The scenario of the performance of the propaganda team of young traffic inspectors. Yuid propaganda team class hour on the theme Scooter is not a toy for children performance of the propaganda team of juid

  • 27.05.2020

The scenario of the propaganda team “Scooter is not a toy for children

Music includes Yuidovtsy

1- thYu. Many traffic accidents in the country

Various losses, emergency sensations

How to help everyone in this age of perfection?

How to avoid fatal situations?

2- thYu. Learn a set of new traffic rules

To avoid falling into a trap

We will help you by starting the show -

A scooter is not a toy for children at all.

3- thYu. At school we are all passionate about

Learning the rules of movement

And from the school bench

We are traffic police assistants!

4- thYu. And with the service we patrol

On the road at the same time

And it's not hard to understand:

We are the strongest link!

Together: But there are some!!!

Show offenders:

Violators: We don't need traffic lights

We are already superchauffeurs

We don't care about the rules

We will not follow them!

1- thYu. And the first question:

What do modern schoolchildren like safety or pleasure?

Violators sing a song to the tune of "Malinka":

1. And I have never driven a scooter until this day, or rather until the evening,

Well, how the guys drove me on it today, I would drive forever!

I'll go, I'll go, I'll go around the city,

I'll visit my friends and I'll give them a ride!

Let's go, let's go, we'll meet someone,

And we don't even notice

As a traffic police post, we, of course, will pass.

2. We used to walk together together,

But then we realized - it's boring,

Started riding bikes

And then they thought, why bother so much,

We saw a scooter and immediately decided

That he suits us, and that we are henceforth

Only we will always ride on it,

Scare pedestrians, have fun until the morning!

3- thYu: ride around the city dashingly on scooters

Sometimes they drive with impunity without a license

In the stream of cars, they maneuver dangerously

Dreams break without knowing fear!


Daughter. My years are growing, soon I will be 13

I dream about a scooter, so I want to ride.

I will ride with the wind

Along the main streets

My classmates

Let them admire me.

Oh you, my pretty daughter,

Here are foreign toys for you,

Choose any, I'll pay for everything.

Daughter. I just want a scooter.

Dad. Ok, ok, I'll buy it

4- thYu. Dear Parents! It's time to know

We can't always indulge in everything.

1- thYu Remember to avoid future troubles,

You can only drive a scooter at the age of 16.

Yuidovtsy sing to the motive "Big Secret"

It's no secret that sometimes children are

As they say without a king in my head.

Their parents often indulge in everything,

So that nerve cells do not spoil themselves.

Under the daughter's squealing,

Sonny growl,

Under children's whims,

Let's reveal a secret to you:

Know to your children

Beloved, dear children,

Capricious, harmful children,

Answer firmly: "No!"

A hooligan sings to the tune of "Our Neighbor"

1. For a birthday gift

I am grateful to my family.

Just turned thirteen

They gave me a scooter.

And now I drive it

I am everywhere I want

I overtake all cars

And I shout with joy:

Pam Pam…

2. Fresh wind blows,

Moved my hair.

Let everyone everywhere know:

No one is happier than me.

I ride a scooter

And I scream with joy

And my friends, of course

I want to ride on it.

2nd ju. I'm outraged - you drive on a scooter,

And you don't know the rules at all.

Gets on a scooter at thirteen

There is nothing more irresponsible than this!

3rd Yu I want to add: not yet,

So that friends ride a scooter with you.

There is a ban on this too. What don't you know?

Violators: Imagine no.

4th yu Is it possible to fly towards cars?

It's careless, you know.

And the rules forbid driving without a helmet.

Who doesn't know this?

choir. Let them know.

1st y.: Our life is like a rainbow - it is beautiful,

But, there is a danger.

Know how to save yourself

And don't forget about safety!

2- thYu: Is it COOL for innocent people to die on the roads?
3- thYu: Is it STYLISH to cross the road in front of the car?
4- thYu: Is it cool to lie in the hospital with injuries?
1- thYu: Is it ADULTS to ride scooters without a license and helmets?
Yudovtsy together: No! No! No!

Hooligan: We'll be good, sorry! Guys, take us with you! Hooligans: We will improve, we will be smarter, healthier in mind and body!

4th ju: I am very pleased to invite you to our inspection squad

For many years, the UID squad in our school rules everything!

We perform at concerts, we know the rules very well!

3rd ju: Hope you remember the lesson. We give you a trial period!

Together: We are traffic inspectors!

We say seriously

That we will find an intelligent answer to the most serious question!

Final song

1. If there was no UID
In cities and villages,
We would never know

new road rules,

Scooter is not a game
The road is dangerous
You be more careful
Follow the signs strictly.

2. I will try never

Make no mistakes along the way

When I sit behind the wheel

turn sixteen
Driving down the highway
Be careful,
Only if the helmet is on
It is possible to move.

3. We firmly declare,
Let's say without a doubt:
We really need in life
Traffic rules.

Let there be no more troubles
Sadness and anxiety.
Let the green light burn
On your road

Scenario of the propaganda team on traffic rules

MOBU SOSH No. 3 "On the turn"
(exit to music)
1st. We are glad to meet you

In a cozy warm room.

2nd. There is a serious conversation

About funny cases.

3rd. The city in which we live with you

You can really compare with the primer.

4th. Alphabet of streets, avenues, roads,

The city gives us a lesson all the time.

5th. Here it is, the alphabet, above your head (raise signs)

1st. Signs posted along the pavement

2nd. Always remember the alphabet of the city

3rd. So that trouble does not happen to you.

4th. Signs are different: white, blue, red.

5th. Then they are round and forbid us everything. (shows a sign)

1st. Then they are triangular and warn us (shows a sign)

2nd. We are told how to behave (shows a sign)

ALL. And what awaits us along the way.

3rd. We declare to you seriously, without a doubt,

4th. To avoid accidents on the road

5th. You have to learn all the traffic rules

1st. Basic signs to remember and be able to read.

ALL. Traffic rules

Learn from birth!

1st. Oh guys, we probably overdid it ...

2nd. What are you talking about?

1st. The fact that the rules of traffic learn from birth!

3rd. And what don't you like?

1st. From birth! Isn't it too early Why spoil childhood for children? They would like a fairy tale or a cartoon ... And here we are with the rules of the road.

4th. And what do you suggest?

1st. I propose to take some fairy tale and imperceptibly ...

ALL. What?!

1st. Add to it as much information about the rules of the road as possible!

ALL. Let's!

(fantastic music playing)

In a roadside state

At one of the intersections

Somehow a snag came up:

All the cars lined up

And, without moving, they hum

(depict drivers, turn the steering wheels in their hands)

1st. What's happened?

2nd. What are you standing for?

3rd. Drive through!

4th. Come on!

1st. The signs are gone!

2nd. How they fell through the ground!

3rd. It is not clear who goes where!

4th. What a misfortune!

Signs argue loudly in chorus

And they decide who's in charge

On the road who is more important.

(signs appear)

Main road sign.

Please don't touch me!

I'm the main road!

Make way for me

Let my transport go ahead!

And do not quarrel, friends!

The main thing, of course, is me!

Sign "Pedestrian crossing".

Slow down, my friend!

Your attempts are ridiculous to me!

You are important, but I am more important:

I'm moving people!

Sign "Caution: children!".

But most importantly, mind you

These are little kids!

I am responsible for the children!

No one is more important than me, friends!

No entry sign.

Ha ha ha, this is a joke!

The most important is the sign-baby!

There is no place for children on the highway!

And without you, the cars are crowded!

No traffic sign.

Get away, my friend!

Look at my circle:

I forbid movement

Everyone, everyone, everyone without exception!

If I get in the way - neither pass, nor pass!

Brother Brick, pray tell

That together with you - we are strong!

No entry sign.

If we only want

Let's stop all traffic!

Road works sign.

Road works sign

All will add to your worries!

Make me the main

And not in broad daylight

I will stand on the main road

And I’ll say to the car: “Hello!

Would you like to take a detour?"

I'll block the way for everyone

I'll make a mess.

All of you will immediately feel bad!

Sign "Other dangers".

I rarely meet on the road,

But, believe me, it's accurate.

If you meet me

Then be scared like fire!
(signs argue)
Author. Signs argue among themselves.

No matter how it gets into a fight!

And in this difficult hour

Suddenly a voice reached them.

(crossroad appears)

Are you completely crazy?!

Where did you leave me?

Main road sign. Who is this?


Your Crossroads!

Your father is almost a godfather!

Tires rubbed my back:

There are cars in five rows!

Swearing, turmoil, din!

Shame on you, Signs!

Main road sign.

I hurry, I fly, I run!

I will help all cars -

Let's go to the goal now.

Goodbye neighbors!

Sign "Pedestrian crossing"

(Sign "Caution: children!") I think it's time to go back!

Let's hurry, brother!

Glory and honor await us

After all, we indicate the transition.

Signs "Entry prohibited" and "Movement prohibited".

Trouble on the road!

It's not sweet there without us!

And the movement is not harmful,

If there is a ban somewhere!

We will stand in the old place,

We have enough honor there!

"Road works" and "Other hazards" signs.

Let's hurry and we will soon!

But don't look

Who will not notice the trench

The signs are in place

The verse immediately noise and din, tires soon rustled,

The cars rolled

And there was movement

At the same moment without stress.

(five participants come forward)
1st. We have told you a story.

She has no morals...

2nd. After all, any subject of motion

Causes respect.

3rd. Do not think that you are the coolest

Learn traffic rules better!

4th. Both driver and pedestrian

They only move in their turn.

5th. If everyone agrees with each other.

ALL. The roads are safe!
Final song (to the motive of the song "Light")

Very difficult on the road

Don't get into an accident!

Take care of your hands and feet

Learn traffic rules.

Tell the whole world

Take it home

This song with us

You drink today!

Chorus: This is not fun!

This is not a game!

It's time to learn the rules of the road!

Obey traffic rules.

Observe, all without exception.

Observe them throughout Russia

Follow to live beautifully!


Scenario of the propaganda team on traffic rules

"Adult - you are an example for us"

Compiled Dunaeva S.F.,

senior counselor MOBU SOSH No. 4

Goals and objectives:

  • Improving work on the prevention of accidents

  • Involving children and adolescents in active promotion of traffic rules

  • Development of children's creative abilities.


Mom, son, dad, daughter, 4 juveniles.

Phonogram list:

Everybody run

A big secret

Everybody run

Everybody run

Oh you, my poor troubadour

A big secret

they are running

Dad bought a car

thirty three cows

1. Our century is gaining momentum,

And no wonder they say

What's from end to end

Everyone hurry, hurry, hurry.

2. Moms, dads, uncles, aunts

No matter how much they teach us

You set an example for us

We are looking at you

3. Are you a pedestrian or a driver,

businessman, leader,

Adult, you are always a parent.

You are always an example for us

And now listen to us.
Music "Everybody Runs" Run out all and make chaotic movement. Mom drags her son

Hurry son, come on

Hurry, don't fall behind

Late for work

I can't do it again

Mom, you can't go here

The transition must be found

Painfully smart you are with us

I'd better hurry to class

And you have only dreams

Who taught you
Son. You!!!
Retreat to the background, the rest forward. Everyone sings to the tune of "Big Secret"

All. It's no secret that moms and dads dream

Protect us from harm and injury

And so we are repeated every time

What road rules Need to learn
What about yourself?

And under the machines growl
Under brakes squealing

Under drivers scolding

even at a red light

Run, hurry parents

caring parents

Attentive parents

Do you remember the rules? No!!!
3. Walking carefully

Follow the street

4. And only where possible (picture "Transition")

Cross it

3. Remind your child of the simple rule

Remind and do everything with him later

4. With attention to the left, look together

Look to the right later.

Together. You teach your son by personal example!
Cross the street correctly!


My years are growing, today I'm 12

I dream about a scooter, so I want to ride.

I will ride with the wind

Along the main streets

My classmates

Let them admire me
Mother. (sings to the tune of "Oh, you, my poor troubadour")
Oh, my pretty daughter

Here are foreign toys for you
Choose any, I'll pay for everything


Only scooter I want


She is in a hysterical state.

Yes, desire is too fantastic

Maybe show it to a doctor.

(daughter crying loudly)

I'm silent, I'm silent, I'm silent

Anything you want I will buy
2. Dear parents! It's time to know

We can not always indulge in everything

3.. Remember to avoid future troubles

You can only drive a scooter at the age of 14

(Sing to the tune of "Big Secret")
It's no secret that children sometimes

As they say without a king in my head

And parents often indulge them in everything

In order not to spoil the nervous system
Under daughter's squealing

Under son's growl

Under children's whims

Let's reveal a secret to you

Know for your children

Beloved, dear children

Capricious, harmful children

Answer firmly: "No!"
Musical screensaver "Everyone run, run"
4. We roughly study the rules of the road

And we know how to drive a car according to the rules

5. And in the life of each of us

There is a cherished dream

I would like to have my own car in the future, but for now ...
6. In the meantime, I'm not lazy

Everyone is learning, learning, learning.

Sing (to the motive of the song "Dad bought a car")
In the house there is excitement, noise, surprise,

This is not a fairy tale, but a reality.

Somewhere outside the city is very expensive

Dad bought a car.
We overtake, we do not notice the signs,

We are the toughest now.

And neighbors and friends

not cars, but just laughter.

Hey, passerby, be careful

Don't leave the sidewalk.

Look out, take care

Rides the best copy.
7. Dear dads and moms

We repeat to you stubbornly

Morning evening and afternoon

You are an example for us in everything.

8. Therefore, tell yourself: STOP! When you cross the road with us in the wrong place!.
1. - STOP! When you tell us about how you were reckless as a child on a bicycle!

2. - STOP! When buying a scooter if we are under 14!

3. - STOP! When you disregard the rules of the road!


The song "Rules of motion" (to the tune of "Thirty-three cows")
I. In the center of a large city

there are many roads

And, of course, it is important that

Anyone could go through them.

And so someone came up with the rules, friends,

These traffic rules

And walking and driving

It's impossible to forget.


traffic rules, traffic rules

Adults and children must comply.

Driving rules from birth

Everyone is useful and needed.
II. We walk around the city, we walk around the city,

We do not interfere with anyone - we sing our song,

We walk the road boldly

We are not afraid of trouble

Because we will remember

Very very hard to remember

Everything you taught!

Scenario of the propaganda team on traffic rules

GBOU Neftekamsk boarding school
Compiled Khafizova A.R.
1st participant: Campaign team
ALL"Wheel of Fortune"

1st: When the traffic light flashes

2nd: Our beloved green light,

3rd: The car will rush along the road,

4th: Like a whirlwind that has no barriers.

5th: Watch the driver on the road:

6th: Again brings the pedestrian.

7th: Reliability, road safety

ALL: Knowledge of the rules creates us!
ALL: Did you know that...

1st: The first traffic rules were created in 1812.

ALL: Did you know that...

3rd: Assistant traffic police is a detachment of Young traffic inspectors, created in 1973.

ALL: And you know that...

4th: July 3, 1936 The State Traffic Inspectorate was formed.
ALL: Did you know that...

5th: The first Soviet car was produced in 1924, and the Volga Automobile Plant produced more than 20 car models.
ALL: Did you know that...

6th: In 1998, the State traffic inspectorate received a new name - the State Road Safety Inspectorate.

Dance intro to the melody of M. Dunayevsky's song "Changes daily

fashion". The girls sing and dance, at the end turning, in turn, with their backs to the audience.

Fashion changes daily
The pedestrian, as always, hasty,
But it never goes out of fashion
Our favorite is the car.
Waiting for miracles impossible
We were in a hurry to celebrate here.
Traffic rules day and night studied
And they became related to the UID forever.
(turned away)

1st: ONCE
2nd: TWO
3rd: THREE turn one by one towards the hall.
4th: FOUR
5th: FIVE

ALL: Let's go for a walk.

1st: Once upon a time there was a slender, beautiful street, dressed in asphalt.

2nd: As soon as the first bus appeared, people decided to teach the street to talk, to give it an accurate and expressive language, the language of signs.

3rd: And then the street spoke.

1st: Outside the excitement, the noise of surprise
This is not a fairy tale, but a reality.
Now in our city the inspector on the streets
Distributed signs.

2nd: in the red triangle

caution signs,

They warn

Call for attention.

3rd: Prohibit signs

Miscellaneous movement: overtaking, turning -

And in red circles

Encircles their people.

4th: And there are signs - good friends:

Indicate the direction of your movement,

Where to eat, refuel, sleep,

And how to get to the village to the grandmother.

5th: Tired driver behind the wheel

People are lucky in the morning

Always remember this

Smart walker!

6th: There are a lot of traffic rules in the world.
7 th: It would not hurt us to learn all of them,
6th: But the main of the rules of motion
Know how the multiplication table should.
1st: On the pavement - do not play, do not ride!

ALL: If you want to stay healthy!

1st: I wonder what would happen on the streets of our city if drivers drove cars without any rules, and pedestrians walked as they please.

2nd: It would be just what is happening today in our area.
Newsboy 1: (all newspapermen wave newspapers and run while reading) Since the beginning of 2006, 47 road accidents involving children have occurred in our district, two children died and 45 were injured.
Newsboy 2: During the past period of 2006, 30 accidents occurred due to the fault of drivers. Their reasons:
- Exceeding the speed limit;
- Violation of pedestrian crossings;
- Ignoring traffic lights and road signs.
Newsboy 3: Children caused 20 accidents. Their reasons:
- Crossing the carriageway in an unspecified place in front of nearby vehicles;
- Game on the roadway and next to it;
- Unexpected exit to the roadway due to standing vehicles.

Shapoklyak and the hooligan boy take the stage.

Do you guys

It is necessary to listen to it.
You to my advice, children,
Be careful.

You came to the traffic light

Take a look around...

I didn’t see anyone - pick up a stone soon

And put on a green eye.

When the cars go fast

Nothing to stand and wait...

Feel free to step on the highway.

Let them try to get away.

Behind the wheel, since you are sitting,

Don't look at the road
Better read the comic
And talk to your neighbor.


What are you saying

What are you teaching the kids?
Your bad advice
These are bad omens.


From the gate on a scooter
Silly Bear famously rolls.
Mishka has bumps on his forehead,
Mishka does not have a scooter.

By Moscow - Chelyabinsk highway

Vasya raced on KAMAZ.
He was a dashing driver
He drank beer while driving.

He loved the song "Drink beer!",

He drank it always zealously.
Oh, "Accident!", hello!
KAMAZ landed in a ditch.

Dunechka ran through

Anywhere the street
Now it's hard for her to walk
The poor thing is dragging along.

3rd: - We gave you a lot of examples,
It would not hurt you to remember all of them
Remember guys, you should always -
Road rules are important in life.
Song to the motive of A. Makarevich "Turn"

We promised ourselves

Don't deviate from the straight path
We are destined to live.
Even if the stop
Let's wait a little more
After all, we don't care.
Here's a new turn
And the engine roars
What does he bring us?
Fall or rise
Everyone slows down
And you won't understand
Until you turn - 2 p.

Scenario propaganda team

"Night Patrol" MOBU SOSH No. 11
left Gabdrakhmanova L.M.,

senior counselor MOBU SOSH №11
- Our time has come to speak,

Looking forward to the start

Our motto is worthy of attention: “Fight for the purity of your consciousness!” (in chorus)

Welcome to the propaganda team "Night Patrol" (in chorus) MOBU SOSH №11.

If we are young...

And we want to be beautiful and healthy ...

If we want to live happily ever after...

Get an education, make a career, have a family, raise children...

If you care about the future of your country...
A little girl appears on the stage.

She looks around as if looking for someone. Starts to cry.

The guys come up to her.

Youth: What's happened? Why are you crying?
Young woman: Why are you on the street without adults?
Child: I went out for a walk and got lost. And I don't know how to get home.
Youth: Don't cry, we'll help you now.
Re Byata appeal to small viewers and the child at the same time.

Young woman:

With care for the children of the native land,

A law was created, and since then every hour
Both at school as a teacher and relatives at home
Special control is provided for us.


The following law was issued in Russia:

At 22.00 - it's time for the children to go home!
And the kids should not be alone during the day.
Parents are asked to watch their children!


You leave the house without your parents in vain,

You bring trouble on yourself, kid.
We must walk you home
You name the address of your apartment.

The young man takes the baby by the hand and takes him backstage.

Reader 1: We think that you guys are well aware that since April 2009, the Curfew Law has come into force in Russia, as well as in our Republic.
Reader 2. Thanks to this law, cases in our country have decreased when children wander, commit crimes and become their victims themselves. The adoption of this law confirms that adults take care of every little citizen of Russia. And indeed it is! Our teachers, parents and police officers are on duty every day to protect you and me.
Reader 3. Do you know that our Law is not new at all. Back in the 14th century in Korea, it was adopted " curfew”, which began at 10 pm and ended at 4 am and for the violation of which was punished from 10 to 40 blows with a stick.
Reader: When are you guys coming home? Remember that according to the Law, children under 7 years old cannot appear in in public places unaccompanied by parents or legal representatives around the clock. Adults have not forgotten about teenagers under 18. They must be at home between 10 pm and 6 am.

If you want to look like an adult

Do not break this law.

It's a pity that for many years

There are no good relationships.
Parents have no time
To communicate with the child
He talks on the street -
It develops very quickly.
If you want to continue your family
Parents, take care of your children!

Command exit.(phonogram "We are little children")

All: Our team "Road Academy".

We are energetic guys for special purposes.


We walk on the street and see every time

That the population of the city is illiterate with us.


They don't know where to drive without causing trouble.

And also where to go or ride a bike.


We will help the little ones, we will help the big ones:

Learn the rules of the road that meet on the way.


I am glad to show you my program,

Our propaganda team is at the YID competition.


We are the Road Academy team and it is clear to all of us

The most important thing on the road is safety!

Vlad: Our motto -

“Always together! Always near! For the safety of the entire squad!

Scene No. 1. "Rollers" (Natasha and Vika) (phonogram "We are little children")

Vika: when mom bought rollers, she didn’t think about

That her little sun will roll upside down.


Ride guys in stadiums, parks and near the house.

You don't have to drive on the road.

There are so many dangers out there,

Scene number 2. "Scooter" ()

Daughter. My years are growing, today I'm 12

I dream about a scooter, so I want to ride.

I will ride with the wind

Along the main streets

My classmates

Let them admire me

Mother. (sings to the tune of "Oh, you, my poor troubadour")

Oh, my pretty daughter

Here are foreign toys for you

Choose any, I'll pay for everything

Daughter. Only scooter I want

Vlad. She is in a hysterical state.

Yes, desire is too fantastic

Maybe show it to a doctor.

(daughter crying loudly)

I'm silent, I'm silent, I'm silent.

Anything you want, I'll buy.


Dear Parents! It's time to know

We can not always indulge in everything

Remember to avoid future troubles

You can only drive a scooter at the age of 16.

Scene 3. "Transition" (phonogram "Green Light")

Mom drags her son

Mother. Hurry son, come on

Hurry, don't fall behind

Late for work

I can't do it again

Son. Mother. You can't go here

The transition must be found

Mother. Painfully smart you are with us

I'd better hurry to class

You have only dreams

Who taught you?

Son. You!!!

Vlad. It's no secret that moms and dads dream

Protect us from harm and injury

And so we are repeated every time

What are the rules of the road to learn

All: What about yourself?

Natasha: And under the machines growl

Vlad: Under the brakes screeching

Vika: Under drivers scolding

Danil: And even at a red light

Natasha: Run, hurry parents

Vlad: Caring parents

Vika: Attentive parents

Danil: Do you remember the rules?

All: No!!!

Natasha: Walking carefully, watch the street

And only where possible , Pass her. (picture "Transition")

Vika: Remind your child of the simple rule.

Remind and do everything with him later.

Danil: Take a look to the left together

Look to the right later.

Together. You teach your son by personal example!

Cross the street correctly!

Scene 4. "Bicycle" (phonogram "Song of the Cat Leopold")

Vika: Father and son walked together
And then the little one asked:
Danil:“Ride fast good

Or very bad?

Vlad: It's not a secret at all
Listen, kids:
Somehow on a bike
One boy sat down

(Daddy get on the bike)

I ran through a red light
Overtaking cars.
Never slowed down

I am without a tire squeal.

I remember once a bicycle, dropped it groaning,

Nearly got hit by a car...


This is very bad!

Vika: You need a bike,
Drive carefully
Only green light
Ride the tracks. (Bike Lane)

Danil: Remember this is an adult, know any child:
I want to become a hero to everyone from the cradle

Vlad: But the hero is not the one who drives famously along the road,
They love those who do not risk life and health.

(phonogram "I am you, he, she")

Vika: Being a Judaizer is a Big Responsibility

For myself, for friends, kids,

Being Jewish is interesting and flattering

In front of the whole school.

Danil: Operation Attention! Children!"

The kindest in the world.

And it goes on regularly

Operation Pedestrian.

Natasha: Everyone is happy to participate

In the competition for the best poster.

In the auto city we study together,

How to cross the road.

Vlad: We teach road signs together,
To better navigate the road.

We organize road games for children.

We are responsible for their safety.

Vika: Rules of the road quiz

Make children admire.

Danil: We make traffic safety corners,

Instilling respect for traffic rules.

Natasha: We are learning the rules of the road.

And we know how to drive a car according to the rules.

Vlad: And in the life of each of us, there is a cherished dream

I would like to have my own car in the future, but for now ...

We will be careful on the roads.

We will learn all the rules of the road.

We will go to the green light.

And we will teach other children this.

We are inviting everyone to UID to join.

To know how to cross the road.

We urge all traffic rules to learn.

To be safe on our way.

We believe that we are all in for a great success.

And then everyone will have cars.

For now, here's our advice:

Take care of your life - you're young!


We want, we want, we want to wish you all.

Always, always, always know the rules of the road.

We hurry, we hurry, we hurry, we hurry there,

Where our help is needed.


Let, let the road run into the distance.

Sadness - let it not lie in the heart.

You all learn traffic rules

And with us, with family, with friends

You learn traffic rules.

– We dream of a time when all the highways of the world will turn into the Good Road of Childhood!

- Where each traveler on the road will be accompanied only by luck and success.

– And then every driver and every pedestrian will be mutually polite and attentive.

“Because kindness will save the world!”


A new day is coming - it's time!

You need to know the traffic rules like the alphabet, friends.

Let the traffic lights shine on the roads of the whole country,

To avoid accidents, these rules are needed.

Rules of the road! How many worries there are in the world.

Road rules, how many roads are waiting in the world.

We will teach them together, you and me.

The scenario of the performance of the school propaganda team on the rules of the road (SDA).

Sounds introduction "Fanfare, So, we begin!" The children come out and line up. Dance and sing to the song!

To the song "Girls Like Stars" by Andrey Gubin

On roads and avenues

Thousands of cars rush

You are standing among the markings,

You are alone in their stream.

But he won't hurt you

And won't let trouble come

This little book

Under the name "SDA"!


To be safe on the roads

All were people on Earth,

Learn to follow strictly

The laws of the book "SDA"!

And at any end of the planet

Yours will be a safe path,

When the rules are in the answer!

Don't forget it on the road

For compliance with them in the answer,

Don't forget it on the road!

The music fades out in the background. (Children read poetry)

Camila: Young walkers!

Julia: Future drivers!

Alyona: Children and parents!

Andrey: Cyclists and motorcyclists!

Lisa: Motorists!

Angelina: Our guests, our viewers!

Maksim: Welcome! Hello!

Anton: The way is open for you! Green light!The music is turned off.

Maksim: Welcome to the team:

(Together) Priority signs

We are always ahead! We are the whole planet!

We know a lot about traffic rules

And now we offer you:

Listen to us and understand

(Together) We can't live without traffic rules!

Julia: The city in which we live with you

It can rightly be compared with a primer.

Here it is, the alphabet - over the pavement.

Signs hung overhead

Camila: ABCs of the streets. Prospects, roads

The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Always remember the alphabet of the city

So that trouble does not happen to you!

Anywhere and everywhere rules.

They should always be known:

Swimming will not come out without them

From the harbor of court.

Andrey: Go on a flight according to the rules

Polar explorer and pilot

They have their own rules

Driver and pedestrian.

Lisa: There are many rules on the road
Who goes where, where how to go.
They were invented to make accidents
Didn't happen to you on the way.

Anton: Find the transition
And go easy
It's a row of white lines
On black asphalt.

Maksim: You look to the left
And right after.
If there are no cars anywhere -
Then go, don't be afraid.

Alyona: Look at the traffic light
Does it glow red?
If it's red, don't go
Stay where you are, okay?

There are many different signs -
These signs need to be known
To rule on the road
Never violate.


warning signs

Information is given

Danger is coming

Be careful here.

Ksyusha: prohibition signs

The most difficult

Canceled or driven

Travel restrictions

Andrey: Signs have priority

They regulate

Queue for travel

Crossroads on the way.

Pauline: For road traffic

There is a prescriptive sign

Turn around, go around

Be careful here!

Alyona: information on the road

Show everyone a service badge

Where is the gas station? Where is the hospital?

He will tell you how to get there.

Julia: Like arteries, roads

Cover the globe.

And they have their own laws

Remember the main, main:

If you want to live long

No problem and no offense

Learn the road

(together) "PDDshny" alphabet!

Alyona: "A" - asphalt roadway

For cars, not for games!

Camila: "B" - the path will be safe,

Traffic light if you honor!

Andrey: "B" - reduce the likelihood

Traffic violations!

Lisa: "G" - no need to be a hero

On the roadway!

Angelina: "E" - cycling

Only from the age of fourteen!

Julia: "J" - remember, with yellow light

Everyone is standing, and there is no move!

Anton: "Z" - green lit up,

Passage ahead is open.

Maksim: "I" - laws of exclusion

Never can be!

Ksyusha: "K" is the most dangerous letter.

It means red light!

Pauline: "L" - if you fly recklessly,

You'll make trouble!

Alyona: "M" - places to go

Clearly assigned to us!

Andrey: "N" - misfortune for the people

Drunk driver!

Angelina: "O" - dangerous areas

Everything will be indicated by signs to everyone!

Julia: "P" - know the rules of the road

To live us without problems!


While there is plenty

On the roads we have shortcomings,

We will fight them

We have only one task!

Road alphabet for children

Always and everywhere needed!


Our goal is to be safe

There was life on the roads.

Knew the rules well

The whole huge country.


Today we all swear

What is always, in everything, everywhere

We will strictly comply

Traffic rules!!!

Camille: These were poems, but there is also a harsh prose of life.

Sad music sounds ... A boy and a girl come out with candles in their hands.

Boy: Today is my birthday. I could celebrate my eleventh birthday. Maybe they would give me a bike. But a year ago I was hit by a car. And I will never be able to see my friends, hug my parents and never grow up!

Girl: If not for this tragedy, then my parents would be alive, but life does not choose who leaves and who stays. They died in a car accident because they didn't fasten their seat belts.

The music fades out in the background.

Alyona: We really want such sad stories not to happen in our lives! We are ready to swear to obey the rules of the road and save our lives!The music is turned off.

Oath: (energetic music plays in the background)

Camila: -Before a strict traffic light

We promise that always

Let's go green

And on red -(together) NEVER!

Anton: -We promise that in the ball

Let's play in the yard

Not on the road.

Laws must be followed!

Maksim: -If there is suddenly a car

Pass quickly nearby

On the sidelines we must

Wait out the car here!

Angelina: - And we promise

Don't be rude on the roads!

A very important rule

Gotta be polite!

Lisa: - And today in front of everyone

We promise:

(together) What is always with you on the road

We take these rules!

To the soundtrack of the song "Kings of the night Verona"

The night city beckons with lights.

A thousand headlights speaks to you and me

To be observed always and everywhere,

On all roads the law of traffic rules!

Play with your life on the roads.

And observe always and everywhere

The road code is the law of traffic rules!


So that there was a road without injuries,

Long life was in the end

You study traffic rules
Follow the roads!
discipline, respect

Let them help you move.

May you always be on the road

Only green light shines!

The scenario of the performance of the propaganda team on traffic rules of the detachment of the UID "Svetoforik".

Song "Song of the Bremen Town Musicians"

1. There is nothing better in the world

Than friends wander around the world

Who with UID is not afraid of anxiety

Any roads are dear to us - 2 times.

2. We will not forget our calling

We will tell people the rules

Traffic rules are the most important thing in the world

Adults and children know this - 2 times.

3. The traffic police is ready to help us

Helping children is not new for them.

After all, the task has become their sacred

We are lucky to live such a fate - 2 times.

1 student : Hello people! How are you doing?

The cheerful propaganda team of school No. 20 has come to visit you.

2 student : Our motto is “On the roads without accidents”

3 student Place of residence - school country.

4 student Mood is upbeat

Relationships are good.

5 student No complaints, from the "Traffic Light" - hello!

6 student Well, in general, we guys are nothing,

Admire - we guys - ......

All: In!

1 student What is our UID?

And what is he talking about?

We need to show it right now!

We need to tell you urgently!

2 student At school traffic rules

We were taught for a reason!

We know how to use them

And remember for a hundred years!

And he will explain them to you

Member of the UID Squad!

3 student Need traffic rules

Perform without objection.

You have to listen without argument.

Traffic light indications.

Everyone sings: "Sailor" - Gazmanov O.

If there is a lot of traffic,

You stay and wait.

Traffic light eye green

It's on fire - you go.

If the light starts to flicker

Better time wait it out.

Yellow-red - not good,

You just need to wait.

5 student Now it's clear to everyone:

The traffic light is red!

6 student Light up yellow - stop again.

You can't walk on a yellow light.

1 student And if the green light is on -

He says to you without words:

Look left, look right

Are there cars? The path is open!

2 student Yes, the traffic light is important, however,

He alone, without road sign ov

Can't handle it anyway.

Yes, yes, any road sign

Us gives information,

What is ahead, friends, awaits us!

3 student The smallest road sign
It's not just worth it.

Be, be careful
Respect every sign.

Performance of a song of road signs.

("Song of the Bremen Town Musicians")

Learning the multiplication table

Don't forget about traffic rules.

If the signs warn us

So, they protect us - 2 times.

4 student striped track

It leads across the street.

Here, but very carefully,

You need to make a transition.

Don't rush, but first thing

Left - look right!

There are no cars - we walk boldly!

There are cars - wait!

5 student I'm in a circle with a red outline.

It means it's dangerous here.

Here, understand, prohibition

Pedestrian traffic.

6 student In the blue I go in a circle

And it is clear to the whole district,

If you think a little,

There is a footpath here.

1 student I walk in a triangle

Transport I warn:

Coming soon the transition

Take care of the pedestrian.

2 student In the white triangle

With a red border

Little schoolchildren

Very safe.

This road sign

Know everything in the world

be careful

Children on the road.

3 student Let the cars move

Drivers keep calm

After all, everyone knows that the rules are the same

For adult pedestrians and children!

4 student To live without knowing grief,

To run, swim and fly

You gotta traffic rules

Always and everywhere...

All : Observe.

Final song.

(on the motive songs "The song remains with the person")

There are sciences that we learned from the cradle

And we need them every day

How many songs we sang about the rules

How much more will we sing for you

Chorus: Through the years, through the distances,

On any road, on any side

Traffic rules do not say goodbye,

Traffic rules with you and with me.

Celebration Line.

Everything breathed such silence,
That the whole earth was still asleep, it seemed.
Who knew that between peace and war
There are only five minutes left.

Every year on February 15, Internationalist Wars Remembrance Day is celebrated.
In January 1979, the war began in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, which lasted 10 years, 10 long, painful years. The main objectives of the war were: to assist the government of the Republic of Afghanistan in the protection and defense of important facilities, the destruction of resistance forces and the protection of the state border. The attitude to this conflict is rather ambiguous, as well as the attitude to the entire Soviet history. And despite this, many still believe that this should be talked about, we should remember.
In February 1989, the last Russian soldier left Afghanistan. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops. The echo of the events of that war goes further into history, but time has no power over memory. The courage shown in battles is not subject to oblivion.

The word is given by __________________________________________________.

Let's be silent over the memory of friends,
The ones we won't see again
We will not hear those who, with their whole lives
He went with us into the world to come.

Let's be silent to talk about them
Not a cold, indifferent word,
So that they are resurrected, even for a moment
With all the sound of a living voice!

Let us honor the blessed memory of all those who died in this war with a moment of silence.

(Metronome. A moment of silence.)

If you were born a man, then whoever you are, whoever you want to become, your youth ends with military service. More than 30 years ago, 18-year-old boys took an oath to serve the Motherland and went to fulfill it. They defended their border. Fulfilled international duty. This is an example of courage, courage, heroism.

Why are we talking about warriors - internationalists? Because they live among us. Every morning you go to the Lyceum and see memorial plaques on its walls. The heroes of today studied within the walls of this lyceum. At one time, young soldiers were educated in your classes, sat at your desks.

The word is provided by _________________________________________________

Human memory is alive not only in photographs, but also when we, young people, by our deeds remind others of their exploits. To this end, today a group of children from Professional Lyceum No. 17 will go to improve the graves of soldiers-internationalists who are our fellow countrymen. And they will also make garlands and wreaths with their own hands for laying on February 15, the day of memory of soldiers - internationalists, at the obelisk of Glory. In the evening at 18.00, the Volgorechensky City Youth Center will host a meeting with combatants dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.

We never saw a war
And we can’t imagine her horror
But the fact that our world wants silence
Today we understand very clearly


Goals: improving knowledge of the rules of the road and popularizing knowledge and attracting the attention of children to the study of the Rules of the road;

the formation of law-abiding behavior of students, through the creation of an appropriate attitude, orientation of thinking on the issues of ensuring traffic safety;

strengthening the skills of safe behavior of students on the streets and roads;

determine the lexical meaning of the word, replenish vocabulary.

Equipment: multimedia projector, screen.

Scenario of the performance of MKOU Dovolenskaya secondary school No. 2

them. S.I. Lazareva

Music output:

Hello friends, hello people who live in the Novosibirsk region.

The problem is current

Road traffic!

And she demands a lot of respect for herself!

You are welcomed by the detachment - UID

All - "GIBDD"

One each: a group of road safety leaders.

Dovolenskaya school №2 named after S.I. Lazareva presents to your attention her speech “Road safety is pride! Long live my district and the Novosibirsk region! Everyone scatters in different directions.


Forests, mountains, rivers

Without a compass by the stars

Until the end, until the end

It's worth it.

On foot in the Novosibirsk region.

In 1937, our beloved Novosibirsk region was formed on our planet. On September 28 of this year, the West Siberian Territory was divided into the Novosibirsk Region and the Altai Territory.

The Novosibirsk region will celebrate its holiday in September.
The 80th anniversary of course will meet.
We congratulate her from the bottom of our hearts.
Both adults and kids.

In honor of this event, our program launched a series of programs, the main topic of which is “Road Safety”.


There are many interesting places in the world

Paris and Cannes

Monte Carlo, Nice.

Siberia. Satisfied-

It's on the map too.

Meeting with a resident of the village of Dovolnoye.

Satisfied. The village we love to madness!

Huge areas of fields sown with golden wheat, decorated with bright green birches and blue cornflowers. An atmosphere of kindness, light and happiness reigns in Satisfied. And the name speaks for itself.

When asked: Where do you live?

In Pretty! I proudly answer.

Oh-oh-oh ... So you are all “satisfied” admired by the interlocutors.

But how? Certainly?

Father's world - my native country,

Father's world - the village in which I live,

The grass under the window is green

Fresh air the one that I breathe.


Journalist. We got to the Dovolenskaya school No. S.I. Lazareva, it is here, according to residents, the place where the UID detachment exists.

The second school is cool to live and interesting.

Boredom and idleness have no place here!
We all dream about the future.
We have been learning the rules of the road since childhood.

School YID

He is always at war

With those who do not like the rules.

We must step up measures

Against violators

Are we not enough examples

The grief of our inhabitants?

We will conduct a raid now,

We will find the perpetrators.


Yuidovets comes up to a child who is standing at the edge of a road with heavy traffic and does not know how to cross the road ....

Look at the bright traffic light

He will explain to you:

There is no way through the red light

And yellow - get ready!

The green light is on now

He says: "The passage is open,

Walk bolder, pedestrian,

The machines have given you a move!”

Yuidovets is walking, and a small child is riding a bicycle along the road.

Yuidovets. Wait, my friend, how old are you?

Child. I'm already quite big, I'm already 10.

Under 14s are not allowed to ride a bicycle on the roads and streets

If you are 14 years old, then your transport is still a bicycle.

At 16, you get on a moped.

And you turn 18 years old - get in, my friend, in a convertible.

And remember, getting behind the wheel of a bicycle, car and moped

If you don't know the rules, if you don't follow them

All. That trouble can not be avoided.

So that you live in peace - without troubles and without worries,

You learn the rules of traffic by heart.

At the bus stop, the child is waiting for the bus, on the edge of the sidewalk.

Yuidovets. At a stop, you should never stand at the edge of the sidewalk. You may be accidentally pushed, and you will find yourself under the wheels.

A child is standing at a traffic light, a red light is on for the cars, a fire truck is driving along the road with the signals on. The child starts to cross the road.

Yuidovets. Be careful, special vehicles have the right to drive through a red traffic light. They must be skipped.

The girl behind the wheel - to the music.

Masha is walking down the road listening to music on headphones.

See the sign on the pole?

This sign is read like this:

Don't get distracted while moving

Don't play with headphones

Look always around

This sign reminds us:

Don't forget to take off your headphones.

Guard your life!


Every year, road traffic accidents claim the lives of about a million people worldwide.

2- Every year the country misses a whole class of children

3- Every 3rd Pedestrian violated traffic rules

4-In Dovolensky district for 2015

There were 26 accidents during the year, in which 9 people were injured and 2 died.


6- Road safety depends on all of us: Drivers, pedestrians, passengers

Think about life
And measure her price.
We appeal to reason
You better trust us.

Girls sing:
The sun is shining above us
Not life, but grace!
To all people on the planet
It's time to understand
To all people on the planet
It's time to understand:
The road is not a toy
And you can't play with her!

Everyone comes out

And every day we call:

"Be careful, friends!"

"Caution, sharp turn!"

“And there, look, the transition!”

"You have to think where you can play,

Where you can't!"

"Don't forget to wear a flicker at night"

“Place the child in a child seat, and luck awaits you ahead”

Song (boys sing)

Novosibirsk region - region,

in which we all live

Young, strong, brave

We set goals

We go straight to them

Learn, work, grow

We want to be the best

To glorify the country and the region,

Follow the rules of the road

And we invite you together

Our views to share

Dovolensky youths of school No. 2

Everyone lives in harmony with the law.

Know the rules, follow them

The rules are explained to younger students.

All come out:

May the sun always shine

May we always hear laughter

And our regional roads

Become safer for everyone.

The team of Dovolenskaya School No. 2 im. S.I. Lazareva. Thank you for your attention.

physical minute "Pedestrians".

The guard stands stubborn (Walking in place).

Waves to people: Don't go!

(move arms sideways, up, sideways, down)

Here the cars go straight (Hands in front of you)

Pedestrian, you wait! (Hands to the sides)

Look: smiled (Hands on the belt, smile)

Invites us to go (We walk in place)

You machines don't rush (clapping hands)

Pass the pedestrian! (Jumping in place)