Business ideas in small. business ideas with minimal investment at home. business ideas for small businesses from scratch and minimal investment

  • 02.12.2019

Many people eventually come to the conclusion that working for someone is not only tiring, but also does not bring the desired benefits. Therefore, more and more people are thinking about how to open their own business. There can be a lot of options, but you need to choose the one that will really be the most profitable.

What is the most profitable business today

You need to know by what criteria you can evaluate the financial attractiveness of a business. There are several of them:
    1. Quick payback. Invested funds should return as quickly as possible.2. Demand. The services provided or the products produced must be the most attractive and in demand for the population.3. Affordable price raw materials and materials.4. Efficiency of spent resources. For example, if the profit is only a few hundred dollars a month, then it hardly makes sense to bother with such a business. In other words, investments should be commensurate with the profit received.
So which activity should you choose? Read and decide for yourself.

Profitable types of small business

First of all, construction. This is the business that will be needed by everyone and always. However, it is worth noting that the competition in this area is quite high. Nevertheless, you can find your niche: sell building materials, assemble a construction team and fulfill turnkey orders. This business is attractive because it does not need too much big investment. Even if you are an intermediary, you can earn good money. In order for a business to be more efficient and bring the desired income, it is necessary to understand it. 1) Trading food is always profitable. True, there is a lot of competition here. However, products are also needed by everyone and always. People buy semi-finished products, you can find cafes and pizzerias on any street. 2) Providing services to the population is also cost-effective. People are always ready to pay for them, as long as everything is done with high quality and with high professionalism. Read on to find out which services are most in demand among the population. 3) The field of beauty and health is quite relevant. It is hardly possible to find a girl who does not want to be attractive and healthy. People are willing to pay a lot of money for this. This includes beauty salons, hairdressers, sports clubs, massage services. Such a business will require a lot of attention. Here it is important to select highly qualified, polite employees, as well as to choose the right location for the institution. 4) Internet business is also profitable. It is hardly possible to do without high technologies. In addition, they are constantly evolving. By the way, a lot of money is spinning on the Internet. What can be discovered in this area? For example, an online store. Although the competition is also rather big. However, you can find a free niche in which your income-generating business will be built. Popular and in-demand services include the following:

    1. Legal. They are needed not only by enterprises, but also by individuals.2. Consulting or consultations from professionals in the fields of business, marketing.3. Real estate.4. Accounting/auditing.5. Medical services.6. Lending.7. Insurance services.8. Cleaning.9. Tutoring.10. Repair, construction services.11. Computer.12. Car service and gas station.13. Insurance.

What and in what area is it profitable to do now

It is beneficial to deal primarily with what suits the majority of the population. For example, online shopping, food delivery, car service, car wash, trading activity food and household goods. 1. It is beneficial to engage in audit services. They are essential for any new business. Thanks to such services, you can calculate the approximate income from a business project, calculate possible risks, and understand how to minimize them. 2. Manual therapy. Oddly enough, this type of treatment can often help, so more and more people are using it. 3. It is advantageous to keep a special clinic (dentistry, ultrasound, cardiocenters). True, the opening and maintenance of such institutions requires a lot of money. But the cost of servicing them for customers is considerable. Despite the high cost, people turn to such institutions, where they receive the services they need. Accordingly, such a business pays off relatively quickly. 4. It is also profitable to engage in accounting activities, since such services are needed by everyone and always. 5. Private dental offices are gaining more and more popularity. After all, it is very convenient when you can come to an appointment at a prearranged time and receive quality services. Moreover, patients simply receive aesthetic pleasure, since all actions are painless and comfortable. Therefore, people will pay money for them. 6. Lawyer or notarial activity in our time is very profitable. Everyone periodically needs to draw up powers of attorney, transactions. Therefore, such activities will always be needed and customers will also be in it. 7. A profitable area is microcredit. Often people urgently need a small amount of funds that banks are unlikely to agree to issue. Therefore, many people turn to microfinance companies for help. 8. It is profitable to engage in optics, especially if the field of activity is the selection of glasses, delivery on order. Not everyone wants to sit in line for a doctor's appointment. 9. Property valuation is also popular in recent times. Often, individuals in a purchase / sale transaction resort to the help of such specialists. 10. Individuals often turn to insurance agencies to insure vehicles, property, health. 11. It is also beneficial to have your own filling station. Regardless of the cost of gasoline, motorists will still refuel their cars. This business will always be relevant.

Profitable home business

At home, it is quite possible to have high profitable business. Take manufacturing for example. In the conditions of an apartment or a house, it is easy to organize it. What to produce? Toys, sweets, baking. But this is not the only possibility. You can also engage in the provision of services for the population in the field of electrical and plumbing. This will require knowledge in a particular field, experience, necessary tools. At home, you can organize an atelier for tailoring or repairing clothes. Investments are required here, since for work you will need to purchase the appropriate equipment. It also requires skills and experience in this activity. You can only work in your own area. To find customers, you should put up ads at nearby houses. You can start making fish food. This business is quite profitable. In this case, it will not be necessary to contain the fish themselves, but it is only necessary to find a reservoir where there is live food. It will take freezer to store finished products. You can read food recipes on the Internet. Accessories and furniture can be made for pets, which is very popular. It will be necessary to purchase special sewing accessories, materials, depending on the direction of activity. Ideas and sketches can be taken from the Internet. Making candles will also bring a solid income. You can work in the garage, where you can install a special machine. The maximum profit will be received during the holidays. It is profitable to produce products self made. For example, boxes. People are willing to pay a lot of money for such products. Boxes can be made from different materials. At the same time, special attention should be paid to their decoration. The production of picture frames can be very profitable, since the final product is always in demand. Moreover, the demand for such products is growing every year. You can make stained-glass windows with your own hands. In this area, competition is not too high yet, but the demand is high. After all, decorative glazing is stylish, beautiful, rich. If you have knowledge related to computer technology why not start this business? You can repair such equipment, install programs, fight viruses, even teach computer science.

Highly profitable business in a small town

There can be many options, ranging from providing services to the population to selling something. The only thing is that it is worth doing an analysis first, since in small towns not all goods and services will be in demand. You can grow vegetables, fruits, and plants. True, this work should be classified as seasonal. It is profitable to engage in such a business if you have your own country cottage area. Per natural products people are ready to pay a lot of money. The main costs will be associated with the purchase of seeds, the improvement of the territory, the acquisition of inventory. Products can be sold even in stores. Only for this it will be necessary to register the organization and obtain permits from Rospotrebnadzor. You can also engage in animal husbandry, if there are conditions for this outside the city. It cannot be said that this business is simple, since strength, diligence, and knowledge are needed. In addition, financial investments will be required to purchase food, pay for veterinarian services. If you breed cats, dogs, then it is advisable to participate in exhibitions, which will also require financial investments. In fact, there are many options. The main thing is to focus on the basic needs of people. Everything related to them will be in demand. For example, you can open a private Kindergarten. They are always missing. Or open a dental office. Everyone needs qualified help. For children, you can open a language school. In small towns, minor repairs of household faults are in demand. Cleaning, laundry, cooking, dog walking services are also needed. Taxi, funeral services, grocery stores Everyone needs hairdressers.

In general, it is profitable to trade food products, as people have always needed them and will continue to need them. It is simply impossible to do without them. Special demand will be for bread, cereals, vegetables, fruits. Moreover, if there are not so many funds to open a business, you can start your activity by opening a stall. If there are enough funds, then you can start opening a store or restaurant. It is only important to decide on the supplier. He must be good and conscientious, supplying high quality goods at a reasonable price. Trading in building materials is also profitable, as someone is constantly building or repairing something. Products from Chinese manufacturers are especially popular in this area. Medicines also bring good income, as people do not want to save on their own health. The demand for medicines will never decrease. But in order to increase the number of customers, the pharmacy should have not only expensive drugs, but also budget ones. Clothes and shoes are always necessary and in demand. Selling personal hygiene items, cosmetics, perfumes is also profitable, since these categories of goods are necessary for people. Auto parts - profitable business. Each car owner takes care of his vehicle, so the demand for auto parts is always high. At the same time, do not forget about consumables, such as automobile oils, special liquids. The trade in ritual goods brings a good income. From time immemorial, people not only are born, but also die. Sales of goods for children are growing, because every parent wants to give his child all the best and necessary. Toys, clothing, essential goods for children - all this is relevant and important. Sales of alcoholic beverages are very high. This business is profitable and profitable. True, in order to trade in such goods, special permits are required.

The most profitable business is working on the Internet

This work is for yourself. You can open your own business, for example, an online store. You can create your own blog, promote it and earn on advertising. Or another option is to create a website, fill it with interesting content, achieve high traffic and also make money on advertising. By creating a channel on YouTube and filling it with content, you can also make a profit. There are many other activities that can be successfully carried out via the Internet - service promotion, goods, promotion of other people's sites, groups, portals, forums. Writing articles can also be done via the Internet. And for this it is not necessary to have a philological education. Even an average knowledge of the Russian language will do. It is important that there is a desire. in social networks you can become a content manager, moderator or earn on affiliate programs. You can also do the work of an editor. This activity is similar to copywriting, but a deep knowledge of the language is required. Online consultations can be held on accounting, law, and medicine. Special knowledge and skills in selected areas are required. You will also need a website, blog or page. There are many options.

The beautiful half of humanity can do business related to their own hobbies. For example, design activity. You can make toys, jewelry, sew clothes, and much more. Women can also freelance. True, for this you need to have some skills: competently and beautifully write, program, photograph. You can start distributing cosmetics, now this is a very popular and promising direction. Culinary activity, why not a micro business? You can cook pastries, jams, marmalades, sweets. Moreover, right in your kitchen you can organize cooking classes for several people. It doesn't have to be a chef. You can be self-taught, who knows how to cook well and will share his knowledge with others. For work, you will need the necessary kitchen equipment so that it is enough for all participants. You should also take into account that everyone has enough space on the stove and buy food. You can organize a beauty salon. That is, do manicures, pedicures, hairdressing, tattooing, eyelash extensions, or conduct training courses. In order to engage in such activities, you must have special skills. Experience is also needed. For business, you will need professional tools. At the same time, it is not necessary to open the salon itself. These services can also be provided privately. The main thing is to have a portfolio. Attracting customers will not be so difficult. You can disseminate information on social networks. Sugaring (sugar hair removal) can also be done at home. For this lesson, you must have a special couch, professional tools. Experience in this field is very important. If you have experience in the field of beauty, then you can start conducting training courses, which is very profitable. Women can also organize a business related to pigtails. It has virtually no cost. The main thing in it is experience and skills. In addition, it is worth constantly developing, studying new items. A variant of a specific women's business is to rent clothes if the wardrobe is full of things. Moreover, there are practically no costs. It is unlikely that you will be able to earn too much on this business, but there will be a constant additional income. You can also organize your own confectionery at home. This type of business is quite profitable, the main thing is to find consumers. In this case, you can choose what to cook. Initially, the range should not be too large. Alternatively, you can cook to order. You can even make custom wedding cakes, cakes for other holidays. The direction of handmade is interesting: creating something with your own hands. The most popular destinations

1. Making handmade soap. This business is highly profitable and pays off quickly. Such products are often purchased as gifts for loved ones. In addition, demand is growing all the time. But not everything is so simple. It is necessary to purchase special equipment, ingredients. 2. Aromatic bath bombs. In this business, production technology is important. And before you sell, you should test the product yourself. This activity is time consuming. It also takes patience. 3. Jewelry from polymer clay- a popular destination, as it is always nice to have an exclusive. In this case, two things are important - imagination and sleight of hand. And if you have drawing skills, then this is additional advantage. You will also need to purchase special tools. 4. Accessories for weddings. Individuality is the main advantage here. Among such items can be bonbonnieres, boxes for rings, locks, glasses, bottles. 5. Making sweet candy bouquets is also suitable for women. Talent is important here, a sense of style. The output must be beautiful and elegant. Compositions can be invented independently or searched on the Internet. 6. What can suit women - organization joint purchases. This business requires organizational skills. What will need to be done? Purchase goods at wholesale prices, transfer them to consumers. No skills are required for this activity. Activity and desire are important. 7. Embroidery is also a popular business. At the same time, it is worth owning a wide variety of techniques. Embroidered paintings, portraits, accessories, clothes are very popular. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that it will be possible to start a profitable business during a crisis completely without investments, since even time costs are also investments. But consider business options where investments are minimal. You can focus on a person’s daily food needs and do something related to food, because they will always eat, respectively, buy food as well. The main thing is to choose the right location outlet. It should be with high traffic. You can, for example, conduct training via Skype (psychology, foreign languages, whatever). This is the most real business without investments. Or do tutoring, having necessary knowledge. Or doing work for students. They are always in demand. The only thing you need is deep knowledge in the chosen field. You can also start teaching music. But this requires professional skills and knowledge. You can give lessons on playing instruments, teach singing. Another option is to provide translation services. But you need to know the language, know the special terminology. You can translate anything, from articles to documents. There are no investments, only good knowledge is needed. Design activities are also very profitable. But not only special knowledge and skills are needed, but also artistic taste, a sense of style, and the ability to draw. Desirable skills in graphic editors. You can draw anything: banners, posters, brochures, logos, business cards. Create sketches of clothes, accessories. Or just process photos. If you have an accounting education, then you can do accounting. In addition to education itself, knowledge of the current legislation is also necessary in order to perform work efficiently. You also need to be proficient in relevant programs, for example, 1 C. Without investment, you can also work as a call center operator at home. The main functions that will need to be performed are to take orders, complaints, and advise. The main thing for this activity is a good voice, competent speech. Women at home can work as nannies. It does not require any licenses or permits. It would be nice to have recommendations.

Best Small Business Ideas with Fast Payback

cleaning activity. You can provide cleaning services for houses, surrounding areas, for example, wash windows. You can work without involving partners in the activities. The main thing is to correctly assess your own capabilities and give appropriate advertising. If the work is done with high quality, then customers will appear themselves. This activity does not require additional knowledge, nor skills. The main thing is to do your job diligently and pay attention to the little things, then the invested funds will quickly pay off. Opening an oxygen bar means doing business with a quick payback. It cannot be said that there is too much demand for such a product. But profits are coming in steadily. You can not only open such a bar, but also sell oxygen cocktails. How quickly a business pays off depends on its location. It is advisable to open a point in a crowded place. The business of providing accounting services also pays off quickly. At the same time, investments in it are minimal. Recently, many companies are not hiring for permanent job accountants, and turn to independent specialists.

TOP most successful business projects in the world

Most successful business projects of the world, which make up the TOP 10, are as follows: 1. Chocolate butter (Michel Ferrero family). These people made chocolate part of their breakfast. Today this family is the leading chocolate manufacturer in all of Europe. They own such famous brands like Ferrero Rocher, Nutella, Tic Tac and Kinder Eggs. 2. Installation of automatic lockers along freeways (Brad Hughes). Today, the company occupies a leading position in terms of the volume of services they provide. 3. A simple polo shirt with a horse tag pasted on it (Ralph Lauren). This man became the founder of Polo. 4. Selling books over the Internet (Jeff Bizos). This man became the founder of the legendary Amazon online store. 5. Teddy bears Binnie (Ty Warner). They have become a limited edition and are a valuable item for collectors. 6. Sale of energy drinks based on sugar and caffeine - Red Bull. The drink is rich in vitamin B and is intended for athletes and party lovers. 7. Manufacture of shoes with a waterproof membrane (small holes in the sole). Such shoes eliminate the unpleasant smell of sweat. 8. Creating a powerful vacuum cleaner with supersonic suction speed (James Dyson). 9. Sale of sweet chewy sweets in various forms (Hans and Paul Reigeli). 10. A coffee shop on every corner in town (Howard Schultz). As you can see, the list profitable ideas big enough for business. And believe me, that's not all. possible options. There are many more of them. Everyone can find a profitable and interesting business for themselves.

How to reduce the cost of starting a business in 2016?

No matter what anyone says, business always requires investment. On the other hand, novice entrepreneurs, for the most part, only dream of getting rich without having huge capital to start a project. Therefore, they are trying to find ideas for business with minimum investment.

But in fact, even if you want to choose an area that requires solid financial investments, you can always save money at the start. Well, to know how to cut costs without getting into a difficult situation, listen to the advice of experienced entrepreneurs.

President of the Moscow Club of Young Entrepreneurs

One of the business sectors with the lowest starting capital- sale of own services. It can be both tutoring and repair household appliances, - both types of activity can grow in a company with a decent turnover and income.

In certain areas of retail, you can also start a business, if not with zero, then definitely with minimal financial investments. You can open an online store with things to order without creating your own website, in social networks or on special online platforms.

Another great way to save money is to find a suitable grant or small business support program.

CEO consulting agency "Masterplans"

Pavel Gorbov

Executive Director Re:Sale Expert

The easiest way to reduce the amount of investments at the start is by buying ready business. As practice shows, this translates into saving not only time, but also money, since everywhere and always there are a lot of nuances. Studying them, a novice entrepreneur spends both time and himself financial resources by paying for gaps in knowledge and experience.

If you still open a business from scratch yourself, you can and should save on everything that is not directly related to the field of activity of your enterprise, for example, on image and hospitality expenses. But what you can’t save on is employees, because in any business they play a key role.

One more piece of advice: all non-core business processes should be outsourced - professionals in these areas will figure everything out faster than you and save you money. The main thing is to find good contractors and partners and be able to entrust them with a part own business. Even if it seems that their services are expensive and cheaper to handle yourself, practice shows that this is not the case: experience, and, accordingly, the professionals who own it, ultimately cost less than their own attempts to gain this experience.

Listen to the advice of experts or not, it's up to the novice entrepreneur himself. But keep in mind: starting according to these recommendations will allow you to choose from more areas of business. And if you still don’t want to risk more than you have, you can always choose business ideas with minimal investment in our catalog.

Do you want to become an entrepreneur? Then you need a business idea. It is very, very difficult to come up with an idea for a business, because it should be not only profitable, but also not very competitive, you should like it, etc. Start-up entrepreneurs face particular difficulties.

If you're not sure where to start, here are some (or no investments at all) to inspire you on your path to entrepreneurial success.

Online Retail Consultant

If you frequently shop at popular online stores such as eBay and Taobao, or just visit these sites regularly and keep an eye on the products, then you are quite capable of starting your own online business.

Start advising merchants on how to set up and improve sales in their online stores (tips on writing product descriptions, web page visual design, using social media, and more).

Shop online

This idea is similar to the previous one, but instead of just consulting sellers, you yourself will have to use your own knowledge to sell goods. It is quite difficult, long and expensive to create and promote a personal online store, but the profit from sales will be greater than from consulting. READ ALSO:

Event organizer

Do you like to throw parties or organize meetings? Then you should start your event management business and turn your passion into a profitable small business.

Many small or large enterprises at least once a year they hold "corporate parties" ( new year holidays, March 8, etc.). Managers clearly will not deal with organizations celebratory event, and entrusting this matter to subordinates is not the correct step, because the holiday is done for the workers themselves. Therefore, event organizers will always be in demand.

Nanny at home

An interesting and low competitive "niche" for small businesses. In most cases, you will not need a specialized license to run a babysitting service at home (depending on the number of children you will be babysitting at the same time).

Many parents do not have the opportunity to stay with their children because of work, so they would be happy to use this type of service (given the workload and queues in kindergartens).

Improvement of private houses

Landscaping companies are engaged only in the improvement of land. You can also do jobs that homeowners don't have time to do and the above-mentioned companies don't provide such services, such as cleaning up fallen leaves or snow, decorating private settlements before the holidays.

To start this business, you will need a minimum investment for gloves, a ladder, shovels and other not very expensive garden supplies.

Maintenance of computer equipment

Not many owners of laptops, computers, smartphones or tablets have free time to properly configure your devices, install an antivirus on them software, clean up system files, refill the printer cartridge, etc. Therefore, they turn to service centres, one of which you can open.

Energy Efficiency Consultant

Since 2016 is marked by a crisis and no improvement is yet to be seen, medium and small companies will begin to think about reducing utility bills. If you have experience in construction, then try consulting business representatives on the installation of thermal insulation, smart lights, water and electricity meters, etc. Absolutely all organizations and enterprises will soon start saving, so if you start this business, you will provide yourself with work and orders for many years to come.

Alas, many do not know what to do in the village, and what business is easiest to open from scratch in the village, while the village in last years is actively developing and becoming more and more attractive and promising for start-up entrepreneurs.

Almost every person has mobile phone, many families have a computer and various household appliances, and when this equipment fails, they have to take it to the nearest city for repairs, which is not always convenient, especially if there is no personal car.

Therefore, the opening of a service for the repair of small electronics and household appliances is one of the most relevant business options today in settlements with several thousand inhabitants (in small villages and villages this business will not be profitable - equipment does not break down every day).

To start this business in the village, you need an investment of about 30 thousand rubles, provided that in the most difficult cases you redirect equipment to the city for repairs, and the net profit will be about 45-60 thousand rubles a month.

rural tourism

Rural tourism has gained immense popularity in the last few years. all over the world, including Russia.

The essence of such tourism is as follows.: residents of big cities come to a beautiful quiet place to spend time on fresh air, take a break from the hustle and bustle. Tourists can organize housing and a table in their own house (if the area allows), or you can build several prefabricated guest houses on the site.

After providing guests with minimal comfort, they need to offer entertainment, for example, horseback riding, walking around the neighborhood, a bathhouse, if there is a reservoir nearby, then boating and fishing, in winter - sleigh rides and much more.

To open such a business in a village, you need about 150-200 thousand rubles, while tourism can bring a solid income - the profit will be about 2.5 thousand rubles per person per day, and with a wide range of entertainment and increased comfort, it increases to 6-7 thousand rubles per person.

Night club

Despite the fact that in terms of improving the comfort of living and the economy, the village is gradually developing, entertainment in countryside still few, but they are in demand by the population. Therefore, organizing a business in this area is a very promising step.

Perhaps, the best option will open a small club- young people love discos, and investments in the creation of a dance floor in the countryside are minimal, and in the future, if things go well, it will be possible to expand the institution and offer visitors new services.

Investments in the opening of the club will amount to 100-150 thousand rubles if you rent an empty room from the village administration, and up to 500 thousand rubles if you build it yourself. Net profit depends on the number of visitors. The average figure for rural clubs is about 50 thousand rubles a month.

roadside establishment

In a village that is located near a major federal or even regional highway, you can open a roadside establishment, such as a diner.

If funds allow, the optimal format would be a motel: a snack bar, a bar, a small dance floor, several rooms for guests. With further expansion of the enterprise, you can attach a service station to the motel and open an auto parts store.

Investments in this business will range from 1.5-3 (cafe only) to 5-8 (motel) million rubles. Net profit depends on the business of the route. A snack bar can count on 120-180 thousand rubles a month, while a motel can bring up to 250 thousand rubles. per month.

Computer Club

Despite the fact that in the cities the very concept of computer clubs has long outlived itself, having opened such a business in the countryside,. This business will be especially profitable in small towns and villages.

All, what will be required- rent a small heated room, make minimal repairs there and install 3-5 computers, and it is not at all necessary to purchase expensive modern equipment: There are enough mid-range machines with cheap monitors and peripherals, and most of the components can be safely bought second-hand, which will provide additional savings.

Investments in the opening of the club will amount to about 200 thousand rubles, net profit - about 35 thousand rubles a month. Additional profit will be brought by the organization of access to the Internet.

Production of building materials

Conditions for the production of building materials in rural areas are optimal– low cost of land, cheap labor, no many limiting factors.

Most profitable business in this area - the production of cinder blocks. Investments in the launch of such a production will amount to about 80-120 thousand rubles, and the net profit in the production of 200 units of products per day will be about 100 thousand rubles. per month.

Growing vegetables

There is nothing easier in the countryside than growing vegetables. For example, growing tomatoes on ten acres of land with an investment of 10-12 thousand rubles can earn up to 300-320 thousand rubles a year.

Approximately the same will be investments and profits in the cultivation of cucumbers. And if you install greenhouses, profits can be increased to 5-6 thousand rubles a year per square meter.

Crayfish breeding

Growing rabbits or chickens will not surprise anyone, and there are plenty of them on the market. But crayfish farming is still quite an exotic, rare, and therefore highly profitable business.

The main thing that is required for breeding - a large area on which a special reservoir will be arranged. Since crayfish are unpretentious in food and care, it will not be difficult to maintain comfortable living conditions for them.

The arrangement of the reservoir and the purchase of crayfish will cost 100-115 thousand rubles, it will be necessary to additionally invest up to 50 thousand rubles in equipment. Net profit will be about 300 thousand rubles. in season.

Additionally, if you supply boiled crayfish to various establishments, but for this you will have to purchase additional equipment.

Vet clinic

The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to organizing a business in the countryside is veterinary clinic. After all, every villager has pets (goats, cows, sheep) and poultry (chickens, ducks, turkeys and others). The demand for such services in the villages is quite high. and competition is minimal.

Investments in opening a small veterinary office will not exceed 40 thousand rubles, and the profit can reach 30-45 thousand.


What could be easier than opening a small village shop? Sale of food products, household chemicals, household items, for which the villagers are forced to travel to the city, can bring great income.

Investments in such a business do not exceed 200 thousand rubles, and the profitability can reach 50-60 thousand rubles. per month.

Of course, far from being listed here, which will be relevant in the next couple of years. But they are quite enough to catch the general vector - the enterprise must be in demand, while having minimal competition.

To open a business, it is not necessary to save for years or look for guarantors for a loan with big eyes. You can start a profitable business with minimal investment.

What did entrepreneurs earn in 2016 with little start-up capital? These are the results of the past year, which will be useful for those who are going to open a business.

The most profitable business in Russia with minimal investment for 2016

We have collected best business ideas relevant for all cities of Russia. To choose the right option, analyze the market: the level of competition, the offers of competitors and the needs of the audience.

Profitable business with small investments: online store

Internet trading is a profitable business that is easy to manage. It is necessary to create a user-friendly website and constantly engage in its promotion. Until the business takes off, you can act as an administrator on your own. If you have no experience, entrust the development and promotion of the site to professionals.

What we save on:

  • No need to rent an office space: all work is done remotely
  • You do not need your own warehouse if you work on the "Dropshipping" system
  • Minimum employees
  • You do not run the risk of "burning out" because you do not buy goods, but act as an intermediary

Profitable business with minimal investment: website development

it best business 2016 for professionals in the field of creating and promoting websites. The main resource is your skills. To start a business, you need a powerful computer and a website with a portfolio.

Minimum investment is required because:

  • All specialists can work remotely or outsource - saving on office rent
  • Do you sell information resource, which does not need to be insured and transported

Business with minimal investment and big profit: coffee to go

Coffee to go is a high-margin business. Investments are minimal, so they will pay off in less than a year. The most expensive thing you will have to buy is a quality coffee machine. Now the competition in the market is high, so the one who offers really tasty coffee at an adequate price wins.

The main thing to consider when planning a business is its location. It should be a point with high traffic, without competitors. It is advantageous to locate a business near or inside educational institutions, business centers and shopping malls.

Small investments are enough, because:

  • Requires only two employees working in shifts
  • Enough small rental area for business
  • This is a trending business: customers are willing to pay for good coffee

Business with a small investment and a quick payback: a nail salon

A business that offers one or two fashionable services in 2016 has proven its effectiveness. Nail salons - profitable business with minimal investment. There is no complex, expensive equipment, and a small room is enough for the work of several craftsmen.

Nail salons profit from a large client flow. The main thing is to provide services quickly and efficiently. Express manicure salons do not offer expensive and time-consuming procedures.

A small investment is enough, because:

  • You do not need to purchase expensive equipment to operate the salon.
  • You can rent an office for two or three jobs in beauty salons, shopping malls or hotels
  • If you have experience, you can provide services yourself

Profit and minimum investment: a trading island

Trading islands require minimal investment and are suitable even for those who have not been in business before. You can not only sell products that are in stock, but also offer products to order.

Investments will pay off quickly if you offer the audience a trendy product. But remember that fashion products are not only in demand, but also in supply. If the competition is too high, consider whether you can enter the market.

A small capital is enough for a trading island, because:

Profitable business with little investment: part-time mini-bakery

A part-time bakery is a work with semi-finished products. You buy a frozen semi-finished product from a supplier and you just have to bake it in a convection oven. Margin on products - up to 100%.

In a mini-bakery, one person can bake and sell products. No need to hire a baker, because the business is closer to trade than to food production. All that is required of the employee is to withstand the temperature and baking time.

Mini bakeries are always in demand. It is advantageous to locate a business in shopping malls, large supermarkets or residential areas.

A mini-bakery is a profitable business with minimal investment because:

  • No need to buy expensive production equipment
  • Minimum staff
  • For a mini-bakery, a small area is enough

Business with minimal investment: services and trade

Minimum investment in business is required where services come first. The main emphasis is on the qualifications of employees. Choose services that do not require expensive and complex equipment.

Trading trending or high-margin goods will allow you to quickly recoup your investment. To organize a small retail outlet, you need a minimum of commercial equipment. To cut costs for wages, you can hire one salesperson and work with him in shifts.

Ideas for a business with minimal investment are literally in the air! Keep an eye on the needs of the audience and new products on the market.