The main directions of advertising activity. What is the most effective advertising: statistics and examples Targeted advertising

  • 13.11.2019

Advertising directed individuals is distinguished by a more intensive use of audio-visual effects, attempts to manipulate consciousness, and the widespread use of social and psychological features of perception. Such advertising is developed taking into account the peculiarities of the human psyche: attention, memory, perception, etc. When preparing such an advertisement, they try to use the techniques of neurolinguistic programming, certain combinations of colors and shapes, sets of sounds.

Advertising directed to legal entities is distinguished by a more pragmatic text, the advertising producer will not focus on psycho-emotional components, but will try to present the benefits of the advertised product or service in more detail. A marketing plan for the sale of a product or service intended for legal entity will contain more bonus promotions and opportunities to establish mutually beneficial partnerships.

Advertising that does not have a clear focus on the circle of the audience is faceless and universal. It contains maximum information about the product with a minimum of production costs. However, such advertising is more costly in terms of payment for its placement: since it is aimed at a wide range of people and should cover the widest possible audience, its placement meta is also more expensive.

Consider the following advertising distribution channels:

Television advertising is especially popular with advertisers around the world, as it provides an opportunity to reach the largest audience. Not a single advertising medium provides such coverage of consumers as television, especially in Russian conditions, when the possibility of choosing a program among viewers is reduced to a minimum. Here, however, it reveals itself flip side medals: the audience is as large as it is heterogeneous, and the advertiser cannot selectively influence the target group.

The unique feature of television advertising is that it is characterized, firstly, by a combination of sound and visual influences, and, secondly, by a huge, compared to any other advertising medium, audience that increases during the demonstration of television series.

Television is a visual medium enhanced by sound. A good TV ad embodies a certain idea, which is first presented visually and only then sound is added to enhance the impact on the viewer.

As for the duration of the TV commercial, experts on the study of the effectiveness of the impact of advertising argue that it is better to perceive and remember advertising not of a standard, minute duration, but one that lasts either 30 seconds or 2 minutes, the latter is considered the most effective.

In television advertising, there are only three seconds to grab the viewer's attention. If this time is missed, advertising, as a rule, will pass by the addressee. Therefore, it is important at the very beginning to talk about what will be discussed or what the advertiser wants from the viewer. What was said at the beginning must be repeated in the same words or the same expressions at the end.

As in all other advertising media, the use of humor in television advertising is of particular importance, because, as practice has shown, funny advertising is the most effective today: it is not only better remembered, but also more likely to be watched and quoted when repeated (suffice it to recall the advertisement of beer "Fat Man" ). However, it must be remembered that the main objective advertising.-- an incentive to buy the advertised product, and not the entertainment of the public. That is why advertising is illiterate, the form of which is remembered better than the advertised content.

Advertising on television is useful mainly to those who intend to create the widest possible popularity for their company or its product. It is good for those who want the advertised product or service to be automatically associated with the advertiser's name. Television advertising services are indispensable for companies that want to quickly saturate the mass market with a new brand of product.

TV commercial -- a good option for firms deploying a wide network of trade or service. The same psychological effect plays a role here - the consumer is more likely to go to an institution “familiar” from the TV show.

The peculiarity of outdoor advertising is its simultaneity: it is seen while driving or walking down the street. Hence the requirements of its special brightness and increased size. The advantage of outdoor advertising is that it overtakes potential consumer unexpectedly and at the moment when he is most disposed to make a purchase, to make a commercial decision: energetic, collected, on his feet, or in a car, with money. The issue of advertising is very important. Each section of the city has its own prestigious assessment.

  • oversized posters
  • · multivision posters;
  • electrified panels;
  • · neon - luminous advertising on the streets of the city using inert gases, fiber optics, laser technology, various types of light guides.
  • · advertising on transport (internal and external) - this is advertising in the subway, the design of buses and trolleybuses, taxis, trams. Recently, there has been a tendency to place outdoor advertising on long-distance trains.

To achieve greater effectiveness, HP is developing network advertising. There are several advertising agencies who are engaged in special research and testing necessary for high-quality advertising campaign using outdoor advertising. With proper and carefully thought-out placement of HP, the effectiveness of this medium can reach an efficiency comparable to that of the press and even television. The participants of my testing gave their preference to outdoor advertising.

Why spend money on advertising when the product itself can serve itself for advertising purposes? well-known trademark becomes the best means of advertising. It can be advertising on packages, packages, labels. Such advertising consists of several elements: a trademark, form style, logo, etc. The manufacturer can determine the set of advertising elements himself. In this case, the consumer is no longer guided by information received from advertising, but chooses a product known to him, recognizing it at the same time by its image, logo, style, etc.

The federal law on advertising provides the following concept of advertising. Advertising is information disseminated in any way, in any form and using any means, addressed to an indefinite circle of people and aimed at drawing attention to the object of advertising, generating or maintaining interest in it and promoting it on the market.

There are three main areas of advertising: intra-company, prestigious, commodity. Intra-company advertising - increasing employee confidence in own enterprise, giving them a sense of the close connection of their own well-being with the development and fate of the company. Prestigious advertising - increasing the prestige of the enterprise in society. Its task is to form in the eyes of buyers the role of the company and its products in the civilized development of society, the growth of people's well-being.

Main tasks product advertising act: 1) the transfer to consumers of the necessary information about the product, 2) the creation of a trend of sustainable growth in sales of products, 3) giving a particular product a certain image with which the buyer will identify himself.

Advertising principles: 1) give only truthful information (false information about the product will do more harm than good to the company); 2) simplicity and intelligibility of the presentation of the relevance of the acquisition of goods; 3) highlight the advantageous distinctive properties of the products offered.

Selection target segment the market on which the advertising impact is made;

Selection of optimal advertising distribution channels for each target group of consumers;

Drawing up a detailed schedule of an advertising campaign, namely, in which advertising media, at what time, with what frequency advertising will be given;

Advertising methods (a set of methods promotional activities and the nature of its implementation): 1) direct advertising - direct mailing of promotional materials with an offer to purchase goods, 2) advertising in newspapers and magazines, characterized by intensity, uniqueness, contrast and size, 3) broadcast and screen, characterized by dynamism, 4) outdoor advertising located on stands, transport, 5) television advertising.

Television film - advertising begins with a problem in society, then shows the properties of a new product that can solve this problem at a higher level than competitors, and finally ends with a demonstration of the effectiveness of solving the indicated problem with the help of the product.

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The last definition highlights a number of features:

- "paid form" indicates that advertising time or space must be purchased;

- "non-personal address" indicates that television, radio, print media are used when there is no direct Feedback, therefore, a preliminary market analysis is important so that the message is understood and accepted by the target audience.

In this way, advertising- this is mass communication, which is born of competition and economically links people who offer and buy a product or service. The advantage of advertising lies in the fact that it allows you to communicate the specific benefits of the product to potential customers. Paying for time or space allows an enterprise to control the content of the message, the addressee, the time of appearance, the amount of coverage and the frequency of the message.

The impersonal aspect of the message also has advantages: once created, a message can be communicated to all customers in a given market segment. With proper pre-testing, it will be understood by all target consumers.

To ensure the impact of intra-company advertising, it is necessary:

Corresponding level organizational structure enterprises;

Good relationship between management and employees;

social benefits, moral incentives for staff;

Properly developed employee motivation system;

Positive leadership behavior in society.

Each employee of the enterprise is at the same time a part of society, a potential buyer, and a carrier of oral advertising.

public advertising(public relations - PR) is designed to form a favorable image of the enterprise and ensure a favorable attitude of customers. Public advertising is aimed at establishing mutual understanding and goodwill between an individual, a group of people, an organization and society as a whole through the dissemination of explanatory material, the exchange of information and the evaluation of public reaction.

At the heart of the formation of a favorable public opinion the idea is laid down that an enterprise producing a product (service) produces and sells it in the public interest, and not just for profit.

The general goal of PR is to form the success of an enterprise in society. The main objectives of PR can be formulated as follows:

Positioning of the object - creation and maintenance of an understandable, favorable and manageable image (institutional advertising);

Improving the image by ranking indicators according to the degree of significance;

Detuning from competitors - positioning your object against the background of competitors' objects (can be explicit or hidden);

Counter-advertising - restoration of an accidentally reduced image, refutation of unfair advertising of competitors in order to eliminate it negative consequences. If counter-advertising is given on time, it is doubly effective.

Public relations perform informational, prestigious, barrier, pre-advertising and reminding functions.

Information function reveals the company's history, sales dynamics, export geography, agent network, presents prestigious buyers, scientific achievements of employees, participation in charity events.

Prestigious Feature shows a high level of production, environmental friendliness of the goods, the breadth of the enterprise's connections, and the competence of the management.

barrier function creates difficulties for competitors in advertising their products and in penetrating the market.

reminder function propagandizes and advertises the trademark of the enterprise.

To carry out these functions, printed information, presentations, press conferences with journalists and buyers, public lectures, speeches and interviews on radio and television, the establishment of scholarships and funds, participation in charitable activities, sponsorship events, exhibitions and fairs, the development and maintenance of branded style.

For effective communication with customers, the following nine rules are established:

1) always insist on the truth and complete information;

2) the message should be simple and understandable;

3) do not exaggerate and do not stuff the price;

4) remember that half of your audience is women;

5) make communication exciting, do not allow boredom, routine;

6) watch the form of communication, it should not be too pretentious or extravagant;

7) take the time to clarify public opinion;

8) the continuity of communication and the clarification of public opinion are vital;

9) Try to be persuasive and constructive at every stage of communication.

1) propaganda;

2) pioneer public;

3) competitive public;

4) reminiscent of public.

A great effect in shaping public opinion is achieved by applying various measures for a long time (Table 2).

table 2

Measures to form public opinion for the long term

Direction of activity


Constant communication with the media

Activities of the press officer

Formation of friendly relations with key journalists

Periodic communication with the media

Publication of review articles

Holding press conferences

Organization of press briefings

Preparing interviews for the press

Participation in TV interview

Preparation of materials for crisis situations

Commodity propaganda

Publication of articles in the trade press

Organization of seminars and meetings

Participation in seminars, meetings, conferences


Establishing relationships with federal authorities

Establishing relationships with regional governments

Establishing relationships with local governments

Trademark application

Formation of corporate culture

Use of intracompany communications

Use of external communications

With a full range of services (market research, media selection, development of the original layout, creation of illustrations and production of advertising);

With a limited range of services (for example, when developing an original layout or purchasing advertising space or time in the media);

An internal division of an enterprise that represents a group of in-house advertising professionals.

As noted above, advertising is one of the ways to promote a product to the market, which is necessary in order to attract a sufficient number of consumers that provide profitable production goods or provision of services. Advertising is necessary: ​​when a new enterprise or product appears, unknown to the buyer; if the market is filled with the same type of goods and the seller needs to draw attention to his product; when the seller plans to expand sales, conquer new territories, attract new customers.

Depending on the goals and objectives, the following types of product advertising are distinguished:

- initial (informative), which acquaints the established circle of potential consumers with new goods or services, providing detailed information about the quality, price, method of consumption, place of sale, in order to convince the consumer of the need to purchase;

– competitive (comparative), with with the help of which the advertised product stands out from the mass of similar products produced by competing enterprises, its differences are shown and the buyer is oriented towards the purchase of this particular product;

- reminiscent through which they support the demand for a previously advertised product, reminding of it (sometimes such advertising is used to eliminate excess stocks in the warehouses of a manufacturer or merchant and during seasonal sales of goods).

– formation of demand for this product;

– communication of the necessary information about the product;

– ensuring sustainable sales growth;

- instilling confidence in the product and its manufacturer;

- identification of the buyer with the product and its manufacturer;

- giving the product a certain image;

- getting used to the recognition of the product;

- competition with a similar product;

- popularization of a new idea or method.

The intensity and effectiveness of advertising are set by the AIDA rule:

A (attention) Attention. Attracting the attention of the consumer to the product as a result of influencing his feelings;

I (interest) interest. Formation of consumer interest in the advertising message in order to convey an important message to him;

D (desire) - a wish. Formation of motivation, desire to make a purchase;

A (acquisition) acquisition.

Satisfaction obtained in the course of acquaintance with the product, and success in stimulating the need, are the prerequisites for the purchase, which is the true goal of advertising.

According to some researchers, the AIDA rule quite accurately reflects the specifics of the approach to the consumer.

1) establishing contact with the consumer;

2) achieving his awareness;

3) stimulation of interest;

4) creating a preference;

5) providing special preference;

6) motivation to buy (order);

7) customer retention.

Various media are used as advertising media: print, audiovisual, radio and television advertising; exhibitions and fairs; advertising souvenirs; postal distribution of materials; outdoor advertising; PR events; computerized advertising.

1. Separate edition:

2. Press:

Articles and other publications of advertising-survey character.

slide films.

Exhibitions and fairs:

International exhibitions and fairs (general industry, specialized);

National exhibitions (stationary, mobile);

Wholesale fairs;

Advertiser's specialized exhibitions (stationary, mobile, sales exhibitions);

Permanent expositions, sample rooms, showrooms.

Branded souvenirs (with company symbols);

Souvenir products with engraving or branded stickers;

Gift items with dedicatory inscriptions;

Branded packaging materials(bags, packages, folders, paper for gifts, etc.).

Illuminated signs, electronic displays, screens, etc.;

Showcases, various elements of in-store advertising;

Signboards, directions, office decoration, staff uniforms, etc.;

Individual PR events:

Presentations, press conferences, symposiums, etc.;

Financing of socially useful events, sponsorship;

Publication of editorial materials of a prestigious orientation in the press, public propaganda of one's attitude to national and global problems.

The advantages and disadvantages of using each type of advertising in Russia are presented in Table. 3.

Table 3

Advantages, disadvantages and directions of use
main advertising media in Russia

Consider the basic requirements for advertising.

Product advertising should be addressed to a group of target consumers. It is necessary to convincingly demonstrate exactly what benefits the consumer receives from using the product. The advertising message should arouse the interest of the consumer and the desire to make a purchase.

The advertised product must meet the requirements of the market, the tastes of the relevant consumer groups, the moral and aesthetic standards adopted in the country. The information contained in the advertisement must be true. Advertising should not contain direct comparisons with competitors' products or services, bad reviews about competitive products or services. Trademark, company brand must be visible. Advertising should be as short as possible and not overwhelm the consumer. The text must be written plain language, to be reasoned, not very long. It is necessary to formulate a catchy headline and immediately declare the product in it. An illustration in an advertisement should arouse curiosity - it is the first thing people pay attention to; photographs are more trustworthy.

Here are some ways to increase the effectiveness of advertising.

1. Column ads attract more attention than square ads or ads along the length. Diagonal placement of text is undesirable.

2. It is better to have one large illustration of high quality than many small and poor quality.

3. To draw attention to an uninteresting object, you can use an illustration that has no obvious relation to a product or service, but there must be a tangible connection between the illustration and the object of advertising.

4. If the design of the product is important to the consumer, its image should be the main one in the advertising message.

5. It is advisable to use multicolor ads; ceteris paribus, black text on a yellow background wins; Compared to a white background, any tinting is attractive.

6. Ads made with a frame will be read faster than without a frame.

7. It is necessary to highlight keywords or a phrase in a font that is familiar to the consumer.

9. A short and expressive slogan wins.

Tagline- this is an advertising slogan, a motto aimed at creating the image of a company or advertising a product; the headline of an advertising message, characterized by increased emotionality and strong overtones, calling for immediate action - making contact with the manufacturer of the product or buying the product.

To assess understandability and accessibility advertising text a nebula index has been proposed, which is calculated as follows:

a) choose 100 words in a row from the advertising message (from the beginning or from the middle of the text);

b) count the number of periods ( X) (intonationally complete message units);

c) determine the number of words containing more than three syllables ( With), and calculate the nebula index ( I t) according to the formula

I t = (c + 100: X) ? 0.4

If a I t < 4, то текст понятен четырехлетним детям; если I t is in the range from 5 to 7, then the text is understandable to children from 6 to 9 years old; if I t from 8 to 10, then the text is understandable to children from 10 to 15 years old; if I t > 11, then the text is understandable to people from 17 to 20 years old.

Good afternoon, dear readers of the HeatherBeaver business magazine! The founders of the site Vitaly Tsyganok and Alexander Berezhnov are with you.

We will also talk about the history of online advertising, the rules for placing advertising content on websites, ways to increase the effectiveness of advertising with practical recommendations and illustrative examples from life.

1. Advertising on the Internet is a new trend of the 21st century

Any commercial project needs to be promoted and expanded. Today, almost all companies and organizations have their own representation on the Web in the form of a resource, blog, page in social networks.

However, creating a website and even filling it with relevant content does not guarantee an automatic increase in sales and growth in popularity. commercial project. About that, we have already talked about in one of the previous articles.

It is necessary not only to be present on the network, but also to place competent advertising on the Internet, as well as spend money or time on promotion, promotion and increase in the conversion of the site.

Advertising on the Internet (the English term " Internet Advertising» ) is a relatively new phenomenon, just like the World Wide Web itself. Even 15-20 years ago, of all types of advertising on the Internet, users and advertisers were familiar with only one option - spam mailing.

Today there are dozens of types of advertising on the World Wide Web. Exists free advertising online, paid (professional) advertising on websites, in social networks. There are Internet advertising agencies that use the latest technological advances in their activities.

This market began to form in the mid-90s of the last century, but until the early 2000s, the worldwide network was not considered by advertisers as a priority advertising platform, although the most advanced companies already practiced promoting goods and services on the Internet as an auxiliary channel for implementing their marketing campaigns.

The rapid development of the World Wide Web has led to a change in economic policy. Since the mid-2000s, the Internet has become the main channel of influence on consumers .

This fact is associated with the following circumstances:

  • the steady growth of Internet users and the increase in their time spent online;
  • development of wireless communication technologies;
  • advent of mobile Internet;
  • the development of the Internet economy and the spread of trade through the World Wide Web;
  • the emergence and development of technical platforms for managing online advertising.

In addition, new analytics systems have emerged to quickly and accurately measure the success rate of online advertising.

The basic principles of online advertising are similar to those in traditional media. The fundamental difference is that in the network space, consumers are almost always required to actively participate - advertising starts working when the user performs some action.

Typically, such an action is a “click”, following a link, registering on a specific site, or other types of activity.

The most promising direction of online marketing is targeted advertising: attracting the target (targeted) audience with the help of narrowly targeted advertisements, banners, videos.

Exists a large number of forms of transmission of commercial messages - advertising in the browser, pop-ups, aggressive teaser advertising, advertising in Google, YAN - Yandex advertising network - contextual advertising, hidden inside the arrays of information, banner advertising.

Which ad is the most effective? How necessary is it in small and large businesses? These and other questions arise for everyone who starts doing business and is faced with the fact that in order to increase sales and promote their own product, they need to talk about their business.

Types of advertising

Today, you can present information about your activities in completely different ways. Before launching the promotion of an enterprise, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of existing advertising and choose the most suitable one for yourself. This is required in order to understand which effective advertising for construction company, for example.

Most of the informational messages we see are commercial advertisements aimed at attracting buyers, as well as social and political ones.

  • outdoor - presented in the form of billboards, posters on public transport, signboards, signs, etc.;
  • through the media - television, radio, newspapers and magazines;
  • internet - banner, social networks, contextual advertising, hyperlinks.

The role of advertising in business

Advertising is not just a luxury. This tool is necessary for every entrepreneur to spread information about himself. target audience and promotion of your name in the rating of enterprises. This will help present you as a reliable, solvent and responsible company.

When using competent marketing, you can easily answer which advertisement is the most effective for your activity, and in addition, create a positive image, emphasize advantages and form a loyal attitude towards the company.

It should not be assumed that small businesses do not need advertising, that only word of mouth works here. This is not true. In any case, advertising helps to tell potential buyers about the company, to promote the product of this company to the market.

It is important to choose the look that does not affect the budget too much, but at the same time will help to unwind and increase recognition.

Small business: how to advertise it

Small businesses, like large ones, require advertising, which should not be abandoned, even if there are no extra funds. You should know: the first 2 years are the decisive period in the development of any activity, when the initial acquaintance, habituation and recognition take place. During this period, promotion should be as intense and saturated as possible.

Before deciding on a way to promote an enterprise, it is worthwhile to study the information on the question as much as possible: what kind of advertising is the most effective? Statistics is a convincing thing and with the help of specific data it will help to decide on this choice.

It is important to focus on specific offers and stop using formulaic words such as “cheap”, “fast”, “guaranteed”, “profitable”, etc. If once such methods worked well for potential buyers, now they are does not attract, but even repels. People need specific figures, an understanding of what they will pay for.

Methods for increasing sales

There are several methods and types of advertising, each of which is aimed at increasing sales and making a profit, but all these are not spontaneous actions, but a well-thought-out strategy. Which advertising is the most effective for small businesses can be understood after a while, but the fact that any type obeys a certain structure is a fact:

  • problem - if you are selling a product or service that can help in a solution, then you can use interrogative sentences in advertising: “Tired of waiting for prices to drop?”, “Are you tired of paying too much?” etc.;
  • problem solving - after a question has been asked, you give an answer in advance that it is your company that is able to solve it and on favorable terms;
  • the offer is unique - many firms can help, but you have to be different and offer something that will attract the target audience even more;
  • restrictions - people may be interested in your product and service, but at the same time they will think about buying later in order to think everything over thoroughly. It is worth introducing a time limit or availability limit so that they go shopping faster;
  • call - after there is interest and desire to purchase, the buyer must immediately see where to call, how to order, how to pay.

How to attract a consumer?

Which ad is the most effective? Statistics confirm that not every company can afford to talk about itself on television or radio, as it does not have large in cash. Of course, before placing an ad on one or more sources, the owner examines the data showing the most effective ways. But it is worth remembering that each business area has its own type of promotion and its own indicators.

According to the statistics on the example plastic windows in the city of Ufa, the cost of one attracted client in different ways is very different. Advertising was given on the radio, in newspapers and magazines, outdoor advertising, in the help desk and the Internet. The cheapest was promotion on the Internet, where 42 rubles were spent, and the most expensive on the radio - more than 15 thousand rubles. This suggests that on the Internet you can set up advertising specific to your client, control the budget and determine the cost of the contact.

Budget advertising for small businesses

  1. Telemarketing - Calls to potential customers can attract buyers, but they can also repel. Advertising in this way should be well-written: the text should be short, but capacious and understandable. However this method ineffective and can repel people.
  2. Sending messages to email addresses and social networks is a type that takes time, but does not require monetary investments. It is also ineffective, but a certain percentage of buyers can attract.
  3. Leaflets. Of course, this type of advertising requires certain investments: it is necessary to print the material in a printing house, preferably in color, which will attract people more. This is a recognized marketing tool, but only if well-designed - good text, bright picture, quality paper. It should be distributed on streets where there is a lot of traffic.

How to evaluate effectiveness?

What is the most effective advertising method, how to evaluate it? After this tool is launched, the owner will want to know how advertising has affected sales, whether it is worth using it in the future, or is it better to change something.

There are two measurements of advertising effectiveness: communicative (i.e. how well and accurately the message conveys information to the target audience) and financial. It is worth knowing that this indicator partly depends on the owner, who determines the budget, strategy, parameters, and partly does not depend, because there are uncontrollable factors: characteristics of the audience, advertising time, legal requirements.

But the assessment of effectiveness depends on the specific situation on the market: how many similar firms are there, what methods are chosen and why? For small businesses, it is recommended to build promotions using direct click methods, that is, the result should be commensurate: they launched advertising for ten rubles - they got thirty, which means it works. They launched it for five rubles - they got three, the method does not work and the company goes into the red.

A complex approach

It is impossible to give the same assessment of the effectiveness of advertising for each area of ​​business and use the statistics of the results of one company to analyze another. This method will only spend the budget, but there will be no sense.