How to write a master ad for an hour. Firm "husband for an hour" - as a profitable business for experienced craftsmen. Which taxation system to choose

  • 17.04.2020

* Calculations use average data for Russia

150 000 ₽

Starting investments

88 000 ₽

50 000 ₽

Net profit

3-6 months

Payback period

More and more people living in big cities tend to shift household tasks and minor repairs onto other people's shoulders. That is why the service "husband for an hour" is now so in demand in the market.

Home repair services is a business that brings in a small but steady income. In our country, such services have received the conditional name "husband for an hour." The essence of the idea is to provide small household services for a fee.

Opening your “husband for an hour” service is quite simple both from a financial and organizational point of view. Anyone can start such a business. The main thing is to have hands growing from the right place and the ability to competently plan all stages of activity.

Why are these services needed?

Now the pace of modern city life does not always allow people to waste time on small things. home repair. Increasingly, repair services began to turn to special firms. However, it is far from always convenient to call the company, it is psychologically easier and cheaper to find a person “with hands”. If there is no such thing among acquaintances and friends or you don’t want to call him, then the “husband for an hour” comes to the rescue.

It is advisable to start a business in large cities, where the pace of life is faster, and the population has more financial opportunities. In small towns, the “husband for an hour” service is not very promising, as the population is used to coping with domestic issues on their own.

In the future, the business can be developed: for example, open a repair shop or assemble a construction team. Summarizing the above, we get a profitable business that can be opened from scratch and eventually turned into a serious enterprise engaged in construction and repair work.

What skills are needed

Anyone who has certain skills can succeed in this business:

    ability to fix and repair- plumbing, electrical, minor repair services;

    sociability. The better you communicate with your customers, the easier it is for you to understand and complete the order as required. And it also increases the chance of "word of mouth" - for this business, this the best advertisement;

    ability to plan in order to properly distribute the work for the day;

    basic logistics skills to think over the route and optimize fuel costs.

Business pros and cons

At the initial stage, it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons. Assess your opportunities and risks.



    minimum investment;

    high profitability and quick payback of business;

    no need to hire a large staff;

    narrowly focused niche in which it is easy to work;

    no need to rent an office - a small room for storing tools is enough;

    growing demand for services;

    you can start a business almost from scratch, you only need tools and basic repair skills;

    monthly costs are minimal.

    high level of competition in the market;

    the cost of work is relatively low, which limits the potential income;

    personal transport is required;

    the flow of orders may be inconsistent;

    different social base of customers, for each group target audience need to navigate;

    the need for good promotion so that people learn about the service and earn “word of mouth”

The advantages of the "husband for an hour" service promise a simple and profitable business. But in order to achieve the expected results, it is necessary to correctly plan all stages of the project.

Competitors and target audience

Competitors. At the start, you need to study the local market household services. It is important to understand whether a niche is free and assess the level of competition. To determine the approximate number of active “husband for an hour” agencies, refer to the Internet: services like “Avito” will help, where you can see ads that are relevant for your city. Find out the cost of your competitors' services, the service and prices they offer.

Separately, it is worth considering competition with large construction companies or individual teams. Many entrepreneurs see this as a serious problem, but in reality, construction companies usually do not undertake too small repair or installation work. Therefore, you will have to compete only with other firms that provide “husband for an hour” services.

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The target audience. Analyzing the sales market, it is necessary to pay attention to the study of the target audience. The following data will be useful to you: the composition of the population in the area and the level of income in order to correctly form the price for services. Make a portrait of your potential customer. As practice shows, different categories of the population turn to such services:

    pensioners- usually ordered simple views works and have a limited budget;

    single women They need small favors. Usually they order a small amount of work and become regular customers;

    men with busy work schedules and good incomes. This category places high demands on the quality of work. They rarely apply, but usually orders include a large amount of work, and the master can count on a tip.

    young married couples who do not want to spend time on minor household repairs, do not have the necessary equipment, or simply do not know how to perform certain types of work.

Thus, the target audience is quite diverse. And it is important for an entrepreneur to take into account all the interests and opportunities of each category. Then the orders will be permanent.

Business registration

To legally conduct commercial activity you need to formalize your business. You can choose the form of sole proprietorship or LLC. The difference is that if you are the sole owner of a business, it should be registered as an individual entrepreneur. If there is a second founder, you will have to register an LLC.

In most cases, an individual entrepreneur is chosen for this business. This allows you to significantly facilitate accounting and simplify the conditions of taxation. IP registration is standard. Choose a simplified taxation system or UTII (if such an option is available in your region). When registering, it is necessary to indicate activity codes in accordance with OKVED 2. The business provides for a wide range of services, therefore, when registering, it is better to indicate all possible codes so as not to change documents in the future:

    43.21 - Production of electrical work;

    43.22 - Plumbing, installation of heating and air conditioning systems;

    43.32 - Joinery and carpentry work;

    31.09 - Manufacture of other furniture.

Ready-made ideas for your business

No special permits are required to open a business. Also in some regions of Russia in 2020 you can register as self-employed.

Range of services and pricing policy

The next step is to determine the list of services that you will provide. To exclude competition from large construction firms, focus on small household repairs. Focus on the qualifications of the masters - it is better to make a small list of services, but to do everything with high quality than to try to embrace the immensity.

Services "husband for an hour" include:

    faucet repair;

    plumbing installation;

    cleaning and replacement of siphons, elimination of leaks;

    replacement and repair of locks;

    assembly and installation of furniture;

    replacement of sockets, chandeliers, switches, doorbells, wiring;

    connection of washing machines and dishwashers;

    installation of satellite dishes and antennas;

    other minor repairs.

This list can be updated depending on the skills of the masters and the needs of customers.

The most popular services are: installation of plumbing, connection of washing machines, installation of furniture, repair sanitary engineering works, installation of electrical equipment.

Services "husband for an hour" do not bring a very large income, but with proper organization, an entrepreneur can increase his profits. You can add popular items to the list of services: removal of construction debris, repair household appliances, door installation, lock replacement, installation lighting fixtures, services of movers, etc.

Having decided on the list of services, make a price list. Find out what your competitors are offering and lower yours a bit. At the initial stage, this will attract customers. But you should not make prices too low - otherwise you will work at a loss. Set a price that can recoup your costs.

When creating a price list, set tariffs that are understandable to customers:

    fixed cost for a certain type of work;

    hourly cost for complex jobs that take an indefinite amount of time;

    call cost - usually 30% of the hourly cost of work.

To avoid financial problems work exclusively on a prepaid basis.

Buying tools

The set of necessary tools depends on the services that you plan to provide to customers. You will definitely need high-quality tools for work on electricity and plumbing: a drill, a screwdriver, a set of screwdrivers and wrenches, a puncher, and more. You should also purchase overalls and supplies. The cost of tools will be about 100 thousand rubles - this is if you buy everything from scratch.

You can’t do without a car in order to quickly come to the customer, transport equipment, and, if necessary, quickly go to a hardware store (for consumables or missing tools).

If the budget allows, purchase a household vacuum cleaner - it will help to carry out all technical work with little or no dust. This is a very important point that will become your competitive advantage.

Room selection

"Husband for an hour" is an on-site service that does not require an office. At most, you will need to allocate a small room to store all the necessary tools. But if you plan to do business on your own, then you can store the tools at home.

In the future, expanding the range of services and staff, you can think about renting a room. For example, if you plan to repair large household appliances, you will need a working area of ​​​​about 30 sq.m. Choose a room in a densely populated residential area - and the rent will be cheaper, and the client base will be recruited faster, and you will be able to save on fuel costs.

Selection of assistants

The number of employees depends on the list of services and the scope of activities. Usually such a business is opened by those who plan to fulfill orders on their own. In the beginning, you can manage everything alone - fulfill orders, keep accounts and maintain a customer base. Over time, when the number of orders increases, you will either have to increase the check for services or hire employees.

When expanding your business, you may need:

    dispatcher for receiving and distributing orders;

    masters for fulfilling orders (with a personal car and, preferably, tools);

    accountant (you can involve an outsourcing employee).

As for wages, it is more profitable for craftsmen to establish a system of “salary +% of orders”. This will motivate employees to work quickly and efficiently.

Features of the service

The “husband for an hour” business has a number of features that need to be considered when planning:

    business should not expect high income. Services are cheap, the volume of orders for execution is limited by the productivity of the master;

    the speed of response to a challenge and the quality of work are essential conditions for business success;

    if you are hiring employees, make sure you have a good percentage of orders, otherwise there is a risk that they will start poaching customers.

How to promote your services

The key to the success of any business is customers. Therefore, it is very important to ensure a constant flow of customers. In order for the company to pay off and make a profit, it is necessary to actively promote services on the market.

You can promote your services in the following ways:

    post information on bulletin boards in residential areas (at bus stops, bulletin boards);

    place ads in elevators of residential buildings;

    ads on the Internet - on Avito, local forums, in social networks, groups of residential complexes, etc.;

    newspaper ads;

The listed methods of promotion do not require serious costs and are most effective for personal services.

How much does it cost to open a business from scratch

Work before starting a business financial plan taking into account one-time costs and fixed costs. If for some reason you don’t have your own tool, you will need to invest 100-150 thousand rubles in the business. This will be enough to buy everything you need, draw up documents and launch advertising.

But start-up capital may vary depending on the scale of the business. The more services your company will provide, the more employees you are going to hire, the more money must have to get started. If you plan to immediately open a company with 2-3 masters, then the costs for opening will double.

If you plan to do business on your own and within the legal framework, then with a large flow of orders, monthly expenses will not exceed 40 thousand rubles:

    transportation costs - 15 thousand rubles;

    consumables - 5 thousand rubles;

    taxes and other expenses - 15 thousand rubles.

How much can you earn in the provision of personal services

Let's move on to the most pleasant calculations - income planning. Keep in mind that this type of work is quite budgetary. Therefore, you most likely will not be able to earn large sums. But with a good client base, you can count on a stable income.

The table shows an approximate calculation of income and profitability. These figures are averaged - the actual amounts may vary depending on the structure of orders, the speed of the masters and the level of local prices. For example, in Moscow, only 500-1000 rubles are paid for calling a master, and the daily income of one master can be 10 thousand rubles. But for other cities it is too expensive.

The calculations in the table are based on the following conditions: work schedule 5x2, daily workload of the master 80% and approximate revenue of 4000 rubles per day.

Calculation of the profitability of services "husband for an hour"

Average cost per service

Number of orders (services performed)

Master's income per day

Revenue per month (22 working days)

Monthly expenses

Net profit per month

Profitability of work

Payback period

lack of a customer base and inconstancy of orders;

excess of supply over demand in the market (too many firms providing such services);

breakage of tools and equipment.

As a rule, the pitfalls of this business (of course, when working not alone) lie precisely in the staff. Therefore, careful selection of employees, quality control and obtaining feedback from customers - these are mandatory tasks for an entrepreneur.

Most The best way to overcome all difficulties - to take care in a timely manner that they do not arise at all, or to minimize the damage from them. In other words, it is necessary to carry out regular work on risk assessment and respond to them in time.

6500 people are studying this business today.

For 30 days this business was interested in 621305 times.

Profitability calculator for this business

♦ Capital investments - from 400,000 rubles
♦ Payback – from 8 months

Women get married not only because they fall in love and want to connect their lives with a specific man, but also to save themselves from having to worry about minor repairs, installing plumbing, installing lighting equipment and much more.

Many modern men are either too busy with their main work, or they no longer know how to do all of the above, and the number of single women is in no hurry to decrease.

That's why business idea "husband for an hour" so promising today.

If you have a few handy acquaintances, and you yourself can easily cope with domestic men's work, you will be able to return capital investments in a short time.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a business "husband for an hour"

To start compiling a business plan for your startup, you need to weigh all the pros and cons in order to understand whether the advantages of the “husband for an hour” business outweigh the disadvantages.


  1. Small capital investment.
  2. A large number of unoccupied niches in this field of activity, because this idea is relatively new.
  3. Fast return on initial investment.
  4. Not needed large areas for an office to open a company, a small room is enough.
  5. High demand among the population.


But the “husband for an hour” business has only one serious drawback: you won’t be able to earn huge sums, because the cost of the work that your masters will perform is relatively low.

If this does not bother you, then you can safely start a business.

What services does the husband provide for an hour?

Entrepreneurs, trying on this business, often put forward as an argument "against" that "husband for an hour" will not be able to compete with large construction companies or even individual construction teams.

But the thing is that the masters who will work for you will not have to compete with them.

Construction teams do not undertake minor repair or installation work, they prefer to take one object and completely build or repair it.

While your "husbands for an hour" will do other things:

  • repair and install plumbing, household appliances;
  • carry out the installation and dismantling of furniture;
  • install switches and lights;
  • embed locks;
  • hang cornices;
  • install interior doors;
  • configure and install satellite dishes;
  • carry out minor repairs, for example, leveling slopes after installing windows, etc.

Do you need an advertising company for a "husband for an hour" business?


It will be quite difficult to form a client base only from among your acquaintances, and the faster you will have regular customers, the faster you will recoup your capital investment.

You can tell people about your company “husband for an hour” using:

  • newspaper ads;
  • television (advertising in the form of a running line with telephone numbers is enough);
  • business cards that you will distribute in crowded places;
  • Internet: local forums, social networks.

Calendar plan for opening a business "husband for an hour"

"Even the most beautiful and powerful idea is completely useless until we decide to use it."
Richard Bach

The launch of this startup does not require long preparatory work.

Once you have an idea, registering a business, finding premises, recruiting staff, purchasing tools, and advertising company will not take more than 5 months from you with due diligence:

Registration and obtaining the necessary permits
Rental of premises and repairs in it (if necessary)
Purchase of tools for the work of craftsmen
Advertising campaign

Stages of opening a business "husband for an hour"

If you seriously set out to open a “husband for an hour” company, then you need to start with indicating specific calculations.

Then you should proceed to its implementation stage by stage.


The most beneficial form of business registration for you is IP.

In this case, you can pay taxes according to a simplified scheme: UTII.

When registering your company, indicate all possible codes so that in the future you do not waste time and money on redoing documents: 36.14, 45.31, 45.33, 45.42.

The registration procedure for the company "husband for an hour" will take you about two months.


Decide on the profile of your business: if you want to repair household appliances, then you will need a room with an area of ​​​​at least 50 square meters. meters, so that it is enough for the administrative premises, and for the repair shop, and for office rooms.

If you do not want to open a repair shop on the basis of your company “husband for an hour”, then a small room with a total area of ​​25–30 sq.m. is enough. in order to place a control room there, a closet for storing tools and a room where the masters will change and rest.

The idea of ​​opening an appliance repair shop is not bad, but the competition in this sector is much higher than in the “husband for an hour” business, so decide for yourself how profitable it is.

In order for the business to pay off and not require large capital investments, you need to rent a room for your company in a densely populated residential area. This is how you can reduce rental costs and quickly build a customer base.

Tools and equipment

In order to open a “husband for an hour” company, you will definitely need to rent or buy an office space. And any office needs to be equipped.

This stage includes the following costs:

Item of expensesQtyAmount (in rubles)
Total: RUB 160,000
Renovation of the premises (the amount depends on the condition of your premises) 30,000 (light cosmetic repairs)
Table (for the dispatcher, for the director, dining for the staff)
3 20 000
Chairs and office chairs6 15 000
Service bathroom equipment
10 000
1 18 000
20 000
Telephone set
1 000
Lockers for changing clothes and storing personal belongings of staff
5 20 000
Rack and tool storage
1 8 000
Other 18 000

Even if you hire excellent craftsmen, but hand them bad tools, you will incur costs, because these tools will not withstand the daily load.

You should purchase professional tools from trusted manufacturers.

The number of tools directly depends on the number of “husbands for an hour” that will work for you.

Each of them needs:

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:90 000 rub.
3 000
7 000
30 000
Electric jigsaw5 000
8 000
glue gun
2 000
Tool kit (wrenches, hammers, pliers, screwdrivers, meter, studs, screws, different sizes etc.)
20 000
Workwear set
5 000
Other10 000

Now multiply this amount by the number of craftsmen you are going to hire.

Resist the temptation to buy one set of tools for two craftsmen, because your business will suffer because the specialists will have to work in turns, which will affect the number of orders they complete.


The number of employees that you have to hire directly depends on the size of your company "husband for an hour."

If you do not have too much start-up capital, then for a start you can limit yourself to hiring two generalists and a cleaner.

At the initial stage, you can perform the functions of a dispatcher (take orders) on your own.

But bookkeeping can be entrusted to an outsourcing company or a part-time accountant can be hired, which will help reduce business costs.

How you will pay the masters, decide for yourself.

You can give them a fixed rate, or you can give them a rate + percentage.

The idea of ​​material rewards for masters, depending on the number of completed orders, is more beneficial for the owner of the “husband for an hour” company, because this will spur specialists to do their job better.

Keep in mind that "husbands for an hour" will have to go to the call along with all the tools and in uniform.

Traveling in public transport with all this luggage is impossible.

Buying cars and keeping drivers on staff is unprofitable for a new business.

It is better to hire craftsmen who have their own cars and issue gasoline coupons to them.

How much does it cost to open a "husband for an hour" company?

It is quite difficult to say unequivocally how much money you will have to invest in starting a business, because it all depends on the scale of your idea.

The more services your company will provide, the more employees you are going to hire, the more money you need to have to launch a startup.

If, for example, you decide to hire only two craftsmen, take orders on your own and not provide services for the repair of household appliances, you can get by with an amount of 400,000 rubles.

But the named amount for opening a business “husband for an hour” may be different:

  • lower if you can cut costs, for example, by renting rather than buying tools for work or using your own apartment or house as an office;
  • above if you are going to provide an extended range of services and need a large room.

The table of current monthly business expenses "husband for an hour" looks like this:

The amount of salary expenses for employees depends on what percentage of the profit you pay your masters and how many orders they completed during the month.

how to start a business "husband for an hour":

How much can you earn by opening a "husband for an hour" company?

Keep in mind that there are different services and different clients.

It's one thing to install an outlet or make slopes, and the client himself clearly explains what he needs. In this case, you can take a fixed payment for the work performed.

But after all, there are clients who themselves do not know what they need, or they name a long list of work for a “husband for an hour”, then you can take hourly pay.

Enter a service such as “consultation” into the price list, let it be inexpensive, but it’s wrong to go home, spend time and money, and at the same time earn nothing.

It all depends on the number of your customers and the cost of the orders themselves.

If we take the average indicators of such companies, then they earn from 150 to 500,000 rubles a month.

As you can see, in any case, you will not remain in the loser.

Trying on such a business, you probably think: husband for an hour - is it profitable this business, will it bring me profit?

Will bring if you form competent competitive advantages and quickly build a client base.

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As the hero of the famous film said, we go to work only because it ennobles us. But in modern world priorities have changed and the desire to earn money has come to the fore. More and more people want to start their own business, and this requires a competent business plan.

If you have an idea how to open your own business, first of all, weigh the pros and cons. Compare your capabilities and expectations, and after that begin to draw up a plan of action. Our today's material is prepared specifically for the strong half, in particular, for those who can do all the male work around the house. Repair a socket, tighten a leaking pipe, carry out minor household repairs. In general, for those who want to open their business "husband for an hour." To do this, you need very little.

  • IP registration;

For any legitimate business, registration with a tax organization is necessary. For the provision of domestic services "husband for an hour" it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. There are several options for registration: independently or through intermediaries. The minimum expenses will be as follows: state duty - 800 rubles, seal of an individual entrepreneur - 500 rubles (seal is not required).

  • Purchase of tools;

You will need various tools with which you can perform a large amount of work. This is a puncher, drill, screwdriver, grinder, hammers, self-tapping screws, nails, etc. It will take about 20 thousand rubles to purchase everything you need. Moreover, the stock of some will need to be periodically replenished, which must be taken into account in monthly expenses.

  • Advertising campaign;

For your business to get good start definitely needs advertising. Include these costs in your marketing plan. To get started, give free ads in newspapers and advertising sites. Print business cards and discount coupons regular customers. Don't forget flyers with information about your services. Hire distributors or put the flyers in mailboxes yourself. Such an advertising campaign will not take more than 2-3 thousand rubles. If your funds allow, you can add a ticker on TV, a banner or an audio clip on the radio. A good idea come up with your own slogan, for example: “Husband for an hour is always for you!”. Print it on flyers and business cards. Over time, there will be no need for such advertising - if you provide quality services, word of mouth will work.

  • Cellular;

These are monthly expenses, and therefore you should choose the most profitable tariff plan For you. Consult operators cellular communication. It's a good idea to have a separate SIM card for work so you won't be disturbed on weekends and late at night. On average, about 1000-1500 rubles will be spent on communication per month.

The main costs of starting a business "husband for an hour"

Total: 24,000-30,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses:

  • gasoline - 5000 rubles;
  • tax - 3000 rubles;
  • cellular communication - 1000 rubles;
  • advertising costs (business cards, leaflets) - 1000 rubles;
  • consumables (self-tapping screws, nails, mounting foam, glue, etc.) - 10,000 rubles.

Total: 20,000 rubles.

Large companies do not undertake minor repairs. Specialists of a narrow profile, such as tilers, electricians, too. Therefore, the services "husband for an hour" will be very appropriate.

On average, one order brings about 1000 rubles. Up to 5 orders can be processed per day. About 100 orders per month. Monthly revenue will be about 100,000 rubles. Per year - 1,000,000 rubles.

Subtract the expenses needed to open the business and the monthly expenses and get net profit. The cost will pay off in the first month of work. Agree, quite high profitability.

Take into account a few useful rules:

  1. Set fixed prices for replacing sockets, hanging chandeliers, nailing shelves, that is, solving simple everyday problems.
  2. If you need to identify the source of the problem, set an hourly rate.
  3. Take approximately 30% of an hour's work per call. It is not always known what you will be invited for.

Excellent organization option own business for people who have perfectly mastered the skills of minor household repairs, there will be an enterprise that has received in our country the code name “Husband for an hour”. The concept of this business is to provide small household services for a fee. It is useful for a future entrepreneur to figure out how to organize such a company from scratch, what skills and tools will be useful in work, what the range of services provided looks like, what personnel to recruit and where to look for them, how to attract customers and how much it can cost to open a business.

Business "husband for an hour": where to start

Start any business with an analysis of the market where you plan to work, and with a study of competitive organizations. Having paid some attention to research already operating enterprises, you will discover potential strengths and weaknesses of the future business, as well as formulate certain goals that you need to strive for in your work. Understanding the situation will help detailed business plan, based on which, you should start organizing the activities of the enterprise.

Competitor analysis aims to clarify:

  • portrait of the target audience (as a rule, such services are in demand among single women and pensioners);
  • the approximate cost of services (it can vary greatly in different areas of the city);
  • advertising methods used by competitors;
  • demand specific types services.
  • Contrary to popular belief, firms of the “Husband for an hour” format do not compete with large construction and repair organizations, since the latter are much more interested in large-scale orders in which they immediately perform a turnkey package of work.

    Video: how to analyze competitors

    Business plan of the company in the format "Husband for an hour"

    The traditional business plan contains all stages of the enterprise: from registering a business to spending profits. All key points should be reflected in the business plan. Following the summary, you will be able to adapt the recommendations given to a specific situation and get the first approximation of your own business plan as a result.

    Video: how to write a business plan

    Business registration

    The most common forms of business registration in Russia are individual entrepreneurs and LLCs. Registration of a business takes a maximum of three business days, but registration of an LLC will require more money than for an individual entrepreneur.

    The costs of opening an IP consist only in paying a registration fee in the amount of 800 rubles, and to open an LLC, you must pay 4,000 rubles as a registration fee, and then deposit at least 10,000 rubles into the company's account as authorized capital.

    In addition, many businessmen engage professional lawyers to draw up the statutory documents of an LLC; this procedure is also not free. The main difference between sole proprietorship and LLC is that individual entrepreneur is liable for the debts of the enterprise with all its property, and the LLC risks only its authorized capital.

    Video: how to choose between IP and LLC

    Room search

    The office of a company providing small household services to the population is best opened in close proximity to potential customers, that is, in densely populated residential areas of the city. A space of 40-50 square meters is enough for work, in which you can organize a small warehouse for storing tools and equipment, a customer reception area, as well as workplaces for office specialists. In addition, it is necessary to allocate a small room for the masters to eat and rest between the execution of orders.

    Make sure that all necessary communications (sewerage, water supply, electricity, heating, telephone and Internet) function properly in the rented premises. Agree with the landlord on the possibility of attaching a bright and noticeable advertising sign above the entrance, even at night, indicating contact information and opening hours. This will help future customers learn about you.

    Video: how to choose a business premises

    What skills do you need to have

    If you plan to work alone at the initial stage, you will need the skills to carry out minor repairs. For further business management, knowledge in marketing and advertising, the ability to analyze data and operate with numbers will be useful, an entrepreneurial vein is also useful, which allows you not to lose your composure in difficult situations. Any necessary skills are acquired in the process of work, the main thing is that there is a desire and ability to learn.

    Video: how the master works from the "Husband for an hour" service

    The range of services provided

    The list of services can be anything. It all depends on your inclinations and skills, as well as on the abilities of the hired employees. As a rule, firms operating in the “husband for an hour” format provide the following services:

  • connection of lighting devices;
  • installation of locks in the entrance and interior doors;
  • installation of cornices for curtains and chandeliers;
  • installation and repair of plumbing, elimination of blockages and leaks;
  • installation of meters for hot and cold water, electricity;
  • assembly and rearrangement of furniture in the apartment;
  • furniture repair;
  • repair of electricians, including laying of electrical wiring, repair of sockets, installation of automatic machines;
  • any minor household repairs.
  • Some companies also provide minor cosmetic repairs.

    Regularly analyze which services are in demand by the population, and enter them into your price list. Depending on where the bulk of clients are located, the list of services provided may vary. So, residents of new buildings who are just moving into apartments will need help in assembling furniture, installing lighting fixtures and inserting locks into doors, and residents of houses built in the 70s of the XX century will more often repair plumbing and order minor household repairs.

    Necessary tools and equipment

    To ensure the work will require equipment of two types: office and production. The equipment necessary to ensure the operation of the office includes office furniture and office equipment.

    Table: office equipment and office equipment for organizing the work of a small household repair company

    Scroll production equipment used by the master directly when performing work at the customer's site varies depending on the type of services provided.

    Table: tool required for work based on 6 craftsmen

    The number of tools of each type can be changed depending on the number of masters in the state, as well as on how much demand this or that device is in the work. All overalls are quickly made to order for a particular employee, so it makes no sense to purchase a uniform in advance.

    Photo gallery: sets of hand tools for the work of the master

    The cost of a power tool can be quite impressive, but you should not save on the quality of this equipment. For the provision of services, it is necessary to purchase a professional tool. Meanwhile, you can buy used office furniture and office equipment in good condition.

    Video: the difference between household and professional power tools

    If the budget allows, it is also useful to purchase a vehicle to deliver the master with tools to the site.


    You will need to organize in your enterprise Accounting. Available today various ways solutions to this problem:

  • Take a visiting accountant. This person will come to your office 1-2 times a week in order to pay salaries to employees, pay taxes, prepare reports and perform other necessary work.
  • Hire a remote accountant. He will appear in the office extremely rarely and only in exceptional situations. The specialist will perform the main work from home, that is, remotely. Many entrepreneurs prefer this method, since it does not require the cost of creating another workplace. All communications in this format of work are carried out through telephone connection and via the Internet.
  • An entrepreneur can keep accounting records independently using a specialized software. On the accounting software market today there are a large number of software that allows a businessman to solve any issues of accounting and taxation without resorting to the help of a third-party specialist.
  • Some businessmen prefer to conclude an agreement for accounting services with specialized firms.
  • A useful employee will be the dispatcher-administrator, who will receive incoming calls and requests from customers, and then distribute orders between the masters and control their execution. The main staff includes craftsmen who go directly to the client to fulfill the order. They can go to the call alone or in pairs, depending on the type of work performed.

    To ensure order in the storage of tools used in the work, you will need to hire a storekeeper. Cleanliness in the office premises can be ensured by a cleaning lady invited 1-2 times a week. The purchasing and supply manager will ensure that the craftsmen have enough tools and Supplies for work. If you use company vehicles to deliver employees to the customer, you will also need a driver.

    Table: staffing of a small household repair company

    The table shows the approximate salaries of specialists for the city of St. Petersburg. Salary rates may differ in other cities and regions. In addition, some professionals may receive piecework or hourly wages. For example, an administrator-dispatcher can be paid for a shift, and a marketing and advertising specialist can only be involved in the implementation of large projects, for example, to launch a new advertising campaign or to hold an event. Depending on the desires, capabilities and skills of the business owner at the initial stage of the development of the enterprise, he can perform part of the work on his own. This will also save some amount on the payroll of employees.

    When interviewing candidates, pay attention to their integrity, lack of bad habits, family and social status. As a test case for an interview, you can consider several conflict situations in communication with the customer and offer the candidate to find a solution. By the reaction of the applicant, you will understand how friendly and conflict-free this person is, and whether he fits your selection criteria. Be sure to ask for references from past jobs. This approach will allow you to insure against the occurrence of undesirable situations in the future.

    Video: how to conduct an interview

    Advertising and customer acquisition

    The experience of many companies suggests that the most effective channel for advertising and attracting new customers is word of mouth. most effective advertising satisfied customers make the company, but before those appear in sufficient numbers, the owner of the business will have to take care of advertising. The specifics of this type of activity is such that you are unlikely to be able to form a worthy pool of first customers only from among your acquaintances.

  • publications in regional newspapers, which are distributed free of charge to citizens' mailboxes;
  • advertising with a running line on local TV channels;
  • posting ads on bulletin boards at the entrances and in elevators of residential buildings;
  • distributing information leaflets to mailboxes.
  • To the number modern methods promotions include the use of your own website and online advertising. The site must include contact information, indicate the mode of operation, the list of services provided and the price list. If you have the necessary skills, the site can be developed independently using specialized designers (for example, or The cost of website templates can vary from zero to several tens of thousands of rubles. You can not waste time studying web layout and immediately apply for website development to a web studio or a freelance webmaster. In this case, the cost of creating a site will increase, but you can spend the freed time on something else.

    Video: how to make a website yourself

    Interesting and promising contextual advertising in search engines, as well as targeted advertising in social networks. Modern technologies allow you to set the settings advertising campaigns so that your ad will be seen by exactly those people who are most interested in it. When setting up ads, you can choose not only the gender, age, and city of residence of potential customers, but even the names of specific streets and house numbers, as well as the time the ad was shown, and other significant factors.

    Video: promotion of the company in social networks

    Do not skimp on the production of uniforms for employees. Thanks to this identification mark, customers will be able to easily identify your specialists and distinguish them from representatives of competing companies. The uniform usually consists of overalls, a jacket, and several T-shirts. Some companies also provide employees with footwear and provide change sets of clothing for winter and summer.

    Work clothes must be of high quality and very comfortable to wear, otherwise workers will simply ignore them. Work suits must be branded. The company logo can be placed on a T-shirt, on the front of the overalls, on the back of the jacket so that it is readable and recognizable. Some companies also place logos on headwear, such as caps and hard hats. If opportunities allow, you can also brand a case with tools.

    Photo gallery: uniform for employees of the company "husband for an hour"

    Regardless of which advertising methods you use, you need to regularly analyze their effectiveness. It is likely that the cost of some type of advertising will be inappropriate, and you can optimize your budget by redirecting funds in another direction. If your company employs a marketing specialist, all these efforts can be put on his shoulders.

    Calculation of income and expenses

    Here is an approximate list of expenses for supporting the business of providing small household services to the population.

    Table: expenses when doing business "Husband for an hour" in St. Petersburg

    The post has been changed:

    Minor household repairs - service "husband for an hour"

    Leaking faucet in the kitchen? Need to assemble your newly purchased furniture? Hang a new chandelier? It’s good if there is a man in the house whose hands “grow from the right place.” And if this man does not have time for this? From morning until late, he works, improves the well-being of the family. And who will make a cornice, or hang a shelf on the wall for a lonely woman? Of course, "our" woman and "a galloping horse", and in a "burning hut", and if necessary, she will definitely be able to chop firewood or replace a burned-out light bulb. But there is an alternative - the service "husband for an hour."

    The need to perform minor home repairs has led to a very predictable result - the emergence of a proposal for the implementation of such services. We all know this as a "husband for an hour" service.

    I confess that a few years ago, when I first saw such an ad, I had associations that were by no means connected with repairs, because the word “husband” leads to completely different thoughts. See for yourself: “The call service“ husband for an hour ”-“ smacks ”of something intimate. Although everything here is strict and ethical.

    However, let's leave the correctness of lexicology on the conscience of those who coined this term. We are interested in this service from the standpoint of a business idea. Great demand in skillful male hands (fortunately, every second man knows how to hold a hammer and operate an electric drill!), Has led to great competition in this poverty of entrepreneurship. Therefore, the decisive factors in creating their own client base were:

    • Wide range of services offered, which implies the "cooperation" of several masters with different skills (one person cannot be a specialist in literally everything!).
    • Availability of professional tools.
    • Competent advertising.
    • And of course, quality and cost of services rendered.

    This does not mean at all that “single craftsmen” are left out of work, but finding orders for them has become much more difficult, and such “husbands for an hour” most often have to make do with old customers. Moreover, their “share” in the assortment is increasingly limited to even minor household inconveniences that need to be eliminated.

    For example, replacing the same gasket in a faucet, or installing an additional switch/socket. With one or two orders a day on such services, you can rather go broke on gasoline, moving from customer to customer, than earn money.

    Therefore, whatever one may say, but to work as part of a team (it is better to be at the head of this team) of masters various specialties still much more profitable.

    What does a "husband for an hour" do?

    For greater convenience, we have tried to list the most common services offered by a “husband for an hour” (actually a team of workers) in the table.

    Plumbing work Toilet installation
    - bathtubs
    - mixer
    - shower cabin
    - shells
    - cold and hot water meters
    - heating radiators
    Crane repair
    Removing blockages
    Electric installation work Installation of switches/sockets
    - electric meter
    Installation of a chandelier / lamps
    El. wiring
    Installation and repair of various electrical appliances
    Carpentry and locksmith work Installation of entrance doors
    - interior doors
    - arched openings
    Tapping/replacing/repairing door locks
    Mounting plastic windows
    Finishing of balconies and loggias
    Opening broken locks
    Installation of cabinet furniture
    Finishing work Wallpapering
    Plastering / wall leveling
    Ceiling and floor tiles
    Services of loaders Help with moving
    Rearrangement of furniture

    These are already “traditional” services. Added to this list today:

    You can add to your offer any other skills and abilities that you or your partners are fluent in. As I said before, a wide range of services increases the likelihood of customers contacting you.

    Of course, most of these services are provided by the companies where the purchases were made. For example, when selling plastic windows, you can order their installation here. When buying heating radiators, furniture, doors - the same thing. Therefore, the only way to increase customer appeals is to lower prices for services, even if not by much.

    Usually, payment for the help of a “husband for an hour” is made either for the amount of work performed or for the time spent. Keep this in mind when organizing your business.

    What do you need to start a business

    It is thanks to the wide range of work offered that the “husband for an hour” service has moved from the category of business ideas without investments to a higher category. Now, in many ways, the quality of the work performed is determined by the presence of a professional tool, for which you need to pay a lot of money.

    In addition to the standard “repair case” containing: pliers, wire cutters, various screwdrivers, hammers, a screwdriver, a hacksaw, and other “first aid” tools, now you need to have a lot more.

    At a minimum, you will need to purchase:

    • Electric drills and rotary hammers of various capacities.
    • Angle grinder(simply "Bulgarian").
    • Electric jigsaw.
    • Testers for measuring the parameters of the electrical network.
    • Apparatus for soldering plastic pipes.
    • Trowels, graters, and other tools for plaster work.

    If a team of workers is working, it is desirable that everyone is dressed in the same uniform. In addition, you will need a car to travel to order points and transport bulky tools.

    How to advertise your services

    You can use proven methods of publishing ads in local newspapers to advertise your services. Or on a local TV channel. City Internet portals, groups on social networks are perfect for this purpose. Often such ads can be found on such large sites as Avito or From Hand to Hand.

    Be sure to use the posting of printed ads. It is advisable to do this in the area that is more profitable for you, in which you live, or in which the office of your company is located (if you will work officially). Make small flyers describing your services, and spend an evening or two going around the entrances to drop your “presentations” into the mailboxes.

    The most effective way to get a large number of customers is to use the method of "massive" advertising. People need to see your ad in their mailboxes, on bulletin boards, on the Internet, in newspapers, in a word - everywhere. And then, when the need for repairs arises, the first person they remember about will be you.

    Is official registration required?

    The issue of registering your business is up to you. If you provide a small range of services, and your earnings on this are small, then I think it would be simply inappropriate to spend part of it on paying taxes. If you are organizing your own company that provides the services of a “husband for an hour”, then read the step-by-step instructions for opening an IP, and you simply need to read the material on the types of taxation systems.