How do veterinarians work. Own business: how to open a veterinary clinic. How to find the right room

  • 11.04.2020

Many, the hero of our article notes, in pursuit of good money, immediately start their own business, but, without proper experience, risk failing due to medical errors and distrust from customers.

Arkady Birev

After receiving my diploma, I worked for three years in a clinic and at a veterinary institute. Getting medical experience and working under the guidance of mature doctors is important because it helps not to reinvent the wheel. At the same time, one must beware of falling under the influence of any dubious medical approaches. For example, some veterinarians believe that the more injections an animal receives, the better it will be.

I created the IP in 1999. Then the time was special, I had practically no initial capital. The equipment of the clinic was from improvised materials. In 2007 I bought a private house near the road in the Volga region in the village of Mirny, and there we equipped a veterinary clinic. At first, we were limited in funds and did not have large stocks of medicines: we bought one small box of vaccines as needed. But gradually the profit began to grow, we were able to purchase more expensive drugs, more expensive equipment. Throughout our history, we have changed three premises, now we are quite comfortable working in the village of Mirny.

How to estimate potential demand?

Demand, according to Biryov, is always good in this market. For example: 18 years ago there were 13 clinics in Kazan, 4 of them were state-owned, and now there are only 45 clinics in the city! It can be assumed that a similar trend is visible in other large cities of Russia.

If in rural areas people treat animals more simply, then in cities animals are like children. This is a friend, and a family member, and a companion - people are very attached to them. Therefore, they are ready to do everything to cure their dear friend.

In urban areas, people most often keep dogs and cats at home. They also bring monkeys, ravens, turtles, parrots to the veterinarian, but many of them, especially hamsters and rats, can be quite difficult to help: their lifespan is short - about three years, it is difficult for them to make a diagnosis.

The veterinarian notes that at present, people's interest has shifted towards decorative breeds: if in the 1990s it was prestigious to keep a Great Dane or Rottweiler in an apartment, now everyone has switched to small dogs, fortunately, many new breeds have appeared, some of which, by the way , are not cheap - from 60 to 120 thousand rubles!

Conventionally, the veterinary services market can be divided into two niches.

The first is universal clinics that are relatively accessible to all segments of the population. This category includes the clinic of the hero of our article. The second is specialized clinics with expensive equipment. These are more specialized clinics. Naturally, the cost of services in this clinic is many times higher. I must say that the first niche, unlike the second, never suffers from a lack of demand.

Often today, veterinary clinics are opened not by doctors, but by people who have the means. But such clinics operate based on the reputation of a certain doctor. But, the hero of the article notes, in this case the clinic is in a dangerous position, since the investor demands a monetary return, and the doctor is forced to adhere to the prices that the investor "lowers" him. But in the conditions of Russian reality, where, unlike abroad, there is no animal insurance, not every person can afford expensive treatment for their pet.

It is very important to build relationships with clients, make friends with them - this will be a guarantee that a person will return to you. And before a stable client base appears, you still have to use dumping to attract people to yourself. Because at present, thanks to the Internet, some people, choosing where to take their pet for treatment, call different clinics, compare prices, methods. It's also good to make friends with animal protection organizations and kennel clubs that will be able to provide you with patients even when other clinics are experiencing a seasonal downturn.

Arkady Birev

founder of the veterinary clinic "VetSovet"

People from different social classes come to us. These can be both modest pensioners and very wealthy people. Because in love to animals all are equal. I remember a case when a man in a sweatshirt burst into the office, saying that the horse was sick. I decided that this was a hard worker from the village, for whom this horse was the only breadwinner. But when we went outside to go to his village, I saw a jeep. We arrived at his own stable, where horses cost fabulous money. Therefore, I now do not judge clients by appearance - it is deceptive.

Investment size

The area is about 100 sq. rent in such a million-plus city as Kazan will cost about 60 thousand rubles a month. Also need to buy minimum equipment, appliances, medicines, a refrigerator for vaccines, furniture - tables, chairs, cabinets, make a reception, set up a computer for recording. Of course, at first some equipment can be brought from home, but not furniture - it must be washable.

Without having 1.5 million rubles, it is better not to start this business. The surgical table alone costs 70,000 rubles.

Arkady Birev

founder of the veterinary clinic "VetSovet"

Personal experience

One grandmother took a cat to a private clinic, the cat had a bone stuck in her throat. The clinic gave her a high price for the operation. She cried all the way home on the bus, and one of the passengers advised her to contact me. I operated on a cat, and my grandmother paid for the operation gradually, in installments.

Where to look for funds to open a clinic?

Arkady Birev

founder of the veterinary clinic "VetSovet"

One friend tried to save money and open a clinic, but he never saved up and never opened a clinic. Therefore, I advise you to jump into the water and learn to swim in this way. "You can take a bank loan, but it's better if your friends lend you money without interest. Taking a person as a share is not very a good idea. Because if at the beginning you can easily give away 10% of the proceeds, then as the profit grows, the interest will also grow.

As for current expenses, they will average 200-300 thousand rubles a month. They include staff salaries - for doctors it is 30-40 thousand rubles, for administrators - 20 thousand each, for cleaners - 10 thousand each. You can enter an interest rate, but, according to the hero of our article, this may worsen the quality of work, as people will be focused on the number of procedures and clients. Utility payments in winter are about 7 thousand rubles, in summer - 3-4 thousand rubles. It also includes rent, purchase of medicines. By the way, there is no need to buy medicines in large volumes, they are always available at wholesale bases these days. It's also smart in terms of the fact that they might expire. It is also necessary to take into account tax payments - on average they amount to 60 thousand rubles per quarter. And, of course, you need to invest in development, move on, buy new equipment, be on trend in order to compete with other clinics.

Step-by-step instruction

The search for suppliers and contractors will not take much time - their choice is wide, and if you have a TIN and PSRN, that is, you are registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, then they are ready to compete with each other for the right to cooperate with you.

Personal experience

We order different medicines from different companies. Some of them bring it themselves, which is convenient if you do not have time. In some firms I make a purchase for a large amount, and they make me a deferred payment for some time.

What staff is needed for the job? For the normal functioning of the clinic, at least three specialists are needed so that they can replace each other. With growth, it will be possible to come to the fact that the clinic is simultaneously treated by a surgeon and a therapist, as well as related staff. If you are confident in your abilities as a specialist, then you can invite students to practice and train them “for yourself”.

Arkady Birev

founder of the veterinary clinic "VetSovet"

Our team is established. There is no flow. Young guys came to us as students, and it so happened that after graduating from the university they stayed with us, we prepared them “for ourselves”. If a doctor comes with his own approach, which is not close to us, it will be more difficult, he needs to be retrained. It happens that they call us, they say that they graduated from a university, they have a diploma, but they are completely green, without work experience it is dangerous to immediately hire a staff, because a person must have established approaches to animals, since our profession is very traumatic. Animals are afraid, rush, sometimes you have to cover them with a sweatshirt and give a soothing injection.

Universities, as a rule, focus on training specialists for the treatment of productive animals - cows, pigs, horses, etc. Not every veterinary institute has a department of small animals. Agriculture needs veterinarians, but young people are not eager to connect their lives with the countryside, especially since now 80% of students of specialized universities are girls who plan to stay in the city and work in warm clinics for a good salary.

When organizing your work, you need to understand that the clinic must work daily. Most visitors come on Saturday and Sunday when they are free from official duties and can devote time to their animal and stay at home with him after the operation. There is also an influx of visitors on weekday evenings - then be prepared to stay until 10-11 pm, because you won’t kick out a person sitting in line with a sick animal in his arms when it’s time to close!

It is important to understand where is the best place to open a clinic. It is wise not to open where there is already a large cluster of clinics. It would also be wrong to go to remote areas, if you do not have a ready-made client base, thanks to which people will come to you, wherever you work. Therefore, the advice is this: if you want to win new customers, then it is best to find a free place, and people living nearby will come to you.

Arkady Birev

founder of the veterinary clinic "VetSovet"

A veterinary clinic is usually chosen based on the following two points. The first is a recommendation from friends. The second is proximity to home. I opened in the Volga region. There were private houses around, so dogs, cats, and livestock were brought to me. Therefore, we must be ready to help productive animals.

When opening a clinic, you must go through the approval procedures with the regulatory authorities. However, the requirements are now much softer than, for example, when our hero opened his clinic, so most clinics are created on the ground floors in residential buildings which was previously not allowed. The room must have washable floors and walls so that disinfection can be carried out, sewerage, water supply, and a certain quality of illumination are required. It also requires a separate entrance to the clinic and parking.

Reading 7 min. Published on 01/10/2020

Treatment of animals is a service that will never lose its relevance. That is why many entrepreneurs are thinking about creating their own veterinary clinic. Practice shows that the creation of a small hospital for animals does not require a license and large investments. At the same time, such a business can bring quite solid profits.

Vet clinic from scratch: what documents are needed to open and permit?

Despite the fact that veterinary medicine belongs to the category of medical activities, since 2005 in Russia the need to obtain a license for it has been abolished (No. 4979-I-FZ). Consequently, now anyone with a higher or secondary specialized veterinary education has the opportunity to open a small veterinary clinic.

If an organization is planned on the basis of the clinic veterinary pharmacy, then in this case you can’t do without a license.

It is best to register a veterinary clinic as an individual entrepreneur, since with a small scale of operation it will be possible to take advantage of the simplified taxation system.

What list of documents will be required for the IFTS:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Application form P21001.
  • Receipt for payment of duty.

For those who, with a perspective on the future, nevertheless opened an LLC, they will also need to submit a bank account, documents for the premises used (a lease agreement is possible), a memorandum of association and a charter.

Special conditions at the veterinary clinic when registering with the SES and the fire inspection, in particular:

  1. Contracts for the implementation of disinfection by professional organizations.
  2. Documentation for the equipment used.
  3. Evidence of the professional suitability of specialists (for example, documents on education).
  4. Agreements on the export of solid waste and biological waste.

Important point: In terms of time, the registration process can take from 3 to 7 days. At the same time, the possibility of opening a veterinary franchise business should not be ruled out.

Which room is suitable for a veterinary clinic: requirements for a veterinary clinic

The veterinary clinic must be located in a separate building, or in a building not used for residential purposes. It is strictly forbidden to organize such enterprises in non-residential premises of residential buildings.

Moreover, the walls in the hospital rooms should be formed from floor to ceiling with washable materials.

The optimal size seems to be a room measuring 80 square meters, divided into a number of rooms, namely:

  • Registry.
  • Emergency room.
  • Surgery department.
  • Ultrasound and x-ray room.
  • Chambers for animals.
  • Laboratory.
  • Utility room.
  • Staff room.

Important point: If the veterinary clinic will include an X-ray room, then you will need to issue a special permit for it at the SES.

At the first stage, it is desirable to rent the premises, if the business begins to bear fruit. Then you can think about building or.

Where is it better to open a veterinary clinic: a good location for a veterinary clinic

It makes no sense to say that the company should be located in places of high traffic of people.

When choosing a location for a hospital for animals, to a greater extent, you will need to focus on the norms of the SES, which are as follows:

  1. The building of the veterinary clinic should be located at a distance of at least 50 meters from residential buildings.
  2. Even with a narrow range of services provided, the reception room for large patients should be separated from treatment rooms.
  3. When organizing a pharmacy at a hospital, it is important to think about organizing a warehouse.

Given all the above requirements, it can be assumed that the city center is not suitable for these purposes. It is best to choose a suitable place in a residential area, where the lion's share of the clinic's potential clients also lives.

What equipment is needed to open a veterinary clinic?

A veterinary clinic is a business that requires the purchase of special medical equipment. Its complete list depends on the range of services that the company plans to provide.

At the same time, a general list can be formulated:

  • Operating room table with lighting.
  • Analyzers for the laboratory.
  • Devices for life support during operations (blood coagulators, monitors, equipment for inhalation anesthesia, etc.).
  • Ultrasound, X-ray, ECG, MRI.
  • Germicidal lamps, sterilizers, microscopes, surgical instruments, thermometers, etc.
  • Freezer.
  • A set of medicines for procedures and operations.

Important point: It is not at all necessary to immediately purchase all of the listed equipment: you can start by conducting one type of diagnostics in clinics and gradually purchase the necessary devices.

Recruitment for a veterinary clinic: can a person without a veterinary education organize a company?

Finding staff for a veterinary clinic is extremely difficult, but you can use the following proven methods:

  1. Invite for internships and train graduates of specialized universities.
  2. Find out information about employees of other veterinary hospitals and offer them part-time jobs.
  3. Search for suitable candidates among doctors in private practice.

In general, the staff will require doctors of various profiles, nurses, nurses, an administrator and an accountant. The latter can be attracted on incoming grounds, since his help will be needed only twice a month.

Important point: It is impossible to register a business without having a veterinary education. However, there are two options. Firstly, come to an accelerated course in veterinary medicine and receive a diploma of secondary specialized education or, by proxy, register a business for a person who is a veterinarian or paramedic.

In what mode do veterinary clinics work: we determine the work schedule of the veterinary clinic

Even when recruiting staff, it is important to determine the schedule of the future veterinary clinic.

It can be represented as follows:

  • The main office hours are from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday.
  • Doctors on duty work around the clock throughout the week.

As a result, individual doctors and nurses will work in shifts in hospitals, and the rest will fit into the schedule of the main visiting hours.

Important point: With the work schedule discussed above, some of the staff will receive a salary on time, and some on piecework terms.

Marketing and advertising of a veterinary clinic: how to make a veterinary clinic recognizable?

Since we are talking about a new business, it makes sense to consider all the advertising options that will allow you to promote it to the masses:

  • Firstly , this is billboards and road signs.
  • Secondly , signs on the access roads and on the facade of the clinic.
  • Thirdly , Flyers at the entrances, in elevators, etc.
  • And finally , posting information in online directories and on thematic forums.

On the basis of the clinic, you can distribute business cards of individual doctors, give small gifts to patients, provide regular customers cards for accumulating points for their subsequent exchange for discounts, etc.

Important point: Clinic staff should be attentive, friendly, polite. It should always be remembered that a large number of clients of the hospital will bring a reputation formed by the recommendations of relatives and friends.

Business plan for a veterinary clinic: calculation of veterinary clinic costs and payback periods

The main question that interests all entrepreneurs without exception: is it worth counting on significant profits and a quick payback with such a significant amount of effort and money to create your own veterinary clinic?

To begin with, it makes sense to make an approximate list of the costs of a hospital in which three doctors, an administrator, a cleaning lady and a visiting accountant operate.

  1. Room rental - 60,000-80,000 rubles.
  2. The initial set of equipment is 550,000-600,000 rubles.
  3. Repair of the premises - 150,000 rubles.
  4. Business registration - 10,000 rubles.
  5. Advertising - 70,000 rubles.
  6. Staff salary - 380,000-430,000 rubles.
  7. Utility bills and waste disposal - 50,000 rubles.

Thus, the initial investment for opening a veterinary clinic can be 1.5-2.5 million rubles.

As for income, with a traffic of 10 patients per day and an average check of 500 rubles, payback can be achieved in 1.5 years. At the same time, the profitability of the veterinary business is 8-10%.

A veterinary clinic is a promising and highly profitable business that will not face a lack of demand in the next half century. At the same time, it requires significant investments and serious efforts on the part of the entrepreneur. On condition proper organization payback can be achieved in a year and a half.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Even in large cities, the number of veterinary clinics cannot be called significant in relation to the number of potential customers. As for small settlements, then there is often one municipal veterinary clinic, the level of which leaves much to be desired.

But this market is not growing at a rapid pace, since a sick person will almost certainly go to the doctor, but not everyone will decide to bring their sick animal to the veterinarian. This is primarily due to prices, only truly loving owners take care of their pets. However, animals need not only treatment, but also disease prevention no less than people, and the presence of highly qualified professionals who can provide medical assistance at any time is simply necessary in any city.

A novice entrepreneur needs to determine the level of demand and the situation in the market in order to know how expedient it is to open his own veterinary clinic. Opening your establishment in close proximity to an already operating competitor means dooming yourself to failure, because in this type of business, absolutely every client is important. But this is not the only difficulty to be faced.

It is best to register as entity, although private veterinarians usually draw up IP for their work. To work in this direction code must be indicated (OKPD 2) 75.0 Veterinary services. At this stage, difficulties should not arise, but in order to legally carry out your veterinary practice, you need to obtain a special license for the provision of veterinary services. It should be noted that the licensing of this activity is periodically reviewed, because it is under the jurisdiction of the Russian Veterinary and Phytosanitary Service - that is, under the jurisdiction of the Rosselkhoznadzor. Also, licensing regulations may vary from region to region, and this point should also be clarified with the local office. General requirements you can name a package of documents that are submitted to the licensing authority, and this includes:

    Certificate of payment of state duty (6 thousand rubles).

    Application with the provision of notarized copies of constituent documents and other certificates of registration of the entity entrepreneurial activity with his details.

    Documents confirming the right to own and dispose of the premises (contract of sale or lease).

    All certificates and documents for equipment.

    Copies of documents confirming the professional suitability of specialists.

    Agreements and permits from the sanitary and epidemiological service and fire supervision; also, if it is planned to store potent drugs, then confirmation of the availability of a specially equipped and guarded room for them.

    Agreements on the removal of biological waste and solid waste.

Difficulties may arise with the SES, which puts forward special requirements for veterinary clinics, depending on their level and equipment. So, a restriction on placement near the housing stock may be imposed. The term for consideration of the application is 30 days, and even before it is submitted, it will already be necessary to find a room, hire staff and install equipment. You can simplify your task, and possibly shorten the consideration period, by contacting third-party companies that help with licensing. Their services will cost an average of 30 thousand rubles. In general, the process of obtaining such a license is similar to the licensing of medical activities.

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Particular attention should be paid to the search for premises. You need to know right away what services will be offered by the veterinary clinic and what type of practice will be envisaged. For example, a simple veterinary office would require a small space with a lobby where the waiting and reception desks are located, and a separate room - its own treatment room. If it is planned to open a full-fledged clinic, then in addition to these spaces, it is necessary to allocate a surgical operating room, a separate outpatient room (or even several), an X-ray room with a separate processing room and a hospital. The latter is often used to care for neutered animals during the first week after surgery. Therefore, veterinary clinics can be 30 m 2 in size, and much larger - from 100 and above. In megacities, for example, it is not difficult to find an elite veterinary clinic in a building with several floors.

As for the territorial location, it is optimal to rent a room in residential areas or simply densely populated neighborhoods (but we must not forget about possible restrictions on the proximity of the location). As noted above, in no case should you be located close to already operating competitors. The only exception is if they are a wretched clinic that they turn to for lack of a better one, otherwise competitors will already have an established customer base who are unlikely to change the veterinarian for their pets.

There are several cases of successful operation of veterinary clinics even on the outskirts of cities, but this is more the exception than the rule. It is advisable to open on the outskirts, if located near the roads along which people from the countryside travel to transfer sick animals for treatment. But in this case, you will need to hire professionals who specialize in rural animals.

Depending on the city and location in it, renting a room with an area of ​​100 m 2 will cost an average of 70 thousand rubles per month, but this figure varies greatly from the above conditions. These areas were often occupied small production, and you need to count on repairs, which will also require significant investments.

The key to success is competent specialists. You can build or rent a good building, run an advertising campaign, set even low prices, offer many operations with first-class equipment and eventually attract crowds of customers. But they will leave when it becomes clear to them that working veterinarians are not professionals. Many successful veterinary clinics grow specialists on their own, selecting the most capable students at the university and completing their education on their own. good shots in this direction - a rarity, after all, the treatment of animals is not such a responsibility as the treatment of people, so it is easier to run into a non-professional. It is better to pay more money to masters than small ones to horse-dressers. Some veterinary clinics pay their employees on the basis of the work performed, giving them the opportunity to conduct their private practice outside the clinic, but this is only possible with specialists who perform rare operations and are not needed on a permanent basis at the place of work. As for the therapists, they must conduct the reception, all the time being in the hospital.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The small clinic will contain 3 veterinarians, but even in the case of large centers, the state will expand slightly. But if you start working with a daily schedule without days off, you will have to hire more people, and in the case of round-the-clock work, the number of employees will already exceed 10 people even for a small veterinary office.

At first, it will be difficult to correctly assess the need for night work, and only after working for some time, it will become clear whether this service is needed by the population. But it can be said that big share chances are that in a city with a million or more inhabitants, a 24-hour veterinary clinic will be in high demand if competitors do not offer such an opportunity.

Veterinarians themselves tend to be generalists and work with all animals and perform a variety of procedures, from checkups to complex surgeries. This somewhat simplifies the search for workers, but the most important thing is that the team has an experienced veterinarian who is a true professional. The rest of the staff may consist of newcomers who will be his assistants, gradually improving their skills.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Of the people who are not versed in veterinary medicine, only an administrator will be needed who records clients and answers phone calls, and it is better to outsource the work of accountants, cleaners and other non-core personnel - this is much cheaper than maintaining even one accountant part-time.

The next step is the purchase of equipment. The general arrangement of the premises will cost at least 100 thousand rubles: furniture, computers, cash registers and other office equipment. But the cost of specialized veterinary equipment may require significantly larger investments, it all depends on the number of rooms and the proposed services. The complete list can be presented as follows:

    Analyzers. Required for blood and urine tests (general and biochemical), enzymes and seminal fluid. Depending on the list of tests carried out and the speed of their implementation, they can cost from 30 thousand to 200 thousand rubles. It is better to buy universal high-quality equipment, this will allow you to place only one device and save time. Price - from 30 thousand rubles.

    Artificial lung ventilation apparatus (IVL). Complex and expensive equipment only for elite clinics. It is used to maintain the life of an animal and is sometimes the only salvation for a dying patient. It is worth buying it only if the clinic is focused on wealthy clients who are able to give a lot of money to save their pet. Price - from 540 thousand rubles.

    Apparatus for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). It serves to examine the brain of an animal, and today it is a technique for the most modern and progressive veterinary clinics. Price - from 500 thousand rubles.

    Coagulator. It is used in surgery and in case of emergency to stop the blood. Its purchase is mandatory for a veterinary clinic or office, since such equipment is often used and its absence will adversely affect the life and health of the animal. Price - from 40 thousand rubles.

    Monitor. Needed during operations to monitor vital important indicators patient. Specially configured to work with animals. Price - from 50 thousand rubles.

    Anesthesia device. It is needed in case of impossibility of injecting anesthetic drugs, so it uses an inhalation anesthesia system. Equipped with masks different sizes and muzzle shapes. The cost is from 100 thousand rubles.

    X-ray. Many clinics are not equipped with it despite the frequent need for its use. Application - X-ray examination, especially often in the case of fractures. It can be portable and compact or full and large. Price - from 250 thousand rubles.

    Operating table. It is not necessary to explain its purpose, the main thing is that it can accommodate even a large animal. Price - from 30 thousand rubles.

    ultrasound scanner. Application - as in "human" medicine, while such equipment is indispensable and should be even in the simplest veterinary clinic. Without it, it is impossible to diagnose many diseases, so ultrasound will definitely be in the list of hospital services. Price - from 150 thousand rubles.

    Electrocardiograph. Allows you to monitor the work of the entire cardiovascular system. It cannot be excluded from the list of equipment purchases, since animals are no less susceptible to heart disease than people. Price - from 30 thousand rubles.

    Other equipment. This includes centrifuges, laboratory baths, flask heaters, otoscopes, detectors, injectors, thermometers, pulse oximeters, blood pressure monitors, and other even smaller equipment and expendable materials. Price - from 300 thousand rubles.

    Medications. It is necessary to purchase exactly the necessary medicines and those used during operations, anesthetics will be needed most of all. All other drugs for outpatient treatment are purchased by owners in veterinary pharmacies. They are purchased for the next three to four months, depending on the expiration date. Price - from 50 thousand rubles.

Thus, the purchase of equipment and medicines will cost 2 million 70 thousand rubles. The amount can be reduced by almost half if you do not buy expensive MRI and ventilators. Yes, and some of the rest of the equipment listed may be missing in a small veterinary office, but still a full-fledged clinic cannot afford to do without most of these devices.

At the end of all purchases and arrangements, you can begin to conduct advertising campaign which can also be broadcast on local radio and television. But it is best to place information about yourself on specialized Internet portals, in veterinary pharmacies and animal shelters. It is better to have in stock from 50 thousand rubles for advertising. Now you can sum up the total and determine the sum start-up capital for a good veterinary clinic:

    Registration and licensing - from 60 thousand rubles.

    Room rental - from 70 thousand rubles.

    Arrangement of the premises and its repair - from 100 thousand rubles.

    Wage Fund - from 80 thousand rubles.

    Equipment - from 2 million 70 thousand rubles.

    Utility bills, security, outsourcing, waste disposal - from 20 thousand rubles.

Total amount: 2 million 400 thousand rubles. In this case, the monthly expenses will be 170 thousand rubles.

The initial examination of an animal patient costs 300 rubles, the cost of research and examinations rarely exceeds 1 thousand rubles per procedure, but surgical intervention and operations can have a price tag of up to 15 thousand. Of course, these are very rare procedures that will not even be carried out monthly, but, for example, castration in demand costs an average of one and a half thousand rubles, sterilization - 3 thousand. A good source of income will be vaccination, which is mandatory for hunting dogs. And many pet owners vaccinate their pet before going out into the countryside. However, such services are seasonal and are in demand in late spring and early summer.

Professional breeders and keepers of purebred cats and dogs will also become frequent visitors, who will come for regular examinations and undergo preventive treatment. For these clients, the main thing is the level of service and professionalism of the staff, as well as the general level of the clinic, they will not go to a simple veterinary office.

If you achieve 20 visitors per day, then with an average check of 500 rubles, the monthly income will be (subject to a five-day working week) 220 thousand rubles. Operating profit in this case is 50 thousand, and net profit is 42 thousand 500 rubles (simplified taxation system, calculation of income minus expenses). If there are more reception rooms, then the profit will be much higher, and the opening of a veterinary pharmacy on the territory of the clinic can become another additional income.

Ready-made ideas for your business

It's easiest to start with small office, constantly expanding to eventually come to a well-known and recognized veterinary complex, which is visited by owners of non-purebred cats and dogs, owners of exotic animals, and breeders of two of the main human companion animals. In addition to the list of all kinds of veterinary services and your own pharmacy for animals, in the future you can even open a shelter on the territory of the complex. And finally, in recent years, animal cremation has become more and more popular, which can be carried out by a veterinary clinic in agreement with crematoria.

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How the veterinary clinic works - we are located near the metro

Treatment of animals in the veterinary clinic VetPetHelp. Cost in Moscow.

How the veterinary clinic works - prices for services

Veterinary services Cost, rub.
Animal vaccinations, vaccinations
Scheduled cat vaccination 550
Scheduled dog vaccination 650
Vaccination of dogs at home 900
Vaccinations for puppies 600-1000
Vaccinations for kittens 500-900
Dog rabies vaccination 1250
Veterinarian at home for vaccination 400
Animal surgery (dog surgery, cat surgery)
Removal of papillomas 500
Removal of s / c tumor 600-1500
Spaying a cat 1900
Spaying a cat at home 2250
Castration of cats 1450
Castration of cats at home 1700
Neutering of dogs 2700
Dog castration 2200
Sterilization of cats laparoscopy 2900
Male castration 2700
Sterilization of dogs laparoscopy 3200
Dog tail fracture treatment 900
Fractures in dogs 1100
Fracture/dislocation in a dog 900
Fracture/dislocation in a cat 900
Nailed fingers in dogs 1300
Amputation of vestigial fingers in dogs 1150
Animal Therapy
Treatment of wounds, surgical sutures 250-350
Remove stitches for dogs and cats 200-350
Injections for a cat 300-400
dog injections 400-500
Probing the esophagus for a dog 1380
dog gastric lavage 1550
Animal euthanasia
euthanize the dog 2400
Put down the dog at home 2600
Put the cat to sleep 1600
Cat euthanasia 1600
Cat euthanasia at home 1800
Animal Cremation
Shared pet cremation 1500-2500
Individual animal cremation 3500
Cremation of dogs (up to 10 kg) 3000
Cremation of dogs (from 10 to 20 kg) 5000
Cremation of a dog over 20 kg negotiable
Cremation of cats 1550
Animal diseases and their treatment
Ear inflammation in a dog 1150
Toxoplasmosis in a dog 1450
Piroplasmosis in a dog treatment 1850
Dermatitis in a dog 950
Rhinitis in a dog treatment 970
Stomatitis in a dog 970
Barley in a dog treatment 980
Urolithiasis of the cat 1850
Heart failure in a cat/dog 1600-1900
Panleukopenia in cats 2140
Toxoplasmosis 950
Distemper on a dog 950
Staphylococcus aureus in a dog 850
Pyroplasmosis in a dog/cat 1800
Ringworm in cats, dogs 100-800
Worms in a cat 700-1200
Veterinarian services
Calling a veterinarian at home 400
Veterinarian visit at night 600
Veterinarian ophthalmologist reception in veterinary clinic 1200
Doctor ratologist reception in a veterinary clinic 1250
Turtle doctor (herpetologist) 1250
Ferret Treatment 1050
Treatment of rats 1050
Rodent treatment 1100
Treatment of hamsters 1100
reptile doctor 1600
Mice treatment 1100
Animal grooming. grooming salon
Calling a veterinarian-groomer at home 1200
Dog Grooming 1300
Cat Grooming 980
Washing, drying dogs 630
Model dog grooming 1560
Grooming cats hygienic 1050
Removal of tangles 690
Cat nail trimming 590
Dog nail trimming 790
zoo hotel
Overexposure of a dog 380
Hotel for cats 270
Hotel for dogs (for a stay of more than 7 days) 350
Overexposure of dogs (conditions vip) 800
Overexposure of dogs large breeds from 800
Animal tests
Canine adenovirus/hepatitis 600
Blood test for infections (PCR) 750-1900
Canine herpes virus 630
borreliosis lyme disease 650
Feline calicivirus 630
Brucellosis 650
epstein-barr virus 650
Leptospirosis 650
Mycoplasmosis 650
Canine piroplasmosis 660
Panleukopenia 650
Parvovirus enteritis 650
plague of carnivores 550
Diagnostics for animals
Radiography 1 projection 1000
Radiography 2 projections 1700
echocardiography for animals 2400
ECG (electrocardiography) 3000
Ultrasound examination of all organs 2500
Ultrasound for cats (one organ) 1450
Ultrasound for dogs (one organ) 1600
Animal Dentistry
Removing tartar from a cat 2160
Removing tartar from a dog 2380
Cat teeth extraction 480
Removing a dog's teeth 690
Help in giving birth to animals
Obstetrics conservative 1000
Childbirth in a cat help in adoption 1200
Examination of a cat before childbirth 900
Childbirth in a cat, help with complications 1500
Childbirth in a dog, help from a veterinarian 1920
Cesarean section for a cat 3000
caesarean section for a dog 5000

Urgent veterinarian call

Pets, like people, get sick from time to time. Various infections, bruises, fractures, bleeding - for all occasions, the help of a professional doctor is required. Emergency veterinary care is engaged in the treatment of animals at home. Experts in the field of veterinary medicine, qualified staff of the clinic are ready to treat small patients around the clock. Thanks to the precise and modern equipment veterinarians are able to carry out many necessary procedures at home.

More and more owners trust emergency veterinarians. By Balashikha the best option can not found. The main advantages of such a service are as follows:

  • The animal is almost not nervous. All pets, without exception, are very worried when visiting the clinic. New place, new smell, new scary stranger. In a state of stress, all diseases are exacerbated, new unpleasant symptoms appear. Emergency veterinarians are well aware of this feature and try to smooth out sharp corners as much as possible when visiting patients at home.
  • Time is not wasted. The owner does not have to sit in line waiting for the veterinarian's appointment. A veterinary specialist will arrive at a clearly agreed time around the clock.
  • Wide opportunities for consultation. Real-life veterinary care for pets helps the doctor to observe the patient's life: the quality of care, behavior, alarming symptoms. The recommendations obtained in this way significantly increase the standard of living of the animal.
  • Home care is inexpensive. In our clinic, the price list for services is the same, regardless of the place of provision. It is very convenient for residents of the region to call a doctor at home, knowing that the agreed amount of money will not grow in a big way.
  • Ordering the service is very simple, one call to the site, and the emergency veterinarian is already rushing in your direction. The waiting time depends on the traffic situation, but usually does not exceed 30-40 minutes. The doctor on duty will write down your coordinates and ask in detail about the symptoms. Signs of the disease will help the veterinary center employee to call the right specialist. Our clinic employs many doctors of various specialties.

    It is important for us to provide emergency veterinary care in the right way. If in a conversation it is possible to establish what kind of disease the pet is suffering from, the doctor on duty will send a doctor of a narrow profile to the call. In other situations, the therapist leaves.

    Principles of operation of the veterinary clinic

    Emergency veterinary care in Balashikha works 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This type of care does not require an appointment with a veterinarian. The doctor is called when the situation is critical. Animals can have several such moments:

  1. There is severe bleeding that cannot be stopped.
  2. There is an open wound on the body, a fracture.
  3. The animal has fallen from a great height, cannot get up, wheezes.
  4. Convulsions, an epileptic seizure are visible.
  5. Difficult childbirth when the female cannot give birth.

In such situations, only the competent help of a veterinarian can save the patient's life. The points described above are typical for cats, dogs, but exotic representatives of the fauna are often found in city apartments. Reptiles, snakes, turtles, birds, rodents - each patient needs qualified help. Round-the-clock veterinary assistance for unusual animals works just as quickly. Our veterinary clinic can send a ratologist, ornithologist, herpetologist and other specialists on call.

If the veterinary ambulance finds out upon arrival that the situation is fatal and it is impossible to cope at home, the patient is urgently hospitalized. Transportation takes place by the veterinary clinic, on a specially equipped machine. The driver transports the animal carefully, carefully. Already at the place of colleagues, doctors provide the maximum possible veterinary assistance.

The emergency veterinary clinic is the key to a long life and excellent health of our beloved animals! If your pet is in trouble, call your veterinarian immediately!

Veterinary clinic VetPetHelp - other services

Vet clinic on the gangway 101 Dalmatians

Natalya Ch.(name changed) worked for more than a year in one of the Moscow veterinary clinics. About what she had to do, she told

About work

I love animals very much and I always wanted to work with them and help them. But I didn’t have a special veterinary education, so I got a job in a feed and medicine store at a veterinary clinic, from where I was quickly retrained as a veterinarian assistant. I sold food, kept records of goods and medicines, and also gave injections, put IVs and sheared animals.

Part of my salary depended on the fulfillment of the plan for the sale of feed, vitamins, accessories and so on. We didn’t have any strict rules for imposing goods on customers, but I know clinics where each employee (doctor or cashier) needs to “push” the buyer of products or services for a certain amount, otherwise they will earn pennies.

Divorce with medical services

Unfortunately, pumping money from customers was not limited to the imposition of goods. It used to be that they were bred for medical services. I will tell you about the case after which I decided to quit my job and never work in veterinary clinics again. We had an epidemic of rotavirus infection in cats in our area, then a lot of people with pets who caught it were sitting in line. Treatment involves injections, droppers and lasts at least a week. That is, you quit all your business, take a vacation or time off and go to the veterinary clinic every day, sit in a huge queue, wait for your animal to be rescued.

So, we had cases that even after therapy, the cats did not get better, and the owners of some did not return. I don't want to think that these animals are dead. And here was the thing. One day, I accidentally overheard a conversation between our doctor and her colleague from another clinic, where she told that she injects animals with ordinary water for injections instead of an antibiotic. “Well, I need to earn money,” she argued her position.

Roughly speaking, they pricked the air, from which the animal is not only not better, but even worse - the road to the clinic, sitting in line, painful incomprehensible procedures - this is a terrible stress for the animal. When I found out about this, I told my doctor that I would collect the medicine for the injection myself. And a month later I quit.

Overdose for an additional fee

Doctors without experience also came to us for internships, they needed to train their hand in order to later work in other clinics and receive a good salary. Without a veterinary or medical education, I put droppers and made injections better than them. I was very rarely scratched by animals, novice doctors - all the time. There was a case when such a trainee doctor overdosed anesthesia on a cat during a dental cleaning procedure. How he managed to do this, I have no idea. I know that the cat was then nursed by a doctor from another district. And my colleague also charged the hostess a double price for anesthesia - it took two doses. And that the animal could die, he did not care.

In each veterinary clinic, tests are done - everything is like in humans, blood or urine is donated, the biomaterial is sent to the laboratory, and based on the results of the analysis, the doctor prescribes therapy. In order to have more money, test results were faked in our clinic. The animal could be perfectly healthy, and, for example, the vomiting with which it was brought could be caused by a slight disorder. In the analyzes, they could draw that the beast almost had cancer, and intimidate the owner that if measures were not taken now, then in two months it would be too late. Many owners do not worry about their health as much as they do about the health of their pets. Of course, they laid out round sums, in fact, for nothing.

Cash in on euthanasia

There were also opposite situations, when nothing will help the animal, there is only one thing left - to euthanize, but euthanasia is just one procedure, you can earn a lot of money before it. For example, there was a case - a guy got sick with a rabbit, he had an abscess on his chin, which did not go away and did not heal. He brought the pet to us five times, took tests, the rabbit was given injections. Well, he paid 12 thousand for all this. Then I met this guy, he told me that in another clinic the rabbit was diagnosed with cancer. Surely my doctor knew that the animal was hopeless, but she faked the tests and pretended that everything was in order with him, she didn’t even read from her expression that she was being cunning.

There was also a case when they brought a cat with a tumor on its stomach, they immediately took tests from it, did an ultrasound. And they told the hostess that everything is fine, this is a benign formation, they advised to fatten the animal by 200 grams and come to cut out the tumor. A month later, when the cat still managed to be fattened, she died, she had oncology. They brought her to us to be cremated.

By the way, about cremation. We had an individual cremation service, this is when the animal is cremated and the process is recorded on video, and then the urn of the animal and the videotape are handed over to its owner. It cost around 10 thousand rubles. And what happened to pets whose owners did not fork out for individual cremation, I do not know.

About clients

Such owners came to us who were ready to break for their pet. I respect such people, for the most part they do not fall for the horror stories of doctors, and if something goes wrong, they go to another doctor. And there were such people who do not understand why they give birth to animals. For example, once a woman came to us, she wanted to euthanize the cat only because he was shitting in the corridor, and she could not do anything about it. She also asked: “What do you think is better to do with him - put him to sleep or throw him into the basement?” At the same time, the cat was absolutely domestic and never walked outside. In the end, he was euthanized.

Or one more case. Once I was sent home to one grandmother, whose cat got sick with rotavirus infection and did not get out from under the sofa. Although home visits were not part of my mandate, I had to go. I had to pull him out from under the couch and bring him to the clinic. What did I see? A huge cat, at least 10 kilograms, and neglected - all his hair was in petrified feces. I dragged him on myself, and then in the hospital my colleagues and I washed him, he tore us to blood. And then I took him back.

Testaments to the owners

I have worked in a veterinary clinic for over a year. She left because she was disappointed in people who call themselves veterinarians. It turned out that no one here likes animals, their goal is not to help pets, but to earn money, hiding behind a good deed.

For pet owners, I would recommend:

- Never call unverified doctors to your house. Now there are a lot of fake clinics with excellent reviews on the Internet, but with terrible non-professionals. You call such a clinic (which allegedly has a huge network and which also hides behind a name similar to a well-known clinic), and they tell you that they have a sanitary day, but the doctor can come to your house. Don't believe. Such "doctors", firstly, can harm the animal and then you will not find them, and secondly, they will put you an unrealistic price tag.

- It is better to take tests in independent laboratories, bypassing the clinic. If there is any doubt that they are fake, then you will save more money, time and nerves if you do. At the same time, look at how they will react to your decision in the veterinary clinic - if the doctor starts to get nervous and convince them that only they have the most correct tests, most likely he will carousel with tests.

- And if you see that the treatment of the animal does not get better, take it to another doctor.