What is the name of henna hand painting. Mehendi is a unique art of painting with henna on the body. Profitable offers in online stores

  • 16.03.2020

Astronomer, writer, chemist, physicist, philosopher - Isaac Newton. And he once set up an experiment with a prism through which ordinary sunlight passed. Imagine the surprise of the naturalist when he saw white light - a real rainbow. And then, in the course of further experiments, other scientists realized that in fact there are only three primary colors.

Every hunter wants to know...

Everyone is Red

Hunter - Orange

Wish - Yellow

Know - Green

Where - Blue

Sitting - Blue

Pheasant - Purple

In this well-known mnemonic, all the primary colors of the spectrum are encrypted. Observant people have already noticed that there is no black and white here. But such states are usually not considered in the spectrum, and therefore they did not fall into the proverb.

However, from all this variety, scientists have identified only three primary colors - blue, red and yellow. And all other colors, tones, semitones and shades are obtained by mixing these three colors. As is well known, for example, to artists who are familiar with the palette and who own the art of achieving the desired shade on the canvas.

Man and colors

The human eye is able to perceive colors because there are three types of special cones in the retina that work independently. They contain various pigments that respond to certain colors, red, green, and so on.

In fact, each cone responds to all light waves (except ultraviolet and infrared), but the “own color” is felt by the pigment better. Further, the received signals are transmitted to the brain, and it already analyzes the information received and gives us an understanding of one or another shade.

Interestingly, the primary colors cannot be called a property of the color itself, rather they are due to the ability of the human eye to distinguish them. In addition, it is influenced by various technical systems that reproduce color.

From the point of view of psychophysiology, scientists believe that there are actually four "pure" colors - red, green, yellow and blue. Among them, yellow and blue form one axis in color contrast, and red and green form another. However, there are people who cannot distinguish between primary colors or some individual shades. They are called colorblind. Contrary to popular belief, they do not see the world as a black and white photograph, but simply cannot perceive specific colors well.

Mehendi (or as they are also called mehndi, mindi or mehndi) is a popular option for painting the body with various patterns using special henna-based dyes. Today, this art is considered very popular among young girls, because now you can create an incredibly beautiful pattern on any part of the body without harm to health. To make such beauty in beauty salons is quite expensive, so we decided to tell you in more detail how to draw mehendi yourself.

History of mehendi

For the first time, mindi originated in ancient Egypt, and a little later in the countries of Asia and the East. In those days, people carefully approached painting, for them a pattern is not only an ordinary decoration on the body, but also a kind of symbol that attracts good luck.

In Europe, this direction appeared relatively recently at the end of the 20th century, despite this, mehndi connoisseurs have achieved excellent results. The most popular among girls are floral motifs with elements of oriental patterns.

Most often, mehendi is applied to the arms, legs (ankle area), sometimes there are drawings on the shoulders, abdomen, back, neck. It all depends on the preferences and fantasies of each person. Mastering the application technique is not difficult, the main thing at first is to be patient and minimum set tools.

Pros of mehendi
  • Now there is no need to introduce the pattern you like under the skin in the form of tattoos, mehendi has come to replace it - a special mixture based on henna is applied to the surface of the skin, which does not cause pain and is absolutely safe for health.
  • Biotatu is washed off after 2-3 weeks, it all depends on the technique of application and care. So if you are tired of the drawing, you can update your appearance again with something interesting without any special consequences.
  • Henna is a natural dye that is extracted from the leaves of the lawson plant (famous for its bactericidal effect, which has a healing effect on the skin).
Types of mehendi patterns

There are several styles of mehndi from which you can choose the most suitable pattern that reflects your personality traits.

  1. Arabic style. Various floral motifs that characterize Arabic painting predominate + do not have clear patterns of application.
  2. Mehendi in Indian style. A rather complicated style, since you have to cover the body with a pattern in large volume- from fingers to the very head; mostly dotted patterns, various lines and small ornaments predominate.
  3. Asian style. A mixture of Indian and Arabic styles, but there is one feature by which you can immediately recognize Asian mehendi - often the space in the pattern is filled with dyes, which gives incredible brightness and unusualness.
  4. African mehendi. A combination of floral and geometric motifs, without clear lines; there are mostly paintings in a religious style.
  5. Modern style is a combination of all styles at the same time.

How to learn to draw mehendi

You will need a paste-like mixture of henna. You can buy ready-made compositions for mehendi. They are presented in various colors in cone-shaped sachets that just need to be cut (more precisely, cut off the tip of the cone) and applied to any part of the body.

You can also cook pasta yourself by buying the necessary set of components, it will turn out no worse than store-bought pasta. And another important nuance: henna must be hermetically sealed, and not by weight. Why? In contact with air, the properties of the dye are lost, and the ornament may turn out to be dull and fuzzy.

How to prepare henna for mehendi
  • natural henna (20gr.)
  • juice from 2 lemons
  • sugar (1 tsp)
  • essential oil any 1 tsp (eucalyptus/lavender/orange/tea tree or sandalwood)
  • mixing container (don't use a metal one)

The provided list of components is designed for 100g of the mixture, which is enough to draw arms up to the elbows. Note: 1 day before making the paste, test for an allergy to the essential oil. Put some oil on your elbow and wait a few minutes. If everything went well, then add this component to the mixture. Do the same with henna.

Note: the paint mixture can be frozen and thus stored for up to 3 months; but according to the masters it is better to use fresh within 2-3 days.

So, let's start the process of preparing henna, it will take up to 24 hours.

  • Step 1. Pour lemon juice (50 g) into a bowl with henna and mix until smooth. It is better to sift or grind the main component so that there are no lumps. Then we rewind the vessel with food film and place it in a warm zone for up to 12 hours.
  • Step 2. After - we take out the mixture, add essential oil (1 tsp) + sugar (1 tsp) and mix. Next, turn again to pour in lemon juice until the mixture becomes like thick sour cream or toothpaste. Why is the amount of lemon juice not listed? It all depends on the type and quality of henna, you need to look after the consistency: if the mixture turns out to be watery, then add more henna so that the image does not blur, if it is very thick, you need lemon juice (a couple of drops), otherwise it will be very difficult to squeeze through the cone in the process.
  • Step 3. As soon as the desired consistency is obtained, we again rewind it with cling film and send it to a warm zone for 12 hours. After - we take out the paste and begin to “create” masterpieces on the skin.
Recipe #2
  • strong black tea (3.5 tsp)
  • water (0.4 l)
  • henna natural (40g)
  • lemon juice (a couple of tablespoons)
  • essential oil (eucalyptus/tea tree, etc.)

How to cook? Add black tea to hot water, mix and place on the stove to boil for up to 10 minutes and then strain it so that there is no tea leaves. In a bowl with henna (40g), slowly pour the hot liquid, stirring. Then add lemon juice (a couple of spoons) and essential oil. The result should be a thick mixture. Let it brew for up to 4 hours.

Recipe #3

It is necessary to brew black tea very, very strong (proportions: water - 0.5 l, tea - 2 tsp). Then we select half of the tea leaves, add lemon juice (2 pcs) + sugar (1 tsp). Mix and pour henna (40 gr.). We are waiting for 40 minutes to infuse. After - you can start drawing.

Recipe composition for mehendi from henna, tea and coffee
  • black tea + ground coffee (a few teaspoons),
  • squeezed lemon juice (a few tsp)
  • hot water (500ml)
  • henna powder (40g=2tbsp)

The first two ingredients on the list add brightness and richness to the paint. This recipe belongs to the express method. How to cook? Pour coffee and tea into hot water, boil over low heat for up to 60 minutes. In the meantime, sift the henna so that there are no lumps in the paste. When the time is up, add henna to the pot of coffee-tea and stir until the mixture thickens like sour cream. Then pour in a few tablespoons of lemon juice and let it brew.

Note: it is not recommended to dilute henna with plain water, otherwise nothing will work. An acid medium is required to obtain color. As we observed, in the provided options there are coffee, tea and the like. But you can easily make a paste without these components, it is enough to have lemon juice + essential oil. To give a dark shade, it is allowed to add a little basma and antimony.

How to prepare skin for mehendi

Before drawing mehendi, take note of a few recommendations for preparation:

  • 1 day before painting, do not visit solariums and minimize exposure to the sun.
  • Scrub the skin before the mehendi, and then rinse with soapy water or treat with an alcohol solution. In addition, the masters advise to remove the hairs on the skin, where the bio-tattoo will be located (the image will be clearer)
  • you can draw patterns on the 1st and the same zone no more than once every 2 months.
  • for beginners, it is advisable to use a stencil or draw simple / small patterns.
How to draw mehendi step by step

For work, you can use the following tools: skewers, toothpicks, a syringe without a needle, thin brushes, a home-made bag. Pour the prepared mixture into the kisser, cut off the corner a little and draw with a homemade tool on the skin. Or a paper cone, twist a solid piece of paper in the form of a cone, make a small incision and you're done.

The choice of tools depends on the drawing. To draw clear / thick lines, you need a cone or a bag, but for thin ones, pick up brushes or toothpicks.

  • Step 1. We wipe the previously prepared skin with eucalyptus oil.
  • Step 2. Draw an ornament with the selected device (bag / cone). If there are errors in drawing, immediately remove with a cotton swab. In the process, make sure that the thickness of the paste does not exceed 2-3mm. For those who use a stencil: we fix it on the skin with a plaster / adhesive tape, apply a coloring composition on top, filling the voids, wait until it dries a little and remove the film.
  • Step 3. The drawn pattern should dry for at least one hour, and a maximum of 12. The longer you hold, the better and clearer the picture will turn out. In order not to erase the lines and speed up the drying process, gently cover the dyed area with cling film, without pressing, or sprinkle with homemade mixture (mix 2 tbsp lemon juice with 1 tbsp sugar). Better yet, put your hand in direct sunlight. If time is running out, then use hairspray (strong fixation).
  • Step 4. After drying, remove the paste lightly with the non-sharp side of a knife or a plastic scraper. Then sprinkle with lemon juice and treat with cosmetic oil. It is allowed to wet the dried area after 4-8 hours. It is better to do the procedure before going to bed.

Take note: a fresh ornament will look dark and bright. After 11 hours, the paint will become pale and slightly orange. Do not worry, this is a completely normal reaction: the paint will become an intense shade for 48 hours. Therefore, try not to wet the area with the pattern all day long in order to get the most contrasting ornament. We more or less figured out how to draw mehendi on our own, now it's time to answer frequently asked questions.

How to increase the durability of mehendi

With proper care, mehendi can last up to two weeks. And the durability depends on the place of application. For example, on the back / chest, durability is up to 4-5 days, on the legs - 3 weeks, on the arms - 7-10 days. Here are a few elementary rules that will help extend the "life" of your ornament:

  • try to avoid physical activity (there is a strong sweating), solarium, saunas.
  • do not swim in chlorinated/salt water
  • Avoid overly hot baths/showers the best option there will be a warm shower) To protect yourself, smear mehndi with any vegetable oil.
  • when the pattern fades, it is allowed to update along the same lines no more than 2 times.
  • try to smear mehndi with oil every day (almond / sesame oil adds brightness, but eucalyptus oil adds brightness).
  • it is worth giving up scrubs / gels and soaps for a while, washcloths + sponges are contraindicated.

How to wash mehendi

Getting rid of the picture right away will not work for sure. But this process can be accelerated in simple ways: frequent washing of the skin with soap / gel, the use of scrubs, exfoliants, prolonged rubbing of the skin with washcloths, sports, etc. From folk methods, the skin can be lightened with lemon juice, cucumber, parsley root. Of the more aggressive agents, these are hydrogen peroxide and a solution of chlorine, but they are too dangerous - they can cause skin burns.

Meaning of symbols in mehendi
  • The lotus flower symbolizes purity, purity, the fusion of two energies - male and female. Most expectant mothers like to draw this symbol on their tummy so that the baby develops in harmony and tranquility.
  • Corn. Ornaments with floral patterns bring well-being and happiness to the owner.
  • Peacock brings joy, beauty, longevity, fun, wealth, prosperity.
  • The elephant is associated with strength, intelligence, power, fertility and longevity. And the Chinese consider this symbol a talisman that brings good luck, love, happiness.

  • The spiral means knowledge not only of oneself, but of the entire universe. Especially suitable for people who are confused in life and dream of finding harmony.
  • Fish is the embodiment of abundance and fertility. According to tradition, this symbol was drawn in preparation for wedding ceremonies.
  • Turkish cucumber means development, fertility, movement. In Indian culture, it symbolized the great love of the bride for the groom.
  • The moon or crescent symbolizes feminine beauty.

  • The circle embodies eternity, completeness and balance.
  • Floral motifs show joy, passion, success, beauty
  • Various patterned bracelets portend success to the owner in love.
  • A line drawn crookedly used to mean overcoming difficulties. Now she is drawn for good luck and career growth.
  • The sun symbolizes wisdom, immortality and is the beginning of all beginnings.

Now you know how to draw mehendi, it remains to choose the right ornament. To facilitate the process, view the beautiful ones, you might like something.

Step-by-step video instruction on how to draw mehendi

Many of us are not averse to decorating our body with a beautiful pattern, but not everyone can decide on a permanent tattoo. It is for lovers of temporary patterns on the body that there is a henna tattoo, which is applied to the skin without pain and disappears after a week or two. Such a drawn image is called a mehendi tattoo, and it came to us from Ancient Egypt, although many mistakenly consider India to be its homeland.

Mehendi is a henna painting on the body with mostly brown and black paints (sometimes white), and the peculiarity of such a pattern is that it does not spread and is not imprinted on clothes.

In addition, if you wish, you can easily make mehendi at home. How to draw henna on the skin? How to properly dilute the plant composition? How long does mehendi last? We will consider these and other questions in the article.

If you want to make mehendi at home, then you first need to prepare a paste for which you will need henna powder, two tablespoons of granulated sugar, half a lemon and 130 ml of tea leaves. How to breed henna and how to make mehendi paste at home? Here is the simplest and most accessible recipe for everyone:

It is important to note that ready-made henna for mehendi cannot be stored for a long time - no more than two days in the refrigerator, after this period, it is no longer desirable to use such a coloring agent.

Therefore, if you have not exactly decided on the time for drawing on the body, you should not prepare the paste in advance - it is better immediately before application.

How to apply a henna tattoo

After you have chosen an image for a tattoo, you can start drawing henna at home. To make a temporary tattoo stand, it is important to apply henna correctly. How to make mehendi? Follow this step by step guide:

Useful advice: do not touch the skin cone with the tip, keep it on weight. And if there are very thin lines in the image, then they can be easily applied with a toothpick. Just dip it in paint and immediately transfer it to the drawing.

How to make a stencil for a tattoo

If you want to get an original image, then you can make stencils for henna tattoos yourself. To do this, use adhesive film - just cut out the ornament you need in it, stick the resulting sketch firmly on the body and draw your exclusive pattern on the skin, which you will definitely not find on anyone else.

If the role of the artist is not for you, then just get ready-made pictures with henna tattoos at home. Using them is easy: fix the template on the skin with tape and apply paint on top, making sure that all the slots are filled.

Then carefully remove the stencil, rinse it with water, but do not throw it away, it can be used more than once.

What color can be achieved

Henna drawings on the body can turn out in different shades - it depends on three nuances: the time the paste is held, the reaction of the skin to the dye, and the place where the image is applied.

Immediately after removing the paint, the ornament will turn out to be a pale orange color, after 4-5 hours it will darken and become bright orange, and then after 2-3 days its shade will gradually turn into a red-beige color.

Depending on the type of skin, the end result of mehendi at home can turn out to be both rich red and dark brown. The brightest images come out on dense areas of the body (arms and legs).

How long does a henna tattoo last? It also depends on the reaction of the skin and the place where you decide to draw the pattern. If we talk about the average period of time, then a henna tattoo on the stomach, on the back and under the chest lasts from three to seven days, and on the arms and legs - from one to two weeks. Then the paint gradually fades and disappears without traces on the skin.

What are the possible complications

Natural henna cannot cause any harm to healthy skin, since it is a vegetable raw material.

But in some cases (here we are talking about purchased paint), side effects may appear.

Complications arise if natural product extraneous dyes are added, and then it can be fraught with allergic reactions. To avoid this, before using the purchased paste, you must carefully study the composition.

Also, complications can make themselves felt if you paint mehendi on skin affected by psoriasis, eczema, seborrhea and other identical diseases.

In addition, side effects in the form of redness, peeling and even inflammation will sooner or later appear if you often apply a temporary henna tattoo to the same place - this is absolutely impossible, the skin should rest.

Painting mehendi on the hand

Temporary henna tattoos on the arm are popular mainly among the weaker sex, since henna painting on the arms looks very gentle and feminine. Also, often the beautiful half of humanity prefers to draw henna tattoos on the palm and make mehendi on the wrist.

Moreover, Special attention is given to the value of the applied image. What henna tattoos on the arm are popular today? Let's highlight 4 of them.

  • patterns. They mean luck on the personal front, love or romantic relationships.
  • Lotus. The flower of this beautiful plant is applied by those who need good luck in business.
  • Owl. A symbol of wisdom, it indicates the mental qualities of its owner.
  • Dream Catcher. It is believed that it protects from evil spirits and protects from damage and the evil eye.

Mehendi with white henna looks especially stylish, such ornaments often attract girls and young ladies. Today it is very fashionable for girls to make white henna drawings on their hands, it symbolizes purity, so brides often use such patterns.

Painting mehendi on the leg

Henna tattoos on the leg are done not only by women, but also by men. Moreover, despite the fact that such drawings are often hidden under clothing, special attention is also paid to the significance of the applied ornaments.

In this case, not even the pattern itself is important, but the area of ​​​​the leg on which it is applied, since this carries a certain meaning.

What do these places mean?

  • Left leg. The ornament on the left leg indicates that a person is looking for his place in life.
  • Right leg. The drawing on the right leg indicates confidence and determination.
  • Left foot. The pattern in this place indicates that the person lacks attention.
  • Right foot. The image on this site means selfish inclinations.

Painting mehendi on the body

You can draw mehendi not only on the arms and legs, henna inscriptions look beautiful on other parts of the body. For example, a henna tattoo on the neck looks very elegant, especially if these are not certain patterns, but simple and at the same time stylish patterns.

Girls often choose small tattoos in the Arabic or Indian style, where the emphasis is on floral motifs and flowing patterns. Sometimes white henna for mehendi is used for these purposes, but mainly for special occasions.

The back, stomach and chest area are also often painted, which looks very elegant. On the network you can find a large number of photos and videos with all kinds of sketches for temporary tattoos.

Mehendi painting for men

Representatives of the stronger sex are also not averse to decorating their bodies with original patterns and making mehendi at home. And if for boys it is not difficult to choose a pattern, then for a guy it is not so easy to choose a suitable ornament.

Men's henna drawings should not be flowery-sentimental - these are feminine options. For example, if you need to draw a sleeve with henna, then the choice is best made in favor of an abstract composition with clear lines.

It is the hands that men most often choose to make a henna tattoo. Less often - legs, back, shoulders and forearms. Also, the stronger sex prefers to avoid small patterns, rightly believing that a male tattoo should be large.

We have considered how to make mehendi, but in order for the drawing to remain clear and bright longer, it is necessary to properly care for it. And in order to prolong the life of a temporary tattoo, it is important to follow certain rules.

Our advice will help you with this.

And finally: If you don’t want to prepare a temporary tattoo paste with your own hands or for some reason you couldn’t buy dry henna powder, just order ready-made paint on the Internet. One tube is enough for several patterns.

Video - Henna tattoo - Master class

Reading 6 min. Views 3.6k. Published on 06/22/2016

What is mehendi? Why is this art considered an integral tradition in a number of countries and has recently attracted European people so much? What is the riddle?

Mehendi is a painting on the body, which, unlike a tattoo, lasts only a few weeks, is harmless and can't get bored. If desired, you can apply different patterns each time, since there are an unlimited number of options. Some of them can be seen in the presented photo materials.

It is quite difficult to say exactly where the art of mehendi originated. Its origins can be traced back to Ancient Egypt, where unique ones were applied to the bodies of women from the noble strata of society. And although there is an opinion that mehendi comes from India, this is not entirely true. The painting technique penetrated the territory of this state only in the 12th century. Today it is strongly associated with Indian culture and traditions.

Mehendi is an art that comes from antiquity

In those ancient times, when tattooing was practiced on the skin for life in Europe, in Arab, Asian and some African countries they used a method that allows you to temporarily decorate the skin of different parts of the body. In this way, people had the opportunity to make various paintings throughout their lives, while not damaging the skin and not harming their health.

How wonderful that the art of mehendi has come down to our days and now, to make it, you do not need to go, for example, to India, Morocco or any other country where henna painting is an important traditional action and cultural heritage. Just take a look at! Their beauty is breathtaking!

There are several styles of mehendi. If you highlight the most basic, then these are: Indian, North African, Arabic and Asian styles.

For example, North African henna painting differs from the rest in its geometric, strict lines. In addition, North Africans sometimes prefer to do without drawing at all and simply dip their feet or palms in henna. This is due to the fact that henna has antiseptic properties, which in conditions of heat is simply priceless.

The Arabic style involves the use of floristic themes, but the Asian style is a kind of mixture of Arabic and Indian styles. A continuous layer of henna can be applied to the phalanges of the fingers or the sides of the feet.

Ah, this is the mysterious word mehendi. Did you hear him? If not, we will definitely bring you up to date. But even if you consider yourself an expert in this matter, you will definitely learn something new from our story.

Mehendi (sometimes the word mehndi is found) is a body painting with henna paste. Sometimes this type of body decoration with temporary patterns is also called biotatu.

The desire to look beautiful and adorn oneself to a certain extent is common to all people. The fashion for henna painting came to us from Eastern and Arab countries. And although today many people associate mehendi with India, researchers believe that its homeland is Egypt. The bodies of noble women there were decorated with henna paintings long before our era.

And in India, mehendi became popular only 9 centuries ago. It became part of important rituals and carried a deep religious meaning. For example, the hands and feet of the bride were generously covered with a skillful pattern. At this time, the girl was told about the secrets of married life. Often this conversation and drawing could last from several hours to several days. The remaining paste was necessarily buried in order to protect the young family from failure.

In some countries, brave warriors covered their bodies with patterns in order to receive protection from higher powers in the upcoming battle. Still mysterious patterns were attributed the role of a kind of amulets from otherworldly forces and evil spirits.

Biotatu is still popular today. Representatives of both sexes adorn their bodies with a scattering of openwork patterns. But almost no one is looking for the sacred meaning of the drawings.

The painting, applied with henna-based drawing paste, usually stays on the body from a week to a month. After that, the drawing disappears without a trace. Therefore, mehendi is a great option for those who do not dare to apply a permanent tattoo.

Drawing a picture does not cause any discomfort. By itself, henna is an excellent anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent, it does not cause harm to the skin. That is why progressive mothers are not afraid to apply mehendi even to little girls.

Indian and Eastern cultures put a certain meaning not only in the drawings, but also in the places where they are applied. It is believed that only certain parts of the body have power. It is those areas of the skin where it is collected the largest number nerve endings, suitable for applying a pattern with a ritual meaning. These include the hands, palms and forearms, shins and feet.

Patterns with a special or hidden meaning are most often decorated with wrists, palms and fingers.

Before applying symbols to the body, in order not to get into trouble, it is better to find out their meanings. Moreover, there are female and male signs.

We present you a transcript of the most common images.

  • Flowers- the personification of femininity. They signal about the rich inner world of their owner and refined taste. An ornament of flower bracelets is a symbol of happiness in family life.
  • Rose- symbolizes beauty, external and internal, passion and love.
  • Lotus- a popular image that promises good luck and luck.
  • Butterfly- a sign of lightness, health and good luck.
  • Owl- a symbolic representation of wisdom, intelligence and power.
  • Birds- the desire for dreams, the thirst for freedom and life, speed in making decisions.
  • Feather is a multivalued character. Depending on the image, it can indicate a lot. A broken feather - the collapse of hope, flying over the palms - sadness and separation, the whole directed upwards - willpower, love of freedom and spirituality.
  • Triangle‒ protection from the three sufferings (anxiety, illness and natural disasters).
  • Octagon‒ full protection in everything, from eight cardinal directions (north, south, west, east, and mixed directions).
  • The Dragon- the personification of strength, audacity and power.
  • Wolf- a symbol of confidence, fearlessness, the ability to sacrifice oneself for the sake of the family.
  • Cat- a sign of the divine essence. The image has ancient Egyptian roots, the honor to wear the sign of a cat was awarded mainly to priestesses.
  • Crown- a symbol of leadership, superiority and power.
  • Mandala- a sign with a deep sacred meaning. Its owner must remember that it contains wisdom and the ability to help achieve what you want. This is not just an image, but a schematic representation of the habitat of deities, a stylized model of the cosmos.
  • dream Catcher- keeps its owner from bad dreams, gloomy thoughts and unkind spirits.

As for the representatives of the fauna, most often both women and men choose an animal for which they have great sympathy, or with which they identify themselves.

Henna drawings on hands at home

It is better for novice biotat lovers to give preference to simple patterns in the style of European minimalism. Firstly, learning how to apply them is much easier than laced fantasy ornaments. And secondly, you do not have to delve into them deep meaning- the role of such a tattoo is purely decorative.

Don't want to complicate your life by looking for ingredients to make pasta? Then you better buy a ready-made drawing mixture. It is already in the cone and you can immediately proceed to the creative stage of painting.

If the easy way is not for you, you can make your own drawing paste. First of all, you need to stock up on special henna. The one that is used for dyeing hair is categorically not suitable. For drawing, you need henna of the finest grinding. You can buy it in special or cosmetic stores.

Recipes for homemade pasta for mehendi

In India, the recipes for the drawing mass were kept in the greatest secret and passed down from generation to generation. Now the atmosphere of mystery has been dispelled - if you wish, you can find many recipes and instructions.

We present you the most popular methods of preparing henna.

Recipe #1

  • strong brewing of black tea - ½ cup;
  • lemon - ½ pc.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • henna - about ½ cup.

Brew a very strong tea leaves, mix it with lemon juice and sugar. Gradually add henna powder to this mixture and mix. You need to achieve the consistency of thick sour cream. Let the paste sit for at least 20 minutes before applying.

Recipe #2

  • boiling water - 250 ml;
  • instant coffee - 1 tsp with a slide;
  • black tea (dry brew) - 1 tsp with a slide;
  • henna - 15-20 g;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp

Pour coffee and tea leaves into boiling water. Cook over low heat for about an hour. Strain the decoction. Then gradually pour the resulting decoction into the sifted henna powder, rubbing the mixture with a spoon. It is necessary to achieve the consistency of thick sour cream, at the end of kneading, add lemon juice. Leave the prepared mass for a whole day before use.

  1. For breeding henna, strong brewing of black tea is most often used. It is she who gives the picture a dark color.
  2. Lemon juice makes biotata more persistent and rich.
  3. Avoid the formation of lumps in the paste, this will complicate the process of its application.
  4. Adding a few drops of essential oil also gives the pattern a richer color and improves the penetration of the dye into the skin.

For a more durable and bright pattern, the skin must be properly prepared before applying it. First of all, from the selected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body, you need to completely remove the hairs and clean it with a scrub.

For drawing, a syringe without a needle is often used. You can do without it. From thick paper or polyethylene, roll up the cone, for reliability, fix the structure with adhesive tape. Put the drawing paste into the cone. Experienced craftsmen and do without it at all, applying the pattern with a brush, stick or metal spatula.

If an artist is sleeping in you, you can easily draw any sketch: a cute heart, a fluttering bird, a light feather, a delicate flower - be guided by your vision of beauty. It is not necessary for the first time to try to paint your arms up to the elbow. A small but neat drawing will look aesthetically pleasing and harmonious.

Even if you don’t have any special artistic talents, and copying from a photo is not your forte, you can always use a stencil. It must be securely fixed on the skin so as not to lubricate the lines. And it will be possible to remove it when the paint dries. Apply the dye in stages, in a thin layer. Before applying the next, the previous one must dry completely. The finished image must dry for at least 8 hours.

Step-by-step execution of mehendi makes it possible to make adjustments. If something went wrong during the painting process, the mistake must be urgently erased with a damp cotton swab.

Are you a beginner and want to consolidate a theoretical lesson? We offer you to familiarize yourself with the video master class of henna painting. Use the recommendations of the master and your training will take place without mistakes.

The paste applied to the body, depending on its layer and the size of the picture, dries from 2 to 12 hours. It is better not to remove the dried crust, allowing it to fall off on its own. So the picture will be brighter and last longer. If you remove the henna too early, the pattern will be reddish brown.

Color gains its intensity within 40 hours. At first, the pattern is light, but gradually darkens.

Do you want to make mehendi more resistant? There is a way, but you have to sacrifice time. Mix lemon juice and sugar in a 1:1 ratio. Moisten the dried paint with this solution. When it dries again, repeat the manipulation.

Dried henna cannot be washed. It must be gently peeled off or scraped off with the blunt side of a knife.

After removing the henna, the area of ​​​​skin with the applied ornament cannot be washed for at least 4 hours, but it is better to endure all 12. Wipe the tattoo with almond oil or ordinary sunflower oil, so the pattern will last longer.

The rate of disappearance of mehendi depends on many factors. First of all, the pattern disappears from the fingers and the back of the palms and feet.
Often lubricate the tattoo with a greasy cream or oil, especially before contact with water.

Soap and hot water are the main enemies of biota. To keep your man-made beauty longer, give up long baths, giving preference to the shower. Do not rub it with a washcloth or towel - the pattern will be washed off.

If you don’t like your masterpiece or have other reasons to urgently remove the tattoo, squeeze the juice from a lemon and mix it with soda until you get a thick paste. Apply it to the unsuccessful drawing and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse off the dried mass with hot water, massaging the pattern. For greater effect, scrub the place of tattooing with a scrub.

In order to wash the mehendi, it is advised to use the usual laundry soap with whitening effect. However, these methods may not bring 100% results. So think carefully before you paint your body with patterns.

Fashion sketches for all occasions

Elegant mehendi on the hand can be the final point of your fashionable look. This is especially true in summer period when revealing clothing gives vent to fantasy. We have selected for you a series of photos with fashionable mehendi patterns.

Have you already had an idea of ​​what your perfect mehendi will look like? All you need to do is print the sample you like and proceed.

You can look for a deep meaning in the intricacies of the modern mehendi pattern or not, but you definitely cannot remain indifferent to it. A temporary tattoo is ideal for creative people who are in constant search. You can delight yourself with new images without compromising your health.