How to make an electronic postcard. How to make a postcard with an inscription in PowerPoint. Video - How to create a postcard using the online service Online Postcard.rf

  • 13.11.2019

I already wrote.

But there it was about a large postcard, and now it's about a simple, one-page postcard with text.

If there is no time to make a presentation or just a picture with text is enough, I usually do this:

In the search bar I enter the query "Bouquet" and be sure to note:

1. Size - large - so that you do not need to stretch;

2. File - png. - so that there is no unnecessary background.

I choose and save.

I open PowerPoint - Insert - Picture - I find the saved picture - Open.

The bouquet was set exactly to the size of the slide.

I paste the text and see that I don’t see anything 😀 — the background of the picture is quite colorful, so if you just paste the text, it will be hard to distinguish. Or you need to choose a dark color for the font - I don't like dark colors. I used to suffer, choosing a color, but more often I just had to choose a not so “color” picture.

And then I found out that the text can be placed not only in the well-known way Insert - Inscription.

There is another interesting option: Insert - WordArt!

At this stage, you can choose any style that seems more or less suitable. I click on the selected option and the inscription “Place your text here” appears on the picture. I place.

Then you need to change the font size. And, as a rule, the font itself too. But it's simple - as in Word - I select the text and select new options in the drop-down menu.

However, the text is still hard to read. Drawing tools come to the rescue.

I clicked on the text with the left key and the necessary icons appeared at the top right.

You can change the style, choose the color of the text and the color of the outline. In addition, you can choose the thickness of the contour line.

I did it, but it seemed to me that the text is still not very clearly visible, then I used another effect - Glow!

This works as an additional loop. Here you can also choose the color and width of the "outline". If none of the options in the drop-down menu suits you, you can make changes using the "Glow Options" section. Here you can choose not only the color and width, but also the degree of transparency!

Here's what I got

With these tools, any text will be clearly visible on any picture!

You can send!

If you have any questions, you can also ask them in the comments.

And you can in the window on the right border.

Greetings on any holiday with a postcard has always been considered a manifestation of respect and attention to loved ones, friends and just acquaintances. And if earlier postal services were needed to deliver such cards, today there are electronic cards with which you can congratulate your loved ones quickly and in a timely manner. Moreover, such a congratulation cannot be lost anywhere, and will come just in time, and the process of creating an electronic message can be quite interesting.

How to make an e-card on a computer

Create postcards in in electronic format is not a complicated process and is carried out as follows:

  • in the Internet search engine, a request is entered for a site that creates and sends electronic postcards (for example: or;
  • with the help of special servers, a postcard is created to your liking, which you can decorate with different patterns, as well as choose the most attractive template, choose color scheme With beautiful font for the text of congratulations;
  • if desired, electronic cards can be supplemented with musical accompaniment, it can be selected from the music catalog to the taste of the recipient;
  • to create the most interesting thematic plot, you can use a graphic editor, but the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcongratulations must be thought out in advance;
  • the finished postcard is placed in an interactive letter and then sent to its destination.

In order for the creation of postcards in electronic form not to cause difficulties, and also to have a beautiful appearance, it is important to consider the following points:

  • it is best to use a graphic editor if you have certain knowledge and skills in working with this program, since studying it can take a lot of time;
  • creating postcards using a ready-made template will be much easier and faster, and you can adjust it according to your taste;
  • it is best to make postcards that are neutral in content, which will please not only their creator, but also those for whom they are intended;
  • when creating postcards, the main thing is to know the measure and not to overdo it with the number of pictures, the amount of text, and also to withstand a certain color scheme.

But in any case, no matter what kind of electronic cards you end up with, they will be a wonderful congratulation on the holiday of your loved ones, because it is beautiful, spectacular and unusual.

How to make a postcard in Word

You can make a postcard in Word, but here I want to note why it is better not to do this.

Word is a text editor, so there are some difficulties with graphic objects when they are arranged. And the result can be seen only by opening the postcard in. And if your recipient does not have this program, then he will not be able to see the postcard, or it will open in a distorted form in another word processor. The expected pleasant impression will be spoiled.

But what to do? We will use a program for creating presentations - PowerPoint. A postcard created in PowerPoint can be saved as a picture and will be available for viewing on any computer and on the Internet.

How to make a postcard in PowerPoint

Creating a postcard takes just a few steps:

1 Open the PowerPoint Presentation Program

First option

  • Start - All Programs - Microsoft Office - Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (you may have a different version, but it doesn't matter - all actions are universal)

Second option

  • There is a search in the start menu. Start typing the name of the Microsoft PowerPoint program there and if it is installed on your computer, you will see it in the search results.

2 Choose a layout

Since we are using a presentation program, there will be markup on the original slide. We don't need her. We remove.

Home - Layout - Blank Slide

3 Set the background image

As a background for our postcard, let's take some beautiful drawing. Go to tab Design - Background Styles - Background Format

In the settings window on the tab fill choose Pattern or texture

In section Paste from: press the button File and select the desired image from the folder. Clicking the button Insert and press the button close in the window Background Format.

The selected image will be stretched to fit the slide. The background is ready.

Now you can do a little magic on our postcard to give it an even more original look. To do this, add to the slide a few additional elements: Santa Claus, the text of his congratulations and the title of our postcard. Well, to make it clear that the congratulations are from Santa Claus, let's make a callout for the text.

4 Add decorations and text

Let's get started. Insert a picture with Santa Claus.

Execute the command Insert - Drawing and move it to the bottom left corner. Let's scale it down a bit.

Making a callout Insert - Shapes. Change the shape to the desired size.

Now you can add the text of congratulations with the command Insert - WordArt. Select the text font sample and replace it with our congratulations. We adjust the size of the frame with the text to the size of the callout.

In the same way we make the title of the postcard.

Well, here's the card. It remains only to save it as a picture and you can send it by e-mail.

5 Save the postcard

To save, select the command File - Save As... We give a name to the postcard and, most importantly, change the file type to Drawing in JPEG format

Choose Only the current slide.

Now let's save the presentation so that we can use it to create other postcards.

Video instruction for creating a postcard

Now watch these steps in the video below. From it you will learn: how to insert a picture, change its size, how to add text with congratulations.

Dear friends! Create beautiful original postcards and delight your loved ones and friends with them. I did a selection of preparations for New Year's cards . There are collected: Backgrounds, Santa Clauses, Snowmen, Christmas Trees, Decorations, Symbols of the year and text greetings. But a selection of blanks for February 23. Still small a selection of blanks for March 8. Download and practice creating e-cards

Another selection of Christmas images with transparent backgrounds for quick creation original postcards. Download archive 28 images

By the way, the Microsoft Office package contains a wonderful Publisher program, it can also make a beautiful congratulation in the form of a postcard, I already wrote on the blog in it.

How to search for pictures for a postcard?

To make it as easy as possible for yourself to create a postcard, look for pictures with transparent backgrounds. Such drawings are most often in png or gif file format. It is preferable to use the first format. Gradients (smooth color transitions) are well preserved in it.

To search, go to Yandex. Select a search section Pictures(block 1). Enter a keyword - what image are you looking for. For example, the year of the pig pictures are New Year's. In the search hints, you can choose the most suitable query.

Image search in Yandex

Filters can be used in the found pictures. Click Show filters (box 2). An additional panel will open. Now we select the options for selecting images.

We select drawings by size. For an e-card, we do not need large sizes. Therefore, I advise you to put Medium or small. On the thumbnails of the pictures you will see their true size.

Filtering the image size

What size is preferred? On average, most monitors are 1366x768. So try not to take pictures of a larger size. Because when pasted on a slide, it can close it entirely.

Choose your orientation. Everything is clear here. But in Type of Do not choose a white background. It's easy enough to remove.

Background filtering

But still it is better to choose a picture without a background. To do this, in the filter File select PNG.

Filter by file type

Yandex will show pictures according to our selection criteria. On the thumbnails, all pictures will have a white background, but this is not the case. Click on any of them for a larger view. Now, if on the background instead of white you see cells (checkerboard), then this picture has a transparent background.

Displaying a picture with a transparent background in the search engine

It is preferable to use it for your greeting card collage. Click on it with the right mouse button, select a command Copy Image and paste it on the slide.

You can do the same with other search engines.

Create an animated postcard

The way to create a static postcard was described above, but you always want something more. Let's try to revive it a little and add falling snow. To create an animated picture, we need to work a little more and make several slides that differ in the position of the snowflakes on the slides. With a quick change of such slides, the effect of falling snow will be observed.

To save such an effect in a picture, you will need another file format - GIF, which is able to store and display animation in the browser. But Power Point does not support animation when saving to this format. Therefore, in the presentation editor, we will make blank frames, and to create animation from them, we will use the online service. Watch the video tutorial below.

I hope this information is useful to you. I congratulate everyone on the future and past holidays!

Friends, if this article was useful to you, share it in in social networks, buttons below. And also tell us in the comments if you managed to make a postcard?

Dear reader! You have read the article to the end.
Did you get an answer to your question? Write a few words in the comments.
If no answer is found, indicate what you are looking for.

Graphic editor Paint allows us not only to draw, but also on the computer to sign a picture, insert a photo into it or create a postcard.
To view this feature, create a new sheet: "File, New". Do not zoom in using the "View, Zoom" button, otherwise the program will not allow you to write text, and immediately save the document to the same folder with pictures, give the name "picture_2.bmp"

To increase the size of the working field, click the "Picture" button at the top, select "Attributes", a window with the size of the working field will appear. In the "Width" line, the blue selection blinks, which means that you can not put the cursor there, but immediately type the numbers of the new size on the keyboard, type, for example, 800.
Then put the cursor in the "Height" line, delete the numbers with the "Backspace" or "Del" key, or double-click in the line, a blue flashing highlight will appear. Type new numbers on the keyboard, for example, 600. Click "OK". The size of the working field has increased.
On the toolbar there is a button with the letter "A", when you hover over it, a hint "Inscription" appears. Select a text color from the palette below, then press the "A" button, click on the sheet field, a dotted area will appear for entering text.

Hover over the bottom right corner and make it look like a 45 degree arrow, then click and drag to the right and down the margin, highlighting the text area, release. Click "View, Text Attribute Panel", the "Font" panel will appear, here you can select the font type, size, bold, italic, underline.
Do not forget that when you hover over buttons and labels, hints pop up, read them.

I chose size 28, bold, blue. Place the cursor in the highlighted field and write the text.
To deselect the dotted line, click on the free field outside the dotted line. If you want to make an explanatory caption for the drawing or sketch made in the last lesson No. 11 Graphic editor Paint, this can be done in this way. When doing this, pay attention to the way you change the scale.

So, I made a congratulatory inscription. Of course, you can write whatever you want.

Now I want to make my own beautiful postcard. If you know how, you can draw a beautiful flower. If you are not an artist, then you can insert a photo of a flower. If you already have a folder on your computer with your digital photographs, then you can take a photo from there.
Click "Edit, Paste from File". Find your photo folder, select file by click, open. If you do not have your own photos, consider this case a little lower.

If the photo is full size, then it will be inserted, covering the entire working field. You will only see a piece of the photo with a dashed selection around it. Do not remove the selection yet, that is, do not click on the free space, because after removing the selection in this graphic editor it will no longer be possible to correct the photo, you will have to cancel the previous action and insert the photo again.

Click "Pattern, Stretch/Shell" at the top. In the window that opens, the dimensions are 100%. Put, for example, 20% to fit the entire photo. Click OK.

The photo size will be reduced. Without removing the dotted selection, that is, without clicking on the free field, move the cursor over the photo, it will take the form of a cross. Click and drag the photo to the desired location.
The size of the photo can be changed in another way. If, without removing the selection, move the cursor to the corner of the photo, the cursor will take the form of an arrow at an angle of 45 degrees. By clicking on a corner, you can drag it diagonally, reducing the size of the photo. In other graphics editors, this function works well. But in this Paint editor, it does not work well, because the proportions of the photo are not saved, even when the "Ctrl" key is pressed simultaneously. I don't recommend doing it this way.
If the resulting photo size suits you, click on the free field and deselect it. If the working field has increased greatly, change its size again, making, for example, 800x600.

We continue to experiment with the features of the editor. With the rectangular selection button pressed, place the cursor on the photo, click and drag diagonally, selecting an area, for example, one flower.
Then put the cursor on the selected area, it will take the form of a cross. Now you can drag this flower and move it to any place.
Thus, you can create different artistic compositions.

If you do not drag the selected area, but press "Edit, Cut", a clean square will remain. In this place, you can insert another photo from the file, for example, a portrait.

By the way, selection and cutting of an area can be done not with a rectangular button, but with an arbitrary selection button adjacent to it. In this case, circle each petal with the cursor, and then move the selected area in the same way or cut it out.

Now you can add text below the photo just like we did at the beginning.
Here I have a simple postcard for example and training. Your imagination and taste will allow you to create your own masterpieces.

Those who do not yet have their photos on the computer are now reading these lines with envy and annoyance. Don't worry friends. Your possibilities are also unlimited. I already wrote earlier that everything is on the Internet. Since you have already learned how to use search engines, then you can easily find a lot of suitable photos.
At the same time, it must be taken into account that each photo on the Internet has an author, so you should not use other people's photos for publication in your diaries, social networks or other Internet pages without a link to the source.
However, using a photo taken from the network to create your own personal postcard is perfectly acceptable.

How to find a photo to insert it into a postcard? Go to the Yandex website, we already went through this in lesson number 2 Search the site on the Internet. Above the yellow search bar, click "Pictures". Here, in the yellow search bar, enter a query, for example, forest flowers.

After selecting a photo, click on it. The photo will open enlarged.

Hover over the photo and click on it right click. A menu will pop up, in which click on "Copy Image". The image is copied and stored in the clipboard.

Now go back to your postcard page and click "Edit, Paste". The photo will be in the upper left corner.
Without removing the selection, you can drag it down, then resize it (Picture, Stretch / Skew).

Is it possible to write text directly on the photo, for example, the date?

The inscription 2011 turned out on a white background. In order to save the background of the photo, you should press the bottom yellow button in the left toolbar, which provides a transparent background, the top yellow button sets an opaque background. Then press the text button "A", put the cursor on the photo, select the font, color and write.

As a result of all the experiments, this is what happened.

Click View, View Picture. To return to the original state, click on the picture field.

Now you need to save the created document. Click "File, Save".
The file name of the document we were working with and saved as a picture is "picture_2.bmp".
A picture with inserted photos, saved with the "bmp" extension, is large and takes up a lot of space on the computer on the disk where it is stored.
If you want to send your postcard as an email attachment, sending may be slow due to the large file size. To reduce the file size, you need to save this picture with a different extension, which is usually given to photo files.

Click "File, Save As". In the window that appears, the system offers "JPG" in the "File type" line, click "Save". In this case, you will have two files in the package with the same name "figure_2", but with different extensions, which indicates that these are different documents.
If you are afraid of getting confused later, before clicking "Save", change the file name, write, for example, "postcard", the system will add a dot and "jpg".
As a result, the file name of the same postcard, but smaller, will look like "postcard.jpg".

No matter how hard I tried to describe in detail all the actions, I still did not make out in detail all the options and possibilities. When creating a picture, press different buttons and inscriptions, create, invent, try. Save intermediate variants of experiments, cancel unnecessary previous actions.

Let's sum up the work with drawings, inscriptions and photographs.
At its simplest graphic editor Paint can not only draw a picture, picture or sketch, but also add inscription and any text. The editor allows you to photo viewing downloaded to your folder from digital camera(open folder, select photo file, open), copying photos from a file and pasting them on the drawing field. You also learned find photos on the Internet, copy them and paste them into the picture field. With the simplest graphics editor you can create a greeting card, save it with a smaller file size, convenient for sending by e-mail.

An e-card is a great way to congratulate a person on any holiday, especially if you are far from each other. There are several ways to create a greeting card. You can do this with the help of special services or independently, using software your computer.

To create a beautiful virtual postcard yourself, you need to consider the following points:

  • use complex graphic editors only if there is minimal knowledge of these programs;
  • use ready-made templates that programs offer - it's easier and faster, moreover, the template can be adjusted to your liking;
  • make postcards that are neutral in content - a virtual congratulation should please not only the creator, but also the recipient;
  • first of all, the practicality of an electronic postcard is important, do not add too many pictures and text, try to maintain a certain color scheme.

The note! When creating a postcard, take your time, carefully follow step by step instructions and don't forget to save your creativity on your computer or flash drive.

How to make a greeting card in Word?

Creating a greeting card in MS Word is a simple matter. Although the program is most often used to create text files, here you can make a beautiful postcard for any holiday. Create an e-card in six easy steps:

Step 1. Open the program and go to the "File" menu.

Step 2 Select the "Create" tab, write the word "Postcard" in the search bar that opens.

Step 3 Choose a ready-made high-quality template for an e-card. In the right side list, you can select the appropriate category.

Step 4 Click on the selected template and click "Create". Wait for the template to open in a new file.

Step 5 Fill in the free fields. Write a congratulation, signature and other necessary information.

Step 6 Make sure the text fits within the margins of the postcard. If necessary, change the paper orientation from portrait to landscape.

Step 7 We save the postcard (“File” - “Save As”), and then send it to the recipient or print it.

Video - How to make a greeting card in MS Word

Postcard using PowerPoint

PowerPoint is a presentation program that can be found on every computer with operating system Windows. First, open the program through the Start menu. Master class on creating a postcard on a computer using PowerPoint:

Step 1. First you need to choose a background for your slide. Click on the Home tab, then select Layout, then Blank Slide.

Step 2 To make a beautiful background for your card, click on the Design tab and select the Background Format button in the Background Styles category.

Step 3 Choose a pattern or texture, or you can add your own image from your computer. The image will expand to the size of the slide.

Step 4 Click the "Insert" tab, then "Picture". Choose the image you like, add it to the slide, if necessary, move the picture to the desired corner of the postcard.

Step 5 The next step is to add text. You need to use the same "Insert" command, then click on "WordArt". Choose a font sample and write your own greeting.

Step 6 Save the postcard through the command "File" - "Save As". Be sure to change the file type to JPEG Picture, otherwise the card will open in the recipient's PowerPoint program.

Step 7 Select the Only This One button. Ready! You can send a postcard to the recipient.

The note! Don't rush to delete. It can be used later as a template for other postcards.

Postcard in Microsoft Office Publisher

You can make a beautiful postcard to a friend, acquaintance or family member in the program for creating postcards, posters and booklets Microsoft Office Publisher. You can make a postcard from scratch, but the easiest way is to use a ready-made template built into the program.

Step 1. Run the program, in the window that appears, select "Built-in", then - "Postcards".

Step 2 The program contains several thematic categories. Choose the template you like best.

On a note! If none of these suit you, you can find more postcard designs on the program's website.

Step 3 Click on the "Create" tab. You will see a workspace with the template you selected. Replace the text with your own by first clicking on it.

Step 4 To add new text, click Insert, then click the Add Label button. Come up with an original greeting and put it on the slide.

Step 5 Right-click on the picture and select Edit Picture to select the source of the new picture.

Step 6 To add a new or your own drawing, click the Insert tab, select the Illustrations group, and click Picture.

Greeting card online services

If you do not want to use computer programs, you can use the services where you can make a greeting card online at New Year, birthday, wedding and other celebration. Here is a list of free resources:

The note! Some services may have additional paid services that will make your postcard more original. If you don't want to pay for images, just use free images.

How do I send a postcard made on a computer?

So, the card is ready, it's time to please the recipient with a pleasant virtual surprise. You can send e-cards different ways. Among them:

Sending by email

Sending via social networks

Send a postcard in person. What could be better than a personal meeting? You can personally present a postcard made by yourself, but you need to remember that for this you need to print your work first.

Now you know how to make an electronic postcard on a computer. This is a simple and interesting action that can be easily performed using MS Office programs. Do not be afraid to create, surprise loved ones with a magnificent e-card and yourself with your creativity! Your loved ones will definitely say “Thank you”.

Video - How to create a postcard using the online service Online Postcard.rf

We love holidays and we love gifts. And we all love postcards - to receive and give. Postcards are given for many events - birthday or New Year, March 8 or the birth of a child.

You go to the store - there are a lot of postcards, even the text is already printed inside - everything has already been invented and said for you, only - not from the heart.

Gift with love

Only handmade postcards can convey your feelings towards the gifted person. Buying an ordinary cardboard postcard is easy, but making it yourself means putting a piece of yourself into it. After all, making such a gift, you imagine the person to whom it will be intended.

Remember, we are all in childhood, in kindergarten or at school they tried, they made postcards for the holiday to their parents - carefully cut out, folded, glued. Then they were handed over. Remember how carefully mom and dad took the gift, kept it, and many still keep it with your children's drawings and crafts.

Today, handmade products are becoming more and more popular. Embroidered pillows decorate the house, knitted things are worn with pride. He does not sew, does not knit and does not glue, only the completely lazy.

Scrapbooking is gaining more and more fans - photo albums, paper postcards, made with love, made in a single copy - become a unique gift for various festive events.

For someone who has mastered at least the basics of scrapbooking, there is no question - what to give to a loved one, and these gifts are admirable.

The art of giving joy

Making postcards out of paper is called cardmaking. It is based on the use of paper and various additional materials. For an experienced scraper, when making a postcard, everything will be used - ribbons, small paper, fabric flowers, cutting - elements cut out of paper, buttons, lace and much more.

There are many ways to make postcards out of paper.

Experienced craftswomen make multilayer volumetric products, the more layers, the more interesting the postcard looks.

The elements are glued together and even stitched. The styles in which the masters work are also different - shabby chic, steampunk and others.

It is impossible to create two completely identical postcards.

It is impossible to say that card-making is a simple art. After all, in the process of creating just one thing, a composition is created, changed, and formed. A scraper must be an artist - to know the basics and subtleties of creating an ideal composition, selecting materials, and combining colors.

Sometimes this process of selection and application takes more than one hour, or even a day - the artist is a delicate nature, there is no inspiration, and nothing masterpiece will be created. And sometimes everything seems to add up by itself - and now a do-it-yourself postcard for the birth of a child or for the birthday of a loved one is ready.

Look at a variety of photos of postcards - how rich is the imagination of the masters who create harmonious compositions from many small disparate details.

We create a gift ourselves

Experienced scrapers use special scrap paper for work - it is dense, tends not to fade, does not fade over time. This ensures that your gift will keep its beauty for a long time.

Scrap paper comes with various patterns, sold in sets or individual sheets.


We also need:

  • Thick plain paper for the base - watercolor is suitable.
  • A utility knife and a metal ruler (if you are into scrapbooking, you can later purchase a special cutter to cut the paper straight - scissors are not the best option for this).
  • Scissors for cutting small parts.
  • Glue - ordinary PVA, clerical - will not work, it warps the paper, it will turn yellow over time. Take Titan, Moment and the like - scrap shops will advise you on others - see what is available to you.
  • Double-sided adhesive tape - they can also connect the elements of a postcard, and with adhesive tape on a porous basis, you can create multi-layer volumetric compositions.
  • Decorative elements - flowers, cuttings, ribbons, pieces of lace, elements cut out of scrap paper - butterflies, birds, twigs and others.

Buttons, pendants, buckles and other small items can be used to create a composition.

Stamps are often used - with their help you can create an interesting background for a future postcard, add certain elements, make inscriptions.

An interesting technique when creating voluminous postcards is embossing - a transparent stamp is applied to the base, which is sprinkled with special powder.

The last stage - the powder is dried with a special hair dryer - as a result, a three-dimensional image is obtained: most often this technique is used when creating the contours of a drawing, inscriptions.

Figured hole punchers - they can make an openwork edge, with their help they make voluminous flowers, cuttings.


In general, there are a lot of professional tools for scrapbooking and card-making, it makes sense to acquire some only when making postcards for sale. But, having mastered the art, you will not only please your friends with original gifts, but also replenish the family budget.

Pick up several sheets of scrap paper that match the style, color, put a background on the base, and decorative elements selected by color on it. The composition should be a coherent whole so that each element has a meaning.

You can use special sketch diagrams, they will tell you how to arrange the elements to create a harmonious composition. Having carefully prepared everything, making sure that each element is thought out, glue.

If something seems to be missing - add a couple of sparkles along the edges of the flowers, rhinestones, half beads. The main thing is the unity and thoughtfulness of the composition so that the postcard does not look like an application.

There are many tricks - how to make a beautiful postcard:

  • quilling - curls are twisted from thin strips of paper, then they are given various shapes - these elements are glued to the base, creating a pattern, drawing - voluminous postcards are obtained;
  • iris folding - small strips of paper, ribbons, fabrics are folded in a spiral, overlapping each other - an unusual pattern is obtained;
  • shaker postcard - a multilayer postcard with a transparent window, inside which small elements move - foil rhinestones, beads;
  • postcard-tunnel - a three-dimensional postcard with many layers, the cut out elements of each layer create a common spatial pattern.


Inside the postcard can also be issued with stamps, paper. You can make an unusual card inside - when you open it, the three-dimensional element straightens out - a heart or a bouquet of paper flowers will undoubtedly surprise the recipient.

Such a postcard made of paper cannot but be liked - it keeps warmth and a piece of your soul. If you want to master the art of card-making, attend master classes experienced craftsmen who will tell all the subtleties - cash desks to make a beautiful postcard with your own hands.

DIY photo postcards