Additional information in resume. Additional information about yourself in the resume Problems due to applicants

  • 19.07.2020

The selection of any employee is a complex process of questioning, interviewing and testing. Even more difficult is the adaptation of the hired employee, control and effective management them. When attracting new people to the team, we need to know their strengths and weak sides. But more importantly, we need to be aware of the risks that hiring this or that person can entail. Today we will talk about the possible risks if the employer does not carry out periodic checks of his employees.

It is appropriate to start talking about assessing the reliability of a candidate with the topical issue of processing his personal data. I will immediately answer the question of the majority of security and personnel officers about the legality of processing, including verification of the personal data of applicants and employees. This is possible only on the basis of the consent of the subject of personal data to such processing (Article 9 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ "", hereinafter referred to as the Law on Personal Data). However, it is quite easy to obtain consent - as a rule, there is a clause about it in the questionnaire of each candidate, which is filled out before the interview. The employment of a citizen and the conclusion of an employment contract with him are also one of the most common grounds for processing his personal data. Finally, according to you, as an employer, you are not required to notify the authorized body for the protection of the rights of personal data subjects of your intention to process the personal data of hired employees.

So, you have received the applicant's questionnaire on legal grounds vacant position in your organization. Now you are faced with the task of verifying the accuracy of the information provided in the questionnaire and identifying possible risks for cooperation with this candidate. allows us to further process and verify personal information subject to several conditions: the presence of consent to this processing, the use of exclusively publicly available sources of personal data and non-distribution of the results of processing to third parties ().

We have already received consent to the processing, so let's move on to such a concept as "public personal data". By definition, they include personal data, access to which is granted to an unlimited number of persons with the consent of the subject of personal data or to which, in accordance with federal laws confidentiality requirement does not apply. talking plain language- this is all the data that you can get free access to, that is, materials on the Internet, checking the recommendations of candidates, etc. But we are primarily interested in regularly updated sources of information from the global web.

These online sources include:

  • resources containing information about the fact that individuals are wanted (Interpol, Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSSP, FSIN, Rosfinmonitoring:, -portal-act,,,;
  • resources designed to verify the validity of the main documents of an individual (passport, TIN, university diploma):,, http://;
  • resources containing information about the presence of bad debts of an individual (loans, taxes, enforcement proceedings and pledges, bankruptcy of a candidate):,, http://fssprus .ru/iss/ip,,;
  • resources containing information about the participation of an individual in legal proceedings (criminal, administrative or civil):;
  • resources containing information about the participation of an individual in the activities of business entities ( legal entities or IP):,;
  • accounts of verified individuals in social networks:,

According to the statistics of our organization, about 15% of candidates turn out to be "problematic" to one degree or another.

So what risks can an employer face if he hires such an employee?

Firstly, if you hire a wanted person, then the head of the enterprise may be prosecuted for harboring a criminal (). In this regard, one should not ignore the verification of the validity of the candidate's documents, as they may simply turn out to be fake. Also, do not blindly trust the recommendations (both written and oral) of the candidate, they can easily be faked.

Secondly, the applicant's debt problems are the risk that he will solve financial difficulties at the expense of the employer. Moreover, the employer may be required to pay tax debts employee, and in case of refusal to fine.

Thirdly, the risks of property offenses may be increased in organizations that have hired an employee with a previous conviction for fraud, theft or other type of property crime. Just as one should not expect service zeal on Fridays from persons who are often brought to administrative responsibility for the use of alcoholic beverages or drugs.

Fourthly, if the candidate has his own business, it is a serious reason to ask, why does he need a job at all? Maybe he is a nominal leader and is engaged in illegal activities. Or he is your competitor and, having got a job in this organization wants to steal production secrets.

Finally, fifth, do not ignore social networks. In my practice, I came across criminals who, by forging documents, were employed in transportation, and then disappeared along with the cargo. Most of them forgot that the passport in which they pasted the photo also had an owner, and the owner had an account on the social network. True, already with his real photo.

Having checked once, when applying for a job, candidates, do not neglect the periodic re-checks of already employees. The fact is that legal proceedings in Russia are quite long term, so it is not always actual information about the applicant will be available online at the time of verification. Moreover, the degree of trustworthiness of an employee can be worsened already in the course of work. Therefore, I recommend that our clients carry out such rechecks at least once every six months.

In practice, inspectors can fine for violations of personal data protection for completely absurd reasons. What to expect from the inspection of Roskomnadzor, says a personnel expert.

Whether to register in the registry?

In connection with the amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses from July 1, 2017 and the tightening of liability for violations of legislation in the field of personal data, the question of how to properly work with personal data becomes more and more urgent for the employer.

While many employers have been inspected by the State Labor Inspectorate, not everyone knows about Roskomnadzor inspections.

Information about whether a scheduled inspection by Roskomnadzor will come to the enterprise can be found on the website of the Prosecutor's Office of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

So how do you prepare and pass such a test without penalties? First you need to figure out: is it necessary for a company to register in the Roskomnadzor register?

In accordance with the legislation, the operator of personal data is recognized, among other things, a legal entity that processes personal data. According to the law "On Personal Data", the operator, before the processing of personal data, is obliged to notify the Office Federal Service on supervision in the field of communications, information technologies and mass communications(Roskomnadzor) about its intention to process personal data. One of the exceptions is the processing of personal data in accordance with labor laws.

However, this exception does not apply to personal data of terminated employees, family members of employees and their children.

That is, in practice it turns out that a notification must be filed in any case.

Another thing is that the fine for failure to provide data is small - five thousand rubles.

What is the inspector looking for?

What are the main risk areas in a company when working with personal data? First of all, personnel office work, storage of personal files of employees, maintaining a salary project and arranging business trips, ordering business cards in a company, arranging for medical examinations of employees who, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, need to undergo such examinations, as well as the procedure for implementing access control to the territory of the employer's office premises.

In the personnel department, inspectors will be interested in the existence of contracts with work sites, an order to appoint a person responsible for the processing of personal data in the company, as well as local regulations governing the work with personal data in the company.

Roskomnadzor inspectors will pay special attention to the content of the written consent to the processing of personal data.
It must be in accordance with Art. 9 paragraph 4 of the law "On Personal Data".

Problems due to applicants

The “hobby” of inspectors is to check the content of the applicant's questionnaire for the presence of redundant personal data.

In accordance with the law, the information in the questionnaire about the relatives of the applicant must correspond to the volume provided for in paragraph 10 of the unified form N T-2, approved by the resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation.

That is, the employer is supposed to know about the relatives of the applicant (employee) only the degree of their relationship, last name, first name, patronymic and year of birth of the next of kin.

Any other information, such as the date and month of birth or the place of work of a relative, will be considered redundant and the company will be fined for this.
Theoretically, here the requirements of Roskomnadzor conflict with Article 228 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, because Labor Code obliges the employer to inform the relatives of the victim in the event of a severe or fatal accident.

And how to do this if there is no other information in the questionnaire is not clear. The reviewers do not comment on this situation.

Everything is clear about the storage of personal files of employees— they must be kept in closed racks under lock and key.


But how to work correctly from the point of view of Roskomnadzor with resumes of candidates? Firstly, the processing of personal data of applicants involves obtaining the consent of the applicants themselves to the processing of their personal data.

The exception is cases when a recruitment agency acts on behalf of the applicant, with which the person has entered into an appropriate agreement, as well as when the applicant independently posts his resume on the Internet, accessible to an unlimited circle of people.

According to the requirements of Roskomnadzor, when receiving a candidate's resume by e-mail, feedback is required to confirm that the candidate himself sent the specified resume.
Such events include inviting the applicant to a personal meeting with employees of the employer, feedback through Email etc. Upon receipt by the employer of a resume drawn up in free form, at which it is unambiguous to determine individual who sent it is not possible, this resume is subject to destruction on the day of receipt with the drawing up of an act of destruction.

The same must be done in case of refusal to hire a candidate - the resume must be destroyed within 30 days. Therefore, it is easier not to print a resume at all.

When the employer sends inquiries about previous places of work, to clarify or obtain additional information about the applicant, obtaining his consent is also a prerequisite.

Personnel reserve

In the case of maintaining a personnel reserve in the company, the processing of personal data of persons included in personnel reserve, can also be carried out only with their consent, with the exception of cases where existing employees are in the personnel reserve, in employment contract which the relevant provisions are defined.

Therefore, the applicant must be familiar with the conditions for maintaining the personnel reserve: with the terms of storage of his personal data and the procedure for exclusion from the personnel reserve. Consent to the entry of the applicant into the personnel reserve of the organization is issued either in the form of a separate document or by putting a mark in the appropriate field by the applicant electronic form applicant's questionnaires on the Company's website.

The site of the company

The Company's website is also of interest to Roskomnadzor employees.

When using a window feedback with clients or candidates, the policy or regulation on the processing of personal data must be posted on the website, and consent to the processing of personal data must be confirmed by the applicant or client by ticking the appropriate box.

Transfer of data to third parties

During the audit, the inspectors will definitely ask if employees go on business trips, whether they undergo medical examinations and whether they are ordered Business Cards.

If yes, then another pitfall for the employer is to maintain confidentiality when transferring personal data to third parties and the consent of the employees themselves to such a transfer for the manufacture, for example, of business cards or ordering air and railway tickets through agencies, referral for a mandatory medical examination.

For this, confidentiality agreements must be concluded with the relevant contractors.

In such agreements, inspectors are interested in the list of actions performed with personal data, the purposes of processing and ensuring data security.

Business card - as a reason for a fine

Based on the results of the inspection, an act will be drawn up and, in case of violations found, an order to eliminate violations will be issued.

As for fines, their specific amounts are specified in Article 13.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. Fines range from 15 to 70 thousand rubles, depending on the type of violation. To minimize the risks, the employer must instruct the responsible persons before the inspection on what explanations to give to the inspector.

As practice shows, it is more difficult to prepare for a Roskomnadzor audit than for a GIT audit, because the requirements of Roskomnadzor are not as widely known to employers as the requirements of labor legislation.

In addition, it happens that the decisions of the inspectors, at first glance, seem paradoxical.

There are precedents when a company was fined, for example, for the fact that a payroll accountant, in consent to the processing of personal data, does not have consent to transfer personal data to companies that order business cards, airline tickets, and where employees undergo medical examinations, who are supposed to undergo them in in accordance with the law.
Explanations of company representatives that the payroll accountant does not go on business trips, he is not entitled to business cards and he is not required to undergo medical examinations were not successful. In such cases, you need to try to defend your position in court, although judicial practice on violations in the field of personal data is still very small.

Therefore, any court decision in favor of the company will be a significant milestone in disputes of this kind.

The summary assumes a concise style of presenting information about professional activity applicants for vacancies: it is necessary to correctly reflect what position you are applying for, correctly state the facts of the “work biography” in the relevant sections, informing potential employers of information about the education received, previous work experience, indicating the contacts of colleagues who can give you recommendations. Each section of the resume has a clearly defined format, which is desirable to maintain so that recruiters, looking through the profiles of applicants, can select from the general flow exactly those in which the information meets all the requirements for an applicant for an existing vacancy. After all, it is much more convenient for employers to “work” with clearly structured and logically constructed documents that allow you to track those details from the professional life of candidates that should be characteristic of a potential employee. Only the last column of the resume does not have rigidly set rules for presenting information about the applicant, and in most cases even the possible nature of the content is not specified. For additional information, you can include everything that was not included in the main sections, but, in your opinion, is directly related to the proposed position, it will help to present your candidacy and achieve a solution to the main task facing the applicant at the first stage of the job search - receive an invitation for an interview. Therefore, you should take the completion of this section with all seriousness, trying to use another opportunity to demonstrate your individual traits that characterize you, on the one hand, as a specialist, and on the other, as a person with both advantages and disadvantages, and not only having at its disposal a "standard set" of personal qualities, wandering from one resume to another.

Recruiters spend on average no more than 15–20 seconds viewing one CV.

When Aleksey Izvarin compiled a resume, he did not take into account the fact that recruiters spend on average no more than 15-20 seconds to view one CV, so his efforts to create a 3-page autobiography did not produce the expected result. Two-thirds of the total volume of resumes was by no means occupied by information relating to professional knowledge, skills and achievements, but by the column “ Additional Information”, in which Alexei, applying for the position of a physicist, listed in detail all his hobbies - from ballroom dancing to hitchhiking around Europe. After the document was posted in this form on one of the job search sites, there were practically no responses from employers and recruitment agencies. And those recruiting managers who were interested in the candidate's candidacy offered, in most cases, positions that had nothing to do with Alexei's professional interests. “When I once again received an invitation to work as a bartender or DJ, I realized that my resume needed serious adjustments,” he says.

Our hero made one of the most common mistakes: instead of specifying personal qualities and skills (soft skills) necessary to perform functional duties, he provided potential employers with a description of his hobbies that had nothing to do with the purpose of posting a resume. Anna Kruchinina, head of the Automotive Industry department at the MarksMan recruiting company, has encountered similar situations more than once in her practice. So, one of the candidates listed all his classes in free time: “Guitar, professional sound recording. Video filming, creating a family film. Of my favorite sports, I will emphasize ice hockey. Olga Demidova, head of the Jurisprudence department of the MarksMan recruiting company, recalls such a resume of a candidate for the position financial analyst: “... graduated from ballet school, studied acting, played in musical theater and in the KVN team, she sang in the student academic choir; favorite dog - Bim.

When creating a resume, it is better to focus only on those qualities of your personality that can tell the employer useful information about you as a specialist.

Very often in this section, many candidates indicate their personal characteristics, such as purposefulness, diligence, diligence, stress resistance. These descriptions have become carbon copy clichés that appear in every third CV, so most recruiters no longer take this “list” seriously. Therefore, when creating a resume, it is better to focus only on those qualities of your personality that can provide the employer with useful information about you as a specialist: about your style and methods of work, about your professional preferences about the pros and cons. Such a “set” will allow recruiters to get a fairly complete picture of you, and it remains to be convinced of certain facts during the interview process. It makes no sense to include information about personal hobbies and hobbies, zodiac sign, height and weight in this section at all, because indicating such information can even play against you, reducing the overall information content, and, accordingly, the effectiveness of your CV.

In no case should you completely copy your duties in this column. First, there is no point in posting the same information in two different sections. Secondly, the recruiter has already familiarized himself with the list of your functional duties and, seeing that the information is duplicated, is likely to skip this column without trying to find additional information that you intended to tell the employer. In addition, copying partitions spoils general form document, giving the impression of carelessly filled in: either the applicant did not have enough time to think through all the details, or he simply had nothing more to report about himself.

And certainly you should not offer your professional services in this section, for example: “ Comprehensive service legal entities in the region intellectual property, the time of registration of contracts - 50 days. Employers will not appreciate this form of self-presentation. For consideration commercial offers companies have other departments.

Competent specialist, or what to write about

In the "Additional Information" section, it would be good to focus on professional skills and competencies.

All the information contained in the resume is intended to characterize the specialist as the best applicant for a particular vacancy. Anna Kruchinina believes that in the “Additional Information” section it would be good to focus on professional skills and competencies, for example: “I have experience in restructuring companies, conducting personnel audits; experience in the development and implementation of a grading system for positions. The value of the column in question is not that, after reading it, the recruiter clearly imagines your detailed personality portrait, but to supplement the resume with the information necessary to obtain the desired position. It usually contains the following information:

  1. Family status.
  2. PC proficiency.

The gradation "user", "confident user", "advanced user" is quite acceptable, but it is desirable to list those in brackets computer programs that you own. For example, "computer: confident user (I have skills in working with Adobe PhotoShop CS, Macromedia Flash MX 2004, 3DMax, CorelDraw 12)".

3. Degree of knowledge of foreign languages.

The generally accepted grading is as follows:

  • basic level (Elementary, Pre-Intermediate);
  • technical, or reading professional literature (Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate);
  • free (Headway Advanced).

It is advisable not only to decipher what you mean by the degree of proficiency in a foreign language you indicated, but also to indicate the availability of certificates, if any, you have: TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), CAE (Certificate in Advanced English), CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English).

4. The presence of a driver's license and a car, as well as general experience driving.

These data should be indicated if the intended work is related to driving personal or company vehicles.

5. Preferred mode of operation.

Olga Demidova adds: “I would recommend indicating readiness for business trips. This also applies to readiness for an irregular working day. It is also advisable to specify an acceptable work schedule (from 9.00, 10.00, 11.00, 2/2 days, 1/3 days, etc.), if this issue is fundamental for the applicant. The type of employment should be mentioned if the desired position provides for various options: full-time, part-time (indicating the number of hours that you are ready to devote to work daily / weekly and the time convenient for you), remote work, freelance.

6. Priority areas and reasons for looking for a job.

According to the consultants, in the column "Additional information" one can give information about priority areas of activity, about the reasons for leaving the previous job. The first point is especially important for applicants for the positions of project managers, as well as top managers. The second is for candidates who seek to expand their functional responsibilities and move up the career ladder. You can also indicate that the applicant was in maternity leave child care, and this will immediately explain to the recruiter a break in labor activity.

7. Pride.

It makes sense to indicate the most striking projects, achievements, awards, titles that you have been awarded. Provide information about social activities, publications, patents, membership in any professional association. List your public speaking at specialized conferences, seminars, forums. At the same time, publications and reports that are not directly related to the proposed work should not be indicated.

8. Receipt additional education .

If you are in this moment get a second higher education, attend any specialized courses, improve your knowledge of foreign languages, work on a dissertation, then all this information can be reflected as additional. However, when you are just planning to enroll in advanced training courses, you should not mention this. Employers are only interested in your knowledge and skills that you currently possess, and a recruiter may ask about your immediate and long-term plans at an interview.

“Each resume is individual, just like its owner,” sums up Dmitry Orlovsky, a leading specialist in the HR department at Foxtrot. – Additional data should be meaningful and not overload the summary. The candidate should reflect only the most important thing - what can influence the decision on his candidacy. And such information as “sex”, “age”, “health”, “hobbies”, “marital status”, “citizenship”, etc., are purely personal, and the right of each candidate is to write them or not.”

Do not hope that the incorrect filling of the "Additional Information" section will not affect the decision regarding your candidacy in any way. As a rule, this column completes the summary, and the “last words”, according to psychologists, are remembered more clearly than others.

Including additional information about yourself is the finishing touch to your resume. This section helps the recruiting manager to determine what kind of person you are, to see you from the side opposite to work. Leaving the section blank means showing that you have nothing to say about yourself, and thereby missing the opportunity to draw attention to your candidacy.

The main task of this section is to interest the employer, to make him choose in your favor, so you should pay special attention to it. In the additional information about yourself section, you have the opportunity to specify information that cannot be contained in the rest of the applicant's questionnaire. The main rule is not to deviate from the purpose of your resume, so all additional information in the resume should only concern those factors that will help you get the desired position. Here you can better describe yourself, which means it is more profitable to present your candidacy.

An example of additional information for the position of chief accountant:

Additional information:

Marital status: married, two children.

Driver's license: yes.

Possibility of business trips: yes.

Periodically published in the magazine "My Accountant".

Here are a few things you can use on your resume:

Family status. This information is very important, it makes it possible to determine that you are not a windy person and want stability in your work, or vice versa - you have the opportunity to devote more time to work, are ready for changes and relocations.

Hobby. This item will allow you to reveal yourself as a person, to show that you, in addition to work, have other interests, that you are a comprehensively developed person, thereby win over the recruiter.

Having a driver's license. For some positions, this is one of the prerequisites for employment (driver, taxi driver), and for others added benefit, for example, if the work is related to constant business trips, whether it be a sales representative, or a purchasing manager.

Also, in the information about yourself, you can indicate the possibility of business trips, or moving to another city. For a particular vacancy, this can be a very significant factor.

More info on resume

Adding extra details to your resume adds weight to your professional image.

This section provides an opportunity to once again focus the employer's attention on those aspects of the candidate's personality and competencies that will help them quickly succeed in a new workplace.

Since this section with additional information is less important than the sections of professional experience and education, it is placed last in the summary.

Additional information is information that is not directly related to your professional experience, but can harmoniously complement information from other sections (for example, work experience).

When completing this section, it is important to avoid a few common mistakes. One of them is related to the description of their “outside of work” hobbies. For example, "growing roses and tulips" or "cycling and football" would not be useful supplementary information (unless you are a florist or fitness instructor).

It is important to understand the appropriateness of providing such information. It is unlikely that a mention of your hobby or a description of your behavior in your personal life will be of interest to employers at the stage of reviewing your resume. Write about your hobbies only if they directly affect the performance of work duties. The employer can find out all the additional information from you at the interview.

Also, the "Additional Information" section should be used to indicate your age if it is "critical". Employers will at least read about your experience first, and they may be more interested in it than your age.

An important point regarding the indication of personal information.

Often, the phrase “35 years old, not married, no children” and the like makes it necessary to refuse further communication with a candidate. This applies to both male and female applicants. Such information repels potential employers. If you have nothing to brag about in your personal life, then this kind of information does not need to be indicated. Personnel officers are very suspicious and the first thing they see in such situations is some kind of problem. It is easier for them to invite a candidate with a more positive resume than to spend time finding out the reasons.

Graduates in this section should reflect their achievements. It is clear that they will be very modest and it will be a stretch to call them professional achievements. Therefore, their location in this section will be the most adequate. Mark your achievements in sports and all kinds of competitions, competitions, participation in voluntary social movements. List any promotions and awards received during your studies.

If you are ready to consider related positions, and not just the goal that you described in the appropriate section, indicate here related areas of activity. This move will help demonstrate that you are really a professional, since you still strive to improve in one direction, while other, related positions are less desirable for you than indicated in the section "Resume Purpose".

Big plus there may be a mention of participation in any professional movements, clubs, associations. Employers are interested in candidates who have business contacts in their industry.

If you have a driver's license, a personal car or a passport, and the future position is related to traveling or business trips, also do not forget to mention them. You can indicate your readiness to work with irregular working hours and the presence of business connections. In this section, you can also indicate the possibility of providing recommendations and feedback.

Sports and management healthy lifestyle life (absence of bad habits) - very important additional information, be sure to include it in your resume if the vacancy announcement has such requirements or it may be useful for a future position.

What additional information should not be included in a resume?

1. Do not write about why you would like to work for the company and other information related to motivation. To indicate this information, there is another document - a cover letter, which must also be attached to the resume. It can already reflect what you consider most important for yourself in your future work, what long-term goals you would like to achieve, what new skills you would like to master and what distinguishes you from other candidates.

In addition, the presence cover letter indicates the seriousness of the candidate, his interest in the position and professional maturity. The chance of getting an invitation to an interview in this case increases several times. For graduates and young professionals - this is especially important!

2. You should not write in your resume about the presence or absence of any documents - a military ID, registration certificate (or that you served or did not serve in the army, if the vacancy does not require it), pension certificate, TIN, passport, etc.

The resume is only meant to show the employer that you intend to apply for the job. If necessary, when inviting you for an interview, the employer himself will inform you what documents you need to take with you to the interview.

Therefore, use a small rule: write only about what meets the requirements of the vacancy - this is reflected in the ad. Well, if you are a professional and know all the nuances and “bottlenecks” of your business, then your competence in these matters should be reflected in the section on professional achievements.

3. Personal information (gender, religion, criminal record, children, housing conditions, etc.) should not be indicated if they can be considered as unfavorable (this was already mentioned above). Again: if such data is needed, the employer will tell you about it.

Remember the rule: Don't answer a question you haven't been asked! During employment, you cannot be absolutely honest and open - this is not necessary for the employer - he is only interested in one thing: whether you can do the job or not. You have to be somewhat diplomatic when you talk to an employer about yourself. Provide only the information that favorably present your candidacy! This will help you, both when writing a resume, and at an interview, which we will talk about in a separate note.

Additional information in the resume

The last paragraph of the summary - Additional Information indicates information about the applicant that is not included in the rest of the document sections:

  • address of residence (may be placed in the header of the document)
  • age or date of birth (it is written in this paragraph, and not at the beginning of the resume, if the applicant is slightly younger or older than the desired position, in order to focus on the sections above, for example, professional success and achievements)
  • marital status
  • presence of children (number, age)
  • level of knowledge of foreign languages ​​(may be placed in the section Professional skills)
  • willingness to work irregular hours (acceptable work schedule)
  • readiness for business trips (short-term, long-term, regional or foreign)
  • lack of bad habits (attitude to smoking, alcohol)
  • driving license, driving experience
  • having a personal car
  • a few words about hobbies
  • positive personal qualities (may be placed in a separate section), etc.
  • Provide relevant data relevant to future work here. Indicate only those information that can advantageously present your candidacy and distinguish you from competitors. In the summary section Additional information, you do not need to emphasize and place the data that may alert the employer. For example, you should not indicate the address of residence if you live very far from your place of work.

    An example of additional information in a resume

    Let's provide a sample of additional information in the resume for the position of sales manager:

  • married, has a son - 4 years
  • driving license category B, driving experience - 5 years
  • own car
  • ready for short-term regional and foreign business trips.
  • What additional information should be in the resume, recommendations for compiling

    Properly writing a resume when looking for a job is an important point. Here is information about the applicant, describing not only his personal data, but also professional skills. Competently filled out, this document aims to convey to the potential employer information that will persuade him to provide the job seeker with the desired position.

    The form of compilation, in general, implies conciseness of presentation. And if the basic information, which describes education, previous work experience and the like, usually does not cause difficulties, it is not clear to everyone what the additional information in the resume means.

    Usually, this section puts something that does not fit the rest in the format, but, according to the applicant, the employer needs to know. Most often it concerns personal qualities. Leaving this column empty is not recommended, since this can only mean that there is nothing more to tell about yourself, but the main purpose of the resume is to provide information in such a way as to interest a potential employer so that he singles out this particular candidate from many similar ones. Therefore, some highly value originality and creativity in this section, especially if the future position implies the presence of these qualities.

    However, for many resumes, additional information is the presence of such personal qualities as accuracy, stress resistance, punctuality, etc. Yes, of course, all this is important, but such filling is more like a banal formality, while not characterizing the applicant in any way, without revealing his personality.

    Additional information about yourself in the resume should be relevant and relevant to the intended position. So, here it is necessary to indicate the level of knowledge of foreign languages, marital status, computer skills (indicating specific specific programs needed in future work).

    In addition, the section "additional information" in the resume suggests a description of the desired work schedule, you can note the readiness for business trips, irregular working hours. Here you can also indicate whether you are currently receiving additional education or taking courses in your specialty. However, this is stipulated only if the training is already taking place, you should not dedicate the future employer to your plans and write about what is planned, he is unlikely to appreciate it.

    Some job seekers find that additional information on a resume includes a description of a hobby. If it relates in any way to future work and can characterize job seeker as a specialist, it is worth mentioning him. For example, a florist applying for a position may mention a passion for indoor flowers. However, if free time does not apply to future work, then it is not worth talking about it. So, it is unlikely that most employers will be interested in the fact that a managerial candidate loves diving or mountaineering.

    It is not recommended to write very detailed. It must be remembered that the main thing here is conciseness, since a recruiter usually spends less than a minute reading it, especially if there are a lot of applicants for a place. Therefore, in a few phrases, correctly and clearly composed, a large amount of information should fit, giving an idea of ​​​​the writer as an individual and peculiar person suitable for the position.

    Additional information in the resume may include achievements and awards, titles, outstanding and successful projects conducted by the applicant. Reports or speeches at various conferences can also be listed here. However, it is not worth mentioning that on the topic does not apply to the proposed work.

    Summary paragraph "Additional information": how to hook?

    Compose perfect resume- that's half the battle. Whether it will “hook” the future employer or not is a big question. Are there any tricks to do this?

    Professional experience and education are integral parts of any resume. But for some reason, a part of the “Additional Information” item is generally forgotten or filled out fluently, without paying attention to it. special attention. But in vain. This is what will help you "hook" the employer.

    What is usually indicated in this paragraph? Firstly, the level of knowledge of foreign languages, and secondly, personal qualities, sometimes computer literacy (which is often indicated in the "Skills" section), the presence of a driver's license, marital status, date of birth, hobbies ... Agree, everyone has to write at least something about something. Let's dwell on some points in more detail. How can they help us?

    1. Foreign languages

    Of course, the more topics, the better, because knowledge of foreign languages ​​means not only that you are a diversified personality, but also that you care about developing your career. Just do not try to embellish, because everything is easily verified. A couple of questions for foreign language, whose name you only know - and you will not see work in this company as your ears. One of the main requirements modern society to a person - possession English language, an international means of communication. As a rule, the resume indicates the level: “fluent”, “understand”, “reading and translation with a dictionary”, etc. But if you want to focus HR's attention on this, write in Latin: advanced, intermediate, elementary, etc. Just do not forget to check which language is indicated in the vacancy: if a company needs a specialist with knowledge of German, and you have been studying French all your life, then your resume will end up in the trash. Of course, the realities of modern society are such that often specialists with knowledge of the language working for a Russian employer have to translate letters and documents at best, rather than negotiate in the language itself. But even in spite of this, it is necessary to indicate your level.

    1. Driver license

    A hundred years ago, the pace of life was low, and people could do everything during the working day. Now there are problems with this. The standard of living is increasing at an incredible rate from year to year, and, accordingly, greater mobility is required of us. The car helps to provide freedom of movement. In most vacancies, having a driver's license is a mandatory requirement, and not having one is a serious obstacle on the way to the desired position. Therefore, if there are rights, we write. This is another competitive advantage for you.

    Your hobbies can tell a lot about you, both as a person and as a professional. For example, you love to travel or collect art. In the event of such recognition, an HR specialist may well think that you will also apply for a higher salary compared to other candidates and, perhaps, your hobby will take up a lot of your time: of your own free will (of course, if you have sufficient financial resources) from, say, Paris, no one returned. If you have any sporting achievements, be sure to include them. Even if it's a volleyball category or a prize in a university chess tournament. However, be careful with revelations: some HRs, for example, believe that fans of wrestling and martial arts are aggressive in nature and therefore they should not be taken into the company.

    It would seem that everything is simple: if the candidate is suitable for age, then his candidacy will be considered by recruitment specialists. But what about those who are slightly younger or, conversely, older than the desired position? There is an opinion among HRs: if your age is not between 27 and 39 years old, then the trick is to indicate your age not at the beginning, as many people usually do, but at the end of the resume. In this case, the HR specialist, being impressed by your labor successes and achievements, will remember your age as the last thing. Of course, no one is immune from bureaucrats, who, if they are looking for a candidate 28 and a half years old, will invite only such candidates for an interview, but nevertheless ...

    1. Family status

    As a rule, considerable attention is paid to this item if the candidate belongs to fair sex. There are employers who prefer not to employ young mothers, others are only looking for specialists with two children, others are generally unmarried ... Although the marital status of men also comes under close scrutiny. Especially if the company has rules not to promote, for example, unmarried people.

    In conclusion, I would like to note: since resumes are viewed on average for 7-8 seconds, do not be too lazy to do everything possible to “hook” the attention of HR. The "Additional Information" block is a great opportunity to do this.

    The final paragraph of the resume is a column for other information about the applicant. It contains all the data that was not included in the main part of the questionnaire. You can find out what information should be included in it by looking at examples of additional information in the resume.

    Required data

    You can write all the information that, in your opinion, should be of interest to a future employer. So, for example, in this column you can indicate marital status, age, if it does not meet the requirements specified in the ad. To look like additional information in a resume, you can:

    • married, 2 children;
    • age 46;
    • knowledge of spoken German;
    • driving license category B;
    • ready for short business trips.

    Applicant for director regional development may include information such as:

    • ready for long-term business trips;
    • have a driver's license and a private executive car;
    • driving experience over 10 years;
    • fluent communication in English (oral and written speech);
    • I am fond of reconstruction of historical events.

    When filling out a resume for the position of chief accountant, you can specify the following data:

    • married, has a daughter of school age;
    • I periodically publish in the journal "All about accounting", I am a co-author of the book "Tax accounting: from theory to practice";
    • ready for business trips (both regional and foreign);
    • regularly attend trainings and courses for accountants;
    • I am currently studying the nuances of bookkeeping in companies engaged in export-import operations.

    The specifics of professions

    Please note that each work has its own nuances, so it is impossible to choose a universal example. Most employers choose married employees, as they have to provide for the family and are more conscientious workers. But if the work involves frequent business trips or traveling work, then preference may be given to free people.

    The sales manager can provide the following information:

    • driver's license, open categories "B" and "C", driving experience - 14 years;
    • Personal car;
    • I don't smoke, I don't drink alcohol;
    • ready for irregular working hours;
    • ready for business trips, regardless of their duration, including to other countries (there is a valid passport);
    • fluent in English, French - with a dictionary .

    But the analyst is more suitable for such information:

    • married, 3 children;
    • have a driver's license;
    • I prefer to spend weekends with my family.
    • I am fond of making wooden toys.

    But you can fill in the “additional information” column in a different way. Most importantly, do not repeat the information that was indicated above.