Business planning of a construction organization. Elements of a business plan for a construction company. We buy equipment and furniture

  • 03.03.2020

As before, the problem of housing construction is acute in our country. Demand for comfortable individual housing remains consistently high even in the face of an unstable economy and falling living standards of the population. This business plan for the construction of frame houses will help entrepreneurs open a socially significant business that will help in solving the most important task.

General concept of the project

The construction of frame houses is one of the most profitable and promising areas in the development low-rise construction. The variety of projects and structures of these structures, low costs for construction and finishing, simplicity of technology and the absence of the need to use bulky equipment create attractive conditions for doing such a business.

In frame construction, two main technologies are distinguished:

  • Using the floor as a base (platform) for the erection of vertical building elements;
  • The use of a rack-and-beam system, in which the entire frame structure of the future house is a complex of interconnected beams and racks.

Both of these technologies make it possible to flexibly adjust the area of ​​structures and their number of storeys by increasing the length of vertical and horizontal elements. After the construction of the frame, it is subjected to double-sided cladding. As a rule, from the inside it is made of drywall or wood, from the outside - from moisture and windproof materials. Between the facing layers is a heater.

The advantage of frame construction is also the possibility of its combination with a panel one, when the panel with strapping is fixed on the frame, sheathed on both sides, between which insulation is laid. Investments in the construction of such houses are small, so they are becoming increasingly popular in Russia. When using high-quality materials and proper care of the house, the guaranteed life of its operation is at least 50 years. Compared to brick, the cost of building a frame house is about 25-30% lower. In addition, there is no need to use expensive specialized equipment and machinery - a small team of builders can build such a house in just a few weeks, and at any time of the year, because there are no so-called "wet" processes in the technologies.

Our example considers the use of the "DKR" technology, developed by experienced practitioners in the field of erection of frame structures. They note the high profitability of building houses using this technology, which confirms our business plan for the construction of frame houses with calculations.

Market analysis

World experience clearly demonstrates the obvious turn in individual construction towards wooden buildings. Such housing is this moment is perceived not only as the most comfortable and environmentally friendly, but also as prestigious.

In our country, the share of wooden frame housing construction is still very small, although it is constantly growing in last years. The Russian market potential is estimated by world experts as one of the most promising due to the fact that our country has 25% of the world's timber reserves, relatively cheap labor and modern technologies in this industry.

According to experts, the fact that today many developers choose brick and stone houses is due to the Soviet legacy, when almost any individual housing construction was not held in high esteem. This directly affected the quality of wooden houses, the very demand for wood as an effective building material.

At present, the timber frame housing industry is growing steadily. So, over the past 20 years, its volumes have increased by 6-7 times. According to official statistics from Research.Techart, about 7 million square meters are built annually in the country. m wooden houses. And this growth is facilitated by lower prices for them.

According to statistics for the regions, wooden houses are most widely used in the Siberian, Northwestern, Urals and Far Eastern federal districts. In the North-West there is an increasing transition to innovative technologies of frame housing construction. There is also such a trend as a non-uniform distribution of types of houses by area between regions. In the regions, small buildings are more in demand.

Frame houses on the market are positioned as the cheapest and most affordable type of housing. This is partly due to the spread of SIP technology, as the most promising for our conditions.

There are some restraining barriers for the further development of the industry. First of all, we are talking about the complexity of an instant increase in construction volumes. In the medium term until 2020, the annual increase in wood frame housing construction will increase by about 10-12%, and in some regions by 20-25%. Thanks to this, the Research.Techart forecast provides for the achievement of a market volume of 30 million square meters by 2020. m.

The market for frame houses in the country remains very capacious. This is due to the low cost of materials and the still modest use of wood as a building material. Abroad, the indicator of its demand is 10 times higher than in Russia.

In the near future, according to experts, the most popular will be the frame-panel technology, which will take 64% of the entire volume of wooden housing construction.

Activity Licensing

To carry out work on the construction of low-rise frame houses, obtaining a license is not required. The founder registers his business as individual entrepreneur and operates under a simplified taxation system (6% of profits). This choice determines high profitability construction and significantly reduces financial and administrative costs.


For the construction of frame structures at the initial stage of the project, specialists are involved who will work under a contract. The brigade includes:

  • Project manager (duties are performed by the founder, combining with the functions of a manager).
  • Foreman
  • Specialists in the construction of foundations, the assembly of wall frames, the arrangement of hydro-, vapor barriers, water supply and sewerage systems.
  • Finishers.

Accounting services are outsourced.

It is not envisaged to select premises for an office at the initial stage of development of a business project.

Labor costs (data calculated for one house):

Name of specialty Contract payment Number of specialists involved Total (in rubles)
foreman 50 000 1 50 000
Foundation builders 35 000 2 70 000
Wall framing specialists 35 000 2 70 000
Specialists in the arrangement of hydro-, vapor barrier, water supply and sewerage systems 35 000 2 70 000
Finishers 30 000 2 60 000
Total 9 320 000

Marketing and Advertising

To promote services for the construction of turnkey frame houses, the following activities are expected:

  • Creating your own business card website with the possibility of ordering a house project and a gallery of completed works.
  • Organization of advertising messages in local newspapers, magazines, television and radio.
  • Work in social networks.
  • Placement of banners on the elements of urban transport infrastructure.

The main marketing resource of the company is the high quality of construction services and a flexible pricing policy.

Financial plan

Estimate for the construction of a frame house

The cost of building one house with an area of ​​175 sq. m according to the DKR technology and the main stages of construction are presented in detail in the following tables.

1st stage. Acquisition and cost of materials for the foundation:

Costs for the purchase of materials Quantity price, rub. Amount of expenses, rub.
gravel screening 21 cu. m 1 600 33 600
Formwork (boards) 1.5 cu. m 6 500 9 750
Screening under the heel, plate and blind area 77 cu. m 720 55 440
Reinforcement (metal 14 mm) 650 line m 47 30 550
Reinforcement (metal 8 mm) 220 line m 20 4 400
Grid road 2х6 for a plate and a blind area 16 cards 1 700 27 200
Cement 5 bags 270 1 350
FBS blocks 12 cu. m 4 500 54 000
EPPS insulation 12 cu. m 3 700 44 400
Geofabric 150 sq. m 30 4 500
waterproofing film 150 sq. m 27 4 050
Concrete B-25 (for the heel, slab and blind area) 17 cu. m 14 400 134 400
Consumables (bolts, nails, screws, etc.) 10 000
Mortgages 6 000
Rent of automobile construction crane 2 shifts 12 000 24 000
Shipping costs for delivering materials 18 000
Total 461640

2nd stage. Platform (foundation) construction works:

Types of jobs Quantity Unit rev. price, rub. Amount of expenses, rub.
Axis outreach, development and grading 47,5 cube m 600 28 500
Sand cushion dumping 69 cube m 250 17 250
Arrangement of communication trenches 3 PCS. 750 2 250
Construction of a local drainage system 25 points 230 5 750
Sand cushion dumping 3 cube m 550 1 650
Foundation foundation rammer 69 cube m 300 20 700
Reinforcing and pouring the heel of the foundation 40,5 cube m 2 400 37 800
Installation of foundation blocks 13 sq. m 1 200 15 600
pouring foundation walls 12 cube m 1 650 19 800
Insulation of all structural elements of the foundation 214 sq. m 170 36 380
Foundation pavement reinforcement 55 sq. m 200 11 000
Laying horizontal two-layer waterproofing 115 sq. m 20 2 300
Reinforcement and pouring of the slab and blind area for the foundation 285 sq. m 650 59 750
Loading and unloading costs 5 000
Sewer installation 5 000
Arrangement of stairs and technical underground pcs/sq. m 15 200
Construction of a parking lot sq. m 750
Total 262 830

Thus, the cost of materials and work on the construction of the foundation will be 724,470 rubles.

3rd stage. The construction of the power frame:

Name of the type of work Quantity Unit rev. price, rub. Amount of expenses, rub.
Manufacturing and installation of panels 656 sq. m 500 164 000
Treatment of structures with an antiseptic 44 cube m 1 300 57 200
Production of wall elements 29 cube m 1 200 34 800
Rafter installation 229 sq. m 900 206 100
Installation of ceilings on the 1st floor 89,5 sq. m 390 34 905
Installation of lathing and moisture resistant plywood 458 sq. m 500 114 500
Roof installation 229 sq. m 350 80 150
Arrangement of steam and waterproofing 229 sq. m 120 27 480
Installation of gutters 44 m 250 11 000
The device of supporting structures 6 PCS. 1 500 9 000
Payment for loading and unloading works 20 000
Total 759 135

Cost estimate for the purchase of materials for the construction of the power frame of the house:

Types of materials Unit rev. Quantity price, rub. Amount of expenses, rub.
Antiseptic solutions and coatings liter 30 200 6 000
asbestos pipes m p. 25 400 10 000
Materials for arranging steam and waterproofing sq. m 1100 20 22 000
Materials for arranging the drainage system m p. 44 2 000 88 000
Boards cube m 60 23 000 690 000
Insulation materials cube m 80 1 500 120 000
Plywood cube m 5,5 18 000 99 000
Roofing materials sq. m 236 500 118 000
Windows included comp. 170 000
Entrance door PCS. 1 15 000 15 000
softboard sq. m 406 230 93 380
Expendable materials 50 000
Payment for delivery of materials 25 000
Total 1 161 380

The total cost of materials and work on the construction of the power frame of the house is 1,920,515 rubles.

4th stage. Arrangement of the thermal circuit:

Types of jobs Quantity Unit rev. price, rub. Amount of expenses, rub.
Floor insulation 89,5 sq. m 150 13 425
wall cladding 203 sq. m 130 26 390
Arrangement of vapor barrier 384 sq. m 120 46 080
Installation of wall insulation 328 sq. m 150 49 200
Installation of window sets 17 PCS. 1500 25 500
Roof insulation installation 180 sq. m 350 63 000
Installation of external doors 1 3 000
Total 226 595

Thus, the total cost of building a frame house using the DKR technology will amount to 2,871,580 rubles. Such a house will have excellent thermal insulation characteristics. It keeps cool in summer and warm in winter.

Project payback

The payback period of the project depends on a number of factors, the main of which are regional and seasonal. The average selling price of frame system houses built using the DKR technology is 3.5 million rubles.

We take into account the following factors:

  • Construction is expected to be carried out from April to October by a phased conveyor method (transition of specialists from one type of work at one facility to another).
  • The average time for the construction of a turnkey frame house is about 2 months.

During the season it is planned to build 8 houses. The volume of total revenue at such a pace of construction will amount to 28 million rubles, and total costs - 22,972,640 rubles. Thus, the gross profit under the project, excluding the cost of remuneration of specialists and taxes, will be 5,027,360 rubles.

The salary fund for specialists for the season is 2,560,000 rubles. The amount of taxes paid for the season is 301,641.6 rubles.

Taking into account these expenses, the net profit on the project for the season will be 2,165,718.4 rubles.

Potential risks

There is high competition in this business area, which will only increase in the coming years. This factor is the main type of risk that may accompany the implementation of a business project. At its initial stage, minimization is achieved by choosing the narrowest specialization in construction and pursuing an active marketing policy.

The risks associated with the low qualification and labor discipline of the specialists involved in the work have a high degree. They are leveled at the preparatory stage by carrying out competitive selection referral employees.

The seasonal factor is most noticeable during periods when construction is impossible due to weather and climatic conditions, so it is closely related to the regional location of facilities.

In general, the construction of frame houses and structures refers to the type of activity with a cumulative average level of potential risks eliminated due to the competence and diligence of the founder.


The calculations presented in this business plan clearly show that the construction of frame houses is a profitable and promising line of business. The profitability of the construction of such facilities is estimated at 30-40%. With a competent approach to organizing the business, the founder will be able in the future to move on to creating his own company specializing in fulfilling orders for the construction of entire villages.

A ready-made business plan for a construction company that will help you calculate not only the costs of opening it, but also the estimated profit and payback period.

Capital investment in a construction company: 14,600,000 rubles
Payback period: 18-30 months
Profitability level: 25-30%

At any time, construction will be a demanded service, the demand for which is growing every year.

But, as in any other business, there are some nuances here, so at the first stage it is important to draw up a competent one.

And to compile this important document, you can use the services of experienced economists and lawyers, but it would still be more correct to try to understand all the points yourself.

Of course, it is necessary to turn to specialists, since the construction business, in addition to its profitability, is also characterized by high and rather tough competition, so the slightest mistake will cost you a lot of money.

Construction Company Business Plan: Project Planning

Any business plan for a construction company starts with planning.

At this stage, you need to decide on the goals and types of work that you will provide, as well as how you will promote your business in order to find customers.


And it will be about two and a half years.

But this period may well be reduced to one and a half years if most of the orders fall on the spring and summer periods when the population prefers to make repairs.

The approximate level of profitability is 25-30%.

But, unfortunately, in winter it can drop to 15%.

This is due to the fact that during this season the number of orders is reduced.

How to conduct a construction business correctly and what are the responsibilities of the owner of the company,

told in the video:

Risks and difficulties of the construction business

In addition to the financial calculations that you include in the business plan of the construction company, you need to calculate the possible risks.

So, these include:

  • high level of competition;
  • unqualified personnel and human factor;
  • rising prices for building materials and equipment;
  • lack of orders;
  • tricks of competitors.

The construction business is quite profitable, but at the same time a difficult business that requires enormous returns not only from the owner, but also from the workers themselves.

After all, it is their work that will determine whether customers are satisfied or not.

But still well crafted. construction company business plan is already half the key to success.

And then you can not only return the invested funds, but also increase them.

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MS Word Volume: 38 pages

Business plan

Reviews (171)

Who needs a sample business plan for a construction company? Those active and active people or a group of people who have decided to do a good deed - the construction of residential or industrial facilities. Such an enterprise, operating responsibly and honestly, will bring income to its owners and benefit to people. In addition, the demand for such projects today is very high.

On our resource, an example of a business plan for creating a construction and installation organization is laid out for study, for everyone who wants to start this business. Provision of construction services in modern society has long been at the mercy of non-state structures - "private traders" and companies. This is not bad at all, since it implies competition between builders, which means an increase in the quality of commissioned facilities.

When purchasing a business plan for organizing a construction company, immediately consider that this is a project designed for the long term and significant cash investments. If desired, this project can be implemented on the basis of an existing construction and installation organization, supplementing its fleet with modern equipment, and warehouses with the necessary materials. So it will be possible to attract more customers and make a profit.

Use the sample business plan for a construction company, which is posted for review. How can it be applied? Taking as a basis for their calculations, in order to understand what points must be taken into account when forming a project for a construction company, what investments will be required. All this is precisely and specifically indicated in a document that is relevant to our time.

If you have the opportunity and desire to organize a repair and construction company, then you are betting on a promising area of ​​work that will always be in demand. By focusing on service quality rather than your own get-rich-quick scheme, you can earn a reputation and be in demand for a long time. We hope that your construction company will be just like that!

The construction business attracts many entrepreneurs. Incomes of the population are growing and almost every family needs the services of construction teams sooner or later. The needs of the construction market are great and they relate to various sectors of construction: someone plans to build a bathhouse in the country, and someone urgently needs to build a new country house.

Opening construction business means for the entrepreneur a very difficult choice - the definition of a narrow specialization. Indeed, a beginner cannot construction company to grab all the orders in a row - there will not be enough specialists, equipment, knowledge and skills. When choosing a clear line of business, the owner of the company should focus primarily on his financial capabilities, since, for example, a business such as building saunas and baths from scratch requires one cost, and the construction of residential buildings involves completely different costs.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the professionalism of the workers that make up your team. If they are jacks of all trades, you can try to start with something more ambitious, otherwise, entering the wide construction market may turn out to be a failure.

Many owners of modern large construction companies started their business from a small construction team. At first, taking only small orders for the construction of various facilities, the company gradually increased its capacity, increasing the scale of its activities. Starting with the opening of a small construction company, then you can expect to expand own business, in case things go steadily uphill.

Today, there are several options for starting a construction business. This may be a small team that will only deal with the finishing of premises in new buildings, a company that builds a business on the construction of playgrounds, or a company that offers its services for the construction of fireplaces. You can start from what specialists work in your company or, on the contrary, first choose a certain specialization, and, based on this, recruit a staff of employees.

At the same time, it makes no difference what legal form your construction company will have. Regardless of whether the specialization of your business is the construction of cafes or the construction of verandas, balconies and loggias, the company must adhere to general rules that exist in this market segment. For example, the algorithm for fulfilling an order by a construction company undergoes only minor changes depending on the specialization. One thing must be understood: the organization of a construction business always begins with the study professional example business plan for opening a construction company with ready-made calculations. Only in this case you can count on stability and confidence in the future.

Having made the decision to open construction company, a company, not all entrepreneurs are able to realistically assess their financial capabilities. Given that many of them have very modest initial capital investments, it becomes clear how high the risk of being left on the sidelines, unable to withstand the harsh realities of this business.

What is needed in order for the organization of a construction company, firm to become the first step on the path to success? Entering new business, a construction company rarely starts with a large-scale activity. As a rule, such a company consists of only a few employees who specialize in the implementation of small construction and repair orders. It cannot be otherwise if the owner of the company is not able to immediately invest significant amounts in business development.

In order to open your own business - a construction company, an entrepreneur, first of all, needs to put together a small but reliable team, which will include experienced craftsmen your business. Subsequently, the states can be expanded, but the main backbone will always play a decisive role.

When opening a construction company, a businessman needs to carefully consider a plan of action. First of all, it is necessary to determine the composition of the team, given that each employee will have to pay a monthly salary. By the way, this issue also needs to be carefully considered: will the earnings of the team members be fixed or will you prefer to pay them a percentage of the cost of orders. As a rule, most owners prefer the second option.

Even if you start a business planning to organize a very small construction team, the company will need to hire at least four specialists of different profiles. This will be a kind of "backbone" of your company. At first, the functions of the foreman, as well as the estimator, can be performed by the owner of the company, but later, when the business begins to expand, it is better to hire experienced people for these positions. In addition, it would be useful to create a database with the contacts of specialists who, if necessary, can replace the regular members of the brigade.

As for the paperwork required to open a construction company, firm, the mandatory licensing of this activity was canceled back in 2010. Get permission to drive construction works You can now only join a self-regulatory organization (SRO). It will also be possible to consult on control issues, for example, get acquainted with sample programs production control for observance of sanitary rules in construction.

Solve the rest challenging tasks A competent example of a business plan for a construction and repair company with ready-made calculations will help you. Having studied it, you will easily be able to draw up an attractive sample of a construction team's offer of professional and high-quality services, and develop a clear operational schedule for construction work. Based on this document, you will quickly outgrow the established framework, and enter a completely different level of business.

Construction has always been, is and will be the most promising and profitable type entrepreneurial activity. That is why at present the idea of ​​​​creating your own construction company comes to the mind of so many businessmen.

Our article will tell you how to competently draw up a business plan for this.

Market analysis, selection of a specific field of activity

The construction industry is characterized by dynamic development, the emergence innovative technologies and modern ways performance of work. At the same time, this area is characterized by high competition and saturation of the entire segment, from finishing works to the construction of a turnkey building.

Those who seek to join the construction niche and succeed in this industry need to draw up a clear and competent strategy for the enterprise. At the same time, many nuances should be taken into account, among which, first of all, it is worth highlighting the competitiveness of the organization, the use modern technologies and innovative equipment, as well as the specifics and relevance of certain construction works in the relevant market.

A construction company that is preparing to enter the market and remain competitive throughout its existence must offer a wide range of services in this industry, ranging from the creation individual projects and ending with a full range of finishing works.

You can, of course, focus on specific view construction activities, but the entrepreneur must understand that this will significantly narrow the circle of his potential customers. That's why the best option is to create a multidisciplinary organization, which can specialize in several areas:

  • Development and implementation of standard and individual projects;
  • Adaptation of typical solutions;
  • Construction of commercial buildings, cottages, residential buildings and other facilities;
  • Repair of country houses, apartments, office and other premises.

In any case, before starting to draw up a business plan, it is necessary to carefully analyze the existing market for construction services in a particular region. It makes sense to study supply and demand, the average prices of the work performed, and also approximately calculate the payback of the project, so as not to subsequently face bankruptcy construction organization.

Cost calculation

Every business needs start-up capital needed to complete the project. It is important to take into account all aspects in order to avoid subsequently unplanned costs. So, the initial investment may include the following items of expenditure:

  • Rent of premises for office and construction equipment;
  • or ;
  • Acquisition of construction equipment and inventory (here you can consider such an option as leasing);
  • Advertisement for a construction company and salaries for workers.

In addition to the basic expenses, it is worth understanding that a construction company requires and variable costs regarding payment utilities, rent and purchase of consumable building materials.

Costs for wages employees will amount to about 50,000 rubles per person per month, while for the implementation of specific projects, narrow-profile specialists can be involved, with whom you can work on a contractual basis. This will clearly regulate the ratio of work performed and wages to employees. The main staff, as a rule, works remotely, which means that the office must have a manager and a specialist who is responsible for communicating with clients, which allows you to rent a small room.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then the easiest do it with online services, which will help to form everything for free Required documents: If you already have an organization, and you are thinking about how to facilitate and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services come to the rescue, which will completely replace the accountant in your enterprise and save a lot of money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed electronic signature and sent automatically online. It is ideal for an individual entrepreneur or LLC on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it got!

Required documents, licenses, permits

The process of creating your own construction company can be divided into three stages:

  1. Registration of a legal entity and execution of all necessary documents.
  2. Obtaining conclusions and permits.
  3. Drawing up a business plan.

At the first stage, the future entrepreneur must determine the form of private ownership, within which the construction organization will operate. The best option is an individual entrepreneur (IP) or a company with Limited Liability(OOO). At the same time, individual printing and standard forms should be ordered. Do not forget about a commercial account and registration with the tax authorities.

Entrepreneurs often assume that in order to commercial activities in the construction industry, it is necessary to obtain a special permit from the SRO ( self-regulatory organizations). However, this is not always necessary. The following permits and licenses are required to operate a construction company:

  • Self-Regulatory Organizations is not a permit, not a license, and not even a permit. This is the status of a construction company, on the basis of which permission can be obtained to provide certain types of construction work, usually associated with an increased risk. SRO may be required for the construction of the following structures:
    • Buildings and structures, the total area of ​​which does not exceed 1500 sq. m.
    • Housing construction objects intended for the residence of one family.
    • Residential block houses, in which the number of blocks does not exceed 10.
    • 3 storey buildings.
  • Building permit. Without this document, it is impossible to start any kind of construction work. You can get it from the authorities. local government with the participation of the head municipality and chief architect of the city or district. It is worth noting that this document is inexpensive.
  • License for the design of buildings and structures. This permit document is required for those entrepreneurs and legal entities who do not have legal education intended for the implementation of design services.
  • Permission for engineering surveys work in progress. This document is for all types of engineering work at all stages of construction.

In order to collect all the necessary documents as quickly as possible and receive state registration, it is enough to contact a specialized company that deals with the registration of legal entities. You can save money and deal with bureaucracy on your own.

For information on how to open your own construction organization, see the following video:

Required personnel

Proper and competent selection of personnel is of fundamental importance, because it is these people who determine the competitiveness and profitability of the entire enterprise. The speed and quality of the work performed depends on the qualifications of employees, which is why the selection of personnel should be approached with particular scrupulousness.

The construction company should establish cooperation with specialists from the following industries:

  • Architecture and design;
  • Construction, repair and finishing works;
  • Programming and design;
  • Jurisprudence, Accounting and taxation.

Permanent employees are able to select specialists in their field and control the work they perform. During times of seasonal unemployment, they can develop standard projects and engage in their implementation.

In order to save money, it is allowed to hire highly specialized specialists on a contractual basis, thereby reducing the cost of regular wages. Such specific industries include geodetic, geological and design work, as well as the delivery and lifting of oversized cargo. It would be advisable to take a certain amount of workers who specialize in a wide area: electrician, plumber, plasterer and painter. It is important to have a foreman who will control the actions and quality of the work performed.

Among other employees whose presence in a construction organization is mandatory, it is worth highlighting a manager who will specialize in working with clients, an accountant and a legal specialist, as well as an enterprise director and an architect.

For the implementation of any type of construction work, you should choose responsible and trusted specialists who perform their duties with high quality and in good faith. Special attention should be paid to the necessary configuration of construction tools and inventory.

Marketing plan

Creation of a client base and its constant expansion is the main task facing the developing construction company. It should be understood that customers can be not only individuals. Municipal and government bodies, law firms, trade organizations etc. - all of them can act as potential clients of construction companies.

Before covering the main categories of construction marketing, it is worth determining what small and large enterprises have significant differences in the field of advertising campaigns.

So, for a small enterprise specializing in the field of construction, it is enough:

  • Creation of standard ads in print media, online publications, advertising via the Internet, as well as leaflets and business cards;
  • Distribution of booklets among specialized partner companies;
  • Presentation of the company at conferences.

If it's about large enterprises construction industry worth considering participation in tenders. How it works? Some large organization N, who has certain organizational skills, takes part in the tender and wins it. Then she hires various firms to cooperate in the construction of this or that object, while one firm is engaged in the foundation, the second specializes in geological and geodetic works, the third performs all types of finishing work, etc.

In any case, to find potential customers, you can use everything possible ways starting from printed publications and ending with participation in the tender. In the future, the quality of the work performed and their reasonable price will work for the company, providing more and more new customers.

Enterprise profitability and payback period

The profitability of an average construction company is calculated based on the following indicators:

  • Monthly costs for salaries of permanent employees and utilities;
  • Office space rental;
  • Business services (taxes and other deductions).

When working with outside organizations, the construction company must indicate its percentage of the proceeds that it will receive as a result of the work performed. With good business practices and optimal amount permanent staff, it can be argued that the construction company is profitable production. Experts and experienced entrepreneurs are inclined to believe that creating your own business in the construction industry pays off within one year, which is a very positive factor for future businessmen.

Do not forget that at present there are a lot of proposals for the implementation of a ready-made construction business. Of course, this is an expensive pleasure, but a competent approach and timely optimization of production will help to quickly recoup all costs and reach net profit companies. In addition, already ready business, as a rule, consists of the strategy of the organization and competent marketing campaign which greatly simplifies the task of the entrepreneur.

The construction business is gaining momentum every year, which is associated with an increase in demand for housing and improved economic factors. Therefore, the business idea of ​​​​opening a construction company is relevant and can be implemented in fairly favorable conditions. We will talk about where to start and how to draw up a business plan for a construction company in this article.

In order to understand how profitable this direction is, let's analyze the prospects and relevance of this idea. What features does this business area take into account?

Investments, with proper planning, can pay off within a few months. And the development prospects for this industry are truly limitless.

In order to realize the idea of ​​​​opening a construction company, you can go in two directions:

  1. Buy a ready-made business.
  2. Create a company on your own.

The first option has its advantages due to the fact that you no longer need to spend time and money on registering a business, obtaining permits. Those who have encountered this bureaucratic red tape know firsthand how much this one takes time and effort.

Also an important point is the already selected personnel of the company, established sales channels.

But there are some drawbacks to this option as well. If the business was unprofitable, it implemented the wrong marketing technologies, then it will be difficult to bring the enterprise to the proper level of development. In this regard, it is much easier to create a company from the very beginning.

In addition, in the business of construction and repair services, the reputation of the company is very important. When purchasing a ready-made company, you will have to rely on the already created image of your predecessors. If it is not good enough, you will have to spend a lot of time, effort and money on promoting the company, creating a positive reputation, etc.

Pros and cons of business ideas

Despite the prospects for the development of this business, the idea itself has its pros and cons, which you should know before proceeding to the stage of implementing entrepreneurial activities.


  • Small investment. In order to register a company, to purchase the necessary equipment, you do not need large investments. It is possible to develop and increase the turnover of the company already in the process of its implementation.
  • High demand. Today, this niche is one of the most sought after. The services of professional builders are needed by physical and legal entities, small and big business. Therefore, with proper marketing planning and high quality of services provided, you can quickly reach the company's payback and good income.
  • The prospect of business development. Your company may not be limited by the geographical location of the city or region. At proper development, over time, you can open branches in other regions, which will allow you to reach a completely different level of business.
  • Possibility of making a good profit. Standard profitability, in the absence of force majeure situations, ranges from 50 to 70%.


  • High competition. This factor follows logically from great demand. The higher the demand in the market, the greater the supply.
  • Financial risks associated with the unstable economic situation in the country.
  • Difficulty entering the market. Given the high competition, much attention will need to be paid to the stage of service promotion.

Employees play a big role in this business. It is from their qualifications and professionalism that the profit of the company will largely depend. When hiring employees, it is very important to analyze their experience, qualification level, possible development, etc.

With a good team and an experienced staff of builders, you will quickly be able to reach a high level of development and earn an excellent reputation in the city. good option to start such a business is experience in other construction firms. This will allow you to see the situation from the inside, analyzing its strengths and weak sides.

In addition, work as a subcontractor will teach you to understand the qualifications of personnel, the competent distribution of labor and material resources.

In what direction to develop?

Having decided to enter the market with a proposal to provide construction services, it is important to understand the target audience. This parameter allows you to determine not only competitive advantages, but also to draw up financial plan company development.

The construction business can be implemented in several directions:

  • provision of services in the field of civil construction, repair;
  • road construction;
  • industrial building construction.

Each of these areas will require a different amount of investment, staff, constituent documents, etc.

The main services of a construction company include the following types of work:

  • construction of houses;
  • renovation of apartments;
  • dismantling and installation;
  • construction of garages, bathhouses, warehouses, etc.

Additionally, to increase income and expand the range of services, you can rent construction equipment, sell materials, train staff, etc.

As you can see, there are a lot of development prospects and opportunities for obtaining additional income for this type of business.

In order to implement this type of business, you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Determine the format of the company.
  2. Make a business plan.
  3. Preparation of registration documents.
  4. Company promotion and customer search.
  5. Project implementation.

The Importance of Writing a Business Plan

The stage of implementing a business idea is always preceded by the planning stage. Without proper market analysis, competitive advantage, study target audience and strategic planning will not be able to achieve the desired result.

All these aspects are prescribed in the business plan, and help to understand the direction of business development, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of the project.

Competent planning will help to avoid mistakes, anticipate difficulties and calculate the point of profitability.

Also, having ready plan business development, it will be easier to attract investors, business partners, justifying the feasibility and relevance of the idea.

organizational plan

Business registration

To open your own construction company, you will first need to obtain permission for the relevant type of activity and register a private enterprise.

Each construction company must have the following package of documents:

  • Certificate of state registration;
  • A document confirming tax registration;
  • company charter;
  • printing and statistical codes.

For companies providing specialized services to the business sector, industrial enterprises, road services, etc., you must additionally obtain the appropriate permit:

  • building permit;
  • license to carry out engineering work;
  • permission to design buildings and structures.

This type of activity requires obtaining several licenses.

One of the key documents is the SRO. This is an admission to the implementation of services associated with an increased risk.

If you do not plan to build buildings over three floors, then obtaining an SRO is not required.

Also, this document does not need to be drawn up if the activity is related to the construction of block houses with an area of ​​​​less than 1.5 thousand square meters. That is, for an ordinary construction company that will be engaged in the construction of private houses and finishing work, it is not necessary to obtain an SRO.

One of the biggest expenses in this business is the purchase of equipment.

Before making a list necessary equipment and technology, determine the format of the business, the number of work shifts, etc.

If the initial investment does not allow you to fully purchase a professional set of equipment, tools and inventory, then you can resort to the leasing service.

Unlike a bank loan, this service allows you to use property on a long-term basis with the right to buy it. By the way, in the future, when business development is already at a high level, you yourself can provide rental or leasing services to other start-up companies.

No need to invest a lot of money in the purchase of equipment that you will need occasionally. It is much more profitable to pay a daily rent by taking equipment for a specific project.

For a large company that plans to engage in construction and repair work private sector, you will need the following list of equipment:

  • tap;
  • concrete mixers;
  • lift or CMU;
  • tools;
  • perforators;
  • chainsaws;
  • drills;
  • hammers;
  • special clothes for workers.

Without a qualified staff in this business, it is difficult to count on profitability and profitability. Therefore, the moment of search and selection of personnel must be given great attention.

By their own functional duties staff composition can vary significantly. It depends on the format of the activity, its specifics, etc.

Below we provide a standard set of employees for a construction company:

  • workers and builders;
  • foreman (foreman);
  • accountant;
  • Purchasing Manager;
  • Service Promotion and Customer Relations Manager
  • personnel inspector;
  • lawyer;
  • architect;
  • director.

The number of employees determines the scale of business activities.

If you plan to develop a business in the provision of finishing services, then you will have to increase the staff with more specialists in this field (plasterers, masons, plumbers, electricians, painters, carpenters, etc.).

In order to obtain a license for the provision of construction work, please note that at least 50% of the total number of builders must have a higher specialized education.

For effective productive work, it is important to provide workers with all the necessary tools and materials.

For the quality of services and in order to avoid production delays, it is important to systematically inspect equipment and inventory, check its serviceability and suitability for work.

Do not buy cheap equipment - this will reduce not only the productivity and quality of services, but also the profitability of the business, since large resources will have to be spent on repairing and replacing equipment.

Room selection

To work, you need a small office, where the administration, accountant, lawyer will be located. Keep in mind that during the implementation of the project, you will have to negotiate with customers, discuss projects.

Therefore, when choosing a room, consider that it has a place for a meeting room.

As for the location of the office, there are no special recommendations. You may not spend a lot of money on renting a room in the city center, but you need to take care of transport accessibility.

Marketing plan

To achieve profitability and a good income, it is very important to earn a positive reputation in this area and attract regular customers.

There are several options for attracting customers:

  • the beginning of development with the subsequent sale of apartments;
  • active advertising in the media, via the Internet;
  • participation in affiliate programs with hardware stores;
  • attracting customers after winning a government tender.

Be sure to create your own website, which will provide a complete list of services, a calculator for the cost of services, contact numbers for the administration, the possibility of consultation, etc.

A good website is a kind of business card, which indicates the high level of the company and its reliability.

Video. How to open a construction company from scratch

Financial plan

Here we present only a rough cost plan, since each firm, depending on the scale and geographical location, will require its own costs.

  • purchase of equipment - 1 million rubles;
  • advertising - 100 thousand rubles a month;
  • unforeseen expenses - 100 thousand rubles
  • staff salary (15 people) - 500 thousand rubles;
  • office rent - 50 thousand rubles.

And now let's calculate the payback of this project.

Standard in this area a good indicator is a profitability of 10-15%. If you reach this indicator after 5-6 months, this will indicate that all aspects (marketing, organization, planning) are built correctly.

With the deterioration of the economic situation in the country, businessmen note a decrease in profitability in this sector. To date, the average figure fluctuates between 7-9%.

Remember that profitability will directly depend on the qualifications of the staff, the number of customers and the amount of costs. If you do not reach the average planned indicator, then analyze which of the factors does not “work”.

Risks and Opportunities

At the planning stage, it is very important to perform a SWOT analysis, which will allow you to see the strengths and weaknesses of the project, threats and development opportunities.

The main risks of the construction business include:

  • high competition;
  • unqualified personnel;
  • lack of orders;
  • rising prices for building materials.

Take a close look at this list. There are things in it that you can't control. So, for example, a high level of competition and high prices for building materials is not in your area of ​​expertise. But as for the low level of staff qualifications, the lack of orders - these are the factors that you can influence.

That is why it is important to draw up a competent business plan that will become step by step guide and will allow you to clearly see the prospects for development, the size of the expected profit, the profitability of the business.

Video. How to develop a construction company