The main problems in the creation of advertising. Problems of modern advertising. It is just beginning to take shape, most potential consumers have not tried the product before. There is distrust on the part of consumers in the capabilities of the product, since the same

  • 02.06.2020

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These problems will not be considered from the point of view of who designs advertising, advertisers, but from the point of view of customers . Problems related to the solution of special issues require a separate course. The activity of an advertiser is specific, requires special skills, and, generally speaking, an advertiser is a separate specialty, different from the specialty of a marketer.

1. Definition characteristics of a consumer group for which the product is intended, and for which, accordingly, the advertisement is intended. That is, the definition of the features of the market segment.

2. Definition interaction between manufacturer and seller in the field of advertising. The manufacturer and the seller have different goals of the current nature. The seller is interested, first of all, in ensuring the highest turnover of funds. The manufacturer is interested in ensuring the long-term popularity of this brand. Accordingly, the manufacturer strives to provide objective information about the product, since false advertising will further affect its prestige. The seller is only interested in quickly selling those trademarks, the contract for the sale of which he has concluded. He doesn't care what happens to them next. In the event of a drop in the popularity of this brand, he will buy other products that are popular. Hence the relationship problem. In many ways, these relationships depend on who and in what proportions pays for this advertising.

3. Choice of advertising artist. The problem of choosing the most qualified and professional developer. He must not only be able to correctly determine the parameters of the advertising medium, but also be able to choose these parameters in connection with the situation on the market, taking into account the characteristics of the consumer, his potential reaction to advertising. In this regard, on this moment the most qualified are the advertising agencies that have developed in television studios.

4. The problem of definition advertising effectiveness how effectively it affects consumer behavior.

1. When generating demand for a new or updated product advertising should take into account and develop some more unconscious need certain group of potential consumers.

Speaking of creating a need, we touch on a controversial issue from the point of view of marketers. There are two points of view in answering the question: can marketing create a need. The first is that yes, it can. So, ten years ago we did not have a need for mobile phones because this item was not available.

There is another point of view, which is that human needs are universal, and they exist as long as the person himself exists. Within the framework of this point of view, it is not the needs that change, but the ways of satisfying the need. And any particular brand, even if it satisfies a need in some new way, is just a way. From this point of view, both the advent of the TV and the advent of video recorders are not the satisfaction of new needs. This is a new way to satisfy the need for entertainment and information.

2. When demand stimulation , depending from stage life cycle advertising solves problems demand expansion , at the stages of implementation and growth, and maintaining demand at the stage of maturity.

3. Potential demand stimulated advertising with feedback . When the consumer is given the opportunity to request Additional information, inform about your intentions (indication of the phone number and address of the company).

4. Weakening the impact of competing advertising . It is achieved by advertising such properties or qualities of a product that a competing product does not possess, or possesses, but to a lesser extent.

5. Research advertising. Allows you to identify the degree of penetration into the environment of future consumers of certain advertising messages, as well as evaluate the effect of these messages. For example, a few years ago, a contest of advertising clips was held on St. Petersburg television, when viewers were asked to identify and send the top ten advertising clips, ranking them in order of priority, and additionally provide information about themselves: gender, age, profession, income, time when a person is on the TV screen. Of course, at the same time, the goals of ranking the advertising products themselves were achieved, but the main goals were those of a research nature. The cost of information that consumers reported about themselves was significantly higher than the cost of those televisions and refrigerators that were given as a prize to the winners of the competition. In fact, this competition saved a huge amount of money needed to collect such information. Among other things, such information allows advertisers to justify the high prices that television requires for offering its services. By obtaining this information, it is possible to determine which segments and at what time are affected by television advertising, as well as to assess the degree of this impact. Within the framework of this competition, the video "OIL OF YULEY" - "How unlucky for an apple, how lucky for you" won.

6. Indirect advertising pursues the goal not of direct sales promotion, but attracting the attention of consumers to something that will perform this task in the future . An example here is the following. On television at the end of the week there is an announcement of programs for the next week. As part of such an announcement, attention is drawn to specific television programs, in which, already with a full show, there will be commercial advertising. Those. the announcement performs the function of indirect advertising.

7. Multidirectional advertising solves a number of auxiliary tasks, such as drawing the attention of consumers to the affairs and intentions of the company, the formation public opinion, creating an attractive image of a particular technology.

1. Setting goals:

communication goals

marketing purposes

2. Decision to develop a budget

Everything you can afford:

Percentage of sales

Parity with competition

Linking ends and means

idea of ​​conversion

execution of appeal

evaluation and selection of treatment options

4. Decision on the means of disseminating information

coverage, frequency, impact

choice of type of information dissemination media

communicative efficiency

trading efficiency

Inform the public about the enterprise under construction, its features, planned products, time to enter the market;

Develop a corporate identity (first of all, choose the main color or combination of colors).

An advertising campaign plan is developed about a year before the launch of the enterprise. First of all, such issues as the development of a trademark, corporate identity, then about six months before the start of the activity, image advertising and public relations, and in 1-2 months - business advertising, the intensity of which is increasing by the time sales activities begin. The ratio of volumes of image and business advertising in preparation for the company's entry into the market is shown in Figure 6.1.

It is advisable to draw up for work calendar plan advertising campaign, where detailed activities, terms and amounts of funding are indicated.
An important and crucial moment is the choice of the performer of advertising events. For example, when choosing an advertising agency, you need to keep in mind the following criteria:

Availability of own material base, its technical level;

The complexity of the services performed or provided;

Interest of the agency in the proposed work;

Level of creativity, ability to generate new ideas (examples);

The level of prices for services and methods of mutual settlements;

Terms of execution of orders;

Guarantees of quality of performance;

A system for monitoring the progress of work and evaluating finished materials should be developed.

lack of funds

the presence of high competition

Let's consider the first problem. Advertisers (large and medium) are approaching the procedure for determining the size of the advertising budget, they are so irresponsible about the problem of organizing the effective spending of the budget. In turn, the problem of efficient spending of advertising money cannot be solved without reliable planning and cost optimization procedures. The firm's financial policy makers are willing to have lengthy personal discussions about how much the Firm will spend on advertising. After resolving the issue, the concept of “advertising budget” or “money that was said goodbye” arises. Unfortunately, advertising costs are seen as a cost, a “necessary cost”, and not as an investment. It is this significant difference that determines the lack of attention to the issues of performance evaluation.

Costs are the main thing to do, and investments must be managed. Only with a change in the attitude towards advertising will the attitude towards the procedures for evaluating the effectiveness of advertising costs change.

Cost effectiveness is the ratio of the quantitative expression of the effect to the costs that caused this effect.

In a global sense, the effectiveness of advertising is the degree to which the goals set for advertising are achieved; therefore, at the operational level, the concept of advertising effectiveness for each goal will be different. The concept of the effectiveness of advertising at the operational level and performance indicators will depend on the goals that are set for advertising.

Multitasking and finite uncertainty are an objective source of problems and difficulties in analyzing the effectiveness of advertising spend.

Determining the effectiveness of advertising in general is associated with the study of a complex of mutually influencing factors, issues and problems, which are often almost impossible to measure. However, the impossibility of accurately measuring the overall effectiveness of advertising does not mean that effectiveness studies should be abandoned.

In practice, there are three main areas of work on the analysis of efficiency:

analysis of the communicative (informational) effectiveness of an advertising campaign, i.e. as the numerator of a fraction consider the number advertising contacts achieved as a result of any activities;

analysis of financial or commercial efficiency - as the ratio of the increase in sales volume (profit, turnover) to the costs that were made for this;

assessment of the quality of advertising material, i.e. an assessment of how effectively the form and content of an advertising message allow this message to perform its function. As a rule, work on assessing the quality of advertising material is part of the process of analyzing communicative effectiveness.

The second problem that exists in the market advertising services is the presence of high competition. Competition in the advertising business, as in any other, is quite high. Methods of countering other players and ways to attract customers are very diverse. So a newcomer opening an advertising agency should understand that his colleagues who settled here earlier will not voluntarily give up their clients, and they are always ready to fight for new ones. Professionals advise, if it allows start-up capital, begin with production activities or enter the market with a unique and interesting project.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of competition in the advertising business. After all, just like rivalry between manufacturers of any other goods and services, competition between advertising agencies contributes to the improvement of the products offered, helps to maintain affordable prices on the market and is a guarantee of continuous development.

Services advertising agencies even firms with strong own advertising departments. Agencies employ creative and technical professionals who are often able to perform advertising features better and more efficient than the company's full-time employees. In addition, agencies bring an outside perspective on the problems facing the firm, as well as a rich and varied experience of working with different clients and in different situations. Agency services are paid for through commissions they receive from advertising media, so they are inexpensive for firms. And since the firm can terminate the contract at any time, agencies have a powerful incentive to work efficiently.

The problem of high competition is related to the third problem - the quality of training of advertising specialists. Today, the advertising industry is literally on the hunt for personnel, and employers need not only highly qualified employees, but also young professionals with no work experience. What about the Account managers segment in full-service agencies, what about the media and creative segment or specialists strategic planning- the market of professionals is "translucent" almost by name. Any information that this or that specialist is going to change jobs is distributed instantly. In 2007, the current situation provoked a sharp increase in salaries in the advertising business. In an effort to retain valuable talent and hire the best talent, companies are forced to continually raise salaries and create better compensation packages than their competitors.

According to the Shtaty.RU agency and the MediaJOBS.RU portal, in 2007 the growth of salaries for specialists in various categories of advertising specialists ranged from 14 to 33%. So the wages of the general or executive director ranges from $5,000 to $20,000 per month. Top management salary is $4500-9000. Senior managers receive $2500-4000 per month. The middle link is from $1200 to $2700. And finally, junior staff gets $800-1200.

The main reason for the shortage of personnel today is precisely the lack of sufficiently competent specialists. Part personnel problem advertising business - narrow specialization of competencies, specificity of knowledge and skills. Professionals in advertising are not only "not born", but also do not become outside the advertising business.

The modern system of training advertising specialists does not keep up with the volumes and constantly growing requirements of the advertising market, therefore, for the time being, only employers themselves are able to solve the problem of training qualified personnel. At the same time, investments in education can be of two types:

direct financial support educational structures, with mandatory conditions from the companies on the required set of subjects and the level of teaching disciplines, or

organization of training within the company, as an option - the targeted direction of employees for training related to advanced training.