Psychology of studying professional preferences of high school students. Conference for high school students “Parade of professional preferences. Types of professional preferences of high school students

  • 18.04.2020

By the end of the senior adolescence, the student has fairly stable motives associated with his ideas and intentions regarding his future life and activities.

Understanding motivation is used in 2 senses:

1. Motivation is a system of factors that cause the activity of the organism and determine the direction of human behavior. This includes such formations as needs, motives, intentions, goals, interests, aspirations.

2. Motivation is a characteristic of a process that provides behavioral activity at a certain level. In other words, motivation.

Understanding the motive, in general, as a complex mental formation, A.V. Yermolin includes in its content both the need, and the goal, and the motivation, and the intention. Hence, the motive can perform the following functions: incentive, guiding, meaning-forming, stimulating.

Based on the analysis of psychological ideas about motivation, with all the discrepancies, the understanding of the motive as the motivating cause of actions and activities related to the satisfaction of needs is beyond doubt.

It is the motive that determines the meaning of what a person does. This brings a person to the need to determine his place in society. On the other hand, the motive as subordinate to the goal as actions, in a certain area of ​​activity, makes a person develop general principles able to express themselves.

The choice of a profession, as a semantic vertical in professional self-determination, is reduced to a motivational ladder of preferences for certain motives of activity, which is built and formed in the real context of human life and activity. If, in our opinion, one of the elements in the "bundle" motive - goal - a way to achieve the goal is missing, or insufficiently represented, then an inferior intention arises that works to maintain the state, interfering with the performance of the main function of the actual behavior regulation system.

Having found out his strengths and weaknesses, the student must make a firm decision to do everything possible to develop strengths and eliminate weaknesses. Willingness to change will be greater if it is supported by a value-based framework.

This is possible if the conditions are correlated with their objective capabilities and desires, if the student believes that the conditions put forward in relation to him are objectively necessary to overcome difficulties.

A.I. Zelichenko and A.G. Shmelev offer the following system of external and internal motivational labor factors, which can be used not only to identify a person’s readiness to work effectively, but also for the purpose of professional orientation of self-determined clients.

External motivational factors:

1) pressure factors - recommendations; tips; instructions from other people, as well as examples of movie characters, literary characters, etc.; requirements of an objective nature (service in the army, financial situation of the family); individual objective circumstances (state of health, abilities);

2) attraction-repulsion factors - examples from the immediate environment of a person, from other people; everyday standards of "social prosperity" (fashion, prestige, prejudices);

3) factors of inertia - stereotypes of existing social roles (family, membership in informal groups); habitual activities (arising under the influence of school subjects, hobbies).

Internal motivational factors:

1) own motivational factors of the profession - the subject of labor; labor process (attractive - unattractive, aesthetic aspects, diversity - monotony of activity, determinism - chance of success, labor intensity of work, individual - collective work, opportunities for human development in this work); results of work;

2) working conditions - physical (climatic, dynamic characteristics of work); territorial and geographical (proximity of the location, the need for traveling); organizational conditions (independence - subordination, objectivity - subjectivity in the evaluation of work); social conditions (difficulty - ease of obtaining vocational education, the possibility of subsequent employment; the reliability of the position of the employee; free - limited regime; social microclimate);

3) opportunities for the realization of non-professional goals - opportunities for social work; to achieve the desired social position; to create material well-being; for recreation and entertainment; for the preservation and promotion of health; for mental self-preservation and development; opportunities provided by work and profession for communication.

There are two functionally interconnected sides in human behavior: incentive and regulatory. For the sake of this work, we will consider the first one. Inducement provides activation and direction of behavior, and regulation is responsible for how it develops from beginning to end in a particular situation. Sensations, perception, memory, imagination, attention, thinking, abilities, temperament, character, emotions - all this provides mainly the regulation of behavior. As for its stimulation, or motivation, it is connected with the concepts of motive and motivation. These concepts include the idea of ​​needs, interests, goals, intentions, aspirations, motivations that a person has, external factors that make him behave in a certain way, management of activities in the process of its implementation, and much more.

In the pedagogical literature there is no single classification of motives for choosing a future profession. In one case, the following groups of motives are distinguished: 1) general motivation; 2) romance of professions; 3) scientific and educational motives; 4) motives for the social significance of the profession; 5) link to an example;

In another case, the following are considered: 1) awareness of the prospects of the chosen profession; 2) academic and extra-curricular interests; 3) desire to be useful; 4) the influence of relatives and friends;

In the third case, the following are noted: 1) motives for the social benefit of the profession; 2) psychological motives; 3) motives for imitation; 4) external signs of the profession; 5) interest in the profession itself, etc.

EAT. Pavlutenkov identifies the following motives for choosing a profession: 1) social motives; 2) moral motives; 3) ethical motives; 4) cognitive motives; 5) creative motives; 6) motives related to the content of labor; 7) material motives; 8) prestigious motives; 9) utilitarian motives.

At each moment in time, social factors influence the development of human motives. The social factors influencing the personality are diverse and are in a complex relationship. The following social factors influence the choice of profession by schoolchildren:

1. Present: objective reality and conditions of activity, the culture of society, group consciousness and behavior;

2. Past: the history of the individual, his own experience;

3. Future: trends in social development, personal goals, level of aspirations, etc.

The area of friendly relations. The second place is occupied by mass media (books, newspapers, magazines, movies, TV shows). Third place - teaching staff, class teacher, then subject teachers, head teacher and director of the school. The fourth place is the influence of the family. Fifth place - school subjects, the higher the student's performance, the stronger the influence of school subjects on his professional self-determination. Sixth place - extracurricular work. Seventh place - organizations. Eighth place - socially useful and productive work. The ninth place -- out - of - school work .

The wider the range of choice, the more difficult it is psychologically. Today, a vocation is called the unity of subjective inclinations and abilities for a particular activity, in which a person sees the main sphere of self-realization. But inclinations and interests are themselves formed and changed in the process of activity. Sharply pronounced, stable and active inclinations in children are not very common. The older student is already faced with the choice of a field of activity. But only practically, in the course of the activity itself, it becomes clear whether it suits him or not.

The choice of the subject of future activity is a manifestation of mental activity as a result of internalization external factors through the motivational-need sphere of personality. The choice should not be imposed, otherwise the subject will cease to be motivating, and activity - activity. The choice of the subject of future activity can only be based on a real decision of the individual, made voluntarily.

There are a number of psychological and pedagogical reasons that determine the importance of career guidance aimed at helping students. A senior student needs the recognition of others and wants to be appreciated, looking for approval, love and independence. One way to achieve this is to choose a line of work that would distinguish him in the eyes of others and bring him emotional satisfaction. This allows him to find himself, promotes self-realization and self-expression. The desire to achieve success is a consequence of a high level of self-esteem and contributes to the assertion of self-esteem. How great the success of a teenager in his own eyes and in the eyes of others depends on the degree of his satisfaction with himself and self-approval.

graduate work

1.3 Motives of professional preferences

By the end of the senior adolescence, the student has fairly stable motives associated with his ideas and intentions regarding his future life and activities.

Understanding motivation is used in 2 senses:

1. Motivation is a system of factors that cause the activity of the organism and determine the direction of human behavior. This includes such formations as needs, motives, intentions, goals, interests, aspirations.

2. Motivation is a characteristic of a process that provides behavioral activity at a certain level. In other words, motivation.

Understanding the motive, in general, as a complex mental formation, A.V. Yermolin includes in its content both the need, and the goal, and the motivation, and the intention. Hence, the motive can perform the following functions: incentive, guiding, meaning-forming, stimulating.

Based on the analysis of psychological ideas about motivation, with all the discrepancies, the understanding of the motive as the motivating cause of actions and activities related to the satisfaction of needs is beyond doubt.

It is the motive that determines the meaning of what a person does. This brings a person to the need to determine his place in society. On the other hand, the motive, as subordinate to the goal as actions, in a certain sphere of activity, forces a person to develop general principles that can manifest themselves.

The choice of a profession, as a semantic vertical in professional self-determination, is reduced to a motivational ladder of preferences for certain motives of activity, which is built and formed in the real context of human life and activity. If, in our opinion, one of the elements in the "bundle" motive - goal - a way to achieve the goal is missing, or insufficiently represented, then an inferior intention arises that works to maintain the state, interfering with the performance of the main function of the actual behavior regulation system.

Having found out his strengths and weaknesses, the student must make a firm decision to do everything possible to develop strengths and eliminate weaknesses. Willingness to change will be greater if it is supported by a value-based framework.

This is possible if the conditions are correlated with their objective capabilities and desires, if the student believes that the conditions put forward in relation to him are objectively necessary to overcome difficulties.

A.I. Zelichenko and A.G. Shmelev offer the following system of external and internal motivational labor factors, which can be used not only to identify a person’s readiness to work effectively, but also for the purpose of professional orientation of self-determined clients.

External motivational factors:

1) pressure factors - recommendations; tips; instructions from other people, as well as examples of movie characters, literary characters, etc.; requirements of an objective nature (service in the army, financial situation of the family); individual objective circumstances (state of health, abilities);

2) attraction-repulsion factors - examples from the immediate environment of a person, from other people; everyday standards of "social prosperity" (fashion, prestige, prejudices);

3) factors of inertia - stereotypes of existing social roles (family, membership in informal groups); habitual activities (arising under the influence of school subjects, hobbies).

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1 Naberezhnye Chelny branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism"

The creation of an integral system of vocational guidance is a task of national importance. On how the problems of self-determination, self-realization and disclosure will be solved creativity young people depend on national indicators of achieving professionalism and professional competence of Russian citizens. This indicates the importance of career guidance, which should be carried out at many levels and ensure high-quality preparation of schoolchildren and applicants for vocational education. The study of the career guidance of young people reflects the interests of the individual, society and the state. The article presents the results of a study of the characteristics of professional self-determination of school graduates in the Zakama region of the Republic of Tatarstan, a study of high school students' ideas about choosing a profession and ways of self-determination, analyzes the impact of certain factors on this choice, shows the need to belong to a professional group of urban and rural girls and boys, etc. .

research and art




professional groups: entrepreneurial

professional orientation

professional self-determination

professional choice

1. Butkovskaya S.A. Formation of identity in the process of professional self-determination: dis. … cand. psychol. Sciences. - Khabarovsk, 2007. - 202 p.

2. Nurgatina O.N. Psychological and pedagogical support for the preparation of a manager at a university: dis. … cand. ped. Sciences. - Kazan, 2009. - 123 p.

3. Kobazova Yu.V. Gender aspect of the process of professional self-determination of senior schoolchildren // Bulletin of the North-Eastern Federal University. M.K. Ammosov. - 2009. - T. 6. - No. 2. - S. 84-88.

4. Shamionov R.M. About some transformations of the structure of the subjective well-being of the individual in different conditions professional socialization// World of psychology. - 2010. - No. 1. - P. 237–249.

5. Shchavlinsky Yu.A. Determinants of the professional choice of young people in an average city of Russia: a sociocultural analysis: dis. … cand. sociological Sciences. - Rostov-on-Don, 2009. - 146 p.


Professional choice and the acme of a person's achievement are two inseparable vectors on a person's life path. Success in life and recognition, mental and physical health largely depend on them. Scientists argue that one of the factors that determines the success of a person in the context of socio-economic changes is his socio-professional self-realization. The profession becomes an indisputable value, determining the position in society, income, lifestyle, social circle, etc. .

Questions about their mission, opportunities and abilities are very acute for modern schoolchildren. Modern conditions life, social changes associated with the reform of the economy and the education system, influenced the value orientations and life path young people, made strict demands on them - to develop the ability to independently and accurately determine their life path, to make a choice of profession. These skills are formed at the stage of completion of schooling. Passing through the Unified State Examination (USE) mobilizes children, teaches the rational distribution of forces, develops abilities and strong-willed qualities to the maximum.

The choice of a profession is always associated with professional interests, worldview and ideals. It is natural that students experience difficulties in the process of self-determination, which is influenced by subjective, objective and subjective-objective factors, many of which have become a feature of modernity. Among them is the so-called "problem of university survival" and the struggle for a potential applicant, which has a negative impact on the choice of high school students educational institution.

In this regard, the works of domestic scientists on issues of professional self-determination, professional orientation become relevant: Bespalko V.P., Bodrov V.A., Verbitsky A.A., Gurevich K.M., Zeer E.F., Klimova E.A. ., Krichevsky R.L., Mitina L.M., Povarenkova Yu.P., Pryazhnikova N.S., Samoukina N.V., Smirnova E.E., Yadova V.A. and others. Many studies have shown that people who choose a future career in accordance with their interests stay longer in their chosen profession compared to those who choose professions that are not related to their interests.

Today, school graduates are dominated by an orientation towards obtaining higher education, which acts as the starting point of their socio-professional self-determination. Such a dominant is natural, it correlates both with the increased role of education in the life of society as a whole, and with the most important factors in achieving a person's life goals. The variability of the education system, posing to young people as a social benchmark for determining their place in social system, which determines the social status, financial situation, social roles and life success associated with this, are the conditions for self-realization and self-affirmation of the modern personality.

In this regard, teachers, parents and children face questions about self-determination, about the features of choosing an educational institution, gender trajectory professional development etc. As practice shows, even after submitting documents to an educational institution, the applicant is still in the optant stage.

This paper studies the ideas of high school students about the choice of a profession and ways of self-determination, analyzes the impact of certain factors on this choice, shows the need for girls and boys to belong to a particular professional group.

Research methods and organization

We conducted a study in 186 secondary schools (including 30 rural and 156 urban), dedicated to the study of the characteristics of vocational guidance, professional choice and self-determination of graduates of schools in the Zakamsky region of the Republic of Tatarstan, in which schoolchildren of 11th grade in the amount of 531 people aged 16-17 years old (261 boys, 270 girls). Of these: urban schoolchildren - 420 people (209 boys and 211 girls), rural - 111 people (52 boys and 59 girls).

Measurement of professional interests was carried out using a questionnaire and content analysis. For content analysis, the Strong-Campbellinterestinventory methodology was taken as the basis, which made it possible to diagnose the preferences of high school students in areas related to various professions that are necessary when choosing and planning an educational and professional trajectory. The methodology has six scales describing the main groups of professional interests (entrepreneurial, social, practical, conventional, research and artistic) and a number of auxiliary indicators that we used to interpret the results. To compare the data on the frequency of occurrence of the features of interest to us, the criterion of Fisher's angular transformation was used.

To identify a number of features of the professional choice of high school students, the authors of the article compiled a questionnaire that made it possible to study the state of career guidance work in a modern school.

This study allowed us to analyze the results in the following areas:

  • the most preferred professions and professional groups of high school students this region highlighting their gender differences;
  • professional groups of high school students on a territorial basis;
  • individual factors and conditions for choosing a profession by high school students.

Research results and discussion

In the course of the study, the most prestigious, from the point of view of applicants, higher educational institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan were identified: Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan State Technological University, Institute of Economics, Management and Law, Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University and Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and tourism. In Russia, the most preferred and prestigious universities were named the Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, Moscow state institute international relations(University), etc.

The most significant conditions for choosing an educational institution by high school students are:

  • availability of budget places (boys - 63%, girls - 33%);
  • the cost of tuition fees (boys - 50%, girls - 50%);
  • the presence of various forms of education and directions (boys - 60%, girls - 40%).

Least of all, they pay attention to such indicators as state accreditation, the availability of postgraduate education, the demand for university specialties in the labor market, and the availability of conditions for training.

In accordance with the preference of one or another professional environment or conditions of future activity, we classified the professional groups of high school students in the course of the study.

It was revealed that male and female samples differ in their professional affiliation. So, for boys, the main achievements are measured by professional success in practical and entrepreneurial activity, while girls are aimed at social sphere. Practical and entrepreneurial groups are evenly represented. The data obtained confirm the presence of gender-role patterns in the sphere of professional interests and differences in the understanding of one's life purpose (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Professional groups of boys and girls

As the study showed, school graduates prefer to choose those professional areas that will allow them to further realize their skills and abilities, give them the opportunity to perform certain social roles and achieve the implementation of meaningful life programs. Of interest in this regard are the professional preferences of students on a territorial basis (Fig. 2).

High school students living in an urban area

High school students living in countryside

Rice. 2. Professional groups of high school students living in urban and rural areas

As can be seen from Figure 2, the professional choice of students in urban and rural areas is dominated by three professional groups: practical, social and entrepreneurial (data are presented in accordance with their rank position). At the same time, this determination does not significantly depend on the type of settlement in which the professional choice was made.

High school students want to work in the following areas:

  • practical (engineer, builder, manager, agronomist, technologist, etc.);
  • social (teacher, lecturer, civil servant, etc.);
  • entrepreneurial (economist, banker, tradesman, businessman, etc.).

The study revealed minimal interest in professions related to the artistic group (designer, decorator, journalist, vocalist, etc.). To a greater extent, this phenomenon is observed among schoolchildren from rural areas or small towns that are far from a major cultural center. The reason for this phenomenon can also be explained by the lack of artistic, music schools, creative studios etc. We assume that this kind of indicator is quite regular, but it should not be taken as a regularity. Society as a system functions and develops, ensuring the diversified development of its citizens.

Attention is drawn to the weak interest of schoolchildren in the conventional professional group associated with clerical work. Apparently, in the minds of many high school students, an orientation towards the high profitability of the chosen profession and its prestige in society is manifested, which is not associated with the recognition of professions of the conventional group.

With regard to the choice of professions from the research group (it is chosen by 7.6% of graduates living in urban areas and 8.1% of those living in rural areas), it can be assumed that school graduates have a poor understanding of the characteristics labor activity in the scientific sector, so interest in science at this stage of life has not yet manifested itself.

The results of the study of the characteristics of professional groups of young men on a territorial basis are shown in Figure 3.

Youth living in urban areas

Youth living in the countryside

Rice. 3. Professional groups of young men living in urban and rural areas

The study showed a general trend in the choice of professions from the practical and entrepreneurial groups. The predisposition of young men in rural areas to social and conventional occupations was revealed. The interests of young men in relation to professions from artistic group: the choice of professions of this group by respondents living in rural areas is equal to zero, compared with urban boys.

The professional interests of high school girls on a territorial basis are shown in Figure 4.

Girls living in urban areas

Girls living in the countryside

Rice. 4. Professional groups of girls living in urban and rural areas

There were no significant differences between the girls of the city and the village. Girls prefer to choose professions from a social group, since the criterion for choosing a profession for girls, first of all, is “relationships with other people”, “the desire to teach”, “educate”. However, as practice shows, most of them continue to work in a conventional professional group.

In the course of the study, Fisher's angular transformation criterion was used. Significant differences were obtained:

  • between urban and rural youth in an artistic professional group (p £ 0.01);
  • between city boys and girls in practical (p£0.01) and social (p£0.01) professional groups;
  • between rural boys and girls in practical (p£0.01), artistic (p£0.01) and conventional (p£0.01) occupational groups.

The survey of school graduates allowed us to get answers to some questions related to their professional self-determination. It was revealed that when choosing a profession, the main motive is the interest in the discipline and academic performance in the major subject.

Today, when significant changes have taken place in the education system, the emphasis is on preparing a student for the Unified State Examination, which teachers reduce to an in-depth study of their subjects, not taking into account the role of the student's professional orientation. The study revealed a contradiction between the need to create an integral system of acmeological and psychological and pedagogical support when choosing a profession for children and the real situation of career guidance work at school. We believe that this kind of work should begin long before the passing of the Unified State Examination and the student's determination of a professional educational institution. It is with this that the fact that 89% of respondents have a fear of passing the exam and underestimation of their knowledge in the core subject (even among successful students).

When choosing a university, high school students prefer external features: remoteness from home, exemption from military service, the availability of budgetary and non-budgetary places, the prestige of the university, etc., although internal factor, such as matching abilities and personal qualities chosen profession, should play a dominant role in this case.

The study also revealed that schoolchildren have poor ideas about modern professions, do not know how to correlate their abilities with specific types activities. A low awareness of children about the channels and means of acquiring information about universities was found. The choice of an educational institution by a high school student is carried out “along the chain” for a reference-significant student of the class, and when choosing a profession, schoolchildren are dominated by narrowly practical motives. There is a passion of teachers for personal prestige, the result own work. An important role is played by social stereotypes and the prevailing family scenarios limiting the child's choice.

Of great concern is the fact that among school graduates there are those who have not decided on the next professional direction, which indicates the difficulties of personal self-determination, understanding one's life purpose (table).

Undecided high school students






1. Modern schoolchildren have difficulties in professional and personal self-determination caused by objective and subjective reasons.

2. It is necessary to strengthen the information direction in vocational guidance work with schoolchildren, especially familiarizing students with vocational programs modern professions, with working conditions and real salary specialists of various levels and career prospects. Information is needed on monitoring the labor market and its changes in the future (especially in the region of residence).

2. Acmeological and psychological and pedagogical support of career guidance activities should be focused on the use of active methods, the usefulness and expediency of which practice shows.

3. Outdated and not responding modern requirements diagnostic techniques must be updated in accordance with the conditions of modern life. Professional diagnostics and counseling should be person-oriented.

4. Continuity is needed in the "school - university" system in the organization joint activities to assist in the preparation of the applicant for admission to the university and further adaptation of the freshman.

5. Work should be intensified to train teachers, psychologists and other specialists responsible for career guidance, methods of assisting a student in choosing a profession.

6. There is a need for a systematic analysis of the career guidance work of schools, universities, familiarization with its results of all subjects of the educational process.

7. When working with children, attention should be paid to gender characteristics, professional preferences on a territorial basis, and the specifics of the choice of professional groups.

All this presupposes the development and introduction into practice of new career guidance projects, programs and technologies that are adequate to the requirements of an innovative economy.

Thus, it can be stated that the problem of vocational guidance for schoolchildren continues to be a highly debatable field and, due to the prevailing socio-economic conditions in our country, requires special attention.


Golubeva G.N., Ph.D., Professor, Deputy Director for scientific work and external relations of the Naberezhnye Chelny branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Volga State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism", Naberezhnye Chelny.

Peredelsky A.A., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy and Sociology, Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism, Moscow.

Bibliographic link

Nurgatina O.N., Solomakhin O.B., Sultanova N.D. PROFESSIONAL SELF-DETERMINATION OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: PROBLEMS OF CHOICE // Contemporary Issues science and education. - 2014. - No. 2.;
URL: (date of access: 01.02.2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

Introduction 3

1. Theoretical analysis problems of the influence of social stereotypes on the formation of professional preferences of high school students 8

1.1Social stereotype, concept, functions 8

1.2 Domestic and foreign research on the problem of professional self-determination 21

1.3 Features of professional preferences in senior school age 33

2. Empirical study of professional preferences of high school students based on social stereotypes 43

2.1 Description of the sample and survey methods 43

2.2 Discussion of the results of the study, conclusions 49

Conclusion 64

References 69

Applications 79

Extract from the text

Research hypothesis: professional preferences of high school students are determined by external motivation - high earnings, prestige of the profession, the possibility of promotion, etc., in connection with which they are associated with such stereotypes as "careerist", "business person", "leader".

The scientific study of social stereotypes involves answering at least two questions:

1. what functions do stereotypes perform in society;

2. how they are accepted or rejected by different groups of people.

Methodological basis of the study. Features of adolescence were considered and studied in their works by L.I. Bozovic, L.S. Vygotsky, B.B. Davydov, I.V. Dubrovina, I.S. Cohn, M.C. Neimark, D.B. Elkonin and others.

Professional self-determination begins in a person far in childhood, when the child tries on various professional roles, and covers almost all age stages of a person's life. The professional choice of a high school student is influenced by many factors, the main of which is the family, i.e. The nature of the relationship between parents and children causes a different influence on their professional choice, which can be both positive and negative for the child's personality, which is why when conducting career guidance work with high school students it is necessary to take into account the degree of influence of parental relations on their professional self-determination and, on the basis of this, orient the student in the right direction for him.

In the era of the scientific and technological revolution, the issue of professional orientation of members of society is especially acute, the preparation of schoolchildren for the choice of a future profession in accordance with the requirements of society, as well as the personal potential of students, their abilities and inclinations, becomes important. In our work, we will study the professional interests of high school students in modern society.

Institutional basis for functioning market economy. The institutional structure is characterized by certain social institutions which act in the form of organization, regulation and streamlining of public life, as well as people's behavior.

The theoretical basis of the study was the current legislation Russian Federation in the field of constitutional law, textbooks and study guides on constitutional law, monographs and publications in periodicals. The works of such authors as: S. A. Avakyan, I. A. Aleksandrova, A. G. Antipiev, K. A. Antipiev, M. V. Baglai, M. S. Brusyanina, I. Bushmin, Yu. V. Vasilyeva, E. V. Gabrelyan, S. Yu. Glazyev, P. K. Goncharov, E. F. Gumerova, T. S. Guseva, etc.

The uniqueness of the social insurance institution, which performs "state-public" functions social protection, lies, among other things, in its positive impact on the formation of a balanced "social market" mentality of the population. Social insurance protects workers and their families, while it unites (rather than divides) people; its institutions provide a person with the opportunity to realize their responsibility and freedom on the basis of social justice. The purpose of the work is to study the influence of the components of the sociosystem on social insurance.

Answers to tickets

tests with answers

The methodological basis for writing the work was the works of leading economists on the problems of motivating and stimulating employees of enterprises and organizations to efficient operation, publications in periodicals, materials of international, all-Russian and regional scientific-practical conferences and seminars. In the process of research, methods of systemic, structural and functional analysis, statistical, special sociological and economic-mathematical methods were used.

Trying to find the answer to these questions, philosophers actively used the ideas of their predecessors about society as an analogue of the state, as a result of which the doctrine of the social contract appeared, designed to reveal the essence of society. The state is a rational association of people on the basis of an agreement between them, by virtue of which they voluntarily transfer part of their own freedom and power to the state.

The calculation of the cost of materials is based on the data in the table.

2) the ratio of the share occupied by the enterprise in the market to the share of a competitor.


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The study of professional self-determination in adolescence and youth is inextricably linked with the study of professional interests and inclinations. As L.A. Golovey, professional self-determination is a complex psychological formation that includes cognitive interests, life orientations, professional orientation and professional plans. E.Yu. also points to the connection between professional self-determination and interests. Pryazhnikova and T.A. Egorenko, saying that "the choice of a profession can lead to professional self-determination, provided that a school graduate chooses a profession according to his abilities, interests, inclinations, aspirations" .

Researchers identify in adolescents different types interests. Essential in the development of the interests of a teenager, according to S.L. Rubinshtein, is the beginning specialization and differentiation of interests, their focus on a certain area of ​​activity, professional - literature, technology, art, a certain scientific field, which takes place under the influence of the entire system of conditions in which the development of a teenager takes place.

Our study involved 2372 eighth-graders from 49 educational complexes of the Northern Administrative District of Moscow (1152 girls and 1220 boys). To study the interests and professional preferences of students, we used the “Map of Interests” methodology (modified by O.G. Filimonova) and a career guidance questionnaire developed by us. The data obtained show that every third boy and every fifth girl have not yet thought about choosing a profession, while among girls there are more of those who doubt their choice of profession, and among boys there are those who have made up their minds and are confident in their choice (Table 1).

Table 1 Choice of profession




did not think about choosing a profession

doubt the choice

determined and confident in their choice

Girls more often than boys believe that ignorance of their abilities and capabilities is the main reason why they cannot decide on a profession (62.85% of girls and 50.74% of boys). This may be due to the fact that girls are more anxious and prone to introspection. Poor knowledge of the world of professions was named by every fifth teenager (19.7% of girls and 22.05% of boys) as the reason for difficulties in choosing a profession.

The study of the interests and professional preferences of adolescents was carried out according to the modified methodology "Map of Interests". The methodology involves assessing the degree of one's interest in 17 different professional areas on a scale from +2 (very much) to -2 (not at all). There are 5 statements for each sphere. Thus, the maximum interest is expressed by a score of +10, a complete lack of interest by a score of -10. Analysis of the results of the study showed that there are significant gender differences in the answers of eighth graders. On average, girls are twice as likely as boys to choose the fields of biology and medicine and foreign languages, four times more likely to be in pedagogy and psychology, and six times more likely to be in the arts. Boys prefer the exact sciences and the technical field: on average, they choose the fields of mathematics and physics twice as often as girls, and six times more often than girls. information technologies, eight times - military affairs and sports, ten times more often in the field of technology and transport (Table 2).

table 2

Distribution of eighth graders' interest in professional fields

Professional areas


Maximum positive

answers, number of people

Maximum positive

answers, number of people


Geography, geology

The medicine

Physics mathematics


Information technology

Psychology, pedagogy

Military, sports

Philology, journalism


Service sector


Foreign languages


These data are also confirmed by the results of the survey. Teenagers were asked to choose the field of activity or knowledge that interests them most from the list provided. Twice as many boys choose an area exact sciences(mathematics, physics) - 39.75%, while this area was chosen by 18.32% of girls. The humanities (literature, journalism, linguistics, pedagogy, psychology) were chosen by almost two times fewer boys than girls (20.74% of boys and 47.48% of girls). Also, almost half as many boys chose the field of art (musical, theatrical, fine arts) - 15.33% of boys and 39.32% of girls.

Among the boys who have decided on a profession and are confident in their choice, most of all those who have chosen the profession of a doctor (every seventh teenager names it). The next most popular professions are a programmer, a cook, an engineer, a military man, a machinist, an auto mechanic, a lawyer. The most common profession for girls is a doctor (one in four girls named it). Further professions follow: architect, journalist, psychologist, cook, teacher, veterinarian. As we can see from these data, the professional preferences of adolescents have gender differences - girls mainly choose professions related to the humanitarian sphere, and boys - in the field of technology and transport.

We also carried out an analysis of the school subjects most preferred by eighth graders.

It turned out that 10% more girls than boys named the most favorite school subjects related to the humanitarian cycle (Russian language, literature, foreign language). The exact sciences (algebra, geometry) are preferred by 10% less girls than boys, but subjects such as computer science and physics are preferred by half as many girls as boys. Girls are twice as likely as boys to name their favorite subjects related to the artistic and aesthetic cycle (art, music, world art culture). Thus, we see that the data obtained using various methods are consistent: the interests of girls are more often in the humanitarian field. The humanitarian orientation of girls is manifested in the preference for school subjects of the humanitarian cycle, as well as in the choice of professions in the humanitarian spectrum. Boys are more interested in the exact sciences, the fields of technology and transport, they choose the appropriate professions and prefer subjects related to the field of exact sciences. In this regard, it is of interest to study the influence of enthusiasm for school subjects on the professional plans of high school students N.M. Shchedukhina (2010). She suggested that there is a relationship between the planning of professional prospects and the passion for school subjects. This connection was found only in some subjects: mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry, history, social studies, Physical Culture, World Art. It was also found that the interest in school subjects associated with the relevant professional plans has a positive effect on school performance.

For 8th graders next academic year is decisive. In the ninth grade, they will need to decide: get an average professional education or, by choosing a profile, continue studying in the tenth grade. As O.V. Kuznetsova, 87.5% of tenth graders and 80% of grade 11 students believe that for a successful choice of profile education, knowledge of their psychological qualities (abilities, interests, personal characteristics) is necessary. Adolescents note the importance of acquiring in-depth knowledge in the disciplines of interest to them school curriculum. Schoolchildren believe that profile education makes it possible to "engage only in those subjects that will help in the profession", "better understand the subjects", "improve their academic performance", "discover their abilities", "develop their skills and talents". Profile education is “a help for entering a university”, “an opportunity to study your favorite subjects in depth”, “a chance to improve your knowledge”.

In our opinion, it is necessary to systematically monitor the interests and professional preferences of students from grades 8 to 11 in order to identify adolescents with unformed interests and preferences for further correctional and developmental work with them. It is also advisable to include material on professional self-determination in school subject programs: acquaintance with professions that can be obtained within a given subject area, professional tests (practical exercises within the program). It is necessary to organize project and research activities within the framework of the program, subject competitions, olympiads and quizzes. The integration of subjects from different areas also gives positive results - for example, conducting joint lessons in literature and technology, biology and physics. Such activities will contribute to the development of the interests of adolescents and, consequently, professional self-determination.


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