Internship in an advertising agency for students. Subject: Report on practice in an advertising agency. Basic control functions

  • 07.04.2020

Introduction………………………………………………………. ….…….………..….…….four
1. Characteristics of the object of practice……………………………….… …….….………..6
1.1 Brief technical and economic characteristics of the object of practice …….….....6
1.2 Characteristics of the organizational structure…….…… ..…..……….…….….…8
1.3 Structure and functions of the customer service department.………….….….…….….13
1.4 Composition of technical means of processing economic information in the customer service department……………………… …………………..…………..…….…..16
1.5 Characteristics of technological processes for collecting, transmitting, processing and issuing economic information in the department……………………….……….….…….16
2. Analysis of the financial condition and prospects for the development of an advertising agency based on the forms of accounting financial statements……………….…… …..….……18
3. Software…………………….…………….………… ….….………24
4. Legal support……………………….……….…………. …….….……….….25
Conclusion………………………….…….……….…… .………………..………….…..26

The place of undergraduate practice is the M&C SAATCHI RUSSIA advertising agency located at the address: Moscow, st. Malaya Gruzinskaya, 15. Legal entity Diamond Group LLC
I was accepted for an internship at an advertising agency as a project coordinator.
The objectives of the internship are:
1. Acquaintance with the history of the development of an advertising agency, its constituent documents;
2. Familiarization with the organizational structure of the advertising agency as a whole, as well as the customer service department;
3. Coordination of the action "Design your vacation with Hotpoint Ariston";
4. Studying the main directions of activity, legal bases of activity, structure and methods of management;
5. Analysis of the financial condition of the advertising agency.
Together with the head of the practice, a plan for the implementation of the work was drawn up, namely, familiarization with:
- constituent document - the charter approved by the founder of the company;
- structure of the organization;
-organization and performed functions and duties of employees of the enterprise;
- features of the work of the project coordinator
The main place of internship is the BTL department, which develops and conducts advertising campaigns.
The head of the undergraduate practice is the head of the BTL department Anastasia Ignatievna Degtyareva.
The mission of the advertising agency is to meet the needs of entrepreneurs and individuals in an advertising product, to promote the development and promotion of their clients' business.
The company strives to completely free the client from advertising "worries", taking responsibility for the success and viability of the advertising campaign. Successful projects of the company combine the latest technology and brilliant creativity. The strategic objective of the advertising agency is to manage the client's image.

1. Characteristics of the object of practice

1.1 Brief technical and economic characteristics of the object of practice

The place of undergraduate practice is the M&C SAATCHI RUSSIA advertising agency located at the address: Moscow, st. Malaya Gruzinskaya, 15. Legal entity Diamond Group LLC.
Along with the Saatchi & Saatchi network of creative agencies, an office of the M&C Saatchi Russia network also appeared in Russia. M&C Saatchi's Russian partner is the Russian group EMCG.
British M&C Saatchi was founded in 1995. Now it provides a full range of communication services (creative, media services, PR, etc.) and has offices in 18 countries: America, continental Europe, China, Japan, Australia, etc. The total staff is 1.1 thousand people.
M&C Saatchi was founded by two living legends of British advertising - brothers Maurice and Charles Saatchi, who are known throughout the world as the founders of the Saatchi & Saatchi agency. Founded in 1970, this agency by the 1980s had become one of the largest advertising networks in the world.
M&C Saatchi announced its desire to enter the Russian market several years ago. Then the group warned that it would consider in 2010-2012 the option of partnership with a local player.
Advertising agency M&C SAATCHI RUSSIA started its activity in 2010, before that it was called "Heaven Eleven".
Specialization: Full-service advertising agency, providing a full range of services in the field of advertising and advertising communications - from market research, development of an advertising strategy and creation of advertising to the provision of media services.
Positioning: Our reason for being is to enable our customers to grow. Make sure that the client's strategy works so that the client achieves its goals. This is the promise of our brand and our mission.
The advertising agency performs the following main functions:
1. At the advertising planning stage:
study of goods or services as such and their competitiveness in the market;
market research in the volumes necessary to justify advertising campaigns and determine the prospects for the sale of goods or services;
study of marketing methods and distribution systems;
studying the available means of advertising distribution and choosing the most effective and cost-effective among them;
scheduling an advertising campaign.
2. At the stage of advertising preparation:
create advertising products on the basis of orders received from advertisers, develop plans for complex advertising campaigns, other promotional activities, using the potential of both creative and technical specialists;
cooperate with printing houses, studios, advertising combines, freelance specialists.
3. At the stage of advertising placement:
purchase of services of advertising carriers and transfer of originals of the advertising message to them;
control over the appearance of an advertising message in the press, broadcasting and other places where advertising is placed;
conducting direct mail;
organization and holding of exhibitions, fairs, press conferences, events within the framework of "public relations", provision of services;
conduct settlements with advertisers and mass media.
In addition, an advertising agency can develop trademarks and corporate identity, interiors of trading floors and offices, and carry out state registration of trademarks.
The strategic objective of the advertising agency is to manage the image of each client. Competent planning and analysis, plus exceptionally high-quality step-by-step implementation, is the basis for building a reputation and, ultimately, promoting a business.
Clients (brands): Beiersdorf (Nivea Visage, Body, Sun, Creme), Henkel (Pemolux, Persil, Bref, Pril, Laska, Vernel, Clin), Schwarzkopf (Taft, Got2Be, Gliss Kur, Palette), Nissan, Infiniti, Mars (Pedigree, Chappi, Twix, Skittles), Tchibo, Davidoff Coffee, Michelin, Absolut, ICI, Adidas, Hortex, Winston, Wings by Winston, International Moscow Bank, Starik Hottabych, DFM, Indesit (Hotpoint-Ariston).
The number of employees of M&C Saatchi Russia for this moment is 23 people, the average age is 30 years.

1.2 Characteristics of the organizational structure.

AT advertising agency there is a principle - all work with specific customers is carried out by one specialist. He is called the responsible executor of the project if he advertises a branded product. This specialist has information about the strategic plans, opportunities, prospects of the customer, data from market, competitive and segmentation analysis, allowing a scientifically sound approach to planning, developing and implementing advertising campaigns. The executive director personally knows the specialists he needs, working in the customer's company, and enjoys their full confidence and support.

Figure 1. Organizational structure of the advertising agency M&C Saatchi Russia.

Executive Director. He is a key figure in the advertising business. In the conditions of tougher competition, when it is very difficult to find, and even more so to keep a solid customer, the nature of cooperation depends on him: spot or planned, highly specialized or complex, limited or large-scale, short-term or long-term.
It is extremely important for an advertising agency that the executive director has special qualities.
- professionalism. And not only in his own advertising business. He also needs to know the problems of the advertiser, the ability to predict them and quickly solve them using the possibilities of advertising. A professional director inspires respect and builds trust.
- the ability to meet the advertiser's expectations. To organize such an advertising campaign that would bring fame to his company, products, services, provide them with stable sales, bring tangible profits.
- Ability to build relationships with clients
- the qualities inherent in good employees - passion for their work, thoroughness and accuracy, responsiveness, extraordinary thinking, logic, the ability to systematize their work and predict events;
- the ability to generate ideas and defend, implement, promote them;
Now consider other departments of the advertising agency involved in providing an advertising campaign directly or indirectly. Their work is also important in ensuring efficient operation.
Customer Service - a group of managers who are the link between the client and the advertising agency.

    Planning, organizing and controlling the work of the department - maintaining and developing relationships with existing clients of the agency, participating in tenders and attracting new clients, processing incoming requests, preparing and selling offers, conducting presentations and negotiations with clients, resolving conflict situations, preparing and submitting reports, document management.
    Providing the resources necessary for the work of the department and the potential for its development. Training and professional development of department employees, motivation of employees, involvement in teamwork, evaluation of labor participation and distribution of the monthly bonus fund.
    Control of the current work processes of the department - search, evaluation and implementation of new approaches and solutions, control and reduction of costs associated with the work of the department, increase in team and personal efficiency of each employee
Creative Department - is the department responsible for creating ideas, creativity based on the strategy chosen by the strategic planning department. Copywriters (responsible for the text part of advertising) and art directors (visuals) work here. The department is headed by a creative director.
An important aspect of this position is the interpretation of the client's communication strategy and the construction of creative concepts in accordance with this strategy. Another essential aspect is the obligation to initiate, support and develop the creative ideas of all those involved in the creative process. The creative director is responsible for the final creative product. He is involved in formulating the strategy brand, writing a brief , the process of creating advertising, presenting and selling ideas to the client, in the implementation of an advertising product for publication in the media.
Production Department - Designers, prepress specialists. People who help to realize the idea born in the creative department.
Department media planning - plans to place advertising messages of clients in the media that are most relevant to the audience of the advertised product or service. It is divided into groups for working with clients (one group serves one or more clients).
Event, PR department – deals with the organization of any events, events, holidays, show programs.
The duties of a public relations specialist include the creation, expansion, maintenance of favorable relations with the media (media relations), which includes the selection (selection) of the most appropriate publications, television and radio channels, Internet resources that meet the needs of the client and the goals of a particular project . Active work with selected media and constant contact with the public contributes to strengthening the reputation of a person or organization, building up publicity capital and intangible assets in a competitive environment.
Working with the media at present, which is the "fourth power", requires a systematic approach. In this regard, a public relations specialist should take into account the psychology of a journalist, his motivation, desires and needs in today's rapidly changing world.
Financial department. The main tasks of the financial department are:
-implementation of financial strategy and financial policy;
-organization financial activities, for the purpose of efficient use of financial resources;
-Development of economic development forecasts and participation in the formation of key performance indicators.
- Control over the observance of financial discipline, timely and complete fulfillment of contractual obligations, expenses and receipt of income;
HR department. The personnel department in an advertising agency has a functional and organizational function.
So, in functional terms, the personnel department is engaged in:
- planning the needs of an advertising agency in personnel, taking into account the existing staff;
- attraction, selection and evaluation of personnel. To attract, select and evaluate personnel, the following activities are carried out: the ratio of internal (relocation within the enterprise) and external (recruitment of new employees) recruitment of personnel is optimized, criteria for personnel selection are developed, new employees are distributed to workplaces;
- staff development and retraining.
- career advancement system (career management);
- salaries and social services. The personnel department should develop and implement wage systems, determine the features of remuneration for certain categories of workers employed at the enterprise;
- personnel cost management.
In organizational terms, the personnel department is engaged in ensuring normal labor activity all employees and all structural divisions in the enterprise, which are responsible for work with personnel.
Accounting. The main functions are:
- Accounting.
- Planning and accounting for the implementation of cost estimates for an advertising agency.
- Carrying out mutual settlements with enterprises, organizations, institutions and individuals, safety Money and material values.
1.3 Structure and functions of the customer service department

I did my internship in the customer service department - BTL department.
Figure 2. Organizational structure of the BTL department of the advertising agency M&C Saatchi Russia.

BTL department - a group of managers who are the link between the client and the advertising agency.
Client Manager Responsibilities:
- Effective communication with clients on the implementation of promotional activities
- Development of proposals for clients (ideas, presentations, budgets)
- Coordination of the implementation of marketing programs within the agency (work with the designer, field department, production, accounting)
- Active work with large clients and customer acquisition
- Negotiations, presentation of the Agency, preparation of proposals
- Finding out the needs of the client (getting a brief)
- Briefing agency executive departments and outsourcers (media, production, creative)
- Interaction with clients
- Records management
- Participation in tenders
During my internship, I was coordinator of the Design Your Vacation with Hotpoint-Ariston project. My duties included:
- Calling Kitchen Studios participating in the promotion;
- maintaining a database in Excel, as well as on the campaign website in administrative mode;
- interaction with the client;
- preparation of presentations;
- work with involved specialists for this promotion (mystery shoppers).
Let us consider in detail the algorithm for placing an order for an advertising agency M&C Saatchi Russia:
-To make the first contact, the client contacts an advertising agency. To do this, just write or call.
- The agency assigns a manager to the client, who will become his permanent consultant, assistant, coordinator of work to fulfill the order. He coordinates all work and is responsible for the quality and efficiency of their execution.
Advertising agencies wishing to cooperate with M&C Saatchi Russia can contact an advertising agency company. The company's managers will coordinate all the work to fulfill the order of the partner advertising agency.
In order to provide the most accurate and high-quality services, the client-manager, together with the client, fills out a marketing brief (terms of reference), which fixes the main goals, objectives and parameters of the upcoming advertising campaign.
To develop an advertising campaign, a project group is formed, the head of which directs and coordinates the work on the strategy of the advertising campaign or the formation / development of the brand. He leaves for a meeting with the client, finds out the list of requirements and tasks of the advertising campaign, and clarifies the preliminary terms of reference.
Members are involved in the planning of the advertising campaign. project team: market analysts, media planners, creators, BTL specialists.
The developed concept of the advertising campaign is presented to the client. The presentation explains the main advantages of the proposed strategy, features of the advertising campaign and its practical implementation.
After the approval of the advertising campaign plan, a working group is formed for its implementation, which includes specialists of various profiles - creators, designers, managers for the production and placement of advertising, BTL and PR-events specialists.
At the end of the advertising campaign, the working group prepares a report to the client, which reflects the compliance of the activities carried out with the goals of the advertising campaign, evaluates the effectiveness and makes proposals for the development or adjustment of the advertising strategy.
Each project of the agency is supervised not only by the project team leader and client manager, but also by the director of the respective company, and in special cases by the managing director of M&C Saatchi Russia.
So, from all of the above, we can conclude that the correct work on the client order ensures efficient and timely execution of work with maximum convenience and financial benefit for the client.

1.4 The composition of the technical means of processing economic information in the customer service department

The following technical means are used to process economic information in the BTL department:
- System software (OS, DBMS);
- Professional software Terrasoft;
- Program for maintaining database Excel, Word.
- Program for creating presentations PowerPoint, Photoshop;
- Program for conducting business correspondence Outlook;
- Hardware.

1.5 Characteristics of technological processes for collecting, transmitting, processing and issuing economic information in the department

The process of collecting, processing and transmitting information within the customer service department, as well as its interaction with other departments, is a set of operations. For successful work The advertising agency as a whole uses professional Terrasoft software.
Terrasoft is a powerful CRM system that covers the main areas of customer relationship management and organization of internal processes of an advertising agency. The system helps to build effective interaction with counterparties at any stage of sales and marketing communications, allows you to automate the company's internal business processes.
Terrasoft CRM systems automate the following functions:
-Management of information about clients: maintaining contacts and companies, a complete history of relationships, convenient access to information about the client, the ability to create your own fields and bookmarks, the distribution of access rights.
- Business processes: automation of routine operations, the ability to create conditions for branching and actions on a business process, organization of teamwork, automatic control over the fulfillment of a functional role in a project.
- Sales management: potential deals management, project management, control of payment terms, delivery and fulfillment of other obligations, sales funnel.
- Marketing management: functionality for planning and conducting marketing campaigns of any complexity, marketing research, conducting surveys, mailing lists, reports.
- Project management: planning, distribution, monitoring of the use of resources in the project; monitoring the progress of the project according to the selected stages; project calendar management; quality management of project results; complete document flow for the project; analysis of the effectiveness / profitability of the project.
- Resource management: cost accounting, customer profitability assessment, turnover management, work planning.
- Workflow automation: maintaining contracts and specifications, invoices and payments, creating any document templates, the ability to integrate with 1C and other financial systems.
- Work time management: organizer, group calendar.
- E-mail: integration with MS Outlook, automation of mass personalized E-mail mailings using templates.
One of the important documents for the transfer of information within the department, between departments and with the client himself is a brief. At its core, a brief is nothing more than a technical task, a special document resembling a questionnaire in form, the task of which is to most fully extract information about a new customer. It streamlines the fermentation of brilliant ideas in the heads of advertisers and sets them the direction of creative search. In addition, the brief is one of the best methods to ensure the effectiveness of advertising from the very beginning.
2. Analysis of the financial condition and prospects for the development of an advertising agency based on the forms of accounting financial statements

In order to analyze the financial condition of the advertising agency M&C Saatchi Russia, let's take the balance sheet as of September 30, 2011.


Main part




In accordance with curriculum I did an internship in partnership with limited liability advertising agency "Asia Direct" since June 9, 2008. to the twelfth of July 2008

I was accepted for passing industrial practice to the staff of the partnership for the position of manager.

Together with the head of practice directly in the partnership, a plan for the implementation of the work was drawn up, which I successfully completed.

During my internship, I:

Familiarized with the constituent document - the charter, approved by the founder of the company;

Familiarize yourself with the structure of the organization;

He got acquainted with the organization and the functions and duties of the employees of the enterprise;

Acquainted with the content of economic and organizational work;

Familiarize yourself with the features of working with databases;

Familiarization with telemarketing;

Familiarized with the features of the work of the manager of the BTL department (see appendix);

Participated in home sampling of Aquafina table water;

Led, as a supervisor, a team of promoters;

Compiled reports for the promo-action home sampling of table water "Akvafina";

Managed the time sheet.

Main part.

Asia Direct Agency is one of the first professional direct marketing agencies on the territory of Central Asia.

Member of:

1999 - RADM (Russian Association of Direct Marketing)

2000 - FEDMA (Federation of European Direct Marketing Associations)

· 2003 - InterDirect Network (International Network of Independent Direct Marketing Agencies)

The enterprise was organized in the form of a limited liability partnership on March 31, 1998. Full name of the enterprise - Limited Liability Partnership advertising agency "Asia Direct"

Advertising agency "Asia Direct" was established in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Limited Liability Partnerships". The partnership is guided in its activities by the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Constituent Agreement on the establishment of the partnership and the Charter of the enterprise.

The management of the current activities of the partnership is carried out by the sole executive body - the general director.

Company's mission - Assist in the development and promotion of the business of its clients.

The company carries out its mission through "direct marketing".

Direct Marketing - continuous process attracting new customers, meeting the needs regular customers and developing long-term relationships with them, as well as strengthening a positive attitude towards the company and increasing sales.

Basic principles of work:

· Professionalism

· Individual approach to each client

· Creative approach to solving problems of any complexity

· Privacy

Ethical standards



Procter&Gamble Kazakhstan

samsung electronics

North Winds Kazakhstan


Styx&Leo Burnett

McCANN Erickson Kazakhstan

Panda promotion

· Tequila Russia

BBDO marketing (Moscow)

DM club (Moscow)

Сonnexions (Moscow)

More details about the main aspects of the company's activities are described in the appendix. In particular, you can get acquainted with direct marketing, BTL (below the line - under the line), promotions, telemarketing and databases.

Permanent staff The company consists of 37 people:


Deputy Gen. director;

Marketing department - 6 people,

BTL department - 4;

IT department - 5;

Field department - 14;

Accounting - 3;

Drivers - 2;

Secretary - 1.

Hiring temporary employees has a certain seasonality. During the summer it is held a large number of promotion of shares, since in warm weather it is possible to hold actions on the streets, in parks, in recreation areas, etc. It is also easier to hire promoters, who are mostly high school students and students who want to work during the summer holidays and agree to low wages.

Production cost structure of Asia Direct LLP, thousand tenge:


Salary with accruals


Loading and unloading costs

Premises for rent

Communal payments

Depreciation of fixed assets funds

Other costs

When analyzing this table, it should be noted that largest share in the cost structure, wages with accruals are 43-45%, materials costs are 22-30%. This is due to the peculiarity of the advertising business, which is not energy-intensive, material-intensive, etc. and wages of up to 70% of employees (in some cases) come to the fore in the cost structure.

Main indicators of financial and economic activity of Asia Direct LLP for 2005-2007, thousand tenge.

Production efficiency is one of the key categories market economy, which is directly related to the achievement of the ultimate goal of the development of social production as a whole and each enterprise separately.

Profit plays an important role in economic system. It is profit that ensures the economic stability of the company and its financial independence.

Profitability there is a relative indicator that has the property of comparability, can be used when comparing the activities of different enterprises. Profitability characterizes the degree of profitability, profitability, profitability.

The profitability of sales (turnover, sales) is determined by the ratio of the value of the annual balance sheet profit of the enterprise to the value of the annual proceeds from the sale of products, expressed as a percentage:

B - annual revenue from the sale of products (tg./year);

2005 P sales (turnover) = 22815 / 72120 * 100% = 31.7%

2006 Rsales (turnover) = 26500 / 78200 * 100% = 33.9%

2007 Rsales (turnover) = 39180 / 98500 * 100% = 39.8%

This indicator characterizes the efficiency of entrepreneurial activity: how much profit an enterprise has from 1 tenge of sales, work performed, services rendered.

It can be seen from these calculations. That the level of profitability is growing every year, as well as net profit is increasing.

In the profit structure, direct mail has the largest share - 45%. sending individual mail;

promotions - 35%;


Passage of industrial practice is an important element of the educational process for the preparation of a specialist in the field of economics.

During its passage, the future economist applies the knowledge, skills and abilities gained in the learning process in practice.

The main objectives of the production practice are:

Gaining practical work experience.

Improving the quality of professional training.

Education of a specialist in the spirit of respect for the law.

Consolidation of the acquired knowledge in general and special economic disciplines.



In the last quarter of a century, direct marketing has firmly become one of the most promising and effective ways of product promotion. Therefore, it is quite natural that specialized agencies began to appear on the Kazakhstani market, which use the maximum efficiency and selectivity of the impact. direct marketing.

Unfortunately, it is still very difficult for a modern Kazakh entrepreneur to distinguish traditional advertising from direct marketing due to his little experience in our market, although it was created as a new means of promotion in 1917. One of its founders was the American Bob Stone. It was he who formulated the 30 "infinitely direct principles of marketing.

So what is the difference between traditional advertising and direct marketing?

The answer is simple: Direct Marketing provides maximum efficiency and selectivity of exposure.

What is direct marketing?

Direct marketing is a continuous process of attracting new customers, meeting the needs of regular customers and developing long-term relationships with them, as well as strengthening a positive attitude towards the company and increasing sales.

One of the main levers for turning an impersonal buyer into an individual consumer of goods and services are today databases that accumulate extensive, versatile and personalized information about legal entities and individuals.

Using the applied disciplines of direct marketing such as telephone marketing, direct mail, internet marketing, database marketing, and relationship building marketing (loyalty marketing), you will not only acquire new customers and significantly increase the sales of your goods and services, but also get the opportunity to calculate the return on each invested amount.

What are the basic principles of Direct Marketing?

· Personalized customer search, ie. determination of the circle of persons directly interested in the consumption of a particular type of product or service

· Establishing relationships with clients

Regular maintenance of these contacts (creation of a loyalty club

The growth rate of the use of direct marketing is already noticeable in our market.

If at the beginning of 1998 few people even knew what it was, today more and more domestic manufacturers are turning to this type of product promotion. And this is not accidental, since polls show that personal contact, personal appeal are much more important and influential in choosing one or another type of product or service than impersonal appeal on TV or in newspapers.

Creating a loyalty club is one of the main ultimate goals of direct marketing. What is it? In fact, many companies are already trying to create these clubs, realizing the importance of establishing constant personal contacts with their consumers (Procter & Gamble).

20% of regular customers bring 80% of the profit of any company - this is an undeniable rule that many people know, but, unfortunately, few know how to use it. It's much easier to attract a customer than it is to keep one. Direct marketing is precisely engaged in the development and implementation of "holding" events according to the scheme: You know your client - your client knows you. With correctly and competently carried out retention activities, potential customers, having passed through various stages ("potential client", "client", "regular client") become devoted supporters, the so-called "advocates" of this brand. This is the highest point of the so-called "Pyramid of Loyalty". At this peak, the client himself becomes a devotee of this brand, its advertising agent.

Direct marketing methods work in almost all industries. They are most actively used by insurance companies, travel business, airlines, banks, large industrial and commercial corporations.

But no less productive direct promotion works in medium and large companies. small business. It suffices to give a small example:

If in a hairdressing salon (it does not matter whether it is a respectable expensive beauty salon or a salon for people with an income of no higher than average), each visitor is invited to fill out a special questionnaire containing the date of his birth and the birthdays of his loved ones, as well as telephone numbers and addresses where you can contact contact a client, and then, on the eve of his birthday, congratulate and offer a discount on service as a gift, then you can be sure that this client will not leave you. Moreover, he will tell all his friends and colleagues about what a wonderful salon he is served in, what qualified and attentive staff there is.

Thus, you not only get a regular customer, but also attract new ones without spending a lot of money on advertising.

BTL and promotions.

The legend about the origin of the term BTL (below the line) is as follows:

Around the middle of the last century, one of the leaders of a large company (claimed to be Procter & Gamble) made an estimate of the upcoming marketing costs. Having included standard elements in it (advertising in the press, on television and radio, PR, development of new packaging, etc.), he calculated the costs, drew a line, and suddenly remembered that he had not taken into account the distribution of free samples of goods, the costs of organizing a city a holiday where people will try the products produced by his company. After calculating all the additional costs, he made the final estimate. This is how the term BTL arose - what is under the line or non-traditional marketing.

The BTL services industry has been developing at a tremendous pace in recent years. The "Below The Line" complex includes PR, sales promotion, special promotions.

Let's talk about promotions, as one of the areas of sales promotion, the popularity of which has grown significantly in recent years, about their goals and typical mistakes.

The whole process of preparing and conducting a promotional action can be divided into several stages:

· Formulation of the problem

· Definition target audience(CA)

Calculation of the cost of the promotion

· Drafting a promotional plan

selection of promoters

· Training for promoters

Ordering equipment, uniforms for promoters participating in the promotion and promotional materials

Choice of reporting forms for the period of the promotion

· Carrying out promotions

· Analysis of the results.

First you need to find out what specific task is set for the planned promotion. This can be the introduction of a new product to the market, increasing brand awareness, stimulating sales, creating a positive image of the company and its brands, etc.

In addition, you need to choose the form of the promotion based on the characteristics of the product that needs to be advertised, it can be sampling (from the English sample - a sample), tasting, drawing prizes, product demonstration, etc. For example, tastings are very effective for food promotion. When conducting promotions for non-food products, depending on the type of product, it is possible to demonstrate the best properties and qualities of the product, sampling (distributing free product samples), drawing prizes, instant lottery, etc.

In order for the money not to be wasted, before starting any advertising campaign, it is necessary to determine the target audience for which this product or service is designed. This approach is also used in preparation for promotions.

Depending on the specific target audience, spatio-temporal resource flows are determined for the promotion campaign. These can be supermarkets, night bars, summer playgrounds, cinemas, swimming pools, beaches, bowling alleys, fitness clubs, etc. The most suitable time for promotions in supermarkets is from 16.00 to 20.00. It is at this time that the bulk of people make evening purchases. The timing of promotions in other locations is determined depending on the day of the week, location, time of year and many other factors that are taken into account in each case. For example, when conducting promotions to promote cigarettes and alcoholic beverages, there may be several spatio-temporal flows of a given target audience, namely, it can be not only supermarkets at the optimally visited time, where the target audience can purchase this product, but also bars, discos, restaurants, etc. I would like to note the promotional action, which was carried out by the company "Coca-Cola" in August-October of this year. The action was called "Together for life." The registry offices were chosen as the venue for this action. On the day of registration, the newlyweds received Coca-Cola products as a gift. Naturally, each registration was accompanied by video filming. Now imagine how the Coca-Cola company has positioned itself in the eyes of its potential consumers, because memorable photographs and video materials will be viewed more than once, both by the newlyweds themselves, and by their friends and loved ones.

But it is not enough to choose the place and time of the event, you must also choose the style of behavior, the type of promoter. In other words, correctly position yourself in relation to the target audience. Depending on your target audience, you can choose girls and boys in four areas:




If your target audience is men, then, most likely, the promoters will be girls with a spectacular appearance. Although it is worth finding out if the purchases in this place are made by married couples. In this case, you should focus on an interesting, attention-grabbing outfit. Likewise, smart, modest and neat girls should work in promotions aimed at housewives without causing irritation with long legs and "red" nails, and this is a huge number of different products.

We have come to the most important moment in the preparation of the promotion, namely, the search and attraction of promoters, because these are the people you will have to trust the image of your product and the money you will spend. Of course, you can recruit personnel from the team of your company, which is quite effective when it comes to complex technical products, when it is necessary to give qualified information on the characteristics of the product, but does it make sense if the promotion you are going to run must take place multiple locations or over a long period of time. In addition, your employee may be a brilliant specialist, but be a bad promoter. The quality of the staff should be understood as the correspondence of the promoter to your target audience, their appearance (attractiveness), their behavior, ability to respond to emergencies, conflict-free.

One of the most effective promotion tools is the promoter's smile. Unfortunately, very often we see the opposite in stores: promoters look sadly at the floor, thinking "it would soon end", so judge for yourself what an invaluable resource the agency and their Client are losing in this situation. Here we recall the times of the Soviet Union: the engineer is sleeping, the salary is dripping. The reason for this lies sometimes in low wages, and most often because of the unprofessional approach in preparing promoters.

As a rule, training should include several stages:

definition of product properties, innovations

Segmentation of the consumer market (determination of the main consumers of this product: gender, age, demographic and social data, etc.)

role-playing games (in the form of a game are modeled different kinds buyers, emergency situations to check the correctness of the submission of information for each individual consumer group)

· duties of promoters (10 NOT for promoters: smoking, eating, chewing gum, etc. in the process of work).

This form of preparation allows you to most effectively consolidate the information received and in the future, when conducting a promotional action, to avoid unpleasant situations when, for example, to the question: "What is this product made of?" The promoter really can't answer anything. Unprofessional training of promoters leads, at best, to an ineffective promotion, and at worst, to a decrease in sales. But, of course, the selection and training of a supervisor is of great importance in the process of conducting a promotion. There is an erroneous opinion that the duties of the supervisor include the timely delivery of material to the promo point, and this is where his mission ends. But is it? Indeed, with proper control, the return on the action itself will be higher.

In addition to trainings, the selection of uniforms plays a huge role in promotions. It is not uncommon for a Client to want to save money by all means. Rather, most of them are. In the understanding of the Client, efficiency is associated more with saving money on shares than with real numbers reflecting sales. Hence the lack of bright, attention-grabbing clothes of the promoter. The promoter is lost in the crowd. And the result is an absolutely unremarkable action, of which there are many. Listen to the consumer's opinion: "If I see a promo group in the store that inspires confidence, looks beautiful and bright, then I can approach this group and take part in the promotion ...". A person, due to his physiological characteristics, perceives 90% of information visually, and that is why it would be a mistake not to use vision, refusing to make an interesting and bright uniform for a promotion.

Remember the promotional campaign, which was carried out by the Coca-Cola company in June this year to introduce the new "Fanta Exotic" to the Kazakhstani market. Because The main goals of this action were: familiarizing the consumer with the new taste of "Fanta", increasing brand awareness, as well as creating a positive image of this brand, then tasting was chosen as the mechanism for this action. But not because of the mechanism of holding, many Almaty residents and guests of the capital remembered this bright and unusual action, which was held not only in the largest supermarkets of our city, but also in water parks, cinemas and parks, but because of the chosen and made costumes.

Wouldn't you pay attention to the four huge and bright life-size fruit puppets: Orange, Lemon, Pineapple and Mango, who walked in front of shops, talked with children and adults, danced and at the same time offered to try the new "Fanta" with exotic taste? Even if you did not pay attention to the dolls, which is very unlikely, your attention would certainly be attracted by two girls in exotic outfits from the islands of Oceania with no less exotic appearance. The result of this action was that "Fanta Exotic" not only took root in our market, but also occupied a certain segment of the Kazakhstani market.

After completing the work, it is necessary to analyze the results obtained. This will require reporting forms, which are developed together with the Customer before the start of the promotion, and in the future, will be filled out during the promotion. You have the opportunity to receive any information you are interested in, starting from a quantitative increase in sales outlet during the promotion and ending with the dynamics of visiting the store by hours, days, weeks. To do this, you need to determine in advance what information you need.
In conclusion, drawing a line, I would like to recall the data of the American trade organization POPAI, 80% of consumers make a purchase decision directly in the store. They buy what:

They know better (what they heard more about) and what they trust

What is now being reminded

What is "more convenient" to buy

Caught my eye faster, more conveniently located

What was advised and convinced to buy exactly this:

1. Reminded

2. Showed

3. Interested

4. Convinced and made to believe (free to test).


The joint use of database management systems and telecommunication technologies opens up new possibilities for using marketing functions, such as: promotion of goods and services by telephone, organization of telephone service centers, complete selection and processing of collected information in any field of activity, all this can be summarized by one concept - TELEMARKETING.


1. promotion of goods and services;

2. identification of the degree of readiness of the client for the proposed sale (transaction);

3. assessment of the needs of the prospective client for the offer;

4. assessment of the client's potential for the offer;

5. organization of meetings of your managers with buyers and responsible persons for the conclusion of commercial transactions;

6. identification of buyers and/or decision makers (responsible persons);

7. working with clients after direct mail;

8. fundraising programs for charitable purposes;

9. search for sponsors;

10. Distributor support programs;

11. invitations to participate in events, seminars and conferences;

12. collection and organization of the necessary information;

13. sales promotion programs;

14. Qualitative/quantitative assessment of prospective buyers and selection of priority ones;

15. introduction of a new product/service to the market;

16. identification of new sales markets;

17. research in the field of competition (how competitive is your product or service in the market);

18. assessment of satisfaction from the product / service;

19. positional assessment of the place of your business in the market;

20. maintaining and developing contacts with clients;

21. programs for periodic calls to clients;

22. processing and receiving orders;

23. reconnecting with inactive clients.

Purpose of Telemarketing

The main criteria for choosing the media, from which you can select exactly the media (taking into account the factors that best reflect your specialization), which will most effectively disseminate information both about your products or services, and about you and your company.

1. Information circulation.

2. Fast response.

3. Ability to make changes.

4. The ability to reach the audience at its location.

5. High audience engagement.

6. Geographical selectivity.

7. Demographic selectivity (age, gender, marital status, nationality, etc.)

8. Measured response.

9. Better ability to check demand and more options.

10. Persistence.

11. Plenty of space for your message.

12. Psychological selectivity.

13. Various possibilities to answer.

14. Target audience selection.

Short input time and fast folding of information.


Circulation of Information

The rating of newspapers and magazines is low in all respects, because many of their readers do not pay attention to ads. The same applies to television and radio, because people watch and listen to them by choice.

Fast response

If you can wait a few days, try using the radio or TV. Television also provides fast response times, often within the few minutes the commercial is on, but only after you've spent a lot of time and money producing it.

If you want to test an offer right away and make sure you get a response within a few hours, use telemarketing.

Possibility to make changes

Due to the high cost of production, television offers fewer opportunities to make changes. Due to the long input times, journals are less flexible in this regard. At the same time, thanks to the short input period, newspapers and local radio also provide an opportunity to make changes.

Telemarketing offers the greatest opportunity for change, as you can make changes within minutes.

The ability to reach the audience at its location

If you want to reach your consumers when they are at home, television is a good idea. On the way from home to work, radio or advertising in the subway will help to reach them. If you want to catch them at work, it's a good idea to use newspapers and magazines. But even this does not guarantee that they will respond to your offer about anything.

Telemarketing provides you with all these opportunities to reach an audience at work and at home (if you have the necessary databases).

High audience engagement.

Some long-running TV shows can also attract viewers to varying degrees to participate in them (through surveys and the opportunity to participate in the show by phone).

Telemarketing is a clear winner in this metric as it can easily engage the listener in a conversation.

Geographic selectivity

After all, you won’t throw money away by advertising for the entire circulation in a magazine that is distributed throughout Kazakhstan, if 80 percent of your target audience is, for example, only in Almaty?

Most often, direct marketing requires the selection of some specific regions, so telemarketing and direct mail are best suited for this.

Demographic selectivity (age, gender, marital status, nationality, etc.)

Some magazines and a few radio and television programs also provide demographic selectivity.

Telemarketing using demographic databases is by far the best from this point of view. the desired target audience is reached.

Measured response

The faster you can evaluate response, the faster you can expand your offer to other markets or media. But, using standard advertising techniques, you run the risk of simply wasting time.

Telemarketing has the highest rating for this indicator, because you do not have to waste time waiting for any response suitable for evaluation, since you get it already in the first hours of the campaign.

Short input time and fast information folding

The rating of magazines is lower because a magazine cannot be produced in a matter of hours. Newspapers and radio can offer some competition to telemarketing, primarily due to the short input times.

The more flexible the time frame, the more often you can check the offer and the faster you can get your company back if the situation calls for it. The media with the most flexible time structure is telemarketing.

Better ability to check demand and more options

Magazines practically do not allow this to be done due to the specifics of periodicity. Broadcast media, due to the shortness of the time periods sold and sometimes the high cost of production, make it less possible to check offers of several types.

Telemarketing provides a huge opportunity for testing demand. Major and minor scenario changes will allow you to experience several types of the same offer at once.


TV advertising, which used to be considered pushy, however, is no longer so, as the viewer can easily switch from channel to channel so as not to bother himself. When reading a magazine, a person can simply skip the ad, and radio ads are not as pushy because the audience is less involved.

Can people avoid getting information from you? If not, the media is considered persistent. Telemarketing is such because it is almost impossible not to answer the phone when it rings.

Plenty of space for your message

Most broadcast media, with the exception of long-running television programs, offer very little space.

Telemarketing with an average human speech speed of 150 words per minute (that's two-thirds of an A4 page) gives you plenty of room.

Psychological selectivity

Most magazines follow a particular style, and the different sections of newspapers (sports, news, business, arts) are also targeted at certain populations. The growing number of specialized newspapers, magazines (for certain groups, about fashion, computers, business, etc.) also provide psychographic selectivity.

Telemarketing allows you to directly reach certain psychographic groups, that is, people with a certain style and lifestyle.

Various response options

Broadcast media does not provide such an opportunity. In general, you can offer one way to contact you. A problem that occurs with most broadcast media information, especially, when broadcast, lies in the fact that the viewer can never go back to see again the phone number that was offered to him even before he had a pencil in his hands. In such cases, the possibility of a response is practically zero. Or, imagine you are driving in a car and an important phone number is broadcast on the radio, in such a scenario, not far from the accident.

The more opportunities people have to answer, the more willingly and quickly they will place an order. If they can place an order over the phone like using telemarketing, that's great. If they can send a request by fax or by e-mail- it's not bad too.

Target audience selection

For example, television does not allow to achieve such a degree of selectivity in relation to music as Telemarketing. Radio is also a non-selective medium, unless you're trying to appeal to certain psychographic groups using their musical tastes. Outdoor stands provide low selectivity and are rarely used for DM. Magazines allow targeted audience selection and are perhaps the best vehicle for DM after telemarketing and direct mail.

One of the main advantages of DM is targeted audience selection. Of all the media, telemarketing and direct mail offer the best target audience selection.

If you need to get as close as possible to the target audience in order to achieve the effectiveness of your campaign, if you are concerned about the percentage of return from each transaction in terms of every marketing dollar invested, and you want to save on advertising, then use Telemarketing!

List or database?

The concept - a database, is now on hearing. I would even say that there is a kind of fashion to talk about databases. But most often it turns out to be a list of clients and it’s good if it’s in electronic form.

What is the difference between a customer list and a database?

The answer is simple - as soon as additional and interesting information is added to your list of clients, in addition to their names and addresses, for your business, the list will begin to turn into a database.

These details, or in professional terms, additional data fields, should describe your customers in as much detail as possible, create a portrait of the consumer. The closer this portrait is to the original, the more successfully your product/service will be promoted and sold. Because you will know who to sell to and when to sell (at the right time in the right place and with the right people).

The list with addresses and phone numbers can have any source and belong to anyone, but the database will belong only to you. it will collect information that takes into account the characteristics and needs of your business and your customers.

Many people spend decent money without getting enough return because they overlook that for their business, a database cannot be bought, it can only be created. It will be better for business if you begin to proceed from the fact that any foreign database is just a list for you.

Where can you get this information? Most often, this information is in the company, only it is in a fragmented form from various managers and from various sources. The main thing is to find it, to assemble it into a single whole, into a single format.

But don't waste time and money getting information AT ALL and putting that information into your database. This information, even though reliable and interesting, most often turns out to be completely useless. There is only one sure way to "drag" the necessary people into your database: you get-buy a list of a promising, in your opinion, audience, naturally, structure it and enter it into a computer (database blank). Then you begin to communicate with these clients until you cross out all those who do not respond to your wonderful offers. Those who remained are your potential capital.

Gordon Grossman said: "If your clients do not make you rich, then who will? .."

If you have doubts about the need to create a database, try answering a few questions:

Your company, your business is not in an aggressive competitive environment?

Shouldn't you be concerned about communicating regularly with your customers to keep them? And isn't it cheaper to keep an old customer than to acquire a new one?

So it turns out that the first place where you should look for the source lists for compiling a database is your own "bins". Perhaps some sources are so obvious to you that you simply stopped noticing them.

Start with what you need:

· Oblige everyone who contacts customers to write down their names and addresses - these are telephone operators, the secretary, marketers, the complaints department and other employees.

If you use retail outlets, agents or a chain of dealers in your work, then enter them in official duties same.

· Do you provide guarantees to customers? Record their names and addresses.


Unit ism


In absolute terms

Volume of sales of services

Number of employees

Labor productivity per 1 employee

Employee payroll fund

Average annual salary of 1 employee

Cost of services

Costs per 1 ruble of sales

Profit from sales

Profitability of activities

Profitability of sales

Graphically, the results of the agency's work can be represented as follows:

Rice. 1 Performance results of Parus-Media LLC in 2004 and 2005

(in thousand rubles)

Table 1 shows that in comparison with 2004 in 2005 the volume of sales increased by 31.1% and amounted to 141846.7 thousand rubles, there was an increase in prices for the services provided, while it is clearly seen that the increase in volume was due to an increase in the number of personnel by 7 people and at the end of 2005 the total number of employees of the LLC was 31 people. The headcount growth factor led to an increase in the growth in sales volume in physical terms, i.e. with an increase in staff, the company can serve more customers, and this is confirmed by the performance of employees, which increased from 4122.2 in 2004 to 4575.7 rubles per 1 employee in 2005.

The average annual salary of employees increased by 25% compared to 2004 from 120 thousand rubles to 158.4 thousand rubles per year, the growth rate of the increase in the average annual wage outpaces the growth rate of labor productivity, since wages were indexed due to inflation. Despite this, the management of LLC managed to reduce the cost of 1 ruble of sales by 1.3% and the cost of 1 ruble of sales in 2005 amounted to 76 kopecks.

The cost price in 2005 compared to 2004 increased from 76,102.1 to 107,459.6 rubles. the size of the cost is largely affected by the amount of costs incurred - office rent, payment utilities, an increase in the wage fund, the maintenance of equipment, etc.

The main goal of any commercial enterprise is to make a profit. The data shows that the profit increased by 33.7%. This indicator indicates that production is managed efficiently. This is confirmed by the growth of operating profitability and the growth of sales profitability by 2 and 1.2%, respectively.


CEO– is engaged in the development of strategic planning of activities, concludes contracts, attends exhibitions and conferences, establishes contacts and connections for the successful work of the agency; is the main manager of financial resources;

Executive Director– controls and coordinates the work of the agency, controls all management decisions at all levels of the agency, makes decisions on hiring or firing employees, develops programs to improve internal production relations, conducts internal investigations into violations of labor discipline;

Media director– manages the departments of media planning and placement, achieves maximum discounts and establishes relationships with the heads of related advertising agencies;

Media Department– planning – media planning managers are engaged in the development of media plans and the rational distribution of the client budget;

Accommodation Department- includes a press advertising manager, a radio and television advertising manager, an outdoor advertising manager, a printing manager;

Art Director- manages and supervises the work of the design bureau;

Design Bureau– is engaged in the development of design layouts for the press and outdoor advertising and the development of corporate identity by order of clients;

Chief Accountant– controls the work of accountants and cashiers, is responsible for the entire area of ​​accounting, including payroll, preparing reports for the needs of management accounting and tax authorities, developing other relations with banks and financial institutions;

Accountants– keep accounting records, organize internal audit, keep accounting records, prepare reports;

network administrator- Ensures smooth operation computer network and information security agency;

DepartmentBTL- "promotion" is engaged in the promotion of goods, the organization of promotions;

Sales department– is engaged in the sale of advertising services, the conclusion of contracts with clients;

Office Manager– deals with organizational issues, controls the work of the secretary, drivers, security guards, couriers;

Secretary- answers phone calls, works on a fax, prepares documentation, serves clients in the office;

Personnel service– is engaged in the selection of employees, sets standards for work, compensation to workers, develops and trains personnel, determines standards for candidates;

Courier- Delivers documentation

Security- Responsible for the safety of employees and property in the office;

Drivers– carry out the transportation of advertising posters, carry out the delivery of correspondence, carry out the transportation of employees.

Figure 2. presents graphic scheme organizational structure of the enterprise.

Figure 2.

Organizational structure of the Parus-Media agency


The agency is dominated by an alienated type of worker, a high level of inconsistency of actions is manifested, and the behavior model is divisive. Employees develop a narrowly professional vision of work, which creates fields with fenced off communications. Their result is the growth of "inconsistencies". This model of organizational orientation corresponds to certain socio-cultural relations: “mice in holes”.

Table 2.

Consolidation of the main management functions of Parus-Media LLC

Basic control functions

Responsible employees

Degree of implementation of functions

Marketing Management

Media Director, Media Planning Department

No clear marketing management program

Production management

CEO and Executive Director

duplication of functions,

no responsible person

Financial management

Chief Accountant. Accountants, cashier

Duplication of functions; no responsible person

HR management

recruitment manager

Fully responsible for HR

When considering the organizational structure of Parus-Media LLC, the following points can be distinguished, as a result of which the gaps shown in Table 3 were identified.


The main "gaps" in the organizational structure

Parus-Media LLC


Possible positive points

Possible negative points

Ranges of responsibility between the CEO and executive director clearly distributed, but sometimes overlap, and some functions are not performed

Possible operational interchangeability

Sometimes there is duplication of functions, disagreements in decision-making, untimely resolution of issues

No approved firm strategy

The CEO is actively involved in shaping the strategy

Lack of strategic plans, high inertia in the adoption management decisions and uncertain prospects

Absence of a marketing manager in the company

The marketing function is performed by the media planning department. Operational docking of pricing policy

Marketing functions are partially performed, there is no prospective development

As follows from the data in Table 3, the organization of the enterprise management structure is not effective enough, because there is a duplication of functions, untimely resolution of issues, disagreements in opinion, as a result of which a situation may arise when the performers do not clearly understand whose orders they must execute. One of the shortcomings of the management structure can be singled out - this is the lack of a position of a marketing manager who would research the market segment promotional activities, the pricing policy of competitors, would develop a clear marketing strategy. In this case, it would be possible to increase the number of possible customers, in connection with which the profit of the enterprise would increase. To do this, it is necessary to develop a set of measures to eliminate or reduce activity in the activities, pricing policy of competitive firms.


Internal communications play a key role in achieving business goals and objectives. The quality, efficiency of communication, communications between employees of the company become decisive factors in achieving the goals of the organization.

A holistic analysis of the internal communication situation in an organization is necessary to build a single information space in order to optimally support business processes.

At the same time, it is necessary to effectively manage all horizontal, vertical and internal communications in the company's divisions.

Consider internal information communications. Communication according to the principle, from the bottom up, perform the function of notification
the top about what is being done at the lower levels. In departments, employees express their proposals to the head of the service, who reports on sensible proposals to a higher manager. At the end of the communication chain is the CEO, who, if an interesting proposal is submitted, makes a decision. But there is always an option when the junior manager does not find the employee’s proposal interesting and he will leave him without attention, while in the general discussion the proposal could be of interest. LLC "Parus-Media" has not put into practice the holding of weekly group meetings. This way of communicating information is very important for small firms. Such meetings provide an opportunity to listen to the opinions of employees on a particular issue, find a common solution and at the same time give each employee the opportunity to feel involved in a common cause.

Communications between services are based on the principle of a local network of the "star" type. The head of the department has access to the information of each of his subordinates.

This connection is made in our organization, computers are connected in a network. The scheme made a system of access to information. If necessary, you can combine several networks with a star topology together, thus obtaining branched network configurations. From a reliability point of view, this topology is not the best solution, since the failure of the central node will bring the entire network to a halt. However, when using a star topology, it is easier to troubleshoot the cable network. In addition to messages on the computer, Gen. the director and all departments carry out the workflow through the office manager, who fixes the workflow in the logs of outgoing and incoming information.
Orders come from the director, orders communicated to all
heads of services and employees of the enterprise. From the heads of departments to the director there are statements, memorandums,
explanatory documents for signature.

Communications between different services are made according to the “ring” principle, i.e. the executive director has information from the Chief Accountant, but does not have access to material and other accounting departments. The art director can communicate with the general director over the network, but does not have access to a specific service over the network, bypassing the executive director.

This streamlines the organization's management scheme, i.e. each has its own level of information content. The scheme of access to information in each department is built on the principle of "top down", for example, Ch. the accountant has information from all departments
of his service, but, the design department cannot get information from
computer ch. accountant, but may receive information from other services.

Analyzing the work of an advertising agency, one of the weak points in the organizational structure is the lack of a marketer, which means that the duties of a marketer are performed by different people from time to time and the work does not give the desired effect, which means it reduces the possibility of obtaining additional profit. But besides this, there is no well-established timely informing employees about the pricing policy of competitors and a clear marketing strategy. The marketing function should be created in such a way that it best contributes to the achievement of the firm's marketing strategy - creating a long-term competitive advantage. That is, there is a violation of horizontal communications.

Indeed, only when the workers have a clear idea of ​​what is going on around, he is able to actively engage in the implementation organizational change. The vagueness of the goals and prospects of both the entire company and a specific individual in it just leads to a state of anxiety, fear, anxiety, frustration of the employee, which leads to resistance to change, up to the voluntary departure of valuable personnel at such a crucial moment for the organization. Therefore, it is very important to make the process in the company "transparent" for each employee, which will relieve psychological stress, and also allows you to get ideas from employees on how to improve the ways of implementing the process.

Capable and educated employees who feel valued can serve customers at the highest level. In addition, they have an incentive to work, they are more dedicated to the cause.

Of great importance for employees in intra-company communications is the concern of the enterprise for personnel. This is also important for the image of the company, as the image of the company will be judged by the actions of employees.

Internal communications that support the image of Parus-Media LLC include a bulletin board, which contains not only announcements about the holding of an event, but also congratulations to employees on birthdays and other pleasant dates.

Training is of great importance for employees who want to grow professionally. Parus-Media LLC annually conducts employee training in the form of trainings, when a trainer is invited to the enterprise, who conducts training for all employees of the company to study the current problem. Conducting trainings with employees not only provides an opportunity to provide up-to-date knowledge, but also allows employees to feel more confident in internal and external communications, which means it improves the image of the LLC.

The presence of an internal computer network allows you to quickly transfer information to all interested employees.

The organization of corporate parties for the New Year and March 8, which have become traditional, can also be considered as positive communication. Such a joint pastime has a positive effect on the climate in the team and improves internal communication.

In 2005, Parus-Media LLC conducted an analysis of internal communications, the results were as follows:

· Only 5% (2 people) of employees associate themselves with Parus-Media LLC, most of the employees consider themselves only in the office they work in, that is, the LLC failed to create a corporate spirit;

· The majority of employees - 75% (23 people) - believes that the company is not interested in their point of view;

· The most useful in internal communications 68% ((21 people) of employees considered the need to introduce weekly group meetings;

· The majority -83% - (26 people) are satisfied with intercompany contacts, which indicates a favorable atmosphere in the office.

rice. 3 Results of the analysis of intracompany communications

Well-developed external communications are necessary for any company to successfully promote its services or products. The main type of services provided by Parus-Media LLC is billboard advertising - the most traditional, most effective and cheapest type of outdoor advertising.

To draw attention to its services, the company uses the following channels for disseminating information about its services:

· Daily newspapers that have a wide reach of potential consumers;

Specialized magazines read by experts

· Telephone directories in Moscow and the Moscow region

Sending promotional brochures to potential buyers of services by mail

· Road radio, which is listened to by a large number of consumers in cars;

· Participation in specialized exhibitions.

Advertising media (message distribution channels) are chosen in such a way as to effectively reach the attention of the target audience. Moreover, the main criteria when choosing channels for the distribution of advertising messages is to ensure maximum coverage of the target audience, the cost of advertising with the advertising budget and the correspondence of the nature of the advertising message to the characteristics of the channel. In addition, the choice of advertising media is made in such a way as to provide the necessary geographical coverage of consumers and the desired frequency and form of presentation of the material.

Only systematic advertising work can bring results, and it is important that the contacts that arise are not separated from each other by too large intervals of time: weekly contact is considered optimal, rare contacts are perceived as one-time and have very low commercial value, so advertisements are made weekly.

However, it is not enough to show consumers the advantages of the goods and services offered. It is also necessary to convince the head of the customer enterprise of the reliability and competence of the supplier company. And since for the heads of enterprises the main criterion of reliability is often the fame of the company, in order to achieve recognition and create a favorable image, Parus-Media LLC installs information and billboards in the most promising, potentially having customers, areas of the city and region;

In general, to promote its product, the company uses a personal communication channel, considering it the most effective and efficient when working with a corporate customer. At the same time, it uses the highest quality approach that takes into account and satisfies the personal needs of each individual consumer.

Before offering its services to a particular organization, the LLC collects all the necessary information (the need to purchase advertising space, the financial condition of the organization, and so on). Then, approximate proposals are developed that may be of interest to the consumer, and the costs of its implementation are also calculated. Only after that, an experienced sales agent offers a ready-made project, developed directly for this company. This approach allows the firm to better understand the needs of its customers and provide the services that matter most to them.

One of these services is the provision by the company of comprehensive European-class services. Market research shows that comprehensive service is the main requirement of corporate customers. Understanding this, LLC uses one-stop service as a sales promotion tool.

Over many years of experience in the Moscow region, the company has acquired many regular customers, communication with which is carried out by mailing:

informational letters with reminders and proposals for new services;

· invitations to exhibitions;

price lists with information about price changes;

Publication of price list and photos finished projects on your own website.

Some bus stop pavilions host advertising posters consisting of several advertising modules of various sizes. Unlike the usual city-format, which is placed at individual addresses or small networks, posters are placed only in a network of 500 or 1000 surfaces, evenly distributed throughout the Moscow region. Thus, this type of advertising allows you to cover most areas, while keeping within a relatively small budget. At ground transport stops, in addition to the city-format located in the left side wall of the stop pavilion, it is possible to place advertising on the entire rear wall both from the inside and from the outside, as well as placing advertising posters in plastic boxes next to the timetable or even above the yellow sign with the numbers of routes stopping at the bus stop.

An important role is given to the LLC system of personal sales, which remain the main type of sales.

There is a sales promotion system, according to which a client who uses the services of Parus-Media LLC for the second time receives a 5% discount, for the third time -10%, and if he applies for the fourth time, then in the future the discount becomes constant and its size - 15%.

There is another type of discount - when the discounts provided to customers depend on the number of purchased places for accommodation. These flexible discounts are provided on a case-by-case basis. In what place in Moscow and the Moscow region are the shields, from the period of their placement and the number of placements. Usually they do not exceed 5-10%.

In the process of personal selling, the personality of the seller is of great importance. For example, any salesperson must have a good appearance, be able to communicate, take the interests of the buyer "close to heart", be interested in making a sale, have a desire to improve their skills; clothing and demeanor are important. Special attention is paid to this in LLC.

The LLC has implemented and operates a system to stimulate personal sales. Incentives for employees associated with sales were not made dependent on the results of their work, i.e. from the funds received by a specific employee from the sale of products.


Conducting advertising research is primarily due to the fact that decisions in the field of advertising are made under conditions of risk and uncertainty. Advertisers are almost always faced with questions like: “Are the target markets and target audience chosen correctly? Do we really understand consumer needs? Are the people watching TV ads the same people they are targeting? Did advertising have any effect on sales?” These and other similar questions are often answered through research.

· Study of the effectiveness and popularity of individual advertising media (advertising carriers) for different target audiences.

· Study of the effectiveness of the impact of an advertising message on the audience, the degree of its influence on people's behavior.

The study of the synergistic effect of the joint use of several media for advertising purposes.

These studies are primarily aimed at improving the effectiveness of advertising activities, reducing the risk of its implementation, better use of financial resources.

A preliminary search can last from a month to six months, depending on the buyer. In the first phase, the buyer gets acquainted with the general situation on the market, the price level, and the main market participants. At this stage, the level of perception of materials from socio-political and business publications devoted to real estate, recommendations from acquaintances, and publications on the Internet is high. The level of perception of direct advertising of specific options is low.

In this phase, the buyer selects a group from a significant number of options, determining the fundamental points - cost, type of advertising and location options. A significant part of buyers with a formed budget immediately begin an active search.

Active search. It lasts from 1 to 3 months. In the active search phase, the consumer evaluates different options, selecting suitable ones, comparing his needs and budget for the purchase with market offers. A high level of perception of advertising and editorial materials, which emphasize either a large range of options or an originality of the offer. At this stage of the purchase, the consumer filters out most of the options and leaves 3-4 for the final choice.

To study the buyers of Parus-Media LLC, interviews were conducted with respondents. The results were obtained, which are shown in table 4.:

· method of distribution: subscription, retail sale, free distribution in crowded places (shops, exhibitions, etc.), direct mailing to companies, free distribution in residential mailboxes;

· Distribution zones: Moscow, Moscow region.

The cost of an advertisement in a newspaper depends not only on the area, but also on its location. Some places are much more profitable than others in terms of attracting attention, and therefore more expensive. These are the first and last pages, the places where crossword puzzles and other materials are placed that will be read with a high degree of probability. The upper left corner on the left side of the spread of the newspaper and in the upper right corner for the right are considered beneficial. But this is not all that needs to be done in order for advertising to be most effective.

in general and special purpose magazines: "Design and Architecture", "Food and Light Industry", "Landscape Architecture", "Construction and Architecture"

in the phone books "Moscow", "Moscow region"

3. Prepare and distribute print advertisements:


Television is the most versatile of the advertising media. It convinces desirable clients through effective demonstrations. Television makes it possible to influence the consciousness and subconsciousness of potential buyers in the greatest number of ways.

The unique feature of television advertising is that it is characterized, firstly, by the combination of sounds and visual influences, and, secondly, by a huge compared to any other advertising medium, an audience that increases during the demonstration of television series. Television is not radio with pictures, as it may seem at first glance. Here it is especially important to know the specifics of the viewer's perception of information coming from the TV screen. Television is a visual medium enhanced by sound. A good TV commercial embodies a great idea, which is first presented to the viewer and only then sound is added to enhance the impact on the viewer, and sometimes without sound.

As for the length of the video, experts in the study of the effectiveness of the impact of advertising argue that the best perceived and remembered is not a standard, minute duration, but one that lasts either 30 seconds or 2 minutes. Just like on radio, TV commercials only have 3 seconds to grab the viewer's attention. If this time is missed, advertising, as a rule, will pass by the addressee. Therefore, it is important at the very beginning to talk about what will be discussed or what the advertiser wants from the viewer. What was said at the beginning must be repeated in the same words or expressions at the end. As with all other advertising media, the use of humor in television advertising is of particular importance. At the same time, it is useful to remember that the main purpose of advertising is to encourage a purchase, and ultimately a sale. That advertisement is incorrectly worked out, the form of which is remembered better than the advertised content itself. Advertising on TV is useful mainly to those who intend to create the widest possible popularity for their company or its product. It is good for those who want the advertised product or service to be automatically associated with the advertiser's name. TV advertising services are indispensable for companies that want to quickly saturate the mass market with a new product brand.

large-sized posters (glued from small sheets or drawn by an artist on a large tablet);

Multivision (three or four images on three- or four-sided prisms, synchronously rotated by an electric motor);

· electrified (or gaslight) panel with fixed or running inscriptions;

· There is an Internet site www., which presents photographs of billboards, indicates their possible locations and provides contact information.

The radio channel, like television, only on a more modest scale, is characterized by a massive advertising audience. Its undoubted advantage is its significantly low cost, however, psychologically, it certainly loses to TV due to the lack of an image.

Nevertheless, a good design of a sound clip - the voice of the announcer, an entertaining and memorable text, a good sound background, musical accompaniment - make radio advertising quite effective. Here we should add such a significant point - almost round-the-clock broadcasting and background impact on the listener. The radio can stay on all day long in kitchens, in offices, in cars. Many radio stations, especially music ones, only broadcast music and news, news and music, and advertising in between. A person may not even hear it, however, somewhere on the fourth or fifth time the name of the company and its imprint fall into memory.

The great advantage of the radio is that it is listened to in the morning, afternoon and evening.

According to advertising psychologists, the most effective duration of a radio commercial is determined by 30 seconds, although there is another point of view: it is important to use as much time as necessary to convey the message.

Studies show that people listen more actively and attentively if the speaker speaks quickly and says more words per unit of time.

Before you advertise on the radio, you need to decide on a radio station or radio program. At the same time, it is important to take into account that radio listeners like to press buttons, choosing either one radio station or another. And this means that it may be appropriate to include advertising on several radio channels at once.

One of the most significant characteristics of a radio station is its audience reach. This characteristic is expressed in thousands of listeners (rating) or in the proportion of listeners of the radio station relative to the population (rating %) For example, the most rated FM stations in Moscow this summer were Russian Radio, Europe Plus, Ekho Moskvy and some others. Every day, 1,257,100 people listen to the radio station "Russian Radio", which is the coverage of the daily audience of this radio station. During the week, 2,419,700 people listen to Europa Plus at least once, which is the coverage of the weekly audience of this radio station. The rating is calculated as the ratio of the number of people listening to a radio station to the total population. So if the coverage of the daily audience of "Echo of Moscow" is 617,500 people, then the rating becomes 8.8%.

Most often, Parus-Media LLC seeks to advertise on popular radio stations. On the face of it, it would seem far more profitable to place a few ads on a radio station with a large audience than to pay for more ads on a radio station with a relatively small number of listeners.


Most modern markets are characterized as competitive. Hence the urgent need to study competition, its level and intensity, in knowledge of the forces and market factors that have the greatest influence on competition and its prospects.

A preliminary but obligatory stage in the study of competition in the market is the collection and analysis of information necessary, ultimately, to select competitive strategies. The completeness and quality of the information collected largely determine the effectiveness of further analysis.

The number and size of firms competing in the market determine the level of competition to the greatest extent. In principle, the intensity of competition is considered to be greatest when there are a significant number of competitors of approximately equal strength in the market, and it is not at all necessary that the competing firms be especially large. However, this rule is not universal and always true from the position of the firm conducting market research. For a medium-sized firm, such as LLC Parus-Media, the presence of even one major competitor can be a significant obstacle to successful sales.

Currently, the company considers Podmoskovye LLC and Moscow Region-Media LLC, which provide outdoor advertising services, as its main competitors.

SWOT(Strength, Weakness, Oportunity, Threats) - analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and risks.

SWOT - analysis is carried out in order to study the business environment, legal conditions, strengths and weaknesses of Parus-Media LLC and competing enterprises, as well as the complex mutual influence of the factors under consideration.

Table 7

Factors of competitiveness



Main competitors

Podmoskovye LLC

"Moscow Region - Media"

Firm reputation



Bad reputation - new agency

Process Automation



25-30 $ per 1 m2

25-35 $ per 1 m2

20-30$ for 1 m2


High performance work

High performance is not always

frequent breach of duty

Quality control




Individual approach


Standard work execution

Standard work execution

Service exclusivity

Standard set

Standard set

Large firms

Percentage of new applicants

Marketing policy

Implemented individual elements

Under development

Under development

Sales channels

Working with corporations

Working with corporations

Working with corporations



Not enough

To conduct a comparative analysis, we will evaluate the factors of competitiveness on a point scale, in which weight coefficients are determined for each position.

Table 8

Transformation of indicators expressed in various units of measurement into a score


Qualitative assessment

Point score

Factors characterizing the firm

Firm reputation


not reliable

Qualification of senior personnel


Qualification of middle management personnel

Not high

Process Automation


1. Factors characterizing the production and provision of services


High performance work

High performance is not always

Frequent violations

Quality control



Service exclusivity

Individual approach

Individual creative works

Standard set

2. Factors characterizing buyers

Large firms

Percentage of new applicants

3. Factors that characterize the marketing policy

Marketing policy


Implemented individual elements

Under development

Sales channels

Working with corporations

Work with individual clients


Not active enough

Table 9

Assessment of competitiveness factors


Coefficient weight.


Main competitors

Podmoskovye LLC

"Moscow Region - Media"

Factors characterizing the firm

Firm reputation

Qualification of senior personnel

Qualification of middle management personnel

Process Automation

Staff turnover

1. Factors characterizing the production and provision of services


Quality control

Service exclusivity

2. Factors characterizing buyers

Large firms

Percentage of new applicants

3. Factors characterizing the marketing policy

Marketing policy

Sales channels

From the data presented in the table, it can be seen that Parus-Media LLC is in the lead, gaining more points than both competing firms.

I will build a competitive profile of Parus-Media LLC in relation to the main competitor of Podmoskovye LLC.

Table 10

Competitive profile of Parus-Media LLC in relation to Podmoskovye LLC





Firm reputation

1 degree

Qualification of senior personnel

7 degree

Qualification of middle management personnel

8 degree

Process Automation

10 degree

Staff turnover

17 degree

1. Factors characterizing the production and provision of services

4 degree


5 degree

Quality control

15 degree

Service exclusivity

6 degree

2. Factors characterizing buyers

Large firms

13 degree

Percentage of new applicants

14 degree

3. Factors characterizing the marketing policy

Marketing policy

9 degree

Sales channels

3 degree

2 degree

It can be seen from the data presented that Parus-Media LLC is not inferior to its main competitor in any position, but there are many positions in which the competitive firm Podmoskovye LLC takes an equal position, which means that Parus-Media LLC it is necessary to work on strengthening its position in the market even more and to pay more attention to those positions that can be surpassed by Podmoskovye LLC after some time.


The position of Parus-Media LLC in the services market is quite stable, but in order to strengthen the position of the company in the market, it is necessary to carry out a set of measures that will further strengthen the position of the LLC and will help attract more customers, which means they will increase the company's profit and its professional growth :

1. It is necessary to make a change in the organizational structure of the company - to create a marketing service that will take on the functions of studying the competitive environment and developing a clear marketing policy;

2. As the analysis showed, it is necessary to improve internal communications by maintaining additional forms of communication

3. It is necessary to change the attitude towards the formation of the image of the company, to make the company recognizable. A firm with a strong reputation ensures a constant volume of production and revenues that grow from year to year. A sustainable brand is remarkably durable, and this property translates into huge cost savings over time. Firms with a stable reputation provide higher prices in the market and good sales. In the competitive struggle of prices, they survive much easier than unstable brands. They have little to lose with the advent of a new "star" and quickly regain their credibility as soon as the element of novelty of the new product begins to weaken.

5. Following the dictates of the times - develop and implement new system dissemination of information through Internet channels.

6. Introduce new forms of sales promotion through personal selling.

Introduction Educational and familiarization practice is one of the integral parts of the training of qualified specialists of all specialties, including the "Management of the organization". During the internship, the results of theoretical training are consolidated and concretized, students acquire skills and abilities. practical work according to the chosen specialty and assigned qualification.

The main purpose of the practice is the practical consolidation of theoretical knowledge gained during the training. The main result of this work is a report on the internship, which contains all the results of the student's activities for the period of internship and an analysis of the main indicators of management in the organization.

The objectives of the study practice: - to get acquainted with the constituent document - the charter approved by the founder of the company, job descriptions; - to study the structure of the organization; - to get acquainted with the organization and the functions and duties of the employees of the enterprise; - to consider the features of the work of the manager of the customer service department - to draw up Reporting sheets for large format printing

In practice, the collection of information material is carried out for the implementation of the report on educational practice. Work related to the current activities of the enterprise was also carried out.

This report consists of an introduction, conclusion, list of references and the main part, which in turn consists of a list of introductory questions on which the main work was carried out.

For practice, the advertising company "3Decor" was chosen, which is engaged in outdoor, transport advertising, the manufacture of souvenirs, design services, etc. The company is located at the address: Chelyabinsk, Kaslinskaya st., 1, of. 301. Working hours of the company: from 9 am to 6 pm daily except Sunday, with one hour for a lunch break. The due date is June 22, 2011. to July 5, 2011. We were accepted for training and introductory practice in the staff of the agency for the position of a client manager.

1 Organizational and legal concept of the enterprise

3Decor LLC is a limited liability company, i.e. is a commercial organization founded by several persons, authorized capital which is divided into parts of a certain size. The size of the share of each participant is fixed in the constituent documents. The number of founders is 5 people.1. Responsibility of participants. Participants are liable for the obligations of the company and bear the risk of losses within the value of their contributions.2. Constituent documents. In 3Decor LLC, the organizational basis for legal registration is made up of two main documents: - Memorandum of Association, which is signed by all founders. - Charter, which is approved by the founders.3. Control. supreme body management is the general meeting of founders. The executive management body is the Director.4. The right to withdraw from the partnership. Members may withdraw from the partnership at any time, regardless of the consent of the other members. A participant may transfer his share to another founder, or, if not prohibited by the charter, to a third party.

Date of registration: July 27, 2004 Legal address: Chelyabinsk, st. Kaslinskaya, 1, office 301.

The mission of the company is to meet the needs of entrepreneurs, individuals in an advertising product, to promote the development and promotion of their clients' business.

The company carries out its mission through "direct marketing".

Direct marketing is a continuous process of attracting new customers, meeting the needs of regular customers and developing long-term relationships with them, as well as strengthening a positive attitude towards the company and increasing sales.

Basic principles of work:

- Professionalism

- Individual approach to each client

- Creative approach to solving problems of any complexity

- Privacy

- Ethical standards

The purpose of the activities of 3Decor LLC is the high-quality and complete satisfaction of the needs of organizations and individuals in services, as well as making a profit.

At the initial stage of development, the driving force behind the business was large-format printing. A flexible pricing system and a friendly approach to the client allowed us not only to confidently gain a foothold in the market within one year, but also to create a good name. 3Decor LLC is a dynamically developing advertising agency. The company seeks to completely free the client from advertising "worries", taking responsibility for the success and viability of the advertising campaign. That is why the company has its own production base and the arsenal of methods is constantly being improved. The successful projects of the company combine strong classical technologies and brilliant creativity. The strategic objective of the advertising agency is to manage the client's image. This process involves the professional achievement of the goal at each stage of positioning. Competent planning and analysis, plus exceptionally high-quality step-by-step implementation - this is the basis for building a reputation and, ultimately, promoting a business.

Full name of the organization: 3Decor Limited Liability Company, abbreviated name: 3Decor LLC.

Form of ownership: private.

Constituent documents: the Charter of the enterprise, approved by its founders and the Memorandum of Association.

Types of activity: large-format and interior printing; creation, installation / dismantling of outdoor advertising; professional marketing research; design of transport advertising (outdoor and indoor); various types of printing; production of souvenirs; design services; placement and registration of outdoor advertising.

2 Enterprise - socio-economic management system

In this section, we will consider and analyze the external and internal environment of the organization, as well as organizational culture enterprises.

The external environment of the organization is made up of: management entities that regulate activities, competitors, consumers, suppliers, etc.

Advertising agency "3Decor" as well as all enterprises depends on environmental factors. This dependence became especially acute during the economic crisis. Let us consider in more detail the interaction of this firm with environmental factors.

Suppliers. The activity of the enterprise under study is directly dependent on the continuous supply of raw materials (in this case, vinyl film). These supplies are needed primarily for such a stage of work as the manufacture of an object. Delivery is not carried out directly, but through intermediaries, i.e. the enterprise purchases materials already from the official representative of the German manufacturing company in the city of Chelyabinsk. During the crisis, the cost of transportation increased, and, accordingly, the cost of the film itself increased, which affected the company's activities. At first, the management of the 3Decor advertising agency decided not to raise the cost finished products due to the increase in the cost of the film, so as not to lose customers. But soon the income of the enterprise was significantly reduced, and when the time came for the next payment of taxes and other mandatory contributions, which, by the way, were also increased, but by the government, the enterprise had almost no profit. Then the management of the company had no choice but to raise prices for their products.

In the field of trade, mechanisms are often used that grant the right wholesale buyer receive goods with the maximum discount. At the enterprise under study, these mechanisms have not yet been introduced, but active work is already underway in this direction.

laws and government agencies. As you know, the state in a market economy has both an indirect influence on organizations, primarily through the tax system, state property and the budget, and a direct one - through legislative acts and the activities of local authorities. For example, high tax rates significantly limit the activity of firms, their investment opportunities and push them to conceal income. High bureaucratic barriers impede entrepreneurial activity, the opening of small and medium enterprises.

Advertisers and advertising agencies strive to control the advertising market as much as possible. At the same time, the state is forced to increasingly actively manage their advertising activities under pressure. public opinion and under the threat of undesirable socio-economic consequences.

To date, advertising is managed by the state through the Law of the Russian Federation "On Advertising". According to this law, outdoor advertising must not bear any resemblance to road signs and pointers, worsen their visibility, as well as reduce traffic safety. It is allowed to be distributed with the permission of the relevant local government. If there is a permit and an agreement with the owner, it is allowed to place advertising on the territory of any objects, including historical, cultural and specially protected natural complexes. Advertising on vehicles can be placed on automobile and railway tracks public, in the subway and on other vehicles only in agreement with their owner. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the safety requirements of the Rules. traffic. The authorities entrusted with the functions of traffic safety control have the right to restrict or prohibit the dissemination of this advertisement.

A recent case in the advertising agency "3Decor" clearly showed the interaction of the company with the authorities government controlled. A citizen approached the company with a request to make a plastic copy of his car numbers, allegedly in order not to damage the real ones in the event of an accident. Realizing the seriousness of the case, the company's management demanded from the customer permission from the traffic police to use such numbers. The order was executed only after the customer brought such permission.

Competitors. The impact on the organization of such a factor as competition is manifested in many aspects of management. In many cases, competitors rather than consumers determine what kind of performance can be sold and what price can be asked. Underestimation of competitors and overestimation of markets lead even largest companies to significant losses and crises. It is important to understand that consumers are not the only object of competition for organizations. The latter may also compete for labor resources, materials, capital and the right to use certain technical innovations. At the same time, it should be noted that competition sometimes pushes firms to create various types of agreements between them, from market division to cooperation between competitors.

As for the competition of the enterprise under study, it can be said that it is not so significant. The company immediately found its niche among consumers and has been successfully operating in it for more than a year. However, competition is always present and the main thing for a company today is not to lose the trust of customers.

Consider comparative analysis on the example of one of the leading advertising firms in the market of competitors in the provision of large-format printing services and the production of outdoor advertising, Galaxy Center LLC and PE Factory of Letters are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - Assessment of competitive strength

According to the table, we can conclude that the Galaxy Center advertising agency, which competes with 3Decor LLC, occupies the leading position, although the assessment of its volume of activities is slightly lower than that of 3Decor, Galaxy Center is a competitive organization due to the professionalism of its staff, and it means and higher quality offered services and through widespread advertising of their activities. The company "3Decor" is the leader in terms of assessing the volume of activities, which means there are development prospects.

Consumers. There are a number of factors that determine a consumer's trading power. These factors include:

The degree of dependence of the buyer on the seller; (3Decor services are needed today, because advertising has become the main engine of trade);

The volume of purchases made by the buyer (the company is engaged in the manufacture of objects of various sizes and costs, which does not hinder consumer opportunities);

The level of awareness of the buyer (with the expectation of attracting the attention of the consumer, the 3Decor advertising agency placed billboards advertising its agency in several places in the city. Such a move was necessary because the agency's premises are not located on the main street, but in the courtyard);

Availability of substitutable products (objects manufactured at the enterprise cannot be bought anywhere or made by hand; the only source may be competing firms);

The cost to the buyer of switching to another seller (the firm offers low enough prices, so consumers do not want to switch to other agencies);

The sensitivity of the buyer to price, depending on total cost services, the presence of certain requirements for the quality of the product, its profit, etc.

Thus, we see that the whole variety external factors is reflected in the consumer and through it affects the organization, its goals and strategy.

It is necessary to take into account the factors influencing the behavior of consumers, their demand. Consumer demand has also become a decisive factor in the activities of 3Decor. In the context of the global economic crisis, enterprises were forced to cut their costs. Many of them did this precisely by cutting advertising costs. All this, of course, shook the client base, but not for long. Some enterprises have realized that in the face of increasing competition for the consumer during the crisis, advertising mechanisms are very necessary.

consumer behavior should be studied in order to reduce its negative impact and use the opportunities that it provides. But it is important not to forget that the enterprise must independently actively form the needs and preferences of consumers, their value orientations, in order to solve their market problems.

The company occupies one of the leading positions in the market for the provision of services. The agency cooperates with such organizations as: accessories store "Schinka", "Multibank", chain of stores "Expert", network of multi-brand stores fashion clothes Snezhnaya Koroleva, Lady Prima retail chain, Black Lama Exclusive Fur Salon, Aist Beauty Salon, Air Ticket Offices, House Style Furniture Salon

economic factor. Management must be able to assess how general changes in the state of the economy will affect the operations of the organization.

There are many mechanisms for regulating the influence of the economic factor on the activities of the enterprise. If, for example, inflation is predicted, management may find it desirable to increase the supply of resources to the organization and negotiate fixed wages with workers in order to contain cost increases in the near future. It may also decide to borrow money because the money will be worth less when it falls due, thus offsetting part of the interest loss. If an economic downturn is predicted, the organization may prefer the path of reducing stocks of finished products, since it may become difficult to sell it, lay off part of the workforce, or postpone expansion plans until better times.

However, it is important to understand that this or that particular change in the state of the economy can have both a positive and a negative impact. For example, if during the economic crisis some enterprises reduce their advertising costs, then some, on the contrary, attract consumers with the help of advertising methods.

The activities of 3Decor also depend on the foreign exchange rate. So, for example, an enterprise prefers to make large orders for the supply of raw materials precisely during the period of the dollar's depreciation, which, although not significantly, reduces part of the costs.

There are many more aspects of the interaction of an enterprise with the external environment, and it is simply impossible to cover all of them, because. they are constantly changing. After all of the above, we saw that the analysis of the environment is a very important and complex process that requires careful monitoring of the processes taking place in the environment, assessing factors and establishing a connection between the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, as well as the opportunities and threats that are contained in the external environment. .

Consider the internal environment of the organization, i.e. assortment, prices, design of the organization, material and technical base and technological process.

Range. The area of ​​activity of the 3Decor advertising agency includes: 1) large-format and interior printing; 2) creation, installation/dismantling of outdoor advertising of any configuration and complexity; 3) professional marketing research; 4) design of transport advertising (outdoor and indoor); 5) any kind of polygraphy; 6) production of souvenir products; 7) design services; 8) placement and registration of outdoor advertising. The 3Decor company works with its clients with deferred payments for services rendered, which attracts not only small organizations, but also large enterprises. advertising services, in particular printing and large format printing, are an urgent product. The distinctive advantages of the 3Decor agency are the quality, terms and prices for the provision of advertising services. Large format printing: the printer is capable of printing at a speed of up to 10 sq.m. in hour. The width of the printing area is 3.1 meters of high quality interior printing. Low-solvent ink creates long-lasting prints without lamination with a wide range of rich, saturated colors. - business cards, calendars, leaflets, booklets, etc. everything is done within 1-2 days, qualitatively and inexpensively. At the moment, the company has acquired special laser equipment, which helps to improve the quality of manufacturing three-dimensional letters, reduce the lead time for orders for outdoor illuminated signs. It is developing a direction for the manufacture of wooden souvenirs, in the service market of Chelyabinsk, this direction is not well developed, but judging by the demand for wooden souvenir magnets, amulets, talismans, it will develop at a high speed. Design services - are carried out by certified specialists with experience in this field, which allows you to attract customers with creative ideas and the speed of execution of an advertising project sketch. Completion of work on time and quality of products are controlled by the account manager, who is responsible not only for attracting customers, but also for maintaining the customer base and ongoing cooperation.

Pricing policy analysis:

1. Large format printing

Banner fabric - from 115-170 rubles / sq.m.

Film with an adhesive base - 145 rubles.

Light box 8000 rub./sq.m.

Volumetric letter 10 cm high 350 rubles.

3. Operational printing

Business cards 1.5 rub. one-sided and 2.4 double-sided rubles / piece.

Booklets A4 -15 rubles / piece.

Sheet A3-27 rubles / pc.

Form and procedure of payment:

Advance payment by cash and bank transfer;

Final payment within 1 month.

Technical and technological support of the organization's activities. The organization "3Decor" has various equipment. It is divided into office equipment and professional equipment in the workshop. The office is equipped with the following office equipment: - computers, 11 pcs. - copier printer, 5 pcs. - scanner, 2 pcs. Workshop: - printing equipment for large format printing, 2 pcs. post-printing processing, 2 pcs. - laser equipment for cutting hard materials, 2 pcs. - cutting plotter, 2 pcs. - printing equipment, 2 pcs. - "post-printing" equipment for printing, 5 pcs. screwdrivers, etc.) Characteristics of the design and interior design of the premises of the organization. Office of the company "3Decor" with an area of ​​80 sq.m. located on the third floor of the building. Design elements in the style of minimalism can be traced in the design of the office. The color palette of walls and furniture is selected in the corporate color scheme organizations. Each specialist has a place to work with the customer. Also for customers and office staff there is a table for tea drinking, relaxing or holding an informal conversation with customers. Available exhibition stand with product samples. Table for the issuance of finished products.
Shop for large format printing. Area 120 square meters. There is a large working table with an area of ​​25 sq.m., printing equipment, racks for printed materials, cabinets for finished products, printers' workplaces. There is 6m. ladder for installation of signboards up to 2 storey height. Laser cutting workshop. Area 250 sq.m. there are 8 windows, a cutting table of 10 sq.m., shelving for tools, niches for sheet material, a huge free area for the manufacture of metal structures. Dining corner equipped with household kitchen appliances for workshop employees.

3 Organizational management structure

The organizational structure of management is understood as an ordered set of services, line managers, functional departments, responsible executives or individual positions in their subordination for administrative, functional and methodological ties. The organizational structure is the composition, interconnection and subordination of independent management units and individual positions.

The essence of the organizational structure in the delegation of rights and responsibilities for the division of labor. The organizational structure of an advertising agency is a reflection of the powers and responsibilities assigned to each of its employees.

The purpose of the organizational structure is:

Division of labor;

Definition of tasks and responsibilities of employees;

Definition of roles and relationships

The main objective of the organizational structure of the advertising agency "3Decor" is to establish relationships of authority that connect top management with lower levels of employees. These relationships are established through delegation, which means the transfer of authority and tasks to a person who takes responsibility for their implementation.

For effective work, management must distribute among employees all those tasks that are necessary to achieve the goal of the enterprise.

The company has clearly defined powers and responsibilities for each position. Everyone understands what is expected of him and who relies on him. The management structure at the enterprise is linear-functional (Figure 1). Line management is backed up by support services.

Indicator value


in 2010 year

in 2011

Senior managers

Middle managers

Grassroots leaders





- from 35 to 45 years

- from 25 to 35 years

- up to 25 years

- · higher education

- ·specialized secondary

- general average

The level of professional training in the specialty, after the analysis of the composition of the staff, is as follows:

It can be seen from the above data that the number of employees without professional training has noticeably changed over the reporting period, there is a downward trend from 27% to 21%, and the number of employees with professional training from one to five years has increased by 5% and amounted to 32 % of the total number of employees. There are minor fluctuations in other categories.

The permanent staff of the company is 28 people: Director - 1 person. Department for work with clients: manager for work with clients - 2 people. Department for supply and production development: technologist - 1 person, worker - 2 people. Department of creativity and design: PR-manager – 1 person, designer – 2 people. Accounting department: Accountant – 2 people. printing products: technologist - 1 person, worker - 1 person. Department for the manufacture and installation of outdoor advertising: technologist - 1 person, installer - 2 people, worker - 2 people. Department for placement and coordination (registration) of outdoor advertising: technologist - 1 person, installer - 1 person, worker - 1 person, manager - 1 person.

The General Director without a power of attorney acts on behalf of the enterprise in the following cases:

Carries out operational management of the enterprise;

Has the right of the first signature under financial documents;

Approves the staffing table, concludes employment contracts with employees of the enterprise, applies incentive measures to these employees and imposes penalties on them;

Technologists of the departments of supply and development of production, large-format and interior printing, production of printing products, production and installation of outdoor advertising, control the process of creating advertising products, make calculations and projects, travel with installers to objects where they take measurements, photographs of the object. Carry out safety control of the entire workshop and installation workers.

The accountant documents the ongoing business transactions at the enterprise: supply, purchase of goods, raw materials, settlement transactions with suppliers, transport organizations, the budget, makes a calculation of manufactured products, conducts an inventory, calculates wages and taxes, and maintains enterprise reports.

The account manager works with first-time clients, conducts commercial negotiations with clients in the interests of the company, accepts and processes client orders, required documents, connected with the shipment of products for the company's clients, maintains a client base. The workshop workers work on specialized equipment, produce promotional products, monitor the equipment, adjust the equipment, make an application to the technologist for the purchase of materials and necessary tools. Installers carry out installation according to a clear plan of the technologist . The designer creates sketches of an advertising project, works closely with production technologists, develops corporate styles, creates design layouts for all advertising products. But in some cases, this number of people is not enough for the full-fledged work of the agency and the company resorts to temporary hiring of additional employees. Basically, these are promoters, workers. Hiring temporary workers is associated with one-time promotions and the absence of the need to constantly keep a large staff. Attracting temporary workers has a certain seasonality. During the summer, a large number of promotions are held, because. in warm weather, actions can be held on the streets, in parks, recreation areas, etc. It is also easier to hire promoters, who are mostly high school students and students who want to work during the summer holidays and agree to low wages.

4 Management functions

In this section, we will consider the planning and control of the activities of 3Decor LLC, as well as the management functions.

According to their importance in the management process, the following functions are distinguished: general and specific.

General management functions include planning and control. The plan is a model of the future state of the enterprise. Planning means, first of all, the ability to think ahead of time and implies a systematic approach to work. "Planning is far from improvisation - it requires analytical thinking."

The planning function involves deciding what the goals of the organization should be and what the members of the organization should do to achieve those goals. The process of strategic planning is a tool that helps in making managerial decisions. Its task is to ensure innovation and change in the organization to a sufficient extent.

So, let's formulate the main advantages that planning gives us:

Elimination of uncertainty;

Precise definition of goals and actions to achieve them;

The emergence of meaningfulness in activities;

Avoiding mistakes in future activities;

The ability to anticipate and act in a future situation ahead of time.

Plans are:

1) long-term (5-above years);

2) medium-term (1-5);

3) short-term (up to 1 year).

Planning at the enterprise LLC "3Decor" refers to the medium-term, that is, the tasks set must be achieved within 1-5 years.

For this period, the company has planned to increase sales volumes in order to increase profits.

For this purpose, a program has been developed to achieve the set goal, which is currently being gradually implemented. The company plans to expand the workshop, purchase new equipment to increase the volume of work and the timing of orders.

Management functions, determining their composition are the basis for establishing an organizational structure, developing a management process, selecting and placing engineering and technical workers and employees, etc. The variety of management functions, different degrees of generality and levels of detail predetermine the need for their grouping into general, specific and special .

The general function of management is part of the management cycle (characterized by the repetition of the type of activity), is aimed at each management object and determines the functional division and specialization of managerial work. The most reasonable is the following typical composition of operations of the management cycle: forecasting and planning; organization; coordination and regulation; activation and stimulation; control, accounting and analysis.

A specific management function is a combination of a general management function (one or another operation of the management cycle) with a specific management object. In turn, the objects of control, and, consequently, specific functions grouped according to three criteria: organizational structure trading activities, separate stages of the process of trading activity, separate factors of trading activity.

Control is a critical and complex management function. One of the most important features of control, which should be taken into account in the first place, is that control should be comprehensive. Every manager, regardless of his rank, must exercise control as an integral part of his job responsibilities.

The enterprise has three main types of management control: preliminary, current and final. Preliminary - precedes the active activity of the organization. In its content, this is organizational control, the task of which is mainly to check the readiness of the organization, its personnel, production apparatus, management system, etc. to work.

Preliminary control over personnel is intended, first of all, to answer the question of whether it is possible to solve problems with its help. planned tasks. Such control is carried out on the basis of predetermined requirements for each category of specialists with the help of various tests, interviews, and examinations. This control is exercised by the manager.

Personnel control is also called upon to monitor the training and retraining of personnel, their instruction, the conditions for creativity and innovation, and the state of health.

third direction preliminary control- the state of material and financial resources of the organization. Towards material resources the availability of stocks of raw materials, materials, components in warehouses, the compliance of their structure and quantity with the needs of production, and the guarantee of supplies are checked. In this direction, control is carried out by technologists of departments.

Current control in "3Decor" exists in the forms of strategic and operational. The strategic one has as its main object the efficiency of using the organization's resources in terms of achieving its ultimate goals and is conducted not only in terms of quantitative, but also qualitative indicators: the level of labor productivity, new working methods, technologies both in the organization as a whole and in its divisions. Strategic control is carried out by managers and technologists of the enterprise.

Operational control, carried out literally simultaneously with the performance of the main work, is focused on current production and economic activities, in particular the movement of products within the technological process (sequence of operations, time standards for their implementation, quality of work); equipment loading; compliance with the general work schedule; the presence of stocks, work in progress and finished products, the level of current costs, the current expenditure of funds. At the level of individual operations, operational control is exercised. Operational control is carried out by the manager and technologists of 3Decor LLC.

The third type of control is final. It is associated with an assessment of the organization's implementation of its plans and involves a comprehensive analysis of not only specific performance results for the past period, but also its strengths and weaknesses. The final control data is used to draw up the next plans. The final control is carried out by the director of the advertising agency.

In LLC "3Decor" control over the activities is carried out by the leaders of all levels: the general director controls the activities of the organization as a whole and subordinates in particular. Financial control is carried out by the chief accountant. Through financial control, the implementation of financial plans, the organization of financial and economic activities are checked. Internal control is carried out by the director and managers. External control, i.e. control over operations, foreign economic relations, suppliers, clients, intermediaries, banks, is carried out by the manager and director.

Private (specific) management functions include: commercial, marketing, innovation, production, etc.

Their tasks include:

1) development of a marketing policy at an enterprise based on an analysis of consumer properties;

2) conclusion of new contracts;

3) search for new markets;

innovative and production function organizations carry out, respectively, the creative and design department and the department for the manufacture and installation of outdoor advertising.

Their tasks include:

1) development of an innovation policy at an enterprise by studying the market sector in the field of innovative implementations, as well as consumer properties of products

2) project, design and installation of the advertising product itself

3) introduction and promotion of services and products of the organization in the advertising industry, etc.

5 Control methods

Management methods are a set of techniques and methods of influencing a managed object in order to achieve the goals set by the organization.

All management methods used in the enterprise can be divided into three groups:

1. Economic Methods.

2. Socio-psychological.

3. Organizational and administrative.

Economic methods of management - a set of methods of influence by creating economic conditions that encourage the employee of the enterprise to act in the right direction and achieve the solution of the tasks assigned to him. They are based on the objective needs and interests of people. Economic methods of management are successfully used to increase labor productivity.

At 3Decor LLC, remuneration is the main motive for labor activity and a monetary measure of the cost of labor. It provides a link between the results of labor and its process and reflects the quantity and complexity of the work of workers of various qualifications. Setting salaries for employees and tariff rates for workers, the management of the agency determined the standard cost of labor, taking into account the average cost of labor at its normal duration.

Social-psychological methods are understood as a group of methods aimed at a combination of social interests and psychological characteristics of an employee. Thus, these methods affect the social processes taking place in labor collectives and interpersonal relationships and connections. The condition for the formation and development of labor collectives is the observance of the principles of psychophysiological compatibility. The main goal of applying socio-psychological methods of management is the formation of a positive socio-psychological climate in the team.

The advertising agency "3Decor" uses sociological methods that are aimed at all departments of the enterprise and their interaction in the production process; psychological methods that have a direct effect on the personality of each employee (the inner world of a person).

socio-economic (requirement to comply with safety regulations, establishment of sales standards, minimum wage guarantee);

social and personal (identification of capable employees who may take leadership positions in the future with the help of various tests, observations and organization of the development of their managerial skills).

Organizational and administrative methods of management - a system of influence on organizational relations to achieve specific goals. The performance of the same work is possible in various organizational conditions: strict regulation, flexible regulation, setting common tasks, establishing permissible boundaries of activity, etc. These methods provide clarity, discipline and order of work in a team.

1) a mandatory prescription:

a) orders (Order No. 46 "On the introduction of a new staff unit");

b) orders (Order No. 4 "Modernization of technical systems, as well as internal communication systems");

2) conciliatory:

a) consultation (seminar, training to improve the skills of company employees in the advertising industry);

b) resolution of a compromise (intra-collective council for resolving disputes in the process of relations between company employees);

a) advice (informal prescriptions of the internal rules of conduct in the organization);

b) clarification (a detailed explanation to the employee of the organization of certain points of the internal regulations and other points that have a dual structure of understanding);

c) a proposal (putting on the agenda for consideration by the management of the organization a rationalization proposal, or another rationalization idea to improve the production process, or the production sphere).

It should be noted that the management of "3Decor" use the whole range of management techniques and methods that exist in modern management.

6 Motivation of labor activity of the personnel of the enterprise

In this section, the system of economic incentives for labor will be considered, namely: the forms of wages used at the enterprise, various allowances and bonuses. Salary is the price paid to an employee for the use of his labor, depending on his qualifications, complexity, quantity and quality. Salary occupies the main place in the total income of the population. The enterprise independently establishes wage systems, salaries, bonuses and other incentive payments. All these points are fixed in the collective agreement, as well as in individual employment contracts between employees and the organization.

A collective agreement is a legal document that regulates labor, socio-economic and professional relations between employers, that is, owners of property and employees of an enterprise. The administration unilaterally cannot cancel or introduce other conditions for the organization of labor, remuneration, if they are not provided for in the collective agreement.

The collective agreement in the field of remuneration provides for:

1. Periodic salary increases in accordance with the growth of the average wage.

2. The amount of payments, if appropriate funds are available: for health improvement, for children's camps, etc.

The time-based form of remuneration can be:

Simple time-based;


Time-based with a normalized task.

3Decor LLC uses a simple time wage - that is, when the salary is calculated by multiplying the salary of each employee by the quantity and quality of hours worked.

The company also uses a piecework form of remuneration. This form of remuneration is more interested in workers in increasing turnover.

Types of piecework wages:

Direct piecework;

Indirect piecework;




3Decor LLC uses direct piecework wages - it is calculated by multiplying the price per unit of production by the number of products sold.

In incentive systems, an important role belongs to bonuses. Through an effective system of bonuses, the material interest of employees in the growth of labor productivity, reduction of costs and, on this basis, an increase in profits, is stimulated.

This enterprise does not apply a bonus system, which should be noted as a negative point in the work of the enterprise, in my opinion, the enterprise should develop a provision on bonuses and agree it with the team, where the following points should be clearly stated:

Bonus indicators, that is, the specific conditions for which the bonus is charged are indicated;

The size of the bonus;

Bonus conditions, that is, the accrual of a bonus is subject to the overfulfillment of turnover, or turnover and profit, or only profit;

Sources of bonuses;

Prize award procedure.

In addition to economic incentives for labor, there is also moral incentives for labor. In 3Decor LLC, it is expressed in the following forms: praising the employee in front of the whole team, separating the employee from the team, that is, the employee can be given some tasks and the emphasis is placed on the fact that no one can cope with this task better than him or that they trust him and count on him. In a word, they give the employee a sense of their importance and individuality.

Organization of corporate events.

An inseparable part of the originality of the company are held in it corporate events- holidays, trainings, team building. And they are not so much ways to "entertain" employees as tools for moral stimulation of staff, elements of forming the company's internal image. Experts call it one of the most effective methods broadcasting corporate values corporate holidays.

Corporate holidays in the life of an organization perform a number of important functions:

Fixation of success (in contrast to a simple procedure for summing up the results, the holiday emphasizes the achievements, successes of the company with a positive focus);

Adaptation (helping newcomers to join the team);

Education (introducing people to the values ​​that are significant for the organization);

Group motivation (the process of formation and regulation of relations in the team takes place in an informal, memorable positive emotional environment);

Recreation (necessary distraction from the labor process, rest, switching attention, entertainment);

7. Leadership styles

Leadership style is a way, a system of methods for influencing a leader on subordinates. One of critical factors effective work of the organization, full realization of the potential of people and the team.

Leadership style is determined by a number of factors:

Leader's personality type;

The level of his upbringing and education;

Accumulated experience;

Working conditions of the enterprise;

Stage of team development.

In the practice of managerial activity, a certain role is played by: the method of observation; testing method. The testing method involves conducting tests "Your leadership style" (Appendix 1).

When analyzing leadership styles, I had to be content only with my own observations, since leaders different levels refused to participate in testing and analysis of their own management activities. In the process of studying leadership styles, it turned out that different leaders use different styles. So, to CEO characterized by the centralization of power in the hands of one leader. He demands that all cases be reported only to him. This style is characterized by a focus on administration and limited contacts with subordinates. The director often single-handedly makes (or cancels) decisions, is categorical, often harsh with people. Always orders, disposes, instructs, but never asks. In other words, the main content of his managerial activity consists of orders and commands. However, it should be noted that he often gives subordinates the opportunity to take the initiative, often does not exercise intermediate control (only final), which is generally not typical for an autocrat. However, it is characterized by dogmatism and stereotyped thinking. Everything new is perceived by him with caution or is not perceived at all, since in managerial work he practically uses the same methods.

The account manager is a manager who uses a predominantly democratic style. He strives to solve as many issues as possible collectively, systematically inform his subordinates about the state of affairs in the team, and responds correctly to criticism. In communication with subordinates, he is extremely polite and friendly, is in constant contact, delegates part of the managerial functions to other specialists, trusts people. Demanding but fair. All members of the team take part in preparing for the implementation of management decisions. In addition, this manager consults with subordinates and strives to use the best that they offer. Provides motivation not only through rewards, but also in the form of some connection to management.

The head of the creative and design department is a leader with a liberal leadership style, who practically does not interfere in the activities of the team, and the employees are given complete independence, the opportunity for individual and collective creativity. This leader with subordinates is usually polite, ready to cancel a decision he had previously made, especially if this threatens his popularity. Of the available arsenal of means of influencing the team, the main place is occupied by persuasion and requests. Softness in dealing with people prevents him from gaining real authority, since individual employees demand concessions from him, which he does, fearing to spoil relations with them. The choice of this style is largely due to the youth of this manager.

To optimize management styles, managers are advised to analyze their own methods and management style and get advice from a psychologist.


The place of study and familiarization practice is one of the enterprises in the service sector that carries out advertising activities - limited liability company advertising agency "3Decor". To study and analyze the management system in the 3Decor advertising group, the essence and significance of management, its principles, methods, the technological process of preparing and making managerial decisions were investigated. In addition, as part of the educational and familiarization practice, the organizational and legal features of the enterprise's activities were studied; external and internal environment of the enterprise, leadership styles. During the internship, the following conclusions and recommendations were made:

1. The organizational structure of LLC "3Decor" is one of the most common and simple types of linear-functional. All power is in the hands of the leader - the CEO.

The advantages of such a structure are:

Simple construction;

Efficiency and accuracy of management decisions;

Along with the pros, there are also disadvantages, such as:

The concentration of power in the top management;

In our opinion, the management of 3Decor LLC needs to think about improving the organizational structure of enterprise management. In our opinion, it is necessary to hire an HR manager. This will allow the CEO to organize the work of the enterprise more productively. And also to create a marketing department, which will most effectively explore new markets for products, this department will take on the task of studying consumer needs, developing a competitive, pricing policy, then managers will be able to fully engage in their work, and this, in turn, will have a positive impact on work the entire enterprise as a whole.

A positive moment in the work of the enterprise should be noted that the company's management is interested in improving the skills of its employees, their training and retraining and constantly sends employees to various seminars, courses, etc.

2. 3Decor LLC uses economic, socio-psychological, organizational and administrative.

The management of 3Decor LLC applies all three methods in order to achieve optimal returns from their subordinates and, thereby, achieve success in their activities.

3. It is customary to distinguish two forms of labor incentives: economic incentives (salary, bonuses) and moral incentives.

The main element of economic incentives in 3Decor LLC is wages, the bonus system at this enterprise has not been developed at all. The management of the company should develop a system of material incentives, since bonuses are a pleasant motivating incentive when an employee, having spent certain efforts, sees the results, receives a reward, and there comes a sense of satisfaction and a sense of return. Moral stimulation is applied in full.

4. 3Decor LLC uses a democratic leadership style, which is characterized by the ability to combine concern for people with concern for production. Communication flows predominantly from top to bottom.

5. The company has a good moral and psychological climate in the team, friendly labor relations and mutual assistance relations. Everyone is ready to help the other. Relations within the team are very warm, there are practically no conflicts, employees go to work with pleasure, because in such a team you not only work, but also relax.

Also, the management of the 3Decor enterprise can recommend the following areas for improving the image:

1. Servicing additional consumer groups, for example, an offer for consumers in the Chelyabinsk region.

2. Regular participation in souvenir exhibitions.

3. Attraction large enterprises having branches not only in Chelyabinsk.

This will increase the sales of products, the recognition of the company, increase its financial turnover.


3. Kibanov A.Ya. Personnel management of the organization: workshop. M. Economics, 2006. 232s.

5. Maslov E.V. Enterprise personnel management. M. MGU. 2006. 344p.

6. Meskon M.Kh., Albert M., Hedouri F. Fundamentals of management - M.: Delo, 2004. 327p.

7. Moseikin Yu.N. Strategic planning. Lecture course: Tutorial. - M.: Publishing house of RUDN University, 2005. - 80 p.

9. Rogozhin S.V., Rogozhina T.V. Organization theory. Textbook.-M.: MGUK, 2001. 128s.

11. Sandidis Ch., Freiburger V., Rotzoll K. Advertising: theory and practice. M.: Progress, 2003. 186s.

Attachment 1

Test - "Your leadership style."

With the help of this test, we will be able to determine what leadership style is used by top, middle and lower managers.

1. Way of making a decision:

1) on the basis of consultations from above or the opinion of the group;

2) sole with subordinates;

3) based on instructions.

2. Method of bringing decisions to the contractor:

1) Offer;

2) Order, order, command;

3) Request, begging.

3. Distribution of responsibility:

1) In accordance with the powers;

2) Completely in the hands of the performer;

3) Completely in the hands of the leader.

4. Attitude towards the initiative of subordinates:

1) Allowed;

2) Completely transferred to subordinates;

3) Encouraged and used.

5. Principles of recruitment:

1) No principles;

2) Focus on business, knowledgeable employees and help them in their careers;

3) Getting rid of strong competitors.

6. Attitude towards knowledge:

1) You think you know everything yourself;

2) Indifferent;

3) Constantly learn and demand the same from subordinates.

7. Attitude to communication:

1) You do not show initiative;

2) Negative, keep your distance;

3) Positive, actively go to contacts.

8. Attitude towards subordinates:

1) By mood, uneven;

2) Smooth, friendly, demanding;

3) Soft, not demanding.

9. Attitude towards discipline:

1) Reasonable;

2) Rigid, formal;

3) Soft, formal.

10. Attitude towards stimulation:

1) Punishment, with rare encouragement;

2) No clear orientation;

3) Encouragement with rare punishment.

Test results:

The basic methodology that allows you to determine the style of leadership of the work team was developed by V.P. Zakharov. A technique that allows you to identify several styles of leadership of the workforce.

1. Your enterprise produces a group of goods that are not in great demand among buyers. Competitors have developed a new technology for the production of the same goods, which are of high quality, but require additional capital investments. How would your manager handle this situation?

a. will continue to produce goods that are not in demand among buyers;

b. issue an order on the speedy introduction of new technologies into production;

c. will spend additional funds on the development of its own new technologies in order to make products superior in quality to competitors' products.

2. Imagine that you work in a car factory. One of your employees has recently returned from a business trip to visit an exhibition of new automotive products. He offered to modernize one of the car models produced by the plant. Your Plant Manager:

a. take an active part in the development of a new idea, make every effort to quickly put it into production;

b. will order the development of a new idea to the relevant personnel;

c. before introducing this innovation into production, your manager will convene a collegiate meeting at which a common decision will be made on the advisability of upgrading your car.

3. At a collegiate meeting, one of the employees proposed the most rational solution to one of the problems that arose in your work team. However, this decision completely contradicts the proposal that your manager made earlier. In this situation, he:

a. support a rational solution proposed by the employee;

b. will defend his point of view;

c. will conduct a survey of employees, which will help to come to a consensus.

4. Your team has done a lot of hard work that did not bring you the desired success (profit). Your manager:

a. asks to redo all the work by connecting new, more qualified personnel;

b. discuss the current problem with employees in order to find out the reasons for the failure in order to avoid them in the future;

c. will try to find those responsible for the failure (who failed to cope with the employees.

5. A journalist came to your organization working for a newspaper that is popular with readers. If you were asked to list the valuable qualities of your leader, which of them would you name first of all:

a. qualification, exactingness;

b. awareness of all the difficulties that arise in the enterprise; the ability to quickly make the right decision;

c. equal treatment of all employees, the ability to compromise.

6. One of the employees made a minor mistake in his work, but in order to eliminate it, it will take a lot of time. How do you think your manager will act in this situation?

a. will make a remark to this employee in the presence of his colleagues, in order to prevent such mistakes in the future;

b. make a remark in private, without attracting the attention of other employees;

c. will not attach much importance to this event.

7. A position has become vacant at your enterprise. Several employees of the enterprise apply for it at once. Actions of your leader:

a. prefers that a worthy candidate be chosen by collective vote;

b. he will be appointed by the leader himself;

c. before appointing a person to this position, the manager will consult only with some members of the team.

8. Is it customary in your team to take personal initiative in solving an issue that is not directly related to the activities of the entire enterprise?

a. all decisions are made only by the head of the enterprise;

b. our company welcomes the personal initiative of employees;

c. making an independent decision, before starting to act, an employee of the enterprise must necessarily consult with the head;

9. In general, when evaluating the performance of your manager, you can say that he ...

a. completely absorbed in the problems that arise in your production, so that even in his spare time he thinks about their reasonable solution. He is as demanding of others as he is of himself;

b. refers to those leaders who believe that for fruitful work in a team, there should be even, democratic relations between employees;

c. your manager does not take an active part in the management of the enterprise, always acts according to certain scheme, does not strive to improve in areas little known to him.

10. The manager invited you and other employees to the anniversary. Usually in an informal setting, he:

a. speaks with employees only about work, about plans to expand production, to increase the working staff, etc., while it is he who sets the main tone of the conversation;

b. prefers to remain in the background in order to provide an opportunity for interlocutors, work colleagues, to express their point of view on an issue of interest to them, to tell an entertaining episode from their life;

c. takes an active part in the conversation, without imposing his opinion on other interlocutors, without defending the point of view opposite to all other participants in the conversation.

11. Your supervisor has asked you to quickly complete the work you just started, which will take you extra time, your actions:

a. immediately proceed to its speedy implementation, because you do not want to seem like a non-performing worker and value the opinion that your manager has about you;

b. I will do this work, but a little later, since the boss will first of all evaluate the quality of its implementation;

c. I will try to meet the deadlines proposed by the manager, but I do not guarantee the high quality of its implementation. In our team, the main thing is to complete the work on time.

12. Imagine that your manager's office is temporarily occupied (it is being renovated), so he will have to work in your office for several days, how will you feel?

a. you will constantly be nervous, afraid, afraid to make any mistake in his presence.

b. I will be very happy about this, as this is an extra opportunity to exchange experience with experienced, interesting person;

c. The presence of a manager will not affect my work in any way.

13. You returned from advanced training courses, learned a lot of useful and valuable things for your future work. The leader gave you a small assignment and you used the knowledge acquired in the courses to complete it. What do you think your leadership will do?

a. will definitely be interested in what he does not yet know, will ask you in more detail about other innovations;

b. will not attach any importance to this fact;

c. would prefer that you contact him personal experience performing such assignments, that is, he will advise you to complete the assigned task in the way he would like it to be.

Key to the test

1. a - 0, b - 1, c - 2.

2. a - 1, b - 0, c - 2

3. a - 2, b - 0, c - 1.

4. a - 1, b - 2, c - 0.

5. a - 0, b - 2, c - 1.

6. a - 0, b - 2, c - 1.

7. a - 2, b - 0, c - 1.

8. a - 0, b - 2, c - 1.

9. a - 2, b - 1, c - 0.

10. a - 0, b - 1, c - 2.

11. a - 1, b - 2, c - 0.

12. a - 0, b - 2, c - 1.

13. a - 2, b - 0, c - 1.

Test results: 9 points

The head of your enterprise prefers to make all decisions on his own, defends his point of view to the end, all ideas coming from employees are carefully considered by him, but he does not always listen to them. He always acts according to the same scheme, which, in his opinion, is suitable for all occasions, so all innovations are perceived by them reluctantly, with some caution. In his managerial activities, he is guided by the principle: criticism of one employee is an incentive for the active work of other employees.

Introduction 3

1. Organizational and economic characteristics of OOO "" 4

1.1. general characteristics OOO "" 4

1.2. Organizational structure 6

1.3. Strategy and Mission 8

1.4. SWOT analysis 10

2. Functional responsibilities 17

3. Individual task in the specialty 19

4. Research work 23

Conclusion 28

References 30

Apps 32


One of the most important conditions for the formation of stable relations between producers and consumers in a market economy is the successful functioning of the advertising business. Over the past decade, the Russian economy has seen a rapid growth of the advertising market, which actively influences the development of market relations in the country. This process is accompanied by the formation of a large domestic advertising business, gradually merging into the activities of the global advertising market. Although Russia has a rich tradition in the development of advertising, at the present time much has to be started anew. This is due to the fact that in the era of socialism, advertising performed functions that differed from the conditions of a market economy. In the absence of competition, its exclusive task was to disseminate information about the products manufactured by state enterprises focused not on making a profit, but on minimizing the prices of their products. The advertising and information agencies themselves were financed entirely from the budget and were not aimed at making a profit and increasing sales of their products. In the era of market relations, they switched, following the majority of Russian enterprises, to own funds financing. Here, their main task, like all other enterprises, is to increase the cost of their products and increase their sales to maximize profits.

I completed my internship at an advertising agency LLC "" as a PR specialist.

1. Organizational and economic characteristics of OOO ""

1.1. General characteristics of OOO ""

Limited Liability Company "" was established in 1998. The Company is guided in its activities by the Civil Code Russian Federation, federal law"On Limited Liability Companies", as well as the Constituent Agreement on the establishment of the Company and the Charter.

The main activities are:

1. Design - development of logos, corporate identity, design of entrance groups.

2. Production - three-dimensional letters, light boxes, appliqué, photo printing, engraving - milling work, silkscreen.

3. Installation - installation of any complexity from a simple plate to roof installations (own installation teams).

4. Registration - obtaining permits for the installation of outdoor advertising, prolongation of passports, assistance in solving complex issues of coordination, professional advice.

5. Maintenance - minor repairs, replacement of lighting elements, spring and autumn washing, installation of timers and twilight relays, replacement of electrical wiring.

6. Project documentation- production of drawings, load calculations, specifications, electrical projects, services for the passage of MOSEXPERTIZA.

Today LLC "" is a strong and competitive market player in the development of full-scale PR programs. ………….

1.2. Organizational structure

As an advertising agency, LLC "" is a full cycle agency, i.e. implements the whole complex of works related to the preparation and conduct of advertising company, as well as the evaluation of its results, which implies a specific organizational structure of the company.

The organizational structure of LLC "" is shown in fig. one.

1.3. Strategy and mission

LLC "" is a client agency that creates effective Marketing communications between brands and their consumers.

The development strategy of LLC "": the creation of a professional team, the best in advertising market Moscow region, capable of developing effective advertising campaigns, producing all the necessary materials for them and managing complex advertising projects in the interests of our clients.

Mission of LLC "":

- "We work for our Clients": LLC "" sincerely believes that clients need exactly the kind of advertising that is useful to their consumers. Therefore, the purpose of the RA's activity is to provide customers with only high-quality services. The task of RA LLC "" is not to create abstract advertising, but to increase the Client's sales. RA works to ensure that each Client is sure that by choosing LLC "", he has chosen the best.

Last year, according to experts, more than 300 advertising structures worked in Moscow. The advertising services market grew by 24% compared to 2006. While the saturated segment of outdoor advertising showed a lower percentage of growth - about 16%.

There is no pronounced seasonality in the sales dynamics of LLC ""; however, in summer period time the turnover increases by 30-40%.

Table 1

External opportunities and threats LLC ""

Lists of the weak and strengths organizations, as well as external opportunities and threats, are used to build the SWOT matrix (see Table 2).

table 2

Matrix SWOT LLC ""

    Elimination of significant cyclical (seasonal) fluctuations in the volume of services rendered.

So, the key success factors of OOO "" are:

2. Functional responsibilities

During my internship at LLC "" I acted as a PR specialist.

Work with internal and external PR;

Strategic planning of PR programs and strategies;

Analysis of the effectiveness of PR strategies;

Organization of presentations and other public events;

Analysis of the cost of conducting PR-actions, programs, implementation of strategies;

Work with publicity;

Work with investors and creditors;

Maintaining and updating the image of the company.

PR is the management of a set of communication processes of a company in relations with the public in order to achieve mutual understanding and trust.

I have worked in the following areas of PR:

Internal PR - relationship management within the company;

Creation of a favorable image of the company / product / brand;

Anti-crisis management;

Creation of favorable relations with clients (consumers);

Work to maintain trust between the company and its investors;

Working with the media;

Work with government agencies and public organizations;

Conducting presentations, various social events.

It should also be noted that during the internship I have acquired rich skills and knowledge:

Communication skills, competent speech, stress resistance;

Knowledge and proficiency in sales techniques;

Customer focus - understanding the needs of the client and building an ideal solution on the existing basis;

Good relationship building with the client;

Customer development and retention skills;

Experience in conflict resolution;

Experience in active search of clients;

Experience in writing commercial proposals;

Confident user of MS Office suite, knowledge of PowerPoint preferred.

3. Individual task in the specialty

Project scale: regional.

Marketing goal:

1. Bring out a new one trademark in the segment of alcoholic beverages (vodka) of the low-premium category.

2. Achieve consumer perception of the brand as a well-known "classic" brand, characterized by original design, innovative yet emotional packaging and consistently high product quality.

3. Achieve within six months after the start of the advertising campaign and sales of brand awareness among the target audience at the level of 25-30%, advertising awareness - at the level of 50%.

4. Research work

Various aspects of the production, marketing, supply and financial activities of the enterprise receive a complete monetary value in the system of indicators financial results. Summarized most important indicators financial results of the enterprise are presented in table. 5.

Table 5

Indicators of the effectiveness of the use of financial resources and economic growth OOO ""


The main purpose of the creation of LLC "" is to carry out commercial activities for profit.

The goal of the company is the desire for professional and technical excellence of the services offered, as well as the realization of the most daring wishes of customers.

RA LLC "" is a dynamically developing company that implements a wide variety of projects using the full range of capabilities of modern information technologies. Thanks to the high professionalism of the company's employees, today RA LLC "" is one of the leading Russian advertising agencies.

The main activities of RA LLC "":

Creation of websites, their technical, informational and advertising support;

PR of the company and image creation;

Many years of successful experience of the employees of RA LLC "", as well as strict adherence to internal corporate quality standards, allows us to develop and implement the most effective solutions that meet the tasks and requirements of a particular business.

Using the services of RA LLC "", you can get a comprehensive solution made by a team of professionals with extensive experience in developing and supporting various projects, which can significantly reduce the cost of implementing and maintaining complex marketing tasks.

During the existence of the agency, it has formed a stable organizational structure corresponding to a linear-functional type. Currently, the agency has a staff of almost 50 people, which, together with an assessment of the scale of the agency’s activities and the effectiveness of its business processes, allows us to conclude that the agency has entered the stage of maturity in accordance with the concept life cycle organizations.

The team of employees consists of professionals who have received good practice and have extensive experience in the advertising business. Own production facilities, machines, equipment and special vehicles allow us to quickly and efficiently solve any issues of manufacturing and installation of both simple and very complex advertising structures. Reasonable pricing policy, high quality allow us to successfully compete with large and medium-sized advertising companies.

List of used literature

    Kostina A.V., Makarevich E.F., Karpukhin O.I. Fundamentals of advertising. – M.: KnoRus, 2006.

    Pankratov F.G., Bazhenov Yu.K., Shakhurin V.G. Fundamentals of Advertising: Textbook. - 8th ed., revised. and additional - M .: Publishing and Trade Corporation "Dashkov and K", 2007. - 526s.