Speech by first-graders in the lineup on September 1. Scenario “The school year is calling us again for knowledge, friends!”

  • 13.11.2019

    We are big now
    We came to school.
    And now no one will say
    That we are babies.
    Make way, honest people
    First grader in front of you
    I have a big portfolio
    The backpack is new on the back.

    Who got up early today?
    Did you run to school quickly?
    Well of course it's me
    And my family is with me.

    I go to school for the first time.
    First time carrying a briefcase.
    I boldly open the book
    I am a student now.

    I have a holiday today.
    There has never been a better day
    Because "first grader"
    Everyone calls me.


Oh how I want to learn!

We promise not to be lazy.

Don't be late for lessons

And please everyone with success.

A month or two ago
We went to kindergarten
They ate a lot, sang a lot,
We really wanted to grow up.

Finally dreams come true
Ahead - study,
Bright flowers everywhere
Tonight is a special day!

We must now learn
Don't yawn and don't be lazy
On "four" and on "five"
Answer in class.

In a big and bright school
The door is open for us.
We all came to learn
We are students now!

In the mirror I take a very long time
I looked at myself
Everyone wondered: when
Managed to grow up!
Yesterday there was a kid-robber,
And now I'm an adult, a schoolboy!

For some reason mom and dad
So excited
As if instead of me to school
Gathered for the first time!

Daddy shined my shoes
He shook off the dust from me,
Mom is my big bag
Collected all day!

I dreamed of books today
They walked in formation, lay down in a briefcase,
Pencils in a notebook
They wrote: “It's okay!
We are clean, tidy, new,
We are ready to study!”

Sister "don't be bored" said
And gave her all the dolls.
"You can't go with me,
You need to grow up a little!”

15. I can't sit at home
don't want to play
I want to learn soon

And become a first-grader

16. I ran and I jumped,
I was afraid to be late.
Barely a briefcase under the arm
Mom managed to give

17. Stay, dolls, at home,
I'm going to school
No time to play now
I will read books!

18. I will not interfere,
I will succeed everything
I want to learn
Read, write, count

19. Now life is different
Will come to me
Oh dear mother!
What an adult I am!

20. Our first very best
Hurry, call!
Go home moms!
We're going to class soon!

On this wonderful bright day
We are not too lazy to go to school,
We say: “Cozy class,
Make us welcome!”

ALL (in unison):
We promise not to be lazy
Just study well!

Kuzya. I give you today, friends,
Treasured key to our school.
Well, the teachers
They will show the way to the world of knowledge.
Today old friends
Gifts are given to you.
And so in the school family
They accept you.
Let Balloons
Carrying up the dreams.
Everything you think about now
It will come true, believe me.
(8 music. First graders launch balloons with a bell. Grade 11 gives gifts to first graders.)

(holiday scenario)

We often arrange various celebrations, including the first lesson for first graders, which, as a rule, is held in the classroom in the presence of parents. I am sure that the fabulous beginning sets the children in a special way, when children expect only something wonderful and amazing from their studies.

Pros of this scenario:

Only two people are involved in organizing the holiday, so it can be held by a teacher (in the role of Madam Science) with the involvement of a high school student / ka (in the role of Dunno). This holiday can also be organized by the theatrical circle of the school or held by the parents of first-graders themselves.

The script is easy to remember. For example, Mrs. Science may not memorize at all, but use a hint text placed in a beautiful folder. The script, in principle, does not require preliminary rehearsals.

The script allows you to minimize the participation of children. As a rule, first-graders are still difficult to organize in terms of celebratory event with their participation: little time for rehearsals and no experience joint work in children. In addition, the teacher practically does not know the children, and there is no certainty that the children at the performance will not get confused, will not mix up the words and the order of the speech.

You can distribute any poems to children in advance on school theme. As the script progresses, it is possible to insert these verses. Moreover, when verses fall out of the script (the child gets sick, gets nervous and cannot tell - the script does not lose anything).

Props and costumes for performers are easy to make.

The script is designed for 25-30 minutes of performance. Taking into account the opening speech of the teacher and the likely performances of the children, the duration of the event will be 35-40 minutes. That is, just the first lesson.

Lady Science costume. If possible, take any light evening dress as a basis, which you decorate with paper letters and numbers. Take self-adhesive paper, print letters and numbers in a mirror image on the printer. Then they need to be cut out with a designer knife and pasted on the dress in random order. After the holiday, the letters are easily detached. If the role of the Lady of Science is played by the teacher, then the letters and numbers are glued directly onto the teacher's costume, and to complete the image, it is good to put on a cloak of translucent shiny fabric (an organza cut), which is embroidered with letters and numbers in advance. Lady Science has a set of your first grade curriculum textbooks and a magic pointer (instead of a magic wand) as props. The easiest way to do it is by wrapping a regular pointer in foil.

Dunno costume - these are bright shorts with straps (overalls-shorts) and a T-shirt, a bright wide tie (can be made from a wide satin ribbon). The main attribute of Dunno's costume is a hat. A hat can be purchased at a special store or made independently from cardboard if you do not plan to use it in the future (see hat pattern below). ). Dunno has a shabby briefcase, a fishing rod and a bucket.

Enter Lady Science.

MAD SCIENCE: Here comes autumn. Hello school!
The cheerful bell rang
And you entered for the first time
In a bright and spacious classroom!
What is needed here? Don't be lazy
And study hard
To know about everything in the world
And get fives.
Hello guys! Hello! Allow me to introduce myself. I am Mrs Science. Welcome to my magical land - the Land of Knowledge. I'm in charge of all the numbers and geometric shapes, I know all the rules for writing words and help all smart and important books to be written. And today I open the doors to a magical land for you, first graders. In my magical land of Knowledge, discoveries and miracles await you, if you just don’t be lazy, but start working. Are there lazy people among you? (children scream no) And the couch potatoes?(children scream no) It's so pleasing! After all, in my magical country there is no place for those who are lazy, outrageous and do not want to learn. And so that it would not be difficult for you, I will give you my assistants on the road: the Queen of Numbers, the Sorceress of Letters, the Magician Rainbow Colors, the Magician Golden Hands, the Fairy Singing Notes(expand the list depending on the program of your school) . In my country, many fairies and queens, magicians and wizards have their own magical books. Now I will introduce you to them.

(shows Mathematics textbook)
In this book on parade
The numbers lined up:
One, two, three, four, five,
To teach you how to count
Add and subtract
And solve all the problems.

(shows a textbook on the subject "World around")
Why do streams flow?
Why do flowers grow?
Where did the sparrow eat?
We need to find out soon!
This is a book about nature
About animals, about the weather,
About trees and flowers
About animals and beetles.

Shows the ABC (Primer)
To read books
We need to know the letters.
dashes, drawings, dots,
The letters formed into lines.
And when you put the phrases
Then you read all the books at once!

You know that they sent you congratulations fairy-tale heroes? Yes, yes, because all fairy-tale heroes also once learned something, they graduated fairy school and know how to write. And now many fairy tale characters happy to congratulate you on your first day of school and pass on our advice. Guess who sent them to you.

On sheets of paper, large coloring pages and wish verses are pre-printed (coloring pages can be taken ). Mrs. Science reads the riddle-wish, and when the children guess, she shows a picture to show the correctness of the guess. Among the riddles there are both elementary ones that any first grader can guess, and complex ones for erudite children.

1. If you walk across the field and find money, then do not rush to buy a samovar, as I did. Better buy a new interesting book. (Fly Tsokotukha)

2. We, all three cheerful brothers, are in a hurry to congratulate you on the beginning of the school year. Learn better, and then you will be able to build the same solid stone house as our brother Naf-Naf! (Three pigs)

3. Do not run around the classroom during breaks, otherwise you may accidentally break a vase or drop it golden egg. And then I will have to incubate a new egg, not a golden one, but a simple one. (chicken Ryaba)

4. Congratulations to all first graders! I want to be smart and be sure to learn to read. And then when dad Carlo gave me the alphabet, I exchanged it for a ticket to the puppet theater, which I am very sorry about. Take care of your textbooks! (Pinocchio)

5. Study as hard as you can at school, and not only in the sciences, but also in politeness. And then one day a girl Masha came to visit us. She ate our porridge, broke Mishutka's chair and even lay on our beds! (Three Bears)

6. I also dream of going to school like you! If I had studied at school, I would have learned that the Wolf is a cunning predator, and you should never talk to him and, moreover, say where my grandmother lives. (Red Riding Hood)

7. Congratulations on your admission to school. I have, by the way, achieved amazing success both in my studies at Hogwarts School of Magical Sciences and in the game of Quidditch. (Harry Potter)

8. We, six young fairies, congratulate you on the start of the school year and hope that you will study perfectly, as we do at the Alfea school of the magic dimension Magix. (Tekna, Flora, Layla, Muse, Stela, Bloom, - fairies of the Wings club from the Wings cartoon)

The UNKNOWN enters.

UNKNOWN: Hey guys! Let's all go fishing together!

MAD SCIENCE: What an impolite boy! Don't you know to say hello first? Hello boy!

NEZNATSKA: Hello, hello!

LADY SCIENCE: Tell me, who are you?

DON'T KNOW: What, you didn't recognize me? Yes, I'm a stranger!

LADY SCIENCE: And where are you going, Dunno?

UNKNOWN: Go fishing. Here I have a fishing rod, and a bucket!

MAD SCIENCE: Oh, don't you know that today is the first of September and all the kids have to go to school?!

DON'T KNOW: And what does this mean that no one will go fishing with me?

MAD SCIENCE: Of course not!. Really guys? (children answer)

DON'T KNOW (throws bait) : Well, then I won't go either. Fishing alone is boring, there is no one to even talk to ...

LADY SCIENCE: That's right, come to our school, you will study.

UNKNOWN: Study? Is it to work and work or what? Ha! And why do I need it? I'm so smart!

LADY SCIENCE (with surprise) : Don't you like studying?

DON'T KNOW (sings ditties) :
I love to be lazy
I don't want to study at all
That's the kind of student I am.
Check out my diary!

I tear textbooks, notebooks,
I forget order.
I don't like comments
I often sleep in class.

I confess, homework
I'm too lazy to do it.
I don't need to read books
I will walk all day!

LADY SCIENCE: Oh, how can that be! How can you not want to read?
(you can instruct to learn and tell a verse to a child)
How good it is to be able to read!
You don't have to go to your mom.
No need to shake grandma:
"Read, please! Read!"
You don't have to beg your sister.
"Well, read another page!"
You don't have to call
No need to wait
And you can take and read!

LADY SCIENCE (angrily) : Complete disgrace, is it possible to live without books? Have you never opened a book?

DON'T KNOW: Opened-opened! Here, look! (takes out a rucksack and shows a torn book) Here I drew a tank, and here - a bug. Here I colored the picture. You know, here such a cool Winnie the Pooh was drawn. Well, here I tore off the page ...


DON'T KNOW: To make a daw, like this! (shows a jackdaw from a magazine sheet, lets it fly around the class) See how great it flies!

MAD SCIENCE: What's that stain?

DON'T KNOW: It's from the sausage.

MAD SCIENCE: Why did you put the sausage in the book?

DON'T KNOW: Well, I bought a sausage in the dining room, and then my nose itched. I wanted to scratch my nose, but my hands were busy with sausage. Well, I opened the ABC and put it down. And what? And the sausage is clean, and there was no need to look for a plate. I think it's a great idea!

LADY SCIENCE: But the page in the ABC has become dirty!

UNKNOWN: Think! There are still so many pages in this Azubka!

MAD SCIENCE: And why is your whole book wrinkled, pages sticking out in all directions?

DON'T KNOW: It's Znayka - my friend - to blame! He constantly criticizes me "Non-knowing can't do anything, forgets letters, confuses numbers ..." So I hit him on the head with this textbook.

LADY SCIENCE: Oh, now it's clear why you can't study... You offend all textbooks and books.

UNKNOWN: I offend books? This is when I offended them?

LADY SCIENCE: Guys, how can you draw in a textbook? (children speak their mind)

Dunno: And why not, he becomes more beautiful from this! (children speak their mind)

MAD SCIENCE: Can you put sausages in a book? (children speak their mind) Can pages be torn out?(children speak their mind)

UNKNOWN: And where can you?

LADY SCIENCE: Remember, you can't rip pages out of books at all. Is it possible to fight with the ABC and other books? (children speak their mind)

DON'T KNOW: And what can you fight?

MAD SCIENCE: Nothing at school. At school, they don’t fight at all, but knowledge is gained. Remember, Dunno, books love accuracy and cleanliness, otherwise they won't share their magic with you.

DON'T KNOW: What kind of magic? I looked through all the books - and there is not a single magic wand, not a single invisibility cap or walking boots. Only the letters are different.

LADY SCIENCE: Books have the magic of fairy tales, the wonders of adventure, the enchanting rhymes of poetry. Books teach people how to be kind, noble. Thanks to books, people become smart - and this is the most important magic.

UNKNOWN: Yes? No, you're all lying! I do not understand why the guys came to school. Sitting at desks every day is sheer boredom! You better go fishing with me!

MAD SCIENCE: And it’s not boring at all even at school, and why the guys came here, they will tell you themselves.

Children read learned poems about school and knowledge.

LADY SCIENCE: Do you understand, Dunno? The school is very interesting. And the guys expect only good things from their studies.

UNKNOWN: That's in vain. The teachers at the school are all harmful, and they find fault with the children. This I have verified in my experience. Yes Yes! Last year Pinocchio persuaded me to go to first grade. Papa Carlo gave him the ABC, and Pinocchio decided to learn to read. He invited me along as well. I also didn’t have time to learn anything, and the teachers started picking on me! Well, I left school. Fishing.

LADY SCIENCE: How did the teachers pick on you, may I ask?

DON'T KNOW: I caught a frog in the swamp, brought it to school. But the frog didn’t want to sit in the briefcase, as soon as it jumped out, but right on the teacher’s table! How to croak! Well, I was punished. For what? I didn't croak!

LADY SCIENCE: Hey, is it okay to bring a frog to school? (children answer) Of course not! So I see you have a briefcase, like all our first graders. Show me what you put in your briefcase.

Dunno begins to deliver toys from a briefcase: a small ball, a disheveled doll, a pistol, a tambourine, and similar inappropriate things. Each subject is played out, Dunno says that when the lesson is boring, it’s fun to shoot from a pistol like this, and the ball is needed to throw it at a neighbor on the desk, and the doll sings “la-la-la”, etc.

MAD SCIENCE: Is it okay to play with a doll or shoot a gun in class? You, I see, do not understand at all what can and cannot be done at school. Well, nothing, the guys will tell you now. Come on, guys, you will clap your hands if I name what you can do at school, and if I name what they don’t do at school, don’t clap! (actions are called: make noise, scream, count, draw, run around desks, talk loudly in class, solve problems and examples, sing, spit and bite ...) Well done guys, you know what you can and cannot do at school. Real first graders will never make a mistake and take the wrong things to school - a doll or a gun. But our first-graders know very well what subjects they cannot do without at school. And you try to guess!

1. Now I'm in a cage, then in a line,

Feel free to write on me

You can also draw

Because I... (notebook)

2. I am black, red, yellow, blue,

With stuffing in the middle.

I am friends with a sharp sharpener,

And what I want, I will draw. (pencil)

3. How boring, brothers,

On your back you ride

You don't respect

Somehow you throw

Week after week..

This is a complaint... (portfolio)

4. He helps the teacher,

He orders strictly:

So sit down and study

So get up, go away

Gathering for a lesson

Teacher's friend... (call)

5. In this narrow box

You will find pencils

Pens, erasers, paper clips, buttons,

Anything for the soul. (pencil case)

6. I love directness.

And she's straight.

Make a straight line

I help people. (ruler)

7. Live in a difficult book

Cunning brothers.

Ten of them, but these brothers

They count everything in the world. (numbers)

DON'T KNOW: Your riddles are wrong, complex. I didn't like them.
MAD SCIENCE: It's because you didn't think properly and couldn't guess.

DON'T KNOW: What am I, Vasilisa the Wise, to think? No, I don't like thinking. I'll go fishing, I'll catch a fish ... (takes a fishing rod, heads for the exit, but Mistress Science stops him)

MAD SCIENCE: And we will fish here too.

UNKNOWN: A fish?

MAD SCIENCE: No, not a fish, but a ball!

DON'T KNOW: Perhaps I'll stay here for a while longer. I love to play ball. And what's the game? Football?

MAD SCIENCE: No, we will play an interesting science game "What is what color". I will throw the ball to the guys, and they will catch it and say what color this object is.(throws the ball and says: lemon, carrot, cucumber, orange, frog, fox, crocodile, apricot ...)

UNKNOWN: What about me?

Mrs. Science tosses the ball to Dunno.

MAD SCIENCE: What color are beets?


MAD SCIENCE: Why black?

DON'T KNOW: And she's rotten!

LADY SCIENCE: No, Dunno, burgundy beets. Let's try again. What color is an apple?


MAD SCIENCE: Why is that?

DON'T KNOW: Because I ate it!

LADY SCIENCE(shaking head accusingly) : Yes, you still need to learn a lot ...

UNKNOWN: Here's another! I do not want to study! It's not fun.

MISS SCIENCE: What's fun?

DON'T KNOW: Well, sing, play catch-up, draw all sorts of pictures ...

LADY SCIENCE: Oh, Dunno! But in school, they also learn this. They learn to sing songs, because life is sad without music. They learn to draw, because without colors life will be dim. They learn to work, because without work you can’t even pull a fish out of a pond. And in physical education classes, they learn to run and jump to be dexterous and strong.

DON'T KNOWN: Yes... Probably, I didn't study in vain... Maybe try? So be it, this year I will definitely try to study, and not be lazy!

MAD SCIENCE: Believe him guys? Let's take to the magical Land of Knowledge with us? (children answer) So be it, come with us, Dunno. If you definitely decided to become a first grader, like our guys, then you need to say the first grader's oath. And, most importantly, then fulfill everything that you promise in this oath.

The oath of the first grader is read standing. Madam science reads the lines of the oath, and the children and Dunno repeat the word "we swear."


Learn the letters, learn to read... We swear!
Learn to write and count by summer... We swear
Try hard in class and don't count the flies... We swear!
Take care of the textbook, do not throw it away and do not tear it ... We swear!
Do all your homework... We swear
Coming to school on time... We swear
Become smarter and mature in a year ... We swear!
Become the pride of parents and teachers... We swear! We swear! We swear!

LADY SCIENCE: Now it's time for you to go to the Land of Knowledge, because now you have become real schoolchildren. But in the end, I want to give all first graders a little magic - we will try to find out what grades our guys will study for. What grades are given to children who study well?(children's answers) That's right, four and five.

Game "Ratings".
Make circles with a diameter of about 8 cm from cardboard in advance. On each circle, marks are written - 2, 3, 4, 5. Make twos and threes 2 each, and fours and fives - at the rate of 2-3 good marks for every child. Mrs. Science demonstrates "scores", shows that there are twos and threes. Make a bag with a secret compartment in advance. To do this, take a regular paper bag for gifts. An additional layer of paper is glued to the bottom so that a secret pocket is obtained. All scores are defiantly placed in the bag, but Ms. Science neatly separates deuces and triples into an additional compartment. During the competition, Mrs. Science goes through the rows, the children put their hand in the bag and pull out 2-3 circles with marks. It is clear that all children draw only good grades. The number of circles must be calculated so that all good marks are sorted out by the end of the competition.

LADY SCIENCE: These are miracles! Look, you all only have 4 and 5! Where are the twos and threes? Well, let's see! (Mrs. Science puts her hand in the bag and pulls out all the deuces and triples from a secret pocket, shows them to the children). Look, there are threes and twos left in the package! That's how miracles are! This means that in this class there will be no underachievers, no losers. Let's all clap our hands together so that this magic comes true and you study only for good grades. Well, it's time for me to leave. But I do not say goodbye to you and wait for you in my amazing and wonderful Land of Knowledge!

Textbooks, gifts for September 1, etc. are distributed.

(High school students take the children to the solemn line

under the "March of the First Graders")

Performance of first graders

    The song "First time in first grade"


Everywhere you, students,
Bell chimes
Praise the school bells!

Smiling passerby
Seeing holiday guys:
He also studied at school
Only many years ago.

I ran and I jumped
I was afraid to be late.
Barely a briefcase under the arm
Mom managed to give.

I won't be lazy
I will succeed in everything.
I want to learn
Read, write, count.

Now life is different
Will come to me.
Oh dear mother!
What an adult I am!

    Chastushki By September 1 for first graders

We begin to sing ditties,
Please don't laugh.

There are a lot of people here

We can be embarrassed.

We'll sing ditties to you
School - cool,
So that you don’t get bored on Knowledge Day
Yes, we are remembered!

Hurry up, call,
We've been waiting for you.

After all, on our first lesson

We've been going for a year.

Let there be many lessons at school
We'll win, no problem!
Start today
Our school years...

I have a primer in my briefcase
And notebooks, and a diary!

I'm really now

Top notch student!

I go to school with flowers

I'm holding my mother's hand.

Because of the lush bouquet

I can't find the door.

New uniform put on
White shirt.

Look at me,

What a first grader I am!

Bought a new uniform

Dressed up our whole class -

And now mothers

We cannot be distinguished.

New books, notebooks,

And the suit is cool sewn,

To be all right

Dad took out a bank loan.

First graders portfolios
They barely lift.
Know, Petit, know, Oli -

It's hard to study at school.

We sang ditties to you
School - cool,
Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge,
We are pleased with ourselves!


Make way, honest people

The first grader is in front of you.

I have a big portfolio

The backpack is new on the back.

We don't know anything yet

But we want to learn.

Let's not be late for the lesson

We won't sleep for no reason.

And learn in notebooks

Only write with pens

And in the gym physical exercises

Let's do it together.

All paths are open before us

All roads are ahead of us.

We'll be famous someday

But so far we are only first class.

And while we just need to learn

To reveal the secrets of the world

Always strive for the unknown

To make it famous.

This is all for life, for science,

For the people and for the native country.

We all study not for the sake of boredom -

We must glorify the Motherland!

    The song "Hello, first class!"


Hello school year!
Good luck, students!
Bell chimes
Let them ring, ring the bells!

Our first very best

Ring, ring the bell!

Go home moms

It's time for our lesson!


School songs are playing.8.30 - formation.8.45 - solemn lineTwo leaders come out.Presenter 1:-Good morning, guys, dear teachers, dear parents and guests! Host 2: We are pleased to welcome you to our festive line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge. Let this day be a great start to the new 2013-2014 academic year.
Presenter 1:Happy Knowledge Day!
With school, with friends!
With kind, strict teachers!
The sun with the first autumn ray,
Happy, wonderful day!

Host 2: Excitement, joy, expectation - Everything in this day has not merged in vain! For everyone, he is special and important. September 1st day! (both presenters speak)
Allow the solemn line, dedicated to the Day Knowledge considered open!
(Anthem 1 verse sounds.)
Presenter 1: The floor for greetings is given to the director of the school Korenkova Tatyana Vladimirovna……………….
Host 2: Many guests came to congratulate us today. ?????????????????????????The word is provided –––––––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

1st leader.

Hello school!

You are not just a building

You are like home to us!

Every day early in the morning we have a date

We are carefully preparing for you.

2nd leader.

Hello school!

About you with excitement

We write awkward poems.

Every year comes replenishment,

And only graduates leave.

1st leader.

Comes here every year

First-graders cheerful round dance -

Noisy, thoughtful, smart,

And the teacher leads them all to class.

2nd leader. Knowledge Day is a truly national holiday, but still its main characters are first graders!

Vedas. one: On this day, first-graders embark on a long and difficult road, where they will face difficulties, experience the joys of the first five. We hope that this road will be interesting and exciting for them.

2 led. So don't be shy, first grader.

Take your step bravely.

Who are you, quiet? Prankster?

It doesn't matter now.

1 led. The world is interesting and complex

Meet me at this threshold.

Well, of course you can

Here you learn about a lot.

2nd host.

Our first-graders were also preparing for school, and now they will tell you about it.

Students of the 1st grade come out to the microphone.

Performance of first-graders on the line on September 1

1st student.

I'm seven years old
And I'm not happier!
Today is my first time
I'm off to first grade!
2nd I have a primer in my briefcase And notebooks and a diary! I'm now really a first-class student! 3rd: Dad cleaned my shoes, Shake dust off me, Mom collected my big briefcase all day long!

4th student.

I want to go to school

I put everything in a satchel,

Pencil, pencil case, notebooks,

Only there is no primer.
The backpack is a miracle! Just now,
Dear girlfriends,
Do not fit into that satchel
All my toys!

5th student.

We must now learn

Don't yawn and don't be lazy

On "4" and on "5"

Answer in class!

6th student:

Mom asks, dad asks:
"Bring a mark five."
You tell me a secret

Where can I get so many of them?

7th student.

Alphabet from "A" to "Z"
I learned before school:
Was going to school
That's what I tried!

8th student.

I won't be lazy
I will succeed in everything.
I want to learn
Read, write, count.

9th student. We want to learn quickly, Make friends with the Primer, From page to page We will read it by spring.
10th first grader: We will learn to draw, write, count before the summer, And always in all subjects We will receive "five"!
11th student. Our first very best
Ring, ring, call!
Go home, moms!
It's time for our lesson!
Presenter 1: At school, you will not only study, but also make new friends, interesting life after lessons, a large number of circles, where everyone will find something to do with their interests. "Dubravushka". Head …………………………….. “school ditties!” Vedas. 2: On our line today there are guys for whom the holiday of the first call will be the last. I'm talking about senior year. Our 11th graders are heading to the finish line today. Let's give them the floor.

(the music “Crane Song” sounds - an honorary circle of grade 11, stand up to the microphones)

Performance of the 11th grade on the line on September 1

1 - The first call, and the last call, Reference points in fate, The warm summer is over, Autumn is already in the yard. 2 - Do not repeat, do not peep furtively, As I was once about seven years old, And in a knapsack, having collected thin notebooks, I stood frozen in front of the school doors. 3 . - You are only seven, and we are already seventeen, And we will never return childhood, Therefore, we want to confess to you, That we envy the kids a little.

4. We wish you to study diligently
And never forget about it
That you should be proud of our school
And it is an honor to protect her everywhere.

2nd host. We welcome students of the 5th grade to our holiday. They have a very special day today. Middle-level students accept fifth-graders into their team.

Presenter 1:

In May, three classes said goodbye to the first teachers. We sincerely congratulate the students of 5 A, 5 B, 5 C with the transition to secondary school.

2nd host . Behind already Primary School,

Not just a year older.

You are now five-graders - cheerful,

Naughty fidget people.

Get older year after year

Hurry forward step by step

On an unknown school planet -

Five-graders are a learned people.

Here comes the solemn time

Fifties, all of you now

Acceptance into the school tribe

We will call you "Teens".

1st presenter. We welcome students of the 10th grade to our holiday. Tenth graders this academic year will study in a new team.

Now the high school students are telling you:

You have 10 times more responsibility,

You will become an example for the younger ones,

Assistants - for teachers.

With hope, faith and love

Look ahead more cheerfully.

1 led. Our time does not wait - Today you are ready to start together again School days in a series Waiting for meetings with the unknown, the new In this new academic year. 2 led. Indeed, today is an unusual day. Today we think about the future, make wishes. Each student wants to receive only one five.
1 led. Every teacher wants to give only brilliant lessons.
2 led. Every parent wants to always be proud of their child.
1 led. We want balls of dreams To let go of the distant stars, We whispered quietly to them - So that everyone studies only for 5!
- So that there are new scientists, poets, So that every class becomes the best We, releasing dream balls, at the same time Make a wish all now!
Leading: I invite you to make a wish on this academic year and release balloons into the sky. Your wish will surely come true. One two Three. Let's release! (All together!) Music sounds.
1 led. Again, the school bell will call for a lesson - So, the noisy summer is over. On the first day of September, giving joy to all of us, This is repeated every time!
Leading: A bell rings daily for students. And today he is waiting to announce the beginning of the school year, the beginning of classes. And the first lesson today in all classes "Our Moscow".
So, a solemn moment is coming. A minute of attention! Freeze, student! Now it will ring out, our first call, Everyone will be invited to the first lesson.

AT traveling: The right to give the first bell is granted to a student of the eleventh grade .... (first name, last name) and a first grader ... (first name, last name).
The bell rings.

Leading: Well, the first day of the new school year has begun. We wish you success in your studies. See you soon! Good luck!
The right to be the first to go to school is granted to first graders accompanied by eleventh graders.
Class teacher of the 1A class Levina Svetlana Anatolyevna Class teacher of the 1 B class Artemyeva Marina Yurievna
Class teacher of class 11 A Kudimova Elena Anatolyevna Leading:
5th grade students, class teacher 5th grade students, class teacher

6th grade students, class teacher 6th grade students, class teacher

7th grade students, class teacher 7th grade students, class teacher
8th grade students, class teacher 8th grade students, class teacher
9th grade students, class teacher 9th grade students, class teacher
10th grade students, class teacher 10th grade students, class teacher
Presenter 1 The solemn line dedicated to the beginning of the academic year is declared closed. 6

By September 1, all the kids and their parents (especially first graders) prepare in advance: they buy new form, school supplies, textbooks and promise parents good and excellent grades. In turn, teachers, school administration and school organizers want to please the children and come up with scenarios for them to hold a holiday for all schoolchildren - the Knowledge Day holiday.

Scenario “The school year is calling us again for knowledge, friends!”

All classes line up in a line, music sounds.

1st leader.

Here the summer is over

Discoveries, dreams.

How many funny songs

The fire is sung by us;

How many different things happened!

But autumn is again at the threshold,

And the school waltz sounds

Inviting all of us to the line.

2nd host.

Dear children, parents, distinguished guests and teachers, today in our country thousands of students came to school for the First Bell holiday! On the threshold of autumn, we met this special holiday - the Day of Knowledge! And we congratulate everyone who came here today for the first time, and those who lived several interesting and useful years at our school.

Fanfare sounds.

Voenruk. School! Attention! Peacefully! Take out the flag!

2nd host. The floor is given to the director of the school ...

1st leader. At our holiday there are (representation of guests) ...

2nd leader.

What is autumn? - This time

We walk to our favorite school.

And meet good friends here

Without which the summer was so missed.

1st leader.

Hello school!

You are not just a building

You are like home to us!

Every day early in the morning we have a date

We are carefully preparing for you.

2nd leader.

Hello school!

About you with excitement

We write awkward poems.

Replenishment comes every year

And only graduates leave.

1st leader.

Comes here every year

First-graders cheerful round dance -

Noisy, thoughtful, smart,

And the teacher leads them all to class.

2nd leader. Today we are accepting a new group of first-graders into our school family. Welcome first graders.

1st presenter. We congratulate you, dear children, on this memorable day in your life and wish you that our wonderful school will become your second home. Congratulations to our guests...

The song "Teach at school" sounds.

2nd host. Our first-graders were also preparing for school, and now they will tell you about it.

Students of the 1st grade come out to the microphone.

Performance of first-graders on the line on September 1

1st student.

We salute you all

You have first class.

We stood and waited a long time

And thought about the speech.

We've already said

Phew, the mountain fell off my shoulders.

2nd student.

A month or two ago

We went to kindergarten

They ate a lot, sang a lot,

We really wanted to grow up.

3rd student.

Finally dreams come true

Ahead is education.

Bright flowers everywhere

Today is a special day.

4th student.

I want to go to school

I put everything in a satchel,

Pencil, pencil case, notebook,

Only there is no primer.

5th student.

I turned 7 years old!

And I'll go this time

In the very first class.

I will study at school

And I dream about

To excel in studies

And, like dad, become a doctor.

6th student.

I sculpt from plasticine

Learned the alphabet

I'll tell you without stress

You multiplication table,

I know the north, I know the south

I'll draw a circle with chalk.

7th student.

To learn the business

You have to work hard

We are taught everything at school,

Nurture our will.

8th student.

Even an important general

Everything started at school.

True, he did not know then

That he will be a general.

9th student.

To make a dream come true

There must be peace in the world

The very first our people

The word will call it.

10th student.

We must now learn

Don't yawn and don't be lazy

On "4" and on "5"

Answer in class!

1st presenter. Thank you dear first graders! For you today your first lesson is the lesson of peace.

2nd leader.

Daisies in the sun

Across the forget-me-not sky

Our childhood is passing

Simple, like a miracle.

hot air balloon

And the globe of the Earth is similar.

So let the one who is older

The younger one will help.

1st leader. At our holiday "Hello, school!" we welcome those for whom this academic year is the last - our graduates of grades 9 and 11 (representation of classes and class teachers) ...

2nd host. Today, graduates give orders to first-graders.

The seniors are leaving.

Performance of 11 classes on the line on September 1

1st graduate.

Here comes the desired hour

You are enrolled in first grade.

Tell everyone about school

Cherish the honor of the school

Keep always in order

Books, copybooks, notebooks.

2nd graduate.

Everyone needs to know perfectly:

Fighting at school is indecent!

Always be kind and cheerful

Sing more good songs.

3rd graduate.

School today for the first time

You will be guided by the road of knowledge.

Accept congratulations from us

And many good wishes.

Here you will learn a lot of tricks:

Solve problems, write correctly.

4th graduate.

Learn not to be afraid of difficulties

And everyone will learn to take care of themselves:

Collect a portfolio, braid pigtails.

We really believe that everything will work out for you!

So good luck!

Bon Voyage!

1st leader.

And so that their heart beats

And I didn't miss my mom

You are 11th grade

Give sweets now.

Music. Graduates present gifts and a symbolic key to knowledge.

2nd host. We welcome students in grades 5 and 10 to our holiday. They, too, will study in new teams this academic year.

1st leader.

Just yesterday in elementary school

With my first teacher

You comprehended the wise sciences

And they wanted to get older as soon as possible.

Now there will probably be more worries:

More lessons, more difficult material.

But together you need to deal with them -

We become friends in times of trouble.

2nd leader.

Now the high school students are telling you:

You have 10 times more responsibility,

You will become an example for the younger ones,

Assistants for teachers.

With hope, faith and love

Look ahead more cheerfully.

Applause. Music.

1st leader.

Our school is a temple of science,

House of comfort, bright light,

Good teacher's hands

Our first and last call.

2nd leader.

You are always young at heart

Sharing work and joy with us,

Our strict, our relatives

Patient teachers.

1st leader.

Life tells: you teach - we learn,

Your experience is a treasure trove of wisdom.

Everything that was taken from you will come in handy

And it will become a hundred times more significant.

2nd leader. On behalf of the teachers, congratulates you ... (full name)

1st leader.

The leaves swirl over the school

Swallows fly south.

And again the call is cheerful

Invite the kids to class.

The summer flew by.

Today again for the lesson

Let solemnly and loudly

The first bell will ring!

2nd host. The right to give a call is granted to a student of grade 1 ... (F. I.) and a student of grade 11 ... (F. I.)

1st presenter. According to tradition, first-grade students will be the first to enter their cozy classes, and our graduates will lead them.

2nd leader. This concludes our solemn line. We invite students to the classes for a peace lesson and wish them success in their studies.