For a healthy lifestyle propaganda team. Scenario "Agitation team for a healthy lifestyle": description and interesting ideas. Scenario of the performance of the propaganda team for a healthy lifestyle. Original scripts of the propaganda team "For a Healthy Lifestyle" in schools

  • 13.11.2019

MOU Vokhomskaya secondary school

Speeches of the propaganda team

"We are for a healthy lifestyle"

Prepared by:

Class teacher 8th grade

Loginova Vita Alexandrovna



Targets and goals: formation in children and adolescents of a system of views, principles, norms for a healthy lifestyle; improvement of forms and methods of work on promotion and formation of a healthy lifestyle; preventing the spread of bad habits.

1 student:

Our motto: We declare to the whole wide world:

Life - yes! ( chorus) Sports - yes! ( chorus)

Health - yes! ( chorus) Leni - no! ( chorus)

2 student:

Our health is a gift of nature

So be healthy man

In the era of technology and fashion

Devote your life to health.

3 student:

Poem about health

(Valentina Moseychuk)
Health is value and wealth,
People's health should be valued!
Eat right and do sports
And they will be tempered, and be friends with charging.

So that any ailment does not rise,
So that the heart beats evenly, like a motor,
No need to smoke or drink or get angry
With a smile, defeat any reproach.

A healthy lifestyle is power!
After all, life is nowhere without health.
Let's be strong and beautiful together
Then the years will not be a problem for us!

4 student:

Sport is an important occupation in life:

Dexterity, aspiration, enthusiasm, height,

Finish, luck, victories hugs ...

Sport is plastic, power, beauty!

5 student:

Sport helps us everywhere:

in the family, study and work"

Sports are fun!

Sport - is life!

Strive for a healthy lifestyle!


The song "Team of our youth"

(words - Nikolai Dobronravov, music - Alexandra Pakhmutova)

    With you we traveled half the world

But each time it pulled us home.

Put on my favorite cassette

Let's take a break before the game


You decide my fate

You alone judge me

Our youth team



Our youth team

The team I can't live without

    The grass in the stadiums is green,

And wisdom, like autumn comes ...

We become more tender to each other

When the fight gets fiercer


    We will not part with sports soon,

But time can not be appeased and not restrained,

Ambitious understudies will come

God forbid they play better than ours


    Talents are tested for loyalty

We have something to thank fate for,

We are devoted to the only team -

The team we can't live without


6 student:

Healthy life is the most important topic
You can't rely on luck here.

You are a citizen of your country!

7 student:

We have entered the 21st century.

And let this age be perfectly safe.

Let's say "NO" to bad habits

Be, man, healthy and beautiful.


Dramatization about Tanya "Physical education-hurray"

(Zoya Petrova)

We have Tanya in our apartment,
She always suffers
She is very strange:
Neither healthy nor sick.
Every day with this Tanya
Begins with sobs:
"I'm afraid to wash
Oh no, I'll catch a cold!"
And the guys say
Quietly, without annoyance:
"Temper, temper,
Gotta get hot!"
Balls are ringing in the yard
Jump ropes are spinning
Children make cookies
And they play tag
Only Tanya at the window
Everyone sits, sits alone.
The guys say to her:
“Come out for a walk soon!
The sun is hot,
Come out soon!"
Tanya whimpers: "Oh, I'm afraid
I'll burn myself in the sun!"
All sat and sat
Our Tanya outside the window,
Summer flew by quickly
Autumn is dripping with rain.
But for joy and laughter
Even the rain is not a hindrance!
Tanya girls name:
"Come out, the mushrooms are growing."
Tanya cries: “I don’t want
I'll get my feet wet!"
And the guys answered her:
"Rain is not a barrier,
Heat up, heat up.

Gotta get hot!"

8 student:

To be cheerful, brave,

Agile, strong and skillful,

9 student:

Call quickly

Bend your fingers together.

1 student:

All alcohol is not for us. This time!

2 student:

Tobacco is a harmful herb. It's two!

3 student:

You don't take drugs. It's three!

4 student:

How wonderful in this world, in our school! Here are four!

5 student:

To become a strong spirit

Don't care about sickness

Sports help health. It's five!

6 student:

Juices, fruits you need to eat! It's six!

7 student:

Smile for yourself and everyone! It's seven!

8 student:

We can't stand bad habits! It's eight!

9 student:

We know what and how we do. It's nine!


With the number ten we will

Ten times stronger!

We will save strength

For your country!


We are for health

We are for happiness

We are against pain and misfortune!

For a sober mind

For clarity of thought

For childhood, youth,

For the joy of life!


    The song "Team of Our Youth", lyrics - Nikolai Dobronravov, music - Alexandra Pakhmutova.

    Zoya Petrova "Physical culture-hurray".

    Valentina Moseychuk "Poem about health".

Scenario of the HLS propaganda team “NO DRUGS, NO!”

Speech by the propaganda team for the prevention of drug addiction

Goal and tasks: development of a full-fledged healthy personality of a teenager, promotion of a healthy lifestyle and prevention of negative phenomena among adolescents.

Material Description: this scenario can be used and useful in working with teenagers 14-17 years old (grades 8-11) as a class teacher and deputy director for educational work, or the head of a volunteer detachment at a school working as part of a drug post. This material can be taken in preparation for competitions of propaganda teams to promote a healthy lifestyle at various levels (class, parallel, school, microdistrict, district, city, region).
The music “The girls are standing” sounds, the propaganda team goes on stage, makes dance moves, lines up. There is a welcome and introduction of the team.

Captain: Comrade citizens! Future generation!
Watch and listen to the propaganda teams...

(Heartbeat sounds, words go in the background)

1st: I want to live!
2nd: I want to live, learn!
3rd: And I want to fall in love with a good boy!
4th: And I want to surf the universe!
5th: I want to see the ocean with foamy surf!
6th: I want to take off on a plane for the clouds and jump with a parachute
And then tell everyone how cool it is!
1st: I want to achieve results in sports!
Break all the records and cry with happiness to the anthem of my country!

(Heartbeat stops)

2nd: But here is the plague of the 21st century: alcohol and drugs,
3rd: Tobacco and obesity want to devour a person!
4th: So go ahead, to fight trouble, man!
5th: Down with drug addiction, AIDS and tobacco!
6th: Internet addiction is also our insidious enemy!
1st: What should we do in the 21st century? Who will we invite with us?
(A remake of the song “And a smile without a doubt” sounds)

If you left the house with a cigarette,
Beer and drugs beckon you,
Remember how many useful things are around,

We have many more of them, remember about them!
Chorus: Stadiums and gyms, centers of creativity, dance class
And health, as a reward, will become a companion for you!!!
(They leave to the music, two remain on the stage and offer to go to the club)

(Music "Girls are standing", girls sing)

Today is a holiday for the girls, today there will be dancing
And the girls' cheeks burn in the morning with a blush,
The girls will come to stand aside, handkerchiefs in their hands, pulling,
It is a pity that there are not enough good guys in today's world!!!

(Junkie appears)

Addict: Hey dudes! Boring? Not dancing without a plank, right?
And I have a great joint!
Well, what are you standing, look, youngsters?
There are great pills for you girls!
Well, is it weak? I serve free food!
Catch the buzz! I promise you! (girls speaking)
Girl: Leave me alone! Drug - evil, dope, poison,
Remember this forever!
Girl: A drug is the door of hell, it will close life for you!
junkie: (sarcastically, distorting) Well, come on, come on, come on, read the newspapers!
Come on, come on, come on, educate me first!
So what? Weak? I'm eating for free!
Get high! I promise!!!
Girl: At this moment, it's easy to make a choice,
I know what he's talking about... You know too!
Just once you try his pill
And you will forever become a dumb puppet!
junkie: Recently, this often happens!
Girl: I want to live, but he offers me death!!!
Girl: We, dude, are not weak to say "NO!"
"NO!" dude, this is our answer to you!
We girls love to dance and have fun!
But for this we do not need to poison your joint!
If you want a buzz - come with us to the gym,
There we will show you our life plan!
(line up)
You are a citizen of your country!
You are the future of Russia!
You are the hope of your parents! Remember:
1. Live! Learn! Love! Dream!
2. Always make your dreams come true!
3. We are for health! We are for happiness!
4. We are against pain and unhappiness!
5. For a sober mind, for clarity of thought!
6. For childhood, youth, for the joy of life!
1. We announce the fight against drug addiction of all!
2. We do not want to see the grief and tears of children!
3. If the enemy threatens people's health,
4. So, destroy evil and kill forever!
5. May the fields be cleansed of the potion!
6. Children in peace and happiness live among us!

(Song - alteration)
I'll tell you, my friend, what kind of healthy lifestyle is this,
It's not a town, it's not an island.
Chorus: Eee, physical education is a healthy lifestyle!
And culture is healthy!
Work, study, sports, health -
It's healthy, healthy, healthy, healthy!
And a hundred roads and a hundred ways lead friends here,
Here health and success is guaranteed for everyone!

Well, if you, my friend, do not want to this healthy lifestyle,
Having bypassed all obstacles, let healthy lifestyle find you!

They leave the stage to the music.

Scenario propaganda team "For healthy lifestyle life"

(exit to the song “Columbia Picture Does Not Present”), each has its own letter on the chest) Elina: TV company Stepnovskaya school TV presents…Tanya: If you are between 13 and 17…Nastya: If you are young and energetic...Lenara: If you think about your future...Sasha: And you want to change the world around you... Then you are with us along the way!Elina: Welcome to the propaganda team:(together) - healthy lifestyle ! Nastya: What does it mean (everyone takes a step forward on their letter and says) Perky, Optimistic, Cheerful, Ideological, Creative, Interesting people,and that means healthy mind and body!Elina: Our motto ( together) : « Together, boldly, with optimism, we are for a healthy lifestyle! » Our team has identified the components of a healthy lifestyle.(Fezl Usein's exit under the frame from the film "Love and Doves") Usein: figure one. morning (everyone doing exercises) Lenara: To wake up completely,Gotta stretch.One - rise, pull up.Two - bend, unbend.Three - in the hands of three claps,Three head nods.Four - arms wider,Five - wave your hands.Six and seven - stand up with a smile.Eight - you can start the day.Usein: the second figure. Refreshing. Tanya: What kind of air should we breathe?
Well, feel free to answer!
Allergies and bronchitis
You certainly don't want to?
So think of cars
That do not require gasoline,
Tell the factories
Do not throw away waste.
In the meantime, run into the forest,
And breathe, breathe, breathe!
motive "Island of Bad Luck" from the film "Diamond Arm" It is a pity that we have absolutely no greenery,
school, and our houses are surrounded by the steppe,
school, and our houses are surrounded by the steppe

It is a pity that we have absolutely no greenery.Get out more often, people, you are in the woods,

More often, people, listen to the voices of the birds,
And the best miracles will happen to you.
There you fresh air you will breathe

Oxygen will clean your lungs,
And you won't be coughing or sneezing at all.
Usein: the third figure. tempering Nastya: You can’t become strong instantly,You have to warm up gradually.Morning run and invigorating shower!As for adults - real!Open windows at nightVentilate the room.Wash feet with cool waterTonsils will become healthier.Stress, anxiety, worries
Your years shorten.
By the way, now they say
What is useful chocolate.
Eat, calm down
Tune in to the positive.
Usein: fourth figure. instructive Sasha: If you want to be healthy,
Achieve records
Our advice is ready for you:
Make friends with sports!
And remember forever:
Laziness is not worth a penny!
Sun, air and water
Together : Here is the formula for health!Usein: fifth figure. Separated Elina: Well, did you feel a little better?
This is just the beginning.
Nastya: Everyone continues.
Tanya: Just be, my friend, stubborn:
Elina: There are obstacles - don't give up,Nastya: And achieve success.Sasha: You make friends with sports,Tanya: Make life happier.Lenara: And you will see: here and there,
All things will go smoothly.
Sasha: Our health is a gift of nature So be healthy man In the era of technology and fashionTogether: Devote your life to health.

November 27, 2015

Scenario of the speech of the propaganda team

"We are for a healthy lifestyle"

Before the start of the event under the Anti-Narco program, the school principal, the deputy director for VR and the social teacher held a conversation with students in grades 6-8 on the topic “Bad and dangerous habits”. And of course, we did not forget about our sports guys leading a healthy lifestyle!

Student 1: We are for health

Student 2: We are for happiness

Student 3:We are against pain and misfortune!

Student 4:For a sober mind

Student 1:For clarity of thought

Student2:For childhood, youth,

Student 3:For the joy of life!

TOGETHER:You are welcomed by the propaganda team of MBOU secondary school No. 12 "Pulse"

Our motto:“The heart is rushing to fight! Don't stop! (heartbeat sounds several times, all team members pulse with their hands).

Student 4:We decide with you big problems,
Set a serious task
Healthy life is the most important topic,
You can't rely on luck here.

Student 1:We know the laws of a healthy life
There is no reason for bad habits
We are familiar with the enemies of health

And they are ready to throw off their guises.

(Music is terrible)

Student2:Wake up, Russia! You are in danger! Your future - boys and girls, teenagers and children are gradually becoming slaves of addiction.

Student 3:In Russia, the total number of alcoholics is about 7 million.
Per last years in Russia, the death rate from alcoholism among men increased by 2.5 times, among women - by 3 times.

Student 4:Every 10th teenager has tried drugs. Every 4th tried to smoke and drink alcohol.

Student 1:93% of young people of military age have health problems. More than 900 people in the Belgorod region are infected with HIV.

Student2:In Russia, the nation is dying, the youth is dying!

(Music has ended)

It gets worse year by year.

Already getting into the habit of losing best friends.

And I want to cry. Do not even cry, but howl

You understand that you can't change much.

Student3:The world was afraid of cholera, the world was afraid of the plague

Black pox. Leprosy and other troubles.

AIDS is the plague of the 21st century

And it is clear without words that nature takes revenge on us

Pupil4: People do not remember about God, about love and kindness

People are mired in vices, mired in sin.

Cigarettes, wine - a daily set.

Obesity, disease - that's their sentence!

student1: Anger, wars shake our world hourly

And in the end, we all turn into a shooting gallery.

Where we ourselves are the target, we live at gunpoint

But believe us, we will not fall!

Song (to the motive of the song "If you don't have a friend")

If you don't have a friend, there is no love, nothing

Do yourself a favor: open your heart, forget stupidity

Change yourself (2 times)

Chorus: And let there be no worries,

Mol accepted and no problem

Let someone disappear in the mirages

And we were not born then (2p)

Student2:There are many bad habits in the world:

Drink beer, children try to smoke,

Student3:Bullying tone and vulgar speech

All this brings a sword over the lives.

(music for the exit of the baby, from the cartoon)


Son:“If I start smoking -
This is very bad?"

Father:“Yes, son, smoking tobacco -
This is very bad.”

Son:“You have been smoking for many years
And you don't die?"

Father:“I smoked from a young age,
To look like an adult
Well, it became from cigarettes
Less than normal growth.
Heart, lungs are sick,
There is no doubt about it.
I paid with my health
For your smoking.
I quit smoking five times
Maybe even more
Yes trouble - I smoke again.
Not enough will.

Son:You are my father, I am your son
Let's deal with adversity.
You quit smoking alone
And now there are two of us.

Son and father together: “We will do well
And let's not - bad!

(care music)

Speeches of propaganda teams MBOU secondary school No. 12

Pupil 4: People often spend money to buy cigarettes

Isn't it better to invest this money in children's happiness?

Student1:We are the youth of the twenty-first century
The fate of man is in our hands.
We are anti-smoking
Healthy generation of our country!

Student2:We are citizens of our country!
We are the future of Russia!
We are the hope of our parents!

Student3: We have entered the 21st century

And let this age be perfectly safe

Let's say "NO" to bad habits

Be, man, healthy and beautiful.

Student 4:Strengthen your health with sports

Go hiking and meet the sunrises

The secret of success in life, know for sure

Your health, you remember this.

Student1:You will find so many good things around:

Sports schools will occupy your leisure time (students with thematic posters walk along the stage)

Readers are waiting in libraries

A good book will keep you interested.

- Come to art school, don't be lazy

Get addicted to the world of beauty here.

Student2:Hurry up to do good deeds,

Hurry up to stretch out your hand to the fallen,

To those who are wild in the night

Now wandering losing direction

Dawn flashed ... and the first ray

He gave them hope and salvation!

(Song to the motive "Don't think about seconds down")

Do not think health is not a trifle,

You yourself will understand, but it will only be too late:

When blackness is found in place of the lungs,

You may not be able to get it back.

You look down on alcohol.

But just touch it and drink -

You will be provided with diseases forever,

You are in the hospital, forever you are in the hospital.

And we have only one way out -

Health, that is, sports!

Then you will be strong

As athletes - yes, yes, yes!

And you will live long then for sure!

Student3:We choose life! Life is Beautiful!

Student 4:We want to love, believe in honesty, do good!


Student1:We declare to the whole wide world:

Student2: Life yes!

Student 3: Death - no!

Student 4: Sports yes!

Student 1: No nicotine!

Student 2: Health - yes!

Student 3: Alcohol - no!

Student 4: Good, yes!

Student 1: No drugs!

Student2: Our health is a gift of nature

So be healthy man

In the era of technology and fashion

Together:Devote your life to health.

People are used to spending time naturally and in an original way. Therefore, the script for the speech of the propaganda team "For a Healthy Lifestyle" should be thoughtful and bright. It is not difficult to come up with such a scenario, it is enough just to decide which aspects of the correct lifestyle will be imitated.

What to include in a Healthy Lifestyle presentation

To make the performance catchy and interesting, you need to clearly think through the script. "Agitation team for a healthy lifestyle" is a performance that should make everyone think about their behavior and actions. In order for everything to go well, you can take the following factors as a basis:

  • Harm of smoking.
  • Harm of alcohol.
  • The benefits of sporting events in any form.
  • and water procedures at any time of the year.
  • Proper nutrition can also become the main topic for the contest of propaganda teams "For a Healthy Lifestyle".

The script should have a deep meaning and convey important and necessary information to the audience. The key to success in a performance is a satisfied audience and an understanding of what is happening on stage.

Where can the propaganda team hold such an event?

Healthy lifestyle talks can be organized at the following institutions:

  1. Nursing home.
  2. School.
  3. Kindergarten.
  4. Children's Health Camp.
  5. In hospitals.
  6. At public events.

In principle, you can conduct performances aimed at anywhere. The main thing is to correctly place the accents and choose the scenario of the “About a healthy lifestyle” propaganda team that is most suitable for the intended audience.

What audience can be gathered for viewing

Depending on which audience the speakers are oriented towards, there may be a different scenario. "Agitation team for a healthy lifestyle" may be of interest to the following audience:

  • To people leading not quite right life. Such a concert will let them understand how important it is to pay attention to their health.
  • Schoolchildren and children from kindergarten. For such an audience, the perception of life and opportunities is only being formed. At this age, it is important to lay the right foundation in the consciousness of the younger generation. A well-written script for the performance of the propaganda team "For a Healthy Lifestyle" will captivate and deserve the attention of young viewers.
  • You will also enjoy a performance on the topic of older people. The new information will help them feel positive. They will also be able to take something useful from what they saw on the show.
  • Overweight people will also be very interested in watching a presentation on the topic of a healthy lifestyle. In particular, such a group of viewers will benefit from a script aimed at benefiting healthy eating and self-hypnosis.

In general, the idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle will be of interest to everyone, the most important thing is to choose the right topic for the invited public.

Original scripts of the propaganda team "For a Healthy Lifestyle" in schools

Within the walls of schools, such performances can be held, starting from age group students. In any case, the emphasis should be on important aspects that form the right way of life. An example would be the following scenario:

A cheerful song plays, the presenter and all participants of the program come out to it.

-Today we are glad to welcome you,

For us, all meetings with you are like rewards.

We will tell you how to live right,

Eat healthy, be friends with sports.

Participants in hamburger and carrot costumes come out and start a dialogue.


- Children love me very much - everything in the world, everything in the world.

I am responsible for all of them, because I am a bun with a cutlet.

And I also have mayonnaise and mustard, ketchup with chemistry, so that I would be tastier.

Today I want to ask you guys, have I always been your favorite?


-Stop, stop talking, it's bad to eat you very much,

Children, believe me, it is harmful to the stomach, you should not listen to it.

But carrots are other things,

Useful for growth, strengthens the eyes, fills you with vitamins,

I hope that each of you knows this.


-But I'm more satisfying, and I'm very tasty,

I am juicy, nutritious, you will eat me.


-You are harmful, especially for children's stomachs,

Please finish this song.

And now, guys, I invite those who wish to participate in the competition. Our competition is called "Harmful and useful". The kids run out and Carrot and Hamburger tell the rules.

Upside down pictures are on two tables. Each card has a different food item. The task of the children is to arrange the drawings into two piles. In one of them, select cards with healthy food, and in the other - with harmful ones. The team that completes the task quickly and correctly wins.

Then a thin boy and a fat boy enter the stage.

-I start the morning with a shower, then I do exercises,

And after exercise - breakfast,

I think that this is the correct daily routine.

- I start the day with sweets,

There is nothing tastier and more pleasant.

Why should I waste my energy?

After all, I'm right, tell me guys.

- Wrong, you spoil the stomach,

I forgot the standards of beauty for a long time.

Your belly is very big

You should run day and night.

I don't believe you are lying

Are you living without food?

You also love candy

Marmalade and sherbets?

- Of course I love them.

But I give myself to the sport.

But girls like me

My words are louder.

- Okay, okay, I agree.

Your stand is really beautiful.

I'll start doing it in the morning,

Pull up, run and roll.

The boys leave the stage and the fat boy makes the wheel.

-This is the end of our holiday.

I hope you understand the point.

In a healthy body healthy mind!

Don't forget about this.

Now it's time for me to say goodbye.

See you soon, my new friends.

Such a scenario "Agitation team for a healthy lifestyle" can be used with confidence for children school age. The meaning is easy and accessible to children of different classes.

Scenarios on the topic "Healthy lifestyle" for the little ones

If the performance is to be held within the walls of a kindergarten, then the plot can be taken as follows.

The host is the first to enter the stage to a cheerful song and says:

- I see a lot of you gathered here.

Great, let's get started.

I wish you to understand everything important,

In a healthy body, desire for joy.

A clean and tidy boy comes out, dirty and sloppy, and also fat with a bun in his mouth.

- I got up early today.

The exercises started.

Went to shower

Then I ate

Oh guys, so much to do!

- And I went to bed yesterday in clothes,

Not to wear it today.

Mom in the morning, however, scolded,

After all, she only made the bed.

And on the way to the kindergarten I ate a bun,

This is the walk I took for myself.

I went to bed early because I was exhausted.

I watched TV

Ate stocks from under the bed.

I had cookies there, a package of candies and a jar of jam.

Then my mother suddenly called for dinner,

But I did not refuse, such things.

I ate and went to sleep

After all, he spent a lot of energy in a day.

-Very strange, very strange.

Who can be seen on this stage?

What's the best way to start your day?

I'm sure you will understand

The first boy is the best

He leads a healthy lifestyle.

Honor and success await him.

The second boy is unlikely to wait for praise.

Crumpled, unwashed and with a roll in his hands.

And the third one eats so much

That in the future will not pass at the door.

Draw conclusions and decide for yourself

What daughters, sons

Make your mom happy.

This concludes our holiday.

Good health to you, children.

And it's time for us to leave

To give advice to others.

Such a scenario "Agitation team for a healthy lifestyle" can be taken into account for presentation to the smallest viewers. The crumbs will not sit still for a long time, which is why a short script about a healthy lifestyle is the perfect solution.

Scenario "Healthy lifestyle" for people of retirement age

Elderly people enjoy watching performances based on amateur performances. These people will appreciate if the district propaganda team speaks before them. A “healthy lifestyle” (scenario) can be presented as follows:

- You are here today,

Because we rushed.

We will entertain you

Useful knowledge to give to everyone.

Listen carefully, women, men,

So that there are no sorrows in life, torment.

Two actors disguised as grandfathers come out.

- I'm having a good day today.

In the morning I went for bread.

And then I went to the bench in the park,

I decided to add strength to myself.

- I'm a little different.

I barely got up from the sofa in the morning,

So I wanted to enjoy myself,

I switched channels with the remote control.

And now my back hurts

Legs ache, no strength in the hands.

I looked at myself in the mirror,

Didn't recognize the lazy man in his own pants.

- Earlier, I also met the morning like that.

And then he said to himself: "Come on, quickly got up."

Movement is life

Always recharge.

Try to walk more

Then you will live healthy.

- Oh, you're probably right.

There is after all gunpowder still in powder flasks.

So you have to walk

Spend more time outdoors.

- A healthy lifestyle will help you become stronger,

Then you will forget about your age and you will flutter like butterflies.

Such a presentation will help older people understand how important it is to lead a healthy lifestyle and move without stopping.

The scenario of the propaganda team "Our choice is a healthy lifestyle" in songs and poems

The performance should be bright and take place in one breath. Even the most interesting scenarios propaganda teams “For a Healthy Lifestyle” are much better perceived in poetic and song form. This helps to make the performance memorable and emotional.

What to focus on when choosing a script

Of course, first of all it is important to choose the main idea. In this case, it will be easier to think through the scenario. In order for the performance to be filled with impression and mood, you should:

  • Fully immerse yourself in each of the roles.
  • Choose the right actors who will convey the essence in the best way.
  • To bet on emotions and the audience, then the concert will turn out bright and multifaceted.

These factors are important for the complete immersion of the audience into the atmosphere of the event.

How to get different audiences interested in watching a performance

Of course, the main motivation is to learn something new. If the participants of the propaganda team have the opportunity, then each viewer can be given a symbolic gift, which is made by oneself. The souvenir will always remind you of something important, that living is healthy in itself, and living healthy is even better.