The procedure for a car wash. Job description of a truck cleaner. Occupational safety requirements at the end of work

  • 05.03.2020

Responsibilities of a car washer

Avoid, and in case of occurrence, immediately eliminate the shortcomings indicated by the client (the CLIENT IS ALWAYS RIGHT!), the foreman or the Administrator; 3.6. Show courtesy and attention to customers. Avoid conflict situations. In case of occurrence, invite the foreman and Administrator to resolve the conflict. 3.7. Inform the foreman and Administrator about all conflict situations. 3.8. Ensure the cleanliness and order of the car wash premises during the entire working shift (Perform cleaning of the washing area after the departure of each customer's car). 3.9. Observe safety regulations. 3.10. Follow the instructions for working with automatic and other equipment at the car wash, received from the administrator of the car wash. 3.11. Follow the rules fire safety.

Once, we have already talked about the difficult relationship between clientele and staff. In the material “The client, you are wrong,” the conversation was about the fact that it would be nice for the client to learn manners.

Let's go the other way today. Sometimes communication with a car wash is far from sugar. The client leaves, offended by the rudeness, inattention and sluggishness of the washers, the frankly hacky quality of work.

And he leaves forever. Obviously, you can't please everyone. But there are some rules for attracting and retaining customers, which are simply stupid to neglect.


Last but not least, this concerns staff training. Our business is sculpting itself in the image and likeness of the Western.

Train service staff on the customer is the company's primary responsibility. Courtesy increases profits. Courtesy is pleasant.

Car wash in the presence of unauthorized persons. 4.3. Direct the jet of water at people, walls, electrical appliances. 4.4. Use defective hoses. 4.5. Use electrical equipment if at least one malfunction is detected. 4.6. Be in the path of a moving vehicle. 4.7. Be careful when working with detergents and other chemicals.

Use the equipment and other resources of the enterprise for personal purposes. 4.9. Accept car keys from the client. 4.10. Use/drive a vehicle abandoned by a customer for personal purposes.

5. The car wash has the right: 5.1. Familiarize yourself with all the instructions and instructions of the management regarding the organization of the work of a car washer, remuneration and safety. 5.2. Submit proposals to the administration of the car wash for improving the organization of work in terms of their duties.


Job description of a car wash

The car wash is responsible for: 6.1. Improper performance or non-performance of official duties. 6.2. Offenses committed in the course of their activities.



infliction material damage. 6.4. Equipment and property located at the washing area. 6.5. Failure to comply with orders individual entrepreneur, Car Wash Director, Administrator or foreman.

6.6. Violations of the Internal Labor Regulations, fire safety and safety regulations established at the car wash. 6.7. Failure or damage to valuables at the car wash, if this happened through the fault of the Car Washer. 6.8. For property damage and damage business reputation within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation. 7. Working conditions 7.1.

Job description of a vehicle washer

A reasonable balance is needed, and then the client in the queue will wait exactly as long as necessary, and leave satisfied. Car washing is not a sterile job. However, you can and should keep yourself tidy.
It is unlikely that the client will like it if a washer in a filthy robe shows up in the interior of his car. Of course, by the end of the day, any robe will be dirty - such is the specifics of the work. But for the first half of the day, the washer is able to look quite fresh. performance. Important quality. Theoretically, everything you do should be done in the best possible way. The British, I remember, on this occasion were even more categorical: "Do it or die." This is the principle of real men. Let's not go to extremes - but conscientiousness and responsibility will always recommend you as good worker, - especially if your boss is not a complete jerk.

Duties of a washer

I approve [organizational and legal [signature, full name, position, form, name of the head or other official organization, enterprises] of the person authorized to approve the job description] [day, month, year] M. P. Job description car washer [name of organization, enterprise, etc.] This job description was developed and approved on the basis of employment contract with a vehicle washer and in accordance with the regulations Labor Code Russian Federation and other normative legal acts regulating labor relations. one. General provisions 1.1. The car washer belongs to the category of workers and reports directly to [name of the position of the immediate supervisor]. 1.2. A person who has special training no requirement for work experience. 1.3.

Example of a job description for a car wash

After opening the gate, fix it in open position to prevent automatic closing. Only after the car has completely entered the box, close the gate. !before opening the gate, both when entering the car and when leaving the car wash box, make sure that there are no obstacles on the inside of the gate and on the street side for opening it, there are no approaching people, a door built into the gate for people to pass through the closed state of the gate tightly closed. 3.4.2. after stopping the car, you must open the driver's door, greet the client and, together with

Administrator to receive from him an order-order for work. After that, if necessary, explain to the client the location of the cash desk, where he can pay for the washing services, and get to work.

Rules for working with clients”, “Rules internal regulations days for AMK employees”, “Fire Safety Rules” “Safety Rules”; 5.1.5. loss or damage to the issued overalls and special means, auto chemical goods; 5.2. The types and extent of the responsibility of the car wash are determined by the Agreement on full liability, the "Regulations on bonuses and penalties", orders of the administration of the enterprise.

6. WORKING CONDITIONS 6.1. The operating mode of the car wash is determined in accordance with the “Rules of the internal daily routine for AMK employees” established at the enterprise. 7. NOTES: 7.1. This job description is signed by the employee being hired and the head of the enterprise 7.1.1. the first copy for AMK employees; 7.1.2. the second copy for the head of the enterprise; 7.2.

car wash

Other rights that are provided labor law. 3.5. For all social guarantees provided for by law.

  1. Employee Responsibility

The car washer is responsible for: 4.1.

For failure to perform or improper performance of their duties, which are provided for by this job description within the framework determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.2. For legal violations that are committed in the course of carrying out their activities within the framework defined by the current criminal, administrative and civil legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.3. For causing material harm to the employer within the framework determined by the current civil and labor legislation of the Russian Federation. Supervisor structural unit: (signature) (surname, initials) 00.00.201_ I am familiar with the instructions, one copy received: (signature) (surname, initials) 00.00.20
A car washer is accepted and dismissed from work by order of [the position of the head of the organization]. 1.4. The car washer must know: — the basic methods of the operations performed; - the purpose and rules for the use of the equipment used; — consumables used during the process; — labor protection rules; - rules of industrial sanitation and fire safety; - rules for the use of personal protective equipment; - requirements for the quality of work (services) performed, for the rational organization of labor in the workplace; - types of marriage and ways to prevent and eliminate it; - production signaling. 2. Responsibilities A car washer performs the following types of work: 2.1. Car body wash with and without detergent. 2.2. Washing the bottom and wheel arches. 2.3. Salon cleaning. 2.4. Cleaning the interior and trunk with a vacuum cleaner.

The car wash should know: – local regulations organizations related to its activities; - internal labor regulations; — safety regulations and labor protection standards; — specifications and features of working with specialized washing equipment; - characteristics Supplies and the composition of the means used in washing; - [fill in as needed]; - [fill in as appropriate]. 1.5. Professionally important qualities: [list qualities].

Job responsibilities of the employee The following job responsibilities are assigned to the car wash: 2.1. In accordance with the approved in the organization technical instructions wash vehicles using specialized washing equipment, using special chemicals.

2.2. When carrying out work, observe safety regulations, fire safety rules. 2.3.

Job descriptions Open in WORD format This job description was developed and approved on the basis of an employment contract with a car wash in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation. 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. The car wash belongs to the category of workers, is hired and fired by order CEO enterprises on presentation or foreman of the shop. 1.2. A person who has a secondary or primary vocational education and at least 1 year of experience in the position of a car wash is appointed to the position of a car wash. 1.3. The car washer reports to the general director and directly to the foreman. 1.4.

Job descriptions for car wash workers


ARRIVAL OF A CAR TO YOUR WASHING COMPLEX Pre-treatment of a car and sale of a range of services Tasks Correctly and quickly put a customer's car on the conveyor. Carry out pre-processing. Help to select and sell a range of services to the client. Materials and equipment An A3-A4 tablet with printed information about the services offered, with pockets for brochures located on the back.

Brochures (A5 and smaller) describing additional services(application of polishes, conditioners, clarification of discs, etc.). Installation pre-treatment– two guns with hoses, pressure up to 100 bar. Hand brushes with natural bristles, containers (tanks) with soaking chemicals. Spray Can - Filled with a strong soak chemical. Execution process 1. Before starting work, check your appearance.

Job description of a car wash

For failure to perform (improper performance) of their official duties provided for by this job description, to the extent determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation. AGREED: A.V. Zhuravlev, foreman of the car wash shop () « » 200 g.

(signature) I am familiar with the instructions: () « » 200 (full name, signature) () « » 200 (full name, signature) () « » 200 (full name, signature) () « » 200 g. (full name, signature) ()" "" 200 g. (full name, signature) ()" "" 200 g. (full name, signature) ()" "" 200 g. .

Non-stop car wash


He observes and controls the observance by employees of labor and production discipline, rules and norms of labor protection, industrial sanitation and hygiene requirements, fire safety requirements, civil defense. Complies with and ensures the execution by employees of orders and orders of the administration.

Controls the exit of employees to work, the presence of employees at the workplace during the working day, the neat appearance of employees, the wearing by employees of working time uniform work clothes. Gives tasks to employees certain types works.
Controls the timely closure of all interior spaces car wash, he closes the car wash in a timely manner. Must have a neat appearance. The employee is entitled.
Give orders and instructions and take appropriate actions to eliminate the causes that created the conflict situation.

My profession is a car wash administrator.

Suddenly one of them is free or wants to go to you. For example, for a tunnel complex in the United States, it is quite normal to hire and fire about 400 people a year. To reduce this figure, it is necessary to screen candidates more carefully. Here, for example, are the recommendations of Sonny's-. It is considered normal to advertise in advertising newspapers about open vacancies at your car wash and, as a result, two to three thousand responses (calls, visits, etc.) from possible candidates.

Of these two or three thousand, you, quite possibly, will leave only 5-10 people and write down information about 10-20 applicants on your “waiting list” for a possible future appointment. Your "waiting list" should always contain 15-20 people - this will save you from having to take the first person you meet when there is a problem urgently finding one or two people to replace the employees who did not come to the shift.

Monitor the fire and sanitary and epidemiological condition of your workplace determined by the master of the cleaning and washing shop. 8. Comply with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions when performing work.


RIGHTS The car washer has the right to: 4.1. Gets acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise regarding its activities. 4.2. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.

4.3. Receive from direct supervisors information and documents on issues within his competence. 4.4. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.
5. RESPONSIBILITY The car washer is responsible for: 5.1.

Car wash manager job description

I approve [position, signature, full name of the manager or other official authorized to approve the job description] [day, month, year] Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation. one.

General provisions 1.1. The car washer belongs to the category of workers and reports directly to [title of the manager's position]. 1.2. A person who has [insert] education and at least [insert] years of work experience in the position is accepted for the position of a car wash.

1.3. The car washer is accepted and dismissed from work by order of [the position of the head of the organization]. 1.4.

14. car wash staff

What is the name of your profession (position)? My profession is called a car wash administrator. 2. What is your job and what are your responsibilities? My most important duty is the cultural customer service (informing about all services, promotions, discounts, the cost of work), creating comfortable conditions for them and monitoring the work done.

Also, I am in charge of administrative - economic activity car washes: - control over the quality and expiration dates of all auto chemicals; - control over equipment and other material assets that are in the car wash; - take measures to eliminate conflict situations; - control the presence of employees, their work, behavior, appearance and at the end of the day I provide information to the authorities for each washer, having previously calculated his payment. 3.
Naturally, the washer has a desire to negotiate with the client so that 50% of the official cost of the service is put in his pocket. The client will also have no particular doubts. As a result, when the owner of the sink is not there, the revenue for some reason suddenly drops by half compared to the norm. Ways to fight? The simplest thing is to separate the client and the technical staff. Washers should definitely not participate in the process of selling services. Let the administrator communicate with the client regarding payment issues. If there is no money to organize a separate client area, you can put cameras in the boxes.

The worst situation is if the technical staff agrees with the administrator on mutually beneficial cooperation. However, one or two administrators are still easier to control than all the washers in the work area.

So one of the main tasks is the maximum gap between the contact between the client and the technical staff. In addition to the "leftist" there is theft of things.
Controls in overall quality, expiration dates of auto chemicals used in a car wash. Checks availability of books of complaints and suggestions in places accessible to customers.

Provides general control over the equipment and other material assets located at the car wash, monitors the compliance of car wash workers with the requirements of auto chemical manufacturers for the use of these tools. Takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations.

Considers claims related to unsatisfactory service, takes the necessary organizational and technical measures. Informs management of existing deficiencies in customer service and the measures taken to eliminate deficiencies.

Ensures cleanliness and order in the car wash area.

I approve

_____________________________ (Surname, initials)

(name of organization, its ________________________________

organizational - legal form) (director; other person authorized


(name of institution)

00.00.201_ #00

  1. General provisions

1.1. This job description defines job duties, rights and responsibilities car wash _____________________ (hereinafter referred to as the "enterprise").

Institution name

1.2. A person with ____________ education and work experience in the position of at least ______________ years is appointed to the position of a car wash.

1.3. A car washer is hired and dismissed by order of _______


(position of the head of the organization)

1.4. Professionally important qualities: ____________________________.

(list qualities)

1.5. The car wash must know:

- the rules of the labor schedule at the enterprise;

- regulations of the organization that relate to its activities;

- safety regulations;

– technical characteristics and features of working with specialized washing equipment;

— labor protection standards;

- the composition of the means used for washing;

— characteristics of consumables.

  1. Job Responsibilities

The Car Washer performs the following duties:

2.1. When carrying out work, he complies with safety and fire safety regulations.

2.2. Carries out washing of vehicles with the help of specialized washing equipment using special chemicals.

2.3. Follows technical condition equipment and tools used in the work.

2.4. If signs of fire appear, turn off all electrical appliances, notify the administrator and, following his instructions, take measures to extinguish the fire.

2.5. Maintains order and cleanliness in the car wash.

2.6. At the end of the work shift, he cleans his workplace.

2.7. Provides quick and quality service to the customer's vehicle.

2.8. In the process of communication with consumers does not allow conflict situations, shows politeness.

  1. Rights

The car wash has the right to:

3.1. To get acquainted with the instructions and orders of the management, which relate to the organization of the work of a car wash, safety precautions and remuneration.

3.2. Make suggestions to improve the organization of work, in relation to their duties to higher management.

3.3. Demand assistance from management in the performance of their duties and exercise of rights.

3.4. Other rights that are provided for by labor legislation.

3.5. For all social guarantees provided for by law.

  1. Employee Responsibility

The car wash is responsible for:

4.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of their duties, which are provided for by this job description within the framework determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For legal violations that are committed in the course of carrying out their activities within the framework defined by the current criminal, administrative and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material harm to the employer within the framework determined by the current civil and labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

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Adaptation is the process of active entry of a new employee into a position through interaction with a new environment. In the case of adaptation to a new workplace, this means that there is an intensive acquaintance of the new employee with his activities, ...

When new employee comes to the organization, it is important to help him understand his functions and get to know the organization. In this article, we will share with you practical advice to develop an adaptation program for a new employee. Instruction is a term used...

Carry out washing of vehicles on the equipment of the enterprise using consumables and chemicals in strict accordance with the safety instructions and labor protection rules and the instructions of the foreman of the cleaning and washing shop. 2. Carry out all cleaning and washing work only on the territory of the cleaning and washing shop. 3. Correctly and efficiently perform the work, without rework. 4. Monitor the technical condition of the equipment and tools entrusted to him for cleaning and washing. 5. Monitor and clean the workplace and equipment daily at the end of the working day or shift. 6. Stop work if external defects of the vehicle are detected and immediately inform the foreman of the cleaning and washing workshop about this fact and continue to act in accordance with his instructions. 7.

Neatness and accuracy in clothes, a collected appearance are conducive to themselves. Plus - an open smile. Washers are tough people. As they say, "we all came from the people ..." It is unlikely that they will smile at you throughout the entire daily shift.

It takes a long time to train such a smile. It should pop up automatically, regardless of the internal state of the employee. At this moment, he may not experience exactly any emotions, but think, for example, about the eternal.

Perhaps the washer has no time to exercise his facial muscles. But some elementary tricks will have to be mastered. The first is courtesy. The second is caution. The third is friendliness.
Aleksey Shteingardt A change of leader is always stressful not only for those employees who are directly affected, but also for the company as a whole. This situation always gives rise to a lot of subtle moments: will the new leader become a real leader, or at least ...

Adaptation is the process of active entry of a new employee into a position through interaction with a new environment. In the case of adaptation to a new workplace, this means that there is an intensive acquaintance of the new employee with his activities, ... When a new employee enters the organization, it is important to help him understand his functions and get to know the organization. In this article, we will share with you practical tips for developing an onboarding program for a new employee. Coaching is a term that is used... Managing the process of adaptation of personnel to work in the organization is a direct continuation of the selection process.

Job description of a car wash

I approve [position, signature, full name of the manager or other official authorized to approve the job description] [day, month, year] Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.


General provisions 1.1. The car washer belongs to the category of workers and reports directly to [title of the manager's position]. 1.2. A person who has [insert] education and at least [insert] years of work experience in the position is accepted for the position of a car wash.

1.3. The car washer is accepted and dismissed from work by order of [the position of the head of the organization]. 1.4.

Job description of a vehicle washer

In its activities, the car wash is guided by; - legislative and normative documents regulating production and economic workshop activities; — teaching materials relating to relevant issues; - the charter of the enterprise; - labor regulations; - orders and orders of the general director and foreman (direct supervisor); - this job description. 1.5. The car washer must know: — the technology of dry cleaning of salons and a complete car wash; — technical characteristics of cleaning and washing equipment and tools; – polishing technique; — characteristics of consumables and chemical composition detergents; - inner order rules; — rules and regulations of labor protection and safety.

Duties of a washer

RESPONSIBILITY OF THE EMPLOYEE The employee is responsible for: 5.1. Failure to fulfill their obligations. 5.2. Inaccurate information about the status of the work.
5.3. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the Employer. 5.4. Violation of safety regulations and instructions for labor protection, failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the Employer and his employees. 5.5.

Failure to comply with labor discipline. 6. WORKING CONDITIONS 6.1. The work schedule of the Employee is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established by the Employer.

In connection with production necessity The employee is obliged to travel on business trips (including local ones). 6.3. Characteristics of working conditions in the workplace: . 6.4.

Example of a job description for a car wash

Come to work in clean uniform and be neat. 3.2. Carry out works on washing the Clients' cars on the basis of the order of the Senior Shift and in accordance with the "List of Works". 3.3. Serve in accordance with the "Rules for Working with Clients" all Clients visiting the AMC. 3.4. Monitor the cleanliness of the AMC premises and the surrounding area, monitor the technical condition of the equipment and special means of the Wash and, if any problems are found, immediately report them to the Senior Shift. 3.5. Maintain frequency converters for asynchronous motors in working order. 3.5. In case of conflict situations, act according to the "Rules for Working with Clients" 3.6. To clean the AMK and the adjacent territory intended for washing, as well as in the premises of the AMK intended for rest and eating; at the entrance and exit of the AMC. 3.7.
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car wash

A car wash employee is a car wash employee who is directly involved in washing cars. Features of the profession At the request of the client, the car washer washes the car from the outside, vacuums it from the inside, and washes the rugs. Washing can be done manually with a sponge, brush and soap, or with a high-pressure water sprayer. Some sinks are equipped with mechanical brushes. The washer during work is dressed in waterproof clothes and shoes. And yet, the working conditions at the car wash are uncomfortable: high humidity, drafts.
In addition, regardless of the quality of the wash, there are dissatisfied customers. The profession of a car wash is traditionally considered not prestigious, inconspicuous and even dangerous, taking a lot of strength and health.

Few people notice what an important public function these invisible "city orderlies" perform. A car today is not only a means of transportation, it reflects the essence of its owner.

During the absence of a car wash, his duties are performed by a deputy or another person appointed in the prescribed manner, who is fully responsible for their timely and high-quality performance. 2. FUNCTIONS The following functions are assigned to the car wash: 2.1.

Carry out washing of vehicles on the equipment and using consumables and chemicals of the organization in accordance with the technical instructions (TIS). 2.2. Perform scheduled maintenance of the entrusted equipment and the participation of wastewater collection as determined by the foreman of the cleaning and washing workshop.

2.3. Notify the foreman of the cleaning and washing workshop of all possible difficulties that may arise during the performance of work. 3. OFFICIAL DUTIES To perform the functions assigned to him, the car wash of the enterprise must: 1.

Job descriptions Open in WORD format This job description was developed and approved on the basis of an employment contract with a car wash in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation. 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. The car wash belongs to the category of workers, is hired and dismissed by order of the general director of the enterprise on the proposal or the foreman. 1.2.

A person who has a secondary or primary vocational education and at least 1 year of experience in the position of a car wash is appointed to the position of a car wash. 1.3. The car washer reports to the general director and directly to the foreman.

This job description was developed and approved on the basis of an employment contract with a car wash in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.


1.1. The car wash belongs to the category of workers, is hired and fired by order of the general director of the enterprise on the proposal or the foreman.

1.2. A person who has a secondary or primary vocational education and at least 1 year of experience in the position of a car wash is appointed to the position of a car wash.

1.3. The car washer reports to the general director and directly to the foreman.

1.4. In its activities, the car wash is guided by;

Legislative and regulatory documents regulating the production and economic activities of the shop;

Methodological materials relating to relevant issues;

the Charter of the enterprise;

Labor regulations;

Orders and orders of the General Director ia foreman (direct supervisor);

This job description.

1.5. The car wash must know:

Technology of dry-cleaning of interiors and full car wash;

Technical characteristics of cleaning and washing equipment and tools;

polishing technique;

Characteristics of consumables and chemical composition of detergents;

Inner order rules;

Rules and norms of labor protection and safety.

1.6. During the absence of a car wash, his duties are performed by a deputy or another person appointed in the prescribed manner, who is fully responsible for their timely and high-quality performance.


The following functions are assigned to the car wash:

2.1. Carry out washing of vehicles on the equipment and using consumables and chemicals of the organization in accordance with the technical instructions (TIS).

2.2. Perform scheduled maintenance of the entrusted equipment and the participation of wastewater collection as determined by the foreman of the cleaning and washing workshop.

2.3. Notify the foreman of the cleaning and washing workshop of all possible difficulties that may arise during the performance of work.


In order to perform the functions assigned to it, the car wash of the enterprise must:

1. Carry out washing of vehicles on the equipment of the enterprise using consumables and chemicals in strict accordance with the safety instructions and labor protection rules and the instructions of the foreman of the cleaning and washing shop.

2. Carry out all cleaning and washing work only on the territory of the cleaning and washing shop.

3. Correctly and efficiently perform the work, without rework.

4. Monitor the technical condition of the equipment and tools entrusted to him for cleaning and washing.

5. Monitor and clean the workplace and equipment daily at the end of the working day or shift.

6. Stop work if external defects of the vehicle are detected and immediately inform the foreman of the cleaning and washing workshop about this fact and continue to act in accordance with his instructions.

7. Monitor the fire-prevention and sanitary and epidemiological condition of your workplace, determined by the foreman of the cleaning and washing workshop.

8. Comply with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety measures while performing work.


The car wash has the right:

4.1. Gets acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise regarding its activities.

4.2. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.

4.3. Receive from direct supervisors information and documents on issues within his competence.

4.4. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.


The car wash is responsible for:

5.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of their official duties provided for by this job description, to the extent determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. For causing material damage to C within the limits determined by the labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.


Car Wash Shop Master (______________________________)______