Secrets of King Solomon read pdf. Read the book "Counsel of King Solomon. From the series "Secrets from the Book" online in full - Valery Kasym - MyBook. Penetrating into the deep meaning of Solomon's words

  • 12.03.2020

Dedicated to:

To my wife, Shannon Scott, who brought to life what Solomon teaches in Proverbs 31, and to Bob Marsh, Gary Smalley, and Jim Shaughnessy.

Your lives are best example wisdom and power contained in the Book of Proverbs.

To my children: Carol, Mark, Zach, Devin, Ryan, Sean, Helly Rose, and my grandchildren: Madeleine, Julia and Gracie.

May the wisdom of Solomon fill your lives with endless joy, meaning and a sense of deep satisfaction.

To my beloved sister Sandy, her wise husband, Dr. David Heinz, my wonderful nephews and nieces: Bethany, Tim, Nathan, Christian.

To my two best friends you can only dream of, Tom and Marlene Delnoche.

A huge thank you to my wonderful editor Roger Scholl, Editor-in-Chief of Doubleday. You are the best I have ever worked with!

My deep appreciation and gratitude to my wonderful literary agents Michael Broussard and Jan Miller.

Thank you for your continued support and belief in the importance of this book.

Translation from English done Yu. I. Gerasimchik by: THE RICHEST MAN WHO EVER LIVED (King Solomon's Secrets to Success, Wealth, and Happiness) by Steven K. Scott, 2006.

© 2006 by Steven K. Scott.

© Translation. Potpourri LLC, 2007.

Foreword by Dr. Gary Smalley

In 1974, I spent the night at Steve Scott's little house in Phoenix, Arizona. Steve told me about his problems with the job. He was not in the best mood. He had just lost another job, his sixth in the four years since he graduated from college. Despite his best efforts, Steve did not stay in one place for more than a few months. A couple of times he even tried to start his own business, but even then he failed. He asked me if I could help him with something. I replied that I needed to think and in the morning we would return to our conversation. After I prayed about it, I had an idea. During breakfast, I decided to challenge Steve. I asked him, "Do you want to be smarter than all your bosses put together?"

"Of course," he replied with a good deal of sarcasm.

“Believe me, I mean it quite seriously. I promise you that if you follow my advice, in two years you will be smarter than all your future bosses. And I bet you will be a millionaire in five years,” I assured him.

Steve thought I was crazy. Then he asked what he should do. And I recommended him: “There are thirty-one days in a month, the same number of chapters are contained in the biblical Book of Proverbs. At the beginning of each day you should read the appropriate chapter from Proverbs. If there are thirty days in a month, then read two chapters on the last day of the month. Do this every day, every month, and I guarantee that in two years you will be smarter than all your bosses combined. If you do this for five years, then I guarantee that in five years you will become a millionaire. ”I advised him to arm himself with a pen and a piece of paper while reading to write down the wise advice that is contained in abundance in this book. I was sure that the wisdom that Steve would gain by reading Proverbs would change his life. But I could not even imagine that later he would direct this wisdom to change my life as well.

Steve accepted my bet and started reading a chapter of Proverbs every day. Following the advice of Solomon, he found himself a business partner, and together they opened marketing company. I note that this happened two years after Steve began studying the Book of Proverbs. A few months later, their company was turning over a million dollars a week. So, Steve, indeed, became a multimillionaire after a fairly short period of time. But that's not the end of the story.

Two years after starting his business, Steve called me and asked if I would like to write a couple of books on the topic of marriage. For ten years I have been praying for the opportunity to write a book on marriage, and now my prayers have been answered.

Steve asked me to write two books at once, one for men and one for women. Together we wrote these books in a surprisingly short time - just two months. Steve wrote the text of the commercial, in which Pat and Shirley Boone talked about these literary novelties. As a result, "If He Only Knew" and "The Best, the Best" became international bestsellers, changing the lives of millions of families. But this is not the end of the story. A few more years passed, and Steve asked if I would like to make a series of videos to help millions of people. As a result of our joint efforts, The Hidden Keys to Loving Relationships appeared. Steve designed ads, in which John Tesh and Connie Seleka agreed to take part. Thus, the video cassettes were distributed to millions of homes and ended up in the library collections of tens of thousands of churches. Without those two books, and without The Hidden Keys, there would be no Smalley Relationship Center today.

Steve Scott has not only helped me make my dreams come true, but for over thirty years he has been one of my closest friends. The wisdom that Steve learned from the Book of Proverbs has not only changed his life and mine, but the lives of millions of people who have benefited from our work. When I first listened to his series of talks on CD titled Lessons from the Richest Man History Has Known, I was shocked and immediately ordered forty sets, one for all my family members and one for each employee of our company. For two years, Steve and I discussed the need to write a book based on his series of conversations. It takes my breath away just thinking that the world is about to get acquainted with extraordinary wisdom, insight, practical advice and the warnings of Solomon. If you are reading this book now, I am sure that the teaching of Solomon, which is expressed in it, which has amazing expressiveness and simplicity, will change your life in the most decisive way. I hope this is the first of many books that Steve will dedicate to Proverbs, which have brought a truly fantastic change to our lives.

How the richest person in history can make you happier, more successful and richer

Imagine raiding from below average income to $600K in month! Imagine a person who loses nine jobs in the six years after graduating from college and then builds a multimillion-dollar business with his colleagues from scratch, making billions of dollars in transactions. Imagine that he does all this because he follows the advice of Solomon, which is set out in the Old Testament Book of Proverbs. Everything I said happened to me. Read these lines carefully:

Before. Earned less than half the amount the average American earns.

After. Income has grown from 18 thousand dollars a year to more than 7 million.

Before. Running a business with zero percent profit.

After. For twenty-nine years, profits have been more than 60 percent per annum, and in an industry in which the average return rarely exceeds one percent.

When I acted contrary to the advice of Solomon, everything happened exactly the opposite. On three occasions, I disregarded his three warnings, resulting in many millions of dollars lost through poor investment decisions. If I had followed Solomon's advice, I wouldn't have lost a cent. I ignored his words about marriage, and one of the happiest unions in America almost fell apart. Then, following his guidance on relationships, I was able to restore our family relationships, and today everything is just great in our family.

chained to the ground. After they were discovered, humanity finally managed to conquer the air element.

The laws of life appeared when the first man appeared on earth. Those who do not know them rarely achieve their goals and experience a sense of satisfaction, true happiness and real success are not available to them. Many people, without realizing it, sometimes act in accordance with some of these laws, which makes them happy or successful in a certain way. And if we do not know them, then this often creates insurmountable obstacles to success and well-being. On the other hand, those who know these laws and try to live in accordance with them achieve their goals and achieve such success that others could not even dream of. A life dedicated to a goal will one day be marked by its achievement.

Prayer of Solomon

Solomon was born around 974 BC. e. and was enthroned by his father, King David, shortly before the latter's death. Solomon became king of Israel at the age of only twelve, so he was afraid that he did not have enough wisdom to rule the country. According to the Bible, God appeared to Solomon and asked what he wanted. Solomon replied that he needed nothing more than the wisdom and knowledge that would enable him to justly govern the great nation of Israel. Then God told Solomon that since he did not ask for wealth, estates, glory, the lives of enemies and a long life for himself, he would receive as much wisdom, knowledge, estates, wealth and glory as no king who lived before had, and none of those who live after him will have. God said, God did. The wisdom, success and wealth of Solomon were simply incredible. As for his wealth, some have speculated that he was worth a trillion dollars when translated into dollars. In addition to gold reserves, which today would be worth hundreds of billions of dollars, he owned 4,000 stables and paid a salary to 12,000 horsemen. Rulers from all over the world came to him to ask for advice, for which they were ready to give a fortune. However, in the middle of his life, Solomon began to violate the rules and principles that he so well outlined in Proverbs. As a result, he lost much of what he had. Fortunately, Solomon wrote down a significant part of the laws in the Book of Proverbs.

Penetrating into the deep meaning of Solomon's words

Although each parable has a seemingly obvious meaning, it is often hidden very deeply, like a real treasure. And Solomon asks us to seek wisdom as if we were looking for silver or hidden treasure. (Proverbs 2:4). But to do this, one should not stop at the surface, but should go deep, paying attention to the context of the parable and even to the nuances of the words of the Hebrew language in which the Book of Proverbs was written. In many cases, having understood the deep meaning, which, it would seem, contradicts the obvious, we increase our wealth. And finally, we must take into account the general atmosphere of the parables, not limiting ourselves to the literal meaning of a single statement. In doing so, we not only discover the true meaning of Solomon's words, but also find the silver and hidden treasure that he spoke of. This treasure will remain with us even after death.

I am not the only person who managed to fulfill his most cherished desires, following the instructions of Solomon. I love reading the biographies of those who have achieved unprecedented success both in our time and in the distant past. Analyzing life path such people, I have found that their success is due to their actions and attitudes towards the world around them, which are in accordance with the teachings of Solomon, even though some may not have read his writings. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison are all Proverbs readers in their youth. If we look at our contemporaries, such as Bill Gates, Sam Walton, Helen Keller, Steven Spielberg and Oprah Winfrey, we will see that they too have reached the top in their work, following the advice of Solomon. I have also seen disasters befall people, companies, and nations that act contrary to Solomon's exhortations. Adolf Hitler was able to cloud the minds of millions of people because they ignored Solomon's warnings. America was caught off guard at Pearl Harbor. Not so long ago, the management of America's seventh largest corporation brought it to bankruptcy, the largest corporate bankruptcy in our history. All these sad events were caused by inattention to the instructions of King Solomon.

What can the wisdom of Solomon give you?

So how can Solomon's advice and admonitions benefit your career, relationships, and personal life? No matter what you think they can do, they are capable of giving you so much more. Here are just a few of the rewards that Solomon claims will go to anyone who follows his advice.

Benefits of Solomon's Advice


Sobriety of mind

Security and stability


Stephen Scott

Secrets of King Solomon

Dedicated to:

To my wife, Shannon Scott, who brought to life what Solomon teaches in Proverbs 31, and to Bob Marsh, Gary Smalley, and Jim Shaughnessy.

Your lives are the best example of the wisdom and power found in the Book of Proverbs.

To my children: Carol, Mark, Zach, Devin, Ryan, Sean, Helly Rose, and my grandchildren: Madeleine, Julia and Gracie.

May the wisdom of Solomon fill your lives with endless joy, meaning and a sense of deep satisfaction.

To my beloved sister Sandy, her wise husband, Dr. David Heinz, my wonderful nephews and nieces: Bethany, Tim, Nathan, Christian.

To my two best friends you can only dream of, Tom and Marlene Delnoche.

A huge thank you to my wonderful editor Roger Scholl, Editor-in-Chief of Doubleday. You are the best I have ever worked with!

My deep appreciation and gratitude to my wonderful literary agents Michael Broussard and Jan Miller.

Thank you for your continued support and belief in the importance of this book.

Translation from English done Yu. I. Gerasimchik by: THE RICHEST MAN WHO EVER LIVED (King Solomon's Secrets to Success, Wealth, and Happiness) by Steven K. Scott, 2006.

© 2006 by Steven K. Scott.

© Translation. Potpourri LLC, 2007.

Foreword by Dr. Gary Smalley

In 1974, I spent the night at Steve Scott's little house in Phoenix, Arizona. Steve told me about his problems with the job. He was not in the best mood. He had just lost another job, his sixth in the four years since he graduated from college. Despite his best efforts, Steve did not stay in one place for more than a few months. A couple of times he even tried to start his own business, but even then he failed. He asked me if I could help him with something. I replied that I needed to think and in the morning we would return to our conversation. After I prayed about it, I had an idea. During breakfast, I decided to challenge Steve. I asked him, "Do you want to be smarter than all your bosses put together?"

"Of course," he replied with a good deal of sarcasm.

“Believe me, I mean it quite seriously. I promise you that if you follow my advice, in two years you will be smarter than all your future bosses. And I bet you will be a millionaire in five years,” I assured him.

Steve thought I was crazy. Then he asked what he should do. And I recommended him: “There are thirty-one days in a month, the same number of chapters are contained in the biblical Book of Proverbs. At the beginning of each day you should read the appropriate chapter from Proverbs. If there are thirty days in a month, then read two chapters on the last day of the month. Do this every day, every month, and I guarantee that in two years you will be smarter than all your bosses combined. If you do this for five years, then I guarantee that in five years you will become a millionaire. ”I advised him to arm himself with a pen and a piece of paper while reading to write down the wise advice that is contained in abundance in this book. I was sure that the wisdom that Steve would gain by reading Proverbs would change his life. But I could not even imagine that later he would direct this wisdom to change my life as well.

Steve accepted my bet and started reading a chapter of Proverbs every day. Following Solomon's advice, he found himself a business partner and together they opened a marketing company. I note that this happened two years after Steve began studying the Book of Proverbs. A few months later, their company was turning over a million dollars a week. So, Steve, indeed, became a multimillionaire after a fairly short period of time. But that's not the end of the story.

Two years after starting his business, Steve called me and asked if I would like to write a couple of books on the topic of marriage. For ten years I have been praying for the opportunity to write a book on marriage, and now my prayers have been answered.

Steve asked me to write two books at once, one for men and one for women. Together we wrote these books in a surprisingly short time - just two months. Steve wrote the text of the commercial, in which Pat and Shirley Boone talked about these literary novelties. As a result, "If He Only Knew" and "The Best, the Best" became international bestsellers, changing the lives of millions of families. But this is not the end of the story. A few more years passed, and Steve asked if I would like to make a series of videos to help millions of people. As a result of our joint efforts, The Hidden Keys to Loving Relationships appeared. Steve designed a commercial in which John Tesh and Connie Seleka agreed to take part. Thus, the video cassettes were distributed to millions of homes and ended up in the library collections of tens of thousands of churches. Without those two books, and without The Hidden Keys, there would be no Smalley Relationship Center today.

Stephen Scott

Secrets of King Solomon

Dedicated to:

To my wife, Shannon Scott, who brought to life what Solomon teaches in Proverbs 31, and to Bob Marsh, Gary Smalley, and Jim Shaughnessy.

Your lives are the best example of the wisdom and power found in the Book of Proverbs.

To my children: Carol, Mark, Zach, Devin, Ryan, Sean, Helly Rose, and my grandchildren: Madeleine, Julia and Gracie.

May the wisdom of Solomon fill your lives with endless joy, meaning and a sense of deep satisfaction.

To my beloved sister Sandy, her wise husband, Dr. David Heinz, my wonderful nephews and nieces: Bethany, Tim, Nathan, Christian.

To my two best friends you can only dream of, Tom and Marlene Delnoche.

A huge thank you to my wonderful editor Roger Scholl, Editor-in-Chief of Doubleday. You are the best I have ever worked with!

My deep appreciation and gratitude to my wonderful literary agents Michael Broussard and Jan Miller.

Thank you for your continued support and belief in the importance of this book.

Translation from English done Yu. I. Gerasimchik by: THE RICHEST MAN WHO EVER LIVED (King Solomon's Secrets to Success, Wealth, and Happiness) by Steven K. Scott, 2006.

© 2006 by Steven K. Scott.

© Translation. Potpourri LLC, 2007.

Foreword by Dr. Gary Smalley

In 1974, I spent the night at Steve Scott's little house in Phoenix, Arizona. Steve told me about his problems with the job. He was not in the best mood. He had just lost another job, his sixth in the four years since he graduated from college. Despite his best efforts, Steve did not stay in one place for more than a few months. A couple of times he even tried to start his own business, but even then he failed. He asked me if I could help him with something. I replied that I needed to think and in the morning we would return to our conversation. After I prayed about it, I had an idea. During breakfast, I decided to challenge Steve. I asked him, "Do you want to be smarter than all your bosses put together?"

"Of course," he replied with a good deal of sarcasm.

“Believe me, I mean it quite seriously. I promise you that if you follow my advice, in two years you will be smarter than all your future bosses. And I bet you will be a millionaire in five years,” I assured him.

Steve thought I was crazy. Then he asked what he should do. And I recommended him: “There are thirty-one days in a month, the same number of chapters are contained in the biblical Book of Proverbs. At the beginning of each day you should read the appropriate chapter from Proverbs. If there are thirty days in a month, then read two chapters on the last day of the month. Do this every day, every month, and I guarantee that in two years you will be smarter than all your bosses combined. If you do this for five years, then I guarantee that in five years you will become a millionaire. ”I advised him to arm himself with a pen and a piece of paper while reading to write down the wise advice that is contained in abundance in this book. I was sure that the wisdom that Steve would gain by reading Proverbs would change his life. But I could not even imagine that later he would direct this wisdom to change my life as well.

Steve accepted my bet and started reading a chapter of Proverbs every day. Following Solomon's advice, he found himself a business partner and together they opened a marketing company. I note that this happened two years after Steve began studying the Book of Proverbs. A few months later, their company was turning over a million dollars a week. So, Steve, indeed, became a multimillionaire after a fairly short period of time. But that's not the end of the story.

Two years after starting his business, Steve called me and asked if I would like to write a couple of books on the topic of marriage. For ten years I have been praying for the opportunity to write a book on marriage, and now my prayers have been answered.

Steve asked me to write two books at once, one for men and one for women. Together we wrote these books in a surprisingly short time - just two months. Steve wrote the text of the commercial, in which Pat and Shirley Boone talked about these literary novelties. As a result, "If He Only Knew" and "The Best, the Best" became international bestsellers, changing the lives of millions of families. But this is not the end of the story. A few more years passed, and Steve asked if I would like to make a series of videos to help millions of people. As a result of our joint efforts, The Hidden Keys to Loving Relationships appeared. Steve designed a commercial in which John Tesh and Connie Seleka agreed to take part. Thus, the video cassettes were distributed to millions of homes and ended up in the library collections of tens of thousands of churches. Without those two books, and without The Hidden Keys, there would be no Smalley Relationship Center today.

Steve Scott has not only helped me make my dreams come true, but for over thirty years he has been one of my closest friends. The wisdom that Steve learned from the Book of Proverbs has not only changed his life and mine, but the lives of millions of people who have benefited from our work. When I first listened to his series of talks on CD titled Lessons from the Richest Man History Has Known, I was shocked and immediately ordered forty sets, one for all my family members and one for each employee of our company. For two years, Steve and I discussed the need to write a book based on his series of conversations. It takes my breath away to think that the world is about to become acquainted with the extraordinary wisdom, insight, practical advice and warnings of Solomon. If you are reading this book now, I am sure that the teaching of Solomon, which is expressed in it, which has amazing expressiveness and simplicity, will change your life in the most decisive way. I hope this is the first of many books that Steve will dedicate to Proverbs, which have brought a truly fantastic change to our lives.

How the richest person in history can make you happier, more successful and richer

Imagine raiding from below average income to $600K in month! Imagine a person who loses nine jobs in the six years after graduating from college and then builds a multimillion-dollar business with his colleagues from scratch, making billions of dollars in transactions. Imagine that he does all this because he follows the advice of Solomon, which is set out in the Old Testament Book of Proverbs. Everything I said happened to me. Read these lines carefully:

Before. Earned less than half the amount the average American earns.

After. Income has grown from 18 thousand dollars a year to more than 7 million.

Before. Running a business with zero percent profit.

After. For twenty-nine years, profits have been more than 60 percent per annum, and in an industry in which the average return rarely exceeds one percent.

When I acted contrary to the advice of Solomon, everything happened exactly the opposite. On three occasions, I disregarded his three warnings, resulting in many millions of dollars lost through poor investment decisions. If I had followed Solomon's advice, I wouldn't have lost a cent. I ignored his words about marriage, and one of the happiest unions in America almost fell apart. Then, following his guidance on relationships, I was able to restore our family relationships, and today everything is just great in our family.

If following Solomon's advice only helped me a few times in my life, it could be called a coincidence. If the neglect of his advice and warnings resulted in only a few small losses, we would have the right to speak of an accident. But it was different: following the instructions of Solomon, I achieved significant success in business and personal life, successes that many other people shared with me. By acting contrary to what the Book of Proverbs teaches, I suffered a devastating financial and personal fiasco. Given all this, even the most hardened skeptic must admit what wise men, kings and queens have always taken for granted: Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived.

Just as the laws of physics govern the physical world, the laws of life that Solomon spoke about govern every aspect of our existence in an invisible way.

© Valery Aleksandrovich Kasym, 2018

ISBN 978-5-4490-2573-9

Created with the intelligent publishing system Ridero

Dedicated to my dear and beloved brother Yuri!

“I really miss you, dear brother!”


“There is nothing new under the sun,” said King Solomon, the richest man on earth.

As in those ancient times, during the reign of King Solomon, so now, people are experiencing problems in financial sector, are poor and suffer defeat in their lives. And the main reason for this is the lack of knowledge.

God gave humanity the Great Book - the Bible, which contains His wisdom and guidance for life, applying which we can be successful and victorious, both in the financial sphere and in other areas of life.

Today, many would like to get a mentors (business coaches) - a millionaire or a billionaire ... But not everyone succeeds and not everyone succeeds ...

King Solomon's advice changed financial position many people and they can help you, dear friend!

Listen to the advice of someone who is truly trustworthy and has proven these principles in his life.

"Tsar Solomon's Advice" is the second book in the "Secrets from the Book" series, where the main character, Yuri, who was experiencing constant financial difficulties and having received no answers in the church, turned to God for help. And God answered by sending the main character to the richest and wisest mentor on earth - King Solomon.


Yuri woke up from the fact that his legs seemed to be heated by a blowtorch.

Opening his eyes, he clutched himself in surprise and incomprehension - he suddenly found himself lying on bare stones under the scorching sun, which was already high at its zenith and mercilessly hot ... Looking at himself, he saw that he was wearing some kind of hoodie, which worn in the east in ancient times. “What is this…? what are the jokes?"

Yura's legs were bare and already completely reddened from the sun ...

- Where I am? He rubbed his legs with both hands. - Ahh! .. It was hot, however! ..

Yura stood up and looked around. He found himself on a slight rise not far from the road that ran over the hill. It was a clear, sunny day. Prickly bushes grew nearby, the names of which were also unknown to our hero. Looking around, he saw an ancient city surrounded by stone walls around the perimeter. In the center of the city stood Solomon's Temple...

– Jerusalem?!

Yes, Yuri knew it for sure! Although he has never been to the city of the world, he has seen it more than once in photographs and videos.

For about five minutes, Yura stood and admired the wonderful view. Yes, it was truly a beautiful picture! The majestic temple of Solomon towered on the mountain and was clearly visible from afar.

"But how did I get here"? - Yuri began to strain his brain, hoping to remember how the last evening ended ...

“Yesterday I went to bed and…” – then he remembered how a mysterious stranger told him in a dream that he would help and send him to the best financial mentor…

"Maybe I'm all dreaming?" Yura pinched himself to check if this was a dream...

"Ai"! - No, it was not a dream.

"What's the outfit? Well, fashion, however, was before ... "

Yuri stretched the edges of the cape to the sides, and examined it with a not very pleased physiognomy.

On his feet were sandals… leather.

"Okay! It's better than nothing! And what should I do now? Where to go"?

Instinctively, Yura lay down on the ground...

"Ai"!! - one large thorn dug into his palm, which, apparently, fell off a plant that grew just a couple of meters from the place where our daredevil lay down ...

Pulling out the thorn, Yura began to observe the road along which people were already approaching ...

The procession was already very close: two carts drawn by a pair of oxen, and foot travelers, some of whom walked, some near the cart, and some a little behind ... They were mostly middle-aged people. Several women with small children were sitting in carts, and adult men and several young guys were walking nearby ... Yura figured that there were about twenty or thirty people in all ... They all excitedly spoke to each other in a language he understood! It was, of course, very amazing! After all, Yura had never learned Hebrew, but now he understood everything word for word.

Yura lay hidden behind the bushes, trying not to make a sound, and attentively watched the procession, listening to their words.

- God!!! - Yura's heart almost jumped out of his chest from fear and surprise ...

Someone behind him lightly kicked him on the leg…

- Why are you lying here? Are you okay? Are you feeling well? At this time, it is easy to get a sunstroke without a hat ...

Yura, whose insides went cold with fear and surprise, slowly turning his head, saw behind him a young guy who was smiling and looking at him.

Yuri looked around him, thinking, maybe it’s not him that they are addressing ...

But there was no one else around him.

- What is your name? the stranger asked.

Here Yura hesitated a little ...

- Me? I'm this, how's it? - as if on purpose, Yura forgot all the Israeli names, - I'm Simon from Haifa! - the first thing that came to mind, he blurted out in Hebrew.

“Simon from Haifa?” Why are you lying here? Are you a Philistine spy? joked the stranger.

Seeing that Yura was speechless, because he simply did not know what to think of, and seeing his physiognomy, the stranger laughed ...

Yura got up, cut off his robe and looked at his interlocutor. It was a young man, about the same age as him. He had curly brown hair and large brown eyes. He was dressed in the same hoodie as our hero.

“I am Simon from Haifa, I arrived in Jerusalem to take wisdom lessons from King Solomon himself!” - Yuri answered and was surprised by what was said ...

- And I am Agur, the son of Jacob! And if you want to hear the teachings of King Solomon, then you must hurry ... We, by the way, - Agur pointed to a group of people who were heading to Jerusalem, - are also going to listen to the king, and if you wish, you can come with us!

- Oh sure! It would be great!! - Yuri was very happy with this offer and the unexpected turn of events ...

- Then let's go! and they hurried after the rest of the travelers, who had already surged ahead, heading for the city of peace.

They were approaching Jerusalem.

- God! This is the golden gate! - Wow!! - Yura was unable to hide his admiration! They passed through the famous golden gates of Jerusalem.

Jerusalem was full of people. Here merchants offered a variety of goods, from exquisite incense to silk ...

- Yes, this is not Privoz and not Seventh Kilometer *!

Thousands of people thronged the square, some trying to sell something, others trying to buy.

Who was not there: spice merchants, and jewelry, and artisans selling their products ...

Simon, don't leave! - shouted to Yuri his new friend, - hurry up, otherwise we will be late!

Yuri saw that he had lagged far behind and almost mingled with the crowd on the market square ... I made my way through the crowd, he caught up with Agur.

- I've never seen anything like it!

Are you new to the market? Agur asked with a smile.

“No, why not…” Yura hesitated…

"Here, you weirdo!" Agur gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder, and they followed the rest of the travelers...

Having passed the market square, and then along one narrow street, they soon came to the royal square, which was spread out right in front of the Tsar's house.

It was already full of people, probably several thousand. People came from all over Israel to listen to wisdom and receive advice from King Solomon himself!

After the king resolved the dispute between two women who claimed the same child, the fame of his wisdom spread far beyond the borders of Jerusalem and all of Israel!