remember:

6. When organizing the subject environment in a group room, it is necessary to take into account the patterns of mental development, indicators of their health, psychophysiological and communicative features, the level of general and speech development, as well as indicators of the emotional and need sphere. 7. The color palette should be presented in warm, pastel colors. 8. When creating a developing space in a group room, it is necessary to take into account the leading role of play activities. 9. The subject-developing environment of the group should change depending on the age characteristics of the children, the period of study, and the educational program.