How to write a flyer examples. Flyers: the secrets of a successful PR campaign. The effectiveness of leaflets, taking into account the profile of the enterprise

  • 14.06.2020

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The simplest, but at the same time not losing its effectiveness, method of conducting advertising campaigns is to use various kinds flyer. One of the main advantages of this type of marketing materials is versatility. A flyer can attract potential customers to almost any business. However, in order to not only spend money on printing flyers and distribute them, but also to get the maximum effect in the form of new customers, you need to invest time and attention in designing the layout of the flyer. The text and design of the flyer are just as important as the locations and methods of distributing flyers. Typography "SlovoDelo" offers you a brief excursion into the basic rules that will help you make a flyer that grabs all the attention target audience

What do flyers look like?

The definition of a flyer is known to all marketers. But the information in this article will also be useful to those who are really interested in the effectiveness of the advertising campaign, owners and directors, as well as specialists who care about the quality of their work.

If according to the dictionary, then flyers are a type of print advertising, small-format printed edition. This promotion option is capable of massively attracting potential customers with very little investment. However, in order for the distribution of flyers by boxes or by any other method not only to pay off, but also bring multiple profits, it is important to understand and correctly use the following rules:

If you look closely at the definition of a flyer, another feature becomes equally important - small size, so the content should be given Special attention. The text of the flyer must contain in an understandable form the advertising message and the contact details of the company.

Flyers and flyers can act as discount coupons or a gift with purchase. In this case, the likelihood that the person who received the leaflet will not only read it, but also use it, increases. In extreme cases, he will give someone from his acquaintances who is interested in an advertising offer.

You can also distribute flyers to inform about various events: the opening of a store, a seasonal or closed sale, a party, a charity concert, and the like. Thematic images will help the potential client to better remember the information, and in the case of distribution of flyers in boxes, they will not let it get lost in other correspondence.

The style and design of flyers should be carefully thought out in advance. A high-quality and professional flyer can be presented as an invitation. These are usually used in cinemas, clubs, cafes and restaurants, as well as for organizing public events. A beautiful flyer printed on high-quality paper is perceived no worse than a paid ticket to a concert of your favorite artist.

Flyers are so ubiquitous these days that even the most distant person from marketing and advertising knows what a flyer is, or at least used it as a buyer. Interestingly, despite their popularity, flyers remain a marketing tool with a very high efficiency.

The main reason for the popularity of this method lies in the fact that the production and printing of flyers are relatively cheap, but at the same time they can attract potential new customers in huge quantities. Agree, even a 5% discount or a chocolate bar as a gift is pleasant for everyone.

What are the types of flyers

With all the variety of marketing fantasy, the most understandable is the classification of flyers according to their purpose:

1) Mass advertising of goods or services. Flyers are made to reach a mass audience. Suitable for goods and services with a wide range of target audience, for goods and services of mass consumption. Such flyers are distributed at exhibitions, near and inside large shopping centers and other high traffic areas.

2) Related (targeted) advertising. A customer who has already bought something is always better than just a passer-by, so leaflets attached to the purchase are very effective. Such a flyer can talk about a company, event, loyalty program, and other products. In addition, these can be leaflets from other companies interested in the same customers: for example, flyers of a cinema or a beauty salon can be distributed in a cafe.

3) Flyer, invitation, discount coupon. These are small leaflets, they are also called “flyers” or “flyers”. These are usually the size of a banknote, which allows them to be stored in a wallet. In addition, such a leaflet can carry not only information with advertising, but also be the equivalent of a specific discount upon presentation. This, by the way, will allow you to track the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.

4) Print flyers for restaurants and clubs. This type should be singled out separately, since new events take place almost every evening, and the establishments themselves are limited in capacity. Printing of flyers is required urgently, and thousands of print runs are not always justified. For such clients, digital printing is used, which allows you to print small and medium runs in an extremely short time.

5) Stickers- self-adhesive leaflets. This type of flyers has created a whole trend in printing services. Modern technologies allow the production of advertising materials on an adhesive basis, which can be used on a variety of surfaces, and the adhesive strength can withstand even extreme conditions. More about this direction You can find the printing of advertising leaflets in a special section of our website.

6) Booklet, leaflet, eurobooklet- these are no longer pure leaflets, but extremely similar marketing tools.

Most often, small-sized flyers are used for passing from hand to hand. Larger variants are optimal for distribution through mailboxes, since in this case the recipient has more time to study the proposal, which means that the format can be increased.

Create a flyer: 4 options

1. Create flyers online. This is the easiest way to prepare flyers, which does not require any special money or installation of special programs. On the Internet, you can easily find many different designers for creating marketing materials online.

Most of these services have constantly updated catalogs of flyer templates that will help you make a high-quality layout for further printing. Users have access to professional photographic materials (photo stocks), sets of typical graphic elements, as well as sets of various fonts.

According to the finished layout, you can print the circulation of flyers in any printing house. However, here you should immediately take into account the fact that on most “free” services, the download of the finished layout itself will be paid, which is sometimes offset by a discount when ordering printing of flyers from partner printing houses. In general, read the conditions carefully before starting to create a layout so as not to waste time.

2. Creating a flyer in Word. For many users of the popular MS Word office program, the possibility of creating not only simple text documents is still a surprise. Moreover, Microsoft has taken care of its users and prepared ready-made templates designed to make life easier for a beginner. Flyer templates can be found in the following path File - Create - Brochures - Booklets. The choice, of course, is quite small and rather of the same type, but still. Again, no one forbids you to spend a few hours and create a unique flyer design yourself using such a standard program.

3. Create flyers yourself in Photoshop. Adobe Fotoshop is a powerful program for creating professional designs in raster graphics. In the presence of good knowledge In this program, you can create a good layout of the flyer.

The main disadvantage of this option, as well as the options for using other professional design programs, is that it will take a really long time and effort to master these tools at a decent level.

4. Create custom flyers. The best option. And this opinion is connected not only with the fact that we represent the printing house. Creating custom flyers is really the most rational method. High quality work, huge time savings and reasonable prices. To order, you can create both simple and fairly cheap flyers, as well as elite printing.

When ordering a layout in a printing house, all responsibility for the final result lies with professionals. They are able to lead and control the entire process from creating a layout to the final delivery of the finished product to the client. printing products. Modern equipment and high professionalism in working with special programs allow us to fulfill almost any order in the shortest possible time.

In the SlovoDelo printing house you can order the production of flyers according to your layouts, or use the help of our design department. Professional designers will take into account all your wishes and, based on their experience, will create for you a really working design of flyers. In addition to the production of flyers, the SlovoDelo printing house is ready to produce postcards, certificates, announcements, booklets, business cards, envelopes, flyers, calendars, posters, mugs, banners and a host of other marketing assistants for you.

5 rules for creating effective flyers that won't be thrown in the trash

1. Properly format the design with fonts and pictures. Particular attention in the design of flyers should be given to what they are created for, i.e. conveying meaning. Therefore, your advertising message and its essence should be read even with a cursory glance at the flyer. Please note that advertising materials are not read from top to bottom on the first viewing, but from larger elements to smaller ones. With relative equality diagonally from the upper left corner to the lower right. Keep this rule in mind and grab attention with the essence of the offer, highlighting it in the largest font in a color that contrasts with the background.

At the first meeting with your flyer, the recipient must immediately determine whether it is for him or not. Therefore, forget about pride and highlight not the company logo, but the essence: clothes, grocery delivery, apartment, etc. Then, even at a distance, the person for whom your offer is relevant will at least take a leaflet to find out the details.

2. Draw attention to individual elements. After the main definition, we lead the potential client further along the leaflet. The next thing that a person who receives a flyer should see is a “tasty” offer, the so-called “hooks”. These may be special conditions, for example, discounts, interest rates in banking products, clothing sizes, and so on.

The font for this step is smaller than in the previous paragraph, but noticeably larger than the body text. This item is required, otherwise a flyer, even with a beautiful design and relevant essence, simply will not interest a potential client and will easily get lost among the rest of the pieces of paper.

3. Advertising text flyers should be simple and sound affirmative. Always remember that not all potential customers like to read. The world is accelerating, people are becoming more and more lazy and do not want to waste time and effort on analyzing what is written in advertising. Write the text of the flyer simply and clearly: in short sentences (up to six words is optimal) without complex long words.

Try to avoid particles "NOT" in advertising offers and slogans. Of course, many are aware that the subconscious does not perceive negative particles. At the same time, few people understand that such a trifle can change the effect of an advertising campaign dozens of times. Moreover, psychologically, the “not” particle provokes doubts, and, with certain formulations, a desire to argue. We all think in a straight line, skipping “not”, since there is no such image, therefore we present the opposite image.

Judge for yourself:

  • “Our computer is not buggy” - one would like to add “immediately turns off”;
  • “Do not forget to look at us” - the pertinent question arises “but what?”;
  • “There will be no problems with us” - “why are you talking about this?”;
  • Think of the phrase "Don't eat sweets."

The list can be extended, but the main thing is to catch this idea. If you wish, you can rephrase almost any phrase into a positive sentence, you just need to think a little.

4. There should not be a lot of text. Of course, the simplest thing is to make the font smaller to fit all the information you want to include. Have pity on readers and your money. Units will strain their eyes and waste time reading something advertising, especially on the run, in transport or with poor eyesight.

It is better to write the most important thing in large and easy-to-read fonts. The text of the flyer the best place for creative experiments and swirling fonts. By the way, fewer details - more intrigue and interest in your proposal.

5. The flyer must have its own value. Ideally, a flyer should not only convey an advertising message once, but also have a reason to save it. There are several ways to add value. The flyer can guarantee the bearer a discount, a gift, or be a ticket to an event.

If a flyer informs about some delayed event or provides a bonus for a certain period, then its value can be enhanced by various benefits. Such tricks are often used on business cards, but they are also quite acceptable in flyers. These can be: a metro map, a list of useful phone numbers and addresses, a correspondence table different sizes, table of nutritional supplements and more. Such usefulness will allow you to remind customers about yourself and your offer more often even without direct contact with them. Just do not forget to duplicate your offer and contacts on the side with the bonus, otherwise it will be just a useful little thing on the refrigerator from an unknown well-wisher.

If you want to make an advertising campaign effective, then first of all analyze your target audience. When preparing to produce flyers, look at them from your client's point of view and honestly answer the question: "Would you come or call?". Honest brainstorming will allow you to come up with a really interesting proposal.

The above rules will help you avoid many mistakes and make the distribution of flyers a really effective move.

5 more tips to make sure you get the right flyer

1. Bright headline. The essence of your promotional offer should be immediately evident. It is desirable that from a distance of three meters it was possible without special efforts read main idea flyer. This is not so difficult to achieve: a large sans-serif font, no more than six words, a color that contrasts with the background. It is also acceptable for the body text to be different in color from the heading.

2. In addition to conveying the meaning of the text, it will not be superfluous to fix in the client’s memory essence of the proposal visually. The picture should be large and clear and not merge with the background of the flyer. It is optimal if the picture clearly depicts the offer. Happy American families, of course, work well, but not here. If you sell teapots, then post a bright photo of a stylish teapot. The effect will be much better.

3. Next to do placement of the main text. With a vertical arrangement - immediately below the picture, in the lower third of the flyer. In the case of a horizontal arrangement, the right side of the flyer is closer to the bottom. The main text of the flyer should be informative, just do not include Tolstov, limit yourself to three or four lines. It will not be superfluous to highlight in capital letters or in bold the main points - clues, for example, the words "guarantee", "free of charge" and so on.

4. After completing the work with the base, add no less important information - Your contacts. Don't laugh, it's a common mistake to get carried away with creativity and design and not show the client what to do next. It makes no sense to specify details and all addresses with an index. But the phone and at least one address must be. If you are located in a shopping center, then a small sign will also come in handy, for example, like this: "second floor, from the stairs to the right."

5. Verification. This is a really important step. Look closely at your flyer. Stand back and check if the colors merge, if the text is visible, if it attracts attention. And once again check the entire text for errors. Separately, it is worth checking phone numbers, Internet addresses. It is better to spend 10 minutes checking than to find out after printing and handing out flyers that a phone number, for example, is missing a number.

Flyers: samples and examples of SlovoDelo printing house

Advertising flyers, the price of which does not bite at all

Format / circulation

A3 (297×420), 4+4

А3 (297×420), 4+0

A4 (210×297), 4+4

A4 (210×297), 4+0

A5 (148×210), 4+4

A5 (148×210), 4+0

A6 (105x48), 4+4

А6 (105×148), 4+0

* Prices for offset printing of leaflets are indicated in rubles per print run. Check the exact cost with managers by phone +7 495 207-75-77‎.

9 Signs You Have the Wrong Flyers

Sign #1. The text of the flyer begins with the phrase "if you want." In this case, the potential client automatically begins to think: "what if we don't want to." Simply put, with such a headline you sow doubt, and it is always easier for a person to postpone a decision than to make one.

Sign #2. The ability to put pressure on the "pain" of the client in order to sell is a very subtle skill. If you do not own it at least at an acceptable level, then you should not experiment. It is highly likely that with your advertising you will provoke aggression in the client rather than a desire to buy from you. By the way, both excessive injections into the shortcomings of the client and too positive questions work equally badly in the text of the flyer. The latter create tension from the expectation of something bad. Take a look for yourself: "You good job? High salary? Great family?". Do not look for a catch, it's just a specific mentality.

Sign #3. You give deliberately false promises or “pour water”. There is no panacea, and everyone knows this. Of course, I want to believe in a miracle, but the flyer should attract the buyer, and not cause him a touching smile.

Sign number 4. Emphasis on your "brand", for example, in the format: "Rogalik Company presents ...". If you are not a representative big business, whose brand is really famous, then you should not indulge yourself with the thought of the brand effect. Flyer distribution is a fast direct response method, which means it must carry a specific offer for the fastest response of the buyer. Do not waste the length of the headline on another joy for pride.

Sign number 5. Variety of fonts. Do not get carried away with creativity when creating a flyer. This is especially true for fonts. No matter how simple a font may seem to you, it is much more likely to be read than the text of a flyer written in a decorative font with a lot of curls.

Sign number 6. Everything is important. Of course, you need to highlight thoughts or individual words in capital letters or bold, but DO NOT SHOUT the entire text. Firstly, it overloads the eyes, and secondly, all selections immediately become useless: if everything is important, then nothing matters. In the text of the flyer, highlight only the really important points.

Sign number 7. Technical overload. Entrepreneurs are often so immersed in their professional sphere that they forget about their customers. Understand that the benefits of your offer should be clear not only to you and your employees, but also to customers. Yes, consumers are now more informed and know a lot, but the phrase in the flyer "the amount of memory for 10,000 favorite photos" sells better than the number of megabytes. Show the benefits in a simple and understandable language - buyers do not like to feel like half-educated people. It is easier to refuse a purchase than to study the terms.

Sign number 8. A sheet of text and love for turns. Along with the excesses of design and emphasis, boring long text is no less harmful. The essence of the text of the leaflet is completely lost. Try to avoid long sentences with complex phrases. And remember about punctuation, indentation, and the ability to divide into paragraphs if you want your flyers to be read, and not just taken to the trash.

Sign number 9. Evidence and teachings. Obvious phrases such as “Of course you know” or “Everyone knows” look equally ridiculous in promotional materials, as well as attempts at obsessive learning, for example, “You have no idea that ...”, “Actually you need to ...” And so on. You need to write simply and clearly, but without making a fool of the reader. Remember that the purpose of the flyer is to interest the offer, not to make yourself look like a philosopher.

Distribution of flyers: 4 important nuances to consider

1. Covered audience when handing out leaflets.

Before distributing flyers, you need to decide on the method of their delivery to the client. And it all depends on who your target audience is. In certain cases, it will be effective to distribute flyers near shopping centers or the metro. This option is good when you yourself are close to the place of distribution, so that the recipient of the leaflet can quickly come to you, and not postpone his visit indefinitely. Bookmarking flyers under the wipers of parked cars is suitable for those whose customers are car owners. If you are interested in residents of certain areas or houses, then good effect can give the layout of flyers in boxes. There is also the option of embedding leaflets in magazines and newspapers, which, by the way, will cost less than advertising in the print media themselves.

There are a lot of options, they are limited mainly by your imagination.

2. What is leaflet distribution used for?

Distribution of flyers is a rare marketing tool with a quick effect. This method allows you to quickly attract new potential customers to the point of sale, usually within two to seven days.

In addition to the rapid influx of new customers, flyers can also have a delayed effect. If there is an additional bonus (discount, gift with purchase, metro map, size chart, etc.), the person who received the leaflet is more likely to keep it, which means that at the moment when your product or service is needed, your company and offer will catch the eye of the client before all competitors.

Flyers can act not only as an independent marketing channel. They also do a great job additional tool promotions, enhancing the effect of any promotions and promotional events.

Distribution of leaflets in places with high traffic can be strengthened by the good work of promoters. Add branded slogans or slogans to them, equip them with a short cheat sheet with answers to possible questions, and you will get a multiple increase in efficiency from distributing flyers.

3. Return on distribution of leaflets. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to predict the effectiveness of the distribution of flyers. According to statistics, the effectiveness of this tool ranges from 0.5 to 10%. The run-up is quite large, besides, the reliability and purity of these figures cannot be verified. Still, a lot of factors affect efficiency, so it’s stupid to make any predictions about this. We can only state with certainty that the distribution of leaflets is effective only with a large circulation - at least 1000 pieces.

4. How to increase the efficiency of leaflet distribution:

Firstly, at the first glance at your flyer, the person who received it should immediately understand whether this offer is for him or not. Who is not relevant - most likely will refuse, and the target audience will probably be hooked.

Secondly, It is important to responsibly approach the choice of places for distributing flyers. Ideally, it should be a combination of high traffic and target audience. Simply put, the distribution of leaflets should be done in places where there are most of those who, with a high probability, can be your client.

Thirdly, in addition to the place, the time of distribution of leaflets plays an important role. For example, on Monday morning at the subway, people are in a hurry to work and are not very receptive to information.

Fourth, Spend time and effort training promoters. Tell in advance who should be given leaflets so as not to “shoot flies from a cannon”, prepare branded slogans and phrases. Also, a cheat sheet on the main questions that potential customers may ask will not hurt. And, of course, take care of the control over the work of promoters, so as not to wait at the window for the effect of a bunch of flyers, just thrown into the nearest trash can.

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Welcome to our convenient website, an online printing shop, where you can easily and easily choose a ready-made one or create your own design and print business cards, invitations, postcards, calendars, photo collages, flyers, leaflets, booklets and other printing products online. . Ready-made layouts can be sent for printing to the Print Center closest to you in order to pick up the order in person. Or order delivery! Don't waste time searching for pictures, layouts on the Internet or a designer, do it yourself - it's easy and simple! Three steps and the business card is ready!

We have over 5,000 free templates on our website! Choose a ready template business card, certificate, diploma or diploma, add your text, company logo, drawing, photo, location map and send to print! Create a fun invitation for a child, party or anniversary. Choose a romantic wedding invitation. We print fast and high quality! See for yourself!

Leaflets help attract customers, make the company more recognizable, tell about new products and promotions, sell goods and at the same time have a low cost.

Pros of flyer printing:

  • ease of manufacture;
  • relatively low price;
  • visibility and accessibility.


  • Leaflets are often perceived as paper spam.

The effectiveness of a leaflet, like any other advertising tool, depends on its content and design. Work on the creation of a leaflet begins long before it is printed in a printing house.

  • take into account the characteristics of the target audience;
  • to draw attention;
  • use customer reviews;
  • add useful content to advertising information.

Create a flyer layout

Online constructor. The easiest and cheapest way to make a mock-up (does not require additional costs, except for the cost of printing flyers), you do not need graphic programs and special knowledge. You just need to choose the appropriate template and edit it.

Creating a layout on average takes 10-20 minutes.

Creating a layout in graphic editors. This method already requires knowledge of basic tools. graphic programs and takes more time than working with an online designer.

Create flyer in Corel Draw

Create a file ( FileCreate). Specify the name of the document, select the format, specify the CMYK color model and a resolution of 300 dpi.

*** It is in the CMYK color model that they work printing machines, if you create a layout in a different color model, such as RGB, then the colors in the layout and the colors on paper may differ.

We make departures (continuation of the background of the layout beyond the edge of the cropped format by 2-3 mm). They are needed to avoid marriage when cutting circulation.

Click on the tab in Corel Draw Layout, choose Page settings.

In step Spreading(this is the name of the bleed in the Russified version of Corel Draw), indicate the presence of bleeds, for example, 3 mm and also check the box Show bleed area.

The dotted line shows the bleed line

Add text, images, background.

What tools may be required:

Team File - Import to add images to the layout.

Crop to crop the original image to the desired size.

Text tool.

Team ctrl+q(to convert the font to curves).

To make the text easy to read, you should not use too small a font size or write the main text in a cursive, decorative style. Do not overload the flyer with a large amount of text.

The text should be simple and informative, honest and clear, highlight the main thing (so that a person immediately understands what it is about) and special conditions (discounts, special offers, bonuses, etc.).

Create flyer in Adobe Photoshop

We create a file of the desired format, taking into account departures (2-3 mm on each side). We select the CMYK color model and a resolution of 300 pixels / inch.

For convenience, you can add guides to visually separate the cropped format from the overhangs.

Create a new layer using the Shift+Ctrl+N command. Fill it, for example, with white color (Alt + Backspace). Make sure the panel color(Color) CMYK sliders are set.

Add an image or more. To do this, create a rectangle using Rectangle Tool(U) (Rectangle).

By using Direct Selection Tool(A) (Partial selection) select the rectangle and on the top panel in the alignment menu, select Horizontal Centers (Horizontal centers). Let's move on File - Place Embedded(File - Place Embedded) and add an image to the document. Resize the image and place it on a rectangle.

Activate Rectangle Tool(U) (Rectangle) and on the tool options bar click on the button Mask(Mask). This function will make a vector mask out of a rectangle and apply it to the photo.

Add text with the Type Tool (T), select the font, font size.

Print Requirements

Regardless of which graphic editor you use to make the layout, it is worth remembering the rules for preparing a file for printing:

  • layout elements must be in the CMYK color model;
  • departures are made (2-3 mm on each side);
  • fonts converted to curves;
  • images must have a resolution of 250-300 dpi;
  • the format of the layout must match the format of the finished product.

A specialized leaflet editor designed for self-manufacturing full color designs. You don't need professional help from a designer to quickly create a flyer online.

A convenient and understandable intuitive interface of the program allows you to design the design of printed products, guided by your own taste and preferences. You can choose and use popular templates of common formats. No special skills are required to prepare a suitable printing option for printing from scratch.

A collection of free cliparts will speed up the creative process. There is no need to follow the technical aspects, the dimensions of the printed field or the requirements of the printing house. The flyer maker contains customizable options that work automatically.

What to do when additional questions arise? Our employees will come to the rescue. Staff operators will advise you by phone or online. To send the finished page for printing, click the special button to place an order.

Templates by theme

Choosing a Template by Theme

Features of the online flyer maker

Our free online designer leaflets contains working tools for processing:

Graphic objects

color fill background

text information

The sequence of using the online constructor

At the initial stage, it is important to choose the design of an advertising flyer that you like on the site. At the disposal of the user are about fifty varieties of design information leaflets. You can easily modify the prepared templates, taking into account your personal wishes and aesthetic taste. We recommend that you start using template sentences with a step-by-step setting of technical printing parameters, preparing a suitable substrate and arranging text blocks. This procedure will take a little time, but will prepare the original layout for subsequent printing.

To order offset or digital printing of leaflets, you must take the following steps:

Choose a traditional or non-standard product format

Want to see real modern magic? Then just walk around the city, and you are guaranteed to become the owner of a wide variety of flyers that magically begin to accumulate in your hands.

“What kind of magic is this?"- you say. " It's more of a normal thing.".

Certainly, that's just…

Not all flyers fall into our field of vision. We ignore some of them, while others are immediately thrown into the trash. And only a small part is honored to be read, an even smaller part is preserved and used in the future.

Why don't you have magic?! Some work, while the rest - in vain "squander" the money of their creators. Such a completely different "fate" for all types of advertising leaflets.

Bright and restrained, noisy and business-like... Similar to each other, they still differ in the "delivery format" and their content.

Agree, a person is already fed up with all kinds of discount coupons and invitations. Therefore, more and more promoters are met with refusal. And you have to VERY try to get the flyer, as they say, to the right people in the right place.

This is real art.

However, let's not talk about the skill of promoters today (although it plays a significant role in delivering a flyer to the addressee), but consider the basic rules that answer the question: how to make a flyer?

A discount coupon, a promotional ticket, an invitation to a particular event, a flyer - all these are advertising leaflets that are designed to:

  • inform potential buyers;
  • encourage them to buy;
  • build brand loyalty.

Such leaflets are a marketing tool, the effectiveness of which depends primarily on the textual content of these paper advertising media.

Specifics in the arsenal

Therefore, the specific essence of the proposal stands out in the foreground. Moreover, the specificity, which is dictated by the lack of sufficient space to accommodate complete information, is of paramount importance here.


Example #1. 15% DISCOUNT onLCD-TVs in ____!

Example #2. Incredible discounts at ____!

Now answer which option do you think will attract the attention of more potential buyers and will have a high return?

Ease of Understanding

We all love puzzles. But when we have free time and desire to solve them.

Believe me, flyers are definitely not the case. And no one will “break” their heads over the next advertising puzzle, even if a stunning benefit is hidden in the solution. First, no one knows about it. And, secondly, a person has long ceased to respond to persuasion in style "Read, and you will be happy!".

For example, you can write:

Pharmacy ____

To each buyer lollipops from quinsy as a gift.

And you can "mask" the same message:

Pharmacy ____

Gift for every customer:

Lozenges for inflammation of the components of the lymphatic pharyngeal ring.

Specificity, of course, is necessary (as we have already mentioned above). But it should be as clear and simple as possible.

Briefly about the main

It is not necessary to spread thought along the tree. The beauty of long phrases and endless “text canvases” printed in small and catchy type will negatively affect the result.

The proposal should “sound” concisely, clearly and to the point. If we are talking about promotional discounts for a separate group of goods, then there is no need to paint all the delights of the store, including the full range and lightning-fast delivery.

  • description of the proposal itself;
  • its advantages and benefits for CA;
  • opportunities to use it;
  • call to action.

Affirmation instead of denial

Here, it seems to us, explanations are superfluous. You have probably heard about the prohibition of the “NOT” particle in .

But this is more of a recommendation, not a dogma, and in some cases, denial plays to increase sales. Remember at least the legendary slogans: “Don’t slow down - snickers”, “Enjoy without rushing”, “Make a mistake, just don’t stop” etc.

However, the phrase “Remember! The promotion is valid until ____" is perceived better and sounds more advantageous than "Do not forget! The promotion is valid until ____".

Make exceptions and act wisely - do not bring tips and rules to fanaticism.

Emphasis on actual constraints

Oh those limits! Without them, perhaps, not one can do advertising campaign. But it should be so, because the fear of missing out profitable proposition always motivated to take the right action.

You can simply inform, or you can focus on the current restrictions.

In practice, it looks like this:

First Visitors FREE ____!

The number of promotional goods is 15 units.

Minus 5% on ____ to ____.

Only the first 10 visitors will receive a FREE ____!

Hurry up! ONLY 15 units of ____ participate in the promotion.

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Final part

Of course, following all the tips for writing a text for a flyer does not guarantee the "success of the operation." However, the chances of high positive results increase many times over.

In this article, we have listed only some of the basics for creating an "" effective flyer, used by our "Studio".

You can independently familiarize yourself with other secrets and chips in the works exhibited, or in an order already completed for you.