Road sign recreation area

  • 09.03.2020

Signs are used to inform traffic participants about the relevant objects. Signs are installed at the objects.

Preliminary service signs outside settlements are installed 400-800 m, and if necessary, 15-20 km and 60-80 km to the object, at the turning points to them (crossroads), if they are located away from the road. The preliminary signs of the service indicate the distance to the object. When specifying distances on preliminary service signs informing about objects located away from the road and installed 15-20 km, 60-80 km away, it is necessary to take into account the distance from the turning point (crossroad) to the object.

Advance Service Marks in settlements it is allowed to install 100-150 m before the object and at the turning points (crossroads) closest to it. When placed on service signs additional information(addresses, phone numbers, types of services provided, etc.) the distance to the object, the opening hours are indicated on the additional information signs.

Signs are made of galvanized metal with a thickness of 0.8-1 mm, with double flanging, which gives additional rigidity to the body of the sign. Each sign has two attachment points in the form of "tongues". The fastening elements are attached to the body by a pecking method, which does not distort the image of the badge and provides much higher reliability than spot welding or rivets.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

On other roads, you can stop for parking and, in the absence of a sign, a resting place, but you should not violate the requirements of other paragraphs.

Road patrol post

Road sign"Road patrol post" is used to designate stationary traffic police posts:

Let me remind you that at the road patrol post, as well as in any other place, traffic police officers can stop the car to check documents:

Many drivers, noticing a traffic police post sign, sharply slow down, try to remember the requirements of the traffic rules and begin to comply with them. A typical driver stop by a traffic police officer is analyzed in detail in the audio course "", I recommend studying it.

A traffic police post sign may be needed by the driver, for example, when. In this case, you can contact the police, and the officers will check the documents and numbers of the car for theft free of charge.


The road sign "Police" replaced the sign "Police", which was used until 2011:

The police sign can be useful to the driver if it is necessary to suppress any offenses or crimes. Although in practice it is much easier to call the police than to try to find the nearest branch by car.

Transport control point

The road sign "Point of transport control" is used to designate the corresponding control point. Let me remind you that this sign does not impose any special requirements on the driver and it is not possible to violate its requirements. Those. stop at the checkpoint in this case is not necessary.

There is a mention of this sign in clause 2.4 of the SDA:

2.4. The right to stop vehicles is granted to traffic controllers, as well as:

  • authorized officials Federal Service on supervision in the field of transport in relation to stopping trucks and buses in specially designated traffic signs 7.14 points of transport control;

That is, at this sign, transport supervision officers (not the traffic police) can stop trucks and buses.

Customs control point

U sign point customs control customs officers have the right to stop vehicles whose curb weight exceeds 3.5 tons.

Reception area of ​​a radio station transmitting traffic information

Road sign "Reception area of ​​a radio station transmitting information about road traffic" means that on this section of the road, radio station transmissions are received at the frequency indicated on the sign:

If you notice a similar sign on the road, I recommend that you tune the receiver of your radio to the appropriate frequency and check how this sign works. Such signs are quite rare, and if you happen to listen to such a radio station, then write about it in the comments to this article.

Radio zone with emergency services

The road sign "Radio communication zone with emergency services" is intended for drivers with walkie-talkies operating in the civilian 27 MHz band:

The radio station in this case can be used to communicate with emergency services. Keep in mind that there are legal requirements for the use of radios that must be followed.

If you have seen a similar sign on the roads, then write about it in the comments to the article.

Pool or beach

The road sign "Pool or Beach" indicates the relevant infrastructure:

The sign can be useful for a driver who is forced to travel in hot weather. If you are not feeling well due to the heat, I recommend stopping and swimming in the pond for at least a few minutes. After that, you will be much more comfortable driving.


In this case, additional comments do not make much sense. Use the road sign "Toilet" if necessary.

Emergency phone

Road sign "Emergency phone" shows the location of the phone to call emergency services.

The base of the road sign is made of galvanized steel 0.8-1mm thick, to increase the rigidity, the workpiece is rolled to obtain a double flanging. A road sign mask is applied to the surface of the base, made of high-quality reflective films in accordance with GOST R 52290-2004 and GOST 32945-2014. Additional stiffening ribs and reinforced fasteners make it possible to exclude the possibility of sign bending both from wind load and under the influence of any forces. To fix the road sign, the base is equipped with a special tongue-type mount.

Indicates the place where the resting place is located. Road sign 7.11 is installed at the object. Preliminary service signs outside settlements are installed 400-800 m, and if necessary, 15-20 km and 60-80 km to the object, at the turning points to them (crossroads), if they are located away from the road. The preliminary signs of the service indicate the distance to the object. When specifying distances on preliminary service signs informing about objects located away from the road and installed 15-20 km, 60-80 km away, it is necessary to take into account the distance from the turning point (crossroad) to the object. Preliminary service signs in populated areas may be installed 100-150 m before the object and at the turning points (crossroads) closest to it.

Table E.7
Dimensions in mm


Pickup from a warehouse at the address: Moscow, st. Shosseinaya, 90, building 5

Working hours: Mon-Fri, 10:00 - 18:00

For legal entities upon receipt of the goods, you must have a power of attorney or seal with you. For individuals- the passport.

Delivery in Moscow and Moscow region*:

  • Delivery in Moscow within the Moscow Ring Road - 1000 ** rub.
  • Delivery up to 10 km outside the Moscow Ring Road - 1500 ** rub.
  • Delivery from 10 to 20 km outside the Moscow Ring Road - 2000** rub.
  • Delivery from 20 to 30 km outside the Moscow Ring Road - 2500 ** rub.

Delivery is carried out daily, except weekends and public holidays from 10:00 to 18:00.

*Orders are delivered to the entrance or to the nearest possible parking place, the rise to the floor is carried out by the customer.
** The price is indicated for the delivery of an order with a total weight of not more than 1000 kg, a length of not more than 4 meters.

Delivery across Russia:

Delivery in Russia is carried out by transport companies.

Delivery to the terminals of TC "PEK", TC "GlavDostavka", "DK Transit" (IP Litovchenko) in Moscow - free of charge. To other terminals transport companies(except TK Business Line) according to the price list of delivery in Moscow and the Moscow region.