Tea Post tracking in Russian. Transport company Tea Post

  • 31.05.2020

Transport company Tea Post has recently added to the list of postal services that deliver orders from Aliexpress. The full name is Transport Europe&Asia Co.Ltd and the official abbreviation is China (T.E.A). In the Russian version of the official website, the company presents itself as the first enterprise with Russian capital in China in the field of logistics. The advantage of this postal service is that they accept parcels with batteries. And they go through the sorting center, which has a fairly low workload. Therefore, parcels reach Russia quite quickly. And on the territory of Russia they go at different speeds. But on average 2-4 weeks. Although this is the sluggishness of our mail, and not the fault of the Tea Post.

General information about Tea Post.

Average delivery time: 25-40 days
Reliability: average
Pros: accepts shipments with batteries and lithium batteries.
Minuses: The track number is only trackable within China. Attention!!! After the sorting point in Yekaterinburg, the parcel is not tracked.
Types of track numbers: TEAPY*****YQ (digital code instead of asterisks)

Contacts: Skype: pangshaokun

e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Tea Post parcel tracking.

Often, buyers, after receiving the track number TEAPY1111111111YQ, have questions about where to look for tracking? In fact, Tea Post tracks can be tracked on many services.

First of all, you can track the package sent from China by the Tea Post transport company on the official website. Direct link to tracking page: http://tea-post.com/#004

Also, the track number is easily tracked on all tracking systems. >>> In the lower right corner there will be an opportunity to translate information on the track into Russian (Translate Language: Russian)

What tracking status does Tea Post have and how are parcels from China.

  • Shipment information received. This status means that information about your package has been received. That is, the seller has booked the track code and is preparing your order for shipment.
  • Shenzhen, Shipment arrived at facility Shenzhen Parcel arrived at customs clearance in Shenzhen. Here it will be issued and it will be exported.
  • Erlianhaote, Shipment operation completed at facility Erlianhaote The parcel arrived in Mongolia.
  • Kyakhta, Dispatch received at the sorting center Your order entered the territory of Russia to the sorting center in the city of Kyakhta on the border with Mongolia.
  • Novosibirsk MMPO Pi-6 630872 Arrived at the sorting cente r the order arrived at the sorting center in Novosibirsk. From where she will go to Yekaterinburg.
  • Ekaterinburg MMPO Uch-6 620984 Arrived at the sorting center The parcel arrived at the sorting point in Yekaterinburg. Here she will go through all the necessary clearance, she will be assigned an internal track number.
  • Russia post in transit The parcel goes to the recipient by Russian Post. This is the latest package tracking status for Tea post track numbers. Your order will no longer be tracked.

Let's summarize the way of sending Tea post once again: Seller—->Shenzhen—->Mongolia—->Kyakhta (Russia)—->Novosibirsk—->Ekaterinburg—->Your post office.

Tea Post parcel stuck in Yekaterinburg.

After the parcel is assigned the status Russia post in transit (Russian Post on the way), track number WILL NOT be tracked! Therefore, the parcel did not hang in Yekaterinburg, but is already on its way to you by Russian Post.

It is impossible to find out where the parcel is at this stage, since it comes with an internal track number that you do not know. It remains only to wait patiently. If you bought something small, then small packages are for you. If the parcel does not fit in size, then you will receive a notification.

Where is the TEAPY package? Delivery terms.

  • 3-14 days the package will be in China.
  • 3-14 days the parcel goes across Mongolia to Novosibirsk
  • 3-5 days from Novosibirsk to Yekaterinburg
  • up to 30 days within Russia

As you can see, the longest stage is delivery in Russia. Everything is aggravated by the fact that the track number is not tracked at this stage, and buyers begin to worry that their package is lost or stuck. really no need to worry. Losses of parcels when sending Tea Post are very rare. Calling the post office and asking them to look for the package is useless, as they will also see the latest status “Russia post in transit”.

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Based on your request, these examples may contain colloquial vocabulary.

Translation of "arrived at the facility" in Russian

Other translations

In Oaxaca, for example, members of the delegation noted that, according to the police detention records, 93 per cent of detainees arrived at the facility without money.

For example, in Oaxaca, members of the delegation had the opportunity to verify that, according to the records of persons detained by the police and delivered to state police stations, 93 percent of those detainees came here without having any money.

Delivered to state police stations, 93 percent of these detainees came here without any money.">

According to information from the facility's medical records, about half of the detainees had had injuries of recent origin when they arrived at the facility, with an average of 17 lesions distributed over eight parts of the body.

According to medical records, approximately half of all detainees at the moment admission to the center had fresh injuries, with an average of 17 lesions on eight different parts of the body.

Admissions to the center had fresh injuries, with an average of 17 lesions on eight different parts of the body.">

Suggest an example

Other results

OIOS also learned that another detainee of the Criminal Tribunal had approximately $250,000 reflected in his bank statement when he arrived at the detention facility, but within a month the same account reflected a zero balance.

In addition, OIOS also learned that another detainee at the Criminal Tribunal had approximately $250,000 in his bank account when he arrived at the detention center, however, a month later, all funds from the same account disappeared.

Arrived at the Detention Facility, but a month later all the funds from the same account disappeared.">

She is arrived at gas an object in Taji, located 20 km north of Baghdad, at 0930 hours, after which she immediately went to the building of the Department of Scientific Research and Quality Control.

Arrived at the gas an object in Taji, located 20 km north of Baghdad, at 0930 hours, after which she immediately went to the building of the Department of Scientific Research and Quality Control.">

A group consisting of 16 inspectors left the Canal Hotel in Baghdad at 8.45 a.m. At 9.15 a.m. it arrived at the storage facilities of the State Enterprise for the Marketing of Pharmaceutical and Medical Products in Adil, Baghdad.

First team: This team of 16 inspectors left the Canal Hotel in Baghdad at 0845 and 0915 hours. arrived to warehouses of the National Company for the Trade of Medicines and Medical Equipment, located in the Baghdad district of El-Adil.

Arrived at the warehouses of the National Company for the sale of medicines and medical equipment, located in the Baghdad district of El-Adil.">

In other cases, the project company is paid a flat or variable sum directly by the host Government, on the basis of an estimated number of paying users of the facility arrived at in the course of the selection process.

In other cases, the host government makes a direct payment project company flat or variable amount, based on the estimated number of payers using object established in progress selection process.

Object installed in progress selection process.">

Doctors should conduct medical examinations whenever a person arrived at a detention facility and issue certificates that identified any lesions, recorded allegations and contained an opinion as to the consistency of the lesions with the allegations.

Physicians should conduct a physical examination when the person arrives at the place of detention in custody, and issue certificates stating any bodily injuries, registering complaints and providing opinions on whether these bodily injuries are consistent with the allegations.

Arrives at the place of detention, and issue certificates stating any bodily injuries, complaints are registered and conclusions are made on whether these bodily injuries are consistent with the allegations.

In the first half of 2009, there were 37 cases of persons found on entering Moldovan penitentiary institutions to have sustained injuries, including 35 persons newly arrived from temporary detention facilities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

During the first half of 2009, upon admission to the penitentiary institutions of the republic, 37 cases of injuries were found, including 35 persons, again arrived from insulators temporary detention of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Arrived from insulators temporary detention of the Ministry of the Interior.">

Facility manager arrived to work this morning at 6:30, saw the bodies and called it in to the local P.D.

The manager arrived at work today at 6.30 saw the bodies and called the local police department">

The complaints regarding the long periods of time spent in the facility can be attributed to the high numbers arrested, the fact that large groups arrived at the same time and the unexpected decision to reduce the number of reception centers from seven to two.

Complaints concerning the length of time spent in center, can be explained by the large number of those arrested, the fact simultaneous arrival numerous groups and an unexpected decision to reduce the number of reception centers from seven to two.

center, can be explained by the large number of arrests, the fact simultaneous arrival numerous groups and an unexpected decision to reduce the number of reception centers from seven to two.">

Arrival: The package has arrived at an intermediate UPS facility or the destination facility closest to the delivery address.

Arrived at waypoint UPS or nearest to the delivery address of the UPS item.">

However, after much discussion with the D.A., who is also invested in keeping the press to a minimum, we have arrived at an arrangement, which would include 16 months in a county facility.

However, after much discussion with the District Attorney, who is also invested in keeping the press to a minimum, we came to arrangement, which will include 16 months in the district

Statuses in Aliexpress are information about the stage at which your order or package is. It is necessary to distinguish between statuses order(waiting for payment, checking payment, processing order) and statuses parcels(the parcel arrived at the sorting point, left the customs, export, import). The order status is assigned to the order by the site itself and information about it can be seen in the order information. The status of the parcel is assigned at the post office and customs and tracked on specialized sites.

We will look at both types of statuses and figure out what they mean.

Aliexpress order statuses

This order is awaiting your payment- Waiting for payment.

This status is assigned to the order immediately after pressing the Place Order button - until the moment of payment. The time given to the buyer to pay for the order is indicated below in the form of a countdown timer. If the order is not paid within this time, it will automatically close and change to the Closed status.

Your payment is being verified– Aliexpress checks your payment.

Immediately after paying for the order, the payment is sent for verification by the site, and the status of the order changes to Your payment is being verified. Verification of payment usually takes 24 hours, after which it is time for the seller to send the order

– The seller is processing your order

Order status changes to The supplier is processing your order. The time for sending the order is set personally by the seller and is indicated on the product description page. In the order, the time allotted for sending is indicated in the form of a countdown timer. If the order is not shipped within the specified time, Aliexpress will cancel the order. If the seller does not have time to send the order at the specified time, you can extend the processing time by clicking on the " Extend processing time" (Extend order processing time) below the timer. If for some reason you change your mind about placing an order, click " Request order cancellation" (Request to cancel the order), located there. You can read more detailed information about canceling an order in our article “How to cancel an order for Aliexpress”.

The seller has shipped your order - the seller has shipped your order.

The order receives this status after the order is sent and the track number is entered into the system to track it. A new countdown timer appears in the order, indicating how much time is left until the end of the Buyer Protection program on Aliexpress. Button Request to extend Purchase Protection allows you to extend the duration of the Program if, after 40 days, the order has not been delivered. Button Open Dispute allows you to open a dispute (dispute) if the arrived goods are of inadequate quality, or do not arrive at all

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This time, let's talk about another logistics company whose services you may encounter, or. It will be about the first company in China in the field of logistics and e-commerce with entirely Russian capital. At least, as stated on the official website of the Tea Post, by the way, the full legal name of the company is Transport Europe&Asia Co.Ltd, and abbreviated as China (T.E.A) or Tea Post. Usually, after receiving the track code, the first question that worries the buyer is which postal service it belongs to and whether it will be tracked. In this case, we were lucky, since tracking Tea Post in Russian is quite simple, however, there are questions regarding the delivery itself, but first things first.

Tea Post track code format

Most often Tea post delivery used to transport specific goods to Russia, which, for example, you can’t send, usually these are batteries or devices containing them. Of course, if you bought a smartphone or tablet that contains a rechargeable battery, then most likely there will be no questions when it is delivered in transit through Europe.

It’s another matter when you have a parcel in your parcel, then with almost one hundred percent probability the parcel will be turned back and returned to the sender. This is all done for increased security in Europe.

Therefore, for this category of goods, there are similar logistics companies like Tea Post. Most often, this shipment is faced by those who, usually it is a free delivery method, however, after the actual shipment of the goods, the track code is issued, although in theory they could not have been issued, since there is not a word about its presence anywhere. On the this moment the Tea Post track code format is as follows.

  • TEAPY1007100555YQ

It looks like it's time to wean from the track codes, which have been universally popular lately. Now, more and more often, goods from China are sent by local logistics companies with a track code format similar to Tea Post. There are usually two letters at the end of such track codes. YQ, which have not changed yet, the most important thing that indicates to us the transport company to which the package was sent is the first 5 letters, for Tea Post it is TEAPY. By the same principle, one can also distinguish, the services that have become no less popular recently and are often used to deliver goods to Russia.

When the question arises of where to track the Tea Post package, naturally, only one answer immediately comes to mind - of course, . But in the case of Transit Europe Asia tracking, this is not the best option. Firstly, the entire site is in Chinese, despite the fact that there is supposedly a Russian version, which for some reason does not work, it may be implemented later.

Secondly, Tea Post tracking is built on the basis that everyone who orders goods in China uses. In which, by the way, Tea Post tracking is implemented in Russian, for which you only need to select the Russian language and check the box, the system itself will translate all the statuses of the movement of your China (T.E.A) parcel.

In this case, the full tracking result of Transit Europe Asia is shown, after the parcel was transferred to the Tea Post postal service, there will be no new statuses for such a parcel, but we will talk more about the statuses and delivery times of Tea Post parcels.

The very first status that appears on almost any package, regardless of the format of the track code and the method of sending:

  • Shipment information received

This status does not indicate the actual shipment of the goods, do not confuse, it only indicates that the store has assigned a track code to your parcel and is preparing it for shipment. The second status for Transit Europe Asia parcels:

  • Shenzhen, Shipment arrived at facility Shenzhen

For those who are not in the know, parcels go through customs clearance in Shenzhen and are exported from China. Then it’s already interesting, for example, after and after that, the parcels go to Novosibirsk, where they are transferred for further delivery to one of our courier services or . But given that we have free delivery, it would be naive to assume that such a package will be delivered by courier to the door.

After successful export from China, Tea Post parcels land by land, through which they go to the border with Russia. After export from Mongolia, the parcels end up in Novosibirsk, from where they are sent to Yekaterinburg.

On reaching Yekaterinburg, postal items Tea Post arrive at the local processing sorting center and transferred to the Russian post for further delivery, as indicated by the status:

  • Russia post in transit

At this, the tracking of Tea Post stops, after the transfer to the Russian Post, such parcels are not assigned an internal track code, so you will not be able to track their further movement.

Now about the delivery time, after the parcel is transferred to the Tea Post postal service and until the moment of export from China it takes about 1-2 weeks, the parcel travels around Mongolia for about one more week and ends up in Novosibirsk. After that, in 2-5 days it reaches Yekaterinburg and is transferred to the Russian post for further delivery. I would like to note right away that such parcels go to Russia quite briskly, but after that, in Russia, the parcel can be transported for a whole month.

Of ours, the fastest was delivery in 16 days, the longest was about 60. The vast majority of Tea Post shipments arrive within 25-40 days of being actually shipped. If you got it earlier, then you can consider it good luck.

Despite the fact that Tea Post tracking in Russian is available, there is not much benefit from it, since after importing to Russia, tracking stops. If the parcel is small, then most often it will be immediately lowered into mailbox, if the dimensions do not fit, then they will leave a notice, filling out which you need to go to your post office, where you can pick up the parcel.

In addition, if you often make purchases in China, then it will obviously not be superfluous to use, which became available thanks to our cooperation with the largest cashback service in Russia, which already returns part of the money spent in, among which about 100 are the largest Chinese sites.

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